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What’s is everybody’s preferred crypto exchange in the US and why? What are the commissions? I made the move from TOS to Tradingview so I can trade futures and Crypto on the same program. Just want to see what everybody uses. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOWRUdlpJRkdPRzhvejcyREdlYm81bEhxSy1tdzFvWnhOekhJVkgzeXRRaVhnakNnZ3g1VVpLMG1qcFYwd2JFaG1RX2dwdlByaDh6U2VWVzNEa2lxS2dGM3ZHdkU2ZmJFeVhwSnplZ2wzUTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNLWZiNHVlSVVqMnNPWkZ3OWNqOGNKTm43bGNiVmZEbmhOcXp1VnB2bkhMbTBGR3VUU28zYzRwd0RCbG5kT3lRS25IUk1zZmNlUFVITDJMT1FoVmFlcjJHYTNvZWdhYllTaU9UT0JTLXhGTmR5bWhkVTE4RXVxN1Rfbm5vLTFLR0hHdWFEazZ2YzFCSDBWYTVyYkVxV0t5enZ2LWlEajJyR1A0cERqVjh5dGhwRnZSTGh1aV9rWjFxQXJBeVppbXBT |
Mainly I am curious if you think say kraken de lists XMR and the final cex on / off ramp is removed how might this affect XMR price?
Is it possible that even if the total market cap went down because a liquidity black hole crisis that the price could skyrocket to levels never seen due to a supply shock while demand is the same?
Looking back the binance crash seemed very sus and short lived and manipulated.
Is it possible having CEX is literally only hurting XMR or is it essential for it to survive? Your thoughts are welcome here. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMLXBNVk1WMEhuMF9KeHRqSGZ4OVlpNFFEYjVKVE9OcUNoYXJUalFHdlBNQ2RKWGE0X0RjaXV1M0U2bUxNNklyWHR3azllUUNpRnFXR0RvdmFvaWJpal9MdHdNd0IxTmlTYTRZWldlOENaTm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZVl3dXVILXFNYS1GVktlNU9uWXpIMlY4Y19pZmE5VjZfUjE0NzFYVWVWbGI3MmVkbnVleTRmYWRnT1NPdU1fOWVpUWs5b01Lbk1HR3R6R3RqOXFrM0p0XzlobEo2aDh3a2cxdDE0QnZTNWE5Tl9vaDk1OVU4Tm1hek9JT2JOWlNyNU1HemZGUmx6MnFzMW05TnBfd0cxWHZZR3NOUlctMlBzZnJuQVM5WlZncXpfZE9pT2FwZW1LdkpHc2tPNTRRUm5NY0c4cUdzRmNGTTNTZVktODdMZz09 |
**\*\*NEARWEEK Daily Newsletter 📩 \*\***
**\*\* Monday, November 04, 2024\*\***
**\*\*💥 Big things around the ecosystem 💥\*\***
[**Say gm to SOV3, the onchain token powering your IRL experience at \[REDACTED\] this week**](https://x.com/NEARProtocol/status/1853255933301784901)
[**DapDap & Frens: Liquidity Optimization, Intent Execution and more**](https://x.com/DapDapMeUp/status/1853134745221353848)
[**Funding the Commons & Earth Commons: Bangkok 2024**](https://x.com/FundingCommons/status/1853281315774193899)
[**NEAR Protocol Town Hall November**](https://x.com/NEARWEEK/status/1853343369298137254)
[**Discussed the future of DA and chain abstraction, split from NEAR Protocol & Altan's outlook on the future of Web3**](https://x.com/epicweb3/status/1853398108043887019)
**\*\* 💰 DeFi 💰\*\***
[**SEND $GEAR to the moon in Ref Finance Meme Season 7**](https://x.com/MeteorWallet/status/1853117702283665819)
**\*\*🔼 Projects update 🔼\*\***
[**For October 2024, Aurora burned 3,975.83 $AURORA, continuing our commitment to the Token Economy 2.0**](https://x.com/auroraisnear/status/1853359723027804517)
