5 values
Kyokka, singa ebibiina biragajjalira okuddaabiriza Ebizimbe by'Obwakabaka, ekyo kiyinza okuviirako ebizimbe ebyo okwonooneka amangu ne biba nga tebikyaweesa linnya lya Katonda kitiibwa.
Clearly, though, if Kingdom Hall maintenance were neglected, such neglect would result in the premature deterioration of the building and would not be a good witness to the local community.
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Misango gya ngeri ki egirina okukolebwako kkooti?
What kind of offenses are handled by the court?
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Lutela ma tye iloc ite kare ni ipol kare giloyo kwi pi yweka gi
Incumbents usually win the next election due to their popularity
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Zaawuniikirira nga nazo zaali zisobola okuzimba ekintu ekyeyagaza nga ekyo Mukadde Bennyameni ye yekka atajjumbira windimiiru era atalina kye yagyogerako wazira okugamba nga bulijjo nti endogoyi ziwangaala nnyo.
They were amazed that they could also build something as interesting as that Old Bennyameni was the only one who was not enthusiastic about windimiir and said nothing about it but said as usual that donkeys live longer.
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E'yo onyuru tu 'diyi andru gazeti ma alia karakara.
There are many interesting articles in today's newspaper.
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(Matayo 5: 37) Abamwe nibashazamu okwetwa okumwe kugira ngu baikirize okundi oku barikuteekateeka ngu ni kurungi.
Some people cancel one invitation so that they can accept one they feel is better.
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Okutema emiti kikosa embeera y'obutonde mu kitundu.
Tree cutting negativery affects the regional climate.
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Abu ngesi kotema ebe mam ngesi ebunit aswam bian naarai abu ekingokoke kotwana.
She said that she missed work yesterday because her dog died.
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Oboolyawo Yusufu yatandika okuyigiriza mutabani we omuto emirimu emitonotono gamba nga, okuwawula embaawo ng'akozesa eddiba ly'ekyennyanja ekkalu.
Perhaps Joseph began showing his young son how to perform such simple tasks as smoothing rough spots on wood with dried fish skin.
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Mu kifo ky'ekyo, Abakristaayo ab'amazima, nga baluŋŋamizibwa omwoyo gwa Katonda omutukuvu, baasobola okumanya ebitabo ebyaluŋŋamizibwa.
Rather, true Christians, under the guidance of God's holy spirit, recognized the writings that were truly inspired.
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Lungi lok ma I buk man
He sent this message to parliament so that the MPs can come back.
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Rwanda pe tero tukutuku bura pa lobo ma orumu en me monye
Rwanda does not take lightly threats of invasions from neighboring countries
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Ewomitai ebe ebeit idwe ageun esomero olap ngol.
Children are expected to start school next month.
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Lumemba pe guniang i kom two pa lalok madit
The members had no idea of the speaker's sickness.
Translate from Acholi to English
Yo acel ma en pwonyogi kwede aye Cukul me Tiokraci, ma tye i kacokke makato 111,000 i twok lobo ducu.
One way he trains them is by means of the Theocratic Ministry School, which is conducted in each of the more than 111,000 congregations throughout the earth.
Translate from Acholi to English
Okuta obukwakuruzo aha kutambura kikazibira abarambuzi kutayaayira myanya misya.
Restrictions on travel hindered tourists from visiting new places.
Translate from Runyankole to English
Bisopi kini eri e'yo mukeni afa fezu jo munguniri ma alea
It is good to give in the house of the Lord, the Bishop said.
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Abu airabet nako Uganda kocam ekisil loka Iboro Nutojokaaritai keda Acoa naka Sayanis.
The Genetically Modified Organisms Bill was passed by the Ugandan parliament.
Translate from Ateso to English
(Enfumu 27: 11) Waakora eki, noija kusingura orutaro rw'ebiteekateeko byawe!
If you do this, you will win the battle for your mind!
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Laba engeri abasama gye batandise okukuba pulaani y'okujooga mu December.
Here's how the Samanthas are starting to plot a joke in December.
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Nze nja kujja oluvannyumako katono.
I will come later a little later.
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Kampuni ma giyubo jami ma cate I wilobo ducu pol kare coyo lutic ma gi aa ki but lobo ducu.
International companies employ people from different countries.
Translate from Acholi to English
Abajaasi mu Uganda batta ebyuma.
Soldiers in Uganda are killing machines.
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Si kya bulijjo omuntu okuleka amaka ge n’agenda mu muzigo.
It's not uncommon for someone to leave their home and move into an apartment.
