[ 0, 3 ]
{ "label": "es-ES", "score": 0.9999541044 }
[ 1, 2 ]
[ 3, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 3 ]
Acción Reimpulsar las actividades relacionadas con el Uso Racional y Eficiente de la Energía Eléctrica (UREEE) a través del Seguimiento y Control de las Unidades de Gestión Energética (UGE) del sector privado y público descritas en Programa Nacional de Educación Energética y Eficiencia Energética, con el fin de optimizar el
Acción Reimpulsar las actividades relacionadas con el Uso Racional y Eficiente de la Energía Eléctrica (UREEE) a través del Seguimiento y Control de las Unidades de Gestión Energética (UGE) del sector privado y público descritas en Programa Nacional de Educación Energética y Eficiencia Energética, con el fin de optimizar el consumo de energía eléctrica en dichas instalaciones y así lograr una disminución en al menos el 10% del consumo de la energía (usando hidrocarburos) durante los próximos 8 años (2022 - 2030). Año base Se reducirán las emisiones de 82.980 tCO2eq en un periodo de 8 años; por las actividades desempeñadas a través de las UGE en las instalaciones del sector Privado y Público.
[ 1, 2 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"Reboost the activities related to the Rational and Efficient Use of Electric Energy (UREEE) through the Monitoring and Control of the Energy Management Units (UGE) of the private and public sector described in the National Program of Energy Education and Energy Efficiency, in order to optimize the consumption of electrical energy in these facilities and thus achieve a decrease in at least 10% of energy consumption (using hydrocarbons) during the next 8 years (2022 - 2030).\"", "\"Reboost the activities related to the Rational and Efficient Use of Electric Energy (UREEE) through the Monitoring and Control of the Energy Management Units (UGE) of the private and public sector described in the National Program of Energy Education and Energy Efficiency, in order to optimize the consumption of electrical energy in these facilities and thus achieve a decrease in at least 10% of energy consumption (using hydrocarbons) during the next 8 years (2022 - 2030).\": \"$11,232.59 cost estimate to start in the base year.\"", "\"Reboost the activities related to the Rational and Efficient Use of Electric Energy (UREEE) through the Monitoring and Control of the Energy Management Units (UGE) of the private and public sector described in the National Program of Energy Education and Energy Efficiency, in order to optimize the consumption of electrical energy in these facilities and thus achieve a decrease in at least 10% of energy consumption (using hydrocarbons) during the next 8 years (2022 - 2030).\": \"Emissions of 82,980 tCO2eq will be reduced over a period of 8 years\"" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "VE", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Energy Efficiency" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "VE", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct6", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral downstream action (mitigation and adaptation)", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Energy Efficiency" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "VE", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct5", "QuestionDefinition": "Emission reduction potential for a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Emission reduction potential ", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Energy Efficiency" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "es-ES", "score": 0.9999585152 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 1, 0 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Acción Sustitución de Bombillos Incandescentes por Tecnología LED, desde el 2016 al presente. Año base Mediante el Programa de Sustitución de Bombillos Incandescentes por Lámparas LED, desde 2016 hasta el 1er semestre de 2021, se han instalado 9.500.000,00 lámparas LED, estimando una disminución en la demanda eléctrica de 193,8 MW
Acción Sustitución de Bombillos Incandescentes por Tecnología LED, desde el 2016 al presente. Año base Mediante el Programa de Sustitución de Bombillos Incandescentes por Lámparas LED, desde 2016 hasta el 1er semestre de 2021, se han instalado 9.500.000,00 lámparas LED, estimando una disminución en la demanda eléctrica de 193,8 MW y 565,9 GWh en reducción del consumo de energía, lo que representó evitar 23.072 Ton CO2e de emisiones de Gases Sector Energía Eje Mitigación. Actualización CND Proyección 2020 - 2030. Sector Energía de Efecto Invernadero.
[ 1, 0 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"Replacement of Incandescent Bulbs by LED Technology, from 2016 to the present.\"" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "VE", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct1", "QuestionDefinition": "Existing sectoral downstream actions that the NDC builds on", "QuestionText": "Building on existing downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Cities" } ] ]
[ 0, 2 ]
{ "label": "es-ES", "score": 0.9999595881 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 2, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
Acción que tributa al Plan Nacional de Mitigación de los gases de efecto invernadero. Año base Plazos Alcance y cobertura Aplicar en un periodo de cuatro (4) años, la metodología para estimar la cantidad de carbono fijado en la biomasa de 14.423 hectáreas constituidas por los bosques compensatorios, de protección
Acción que tributa al Plan Nacional de Mitigación de los gases de efecto invernadero. Año base Plazos Alcance y cobertura Aplicar en un periodo de cuatro (4) años, la metodología para estimar la cantidad de carbono fijado en la biomasa de 14.423 hectáreas constituidas por los bosques compensatorios, de protección y de producción establecido por PDVSA, Filiales y Empresas Mixtas, ubicados en las áreas de influencia de las operaciones de la empresa petrolera y gasífera, así como en las zonas protectoras bajo custodia de PDVSA.
[ 1, 1 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"Estimation of the carbon captured in the forests established and protected by PDVSA. Quantify the amount of carbon fixed in the biomass of the compensatory and production forests established by PDVSA, Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures, in addition to the conservation forests that are under the protection and custody of the oil and gas industry, which in turn function as carbon sinks distributed in different watersheds nationwide. Action that taxes the National Plan for the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases.\"", "\"Estimation of the carbon captured in the forests established and protected by PDVSA. Quantify the amount of carbon fixed in the biomass of the compensatory and production forests established by PDVSA, Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures, in addition to the conservation forests that are under the protection and custody of the oil and gas industry, which in turn function as carbon sinks distributed in different watersheds nationwide. Action that taxes the National Plan for the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases.\": $865,000." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "VE", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "LULUCF/Forestry: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "VE", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct6", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral downstream action (mitigation and adaptation)", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "LULUCF/Forestry: General" } ] ]
[ 1, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999316931 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 1, 0 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Accompanying information on Brunei Darussalam’s Climate Mitigation and Climate Adaptation and Resilience Efforts, based on the Brunei Darussalam National Climate Change Policy (BNCCP). 1.0 Climate Mitigation. Brunei Darussalam will be implementing measures that will mitigate the impact of climate change by introducing strategies to reduce GHG emissions:1.1 BNCCP Strategy 1
Accompanying information on Brunei Darussalam’s Climate Mitigation and Climate Adaptation and Resilience Efforts, based on the Brunei Darussalam National Climate Change Policy (BNCCP). 1.0 Climate Mitigation. Brunei Darussalam will be implementing measures that will mitigate the impact of climate change by introducing strategies to reduce GHG emissions:1.1 BNCCP Strategy 1 on Industrial Emissions - Reduce overall emissions in the Industrial Sector. Brunei Darussalam aims to lower carbon intensity from the industries by attaining zeroroutine flaring, as defined by the World Bank standard.
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "\"BNCCP Strategy 1 on Industrial Emissions - Reduce overall emissions in the Industrial Sector\"" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "BN", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Policies", "QuestionCode": "M_SecPol3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on upstream policies for a given sector", "QuestionText": "Upstream policies on", "Sector": "Industries", "SubSector": "Industries: General" } ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999339581 }
[ 1, 0 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ "{'annex_type': 'Annex I', 'IkiSheet': 'targets', 'page_number': nan, 'renewable_energy_target': nan, 'transport_target_type': nan, 'target_year': nan, 'country_netzero target_exists': nan, 'country_summary_transport_targets': nan, 'target_type': 'T_BYE, T_TRA', 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'income_group': 'High-income', 'g7': 0, 'mena': 0, 'region': 'Europe', 'parameter': 'T_Economy_Unc', 'ice_phaseout': nan, 'country_long-term_target_exists': nan, 'ghg_total': 0.0, 'ghg_transport_target_type': nan, 'g20': 0, 'target_scope': nan, 'ghg_transport': 0.0}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), climate change would increase deaths in Morocco by 250,000 annually between 2030 and 2050 due to malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea and heat-related stress. According climate change high GHG emissions scenario, deaths in elderly populations as a result of heat should reach 50 for every
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), climate change would increase deaths in Morocco by 250,000 annually between 2030 and 2050 due to malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea and heat-related stress. According climate change high GHG emissions scenario, deaths in elderly populations as a result of heat should reach 50 for every 100,000 people by 2080, based on an estimated baseline of five on agriculture will also disproportionally impact those most vulnerable to hunger and malnutrition.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "50% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels" ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ 0, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.999937892 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 0, 2 ]
[ [ null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 2, 0 ]
According to Qatar National Vision 2030, efforts are initiated to place Qatar’s resources management on a sustainable path for future generations. Qatar aims to use upgraded wastewater treatment plants to improve the treated water quality and further support using it for agricultural purposes to reduce the demand on fresh water
According to Qatar National Vision 2030, efforts are initiated to place Qatar’s resources management on a sustainable path for future generations. Qatar aims to use upgraded wastewater treatment plants to improve the treated water quality and further support using it for agricultural purposes to reduce the demand on fresh water and accordingly decrease the fuel consumption in water desalination and associated gaseous emissions. In addition, Qatar is undertaking the following key initiatives in relation to water management:.
[ 2, 0 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Water management: \"Qatar aims to use upgraded wastewater treatment plants to improve the treated water quality and further support using it for agricultural purposes to reduce the demand on fresh water and accordingly decrease the fuel consumption in water desalination and associated gaseous emissions\" (4)." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "QA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water supply" }, { "Alpha2": "QA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Irrigation" } ] ]
[ 2, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999270439 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 2, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
According to TMPREE, Tuvalu must develop 6 MW renewable energy electricity generation capacity in the next eight years. The initial capital cost of solar arrays, wind turbines and batteries to replace the current energy demand is estimated to be A$52 million. By the end of 2012, the output capacity of
According to TMPREE, Tuvalu must develop 6 MW renewable energy electricity generation capacity in the next eight years. The initial capital cost of solar arrays, wind turbines and batteries to replace the current energy demand is estimated to be A$52 million. By the end of 2012, the output capacity of renewable energy electricity generation using PV technology totaled a mere 146 kW (peak).
[ 0, 2 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Replace the current energy demand with solar arrays, wind turbines and batteries", "Replace the current energy demand with solar arrays, wind turbines and batteries" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "TV", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Energy: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "TV", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Energy: General" } ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999352694 }
[ 2, 0 ]
[ 0, 2 ]
[ [ "{'g7': 0, 'IkiSheet': 'netzero', 'page_number': 9, 'target_year': 2050.0, 'region': 'Europe', 'parameter': 'T_Netzero', 'ice_phaseout_target': nan, 'oecd': 'OECD', 'target_type': 'T_FL', 'ghg_total': 53.1825990248438, 'income_group': 'High-income', 'g20': 0, 'annex_type': 'Annex I', 'ghg_transport': 13.776102644676}", "{'annex_type': 'Annex I', 'IkiSheet': 'targets', 'page_number': 9, 'renewable_energy_target': nan, 'transport_target_type': nan, 'target_year': 2050, 'country_netzero target_exists': 'x', 'country_summary_transport_targets': nan, 'target_type': 'T_FL', 'oecd': 'OECD', 'income_group': 'High-income', 'g7': 0, 'mena': 0, 'region': 'Europe', 'parameter': 'T_Economy_Unc', 'ice_phaseout': nan, 'country_long-term_target_exists': 'x', 'ghg_total': 53.1825990248438, 'ghg_transport_target_type': nan, 'g20': 0, 'target_scope': nan, 'ghg_transport': 13.776102644676}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
According to both climate neutrality scenarios, net zero emissions will be reached by mid-century. However, the clean energy transition will vary based on different assumptions, and the generation of socioeconomic benefits will differ in their development pathways (Figure 1).
According to both climate neutrality scenarios, net zero emissions will be reached by mid-century. However, the clean energy transition will vary based on different assumptions, and the generation of socioeconomic benefits will differ in their development pathways (Figure 1).
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "LTS" ]
[ "According to both climate neutrality scenarios, net zero emissions will be reached by mid-century" ]
[ [ null, null ] ]
[ 1, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999357462 }
[ 0, 9 ]
United Arab Emirates
[ 9, 0 ]
[ [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 5, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': 'x', 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Low-carbon fuels and energy vectors', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 'MENA', 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Vehicle air pollution emission standards', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'High-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Asia', 'parameter': 'I_Efficiencystd', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Vehicle improvements', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}", "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 22, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': 'x', 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Low-carbon fuels and energy vectors', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 'MENA', 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Vehicle air pollution emission standards', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'High-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Asia', 'parameter': 'I_Efficiencystd', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Vehicle improvements', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ], [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 5, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': 'x', 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Electrification', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 'MENA', 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'General e-mobility', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'High-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Asia', 'parameter': 'I_Emobility', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Electric mobility', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}", "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 5, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': 'x', 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Low-carbon fuels and energy vectors', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 'MENA', 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Hydrogen', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'High-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Asia', 'parameter': 'I_Hydrogen', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Alternative fuels', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}", "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 5, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': 'x', 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Mode shift and demand management', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 'MENA', 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Autonomous vehicles', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'High-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Asia', 'parameter': 'I_Autonomous', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Digital solutions', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}", "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 22, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': 'x', 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Electrification', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 'MENA', 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'General e-mobility', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'High-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Asia', 'parameter': 'I_Emobility', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Electric mobility', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}", "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 22, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': 'x', 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Low-carbon fuels and energy vectors', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 'MENA', 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Hydrogen', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'High-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Asia', 'parameter': 'I_Hydrogen', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Alternative fuels', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}", "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 22, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': 'x', 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Mode shift and demand management', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 'MENA', 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Autonomous vehicles', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'High-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Asia', 'parameter': 'I_Autonomous', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Digital solutions', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW", "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 9 ]
According to fuel quality standards being currently implemented in the UAE, diesel consumed in the country must comply with 10 ppm sulphur content and Euro 5 standards. In terms of technology standards, new motor vehicles in the UAE are compliant with Euro 4 emission performance standards and a gradual move
According to fuel quality standards being currently implemented in the UAE, diesel consumed in the country must comply with 10 ppm sulphur content and Euro 5 standards. In terms of technology standards, new motor vehicles in the UAE are compliant with Euro 4 emission performance standards and a gradual move to Euro 5/6 is planned. Standards for electric, hydrogen and autonomous vehicles are under development.
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "Second NDC" ]
[ "According to fuel quality standards being currently implemented in the UAE, diesel consumed in the country must comply with 10 ppm sulphur content and Euro 5 standards. In terms of technology standards, new motor vehicles in the UAE are compliant with Euro 4 emission performance standards and a gradual move to Euro 5/6 is planned. ", "Standards for electric, hydrogen and autonomous vehicles are under development.", "\"According to fuel quality standards being currently implemented in the UAE, diesel consumed in the country must comply with 10 ppm sulphur content and Euro 5 standards. In terms of technology standards, new motor vehicles in the UAE are compliant with Euro 4 emission performance standards and a gradual move to Euro 5/6 is planned. Standards for electric, hydrogen and autonomous vehicles are under development.\"" ]
[ [ null, null ], [ null, null, null, null, null, null ], [ { "Alpha2": "AE", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Policies", "QuestionCode": "M_SecPol3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on upstream policies for a given sector", "QuestionText": "Upstream policies on", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Transportation Fuels" } ] ]
[ 0, 3 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999270439 }
[ 0, 3 ]
[ 0, 3 ]
[ [ null, null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 3, 0 ]
According to the Angolan NAPA (2011), the major expected climate change threats and impacts are: floods, soil erosion, drought episodes, rise in sea-level. The main sectors identified as affected by climate change are: agriculture and food security; forest and biodiversity; fisheries; water resources; human health; infrastructures; coastal zones; energy.
According to the Angolan NAPA (2011), the major expected climate change threats and impacts are: floods, soil erosion, drought episodes, rise in sea-level. The main sectors identified as affected by climate change are: agriculture and food security; forest and biodiversity; fisheries; water resources; human health; infrastructures; coastal zones; energy.
[ 0, 3 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Human Health" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "AO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now sector", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Disease surveillance and control" }, { "Alpha2": "AO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now sector", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Livestock" }, { "Alpha2": "AO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now sector", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health services and assessment" } ] ]
[ 3, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999258518 }
[ 0, 4 ]
[ 3, 1 ]
[ [ null ], [ null, null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 3 ]
According to the Emission Gap Report 2019, table 2.2, page 11. ↩. Table 46 of IBA 3 details the main improvements between IBA 2 and IBA 3 referred to by sector and category. ↩
According to the Emission Gap Report 2019, table 2.2, page 11. ↩. Table 46 of IBA 3 details the main improvements between IBA 2 and IBA 3 referred to by sector and category. ↩
[ 0, 4 ]
[ "Second NDC" ]
[ "\"Efficient motors and replacement of commercial refrigerators with enclosure\"", "\"Renewal of the river fleet with alternative energies.\"", "Shifting how investment decisions get made" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "AR", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Appliances" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "AR", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Inland Waterways" }, { "Alpha2": "AR", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "AR", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector (2)", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Energy: General" } ] ]
[ 0, 5 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999355078 }
[ 0, 5 ]
[ 0, 5 ]
[ [ null, null, null, null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 5, 0 ]
According to the Global Climate Risk Index, Cambodia was ranked as the 12th most climate risk-prone country globally, showing the high-level of vulnerability to extreme weather events. However, beyond extreme weather events, climate change also results in slow-onset events that can have significant negative implications for Cambodia and her citizens,
According to the Global Climate Risk Index, Cambodia was ranked as the 12th most climate risk-prone country globally, showing the high-level of vulnerability to extreme weather events. However, beyond extreme weather events, climate change also results in slow-onset events that can have significant negative implications for Cambodia and her citizens, particularly the most vulnerable people.
