Eagle scout here: Homosexuality isn't as inconsistent with the principles of Scouting as atheism/agnosticism is. There is no special reason that Scouting should bar homosexuals from joining/participating if homosexuality is accepted in the military/on sports teams/etc, especially now that churches are beginning to change their stances on the morality of homosexuality. As for atheists, the organization's principles include a "duty to God" and being "reverent," so while I am not entirety opposed to Scouting simply enforcing its own morals I don't understand why atheist/agnostic people would even want to join an organization that contravenes their fundamental beliefs on such a deep level. Scouting is fun, but it isn't the only opportunity to do outdoorsy things. Regarding the receipt of "public funding, " BSA v. Dale pretty much covered that one (at least for the time being). Last but not least: Am I the only one who feels like complete tolerance is being browbeaten into us here in the US? If you hold a moral view that isn't completely tolerant, then the world is almost instantly intolerant of you. Gone is the time when two people could hold contradictory views on an issue and still be respectful of each other. Expect silent downvotes of disapproval in response to your cogent destruction of the narrative.
Eagle scout here: Homosexuality isn't as inconsistent with the principles of Scouting as atheism/agnosticism is. There is no special reason that Scouting should bar homosexuals from joining/participating if homosexuality is accepted in the military/on sports teams/etc, especially now that churches are beginning to change their stances on the morality of homosexuality. As for atheists, the organization's principles include a "duty to God" and being "reverent," so while I am not entirety opposed to Scouting simply enforcing its own morals I don't understand why atheist/agnostic people would even want to join an organization that contravenes their fundamental beliefs on such a deep level. Scouting is fun, but it isn't the only opportunity to do outdoorsy things. Regarding the receipt of "public funding, " BSA v. Dale pretty much covered that one (at least for the time being). Last but not least: Am I the only one who feels like complete tolerance is being browbeaten into us here in the US? If you hold a moral view that isn't completely tolerant, then the world is almost instantly intolerant of you. Gone is the time when two people could hold contradictory views on an issue and still be respectful of each other. All my up votes. Thank you.
Scouts should do whatever the fuck they want because they are a private organization "Private organization" Thank you, sir. That is all anyone needs to know.
Not surprised. They've been calling for the deaths of NRA members and other 2nd amendment advocates for quite a while now. They are a case study in irony.
Or how about reminding them that it's OK to have an opinion, even though some might not agree? Apparently being allowed to have an opinion is going out of style. Keep the down votes coming. I wanna know just how many of you are angry that a private organization can have an opinion that's different than that of you and the media at large. Thank you, and good night
Don't really see what you mean. * 93% of Americans want universal background checks. * 82% of NRA members want universal background checks. The assault weapons ban is less demanded for, but still hits a majority with 53%. Of course, that could change, but then again, it was banned for most of our lifetimes, and wasn't that big a deal when it came out from the ban. It's become a bigger one in recent years. But here's the problem: 90% of the /r/guns lobby that spams /r/politics hates and opposes everything Obama does, even if it would be an effective gun control method or if it's an earnest attempt (like this thread) to gather more info to make relevant decisions. So you'll get downvoted, because you can take it.
This is probably a good first step. Organizing support is job one. Ah, the gun rights extremists are having a pissy fit because gun control supporters are organizing. Maybe they can read the polling data on the overwhelming public support for universal background checks and banning assault style weapons and high cap mags. Funny that none of their Drudge circlejerk bullshit talking points are very effective outside their little echo chamber.
"I had to laugh when the UN General Secretary blamed Israel for the stagnation of the Arab nations. The Jewish State hasn’t been able to sit still for a moment in its 64 years of existence due to continual physical and political attacks from its neighbors. Maybe it is all this pressure that has put Israel at the front of the technological race to build a better world." Yeah, it's all that pressure. They're tired of killing, oppressing and humiliating Palestinians, but they still have the time to make the world a better place. That's great.
Of course it did and it also has the wonderful side effect of eliminating an unknown number of abortions from the official records since these abortions were performed outside of a medical facility setting. Liberals everywhere rejoice at the undocumented murder of the unborn in NYC. You all are so damn sensitive when someone reveals the truth. Downvote me into oblivion if you wish, it won't change reality.
NRA runs a lot of gun safety programs. Gun safety saves lives. 1+1=2 Media matters still butthurt. I love that there are no replies to you but you're at-5, its like they're children. Staph saying what i dont like
I seem to recall the Supreme Court [setting some sort of precedent for a similar subject](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clear_and_present_danger). But it's quite clear that today's interpretation of that is "hypothetically possible" and "of an uncertain time & location". tl;dr - **'Murica** Chicagoan here. Please continue using 'Murica. It makes me laugh and I think of Larry the Cable Guy.
Its a machine now...not sure anyone can stop it without things blowing up in the countries face in some way or another. These new federal agencies will definitely not go down without fucking us all over. Obama is ending both major wars and has essentially destroyed Al Qaeda; all while reducing the military budget. He's doing a pretty good job. I wonder what machine you're talking about and why you're so certain it cannot be stopped.