[**Beyond Memes: memedotcooking's Expanding Scope**](https://x.com/memedotcooking/status/1853398730931687732)
**Don't forget to Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter!** [*https://subscribe.nearweek.com/*](https://subscribe.nearweek.com/) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdTVocEo2WURpcDJaY1hGYmpva09nSFI5WXBxNXE1eDB2amJ0ZEcyOTdMYXpkYzVReTZwYnc1dFBwM0RXeVdhNXFjdEx0SVFwZEF3eWp2ZlVLaGZXZkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNY3lvZmVhaUNIR21ucjFZVUM5ZFBGaGpPazlvWjYxZzAzWDNieTZWWTZFZm9MTHBrN21SSmZCSUx2UzkySDVZQkxlRmh0bmZRWk5Wd1RFMl9ERVpueU10dVRmNS1pTDhGS0xReEVUT2l1UUFUYjRWTF92bkNabHRQd2VjN3RfMXFqZ2V4bUJJN0Jra2NSN1k5Y2gwcnllODNCbE9mWHl2NWRUelJZSVFRcWhJQldRX1oxZFlrT281T0RUaDJ3WjhK |
I see Monero nodes stats mentioned here
How is this data obtained? Also, that map appears to have node locations pinned down to high accuracy. Are these locations really accurate and why is this not detrimental to privacy or censorship? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcWZXN09kNnQ2ejBUYWJuaUhIVXp6VmRrOW85eFFieEs5dVIwdXp3d2JyWHBtYS0zNGFoUEV5X1pzaUlXU3NXRXZobDg0LTdzaWFVWDN4b2x5QUZTaVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQlVLcV9HOWVCTzFGZXVIeUltZm5YUF9RQkFfUkZJem8wQzhpbEM1SjVjVlptVmdSZERiU1FBZjNiTTUyNExwdDJBV2h1ZUMtVzNqR3k1UVh1WXQ5azZGd0RkRVhwVkp6UDBuQW1wODIzUkhiX0NHejBlbm1PMG5BMk42b2MtTm14S2FrQ0hPcVZBWjFyMkdqY2ZXaVF2akpRX3VmY3pzX3VYX0w4aWgxN01nPQ== |
🔹 **Summary**
FRAX remains the most actively traded token in terms of both supply and borrowing📈. USDT.e offers the highest supply yield💹, while USDT.e, USDC, and USDT show the highest utilization rates, indicating strong demand for these assets on Burrow💼.
**1️⃣ Weekly Markets**
• 💵 **Total Supplied**: $202.72M
• 💸 **Total Borrowed**: $60.25M
• 💧 **Available Liquidity**: $142.47M
These figures highlight the high activity and lending capacity on the platform📊.
**2️⃣ Hot/Best Tokens**
• FRAX (Hot Supply): $6.68M (up 1%)
• FRAX (Hot Borrow): $4.88M (up 2%)
• USDT.e (Best Supply APY): 5.92%
FRAX is a popular token for both supply and borrowing, while USDT.e attracts depositors with a high yield📈.
**3️⃣ Top 3 Utilization**
• **USDT.e**: 80.46%
• **USDC**: 79.99%
• **USDT**: 79.65%
High utilization rates show strong borrowing and lending demand for these assets on the platform📉.
[https://x.com/burrow\_finance/status/1853458029402116379](https://x.com/burrow_finance/status/1853458029402116379) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWnV4QWI3d2xGS3V1dDlNWmxhYV9LY1JKWDZxRHNQLVdvcENfTTVTS0ZtNWZsN0RCLUlaRllvVGN1eWozNFJNZ09fd0twVW1abW9iZ213YWxabnRYRHc1TFUzazNxY1NDbnR1aGJLUlZNeG89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOVZyaC1GSFQ3MnNFN0MzLTRsZWhuOVpSRGZyZnBTelJXU0lpVzEtUEZ5eVpfTlVJZ0lqUmROZVNHSlRQSEwweEVOd2RpS19sTDhkbW02bjBpY2xWeXMwaVJBcHBoYWhKYjdmWlNMXzkyX0J3Y0VtR3lhejYyYWxPenlteGJmcUlOTFlnWUFWcVV1cnk1ajZGU1c2V3BUVzQxRmtEejRuWGc5d3ZSNkxTTTRacWN3cHo4T1ItTjBKa0JKUGNCQ2g2ZkJGa0U4ekZPazJwYzhPYnhhOHhsQT09 |
5/10 cores sold this week till now and we still have 3 days left!
