{ "en": "Forty years on, this proposal has again been placed on the table and I am certain that it will create room for manoeuvre for the monopolies, to the detriment of Europe' s consumers.", "es": "Al cabo de cuarenta años se vuelve a poner sobre la mesa la misma propuesta, que creará un margen de maniobra -de eso estoy seguro- para la constitución de cárteles, en detrimento de los consumidores, en Europa." }
forty years on this proposal has again been placed on the table and i am certain that it will create room for manoeuvre for the monopolies to the detriment of europe s consumers
{ "en": "I consider this to be unacceptable.", "es": "¡Yo creo que esto es inaceptable!" }
i consider this to be unacceptable
{ "en": "Mr President, in this important debate on competition, I am speaking this morning with particular reference to Mr Langen' s document on the Steel Aid Code.", "es": "Señor Presidente, queridos colegas, en este importante debate sobre la competencia, esta mañana me referiré en particular al texto del Sr. Langen, relativo al código de ayudas a la siderurgia." }
mr president in this important debate on competition i am speaking this morning with particular reference to mr langen s document on the steel aid code
{ "en": "As the Court of Justice recognised in 1996, the steel industry is particularly sensitive to competition-related disturbances.", "es": "Como reconoció el Tribunal de Justicia en 1996, el sector siderúrgico es especialmente sensible a las perturbaciones de la competencia." }
as the court of justice recognised in 1996 the steel industry is particularly sensitive to competitionrelated disturbances
{ "en": "Indeed, several years ago, this was the conclusion of a report that I compiled on the strengths and weaknesses of the European steel sector.", "es": "En este sentido, elaboré hace unos años un informe relativo a los puntos fuertes y los puntos débiles de la siderurgia europea." }
indeed several years ago this was the conclusion of a report that i compiled on the strengths and weaknesses of the european steel sector
{ "en": "This is why it was justifiable to set up a system of aid to this sector with the aim of ensuring the survival of successful businesses, even if this was in contradiction of Article 4 of the ECSC Treaty.", "es": "Por ello es legítimo instaurar un sistema de ayudas a este sector para garantizar la supervivencia de empresas muy eficientes y a pesar de que existe una contradicción con el artículo 4 del Tratado de la CECA." }
this is why it was justifiable to set up a system of aid to this sector with the aim of ensuring the survival of successful businesses even if this was in contradiction of article 4 of the ecsc treaty
{ "en": "This indeed, is the aim of the sixth Steel Aid Code, but at the same time it is important to avoid any infringement of the conditions of competition and any serious disturbance of the markets, hence the importance of regulating such aid.", "es": "Ése es, en efecto, el objeto del sexto código de ayudas a la industria siderúrgica, pero al mismo tiempo, conviene evitar cualquier ataque a las condiciones de competencia y toda perturbación grave de los mercados, de ahí la importancia de reglamentar estas ayudas." }
this indeed is the aim of the sixth steel aid code but at the same time it is important to avoid any infringement of the conditions of competition and any serious disturbance of the markets hence the importance of regulating such aid
{ "en": "It is therefore necessary to continue to limit state aid for research, development, environmental protection and cases of company closure.", "es": "Por ello es necesario continuar limitando las ayudas estatales a la investigación, al desarrollo, a la protección del medio ambiente y a los casos de cierre de empresas." }
it is therefore necessary to continue to limit state aid for research development environmental protection and cases of company closure
{ "en": "In the same category of ideas, it is essential that Member States fulfil their obligation to be accountable to the Commission for the aid granted to their steel companies.", "es": "En el mismo orden de ideas, es primordial que los Estados miembros cumplan con su obligación de rendir cuenta a la Comisión de las ayudas concedidas a sus empresas siderúrgicas." }
in the same category of ideas it is essential that member states fulfil their obligation to be accountable to the commission for the aid granted to their steel companies
{ "en": "The Commission suggests shorter deadlines.", "es": "La Comisión sugiere plazos más cortos." }
the commission suggests shorter deadlines
{ "en": "I agree with this request.", "es": "Apruebo esta petición." }
i agree with this request
{ "en": "Like the rapporteur, while I am pleased with the Commission report, nonetheless I deplore the fact that it does not cover all aspects of the aid.", "es": "Al igual que el ponente, aunque me felicito del informe de la Comisión, deploro, sin embargo, que éste no contemple todos los aspectos de las ayudas." }
like the rapporteur while i am pleased with the commission report nonetheless i deplore the fact that it does not cover all aspects of the aid
{ "en": "Although the Steel Aid Code is expressed in a very clear way, the Commission has authorised granting steel companies aid which is not covered by the categories stipulated by the Code.", "es": "A pesar de que el código de ayudas a la siderurgia se ha formulado de una manera muy clara, la Comisión ha autorizado la concesión de ayudas a empresas siderúrgicas que no pertenecen a las categorías previstas en el código." }
although the steel aid code is expressed in a very clear way the commission has authorised granting steel companies aid which is not covered by the categories stipulated by the code
{ "en": "In the interests of equality, either the Code must be applied or it must be modified.", "es": "Por el bien de la igualdad, hay que aplicar el código o hay que modificarlo." }
in the interests of equality either the code must be applied or it must be modified
{ "en": "Finally, and in conclusion, Mr President, with the expiry of the ECSC Treaty, the regulations will have to be reviewed since I think that the aid system will have to continue beyond 2002, and in that case I am in favour of a Council regulation which will ensure security in this area.", "es": "Por último y para terminar, señor Presidente, a raíz de la expiración del Tratado de la CECA, será necesario revisar las normas, porque creo que el sistema de ayudas deberá perdurar más allá del 2002 y por ello estoy a favor de un reglamento del Consejo que garantice la seguridad en este ámbito." }