"Anarcho"-capitalism is a complete crock of unworkable shit dreamed up by middle-class American white men, the most privileged motherfuckers that have ever existed, who wonder why everyone isn't as successful as them and conclude it's because the poor are all just a bunch of lazy moochers. The ideology (which is basically a religion) perfectly meshes with their corporatist and bureaucratic worldview, which works perfectly for them because being able to fill out every form (it's almost like they were written specifically for them!) or pay for any service has never been a problem, and they will never understand what it's like for the overwhelming majority of the world for whom this is not the case. "Anarcho"-capitalists are funded by corporations whose agenda is to destroy what little governmental environmental protections exist (but not government protections for corporations, naturally) so there's nothing to stop them from pillaging what little is unspoiled in pursuit of short-term profit, and to the good name of Anarchism to keep those who would stop them disorganized. "Anarcho"-capitalists are the worst people in the world and the only justice would be for a bridge to fall on them. >middle class white men More like 16 year olds, every other post in /r/ancap is "How can I escape the indoctrination of my high school curriculum?" Also they've linked to you in /r/shitstatistssay
What's wrong with this? Al Qaeda poses an imminent threat to America even if it isn't in the planning stages of an attack. If Al Qaeda were a normal army, you wouldn't just stop attacking because they stopped fighting to regroup. I don't understand your object. You're being downvoted, which is too bad, because the points you make are absolutely correct. Insulting Obama like onique did is essentially like going to the street corner and shouting, "Obama is a nigger!!!! Obama is a nigger!!!" We shouldn't be praising this type of "argument."
I don't get how either his citizenship or the technology involved matter. If we are going after criminals it does not matter if they are U.S. citizens or not, if we are fighting a war it does not matter. Either the attack is valid or it is not. If it is, then a drone is a more accurate and effective system and I am fine with not risking American lives. If the attack is wrong, then it does not matter if it is a drone or a parachute attack or an infantry charge. Bush was wrong to make this a military action, but we are stuck with it and the consequences. If there was no government matts then everyone would just put down their weapons because the only reason people kill each other is government.
And posted on tumblr You're so cool for mentioning that you don't use tumblr. Man I fucking wish I was as cool as you.
President Obama has committed some illegalities. * The GM bankruptcy deal illegally enriched the AFL CIO at the expense of GM bondholders. * President Obama has failed to submit a budget to Congress in the time period prescribed by law in 3 out of the last 4 years. * Going to war in Libya without congressional authorization. * Writing an executive order commanding ICE to disobey established federal law (the executive Dream act), * The Benghazi misrepresentation coverup. * The use of drone aircraft. All of this is pointless speculation until the Supreme Court of American rules on whether his birth certificate is real. (It's not, I've seen a real Hawaii birth certificate)
In case you missed it the last time we had this [wang-banger](http://www.reddit.com/user/wang-banger) sponsored discussion [three weeks ago](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/16takp/virginia_senate_republicans_on_thursday_thwarted/c7z658p): [Why Transvaginal Ultrasounds Aren't Physician-Assisted Rape](http://www.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2012/03/22/why-transvaginal-ultrasounds-arent-physician-assisted-rape&view=comments) >It is a delicate and now difficult position for abortion providers because we actually perform transvaginal ultrasounds routinely before providing abortion services. In fact, it would not be standard of care to skip this important procedure. The transvaginal ultrasound is necessary to confirm dates of the pregnancy—a six-week fetus requires a different abortion procedure than a 12 week fetus—and to ensure that the pregnancy is intrauterine (ie, not an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy—which is a life threatening emergency). I don't know an abortion provider who would even consider performing an abortion without these two pieces of information. >Now we have the uncomfortable task of convincing patients that when we do a transvaginal ultrasound we are doing it because we feel as providers it is in their best interest, and not because the state has mandated it or that what we are doing amounts to rape. Thank you!
Le GOP literally makes everything wrong and bad. ^^^^Upboats Looks like we have another Obama-bot drinking the Kool-Aid. =) Try being a little bit more diversified and read some news from Fox. You only get dumber by staying here.
It was proposed by a bipartisan sponsors. It passed by unanimous vote in the ~~Democrat controlled~~ Senate within 24 hours of being passed by the House. http://beta.congress.gov/bill/109th-congress/house-bill/6407/actions?pageSort=&Major_Actions_By[]=Senate You're right, the GOP are the sole owners of this one! EDIT: The Senate wasn't under Democrat control, arguably until Jan 3 2007. Meaning, that the Democrats would have had to filibuster the bill for approximately one day. Either way, it need not have been passed unanimously, and was clearly not grievously opposed by the Democratic Party. goddamit! you just ruined a perfectly good anti-GOP circlejerk and I was just about to climax!
If gun-in-every-crib crowd was so certain that more guns is better they'd be falling all over each other to fund gun research. And to not require them to be unloaded at gun shows.