| r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMG4wSlFWMFc0SEVXQWd1TDdqZjAta0FMQVZ2TWdDclY0N21ZVk1aemhwVWRTam44RkF0VmZqQVh3X0JWaS00RDhsTkRjUWpnRTZxcWlWTXpJTXU2a0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRlQ1U3dVZC0yZ0t2U3RoalBRR3BKSk5nZ2t4aTl3Vy1oQjFwMm5rdkQxSTRjeEtnSE04ZEtGdTBXZEhUMkJnTEJUWDNnUUUtZGZLcXl0WThSM2ZiQ2JLbVY1UkJQbUYtQl83eXo4YmxDTXAyUVdoSnEzemIwVUV5UUVZWEF3dEpTclA2N2VQd2FWc1BuQWs2MTRfQVRRPT0= |
Buy it here through DM on X.
https://x.com/S1DARTA0/status/1853484015527035115?t=wn-PDAYIzfjEr754omM_IA&s=19 | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWlR6TGJyYWtJcHc4dzJXWjM3NDZXSXg1dXRPUDg3MFdjdGdVeS03ZkZIUjBTMlVqX28zSl94UDV1SWNUUFRQODVXdjBEcGxjTy1BY1hYZFR0SV80NWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQjY1TWdSTVRfZTJXSTRvSGFTYmdEN3ZUcWMzTFE2TUxPdlVOV283VGJDRW5vMGFSNmNWTHliM0Z2RmxlVzczNEpnUDNETllsMzBUUTFhYXFaZ240VTNiblpGWnRUWUhKOE1SR21raGU3UTVtakJ3OGNnT2I4NXBSajBqblc2N2lfd1Fvc1BIOEJ5bjNuWWxmaGs2cHJQazVXcUFpQU05R0FrckFPZ2REcjNfUm1BSzQ3dzdnbXJEMFFPOFJNSDI3NDNnMDdIeHNIZ0dKSnNuaHVFV005QT09 |
https://x.com/cryptodavide33/status/1852288984673620248?s=46&t=ZzFu2lK71DZvGnTA1DLEcA | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNmF0NTlXRURrTkM2ektaQkt3Sjg3OFZEQmpvZ3gzSVZJdTdzZXZVLWhTbXVqUG5pVDRZNHBuTFUwUTZ1VTg1S0FzM3JnQUtGZkcwU0hRM2Z4WXJ0cGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNN2pJQlVySXFEYlROczhPcHFyLVRPb0EzRmJWWDlvaE9UTTlta3RWZGs5UmpIV2hPMWdXOW9PcDluMUxPSkZqdE5qcHAzZTl2bGpSbk9mcWh4bEtxS0tBdXV0QldzSllsdUltRVI2YWZSS3JBemxKWEJRS1A2OEdFUW9LUmpsYm1DRWNnM3htM0ppNWhXeldRaFZlX20tYUdsaVJ6VmRsQkFkdmItMVF3Mk9ndjFnY2ZwY3NGR3NLc0VmY2RzZ0RY |
If you use Anonero, what's the experience so far? Are there better cold wallet alternatives? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeW10ZjZsUmEteUdSbTAxZ294RHBpUzF0QTRHSkFTSUFjSkNDMjFrLTc4bTJuRVNvRXJhNUdFRkxta0RZT09HcnB4N3pzR2l6aWlvRjdmNEd6bW5iU0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNa29FMkV6YUlaMFBVUGZKbDdkQ01RWEpHU0VTRi1yLXAwRjAtQkR2eTFsWXRuLVM1UURaWnpQU1dwOGdMb1Z2T0V1THFhcWxpTzlrWUVPUUdkejE3N21HRjdLRVFaT2dkazNJZ2o2X2h5cEszU1VBSG4yV25EU1QwY3Y2cTU1QzV4M3RfTzJKOXFKY2pQRVFKaHVxYmJFX1FEaUpFbFBDLU1IeDdwUEJYUXlnPQ== |
Tl;dr: Don't vote based on your bags. Republicans aren't the crypto boosters everyone makes them out to be, and the way Trump has used crypto as a grift to make money just reinforces existing stereotypes about crypto being scammy.
