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Though I agree with others a revision is long overdue, and there have been a few new species discovered over the years; namely salamanders. I still find it quite helpful though, in identifying the lizard that just ran across the trail, or for that possible snake sighting. And as bad as my eyes are (Keratoconus), yes the maps could be larger, but I don't find them particularly hard to read. Except for certain species that have very small and restricted ranges. Then finding the little dot can be near impossible. Beautiful photographs. Gives one a better appreciation of these animals; that, along with years of watching the "Crocodile Hunter" God rest his soul.
The very best of Dean Koontz, the dog steals every page. Even the creature garners a small bit of compassion, being the result of bad science. Can be very creepy at times, like the darkened construction site, and those eerie tapping of claws approaching. I'm much more a lover of Non-Fiction, but Mr. Koontz novels can be habit forming. He also knows how to hold ones interest, without the raunch and filth that's common with so many other writers today. A good place to start with the endless list of Dean Koontz books available.
Starts off somewhat poorly , then picks-up as a cleverly written thrill-ride. But hardly the threat to Christianity or creationism it purports to be. And despite the National Geographic consistently harping that Darwin could not have possibly been wrong, it still stands that all he ever really proved was that when isolated, as was the case with wildlife in the Galapagos chain, there is much evidence of adaptation, not evolution; some iguanas became more adapted to marine life but remain iguanas, tortoises developed different shapes to their shells, an adaptation for the purpose of feeding but remained tortoises, etc. But more then a theory? No. And throughout the years since Darwin and his 1872 "The Origen of Species", evolutionist have consistently hit a brick wall when it comes to certain things like the lack of pre-Cambrian fossil finds, radiohalos and even the rediscovery of the thought to be extinct Coelacanth; showing not an extinct fish with unusual fins that other land creatures supposedly evolved from, but a very much still existent contemporary, though very unique species. And how often has the faked "missing links" just been glossed over by evolutionary theorists? Yes the old Piltdown Man hoax, and how about that lesser known American favorite Nebraska Man? Supposedly a missing link based on a tooth that in reality belonged to a peccary(pig)! But we could go on and on with arguments from both sides of the fence. In conclusion, Mr. Hartley is an extremely talented writer who is very familiar with the places he writes about, having visited and lived there. And though I in no way found "On The Fifth Day" a crushing blow to my Christian faith, it did stir a desire to visit the many back drops to the story; especially Pompei and Mt. Vesuvius.
For those seeking the limelight, a must read. Be prepared for all the pitfalls that come along with the ride to fame. Inspirational autobiography of dedication and determination. May our young people keep the thought before them, that nothing comes without full commitment. Mr. Johnson has seen the highs and lows of life. There is strength in the testimony of others.
Whether from the '30s, or more recent years, average and serious movie buffs alike will always find most anything they're looking for here. I purchase a copy about every other year, and have been extremely pleased with the huge volume of entries. I even underline every film I can remember ever having seen in my lifetime. Just a hobby. I find the larger edition somewhat easier to read, and makes for much better underlining.
It just goes-to-show what we should have already known; celebrities, like everyone else, are only human. That includes politicians too. Both major parties. Just because someone skyrockets into the limelight, doesn't now make them the experts on what to believe, morals, or who to vote for. Most of these people don't even know what they believe themselves, only the "politically correct" trends-of-the-day. We may enjoy the movies they make, or maybe that beautiful song they just put out, but when it comes to being a spokesperson for today's issues, use your brain and think for yourself.
First reading this book in the '70s, this was my introduction to Joseph Merrick; the "Elephant Man". Giants and dwarfs, siamese twins and bearded women, some of the most unique group of individuals you'll ever read about. And what may be surprising to many, is the normal lives most of them led. Romance, marriage and children are the evidence for most. Wonderful biographies reveal the very human side of these "Very Special People". My favorites were those surrounding America's first great showman, P.T. Barnum. Especially Tom Thumb. A fascinating read.
I found this to be an outstanding and captivating first venture into the works of Mr. Peretti. Holds one's interest in the caliber of such authors as Dean Koontz and Stephen King. Not a boring chapter in the book as some have claimed. An exciting tale of fear and mayhelm with the kidnapping of the heroine Beck, by a family of Bigfoots, and the relentless search by her husband Reed to find her. Exposes "scientific" cover-ups, and the lengths some Evolutionists will go to defend their theories. I was first drawn to this novel, after reading comments about it on a Bigfoot website, which aroused my curiosity since I had written a screenplay dealing with similiar subject matter; Bigfoot and the whole Creation versus Evolution debate. Amazing how closely the ideas of writers can paralell one another. On file with the Writers Guild of America since 2002, I should be in no danger of accusations of plagarism, since Mr. Peretti's work wasn't published until 2005.
I purchased and read this book after its initial publication in the mid '70s. It was my first introduction to the possible paranormal origins of Bigfoot. Having recently come out of the occult and converting to Christianity at the time, I recognized some of the similarities, and their true source. One particular story involved an incident in Pennsylvania, where the individual was overtaken by the same spirit of a Bigfoot. Seemingly demon possessed. Ufos, telepathy, spirit possession and strange disappearances into thin air, all sound a bit fishy. Even the famous series of encounters north of Yosemite National Park, from which the "Sierra Sounds" recordings originated had elements of the supernatural. Especially as the experiences went on. Do I believe all Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Skunk Ape explanations to be from the spirit realm? Not at all. I am of the school that believes there are cryptids, in this case Gigantopithecus, still waiting for classification. But when it comes to certain strange occurrences; yes, I believe they really happened, but were supernatural counterfeits. You'd have to be Spiritually minded to understand what I mean. Remember I was once heavily envolved in the paranormal. This book has very compelling stories, but some of the conclusions drawn I find dangerous. The same can be said about the whole UFO phenomenon. Just read some of the many so-called "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and you'll see blaring similarities to the world of the occult. Believe me when I say, beware of falling into the trap of the paranormal. This from one who practiced ESP, Astrology and Spiritualism. And having had evil spirits literally put a pillow over my face while lying in bed, trying to suffocate me, discerning the source of some of these other experiences comes quite easy. In conclusion; yes, I believe in a real creature out there called Bigfoot, but not recognized by science as of yet. A real flesh and blood creature just waiting to be discovered. But I believe also in a counterfeit being perpetrated upon us by the spirit world, with all its recognizable satanic calling cards of possession, telepathy, other dimensions, ESP and even the ability to transform into human appearance, or disappear into thin air (read the Native-American couple's story living near Little Rock, Ca. at the time). Of these, this ex-dabbler into the occultic spirit realm would warn. Beware! Well written, but not for those ignorant of, and unable to discern between the good and the evil in the spirit world.
I found this book an excellent historical background to Biblical times, especially its references to Egyptian Dynasties. For the most part, speaks strongly in favor of the Bible as an accurate record to Earth's past, but tends to downplay the miraculous for more natural occurences in nature. Like for instance, explaining away the parting of the Red Sea, as really the "Reed Sea," an extremely shallow body of water easily crossed on foot. Or Moses' experiencing Jehovah God speaking to him out of a burning bush, as a plant in the Middle East that actually ignites into flames on occasion. Of course, a shallow passage through the "Reed Sea" by the Children of Israel, doesn't quite explain away how Pharaoh's entire army was drowned there does it? But I take it for what its worth. Good history, bad theology.
This book is powerful. Delves into just how evil the human mind can sink. Manson, Son of Sam, The Process Church. Dark forces are at play in controlling the minds of misfits and delinquents. Maury Terry has written a real eye-opener into the world of Satanic criminal behavior.
