stringlengths 78
| score
float64 0
def obj_to_string(obj):
'''Render an object into a unicode string if possible'''
if not obj:
return None
elif isinstance(obj, bytes):
return obj.decode('utf-8')
elif isinstance(obj, basestring):
return obj
elif is_lazy_string(obj):
return obj.value
elif hasattr(obj, '__html__'):
return obj.__html__()
return str(obj) | 0.002506 |
def is_purine(nucleotide, allow_extended_nucleotides=False):
"""Is the nucleotide a purine"""
if not allow_extended_nucleotides and nucleotide not in STANDARD_NUCLEOTIDES:
raise ValueError(
"{} is a non-standard nucleotide, neither purine or pyrimidine".format(nucleotide))
return nucleotide in PURINE_NUCLEOTIDES | 0.008696 |
def should_try_kafka_again(error):
"""Determine if the error means to retry or fail, True to retry."""
msg = 'Unable to retrieve'
return isinstance(error, KafkaException) and str(error).startswith(msg) | 0.004695 |
def sign_data(self, name, hash_input, key_version=None, hash_algorithm="sha2-256", context="", prehashed=False,
signature_algorithm="pss", mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT):
"""Return the cryptographic signature of the given data using the named key and the specified hash algorithm.
The key must be of a type that supports signing.
Supported methods:
POST: /{mount_point}/sign/{name}(/{hash_algorithm}). Produces: 200 application/json
:param name: Specifies the name of the encryption key to use for signing. This is specified as part of the URL.
:type name: str | unicode
:param hash_input: Specifies the base64 encoded input data.
:type hash_input: str | unicode
:param key_version: Specifies the version of the key to use for signing. If not set, uses the latest version.
Must be greater than or equal to the key's min_encryption_version, if set.
:type key_version: int
:param hash_algorithm: Specifies the hash algorithm to use for supporting key types (notably, not including
ed25519 which specifies its own hash algorithm). This can also be specified as part of the URL.
Currently-supported algorithms are: sha2-224, sha2-256, sha2-384, sha2-512
:type hash_algorithm: str | unicode
:param context: Base64 encoded context for key derivation. Required if key derivation is enabled; currently only
available with ed25519 keys.
:type context: str | unicode
:param prehashed: Set to true when the input is already hashed. If the key type is rsa-2048 or rsa-4096, then
the algorithm used to hash the input should be indicated by the hash_algorithm parameter. Just as the value
to sign should be the base64-encoded representation of the exact binary data you want signed, when set, input
is expected to be base64-encoded binary hashed data, not hex-formatted. (As an example, on the command line,
you could generate a suitable input via openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | base64.)
:type prehashed: bool
:param signature_algorithm: When using a RSA key, specifies the RSA signature algorithm to use for signing.
Supported signature types are: pss, pkcs1v15
:type signature_algorithm: str | unicode
:param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on.
:type mount_point: str | unicode
:return: The JSON response of the request.
:rtype: requests.Response
if hash_algorithm not in transit_constants.ALLOWED_HASH_DATA_ALGORITHMS:
error_msg = 'invalid hash_algorithm argument provided "{arg}", supported types: "{allowed_types}"'
raise exceptions.ParamValidationError(error_msg.format(
allowed_types=', '.join(transit_constants.ALLOWED_HASH_DATA_ALGORITHMS),
if signature_algorithm not in transit_constants.ALLOWED_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHMS:
error_msg = 'invalid signature_algorithm argument provided "{arg}", supported types: "{allowed_types}"'
raise exceptions.ParamValidationError(error_msg.format(
allowed_types=', '.join(transit_constants.ALLOWED_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHMS),
params = {
'input': hash_input,
'key_version': key_version,
'hash_algorithm': hash_algorithm,
'context': context,
'prehashed': prehashed,
'signature_algorithm': signature_algorithm,
api_path = '/v1/{mount_point}/sign/{name}'.format(
response = self._adapter.post(
return response.json() | 0.006366 |
def run(self):
'''Run loop'''
logger.info("result_worker starting...")
while not self._quit:
task, result = self.inqueue.get(timeout=1)
self.on_result(task, result)
except Queue.Empty as e:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except AssertionError as e:
except Exception as e:
logger.info("result_worker exiting...") | 0.003322 |
def map(self, callback):
Run a map over each of the item.
:param callback: The map function
:type callback: callable
:rtype: Collection
return self.__class__(list(map(callback, self.items))) | 0.007813 |
def _match_abbrev(s, wordmap):
"""_match_abbrev(s : string, wordmap : {string : Option}) -> string
Return the string key in 'wordmap' for which 's' is an unambiguous
abbreviation. If 's' is found to be ambiguous or doesn't match any of
'words', raise BadOptionError.
# Is there an exact match?
if s in wordmap:
return s
# Isolate all words with s as a prefix.
possibilities = [word for word in wordmap.keys()
if word.startswith(s)]
# No exact match, so there had better be just one possibility.
if len(possibilities) == 1:
return possibilities[0]
elif not possibilities:
raise BadOptionError(s)
# More than one possible completion: ambiguous prefix.
raise AmbiguousOptionError(s, possibilities) | 0.001104 |
def bulk_write(self, requests, **kwargs):
See http://api.mongodb.com/python/current/api/pymongo/collection.html#pymongo.collection.Collection.bulk_write
Warning: this is wrapped in mongo_retry, and is therefore potentially unsafe if the write you want to execute
isn't idempotent.
return self._collection.bulk_write(requests, **kwargs) | 0.009281 |
def remove(self, name):
"""Remove workspace from config file."""
if not (self.exists(name)):
raise ValueError("Workspace `%s` doesn't exists." % name)
self.config["workspaces"].pop(name, 0)
self.config.write() | 0.007874 |
def get_worksheet(self, index):
"""Returns a worksheet with specified `index`.
:param index: An index of a worksheet. Indexes start from zero.
:type index: int
:returns: an instance of :class:`gsperad.models.Worksheet`
or `None` if the worksheet is not found.
Example. To get first worksheet of a spreadsheet:
>>> sht = client.open('My fancy spreadsheet')
>>> worksheet = sht.get_worksheet(0)
sheet_data = self.fetch_sheet_metadata()
properties = sheet_data['sheets'][index]['properties']
return Worksheet(self, properties)
except (KeyError, IndexError):
return None | 0.002766 |
def from_value(cls, value):
"""This is how an instance is created when we read a
MatlabObject from a MAT file.
instance = OctaveUserClass.__new__(cls)
instance._address = '%s_%s' % (instance._name, id(instance))
instance._ref().push(instance._address, value)
return instance | 0.005935 |
def htmlFromThing(thing,title):
"""create pretty formatted HTML from a things dictionary."""
thing2 = copy.copy(thing)
print("crashed copying the thing! I can't document it.")
return False
for i,name in enumerate(names2):
if name.startswith("_"):
body {font-family: courier, monospace;}
.name {font-weight: bold;}
.type {font-style: italic; font-family: serif; color: #AAA;}
.desc {}
.itemEval {background-color: #DDFFDD;}
.itemEvalFail {}
table {font-size: .8em;
margin-top: 20px;
border-collapse: collapse;}
tr {border: 1px solid #CCC; vertical-align: text-top;}
td {padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px;}
.credits {text-align: center;
opacity: 0.5;
margin-top: 50px;
font-size: .8em;
font-family: sans-serif;}
if title:
html+='<span style="color: #CCC;">title: </span>%s<br>'%title
html+='<span style="color: #CCC;">value: </span>%s<br>'%textTitle
html+='<span style="color: #CCC;"> type: </span>%s<br>'%textType
html+='<table cellpadding=3 align="center">'
html+='<tr style="background-color: #000; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold;">'
html+='<td>evaluated (without arguments)</td></tr>'
for name in sorted(names2):
if name.startswith("zzzzzzzzzz"):
if "method" in itemType:
if itemName.startswith("_"):
if itemStr.startswith("<") and not ", " in itemStr:
itemStr="""<span style="color: #CCC; font-family: serif;
font-style: italic;">%s</span>"""%itemStr
if itemEval=="":
html+='<td class="name" style="background-color: #%s;">%s</td>'%(color,itemName)
html+='<td class="type">%s</td>'%(itemType)
html+='<td class="itemStr" style="background-color: #%s;">%s</td>'%(color2,itemStr)
if itemEval=="FAILED TO EVALUATE":
html+='<td class="itemEvalFail"></td>'
html+='<td class="itemEval">%s</td>'%(itemEval)
html+="""</table><p class="credits">
page automatically generated by
<a href="https://pypi.python.org/pypi/webinspect/">webinspect</a>
(version %s) %s</p>
</body></html>"""%(__version__,dt.strftime("at %I:%M %p on %B %d, %Y"))
return html | 0.018507 |
def _start_element (self, tag, attrs, end):
Print HTML element with end string.