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Nen calo kwo cene pwod tye I gamente
It seems there is still fund embezzlement in the government
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Aimat esigala itotolikini ijo aingunun iboro.
Smoking damages the sense of smell.
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Okusobola okufuna e-paper nsaba ogoberere.
To access e-paper please follow.
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Kati in this situation abantu balegewa banange?
Now in this situation where are people going my friends?
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Cik ma Yecu omiyo ni myero 'wami caden kore ki kore - ni' miyo wapoyo wi dano i kom agikki piny. - Tic pa Lukwena 10: 42.
"Jesus' command to ""give a thorough witness"" compels us to warn others about the end. - Acts 10: 42."
Translate from Acholi to English
Abafudde abapya babiri nabo bawandiisiddwa, omuwendo gw’abafudde ne gutuuka ku 28.
Two new deaths have also been registered, pushing toll to 28.
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Mu waadi temuli musawo akola.
There is no doctor on duty in the wards.
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En pe ocwalo lagam mege I kom adot enoni.
She never responded to the lawsuit.
Translate from Acholi to English
Otekedwa okulonda enyonyi ekutambuza mu kibiina kyazo nobwegendereza.
You should choose your Frequent Flyer airline in an alliance carefully.
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Buriijo atuura naayebembera ehururu y'okureetaho empurizana omuri Afirika.
Always at the forefront of driving connectivity in Africa
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Olwaleero omuwandiisi wa kkooti Ayebale Tumwebaze ategeezezza nti ensala yakuweebwa wiiki ejja ku Monday nga 24 kubanga omulamuzi Anglin Ssenoga abadde alina okugasala leero mulwadde.
Today, Justice Ayebale Tumwebaze has said the verdict was given to you on Monday about 24 because Justice Angelin Ssenoga had had to hand over a patient today.
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Aponi inyogorai nuka aduketait na adekis.
The hospital structure has been revised.
Translate from Ateso to English
"Olw'okubir ne lugamba nti, "Ndi mabega wano Nee emabega w'oluggi".
"The second one said, "I'm back here Nee behind the door".
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Okusalawo okukolebwa mu mbuga z'amateeka kwa nkomeredde.
Judgement made in courts of law is final.
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Yasaba okunoonyereza ku nsonga y'abakozi abasaba ensimbi z'abakozi abaagobwa.
He begged for investigation on the issue of staff claiming money of dismissed workers.
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Bamalayika era bateekawo ekyokulabirako ekirungi mu kugumiikiriza.
The angels also set an example in patience.
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Abawagizi b'omupiira okwetooloola ensi basanyufu olwa sizoni empya.
Football fans around the world are excited for the new season.
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Kimiyo cene bot joo ma doro lweny i kom two corona
The money was handed over to the task force.
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Abantu beenyigidde mu kulunda ebyennyanja.
People have engaged in fish farming.
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Musiru ki alina Msc mu Clinical psychology agenda okukola e Butabiika, wakati mu balwadde b’obwongo abo bonna, ku musaala omutono bwe gutyo?
Which fool with a Msc in Clinical psychology is going to work at Butabiika, amidst all those mental patients, for such low pay?
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Omulamuzi Gidudu ku Lwokutaano lwe yagaanyi Juliete Asiya Namuli ne bba Robert Kimbowa okweyimirirwa ng'agamba bayinza okutaataaganya okunoonyereza okukolebwa mu.
Judge Gidudu on Friday denied bail to Juliete Asiya Namuli and her husband Robert Kimbowa.
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Tika onongo tye gin mo ma nyuto ni gimito tira kacel ki pwony i kare ma gitye i opii pa Babilon madit?
Is there a connection between their need for correction and discipline during that time and their being held in Babylonian captivity?
Translate from Acholi to English
Embeera y'obulamu mu bibuga eri waggulu nnyo.
The cost of living in urban areas is high.
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Munnamateeka w’essaza ly’omutuuze w’e Mukono asabye kkooti eyiise ekiwandiiko ekiyita omusango ku Maj.
The Mukono resident state attorney has asked court to pass criminal summons against Maj.
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Awuliriza nnyimba za ddiini zokka.
He listens only to gospel songs.
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Zimwe aha za kiraabu z'omupiira omu Uganda ni ziiha?
What are some of the football clubs in Uganda?
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Iyo macek, meno keto China kama gum tye iye
It's simply putting China on the upper hand.
Translate from Acholi to English
Uganda Luulu ya Afrika lye ggwanga lya Afrika eryasooka ennyo Paapa Omuruumi okukyalira.
Uganda the Pearl of Africa was the very first African nation a Roman Pontiff ever visited.