I know, I know. We're all saturated with politics and election crap right now and we're tired of it. Me too. But I hear the idea that "Republicans are the pro-crypto party" all the time and it's just not true.
First, Republicans aren't uniformly supportive of crypto and Democrats aren't uniformly against it. My no-talent ass clown of a Senator (Roger Marshall) is a hardcore MAGA Republican but wildly anti-crypto. He called crypto a ["threat to our national security"](https://www.marshall.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/sen-marshall-cryptocurrency-is-a-threat-to-our-national-security/) and co-sponsored a bill with Elizabeth Warren to make stricter AML/KYC regulations. During the FTX debacle he even suggested that the SEC [shut down all crypto transactions in the US](https://www.semafor.com/article/12/02/2022/roger-marshall-kansas). Saying that Democrats aren't supportive of crypto isn't true either. When you look at the list of [congressional candidates endorsed by Stand With Crypto](https://www.standwithcrypto.org/races/endorsed), half of them (19/39) are Democrats. Not to mention that Democrats incorporated some crypto-supportive events into the [DNC convention](https://www.coindesk.com/opinion/2024/09/24/how-democrats-have-shifted-on-crypto/) and [Anthony Scaramucci has reportedly been working with Kamala Harris](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/09/20/anthony-scaramucci-kamala-harris-campaigns-digital-asset-policies-.html) to develop pro-crypto policies. Saying Republicans are the more crypto-supportive party may have been true 5 years ago, but that has changed.
Secondly, we've got to talk about Trump. Saying that Trump is pro-crypto is like saying a bank robber is pro-unmarked bills. [His recent "pro-crypto" turn](https://www.axios.com/2024/05/30/trump-crypto-bitcoin-nfts) is at best a flip-flop and at worst a grift. In 2019 he said that [Bitcoin was "based on thin air"](https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1149472282584072192?lang=en) and as recently as [December of 2021](https://decrypt.co/89108/donald-trump-calls-crypto-dangerous-even-as-melania-launches-nft), he called crypto "dangerous" and a "scam." ([And he would know!](https://apnews.com/article/17e975d3ccba4a92a9b023dff8437b21)) But recently crypto has been very kind to him. [One of his wallets](https://platform.arkhamintelligence.com/explorer/entity/donald-trump) has almost $6 million in it.
Not to be too much of a conspiracy theorist, but It ***really seems like*** after Melania Trump made an [unspecified (large) amount of money on a bunch of NFT projects in 2021 and 2022](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/commentisfree/2022/jan/04/melanias-latest-nft-is-selling-for-180000-at-last-one-of-the-trumps-is-showing-entrepreneurial-spirit), Donald [suddenly changed his tune on crypto and started issuing a bunch of NFTs](https://decrypt.co/249755/trump-credits-nfts-change-of-heart-bitcoin-crypto) himself. When the NFT market dried up, he pivoted and was [collecting 2% of every transaction on shitcoins called things like "Trump Bucks" and "Save America"](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/much-donald-trump-made-nft-213019678.html) netting him at least a half million dollars. And of course don't forget about his newest ~~scam~~ DeFi project World Liberty Financial, [where 75% of all protocol revenue goes to the Trump family](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1g69fob/trump_family_gets_75_of_crypto_coin_revenue_has/) (who also has no liability) and who [couldn't keep their own website running](https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/10/15/trump-familys-world-liberty-finance-token-sale-appears-to-go-live-selling-220m-wlfi-in-minutes/) during the rollout even though there wasn't much interest in the project.
I'm sure it's clear how I feel about him, and if you want to vote for him, be my guest. But don't do it because you think he's "pro-crypto" and will pump your bags if he's elected.
It seems pretty clear that he has no idea what crypto is or how it works. He [can't work a crypto wallet well enough to buy a burger with it](https://youtube.com/shorts/HIv4cwkz16U?si=2zjUCdPTnYVN9l_q), tweeted that he'll make sure Bitcoin is "[made in the USA](https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1852033244729860397)" and stumbled through a [recent interview](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/donald-trump-struggles-and-seems-confused-in-painful-crypto-interview-while-trying-to-change-topic/ar-AA1qGv5X), saying:
>"It's so important. It's crypto. It's AI. It's so many other things. AI needs tremendous electricity capabilities beyond anything I ever heard."