[ 0, 5 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Increasing capacities to absorb and recover from extreme events" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "KH", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector (2)", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Climate risk management" }, { "Alpha2": "KH", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector (2)", "Sector": "Disaster Risk Management (DRM)", "SubSector": "Disaster Risk Management (DRM): General" }, { "Alpha2": "KH", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector (2)", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water quality" }, { "Alpha2": "KH", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector (2)", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable energy" }, { "Alpha2": "KH", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector (2)", "Sector": "Urban", "SubSector": "Waste management" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.999930501 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 0 ]
According to the IPCC Special Report, the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, which was released in 2019, climate adaptation is expected to be significantly more challenging for ecosystems, food and health systems at 2°C of global warming above the pre-industrial age than for 1.5°C (medium confidence). Even if
According to the IPCC Special Report, the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, which was released in 2019, climate adaptation is expected to be significantly more challenging for ecosystems, food and health systems at 2°C of global warming above the pre-industrial age than for 1.5°C (medium confidence). Even if global warming is limited to 1.5°C, vulnerable regions, including the Small Island Developing States, are projected to experience a multitude of interrelated climate risks, resulting in loss of livelihoods, food insecurity and largescale population displacement.
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Meainstreaming climate risks in health policies and programs, including on health infrastructure, and health systems" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "FJ", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health services and assessment" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999353886 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 0 ]
According to the IPCC guidelines18, the first measure of adaptation to climate change should consist of reducing vulnerability and exposure to current climate variability. In this way, the integration of adaptation in planning, its inclusion in policy design and its incorporation in decision-making processes can promote synergies with development, disaster
According to the IPCC guidelines18, the first measure of adaptation to climate change should consist of reducing vulnerability and exposure to current climate variability. In this way, the integration of adaptation in planning, its inclusion in policy design and its incorporation in decision-making processes can promote synergies with development, disaster risk reduction, and biodiversity conservation. and the fight against desertification.
[ 1, 0 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"The first step for climate change adaptation in Peru is to reduce vulnerability and exposure to current climate changes. To achieve this, climate adaptation must be intergarted into planning, included in the design of policies and incorporated into decision-making processes to promote synergies with development, disaster risk management, biodivserity conservation and the fight against desertification\" (14-15)." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "PE", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" } ] ]
[ 1, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.999925971 }
[ 0, 1 ]
Dominican Republic
[ 1, 0 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
According to the National Development Strategy (Law 1-12) and the sectoral dialogue meetings that occurred in the process of improving and updating the NDC, it includes mitigation co-benefits resulting from adaptation actions and / or diversification plans economy of the country, which will be aligned with adaptation measures in the
According to the National Development Strategy (Law 1-12) and the sectoral dialogue meetings that occurred in the process of improving and updating the NDC, it includes mitigation co-benefits resulting from adaptation actions and / or diversification plans economy of the country, which will be aligned with adaptation measures in the following sectors and subsectors:Agriculture: sustainable soil management (conservation, precision, organic agriculture, etc.); promote efficient irrigation systems; promote the diversity and resilience of agricultural crops; greater food security; promote integrated food, water and energy systems in smart agriculture that is resilient to climate change.
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"Sustainable soil management (conservation, precision, organic agriculture, etc.)" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "DO", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Agriculture: General" } ] ]
[ 0, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999324083 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 0, 2 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 2, 0 ]
According to the National communications of Georgia to the UNFCCC costs of the coastline adaptation program is estimated about 600 million USD. In absence of adaptation measures the estimated losses only in the tourism sector will reach about 2 billion USD by 2030. Due to very high social costs involved,
According to the National communications of Georgia to the UNFCCC costs of the coastline adaptation program is estimated about 600 million USD. In absence of adaptation measures the estimated losses only in the tourism sector will reach about 2 billion USD by 2030. Due to very high social costs involved, priority will be given to the integrated coastal planning and management instruments, rather than investments in coastal erosion abatement only.
[ 1, 1 ]
[ "INDC" ]
[ "Integrated coastal planning and management instruments", "USD 600 Million" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "GE", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_ConAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Condition actions of the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Conditional Actions", "Sector": "Coastal Zone", "SubSector": "Coastal management" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "GE", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_ConActCost", "QuestionDefinition": "The estimated costs for sectoral conditional actions", "QuestionText": "Estimated Cost for Sectoral Conditional Actions ", "Sector": "Coastal Zone", "SubSector": "Coastal management" } ] ]
[ 0, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999359846 }
[ 1, 1 ]
[ 0, 2 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 2, 0 ]
According to the actions and measures proposed in each of the projects, it will be possible to define the dimension of the TCNCC to which it contributes. Environment (UNGRD). 26. Increase the percentage of the monitoring network with real-time transmission (from 24% to 35%) connected to early warning systems by
According to the actions and measures proposed in each of the projects, it will be possible to define the dimension of the TCNCC to which it contributes. Environment (UNGRD). 26. Increase the percentage of the monitoring network with real-time transmission (from 24% to 35%) connected to early warning systems by 2030. Increase the adaptive capacity of the territory in the face of climate change by strengthening the hydrometerological network with timely information as an input to early warning systems and serve as a tool in disaster risk management. Environment. 27.
[ 1, 1 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "24% to 35% of monitoring network", "Environment (National Unit for the Management of Disaster Risk-UNGRD): \"Increase the percentage (24% to 35%) of the monitoring network with transmission in real time connected to early warning systems, by 2030. Increase the adaptive capacity of the territory against climate change through strengthening the hydrometerological network with timely information as an input to early systems warning and to serve as a tool in disaster risk management\" (20)." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "CO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_tar", "QuestionDefinition": "Measurable targets or indicators", "QuestionText": "Targets", "Sector": "Disaster Risk Management (DRM)", "SubSector": "Early warning system" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "CO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Disaster Risk Management (DRM)", "SubSector": "Early warning system" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999351501 }
[ 1, 0 ]
[ 1, 0 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
According to the country s long-term development plans, it plans to increase the share of RES-based power generation to least 25% by 2030. To achieve this target, it is planned to construct new RES facilities with a total capacity of 10 GW, including 5 GW of solar, 3 GW of
According to the country s long-term development plans, it plans to increase the share of RES-based power generation to least 25% by 2030. To achieve this target, it is planned to construct new RES facilities with a total capacity of 10 GW, including 5 GW of solar, 3 GW of wind and 1.9 GW of hydropower plants.4,5 The development of hydropower in the country follows the path of tapping the potential of small rivers, irrigation canals, reservoirs, and watercourses.
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"According to the country's long-term development plans, it plans to increase the share of RES-based power generation to least 25% by 2030. To achieve this target, it is planned to construct new RES facilities with a total capacity of 10 GW, including 5 GW of solar, 3 GW of wind and 1.9 GW of hydropower plants.\"" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "UZ", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy" } ] ]
[ 0, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999214411 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 0, 2 ]
[ [ null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 2, 0 ]
According to the decisions of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela presents its Nationally Determined Contributions to the fight against Climate Change and its effects. B.- Actions and programs with impact on adaptation
According to the decisions of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela presents its Nationally Determined Contributions to the fight against Climate Change and its effects. B.- Actions and programs with impact on adaptation or mitigation of Climate Change and its effects. Venezuela has developed a series of programs within which it has undertaken important actions, contributing to the fight against Climate Change and its effects from a perspective of justice and social inclusion.
[ 0, 2 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Shifting how investment decisions get made" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "VE", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Climate risk management" }, { "Alpha2": "VE", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Disaster Risk Management (DRM)", "SubSector": "Disaster relief and recovery" } ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999313354 }
[ 1, 0 ]
Bosnia and Herzegovina
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ "{'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'IkiSheet': 'targets', 'page_number': nan, 'renewable_energy_target': nan, 'transport_target_type': nan, 'target_year': nan, 'country_netzero target_exists': nan, 'country_summary_transport_targets': nan, 'target_type': 'T_BAU', 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'g7': 0, 'mena': 0, 'region': 'Europe', 'parameter': 'T_Economy_Unc', 'ice_phaseout': nan, 'country_long-term_target_exists': nan, 'ghg_total': 33.4955272458272, 'ghg_transport_target_type': nan, 'g20': 0, 'target_scope': nan, 'ghg_transport': 3.53178571}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
According to the developed scenarios - their peak occurs in 2030; according to the baseline scenario (BAU) in 2030 expected emissions are 20% higher than the level of emissions in 1990. Emission reduction that BiH unconditionally might achieved, compared to the BAU scenario, is 2% by 2030 which would mean
According to the developed scenarios - their peak occurs in 2030; according to the baseline scenario (BAU) in 2030 expected emissions are 20% higher than the level of emissions in 1990. Emission reduction that BiH unconditionally might achieved, compared to the BAU scenario, is 2% by 2030 which would mean 18% higher emissions compared to the base year 1990.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "2% below 2030 BAU scenario" ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999297857 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 0 ]
According to the report generated, Panama has 65.4% of forests and other wooded lands, 32.5% of other lands and 2.1 of continental waters (MiAMBIENTE, 2019a). Forests in Panama are of great value thanks to the multiple services and benefits they provide us, however, it is necessary that they be monitored
According to the report generated, Panama has 65.4% of forests and other wooded lands, 32.5% of other lands and 2.1 of continental waters (MiAMBIENTE, 2019a). Forests in Panama are of great value thanks to the multiple services and benefits they provide us, however, it is necessary that they be monitored since a lot of pressure is exerted on them due to forestry and agricultural activities. Demography.
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Increasing climate-resilient investments and capture value from adaptation benefits" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Urban", "SubSector": "Urban: General" } ] ]
[ 0, 3 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999324083 }
[ 3, 0 ]
[ 2, 1 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 2 ]
According to the sector-specific forestry development programme, the policy for increasing the resource potential of forests and ensuring the sustainable forest use will be further implemented. In line with the priorities of the National Sustainable Development Strategy of the Republic of Belarus until 2030, measures will be implemented to increase
According to the sector-specific forestry development programme, the policy for increasing the resource potential of forests and ensuring the sustainable forest use will be further implemented. In line with the priorities of the National Sustainable Development Strategy of the Republic of Belarus until 2030, measures will be implemented to increase the area under forest from 39.4% in 2013 up to 41% in 2030.
[ 0, 3 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Increase foreast area from 39.1% in 2013 to 41% in 2030", "Increase foreast area from 39.1% in 2013 to 41% in 2030", "Increase the area under forest from 39.4% in 2013 up to 41% in 2030" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "BY", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "LULUCF/Forestry: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BY", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "LULUCF/Forestry: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BY", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_Tar", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation targets/ objectives at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Target", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Sustainable forest management" } ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999345541 }
[ 1, 0 ]
Republic of Moldova
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ "{'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'IkiSheet': 'targets', 'page_number': 8, 'renewable_energy_target': nan, 'transport_target_type': nan, 'target_year': 2030, 'country_netzero target_exists': nan, 'country_summary_transport_targets': 'Transport GHG targets', 'target_type': 'T_BAU', 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'g7': 0, 'mena': 0, 'region': 'Europe', 'parameter': 'T_Transport_Unc', 'ice_phaseout': nan, 'country_long-term_target_exists': nan, 'ghg_total': 9.22915436711867, 'ghg_transport_target_type': 'GHG unconditional only', 'g20': 0, 'target_scope': 'T_ALL', 'ghg_transport': 2.4328218}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
According to this policy document, a 20 per cent GHG emissions reduction compared to the BAU scenario has to be reached in the Republic of Moldova by 2020. Along with the overall national target, the policy document sets up GHG emissions reduction targets for seven economic sectors:  power production
According to this policy document, a 20 per cent GHG emissions reduction compared to the BAU scenario has to be reached in the Republic of Moldova by 2020. Along with the overall national target, the policy document sets up GHG emissions reduction targets for seven economic sectors:  power production sector – 25 per cent GHG emissions reduction compared to BAU scenario has to be achieved by 2020;  buildings, industry and agriculture sectors – 20 per cent GHG emissions reduction compared to BAU scenario has to be reached by 2020;  transport and waste sectors – 15 per cent GHG emissions reduction compared to BAU scenario has to be achieved by 2020; and  LULUCF sector – an increase by 25 per cent of the net removals has to be reached by 2020.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Transport and waste sectors – 15 per cent GHG emissions reduction compared to BAU scenario has to be achieved by 2020" ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999303818 }
[ 0, 1 ]
Trinidad and Tobago
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ "{'IkiSheet': 'implementation', 'page_number': 2, 'region': 'Latin America and the Caribbean', 'parameter': 'P_National', 'income_group': 'High-income', 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I'}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Accordingly the Government has defined the policy framework for a low carbon development plan through the National Climate Change Policy, and developed a Carbon Reduction Strategy for the power generation, transportation and industrial sectors which forms the basis of Trinidad and Tobago s iNDC. Trinidad and Tobago already produces all
Accordingly the Government has defined the policy framework for a low carbon development plan through the National Climate Change Policy, and developed a Carbon Reduction Strategy for the power generation, transportation and industrial sectors which forms the basis of Trinidad and Tobago s iNDC. Trinidad and Tobago already produces all of its electricity from natural gas and is working towards achieving greater efficiency through combined cycle generation at all its power plants.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "National Climate Change Policy, and developed a Carbon Reduction Strategy for the power generation, transportation and industrial sectors" ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ 2, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.999932766 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 2, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
Accordingly, ANY contribution from Kiribati is more than fair, and must be considered ambitious, given the extraordinary circumstances of Kiribati. Mitigation Status and Context:. Greenhouse gas emissions are the result of combustion of imported fossil fuels in the energy sector for:. Electricity generation;. Sea transport;. Land transport;. Kerosene for lighting
Accordingly, ANY contribution from Kiribati is more than fair, and must be considered ambitious, given the extraordinary circumstances of Kiribati. Mitigation Status and Context:. Greenhouse gas emissions are the result of combustion of imported fossil fuels in the energy sector for:. Electricity generation;. Sea transport;. Land transport;. Kerosene for lighting on outer islands; and. LPG and kerosene for cooking.
[ 0, 2 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Land transport", "Land transport" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "KI", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Transport: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "KI", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Transport: General" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999340773 }
[ 1, 0 ]
The Bahamas
[ 1, 0 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Accordingly, the Government has defined the policy framework for a low carbon development plan through the National Energy Policy, that sets a national target to achieve a minimum of 30% renewables in the energy mix by 2030, and will allow for a 10% Residential Enerv Self Generation Programme within the
Accordingly, the Government has defined the policy framework for a low carbon development plan through the National Energy Policy, that sets a national target to achieve a minimum of 30% renewables in the energy mix by 2030, and will allow for a 10% Residential Enerv Self Generation Programme within the year. It is envisaged that emission reduction contributions will be achieved through the mitigation actions in the sectors, which accounted for the vast majority of GHG emissions in the Bahamas in 2000.
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "a minimum of 30% renewables in the energy mix by 2030" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "BS", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999314547 }
[ 1, 0 ]
[ 1, 0 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Accumulated to 2030: 149,853.3 (with constant annual mitigation potential in the 2019-2030 period). Average: 12,487.8. Fixed GHG: CO2. UT.6. Forest restoration. It is based on the restoration of forest ecosystems, as part of the environmental management of binational hydroelectric entities, reaching 4,588 ha by 2030. -Forest lands that remain as
Accumulated to 2030: 149,853.3 (with constant annual mitigation potential in the 2019-2030 period). Average: 12,487.8. Fixed GHG: CO2. UT.6. Forest restoration. It is based on the restoration of forest ecosystems, as part of the environmental management of binational hydroelectric entities, reaching 4,588 ha by 2030. -Forest lands that remain as such (3B1a). -Crop land converted to forest land (3B1b). -Strategic objectives 2.4. and 4.4. National Development Plan Paraguay 2030. -Axis 1. Agricultural Sector Policy Framework (MPSA) 2020-2030. -Measure 7. ENBCS.
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"UT.6. Forest restoration.: It is based on the restoration of forest ecosystems, as part of the environmental management of binational hydroelectric entities, reaching 4,588 ha by 2030.\"" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "PY", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Reforestation" } ] ]
[ 0, 8 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999284744 }
[ 0, 8 ]
[ 8, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 8 ]
Accumulated until 2030. 7.02 billion. 1.70 billion. 5.32 billion. Accumulated until 2025. 2.453 billion. 332 million. 2.121 billion. Accumulated until 2020. 369 million. 185 million. 284 million. Hence, for both mitigation and adaption, a total budget of USD 8.9 billion will be required.
Accumulated until 2030. 7.02 billion. 1.70 billion. 5.32 billion. Accumulated until 2025. 2.453 billion. 332 million. 2.121 billion. Accumulated until 2020. 369 million. 185 million. 284 million. Hence, for both mitigation and adaption, a total budget of USD 8.9 billion will be required.
