{ "en": "Mr President, I want to concentrate on the issue of corpus juris.", "es": "Se帽or Presidente, quiero centrarme en la cuesti贸n del corpus juris." }
mr president i want to concentrate on the issue of corpus juris
{ "en": "I would very much like to support what Mrs Morgan said on this issue.", "es": "Quisiera apoyar lo que la Sra. Morgan ha dicho sobre esta cuesti贸n." }
i would very much like to support what mrs morgan said on this issue
{ "en": "Corpus juris is something that was set up without any kind of public debate or public participation.", "es": "Corpus juris es algo que fue creado sin ning煤n tipo de debate o participaci贸n p煤blicos." }
corpus juris is something that was set up without any kind of public debate or public participation
{ "en": "The idea of a European Public Prosecutor on the continental inquisitorial model with overriding jurisdiction throughout EU territories would have a major impact on the traditional systems both in Ireland and the UK.", "es": "La idea de un ministerio fiscal europeo a partir del modelo inquisitorial continental con jurisdicci贸n absoluta en todos los territorios de la UE tendr铆a repercusiones importantes en los sistemas tradicionales de Irlanda y del Reino Unido." }
the idea of a european public prosecutor on the continental inquisitorial model with overriding jurisdiction throughout eu territories would have a major impact on the traditional systems both in ireland and the uk
{ "en": "The idea of a single criminal code and the European Public Prosecutor is something which Member States have a right to be informed about.", "es": "La idea de un 煤nico c贸digo penal y del ministerio fiscal europeo es algo sobre lo que los Estados miembros tienen derecho a estar informados." }
the idea of a single criminal code and the european public prosecutor is something which member states have a right to be informed about
{ "en": "Indeed when the plan was initially drawn up they said it would be restricted to cases of fraud against the EU budget.", "es": "De hecho, cuando se redact贸 el plan en un principio, se dijo que se limitar铆a a los casos de fraude contra el presupuesto de la UE." }
indeed when the plan was initially drawn up they said it would be restricted to cases of fraud against the eu budget
{ "en": "But when corpus juris was actually launched in 1977 in San Sebastian - to a very select audience of 140 jurists, with no media invited - the President of the European Parliament at the time, Mr Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado, said that he considered it embryonic and that the intention was to extend EU competence in criminal matters to all areas of criminal activity.", "es": "Pero, cuando se lanz贸 el corpus juris efectivamente en 1997 en San Sebasti谩n -ante un auditorio muy selecto de 140 juristas, sin invitaci贸n a los medios de comunicaci贸n-, el Presidente del Parlamento Europeo de entonces, Sr. Gil-Robles y Gil-Delgado, dijo que lo consideraba embri贸nico y que la intenci贸n era la de ampliar la competencia de la UE en asuntos penales a todos los sectores de la actividad delictiva." }
but when corpus juris was actually launched in 1977 in san sebastian to a very select audience of 140 jurists with no media invited the president of the european parliament at the time mr gilrobles gildelgado said that he considered it embryonic and that the intention was to extend eu competence in criminal matters to all areas of criminal activity
{ "en": "We need a public debate on this.", "es": "Es necesario un debate p煤blico a este respecto." }
we need a public debate on this
{ "en": "We need the Member States and the citizens in the Member States to be properly informed.", "es": "Es necesario que los Estados miembros y los ciudadanos de los Estados miembros est茅n informados adecuadamente." }
we need the member states and the citizens in the member states to be properly informed
{ "en": "The issue of the threat to the traditional legal system in Ireland and the UK needs to be addressed.", "es": "Es necesario abordar la cuesti贸n de la amenaza para el sistema jur铆dico tradicional de Irlanda y del Reino Unido." }
the issue of the threat to the traditional legal system in ireland and the uk needs to be addressed
{ "en": "There needs to be much more openness and transparency on this issue than there has been to date.", "es": "Debe haber mucha m谩s transparencia sobre esta cuesti贸n que hasta la fecha." }
there needs to be much more openness and transparency on this issue than there has been to date
{ "en": "It is unacceptable that something like this has been foisted on the Member States of the EU without any proper public debate.", "es": "Es inaceptable que se haya endilgado algo as铆 a los Estados miembros de la UE sin un debate p煤blico apropiado." }
it is unacceptable that something like this has been foisted on the member states of the eu without any proper public debate
{ "en": "Mr President, on behalf of the Italian Radical Members, I abstained on this text in the Committee on Budgetary Control, because I share the concerns that have been voiced, in such an authoritative way, by the representative of another legal culture which is certainly important: common law.", "es": "Se帽or Presidente, Se帽or铆as, en nombre de los diputados radicales, me he abstenido en la votaci贸n sobre este texto en la Comisi贸n de Control Presupuestario, porque comparto las preocupaciones expresadas, de forma tan autorizada, por la representante de otra cultura jur铆dica, sin duda, importante como lo es la cultura de la common law." }
mr president on behalf of the italian radical members i abstained on this text in the committee on budgetary control because i share the concerns that have been voiced in such an authoritative way by the representative of another legal culture which is certainly important common law
{ "en": "With this text we are undoubtedly forcing the issue, since we believe that there are points that must be resolved and it is important for Community fraud to be curbed, to be crushed.", "es": "Indudablemente, con este texto forzamos la mano, ya que consideramos que existen aspectos que han de resolverse y que es decisivo reprimir e yugular el fraude comunitario." }
