sequencelengths 2
| ms
sequencelengths 2
"Clanculus natalensis is a species of sea snail , a top gastropod mollusk in the family Trochidae , the marine snails .",
"Clanculus natalensis is a species of sea snail , a top gastropod mollusk in the Trochidae family , the navy snails ."
] | [
"Clanculus natalensis adalah spesies siput laut, moluska gastropod teratas dalam keluarga Trochidae, siput laut.",
"Clanculus natalensis adalah spesies siput laut, moluska gastropod teratas dalam keluarga Trochidae, siput tentera laut."
] |
"The central shaft reached a depth of 2980 feet and a southern shaft was sunk in 1928 to reach a depth of 3,600 feet .",
"The central shaft reached a depth of 2980 feet and a south shaft was sunk in 1928 to reach a depth of 3600 feet ."
] | [
"Aci tengah mencapai kedalaman 2980 kaki dan aci selatan tenggelam pada tahun 1928 untuk mencapai kedalaman 3,600 kaki.",
"Aci tengah mencapai kedalaman 2980 kaki dan aci selatan tenggelam pada tahun 1928 untuk mencapai kedalaman 3600 kaki."
] |
"The ovarian arteries swell during pregnancy in order to increase uterine blood supply .",
"The ovarian arteries swell during pregnancy , in order to increase the uterine blood supply ."
] | [
"Arteri ovari membengkak semasa kehamilan untuk meningkatkan bekalan darah rahim.",
"Arteri ovari membengkak semasa kehamilan, untuk meningkatkan bekalan darah rahim."
] |
"The French had injured one man and 13 or 14 men wounded , `` Racoon '' had killed only one man .",
"The French had lost one man wounded and 13 or 14 men wounded , `` Racoon '' had only one man killed ."
] | [
"Orang Perancis telah mencederakan seorang lelaki dan 13 atau 14 orang cedera, \"Raunun\"' telah membunuh hanya seorang lelaki.",
"Orang Perancis telah kehilangan seorang lelaki yang cedera dan 13 atau 14 orang yang cedera, \"Raunoon\"' hanya mempunyai seorang lelaki yang terbunuh."
] |
"Bill Kerry Melville Defeated Billie Jean King , 6-3 , 7-5",
"Kerry Melville defeated Billie Jean King , 6 - 3 , 7 - 5"
] | [
"Bill Kerry Melville Menolak Billie Jean King, 6-3, 7-5",
"Kerry Melville mengalahkan Billie Jean King, 6-3, 7-5"
] |
"The costal Tetra is found around south-eastern Brazil and Paraná river basin in yellow rivers .",
"The costal tetra is found around southeastern Brazil and Paraná River basin in yellow rivers ."
] | [
"Kostal Tetra dijumpai di sekitar tenggara Brazil dan lembangan sungai Paran di sungai kuning.",
"Tetra kosal dijumpai di sekitar tenggara Brazil dan lembangan Sungai Paran di sungai kuning."
] |
"AMBIT is a symbolic programming language that was introduced by Carlos Christensen of Massachusetts Computer Associates in 1964 for historical computation .",
"AMBIT is a symbolic programming language that was introduced in 1964 by Carlos Christensen of Massachusetts Computer Associates for historical calculations ."
] | [
"AMBIT adalah bahasa pengaturcaraan simbolik yang diperkenalkan oleh Carlos Christensen dari Massachusetts Computer Associates pada tahun 1964 untuk pengiraan sejarah.",
"AMBIT adalah bahasa pengaturcaraan simbolik yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 1964 oleh Carlos Christensen dari Massachusetts Computer Associates untuk pengiraan sejarah."
] |
"These medium to large butterflies have black and yellow wings with dark brown spots and a red edge .",
"These middle to large butterflies have black and yellow wings with dark brown spots and a red edge ."
] | [
"Rama-rama sederhana hingga besar ini mempunyai sayap hitam dan kuning dengan bintik-bintik coklat gelap dan tepi merah.",
"Puding tengah hingga besar ini mempunyai sayap hitam dan kuning dengan bintik coklat gelap dan tepi merah."
] |
"Thomas Fothergill was an English academic administrator at the University of Oxford .",
"Thomas Fothergill D.D . was an English academic administrator at the University of Oxford ."
] | [
"Thomas Fothergill adalah pentadbir akademik Inggeris di University of Oxford.",
"Thomas Fothergill D.D. adalah pentadbir akademik Inggeris di University of Oxford."
] |
"Maximilian II ( May 22 , 1792 -- April 20 , 1869 ) was a Bavarian Lieutenant General and War Minister under Bernhard Franz von Hess of Bavaria .",
"Maximilian II ( May 22 , 1792 -- April 20 , 1869 ) was a Bavarian general lieutenant and minister of war under Bernhard Franz von Hess of Bavaria ."
] | [
"Maximilian II (22 Mei 1792 - 20 April 1869) ialah seorang Leftenan Jeneral Bavaria dan Menteri Perang di bawah Bernhard Franz von Hess dari Bavaria.",
"Maximilian II (22 Mei 1792 - 20 April 1869) ialah seorang letnan jeneral dan menteri perang Bavaria di bawah Bernhard Franz von Hess dari Bavaria."
] |
"He worked as a school teacher in Tielt , between 1693 and 1717 , in Bruges .",
"Between 1693 and 1717 he worked as a teacher in Tielt , Bruges ."
] | [
"Beliau bekerja sebagai guru sekolah di Tielt, antara tahun 1693 dan 1717, di Bruges.",
"Antara tahun 1693 dan 1717 beliau bekerja sebagai guru di Tielt, Bruges."
] |
"McClain was one of the pioneers in the introduction of `` Ragtime Minstrelsy '' , which opened a wider range of styles on the eve of the vaudevillized era .",
"McClain was one of the pioneers in introducing `` ragtime minstrelsy '' , which opened a wider range of styles on the eve of the vaudevillized era ."
] | [
"McClain adalah salah satu perintis dalam pengenalan \"Rumtime Minstrelsy'', yang membuka pelbagai gaya yang lebih luas pada malam era vaudevillized.",
"McClain adalah salah satu perintis dalam memperkenalkan \"ragtime minstrelsy\" ', yang membuka pelbagai gaya yang lebih luas pada malam era vaudevillized."
] |
"The tubular heart or primitive heart tube is the earliest stage of heart development .",
"The primitive heart or the tubular heart tube is the earliest stage of the heart development ."
] | [
"Jantung tubular atau tiub jantung primitif adalah peringkat awal perkembangan jantung.",
"Jantung primitif atau tiub jantung tiub adalah peringkat awal perkembangan jantung."