@param tag: tag name
@type tag: string
@param attrs: tag attributes
@type attrs: dict
@param end: either > or />
@type end: string
@return: None
tag = tag.encode(self.encoding, "ignore")
self.fd.write("<%s" % tag.replace("/", ""))
for key, val in attrs.items():
key = key.encode(self.encoding, "ignore")
if val is None:
self.fd.write(" %s" % key)
val = val.encode(self.encoding, "ignore")
self.fd.write(' %s="%s"' % (key, quote_attrval(val)))
self.fd.write(end) | 0.003989 |
def ec2eq(self):
"""Convert ecliptic coordinates to equatorial coordinates"""
import math
#from numpy.matlib import sin, cos, arcsin, arctan2
from math import sin, cos
from math import asin as arcsin
from math import atan2 as arctan2
from math import acos as arccos
dec = arcsin(sin(eb)*cos(ob)+cos(eb)*sin(ob)*sin(el))
sra = (sin(dec)*cos(ob)-sin(eb))/(cos(dec)*sin(ob))
cra = cos(el)*cos(eb)/cos(dec)
if sra < 1 and sra > -1 :
sa= arcsin(sra)
sa = 0
ca= arccos(cra)
if tsa<0 :
if tca>=math.pi/2.0:
if ca >= math.pi*2.0:
self.dec=dec | 0.023711 |
def unset(ctx, key):
'''Removes the given key.'''
file = ctx.obj['FILE']
quote = ctx.obj['QUOTE']
success, key = unset_key(file, key, quote)
if success:
click.echo("Successfully removed %s" % key)
exit(1) | 0.004 |
def _pool_put(pool_semaphore, tasks, put_to_pool_in, pool_size, id_self, \
(internal) Intended to be run in a seperate thread. Feeds tasks into
to the pool whenever semaphore permits. Finishes if self._stopping is
log.debug('NuMap(%s) started pool_putter.' % id_self)
last_tasks = {}
for task in xrange(tasks.lenght):
last_tasks[task] = -1
stop_tasks = []
while True:
# are we stopping the Weaver?
if is_stopping():
log.debug('NuMap(%s) pool_putter has been told to stop.' % \
# try to get a task
log.debug('NuMap(%s) pool_putter waits for next task.' % \
task = tasks.next()
log.debug('NuMap(%s) pool_putter received next task.' % id_self)
except StopIteration:
# Weaver raised a StopIteration
stop_task = tasks.i # current task
log.debug('NuMap(%s) pool_putter caught StopIteration from task %s.' % \
(id_self, stop_task))
if stop_task not in stop_tasks:
# task raised stop for the first time.
log.debug('NuMap(%s) pool_putter task %s first-time finished.' % \
(id_self, stop_task))
log.debug('NuMap(%s) pool_putter sends a sentinel for task %s.' % \
(id_self, stop_task))
put_to_pool_in((stop_task, None, last_tasks[stop_task]))
if len(stop_tasks) == tasks.lenght:
log.debug('NuMap(%s) pool_putter sent sentinels for all tasks.' % \
# all tasks have been stopped
for _worker in xrange(pool_size):
log.debug('NuMap(%s) pool_putter sent sentinel for %s workers' % \
(id_self, pool_size))
# this kills the pool_putter
# multiple StopIterations for a tasks are ignored.
# This is for stride.
# got task
last_tasks[tasks.i] = task[-1][0] # last valid result
log.debug('NuMap(%s) pool_putter waits for semaphore for task %s' % \
(id_self, task))
log.debug('NuMap(%s) pool_putter gets semaphore for task %s' % \
(id_self, task))
log.debug('NuMap(%s) pool_putter submits task %s to worker.' % \
(id_self, task))
log.debug('NuMap(%s) pool_putter returns' % id_self) | 0.013354 |
def add_permissions(self, grp_name, resource, permissions):
Add additional permissions for the group associated with the resource.
grp_name (string): Name of group.
resource (intern.resource.boss.Resource): Identifies which data
model object to operate on.
permissions (list): List of permissions to add to the given resource
requests.HTTPError on failure.
self.project_service.add_permissions(grp_name, resource, permissions) | 0.004831 |
def dafgn(lenout=_default_len_out):
Return (get) the name for the current array in the current DAF.
:param lenout: Length of array name string.
:type lenout: int
:return: Name of current array.
:rtype: str
lenout = ctypes.c_int(lenout)
name = stypes.stringToCharP(lenout)
libspice.dafgn_c(lenout, name)
return stypes.toPythonString(name) | 0.002155 |
def zip(self, *args):
Zip together multiple lists into a single array -- elements that share
an index go together.
args = list(args)
args.insert(0, self.obj)
maxLen = _(args).chain().collect(lambda x, *args: len(x)).max().value()
for i, v in enumerate(args):
l = len(args[i])
if l < maxLen:
for x in range(maxLen - l):
return self._wrap(zip(*args)) | 0.005714 |
def is_valid_dir(path):
''' Returns True if provided directory exists and is a directory, or False otherwise. '''
return os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isdir(path) | 0.011561 |
def dimension_values(self, dimension, expanded=True, flat=True):
"""Return the values along the requested dimension.
dimension: The dimension to return values for
expanded (bool, optional): Whether to expand values
flat (bool, optional): Whether to flatten array
NumPy array of values along the requested dimension
index = self.get_dimension_index(dimension)
if index == 0:
return np.array([self.x])
elif index == 1:
return np.array([self.y])
return super(Arrow, self).dimension_values(dimension) | 0.002981 |
def pg_ctl(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
"""Builds and executes pg_ctl command
:returns: `!True` when return_code == 0, otherwise `!False`"""
pg_ctl = [self._pgcommand('pg_ctl'), cmd]
return subprocess.call(pg_ctl + ['-D', self._data_dir] + list(args), **kwargs) == 0 | 0.01 |
def expand_dataset(X, y_proba, factor=10, random_state=None, extra_arrays=None):
Convert a dataset with float multiclass probabilities to a dataset
with indicator probabilities by duplicating X rows and sampling
true labels.
rng = check_random_state(random_state)
extra_arrays = extra_arrays or []
n_classes = y_proba.shape[1]
classes = np.arange(n_classes, dtype=int)
for el in zip(X, y_proba, *extra_arrays):
x, probs = el[0:2]
rest = el[2:]
for label in rng.choice(classes, size=factor, p=probs):
yield (x, label) + rest | 0.003295 |
def prep_folder(self, seq):
"""Take in a sequence string and prepares the folder for the I-TASSER run."""
itasser_dir = op.join(self.root_dir, self.id)
if not op.exists(itasser_dir):
tmp = {self.id: seq}
return itasser_dir | 0.00566 |
def dup_token(th):
duplicate the access token
# TODO: is `duplicate_token` the same?
sec_attr = win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES()
sec_attr.bInheritHandle = True
return win32security.DuplicateTokenEx(
) | 0.002611 |
def get_serializer_class(self, action=None):
Return the serializer class depending on request method.
Attribute of proper serializer should be defined.
if action is not None:
return getattr(self, '%s_serializer_class' % action)
return super(GenericViewSet, self).get_serializer_class() | 0.005391 |
def _generic_model(self, z3_model):
Converts a Z3 model to a name->primitive dict.
model = { }
for m_f in z3_model:
n = _z3_decl_name_str(m_f.ctx.ctx, m_f.ast).decode()
m = m_f()
me = z3_model.eval(m)
model[n] = self._abstract_to_primitive(me.ctx.ctx, me.ast)
return model | 0.007958 |
def show(self,
label_x_axis='time point',
Displays the carpet in the given axis.
clustered : bool, optional
Flag to indicate whether to show the clustered/reduced carpet or the original.
You must run .cluster_rows_in_roi() before trying to show clustered carpet.
ax_carpet : Axis, optional
handle to a valid matplotlib Axis
label_x_axis : str
String label for the x-axis of the carpet
label_y_axis : str
String label for the y-axis of the carpet
ax_carpet : Axis
handle to axis where carpet is shown
if clustered is True and self._carpet_clustered is False:
print('You must run .cluster_rows_in_roi() '
'before being able to show clustered carpet!')
if ax_carpet is None:
self.ax_carpet = plt.gca()
if not isinstance(ax_carpet, Axes):
raise ValueError('Input must be a valid matplotlib Axis!')
self.ax_carpet = ax_carpet
self.fig = plt.gcf()
# vmin/vmax are controlled, because we rescale all to [0, 1]
self.imshow_params_carpet = dict(interpolation='none', cmap='gray',
aspect='auto', origin='lower', zorder=1)
# should we control vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0 ??
if not clustered:
self.carpet_handle = self.ax_carpet.imshow(self.carpet,
self.carpet_handle = self.ax_carpet.imshow(self.clustered_carpet,
# TODO decorating axes with labels
self.ax_carpet.set(xlabel=label_x_axis, ylabel=label_y_axis,
return self.ax_carpet | 0.004975 |
def git_clone(sub_repo, branch, commit = None, cwd = None, no_submodules = False):
This clone mimicks the way Travis-CI clones a project's repo. So far
Travis-CI is the most limiting in the sense of only fetching partial
history of the repo.
if not cwd:
cwd = cwd = os.getcwd()
root_dir = os.path.join(cwd,'boostorg',sub_repo)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root_dir,'.git')):
# "--depth=1", # Can't do depth as we get merge errors.
if commit:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join('.git','modules')):
if sys.platform == 'win32':
if not no_submodules:
return root_dir | 0.029489 |
def _initializeBucketMap(self, maxBuckets, offset):
Initialize the bucket map assuming the given number of maxBuckets.