with this text we are undoubtedly forcing the issue since we believe that there are points that must be resolved and it is important for community fraud to be curbed to be crushed
{ "en": "Nevertheless, the way in which our committee intends to see this text through, with the drive and stubborn desire of its Chair, Mrs Theato, will not be without its critics.", "es": "Sin embargo, la manera en que nuestra comisi贸n, con el 铆mpetu y la tozudez de la presidenta Sra. Theato, pretende llevar adelante este texto no puede estar libre de cr铆ticas." }
nevertheless the way in which our committee intends to see this text through with the drive and stubborn desire of its chair mrs theato will not be without its critics
{ "en": "Another major criticism of the text concerns secondary law.", "es": "Otra cr铆tica importante al texto concierne al Derecho derivado." }
another major criticism of the text concerns secondary law
{ "en": "Article 280 of the Treaty allows the Council to pinpoint the appropriate instruments to curb fraud.", "es": "El art铆culo 280 del Tratado permite al Consejo adoptar las medidas necesarias para luchar contra el fraude." }
article 280 of the treaty allows the council to pinpoint the appropriate instruments to curb fraud
{ "en": "Nevertheless, we are left feeling slightly perplexed that they envisage an institution which will mean higher quality, without immediately planning how to deal with the repercussions of this. That is to say, they are neglecting the area of defence and therefore the possibility for the prosecution and the defence to work together effectively within such an important legal system.", "es": "No obstante, nos produce alguna perplejidad que se preconice una Instituci贸n que representar铆a un salto cualitativo, sin prever ya desde ahora sus efectos, esto es, que se descuide el aspecto de la defensa y, por ende, la posibilidad de que acusaci贸n y defensa puedan funcionar eficazmente en un sistema jur铆dico tan importante." }
nevertheless we are left feeling slightly perplexed that they envisage an institution which will mean higher quality without immediately planning how to deal with the repercussions of this that is to say they are neglecting the area of defence and therefore the possibility for the prosecution and the defence to work together effectively within such an important legal system
{ "en": "We wanted to express our perplexity as regards these points by abstaining in committee.", "es": "Mediante la abstenci贸n en la comisi贸n hemos querido expresar estas perplejidades." }
we wanted to express our perplexity as regards these points by abstaining in committee
{ "en": "Mr President, we need to speak our minds on this subject in the European Parliament, during the plenary sittings and in the committees, even if it is obvious that the debate must take into account the world of the culture, the legal culture and the places where institutional issues are addressed.", "es": "Se帽or Presidente, creo que es necesario hacer una reflexi贸n en voz alta sobre este tema en la sede del Parlamento Europeo, en el Pleno y en las comisiones, aunque es evidente que el debate no puede prescindir del mundo de la cultura, de la cultura jur铆dica y de los ambientes en que se abordan los asuntos institucionales." }
mr president we need to speak our minds on this subject in the european parliament during the plenary sittings and in the committees even if it is obvious that the debate must take into account the world of the culture the legal culture and the places where institutional issues are addressed
{ "en": "We find ourselves dealing with some very serious events, which in the past seemed to be the norm.", "es": "Nos encontramos ante episodios muy graves que en el pasado parec铆an ser una costumbre." }
we find ourselves dealing with some very serious events which in the past seemed to be the norm
{ "en": "Today, something has changed, at least in terms of mechanisms, and especially as regards monitoring, but we are still not satisfied, particularly if debates are held in competent fora that go as far as to discuss a European Public Prosecutor, crimes, fraud, the misappropriation of funds and the disclosure of confidential information pertaining to one' s office at European level.", "es": "Hoy algo ha cambiado, por lo menos en los sistemas, sobre todo en lo que al control se refiere, pero no estamos satisfechos todav铆a, especialmente cuando en las sedes competentes se llega a hablar incluso de un Fiscal europeo, de delitos, de fraudes, de malversaci贸n y de revelaci贸n de secretos a escala europea." }
today something has changed at least in terms of mechanisms and especially as regards monitoring but we are still not satisfied particularly if debates are held in competent fora that go as far as to discuss a european public prosecutor crimes fraud the misappropriation of funds and the disclosure of confidential information pertaining to one s office at european level
{ "en": "I feel that we must clearly safeguard the Community' s interests, its image and its relationship with taxpayers, who are an indispensable and essential part of Community life.", "es": "Creo que debemos proteger los intereses de la Comunidad y su imagen, as铆 como la relaci贸n con los contribuyentes que son una parte indispensable y fundamental de la vida de la Comunidad." }
i feel that we must clearly safeguard the community s interests its image and its relationship with taxpayers who are an indispensable and essential part of community life
{ "en": "For this reason, it is right to look at the issue of safeguarding common interests, and to establish better links with legal systems within the individual States.", "es": "Por esto es justo plantearse el problema de una protecci贸n de los intereses de car谩cter general y universal acord谩ndose mejor con la justicia en el 谩mbito de cada uno de los Estados." }