At the very best, he doesn't give a shit and will forget about and ignore it once it stops making him money, which effectively gives other countries the ability to set crypto regulation and reinforces the stereotype that crypto is super scammy. This point has been made over and over, but if we want the industry to grow sustainably for the long-term, [we need clear, effective regulation](https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/10/22/tether-ceo-ardoino-says-he-expects-us-will-catch-up-in-crypto-regulation/), not benign neglect.
Edit: moved the tl;dr to the top and added a few lines. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMY2s3VXIzeXlIMkNUMWNzMldwdDZwdmF1NXFKbkRwS0luaUU4UGVMU09kUzYyYmhxMVVxdkh2b21jSElMWFM5dXJsTlVKcUJheExobV9vWDJkbXdPR1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNb1Buc0NodFdoSTVLUy1ZdWxjVWUxd2R0dng1dXlWb3BVRVkxTDhCYkNxQ1duVXJGOTc3NWNNR25NdTY5VUFPZ0oxMnVOaXVEM0xSQVVTZHZMYk9iNFBoM3Y3MUVEMkNMTzUzNkJaMGlxYk1Bbk4xazBVdVVaUGhZWTFGVEpEcVU3ZGJ5Qm1xd3NseXctZTN4cURSX3ZOR3pJbnNqNjlqT1UzNTczZkJTeUN5U3pZNm1QM0xOdmpsMmhKS0lyeFpLYldhakRfQUZyeGhpVElDUmRZU0hNUT09 |
Alts like Algo, Matic, Rndr
Not meme coins
Are the majority of people still optimistic about a big alt bull run this time?
I started investing in March right before the halfing ( not a good time down 60% on lots).
Ref continues to stand out a leading [\#DEX](tg://search_hashtag?hashtag=DEX) in the industry
How did October’s activities push this narrative some steps further?
A short
| r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMEhSend1clRtUm5Pa2pGX0VaUU50VTJGbWpBWlE3cThfMGphYjFkcEFuR3otS2hVUWN5RlU3aTZXRldCbGRSSXpMYkhPMTlwY3dpbWE5NkhoSGptOGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVWNSUHJGT3ozZGpfeHlrS2xyNmR3cVE5YjZSTmFwcU92U1oyc3BRU0lXUmxYNmNONmZ5Mk52Q0JaY09hUFhkcGN1SlhqQlFNNFFIY2lSUlp1Qi1EU1NxSnFhbHpFdllHT3p1NDF1NVhvZ3hDT08xdENtUWp6MHBNZ3lpdUtqR0JVVHhTazVtbEc4a1FJenhhSU42SWdCLTF6LVVyOFBhNDhNdGhRbUdnMkVvPQ== |
Total Supplied: $202.72M
Total Borrowed: $60.25M
Another week of epic performance for Burrow!
Shoutout to fraxfinance for taking the crown as the hottest supply and hottest borrow last week!
Let’s keep riding this wave of success in this NEARvember
| r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOHFBTTVsX0ZCMGI4NVdNNktfaHphaXY3aEEyTmtZNTk2MGx4Q0Y0VkxMbWJjVFB2bHltNUttUDJmRFlrMUFlX3BfSzB2bGNYcXJFcGNjMXlsUjJ5Ync9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaTlNTUlOa0s5ZzlIcDZqTjZxNnRhbmd4TDBqdGNPcUpTY2VwNk56cDYxZ292R21xZDdiRmtFQVlQV2p1XzQ2Qy1sa251SlNEQldfOUpjczFjNm9CaDhWZTdOUEo1VU1oblVLT3dNNDVkNHFfWS1VTHFrMTRjWm1BWjF0NW5FTExJUW11WC1uZE1XQXE4UTh3WG9Gb240b3lMYVRlWjQ0VTQzN3kteGZGXzk4PQ== |
Bitcoin Cash has been around the market since a long time and according to our analysis BCH token will go beyond $500 soon.
