stringclasses 1
value | metalang_glottocode
stringclasses 1
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| transcription
stringlengths 12
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stringlengths 16
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stringlengths 11
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_100 | Upéi-ngo a-ju he .ndive la h-óga-pe . Roi-me ro-ína . | Then-FOC 1Sg-com 3Pl-with Def.Det [Sp] 3.Poss-house-Loc 1Pl.Excl-Loc 2Pl.Excl.Cont | "And then I came with him to his house. We were there." |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_100 | Upéingo aju he .ndive la hógape . Roime roína . | Then-FOC 1Sg-com 3Pl-with Def.Det [Sp] 3.Poss-house-Loc 1Pl.Excl-Loc 2Pl.Excl.Cont | "And then I came with him to his house. We were there." |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_101 | Upéi che-avisa: “La ónse ramo o-ñepyrũ-ta hína la músika a-hendu-ka-sé-va ndéve .” | Then 1Sg.Obj-tell: “def eleven Cond 3-begin-Prosp Emph Def.Det [Sp] music 1Sg-listen-Caus-Des-Rel 2Sg.Begin | Then he tells me: “At eleven o’clock the music that I want to make you listen to will begin." |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_101 | Upéi cheavisa: “La ónse ramo oñepyrũta hína la músika ahendukaséva ndéve .” | Then 1Sg.Obj-tell: “def eleven Cond 3-begin-Prosp Emph Def.Det [Sp] music 1Sg-listen-Caus-Des-Rel 2Sg.Begin | Then he tells me: “At eleven o’clock the music that I want to make you listen to will begin." |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_102 | Upéi-ngo ro-kay’u , are ro-kay’u ha ro-ñẽ’ẽ ro-ína . | Then-FOC 1Pl-drink.mate, some.time 1Pl.Excl.-drink.mate Conj 1Pl.Excl.-talk 1Pl.Excl-Cont | Then we drank mate; for sometime we drank mate and talked (for a long time). |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_102 | Upéingo rokay’u , are rokay’u ha roñẽ’ẽ roína . | Then-FOC 1Pl-drink.mate, some.time 1Pl.Excl.-drink.mate Conj 1Pl.Excl.-talk 1Pl.Excl-Cont | Then we drank mate; for sometime we drank mate and talked (for a long time). |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_103 | Upéi katu ro-je-deha la kay’ú-gui , | Then Emph 1Pl-Refl-leave Def.Det [Sp] drink.mate-from.Prep, | Then we stopped drinking mate, |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_103 | Upéi katu rojedeha la kay’úgui , | Then Emph 1Pl-Refl-leave Def.Det [Sp] drink.mate-from.Prep, | Then we stopped drinking mate, |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_104 | ha no-ro-senái , ro-ha’arõ hína la músika . | Conj Neg-1Pl.Excl-dinner, 1Pl-wait Cont Def.Det [Sp] music | ...and we didn’t have dinner; we were waiting for the music. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_104 | ha norosenái , roha’arõ hína la músika . | Conj Neg-1Pl.Excl-dinner, 1Pl-wait Cont Def.Det [Sp] music | ...and we didn’t have dinner; we were waiting for the music. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_105 | Hasý-pe-ngo la ónse sapý’a . Ro-pu’ã ha che-gueraha peteĩ kahõ oĩ- há-pe , | Tired-Loc-FOC Def.Det [Sp] eleven suddenly. 1Pl-get.up Conj 1Sg.Obj-take one a.[funerary].urn 3-exist- Rel.Loc | And finally, it was suddenly eleven o’clock. We got up and he took me where there was a funerary urn, |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_105 | Hasýpengo la ónse sapý’a . Ropu’ã ha chegueraha peteĩ kahõ oĩ hápe , | Tired-Loc-FOC Def.Det [Sp] eleven suddenly. 1Pl-get.up Conj 1Sg.Obj-take one a.[funerary].urn 3-exist- Rel.Loc | And finally, it was suddenly eleven o’clock. We got up and he took me where there was a funerary urn, |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_106 | nimbo upéa la o-guenohẽ va’ekue ra'e la i-konpádre Vito ndíve: henyhẽ-te-pype la kritiáno kangue-kue . | Part that Def.Det [Sp] 3-arrive Rel.Distal Evid Def.Det [Sp] 3.Poss.friend Vito with: full-Superl-Part Def.Det [Sp] Christian bone-ex | It turns out that it was what he had taken out with friend Victor [narrator discovers]: it was full of former Christian bones. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_106 | nimbo upéa la oguenohẽ va’ekue ra'e la ikonpádre Vito ndíve: henyhẽtepype la kritiáno kanguekue . | Part that Def.Det [Sp] 3-arrive Rel.Distal Evid Def.Det [Sp] 3.Poss.friend Vito with: full-Superl-Part Def.Det [Sp] Christian bone-ex | It turns out that it was what he had taken out with friend Victor [narrator discovers]: it was full of former Christian bones. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_107 | Upéi ro-ñe-mboja mbegue katu la i-máta-pe . | Then 1Pl-Refl-get.close slowly FOC Def.Det [Sp] 3-plant-Loc | Then we slowly got closer to the place. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_107 | Upéi roñemboja mbegue katu la imátape . | Then 1Pl-Refl-get.close slowly FOC Def.Det [Sp] 3-plant-Loc | Then we slowly got closer to the place. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_108 | A-j-apysa-ka porã ha a-hendu “chĩi !” he’i-va peteĩ hendá-pe . | 1Sg-Refl-ear-Caus well Conj 1-hear ‘chii!’ 3.say-Rel one place-Loc | I listened well and heard ‘chii!’, it says in one place. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_108 | Ajapysaka porã ha ahendu “chĩi !” he’iva peteĩ hendápe . | 1Sg-Refl-ear-Caus well Conj 1-hear ‘chii!’ 3.say-Rel one place-Loc | I listened well and heard ‘chii!’, it says in one place. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_109 | Ha upéi la ótro kahõ ekína-pe “chĩi !" he’i jey . | Conj then Def.Det [Sp] another urn corner-Loc “chii!” 3.say again. | And then in the other corner of the urn “chii!”, it said again. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_109 | Ha upéi la ótro kahõ ekínape “chĩi !" he’i jey . | Conj then Def.Det [Sp] another urn corner-Loc “chii!” 3.say again. | And then in the other corner of the urn “chii!”, it said again. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_110 | O-ñe-pyrũ o-ño-mbohovái la upéicha he’í-va: “chĩi !” ápe , “chĩi !” amo , pe mbyté-pe . | 3-Refl-begin 3-Rec-reciprocate Def.Det [Sp] that.way 3.say-Rel: “chii!” here, “chii!” there, Det.Det middle-Loc | The ones saying “chĩi!” here and there began to echo one another, here, there, and in between. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_110 | Oñepyrũ oñombohovái la upéicha he’íva: “chĩi !” ápe , “chĩi !” amo , pe mbytépe . | 3-Refl-begin 3-Rec-reciprocate Def.Det [Sp] that.way 3.say-Rel: “chii!” here, “chii!” there, Det.Det middle-Loc | The ones saying “chĩi!” here and there began to echo one another, here, there, and in between. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_111 | Heta-ve , heta-ve o-hó-vo la káva o-ñe’ẽ .joá-va upéicha . | Lots-more, lots-more 3-go-Simult Def.Det [Sp] wasp 3-Refl-together-Hab that.way | Each time lots more and more were buzzing all together in that way. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_111 | Hetave , hetave ohóvo la káva oñe’ẽ .joáva upéicha . | Lots-more, lots-more 3-go-Simult Def.Det [Sp] wasp 3-Refl-together-Hab that.way | Each time lots more and more were buzzing all together in that way. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_112 | Ha’e-te ku o-sẽ-se-tereí-va hikuái . | 3.Cop-Superl Dem 3-go.out-Des-excess-Rel 3.Pl.Subj | It seemed that those were the ones that wanted so much to get out. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_112 | Ha’ete ku osẽsetereíva hikuái . | 3.Cop-Superl Dem 3-go.out-Des-excess-Rel 3.Pl.Subj | It seemed that those were the ones that wanted so much to get out. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_113 | O-ĩ o-ñe’ẽ po’i-mí-va , po’i rusú-va , o-ñe’ẽ pyrusú-va , opáicha-gua o-ĩ . | 3-exist 3-talk-narrow-Dim-Rel, narrow-medium-Rel, 3-talk acute-Rel, all.types-Source 3-exist | There were those that buzzed low-pitch, those that buzzed medium-pitch, those that buzzed high-pitch, there were all types. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_113 | Oĩ oñe’ẽ po’imíva , po’i rusúva , oñe’ẽ pyrusúva , opáichagua oĩ . | 3-exist 3-talk-narrow-Dim-Rel, narrow-medium-Rel, 3-talk acute-Rel, all.types-Source 3-exist | There were those that buzzed low-pitch, those that buzzed medium-pitch, those that buzzed high-pitch, there were all types. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_114 | Ha’e-te la o-farrea mba’e-va la i-káva kuéra la kahõ guasu ryepý-pe . | 3.Cop-Superl Def.Det [Sp] 3-party thing-Rel Def.Det [Sp] 3-wasp Pl Def.Det [Sp] urn big inside-Loc | It appears that there were very many of the wasps that were partying inside the big urn. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_114 | Ha’ete la ofarrea mba’eva la ikáva kuéra la kahõ guasu ryepýpe . | 3.Cop-Superl Def.Det [Sp] 3-party thing-Rel Def.Det [Sp] 3-wasp Pl Def.Det [Sp] urn big inside-Loc | It appears that there were very many of the wasps that were partying inside the big urn. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_115 | Are upe hagué-pe ningo peteĩ ka’arú-pe a-ha a-ína peteĩ anhelíto ñeñotỹ-háme . | Time.some Dem Sub-Term-Loc FOC one afternoon-Loc 1Sg-go 1Sg.Cont one angel burial-place | It was much after that one afternoon I was going to the funeral of an angel, |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_115 | Are upe haguépe ningo peteĩ ka’arúpe aha aína peteĩ anhelíto ñeñotỹháme . | Time.some Dem Sub-Term-Loc FOC one afternoon-Loc 1Sg-go 1Sg.Cont one angel burial-place | It was much after that one afternoon I was going to the funeral of an angel, |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_116 | ha o-sẽ karai Leokádio che rendá-pe –ñai-mo’ã ku oi-ko’í-va , hova cha’ĩ-mba ha he’i chéve: | Conj 3-go.out Mr. Leokádio 1Sg-place-Loc --1Pl-believe Dem 3-exist-Hab face wrinkle.all Conj 3.say 1Sg.IO: | ..and Mr. Leokadio came out with me - we think that he lives badly, with a wrinkled face - and he said: |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_116 | ha osẽ karai Leokádio che rendápe –ñaimo’ã ku oiko’íva , hova cha’ĩmba ha he’i chéve: | Conj 3-go.out Mr. Leokádio 1Sg-place-Loc --1Pl-believe Dem 3-exist-Hab face wrinkle.all Conj 3.say 1Sg.IO: | ..and Mr. Leokadio came out with me - we think that he lives badly, with a wrinkled face - and he said: |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_117 | --Ja-’e vaekue ningo la che róga a-vendé-ta ha’óra , ndéve a-ofrese raẽ vaerã -ha . | 1Pl-say distal FOC Def.Det [Sp] 1Sg.Poss house 1Sg-seel-Prosp time, 2Sg-IO 1Sg-offer first Mod -Sub | "We said long ago that when the time comes to sell my house, I should offer it to you first." |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_117 | Ja’e vaekue ningo la che róga avendéta ha’óra , ndéve aofrese raẽ vaerã ha . | 1Pl-say distal FOC Def.Det [Sp] 1Sg.Poss house 1Sg-seel-Prosp time, 2Sg-IO 1Sg-offer first Mod -Sub | "We said long ago that when the time comes to sell my house, I should offer it to you first." |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_118 | --Hẽe , upéicha vaekue . | Yes, that.way distal | "Yes, it was that way then." |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_118 | Hẽe , upéicha vaekue . | Yes, that.way distal | "Yes, it was that way then." |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_119 | --Ha mba’eicha-pa rei-me ? | Conj how-Q 2Sg-exist | "And how are you?" |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_119 | Ha mba’eichapa reime ? | Conj how-Q 2Sg-exist | "And how are you?" |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_120 | --Che-rasy ningo ha che reindy che-gueraha-se h-óga-pe o-ña-tende [oñangareko] haguã che-rehe . | 1Sg-ill FOC Conj 1.Poss sister 1Sg.Obj-take-Des 3.Poss-house-Loc Sub.Irr 1Sg-Obl.P | "I am sick and my sister wants to take me to her house to take care of me." |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_120 | Cherasy ningo ha che reindy cheguerahase hógape oñatende [oñangareko] haguã cherehe . | 1Sg-ill FOC Conj 1.Poss sister 1Sg.Obj-take-Des 3.Poss-house-Loc Sub.Irr 1Sg-Obl.P | "I am sick and my sister wants to take me to her house to take care of me." |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_121 | --A-jú-ta ne rendá-pe ãga ña-ñe’ẽ haguã –ha’e chupe . | 1Sg-come-Prosp 2Sg.Poss place-Loc now 1Pl.Incl-talk Sub.Irr --3.say 3.Pron | "I will come to your place to talk," he said to him. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_121 | Ajúta ne rendápe ãga ñañe’ẽ haguã –ha’e chupe . | 1Sg-come-Prosp 2Sg.Poss place-Loc now 1Pl.Incl-talk Sub.Irr --3.say 3.Pron | "I will come to your place to talk," he said to him. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_122 | Ha upe rire a-ha jey la h-óga-pe ha o-mombe’u-pa chéve la o-jehu va’ekue chupe . | Conj then after 1-go again Def.Det [Sp] 3.Poss-house-Loc Conj 3-tell-Tot 1Sg.IP Def.Det [Sp] 3-happen Rel.Term 3.Pron | And then I went back again to his house and he told me all that had happened. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_122 | Ha upe rire aha jey la hógape ha omombe’upa chéve la ojehu va’ekue chupe . | Conj then after 1-go again Def.Det [Sp] 3.Poss-house-Loc Conj 3-tell-Tot 1Sg.IP Def.Det [Sp] 3-happen Rel.Term 3.Pron | And then I went back again to his house and he told me all that had happened. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_123 | Ijypy-(gua)rã ndaje o-guenohẽ hikuái i-konpádre ndive ra'e pe kahõ o-hecha-ka va’ekue chéve , tenyhẽ-te-pype kritiáno kangue . | 3.start-Irr Report.Evid 3-take.out 3.Pron.Pl 3.Poss-friend with Evid Dem urn 3-see-Caus Rel.Term 1Sg.IO full-Superl-Part Christian bones | It is said that, to start with, they had taken out with his friend that urn that he had shown me, full of Christian bones. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_123 | Ijypy(gua)rã ndaje oguenohẽ hikuái ikonpádre ndive ra'e pe kahõ ohechaka va’ekue chéve , tenyhẽtepype kritiáno kangue . | 3.start-Irr Report.Evid 3-take.out 3.Pron.Pl 3.Poss-friend with Evid Dem urn 3-see-Caus Rel.Term 1Sg.IO full-Superl-Part Christian bones | It is said that, to start with, they had taken out with his friend that urn that he had shown me, full of Christian bones. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_124 | O-ño-mboja’o hese hikuái mbyte rupi . | 3-Rec-get.together 3.Obl 3.Pron.Pl half Prep | They split [the bones] in two. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_124 | Oñomboja’o hese hikuái mbyte rupi . | 3-Rec-get.together 3.Obl 3.Pron.Pl half Prep | They split [the bones] in two. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_125 | Vito o-gueraha la alamitã-re h-óga-pe , ha karai Leokádio la alamitã avei h-óga-pe , la kahõ reheve . | Vito 3-take Def.Det [Sp] half-Obl 3.Poss-house-Loc, Conj Mister Leokádio Def.Det [Sp] half also 3.Poss-house-Loc Def.Det [Sp] urn with | Vito took half to his house, and Mr. Leokádio also [took] the other half to his house, with the [funeral] urn. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_125 | Vito ogueraha la alamitãre hógape , ha karai Leokádio la alamitã avei hógape , la kahõ reheve . | Vito 3-take Def.Det [Sp] half-Obl 3.Poss-house-Loc, Conj Mister Leokádio Def.Det [Sp] half also 3.Poss-house-Loc Def.Det [Sp] urn with | Vito took half to his house, and Mr. Leokádio also [took] the other half to his house, with the [funeral] urn. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_126 | O-guereko ndaje are h-óga-pe , ha oi-ko pype la káva o-ñe’ẽ-va la ónse-rõ , káda pyhare . | 3-have Report.Evid long.time 3.Poss-house-Loc, Conj 3-exist Part Def.Det [Sp] urn 3-talk-Rel Def.Det [Sp] eleven-Cond each evening. | It is said that he had [the bones] a long time in his house, and the wasps buzzed inside the urn each evening. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_126 | Oguereko ndaje are hógape , ha oiko pype la káva oñe’ẽva la ónserõ , káda pyhare . | 3-have Report.Evid long.time 3.Poss-house-Loc, Conj 3-exist Part Def.Det [Sp] urn 3-talk-Rel Def.Det [Sp] eleven-Cond each evening. | It is said that he had [the bones] a long time in his house, and the wasps buzzed inside the urn each evening. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_127 | Ha peteĩ pyharé-pe ndaje n-o-ñe’ẽi la i-káva ha upé ko’ẽrõ-icha na-i-ko’ẽ-i la kahõ guasu , kangue-kue ryru . | Conj one evening-Loc Report.Evid Neg-3-talk-Neg Def.Det [Sp] 3.Poss-urn Conj then Neg-3-dawn-Neg Def.Det [Sp] urn big, bones-former container | And one night it is said that the wasps were no longer buzzing, and then, like the next day, the big urn, the container of what had been bones, was no longer there. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_127 | Ha peteĩ pyharépe ndaje noñe’ẽi la ikáva ha upé ko’ẽrõicha naiko’ẽi la kahõ guasu , kanguekue ryru . | Conj one evening-Loc Report.Evid Neg-3-talk-Neg Def.Det [Sp] 3.Poss-urn Conj then Neg-3-dawn-Neg Def.Det [Sp] urn big, bones-former container | And one night it is said that the wasps were no longer buzzing, and then, like the next day, the big urn, the container of what had been bones, was no longer there. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_128 | Are o-heka ha upéi o-je-deha . | long.time 3-search Conj then 3-Refl-leave | He looked for [it] for a long time and then he stopped looking. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_128 | Are oheka ha upéi ojedeha . | long.time 3-search Conj then 3-Refl-leave | He looked for [it] for a long time and then he stopped looking. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_129 | Ha peteĩ sávado ndaje o-u hendá-pe i-konpádre , | Conj one Saturday Report.Evid 3-come place-Loc 3.Poss-friend | And one Saturday, it is said, his friend came to his place, |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_129 | Ha peteĩ sávado ndaje ou hendápe ikonpádre , | Conj one Saturday Report.Evid 3-come place-Loc 3.Poss-friend | And one Saturday, it is said, his friend came to his place, |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_130 | o-mombe’u chupe o-hecha -ha jepi peteĩ yvy kandú-pe la hendý-va | 3-tell 3.Pron 3-see -Sub frequently one earth mount-Loc Def.Det [Sp] light-Rel | ...and he told him that he frequently sees something that lightens up on a mount of earth. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_130 | omombe’u chupe ohecha ha jepi peteĩ yvy kandúpe la hendýva | 3-tell 3.Pron 3-see -Sub frequently one earth mount-Loc Def.Det [Sp] light-Rel | ...and he told him that he frequently sees something that lightens up on a mount of earth. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_131 | O-ho mokõi-vé-va oi-ty-[u]ka la préva , | 3-go twice-more-Rel 3-throw-Caus Def.Det [Sp] proofs | And they both went to have their cards thrown, |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_131 | Oho mokõivéva oity[u]ka la préva , | 3-go twice-more-Rel 3-throw-Caus Def.Det [Sp] proofs | And they both went to have their cards thrown, |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_132 | ha o-sẽ o-jupe hikuái: i-katú-ta o-ho o-ño-ndive o-jo’o . | Conj 3-go.out 3-find 3.Pron.Pl: 3-can-Prosp 3-go 3-Rec-with 3-dig | ...and it came out for both: you can go dig together. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_132 | ha osẽ ojupe hikuái: ikatúta oho oñondive ojo’o . | Conj 3-go.out 3-find 3.Pron.Pl: 3-can-Prosp 3-go 3-Rec-with 3-dig | ...and it came out for both: you can go dig together. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_133 | O-ho o-sonda ndaje ha peteĩ ñuatĩ chyryry guý-pe o-juhu la o-juhú-va . | 3-go 3-explore Report.Evid Conj one thorn dry under-Loc 3-find Def.Det [Sp] 3-find-Rel | It is said they went to explore and under a dry thorn they found what they found. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_133 | Oho osonda ndaje ha peteĩ ñuatĩ chyryry guýpe ojuhu la ojuhúva . | 3-go 3-explore Report.Evid Conj one thorn dry under-Loc 3-find Def.Det [Sp] 3-find-Rel | It is said they went to explore and under a dry thorn they found what they found. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_134 | O-ñe-moĩ o-jo-pyru hikuái ha o-jo’o . | 3-Refl-put 3-dig-succeed 3.Pron.Pl Conj 3-dig | And they dug taking turns. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_134 | Oñemoĩ ojopyru hikuái ha ojo’o . | 3-Refl-put 3-dig-succeed 3.Pron.Pl Conj 3-dig | And they dug taking turns. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_135 | O-jo’o-vé-rõ o-jo’o-ve ha nd-o-juhú-i mba’e-ve . | 3-dig-more-Cond 3-dig Conj Neg-3-find-Neg thing-more. | When they dug and dug, they did not find anything. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_135 | Ojo’ovérõ ojo’ove ha ndojuhúi mba’eve . | 3-dig-more-Cond 3-dig Conj Neg-3-find-Neg thing-more. | When they dug and dug, they did not find anything. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_136 | Upéi ndaje pe yvykuá-pe o-hetũ Leokádio la i-né-va . | Then Report.Evid Dem well-Loc 3-smell Leokádio Def.Det [Sp] 3.Poss-bad.smell-Rel | And then it is said Leokádio smelled something that smelled bad. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_136 | Upéi ndaje pe yvykuápe ohetũ Leokádio la inéva . | Then Report.Evid Dem well-Loc 3-smell Leokádio Def.Det [Sp] 3.Poss-bad.smell-Rel | And then it is said Leokádio smelled something that smelled bad. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_137 | Upépe ndaje i-serrado-ve ha’e . | There-Loc Report.Evid 3-persistent-more 3Sg.Subj | It is said that at that point he got more persistent. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_137 | Upépe ndaje iserradove ha’e . | There-Loc Report.Evid 3-persistent-more 3Sg.Subj | It is said that at that point he got more persistent. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_138 | Ha i-konpádre o-guenohẽ hína la yvy rondána-pe . | Conj 3-friend 3-take.out Cont Def.Det [Sp] earth sheave-Loc. | And his friend was taking out the earth with a sheave. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_138 | Ha ikonpádre oguenohẽ hína la yvy rondánape . | Conj 3-friend 3-take.out Cont Def.Det [Sp] earth sheave-Loc. | And his friend was taking out the earth with a sheave. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_139 | O-sonda jey ha o-juhu jey la hatã-va , la kambuchi . | 3-attempt again Conj 3-find again Def.Det [Sp] hard-Rel, Def.Det [Sp] container. | And then attempted again, and they found something hard again, the container. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_139 | Osonda jey ha ojuhu jey la hatãva , la kambuchi . | 3-attempt again Conj 3-find again Def.Det [Sp] hard-Rel, Def.Det [Sp] container. | And then attempted again, and they found something hard again, the container. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_140 | Ha upéi ndaje , hasý-pe , pe ónse metroha rupi , | Conj then Report.Evid, difficult-Loc, Dem eleven meters around, | And then, it is said, finally, about around eleven meters, |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_140 | Ha upéi ndaje , hasýpe , pe ónse metroha rupi , | Conj then Report.Evid, difficult-Loc, Dem eleven meters around, | And then, it is said, finally, about around eleven meters, |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_141 | O-mboape vera Leokádio la kambuchi tuicha-itereí-va peteĩ , la yvykuá-pe . | 3-cover bright Leokádio Def.Det [Sp] container big-Superl-Rel one, Def.Det [Sp] well-Loc | Leokádio visualizes one biggest container, in the well. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_141 | Omboape vera Leokádio la kambuchi tuichaitereíva peteĩ , la yvykuápe . | 3-cover bright Leokádio Def.Det [Sp] container big-Superl-Rel one, Def.Det [Sp] well-Loc | Leokádio visualizes one biggest container, in the well. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_142 | Ha o-mongu’e ndaje ha’e ha he’i i-ñi-rũ-me o-hupi haguã chupe . | Conj 3-move Report.Evid 3.Subj Conj 3.say 3.Poss-Pref-friend-Loc 3-raise Sub.Irr 3.Pron | And it is said that he moved the container and told his friend to raise [the container]. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_142 | Ha omongu’e ndaje ha’e ha he’i iñirũme ohupi haguã chupe . | Conj 3-move Report.Evid 3.Subj Conj 3.say 3.Poss-Pref-friend-Loc 3-raise Sub.Irr 3.Pron | And it is said that he moved the container and told his friend to raise [the container]. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_143 | Ha o-jupi la kambuchi i-pó-pe o-ú-vo , | Conj 3-go.up Def.Det [Sp] Container 3-hand-Loc 3-come-Simult | And he was coming up with the container in his hand, |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_143 | Ha ojupi la kambuchi ipópe oúvo , | Conj 3-go.up Def.Det [Sp] Container 3-hand-Loc 3-come-Simult | And he was coming up with the container in his hand, |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_144 | ha pe o-sẽ-vo ndaje , o-mombo la kambuchi oká-pe , | Conj Dem 3-go.out-Simult Report.Evid, 3-throw.out Def.Det [Sp] container out-Loc | ...and, it is said, that when he came out he threw out the container. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_144 | ha pe osẽvo ndaje , omombo la kambuchi okápe , | Conj Dem 3-go.out-Simult Report.Evid, 3-throw.out Def.Det [Sp] container out-Loc | ...and, it is said, that when he came out he threw out the container. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_145 | ha upe-vo o-ú-mi hese peteĩ ára vera tuicha itereí-va pe yvy guio . | Conj Dem-Simult 3-come-Dim 3.Obl one day bright big Superl-Rel Loc earth towards | And at that point one day came a very big lightning towards the earth |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_145 | ha upevo oúmi hese peteĩ ára vera tuicha itereíva pe yvy guio . | Conj Dem-Simult 3-come-Dim 3.Obl one day bright big Superl-Rel Loc earth towards | And at that point one day came a very big lightning towards the earth |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_146 | Pytũ-mby-eté-pe o-pyta , oi-ty chupe ovayvávo , | Dark-middle-Superl-Loc 3-stay, 3-throw 3.Pron face.up | They remained completely in the dark, [the lightning] threw Leokádio backwards, |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_146 | Pytũmbyetépe opyta , oity chupe ovayvávo , | Dark-middle-Superl-Loc 3-stay, 3-throw 3.Pron face.up | They remained completely in the dark, [the lightning] threw Leokádio backwards, |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_147 | ha o-mbota ndaje la i-núnka peteĩ válde rembé-re . | Conj 3-hit Report.Evid Def.Det [Sp] 3.Poss-neck one bucket rim-Obl | And he hit his neck on the rim of the bucket. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_147 | ha ombota ndaje la inúnka peteĩ válde rembére . | Conj 3-hit Report.Evid Def.Det [Sp] 3.Poss-neck one bucket rim-Obl | And he hit his neck on the rim of the bucket. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_148 | Ha la kambuchi o-jeka la pytũ-mbý-pe , la yvy apyté-pe . | Conj Def.Det [Sp] container 3-break Def.Det [Sp] dark-middle-Loc, Def.Det [Sp] earth middle-Loc | And the container broke in the darkness, inside the earth. |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_148 | Ha la kambuchi ojeka la pytũmbýpe , la yvy apytépe . | Conj Def.Det [Sp] container 3-break Def.Det [Sp] dark-middle-Loc, Def.Det [Sp] earth middle-Loc | And the container broke in the darkness, inside the earth. |
para1311 | stan1293 | yes | guarani | guarani_para1311_149 | Upé-gui ndaje Vito nd-oi-kuaa-vé-i la o-japo va’erã ha o-gueraha i-konpádre-pe hóga-pe , | Dem-from.Prep Report.Evid Vito Neg-3-know-more-Neg Def.Det [Sp] 3-do Mod Conj 3-take 3.Poss-friend-DOM 3.Poss-house-Loc, | And it is said that thereof, Vito did not know what he should do and he took his friend to his house, |
para1311 | stan1293 | no | guarani | guarani_para1311_149 | Upégui ndaje Vito ndoikuaavéi la ojapo va’erã ha ogueraha ikonpádrepe hógape , | Dem-from.Prep Report.Evid Vito Neg-3-know-more-Neg Def.Det [Sp] 3-do Mod Conj 3-take 3.Poss-friend-DOM 3.Poss-house-Loc, | And it is said that thereof, Vito did not know what he should do and he took his friend to his house, |
Subsets and Splits