You don't expect redditors to understand things like economics, do you? I dont expect them to understand anything :)
I can't believe how difficult the concept of why they need to be unloaded at gunshows is to grasp. You can't really be this stupid, can you? lol at the far-right vote brigades from other subreddits downvoting you for no reason other than a lack of pro-gun circlejerking in your comment.
Today is your first day of the internet. Congratulations for finding us out. >Congratulations for finding us out. That you're all suckers and will upvote anything Colbert or Stewart no matter the source?
Well that's just a man who loves the 2nd amendment. Nothing wrong with that. Beat me to it.
Another pro gun alt, wow. These guys are nuts. Literally, nuts. How many are in here astroturfing? They take a sudden interest in Obama?
These guys are nuts. Literally, nuts. How many are in here astroturfing? They take a sudden interest in Obama? I counted 3 people that commented that are definitely not pro obama. I think the pro gun side will go through any hoops, to obfuscate a pro gun control mention. This thread proves that, just like every other pro gun control thread does.
That should go well. The funny part is the part where Texas universities/colleges become places where only the sort of people who'd like to walk around strapped go to school. Wow. Already a down vote. You carry around your gun folks sure are some scaredy mofos.
They aren't FBI son, just trolls. The mods are trolling the people who subscribe to the subreddit. This could also be the case; point is the mods are fucked up and make the community completely ineffectual.
you rock man! Beware: there's a mild anti-widsom_from_the_ages temperment in this comments section. Saying nice things about me will get you downvotes.
Um, the Native American sounds like a fucking idiot. Not sure why reddit wants to celebrate some jackass calling the United States an illegal occupation. >We should have put that [anti-immigration] sign up when you son-of-a-bitches came. Better luck next time. I would that Native Americans would be a perfect example of how immigration can go bad for the natives.
LOL so we've been burning fossil fuels and releasing carbon dioxide for what, over 100 years now? And even though the Earth's climate has changed so little in that 100 years that you would have no idea that anything was amiss but for a dinky graph showing insignificant, normal changes in global temperature, you honestly believe we are on the cusp of impending disaster? How can you intelligently defend Global Warming any more? First, there was the data fabrication scandal http://fakegate.org/new-evidence-released-in-fakegate-global-warming-scandal/ Then, the Earth was shown to actually be cooling over the last decade http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125686509223717691.html http://ww2.odu.edu/ao/instadv/quest/Greenhouse.html Now, the UN reports that global warming predictions are way overstated http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2013/01/28/U-N-Report-Says-Global-Warming-Predictions-Overstated-The-Problem Finally, just follow the money trail to know that there is something fishy with the whole global warming hoax. Al Gore has become filthy rich off of global warming, like richer than Romney rich, all while flying in his private jet and selling his TV channel for oil money. Then, there are the scientists who are earning their living off of receiving grant after grant to study global warming - what happens to them if they do not perpetuate the scam? Or, what about the politicians who have been using global warming to get themselves elected for a decade now? All that political clout would be flushed down the drain if they admitted the truth - that we have no control over the Earth's climate with regards to CO2 emission. This is true. But if someone disturbs the moral entitlement of left-ish Reddit crusading about this and that, then he 's gonna have a bad time. Global warming is oozing with dirty politics, and sure as hell there 's no such thing as a ''consensus''. But the rebellious ''anti-capitalist'' teenagers caring for polar bears do not want to hear any of this. They don't even know what capitalism is, and sure as hell they don't know why and how socialism can be as destructive and corrupted as the easily-hated capitalism. So... you 're on your own here, Longhorn2424.
So the solution is clearly to give MORE money to the schools because every single cent given to them is always put to proper use, and never, EVER goes to waste. exactly. Went on a field trip with my 5th grader once. We went for a boat ride. Kids were assigned to the parent and the teacher sat by herself. No discussion, no homework, no interaction.
I think that belongs in /r/funny. Remember, this is a community moderated forum, if we encourage crap that is what we will get. Why did the chicken cross the road?
What does a well regulated militia mean, you know, in context with the right to bear arms? It was open to interpretation in 1791, it is open to interpretation again in 2013, now that gun availability is out of control. Guess what? The NRA does not get to decide how it's interpreted. Congress does.
I'm surprised that anyone who calls themselves a libertarian would consider that rambling repeat of Fox "News" talking points to be a "brilliant speech." I also highly doubt this baboon is a neurosurgeon. But it is funny to see a black guy spitting on the whole narrative of "we need to pay taxes give black people food stamps because they're starving". Pull yourself up by the bootstraps
If they kept it short and sweet it would have been much better. There was way too much elaboration. hah this sums up conservative politics extremely well... It sounds so good until we actually have to talk about our positions.