for this reason it is right to look at the issue of safeguarding common interests and to establish better links with legal systems within the individual states
{ "en": "In this respect, we are faced with the most sensitive issue: what role would a European Public Prosecutor play in relations with the individual national communities and their domestic legal systems?", "es": "A prop贸sito de esto se plantea el problema m谩s delicado: 驴c贸mo se coloca a un Fiscal europeo dentro de las relaciones con las diferentes comunidades nacionales y con la justicia, tal como est谩 estructurada?" }
in this respect we are faced with the most sensitive issue what role would a european public prosecutor play in relations with the individual national communities and their domestic legal systems
{ "en": "This issue needs to be explored further in both cultural and practical terms.", "es": "Considero que hay que tratar todav铆a este tema tanto desde el punto de vista cultural como desde el punto de vista pr谩ctico." }
this issue needs to be explored further in both cultural and practical terms
{ "en": "Today, we run the risk of adding a new institution to the already numerous and varied institutions which exist within each country.", "es": "Hoy corremos el riesgo de superponer una nueva Instituci贸n a las m煤ltiples y diversas Instituciones que ya existen en cada uno de los Estados." }
today we run the risk of adding a new institution to the already numerous and varied institutions which exist within each country
{ "en": "Mr President, I would very much just like to add to two particular points.", "es": "Se帽or Presidente, yo voy a referirme muy brevemente a dos cuestiones." }
mr president i would very much just like to add to two particular points
{ "en": "Firstly, I would not wish to take up the philosophical issues of subsidiarity and the sovereignty of Member States, although I am very much in favour of having such a debate, for my regular viewing of British television programmes has shown me what the national politicians are conjuring up there in the way of threats posed by the continent to the home-grown legal system.", "es": "En primer lugar, no quisiera pronunciarme sobre los aspectos filos贸ficos de la subsidiariedad y la soberan铆a de los Estados miembros, a pesar de que soy muy partidario de que 茅stos se debatan, pues en mi calidad de espectador habitual de las televisiones brit谩nicas estoy al corriente de las quejas de los pol铆ticos nacionales de dicho pa铆s por lo que consideran como una amenaza del continente contra su cultura jur铆dica nacional." }
firstly i would not wish to take up the philosophical issues of subsidiarity and the sovereignty of member states although i am very much in favour of having such a debate for my regular viewing of british television programmes has shown me what the national politicians are conjuring up there in the way of threats posed by the continent to the homegrown legal system
{ "en": "Sometimes it is worthy of satire and merits discussion, but I digress.", "es": "A veces rozan lo teatral y yo creo que ello merece un debate. Sin embargo, este no es el tema al que quiero referirme." }
sometimes it is worthy of satire and merits discussion but i digress
{ "en": "The point I want to make relates to Mrs Theato' s report.", "es": "El tema que me interesa es el informe de la Sra. Theato." }
the point i want to make relates to mrs theato s report
{ "en": "I believe that as far as the judicial difficulties are concerned that we are facing here - and the European Union evidently has only very limited room for manoeuvre when it comes to making these offences litigable as European criminal offences - we have become embroiled in legalities.", "es": "Yo creo que, ante las dificultades jur铆dicas que plantea esta cuesti贸n -y es evidente que la Uni贸n Europea s贸lo dispone de una v铆a muy estrecha para conseguir que dichos delitos sean perseguibles judicialmente como delitos europeos- se ha perdido el rumbo jur铆dico." }
i believe that as far as the judicial difficulties are concerned that we are facing here and the european union evidently has only very limited room for manoeuvre when it comes to making these offences litigable as european criminal offences we have become embroiled in legalities
{ "en": "I am referring to Recommendations 1 and 2.", "es": "Me refiero a las recomendaciones 1 y 2." }
i am referring to recommendations 1 and 2
{ "en": "After all, there is no longer mention of a European Public Prosecutor, rather, for legal reasons it has now become an independent, European authority, or \"body\" to quote Mrs Theato.", "es": "En ellas ya no se habla de un fiscal europeo sino que, por razones jur铆dicas, 茅ste se ha convertido ahora en una autoridad europea independiente, un organismo lo ha llamado antes la Sra. Theato." }
after all there is no longer mention of a european public prosecutor rather for legal reasons it has now become an independent european authority or body to quote mrs theato
{ "en": "We obviously have difficulties there with regard to the legal basis.", "es": "En este aspecto, salta a la vista que tenemos dificultades con el fundamento jur铆dico." }
we obviously have difficulties there with regard to the legal basis
{ "en": "We also face difficulties with regard to offences.", "es": "Tambi茅n tenemos dificultades en lo que se refiere a los delitos." }
we also face difficulties with regard to offences
{ "en": "Nothing has changed there.", "es": "Este punto no se ha modificado." }
nothing has changed there
{ "en": "As has always been the case, there are offences that transcend European offences, as it were, or at least there is the potential for them to do so, and these might include money-laundering, receiving stolen goods, and forming a criminal organisation.", "es": "Sigue incluyendo delitos que en cierto modo rebasan, o al menos pueden rebasar, el marco de los delitos europeos, como el blanqueo y receptaci贸n, y la asociaci贸n il铆cita." }