Yes, the argument goes back-and-forth between Adventists and non-Adventists(many former members). The debate rages as to the Prophetic gift of Ellen G. White, or the claims of plagiarism by Walter Rea, D.M. Canright and the like. In 1974, I had my first introduction to Ellen G. White and "The Great Controversy" at the age of 19, when contemplating joining the Seventh-day Adventist Church. I read it for myself. And after not being able to put it down, completed it in 4 days. Very impressed, my views on her and Adventism changed from negative to positive. This before the publication, and reading of various books like Mr. Rea's "The White Lie." All I can say to those questioning her writings are, have you read them for yourself? Have you compared the Spirit behind her writings, and the writings of her critics? Did you know that The Ellen G. White Estate has been conducting its own project for many years, comparing her writings, and all parallel lines in her writings, with works Walter Rea and other writers claim she plagiarized? And that since the days of D.M. Canright, dating back over one hundred years, have concluded they make-up less than 2%? Less than 2% of her writings even parallel the writings of others. That's after having written over 80,000 pages in her lifetime! But back to my own experience with this book. I started from never having heard of her. Rejecting the thought of her books being inspired. And teasing my older brother for accepting the "strange teachings" of this church, to reading "The Great Controversy" and being wowed by its insights on Spiritualism(I was heavily involved in the occult), the Reformation Movement and persecutions at the hands of the Roman Church, and the Bible truth behind the Mark of the Beast and End Time events. To the curious and open minded, I challenge you to read for yourselves. Read any of her writings, and decide for yourself. But never let anyone else make-up your mind for you. Isn't that fair?
When it comes to Cryptozoology, there still is no better source than Dr. Bernard Heuvelmans, the man who penned the phrase, literally. I never considered the existence of the Yeti as anything more than a mythological cartoon character, until my discovery of this book in my High School library, some 36 years ago. And there still is no other work that approaches anywhere near it, for pure captivating reading, over-and-over again. I'd recommend this book to anyone, even the staunchest skeptics. From the Yeti to Orang Pendeks, Marsupial Tigers to Nandi Bears, the volumes of research will astound. Better than reading any novel about Lost Worlds and experiments with DNA. These represent real worlds, and possibly tens-of-thousands of creatures just waiting for serious scientific attention. Will make a believer of many for certain. One drawback though, no mention of Bigfoot, or any other American cryptids for that matter. Not even in the more recent revisions. But still worthy of the highest rating.
Wonderful premise. Even allows each group to describes themselves; but so, so dated. Membership statistics are over 30 years behind! Good doctrinal rundown and comparisions though.
Searching bookstores far-and-wide, even Amazon's huge selection, you still won't find another reference source as vast as this one currently in print. If you know of any, let the rest of us know. And what is Rock & Roll anyway? An extension of the black music scene. So it's a little closed-minded to try and limit what genre of Rock should be included. For some to say certain types and individuals should not be included, (Notorious B.I.G., Tupac, Destiny's Child, or even Britney Spears) is like saying turn-back-the-clock to the early 1980s and MTV's total exclusion of certain genres. Is Rock only Heavy Metal, The Rolling Stones, or The Beatles? Or maybe some need reminder of its true roots. For what it's worth, an all-around great source of reference, despite ones particular taste.
Should be a movie. The real workings of one of America's most controversial millionaires. "Citizen Kane" had nothing on William Randolph Hearst. In many ways scandulous. Using his power behind the pen, a powerful newspaper mogul that made America believe, just about anything he saw fit. Even fabricating cause for war against Spain! But the affairs and failed attempts at the presidency of the United States, along with an ever growing crowd of Hollywood celebrities, will guarantee your turning page-after-page of reading. A visit to his spectacular San Simeon castle several years ago, sparked my interest in wanting to read this book.
Not only deals with the many cryptids you've probably heard of, (Yeti, Bigfoot, Nessie, etc.) but others like the Shunka Warak'in, Chuchunaa, and Nguoi Rung most probably have not. The many tales of recent zoological discoveries, will also infuse fans of the still-waiting-to-be-classified with new hope. But more than just an encyclopedia of Cryptozoology, it is also a great biographical reference source to the who's who of researchers. Not the most exhaustive work by far, but for the price, a great place to start.
Extremely helpful when researching various group's beliefs. Unbiased, and fair to the individual Christian denominations that number in the hundreds here in America. So many churches. So many groups you may never have heard of. For example; when a certain minister in my church gave testimony that he once served in the Church of the Living God denomination as a pastor, a group formerly unheard of to me, I used this handbook for research into that group's background. I love studying the different beliefs that are a part of this nation's freedom to practice them, according to the dictates of our hearts.
An amazingly well documented book. I've enjoyed every entry, many species I'd never heard of before. I have been privileged to actually see some of the rarer gems over my many years visiting the Los Angeles Zoo; Zebra Duiker, Saiga, Japanese Serow, Giant Eland, Nile Lechwe, Lowland Anoa, Scimitar-horned Oryx, Arabian Oryx, just to name a few. Species exhaustive, extremely well written and outstanding photographs. A bovid and ungulate lover's collectors volume..
Ann Rule, the Queen of true crime writing, strikes another note of dedicated research and brilliance. Makes you feel the pain of his victims and their families. So deceptively brutal, yet living and working every day amongst us. Makes you wonder about that co-worker next to you, or the neighbor on the other side of the fence. Makes one appreciate those thankless individuals in law enforcement, who truly are trying to protect us from the evils of our fellow man. Be aware of your surroundings people.
Long one of the most respected researchers of Bigfoot, Mr. Coleman comes out with one of the best works of the early years of this century on the subject. Many hours of fascinating reading. I can't seem to get enough of this stuff. Though I can't say I agree with him and others recent doubts about the famous Yale, British Columbia capture of "Jacko" back in 1884. A story that always seemed to have a ring of truth to it.
Not quite the "Ultimate Encyclopedia" one would expect from the title. I've read several other guides to dogs that cover each breed much more thoroughly. But still handy for quick and concise reference. Better suited for dog care as a whole, than individual breed info which is quite limited.
My wife recommended this book to me, knowing I'm always looking to better my script writing skills. Informative, yet extremely easy to follow along. Helps immensely with those do's and don'ts of getting started in the right direction. Add this one to your list of things-to-do, if you're really serious about script writing.
Not only covers the exotic foreign lands, but our own American backyard. But who's-to-say what are the 1000 places to see? Everyone has their own idea of that special dream vacation. This book is a good source to consider maybe some place never dreamed of before.
Most of what you need to know about this super intelligent and energetic dog. Covers the breed's history and information on whether or not this is the dog for you. Not your everyday family dog, but just right for households with more mature children. The right owner's manual for getting started with the Border Collie, and probably best read before ever bringing one home. I'm now better learning how to keep this super dog stimulated both mentally and physically after a year of ownership. I can attribute most of that to this book.
Being a Seventh-day Adventist, one might think it strange that I'd have anything to do with a book entitled "Kingdom of the Cults". And though I can't say I agree with many of his conclusions of Adventist doctrines, I can say that I enjoyed his indepth research. Did you know that this book is even sold in the Adventist Book Center(ABC) chain of stores? Not quite the "brainwashed" group some have labeled us. I also enjoyed listening to his popular radio program "The Bible Answer Man" throughout the 1980s before his untimely passing. And am glad to say he was a pioneer amongst non-Adventist apologists, to recognize the obvious fundamental Christian foundational beliefs of Seventh-day Adventism, that justify us not being classified as a "cult". One of his trademark quotes was "we can agree to disagree, agreeably". I always considered him a fellow believer, and brother in Christ.
When the Roman Catholic Church makes its traditions superior to scripture, and still under its latest pope declares all other Christian groups false in recent proclamations, who really are the "bigots" as other's have labeled this book? Where then do many of these uniquely unusual Catholic rituals originate? Certainly not the Bible. And if not the Bible, then give a more precise historical source. Even most Catholics would be surprised just how much of their church's background and practices have absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. The major reason for the Reformation and the establishment of Protestantism. The only problem today is that most so called "Protestants", accept the handed down traditions over scripture as well.
They don't make too many love stories like this anymore. One of the most heartwarming films on enduring love, the entire cast is to be commended. Especially James Garner and Gena Rowlands. Proof that we can't just push aside our aging performers. Their is much to be learned from the elderly, and real lifetime commitments. Beautiful cinematography, a film that will even have the average man shedding a few tears in the end. I did.
For quick reference, and accurate dating of Biblical events, start here. Not as detailed as some other works, but will usually help one find what you're looking for fast. Trusted by most Christian groups for years. Classic addition to the christian library.
Barry Black, the first African-American and Seventh-day Adventist chaplain of the U.S. Senate, has written a very inspirational work that's not only autobiographical, but just as much motivational. "From the Hood to the Hill" can sometimes even overwhelm the average reader with Chaplain Black's personna of almost near perfection. For myself, when I go to pickup a work that I expect to be strictly an autobiography, I'd rather have that than the many self-help tips along the way. Motivation has its place, but I would have liked to have read more of the man's real life experiences outside of his chaplain/military adventures. And at only a mere 223 pages, our appetites are left wanting more. The motivational book should have fellowed as a second release. Still very much worth reading though.