There is a difference in gun culture between the UK and USA that is difficult to word without drawing comment. But essentially I guess owning a gun serves no purpose beyond liking guns. Why buy one and have bullets for it if you'd prefer never to have to shoot anyone with it. It's just yet one more gun on the map. Owning a gun in the USA is a precaution badged as a freedom. Without the freedom there would be no need for the precaution; which would result in a genuine freedom. "owning a gun serves no purpose beyond liking guns" Very few 'Muricans seem to understand this, even liberal 'Muricans say over and over after Sandy Hooks "we respect the 2:nd amendment, just want to impose some limits" Cowardly cunts they are, only an idiot nation would have a law that gives every daft inbred hick the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to be able to kill so easily. And you have to be even more daft to interpret this: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." to mean that everyone has the right to have a Kalashnikov and 10.000 rounds of ammo at home. In which fucking way can you equate letting every fucking retard who want's a gun to get 10 of them with a "well regulated militia". As most thing in 'Murican society it's fucking IMBECILLE!!! I just can't wait for the total breakdown of 'Murican society, I'll be eating popcorn and watching gleefully as "The Greatest Country on Earth™" eats itself from the inside...
best comment form original article. How about the Democrats spell out precisely where they will find the 85 billion in cuts this year to offset the cuts called for in sequester? How about the press being honest about how little a cut the President and Democrats are claiming the sky is falling over. 85 billion from a 3.8 trillion dollar budget and the Dems think this will spell the end of our republic? Please. Why can't the Democrats and the President be honest with the people (who polls show already understand) about the government's spending problem? Are political victories really that much more important to Democrats than the nations economy? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL VICTORIES are all what the leftist ego manics are about. Ever since they claim Bush "stole" Florida. They used Katrina, abu ghraib and just about every other disaster during Bush's Presidency to demonize him for POLITICAL POINTS and it went over greatly. They won. Sold the very soul they had but they won. Now they scramble to keep this supposed "pressure" on the GOP when we all know the glass house of Obama will shatter sooner or later. The Dems can't be honest with America because it would expose them as the real frauds they are so they keep the fingers pointed and keep yelling at the GOP. Democrats are going to shit bricks when Americas wakes the fuck up and really see's the damage being done to this nation. Fuck Obama, fuck Nancy, fuck Harry, fuck Diane, fuck Chuck, fuck the rest of the Dems who are fucking this nation over righteously for their own agendas and not for the peoples. Fuck you too you ill informed voter follower who is so easily manipulated that you let this all go down with a smile on your face. You are being used by the elites for THEIR agenda, definitely NOT yours or mine. You are being told how to act how to eat how to care for yourself AND thanking Obama for it all along and asking for more. Good fucking god... **Finally, someone in r/politics who speaks my language!! Fuck all those libtards cheating and destroying our country, and fuck the hivemind circlejerk that the media and r/politics has become. The average American is so goddamn stupid that they'll elect a man cause he talks pretty and because a man with the color of his skin in the white house represents "societal progress." What a bunch of lunatics.** **Those democrap sellouts just keep trying to jam their slimy fingers down the throats of the american taxpayer to pay for unnecessary earmarks and overkill social programs for even the laziest of our poor. Well bend me over and rape my asshole if I'm not going to bitch seeing my hard earned money going to pay for a ski-lodge for Reid in Nevada, or an extra jet to carry all of Nancy Pelosi's liquor, or a government hand out program to give smart phones to people who aren't even looking for jobs. The answer isn't more taxes you rabbit-fuckers, the answer is more efficient spending and cutting out the corruption that is buttfucking our once-great nation!!**
Republicans are evil and trying to destroy government... you don't say. $85B being cut from spending of over $3,800B is tryng to destroy the government? Surely you can't be serious.
Death panels are in Obamacare. Boards of unelected bureaucrats rationing care. http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2012/12/10/the-truth-behind-obamacares-death-panels Edit: okay, tell me what IPAB is then? http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottatlas/2012/10/21/ipab-president-obamas-nice-way-to-ration-care-to-seniors/ Edit 2: lots of down votes, nobody was telling me what IPAB is. GoKillYourself
GoKillYourself You fucking knock-kneed lefties wish.
>The ~~conspiracy theory~~ *blithering moron* in me says... Haha, yea there's a fine line between paranoid conspiracy theorist and absolute retard, and he crossed it with that statement.
Citation ? ...All the information is on our government websites, right for the people to see. I'm sure you can figure it out.
>Farmers have been buying seeds every year since the 1930's Where you getting your facts? During the 30's was the market crash and dust bowl where are poor farmers going to get money to by seeds to grow things? The farmer has always held back some of their seeds to replant. Yeah there might have been a bit of a jump to getting hardier hybrids but I want to see the facts like you claim this was the norm. >The principles of farming have always been plant, pray, and harvest. Controlling all the variables and removing prayer is what agri science is for. So the prayer comes in due to the seed not producing or needing prayer for the right weather and enough rain at the right time. Last I saw Monsanto or the government or science didnt get a patent on RAIN. So this nonsense you came up with plant,pray and harvest would not be affected by science. Farming has been around for thousands of years in has only been in the last 100 years we started messing with the climate and messing with the seed. You're talking to a troll/shill account. His username (JF Queeny) is the founder of Monsanto.
