stringlengths 3
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audioduration (s) 0.25
| english_transcript
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contentement passe richesse
| contentment passes wealth |
il ne faut qu' un coup pour tuer un loup
| It only takes one shot to kill a wolf. |
tout n' est pas de courir il faut partir à point
| It's not all about running, it's all about running. |
content chacun doit être de son état
| contentment everyone must be of his or her state |
dans les conseils consultations les murs ont des oreilles
| in the councils consultations the walls have ears |
qui est content est assez riche
| who's happy is quite rich |
soit chacun content de son lieu
| or each happy with his place |
les chirurgiens ne demandent que plaies et bosses
| surgeons ask only wounds and bumps |
qui couche avec le chien se lève avec des puces
| who sleeps with the dog gets up with fleas |
comparaison n' est pas raison
| comparison is not right |
qui a compagnon a maître et principalement si c' est le roi
| who has companion to master and mainly if it is the king |
veux-tu que le chien te suive donne lui du pain
| Do you want the dog to follow you give him bread? |
chats et chiens mauvais voisins
| cats and dogs bad neighbors |
chien échaudé ne revient pas en cuisine
| dog scalded doesn't come back to the kitchen |
souvent qui choisit prend le pire
| often who chooses takes the worst |
fou qui a le choix et prend le pire
| crazy who has the choice and takes the worst |
a méchant chien court lien
| a mean dog short link |
le chien ne peut pas être chèvre ni le lapin devenir lièvre
| the dog cannot be goat or rabbit become hare |
trop de civilités engendre importunité
| too many civilities create importunity |
si le ciel tombait il y aurait bien des alouettes prises
| If the sky fell, there would be a lot of larks taken. |
un chien et un coq sont fort sur leur palier
| a dog and a cock are strong on their landing |
agir dans la colère c' est s' embarquer durant la tempête
| To act in anger is to embark during the storm |
bien bas choit qui trop haut monte
| well low picks that too high climbs |
il n' y a toujours que trop de chiens autour d' un os
| There are always too many dogs around a bone |
ce n' est pas tout que des choux il faut encore de la graisse
| It's not all that cabbage still needs fat |
il faut savoir obéir avant que de commander
| you must know how to obey before ordering |
besogne commencée est plus qu' à demi faite
| work started is more than half done |
le coeur importe plus que la mine
| the heart matters more than the mine |
les plus grands clercs ne sont pas les plus fins
| the greatest clerics are not the finest |
qui n' entend qu' une cloche n' entend qu' un son
| who hears only one bell hears only one sound |
coeur étroit n' est jamais au large
| narrow heart is never offshore |
le bien commun n' a amis ni prochain
| the common good has neither friends nor next |
a coeur vaillant rien d' impossible
| With heart worthless nothing impossible |
de bien commun l' on ne fait pas monceau
| of common good we don't make heaps |
le bien commun n' a pas de loi chacun veut le tirer à soi
| the common good has no law everyone wants to pull it to himself |
coeur facile à donner facile à ôter
| easy to give heart easy to remove |
bon estomac et mauvais coeur c' est le secret pour vivre longtemps
| good stomach and bad heart is the secret to living for a long time |
compagnon bien parlant vaut en chemin chariot branlant
| Good speaking companion is worth on his way to the wanking wagon |
mieux vaut mauvaise route que mauvais compagnon
| Better bad road than bad companion |
il faut avoir le coeur haut eût-on la fortune basse
| you have to have a high heart would you have a low fortune |
quand les chiens s' entredéchirent le loup fait ses affaires
| When the dogs broke up, the wolf did his business. |
qui sert au commun ne sert pas à un
| which serves in common does not serve for a |
coeur qui soupire n' a pas ce qu' il désire
| heart that sighs does not have what he desires |
on n' engraisse pas les cochons avec de l' eau claire
| pigs are not fattened with clear water |
l' âne du commun est toujours le plus mal bâté
| the donkey of the common is always the worst beaten |
il ne faut pas se moquer des chiens qu' on ne soit hors du village
| Don't make fun of the dogs that we're not out of the village. |
les conseilleurs ne sont pas les payeurs
| the advisers are not the payers |
le vin ne se connaît pas à l' étiquette ni l' homme à l' habit
| the wine does not know itself on the label or the man in the dress |