as has always been the case there are offences that transcend european offences as it were or at least there is the potential for them to do so and these might include moneylaundering receiving stolen goods and forming a criminal organisation
{ "en": "As far as that is concerned, I believe there are judicial uncertainties that need to be overcome.", "es": "En este contexto subsisten, a mi parecer, algunos puntos jur铆dicamente confusos, que habr铆a que aclarar." }
as far as that is concerned i believe there are judicial uncertainties that need to be overcome
{ "en": "What Parliament needs to do as a matter of urgency though - and this is why we intend to vote for recital 1 without these recommendations - is to send out a clear political signal to the Commission and Council that we want to see a clear legislative act put an end to this disorderly state of affairs.", "es": "Aun as铆, es imprescindible -y por esto vamos a votar a favor del punto 1 excluida esta recomendaci贸n- es que el Parlamento transmita a la Comisi贸n y al Consejo una se帽al clara de nuestra voluntad de que se ponga fin, mediante un acto normativo claro, a las situaciones que han acabado arraigando." }
what parliament needs to do as a matter of urgency though and this is why we intend to vote for recital 1 without these recommendations is to send out a clear political signal to the commission and council that we want to see a clear legislative act put an end to this disorderly state of affairs
{ "en": "Mr President, for years, Parliament has called for specific and uniform protection under criminal law of the Union' s financial interests.", "es": "Se帽or Presidente, el Parlamento ha reivindicado, desde hace a帽os, una protecci贸n penal espec铆fica y uniforme de los intereses financieros de la Uni贸n." }
mr president for years parliament has called for specific and uniform protection under criminal law of the union s financial interests
{ "en": "Frustration inevitably sets in when we see the weakness of the Convention (and of the protocols relating to this protection) which, five years after being signed, has still not been ratified and has still not come into force.", "es": "La verdad es que la frustraci贸n aumenta cuando se comprueba la fragilidad del Convenio (y los protocolos relativos a dicha protecci贸n), que, cinco a帽os despu茅s de su firma, a煤n no ha sido ratificado ni ha entrado en vigor." }
frustration inevitably sets in when we see the weakness of the convention (and of the protocols relating to this protection) which five years after being signed has still not been ratified and has still not come into force
{ "en": "On the other hand, more pro-active attempts, such as OLAF, which is currently operating, have not allayed legitimate concerns about the system of guarantees for individual rights.", "es": "Por otra parte, intentos m谩s voluntaristas, como la actual OLAF, no superan inquietudes leg铆timas sobre el sistema de garant铆as de los derechos individuales." }
on the other hand more proactive attempts such as olaf which is currently operating have not allayed legitimate concerns about the system of guarantees for individual rights
{ "en": "The proposals in Mrs Theato' s report seek to encourage the Commission to present a substantive legislative measure on the protection, under criminal law, of our financial interests, which would criminalise certain activity, specifically fraud against the Community budget. These proposals represent a serious attempt to establish a new and ever more urgently-needed uniform criminal law for the whole Community.", "es": "Las propuestas del informe de la Sra. Theato encaminadas a instar a la Comisi贸n a presentar un acto normativo material sobre la protecci贸n penal de los intereses financieros con tipificaci贸n de los delitos, en particular el fraude al presupuesto comunitario, son, a nuestro entender, un intento serio de instituir un nuevo y cada vez m谩s necesario derecho penal uniforme comunitario." }
the proposals in mrs theato s report seek to encourage the commission to present a substantive legislative measure on the protection under criminal law of our financial interests which would criminalise certain activity specifically fraud against the community budget these proposals represent a serious attempt to establish a new and ever more urgentlyneeded uniform criminal law for the whole community
{ "en": "At the same time they call for the existence of an independent body to coordinate and monitor the thoroughness of investigations by OLAF, without harming the administration of justice by each Member State and under the supervision of the European Court of Justice.", "es": "Al mismo tiempo piden la existencia de un organismo europeo independiente que coordine y controle la regularidad de las investigaciones de la OLAF, sin perjuicio de la administraci贸n de justicia de cada uno de los Estados miembros y con supervisi贸n del Tribunal de las Comunidades." }
at the same time they call for the existence of an independent body to coordinate and monitor the thoroughness of investigations by olaf without harming the administration of justice by each member state and under the supervision of the european court of justice
{ "en": "Finally, following on from what was agreed in Tampere, the report restates the need for a European Public Prosecutor. This issue has been brought once again to the fore by Commissioner Vitorino' s timely decision to ask the IGC to include in its agenda the creation of this new role, which everyone considers vital.", "es": "Por 煤ltimo, en consonancia con lo acordado en Tampere, el informe reafirma la figura del Ministerio Fiscal Europeo, que en buena hora sali贸 a escena por decisi贸n del Comisario Ant贸nio Vitorino, y solicita a la CIG que incluya en su orden del d铆a la creaci贸n de esa nueva figura, considerada hoy indispensable por todos." }
finally following on from what was agreed in tampere the report restates the need for a european public prosecutor this issue has been brought once again to the fore by commissioner vitorino s timely decision to ask the igc to include in its agenda the creation of this new role which everyone considers vital