I downvoted, then I remembered the drones. Sorry, please proceed... oh right, because obama is personally putting bullets in people.
"This is illegal. You're not supposed to be here" "He's resisting, shoot him!" However I don't imagine their intent was to murder even if it was a dumb action. The unfortunate things with situations like this is that even if we know there was a lie or two, it is very rare that the full truth can ever come out. Edit: It's amazing how once this topic rose the purist anti-cop brigade came in droves to downvote even the *mildest* dissent. Fundamentalism is sad. While you downvote me at least go do something in real life to combat the problem instead of faux Internet rage. Make a donation to the ACLU or something. You might as well be liking a Kony 2012 post on Facebook given how you're all upvoting all these topics. Exposure means absolutely nothing if no one acts. I live in the affected area of this topic, and I am also well acquainted with gun violence and the police at their worst. fag
I don't think you're anti gun enough. why don't you get a little more upset. Where did I mention guns? Oh that's rights I don't like guys on murderous rampages so I'm clearly a threat to your little metal phallic. Don't breed.
All cops are evil except the one actually murdering people. cops are not people.
People from /r/communism who don't like free speech got angry when the mods said they wouldn't adopt /r/communism's policy of SRS-style moderating. A lot of people feel that allowing people who aren't feminists to have a voice is equal to condoning misogyny. Then, during the arguments that followed, legweed suggested that as long as they are respectful, all political ideologies should be able to state their opinions (gasp) even fascists. People who are uncomfortable with the idea of others seeing the world differently freaked out, so the mods had to remove legweed. >People from [1] /r/communism who don't like free speech got angry when the mods said they wouldn't adopt [2] /r/communism's policy of SRS-style moderating. They are SRSers. /r/Communism was hijacked in this very same way.
Part 1 is actually a written test. Part 2 is a fitness test. Part 3 is an extensive background check and polygraph exam to make sure you haven't broken the law. But no, let's just make some shit up and try and get upvotes from angsty teens on Reddit who are mad that a cop might pull them over for smoking weed, The first world is full of these entitled jackasses. Edit: Every time I'm downvoted, a cop shoots a white teenage, weed smoking college student in flip flops and Che t-shirt. --If this post reaches -100, the LAPD start shooting black kittens. In the face. In front of the other black kittens to send a message to the community--
True. Their view on the economy is "I got mine, fuck you". George Will must have got a fee hike from his bank. Spoken like a hardcore moron, the foundation of liberalism.
Yeah its horrible but you can see his rationale there. The police made his family leave him, and he wants his victims to feel his situation. Are you a psychopath? He killed someone's daughter. WTF is wrong with you?
Why do you get to say "gun-nut" and "gun fanatics", which is a cartoonish label, without separation from gun owners and enthusiasts. This article was about conspiracy theorist, which I already discredit because they are unhealthy: lacking empathy, paranoid, deep insecurities. Why do they get to represent the "gun-nut" fandom? Please correct me if I'm wrong, there are gun owners, inside of that are gun enthusiasts, inside of that I'm guessing starts the "gun-nut", inside of "gun-nut" is "conspiracy theorist gun-nut". If I'm wrong, where do YOU define a nut. I clearly cannot make a pro argument on this sub but I would like to hear what the opinion is, especially because this sub is a satirical view of gun owners from the gun control crowd that are gun owners and non gun owners. Bro, you brought logic to this subreddit TWICE in one day. You're gonna get banned.
I've got no problem with this. If you want to basically throw a private party, who the fuck cares? My thought exactly. The school should sponsor one for everyone, the students can choose to go or not go. You posted logic and common sense in /r/politics? Brace yourself for the downvotes.
Deadspin and kotaku are great Hmmm... that comment didn't seem to get you any Karma... maybe this will work... Deadspin, Kotaku, and any Gawker media site are gay!
Since the people who have fought in actual, ya know, wars are mostly dead and gone, or too old to internets I think the offense is acceptable. Really? There are more than a millions vets still alive from WW2 alone. Besides, if you listen to liberals, if one person is offended, it's cause for lawsuits and legislation.
Big time gun trolling going on in this thread. As soon as you mention guns, the NRA sends in the paid goons.
Simple minded thinking, treating wealth as a fixed pie, when it absolutely is not. It's been trickling down literally forever. This is why a $50k BMW or Audi that's 10 years old is only $5k, depreciation from new iterations coming out render the old model trivial fraction of the price. The thing about trickle down is you don't even consciously NOTICE it, that's why it's not exactly measurable, but it happens naturally when conditions exist to make it easy to produce new things. The free market increases quality and lowers price through increasing manufacturing efficiency. The cost of a fridge for instance requires like 1/4 as many work hours today as in 1950. We have smartphones, and multitudes of technologies that weren't accessible to the wealthiest person on earth just 10 years ago... THAT is trickle down. It's not measured in money, but in REAL WEALTH. **Money is not wealth.** No one here realizes that or cares. They don't care that "poor" in America is a mobile phone for everyone, a microwave, a big screen TV, the internet, AC and a car. They feel that its unfair that some people have more money than others and they want the money. Nothing else matters.