How can anyone have something against "The Lion King?" The opening is dynamic, the story powerful, no matter what the source, and some of the best Disney Songs ever written. My children were very young when they saw it, but seemed to handle the tragic moments quite well. I heard many more little ones crying during the screening of "The March of the Penguins." And yes, the story is reminiscent of Shakespear's "Hamlet" like "West Side Story" used his "Romeo and Juliet." The Box Office numbers didn't lie as to how popular this film was to the general public. Rates amongst Disney's very best.
Cute and adorable, but this film opens a window to the real world of daily penguin life. That world can be filled with love and dedication, from seeing the hatching of an egg through to fruition, to the improper transfer of that egg from parent-to-parent, and its hasty demise in the bitterly freezing temperature of the Antarctic. Or the ability of parents to recognize their own young, amongst thousands of others simply by recognizing each others vocal cries. As good as documentaries get, this film rivals the best of National Geographic. Though it may bring your little ones to tears, as I witnessed in the theater. The English version of this French produced film, is fortunate to have the sensitive narration of Morgan Freeman. Now a permanent part of our family DVD collection.
Outstanding Cinematography, Choreography and Musical Score. A story of "forbidden" love and cultural differences that should be seen by all. Superb cast, especially Natalie Wood and Rita Moreno. The Academy Award winner for Best Motion Picture of 1961, this film ages extremely well with time.
This book is one of the main reasons I could not bring myself to vote for former LAPD police chief Bernard Parks, in our most recent mayoral race. Seems we were so worried about more negative press in this city, we too often just looked the other way. One of the better documented works on the subject; the background info on L.A. street gangs, Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. are worth the cost alone. Will keep you glued to the pages.
Before I'm labeled "brainwashed", I have read and personally owned this particular book for over 25 years. Being Seventh-day Adventist since the age of 19, I've read and heard just about all of the negatives. And despite our doctrines of the sabbath, the state of the dead, the heavenly sanctuary, investigative judgement and the Spirit of prophecy to name a few, we are quite the fundamental Christian church. Fundamental beliefs we hold as essential such as; Salvation by Grace through faith, the infallible Word of God, the Deity of Christ, the three persons of the Godhead: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection of Christ, the literal second coming of Christ, baptism by immersion, the final judgement, a literal Heaven, and the final punishment of the wicked, Satan, and his fallen angels in the lake of fire. Now compare Adventism's Christian fundamental beliefs with any one of the other three and see if they even come close. Study each individual denomination's official manual, then decide. One of the reasons so many newer books on cults totally omit Seventh-day Adventists from the list. And we as Seventh-day Adventist believers need no further justification of our faith, but that of our love for Jesus and His Word.
After the Desmond Ford debacle of the early '80s, this is the book I discovered and recommended to others wanting to understand the raging debates over Seventh-day Adventist doctrine. Specificly the doctrines of 1844, the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary, and the investigative judgement. To the sincere that really want a better understanding from the Bible and history, this is as good a place to start as any. But of course, if you're set in your thinking, you probably won't even bother. But remember, at least the information was available to you. And if you just didn't get it the first time, go back and read it again. Mr. Goldstein makes it easy to grasp.
Having read this book several years ago, with all the turmoil in the world today I picked it up again recently. Even more relevant than when I first read it. Compiled from Ellen White's most compelling end time prophecies, some never previously published, there is no doubt as to her being inspired from above. Insight into the future for this generation. Yes, God still speaks through the biblical gift of prophecy. See 1 Corinthians chapters 12-14, especially 14:1.
Uplifting accounts of God's Divine intervention, through the agency of His Heavenly servants. Tales that can only be explained as miraculous. You won't be able to put it down.
Read it and see. As if one were stepping into the world of Israel 2,000 years ago. Even into the various individual lives themselves. A great companion to that greatest of all books, the Bible. We find a real Jesus, with a real man's body, and a real man's voice, yet with the compassion of God Almighty. For He was also God in the flesh. The true God He came to reveal. Not the one shrouded in superstition and tradition, but the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah. For the honest reader looking for a blessing, the Prince of Peace will touch the soul, after the reading of this inspired commentary of the Holy Gospels.
A walk through the book of Acts like no other commentary. Volume 4 of Ellen G. White's 5 volume Conflict of the Ages series, insight beyond any other non-Biblical writer. Try reading the entire series from beginning to end for an astounding experience.
Of Ellen G. White's many astounding books, this is probably her best seller. Literally in the tens-of-millions. A beautiful guide to understanding and personally accepting Jesus Christ and His Grace. The perfect gift for anyone even considering following the Son of God. And despite false accusations from many, after reading her inspired works you'll better understand why she is America's all-time best selling female author, and most widely translated of any gender. A beautiful light to the real Biblical Jesus.
Book 2 of Ellen G. White's Conflict of the Ages series, which completely cover God's dealings with our world and the universe at large; past, present, and future. "Prophets and Kings" focusing mainly on Israel's monarchy and Old Testament prophets. As stated in my previous reviews, all 5 volumes are a must read. If I were to choose a least favorite, this would probably be it, the reason for a 4 rather than 5 star rating. Still, probably the best commentary on this Biblical period you'll ever find.
With "Graffiti In The Holy of Holies" written as a rebuttal to former Adventist Dale Ratzlaff's "The Cultic Doctrine of Seventh-day Adventists", Clifford Goldstein has produced another apologetic follow-up to his "1844 Made Simple" that powerfully exposes the continually rehashed arguments, recycled year after year by critics of Adventist doctrine. Critics that give little or no consideration of Adventisms indepth and scholarly response to such authors and former members like Desmond Ford, Walter Rea, Ronald Numbers and others. During the 1980s and 90s, the Seventh-day Adventist church published seven volumes of works entitled "Daniel and Revelation Committee Series", prepared by the best of its theologians. Mr. Goldstein comments on how modern critics don't even bother to refute these rebuttals, even ignoring them for the most part. What are critics of Adventism so afraid of? Could it be that their arguments don't stand up under real contextual scrutiny? That according to numerous biblical translations, non-Adventist scholars, both Christian and Jewish, came to many of the same Adventist conclusions about interpreting a day for a year in prophecy? The 70 weeks of Daniel 9 being really 490 years "cut off" from the 2300 days/years of Daniel 8:14? The many Bible translations that, along with Adventists, interpret the heavenly sanctuary in Daniel 8:14 as being "cleansed?" Or maybe it's the historically proven fact that Daniel's vision of the "little horn", in no way could be refering to Antiochus Epiphanes, who never proved to be "exceeding great" by any stretch of the imagination. Of course there is the whole Ellen G. White being a "plagiarist" and "false prophet" thing continually being rehashed as well. Over 100 years of rehashing since the days of D.M. Canright for that matter. Let's just quote one of this so called "false prophet's" many sayings as an example: "Grace is unmerited favor, and the believer is justified without any merit of his own, without any claim to offer to God. He is justified through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, who stands in the courts of heaven as the sinner's substitute and surety." Selected Messages Book 1, p. 398. Sounds like a pretty "false" representation of God's saving Grace if there ever was one don't you think? Is that what those Adventists are teaching the Bible really says? And that's just one of many E.G. White sayings you never hear quoted by her critics as Mr Goldstein so ably points out. But then again, her critics sometimes seemingly contradict themselves as Brother Goldstein points out, like Mr. Ratzlaff's own reflection of Ellen White's influence in the Adventist church. In his above mentioned 380 page book, he states on page 351, "To her credit, unlike many 'prophets' of her day, her change in doctrine was usually toward mainstream Christianity." And the scholar that penned the forward to Mr. Ratzlaff's book, Kenneth Richard Samples is even quoted as saying, "In fact, Ellen G. White seemed to play a significant role in helping the Adventist church move toward theological orthodoxy." Foreward [7]. Well isn't that what true prophets are supposed to do? Shouldn't we know them by their fruits? This brings us to one of Mr. Goldstein's final remarks quoted from p. 172 of "Graffiti In The Holy of Holies": "These are fascinating admissions, fraught with conclusions that Brother Dale doesn't work through. In his sentence he places quote marks around the word "prophets," the implication being that he questions her prophetic ministry. Fair enough. But how many other modern day "prophets" have moved their churches toward "mainstream Christianity," as Brother Dale says Ellen White did? Has Sun Myung Moon, leader of the Unification Church? Or Joseph Smith of the Mormons? Or Mary Baker Eddy of Christian Science? Please! All of these prophets, without equivocation or exception, have led their people away from mainstream Christianity, because they are all false prophets. And yet Brother Dale admits that Ellen White, one of these "prophets," moved the church toward the mainstream, or as Kenneth Samples says, toward "theological orthodoxy." That's kind of a strange thing for someone to do, who (according to Brother Dale) practiced deception, taught false doctrine, and wrote against the gospel." If one truly believe's in hearing the argument from both sides, something even the secular courts of the world practice, then why not read this book from the pen of Clifford Goldstein? Why not read the many rebuttals that Adventists have published for decades for that matter? Many of which you'll find in my list of reviews or the Adventist Book Center website. Most are even right here at Then one can truly consider themselves well read and informed. It might even change some of those negative opinions of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs many of you, even former members have been duped into believing. We're not afraid of something we really can't denounce are we?