finally and in conclusion mr president with the expiry of the ecsc treaty the regulations will have to be reviewed since i think that the aid system will have to continue beyond 2002 and in that case i am in favour of a council regulation which will ensure security in this area
{ "en": "We therefore await, and I await, the European Commission' s proposals on this matter.", "es": "Esperamos pues y espero propuestas de la Comisión Europea en este sentido." }
we therefore await and i await the european commission s proposals on this matter
{ "en": "Mr President, I am also going to refer to the report by Mr Langen, which concerns aid to the steel industry.", "es": "Señor Presidente, me voy a referir yo también al informe del Sr. Langen sobre las ayudas a la siderurgia." }
mr president i am also going to refer to the report by mr langen which concerns aid to the steel industry
{ "en": "I agree with the rapporteur on two issues.", "es": "Estoy de acuerdo con el ponente en dos cuestiones." }
i agree with the rapporteur on two issues
{ "en": "Firstly, I agree on the need to guarantee equal conditions for aid to all Member States and, secondly, on the need for transparency with regard to this aid.", "es": "En primer lugar, en la necesidad de garantizar condiciones iguales de ayuda a todos los Estados miembros y, en segundo lugar, en la transparencia de esas ayudas." }
firstly i agree on the need to guarantee equal conditions for aid to all member states and secondly on the need for transparency with regard to this aid
{ "en": "We agree with the rapporteur regarding his criticism of the fact that, despite the rules laid down in the sixth Steel Aid Code, the Commission has frequently authorised aid to companies which do not correspond to the categories in that Code.", "es": "Criticamos, con el ponente, que, a pesar de las normas que emanan de ese Sexto código de ayudas a la siderurgia, la Comisión haya autorizado frecuentemente ayudas a empresas que no se corresponden con las categorías del código." }
we agree with the rapporteur regarding his criticism of the fact that despite the rules laid down in the sixth steel aid code the commission has frequently authorised aid to companies which do not correspond to the categories in that code
{ "en": "However, the thing that worries us most, Mr President, is the decrease in prices, by 30%, owing to imports.", "es": "En todo caso, lo que más nos preocupa, señor Presidente, es la disminución de los precios en un 30% debido a las importaciones." }
however the thing that worries us most mr president is the decrease in prices by 30 owing to imports
{ "en": "The reason for this decrease is unfair competition from South Korea and Taiwan, in the case of steel, as a result of their different working conditions and conditions governing aid.", "es": "La razón de esa disminución de los precios es la competencia desleal de Corea del Sur y de Taiwán, en el caso de la siderurgia, por sus condiciones laborales y de ayudas diferentes." }
the reason for this decrease is unfair competition from south korea and taiwan in the case of steel as a result of their different working conditions and conditions governing aid
{ "en": "Orders in the steel industry and the ship-building industry - we also spoke about this a while ago - have decreased drastically, resulting in a loss of jobs.", "es": "Los pedidos de la siderurgia y del sector naval -de este tema también hablamos hace poco- han disminuido drásticamente, con la subsiguiente pérdida de empleo." }
orders in the steel industry and the shipbuilding industry we also spoke about this a while ago have decreased drastically resulting in a loss of jobs
{ "en": "I live in a region where the ship-building industry now has very serious problems: Asturias.", "es": "Yo vivo en una región en la que el sector naval ahora mismo tiene muy serios problemas: Asturias." }
i live in a region where the shipbuilding industry now has very serious problems asturias
{ "en": "With global markets, we need global employment laws and global subsidies.", "es": "Con mercados de alcance mundial, serían necesarias normas laborales de alcance mundial y ayudas de alcance mundial." }
with global markets we need global employment laws and global subsidies
{ "en": "I know this is difficult to achieve now, but if we do not achieve fair employment laws for all workers, here and elsewhere, and we do not secure equitable subsidies for all countries, here and elsewhere, it will be difficult to preserve jobs in Europe and outside it.", "es": "Sé que es difícil conseguirlo ahora, pero si no conseguimos normas laborales justas para todos los trabajadores, allá y acá, y no conseguimos también ayudas justas para todos los países, acá y allá, será muy difícil mantener el empleo, en Europa y allá." }
i know this is difficult to achieve now but if we do not achieve fair employment laws for all workers here and elsewhere and we do not secure equitable subsidies for all countries here and elsewhere it will be difficult to preserve jobs in europe and outside it
{ "en": "Mr President, Commissioner, Director-General, I would particularly like to emphasise the following in relation to the von Wogau report: I welcome the Commission' s open-minded endeavours to initiate debate on the hitherto strict procedural rules, and to propose practical reform measures.", "es": "Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, señor Director General, Señorías, en primer lugar yo quisiera manifestar lo siguiente en relación con el informe von Wogau. Los esfuerzos de la Comisión para abrir un proceso de discusión y proponer medidas de reforma concretas, haciendo tabla rasa de las férreas normas de procedimiento hasta ahora vigentes, son muy de agradecer." }
mr president commissioner directorgeneral i would particularly like to emphasise the following in relation to the von wogau report i welcome the commission s openminded endeavours to initiate debate on the hitherto strict procedural rules and to propose practical reform measures