# The first bucket index will be _maxBuckets / 2 and bucket indices will be
# allowed to grow lower or higher as long as they don't become negative.
# _maxBuckets is required because the current SDR Classifier assumes bucket
# indices must be non-negative. This normally does not need to be changed
# but if altered, should be set to an even number.
self._maxBuckets = maxBuckets
self.minIndex = self._maxBuckets / 2
self.maxIndex = self._maxBuckets / 2
# The scalar offset used to map scalar values to bucket indices. The middle
# bucket will correspond to numbers in the range
# [offset-resolution/2, offset+resolution/2).
# The bucket index for a number x will be:
# maxBuckets/2 + int( round( (x-offset)/resolution ) )
self._offset = offset
# This dictionary maps a bucket index into its bit representation
# We initialize the class with a single bucket with index 0
self.bucketMap = {}
def _permutation(n):
r = numpy.arange(n, dtype=numpy.uint32)
return r
self.bucketMap[self.minIndex] = _permutation(self.n)[0:self.w]
# How often we need to retry when generating valid encodings
self.numTries = 0 | 0.002909 |
def loads(content, ac_parser=None, ac_dict=None, ac_template=False,
ac_context=None, **options):
:param content: Configuration file's content (a string)
:param ac_parser: Forced parser type or ID or parser object
:param ac_dict:
callable (function or class) to make mapping object will be returned as
a result or None. If not given or ac_dict is None, default mapping
object used to store resutls is dict or
:class:`collections.OrderedDict` if ac_ordered is True and selected
backend can keep the order of items in mapping objects.
:param ac_template: Assume configuration file may be a template file and
try to compile it AAR if True
:param ac_context: Context dict to instantiate template
:param options:
Optional keyword arguments. See also the description of 'options' in
:func:`single_load` function.
:return: Mapping object or any query result might be primitive objects
:raises: ValueError, UnknownProcessorTypeError
if ac_parser is None:
LOGGER.warning("ac_parser was not given but it's must to find correct "
"parser to load configurations from string.")
return None
psr = find(None, forced_type=ac_parser)
schema = None
ac_schema = options.get("ac_schema", None)
if ac_schema is not None:
options["ac_schema"] = None
schema = loads(ac_schema, ac_parser=psr, ac_dict=ac_dict,
ac_template=ac_template, ac_context=ac_context,
if ac_template:
compiled = anyconfig.template.try_render(content=content,
ctx=ac_context, **options)
if compiled is not None:
content = compiled
cnf = psr.loads(content, ac_dict=ac_dict, **options)
cnf = _try_validate(cnf, schema, **options)
return anyconfig.query.query(cnf, **options) | 0.000508 |
def extract_helices_dssp(in_pdb):
"""Uses DSSP to find alpha-helices and extracts helices from a pdb file.
Returns a length 3 list with a helix id, the chain id and a dict
containing the coordinates of each residues CA.
in_pdb : string
Path to a PDB file.
from ampal.pdb_parser import split_pdb_lines
dssp_out = subprocess.check_output(
[global_settings['dssp']['path'], in_pdb])
helix = 0
helices = []
h_on = False
for line in dssp_out.splitlines():
dssp_line = line.split()
if dssp_line[4] == 'H':
if helix not in [x[0] for x in helices]:
[helix, dssp_line[2], {int(dssp_line[1]): None}])
helices[helix][2][int(dssp_line[1])] = None
h_on = True
if h_on:
helix += 1
h_on = False
except IndexError:
with open(in_pdb, 'r') as pdb:
pdb_atoms = split_pdb_lines(pdb.read())
for atom in pdb_atoms:
for helix in helices:
if (atom[2] == "CA") and (atom[5] == helix[1]) and (atom[6] in helix[2].keys()):
helix[2][atom[6]] = tuple(atom[8:11])
return helices | 0.001463 |
def cookietostr(self):
"Cookie values are bytes in Python3. This function Convert bytes to string with env.encoding(default to utf-8)."
self.cookies = dict((k, (v.decode(self.encoding) if not isinstance(v, str) else v)) for k,v in self.cookies.items())
return self.cookies | 0.016892 |
def fit(self, sequences, y=None):
"""Fit the kcenters clustering on the data
sequences : list of array-like, each of shape [sequence_length, n_features]
A list of multivariate timeseries, or ``md.Trajectory``. Each
sequence may have a different length, but they all must have the
same number of features, or the same number of atoms if they are
MultiSequenceClusterMixin.fit(self, sequences)
self.cluster_ids_ = self._split_indices(self.cluster_ids_)
return self | 0.004498 |
def get_raw(self, name=None):
'''Shortcut for getting a :class:`~statsd.raw.Raw` instance
:keyword name: See :func:`~statsd.client.Client.get_client`
:type name: str
return self.get_client(name=name, class_=statsd.Raw) | 0.007605 |
def execute(tgt,
.. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
Execute ``fun`` on all minions matched by ``tgt`` and ``tgt_type``.
Parameter ``fun`` is the name of execution module function to call.
This function should mainly be used as a helper for runner modules,
in order to avoid redundant code.
For example, when inside a runner one needs to execute a certain function
on arbitrary groups of minions, only has to:
.. code-block:: python
ret1 = __salt__['salt.execute']('*', 'mod.fun')
ret2 = __salt__['salt.execute']('my_nodegroup', 'mod2.fun2', tgt_type='nodegroup')
It can also be used to schedule jobs directly on the master, for example:
.. code-block:: yaml
function: salt.execute
- edge-routers
- bgp.neighbors
tgt_type: nodegroup
days: 1
returner: redis
client = salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__['conf_file'])
ret = client.cmd(tgt,
timeout=timeout or __opts__['timeout'],
tgt_type=tgt_type, # no warn_until, as this is introduced only in 2017.7.0
except SaltClientError as client_error:
log.error('Error while executing %s on %s (%s)', fun, tgt, tgt_type)
return {}
return ret | 0.001605 |
def get_cookie_header(self, req):
:param req: object with httplib.Request interface
Actually, it have to have `url` and `headers` attributes
mocked_req = MockRequest(req)
return mocked_req.get_new_headers().get('Cookie') | 0.006006 |
def latinize(mapping, bind, values):
""" Transliterate a given string into the latin alphabet. """
for v in values:
if isinstance(v, six.string_types):
v = transliterate(v)
yield v | 0.00463 |
def run(self):
"""Run robustness command."""
reaction = self._get_objective()
if not self._mm.has_reaction(reaction):
self.fail('Specified biomass reaction is not in model: {}'.format(
varying_reaction = self._args.varying
if not self._mm.has_reaction(varying_reaction):
self.fail('Specified varying reaction is not in model: {}'.format(
steps = self._args.steps
if steps <= 0:
self.argument_error('Invalid number of steps: {}\n'.format(steps))
loop_removal = self._get_loop_removal_option()
if loop_removal == 'tfba':
solver = self._get_solver(integer=True)
solver = self._get_solver()
p = fluxanalysis.FluxBalanceProblem(self._mm, solver)
if loop_removal == 'tfba':
except fluxanalysis.FluxBalanceError as e:
# Determine minimum and maximum flux for varying reaction
if self._args.maximum is None:
flux_max = p.get_flux(varying_reaction)
flux_max = self._args.maximum
if self._args.minimum is None:
p.maximize({varying_reaction: -1})
flux_min = p.get_flux(varying_reaction)
flux_min = self._args.minimum
if flux_min > flux_max:
self.argument_error('Invalid flux range: {}, {}\n'.format(
flux_min, flux_max))
logger.info('Varying {} in {} steps between {} and {}'.format(
varying_reaction, steps, flux_min, flux_max))
start_time = time.time()
handler_args = (
self._mm, solver, loop_removal, self._args.all_reaction_fluxes)
executor = self._create_executor(
RobustnessTaskHandler, handler_args, cpus_per_worker=2)
def iter_tasks():
for i in range(steps):
fixed_flux = flux_min + i*(flux_max - flux_min)/float(steps-1)
constraint = varying_reaction, fixed_flux
yield constraint, reaction
# Run FBA on model at different fixed flux values
with executor:
for task, result in executor.imap_unordered(iter_tasks(), 16):
(varying_reaction, fixed_flux), _ = task
if result is None:
logger.warning('No solution found for {} at {}'.format(
varying_reaction, fixed_flux))
elif self._args.all_reaction_fluxes:
for other_reaction in self._mm.reactions:
other_reaction, fixed_flux,
print('{}\t{}'.format(fixed_flux, result))
logger.info('Solving took {:.2f} seconds'.format(
time.time() - start_time)) | 0.000636 |
def read(fnames, calculation_mode='', region_constraint='',
ignore_missing_costs=(), asset_nodes=False, check_dupl=True,
tagcol=None, by_country=False):
Call `Exposure.read(fname)` to get an :class:`Exposure` instance
keeping all the assets in memory or
`Exposure.read(fname, asset_nodes=True)` to get an iterator over
Node objects (one Node for each asset).
if by_country: # E??_ -> countrycode
prefix2cc = countries.from_exposures(
os.path.basename(f) for f in fnames)
prefix = ''
allargs = []
tagcol = _minimal_tagcol(fnames, by_country)
for i, fname in enumerate(fnames, 1):
if by_country and len(fnames) > 1:
prefix = prefix2cc['E%02d_' % i] + '_'
elif len(fnames) > 1:
prefix = 'E%02d_' % i
prefix = ''
allargs.append((fname, calculation_mode, region_constraint,
ignore_missing_costs, asset_nodes, check_dupl,
prefix, tagcol))
exp = None
for exposure in parallel.Starmap(
Exposure.read_exp, allargs, distribute='no'):
if exp is None: # first time
exp = exposure
exp.description = 'Composite exposure[%d]' % len(fnames)
assert exposure.cost_types == exp.cost_types
assert exposure.occupancy_periods == exp.occupancy_periods
assert (exposure.insurance_limit_is_absolute ==
assert exposure.retrofitted == exp.retrofitted
assert exposure.area == exp.area
exp.exposures = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0]
for f in fnames]
return exp | 0.001902 |
def browseprofilegui(profilelog):
Browse interactively a profile log in GUI using RunSnakeRun and SquareMap
from runsnakerun import runsnake # runsnakerun needs wxPython lib, if it's not available then we can pass if we don't want a GUI. RunSnakeRun is only used for GUI visualisation, not for profiling (and you can still use pstats for console browsing)
app = runsnake.RunSnakeRunApp(0)
app.MainLoop() | 0.008333 |
def list_resource_record_sets_by_zone_id_parser(e_root, connection, zone_id):
Parses the API responses for the
:param lxml.etree._Element e_root: The root node of the etree parsed
response from the API.