From the fall of Lucifer from Heaven, to the life of the patriarchs, this book reads like a top-rated movie. Like you're seeing these powerful events first hand. Like actually being there when there was war in Heaven between Christ and His angels, and Satan and his fallen angels. The Garden of Eden, and the creation of Adam and Eve from the hand of God comes to life. And just read about the faithfulness of Noah and the events leading up to the flood, for powerful conviction and Biblical insight. Volume one of her five volume set Conflict of the Ages: Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, The Desire of Ages, The Acts of the Apostles and The Great Controversy. All prime examples of why Ellen G. White remains my favorite non-Biblical author. I highly recommend them all.
A reference source for years, reminds one of the many snares Satan has set for us. How often we are casually asked the question, "what sign are you?" Even by fellow Christians ignorant of the dangers of Astrology. And with the recent rise in popularity of Yoga, even at many local health clubs, this book is right on target in its warnings. How many seemingly harmless practices believers fall into, not knowing the consequences can be harsh. Well needed in this age of growing deceptions
From my earliest childhood memories, this set of books were always in some doctor's or dentist's waiting room. It even seemed every other friend's home I visited had a set of them. Before ever finding courage to read the Bible, I was always willing to pick up one of these colorful and interesting volumes, while waiting for an appointment. Not just for children but the entire family. An excellent introduction to the Book of Books, the Bible.
Just a reading of "My First Vision" should encourage any believer in Christ, with a foretaste of the wondrous things that await the faithful of God. Some of the earliest evidence of this woman's gift of prophecy. For those willing to follow the road that is "strait" this book can truly be called life changing.
Worth every penny! Just the biographies of those that knew her are great history listens, as well as her own life story, experiences, and views. Over 1,000 pages of hard to put down resources. Well documented.
This book has been in my Chrisitan library since its original publication. A helpful tool for believers, in an increasingly corrupt world of doubters and mockers of God's Word.
A far more accurate and truthful source of historical and Biblical research, than D.A. Carson's "From Sabbath to Lord's Day." Still an important tool of enlightenment for those in search of Bible truth concerning the 4th commandment to keep the seventh-day Sabbath holy. One of only two institutions remaining from the Garden of Eden; the other being marriage.
By the same author of "Jeane Dixon: My Life and Prophecies." This author knows the difference between a Psychic and a Seer. "Ellen G. White: Prophet of Destiny" examines the life of this amazing woman, 1827-1915. With only a formal third grade education, she is arguably the most translated and best selling female author ever. Including Agatha Christie! A co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, along with her husband James White, and Joseph Bates, through her over 2,000 visions and dreams, she was instrumental in the establishment of that church's medical, educational(the second largest parochial school system behind only the Roman Catholic Church), and worldwide publishing and missionary successes of today. Labeled a plagiarist by some like D.M. Canright, and more recently Walter Rea in his "The White Lie," these charges have been proven false over-and-over again. See the Ellen G. White Estate internet Website for proof. Her insight into medically proven facts, and shunning the now medically proven rediculous is examined in Mr. Noorbergen's book. For instance, he looks at the statement she made, now some 101 years ago, in her 1905 publication "Ministry of Healing" page 313, that flesh foods carry "cancerous GERMS"(emphasis mine). 5 years later in 1910, Dr. Francis Peyton Rous made virtually the same findings, stating "viruses cause some types of cancer." The thought of viruses/germs possibly causing cancers was considered foolish in 1910, and unheard of in 1905. Scoffed at for years in the medical profession, Dr. Francis Peyton Rous shared the 1966 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine. The "theory" of cancer causing viruses/germs is now a medically proven fact! Who plagiarized whom? And all this foreseen by a woman who never dabbled in the occult, or used Crystal Balls, Palm Readings, or Tarot Cards. Only claiming to receive her visions directly from the Holy Spirit. A must read for every critic, doubter, and firm believer like myself.
A must read for all interested in the subject. This book never gets old. If you live in the USA or Canada, you'll probably find a sighting near your hometown, or in your state. John Green has arguably the largest private database of Sasquatch sightings on file. His background in journalism comes across in this masterpiece. Will definitely hold the interest of anyone looking for an extremely good read.
Like the author's previous 1995 publication "Rumors of Existence," "Shadows of Existence" is just as informative and exciting to read. Anyone with a lifetime fascination of the animal kingdom, and new discoveries of species will enjoy this book. Makes one wonder what creatures are just waiting to be discovered next. Covers every spectrum of the world of zoology, and provides a critique of other books. One disappointment though, the author offers very little hope or belief in the whole Sasquatch/Bigfoot phenomenon, even omitting what I consider one of the top 5 works on the subject from his extensive review section; the John Green classic "Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us."
David Paulides brings years of experience as a crime investigator to the table, and provides what I believe is the key to the hunt for this elusive creature. With the hindsight to bring in a leading forensic artist, and signed affidavits from most all his eyewitnesses, I think he's on the right track. Concentrating on encounters in the rich in Bigfoot activity Hoopa valley of Northern California, Mr. Paulides first establishes the needed trust amongst the mostly Native-American community. He even made the search for an established Native-American crime artist, one with many accolades under his belt, and arrived at the extremely gifted Harvey Pratt. The sketches are out-of-this-world, and defy any skeptic to challenge the numerous accounts, that all seem to have seen something very similar and beyond the usual wildlife of the area. What a fascinating read; it will change the thinking of many out there. I can't wait to read his next project, that he drops a few suttle hints about is on the way.
I've been caught-up in the whole Sasquatch/Cryptozoology phenomenon since Jr. High, and consider myself very well read on the subject; John Green, Rene Dahinden, Loren Coleman, etc. But found this particular book extremely interesting. I was aware of several remote sightings in our 49th state, but didn't realize how frequent the sightings, and the rich prospect of scientific breakthrough. I wouldn't be surprised if the final solving of this mystery occurs in Alaska. I did however expect more reports from British Columbia and Washington State, but past publications, and the numerous Internet websites cover those areas quite well. Stunning eyewitness accounts, and absorbing data. I can't wait for future works on the subject from Mr. Alley.