[ 0, 8 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "12 Million USD", "130 Million USD", "175 Million USD", "200.0 Million USD", "2259.0 Million USD", "25 Million USD", "60.0 Million USD", "90.0 Million USD" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "ER", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar5", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral target", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Clean Cooking and Heating: Efficient cookstoves" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ER", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar5", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral target", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Wind" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ER", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar5", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral target", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Geothermal" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ER", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar5", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral target", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Wind" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ER", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar5", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral target", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "BRT" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ER", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar5", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral target", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Appliances" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ER", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar5", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral target", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Off-Grid" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ER", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar5", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral target", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" } ] ]
[ 0, 5 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999366999 }
[ 5, 0 ]
[ 5, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 5 ]
Achieve 100% efficient network lighting rate by 2030. Off-grid lighting a priori effective, 100% by 2030. Achieve 100% use of low-consumption lamps by 2030. Achieve 100% public lighting rate by 2030. Reduction of demand for fuelwood per inhabitant by massive distribution of improved stoves, with a penetration rate of 100%
Achieve 100% efficient network lighting rate by 2030. Off-grid lighting a priori effective, 100% by 2030. Achieve 100% use of low-consumption lamps by 2030. Achieve 100% public lighting rate by 2030. Reduction of demand for fuelwood per inhabitant by massive distribution of improved stoves, with a penetration rate of 100% in urban areas and 30% in rural areas;.
[ 0, 5 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"Achieve 100% networked efficient lighting by 2030.\"", "\"Achieve 100% public lighting by 2030.\"", "\"Achieve 100% use of low-energy lamps by 2030.\"", "\"Off-grid lighting a priori efficient, 100% in 2030.\"", "\"Reduction of the demand for wood energy per capita by mass diffusion of improved stoves, with a penetration rate of 100% in urban areas and 30% in rural areas\" (by 2030)" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "NE", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Buildings" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "NE", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Energy: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "NE", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Buildings" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "NE", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Buildings" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "NE", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Clean Cooking and Heating: Efficient cookstoves" } ] ]
[ 0, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999368191 }
[ 2, 0 ]
[ 2, 0 ]
[ [ null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
Achieve 75% gross generation of electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030 through the implementation of hydropower, solar, wind and biomass, including in the tourism sector. Action. Reduce emissions from high carbon electricity sources including through taking 2MW diesel generation offline by 2022 and converting new LPG generation to CNG
Achieve 75% gross generation of electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030 through the implementation of hydropower, solar, wind and biomass, including in the tourism sector. Action. Reduce emissions from high carbon electricity sources including through taking 2MW diesel generation offline by 2022 and converting new LPG generation to CNG by 2026. Action. Install 40 MW utility-scale solar power by 2025. Action.
[ 0, 2 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"Install 40 MW utility-scale solar power by 2025\"" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "BZ", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Utility Scale" }, { "Alpha2": "BZ", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar10", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of the mitigation target for a given sectoral target ", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Utility Scale" } ] ]
[ 0, 9 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.999938488 }
[ 0, 9 ]
[ 0, 9 ]
[ [ null, null ], [ null ], [ null, null ], [ null, null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 9, 0 ]
Achieve biological diversity of all livestock, fishery, and poultry elements to protect them and ensure food security. Develop agro-economic systems and new structures to manage crops, fisheries and animal production, which are resilient to climate changes. Increase the efficiency of irrigation water use, while maintaining crop productivity and protecting land
Achieve biological diversity of all livestock, fishery, and poultry elements to protect them and ensure food security. Develop agro-economic systems and new structures to manage crops, fisheries and animal production, which are resilient to climate changes. Increase the efficiency of irrigation water use, while maintaining crop productivity and protecting land from degradation.
[ 5, 4 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Agricultural sector: \"Achieve biological diversity of all livestock, fishery, and poultry elements to protect them and ensure food security\" (8).", "Agricultural sector: \"Develop agro-economic systems and new structures to manage crops, fisheries and animal production, which are resilient to climate changes\" (8).", "Boosting efforts to warn, respond, and protect", "Helping small scale producers manage risks from increased variability and climate shocks", "Develop agro-economic systems and new structures to manage crops, fisheries and animal production, which are resilient to climate changes.", "Ensure Food security" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "EG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Livestock" }, { "Alpha2": "EG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Ecosystem and biodiversity" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "EG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Climate smart agriculture" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "EG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector (2)", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Agriculture: General" }, { "Alpha2": "EG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Subsector_2", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector (2)", "Sector": "Disaster Risk Management (DRM)", "SubSector": "Disaster relief and recovery" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "EG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Agriculture: General" }, { "Alpha2": "EG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "EG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_ConAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Condition actions of the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Conditional Actions", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Climate smart agriculture" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "EG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_ConAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Condition actions of the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Conditional Actions", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Food security" } ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999386072 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'adaptation', 'page_number': 7, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': nan, 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 'MENA', 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': 'x', 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': 'x', 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Transport Infrastructure Resilience', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': 'x', 'region': 'Asia', 'parameter': 'R_Infrares', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Structural and Technical', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 1, 0 ]
Achieve food and water security through the sustainable management of resources 2. Enhance the resilience of the infrastructure, urban and rural areas to subsist climate- related disasters 3. Ensure and protect public health, well-being and safety of all communities through climate- resilient systems 4. Incorporate Nature-Based Solutions as a first
Achieve food and water security through the sustainable management of resources 2. Enhance the resilience of the infrastructure, urban and rural areas to subsist climate- related disasters 3. Ensure and protect public health, well-being and safety of all communities through climate- resilient systems 4. Incorporate Nature-Based Solutions as a first line of defense from adverse impacts of climate change 5.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Enhance the resilience of the infrastructure, urban and rural areas to subsist climate-related disasters" ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ 0, 8 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999387264 }
[ 0, 8 ]
[ 0, 8 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null, null, null, null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 8, 0 ]
Achieve food and water security through the sustainable management of resources. Enhance the resilience of the infrastructure, urban and rural areas to subsist climaterelated disasters. Ensure and protect public health, well-being and safety of all communities through climateresilient systems. Incorporate Nature-Based Solutions as a first line of defense from adverse
Achieve food and water security through the sustainable management of resources. Enhance the resilience of the infrastructure, urban and rural areas to subsist climaterelated disasters. Ensure and protect public health, well-being and safety of all communities through climateresilient systems. Incorporate Nature-Based Solutions as a first line of defense from adverse impacts of climate change. Combat desertification and land degradation by achieving Land Degradation Neutrality.
[ 2, 6 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Cities and Urban Areas", "Guiding Adaptation Principles: “Enhance the resilience of the infrastructure, urban and rural areas to subsist climate-related disasters” (p. 8)", "Guiding Adaptation Principles: “Ensure and protect public health, well-being and safety of all communities through climate-resilient systems” (p. 8)", "Nature-based Solutions" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "LB", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Sector_2", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Sector_2", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now sector (2)", "Sector": "Coastal Zone", "SubSector": "Coastal Zone: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "LB", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Economy-wide", "SubSector": "Economy-wide: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "LB", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "LB", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now sector", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" }, { "Alpha2": "LB", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now sector", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Ecosystem and biodiversity" }, { "Alpha2": "LB", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now sector", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Land degradation" }, { "Alpha2": "LB", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now sector", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Sustainable forest management" }, { "Alpha2": "LB", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Sector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now sector", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Sustainable land management" } ] ]
[ 12, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999339581 }
[ 0, 14 ]
[ 12, 2 ]
[ [ null, null, null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null, null ], [ null ], [ null, null, null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 2, 12 ]
Achieve higher efficiency and less carbon emissions from power generation through the use of (pico/micro-hydro), biomass, biogas, solar PV, wind power at different scales, natural gas power generation, etc. Reducing dependency on imported fuel. Rural Electrification. Enhancing rural electrification using renewable energy to supply energy in rural communities. Energy Efficient
Achieve higher efficiency and less carbon emissions from power generation through the use of (pico/micro-hydro), biomass, biogas, solar PV, wind power at different scales, natural gas power generation, etc. Reducing dependency on imported fuel. Rural Electrification. Enhancing rural electrification using renewable energy to supply energy in rural communities. Energy Efficient Cookstoves. Reduce dependency on fossil fuels for cooking.
[ 0, 14 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Achieve higher efficiency and less carbon emissions from power generation through the use of (pico/micro-hydro), biomass, biogas, solar PV, wind power at different scales, natural gas power generation, etc.", "Achieve higher efficiency and less carbon emissions from power generation through the use of (pico/micro-hydro), biomass, biogas, solar PV, wind power at different scales, natural gas power generation, etc.<br>Enhance rural electrification using renewable energy to supply energy in rural communities.", "Achieve higher efficiency and less carbon emissions from power generation through the use of (pico/micro-hydro), biomass, biogas, solar PV, wind power at different scales, natural gas power generation, etc.<br>Promotion of Biogas and composting for reduction of agricultural emissions.", "Harnessing the power of nature and expand water infrastructure", "Reducing dependency on imported fuel.", "Achieve higher efficiency and less carbon emissions from power generation through the use of (pico/micro-hydro), biomass, biogas, solar PV, wind power at different scales, natural gas power generation, etc.", "Achieve higher efficiency and less carbon emissions from power generation through the use of (pico/micro-hydro), biomass, biogas, solar PV, wind power at different scales, natural gas power generation, etc.<br>Enhance rural electrification using renewable energy to supply energy in rural communities.", "Achieve higher efficiency and less carbon emissions from power generation through the use of (pico/micro-hydro), biomass, biogas, solar PV, wind power at different scales, natural gas power generation, etc.<br>Promotion of Biogas and composting for reduction of agricultural emissions.", "Reducing dependency on imported fuel." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "TL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Hydro" }, { "Alpha2": "TL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "TL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Wind" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "TL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "TL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Biofuels" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "TL", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Infrastructure" }, { "Alpha2": "TL", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water supply" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "TL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Energy: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "TL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Hydro" }, { "Alpha2": "TL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "TL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Wind" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "TL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "TL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Biofuels" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "TL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Energy: General" } ] ]
[ 0, 3 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999334812 }
[ 3, 0 ]
[ 3, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 3 ]
Achieve the use of the PBN system in 100% of the country s airports and flights . 0.01 Mt CO2 eq. Transport. 21) Program for the Modernization of Automotive Freight Transportation in vehicles of more than 10.5 tons of gross vehicle weight and more than 20 years old. 57,000 vehicles
Achieve the use of the PBN system in 100% of the country s airports and flights . 0.01 Mt CO2 eq. Transport. 21) Program for the Modernization of Automotive Freight Transportation in vehicles of more than 10.5 tons of gross vehicle weight and more than 20 years old. 57,000 vehicles renewed between 2015 and 2030. 1.03 Mt CO2 eq. Transport. 22) Change to road freight transport mode to Fluvial - Río Magdalena: Dredging activities of the Magdalena River to maintain navigability along the river.
[ 0, 3 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"57,000 vehicles renewed between 2015 and 2030\"", "0.01 Mt CO2 eq", "1.03 Mt CO2 eq" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "CO", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Freight Vehicles" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "CO", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar4", "QuestionDefinition": "emission reduction potential for a given sectoral target", "QuestionText": "Emission reduction potential", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Aviation" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "CO", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar4", "QuestionDefinition": "emission reduction potential for a given sectoral target", "QuestionText": "Emission reduction potential", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Freight Vehicles" } ] ]
[ 0, 4 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9998950958 }
[ 3, 1 ]
[ 4, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 4 ]
Achievement of 18% by 2022, a penetration rate of renewable energies excluding hydroelectricity in the electricity system;. Rural solar electrification in 2025 of:. 2292 localities by mini networks;. 4356 localités Solar Home System (SHS) ;. i. Household fuel sub-sector. The measures for domestic fuels contribute to the preservation of the
Achievement of 18% by 2022, a penetration rate of renewable energies excluding hydroelectricity in the electricity system;. Rural solar electrification in 2025 of:. 2292 localities by mini networks;. 4356 localités Solar Home System (SHS) ;. i. Household fuel sub-sector. The measures for domestic fuels contribute to the preservation of the forest resource, with the substitution of fuelwood and charcoal by sustainable sources and efficient cooking equipment. Context of the sub-sector.
[ 1, 3 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "4.6 million efficient stoves for wood fuel", "7.6 million efficient stoves for wood fuel, 6.8 million efficient stoves for charcoal", "Additional 3 million efficient stoves for wood fuel, additional 3 million efficient stoves for charcoal", "Build 160MW and in rural electrification (392 solar or hybrid mini-grids)" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "SN", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct9", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream action", "QuestionText": "Unconditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Clean Cooking and Heating: Efficient cookstoves" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "SN", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Clean Cooking and Heating: Efficient cookstoves" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "SN", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct11", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Clean Cooking and Heating: Efficient cookstoves" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "SN", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct9", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream action", "QuestionText": "Unconditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" } ] ]
[ 0, 10 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999392033 }
[ 1, 9 ]
Central African Republic
[ 0, 10 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null, null, null, null ], [ null, null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 10, 0 ]
Achievement of Free, Prior and Informed Consent with Indigenous peoples on sedentarization and sustainable habitats. Improve stormwater drainage systems to anticipate the effects of recurrent floods in the most vulnerable cities. By 2030, improve the network by 25%. Drainage infrastructure, restructuring, relocation. Public health. Improve knowledge on the vulnerability of
Achievement of Free, Prior and Informed Consent with Indigenous peoples on sedentarization and sustainable habitats. Improve stormwater drainage systems to anticipate the effects of recurrent floods in the most vulnerable cities. By 2030, improve the network by 25%. Drainage infrastructure, restructuring, relocation. Public health. Improve knowledge on the vulnerability of the health sector to climate change and the identification of adaptation options.
[ 5, 5 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Action 3.4.1 [Public Health]: “Modeling of climate change", "Action 3.6.1 [Public Health]: “Identify the most vulnerable areas", "By 2030, improve the network by 25%", "Increasing investments in climate change and health (research, health adaptation for population health and health system resilience)", "Option 3.3 [Housing and Infrastructure]: “Improve stormwater drainage systems to anticipate the effects of recurring floods in the most vulnerable cities” (p. 28)", "Option 3.4 [Public Health]: “Improve knowledge on the vulnerability of the health sector to climate change and the identification of adaptation options” (p. 29)" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "CF", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "CF", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Disease surveillance and control" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "CF", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_tar", "QuestionDefinition": "Measurable targets or indicators", "QuestionText": "Targets", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Infrastructure" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "CF", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Awareness raising and behavior change" }, { "Alpha2": "CF", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Disease surveillance and control" }, { "Alpha2": "CF", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health: General" }, { "Alpha2": "CF", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "CF", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Infrastructure" }, { "Alpha2": "CF", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Urban", "SubSector": "Sustainable urban planning" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "CF", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health: General" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999326468 }
[ 1, 0 ]
[ 1, 0 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Achievement of an additional installed solar capacity of 100 MW, 100 MW in wind power, 50 MW biomass, 50 MW of CSP, by 2030;. Injection of a total capacity in additional renewable energies of 300 MW, bringing the total (CDN and CDN + ) to 999 MW in renewable energies;.
Achievement of an additional installed solar capacity of 100 MW, 100 MW in wind power, 50 MW biomass, 50 MW of CSP, by 2030;. Injection of a total capacity in additional renewable energies of 300 MW, bringing the total (CDN and CDN + ) to 999 MW in renewable energies;.
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Additional 50MW" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "SN", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct11", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Wind" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999345541 }
[ 0, 1 ]
Saint Lucia
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 0 ]
Achievement of the mitigation targets will translate to significant sustainable development benefit for Saint Lucia. The medium-term vision for Saint Lucia is: An innovative and industrious nation, grounded in the principles of patriotism, integrity, and good governance, striving towards sustainable development and equitable development for all.
Achievement of the mitigation targets will translate to significant sustainable development benefit for Saint Lucia. The medium-term vision for Saint Lucia is: An innovative and industrious nation, grounded in the principles of patriotism, integrity, and good governance, striving towards sustainable development and equitable development for all.
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Improving water governance and scale up financing" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "LC", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water management" } ] ]
[ 0, 4 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999359846 }
[ 4, 0 ]
[ 4, 0 ]
[ [ null, null ], [ null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 4 ]
Achieving 100%20 access to clean modern energy for cooking at household-level by 2030. Improving by 50%, uptake of energy efficient biomass stoves used for cooking by 2030. Replacing inefficient wood-based water heating with energy efficiency options to reduce its share by 13% by 2030. Reduce energy consumption in water heating,
Achieving 100%20 access to clean modern energy for cooking at household-level by 2030. Improving by 50%, uptake of energy efficient biomass stoves used for cooking by 2030. Replacing inefficient wood-based water heating with energy efficiency options to reduce its share by 13% by 2030. Reduce energy consumption in water heating, through replacing conventional geysers with 1 000 solar water heaters by 2030.
[ 0, 4 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"Reduce energy consumption in water heating, through replacing conventional geysers with 1 000 solar water heaters by 2030\"", "\"Replacing inefficient wood-based water heating with energy efficiency options to reduce its share by 13% by 2030\"" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "SZ", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Clean Cooking and Heating: Cleaner household fuels" }, { "Alpha2": "SZ", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar10", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of the mitigation target for a given sectoral target ", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Clean Cooking and Heating: Cleaner household fuels" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "SZ", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Clean Cooking and Heating: Efficient cookstoves" }, { "Alpha2": "SZ", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar10", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of the mitigation target for a given sectoral target ", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Clean Cooking and Heating: Efficient cookstoves" } ] ]
[ 4, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999339581 }
[ 0, 4 ]
[ 4, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 4 ]
Achieving a sustainable management of forest wealth and increasing forest area in order to develop and rehabilitate burned and degraded forests, implement integrated management of natural and artificial forest fires, adopt participatory approach and enhance extension agriculture programs, and to increase the production of forest plantations and forest area in
Achieving a sustainable management of forest wealth and increasing forest area in order to develop and rehabilitate burned and degraded forests, implement integrated management of natural and artificial forest fires, adopt participatory approach and enhance extension agriculture programs, and to increase the production of forest plantations and forest area in the Syrian Arab Republic, so that contributing to enhance the role of forests in carbon sequestration. Developing of production and productivity, and enhancing of the ability to cope the impact of climate change and drought, through issuing a number of national laws and communications, such as organizing the investment of state lands to establish productive and service projects for this sector; technical conditions governing the trade and manufacture of fertilizers; livestock and their requirements, protection of the desert, cultivation of pastoral shrubs and issuing the Forest Law No.