Kill yourself. DAE le liberal reality le logic? Keep on stroking that neckbeard and rocking that fedora, faggot.
Have you seen everyone Obama associates himself with? A big one being Bill Ayers who actually carried out a terrorist attack. Why don't you talk about how Obama supported the brutal Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak (during a democratic revolution, no less!)? Hillary Clinton even called that human piece of garbage a personal friend to her family. Or how about Obama's support for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Women can't even go outside without a male "guardian". We sell them billions and billions worth of weaponry when they don't even have a democracy. By the way virtually all of the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 were Saudi's. Bill Ayers is a distraction from the real tyrants that Obama supports.
I wasn't aware that an assault rifle was used in the 3 murders. Has that been officially released? Gabour has some weird personal definitions for what an assault rifle is.
I am absolutely in favor of equal rights for everyone. But I really have a hard time seeing 2 dudes making out. Do I really have to watch it in a public place to be deemed "Tolerant"? If I have my kids with me I'm equally not ok with seeing a guy and a girl making out in public, get a room already. Lesbians however I'm fine with... Damn you internet. Agreed, it's ruined us. Personally it doesn't really bug me, but I've maintained a zero fucks attitude since the start of my senior year. Besides, someone far more ornery or prudish will usually say something. Not to say you're ornery or prudish (well maybe you are), but you get what I mean.
I am absolutely in favor of equal rights for everyone. But I really have a hard time seeing 2 dudes making out. Do I really have to watch it in a public place to be deemed "Tolerant"? If I have my kids with me I'm equally not ok with seeing a guy and a girl making out in public, get a room already. Lesbians however I'm fine with... Damn you internet. Ah the "you must support us 110% or you get the downvote briggade" Look you can dislike gay-sexuality without disliking gay people. Get that through your heads you fucking PC Liberal zombies. As a straight dude I don't like seeing gay sexuality. That's what being straight means. It doesn't mean I don't like gay people. Similarly, I don't like rap music, it doesn't mean I don't like black people. ZOMG, Do I have to love hip hop and gangsta rap lest I be called a racist?
god does not exist will you please keep your non existant friend out of this, we're trying to deal with reality. You do realize that to be an athiest you have to actually have faith that there isn't a god. Stop being intolerant of other people because they think differently than you. Edit: So, because no one downvoting me understands actually what I'm trying to say, I'll let an Athiest philosopher explain it to you: "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." "All truth is simple... is that not doubly a lie?" "At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid." "We hear only those questions for which we are in a position to find answers."
>rights That word; it doesn't mean what you think it does. Haven't you heard: if you don't support a woman's right to steal your money to pay for her poor life decisions, you hate women.
How is a government program a woman's right? It isn't. But it's easier to claim that there is a war on women when you label things one party is against a "right", and then say they're trying to take said "rights" away. Rhetorical bullshit. **edit** Downvotes? Seriously? You're telling me that it *is* a "human right"? Jesus, what *isn't* a "right" to you people?
I don't remember Rambo killing family of the officers Have a down vote pig lover
The deficit has been decreasing every year since 09. The deficit acceleration has been decreasing... USA has not been profitable since Clinton era
ITT: reddit hero-worshipping a guy who executed someone's family. I can't believe the morons here.
I wonder why, not like they are tasked to enforce hunting regulations on public lands or anything, you know a situation where you have people who are well armed being confronted for doing something illegal (and in most cases knowingly illegal). Why would they want any weapons for that? I'd totally trust someone illegally hunting to never, ever, throughout all time draw or use their weapon on me if I told them to stop and tried to issue them a fine or arrest them. Gotta love downvotes for common sense reasoning. Then again I wouldn't be here in /r/libertarian if I was looking for common sense.
I didn't hear the "mocking". what did they say to mock her? They're sort of laughing at the fact that she was happy to vote or something. In all reality though it's just reddit hating on fox being a little blunt. What they're really laughing at is how the story is being covered, like they said they're almost treating this woman like she's a victim when she really isn't. But yea, as far as making sense goes, you're entirely right, this woman was hardly mocked by fox. However, if you're one for karma, don't make sense if you have to side with republicans.
They're sort of laughing at the fact that she was happy to vote or something. In all reality though it's just reddit hating on fox being a little blunt. What they're really laughing at is how the story is being covered, like they said they're almost treating this woman like she's a victim when she really isn't. But yea, as far as making sense goes, you're entirely right, this woman was hardly mocked by fox. However, if you're one for karma, don't make sense if you have to side with republicans. ok, thanks.. I'm not siding with anyone, I just didn't understand how this was *mocking* her and nobody would explain it to me, they just downvote because "hurr durr fox"
ok, thanks.. I'm not siding with anyone, I just didn't understand how this was *mocking* her and nobody would explain it to me, they just downvote because "hurr durr fox" You were making sense and calling out op for being wrong about fox being cunts. This makes you republican. It's like trying to tell a new/young stoner that weed has *some* negative effects; they'll think you're ignorant and lecture you on how the government is lying to you.