] |
"It was a finalist for the 2002 Sidewise Award for the best alternative history and the John W. Campbell Memorial Award 2003 .",
"It was a finalist for the 2002 Sidewise Award for best alternate-form long history , and the 2003 John W. Campbell Memorial Award ."
] | [
"Ia merupakan finalis untuk Anugerah Sidewise 2002 untuk sejarah alternatif terbaik dan Anugerah Peringatan John W. Campbell 2003.",
"Ia merupakan finalis untuk Anugerah Sidewise 2002 untuk sejarah panjang bentuk alternatif terbaik, dan Anugerah Peringatan John W. Campbell 2003."
] |
"Music is great with some excellent songs which are etched in everybody 's memory forever .",
"Music is great with some excellent songs , which are etched forever in everyone 's memory ."
] | [
"Muzik hebat dengan beberapa lagu yang sangat baik yang terukir dalam ingatan semua orang selama-lamanya.",
"Muzik hebat dengan beberapa lagu yang sangat baik, yang terukir selama-lamanya dalam ingatan semua orang."
] |
"Brian Meehan fled to Amsterdam with Traynor ( who later escaped to Portugal ) .",
"Brian Meehan fled with Traynor ( who later fled to Portugal ) to Amsterdam ."
] | [
"Brian Meehan melarikan diri ke Amsterdam bersama Traynor (yang kemudiannya melarikan diri ke Portugal).",
"Brian Meehan melarikan diri bersama Traynor (yang kemudiannya melarikan diri ke Portugal) ke Amsterdam."
] |
"The inscription is , therefore , of linguistic importance for the first history of northern India .",
"Therefore , the inscription is of linguistic significance for the first history of northern India ."
] | [
"Prasasti ini, oleh itu, penting linguistik untuk sejarah pertama India utara.",
"Oleh itu, tulisan ini mempunyai kepentingan linguistik untuk sejarah pertama India utara."
] |
"From 2009 , the Rotten Tomatoes site had given the film a rating of 90 % with 19 `` rotten '' and 2 `` fresh '' reviews .",
"As of 2009 , the website Rotten Tomatoes had given the film a 90 % rating with 19 `` rotten '' and 2 `` fresh '' reviews ."
] | [
"Dari tahun 2009, laman Rotten Tomatoes telah memberikan filem ini rating sebanyak 90% dengan 19 \"rotten\" 'dan 2 \"segar\"'review.",
"Sehingga 2009, laman web Rotten Tomatoes telah memberikan filem ini rating 90% dengan 19 \"rotten\" 'dan 2 \"segar\"'review."
] |
"In the action they had wounded five men , the British suffered no victims .",
"In the action , they had five men wounded ; the British suffered no casualties ."
] | [
"Dalam aksi tersebut mereka telah mencederakan lima orang lelaki, British tidak mengalami korban.",
"Dalam aksi tersebut, mereka telah mencederakan lima orang; British tidak mengalami sebarang korban jiwa."
] |
"Lewis was also a member of the Oakland Raiders , Seattle Seahawks , Detroit Lions , Jacksonville Jaguare , Cleveland Browns , and Virginia Destroyers .",
"Lewis was also a member of the Cleveland Browns , Jacksonville Jaguars , Oakland Raiders , Seattle Seahawks , Detroit Lions and Virginia Destroyers ."
] | [
"Lewis juga merupakan ahli Oakland Raiders, Seattle Seahawks, Detroit Lions, Jacksonville Jaguare, Cleveland Browns, dan Virginia Destroyers.",
"Lewis juga merupakan ahli Cleveland Browns, Jacksonville Jaguars, Oakland Raiders, Seattle Seahawks, Detroit Lions dan Virginia Destroyers."
] |
"Except for a small border with Perry Township ( Brookside Estates ) on the west , Worthington is completely surrounded by Columbus .",
"Except for a small border with Perry Township ( Brookside Estates ) in the west , Worthington is completely surrounded by Columbus ."
] | [
"Kecuali sempadan kecil dengan Perry Township (Estet Brookside) di barat, Worthington sepenuhnya dikelilingi oleh Columbus.",
"Kecuali sempadan kecil dengan Perry Township (Estet Brookside) di barat, Worthington sepenuhnya dikelilingi oleh Columbus."
] |
"selects the three previous functional analyses and reviews an approach .",
"selects the previous three functional analyses and reviews an approach"
] | [
"Pilih tiga analisis fungsian terdahulu dan ulasan pendekatan.",
"Pilih tiga analisis fungsian dan ulasan pendekatan terdahulu"
] |
"Kensuke Tanabe conducted the game , and it was produced by Akiya Sakamoto and Stephen Mortimer .",
"Kensuke Tanabe directed the game , and it was produced by Akiya Sakamoto and Stephen Mortimer ."
] | [
"Kensuke Tanabe menjalankan permainan ini, dan ia dihasilkan oleh Akiya Sakamoto dan Stephen Mortimer.",
"Kensuke Tanabe mengarahkan permainan ini, dan ia dihasilkan oleh Akiya Sakamoto dan Stephen Mortimer."
] |
"Included Bob Flanagan , Sheree Rose , Ron Athey , Vaginal Davis , Daphne Von Rey , Jenny Shimizu , Catherine Opie , Michele Mills .",
"Bob Flanagan , Sheree Rose , Ron Athey , Vaginal Davis , Daphne von Rey , Jenny Shimizu , Catherine Opie , Michele Mills are included ."
] | [
"Termasuk Bob Flanagan, Sheree Rose, Ron Athey, Vaginal Davis, Daphne Von Rey, Jenny Shimizu, Catherine Opie, Michele Mills.",
"Bob Flanagan, Sheree Rose, Ron Athey, Vaginal Davis, Daphne von Rey, Jenny Shimizu, Catherine Opie, Michele Mills termasuk."
] |
"BA transferred the former BCal routes to Tokyo and Saudi Arabia to Heathrow .",
"BA relocated the former BCal routes to Tokyo and Saudi Arabia to Heathrow ."
] | [
"BA memindahkan laluan BCal yang terdahulu ke Tokyo dan Arab Saudi ke Heathrow.",
"BA memindahkan laluan BCal ke Tokyo dan Arab Saudi ke Heathrow."
] |
"The band then added bassist Duane Cowan , who had recently relocated from Japan to Los Angeles .",
"The band then added bassist Duane Cowan , who moved from Japan to Los Angeles recently ."
] | [
"Band ini kemudian menambah pemain bass Duane Cowan, yang baru-baru ini berpindah dari Jepun ke Los Angeles.",
"Band ini kemudian menambah pemain bass Duane Cowan, yang berpindah dari Jepun ke Los Angeles baru-baru ini."