{ "en": "I congratulate the rapporteur Karl von Wogau, who takes up the theme but also makes quite plain his demand for clarification, indicates the accompanying measures that need to be taken, and pulls no punches when it comes to the problems currently under discussion.", "es": "Yo felicito al ponente Karl von Wogau, que ha recogido la propuesta, pero a la vez también pide aclaraciones muy concretas, apunta algunas medidas complementarias necesarias y señala críticamente por su nombre los problemas que actualmente se articulan en torno a esta cuestión." }
i congratulate the rapporteur karl von wogau who takes up the theme but also makes quite plain his demand for clarification indicates the accompanying measures that need to be taken and pulls no punches when it comes to the problems currently under discussion
{ "en": "The White Paper and the report are contributions made at the beginning of a necessary process of reflection, discussion, and reform which has yet to be concluded because there are still a few questions posed by ourselves, the judiciary, the Member States, and above all the SMEs concerned, that need to be clarified.", "es": "El Libro Blanco y el informe son aportaciones iniciales en el marco de un proceso necesario de reflexión, debate y reforma que aun no está cerrado, puesto que todavía quedan diversas cuestiones pendientes que deberemos aclarar juntamente con los jueces, los Estados miembros y, sobre todo, las PYME afectadas." }
the white paper and the report are contributions made at the beginning of a necessary process of reflection discussion and reform which has yet to be concluded because there are still a few questions posed by ourselves the judiciary the member states and above all the smes concerned that need to be clarified
{ "en": "Competition policy must continue to be accorded central importance and will not be renationalised because this would jeopardise the internal market and Europe as a business location in a global economy.", "es": "La política de competencia se debe seguir decidiendo de manera centralizada y no se debe renacionalizar, lo cual pondría en peligro el Mercado Único y la posición de Europa como espacio económico en el marco de una economía mundial global." }
competition policy must continue to be accorded central importance and will not be renationalised because this would jeopardise the internal market and europe as a business location in a global economy
{ "en": "However, it must be \"europeanised\" taking into account the principle of subsidiarity.", "es": "Sin embargo, su europeización debe seguir el enfoque de la subsidiariedad." }
however it must be europeanised taking into account the principle of subsidiarity
{ "en": "I also welcome, therefore, the fact that responsibility is to fall to the individual, without the Commission giving up any of its responsibility.", "es": "Yo también me congratulo, por lo tanto, de que la responsabilidad recaiga sobre cada actor individual, sin que esto suponga que la Comisión abdique de su responsabilidad." }
i also welcome therefore the fact that responsibility is to fall to the individual without the commission giving up any of its responsibility
{ "en": "In practice, only 9 cases were rejected, 94% of the cases that the Commission had to process were not dealt with formally but by means of unpublished, non-legally binding administrative communications or on account of the expiry of deadlines, which clearly shows that the work of the Commission is subject to time-related, staffing and financial limitations in this age of globalisation and EU enlargement", "es": "Las experiencias en la práctica -sólo se denegaron nueve solicitudes y un 94% de los casos que examinó la Comisión no se resolvieron formalmente, sino sólo por la vía de una carta administrativa legalmente no vinculante y que no se hizo pública, o sencillamente por prescripción del plazo- indican claramente que en la era de la globalización y la ampliación de la UE el trabajo de la Comisión topa con unas limitaciones de tiempo, de personal y financieras." }
in practice only 9 cases were rejected 94 of the cases that the commission had to process were not dealt with formally but by means of unpublished nonlegally binding administrative communications or on account of the expiry of deadlines which clearly shows that the work of the commission is subject to timerelated staffing and financial limitations in this age of globalisation and eu enlargement
{ "en": "To conclude, I would like to tell you what I am expecting from this reform: fair competition and equal competition conditions, legal certainty for all enterprises, consistent application of competition policy, procedural simplification according to the principle of the one-stop-shop, coordination of the national - and to me, independent - competition authorities, close cooperation between the national authorities and courts and the Commission, along with a clear distribution of competences between national authorities and courts in the application of European competition and monopolies law, and I expect the Commission to concentrate on what is most crucial in the fulfilment of its tasks as the supreme guardian of the European competition policies.", "es": "Para acabar, quisiera señalar lo que espero de esta reforma: una competencia equitativa y acceso a la misma en igualdad de condiciones, seguridad jurídica para todas las empresas, aplicación unificada de la política de competencia, una simplificación del procedimiento según el principio de la \"ventanilla única\" , coordinación de las autoridades nacionales competentes en materia de competencia, que yo creo que deben ser independientes, una estrecha coordinación entre las autoridades y los tribunales nacionales y la Comisión, así como una clara división de competencias entre las autoridades y los tribunales nacionales en cuanto a la aplicación del Derecho de competencia y antimonopolista europeo; y por parte de la Comisión, espero que se concentre en lo esencial, en cumplimiento de su cometido de guardiana máxima de las políticas de competencia europeas." }