You were making sense and calling out op for being wrong about fox being cunts. This makes you republican. It's like trying to tell a new/young stoner that weed has *some* negative effects; they'll think you're ignorant and lecture you on how the government is lying to you. Surely not all redditors think that way?
I'll be honest, 102 old women had no clue what she was doing, where she was or why the hell she was clapping when the camera was on her. I have a ton of respect for the elderly, but there comes a time when you have to accept that at that age...she more than likely had no idea what was going on and no clue who she was voting for. Someone dragged her to the polling station and told her what to do and possibly vote for her. The elderly need help, yes, but I think her voting situation was unneeded and possibly cruel. Update: So I looked more into Ms. Desiline Victor. Guess what? She's an immegrant who's only been in this country for 20 years. Her whole entire time in this country she has been spoon feed by the Government. She hasn't worked a single day here or earned anything. She came here when she was 78 years old from Haiti!!!! Nothing wrong with immegrating here, but ......... COME ON, you at least have to do something...you can't just come over at an old useless age like that and use the system and then end up being some "Black History Month" hero when SHE never even fought in the Civil Rights movement. So for all the people saying 'SHE WAS BORN WHEN BLACK WOMEN COULDN'T VOTE BLAH BLAH BLAH"....bullcrap. An upvote for you sir (although it probably doesn't matter now because the /r/politics down vote brigade has you in their crosshairs). That was pure exploitation. At 102 years old, your mind is so deprived and demented that you can't really think or possess judgement over anything. You're basically a baby. They probably just stole her from the retirement home, told her it was her birthday or something, and then wheeled her into the chamber without her even thinking about it. And then, naturally, she would get all excited and flap around like a retarded seal upon seeing everyone notice and clap for her. Very sad how some people will just use them as political tools rather than give them the respect they deserve.
Wait, the Republican didn't suggest a whole bunch of new initiatives by which the federal government could fix everything? Astounding. These Republicans need to start making a lot more promises. The People demand coddling. Preschools for all. Minimum wage to $20.00/hour. Save the environment. Stop gun violence. Top notch health insurance for every impoverished morbidly obese cigarette smoker. . . . All of which can be accomplished by "making the rich pay their fair share." That's the winning message. I love this approach by the Democrats and their media. "Hey guys, we see that you are losing elections. If you would just listen to us and change your platform, maybe you guys can win some from us." Really? Do Dems REALLY intend to help the Republicans? Why the hell would they do that? I mean, if you follow the logic put forth by their talking points, all the Dems would have to do is sit back and watch as GOP lose every election from now on. So why the disingenuous advice? Simple. Democrats know the time will come when they get their share of the blame for the country's problems, and if the 2010 mid terms were any indicator, it will be another "shellacking". So, the push to move the GOP to the center is to permanently ostracize the far-right Neo-Cons and effectively split the GOP (possibly into 2 parties) and solidify Democratic control for many years to come. Quite clever, if you ask me, because there is a substantial amount of idiot Neo-Cons who believe they should heed this advice.
Why should I give a fuck about you not making a living? (I do care for others, not you) Minimum wage /=/ living wage. They're 2 completely different things. Return to you mother's basement kid. You and your "parents" can eat shit and die in a fire. I care about the less fortunate, if that makes me a kid then so be it. I don't care about you or your failed and worthless fucking family.
PERfect every successive downvote cries out: 'afraid of truth' 'afraid of truth' 'afraid of truth' ...
PERfect ha!
I plan on running for UKIP next time the Parish Council election comes up. Wish me luck. Likewise as well. But oh wait, that must mean I am a fascist!
I would *shame* her body. Nothing like a good quality dive on some bank banging muff ;) Upvoted if for no other reason than appropriate user name.
The people that own ronpaul.com are not his supporters and bought the website to extort money out of him which is illegal. Secondly ron paul made his complaint to ICANN a non-profit private entity that over sees the term use of domain names. Its office just happens to be located at the U.N. Don't try presenting facts to this hate mongering, lie-promoting circle jerk! NOBODY challenges the Fox News of the left! Not even in the face of a DailyKos "journal" that lacks **any substantial evidence whatsoever**. Lulz, what a joke this sub is.
This is huffpo trash once again. Next time, link to real news. Agreed. The oil industry is one of America's most productive economic sectors, and has trillions in revenue. Fearmongering by saying "Big oil has profits of $100 billion!!!" is nothing but shitty propaganda until you bring up profits as a percent of revenue, and profit margins of this industry relative to other industries. The HuffPo and a lot of other entities just have a hard-on for trash-talking Big Energy, because it's a convenient target that relatively few popular commentators will openly defend. Therefore, articles like this are the mark of coward reporters, not men and women of real vision and integrity.