] |
"This gravitational gradiometry is useful because absolute gravity is a weak effect and depends on the local density of the earth , which is quite variable .",
"This gravity gradiometry is useful because absolute gravity is a weak effect and depends on local density of the Earth which is quite variable ."
] | [
"Graviti graviti ini berguna kerana graviti mutlak adalah kesan yang lemah dan bergantung kepada ketumpatan tempatan bumi, yang agak berubah-ubah.",
"Graviti graviti ini berguna kerana graviti mutlak adalah kesan lemah dan bergantung kepada ketumpatan tempatan Bumi yang agak berubah-ubah."
] |
"was introduced by Bharathiraja first in the film `` Alaigal Oivathillai '' .",
"Karthik was first introduced by Bharathiraja in the film `` Alaigal Oivathillai '' ."
] | [
"diperkenalkan oleh Bharathiraja pertama dalam filem \"Alaigal Oivathillai''.",
"Karthik pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Bharathiraja dalam filem \"Alaigal Oivathillai''."
] |
"It is native to southern China ( Guangxi , Hainan , Yunnan ) , Assam , and Indochina ( Thailand , Myanmar , Vietnam ) .",
"It is home to southern China ( Yunnan , Hainan , Guangxi ) , Assam , and Indochina ( Thailand , Myanmar , Vietnam ) ."
] | [
"Ia berasal dari selatan China (Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan), Assam, dan Indochina (Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam).",
"Ia adalah rumah bagi selatan China (Yunnan, Hainan, Guangxi), Assam, dan Indochina (Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam)."
] |
"Jayson Scott Musson is an artist who currently lives and works in Bronx , NY . He was born in Brooklyn , NY .",
"Jayson Scott Musson is an artist who currently lives and works in Bronx , NY , born in Brooklyn , NY ."
] | [
"Jayson Scott Musson adalah seorang seniman yang kini tinggal dan bekerja di Bronx, NY. Dia dilahirkan di Brooklyn, NY.",
"Jayson Scott Musson adalah seorang artis yang kini tinggal dan bekerja di Bronx, NY, dilahirkan di Brooklyn, NY."
] |
"In 2005 , Christian Dahl sold the Flash Engineering Team to Nilsson and was renamed to Polestar Racing .",
"In 2005 , Christian Dahl sold the Flash Engineering team to Nilsson , and it was renamed Polestar Racing ."
] | [
"Pada tahun 2005, Christian Dahl menjual Pasukan Kejuruteraan Flash kepada Nilsson dan dinamakan semula kepada Polestar Racing.",
"Pada tahun 2005, Christian Dahl menjual pasukan Flash Engineering kepada Nilsson, dan ia dinamakan semula Polestar Racing."
] |
"The European route E75 runs through the city and connects Chania with the other three cities of Heraklion : Agios Nikolaos , Crete and Rethymno .",
"European route E75 runs through the city and connects Chania with the three other major cities of Heraklion : Agios Nikolaos , Crete , and Rethymno ."
] | [
"Laluan Eropah E75 berjalan melalui bandar dan menghubungkan Chania dengan tiga bandar lain Heraklion: Agios Nikolaos, Crete dan Rethymno.",
"Laluan Eropah E75 berjalan melalui bandar dan menghubungkan Chania dengan tiga bandar utama lain Heraklion: Agios Nikolaos, Crete, dan Rethymno."
] |
"The time setting of `` Leave It to Beaver '' is contemporary with its production -- in the early 1950s and the late 1960s .",
"The time setting of `` Leave It to Beaver '' is contemporary with its production -- the early 1950s and the late 1960s ."
] | [
"Penetapan waktu \"Biarkan Ia untuk Beaver\"' adalah kontemporari dengan pengeluarannya-pada awal 1950-an dan akhir 1960-an.",
"Penetapan masa \"Biarkan Ia untuk Beaver\" adalah kontemporari dengan pengeluarannya - awal 1950-an dan akhir 1960-an."
] |
"Emma Watson was Lytton 's double in the film `` Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets '' .",
"Emma Watson was Lytton 's doppelgänger in the film `` Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets '' ."
] | [
"Emma Watson adalah double Lytton dalam filem 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' '.",
"Emma Watson adalah doppelgnger Lytton dalam filem 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets'."
] |
"With the weakening of the Canadian dollar , manufacturing sales and exports increased in November and December 2015 , and employment rose .",
"With the weakening of the Canadian dollar , manufacturing sales and exports and employment increased in November and December 2015 ."
] | [
"Dengan melemahnya dolar Kanada, penjualan dan eksport pembuatan meningkat pada bulan November dan Disember 2015, dan pekerjaan meningkat.",
"Dengan kelemahan dolar Kanada, jualan dan eksport pembuatan dan pekerjaan meningkat pada bulan November dan Disember 2015."
] |
"Instead , AC3 enables producers to choose the input level over a wide range by representing a measured dialog value , including the required dialog level of the input signal .",
"Instead , AC3 allows producers to choose input level over a wide range , by representing a measured dialnorm value , including the required dialog level of the input signal ."
] | [
"Sebaliknya, AC3 membolehkan pengeluar untuk memilih tahap input dalam julat yang luas dengan mewakili nilai dialog yang diukur, termasuk tahap dialog yang diperlukan isyarat input.",
"Sebaliknya, AC3 membolehkan pengeluar untuk memilih tahap input dalam julat yang luas, dengan mewakili nilai dialnorm yang diukur, termasuk tahap dialog yang diperlukan isyarat input."
] |
"Neustadtl an der Donau is a city in the Amstetten district of Lower Austria in Austria .",
"Neustadtl an der Donau is a town in the district of Lower Austria in Amstetten in Austria ."
] | [
"Neustadtl an der Donau ialah sebuah bandar dalam daerah Amstetten di Lower Austria di Austria.",
"Neustadtl an der Donau ialah sebuah bandar di daerah Lower Austria di Amstetten di Austria."
] |
"Guru ( Kay Kay Menon ) and Ganpat ( Dilip Prabhavalkar ) are a car thieves .",
"Guru ( Kay Kay Menon ) and Ganpat ( Dilip Prabhavalkar ) are small-time car thieves ."
] | [
"Guru (Kan Kay Menon) dan Ganpat (Dilip Prabhavalkar) adalah pencuri kereta.",
"Guru (Kan Kay Menon) dan Ganpat (Dilip Prabhavalkar) adalah pencuri kereta kecil."
