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if you really cared about him, you would turn yourself in, because that is the only way out of this. | 本気で彼を想うなら 自首してよ この状況から抜け出すには それしか道は 無いんだから |
and that's too bad, because we're very good at charity. | でも あいにく僕たちはチャリティーが得意なんだ |
it actually has to pitch and adjust the altitude | 上下に動いて 高度を調整することで |
you must want me to stay for a reason. | 君には僕が必要だ |
sure. what about this? | これはどうする? |
but is this really alright? to hide such a big matter. | でも いいんですか? こんな事 隠したままで。 |
now, on the subject of not so nice. | この人もイマイチだろうな |
it was a little bit hairy for a while, but now he's okay. | ちょっと心配だったけど 今は大丈夫よ |
no, i didn't. i can't read minds. | わからないわ 私は心を読めないの |
is the gozen done? | ≪御膳 上がるで おわん 行ける?≫ |
along with about 25 other teachers. | ブリティッシュ・カウンシルに雇われていました。 |
just cos they didn't ask today doesn't mean they'll just forget about it. | 警察が無かったことにしてくれるとは 限らないぞ |
she's having a blast in oslo. | オスロでパーティーとか コンサートとか |
that only coal and nuclear plants can keep the lights on | 「365日24時間発電可能なのは 火力発電と原子力発電だけである」 |
detective bell. | ベル刑事! |
only that we don't have any right now. | 今停電していることぐらいは。 |
a nobody! | 誰でも! |
for me, this became incredibly important. | 私の主要なテーマとなりました |
i formed a theory, and i'm going to share it now | 私の考えた理論を |
i'm not going to dive into them either, but photosynths are integrated into the map. | 深入りはしませんがPhotosynthのデータを地図に埋め込むものです。 |
nothing. | 当然在外表上是不会发现的 |
you don't know? | 何がわかる? |
you got a sharp knife? | 良く切れるナイフあるかい? |
the clock ticking on this,people. | 時は金なりだぞ |
you're a liar! you would have told me before now. | 金はどこだ? |
i'm free. | 暇 |
but you need to listen to me. | でも聞いてくれ |
are you thirsty? | いいえ、ありがとう |
can you hear me? | ちょっと すみません |
please, follow me. | 付いて来て下さい |
how it is for a righthanded chef i don't relly know becasue i havent tried it | 右利きの板前が切ったように 盛り付けやなアカンのや。 |
everyone should have advised that! come on .... | 誰もが そう忠告したはずだ! くっ...。 |
hinata, why are? | 白眼の血継限界を持つ 日向宗家...。 |
no, actually. | イヤだね |
i should just crush them all. | アイツら全員 ミキサーにでもかけるべきだな |
like picking up sticks? brush! sticks and leaves and pieces of bushes and stuff. | 枝拾いとか草むしりよ ゴミ拾いも |
not yet, but the subject is historical statistical analysis of bone deformations and their relationship to disease prevention. | 病気の予防に関する 骨の変形の統計分析だよ 覚えてるわ |
are we tracking them? we can't. | 交差点まで追跡しました |
but for me, it's the lowest level that my parents still find acceptable. | うちの親が許す最低レベル。 |
i hope it's not a problem. | 大したことないですわ |
we have already caught the intruder, so there is no problem. | もう侵入者は捕まえたから 問題ない |
but these laws, when applied to people living with hiv | しかし こうした法律を HIV感染者に適用することは |
there's no way i could leave it at that. | それで済ますわけには いかないな。 |
hee. how rare. | へえー。 珍しい。 |
oops. | あ... |
i am fortunate to have found you. | あなたに出会えて良かったわ |
then get up here! | 次にここに立ち上がる! |
what have i done? | 俺はなんて事を... |
well, excuse me! | まあな |
no, we cannot lose. | 孫だけではない。 |
here's the finishing touch! | 仕上がりは こうだ! |
talk about a sweet beginning. | 新しい人生が始まります |
well, pull the camouflage lever! | 偽装レーバーを引くんじゃ! |
what were you thinking? | 推开记忆的窗 多想倾听那声音 |
we're not going to nala se with whatever you find. | ナラ・セに会わなければよい 証拠を見つけても |
the big show... is this. | ビッグショー これは |
which was then under u.n. administration. | 当時コソボは国連の管理下におかれていました |
i didn't understand. ii didn't... i didn't... | 分からなかった 私には |
no. he never shares. he looked preoccupied. | いえ 上の空のようで |
excuse me for a minute. | 失礼、少し時間を |
you are joking... right? | 君は冗談を言っているのか... ? - いいえ |
everybody says that. | 教育の重要性は誰もが認めています |
you all right, captain? | 大丈夫ですか? |
and the rent is also being raised. | 家賃も上がったし |
excuse me, i didn't know. all right? | 知らなかったよ |
mexico has cancer. | メキシコはガンにかかっています。 |
shut up! give it back! | うるせーな 返せよッ |
okay, guys. thanks. | ありがとう |
dark, smoldering. | 影のある... |
you've got to be kidding... | 嘘だろ... |
well, i have to | いやあー |
my life, everything is imitation... | 自分の人生が... 自分の すべてが 偽物だって |
and we gave him the bali of plastic bags speech, and being a very nice man | バリのレジ袋について スピーチしたら 彼はとてもいい人で |
it exploded inside of me | 陣の内部に 大爆発を起こす。 |
we have had one of those in america | アメリカには 戦後ずっと |
just fuckin' can't get used to it in my head, you know? | 想像すら出来なかったよ アンタは? |
control cards and so on. | お見せします |
i remember. | 彼女はここにいるはずだ |
that's the same fellow what give us a prospecting permit? a what? | 許可証をくれたのと同じ奴か? |
if you think that it is the same with a byte even after the investigation | 捜査のついでに バイトでも しようかな~と思ったら |
i told marty about them, you know, down the line. | マーティには話した |
to fly on helicopters with microphones | かつての戦友に向けて |
or you do microprism arrays | ランニングシューズの反射テープのような |
what is the purpose of teme ...? | テメエの目的は なんだ...? |
and saved by another. | サムが私の命を救った |
nothing's set in stone. | まだ何も決まってないから |
you know where you hope this train will take you but you can't know for sure. | 望めば連れて行ってくれるけど それがどこかはわからない! |
i'll lead them away and come right back. | 奴らを撒いて戻ってくるわ |
is a small story | 特に最初の1年間は小規模でした |
jane made a lot of red john connections here. | ジェーンは あそこに大量の レッド・ジョン関連の情報を 持ってました |
close your arm around him tighter. | もっと しっかり 脇 締めて。 |
i'd be happy if it was you | むしろ お前だったら 喜ばしいんだけどな |
it will expand, evolve, influence perhaps the entire world. | 拡大し 進化しようとする 回りを 巻き込む たぶん 全世界だ |
this is... a curse slot. | これはカースロット |
let go of me! | 行こ |
to raising the animals we'll eat. | 食品対象動物を育てるために占めているし |
well, if he can't control himself, our operation on haqqani's fucked. | もし彼が 自分をコントロールできないのなら ハッカニの作戦は終わりよ |
it could bring the arabic language back to being number one. | アラビア語が世界の第1言語に 返り咲くことができるかもしれません |
five minutes to curtain! | 開演五分前 |
then he isn't. right. | 他に被害者について |