QUIT LINKING THE YOUNG TURKS. THEY ARE TERRIBLE. Any other media outlet is better. Yea, TYT are worse than Fox News. I'm loving the video of Obama telling his sheep that voting is righteous. If you keep repeating it, maybe they'll start believing that people with IQs below 100 are who decide who runs the government of the United States
I had to learn this that hard way Liberals hate facts. Feelings first, facts second
basically, it's brain scan evidence that liberals tend to think critically and creatively, while conservatives rely more on emotional reaction edit: before you downvote because someone below told you to, read the fucking article and tell me why I'm wrong, slaves. Proof? edit... Conservatives have guns because they dont fear them. Liberals want what they fear removed. Liberals fear the modern world and vote for politicians to think and do more for them. Liberals fear they are not mature enough or capable enough to pay for their higher educations so they want "free" ones. Liberals fear employers will take advantage of their inability to negotiate on their own so they get union leaders to negotiate for them.
basically, it's brain scan evidence that liberals tend to think critically and creatively, while conservatives rely more on emotional reaction edit: before you downvote because someone below told you to, read the fucking article and tell me why I'm wrong, slaves. Actually its the exact opposite.
if stimulus alone was the answer to everything as Krugman claims, why has Japan's economy been shrinking for decades despite borrowing INSANE amounts of money? right, and Krugman re-writing history to score political points while accusing R's of the same? > "liberals predicted the housing crisis but R's ignored us" SURE YOU DID, FRIEND i think he meant liberals caused the housing crisis. Liberals are no different than children really: if something goes wrong they throw a tantrum and point the finger at someone else. They're about as self-aware as a box of rocks.
I decided to listen to a podcast of her on the way to work and she took a one sentence clip of a conservative saying "I think abortion is wrong, even in cases of rape." and she must have played that clip well over 15 time through out one single show. I can see why she would bring that up and all, but the amount of times she played it made me feel like she thinks her audience is stupid and is going to forget it if it's not repeated every 3 minutes. Edit: just to go with my point even further. I just read that MSNBC played the video of Senator Rubio taking a drink of water 155 times yesterday and it was played 101 times on the rachel maddow show alone... >she thinks her audience is stupid They are. They voted for Obama.
yep, why didn't they? instead they continue to rail against 'obstructionism'. guess what, the Republican base didn't vote for compromise. that's how democracy is supposed to fucking work. Here's how Democrat "compromise" works: 1. Meet in the middle. 2. Parties move left. 3. Do it again. Ever notice how we always need *more* gun regulation and *more* government spending?
And the Teapublicans are perfectly OK with this. Homeless people don't make a profit after all. This is the results of the government being in charge. Something the Democrats believe can do no evil, despite being confronted with evidence like this. Get your facts straight.
Yeah but what if he didn't want serve his twenty... I think the point of the shooter is "hasn't guys like him" done enough in 16 yrs to be even modestly taken care of after service. I can promise you this guy has sacrificed more than any of us can possibly imagine, and if it were up to me this guy and every one on that mission would receive every basic need and a little more for him and their family for the rest of his life! Do you mean as opposed to being charged with murder against an unarmed man, found guilty, and hanged until dead like the coward deserves? Yeah, lifetime free ride from the taxpayers would be a sweet deal compared to what he deserves, you are right.
he started it downvote..
Was this caused by global warming? Thanks Obama.
Yes, because every solider operates like the Navy Seals right? The answer is no. You have to be a badass son of a bitch before you even THINK about trying to join their ranks. As much as people don't want to admit it, this guy is exceptional. I really don't understand why everyone seems to want him out on the streets while they enjoy their freedoms. It's sickening. Edit: Why is this being downvoted? It is a FACT that you have to be exceptional to join the Seals which makes this guy exceptional even though people are saying he's like every other soldier. That is just NOT how it works. I agree. I'd rather see badass sons of bitches in jail than out on the streets.
Damn Russian women are hot. i wasent going to watch the clip... now i am
It's also not a secret that some billionaires fund global warming research What are the funding figures for those proving climate change... just out of curiosity? In the interests of a balanced argument - [ClimateGate](http://joannenova.com.au/global-warming-2/climategate-30-year-timeline/) Tell me a of a time when the climate of the Earth hasn't changed. In one generation we are certain that we have enough data to be conclusive about our sole impact on the climate of the earth? Seriously? I for one am not saying we are or are not responsible; however, even as a species we are not even the blink of an eye in planetary terms. One way or another a whole bunch of people will be embarrassed in 1000 years. Maybe people in the medieval times thought the earth was going to get warmer because of their impact? Although it is actually colder in modern times... EDIT: Yep, down vote me for wanting more data before making a decision. If you're certain that 50 years of accurate data in planetary terms is enough to be conclusive; continue... I will reserve judgement for 1000 years or so.