] |
"`` Once in a Lifetime '' was chosen as the national entry at the Estonian final , Eurolaul , on 5 February .",
"At the Estonian final Eurolaul on 5 February , `` Once in a Lifetime '' was chosen as the national contribution ."
] | [
"\"Once in a Lifetime\" dipilih sebagai kemasukan kebangsaan di final Estonia, Eurolaul, pada 5 Februari.",
"Pada Eurolaul akhir Estonia pada 5 Februari, \"Once in a Lifetime\" dipilih sebagai sumbangan kebangsaan."
] |
"A second portion is exposed to a positive allergen , such as Pokeweed , to serve as a universal control .",
"A second portion is exposed to a positive allergy such as pokeweed to serve as universal control ."
] | [
"Bahagian kedua terdedah kepada alergen positif, seperti Pokeweed, untuk berfungsi sebagai kawalan sejagat.",
"Bahagian kedua terdedah kepada alahan positif seperti pokeweed untuk berfungsi sebagai kawalan sejagat."
] |
"Godella is a municipality in the Comarca Valencia , Spain , Horta Nord province .",
"Godella is a municipality in the `` comarca '' of Valencia , Spain , province of Horta Nord ."
] | [
"Godella merupakan sebuah kawasan perbandaran yang terletak di daerah Comarca Valencia, Sepanyol, wilayah Horta Nord.",
"Godella merupakan sebuah kawasan perbandaran yang terletak di `comarca'' Valencia, Sepanyol, wilayah Horta Nord."
] |
"In 1964 , Igor married Moskvin Tamara Nikolayevna Bratus .",
"Tamara Nikolayevna Bratus married Igor Moskvin in 1964 ."
] | [
"Pada tahun 1964, Igor berkahwin dengan Moskvin Tamara Nikolayevna Bratus.",
"Tamara Nikolayevna Bratus berkahwin dengan Igor Moskvin pada tahun 1964."
] |
"Nature explains the hardware of cognitive processing , and information processing theory provides the cognitive functioning based on those hardware .",
"Nature explains the hardware of cognitive processing and Information Processing theory provides cognitive functioning based on that hardware ."
] | [
"Alam menjelaskan perkakasan pemprosesan kognitif, dan teori pemprosesan maklumat menyediakan fungsi kognitif berdasarkan perkakasan tersebut.",
"Alam menjelaskan perkakasan pemprosesan kognitif dan teori Pemprosesan Maklumat menyediakan fungsi kognitif berdasarkan perkakasan tersebut."
] |
"In Southampton ( 2016 ) , Bow ( 2017 ) and Southend ( 2017 ) , new exhibitions are planned .",
"New exhibitions are planned in Southampton ( 2016 ) , Bow ( 2017 ) and Southend ( 2017 ) ."
] | [
"Di Southampton (2016), Bow (2017) dan Southend (2017), pameran baru dirancang.",
"Pameran baru dirancang di Southampton (2016), Bow (2017) dan Southend (2017)."
] |
"Gregory Gregory was born in Sydney and died at the age of 32 in the Darlinghurst region of the same city .",
"Gregory was born in Sydney ; he died at the age of 32 in the Darlinghurst region of the same city ."
] | [
"Gregory dilahirkan di Sydney dan meninggal dunia pada usia 32 tahun di wilayah Darlinghurst di bandar yang sama.",
"Gregory dilahirkan di Sydney; beliau meninggal dunia pada usia 32 tahun di wilayah Darlinghurst di bandar yang sama."
] |
"In the United States , Scion were allocated 10,000 units of the 2013 model year ( MY13 ) production , while Subaru was limited to only 6,000 units .",
"In the United States , Scion was allocated 10,000 units of the 2013 model year ( MY13 ) production , while Subaru was limited to only 6,000 units ."
] | [
"Di Amerika Syarikat, Scion diperuntukkan 10,000 unit model tahun 2013 ( MY13) pengeluaran, manakala Subaru hanya terhad kepada 6,000 unit.",
"Di Amerika Syarikat, Scion telah diperuntukkan 10,000 unit model tahun 2013 ( MY13) pengeluaran, manakala Subaru hanya terhad kepada 6,000 unit."
] |
"John Franklin Armstrong was born on November 14 , 1819 in Lincoln County , Tennessee , son of William Armstrong and Mary W. I. Monroe .",
"John Franklin Armstrong was born in Lincoln County , Tennessee , on November 14 , 1819 , the son of William Armstrong and Mary W. I. Monroe ."
] | [
"John Franklin Armstrong dilahirkan pada 14 November 1819 di Lincoln County, Tennessee, anak lelaki William Armstrong dan Mary W. I. Monroe.",
"John Franklin Armstrong dilahirkan di Lincoln County, Tennessee, pada 14 November 1819, anak lelaki William Armstrong dan Mary W. I. Monroe."
] |
"The visualization of single molecules , single cells , biological tissues and nanomaterials is an important and attractive approach in analytical science .",
"The visualization of individual molecules , single cells , biological tissues and nanomaterials is an important and attractive approach in analytical science ."
] | [
"Visualisasi molekul tunggal, sel tunggal, tisu biologi dan nanomaterial adalah pendekatan penting dan menarik dalam sains analitik.",
"Visualisasi molekul individu, sel tunggal, tisu biologi dan nanomaterial adalah pendekatan penting dan menarik dalam sains analitik."
] |
"Guan Yu agreed with Zhao Yan 's view and broke his plan to attack Cao Ren .",
"Guan Yu agreed with Zhao Yan 's view and aborted his plan to attack Cao Ren ."
] | [
"Guan Yu bersetuju dengan pandangan Zhao Yan dan melanggar rancangannya untuk menyerang Cao Ren.",
"Guan Yu bersetuju dengan pandangan Zhao Yan dan membatalkan rancangannya untuk menyerang Cao Ren."
] |
"In this episode , Nellie Bertram ( Catherine Tate ) returns to the office to find Andy Bernard ( Ed Helms ) in the manager 's chair .",
"In this episode , Nellie Bertram ( Catherine Tate ) returns to the office to find Andy Bernard ( Ed Helms ) on the manager 's chair ."
] | [
"Dalam episod ini, Nellie Bertram ( Catherine Tate) kembali ke pejabat untuk mencari Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) di kerusi pengurus.",
"Dalam episod ini, Nellie Bertram ( Catherine Tate) kembali ke pejabat untuk mencari Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) di kerusi pengurus."
] |
"With support from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation , Carter contributed .",
"Carter countered with support from the Carnegie Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation ."
] | [
"Dengan sokongan daripada Yayasan Rockefeller dan Yayasan Carnegie, Carter menyumbang.",
"Carter membalas dengan sokongan daripada Yayasan Carnegie dan Yayasan Rockefeller."