to conclude i would like to tell you what i am expecting from this reform fair competition and equal competition conditions legal certainty for all enterprises consistent application of competition policy procedural simplification according to the principle of the onestopshop coordination of the national and to me independent competition authorities close cooperation between the national authorities and courts and the commission along with a clear distribution of competences between national authorities and courts in the application of european competition and monopolies law and i expect the commission to concentrate on what is most crucial in the fulfilment of its tasks as the supreme guardian of the european competition policies
{ "en": "I am in suspense as to how the discussions, which were broadly based, will be incorporated in the first legislative proposal.", "es": "Por mi parte, aguardo con expectación la forma en la que se acabarán plasmando en una propuesta legislativa los debates que se están desarrollando en amplia escala." }
i am in suspense as to how the discussions which were broadly based will be incorporated in the first legislative proposal
{ "en": "The Commission report confirms that, with the exception of Germany, state aid to businesses is increasing.", "es": "El informe de la Comisión confirma que, excepto en Alemania, las ayudas estatales a las empresas van en aumento." }
the commission report confirms that with the exception of germany state aid to businesses is increasing
{ "en": "The Commission finds this worrying only from the point of view of the conditions of competition.", "es": "Es algo que no preocupa a la Comisión desde el punto de vista de las condiciones de competencia." }
the commission finds this worrying only from the point of view of the conditions of competition
{ "en": "As far as we are concerned, we look at things from the point of view of the interests of the working classes.", "es": "Por nuestra parte, nos situamos en la perspectiva del interés de las clases trabajadoras." }
as far as we are concerned we look at things from the point of view of the interests of the working classes
{ "en": "Society gains nothing from these massive transfers of public funds to private business.", "es": "La sociedad no gana nada con estas enormes transferencias de fondos públicos a empresas privadas." }
society gains nothing from these massive transfers of public funds to private business
{ "en": "Take, for example, the car manufacturing sector, where subsidies and state aid of various sorts have increased by 24% during the reference period.", "es": "Contemplemos el automóvil, sector en el que las subvenciones y ayudas diversas de los Estados aumentaron en un 24% durante el período de referencia." }
take for example the car manufacturing sector where subsidies and state aid of various sorts have increased by 24 during the reference period
{ "en": "With what aim?", "es": "¿Con qué fin?" }
with what aim
{ "en": "Not to save jobs.", "es": "No es para preservar los puestos de trabajo." }
not to save jobs
{ "en": "All these firms have gone ahead with job cuts and even redundancies.", "es": "Todas estas empresas han procedido a la supresión de empleo e incluso a los despidos." }
all these firms have gone ahead with job cuts and even redundancies
{ "en": "Not to improve working conditions, for in increasing production with fewer workers, working conditions are made worse.", "es": "No es para mejorar las condiciones de trabajo, porque en el intento de producir más con menos obreros, se agravan las condiciones de trabajo." }
not to improve working conditions for in increasing production with fewer workers working conditions are made worse
{ "en": "Did these firms need state aid to survive?", "es": "¿Necesitaban estas empresas ayudas estatales para sobrevivir?" }
did these firms need state aid to survive
{ "en": "No, car manufacturers have been making colossal profits for years.", "es": "No, las empresas de automóviles obtienen beneficios colosales desde hace años." }
no car manufacturers have been making colossal profits for years
{ "en": "State aid is not only counterproductive because, as the Jonckheer report acknowledges, it gives rise to subsidy hunting with firms relocating from one country to another, but it is unacceptable because it allocates public monies to the enrichment of a handful of private shareholders.", "es": "Las ayudas estatales no sólo son perversas, porque como reconoce el informe Jonckheer, dan lugar a la caza de subvenciones a través de las deslocalizaciones de un país a otro, además son inaceptables, porque destinan el dinero público al enriquecimiento de un puñado de accionistas particulares." }
state aid is not only counterproductive because as the jonckheer report acknowledges it gives rise to subsidy hunting with firms relocating from one country to another but it is unacceptable because it allocates public monies to the enrichment of a handful of private shareholders
{ "en": "It is because the richest people are being favoured everywhere with state money that throughout Europe social protection is being reduced, public services are being abandoned, hospitals are being closed.", "es": "Precisamente porque en todos lados se favorece a los más ricos con dinero del Estado, en toda Europa se está reduciendo la protección social, se están abandonando los servicios públicos y cerrando hospitales." }
it is because the richest people are being favoured everywhere with state money that throughout europe social protection is being reduced public services are being abandoned hospitals are being closed
{ "en": "In voting against the Jonckheer report, I wish to assert the need for another policy, to wit, ceasing all aid to private firms and utilising the money thereby saved to develop public services and recruit staff.", "es": "El significado de mi voto en contra del informe Jonckheer es el de reafirmar la necesidad de una política distinta, es decir, la necesidad de poner fin a todas las ayudas a las empresas privadas y destinar los fondos públicos economizados gracias a esta medida al desarrollo de los servicios públicos y a la contratación de personal." }
in voting against the jonckheer report i wish to assert the need for another policy to wit ceasing all aid to private firms and utilising the money thereby saved to develop public services and recruit staff
{ "en": "Mr President, today' s debate is extremely important because the principle of competition has probably been the cornerstone of the internal market.", "es": "Señor Presidente, el debate que hoy abordamos es extraordinariamente importante porque el principio de competencia ha sido probablemente la piedra angular del mercado interior." }