D. M. Canright's 1889 publication, "Seventh-day Adventism Renounced" is the platform all modern critics of Adventism stand upon. Unfortunately, like other works that have followed, it's filled with falsified information. If this is what so many are eager to give glowing praise, an examination is in order. Let's compare just a few renunciations posed against Seventh-day Adventism, then see if they are sound or unsubstantiated. What did Mr. Canright have to say regarding God's moral Ten Commandments law, and does it stand up to historic Christianity? D.M. Canright: "Now, under Christ, we are delivered from the law; the law is dead." Seventh-day Adventism Renounced, p. 331 "The letter of the law is not binding upon Christians as a coercive code." Ibid., p. 330. "We have something better than the decalogue." Ibid., p. 355. That was the converted to Baptist minister Canright in 1889. But only 3 years prior while still an Adventist we quote: "Thus we see that whenever the ten commandments are mentioned, or any one of them, either by Jesus or His apostles, they are always praised, exalted, and enforced. That law is held up as the standard of life, the test of character, and the rule of judgement." The Two Laws (1886) p. 97. Now the historic Protestant Christian point-of-view. See which Canright was more on track. John Calvin(regarded as the father of Presbyterianism, and indirectly of Calvinistic Baptists): "We must not imagine that the coming of Christ has freed us from the authority of the law; for it is the eternal rule of a devout and holy life, and must therefore be as unchangeable as the justice of God, which it embraced, is constant and uniform." Calvin's Comment on Matthew 5:17 and Luke 16:17, in Commentary on a Harmony of the Gospels, vol. 1, p. 277. D.L. Moody(often quoted by Canright himself): "The law that was given at Sinai has lost none of its solemnity. Time cannot wear out its authority or the fact of its authorship.... I HAVE NEVER MET AN HONEST MAN THAT FOUND FAULT WITH THE TEN COMMANDMENTS." Weighed and Wanting, p. 11. Emphasis mine. Charles H. Spurgeon(well known fellow Baptist preacher and contemporary of Mr. Canright): "The law of God must be perpetual. There is no abrogation of it, nor amendment of it. It is not to be toned down or adjusted to our fallen condition; but every one of the Lord's righteous judgements abideth forever.... To show that He never meant to abrogate the law, our Lord Jesus has embodied all its commands in His own life." From a sermon preached in 1898 in London, England; widely published and first appearing in Australia in the Melbourne Age. Dr. Albert Barnes: "We learn hence: 1. That all the law of God is binding on Christians. Compare James 2:10. 2. That all the commands of God should be preached in their proper place, by Christian ministers. 3. That they who pretend that there are any laws of God so small that they need not obey them, are unworthy of His kingdom. And 4. That true piety has respect to all the commandments of God. Compare Ps. 119:6." Rev. Albert Barnes, Commentary (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1868), note on Matthew 5:19. John Wesley: "The ritual or ceremonial law, delivered by Moses to the children of Israel, containing all the injunctions and ordinances which related to the old sacrifices and service of the temple, our Lord indeed did come to destroy, to dissolve, and utterly abolish. To this bear all the apostles witness.... This 'handwritting of ordinances' our Lord did blot out, take away, and nail to His cross. [Col. 2:14.] "But the moral law contained in the ten commandments, and enforced by the prophets, He did not take away. It was not the design of His coming to revoke any part of this. This is a law which never can be broken, which 'stands fast as the faithful witness in heaven.' The moral law stands on an entirely different foundation from the ceremonial or ritual law.... Every part of this law must remain in force upon all mankind and in all ages; as not depending either on time, or place, or any other circumstance liable to change; but on the nature of God and the nature of man, and their unchangeable relation to each other." Sermons on. Several Occasions (New York: Waugh & Mason, 1836), vol. 1, pp. 221, 222. Not convinced yet as to which Canright, Adventist or Baptist, was more in line with historic Protestant Christian thinking on the law and the Sabbath? Let's quote a few more sources. Jesus: "Verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:18, 19. KJV How about Weymouth's translation of the same text: "Solemly I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not one iota or smallest detail will pass away from the law until all has taken place. Whoever therefore breaks one of these least commandments and teaches others to break them, will be called the least in the kingdom of the heavens." The New Testament in Modern Speech. Can Adventists be considered at fault for continuing to teach what the Bible, and historic Christianity considers still binding upon us? Doesn't the charge of Canright's "Seventh-day Adventism Renounced" on page 59, now sound groundless about Adventism? That "it leads to infidelity." Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Adventism "leads to infidelity" because they teach man's duty to keep, not break the moral law of ten commandments? Something Mr. Canright turned Baptist advocated, along with many reviewers of this book. Does that even stand up to sound reasoning? Maybe it's just that one commandment most churches refuse to accept; the "hated" seventh-day Sabbath. But remember those highly regarded Protestant men of faith we just quoted above? Their words seem to be totally inclusive of the Sabbath as well, since it is right smack in the midst of the other ten. Let's quote another source on just that particular commandment. Martin Luther(considered the prince of the Reformation movement): "God blessed and sanctified the Sabbath. This He has not done with any other creature. For heaven and earth or any other creature has He not sanctified to Himself; but only the seventh day. The significance of this is especially that we should learn from it to understand that the seventh day is particularly suited for and ought to be used for divine worship. For that is called sanctified, which is separated from all other creatures and dedicated to God. To sanctify is to select to holy use or divine worship, an expression often used by Moses, for instance when he speaks of holy vessels. "It is evident from this text, that even though Adam had stood the test and had remained in his innocency, he would still have kept the seventh day. "And, even though man by sin has lost his perception of God, yet God has willed that the commandment to keep holy the Sabbath should remain, and has willed that man on the seventh day should practice and inculcate the word and worship of God." Dr. Martin Luther's Copious Exposition on Genesis, translated according to the German Text in Walch's Edition by F.W. Bugge, vol. 1, pp. 62, 63. Of course many would now make Canright the greatest scholarly commentator and expositor on the Sabbath, even more so than the above quoted Christian leaders. This is how it would appear from the many favorable reviews of his book. Look once more, as we quote the before and after Canright; Seventh-day Adventist/Baptist. And remember, these two works of his where only written a mere 3 years apart from one another. Canright(Adventist): "It is claimed that nine are referred to while the fourth is not; but this is false. The Sabbath is mentioned in the New Testament oftener than any other of the ten commandments, being not less than fifty-nine times in all. It is worthy of notice that in all these numerous references not one word is spoken derogatory to the honor and sacredness which it had always possessed." The Two Laws, p. 120. Canright(Baptist): "Strange to say, the duty to keep the seventh day is not once mentioned in the whole New Testament." Seventh-day Adventism Renounced, p. 267. And I wish we could go on, but space will not permit me for we've only scratched the service of Mr. Canright's false statements and accusations. We haven't even touched upon his attacks toward Ellen G. White and such claims found on pages 74 and 75, like falsely accusing us of not believeing in the divinity of Christ, the existence of the devil, baptism or organization? And in his very own deceitful words: "Gracious! And these are the people sent with a 'message' to warn the church!" Don't you see the smokescreen? Don't you perceive the level some critics will stoop to out of bitterness to deceive many? But I recommend to you all sincere seekers of truth W.H. Branson's "In Defense of the Faith" available here on, and reviewed by me personally. First published in 1933 as a rebuttal to "Seventh-day Adventism Renounced," it exposes the 1889 edition thoroughly. Then after reading, see what you think of Canright's work then. And while you're at it, check-out Francis D. Nichol's "Ellen G. White and Her Critics" to see how the same recycled arguments still circulating today, were soundly answered over a half century ago. But there will be those "ex-Adventists" mocking even the evidence given today, since Canright seems to be the shaky foundation on which they stand. And since they are so quick to recommend "Seventh-day Adventism Renounced" to all Adventists, I'm taking the challenge one step further. Why not read Canright, then in fairness Branson and Nichol for everyone to get the full scope? God Bless, and may the most sound arguments be given their full due.
A Christmas present from my grandfather back in the late '60s. Talk about being disappointed. I wasn't into reading much at the time, but being an animal lover, when I did pick up a book it was almost always about animals. Needless to say, after a few months I finally began reading "Beautiful Joe" and was I greatly surprised. From a very cruel beginning, Joe is later adopted into a very loving family and numerous adventures, that should keep even your 21st century technologically advanced children amused.
Sali Sheppard-Wolford seems likeable enough, and her talent for writing is very obvious. A story that holds you spellbound, but not your typical flesh and blood Bigfoot encounter. Events similar to those found in B. Ann Slate and Alan Berry's "Bigfoot" are called to mind. See my recent review of that book to better understand. Strange events even started to occur in my own home during the reading of this book, like footsteps in the middle of the night, and my bedroom television set turning on by its self at full volume. Very dangerous ground to trod on. Read only with much prayer and faith in God. Proceed with caution.
When I learned of the update to one of this subject's best works, I was elated. Having misplaced my original copy during a move (probably in one of many boxes in my garage). One cannot be a serious student of Bigfootology, without including this volume in one's personal library. Ranks right up there with the best works of John Green, Ivan T. Sanderson, Rene Dahinden, and Loren Coleman. Hours of good reading.
A book I read quite a few years ago, has even more of a ring of truth to it today. There is no question of the sincerity of many true Christians in the Roman Catholic church, but the church leadership in Rome has been an apostate system of Christianity since its inception. Mr. Chiniquy had nothing to gain by the revelation of his many years in the Roman system. A modern day reformist after the manner of John Hus or Martin Luther, he was only speaking from personal experience, something Bible believing Protestants had discovered centuries earlier; the Roman church is founded more upon tradition and paganism, rather than scripture.