] |
"The song was composed by Unnikumar , sung by Baburaj Puthur and written by Sidharthan Puranattukara .",
"The song was composed by Unnikumar , singed by Baburaj Puthur and written by Sidharthan Puranattukara ."
] | [
"Lagu ini digubah oleh Unnikumar, dinyanyikan oleh Baburaj Puthur dan ditulis oleh Sidharthan Puranattukara.",
"Lagu ini digubah oleh Unnikumar, dinyanyikan oleh Baburaj Puthur dan ditulis oleh Sidharthan Puranattukara."
] |
"He has performed at the Vienna , Holland , Oregon , Tanglewood , Edinburgh , Marlboro Bach and Carmel Bach festivals .",
"He has played at the festivals in Vienna , Holland , Oregon , Tanglewood , Edinburgh , Marlboro Bach and Carmel Bach ."
] | [
"Beliau telah membuat persembahan di Vienna, Holland, Oregon, Tanglewood, Edinburgh, Marlboro Bach dan Carmel Bach festival.",
"Beliau telah bermain di festival-festival di Vienna, Holland, Oregon, Tanglewood, Edinburgh, Marlboro Bach dan Carmel Bach."
] |
"The nasal opening for the Eurasian species is triangular , unlike that of the North American race , which is square .",
"The nasal opening for Eurasian species is triangular , unlike that of the North American race , which is square ."
] | [
"Pembukaan hidung bagi spesies Eurasia adalah segi tiga, tidak seperti bangsa Amerika Utara, yang merupakan segi empat.",
"Pembukaan hidung bagi spesies Eurasia adalah segi tiga, tidak seperti bangsa Amerika Utara, yang merupakan segi empat."
] |
"The station signal could be heard from Vancouver , British Columbia to Vancouver , Washington , DC .",
"The station signal could be heard from Vancouver , British Columbia to Vancouver , Washington ."
] | [
"Isyarat stesen boleh didengar dari Vancouver, British Columbia ke Vancouver, Washington, DC.",
"Isyarat stesen boleh didengar dari Vancouver, British Columbia ke Vancouver, Washington."
] |
"On 9 . December 1979 , Otto Müller died as a result of a serious lung complaint in the Carl von Basedow clinic in Merseburg .",
"Otto Müller died on December 9 , 1979 as a result of a serious lung disease at the Carl von Basedow - Clinic in Merseburg ."
] | [
"Pada 9 Disember 1979, Otto Mller meninggal dunia akibat aduan paru-paru yang serius di klinik Carl von Basedow di Merseburg.",
"Otto Mller meninggal dunia pada 9 Disember 1979 akibat penyakit paru-paru yang serius di Carl von Basedow - Klinik di Merseburg."
] |
"Duporth Holiday Village ( also Duporth ) was on Porthpean Road , just outside St Austell in South - Cornwall , England , UK .",
"Duporth Holiday Village ( also Duporth ) was situated on Porthpean Road , just outside St Austell in south Cornwall , England , UK ."
] | [
"Duporth Holiday Village (juga Duporth) berada di Porthpean Road, tepat di luar St Austell di Selatan-Krysland, Inggris, Inggris.",
"Duporth Holiday Village (juga Duporth) terletak di Porthpean Road, di luar St Austell di selatan Cornwall, England, UK."
] |
"This version of Robert Hammond is a xenobiologist - professor , an old friend of Hal Jordan and the son of Senator of the United States Hector Hammond .",
"This version of Robert Hammond is a xenobiology professor , an old friend of Hal Jordan and the son of United States senator Hector Hammond ."
] | [
"Versi Robert Hammond ini adalah seorang ahli xenobiologi-profesor, seorang kawan lama Hal Jordan dan anak Senator Amerika Syarikat Hector Hammond.",
"Versi Robert Hammond ini adalah profesor xenobiologi, rakan lama Hal Jordan dan anak senator Amerika Syarikat Hector Hammond."
] |
"Nicky Romero ( born January 6 , 1989 ) , professionally known as Nick Rotteveel , is a Dutch DJ , record producer , musician and remixer .",
"Nicky Romero ( born 6 January 1989 ) , professionally known as Nick Rotteveel , is a Dutch DJ , record producer , musician and remixer ."
] | [
"Nicky Romero (lahir 6 Januari 1989), secara profesional dikenali sebagai Nick Rotteveel, ialah seorang DJ Belanda, penerbit rakaman, pemuzik dan remixer.",
"Nicky Romero (lahir 6 Januari 1989), secara profesional dikenali sebagai Nick Rotteveel, ialah seorang DJ Belanda, penerbit rakaman, pemuzik dan remixer."
] |
"He is a specialist in baroque and contemporary music .",
"He is specialist in contemporary music and baroque music ."
] | [
"Beliau adalah pakar dalam muzik barok dan kontemporari.",
"Beliau pakar dalam muzik kontemporari dan muzik barok."
] |
"He was born in Athens , Greece , and grew up in New York City , and then North Grafton , Massachusetts .",
"He was born in Athens , Greece and grew up in New York City and then in North Grafton , Massachusetts ."
] | [
"Beliau dilahirkan di Athens, Greece, dan dibesarkan di New York City, dan kemudian North Grafton, Massachusetts.",
"Beliau dilahirkan di Athens, Greece dan dibesarkan di New York City dan kemudian di Grafton Utara, Massachusetts."
] |
"Zhuge Liang recommended Jiang Wan as his successor and Fei Yi as his successor to Jiang Wan .",
"Zhuge Liang recommended Jiang Wan as his successor and Fei Yi as Jiang Wan 's successor ."
] | [
"Zhuge Liang mencadangkan Jiang Wan sebagai penggantinya dan Fei Yi sebagai penggantinya kepada Jiang Wan.",
"Zhuge Liang mencadangkan Jiang Wan sebagai penggantinya dan Fei Yi sebagai pengganti Jiang Wan."
] |
"He was the father of historian Francis Andrew March and General Peyton C. March who was chief of staff of the United States Army during the First World War .",
"He was the father of historian Francis Andrew March and General Peyton C. March , the chief of staff of the United States Army during World War I ."
] | [
"Beliau adalah bapa kepada sejarawan Francis Andrew March dan Jeneral Peyton C. March yang merupakan ketua kakitangan Tentera Darat Amerika Syarikat semasa Perang Dunia Pertama.",
"Beliau adalah bapa kepada ahli sejarah Francis Andrew March dan Jeneral Peyton C. March, ketua kakitangan Tentera Darat Amerika Syarikat semasa Perang Dunia I."