:param Route53Connection connection: The connection instance used to
query the API.
:param str zone_id: The zone ID of the HostedZone these rrsets belong to.
:rtype: ResourceRecordSet
:returns: A generator of fully formed ResourceRecordSet instances.
# The rest of the list pagination tags are handled higher up in the stack.
# We'll just worry about the ResourceRecordSets tag, which has
# ResourceRecordSet tags nested beneath it.
e_rrsets = e_root.find('./{*}ResourceRecordSets')
for e_rrset in e_rrsets:
yield parse_rrset(e_rrset, connection, zone_id) | 0.001057 |
def connect_xmlstream(
Prepare and connect a :class:`aioxmpp.protocol.XMLStream` to a server
responsible for the given `jid` and authenticate against that server using
the SASL mechansims described in `metadata`.
:param jid: Address of the user for which the connection is made.
:type jid: :class:`aioxmpp.JID`
:param metadata: Connection metadata for configuring the TLS usage.
:type metadata: :class:`~.security_layer.SecurityLayer`
:param negotiation_timeout: Timeout for each individual negotiation step.
:type negotiation_timeout: :class:`float` in seconds
:param override_peer: Sequence of connection options which take precedence
over normal discovery methods.
:type override_peer: sequence of (:class:`str`, :class:`int`,
:class:`~.BaseConnector`) triples
:param loop: asyncio event loop to use (defaults to current)
:type loop: :class:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop`
:param logger: Logger to use (defaults to module-wide logger)
:type logger: :class:`logging.Logger`
:raises ValueError: if the domain from the `jid` announces that XMPP is not
supported at all.
:raises aioxmpp.errors.TLSFailure: if all connection attempts fail and one
of them is a :class:`~.TLSFailure`.
:raises aioxmpp.errors.MultiOSError: if all connection attempts fail.
:return: Transport, XML stream and the current stream features
:rtype: tuple of (:class:`asyncio.BaseTransport`, :class:`~.XMLStream`,
The part of the `metadata` specifying the use of TLS is applied. If the
security layer does not mandate TLS, the resulting XML stream may not be
using TLS. TLS is used whenever possible.
The connection options in `override_peer` are tried before any standardised
discovery of connection options is made. Only if all of them fail,
automatic discovery of connection options is performed.
`loop` may be a :class:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop` to use. Defaults to the
current event loop.
If the domain from the `jid` announces that XMPP is not supported at all,
:class:`ValueError` is raised. If no options are returned from
:func:`discover_connectors` and `override_peer` is empty,
:class:`ValueError` is raised, too.
If all connection attempts fail, :class:`aioxmpp.errors.MultiOSError` is
raised. The error contains one exception for each of the options discovered
as well as the elements from `override_peer` in the order they were tried.
A TLS problem is treated like any other connection problem and the other
connection options are considered. However, if *all* connection options
fail and the set of encountered errors includes a TLS error, the TLS error
is re-raised instead of raising a :class:`aioxmpp.errors.MultiOSError`.
Return a triple ``(transport, xmlstream, features)``. `transport`
the underlying :class:`asyncio.Transport` which is used for the `xmlstream`
:class:`~.protocol.XMLStream` instance. `features` is the
:class:`aioxmpp.nonza.StreamFeatures` instance describing the features of
the stream.
.. versionadded:: 0.6
.. versionchanged:: 0.8
The explicit raising of TLS errors has been introduced. Before, TLS
errors were treated like any other connection error, possibly masking
configuration problems.
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop is None else loop
options = list(override_peer)
exceptions = []
result = yield from _try_options(
jid, metadata, negotiation_timeout, loop, logger,
if result is not None:
return result
options = list((yield from discover_connectors(
result = yield from _try_options(
jid, metadata, negotiation_timeout, loop, logger,
if result is not None:
return result
if not options and not override_peer:
raise ValueError("no options to connect to XMPP domain {!r}".format(
for exc in exceptions:
if isinstance(exc, errors.TLSFailure):
raise exc
raise errors.MultiOSError(
"failed to connect to XMPP domain {!r}".format(jid.domain),
) | 0.000217 |
def contributionStatus(self):
"""gets the contribution status of a user"""
import time
url = "%s/contributors/%s/activeContribution" % (self.root, quote(self.contributorUID))
params = {
"agolUserToken" : self._agolSH.token,
"f" : "json"
res = self._get(url=url,
if'Status' in res and \
res['Status'] == 'start':
return True
return False | 0.013378 |
def check(somestr, check = STRING, interchange = ALL):
Checks that some string, word or text are palindrome. Checking performs case-insensitive
:param str somestr:
It is some string that will be checked for palindrome
:keyword int check:
It is mode of checking. Follows modes are available:
- STRING - means that checking of string performs as string. See more at help(palindromus.checkstring)
- WORD - means that checking of string performs as word. See more at help(palindromus.checkword)
- MULTILINE - means that checking of string performs as multiline palindrome. See more at help(palindromus.checkmultiline)
- TEXT - means that checking of string performs as text. See more at help(palindromus.checktext)
- SUPER - means that checking of string performs as superpalindrome. See more at help(palindromus.checksuper)
The STRING-mode is default
:keyword dict interchange:
It is dictionary of interchangeable letters
:except TypeError:
If the checked string is not a string
:except TypeError:
If checking mode is not specified as integer
:except ValueError:
If value of checking mode is not valid.
If value of checking mode in [STRING, WORD, MULTILINE, TEXT, SUPER] then it is valid
:return bool:
# check invalid data types
if not isinstance(check, int):
raise TypeError('keyword argument "check" must be an int')
if check == STRING:
# check that string is palindrome
return checkstring(somestr, interchange = interchange)
elif check == WORD:
# check that word is palindrome
return checkword(somestr, interchange = interchange)
elif check == MULTILINE:
# check that text is multiline palindrome
return checkmultiline(somestr, interchange = interchange)
elif check == TEXT:
# check that text is palindrome
return checktext(somestr, interchange = interchange)
elif check == SUPER:
# check that text is super palindrome
return checksuper(somestr, interchange = interchange)
# all other cases
raise ValueError('Unknown mode %i' % check) | 0.046275 |
def require_http_methods(request_methods):
Decorator to make a function view only accept particular request methods.
@require_http_methods(["GET", "POST"])
def function_view(request):
# HTTP methods != GET or POST results in 405 error code response
if not isinstance(request_methods, (list, tuple)):
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
"require_http_methods decorator must be called "
"with a list or tuple of strings. For example:\n\n"
" @require_http_methods(['GET', 'POST'])\n"
" def function_view(request):\n"
" ...\n")
request_methods = list(map(str.upper, request_methods))
for method in request_methods:
if method not in HTTP_METHOD_NAMES:
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
"require_http_method called with '%s', "
"which is not a valid HTTP method.\n"
% (method,))
if 'GET' in request_methods and 'HEAD' not in request_methods:
if 'OPTIONS' not in request_methods:
def decorator(func):
@wraps(func, assigned=available_attrs(func))
def inner(request, *args, **kwargs):
if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
response = HttpResponse()
response['Allow'] = ', '.join(
[m.upper() for m in request_methods])
response['Content-Length'] = '0'
return response
if request.method not in request_methods:
'Method Not Allowed (%s): %s',
'status_code': 405,
'request': request
return HttpResponseNotAllowed(request_methods)
return func(request, *args, **kwargs)
return inner
return decorator | 0.000473 |
def put(self, route: str(), callback: object()):
Binds a PUT route with the given callback
:rtype: object
self.__set_route('put', {route: callback})
return RouteMapping | 0.008929 |
def base_concrete_model(abstract, model):
Used in methods of abstract models to find the super-most concrete
(non abstract) model in the inheritance chain that inherits from the
given abstract model. This is so the methods in the abstract model can
query data consistently across the correct concrete model.
Consider the following::
class Abstract(models.Model)
class Meta:
abstract = True
def concrete(self):
return base_concrete_model(Abstract, self)
class Super(Abstract):
class Sub(Super):
sub = Sub.objects.create()
sub.concrete() # returns Super
In actual yacms usage, this allows methods in the ``Displayable`` and
``Orderable`` abstract models to access the ``Page`` instance when
instances of custom content types, (eg: models that inherit from ``Page``)
need to query the ``Page`` model to determine correct values for ``slug``
and ``_order`` which are only relevant in the context of the ``Page``
model and not the model of the custom content type.
if hasattr(model, 'objects'):
# "model" is a model class
return (model if model._meta.abstract else
_base_concrete_model(abstract, model))
# "model" is a model instance
return (
_base_concrete_model(abstract, model.__class__) or
model.__class__) | 0.000684 |
def run_job(self, job_id, array_id = None):
"""Overwrites the run-job command from the manager to extract the correct job id before calling base class implementation."""
# get the unique job id from the given grid id
jobs = list(self.session.query(Job).filter(Job.id == job_id))
if len(jobs) != 1:
raise ValueError("Could not find job id '%d' in the database'" % job_id)
job_id = jobs[0].unique
# call base class implementation with the corrected job id
return JobManager.run_job(self, job_id, array_id) | 0.010152 |
def add_fields(self, field_dict):
"""Add a mapping of field names to PayloadField instances.