BCH Price Forecast: [https://cryptoofficiel.com/bitcoin-cash-price-prediction/](https://cryptoofficiel.com/bitcoin-cash-price-prediction/)
Once BTC crosses the $100k price mark in 2025, we may see a major rally pushing towards the $2500 range.
What do you think about the future potential of Bitcoin Cash? Share your thoughts. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMY3NrUjZhdEdCUERWbDNtcV9NR0VxWVVsM2plQy15TmMyYlU1dkxoMHNocDZRRHJjdEJKTnJHVmFmdS1YLXlQTVh4MzNPLW5SUDUtTzI1ME1MeXdLUW5rTXJ0c1lZWk9sSjI2cVp6TUpjUEU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNN2ltUE1McmRQak1rX2dKcHdIVllHdlBiejd1TTZ2MHMxX3BNMWpiU0NHRDVQanVaRU1KdHMwUnduN09KUndRY2JNU3BGT3REYUtWTW1vLVFjV013LUJCOTk5WUFhal9HOTZ4UnhYMU95SHlxUU13ZF9RM3otakVlbWk1MG9tcUdNRGYyVlc3elVjUDlGbllUMDEwVzhwb0lBVldPVi1LR3Fsb2VvLUgtZ19jUHRsVVJWQWJKekJSYTlwSWNhLWYtNGNWLXBGcDZ2MDJTV2Rod3BQWHhRZz09 |
Dear Monero Community,
You are not just users of a cryptocurrency—you’re part of a movement focused on protecting financial freedom and privacy in an increasingly watched world. Monero represents something larger than digital money; it’s a statement of independence, a shield for those who believe privacy is a right, not a privilege.
Don’t let short-term market trends discourage you. Price dips come and go, but Monero’s mission stands strong, even in the face of resistance. Remember, anything truly valuable will face challenges, and Monero is no different. The pushback we see only highlights the power of what we’re building.
In recent times, Monero has faced delistings from major exchanges, largely due to regulatory pressures. But this community refuses to be deterred. In response, we’re building alternative solutions like [Haveno](https://haveno-reto.com/). These projects are a testament to our resilience, ensuring that Monero remains accessible despite obstacles. We continue to innovate and adapt, showing that our commitment to privacy and freedom is unwavering.
With every block mined, Monero becomes more than just a coin. It’s a platform for true autonomy—a tool for those who want control over their finances without outside interference. Monero is here for everyone who values security, privacy, and true ownership of their assets.
Stay committed. In a world where surveillance grows and centralized control spreads, you are helping to defend the right to choose, to transact freely, and to remain private. This community is unique—driven, diverse, and united by the belief that we deserve control over our financial lives.
Let’s stand together and keep moving forward. We’re not just watching the future unfold; we’re shaping it, making privacy and freedom core values, not optional features.
Onward, Monero community! The world is paying attention, and we’re here to set the standard.
| r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWXM1OW5VSF95NzcybzR3dkRNNXZRbXBBM2FIMUJ2R2NHRDl1c2JrOEl2eldXaEUzM3g0S1Q5a0ZobEp0MF9WYkw1ZjBUaW9kclpUM1RKNlA5Sk0tU0hTTWR0TXhCQ2ZsMWxMSHN6YlcyZm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdzZVcmU3TjlPR3dmWDNOVXRUR3pZOUxNOTlUZWlnRk1PREFvbF9aMlA5Q2FKVXVra1FBb1NsSWlLYzRPZjZ3STJCMUdCQW1vVkZBdlE5aHA1Q0NEdlYyUV85ZHpKYnltSjZJRlRyV1g5RG8yemkwMl9Sa1dJTUkyVnFzOGhXSkZuMi1vSmxLakkzRmY3eVhabTBQUTFnSTN2eUl3cWNQNC1tdVJYU0lJZE9vNWdBdUp3UTJqcksyQ2N4VWxjbmExNXQ5ZE5BbGpkZl92OHczOS05dzE4UT09 |