{ "en": "We should approve this report because it highlights the need to maintain efficient legal control over our institutions, by protecting the Union' s financial system with a substantive and procedural European law which is capable of maintaining the credibility of the Community' s economic life.", "es": "Por reafirmar la necesidad de disciplinar jur铆dica y eficazmente la vida de las instituciones, cerrando el sistema financiero de la Uni贸n con un derecho material y procesal europeo adecuado a la credibilidad de la vida econ贸mica comunitaria, este informe merece nuestra aprobaci贸n." }
we should approve this report because it highlights the need to maintain efficient legal control over our institutions by protecting the union s financial system with a substantive and procedural european law which is capable of maintaining the credibility of the community s economic life
{ "en": "Nevertheless, it raises some very basic questions.", "es": "Ahora bien, se plantean algunos interrogantes muy sencillos." }
nevertheless it raises some very basic questions
{ "en": "Is there currently a sufficient legal basis for justifying, in legal terms, the creation of a specifically Community-wide criminal law which, although it might be called subsidiary, will always clash with the practice, and in certain areas, with the traditional, separate criminal law of the Member States?", "es": "驴Habr谩 fundamento jur铆dico suficiente en la actualidad para justificar legalmente la creaci贸n de un nuevo derecho penal espec铆ficamente comunitario que, aunque se pueda considerar subsidiario, siempre har谩 competencia en la pr谩ctica y en ciertos sectores al derecho penal tradicional y parcelario de los Estados miembros?" }
is there currently a sufficient legal basis for justifying in legal terms the creation of a specifically communitywide criminal law which although it might be called subsidiary will always clash with the practice and in certain areas with the traditional separate criminal law of the member states
{ "en": "As there are doubts, would it not be more advisable, from a political point of view, to put the reform of the legal system on the IGC agenda, and incorporate these proposals into the more general reform of the Union' s legal system along the lines of what is being requested for the European Public Prosecutor?", "es": "驴No ser铆a pol铆ticamente m谩s correcto, en caso de duda, incluir la reforma del sistema judicial en el orden del d铆a de la CIG, introduciendo esas propuestas en la reforma m谩s general del sistema judicial de la Uni贸n, a imagen y semejanza de lo que se pide para el Ministerio Fiscal Europeo?" }
as there are doubts would it not be more advisable from a political point of view to put the reform of the legal system on the igc agenda and incorporate these proposals into the more general reform of the union s legal system along the lines of what is being requested for the european public prosecutor
{ "en": "Surely these subjects will be of the greatest relevance to a revision of the treaties which will contribute to the stability of the area of freedom, security and justice?", "es": "驴No ser铆an estas medidas del mayor inter茅s para una revisi贸n de los Tratados que contribuya a la solidez del Espacio de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia de la Uni贸n?" }
surely these subjects will be of the greatest relevance to a revision of the treaties which will contribute to the stability of the area of freedom security and justice
{ "en": "Mr President, the EU is now exposed to tough scrutiny.", "es": "Se帽or Presidente, la UE est谩 siendo objeto de rigurosos controles." }
mr president the eu is now exposed to tough scrutiny
{ "en": "Confidence in the European Union has been seriously damaged.", "es": "La confianza en la Uni贸n est谩 seriamente da帽ada." }
confidence in the european union has been seriously damaged
{ "en": "To remedy this, vigorous efforts are required.", "es": "Para remediar esta situaci贸n se necesita acci贸n." }
to remedy this vigorous efforts are required
{ "en": "We therefore welcome increased resources for OLAF so that we can investigate any suspicions more efficiently.", "es": "Por eso damos la bienvenida al aumento de recursos para la OLAF, que permitir谩 una m谩s eficaz investigaci贸n de todas las dudas." }
we therefore welcome increased resources for olaf so that we can investigate any suspicions more efficiently
{ "en": "At the same time, we think it is obvious that those who commit crimes against the EU must be able to be held accountable in an effective way.", "es": "Asimismo, estimamos que es obvio que quienes cometan delitos contra la UE respondan ante la justicia." }
at the same time we think it is obvious that those who commit crimes against the eu must be able to be held accountable in an effective way
{ "en": "It is unfortunate that the convention for protecting the Union' s financial interests has been put into effect in so few Member States.", "es": "Es lamentable que la convenci贸n sobre protecci贸n de los intereses financieros de la Uni贸n se aplique en tan pocos Estados miembros." }
it is unfortunate that the convention for protecting the union s financial interests has been put into effect in so few member states
{ "en": "We therefore think it only right that the Commission should have the task of tabling proposals entailing the further development of the already existing legal framework.", "es": "Por este motivo, opinamos que es l贸gico que se encargue a la Uni贸n la presentaci贸n de propuestas que impliquen un desarrollo del marco judicial ya existente." }
we therefore think it only right that the commission should have the task of tabling proposals entailing the further development of the already existing legal framework
{ "en": "On the other hand, I am not convinced that making the process more efficient in this way requires common European legislation or centralisation of the fight against crime.", "es": "En cambio, no estoy convencido de que esta clase de perfeccionamiento requiera normas europeas comunes o centralizaci贸n de la lucha contra la delincuencia." }