:API: public
for key, field in field_dict.items():
self.add_field(key, field) | 0.010152 |
def keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent: QtGui.QKeyEvent):
Undo safe wrapper for the native ``keyPressEvent`` method.
* ``keyEvent`` (**QKeyEvent**): the key event to process.
* **QtmacsArgumentError** if at least one argument has an invalid type.
undoObj = UndoInsert(self, keyEvent.text())
self.qteUndoStack.push(undoObj) | 0.004415 |
def get_points(self):
"""Returns a ketama compatible list of (position, nodename) tuples.
return [(k, self.runtime._ring[k]) for k in self.runtime._keys] | 0.01105 |
def create_datacenter(datacenter_name, service_instance=None):
Creates a datacenter.
Supported proxies: esxdatacenter
The datacenter name
Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter.
Default is None.
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' vsphere.create_datacenter dc1
salt.utils.vmware.create_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter_name)
return {'create_datacenter': True} | 0.002045 |
def decrypt(crypt_text) -> str:
""" Use config.json key to decrypt """
cipher = Fernet(current_app.config['KEY'])
if not isinstance(crypt_text, bytes):
crypt_text = str.encode(crypt_text)
return cipher.decrypt(crypt_text).decode("utf-8") | 0.006993 |
def get_environment() -> Environment:
Returns the jinja2 templating environment updated with the most recent
cauldron environment configurations
loader = env.loader
resource_path = environ.configs.make_path(
'resources', 'templates',
if not loader:
env.filters['id'] = get_id
env.filters['latex'] = get_latex
if not loader or resource_path not in loader.searchpath:
env.loader = FileSystemLoader(resource_path)
return env | 0.001704 |
def get_limit_action(self, criticity, stat_name=""):
"""Return the tuple (action, repeat) for the alert.
- action is a command line
- repeat is a bool
# Get the action for stat + header
# Exemple: network_wlan0_rx_careful_action
# Action key available ?
ret = [(stat_name + '_' + criticity + '_action', False),
(stat_name + '_' + criticity + '_action_repeat', True),
(self.plugin_name + '_' + criticity + '_action', False),
(self.plugin_name + '_' + criticity + '_action_repeat', True)]
for r in ret:
if r[0] in self._limits:
return self._limits[r[0]], r[1]
# No key found, the raise an error
raise KeyError | 0.002584 |
def _find_module(mod_name):
Iterate over each part instead of calling imp.find_module directly.
This function is able to find submodules (e.g. sickit.tree)
path = None
for part in mod_name.split('.'):
if path is not None:
path = [path]
file, path, description = imp.find_module(part, path)
if file is not None:
return path, description | 0.002315 |
def report(policies, start_date, options, output_fh, raw_output_fh=None):
"""Format a policy's extant records into a report."""
regions = set([p.options.region for p in policies])
policy_names = set([p.name for p in policies])
formatter = Formatter(
include_default_fields=not options.no_default_fields,
include_region=len(regions) > 1,
include_policy=len(policy_names) > 1
records = []
for policy in policies:
# initialize policy execution context for output access
if policy.ctx.output.type == 's3':
policy_records = record_set(
policy_records = fs_record_set(policy.ctx.log_dir, policy.name)
log.debug("Found %d records for region %s", len(policy_records), policy.options.region)
for record in policy_records:
record['policy'] = policy.name
record['region'] = policy.options.region
records += policy_records
rows = formatter.to_csv(records)
if options.format == 'csv':
writer = UnicodeWriter(output_fh, formatter.headers())
elif options.format == 'json':
print(dumps(records, indent=2))
# We special case CSV, and for other formats we pass to tabulate
print(tabulate(rows, formatter.headers(), tablefmt=options.format))
if raw_output_fh is not None:
dumps(records, raw_output_fh, indent=2) | 0.001112 |
def _show(self, res, err, prefix='', colored=False):
""" Show result or error """
if self.kind is 'local':
what = res if not err else err
if self.kind is 'remote':
if colored:
red, green, reset = Fore.RED, Fore.GREEN, Fore.RESET
red = green = reset = ''
if err:
what = prefix + red + 'remote err: {}'.format(err) + reset
what = prefix + green + str(res) + reset
print(what) | 0.00339 |
def stop(self, precision=0):
""" Stops the timer, adds it as an interval to :prop:intervals
@precision: #int number of decimal places to round to
-> #str formatted interval time
self._stop = time.perf_counter()
return self.add_interval(precision) | 0.006515 |
def eth_getBalance(self, address):
"""Get account balance.
:param address:
account = self.reader._get_account(address)
return account.balance | 0.009852 |
def getParticleInfo(self, modelId):
"""Return particle info for a specific modelId.
modelId: which model Id
retval: (particleState, modelId, errScore, completed, matured)
entry = self._allResults[self._modelIDToIdx[modelId]]
return (entry['modelParams']['particleState'], modelId, entry['errScore'],
entry['completed'], entry['matured']) | 0.002123 |
def __build_signature(self, data, saml_type, sign_algorithm=OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.RSA_SHA1):
Builds the Signature
:param data: The Request data
:type data: dict
:param saml_type: The target URL the user should be redirected to
:type saml_type: string SAMLRequest | SAMLResponse
:param sign_algorithm: Signature algorithm method
:type sign_algorithm: string
assert saml_type in ('SAMLRequest', 'SAMLResponse')
key = self.get_settings().get_sp_key()
if not key:
raise OneLogin_Saml2_Error(
"Trying to sign the %s but can't load the SP private key." % saml_type,
msg = self.__build_sign_query(data[saml_type],
data.get('RelayState', None),
sign_algorithm_transform_map = {
OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.DSA_SHA1: xmlsec.Transform.DSA_SHA1,
OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.RSA_SHA1: xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA1,
OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.RSA_SHA256: xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA256,
OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.RSA_SHA384: xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA384,
OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.RSA_SHA512: xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA512
sign_algorithm_transform = sign_algorithm_transform_map.get(sign_algorithm, xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA1)
signature = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.sign_binary(msg, key, sign_algorithm_transform, self.__settings.is_debug_active())
data['Signature'] = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.b64encode(signature)
data['SigAlg'] = sign_algorithm | 0.003376 |
def open_scene(f, kwargs=None):
"""Opens the given JB_File
:param f: the file to open
:type f: :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.JB_File`
:param kwargs: keyword arguments for the command maya.cmds file.
defaultflags that are always used:
:open: ``True``
e.g. to force the open command use ``{'force'=True}``.
:type kwargs: dict|None
:returns: An action status. The returnvalue of the actionstatus is the opened mayafile
:rtype: :class:`ActionStatus`
:raises: None
defaultkwargs = {'open':True}
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
fp = f.get_fullpath()
mayafile = cmds.file(fp, **kwargs)
msg = "Successfully opened file %s with arguments: %s" % (fp, kwargs)
return ActionStatus(ActionStatus.SUCCESS, msg, returnvalue=mayafile) | 0.003405 |
def configure(root_url, **kwargs):
Notice that `configure` can either apply to the default configuration or
`Client.config`, which is the configuration used by the current thread
since `Client` inherits form `threading.local`.
default = kwargs.pop('default', True)
kwargs['client_agent'] = 'example-client/' + __version__
if 'headers' not in kwargs:
kwargs['headers'] = {}
kwargs['headers']['Accept-Type'] = 'application/json'
if default:
default_config.reset(root_url, **kwargs)
Client.config = wac.Config(root_url, **kwargs) | 0.001639 |
def _get_classes(package_name, base_class):
search monits or works classes. Class must have 'name' attribute
:param package_name: 'monits' or 'works'
:param base_class: Monit or Work
:return: tuple of tuples monit/work-name and class
classes = {}
base_dir = os.getcwd()
root_module_name = base_dir.split('/')[-1]
package_dir = base_dir + '/%s' % package_name
if os.path.isdir(package_dir):
for module_path in os.listdir(package_dir):
if not module_path.endswith('.py'):
module_name = os.path.splitext(module_path)[0]
module_full_name = '%s.%s.%s' % (root_module_name, package_name, module_name)
work_module = sys.modules[module_full_name]
for module_item in work_module.__dict__.values():
if type(module_item) is type \
and issubclass(module_item, base_class) \
and module_item is not base_class\
and hasattr(module_item, 'name') and module_item.name:
classes.setdefault(module_item.name, []).append(module_item)
# check no duplicated names
for work_name, work_modules in classes.items():
if len(work_modules) > 1:
raise DuplicatedNameException('Modules %s have same name "%s"' % (
' and '.join(map(str, work_modules)),
# create immutable list of modules
return tuple([(work_name, work_modules[0]) for work_name, work_modules in classes.items()]) | 0.003957 |
def compose(layers, bbox=None, layer_filter=None, color=None, **kwargs):
Compose layers to a single :py:class:`PIL.Image`.
If the layers do not have visible pixels, the function returns `None`.
image = compose([layer1, layer2])
In order to skip some layers, pass `layer_filter` function which
should take `layer` as an argument and return `True` to keep the layer
or return `False` to skip::
image = compose(
layer_filter=lambda x: x.is_visible() and x.kind == 'type'
By default, visible layers are composed.
.. note:: This function is experimental and does not guarantee
Photoshop-quality rendering.
Currently the following are ignored:
- Adjustments layers
- Layer effects
- Blending mode (all blending modes become normal)
Shape drawing is inaccurate if the PSD file is not saved with
maximum compatibility.
:param layers: a layer, or an iterable of layers.
:param bbox: (left, top, bottom, right) tuple that specifies a region to
compose. By default, all the visible area is composed. The origin
is at the top-left corner of the PSD document.