[ 0, 4 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Developing of production and productivity, and enhancing of the ability to cope the impact of climate change and drought, through issuing a number of national laws and communications, such as organizing the investment of state lands to establish productive and service projects for this sector", "livestock and their requirements", "protection of the desert, cultivation of pastoral shrubs and issuing the Forest Law No. 6 of 2018.", "technical conditions governing the trade and manufacture of fertilizers" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "SY", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Agriculture: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "SY", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Livestock" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "SY", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Policies", "QuestionCode": "M_SecPol3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on upstream policies for a given sector", "QuestionText": "Upstream policies on", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "LULUCF/Forestry: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "SY", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Fertilizers" } ] ]
[ 2, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999347925 }
[ 0, 4 ]
[ 2, 2 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 2, 2 ]
Achieving balance and integration between the various means of transportation and making it an integrated system to maximize the volume of transportation in Iraq and to set the regulations governing that. Developing and providing mass public transportation and infrastructure to avoid traffic congestion and improve living standards, including the provision
Achieving balance and integration between the various means of transportation and making it an integrated system to maximize the volume of transportation in Iraq and to set the regulations governing that. Developing and providing mass public transportation and infrastructure to avoid traffic congestion and improve living standards, including the provision of railways to transport passengers, goods and equipment between governorates and improve their efficiency. Providing advanced transportation technologies that are flexible and able to withstand the negative effects of climate change.
[ 2, 2 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "\"Developing and providing mass public transportation and infrastructure to avoid traffic congestion and improve living patterns, including the provision of railways to transport passengers, goods and equipment between governorates and improve their efficiency .\"", "\"Providing advanced transportation technologies that are flexible and able to withstand the negative effects of climate change\"", "Energy: “Achieving balance and integration between different means of transport and making it an integrated system to maximize the volume of transport in Iraq and establish regulations governing it.” (p. 12)", "Energy: “Develop and provide mass public transport and infrastructure to avoid traffic congestion and improve living patterns, including providing railway lines to transport passengers, goods and equipment between provinces and improving their efficiency.” (p. 12)" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "IQ", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Public Transport" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "IQ", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Transport: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "IQ", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Transport: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "IQ", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Infrastructure and roads" } ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999377728 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 1, 0 ]
[ [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': nan, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Low-carbon fuels and energy vectors', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 'MENA', 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': 'x', 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'General vehicle improvements', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Asia', 'parameter': 'I_Vehicleimprove', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Vehicle improvements', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Acquiring accurate data for origin and destination of passengers can pave the way for better rout planning, thereby increasing the ride ability and shortening trip distances. Moreover, MoT is targeting to increase transport sector ridability. Adopting and implementing policies related to fleet characteristics would also enhance efficiency and reduce emissions.
Acquiring accurate data for origin and destination of passengers can pave the way for better rout planning, thereby increasing the ride ability and shortening trip distances. Moreover, MoT is targeting to increase transport sector ridability. Adopting and implementing policies related to fleet characteristics would also enhance efficiency and reduce emissions. Issues related to fleet service life, replacement incentives, and reconfiguration of technical elements will have a positive effect on energy consumptions and reducing CO2 and other greenhouse gases emissions. 2.4.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Adopt and implement policies related to fleet characteristics to enhance efficiency and reduce emissions" ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ 0, 12 ]
{ "label": "fr-FR", "score": 0.9999792576 }
[ 6, 6 ]
Burkina Faso
[ 12, 0 ]
[ [ null, null, null, null, null, null ], [ null, null, null, null ], [ null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 12 ]
Acquisition et installation de 1 500 000 lampes à diodes électroluminescentes (LED) en remplacement des lampes à tubes fluorescentes dans les ménages. Construction de la centrale solaire photovoltaïque à Ouagadougou d’une puissance de 43 MWc (Ouaga Nord Ouest) (Yeleen). Conditionnel Projet de construction d’une centrale solaire de Dédougou (18 MWc).
Acquisition et installation de 1 500 000 lampes à diodes électroluminescentes (LED) en remplacement des lampes à tubes fluorescentes dans les ménages. Construction de la centrale solaire photovoltaïque à Ouagadougou d’une puissance de 43 MWc (Ouaga Nord Ouest) (Yeleen). Conditionnel Projet de construction d’une centrale solaire de Dédougou (18 MWc).
[ 2, 10 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"Construction of the photovoltaic solar power plant in Ouagadougou with a capacity of 43 MWp (Ouaga North West) (Yeleen).\"", "\"Construction of the photovoltaic solar power plant in Ouagadougou with a capacity of 43 MWp (Ouaga North West) (Yeleen).\": 145,650,000 USD", "\"Construction of the photovoltaic solar power plant in Ouagadougou with a capacity of 43 MWp (Ouaga North West) (Yeleen).\": Potential (GgCO2eq): 2025: 332.23, 2030: 664.46, 2050: 1,993.39" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct9", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream action", "QuestionText": "Unconditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct11", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Utility Scale" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct9", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream action", "QuestionText": "Unconditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Utility Scale" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct11", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Utility Scale" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct6", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral downstream action (mitigation and adaptation)", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct10", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated cost of implementation for the unconditional part of a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Estimated costs for implementation (unconditional)", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct6", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral downstream action (mitigation and adaptation)", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Utility Scale" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct10", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated cost of implementation for the unconditional part of a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Estimated costs for implementation (unconditional)", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Utility Scale" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct5", "QuestionDefinition": "Emission reduction potential for a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Emission reduction potential ", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct5", "QuestionDefinition": "Emission reduction potential for a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Emission reduction potential ", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Utility Scale" } ] ]
[ 0, 6 ]
{ "label": "fr-FR", "score": 0.9999791384 }
[ 2, 4 ]
Burkina Faso
[ 5, 1 ]
[ [ null, null ], [ null, null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 5 ]
Acquisition et installation de 1 500 lampadaires à diodes électroluminescente (LED) en remplacement des lampadaires haute pression de sodium et de mercure au profit de l’éclairage publique dans les rues de Bobo Dioulasso (PASEL). Acquisition et installation de 1 500 000 lampes à diodes électroluminescentes (LED) en remplacement des lampes
Acquisition et installation de 1 500 lampadaires à diodes électroluminescente (LED) en remplacement des lampadaires haute pression de sodium et de mercure au profit de l’éclairage publique dans les rues de Bobo Dioulasso (PASEL). Acquisition et installation de 1 500 000 lampes à diodes électroluminescentes (LED) en remplacement des lampes à tubes fluorescentes dans les ménages.
[ 1, 5 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"Acquisition and installation of 1,500,000 light-emitting diode (LED) lamps to replace fluorescent tube lamps in households.\"", "\"Acquisition and installation of 1,500,000 light-emitting diode (LED) lamps to replace fluorescent tube lamps in households.\": 13,651,000 USD", "\"Acquisition and installation of 1,500,000 light-emitting diode (LED) lamps to replace fluorescent tube lamps in households.\": Potential (GgCO2eq): 2025: 79.91, 2030: 159.82, 2050: 479.47", "$6 500 000" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Buildings" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct9", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream action", "QuestionText": "Unconditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Buildings" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct6", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral downstream action (mitigation and adaptation)", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Buildings" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct10", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated cost of implementation for the unconditional part of a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Estimated costs for implementation (unconditional)", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Buildings" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct5", "QuestionDefinition": "Emission reduction potential for a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Emission reduction potential ", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Buildings" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_unconc", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional Costs", "QuestionText": "Unconditional costs", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Environment: General" } ] ]
[ 0, 23 ]
{ "label": "fr-FR", "score": 0.9999793768 }
[ 11, 12 ]
Burkina Faso
[ 23, 0 ]
[ [ null, null ], [ null, null ], [ null ], [ null, null ], [ null, null ], [ null ], [ null, null, null, null, null, null ], [ null, null, null, null ], [ null, null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 23 ]
Acquisition et installation de 10 500 lampadaires à diodes électroluminescentes (LED) en remplacement des lampadaires haute pression de sodium et de mercure au profit de l’éclairage publique. iv Secteur Scénario Action/Projet Coût(USD) Acquisition et installation de 3 000 lampadaires à diodes électroluminescentes (LED) en remplacement des lampadaires haute pression de
Acquisition et installation de 10 500 lampadaires à diodes électroluminescentes (LED) en remplacement des lampadaires haute pression de sodium et de mercure au profit de l’éclairage publique. iv Secteur Scénario Action/Projet Coût(USD) Acquisition et installation de 3 000 lampadaires à diodes électroluminescentes (LED) en remplacement des lampadaires haute pression de sodium et de mercure au profit de l’éclairage public dans les rues de Ouagadougou (PASEL).
[ 4, 19 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"Acquisition and installation of 10,500 light-emitting diode (LED) streetlights to replace high-pressure sodium and mercury streetlights for public lighting.\"", "\"Acquisition and installation of 10,500 light-emitting diode (LED) streetlights to replace high-pressure sodium and mercury streetlights for public lighting.\": 7,548,952 USD", "\"Acquisition and installation of 10,500 light-emitting diode (LED) streetlights to replace high-pressure sodium and mercury streetlights for public lighting.\": Potential (GgCO2eq): 2025: 35.15, 2030: 70.30, 2050: 210.90", "\"Acquisition and installation of 15,000 light-emitting diode (LED) streetlights to replace high-pressure sodium and mercury streetlights for public lighting\"", "\"Acquisition and installation of 15,000 light-emitting diode (LED) streetlights to replace high-pressure sodium and mercury streetlights for public lighting\": 10,100,000 USD", "\"Acquisition and installation of 15,000 light-emitting diode (LED) streetlights to replace high-pressure sodium and mercury streetlights for public lighting\": Potential (GgCO2eq): 2025: 50.21, 2030: 100.43, 2050: 301.29", "\"Project for the acquisition and installation of solar equipment in public buildings.\"", "\"Project for the acquisition and installation of solar equipment in public buildings.\": 9,999,941 USD", "\"Project for the acquisition and installation of solar equipment in public buildings.\": Potential (GgCO2eq): 2025: 15.20, 2030: 30.41, 2050: 91.22" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Cities" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct9", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream action", "QuestionText": "Unconditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Cities" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct6", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral downstream action (mitigation and adaptation)", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Cities" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct10", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated cost of implementation for the unconditional part of a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Estimated costs for implementation (unconditional)", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Cities" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct5", "QuestionDefinition": "Emission reduction potential for a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Emission reduction potential ", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Cities" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Cities" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct9", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream action", "QuestionText": "Unconditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Cities" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct6", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral downstream action (mitigation and adaptation)", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Cities" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct10", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated cost of implementation for the unconditional part of a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Estimated costs for implementation (unconditional)", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Cities" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct5", "QuestionDefinition": "Emission reduction potential for a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Emission reduction potential ", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Demand-side Efficiency: Cities" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct9", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream action", "QuestionText": "Unconditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct11", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Off-Grid" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct9", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream action", "QuestionText": "Unconditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Off-Grid" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct11", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Off-Grid" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct6", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral downstream action (mitigation and adaptation)", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct10", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated cost of implementation for the unconditional part of a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Estimated costs for implementation (unconditional)", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct6", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated total cost of implementation for a given sectoral downstream action (mitigation and adaptation)", "QuestionText": "Estimated total costs for implementation", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Off-Grid" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct10", "QuestionDefinition": "Estimated cost of implementation for the unconditional part of a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Estimated costs for implementation (unconditional)", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Off-Grid" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct5", "QuestionDefinition": "Emission reduction potential for a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Emission reduction potential ", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct5", "QuestionDefinition": "Emission reduction potential for a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Emission reduction potential ", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Utility Scale" }, { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct5", "QuestionDefinition": "Emission reduction potential for a given sectoral downstream action ", "QuestionText": "Emission reduction potential ", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Off-Grid" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999339581 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 0 ]
Across all these activities, a gender-responsive approach will be adopted and vulnerable groups and communities will be considered to ensure equity in sharing benefits that arise thereof the efforts. Together with these initiatives, efforts will be made to diversify adaptive livelihood alternatives that enhance households’ resilience to climate shocks in
Across all these activities, a gender-responsive approach will be adopted and vulnerable groups and communities will be considered to ensure equity in sharing benefits that arise thereof the efforts. Together with these initiatives, efforts will be made to diversify adaptive livelihood alternatives that enhance households’ resilience to climate shocks in a manner that the livelihood options are friendly co-exist with the natural ecosystem.
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Building climate resilience by upgrading living conditions in vulnerable communities and informal settlements, drawing on community knowledge" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "ET", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Urban", "SubSector": "Buildings" } ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999357462 }
[ 0, 1 ]
United Arab Emirates
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'adaptation', 'page_number': 10, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 'MENA', 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': 'x', 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Transport Infrastructure Resilience', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'High-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Asia', 'parameter': 'R_Infrares', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Structural and Technical', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 1, 0 ]
Across the UAE, green building design and construction is being promoted, minimum requirements for protection of new coastal developments from sea level rise are being set, existing buildings and facilities are being refurbished, and flood monitoring and management systems are being enhanced. Public infrastructure is being continuously upgraded and enhanced
Across the UAE, green building design and construction is being promoted, minimum requirements for protection of new coastal developments from sea level rise are being set, existing buildings and facilities are being refurbished, and flood monitoring and management systems are being enhanced. Public infrastructure is being continuously upgraded and enhanced to harness benefits of new technologies and practices. Fog detection and warning systems are in use, and efforts are being made to incorporate climate-induced hazards in road safety plans.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "Second NDC" ]
[ "Public infrastructure is being continuously upgraded and enhanced to harness benefits of new technologies and practices. " ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ 2, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.999874711 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 2, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
Act No. 18 year 2008 regarding Solid Waste Management,. Government Regulation No. 81 year 2012 regarding Management of Domestic Solid Waste.
Act No. 18 year 2008 regarding Solid Waste Management,. Government Regulation No. 81 year 2012 regarding Management of Domestic Solid Waste.
[ 0, 2 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Act No. 18 year 2008 regarding Solid Waste Management", "Government Regulation No. 81 year 2012 regarding Management of Domestic Solid Waste." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "ID", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Policies", "QuestionCode": "M_SecPol2", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on", "QuestionText": "Existing sectoral policies", "Sector": "Waste", "SubSector": "Solid Waste" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ID", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Policies", "QuestionCode": "M_SecPol2", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on", "QuestionText": "Existing sectoral policies", "Sector": "Waste", "SubSector": "Solid Waste" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999290705 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 0 ]
Action 1.2: Mainstream climate change adaptation in the sectoral policies of national economy. Responding to the risk posed by climate change will require coordinated and focused efforts of the Government in view of promoting policies and measures at national and sector levels to prevent adverse climate change effects. Central Public
Action 1.2: Mainstream climate change adaptation in the sectoral policies of national economy. Responding to the risk posed by climate change will require coordinated and focused efforts of the Government in view of promoting policies and measures at national and sector levels to prevent adverse climate change effects. Central Public Authorities will need to amend the existing and/or develop new sectoral strategies and action plans on climate change adaptation to address climate risks as part of the policies and activities planned at sector level.
[ 1, 0 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "\"Mainstream climate change adaptation in the sectoral policies of national economy\" (13), which includes the following actions: \"understand climate risks and existing knowledge on climate change adaptation" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999324083 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 0 ]
Action 1.3: Develop the communication and the institutional cooperation in view of implementing adaptation policies. In the spirit of joint action stemming from the general objective, public authorities will establish clear objectives and jointly achieve them, to protect the Republic of Moldova against the negative effects of climate change.
Action 1.3: Develop the communication and the institutional cooperation in view of implementing adaptation policies. In the spirit of joint action stemming from the general objective, public authorities will establish clear objectives and jointly achieve them, to protect the Republic of Moldova against the negative effects of climate change.
[ 1, 0 ]
[ "INDC" ]
[ "Develop the communication and the institutional cooperation in view of implementing adaptation policies" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_UncAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional sectoral actions", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Unconditional Actions", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.999933362 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 0 ]
Action 2.3: Raise the awareness of all stakeholders on climate change risks and adaptation measures. To implement climate change adaptation policies, the whole society together with public authorities, companies and NGOs, will assure an appropriate level of knowledge about climate change and its expected effects. The awareness on the need
Action 2.3: Raise the awareness of all stakeholders on climate change risks and adaptation measures. To implement climate change adaptation policies, the whole society together with public authorities, companies and NGOs, will assure an appropriate level of knowledge about climate change and its expected effects. The awareness on the need to promote climate change adaptation measures will facilitate the needed shift in attitudes and behaviour, and will improve the overall capacity to mitigate climate change effects.