mr president today s debate is extremely important because the principle of competition has probably been the cornerstone of the internal market
{ "en": "In accordance with the principle of competition, the legislation has implemented Articles 85 to 94, competition policy in the strict sense, and the revision of all state aid and tax provisions which may affect competition.", "es": "En aplicación del principio de competencia, el ordenamiento ha desarrollado los artículos 85 a 94, la política de competencia propiamente dicha, la revisión de todas aquellas ayudas estatales y las disposiciones fiscales que pudiesen alterar la competencia." }
in accordance with the principle of competition the legislation has implemented articles 85 to 94 competition policy in the strict sense and the revision of all state aid and tax provisions which may affect competition
{ "en": "Firstly, fiscal provisions of an indirect nature and recently, thanks to Commissioner Monti, there have been direct provisions, the code of good conduct in particular.", "es": "Primero, las disposiciones fiscales de carácter indirecto; recientemente, gracias al Comisario Monti, las disposiciones directas, y muy especialmente el código de buena conducta." }
firstly fiscal provisions of an indirect nature and recently thanks to commissioner monti there have been direct provisions the code of good conduct in particular
{ "en": "This has worked fairly well, but, as in the famous film Casablanca 'time goes by' and we must adapt the legislation we have been applying until now to the new circumstances.", "es": "Esto ha funcionado bastante bien pero, como en la famosa película Casablanca, el tiempo pasa y es necesario adaptar el ordenamiento que hasta ahora hemos aplicado a las nuevas circunstancias." }
this has worked fairly well but as in the famous film casablanca time goes by and we must adapt the legislation we have been applying until now to the new circumstances
{ "en": "In this respect I have observed a significant consensus in all the interventions.", "es": "En este sentido he observado un consenso importante en todas las intervenciones." }
in this respect i have observed a significant consensus in all the interventions
{ "en": "Firstly, it is necessary, in drawing up the legislation, to produce clear and complete rules.", "es": "Primero, es necesario que, en el diseño del ordenamiento, se conciban normas claras y completas." }
firstly it is necessary in drawing up the legislation to produce clear and complete rules
{ "en": "It is probably horrendous, especially in this particular raft of legislation, that there are confused rules, regulatory vacuums and rules that only lay down undefined legal concepts.", "es": "Probablemente en esta parcela del ordenamiento es más repugnante que en otras la existencia de normas confusas, de vacíos normativos o de normas que sólo consagren conceptos jurídicos indeterminados." }
it is probably horrendous especially in this particular raft of legislation that there are confused rules regulatory vacuums and rules that only lay down undefined legal concepts
{ "en": "This is all the worse - as is the case with the second part of this reform - when responsibility for implementing the legislation lies with national authorities.", "es": "Mucho más -como es el caso en la segunda parte de esta reforma- cuando la aplicación del ordenamiento se encomienda a las autoridades nacionales." }
this is all the worse as is the case with the second part of this reform when responsibility for implementing the legislation lies with national authorities
{ "en": "Thirdly, it seems to me important that the Commission should play a role in resisting the temptation to create independent agencies which would distort the very essence of the Commission, in order to guarantee uniform application by international bodies.", "es": "En tercer lugar, me parece importante el papel que la Comisión tiene que desempeñar, contra la tentación de crear agencias independientes que desnaturalizarían la misma esencia de la Comisión, para garantizar una aplicación uniforme por los organismos internacionales." }
thirdly it seems to me important that the commission should play a role in resisting the temptation to create independent agencies which would distort the very essence of the commission in order to guarantee uniform application by international bodies
{ "en": "Fourthly, and lastly - and this has already been mentioned - the international legal order has changed.", "es": "En cuarto y último lugar -y ya se ha aludido a ello-, el orden jurídico internacional ha cambiado." }
fourthly and lastly and this has already been mentioned the international legal order has changed
{ "en": "We have seen this in the aborted Seattle Conference and we are now seeing it in the bilateral conferences with different regions or countries of the world.", "es": "Lo hemos visto en la abortada Conferencia de Seattle y lo estamos viendo en las conferencias bilaterales con distintas regiones o países del mundo." }
we have seen this in the aborted seattle conference and we are now seeing it in the bilateral conferences with different regions or countries of the world
{ "en": "The principle of competition must now be universal in its application.", "es": "El principio de competencia debe tener ya aplicación universal." }
the principle of competition must now be universal in its application
{ "en": "We must monitor compliance with environmental standards, employment standards, in order to prevent dumping in this area, and we must ensure scrupulous respect for property rights and the revision of state aid, which in many industries - as has already been said - distorts competition and destroys jobs within our own territory. To sum up, we should apply similar conditions that will prevent aid, internal distortions by other countries, from being transferred to the international arena, in other words, through trickery.", "es": "Y debemos vigilar por que se cumplan los estándares medioambientales, los estándares laborales, para evitar el dumping en este terreno, por que se respeten escrupulosamente los derechos de propiedad, que se revisen las ayudas estatales, que -como se ha dicho aquí- en muchos sectores distorsionan la competencia y destruyen empleo dentro de nuestra propia casa y, en definitiva, por que se apliquen condiciones similares que impidan que las ayudas, las distorsiones internas de otros países se trasladen al terreno internacional mediante trampas en definitiva." }