Long a standard bearer to healthier living. Mr. Kloss was inspired to get his life right while recuperating at Battle Creek Sanitarium, a Seventh-day Adventist health institution, run by the well known Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. Another bandwagon many have jumped on started by that particular Church, when only a few decades ago they were labeled "bran eaters" because of their emphasis on diet, vegetarianism and healthy living. Now it seems almost all groups have a health message. See Ellen G. White's 1905 publication "Ministry of Healing" to get a better idea of just how far ahead Adventist were.
Well here goes for the umteenth time. It seems everytime I try to edit my review of this book, Amazon pulls it completely. Even after it has been accepted. Is the review board biased? What do you think? Let's see if I make it this time. Being a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church since the age of 19(1974), I have read many books attacking our beliefs, and probably most negative web sites too. When Walter Rea published his very bitter "The White Lie" in 1982, it caused a lot of discussion on the validity of Ellen G. White's writings. Soon after its publication, I read it for myself. And yes, as an Adventist, I too was troubled. And therein lies the difference between I and some of my "less informed brethren." While some may allow their beliefs to be totally shattered, I on-the-other-hand through prayerful study, seek a reasonable rebuttal to accusations made. Was my own faith shaken? Certainly. But through much study and prayer, I was led into this movement. And that, after my much criticism of my eldest brother, when he first decided to join this church. A church I had previously never heard of till the age of 18. And where did my research lead me after reading "The White Lie?" I discovered and read for myself, that a year before the release of Mr. Rea's book, the Adventist Church hired copyright attorney Vincent L. Ramik of the law firm Diller, Ramik and Wight to do a thorough examination of Ellen G. White's writings, and present them with the conclusions. Being that he was raised a Roman Catholic, though not a practicing member at the time, neither side could ask for a more unbiased arbitrator. One of the many books examined by Mr. Ramik by-the-way, was "The Great Controversy," an Ellen G. White book not very favorable to the history of Catholicism. Mr. Ramik even stated later that he "had been biased against Ellen G. White when he went into the project, for he had read the work of many other critics from D.M. Canright right up to the publication manuscript of The White Lie itself." But after more than 300 hours of researching some 1,000 relevant cases in American legal history, his conclusions were: "Based upon our review of the facts and legal precedents, we conclude that Ellen G. White was not a plagiarist and her works did not constitute copyright infringement/piracy...Considering all factors necessary in reaching a just conclusion on this issue, it is submitted that the writings of Ellen G. White were conclusively unplagiaristic." (Adventist Review, Sept. 17, 1981). Mr. Ramik went on to say, regarding the specific portions of other writers works that she had paralled, how she even "modified, exalted and improved" these writings in an ethical, and legal manner. (Ibid). Something else I discovered only recently, is that in 1983, the Ellen G. White Estate began its own extensive research know as the "marking project." Taking accusations presented by her harshest critics, including Walter Rea's "The White Lie," the works of D.M. Canright, and any other claims they were presented with, along with their own findindings in this area. Higlighting each and every line that had a parallel in another author's book, their findngs after years of ongoing comparisons? Less than 2% of her writings even parallel other works! Not 2% but less! This after over 100 years of accusations made! And after one critic challenged whether or not even 20% of all her writings were even her own. So to the doubters out there who think they have more on her supposed "borrowings," contact the E.G. White Estate for yourselves. Their waiting. Another source often quoted by her critics is "The Veltman Report." In 1988, Fred Veltman, Ph. D., fnished an eight year study of Ellen White's use of other author's works. Though there are some statements in his study that seem to speak against her, his full findings, known as "The Desire of Ages Project" were published in the liberal magazine for Adventist pastors and theologians MINISTRY in OCT., and Dec. of 1990. His conclusion: "Actually, as a result of my reading many of her writings in their handwritten and typescript form, I find that my respect for and appreciation of Ellen White and her ministry have grown." Ministry, Dec. 1990). Not getting into the controversy of some critics claims, that even the Bible writers plagiarized other sources, something Mr. Rea even claims, the charges of plagiarism have been made towards other Christian leaders in the past as well. For example, John Wesley and John Bunyan(see John Bunyan: Mechanick Preacher, by William York Tindall, New York: Russell & Russell, Inc., 1964, pp. 194ff and "John Wesley's 'Calm Address': The Response of the Critics," Methodist History, October, 1975, pp. 13-23). But what really puzzles me the most, is that after only receiving a formal 3rd Grade education. And after having some 70 books in print at the time of Mr. Rea's 1982 publication of "The White Lie," representing over 35,000 pages. Being the most widely translated and best selling woman writer of all times; including Agatha Christie even! How could Mr. Rea and others not recognize the destinctive style of Ellen White's writing? Writings I believe inspired by the Holy Spirit. And this from one not raised Seventh-day Adventist, so I have no generations of loyalty to defend. I challenge any of you out there to read "The White Lie" for yourselves, and then any of the books of Ellen G. White. Then decide which better represents the true Christian Spirit of Jesus Christ. And the fact that some have turned away from Adventism after the reading of this book, surprises me in the least, for it has been said: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6. Now hopefully, the good people at Amazon won't once again destroy my review and you're allowed to read without bias to anyone's opinion of this book. So ignore any errors in grammar, spelling, or typos. I won't be do doing any future edits of this review, though I thought we had that option without deletion.
Fantastic guidebook. Simply put, the most outstanding I've ever used and I just happened upon it by chance, after finding out last week my wife and I will be vacationing in Maui next month. Covers everything one would possibly want to know about visiting this island gem and then some. Revised every 2 years by Andrew Doughty, with updated info all the way up to press time. Mr. Doughty takes you on a journey down each road, and even points out hidden finds you won't read about anywhere else. Initially, I figured on maybe thumbing through a few choice pages, but ended up reading from cover-to-cover. The author has personally traveled these routes on numerous occasions, and even sampled the food at nearly every establishment. You won't find a single black-and-white photograph amongst the hundreds of breathtaking examples of Maui's beauty, compliments of the 2 photographers, one of which is Mr. Doughty himself. And those map illustrations that are so helpful? Once again, partial credit goes to Mr. Doughty in that department as well. Even if you've never thought of visiting Maui, I believe this guide will spark the desire. And done with the perfect balance of humor too. It's like having your very own personal tour guide. I can't say enough good things about this find. Bravo!
Having read the book, I passed it on to my wife, and we have made significant changes in lifestyle. I then picked-up a copy for my mom. This book is not the final solution to all your needs, but it definitely will make you consider all the junk we put into our bodies. It inspires one to practice healthier principles to living better everyday. Good advice on organic foods and the over use of medications in this country. It only makes sense to practice preventive measures, than wait for the production line of prescription drugs that surely will follow. What are we so afraid of the public learning from this book? VERY ENLIGHTENING IN MANY WAYS. Read for yourself and decide.
Rusty Wilson has outdone himself with this one! He takes us on a personal quest that reads like a novel. A great story teller! I've read most of all his previous works, but this is now my favorite. What an adventure!!!
Not the volumes of Bray Road sightings I expected, but a good study on were-creatures and shape-shifters. Covers the strange phenomenon from most every continent, from ancient past to the present. Much of which is probably more supernatural evil than anything else.
As a native Californian, with a long-time interest in the unusual, I welcomed the publication of this book with great enthusiasm. And for the naive, it will amuse indeed. But for a long time buff of the "weird and unusual," especially in my home state of California, I find very little information that hasn't been covered in previous works. Some chapters, like Personalized Properties, were even a waist of space for the most part. And living in Los Angeles, some of the omissions seemed large. For instance, what about the WOLF/DOG WOMAN OF WATTS, that frightened almost all of South Los Angeles for weeks, myself included as a young child, in the early 1960s? Paul Young's "L.A. Exposed" lightly touched upon it, but I would really like someone to do more research on that phenomenon. Or CHARMAN of Ventura County's Camp Comfort County Park. Scary stuff! What about the strange happenings in the Los Angeles Community of Tujunga, that have included UFO and Bigfoot sightings over the years? Then there's the apelike ZOOBIES in the Small San Diego County Community of Alpine, and along the U.S./Mexican border, who's footprints even Border Patrol Officers have reported. And absolutely nothing on the MYSTERY CAT sightings that have been reported throughout the state. But I could go on-and-on. The point being, a very good concept, and I always look for the subject of the strange and unusual, especially when it concerns the state of California; but they could have dug so much deeper, and left room for new material. Still, a good effort. However, I'd strongly recommend one of the authors 1988 classics, if you can still find it; Mike Marinacci's "Mysterious California."