**\*\*NEARWEEK Daily Newsletter 📩 \*\***
**\*\* Tuesday, November 05, 2024\*\***
**\*\*💥 Big things around the ecosystem 💥\*\***
[**NEAR Protocol Town Hall November**](https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1RDGlymWYBDJL)
[**NEARWEEK ISSUE 184**](https://x.com/NEARWEEK/status/1853501027166880217)
[**DeFi/Connect | Devcon Co-networking Space**](https://x.com/loi_luu/status/1852630985923350980)
**\*\* 💰 DeFi 💰\*\***
[**Broadcasting from BeraTown to all the wild Beras out there—it's time to come home**](https://x.com/DapDapMeUp/status/1853471675977015649)
[**Ref continues to stand out a leading DEX in the industry**](https://x.com/finance_ref/status/1853460349292605515)
**\*\*🔼 Projects update 🔼\*\***
[**Eggo Quest has reached another milestone - 50000 $AURORA**](https://x.com/EggoQuest/status/1853561158319448571)
[**Monthly Recap — October 2024**](https://x.com/meta_pool/status/1853468261897105785)
[**A new month has begun, and the current average DAO rewards APY is approximately 47%**](https://x.com/meta_pool/status/1853785280127312189)
**Don't forget to Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter!** [**https://subscribe.nearweek.com/**](https://subscribe.nearweek.com/) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdlNpUXJqRmFaNi1NMlJZbDZPNE4zV1JQeTVrVDJaSGM2QUNKeTdjVTRDUnpBNUEtYUVuU1pNNGpnczk3OU5MeDV6QWVJWHE4OWhTUHhqVWN4REhENlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNX0lCYmMzaEhTTXBQSmhhT2p3cGluLWdMazdPRzUwM2dqSHIxNnByU3BkS3ZINlp0b1FITzFTaE5WS09VMmVQRWVOYURXM0k2TWdKRnRuVGVVWnhwWlAydktOaGFRM0JPcGtlU0RiRG1rWXBkYnhRUmxkYnk3SS1WRXlXbnlQNnJIOXVLdHFhR3B1RTFheXVrV1FuTnRGck5kNjh6ME9mUnJRaG1lU21aN2t6WVZrbFFSbjBsYkxjY1NOaUc4WGtk |
Web3 is about building resilient systems that are actually useful for society.
Systems that can withstand disruption. Structures that last.
To protect the freedoms we rely on. (Credit to Polkadot) | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWDU1M01fQkJnZHpBdjEwWXQ1QWRCc2JTY2twWk8xcV9QMThSVUJ4cVJDMzNYQzlJX0wxU0dxMUYxQ0Y0cmtzMmZNRjhDYkZpekZBZ0tKWnVZLW9lRHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTmtrVjZTSXltRFRwZXRSSkZVNFloNzZyeTktUTFXaDFOa0FaZWZKQno0Wk9OS2kyYjlhWkw3NU9QR0NUNTBYWDFRR1JoM1dheWJGLW44Z2NWSmx4aVBEeFpydDBkLWl1QWlqNjlKc1djVWRxU1l2QTY3MHA1WEFFRDUtWkg5LWQ5dV9ITDdPd3YydWlIZWotZDhBYTl4Q2kwem0yZ2ZrbWx0WU1mUzE0MWRIMUdyRk5ta20tNGZDazhibE1GblZR |
Congratulations to all who took part in the \[REDACTED\] hackathon and congratulations on all your hard work! We’re excited to, hopefully, see you in person in Bangkok and to watch your projects keep growing. We hope this newsletter can help support you on your journey by keeping you up to date with the latest news and resources in the NEAR ecosystem.
[Let’s see what this week holds!](https://mailchi.mp/neardevhub/near-dev-news-36)
If you would like to receive this newsletter each week, go ahead and [subscribe](https://newsletter.neardevhub.org/).
| r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVU95Zm9uOFVySDhiMWxvVEJyVlVWbWFId0VsUkhvRVhwaFJxSVFpVzBhcmdnY3hyWXJWZUJ4N0R5Y3lScWFiQnNoWmxHNXpvUkpVcnNSdEMtZmRrdGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaU1FaEppSDVMMDc5Z05MUkMwa1dWMmRTTUJ6UFFRalBVb3Q4ZDZ6MGp2TFpTNUNKWjR3Zl9CLXZzU1NVTklVX0U4SE5Hczl4LVRhU21aaHY3aEFRSHlXRHlKQXZCczk3eG42OGkxNlpydXRFY3d5R1FHODBVTzlHY3F1ZHU2TjRieG9FSjJ2NnF0NWxVUzBidmZvOVJQLW1hcUk3WmZqVUV1Z1JxZnNkcDFBPQ== |
I’m adding to the mini pool my 60KHs.