we must monitor compliance with environmental standards employment standards in order to prevent dumping in this area and we must ensure scrupulous respect for property rights and the revision of state aid which in many industries as has already been said distorts competition and destroys jobs within our own territory to sum up we should apply similar conditions that will prevent aid internal distortions by other countries from being transferred to the international arena in other words through trickery
{ "en": "Mr President, Commissioner Monti, there is much that is good in Mr Jonckheer' s report on state aid for manufacturing industry and certain other sectors.", "es": "Señor Presidente, estimado Comisario, señor Monti, en el informe del Sr. Jonckheer sobre las ayudas estatales a la siderurgia y a otros sectores hay muchas cosas buenas." }
mr president commissioner monti there is much that is good in mr jonckheer s report on state aid for manufacturing industry and certain other sectors
{ "en": "First of all the report reveals Parliament' s single-minded determination to reduce state aid to ensure that the internal market functions flawlessly.", "es": "En primer lugar, en dicho informe se refleja la determinación del Parlamento a reducir sistemáticamente las ayudas estatales para garantizar el perfecto funcionamiento del mercado interior." }
first of all the report reveals parliament s singleminded determination to reduce state aid to ensure that the internal market functions flawlessly
{ "en": "Many of the report' s conclusions, however, are cause for concern, at least for our group.", "es": "Sin embargo, muchas de las conclusiones del informe causan grave preocupación, al menos en el ámbito de nuestro Grupo." }
many of the report s conclusions however are cause for concern at least for our group
{ "en": "For example, the fact that the amount and level of state aid calculated on a per capita basis vary considerably from Member State to Member State reveals the need for surveys such as this.", "es": "Por ejemplo, el hecho de que el nivel y el importe de las ayudas estatales por habitante varíen considerablemente en los diferentes Estados miembros es una prueba de la necesidad de este tipo de estudios globales." }
for example the fact that the amount and level of state aid calculated on a per capita basis vary considerably from member state to member state reveals the need for surveys such as this
{ "en": "Aid that is based on the self-seeking ambitions of a nation gives companies unfair advantages, thus distorting competition and leading to an ineffective, uneconomic division of Europe' s meagre resources.", "es": "Las ayudas derivadas de intereses nacionales egoístas conceden ventajas desleales a las empresas, y ello distorsiona la competencia y conduce, desde el punto de vista de toda Europa, a un reparto ineficaz y poco rentable de los escasos recursos financieros." }
aid that is based on the selfseeking ambitions of a nation gives companies unfair advantages thus distorting competition and leading to an ineffective uneconomic division of europe s meagre resources
{ "en": "The form the aid takes is important.", "es": "Tampoco da exactamente igual el tipo de ayuda que se asigne." }
the form the aid takes is important
{ "en": "Forms of state aid that require an effort from the beneficiary are to be supported.", "es": "Deben ser preferenciales las ayudas estatales que exijan esfuerzos a los beneficiarios de las mismas." }
forms of state aid that require an effort from the beneficiary are to be supported
{ "en": "For example, state guarantees, on which the Commission has just publicised its position, must naturally be considered state aid, but they are, in my opinion, a better option than granting aid directly to companies.", "es": "Por ejemplo, las garantías del Estado, sobre las cuales la Comisión acaba de dar a conocer su posición, deben ser consideradas, obviamente, como ayudas estatales, pero se trata, a mi juicio, de una alternativa mejor que las ayudas concedidas directamente a las empresas." }
for example state guarantees on which the commission has just publicised its position must naturally be considered state aid but they are in my opinion a better option than granting aid directly to companies
{ "en": "The report on competition policy further stresses the Commission' s confidence in hard and fast rules instead of putting the emphasis on economic arguments regarding efficiency, which affects competitiveness.", "es": "El informe sobre la política de competencia sigue destacando la confianza de la Comisión en un firme intervencionismo, en lugar de concentrarse en los argumentos de rentabilidad económica que influyen en la competitividad." }
the report on competition policy further stresses the commission s confidence in hard and fast rules instead of putting the emphasis on economic arguments regarding efficiency which affects competitiveness
{ "en": "The European economy will never achieve the level of competitiveness desired if we do not show we trust in the markets.", "es": "La economía europea nunca alcanzará la competitividad deseada, si no demostramos nuestra confianza en el funcionamiento de los mercados." }
the european economy will never achieve the level of competitiveness desired if we do not show we trust in the markets
{ "en": "If competition policy is to be made subordinate to the aims of social and environmental policy, real efficiency and economic growth will remain just a dream.", "es": "Si supeditamos la política de competencia a los objetivos de la política social y de la política medioambiental, la eficacia real y el crecimiento económico no pasarán de ser un sueño." }
if competition policy is to be made subordinate to the aims of social and environmental policy real efficiency and economic growth will remain just a dream