Probably not the best of Napoleon bios, but for the naive like myself, it does the job quite well. Gets a little repetitive in wording at times, but will hold the average readers attention. Especially if you're a history buff. Decent psychological insight into the the mind of the man Napoleon.
Even though I liked the Telefilm, and thought Halle Berry was the obvious choice to play Miss Dandridge (both were born in Cleveland), I was somewhat disappointed with it, after having read this book first. Dorothy's many trials and heartaches were only lightly touched upon in the film version. This book reads like a well written novel, starting from her early years as a child performer. The physical, verbal, and sexual abuse at the hands of her mother's lesbian lover. The failed marriages, and financial ruin. And most heartbreaking of all, the birth of her extremely mentally challenged daughter. But there are the triumphs also. Like making the cover of Life magazine, and receiving a Best Actress Academy Award nomination for the 1954 film "Carmen Jones." A first for an African-American actress. Unfortunately, the making of this film marked the beginning of an affair with the director Otto Preminger, that would end on a very sour note. Something she apparently never fully recovered from. Even being verbally abused by the same director during the making of "Porgy and Bess." Another great aspect of this book, is the social background of Black Los Angeles and Hollywood during the '30s, '40s and '50s. And who could ever imagine, Dorothy riding the streets of L.A. with her good friend Louis Armstrong, and him puffing on a marijuana joint? A must read for those interested in the history of Black Hollywood and Tinseltown in general.
This book has been instrumental in bringing relief to several personal aches and pains over the years. Whether instantly calming two Colicky crying babies, by simply following this book's advice of turning on a vacuum cleaner, I suggest handheld, or extremely helpful information about relieving Gout. These remedies have been right-on-the-mark. For sufferers of all ailments, what have you got to lose?
Reminiscent of "The Field Guide to North American Monsters" published several years ago, this fun little handbook is actually quite helpful and informative. Covers over one hundred mystery monsters from Canada to Mexico, including helpful drawings of many of them. Urban legends or real creatures, the reader is left to ponder for themself.
My source of information when I submitted my first manuscript. This is such an informative means of support for any writer, whether interested in fiction or non-fiction. Poetry or screenwriting. Even for the freelancer looking to submit articles to various magazines, in a wide range of subject matters. Extremely helpful guidelines to the proper formatting of manuscripts, and writing query letters. And the list of literary agencies comes in quite handy.
The history of our Los Angeles African-American roots have finally been given long overdue mention. With all the attention paid to Harlem, you'd think L.A.'s contributions to black American culture, civil rights, and religion pales in comparision. Hardly true! Azusa Street, was literally the birthplace of the modern Pentocostal movement. And with certain recent documentaries on Jazz, it seemed no one had ever heard of Central Avenue's Club Alabam, or the hot and swingin' Bronzeville district of Downtown. There was the still standing Dunbar Hotel, a black oasis for many of the well known, and not so famous, to find shelter while visiting the "City of Angels." Not to mention black L.A.'s major contributions to standup comedy, and as much as anyplace else, the jumpstart for R&B music. Checkout the early civil rights movement here that foreshadowed such major figures as Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, or the black literary community of Los Angeles. A powerful reminder of the huge and highly forgotten contributions of the black Los Angeles community, to the African-American struggles in America. R.J. Smith should receive an honorary medal of human brotherhood.
Not just a book of haunted tales, but a history lesson in some of the most unusual occurences in our most popular wilderness areas. What I like about Andrea Lankford's style of writing is her leaving it to the reader to draw their own conclusions. An informative guide to National Parks we may have never considered visiting before. Awakens curiosities never imagined about many places.
I find this guide to be the cream-of-the-crop when it comes to usefulness. Easy to follow, the best step-by-step source for anyone attempting to write a screenplay. For those writing Spec scripts, doesn't boggle the mind with various camera angles that really don't concern your initial submissions. The basic needs are emphasized here. A real inspirational read for any aspiring screenwriter.
In an earlier review of Mr. Allen Nyhuis' "The Zoo Book" written in the early '90s, I expressed a concern about a well needed revision. And essentially that's what "America's Best Zoos" is; an update of Mr. Nyhuis previous work. Only with the extra help of an experienced zoo keeper, Jon Wassner, as a co-author. It's amazing how so many zoos have enhanced their exhibits and the added zoo going experience for the public, since my personal visits only a few years ago. This is the zoo guide I have awaited for so long. If you enjoy visiting zoos on your travels around the country as much as I, you'll love this book. I can't wait to continue my adventure through America's best zoos after reading about them here.
Though given a reading level of 9-12, "Missionaries and Monsters" is hardly a book just for kids. Possibly the fact that the author, William J. Gibbons, along with the illustrator William M. Rebsamen are both admitted creationists, has something to do with the reading level ratings. And though only consisting of 103 pages, includes some stories never before widely published in cryptozoology. Mr. Gibbons has even headed several research expeditions to certain listed locales himself, and has future plans to continue doing so. A refreshing Christian point-of-view heralding some of the greatest explorers the world has ever known; Christian Missionaries, as well as the numerous others that have pioneered uncharted territories throughout the world. Hopefully we'll be reading of future exploits of Mr. Gibbons, and others, from his gifted pen.
Not just something of recent origin, Bigfoot and "Wild man" stories have been with us throughout our past history. What the author Chad Arment has done, is chronicled many past newspaper accounts, going back some 200 years, into what is now one of the best references to "The Historical Bigfoot." From small town papers throughout many of our states, to even articles taken from the New York Times, it seems hairy creature stories have long been an unsolved mystery that continues to leave us scratching our heads. So many amusing tales to choose from, I found Missouri's "Blue Man of the Ozarks" one of the more intriguing. And of course with recent doubt over the credibility of British Columbia's well known 1884 "Jacko" capture, nothing of concrete critical evidence against that account has yet come to light. It remains one of my all-time favorite tales. Makes one want to search the archives of local newspapers for more hidden gems. And surely there are many just waiting to be re-discovered.
Still Amongst the very best ever written on the subject. The late Ivan Sanderson, a respected zoologist of his time, was well ahead of most in the scientific community. But maybe that was because he was known for his many hours of actual fieldwork, and not just the college classroom. I rate "Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come To Life" in the top 5 of all time. Almost like new everytime I read it. Some of the most classic stories in Bigfoot lore were first widely published in this book.
The easiest way to study the Word of God in its original languages. A clear and precise means of knowing just what was being said, and where exactly to find it. A gift from Heaven, given through James Strong's many years of dedicated work. Should be in every Christian library.
I began teaching Bible doctrinal classes back in 1976. This book has been extremely helpful in finding the very text needed for the topic at hand. Leaves very little to question, for the answers are given from the Word of God. Covers every conceivable subject imagined, and many never even dreamed of.
Many extremely helpful pointers to finishing the work of the gospel. Insightful guidelines from one gifted with prophetic views for the unique work to be done in various regions. Read the advice of someone given the vision to forsee the needed work for many of our urban areas; advice forseen over 100 years ago that remains very pertinent today. Even the prediction of much larger increases in population for certain cities, like my own birthplace of Los Angeles. Almost stunningly accurate.
Covers most anything of mystery about L.A. and then some. From the extremely weird, to Hollywood scandals. No one is spared here; from Barbara Streisand to Keanu Reeves. But the one highlight for me was the mention of one of my most frightening childhood memories, the strange appearance of what we in South Central commonly referred to as "The Wolf Woman." You don't find much on this eerie phenomenon of the early 1960s. Mr. Young has done his homework well. You won't find it easy to put down, especially if you're from L.A.
A fun guide to where things happened, but you'll find some of the sites no longer exist. In serious need of revision, but still will give you hours of good reading.
One of the best you'll find, from one of the last great pioneers in research. Though somewhat dated, you'll find all the classic stories here retold in their entirety. Many little details often left out in other sources. One of my first purchases on the subject back in the 1970s, and recently re-discovered after ten years lossed in my garage. Thank God for the recent move to my new home, a lot of things are being located once again!