:param layer_filter: a callable that takes a layer and returns `bool`.
:param color: background color in `int` or `tuple`.
:return: :py:class:`PIL.Image` or `None`.
from PIL import Image
if not hasattr(layers, '__iter__'):
layers = [layers]
def _default_filter(layer):
return layer.is_visible()
layer_filter = layer_filter or _default_filter
valid_layers = [x for x in layers if layer_filter(x)]
if len(valid_layers) == 0:
return None
if bbox is None:
bbox = extract_bbox(valid_layers)
if bbox == (0, 0, 0, 0):
return None
# Alpha must be forced to correctly blend.
mode = get_pil_mode(valid_layers[0]._psd.color_mode, True)
result = Image.new(
mode, (bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1]),
color=color if color is not None else 'white',
for layer in valid_layers:
if intersect(layer.bbox, bbox) == (0, 0, 0, 0):
image = layer.compose(**kwargs)
if image is None:
logger.debug('Composing %s' % layer)
offset = (layer.left - bbox[0], layer.top - bbox[1])
result = _blend(result, image, offset)
return result | 0.000397 |
def filter_active(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return only the 'active' hits.
How you count a hit/view will depend on personal choice: Should the
same user/visitor *ever* be counted twice? After a week, or a month,
or a year, should their view be counted again?
The defaulf is to consider a visitor's hit still 'active' if they
return within a the last seven days.. After that the hit
will be counted again. So if one person visits once a week for a year,
they will add 52 hits to a given object.
Change how long the expiration is by adding to settings.py:
HITCOUNT_KEEP_HIT_ACTIVE = {'days' : 30, 'minutes' : 30}
Accepts days, seconds, microseconds, milliseconds, minutes,
hours, and weeks. It's creating a datetime.timedelta object.
grace = getattr(settings, 'HITCOUNT_KEEP_HIT_ACTIVE', {'days': 7})
period = timezone.now() - timedelta(**grace)
return self.filter(created__gte=period).filter(*args, **kwargs) | 0.001887 |
def show(self):
"""Controls if the viewlet should be rendered
url = self.request.getURL()
# XXX: Hack to show the viewlet only on the AR base_view
if not any(map(url.endswith, ["base_view", "manage_results"])):
return False
return self.attachments_view.user_can_add_attachments() or \
self.attachments_view.user_can_update_attachments() | 0.007229 |
def parse_input(tagged_string, disable_colors, keep_tags):
"""Perform the actual conversion of tags to ANSI escaped codes.
Provides a version of the input without any colors for len() and other methods.
:param str tagged_string: The input unicode value.
:param bool disable_colors: Strip all colors in both outputs.
:param bool keep_tags: Skip parsing curly bracket tags into ANSI escape sequences.
:return: 2-item tuple. First item is the parsed output. Second item is a version of the input without any colors.
:rtype: tuple
codes = ANSICodeMapping(tagged_string)
output_colors = getattr(tagged_string, 'value_colors', tagged_string)
# Convert: '{b}{red}' -> '\033[1m\033[31m'
if not keep_tags:
for tag, replacement in (('{' + k + '}', '' if v is None else '\033[%dm' % v) for k, v in codes.items()):
output_colors = output_colors.replace(tag, replacement)
# Strip colors.
output_no_colors = RE_ANSI.sub('', output_colors)
if disable_colors:
return output_no_colors, output_no_colors
# Combine: '\033[1m\033[31m' -> '\033[1;31m'
while True:
simplified = RE_COMBINE.sub(r'\033[\1;\2m', output_colors)
if simplified == output_colors:
output_colors = simplified
# Prune: '\033[31;32;33;34;35m' -> '\033[35m'
output_colors = prune_overridden(output_colors)
# Deduplicate: '\033[1;mT\033[1;mE\033[1;mS\033[1;mT' -> '\033[1;mTEST'
previous_escape = None
segments = list()
for item in (i for i in RE_SPLIT.split(output_colors) if i):
if RE_SPLIT.match(item):
if item != previous_escape:
previous_escape = item
output_colors = ''.join(segments)
return output_colors, output_no_colors | 0.002657 |
def platform(cls):
What Operating System (and sub-system like glibc / musl)
system_name = platform.system()
if system_name == "Linux":
libc = cls.libc()
return "unknown-linux-{libc}".format(libc=libc)
elif system_name == "Darwin":
return "apple-darwin"
return "unknown" | 0.005168 |
def create_service_from_endpoint(endpoint, service_type, title=None, abstract=None, catalog=None):
Create a service from an endpoint if it does not already exists.
from models import Service
if Service.objects.filter(url=endpoint, catalog=catalog).count() == 0:
# check if endpoint is valid
request = requests.get(endpoint)
if request.status_code == 200:
LOGGER.debug('Creating a %s service for endpoint=%s catalog=%s' % (service_type, endpoint, catalog))
service = Service(
type=service_type, url=endpoint, title=title, abstract=abstract,
csw_type='service', catalog=catalog
return service
LOGGER.warning('This endpoint is invalid, status code is %s' % request.status_code)
LOGGER.warning('A service for this endpoint %s in catalog %s already exists' % (endpoint, catalog))
return None | 0.005842 |
def transitions(self):
"""Dense [k-1]x4 transition frequency matrix"""
if self._transitions is not None:
return self._transitions
transitions = self.array.astype(np.float)
transitions /= transitions.sum(1)[:, np.newaxis]
self._transitions = transitions
return transitions | 0.006042 |
def structured_traceback(self, etype, evalue, etb, tb_offset=None,
"""Return a nice text document describing the traceback."""
tb_offset = self.tb_offset if tb_offset is None else tb_offset
# some locals
etype = etype.__name__
except AttributeError:
Colors = self.Colors # just a shorthand + quicker name lookup
ColorsNormal = Colors.Normal # used a lot
col_scheme = self.color_scheme_table.active_scheme_name
indent = ' '*INDENT_SIZE
em_normal = '%s\n%s%s' % (Colors.valEm, indent,ColorsNormal)
undefined = '%sundefined%s' % (Colors.em, ColorsNormal)
exc = '%s%s%s' % (Colors.excName,etype,ColorsNormal)
# some internal-use functions
def text_repr(value):
"""Hopefully pretty robust repr equivalent."""
# this is pretty horrible but should always return *something*
return pydoc.text.repr(value)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return repr(value)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# all still in an except block so we catch
# getattr raising
name = getattr(value, '__name__', None)
if name:
# ick, recursion
return text_repr(name)
klass = getattr(value, '__class__', None)
if klass:
return '%s instance' % text_repr(klass)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def eqrepr(value, repr=text_repr): return '=%s' % repr(value)
def nullrepr(value, repr=text_repr): return ''
# meat of the code begins
etype = etype.__name__
except AttributeError:
if self.long_header:
# Header with the exception type, python version, and date
pyver = 'Python ' + sys.version.split()[0] + ': ' + sys.executable
date = time.ctime(time.time())
head = '%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s' % (Colors.topline, '-'*75, ColorsNormal,
exc, ' '*(75-len(str(etype))-len(pyver)),
pyver, date.rjust(75) )
head += "\nA problem occured executing Python code. Here is the sequence of function"\
"\ncalls leading up to the error, with the most recent (innermost) call last."
# Simplified header
head = '%s%s%s\n%s%s' % (Colors.topline, '-'*75, ColorsNormal,exc,
'Traceback (most recent call last)'.\
rjust(75 - len(str(etype)) ) )
frames = []
# Flush cache before calling inspect. This helps alleviate some of the
# problems with python 2.3's inspect.py.
# Drop topmost frames if requested
# Try the default getinnerframes and Alex's: Alex's fixes some
# problems, but it generates empty tracebacks for console errors
# (5 blanks lines) where none should be returned.
#records = inspect.getinnerframes(etb, context)[tb_offset:]
#print 'python records:', records # dbg
records = _fixed_getinnerframes(etb, context, tb_offset)
#print 'alex records:', records # dbg
# FIXME: I've been getting many crash reports from python 2.3
# users, traceable to inspect.py. If I can find a small test-case
# to reproduce this, I should either write a better workaround or
# file a bug report against inspect (if that's the real problem).
# So far, I haven't been able to find an isolated example to
# reproduce the problem.
info('\nUnfortunately, your original traceback can not be constructed.\n')
return ''
# build some color string templates outside these nested loops
tpl_link = '%s%%s%s' % (Colors.filenameEm,ColorsNormal)
tpl_call = 'in %s%%s%s%%s%s' % (Colors.vName, Colors.valEm,
tpl_call_fail = 'in %s%%s%s(***failed resolving arguments***)%s' % \
(Colors.vName, Colors.valEm, ColorsNormal)
tpl_local_var = '%s%%s%s' % (Colors.vName, ColorsNormal)
tpl_global_var = '%sglobal%s %s%%s%s' % (Colors.em, ColorsNormal,
Colors.vName, ColorsNormal)
tpl_name_val = '%%s %s= %%s%s' % (Colors.valEm, ColorsNormal)
tpl_line = '%s%%s%s %%s' % (Colors.lineno, ColorsNormal)
tpl_line_em = '%s%%s%s %%s%s' % (Colors.linenoEm,Colors.line,
# now, loop over all records printing context and info
abspath = os.path.abspath
for frame, file, lnum, func, lines, index in records:
#print '*** record:',file,lnum,func,lines,index # dbg
if not file:
file = '?'