{ "en": "Competition policy has to be seen as part of the whole of the economy and it must be assessed with reference to trade policy and non-material rights: we should not just be emphasising its social dimension.", "es": "Hay que considerar la política de competencia como parte del conjunto de la economía y debe ser evaluada, por ejemplo, en relación con la política comercial y los derechos de propiedad intelectual, y no limitarnos a subrayar la dimensión social." }
competition policy has to be seen as part of the whole of the economy and it must be assessed with reference to trade policy and nonmaterial rights we should not just be emphasising its social dimension
{ "en": "The aims of social policy can be best realised through stronger economic growth, not by making compromises with regard to decisions on competition policy.", "es": "Como mejor pueden alcanzarse los objetivos sociales es a través del crecimiento económico, y no con compromisos en las decisiones en materia de política de competencia." }
the aims of social policy can be best realised through stronger economic growth not by making compromises with regard to decisions on competition policy
{ "en": "Mr Rapkay' s report also emphasises the importance of the international dimension with regard to competition law.", "es": "En el informe del Sr. Rapkey se hace también hincapié en la dimensión internacional del derecho de competencia." }
mr rapkay s report also emphasises the importance of the international dimension with regard to competition law
{ "en": "In my opinion, it would be good if we could achieve consensus at the international level regarding certain basic principles of competition law.", "es": "En mi opinión, sería bueno que se llegara a un acuerdo a nivel internacional sobre determinados principios básicos del derecho de competencia." }
in my opinion it would be good if we could achieve consensus at the international level regarding certain basic principles of competition law
{ "en": "Aiming instead at harmonised minimum standards will easily lead to a situation where we leap over the lowest hurdle and end up with the lowest common denominator, which will water down all the aims of competition policy.", "es": "En cambio, la aspiración de establecer normas mínimas uniformes conduce fácilmente a elegir el camino más llano y desembocaríamos en el denominador común más bajo, lo cual aguaría todos los objetivos de la política de competencia." }
aiming instead at harmonised minimum standards will easily lead to a situation where we leap over the lowest hurdle and end up with the lowest common denominator which will water down all the aims of competition policy
{ "en": "Mr President, Mr Monti, the reform of competition rules calls for a commitment by the European Union, not only in the light and as a consequence of changes which have taken place through the years, but also with a forward-looking view to the Union' s enlargement.", "es": "Señor Presidente, señor Comisario Monti, considero que la modernización de la normativa de la competencia debe ser un compromiso para la Unión Europea, no solo a la vista y como consecuencia de los cambios registrados en estos años, sino también en previsión de la ampliación de la Unión." }
mr president mr monti the reform of competition rules calls for a commitment by the european union not only in the light and as a consequence of changes which have taken place through the years but also with a forwardlooking view to the union s enlargement
{ "en": "I would like to thank the rapporteur, Mr von Wogau, for his commitment and I welcome his thoughts.", "es": "Agradezco al ponente, Sr. Karl von Wogau, el esfuerzo realizado y aprecio sus reflexiones." }
i would like to thank the rapporteur mr von wogau for his commitment and i welcome his thoughts
{ "en": "Moreover, I would like to say that I appreciate the remarks and observations that Professor Tesauro, Chairman of the Italian Competition Authority, sent me, and which I am sure Mr Monti will take into due account with a strong sense of collaboration.", "es": "Valoro asimismo las consideraciones y las observaciones que me ha remitido el profesor Tesauro, presidente de la Autoridad italiana, que seguramente el profesor Monti con gran espíritu de colaboración tendrá en debida cuenta." }
moreover i would like to say that i appreciate the remarks and observations that professor tesauro chairman of the italian competition authority sent me and which i am sure mr monti will take into due account with a strong sense of collaboration
{ "en": "Our real concern is undoubtedly to initiate further liberalisation of the market, and, above all, to achieve consistency between the different national markets. As things stand, there are considerable differences between them which come to the fore if we compare the English, Italian and French markets.", "es": "No cabe duda de que el verdadero problema que tenemos es poner en marcha una mayor liberalización del mercado y, sobre todo, convertir en uniformes los distintos mercados nacionales que, hoy por hoy, presentan fuertes diferencias que resultan evidentes si se comparan los mercados inglés, italiano y francés." }
our real concern is undoubtedly to initiate further liberalisation of the market and above all to achieve consistency between the different national markets as things stand there are considerable differences between them which come to the fore if we compare the english italian and french markets
{ "en": "There is a large degree of state protectionism in the French market which is not found in the English market and is only present to an extremely limited extent in Italy.", "es": "En este último hay fuertes elementos de proteccionismo estatal que no existen en el inglés y que son muy limitados en Italia." }
there is a large degree of state protectionism in the french market which is not found in the english market and is only present to an extremely limited extent in italy
{ "en": "Another issue concerns the economies of countries involved in enlargement, which may run the risk of remaining assisted economies for ever more if provision is not made for gradual adjustment.", "es": "Otro problema lo plantean las economías de los países implicados en la ampliación que están expuestas al riesgo de quedarse en economías asistidas en el caso de que no se prevea una adaptación gradual." }
another issue concerns the economies of countries involved in enlargement which may run the risk of remaining assisted economies for ever more if provision is not made for gradual adjustment