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Minisita w’ebyokwerinda Michael Fallon alabudde nti waliwo akabi akatuufu era akaliwo kati aka Russia okugezaako okutabangula amawanga asatu mu Baltic.
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon has warned there is a "real and present danger" of Russia trying to destabilise three Baltic states.
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Ajok eipone lo aboliaere rugby.
The rugby match was exciting.
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Naffe gasobola okutukolera kye kimu, wadde nga tuyinza okwolekagana n'obuzibu obw'amaanyi ng'abantu ba Yakuwa. - Yoweeri 2: 28, 29.
It can do the same for us, even though we may face formidable obstacles or challenges as Jehovah's people. - Joel 2: 28, 29.
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Abu eronget loka aituutoor kodum agangat kama ejai apugan nako Netherlands.
The training center received a donation from the government of the Netherlands.
Translate from Ateso to English
Lungi lok ma I buk man
Read the article in this issue.
Translate from Acholi to English
Buzima bakaba bari omu bukwatwa bwa Babulooni!
They truly were in Babylonian captivity!
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wandilonze Polof.
would you vote for Prof.
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Lungi lok ma I buk man
He has not yet recovered.
Translate from Acholi to English
Ebakasi kesi ebe mam adumunitos idio ikapun.
They claimed to not have received any money.
Translate from Ateso to English
Abavuzi ba gavumenti ,emmotoka ,amagye ,abaserikale ba VIP babeere omu mu kwolesa empisa z'oku nguudo so si kya njawulo nga bwe kiri .
Government drivers ,vehicles ,Army ,police VIPs to be one in exhibiting Road discipline not the opposite as it is the case .
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Omwebembezi wa disiturikiti, akatuma abantu be okumujwekyera omu murimo gw'okurambura.
The district leader delegated his supervisory role to his subordinates.
Translate from Runyankole to English
Ekot erionget aidar angaleu kotoma otunga.
The ministry aims at maintaining a healthy lifestyle among the people.
Translate from Ateso to English
Lungi lok ma I buk man
Do you think the BBC election has a good impact on the community?
Translate from Acholi to English
Kkooti ya Ssemateeka etaddewo nga May 16, 2013 okuwulira okusaba kw’ababaka abana abagobeddwa mu kibiina kya NRM mwe baagala okugattibwa ng’ekibiina mu mpaaba ya ssemateeka ewakanya ensala ya Sipiika wa Palamenti, Rebecca Kadaga nti ssemateeka tamulagira kugoba bo okuva mu Palamenti.
The Constitutional Court has fixed May 16, 2013 to hear an application in which the four MPs expelled from NRM are seeking to be joined as a party to a constitutional petition challenging the Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga’s ruling that she is not constitutionally mandated to dismiss them from Parliament.
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Ddiini Ki gy'Osaanidde Okulondawo?
Which Religion Should You Choose?
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Ba nini nga po'di e'yo azo 'da fepiri ku
The cause of the disease is still unknown.
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(a) Obunnabbi bwa Isaaya obukwata ku Yerusaalemi bwatuukirira ddi?
(a) When did Isaiah's prophecy about Jerusalem come true?
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" Nakku n'addamu nti, "Sifumbiranga ku Wambwa".
" Nakku replied, "I have never married a Wolf"
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Abu lokapolon akwap icorak erionget aterar ejanakine lo amukian aiboisio.
The president directed the ministry to decentralise health services.
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Eyo si ye gavumenti yokka eyagala addizibweyo mu nsi ye.
It is not the only government that is seeking his deportation.
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• Lwaki kyali kyetaagisa Peetero okukubiriza bakadde banne okulunda ekisibo kya Katonda ekyabakwasibwa?
• Why was it appropriate for Peter to admonish fellow elders to shepherd the flock of God in their care?
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OMUYIMBI Grace Khan owa Da Nu Eagles bamuwonyezza akatebe.
Da Nu Eagles singer Grace Khan has been saved from the chair.
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Ka tusooke twetegereze ebyo Makko ne Lukka bye baawandiika.
First, compare what Mark and Luke wrote.
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Endwara ya Korona tekatungire omubazi gw'okugitamba nainga kugisirika.
Coronavirus has no cure or vaccine of late.
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Abayisirayiri bwe baagonderanga Yakuwa, baakolanga ebintu mu ngeri entegeke obulungi, baabanga mu mirembe, era baabanga bumu. - Ma.
And when they obeyed Jehovah, the Israelites were blessed with order, peace, and unity. - Deut.
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Nomanya ahoine kushanga ebishumuruzo?