elif not(file.startswith("<") and file.endswith(">")):
# Guess that filenames like <string> aren't real filenames, so
# don't call abspath on them.
file = abspath(file)
except OSError:
# Not sure if this can still happen: abspath now works with
# file names like <string>
link = tpl_link % file
args, varargs, varkw, locals = inspect.getargvalues(frame)
if func == '?':
call = ''
# Decide whether to include variable details or not
var_repr = self.include_vars and eqrepr or nullrepr
call = tpl_call % (func,inspect.formatargvalues(args,
varargs, varkw,
except KeyError:
# This happens in situations like errors inside generator
# expressions, where local variables are listed in the
# line, but can't be extracted from the frame. I'm not
# 100% sure this isn't actually a bug in inspect itself,
# but since there's no info for us to compute with, the
# best we can do is report the failure and move on. Here
# we must *not* call any traceback construction again,
# because that would mess up use of %debug later on. So we
# simply report the failure and move on. The only
# limitation will be that this frame won't have locals
# listed in the call signature. Quite subtle problem...
# I can't think of a good way to validate this in a unit
# test, but running a script consisting of:
# dict( (k,v.strip()) for (k,v) in range(10) )
# will illustrate the error, if this exception catch is
# disabled.
call = tpl_call_fail % func
# Don't attempt to tokenize binary files.
if file.endswith(('.so', '.pyd', '.dll')):
frames.append('%s %s\n' % (link,call))
elif file.endswith(('.pyc','.pyo')):
# Look up the corresponding source file.
file = pyfile.source_from_cache(file)
def linereader(file=file, lnum=[lnum], getline=linecache.getline):
line = getline(file, lnum[0])
lnum[0] += 1
return line
# Build the list of names on this line of code where the exception
# occurred.
names = []
name_cont = False
for token_type, token, start, end, line in generate_tokens(linereader):
# build composite names
if token_type == tokenize.NAME and token not in keyword.kwlist:
if name_cont:
# Continuation of a dotted name
except IndexError:
name_cont = False
# Regular new names. We append everything, the caller
# will be responsible for pruning the list later. It's
# very tricky to try to prune as we go, b/c composite
# names can fool us. The pruning at the end is easy
# to do (or the caller can print a list with repeated
# names if so desired.
elif token == '.':
name_cont = True
elif token_type == tokenize.NEWLINE:
except (IndexError, UnicodeDecodeError):
# signals exit of tokenizer
except tokenize.TokenError,msg:
_m = ("An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input\n"
"The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid\n"
"The error message is: %s\n" % msg)
# Join composite names (e.g. "dict.fromkeys")
names = ['.'.join(n) for n in names]
# prune names list of duplicates, but keep the right order
unique_names = uniq_stable(names)
# Start loop over vars
lvals = []
if self.include_vars:
for name_full in unique_names:
name_base = name_full.split('.',1)[0]
if name_base in frame.f_code.co_varnames:
if locals.has_key(name_base):
value = repr(eval(name_full,locals))
value = undefined
value = undefined
name = tpl_local_var % name_full
if frame.f_globals.has_key(name_base):
value = repr(eval(name_full,frame.f_globals))
value = undefined
value = undefined
name = tpl_global_var % name_full
lvals.append(tpl_name_val % (name,value))
if lvals:
lvals = '%s%s' % (indent,em_normal.join(lvals))
lvals = ''
level = '%s %s\n' % (link,call)
if index is None:
frames.append('%s%s' % (level,''.join(
# Get (safely) a string form of the exception info
etype_str,evalue_str = map(str,(etype,evalue))
# User exception is improperly defined.
etype,evalue = str,sys.exc_info()[:2]
etype_str,evalue_str = map(str,(etype,evalue))
# ... and format it
exception = ['%s%s%s: %s' % (Colors.excName, etype_str,
ColorsNormal, evalue_str)]
if (not py3compat.PY3) and type(evalue) is types.InstanceType:
names = [w for w in dir(evalue) if isinstance(w, basestring)]
# Every now and then, an object with funny inernals blows up
# when dir() is called on it. We do the best we can to report
# the problem and continue
_m = '%sException reporting error (object with broken dir())%s:'
exception.append(_m % (Colors.excName,ColorsNormal))
etype_str,evalue_str = map(str,sys.exc_info()[:2])
exception.append('%s%s%s: %s' % (Colors.excName,etype_str,
ColorsNormal, evalue_str))
names = []
for name in names:
value = text_repr(getattr(evalue, name))
exception.append('\n%s%s = %s' % (indent, name, value))
# vds: >>
if records:
filepath, lnum = records[-1][1:3]
#print "file:", str(file), "linenb", str(lnum) # dbg
filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
ipinst = ipapi.get()
if ipinst is not None:
ipinst.hooks.synchronize_with_editor(filepath, lnum, 0)
# vds: <<
# return all our info assembled as a single string
# return '%s\n\n%s\n%s' % (head,'\n'.join(frames),''.join(exception[0]) )
return [head] + frames + [''.join(exception[0])] | 0.007238 |
def set(self, key, value):
"""Set a configuration property."""
# Try to set self._jconf first if JVM is created, set self._conf if JVM is not created yet.
if self._jconf is not None:
self._jconf.set(key, unicode(value))
self._conf[key] = unicode(value)
return self | 0.008982 |
def template(filename):
def method_wrapper(method):
def jinja_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
ret = method(*args, **kwargs)
return render_template(filename, ret)
return jinja_wrapper
return method_wrapper | 0.003311 |
def _equivalent(self, other):
"""Compare two entities of the same class, excluding keys."""
if other.__class__ is not self.__class__: # TODO: What about subclasses?
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot compare different model classes. '
'%s is not %s' % (self.__class__.__name__,
if set(self._projection) != set(other._projection):
return False
# It's all about determining inequality early.
if len(self._properties) != len(other._properties):
return False # Can only happen for Expandos.
my_prop_names = set(self._properties.iterkeys())
their_prop_names = set(other._properties.iterkeys())
if my_prop_names != their_prop_names:
return False # Again, only possible for Expandos.
if self._projection:
my_prop_names = set(self._projection)
for name in my_prop_names:
if '.' in name:
name, _ = name.split('.', 1)
my_value = self._properties[name]._get_value(self)
their_value = other._properties[name]._get_value(other)
if my_value != their_value:
return False
return True | 0.008396 |
def token(self, value):
Set the Token of the message.
:type value: String
:param value: the Token
:raise AttributeError: if value is longer than 256
if value is None:
self._token = value
if not isinstance(value, str):
value = str(value)
if len(value) > 256:
raise AttributeError
self._token = value | 0.004525 |
def get_connection(self, name):
"""Returns the properties for a connection name
This method will return the settings for the configuration specified
by name. Note that the name argument should only be the name.
For instance, give the following eapi.conf file
.. code-block:: ini
transport: http
The name to use to retrieve the configuration would be veos01
>>> pyeapi.client.config.get_connection('veos01')
name (str): The name of the connection to return
A Python dictionary object of key/value pairs that represent
the node configuration. If the name provided in the argument
is not found, then None is returned.
name = 'connection:{}'.format(name)
if not self.has_section(name):
return None
return dict(self.items(name)) | 0.002058 |
def write_header(term='bash', tree_dir=None, name=None):
''' Write proper file header in a given shell format
term (str):
The type of shell header to write, can be "bash", "tsch", or "modules"
tree_dir (str):
The path to this repository
name (str):
The name of the configuration
A string header to insert
assert term in ['bash', 'tsch', 'modules'], 'term must be either bash, tsch, or module'
product_dir = tree_dir.rstrip('/')
base = 'export' if term == 'bash' else 'setenv'
if term != 'modules':
hdr = """# Set up tree/{0} for {1}
{2} TREE_DIR {3}
{2} TREE_VER {1}
""".format(name, term, base, product_dir)
hdr = """#%Module1.0
proc ModulesHelp {{ }} {{
global product version
puts stderr "This module adds $product/$version to various paths"
set name tree
set product tree
set version {1}
conflict $product
module-whatis "Sets up $product/$version in your environment"
setenv [string toupper $product]_DIR $PRODUCT_DIR
setenv [string toupper $product]_VER $version
prepend-path PATH $PRODUCT_DIR/bin
prepend-path PYTHONPATH $PRODUCT_DIR/python
""".format(product_dir, name)
return hdr.strip() | 0.002152 |
def getHourTable(date, pos):
""" Returns an HourTable object. """
table = hourTable(date, pos)
return HourTable(table, date) | 0.007353 |
def _get_user_ns_object(shell, path):
"""Get object from the user namespace, given a path containing
zero or more dots. Return None if the path is not valid.
parts = path.split('.', 1)
name, attr = parts[0], parts[1:]
if name in shell.user_ns:
if attr:
return _getattr(shell.user_ns[name], attr[0])
except AttributeError:
return None
return shell.user_ns[name]
return None | 0.002 |
def render_koji(self):
if there is yum repo in user params, don't pick stuff from koji
phase = 'prebuild_plugins'
plugin = 'koji'
if not self.pt.has_plugin_conf(phase, plugin):
if self.user_params.yum_repourls.value:
self.pt.remove_plugin(phase, plugin, 'there is a yum repo user parameter')
elif not self.pt.set_plugin_arg_valid(phase, plugin, "target",
self.pt.remove_plugin(phase, plugin, 'no koji target supplied in user parameters') | 0.007862 |
def _get_updated_rows(self, auth, function):
""" Get rows updated by last update query
* `function` [function]
Function to use for searching (one of the search_* functions).
Helper function used to fetch all rows which was updated by the
latest UPDATE ... RETURNING id query.