{ "en": "In my opinion, we should also create a threshold below which two significant components which characterise our economic structure should be placed: small and medium-sized businesses, which bind the European economy together, and social protection, which Europe has always guaranteed to the weakest parts of the economy.", "es": "A mi juicio, sería necesario crear un umbral por debajo del cual se deberían incorporar dos aspectos significativos que caracterizan nuestro tejido económico: las pequeñas y medianas empresas que representan el elemento de conjunción del universo económico europeo, y la protección social que Europa ha garantizado siempre a las capas económicas menos favorecidas." }
in my opinion we should also create a threshold below which two significant components which characterise our economic structure should be placed small and mediumsized businesses which bind the european economy together and social protection which europe has always guaranteed to the weakest parts of the economy
{ "en": "Safeguarding the social function of the market is what makes the difference between free trade, pure and simple, and a system for improving people' s quality of life.", "es": "La protección de la función social del mercado constituye la diferencia entre el liberalismo a secas y un sistema que esté en función de la mejora de la calidad de vida de la persona." }
safeguarding the social function of the market is what makes the difference between free trade pure and simple and a system for improving people s quality of life
{ "en": "A point to consider regarding the new rules concerns the economy of the outermost regions and islands, all of which must be protected.", "es": "Un aspecto que hay que considerar en la nueva normativa es la economía de las regiones ultraperiféricas e insulares que debe protegerse." }
a point to consider regarding the new rules concerns the economy of the outermost regions and islands all of which must be protected
{ "en": "We ought therefore to consider creating two focal points of an external market by instigating profitable relations with Russia and the Mediterranean countries, precisely so that their economies become less peripheral.", "es": "Por lo tanto, estimo que sería oportuno pensar en la creación de dos frentes de un mercado exterior estableciendo una proficua relación con Rusia y con los países del Mediterráneo, al objeto de convertir en menos periféricas las economías." }
we ought therefore to consider creating two focal points of an external market by instigating profitable relations with russia and the mediterranean countries precisely so that their economies become less peripheral
{ "en": "I hope - and I thank Mr Monti for this - that the new rules will reflect as many aspects of economic policy as possible and that their social function will be guaranteed.", "es": "Espero -y en este sentido le doy las gracias al profesor Monti- que se dé a la nueva normativa un corte lo más amplio posible desde el punto de vista de la política económica y que se garantice su función social." }
i hope and i thank mr monti for this that the new rules will reflect as many aspects of economic policy as possible and that their social function will be guaranteed
{ "en": "Mr President, competition is at the heart of the European internal market policy and is also its driving force.", "es": "Presidente, la competencia es el corazón y la fuerza de la política europea del mercado interior." }
mr president competition is at the heart of the european internal market policy and is also its driving force
{ "en": "A free and open market can only exist by the grace of competition, marked by clear, uniform rules.", "es": "Un mercado libre y abierto sólo puede existir gracias a una competencia que esté limitada por reglas de juego claras y uniformes." }
a free and open market can only exist by the grace of competition marked by clear uniform rules
{ "en": "In his report, Karl von Wogau manages to capture this very well.", "es": "Karl von Wogau lo expresa muy bien en su informe." }
in his report karl von wogau manages to capture this very well
{ "en": "But Europe is changing.", "es": "Pero Europa cambia." }
but europe is changing
{ "en": "The economies are growing, we are enlarging to 25-30 Member States.", "es": "Las economías crecen y nos ampliaremos hasta ser entre 25 y 30 Estados miembros." }
the economies are growing we are enlarging to 2530 member states
{ "en": "The European Commission will become overburdened if it pursues its current policy.", "es": "La Comisión Europea quedará saturada si se continúa la política actual." }
the european commission will become overburdened if it pursues its current policy
{ "en": "It is therefore necessary to modernise competition policy.", "es": "Por ello la modernización de la política de la competencia se hace imprescindible." }
it is therefore necessary to modernise competition policy
{ "en": "This is not in question.", "es": "No hay discusión sobre este punto." }
this is not in question
{ "en": "Having said this, I still have concerns about the proposed decentralisation.", "es": "Habiendo dicho esto, me sigue preocupando la descentralización propuesta." }
having said this i still have concerns about the proposed decentralisation
{ "en": "How will the Commission, as keeper of the Treaties, guarantee that decisions are taken uniformly in matters of competition in London, Palermo, Helsinki and, soon, Budapest and Ankara?", "es": "¿Cómo va a garantizar la Comisión, como guardiana de los Tratados, que se decida de manera uniforme en cuestiones de competencia en Londres, Palermo, Helsinki y después en Budapest y Ankara?" }
how will the commission as keeper of the treaties guarantee that decisions are taken uniformly in matters of competition in london palermo helsinki and soon budapest and ankara
{ "en": "This is necessary if legal inequality is to be prevented, and issues of competition will gravitate towards the court where the most lenient judgements are given.", "es": "Eso es necesario para evitar una desigualdad jurídica y que se produzca un flujo de expedientes en materia de competencia al tribunal donde se falle de forma más indulgente." }
this is necessary if legal inequality is to be prevented and issues of competition will gravitate towards the court where the most lenient judgements are given