on the other hand i am not convinced that making the process more efficient in this way requires common european legislation or centralisation of the fight against crime
{ "en": "In the present situation, I am therefore sceptical about the idea of a European prosecutor, which it is scarcely possible to implement within the framework of the present treaty.", "es": "En la actualidad, la idea de un fiscal europeo me produce escepticismo, es algo que parece impracticable en el marco de los tratados vigentes." }
in the present situation i am therefore sceptical about the idea of a european prosecutor which it is scarcely possible to implement within the framework of the present treaty
{ "en": "We have more confidence in Eurojust, where prosecutors from the individual nations cooperate.", "es": "Creemos m谩s en EUROJUST, donde colaboran los fiscales nacionales." }
we have more confidence in eurojust where prosecutors from the individual nations cooperate
{ "en": "The major problem is not that no measures are being taken against crimes committed against the Union but, rather, that these are committed so often and far too seldom discovered.", "es": "El gran problema no es la adopci贸n de medidas legales para combatir los delitos, sino que 茅stos se cometan con tanta asiduidad y que se descubran con tan poca frecuencia." }
the major problem is not that no measures are being taken against crimes committed against the union but rather that these are committed so often and far too seldom discovered
{ "en": "The challenge for the Commission and for ourselves is, however, to find the right mix.", "es": "El reto para la Comisi贸n y para nosotros es, sin embargo, encontrar el equilibrio." }
the challenge for the commission and for ourselves is however to find the right mix
{ "en": "The mismanagement and examples of fraud which occur ought not to lead to our ending up in an old-fashioned hierarchical bureaucracy which, through an exaggerated supervision of detail, prevents the development of a modern administration.", "es": "Las estafas y las irregularidades no deben encadenarnos a una burocracia jer谩rquica, que mediante controles exagerados impida el desarrollo de una moderna administraci贸n." }
the mismanagement and examples of fraud which occur ought not to lead to our ending up in an oldfashioned hierarchical bureaucracy which through an exaggerated supervision of detail prevents the development of a modern administration
{ "en": "We therefore welcome the aggressive approach of Mr van Hulten' s report.", "es": "Por eso damos la bienvenida al dinamismo contenido en el informe de van Hulten." }
we therefore welcome the aggressive approach of mr van hulten s report
{ "en": "The main idea ought to be that each administration takes responsibility for its own supervision.", "es": "La idea central debe ser que cada administraci贸n responda por su propio control." }
the main idea ought to be that each administration takes responsibility for its own supervision
{ "en": "Our experience of modern administration tells us that openness, decentralisation of responsibility and qualified evaluation are often as effective as detailed bureaucratic supervision.", "es": "Nuestras experiencias en materia de administraci贸n moderna nos se帽alan que la apertura, la descentralizaci贸n de las responsabilidades y las evaluaciones bien hechas son a menudo tan eficaces como los controles burocr谩ticos detallados." }
our experience of modern administration tells us that openness decentralisation of responsibility and qualified evaluation are often as effective as detailed bureaucratic supervision
{ "en": "The major challenge is, therefore, to create a modern and efficient administration without compromising on supervision and the rule of law.", "es": "El gran reto es, por eso, la creaci贸n de una administraci贸n moderna y eficaz, sin menoscabar la seguridad jur铆dica ni el control." }
the major challenge is therefore to create a modern and efficient administration without compromising on supervision and the rule of law
{ "en": "This requires staff training, more modern recruitment methods and, above all, openness and public control.", "es": "Esto requiere formaci贸n del personal, m茅todos de reclutamiento m谩s modernos y, especialmente, apertura y transparencia." }
this requires staff training more modern recruitment methods and above all openness and public control
{ "en": "Being able to scrutinise the administration effectively is the best protection against irregularities.", "es": "Unas buenas inspecciones a la administraci贸n son la mejor protecci贸n contra las irregularidades." }
being able to scrutinise the administration effectively is the best protection against irregularities
{ "en": "Mr President, rapporteur, restoring the confidence of the citizens in the work of the European institutions and in European politics is one of the most important tasks we have before us.", "es": "Se帽or Presidente, se帽ora Ponente, Se帽or铆as, recuperar la confianza de las ciudadanas y ciudadanos en la labor de las instituciones europeas y en la pol铆tica europea es una de las tareas m谩s importantes que debemos abordar." }
mr president rapporteur restoring the confidence of the citizens in the work of the european institutions and in european politics is one of the most important tasks we have before us
{ "en": "The Commission has given its commitment to this task and the draft for the overall package of internal reforms documents this.", "es": "La Comisi贸n se comprometi贸 a ello y el anteproyecto del paquete global de reformas internas es una prueba de este compromiso." }
the commission has given its commitment to this task and the draft for the overall package of internal reforms documents this
{ "en": "Parliament is committed to this task, which is something this report bears impressive witness to.", "es": "El Parlamento tambi茅n se comprometi贸 a asumir dicha tarea y el presente informe constituye una prueba convincente de dicho compromiso." }