# Get dicts for all rows which were edited by building a query for
# search_*. Each row returned from UPDATE ... RETURNING id gives us one
# query part (qp) which then are combined to one big query for the
# search_* API call.
qps = []
for row in self._curs_pg:
'operator': 'equals',
'val1': 'id',
'val2': row['id']
# if we didn't update anything return empty list
if len(qps) == 0:
return []
# fetch list of objects based on IDs
q = qps[0]
for qp in qps[1:]:
q = {
'operator': 'or',
'val1': q,
'val2': qp
updated = function(auth, q, { 'max_result': 10000 })['result']
return updated | 0.003167 |
def validate_and_decode(jwt_bu64, cert_obj):
"""Example for validating the signature of a JWT using only the cryptography
Note that this does NOT validate the claims in the claim set.
public_key = cert_obj.public_key()
message = '.'.join(d1_common.cert.jwt.get_bu64_tup(jwt_bu64)[:2])
signature = d1_common.cert.jwt.get_jwt_tup(jwt_bu64)[2]
except cryptography.exceptions.InvalidSignature as e:
raise Exception('Signature is invalid. error="{}"'.format(str(e)))
return d1_common.cert.jwt.get_jwt_dict(jwt_bu64) | 0.002522 |
def create_certificate_signing_request(self, body, **kwargs):
create a CertificateSigningRequest
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
>>> thread = api.create_certificate_signing_request(body, async_req=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param async_req bool
:param V1beta1CertificateSigningRequest body: (required)
:param str pretty: If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.
:param str dry_run: When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed
:param str field_manager: fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by https://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#IsPrint.
:return: V1beta1CertificateSigningRequest
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True
if kwargs.get('async_req'):
return self.create_certificate_signing_request_with_http_info(body, **kwargs)
(data) = self.create_certificate_signing_request_with_http_info(body, **kwargs)
return data | 0.004507 |
def _parallel_exec(self, hosts):
''' handles mulitprocessing when more than 1 fork is required '''
if not hosts:
p = multiprocessing.Pool(self.forks)
results = []
#results = p.map(multiprocessing_runner, hosts) # can't handle keyboard interrupt
results = p.map_async(multiprocessing_runner, hosts).get(9999999)
return results | 0.009195 |
def _convert_rename(self, fc):
"""Convert a FileRenameCommand into a new FileCommand.
:return: None if the rename is being ignored, otherwise a
new FileCommand based on the whether the old and new paths
are inside or outside of the interesting locations.
old = fc.old_path
new = fc.new_path
keep_old = self._path_to_be_kept(old)
keep_new = self._path_to_be_kept(new)
if keep_old and keep_new:
fc.old_path = self._adjust_for_new_root(old)
fc.new_path = self._adjust_for_new_root(new)
return fc
elif keep_old:
# The file has been renamed to a non-interesting location.
# Delete it!
old = self._adjust_for_new_root(old)
return commands.FileDeleteCommand(old)
elif keep_new:
# The file has been renamed into an interesting location
# We really ought to add it but we don't currently buffer
# the contents of all previous files and probably never want
# to. Maybe fast-import-info needs to be extended to
# remember all renames and a config file can be passed
# into here ala fast-import?
self.warning("cannot turn rename of %s into an add of %s yet" %
(old, new))
return None | 0.00219 |
def __find_pair_clusters(self, clusters):
@brief Returns pair of clusters that are best candidates for merging in line with goodness measure.
The pair of clusters for which the above goodness measure is maximum is the best pair of clusters to be merged.
@param[in] clusters (list): List of clusters that have been allocated during processing, each cluster is represented by list of indexes of points from the input data set.
@return (list) List that contains two indexes of clusters (from list 'clusters') that should be merged on this step.
It can be equals to [-1, -1] when no links between clusters.
maximum_goodness = 0.0;
cluster_indexes = [-1, -1];
for i in range(0, len(clusters)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(clusters)):
goodness = self.__calculate_goodness(clusters[i], clusters[j]);
if (goodness > maximum_goodness):
maximum_goodness = goodness;
cluster_indexes = [i, j];
return cluster_indexes; | 0.015228 |
def back_bfs(self, start, end=None):
Returns a list of nodes in some backward BFS order.
Starting from the start node the breadth first search proceeds along
incoming edges.
return [node for node, step in self._iterbfs(start, end, forward=False)] | 0.009901 |
def explainParam(self, param):
Explains a single param and returns its name, doc, and optional
default value and user-supplied value in a string.
param = self._resolveParam(param)
values = []
if self.isDefined(param):
if param in self._defaultParamMap:
values.append("default: %s" % self._defaultParamMap[param])
if param in self._paramMap:
values.append("current: %s" % self._paramMap[param])
valueStr = "(" + ", ".join(values) + ")"
return "%s: %s %s" % (param.name, param.doc, valueStr) | 0.00295 |
def set_curves(self, curves):
u''' Set supported curves by name, nid or nist.
:param str | tuple(int) curves: Example "secp384r1:secp256k1", (715, 714), "P-384", "K-409:B-409:K-571", ...
:return: 1 for success and 0 for failure
retVal = None
if isinstance(curves, str):
retVal = SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list(self._ctx, curves)
elif isinstance(curves, tuple):
retVal = SSL_CTX_set1_curves(self._ctx, curves, len(curves))
return retVal | 0.005747 |
async def authenticate_with_device(atv):
"""Perform device authentication and print credentials."""
credentials = await atv.airplay.generate_credentials()
await atv.airplay.load_credentials(credentials)
await atv.airplay.start_authentication()
pin = input('PIN Code: ')
await atv.airplay.finish_authentication(pin)
print('Credentials: {0}'.format(credentials))
except exceptions.DeviceAuthenticationError:
print('Failed to authenticate', file=sys.stderr) | 0.001919 |
def get_categories(self, job_id, category_id=None, body=None, params=None):
:arg job_id: The name of the job
:arg category_id: The identifier of the category definition of interest
:arg body: Category selection details if not provided in URI
:arg from_: skips a number of categories
:arg size: specifies a max number of categories to get
if job_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'job_id'.")
return self.transport.perform_request(
"_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "results", "categories", category_id
) | 0.004582 |
def submit_fatjar(cl_args, unknown_args, tmp_dir):
We use the packer to make a package for the jar and dump it
to a well-known location. We then run the main method of class
with the specified arguments. We pass arguments as an environment variable HERON_OPTIONS.
This will run the jar file with the topology_class_name. The submitter
inside will write out the topology defn file to a location that
we specify. Then we write the topology defn file to a well known
location. We then write to appropriate places in zookeeper
and launch the scheduler jobs
:param cl_args:
:param unknown_args:
:param tmp_dir:
# execute main of the topology to create the topology definition
topology_file = cl_args['topology-file-name']
main_class = cl_args['topology-class-name']
res = execute.heron_class(
if not result.is_successful(res):
err_context = ("Failed to create topology definition " \
"file when executing class '%s' of file '%s'") % (main_class, topology_file)
return res
results = launch_topologies(cl_args, topology_file, tmp_dir)
return results | 0.010079 |
def patch_ref(self, sha):
""" Patch reference on the origin master branch
:param sha: Sha to use for the branch
:return: Status of success
:rtype: str or self.ProxyError
uri = "{api}/repos/{origin}/git/refs/heads/{branch}".format(
data = {
"sha": sha,
"force": True
reply = self.request(
if reply.status_code == 200:
dic = json.loads(reply.content.decode("utf-8"))
return dic["object"]["sha"]
dic = json.loads(reply.content.decode("utf-8"))
return self.ProxyError(
(dic, "message"),
"uri": uri,
"data": data
) | 0.001916 |
def _onSize(self, evt):
Called when wxEventSize is generated.
In this application we attempt to resize to fit the window, so it
is better to take the performance hit and redraw the whole window.
DEBUG_MSG("_onSize()", 2, self)
# Create a new, correctly sized bitmap
self._width, self._height = self.GetClientSize()
self.bitmap =wx.EmptyBitmap(self._width, self._height)
self._isDrawn = False
if self._width <= 1 or self._height <= 1: return # Empty figure
dpival = self.figure.dpi
winch = self._width/dpival
hinch = self._height/dpival
self.figure.set_size_inches(winch, hinch)
# Rendering will happen on the associated paint event
# so no need to do anything here except to make sure
# the whole background is repainted.
FigureCanvasBase.resize_event(self) | 0.005176 |
def create_log_stream(awsclient, log_group_name, log_stream_name):
"""Creates a log stream for the specified log group.
:param log_group_name: log group name
:param log_stream_name: log stream name
client_logs = awsclient.get_client('logs')
response = client_logs.create_log_stream(
) | 0.002463 |
def from_json(cls, data, result=None):
Create new RelationMember element from JSON data
:param child: Element data from JSON
:type child: Dict
:param result: The result this element belongs to
:type result: overpy.Result
:return: New instance of RelationMember
:rtype: overpy.RelationMember
:raises overpy.exception.ElementDataWrongType: If type value of the passed JSON data does not match.
if data.get("type") != cls._type_value:
raise exception.ElementDataWrongType(
ref = data.get("ref")
role = data.get("role")
attributes = {}
ignore = ["geometry", "type", "ref", "role"]
for n, v in data.items():
if n in ignore:
attributes[n] = v
geometry = data.get("geometry")
if isinstance(geometry, list):
geometry_orig = geometry
geometry = []
for v in geometry_orig:
geometry = None
return cls(
) | 0.001956 |
def get_cozy_param(param):
Get parameter in Cozy configuration
req = curl_couchdb('/cozy/_design/cozyinstance/_view/all')
rows = req.json()['rows']
if len(rows) == 0:
return None
return rows[0].get('value', {}).get(param, None)
return None | 0.00565 |