[ 1, 0 ]
[ "INDC" ]
[ "Raise the awareness of all stakeholders on climate change risks and adaptation measures." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_UncAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional sectoral actions", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Unconditional Actions", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" } ] ]
[ 0, 4 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999369383 }
[ 0, 4 ]
[ 0, 4 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 4, 0 ]
Action 3.2: Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Resources Sector. 1) To protect water resources of the country against climate change, there is a need to conduct studies that will serve as a basis for climate change adaptation:. re-evaluate available water resources for each river basin;. determine
Action 3.2: Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Resources Sector. 1) To protect water resources of the country against climate change, there is a need to conduct studies that will serve as a basis for climate change adaptation:. re-evaluate available water resources for each river basin;. determine the projected climate change influence on the maximum, medium and minimum flow of water courses;. determine the vulnerability of water resources to climate change;.
[ 4, 0 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Water: \"re-evaluate available water resources for each river basin", "Water:\" determine the vulnerability of water resources to climate change", "Water:\"determine the projected climate change influence on the maximum, medium and minimum flow of water courses", "Studies to protect water resources of the country against climate change" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_UncAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional sectoral actions", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Unconditional Actions", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water management" } ] ]
[ 0, 9 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999377728 }
[ 0, 9 ]
[ 0, 9 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null, null, null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 9, 0 ]
Action 3.3: Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Health Sector. Actions for improving climate change adaptation in the Health Sector could include:. develop integrated assessments of environmental, economic and health impacts of climate change;. discuss and design adaptation strategies to be used by the Health Sector;. appoint a
Action 3.3: Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Health Sector. Actions for improving climate change adaptation in the Health Sector could include:. develop integrated assessments of environmental, economic and health impacts of climate change;. discuss and design adaptation strategies to be used by the Health Sector;. appoint a lead body to coordinate the public health preparedness for and response to climate change; define roles and responsibilities;.
[ 6, 3 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Health: \"appoint a lead body to coordinate the public health preparedness for and response to climate change", "Health: \"develop integrated assessments of environmental, economic and health impacts of climate change", "Health: \"discuss and design adaptation strategies to be used by the Health Sector", "Increasing investments in climate change and health (research, health adaptation for population health and health system resilience)", "define roles and responsibilities", "Appoint a lead body to coordinate the public health preparedness for and response to climate change", "Develop integrated assessments of environmental, economic and health impacts of climate change" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health services and assessment" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Awareness raising and behavior change" }, { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health services and assessment" }, { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_UncAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional sectoral actions", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Unconditional Actions", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_UncAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional sectoral actions", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Unconditional Actions", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health services and assessment" } ] ]
[ 0, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999325275 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 0, 2 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 2, 0 ]
Action 3.4: Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Forestry Sector. The following climate change adaptation measures could be implemented in the Forestry Sector:. revision and development of new important components of the forestry regulatory basis, as integral parts of the forestry regime, focusing on: maintenance and conservation of
Action 3.4: Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Forestry Sector. The following climate change adaptation measures could be implemented in the Forestry Sector:. revision and development of new important components of the forestry regulatory basis, as integral parts of the forestry regime, focusing on: maintenance and conservation of forestry stations; conservation of forestry genetic resources; ecological reconstruction of forests; certification of forests, forest products and forest management systems;.
[ 2, 0 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "certification of forests, forest products and forest management systems", "ecological reconstruction of forests" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "LULUCF/Forestry: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "LULUCF/Forestry: General" } ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999351501 }
[ 0, 2 ]
Republic of Moldova
[ 0, 2 ]
[ [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'adaptation', 'page_number': '\\xa0', 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': 'x', 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Repair & Maintenance', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Europe', 'parameter': 'R_Maintain', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Structural and Technical', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ], [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'adaptation', 'page_number': '\\xa0', 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': 'x', 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Risk assessment', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Europe', 'parameter': 'R_Risk', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Structural and Technical', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 2, 0 ]
Action 3.6: Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Transport Sector The adaptation measures to reduce losses/risks in Transport Sector are outlined as following: 1) In case of significant variations of temperatures, including heat waves: a) develop new, heat-resilient paving materials; b) greater use of heat-tolerant streets and highways
Action 3.6: Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Transport Sector The adaptation measures to reduce losses/risks in Transport Sector are outlined as following: 1) In case of significant variations of temperatures, including heat waves: a) develop new, heat-resilient paving materials; b) greater use of heat-tolerant streets and highways landscape protection; c) proper design/construction, milling out ruts; d) shifting construction schedules to cooler parts of day; e) designing for higher maximum temperatures in replacement or new construction; f) adaptation of cooling systems. 2) In case of increases in extreme precipitation events: a) develop new, adverse climate conditions-resilient paving materials; b) overlay with more rut-resilient asphalt; c) using the most efficient technologies to assure sealing and renewal of asphalt concrete (for example, those that combine impregnation and surface treatment of asphalt concrete and 21 which, respectively, assures the revitalisation and renewal of bituminous binder quality, reducing the fragility of the upper asphalt layer, increasing its elasticity and flexibility, and its resilience to water and chemicals); d) wider use of efficient road maintenance methods (preventive maintenance: include coatings, repairs, sealing by spraying cationic emulsions, crushed stone seals, sealing cracks with suspensions, etc.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "The adaptation measures to reduce losses/risks in Transport Sector are outlined as following:\n2) In case of increases in extreme precipitation events:\n\nd) wider use of efficient road maintenance methods (preventive maintenance: include coatings, repairs, sealing by spraying cationic emulsions, crushed stone seals, sealing cracks with suspensions, etc.; corrective maintenance: include patching, repair of surface and surface treatments with sealants);", "The adaptation measures to reduce losses/risks in Transport Sector are outlined as following:\n2) In case of increases in extreme precipitation events:\ne) conduct risk assessments for all new roads;" ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9996466637 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 2, 0 ]
[ [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 222, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Mode shift and demand management', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Avoid, Shift, Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Data & modelling improvements', 'mode_water': 'x', 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Oceania', 'parameter': 'I_DataModelling', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Digital solutions', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ], [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 222, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Innovation and up-scaling', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'General shipping improvement', 'mode_water': 'x', 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Oceania', 'parameter': 'I_Shipping', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Shipping improvements', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
Action High-Level Costing (USD millions) Main Implementer Implementation Timeframe BAU-U BAU-C HA VHA FIJI LOW EMISSION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2018-2050 I 223 222 Domestic Maritime Transport National Action Plan for decarbonisation of maritime transport. Design of a long-term National Action Plan for decarbonisation of the maritime transport sector in Fiji to
Action High-Level Costing (USD millions) Main Implementer Implementation Timeframe BAU-U BAU-C HA VHA FIJI LOW EMISSION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2018-2050 I 223 222 Domestic Maritime Transport National Action Plan for decarbonisation of maritime transport. Design of a long-term National Action Plan for decarbonisation of the maritime transport sector in Fiji to 2050. X X X Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport Short-term Maritime Data Collection and Analysis. Domestic maritime data collection, storage, and analysis287 X X X X FBoS, MoIT, FRCS, MSAF From 2019 and ongoing to 2050 4-Stroke Engines.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "LTS" ]
[ "Maritime Data Collection and Analysis. Domestic maritime data collection, storage, and analysis", "National Action Plan for decarbonisation of\nmaritime transport. Design of a long-term National\nAction Plan for decarbonisation of the maritime\ntransport sector in Fiji to 2050." ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9997450709 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 2, 0 ]
[ [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 222, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Innovation and up-scaling', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': 'x', 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Aircraft fleet renovation', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Oceania', 'parameter': 'I_Aircraftfleet', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Aviation improvements', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ], [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 222, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Innovation and up-scaling', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Ship efficiency improvements', 'mode_water': 'x', 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Oceania', 'parameter': 'I_Shipefficiency', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Shipping improvements', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
Action High-Level Costing (USD millions) Main Implementer Implementation Timeframe BAU-U BAU-C HA VHA Traditional Sailing. Revitalisation of Traditional sailing culture. X X X X Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education Short-term, ongoing Domestic Air Transport Efficient Aircraft. 40% of domestic fleet activity replaced with efficient aircraft by 2030 and increases
Action High-Level Costing (USD millions) Main Implementer Implementation Timeframe BAU-U BAU-C HA VHA Traditional Sailing. Revitalisation of Traditional sailing culture. X X X X Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education Short-term, ongoing Domestic Air Transport Efficient Aircraft. 40% of domestic fleet activity replaced with efficient aircraft by 2030 and increases to 80% by 2050. X Fiji Link, Northern Air Medium- to long-term Efficient Aircraft. 100% domestic fleet replaced with efficient aircraft X Fiji Link, Northern Air Medium- to long-term Off-Grid Airports.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "LTS" ]
[ "Efficient Aircraft. 40% of domestic fleet activity\nreplaced with efficient aircraft by 2030 and increases\nto 80% by 2050. Efficient Aircraft. 100% domestic fleet replaced with\nefficient aircraft", "Traditional Sailing. Revitalisation of Traditional\nsailing culture." ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ 6, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999334812 }
[ 0, 6 ]
[ 6, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 6 ]
Action in this sector is supported by a number of initiatives such as National Climate Policy, Renewable Energy Policy, Bio-fuels Policy, Transport Policy and Forestry Policy and other instruments seeking to keep GHGs emissions at a minimal level and ensuring green development. These policies have enabled to develop hydro power
Action in this sector is supported by a number of initiatives such as National Climate Policy, Renewable Energy Policy, Bio-fuels Policy, Transport Policy and Forestry Policy and other instruments seeking to keep GHGs emissions at a minimal level and ensuring green development. These policies have enabled to develop hydro power generation and through additional dams will further strengthen Zimbabwe’s mitigation actions.
[ 0, 6 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Bio-fuel Policy", "Forest Policy", "Transport Policy", "Bio-fuel Policy", "Forest Policy", "Transport Policy" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "ZW", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Policies", "QuestionCode": "M_SecPol2", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on", "QuestionText": "Existing sectoral policies", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Biofuels" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ZW", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Policies", "QuestionCode": "M_SecPol2", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on", "QuestionText": "Existing sectoral policies", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "REDD+" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ZW", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Policies", "QuestionCode": "M_SecPol2", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on", "QuestionText": "Existing sectoral policies", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Transport: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ZW", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Policies", "QuestionCode": "M_SecPol2", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on", "QuestionText": "Existing sectoral policies", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Biofuels" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ZW", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Policies", "QuestionCode": "M_SecPol2", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on", "QuestionText": "Existing sectoral policies", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "REDD+" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ZW", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Policies", "QuestionCode": "M_SecPol2", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on", "QuestionText": "Existing sectoral policies", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Transport: General" } ] ]
[ 1, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999322891 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 2, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
Action program for the electrification of rural localities (projects in preparation: Electrification of 600 localities by solar photovoltaic system): Program in preparation at the Beninese Rural Electrification and Energy Control Agency. Benin Program for the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA II). Electricity generation project (i) Photovoltaic production activity by supporting the
Action program for the electrification of rural localities (projects in preparation: Electrification of 600 localities by solar photovoltaic system): Program in preparation at the Beninese Rural Electrification and Energy Control Agency. Benin Program for the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA II). Electricity generation project (i) Photovoltaic production activity by supporting the installation of four solar power plants, total capacity 45 MW;. (ii) rehabilitation activity of the Yeripao hydroelectric power station and its extension from 505 KW to 1 MW). Electrical Distribution Project. Off-grid electricity access project.
[ 1, 1 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Electrical Distribution Project", "Installation of four solar power plants, total capacity 45 MW" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "BJ", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Supply-side Efficiency: Grid/energy loss reduction" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BJ", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" } ] ]
[ 4, 0 ]
{ "label": "fr-FR", "score": 0.9999793768 }
[ 0, 4 ]
[ 4, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null, null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 4 ]
Actions d’atténuation conditionnelles Energie Le secteur de l’énergie (production et consommation d’énergie) présente des potentiels d’atténuation importants en particulier par le recours aux énergies renouvelables, dont le photovoltaïque et la géothermie pour la production d’électricité et la diminution de l’usage du bois de chauffe dans le résidentiel et l’industrie. Agriculture
Actions d’atténuation conditionnelles Energie Le secteur de l’énergie (production et consommation d’énergie) présente des potentiels d’atténuation importants en particulier par le recours aux énergies renouvelables, dont le photovoltaïque et la géothermie pour la production d’électricité et la diminution de l’usage du bois de chauffe dans le résidentiel et l’industrie. Agriculture L’agriculture, secteur clé de l’économie comorienne, comprend des activités d’élevage (bovins, caprins et volailles principalement), des cultures vivrières et des cultures de rente (ylang-ylang, vanille…).
[ 0, 4 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"The energy sector (energy production and consumption) has significant mitigation potentials, in particular through the use of renewable energies, including photovoltaics and geothermal energy for electricity production and the reduction of the use of firewood in residential and industrial industries.\"", "\"Use of renewable energies, including photovoltaics and geothermal energy for electricity production\"" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "KM", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Energy: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "KM", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "KM", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Utility Scale" }, { "Alpha2": "KM", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Geothermal" } ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.999925375 }
[ 0, 7 ]
Papua New Guinea
[ 7, 0 ]
[ [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 13, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': 'x', 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Low-carbon fuels and energy vectors', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Vehicle scrappage scheme', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Oceania', 'parameter': 'I_Vehiclescrappage', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Vehicle improvements', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ], [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 13, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Low-carbon fuels and energy vectors', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': 'x', 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Biofuels', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Oceania', 'parameter': 'I_Biofuel', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Alternative fuels', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ], [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 13, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Low-carbon fuels and energy vectors', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': 'x', 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'General vehicle improvements', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Oceania', 'parameter': 'I_Vehicleimprove', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Vehicle improvements', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ], [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 13, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': 'x', 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Electrification', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'General e-mobility', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Oceania', 'parameter': 'I_Emobility', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Electric mobility', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ], [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 13, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Low-carbon fuels and energy vectors', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': 'x', 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'General alternative fuels', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Oceania', 'parameter': 'I_Altfuels', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Alternative fuels', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ], [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 13, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': 'x', 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Low-carbon fuels and energy vectors', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Vehicle efficiency standards', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Oceania', 'parameter': 'I_Vehicleeff', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Vehicle improvements', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ], [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 13, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Transport system improvements', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': 'x', 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Avoid', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Development density or intensiveness', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Oceania', 'parameter': 'A_Density', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Land use', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 7 ]
Actions from the transport subsector are contained in the National Transport Strategy, the Medium-Term Transport Plan II 2019-2022, National Energy Policy 2017-2027, and National Climate Compatible Development Management Policy but will need financial and technical support for them to be implemented by 2030. These measures include the following:  Reduce
Actions from the transport subsector are contained in the National Transport Strategy, the Medium-Term Transport Plan II 2019-2022, National Energy Policy 2017-2027, and National Climate Compatible Development Management Policy but will need financial and technical support for them to be implemented by 2030. These measures include the following:  Reduce vehicle-miles through more compact development patterns;  Encourage the introduction of fuel-efficient transport equipment;  Encourage sustainable substitution of fossil fuels with biofuels;  Monitor vehicle fleet-weighted fuel and CO2 efficiency;  Eliminate high emission vehicles;  Establish low carbon fuel standards;  Encourage the introduction of hybrid and electric vehicles POTENTIAL ENERGY MEASURES ACHIEVING ENERGY INDUSTRIES SUB-SECTOR TARGETS The above targets are fully in line with existing national policy and strategy documents as well as industry action plans.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "Second NDC" ]
[ "Eliminate high emission vehicles", "Encourage sustainable substitution of fossil fuels with biofuels", "Encourage the introduction of fuel-efficient transport equipment", "Encourage the introduction of hybrid and electric vehicles", "Establish low carbon fuel standards", "Monitor vehicle fleet-weighted fuel and CO2 efficiency", "Reduce vehicle-miles through more compact development patterns" ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ 0, 5 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999366999 }
[ 0, 5 ]
[ 0, 5 ]
[ [ null, null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 5, 0 ]
Actions on which Jamaica intends to follow through, with provision of support (some of which have already started) will include:. Development of sectoral climate change strategies and action plans and the integration of climate change considerations in national policies and sectoral and local development plans and programmes. A comprehensive climate
Actions on which Jamaica intends to follow through, with provision of support (some of which have already started) will include:. Development of sectoral climate change strategies and action plans and the integration of climate change considerations in national policies and sectoral and local development plans and programmes. A comprehensive climate change awareness and education programme, targeting politicians, policy makers, the private sector and the general population. A national spatial plan.
[ 5, 0 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "\"A comprehensive climate change awareness and education programme, targeting politicians, policy makers, the private sector and the general population.\" (8)", "\"Development of sectoral climate change strategies and action plans and the integration of climate change considerations in national policies and sectoral and local development plans and programmes.\" (8)", "Development of sectoral climate change strategies and action plans and the integration of climate change considerations in national policies and sectoral and local development plans and programmes.", "Implementation of high priority<br>Development of sectoral climate change strategies and action plans and the integration of climate change considerations in national policies and sectoral and local development plans and programmes." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "JM", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Education", "SubSector": "Education: General" }, { "Alpha2": "JM", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "JM", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Climate risk management" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "JM", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_ConAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Condition actions of the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Conditional Actions", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "JM", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_ConAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Condition actions of the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Conditional Actions", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" } ] ]
[ 4, 15 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999271631 }
[ 4, 15 ]
[ 8, 11 ]
[ [ null, null ], [ null, null, null ], [ null, null ], [ null ], [ null, null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null, null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 11, 8 ]
Actions pertaining to the proper management of protected areas and forest areas with conservation priority have been achieved. Consolidation of agroforestry systems. Transition to semi - intensive systems of livestock management and integrated management of agroforestry and silviculture techniques. Transition to agricultural systems with sustainable management practices. Reduction of vulnerabilities
Actions pertaining to the proper management of protected areas and forest areas with conservation priority have been achieved. Consolidation of agroforestry systems. Transition to semi - intensive systems of livestock management and integrated management of agroforestry and silviculture techniques. Transition to agricultural systems with sustainable management practices. Reduction of vulnerabilities in agricultural, fisheries, and agro-forestry systems of production. Sustainable use of biodiversity resources, wildlife and aquatic life for food security and sustainable industrialization.