parliament is committed to this task which is something this report bears impressive witness to
{ "en": "On behalf of the Commission I am able to congratulate the rapporteur on having again addressed the genuinely difficult question as to what we can do, in terms of creating legal bases and effecting institutional change, to step up the fight against fraud perpetrated against the European Union.", "es": "Yo quiero manifestar a la ponente el reconocimiento de la Comisi贸n por la dedicaci贸n con que ha vuelto a examinar el tema francamente dif铆cil de los fundamentos jur铆dicos que es posible crear y las modificaciones institucionales que se pueden introducir para intensificar la lucha contra el fraude en detrimento de los intereses de la Uni贸n Europea." }
on behalf of the commission i am able to congratulate the rapporteur on having again addressed the genuinely difficult question as to what we can do in terms of creating legal bases and effecting institutional change to step up the fight against fraud perpetrated against the european union
{ "en": "On ratifying the Amsterdam Treaty, all Member States stated that they wanted to accord combating fraud against the financial interests of the European Union the same priority as combating fraud to their own detriment.", "es": "Con la ratificaci贸n del Tratado de Amsterdam, todos los Estados miembros han expresado su voluntad de otorgar a la lucha contra el fraude contra los intereses financieros de la Uni贸n Europea la misma prioridad que conceden a la lucha contra el fraude en detrimento propio." }
on ratifying the amsterdam treaty all member states stated that they wanted to accord combating fraud against the financial interests of the european union the same priority as combating fraud to their own detriment
{ "en": "Yet as things stand, only the first four Member States have ratified the agreement concluded in 1995.", "es": "Sin embargo, la realidad es que s贸lo cuatro Estados miembros han ratificado el Convenio acordado en 1995." }
yet as things stand only the first four member states have ratified the agreement concluded in 1995
{ "en": "The Commission wholeheartedly agrees with the rapporteur that this is an unacceptable situation", "es": "La Comisi贸n coincide totalmente con la ponente en que esta situaci贸n es inaceptable." }
the commission wholeheartedly agrees with the rapporteur that this is an unacceptable situation
{ "en": "A legislative act, a directive, in which there is a standardised definition for the different types of fraud such as money-laundering or corruptibility, and in which the obligation to launch criminal proceedings is enshrined as a binding objective, may enable us to take a major step forwards, and I will therefore advise the Commission to examine this step with all due haste.", "es": "Un acto jur铆dico, una directiva, que defina de manera uniforme los delitos, como por ejemplo el blanqueo de dinero o la corrupci贸n, y que establezca como un objetivo su persecuci贸n penal obligatoria puede permitir avanzar un paso importante en este contexto y, por consiguiente, yo voy a recomendar a la Comisi贸n que examine muy pronto esta posibilidad." }
a legislative act a directive in which there is a standardised definition for the different types of fraud such as moneylaundering or corruptibility and in which the obligation to launch criminal proceedings is enshrined as a binding objective may enable us to take a major step forwards and i will therefore advise the commission to examine this step with all due haste
{ "en": "OLAF, the European anti-fraud office is one of the most important instruments the Commission has for fulfilling its obligation to combat fraud.", "es": "La Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude, la OLAF, es uno de los instrumentos m谩s importantes de los que se vale la Comisi贸n para cumplir su compromiso de combatir el fraude." }
olaf the european antifraud office is one of the most important instruments the commission has for fulfilling its obligation to combat fraud
{ "en": "Accordingly, the Commission refused to put up with the fact that both European banks, the ECB and the EIB, contested the right of OLAF to include these two institutions in its investigations, citing their independent status.", "es": "Por esto, la Comisi贸n no admiti贸 que los dos bancos europeos, el BCE y el BEI, discutiesen el derecho de la OLAF a investigar tambi茅n ambas instituciones, apelando a su independencia." }
accordingly the commission refused to put up with the fact that both european banks the ecb and the eib contested the right of olaf to include these two institutions in its investigations citing their independent status
{ "en": "This is why the Commission resolved on raising a complaint against these two banks at its last meeting, and I hope that Parliament approves this step.", "es": "En su 煤ltima sesi贸n, la Comisi贸n ejercer una acci贸n contra ambos bancos por este motivo y yo espero que el Parlamento apruebe este paso." }
this is why the commission resolved on raising a complaint against these two banks at its last meeting and i hope that parliament approves this step
{ "en": "The second recommendation in this report relates to assessing the legitimacy of the investigative measures undertaken by OLAF in the various European institutions.", "es": "La segunda recomendaci贸n del presente informe se refiere al control de la regularidad de las actividades de investigaci贸n de las diferentes instituciones europeas realizadas por la OLAF." }
the second recommendation in this report relates to assessing the legitimacy of the investigative measures undertaken by olaf in the various european institutions
{ "en": "It is the task of the monitoring committee for OLAF, which was set up at the same time as OLAF, to safeguard the independence of OLAF, however it cannot undertake the action mentioned in the report of monitoring internal investigative activities conducted by OLAF.", "es": "El comit茅 de control de la OLAF, que se estableci贸 en el momento de su creaci贸n, tiene la misi贸n de garantizar su independencia, pero no puede cumplir la tarea de controlar las investigaciones internas de la OLAF a la que se refiere el informe." }