] |
"First run 3200m on the outer oval , then on the inner oval .",
"3200m races run on the outer oval first , then the inner oval ."
] | [
"Pertama berjalan 3200m pada bujur luar, kemudian pada bujur dalaman.",
"3200m perlumbaan berjalan di bujur luar pertama, kemudian bujur dalaman."
] |
"The river is located between the Amazon and the Negro .",
"The river is located between the Negro River and the Amazon River ."
] | [
"Sungai ini terletak di antara Amazon dan Negro.",
"Sungai ini terletak di antara Sungai Negro dan Sungai Amazon."
] |
"Jana Novotná and Jim Pugh won against Elizabeth Smylie and Patrick McEnroe in the finals 7 -- 5 , 6 -- 3 .",
"Jana Novotná and Jim Pugh won in the final 7 -- 5 , 6 -- 3 against Elizabeth Smylie and Patrick McEnroe ."
] | [
"Jana Novotn dan Jim Pugh menang menentang Elizabeth Smylie dan Patrick McEnroe dalam pusingan akhir 7-5, 6-3.",
"Jana Novotn dan Jim Pugh menang dalam perlawanan akhir 7-5, 6-3 menentang Elizabeth Smylie dan Patrick McEnroe."
] |
"The top township , officially the Charter Township of Superior , is a charter township of Washtenaw County in the U.S. state of Michigan .",
"Superior Township , officially the Charter Township of Superior , is a charter township of Washtenaw County in the U.S. state of Michigan ."
] | [
"Perbandaran teratas, secara rasmi Charter Township of Superior, adalah perbandaran piagam Washtenaw County di negeri A.S. Michigan.",
"Perbandaran Superior, secara rasmi Charter Township of Superior, adalah perbandaran piagam Washtenaw County di negeri A.S. Michigan."
] |
"Multilayered dinosaur eggs are known from , in order of discovery , France , Spain , Mongolia , India , Argentina , Canada , Montana , and Utah .",
"Multilayered dinosaurs - eggs are known in order of discovery from France , Spain , Mongolia , India , Argentina , Canada , Montana and Utah ."
] | [
"Telur dinosaur berbilang lapisan dikenali dari, mengikut urutan penemuan, Perancis, Sepanyol, Mongolia, India, Argentina, Kanada, Montana, dan Utah.",
"Dinosaur berbilang lapisan - telur diketahui mengikut urutan penemuan dari Perancis, Sepanyol, Mongolia, India, Argentina, Kanada, Montana dan Utah."
] |
"The Archdiocese of New York has attempted to replace the structure since the closure with the offer to demolish the structure with affordable housing for the elderly .",
"The Archdiocese of New York has tried to replace the structure with the supply since the closure , to demolish the affordable housing structure for the elderly ."
] | [
"Keuskupan Agung New York telah berusaha untuk menggantikan struktur sejak penutupan dengan tawaran untuk merobohkan struktur dengan perumahan mampu milik untuk warga tua.",
"Keuskupan Agung New York telah berusaha menggantikan struktur dengan bekalan sejak penutupan, untuk merobohkan struktur perumahan mampu milik untuk warga tua."
] |
"Adults often remove paper from old nests and recycle it to use it for new ones .",
"Adults often remove paper from old nests and recycle it to use for new ones ."
] | [
"Dewasa sering mengeluarkan kertas dari sarang lama dan mengitar semula untuk menggunakannya untuk yang baru.",
"Dewasa sering mengeluarkan kertas dari sarang lama dan mengitar semula untuk digunakan untuk yang baru."
] |
"Flanders Expo is the biggest event hall in Flanders and the 40th biggest in Belgium and the second largest exhibition complex in the world .",
"Flanders Expo is the largest event hall in the Flanders region and the 40th biggest in Belgium . It is the second biggest exhibition complex in the world ."
] | [
"Flanders Expo adalah dewan acara terbesar di Flanders dan ke-40 terbesar di Belgium dan kompleks pameran kedua terbesar di dunia.",
"Flanders Expo adalah dewan acara terbesar di rantau Flanders dan ke-40 terbesar di Belgium. Ia adalah kompleks pameran kedua terbesar di dunia."
] |
"Andrei Pavel and Alexander Waske won in the final 6 -- 3 , 7 -- 6 , against Rafael Nadal and Bartolomé Salvá-Vidal .",
"Andrei Pavel and Alexander Waske won in the final 6 -- 3 , 7 -- 6 against Rafael Nadal and Bartolomé Salva-Vidal ."
] | [
"Andrei Pavel dan Alexander Waske menang dalam perlawanan akhir 6-3, 7-6, menentang Rafael Nadal dan Bartolom Salv-Vidal.",
"Andrei Pavel dan Alexander Waske menang dalam perlawanan akhir 6-3, 7-6 menentang Rafael Nadal dan Bartolom Salva-Vidal."
] |
"The incumbent Democrat Jim Webb ran for re-election to a second term , but lost in a narrow race against the Republican George Allen .",
"Incumbent Democrat Jim Webb ran for re-election to a second term , but lost in a narrow race to Republican George Allen ."
] | [
"penyandang Demokrat Jim Webb berlari untuk pemilihan semula untuk penggal kedua, tetapi kalah dalam perlumbaan sempit menentang Republikan George Allen.",
"Demokrat yang bertanding Jim Webb mencalonkan diri untuk pemilihan semula untuk penggal kedua, tetapi kalah dalam perlumbaan sempit kepada Republikan George Allen."
] |
"Henny Trylesinski , also known as Henny Trayles ( Argentina , 4 June , 1937 ) is a Uruguayan-born German actress and comedian , who lives in Hamburg .",
"Henny Trylesinski , also known as Henny Trayles ( Argentina , June 4 , 1937 ) , is a Uruguayan - born German actress and comedian who lives in Hamburg ."
] | [
"Henny Trylesinski, juga dikenali sebagai Henny Trayles (Argentina, 4 Jun 1937) ialah seorang pelakon dan pelawak Jerman kelahiran Uruguay, yang tinggal di Hamburg.",
"Henny Trylesinski, juga dikenali sebagai Henny Trayles (Argentina, 4 Jun 1937), ialah seorang pelakon dan pelawak Jerman kelahiran Uruguay yang tinggal di Hamburg."
] |
"Eugene Luening ( sometimes Eugen Luening ) ( 1852 -- 1944 ) was a Milwaukee born musician of German descent .",
"Eugen Luening ( sometimes Eugene Luening ) ( 1852 -- 1944 ) was a musician of German origin born in Milwaukee ."