[ 11, 8 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Agro-forestry production systems", "Forests and agriculture: \"Reduction of vulnerabilities in agricultural, fisheries, and agro-forestry systems of production\" (10).", "Forests and agriculture: \"Sustainable use of biodiversity resources, wildlife and aquatic life for food security and sustainable industrialization\" (10).", "Forests and agriculture: \"Transition to agricultural systems with sustainable management practices\" (10).", "Forests and agriculture: \"Transition to semi - intensive systems of livestock management and integrated management of agroforestry and silviculture techniques\" (10).", "Livestock management", "Sustainable management system", "Agro-forestry production systems", "Livestock management", "Sustainable management system", "Sustainable use of biodiversity resources, wildlife and aquatic life for Food security and sustainable industrialization.", "Transition to agricultural systems with sustainable management practices.", "Transition to semi - intensive systems of livestock management and integrated management of agroforestry and silviculture techniques." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen10", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral plan", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Sustainable Land Management" }, { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Sustainable Land Management" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Agroforestry" }, { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Fisheries and aquaculture" }, { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Crops" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Food security" }, { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Ecosystem and biodiversity" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Land and soil management" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Agroforestry" }, { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Livestock" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen8", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral plan", "QuestionText": "Unconditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Livestock" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Agriculture: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen10", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral plan", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Sustainable Land Management" }, { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Sustainable Land Management" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen8", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral plan", "QuestionText": "Unconditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Livestock" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Agriculture: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_UncAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional sectoral actions", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Unconditional Actions", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Food security" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_UncAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional sectoral actions", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Unconditional Actions", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Ecosystem and biodiversity" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BO", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_UncAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional sectoral actions", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Unconditional Actions", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Ecosystem and biodiversity" } ] ]
[ 2, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999357462 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 2, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
Actions required for its adaptation to what is established under the Paris Agreement. It is required to establish the Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system for each of the measures that make up the contribution; Based on the methodologies adopted, carry out the recalculation of the emission reduction projections, including
Actions required for its adaptation to what is established under the Paris Agreement. It is required to establish the Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system for each of the measures that make up the contribution; Based on the methodologies adopted, carry out the recalculation of the emission reduction projections, including the estimation of the grid emission factor. Name of contribution: Increased efficiency and energy savings. objective. Monitoring indicator (magnitude).
[ 0, 2 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"It is required to establish the Measurement, Reporting and Verification system (MRV) for each of the measures that make up the contribution", "Based on the methodologies adopted, perform the recalculation of the emission reduction projections, including the estimation of the grid emission factor.\"" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "CU", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar6", "QuestionDefinition": "Capacity building needed for a given sectoral target", "QuestionText": "Capacity building needs", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "CU", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar6", "QuestionDefinition": "Capacity building needed for a given sectoral target", "QuestionText": "Capacity building needs", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy" } ] ]
[ 0, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999353886 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 0, 2 ]
[ [ null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 2, 0 ]
Actions required for its adaptation to what is established under the Paris Agreement. It is required to officially establish the MRV system for the measures that make up the contribution. Name of the contribution: Reduction of GHG emissions in the swine sector in Cuba. objective. Monitoring indicator (magnitude). Executing Entity.
Actions required for its adaptation to what is established under the Paris Agreement. It is required to officially establish the MRV system for the measures that make up the contribution. Name of the contribution: Reduction of GHG emissions in the swine sector in Cuba. objective. Monitoring indicator (magnitude). Executing Entity. State. Base year / target year. Base value / Target value.
[ 0, 2 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Raising understanding of the value of nature for climate adaptation" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "CU", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Subsector_3", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Subsector_3", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector (3)", "Sector": "Disaster Risk Management (DRM)", "SubSector": "Early warning system" }, { "Alpha2": "CU", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_Subsector_3", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_Subsector_3", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector (3)", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Environment: General" } ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "fr-FR", "score": 0.9999792576 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 1, 0 ]
[ [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 27, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Electrification', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': 'x', 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'General e-mobility', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Africa', 'parameter': 'I_Emobility', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Electric mobility', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Actions stratégiques de la CDN/CDN+ - Démultiplication du transport en commun durable (Bus Rapide Transit, Train Express Régional) - Promotion des voitures hybrides  Secteur des déchets Contexte du secteur Le secteur des déchets est transversal et en adéquation avec le PSE. Le gouvernement a réalisé d’énormes efforts qui ont
Actions stratégiques de la CDN/CDN+ - Démultiplication du transport en commun durable (Bus Rapide Transit, Train Express Régional) - Promotion des voitures hybrides  Secteur des déchets Contexte du secteur Le secteur des déchets est transversal et en adéquation avec le PSE. Le gouvernement a réalisé d’énormes efforts qui ont abouti à : (1) la réorganisation du secteur, à travers l’élaboration de texte règlementaires adéquats, (2) la mise en œuvre du Programme National de Gestion des Déchets solides, (3) la réalisation d’infrastructures de gestion des déchets solides et liquides, et (4) l’adoption d’un programme de sensibilisation, de formation et de renforcement de capacité.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Promotion des voitures hybrides" ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ 0, 5 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999388456 }
[ 0, 5 ]
[ 0, 5 ]
[ [ null, null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 5, 0 ]
Actions to be implemented for the period 2020 - 2030 on this topic are the following:. Execute infrastructure relocation programs currently located in high-risk zones in priority tourism destinations and implement restoration actions of vacated locations. Incorporate adaptation criteria for public investment projects that include infrastructure construction and maintenance.
Actions to be implemented for the period 2020 - 2030 on this topic are the following:. Execute infrastructure relocation programs currently located in high-risk zones in priority tourism destinations and implement restoration actions of vacated locations. Incorporate adaptation criteria for public investment projects that include infrastructure construction and maintenance.
[ 5, 0 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Adaptation of strategic infrastructure and productive systems: \"Execute infrastructure relocation programs currently located in high-risk zones in priority tourism destinations and implement restoration actions of vacated locations.” (p. 8)", "Adaptation of strategic infrastructure and productive systems: \"Incorporate adaptation criteria for public investment projects that include infrastructure construction and maintenance.” (p. 8)", "Execute infrastructure relocation programs currently located in high-risk zones in priority tourism destinations and implement restoration actions of vacated locations.", "Incorporate adaptation criteria for public investment projects that include infrastructure construction and maintenance." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "MX", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Economy-wide", "SubSector": "Economy-wide: General" }, { "Alpha2": "MX", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Tourism", "SubSector": "Tourism: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MX", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Economy-wide", "SubSector": "Economy-wide: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MX", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_UncAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional sectoral actions", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Unconditional Actions", "Sector": "Tourism", "SubSector": "Tourism: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MX", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_UncAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional sectoral actions", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Unconditional Actions", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Infrastructure and roads" } ] ]
[ 0, 4 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.99992764 }
[ 1, 3 ]
[ 0, 4 ]
[ [ null, null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 4, 0 ]
Actions to be implemented for the period 2020 - 2030 on this topic are the following:. Reach a rate of 0% deforestation by the year 2030. Reforest high, medium and low watersheds with special attention to riparian zones and taking into account native species in the area.
Actions to be implemented for the period 2020 - 2030 on this topic are the following:. Reach a rate of 0% deforestation by the year 2030. Reforest high, medium and low watersheds with special attention to riparian zones and taking into account native species in the area.
[ 3, 1 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Ecosystem-Based Adaptation: \"Reforest high, medium and low watersheds with special attention to riparian zones and taking into account native species in the area.” (p. 7)", "Reach a rate of 0% deforestation by the year 2030", "Reforest high, medium and low watersheds with special attention to riparian zones and taking into account native species in the area." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "MX", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Watershed and river basin management" }, { "Alpha2": "MX", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Reforestation" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MX", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_Tar", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation targets/ objectives at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Target", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Reforestation" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MX", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_UncAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional sectoral actions", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Unconditional Actions", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Reforestation" } ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999316931 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ "{'IkiSheet': 'benefits', 'page_number': 50, 'region': 'Oceania', 'parameter': 'B_Social', 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I'}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Actions to improve non-motorised transport (walking, cycling), decentralisation of services and improvements in public transport would offer major benefits around social inclusion, making services more easily available to all segments of the population. This is likely to boost access to services and facilitate improved transport options for low-income families, families
Actions to improve non-motorised transport (walking, cycling), decentralisation of services and improvements in public transport would offer major benefits around social inclusion, making services more easily available to all segments of the population. This is likely to boost access to services and facilitate improved transport options for low-income families, families without cars / access to private transport, women, the elderly and vulnerable groups. There is a risk to social inclusion if vehicles and compliance become too expensive for lower-income households.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "LTS" ]
[ "This is likely to boost access to services and facilitate improved transport options for low-income families, families without cars / access to private transport, women, the elderly and vulnerable groups" ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ 1, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999343157 }
[ 1, 1 ]
Sierra Leone
[ 2, 0 ]
[ [ null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
Actions to reduce CO2 emissions while using technology to spur waste-derived business for youth and women in poor communities. Transport: Sierra Leone will use lessons from the Integrated Resilient Urban Mobility Project (IRUMP) to develop plans and strategies for building sustainable transport mechanisms (including mass transit systems, fuel-efficient vehicles, and
Actions to reduce CO2 emissions while using technology to spur waste-derived business for youth and women in poor communities. Transport: Sierra Leone will use lessons from the Integrated Resilient Urban Mobility Project (IRUMP) to develop plans and strategies for building sustainable transport mechanisms (including mass transit systems, fuel-efficient vehicles, and climate-smart mobility measures that improve urban planning and enhance access to public infrastructure in cities.
[ 0, 2 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"Sierra Leone will use lessons from the Integrated Resilient Urban Mobility Project (IRUMP) to develop plans and strategies for building sustainable transport mechanisms (including mass transit systems, fuel-efficient vehicles, and climate-smart mobility measures that improve urban planning and enhance access to public infrastructure in cities\"" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "SL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Urban Transport" }, { "Alpha2": "SL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen10", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral plan", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Urban Transport" } ] ]
[ 0, 6 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999293089 }
[ 3, 3 ]
[ 6, 0 ]
[ [ null, null ], [ null, null ], [ null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 6 ]
Actions to reduce GHG emissions in passenger transport in Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca. Energy efficiency in the Hydrocarbons sector. Spare parts of the Trans-Ecuadorian Pipeline System (SOTE). Combined cycle in Refinery. Connection to the National Interconnected System (SNI). AGRICULTURE SECTOR. Lines of action. Develop research and generation of information systems
Actions to reduce GHG emissions in passenger transport in Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca. Energy efficiency in the Hydrocarbons sector. Spare parts of the Trans-Ecuadorian Pipeline System (SOTE). Combined cycle in Refinery. Connection to the National Interconnected System (SNI). AGRICULTURE SECTOR. Lines of action. Develop research and generation of information systems to strengthen climate change management in the agricultural sector. Promote sustainable livestock development at the national level.
[ 3, 3 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Combined cycle in Refinery.", "Connection to the National Interconnected System (SNI).", "Energy efficiency in the Hydrocarbons sector:  Spare parts of the Trans-Ecuadorian Pipeline System (SOTE)." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "EC", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct11", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Supply-side Efficiency: Power generation efficiency improvement" }, { "Alpha2": "EC", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Supply-side Efficiency: Power generation efficiency improvement" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "EC", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct11", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Supply-side Efficiency: Power generation efficiency improvement" }, { "Alpha2": "EC", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Supply-side Efficiency: Power generation efficiency improvement" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "EC", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct11", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Supply-side Efficiency: Power generation efficiency improvement" }, { "Alpha2": "EC", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Supply-side Efficiency: Power generation efficiency improvement" } ] ]
[ 0, 10 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999336004 }
[ 0, 10 ]
South Sudan
[ 0, 10 ]
[ [ null, null ], [ null, null ], [ null, null, null, null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 10, 0 ]
Actions to reduce vulnerability of the population to climate induced hazards are the following:i. Enhance access to water in light of growing climate threats through integrated watershed management, wetland management and improved waste management. ii. Enhance food security under a changing climate through the introduction of climate-smart agricultural techniques and
Actions to reduce vulnerability of the population to climate induced hazards are the following:i. Enhance access to water in light of growing climate threats through integrated watershed management, wetland management and improved waste management. ii. Enhance food security under a changing climate through the introduction of climate-smart agricultural techniques and irrigated agriculture. iii. Ensure capacity building and participation of the society, local communities, indigenous peoples, women, men, youth, civil organizations and private sector in national and subnational climate change planning. iv.
[ 6, 4 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Adapting Vulnerable Communities to Climate Change and reduce vulnerability of the population: \"Enhance access to water in light of growing climate threats through integrated watershed management, wetland management and improved waste management\" (5).", "Adapting Vulnerable Communities to Climate Change and reduce vulnerability of the population: \"Enhance food security under a changing climate through the introduction of climate-smart agricultural techniques and irrigated agriculture\" (5).", "Preparing for a changing climate by planning for floods and droughts", "Enhance access to water in light of growing climate threats through integrated watershed management, wetland management and improved waste management", "Enhance food security under a changing climate through the introduction of climate-smart agricultural techniques and irrigated agriculture" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "SS", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water management" }, { "Alpha2": "SS", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Watershed and river basin management" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "SS", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Food security" }, { "Alpha2": "SS", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Climate smart agriculture" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "SS", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Ecosystem and biodiversity" }, { "Alpha2": "SS", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water management" }, { "Alpha2": "SS", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" }, { "Alpha2": "SS", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Irrigation" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "SS", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_ConAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Condition actions of the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Conditional Actions", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Watershed and river basin management" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "SS", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_ConAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Condition actions of the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Conditional Actions", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Climate smart agriculture" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.999932766 }
[ 0, 1 ]
Burkina Faso
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 0 ]
Actions to transfer climatic, meteorological and environmental monitoring technologies make it possible to readjust production and consumption factors as a function of climate change and improve the producers cost-benefit ratio by preserving environmental benefits (saving of water resources). Housing and urban development. 2,918,154,526. 1,167,261,810.
Actions to transfer climatic, meteorological and environmental monitoring technologies make it possible to readjust production and consumption factors as a function of climate change and improve the producers cost-benefit ratio by preserving environmental benefits (saving of water resources). Housing and urban development. 2,918,154,526. 1,167,261,810.
[ 1, 0 ]
[ "INDC" ]
[ "Transfer of technologies for climatic, meteorological and environmental monitoring" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "BF", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_ConAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Condition actions of the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Conditional Actions", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health services and assessment" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999346733 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 1, 0 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Actions will also be implemented to strengthen these co-benefits. Specifically, the following climate actions will be specifically undertaken:. By 2025: Three marine protected areas of Chile will have standardized metrics for the evaluation of their capacities for adaptation or mitigation to climate change. By 2030: metrics for monitoring and verification
Actions will also be implemented to strengthen these co-benefits. Specifically, the following climate actions will be specifically undertaken:. By 2025: Three marine protected areas of Chile will have standardized metrics for the evaluation of their capacities for adaptation or mitigation to climate change. By 2030: metrics for monitoring and verification of ad-aptation or mitigation capacities will be applied in at least five marine protected areas, while strengthening co-benefits in their management plans. 7. IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES COMPONENT. Implementation Measures Component.
[ 1, 0 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "By 2025: Three marine protected areas of Chile will have standardized metrics for the evaluation of their capacities for adaptation or mitigation to climate change.<br>By 2030: metrics for monitoring and verification of adaptation or mitigation capacities will be applied in at least five marine protected areas, while strengthening co-benefits in their management plans." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "CL", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Wetlands" } ] ]
[ 0, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999322891 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 0, 2 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 2, 0 ]
Actions, Policies and Regulations. Climate Change Plan for the Infrastructure Sector developed. By 2025, Panama will integrate the dimension of Climate Change in public investment projects through the implementation of the "Technical Guide on Climate Change for Public Investment Infrastructure Projects". Ministry of Public Works (MOP). No GHG Target. Actions,
Actions, Policies and Regulations. Climate Change Plan for the Infrastructure Sector developed. By 2025, Panama will integrate the dimension of Climate Change in public investment projects through the implementation of the "Technical Guide on Climate Change for Public Investment Infrastructure Projects". Ministry of Public Works (MOP). No GHG Target. Actions, tdolitical and Regulations. Public investment projects with integrated climate change aspects.
[ 1, 1 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Shifting how investment decisions get made", "Sustainable infrastructure: By 2025, Panama will have integrated a climate change dimension in public investment projects through implementation of the \"Technical Climate Change Guide for Infrastructure Investment Projects.\" The objective is to promote a complete list of relevant adaptation solution measures, to implement them and to oversee them. Implementation of the technical guide to public investment projects will help to understand the climate risks and the mitigation and adaptation processes to consider before financing and carrying out a project (72, 125)." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionDefinition": "GCA_subsector", "QuestionText": "Adapt Now subsector", "Sector": "Economy-wide", "SubSector": "Economy-wide: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Economy-wide", "SubSector": "Economy-wide: General" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999347925 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 0 ]
Actions, Policies and Regulations. New Decree approved. 4.10.3 Operational aspects. A key milestone that enables this contribution in the area of ​​Circular Economy is the officialization of Executive Decree 100 of October 20, 2020 that establishes the National Program for the management of GHG Emissions, operationalized through the Reduce Your
Actions, Policies and Regulations. New Decree approved. 4.10.3 Operational aspects. A key milestone that enables this contribution in the area of ​​Circular Economy is the officialization of Executive Decree 100 of October 20, 2020 that establishes the National Program for the management of GHG Emissions, operationalized through the Reduce Your Corporate Footprint and Reduce Your Footprint Programs Municipal, as well as the process of updating the legal framework on the certification of environmentally clean products and services established in Executive Decree 100 of 2008, included in the project to modernize environmental management instruments based on the conceptual framework of climate change and Climate variability analysis in execution since November 2020 with cooperation resources from the CAF.