pour bien connaître les autres il faut se connaître d' abord soi-même
| in order to know the others well you have to know each other first and foremost |
les conseillers n' ont pas de gages
| advisors don't have pawns |
faute confessée est à demi pardonnée
| sin confessed is half forgiven |
prends bref conseil et fais ton fait
| Take short advice and do your thing. |
rien ne se donne si libéralement que des conseils
| Nothing gives so liberally that advice |
mieux vaut écouter la voix de la conscience que le bruit de la renommée
| It's better to listen to the voice of consciousness than the sound of fame. |
les cordonniers sont les plus mal chaussés
| the shoemakers are the worst shoes |
a vieux comptes nouvelles disputes
| a old accounts new disputes |
a parti pris point de conseil
| has taken part in advice |
il n' est de bon conseils à moins qu' on ne le suive
| he's good advice unless he's being followed. |
tout se fait par compère et commère
| everything is done by companion and commer |
il ne faut point parler de corde dans la maison d' un pendu
| You mustn't talk about rope in a hanged man's house. |
on ne pèche point quand on pèche par conseil
| You don't sin when you sin by advice. |
qui compte sans son hôte compte deux fois
| that counts without its host twice |
erreur n' est pas compte
| error is not counted |
mauvais conseil retombe sur qui le donne
| evil advice falls on who gives it |
il ne faut pas réveiller le chat qui dort
| Don't wake up the sleeping cat. |
il n' est si bon charretier qui ne verse
| He's so good a carter who doesn't pay. |
il n' y a pas de petit chez soi
| There's no kid at home. |
il n' est si bon cheval qui ne bronche
| He's not that good a horse that doesn't sunk. |
a cheval maigre vont les mouches
| a lean horse go flies |
deux chiens sont mauvais à un os
| two dogs are bad to a bone |
charité bien ordonnée commence par soi même
| well-ordered charity begins by itself |
chat échaudé craint l' eau froide
| cat scalded sucks cold water |
bien mérite d' aller à pied qui ne prend soin de son cheval
| well deserves to go on foot who does not take care of his horse |
charbonnier est maître dans sa loge
| coalman is master in his lodge |
chasseur pêcheurs preneur de taupes feraient beaucoup n' étaient les fautes
| hunter fishermen taking moles would do a lot were the faults |
de chiens chevaux armes amours pour un plaisir mille douleurs
| of dogs horses arms love for a pleasure thousand pains |
a mauvais chien queue lui vient
| a bad dog tail comes to him |
qui veut noyer son chien l' accuse de la rage
| who wants to drown his dog accuses him of rage |
qu' un cheval soit mauvais ou bon chausse toujours tes éperons
| whether a horse is bad or good, always wears your spurs. |
un clou chasse l' autre
| One nail hunts the other |
il faut prendre le bénéfice avec ses charges
| you have to take the profit with its charges |
a cheval hargneux étable à part
| a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse with a horse |
changement de temps entretien de sots
| change of time maintenance of fools |
il n' est si petit chat qui n' égratigne
| He's not that little cat that scratches. |
pour reprendre ta chemise ne mets ton héritage en mise
| to take back your shirt don't put your inheritance on the bet |
a cheval donné on ne regarde pas la bouche
| a given horse we don't look at the mouth |
au chien qui mord il faut jeter des pierres
| To the dog that bites you have to throw stones |
chien hargneux a toujours oreilles déchirées
| Hargnant dog always has torn ears |
il est aisé d' aller à pied quand on tient son cheval par la bride
| It's easy to walk when you hold your horse by the bridle. |
au mauvais chemin double le pas
| to the wrong path doubles the step |
chat ganté ne prit jamais souris
| Glory cat never took mouse |
changement de propos réjouit l' homme
| change of speech rejoices the man |
on ne saurait retenir le chat quand il a goûté à la crème
| We can't hold the cat when he tasted the cream. |
chapon de huit mois dîner de roi
| Eight-month Chapter King's Dinner |
il ne faut pas tuer son chien pour une mauvaise année
| Don't kill your dog for a bad year. |
bon cheval va seul à l' abreuvoir
| good horse goes to drink it alone |
des femmes et des chevaux il n' en est point sans défauts
| women and horses, they are not without faults. |
bon chien n' aboie pas pour rien
| good dog doesn't bark for nothing |
d' un sac à charbon ne saurait sortir blanche mouture
| of a bag of coal cannot come out white milling |
a bon chat bon rat
| a good cat good rat |