] | [
"Eugene Luening (kadang-kadang Eugen Luening) (1852-1944) adalah seorang pemuzik kelahiran Milwaukee berketurunan Jerman.",
"Eugen Luening (kadang-kadang Eugene Luening) (1852-1944) ialah seorang pemuzik asal Jerman yang dilahirkan di Milwaukee."
] |
"However , it was purchased by McVities and then bought by Murdoch Allan and Sons .",
"However , it was bought by McVities and then purchased by Murdoch Allan and Sons ."
] | [
"Walau bagaimanapun, ia dibeli oleh McVities dan kemudian dibeli oleh Murdoch Allan dan Sons.",
"Walau bagaimanapun, ia dibeli oleh McVities dan kemudian dibeli oleh Murdoch Allan dan Sons."
] |
"Importantly , Stile antico became the main language of the musical statement of Pękiel after his move to Wawel .",
"After his move to Wawel , style antico became the main language of the musical statement of Pękiel ."
] | [
"Yang penting, Stile antico menjadi bahasa utama pernyataan muzik Pkiel selepas berpindah ke Wawel.",
"Selepas berpindah ke Wawel, gaya antico menjadi bahasa utama pernyataan muzik Pkiel."
] |
"As part of a streamlining campaign , in January 2017 the company reported that it would close three remaining regional kitchens in Atlanta , Landover and Everett .",
"As part of a tightening campaign , the company reported in January 2017 that it would close three remaining regional cuisines in Everett , Landover and Atlanta ."
] | [
"Sebagai sebahagian daripada kempen penyederhanaan, pada Januari 2017 syarikat itu melaporkan bahawa ia akan menutup tiga dapur serantau yang tinggal di Atlanta, Landover dan Everett.",
"Sebagai sebahagian daripada kempen pengetatan, syarikat itu melaporkan pada Januari 2017 bahawa ia akan menutup tiga masakan serantau yang tinggal di Everett, Landover dan Atlanta."
] |
"Towradgi is situated on Pioneer Rd , North Dalton Park , in the northern suburbs of Wollongong , New South Wales , Australia .",
"Towradgi is located on Pioneer Rd , North Dalton Park , in the northern suburbs of Wollongong , New South Wales , Australia ."
] | [
"Towradgi terletak di Pioneer Rd, North Dalton Park, di pinggir bandar utara Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia.",
"Towradgi terletak di Pioneer Rd, North Dalton Park, di pinggir bandar utara Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia."
] |
"On September 11 , 2017 , a second series of revival began and the fourth series overall .",
"A second series of the revival , and the fourth series overall , started on 11 September 2017 ."
] | [
"Pada 11 September 2017, siri kedua kebangkitan bermula dan siri keempat keseluruhan.",
"Siri kedua kebangkitan semula, dan siri keempat keseluruhan, bermula pada 11 September 2017."
] |
"The book proposes a political reform for Switzerland which has never been realized because of legal controversies .",
"The book proposes political reform for Switzerland , which has never been realized because of legal controversies ."
] | [
"Buku ini mencadangkan pembaharuan politik untuk Switzerland yang tidak pernah direalisasikan kerana kontroversi undang-undang.",
"Buku ini mencadangkan pembaharuan politik untuk Switzerland, yang tidak pernah direalisasikan kerana kontroversi undang-undang."
] |
"This all leads to a large cat fight during the big homecoming game .",
"All this leads to a big cat fight during the great homecoming game ."
] | [
"Ini semua membawa kepada pertarungan kucing besar semasa permainan pulang besar.",
"Semua ini membawa kepada pertarungan kucing besar semasa permainan pulang yang hebat."
] |
"Canada is represented in Cambodia through its UN mission in New York City .",
"Canada is represented by its UN mission in New York City in Cambodia ."
] | [
"Kanada diwakili di Kemboja melalui misi PBB di New York City.",
"Kanada diwakili oleh misi PBB di New York City di Kemboja."
] |
"Then were manufactured at ROF Bishopton and filled with ROF Chorley and later at ROF Glascoed .",
"Naval propellants were then manufactured at ROF Bishopton and filled at ROF Chorley , and later ROF Glascoed ."
] | [
"Kemudian dihasilkan di ROF Bishopton dan diisi dengan ROF Chorley dan kemudian di ROF Glascoed.",
"Pemandu tentera laut kemudiannya dihasilkan di ROF Bishopton dan diisi di ROF Chorley, dan kemudian ROF Glascoed."
] |
"Although neither Maladhar Basu nor Chandidas were Vaishnavas , they should lay the foundation for much of the following Vaishnava poetry in Bengal .",
"Although neither Maladhar Basu nor Chandidas were Vaishnavas , they were to lay the foundation for much of the following Vaishnava poetry in Bengal ."
] | [
"Walaupun bukan Maladhar Basu atau Chandidas adalah Vaishnavas, mereka harus meletakkan asas untuk banyak puisi Vaishnava berikut di Bengal.",
"Walaupun bukan Maladhar Basu atau Chandidas adalah Vaishnavas, mereka meletakkan asas untuk banyak puisi Vaishnava berikut di Bengal."
] |
"The city of Ayutthaya was founded by Phraya Kotabongthevaraja in 1058 and was first part of the Sukhothai Kingdom and later of Phichit .",
"The town of Ayutthaya was established in 1058 by Phraya Kotabongthevaraja , and was first part of the Sukhothai Kingdom , and later of Phichit ."
] | [
"Bandar Ayutthaya diasaskan oleh Phraya Kotabongthevaraja pada tahun 1058 dan merupakan sebahagian pertama Kerajaan Sukhothai dan kemudian Phichit.",
"Bandar Ayutthaya ditubuhkan pada tahun 1058 oleh Phraya Kotabongthevaraja, dan merupakan sebahagian pertama Kerajaan Sukhothai, dan kemudian Phichit."
] |
"If the programmer does not provide a constructor for an instantiable class , a `` default constructor will be provided in most languages .",
"If the programmer does not provide a constructor for an instantiable class , most languages will supply a `` default constructor '' ."
] | [
"Jika pengaturcara tidak menyediakan pembina untuk kelas segerak, pembina lalai `akan disediakan dalam kebanyakan bahasa.",
"Jika pengaturcara tidak menyediakan pembina untuk kelas segerak, kebanyakan bahasa akan membekalkan pembina lalai ''."
] |
"The 1976 season of 2. deild karla was the 11th season of third-tier football in Iceland .",
"The 1976 season of 2. deild karla was the 11th season of third placed football in Iceland ."