[ 1, 0 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Circular economy: By 2025, the Eco-Label Executive Decree will be updated. This is modernizing, restructing and validating Executive Decree N. 100 from 2008, which regulates the certification of environmentally-clean products and services (76, 127)." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Economy-wide", "SubSector": "Economy-wide: General" } ] ]
[ 0, 14 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999284744 }
[ 7, 7 ]
[ 1, 13 ]
[ [ null ], [ null, null, null, null, null ], [ null, null ], [ null, null ], [ null ], [ null, null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 13, 1 ]
Actions, Policies and Regulations. Reduce your Corporate Heulla program implemented. registered organizations. By 2022, Panama will have developed its National Climate Change Plan for the Circular Economy in the long term and by 2025, it will have 10% progress in its implementation. MiAMBIENTE. MEF. CONEP. CNP + L. No GHG
Actions, Policies and Regulations. Reduce your Corporate Heulla program implemented. registered organizations. By 2022, Panama will have developed its National Climate Change Plan for the Circular Economy in the long term and by 2025, it will have 10% progress in its implementation. MiAMBIENTE. MEF. CONEP. CNP + L. No GHG Target. Actions, Policies and Regulations. Circular Economy Program implemented. By 2022, the regulations on Environmental Audits and Environmental Management Plans will be updated, which will include disaster risk management, adaptation measures and reduction of the carbon footprint. MiAMBIENTE.
[ 2, 12 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"By 2022, Panama will have developed its long-term National Climate Change Plan for the Circular Economy and by 2025, there will be 10% progress in its implementation.\"", "2022", "Circular economy: By 2025, Panama will have developed its National Climate Change Plan for the Circular Economy for the long term and until 2025, and will have 10% progress in implementation. This will enable expansion of the planning tools to reduce the vulnerability of the sector to climate change effects, with the objective being to integrate adaptation planning in the regulatory framework and in existing planning tools (76, 127).", "Plan has been implemented at least 10%", "Plan in place and being implemented", "Plan is updated and is being implemented" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "Waste", "SubSector": "Recycling, Reuse, Reduce" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_time", "QuestionDefinition": "Time frame", "QuestionText": "Time frame", "Sector": "Economy-wide", "SubSector": "Economy-wide: General" }, { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_time", "QuestionDefinition": "Time frame", "QuestionText": "Time frame", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Climate risk management" }, { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_time", "QuestionDefinition": "Time frame", "QuestionText": "Time frame", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Environment: General" }, { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_time", "QuestionDefinition": "Time frame", "QuestionText": "Time frame", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Watershed and river basin management" }, { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_time", "QuestionDefinition": "Time frame", "QuestionText": "Time frame", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Ecosystem and biodiversity" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Economy-wide", "SubSector": "Economy-wide: General" }, { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Climate services" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_tar", "QuestionDefinition": "Measurable targets or indicators", "QuestionText": "Targets", "Sector": "Economy-wide", "SubSector": "Economy-wide: General" }, { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_tar", "QuestionDefinition": "Measurable targets or indicators", "QuestionText": "Targets", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Climate services" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_tar", "QuestionDefinition": "Measurable targets or indicators", "QuestionText": "Targets", "Sector": "Coastal Zone", "SubSector": "Coastal management" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_tar", "QuestionDefinition": "Measurable targets or indicators", "QuestionText": "Targets", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Climate smart agriculture" }, { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_tar", "QuestionDefinition": "Measurable targets or indicators", "QuestionText": "Targets", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Food security" }, { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_tar", "QuestionDefinition": "Measurable targets or indicators", "QuestionText": "Targets", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Climate risk management" } ] ]
[ 5, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9998836517 }
[ 0, 5 ]
[ 0, 5 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 5, 0 ]
Actions, gaps and barriers. Action. Gaps and Barriers. Encouraging adapted crop and livestock development and farming practices. Inadequate institutional and technological capacity to maximize germ-plasm of adapted crops and livestock. Lack of knowledge and skills for intensive production practices. Lack of mechanization technologies for climate smart production systems. Inadequate research
Actions, gaps and barriers. Action. Gaps and Barriers. Encouraging adapted crop and livestock development and farming practices. Inadequate institutional and technological capacity to maximize germ-plasm of adapted crops and livestock. Lack of knowledge and skills for intensive production practices. Lack of mechanization technologies for climate smart production systems. Inadequate research and extension. Lack of financial resources. Inadequate training of farmers. Fragmented implementation of climate smart strategies.
[ 0, 5 ]
[ "INDC" ]
[ "Institutional capacity to maximize germ-plasm of adapted crops", "Institutional capacity to maximize germ-plasm of adapted livestock", "Knowledge and skills for intensive production practices", "Mechanization technologies for climate smart production systems", "Training for farmers" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "ZW", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_CapBud", "QuestionDefinition": "Capacity building needs for Sectoral implementation", "QuestionText": "Capacity Building Needs for Sectoral Implementation", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Crops" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ZW", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_CapBud", "QuestionDefinition": "Capacity building needs for Sectoral implementation", "QuestionText": "Capacity Building Needs for Sectoral Implementation", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Livestock" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ZW", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_TecTran", "QuestionDefinition": "Technology transfer needs for sectoral implementation", "QuestionText": "Technology Transfer Needs for Sectoral Implementation", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Crops" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ZW", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_TecTran", "QuestionDefinition": "Technology transfer needs for sectoral implementation", "QuestionText": "Technology Transfer Needs for Sectoral Implementation", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Climate smart agriculture" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "ZW", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_TecTran", "QuestionDefinition": "Technology transfer needs for sectoral implementation", "QuestionText": "Technology Transfer Needs for Sectoral Implementation", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Climate smart agriculture" } ] ]
[ 0, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999238253 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 0, 2 ]
[ [ null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 2, 0 ]
Actions, tdolitical and Regulations. Public investment projects with integrated climate change aspects. By 2022 the regulations for the Evaluation of Environmental Impact Studies (EIA) will be updated, which will incorporate climate risk management, adaptation measures and reduction of the projects carbon footprint. MiAMBIENTE. Actions, Policies and Regulations. Updated regulations with
Actions, tdolitical and Regulations. Public investment projects with integrated climate change aspects. By 2022 the regulations for the Evaluation of Environmental Impact Studies (EIA) will be updated, which will incorporate climate risk management, adaptation measures and reduction of the projects carbon footprint. MiAMBIENTE. Actions, Policies and Regulations. Updated regulations with climate risk management, adaptation measures and reduction of the carbon footprint of integrated projects. 4.9.3 Operational aspects.
[ 2, 0 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Sustainable infrastructure: By 2022, the rule for the Evaluation of Environment Impact Studies will have been updated and will incorporate climate risk management, adaptation measures and reduction of the carbon footprint of infrastructure projects. This consists of updating Executive Decree 123 from 2009, the methdology for analysis of environmental management, the elements, aspects and variables that can cause global warming, considering climate change as a vector that introduces environmental changes (72, 125)." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Economy-wide", "SubSector": "Economy-wide: General" }, { "Alpha2": "PA", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Climate risk management" } ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999374151 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 0 ]
Activating national policies, laws and legislations that urge citizens to rationalize water use, with the need for certain procedures to be in place against those who deliberately waste water.
Activating national policies, laws and legislations that urge citizens to rationalize water use, with the need for certain procedures to be in place against those who deliberately waste water.
[ 1, 0 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Water Resources: “Activating national policies, laws and legislation that urge citizens to rationalize water use, with the need for certain measures against those who deliberately waste water.” (p. 8)" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "IQ", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water conservation and reuse" } ] ]
[ 2, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999303818 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 2, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
Active capture of methane and electricity generation of the San Inga landfill (Quito).Active capture of methane and electricity generation of the Pichacay landfill (Cuenca). Active capture and burning of biogas. USCUSS SECTOR. Lines of action. Preserve the natural heritage. Strengthen sustainable forest management. Strengthen the restoration of natural heritage. Strengthen
Active capture of methane and electricity generation of the San Inga landfill (Quito).Active capture of methane and electricity generation of the Pichacay landfill (Cuenca). Active capture and burning of biogas. USCUSS SECTOR. Lines of action. Preserve the natural heritage. Strengthen sustainable forest management. Strengthen the restoration of natural heritage. Strengthen and increase the establishment and management of sustainable commercial forest plantations. Strengthen forest control.
[ 0, 2 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Preserve the natural heritage.", "Strengthen the restoration of natural heritage." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "EC", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "LULUCF/Forestry: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "EC", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "LULUCF/Forestry: General" } ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999314547 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 1, 0 ]
[ [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 46, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Electrification', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Freight', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'General e-mobility', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': 'x', 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'High-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Europe', 'parameter': 'I_Emobility', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Electric mobility', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Active commuting such as walking will also be incentivised, such as implementation of safe routes for students. Electrification of Heavy Goods Vehicles The decarbonisation of road freight was assumed to take place through the electrification of heavy goods vehicles.
Active commuting such as walking will also be incentivised, such as implementation of safe routes for students. Electrification of Heavy Goods Vehicles The decarbonisation of road freight was assumed to take place through the electrification of heavy goods vehicles.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "LTS" ]
[ "The decarbonisation of road freight was assumed to take place through the electrification of heavy goods vehicles" ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999345541 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 1, 0 ]
[ [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 43, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': 'x', 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Mode shift and demand management', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': 'x', 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Shift', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'General active mobility', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'High-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Europe', 'parameter': 'S_Activemobility', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Active mobility', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': 'x'}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Active transport Evidence from other countries (such as Denmark) confirms that the provision of support to both active transport and public transport is likely to result in a larger shift from car use than supporting only one of these areas. Cycling in Malta is assumed to increase as a result
Active transport Evidence from other countries (such as Denmark) confirms that the provision of support to both active transport and public transport is likely to result in a larger shift from car use than supporting only one of these areas. Cycling in Malta is assumed to increase as a result of sustained investment in active travel infrastructure taking place over the next 30 years, alongside a large increase in the use of e-bikes and pedelecs (which are deemed key in such a measure given Malta’s hilly topography and warm climate).
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "LTS" ]
[ "Support for active transport: sustained investment taking place throughout the strategy period in infrastructure to support cycling (e.g. bikes, e-bikes, pedelecs) and walking" ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999381304 }
[ 0, 1 ]
Costa Rica
[ 1, 0 ]
[ [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 41, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': nan, 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Transport system improvements', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': nan, 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': 'x', 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Freight', 'a_s_i': 'Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'General freight efficiency improvements', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Latin America and the Caribbean', 'parameter': 'I_Freighteff', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Freight efficiency improvements', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Activities 3.2.1 To design a plan for the technological efficiency improvement of the cargo transport sector, which will consider aspects such as technological improvement (LPG, for example), the use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. • To promote technologies such as LPG, use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency
Activities 3.2.1 To design a plan for the technological efficiency improvement of the cargo transport sector, which will consider aspects such as technological improvement (LPG, for example), the use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. • To promote technologies such as LPG, use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. • To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. 3.2.2 To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "LTS" ]
[ "To design a plan for the technological efficiency improvement\nof the cargo transport sector, which will consider aspects such as\ntechnological improvement (LPG, for example), the use of filters,\nbiofuels and other efficiency improvements." ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999366999 }
[ 0, 1 ]
South Sudan
[ 1, 0 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Activities being considered. Current progress. Timeframe. Regulate importation of inefficient vehicles. Most vehicles in South Sudan, such as cars and delivery trucks, are imported into the country. Low incomes and no age restrictions on the importation of vehicles result in the majority of imported vehicles being old and inefficient. South
Activities being considered. Current progress. Timeframe. Regulate importation of inefficient vehicles. Most vehicles in South Sudan, such as cars and delivery trucks, are imported into the country. Low incomes and no age restrictions on the importation of vehicles result in the majority of imported vehicles being old and inefficient. South Sudan will therefore develop and implement import policies and strategies focusing on the type of vehicle imported to minimize emissions in the country. Review import policies to include criteria for types of vehicles that can be imported.
[ 1, 0 ]
[ "Second NDC" ]
[ "Review import policies to include criteria for types of vehicles that can be imported." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "SS", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Transport", "SubSector": "Vehicle Fleet" } ] ]
[ 0, 7 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999264479 }
[ 7, 0 ]
[ 7, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null, null ], [ null, null ], [ null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 7 ]
Activities between 2010 and 2020. 6529.6. 590.9. 541.6. 59. Ecosystem restoration activities (conditional part). A1: Restoration activities including biological actions of reforestation and regeneration (20,000 ha per year). 2,147.2. 387.0. 232.0. 60. Damage avoided (conditional part). B1: Compensation for defenses (30,000 ha per year);. B2: Energy efficiency through the distribution
Activities between 2010 and 2020. 6529.6. 590.9. 541.6. 59. Ecosystem restoration activities (conditional part). A1: Restoration activities including biological actions of reforestation and regeneration (20,000 ha per year). 2,147.2. 387.0. 232.0. 60. Damage avoided (conditional part). B1: Compensation for defenses (30,000 ha per year);. B2: Energy efficiency through the distribution of improved ovens (3000 ovens per year);.
[ 0, 7 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"1 (con): Ecosystem restoration activities (part conditional).: A1: Restoration activities including biological actions of reforestation and regeneration (20,000 ha per year).\"", "\"1: Ecosystem restoration activities (part unconditional): A1: Restoration activities including biological actions of reforestation and regeneration (50,000 ha per year)", "2 (con): Damage avoided (conditional part).: 2 (con): B1: Compensation for defenses (30,000 ha per year)", "B2: Energy efficiency through the distribution of improved ovens (3000 ovens per year)" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "MA", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar10", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of the mitigation target for a given sectoral target ", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Reforestation" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MA", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Reforestation" }, { "Alpha2": "MA", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar8", "QuestionDefinition": "Unconditional part of the mitigation effort for a given sectoral target", "QuestionText": "Unconditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Reforestation" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MA", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar10", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of the mitigation target for a given sectoral target ", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Sustainable Land Management" }, { "Alpha2": "MA", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Sustainable Land Management" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MA", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar10", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of the mitigation target for a given sectoral target ", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Sustainable Land Management" }, { "Alpha2": "MA", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Targets", "QuestionCode": "M_SecTar1", "QuestionDefinition": "Targets at the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral targets on", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Sustainable Land Management" } ] ]
[ 5, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999235868 }
[ 0, 5 ]
[ 5, 0 ]
[ [ null, null ], [ null, null, null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 5 ]
Activities in the human settlement sector were considered across energy in buildings, transport infrastructure, waste management, land-use in urban areas, and information communication and technology. The LEDS for Human Settlement10 identifies measures over the short- and medium-term scenario (2020-2030) and include:. Roll out of solar PV on buildings. Replacement of
Activities in the human settlement sector were considered across energy in buildings, transport infrastructure, waste management, land-use in urban areas, and information communication and technology. The LEDS for Human Settlement10 identifies measures over the short- and medium-term scenario (2020-2030) and include:. Roll out of solar PV on buildings. Replacement of LPG and firewood by electricity. Increase in composting and recycling. Energy efficient and green building design. Efficient street lighting. Wastewater management. Rollout of energy efficient appliances. Solar water heaters.
[ 0, 5 ]
[ "Second NDC" ]
[ "\"Replacement of LPG and firewood by electricity\"", "\"Roll out of solar PV on buildings\"" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "BT", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Clean Cooking and Heating: Cleaner household fuels" }, { "Alpha2": "BT", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Gas" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "BT", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Buildings", "SubSector": "Buildings: General" }, { "Alpha2": "BT", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar" }, { "Alpha2": "BT", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Off-Grid" } ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999222755 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ "{'IkiSheet': 'implementation', 'page_number': 8, 'region': 'Asia', 'parameter': 'P_National', 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I'}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 1 ]
Activities related to climate change mitigation and adaptation measures are reflected in almost all sectoral strategies, plans and the country's development programs, in particular: Innovative Development Strategy for 2019-2021, Solid Waste Management Strategy for 2019-2028, 4 PP-4422 dated 22.08.2019 "On Accelerated Measures to Improve Energy Efficiency in Sectors of the
Activities related to climate change mitigation and adaptation measures are reflected in almost all sectoral strategies, plans and the country's development programs, in particular: Innovative Development Strategy for 2019-2021, Solid Waste Management Strategy for 2019-2028, 4 PP-4422 dated 22.08.2019 "On Accelerated Measures to Improve Energy Efficiency in Sectors of the Economy and Social Sphere, Introduction of Energy-Saving Technologies and Development of Renewable Energy Sources". 5 PP-4477 dated 04.10.2019 "On approval of the Strategy for Transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a Green Economy for 2019-2030". 9 Agriculture Development Strategy for 2020-2030, Environmental Protection Concept-2030, Concept on Electricity Supply in 2020-2030, etc
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Activities related to climate change mitigation and adaptation measures are reflected in almost all sectoral strategies, plans and the country's development programs, in particular: Innovative Development Strategy for 2019-2021, Solid Waste Management Strategy for 2019-2028, 4 PP-4422 dated 22.08.2019 \"On Accelerated Measures to Improve Energy Efficiency in Sectors of the Economy and Social Sphere, Introduction of Energy-Saving Technologies and Development of Renewable Energy Sources\". 5 PP-4477 dated 04.10.2019 \"On approval of the Strategy for Transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a Green Economy for 2019-2030\". 9 Agriculture Development Strategy for 2020-2030, Environmental Protection Concept-2030, Concept on Electricity Supply in 2020-2030, etc" ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ 0, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999213219 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 2, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
Activity 6 – Outer Island Council solar PV mini grid system ($710,000.00) - design, procure and install off-grid PV systems (5 kWp each) for island council administrative centres in the Gilbert and Line Groups. (not yet fully funded). Activity 7 – Outer Island Fish Centres ($610,000.00) - design, procure and
Activity 6 – Outer Island Council solar PV mini grid system ($710,000.00) - design, procure and install off-grid PV systems (5 kWp each) for island council administrative centres in the Gilbert and Line Groups. (not yet fully funded). Activity 7 – Outer Island Fish Centres ($610,000.00) - design, procure and install off-grid PV systems for the Fish Centres (3.75kWp each) in all the Islands to a level to support a fully equipped centres lighting, refrigeration and other equipment.