Do you know where to find the keys?
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Abasiinzi abamwe nibagira ekiniga kya haihi bateera abakazi baabo.
Some drunkards lose their tempers and beat their wives at home.
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Yehova tarikugira ngu naija kutuha emigisha arikwikiriza ngu turi abaheereza be kwonka, kureka naagira eki yaakora arikutuha ebi turikwetenga.
God's blessing is not merely a nod of approval; it is his active share in providing what we really need.
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Katonda atulungamye okuva ku yinfekisoni zonna era atukuume nga tuli balamu bulungi.
God guide us from any infections and keep us healthy.
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Sakamuzooka ewanirira nnyo emmotoka era ebaako sepulingi waggulu.
A telescopic shock absorber forms the main suspension leg with a coil spring at the top.
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Enteekateeka eno terina musango etya?
How innocent is this arrangement?
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Enkungaana zisusse obudde obwateekebwawo akakiiki k'ebyokulonda.
The rallies are past the slated time by the electoral commission.
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Bannamawulire okwekalakaasa e Namuwongo.
Journalists' demostration at Namuwongo.
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Poliisi ekuba omukka ogubalagala eri abeekalakaasi.
Police fires tear gas at the protestors.
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Tandika oba gaziya bizinensi yo ne looni okuva mu bbanka.
Start or expand your business with loans from the bank.
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Dano gu lego gamente me minigi kony me cam
People requested for food relief from the government.
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Abo ababikkiririzaamu eyo u r. Bt BBA NO.
Those who belief in them there u r. Bt BBA NO.
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Okusinziira ku Dr Ongom Robert akola nga akulira ebyobulamu mu disitulikiti, wiiki ewedde yokka, abantu 9,128 be baakwatibwa omusujja mu bitongole by’ebyobulamu ebya gavumenti nga mu bino okuva ekirwadde kino lwe kyabalukawo mu April w’omwaka oguwedde okutuusa kati, abantu 321,967 be baakajjanjabwa.
According to Dr Ongom Robert the acting District Health Officer, last week alone, 9,128 cases of malaria were reported in government health facilities in which since the upsurge of the outbreak in April last year to date, 321,967 cases have been treated.
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Ebisingawo mu Okwolesebwa Okupya 👉 #EPAPER;.
Details in the New Vision 👉 #EPAPER;.
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Abantu baasabye gavumenti okugonjoola ensonga y'ebisale by'entambula ebiri waggulu.
The people asked the government to solve the high transport fare issue.
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" Galamira ku buti buno ndyoke nkusikeyo "Anansi yazingirira Wango ng'���ali ku buti n'oluwuzi lwe era na'musitula n'amulaga katonda w'eggulu.
" Sleep on this bed and I will wash you "Anansi surrounded Wango by his bed and his sweat and raised him up and showed him the God of heaven.
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Ebitongole by'obwannakyewa byenyigira mu kutumbula eby'obujjanjabi.
Non-government organizations are involved in improving medical services.
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Ebikwemulugunya dat hv bn byolekedde naads a de Same byolekedde UPE, YUTHFUND, LC's, OBULAMU,,,2cure Nti Kookolo ye 2.
The grievancies dat hv bn facing naads a de Same facing UPE, YUTHFUND, LC's, HEALTH,,,2cure That Cancer is 2.
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Oburagwa nibuhwera abaana b'owaafa okubagana ebintu n'obusingye.
The will helps the deceased's children to share property peacefully.
Translate from Runyankole to English
Okubalukawo kw'akawuka ka kolona tekwetaagisa kupapa, kwetaagisa bikolwa.
coronavirus outbreak is not a cause for panic, it is a cause for action.
Translate from Luganda to English
Warid Telecom bwe yasala ku miwendo egy'okukuba ku mikutu emirala ne giba Siringi 299 oba Siringi 5 ku bulii katikitki (ng'abakuba amasimu bangi) nesiringi 249 (ng'abakuba amasimu bakendedde) mu Febwali wa 2008, kyaleetawo okuvuganya n'akakyankalano mu miwendo
When Warid Telecom cut its call tariff to other networks to Shs 299 or Shs 5 per second (Peak) and Shs 249 (off Peak) in February 2008, it sparked off a similar price war as the competition scrambled to match its offer
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Ku lw'obukulembeze obulungi, abakulembeze n'abantu balina okukolera awamu.
For good governance, the leaders and the people have to collaborate.
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Tekinnamanyibwa bulungi lwaki bbomu eyo teyabwatuka nga Jjulaayi 11.
It is not yet clear as to why the bomb did not go off on July eleventh.
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