it is the task of the monitoring committee for olaf which was set up at the same time as olaf to safeguard the independence of olaf however it cannot undertake the action mentioned in the report of monitoring internal investigative activities conducted by olaf
{ "en": "I am fully in agreement with the monitoring committee and the rapporteur on this point.", "es": "Yo estoy totalmente de acuerdo con dicho comit茅 y con la ponente en este sentido." }
i am fully in agreement with the monitoring committee and the rapporteur on this point
{ "en": "In other words, there is a loophole here which must be filled and I will examine the solution advocated in the report in the interests of moving things on.", "es": "Esto significa que en este aspecto existe un vac铆o que es preciso colmar y yo me propongo examinar la v铆a que propone el informe con vistas a su posterior desarrollo." }
in other words there is a loophole here which must be filled and i will examine the solution advocated in the report in the interests of moving things on
{ "en": "There is one thing I would ask though: I believe we must prevent the debate on extending the legal basis for OLAF from leading to the misconception that OLAF does not now have enough authority.", "es": "No obstante, perm铆tanme que les haga un ruego. Yo creo que es necesario evitar que el debate sobre una posible ampliaci贸n del fundamento jur铆dico de la OLAF conduzca a la interpretaci贸n err贸nea de que 茅sta carece ahora de autoridad suficiente." }
there is one thing i would ask though i believe we must prevent the debate on extending the legal basis for olaf from leading to the misconception that olaf does not now have enough authority
{ "en": "No, there must be no undermining of OLAF' s authority, and neither do I think this was the rapporteur' s intention.", "es": "No, esto no debe minar la autoridad de la OLAF y yo creo que tampoco es esta la intenci贸n de la ponente." }
no there must be no undermining of olaf s authority and neither do i think this was the rapporteur s intention
{ "en": "As such, I would ask you to give OLAF' s work your full support, also in its present form.", "es": "Por consiguiente, yo les pido que den tambi茅n todo su apoyo a la labor de la OLAF bajo se presente forma." }
as such i would ask you to give olaf s work your full support also in its present form
{ "en": "VOTE", "es": "VOTACIONES" }
{ "en": "(Parliament approved the Commission proposal)", "es": "(El Parlamento aprueba la propuesta de la Comisi贸n)" }
(parliament approved the commission proposal)
{ "en": "Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE).", "es": "Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE)." }
heatonharris (ppede)
{ "en": "Mr President, on a point of order I should like to ask you for clarification of the Rules of Procedure: namely Rules 133(2) and 138(4).", "es": "(EN) Se帽or Presidente, sobre una cuesti贸n reglamentaria, para pedirle una aclaraci贸n del reglamento: a saber, el apartado 2 del art铆culo 133 y el apartado 4 del art铆culo 138." }
mr president on a point of order i should like to ask you for clarification of the rules of procedure namely rules 133(2) and 138(4)
{ "en": "These are both about voting.", "es": "Los dos versan sobre las votaciones." }
these are both about voting
{ "en": "Is it not the case that on votes other than roll-call votes, the vote should take place initially by show of hands and only then, if there is some doubt, should we utilise the electronic voting system?", "es": "驴No es cierto que las votaciones distintas de la votaci贸n nominal, deben celebrarse inicialmente a mano alzada y s贸lo si hay alguna duda se debe utilizar el sistema electr贸nico?" }
is it not the case that on votes other than rollcall votes the vote should take place initially by show of hands and only then if there is some doubt should we utilise the electronic voting system
{ "en": "That is quite right, Mr Heaton-Harris. I put the matter to a vote by a show of hands because none of the groups had requested voting by roll call.", "es": "Efectivamente, querido colega, he procedido a una votaci贸n a mano alzada, porque ning煤n grupo hab铆a solicitado una votaci贸n nominal." }
that is quite right mr heatonharris i put the matter to a vote by a show of hands because none of the groups had requested voting by roll call
{ "en": "You know that voting by roll call or electronic checking only takes place if Members of the House request it.", "es": "Como usted sabe, 煤nicamente se procede a la votaci贸n nominal o a la verificaci贸n electr贸nica cuando los colegas as铆 lo solicitan." }
you know that voting by roll call or electronic checking only takes place if members of the house request it
{ "en": "In this particular case, I can assure you there was a large majority in favour of the directive which we have just voted on.", "es": "En este caso, le aseguro que ha habido una inmensa mayor铆a a favor de la directiva sobre la que acabamos de votar." }
in this particular case i can assure you there was a large majority in favour of the directive which we have just voted on
{ "en": "Mr President, I was not referring to that particular vote but to votes in general.", "es": "Se帽or Presidente, no me refer铆a a esa votaci贸n determinada, sino a las votaciones en general." }
mr president i was not referring to that particular vote but to votes in general
{ "en": "It is obvious that some presidents do not look at the hands, so to speak, but go straight to the electronic voting system.", "es": "Resulta evidente que algunos presidentes no atienden a las manos, por decirlo as铆, sino que pasan directamente al sistema de votaci贸n electr贸nica." }
it is obvious that some presidents do not look at the hands so to speak but go straight to the electronic voting system
{ "en": "I was wondering whether this is the correct procedure.", "es": "Me gustar铆a saber si 茅se es el procedimiento correcto." }
i was wondering whether this is the correct procedure