[ 2, 0 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Outer Island Police Station solar system rehabilitation<br>Desalination Plant for vulnerable rural community<br>Outer Island Clinic solar system rehabilitation<br>Junior Secondary School (JSS) system<br>Mereang Taabwai Secondary Schools solar PV mini-grid<br>Solar PV system for non-government vocational institutions: CCL Manoku and Alfred Sadd Institution<br>Outer Island Fish Centres<br>Outer Island Council solar PV mini grid system<br>Solar Home System for Households<br>Solar PV mini grid system for Southern Kiribati Hospital<br>Outer Island and rural electrification", "Outer Island Police Station solar system rehabilitation<br>Desalination Plant for vulnerable rural community<br>Outer Island Clinic solar system rehabilitation<br>Junior Secondary School (JSS) system<br>Mereang Taabwai Secondary Schools solar PV mini-grid<br>Solar PV system for non-government vocational institutions: CCL Manoku and Alfred Sadd Institution<br>Outer Island Fish Centres<br>Outer Island Council solar PV mini grid system<br>Solar Home System for Households<br>Solar PV mini grid system for Southern Kiribati Hospital<br>Outer Island and rural electrification" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "KI", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Off-Grid" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "KI", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct2", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution", "QuestionText": "Downstream actions", "Sector": "Energy", "SubSector": "Renewable Energy: Solar: Off-Grid" } ] ]
[ 1, 1 ]
{ "label": "fr-FR", "score": 0.999979496 }
[ 0, 2 ]
Democratic Republic of the Congo
[ 2, 0 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
Actrice active dans les processus environnementaux et l’apport sur l’atténuation du climat mondial, la RDC a pris des engagements sous différentes conventions. Il s’en suit que : a. Au terme de la Convention sur la biodiversité, la RDC a déjà affecté 13% de son territoire national à l’érection des parcs
Actrice active dans les processus environnementaux et l’apport sur l’atténuation du climat mondial, la RDC a pris des engagements sous différentes conventions. Il s’en suit que : a. Au terme de la Convention sur la biodiversité, la RDC a déjà affecté 13% de son territoire national à l’érection des parcs nationaux, soit 30.483.180 Ha ; b. Des progrès considérables sont réalisés, avec l’engagement de la RDC de restaurer 8 millions d’ha des terres dégradées, aux termes du Défi de Bonn.
[ 1, 1 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"At the end of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the DRC has already allocated 13% of its national territory to the erection of national parks, i.e. 30,483,180 Ha\"", "\"Considerable progress is being made, with the DRC's commitment to restore 8 million ha of degraded land under the Bonn Challenge. To this is also added the project \"1 Billion Trees\", with the participation of young people, especially students" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "CD", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Policies", "QuestionCode": "M_SecPol2", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on", "QuestionText": "Existing sectoral policies", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Conservation" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "CD", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Actions", "QuestionCode": "M_SecAct1", "QuestionDefinition": "Existing sectoral downstream actions that the NDC builds on", "QuestionText": "Building on existing downstream actions", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Sustainable Land Management" } ] ]
[ 0, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999330044 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 2, 0 ]
[ [ "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 89, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': 'x', 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Mode shift and demand management', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': 'x', 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Shift, Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'Cycling measures', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Oceania', 'parameter': 'S_Cycling', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Active mobility', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}", "{'mode_taxis': nan, 'IkiSheet': 'mitigation', 'page_number': 89, 'mode_inland_shipping': nan, 'mode_coastal_shipping': nan, 'g20': 0, 'mode_cycling': 'x', 'mode_road': nan, 'geo_not_defined': 'x', 'high_level_category': 'Mode shift and demand management', 'g7': 0, 'geo_inter-city': nan, 'mena': 0, 'mode_heavy_rail': nan, 'mode_walking': 'x', 'mode_international_maritime': nan, 'mode_not_defined': nan, 'mode_aviation': nan, 'geo_urban': nan, 'activity_type': 'E_Notdefined', 'a_s_i': 'Shift, Improve', 'mode_high-speed_rail': nan, 'mode_cars': nan, 'indicator': 'General transport demand management', 'mode_water': nan, 'mode_truck': nan, 'oecd': 'non-OECD', 'mode_two-/three-wheelers': nan, 'income_group': 'Middle-income', 'mode_bus': nan, 'mode_transit_rail': nan, 'geo_rural': nan, 'region': 'Oceania', 'parameter': 'A_TDM', 'mode_private_cars': nan, 'category': 'Transport demand management', 'mode_rail': nan, 'annex_type': 'Non-Annex I', 'mode_active_mobility': nan}" ] ]
[ "IKITracs" ]
[ 0, 2 ]
Actual costs thus depend on specific policies and strategies for promoting PT. Increased use of NMT is seen as economically profitable due to vehicle operating cost savings. The increase in NMT can be achieved with demand management measures (e.g., vehicle-free zones) which have a very low cost and/or with supply
Actual costs thus depend on specific policies and strategies for promoting PT. Increased use of NMT is seen as economically profitable due to vehicle operating cost savings. The increase in NMT can be achieved with demand management measures (e.g., vehicle-free zones) which have a very low cost and/or with supply measures such as bike lanes and bike sharing facilities. Again, actual costs depend on the specific policies chosen. Some estimations of costs are given in Annex A.
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "LTS" ]
[ "The increase in NMT can be achieved with demand management measures (e.g., vehicle-free zones) which have a very low cost and/or with supply measures such as bike lanes and bike sharing facilities." ]
[ [ null, null ] ]
[ 0, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999366999 }
[ 0, 2 ]
Sri Lanka
[ 0, 2 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 2, 0 ]
Adapt and alter conditions and destinations of the tourism and recreation sector. Increase the preparedness of tourism and recreation operation to extreme weather conditions. Assess the current promotional strategies with connections to emerging scenarios of climate change; beach tourism and nature destinations. Improve energy efficiency in tourism based establishments by
Adapt and alter conditions and destinations of the tourism and recreation sector. Increase the preparedness of tourism and recreation operation to extreme weather conditions. Assess the current promotional strategies with connections to emerging scenarios of climate change; beach tourism and nature destinations. Improve energy efficiency in tourism based establishments by using available best alternative environmental friendly energy sources, solar and wind power, biomass. Introduce resource management mechanisms into tourism to minimize damage to the existing ecosystem.
[ 2, 0 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Tourism and Recreation: “Assess the current promotional strategies with connections to emerging scenarios of climate change", "beach tourism and nature destinations.” (p. 23)" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "LK", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Tourism", "SubSector": "Tourism: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "LK", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Tourism", "SubSector": "Tourism: General" } ] ]
[ 1, 1 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.999928236 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 1 ]
Adapt forest systems to climate change by halting land degradation, controlling erosion of topsoil, improving water quality and soil productivity;. Establish sites with improved production capacity linking with the development of wood and non-wood forest product processing industry and with the people’s needs in terms of goods and services and
Adapt forest systems to climate change by halting land degradation, controlling erosion of topsoil, improving water quality and soil productivity;. Establish sites with improved production capacity linking with the development of wood and non-wood forest product processing industry and with the people’s needs in terms of goods and services and improved employment opportunities;. Promote sustainable rangeland management;.
[ 1, 1 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "\"Promote sustainable rangeland management\"", "Adaptation priority 2 (key activities): “Establish sites with improved production capacity linking with the development of wood and non-wood forest product processing industry and with the people’s needs in terms of goods and services and improved employment opportunities" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "LB", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Sustainable Land Management" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "LB", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Sustainable forest management" } ] ]
[ 0, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999346733 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 0, 2 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 2, 0 ]
Adapt public service facilities, including school buildings, to withstand storms and excess heat. Intensify immunization of children and youth to provide protection against diseases that are expected to become more prevalent with climate change. Retrain health workers to appreciate emerging climate change challenges within the context of immunization delivery and
Adapt public service facilities, including school buildings, to withstand storms and excess heat. Intensify immunization of children and youth to provide protection against diseases that are expected to become more prevalent with climate change. Retrain health workers to appreciate emerging climate change challenges within the context of immunization delivery and other comprehensive healthcare delivery. Encourage faith-based and civil society organizations to provide social welfare programmes and other support to address the climate change-induced needs of vulnerable groups.
[ 2, 0 ]
[ "First NDC" ]
[ "Vulnerable Groups: “Intensify immunization of children and youth to provide protection against diseases that are expected to become more prevalent with climate change.” (p. 22)", "Vulnerable Groups: “Retrain health workers to appreciate emerging climate change challenges within the context of immunization delivery and other comprehensive healthcare delivery.” (p. 22)" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "NG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Disease surveillance and control" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "NG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Health", "SubSector": "Health services and assessment" } ] ]
[ 0, 3 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999386072 }
[ 0, 3 ]
Republic of Congo
[ 0, 3 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 3, 0 ]
Adapt technical benchmarks for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure to the possible effects of climate change. Develop a harmonized methodology for carrying out diagnostics of infrastructure vulnerability to climate change. Modify technical standards and construction engineering by adapting them to the context of climate change. Build capacity in the
Adapt technical benchmarks for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure to the possible effects of climate change. Develop a harmonized methodology for carrying out diagnostics of infrastructure vulnerability to climate change. Modify technical standards and construction engineering by adapting them to the context of climate change. Build capacity in the quality control of building materials, whether imported or produced locally.
[ 3, 0 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Action 10.2: \"Develop a harmonized methodology for carrying out diagnostics of infrastructure vulnerability to climate change\" (p. 34)", "Action 10.3: \"Modify technical references and construction engineering by adapting them to the context of climate change\" (p. 34)", "Action 10.4: \"Build capacity in the quality control of construction materials, whether imported or produced locally\" (p. 34)" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "CG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "CG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "CG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Capacity building and knowledge transfer" } ] ]
[ 0, 2 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999349117 }
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 0, 2 ]
[ [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 2, 0 ]
Adapt to our national, the World Meteorological Organization- Global Framework for Climate Services (WMO-GFCS) to Nigeria’s needs (National Framework for Application of Climate Services - NFACS) to reduce vulnerability of communities through enhanced advocacy and implementation of the five Pillars of the Framework. M. STRATEGIES FOR EDUCATION. Provide evidence-based information
Adapt to our national, the World Meteorological Organization- Global Framework for Climate Services (WMO-GFCS) to Nigeria’s needs (National Framework for Application of Climate Services - NFACS) to reduce vulnerability of communities through enhanced advocacy and implementation of the five Pillars of the Framework. M. STRATEGIES FOR EDUCATION. Provide evidence-based information to raise awareness and trigger climate change adaptation actions that will protect present and future generations in Nigeria.
[ 2, 0 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Education: “Provide evidence-based information to raise awareness and trigger climate change adaptation actions that will protect present and future generations in Nigeria.” (p. 22)", "Provide evidence-based information to raise awareness and trigger climate change adaptation actions" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "NG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Education", "SubSector": "Education: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "NG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_ConAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Condition actions of the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Conditional Actions", "Sector": "Education", "SubSector": "Education: General" } ] ]
[ 1, 0 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999330044 }
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 0 ]
Adapt to our national, the World Meteorological Organization- Global Framework for Climate Services (WMO-GFCS) to Nigeria’s needs (National Framework for Application of Climate Services - NFACS) to reduce vulnerability of communities through enhanced advocacy and implementation of the five Pillars of the Framework. The National Agricultural Resilience Framework (NARF 2014)
Adapt to our national, the World Meteorological Organization- Global Framework for Climate Services (WMO-GFCS) to Nigeria’s needs (National Framework for Application of Climate Services - NFACS) to reduce vulnerability of communities through enhanced advocacy and implementation of the five Pillars of the Framework. The National Agricultural Resilience Framework (NARF 2014) is based on principles of adaptive management and participatory engagement as the central tenets of the overall implementation strategy. The NARF articulates policy options, opportunities and required interventions to achieve the following strategic objectives:.
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "INDC" ]
[ "The National Agricultural Resilience Framework (NARF 2014)" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "NG", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_Pol", "QuestionDefinition": "Sectoral plans and strategies for adaptation.", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Policies", "Sector": "Agriculture", "SubSector": "Climate smart agriculture" } ] ]
[ 0, 12 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999363422 }
[ 0, 12 ]
[ 0, 12 ]
[ [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 12, 0 ]
Adapt wood use to the impact of climate change;. -. Promote cross-sectoral collaboration of forestry sector with regulatory authorities in agriculture, water, local authorities, etc. -. Promote restoration of degraded pastures. Water. Promote IWRM, ensuring the crosssectorial synergetic approach. -. -. Apply Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) principles for water
Adapt wood use to the impact of climate change;. -. Promote cross-sectoral collaboration of forestry sector with regulatory authorities in agriculture, water, local authorities, etc. -. Promote restoration of degraded pastures. Water. Promote IWRM, ensuring the crosssectorial synergetic approach. -. -. Apply Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) principles for water quantity and quality based on a water monitoring and maintenance system. Increase advocacy of IWRM by strengthening engagement with international water sector donors;. -.
[ 12, 0 ]
[ "Revised First NDC" ]
[ "Adaptation Priority: \"Promote [Integrated Water Resources Mangement] , ensuring the crosssectorial synergetic approach\" (43)", "Measure: \"Apply Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) principles for water quantity and quality based on a water monitoring and maintenance system\" (43)", "Measure: \"Increase advocacy of IWRM by strengthening engagement with international water sector donors", "Measure: \"Promote cross-sectoral collaboration of forestry sector with regulatory authorities in agriculture, water, local authorities, etc.\" (43)", "Measure:\" Promote restoration of degraded pastures\" (43)" ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Environment", "SubSector": "Watershed and river basin management" }, { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Wetlands" }, { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water conservation and reuse" }, { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water efficiency" }, { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water management" }, { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water supply" }, { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water: General" }, { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Disaster Risk Management (DRM)", "SubSector": "Early warning system" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water management" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "Water", "SubSector": "Water management" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "LULUCF/Forestry: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "MD", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "ad_sec_action", "QuestionDefinition": "Adaptation action/priority", "QuestionText": "Action and priority", "Sector": "LULUCF/Forestry", "SubSector": "Land degradation" } ] ]
[ 2, 3 ]
{ "label": "en-US", "score": 0.9999347925 }
[ 2, 3 ]
[ 4, 1 ]
[ [ null, null ], [ null, null ], [ null ] ]
[ "CW" ]
[ 1, 4 ]
Adaptation - To develop effective adaptation responses and enhance adaptive capacity in order to protect livelihoods, natural resources and assets, and vulnerable areas to the impacts of climate change to all sectors;. Mitigation - To mitigate the causes of climate change and implement effective mitigation measures to reduce greenhouse gas
Adaptation - To develop effective adaptation responses and enhance adaptive capacity in order to protect livelihoods, natural resources and assets, and vulnerable areas to the impacts of climate change to all sectors;. Mitigation - To mitigate the causes of climate change and implement effective mitigation measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions;.
[ 1, 4 ]
[ "First NDC", "INDC" ]
[ "Develop MRV system", "Develop MRV system", "To develop effective adaptation responses and enhance adaptive capacity in order to protect livelihoods, natural resources and assets, and vulnerable areas to the impacts of climate change to all sectors." ]
[ [ { "Alpha2": "NU", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen10", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral plan", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Economy-wide", "SubSector": "Economy-wide: General" }, { "Alpha2": "NU", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Economy-wide", "SubSector": "Economy-wide: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "NU", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen10", "QuestionDefinition": "Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral plan", "QuestionText": "Conditional part of mitigation target", "Sector": "Economy-wide", "SubSector": "Economy-wide: General" }, { "Alpha2": "NU", "OverviewCategory": "Sectoral Mitigation Plans", "QuestionCode": "M_SecGen3", "QuestionDefinition": "Information on sectoral plans", "QuestionText": "Sectoral plans on", "Sector": "Economy-wide", "SubSector": "Economy-wide: General" } ], [ { "Alpha2": "NU", "OverviewCategory": "Adaptation Commitments", "QuestionCode": "A_Sc_ConAct", "QuestionDefinition": "Condition actions of the sectoral level", "QuestionText": "Sectoral Conditional Actions", "Sector": "Cross-Cutting Area", "SubSector": "Landscape management" } ] ]