After reading this book, and reflecting back on the 1950's Joanne Woodward film "The Three Faces of Eve," one realizes Hollywood only tapped the surface. The true story would make for twice the screenplay we saw from the movie. What a way to experience life, not being able to control your true personality. And very well written too.
Of The many books on the subject I've read over the years, this one is valuable for its coverage of Asian encounters. Many of which are rarely published anywhere else. Covers North America's Bigfoot as well, but the Yeti and Almas stories are most prominent here. A book that took me so long to get around to
Okay for a beginners first look into sightings throughout the country, but somehow I almost found this book boring. After reading most works by true researchers like John Green, Rene Dahinden, Loren Coleman, and Grover Krantz, nothing here seems to be taken from the author's actual files. Just rehashing what others have already personally researched; interviews others have taken the time to do; field work others have been doing for years, even decades. Search the internet and you can find numerous stories from individuals all throughout most states, especially the BFRO website(The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization). This book offers very little personal insight, and nothing new to broaden our horizons on the subject. I only rate it as high as 3 because many will be reading these stories for the first time.
A decent overview of America's monster phenoms. Not a whole lot on any one subject, but makes for entertaining reading. Everything from Bigfoot to creatures totally unheard of by most. Not bad.
Mr. Dennett has compiled what is possibly the most exhaustive list of California sightings to date. Not that I can agree with the sources of origin, after years of reading volumes of literature, and a past involvement with occultic practices. My conclusion is they're all from the same source. Read my other reviews on the paranormal to see what that source is. But for the sheer history of occurrences in the state, in a league of its own.
Bob larson has been in the business of exposing Satanic deceptions for years. I don't doubt his sincerity and with my own years of personal experience with the supernatural, and investigation of volumes of UFO literature, he's right on track with his conclusions of demonic alien origins. But I found his explanations of what is really going on to be weak. And his insistance that we being the center of God's creation leaves no room for other inhabited worlds I totally disagree with. I believe the Bible leave's plenty of room for other inhabited worlds; unfallen worlds not tainted with sin, ours being the only fallen planet. For example: "Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom he made the worlds." Hebrews 1:2 KJV. "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." Revelation 12:12 KJV. Notice in both quoted texts the plurality of the words "worlds" and "heavens". Revelation 12 even admonishes the other "heavens" or worlds to "rejoice", for there are multitudes of galaxies in God's vast universe, but pronounces woe upon the earth's inhabitants because of the devil's wrath and deception, Satan knowing his remaining time is almost finished on this planet. And these other unfallen worlds are definitely not the culprits visiting us, with frightening abductions and experimentations of hybridization and painfully terrifying physical exams. Just the hideous appearance of such beings should be a clue to their true demonic personages. Mr. Larson could have gone so much deeper in unmasking the evil one's trickeries, but unfortunately, the reader is so often left hanging in midair.
Not only is this the best Encyclopedia on the subject I've ever read, but extremely well researched. Even updating right up to its publication, some of the material from other sources. I don't care how many other subjects Mr. Newton has written on, he has definitely done his homework for this one. And a quick browse of my other reviews will show I've reviewed many of the others too. If the subject is as interesting to you, as it has been for me for many years, you'll find some way to read this one.
A guidepost to better understanding end time events. The late George Vandeman, original host of the long running television program "It Is Written", had a way with writing that held your attention through every paragraph. And "The Cry of a Lonely Planet" was no exception. Covers the vital end time prophecies that prepares you for earth's final stage of history. A warning to the many deceptions already beginning to overtake the gullible and unprepared. Better understand, just how real the Bible's warnings are for the 21st century. Another Vandeman classic.
This book is not for those who may be trying their best to resist the Adventist movement. Powerful events in the life of Seventh-day Adventists, may be just too overwhelming for you to resist joining them. Stories of faith and the miraculous leading of God, will keep you turning page-after-page, and wanting to be a part of this great church. A powerful history lesson of a people that love the Bible, and their desire to let the entire world know about the Love of Jesus it reveals.
One day the Hall of Fame for this childhood idol of mine. Growing-up in Los Angeles during the 1960s, the Dodgers and Maury Wills were a huge part of my life. The man that literally brought the art of base stealing back to the major leagues. One of the most exciting moments of the game, was his 1962 quest to break Ty Cobb's stolen base record, and becoming the first major leaguer to ever steal over 100 bases in a single season. He accomplished this back in 1962 with his 104. This was the year that Dodger Stadium first opened, and I remember the magic of being there that year, for my first major league game at the age of 7, against the dreaded San Francisco Giants. Maury Wills, Sandy Koufax, Tommy Davis, Don Drysdale; these were the guys I grew up admiring. But Mr. Wills takes us on a behind the scenes journey that can be quite humorous, like when he first broke into the league and is given the inside ropes by catcher Johnny Roseboro. The glamorous, like being admired by Doris Day, an adoring fan, and eventual good friend. Or his being able to impress a female acquaintance by dropping by the "Western White House" on a whim, and actually being received in for her to meet Richard Nixon. Then things get quite dark, especially after retirement and the spiraling downfall of substance abuse. Its amazing how low an individual can go when their life is controlled by addictions. Even his love life was extremely soured by an unfaithful partner, that even stooped so low as to perform sexual intercourse with Maury's own son Bump Wills, also a former major leaguer, in Maury's own home while he's there! Totally shattering the already fragile relationship he had with his son. Maury's life hits rock bottom, and it's frankly told like few others ever put into print, but ends on a positive upward note. I'm fortunate enough to have an autographed copy.
Matthew A. Billie has written a wonderful book, for anyone fascinated with the continual search for the rare and unclassified in the Animal Kingdom. There are so many possibilities of the maybe still out there, that there is hope for even the most endangered. And this book brings out so many times, the times we thought we had lost a species, only to rediscover them in some hidden locale. And I like that. Broken into three parts, we first are wowed with the many recent discoveries, even late into the 20th Century. Recent Discoveries. Then we are enlightened about the thought-to-be-extinct, but rediscovered. Presumed Extinct. And lastly, we enter into the world of the unknown. At least to the non-locals, for to many of the natives, they are just another species they are very aware of. The Mystery Animals. Mr. Billie has done his research well, and shows great knowledge of the animal kingdom. Hopefully, more works in this area will follow from this author.
Covers a broad scope of territory. From the First Nations evidence, to early written records from America and Canada. All the classic sightings are given space here. Analyzing foot and hand casts, hair samples, DNA and sound recordings, and alleged nesting sites. Many would be surprised to learn that even Jane Goodall herself, accepts the mountains of evidence as proof of a real animal out there. Answers the Ray Wallace fraud satisfactorily as well. And I for one, never believed the claim that Hollywood's then leading master of moviemakeup, John Chambers(best known for his work in 1968's Planet of the Apes)could have come up with the creature we see in the Patterson/Gimlin film shot in 1967. I don't think Hollywood was that far advanced yet. He even stated such in a 1997 interview with cryptozoologist Bobbi Short. In his own words, "I'm good but not that good." Rick Baker? Yes. But his unique genius didn't come along until well into the 1970s. So there John Landis!
A beginners guide to the world of Sasquatch/Bigfoot. Makes the study of these creatures take on a sense of importance with their very own field guide.
Since my Junior High School years, I've been an avid fan of Oscar night, and the whole history of the Academy Awards and its winners. I guess I'll always love movies, and the allure of Hollywood, having lived in L.A. all my life, and being an aspiring actor in my younger years. In High School as a hobby, I and my best friend and fellow drama student, use to bet who could pick the most winners from each category every year. There is something about Oscar night, and all the glamour that goes with it, that keeps me glued to the set every year; first to hear the nominations, then the big ceremomy to announce the winners. And this book is up-to-date; from the very first winners of 1927, to 2005 and the surprise of "Crash" taking Best Picture honors (my personal favorite). If you enjoy films, and specificly The Academy Awards as much as I do, then you'll love this book. I relate each years winners and nominees, to historic events and lifestyles of the times. Sort of an insight into what was going on then.
Although I was somewhat disappointed with its reference to only three hummingbird species, I've identified several others found in other sources, this book has been helpful with identifying certain bird feeder visitors like the House Finch. I had thought all the small birds in my yard were simply common House Sparrows. A pair of binoculars nearby, come in extremely handy in making out minor details and color patterns. A must for those living in the L.A. area newly addicted to bird watching.