] | [
"Musim 1976 2. deild Karla adalah musim ke-11 bola sepak peringkat ketiga di Iceland.",
"Musim 1976 2. deild Karla adalah musim ke-11 dari kedudukan ketiga bola sepak di Iceland."
] |
"OPAL is a high-level interface for low - level - physics engines used in games , robotics simulations and other 3D applications .",
"OPAL is a high-level interface for low-level physics engines used in games , robotics simulations , and other 3D applications ."
] | [
"OPAL adalah antara muka peringkat tinggi untuk enjin fizik rendah-tahap yang digunakan dalam permainan, simulasi robotik dan aplikasi 3D yang lain.",
"OPAL adalah antara muka peringkat tinggi untuk enjin fizik peringkat rendah yang digunakan dalam permainan, simulasi robotik, dan aplikasi 3D yang lain."
] |
"The captain is actually murdered by Mr Cutler Beckett , who is working for Mercer .",
"The captain is actually murdered by Mr. Cutler Beckett who is working for Mercer ."
] | [
"Kapten itu sebenarnya dibunuh oleh Encik Cutler Beckett, yang bekerja untuk Mercer.",
"Kapten itu sebenarnya dibunuh oleh Encik Cutler Beckett yang bekerja untuk Mercer."
] |
"In 2017 she was shortlisted for a Sobey Art Award ( nominated for the Prairies and the North region ) .",
"She was nominated for a Sobey Art Award ( nominated for the Prairies and the North ) in 2017 ."
] | [
"Pada tahun 2017 beliau telah disenarai pendek untuk Anugerah Seni Sobey (dicalonkan untuk Prairies dan rantau Utara).",
"Beliau telah dicalonkan untuk Anugerah Seni Sobey (dicalonkan untuk Prairies dan Utara) pada tahun 2017."
] |
"The sixth studio album was released on February 24 , 2010 in Japan , on March 2 , Canada , on March 3 in Europe and on April 6 in North America .",
"Kalmah 's sixth studio album was released in Japan on 24 February 2010 , Canada on 2 March , Europe on 3 March and North America on 6 April ."
] | [
"Album studio keenam dikeluarkan pada 24 Februari 2010 di Jepun, pada 2 Mac, Kanada, pada 3 Mac di Eropah dan pada 6 April di Amerika Utara.",
"Album studio keenam Kalmah dikeluarkan di Jepun pada 24 Februari 2010, Kanada pada 2 Mac, Eropah pada 3 Mac dan Amerika Utara pada 6 April."
] |
"Because of the high cost of Stromectol , the lifelong formula Ivomec can be used government programs are needed to help citizens finance veterinary medicines .",
"Because of the high cost of Stromectol , the lifelong formula Ivomec can be used . Government programs are needed to help citizens finance veterinary medication ."
] | [
"Kerana kos Stromectol yang tinggi, formula sepanjang hayat Ivomec boleh digunakan program kerajaan diperlukan untuk membantu rakyat membiayai ubat-ubatan veterinar.",
"Kerana kos Stromectol yang tinggi, formula sepanjang hayat Ivomec boleh digunakan. Program kerajaan diperlukan untuk membantu rakyat membiayai ubat veterinar."
] |
"The SSSI covers an area of 190,3 hectares , while the SAC has 168.3 hectares .",
"The SSSI has an area of 190.3 ha , while the SAC covers 168.3 hectares ."
] | [
"SSSI meliputi kawasan seluas 190.3 hektar, manakala SAC mempunyai 168.3 hektar.",
"SSSI memiliki keluasan 190.3 ha, sementara SAC meliputi 168.3 hektar."
] |
"In Harry Turtledove 's alternate history novel `` Southern Victory : '' , one of the Freedom Party Guards appears to be Chapman .",
"In Harry Turtledove 's alternate history novel `` Southern Victory : '' seems to be one of the Freedom Party Guards Chapman ."
] | [
"Dalam novel sejarah alternatif Harry Turtledove \"South Victory:'', salah satu Pengawal Parti Kebebasan kelihatannya Chapman.",
"Dalam novel sejarah alternatif Harry Turtledove \"South Victory:\" 'rupanya salah satu daripada Freedom Party Guards Chapman."
] |
"He attended 2011 training camp with the NHL 's Carolina Hurricanes , but was sent to Charlotte , then to Florida , for training camps .",
"He attended training camps with the NHL Carolina Hurricanes in 2011 , but was sent to Charlotte , then to Florida for training camps ."
] | [
"Beliau menghadiri kem latihan 2011 dengan Carolina Hurricanes NHL, tetapi dihantar ke Charlotte, kemudian ke Florida, untuk kem latihan.",
"Beliau menghadiri kem latihan dengan NHL Carolina Hurricanes pada tahun 2011, tetapi dihantar ke Charlotte, kemudian ke Florida untuk kem latihan."
] |
"Taylor grew up in Mount Duneed just outside the coastal town of Torquay in Victoria .",
"Grown up in Mount Duneed , just outside the coastal town of Torquay in Victoria , Taylor grew up ."
] | [
"Taylor dibesarkan di Mount Duneed di luar bandar pesisir Torquay di Victoria.",
"Tumbuh di Gunung Duneed, di luar bandar pesisir Torquay di Victoria, Taylor membesar."
] |
"`` The library is a dream in architectural beauty and a model in interior '' , according to a newspaper article that tells the affair .",
"`` The library is a dream in architectural beauty and a model in interior arrangement , '' according to a newspaper article recounting the affair ."
] | [
"\"Kepustakaan itu adalah mimpi dalam keindahan seni bina dan model di pedalaman '', menurut artikel akhbar yang menceritakan urusan itu.",
"\"Kepustakaan itu adalah mimpi dalam keindahan seni bina dan model dalam susunan dalaman,\" menurut artikel akhbar yang menceritakan urusan itu."
] |
"Every report that was updated in February 2011 contains data for the completed school year .",
"that was updated in February 2011 . Each report contains data for the previous completed school year. ``"
] | [
"Setiap laporan yang dikemaskini pada Februari 2011 mengandungi data untuk tahun persekolahan yang telah siap.",
"yang dikemas kini pada Februari 2011. Setiap laporan mengandungi data untuk tahun persekolahan yang telah selesai sebelumnya. \""
] |
"The mouth may be apical or ventral , with more or less prominent associated polykinetids .",
"The mouth may be apical or ventral , with more or less prominent associated polykinetides ."
] | [
"Mulut mungkin apikal atau ventral, dengan polykinetid yang berkaitan lebih kurang menonjol.",
"Mulut mungkin apikal atau ventral, dengan polykinetides yang berkaitan lebih kurang menonjol."
] |