If we want people to come p2pool we need to make the path easy. Most of them will start at the mini pool and right now there’s not enough hashrate to find a block every 6 hours, so many of the newcomers don’t get paid regularly.
Maybe some of us could do this and push the p2pool adoption a little bit.
| r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVjBUWG9nVGJwNWtWVzE3UWhfWmZtbkJnSzh6SUk4VjVrWWFOLUVEMWZHVk16aTRYVF9DTXVkcEhqbG1oQjN5VkxscmtMVDdGNGItT2pfNHdSWEF3Y3JKTmNMa1lhajBLdXhNUEF4VVdXYkU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYVJpVzFibzg3Z2NrX2VIaG1GT2ZtdXJxYzZSN2NUdHc2S1Z4VTlhR3M5eGFuSU9TMmNsUjJlVFBwUnBNMW9yYXJVbzhxWm1CdWU1TGVaVVVNLUhnZkt3V0FXLXl0X2gwMXFlcFF3S0NVQ0xweVAxVnd0TjRNR0Znc1pBM19Ya2lmUnJfSkRuVVdyTkxKaFotZHprUmdTTWFVQjFubnI5T1J3czdJaGY3S0xzPQ== |
TVL: $53M
Volume: $23M
🔥 $mpDAO/ $STNEAR Farm climbed 58% in 4 days
♾️$NEAR token got a boosted 22% surge
📆 Weekly Volume up by $3M vs last week
Anything BIGGER this week fam? Comment below 👇
| r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdmdZUEFRVHI1a3FOdTRMRnl4UHBhWHFWOUxjT21rdG10akYwcDhMaEk4QmJ1ZWItWDZCSERTS2NRb2Y3alJab1p3cGNNVDNwWHFvTUxJNjk0ZkdqMmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNelhNZWY4TXNjaW9GQXFFdzNRVU5BVWRFUjBuQjdfY3g0em9KM1ZsQ1dVUkt4QkdHdVFJOU10QmZxWFpwaVZrSXFMbno0SEFLWk9UYWE2UU1QZUNlV2xsLU5Ka1BEYTJrLWRfdFJLMUxfNGE0Tkw1QW1fY1hkMDlmTGo1aEdJb1FQSVJaSWt6bWlZSTRXdWREYWNzUGdTa25odDE5ajJkRno3R1NpRkJXM2VGYmlmWXM2RDBkOEpLNWhwLWRHNXlY |
I'm curious but stay real. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZzZxNGFuMHRxSDB2LXlOR0ROYVI4NjVrSEtiZ2JIb0NwcWs2LTQ4U25SYkpJYVc3X2JNMm5oTW4zVWh0OWNzMGxWVHUwV2JPX3pSWXpyTFpGVUg3Q0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNV1lRU2JKX1ZPczFaaVpBRDBpNlN3SG1DSkNmdzdDeUozRUQyTkxYaWJQY25aSEJfNkxsQmlZVi1jYUp5MXo1YUk5aUttM0JETk14RVh4YkFnWTBQMm5zNlVqX0RRRXhTZEpNZ09tVTBJVXptWXlCNDZscGJoa21sUkxFUnVJNFF0endpUXBYM09rbTRyaUxSUXV1RnhpWHFNb3oyVmp6aFprLVY2djVMd1lCLVd6aUNaaUlueVRDR3E1cDlwX1Vl |
r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcGV1LUFpREhwU2VNeWVtQXk3Q1Zlc2tJRnJLY1dPVVY2MXUtZU9GQUVuUlFuWUhCRmE5UWxiMmdGZFF0RWlPX2lhTEJCQ2ROUy1DbFczNlNYLTRaT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdllnLUQycFpVWFBiQ1dDSFNOakVTNm4xem56T2ZmZmt6UXJBRXByRzc2UHJwS3dsQU1HUlRRa0t6Z1FrRmt1WTJNTVlraXBaLWxqTGZsY2d5d3hpX2dVTGx3czF4YTREV2FLdlM3SnRZbWJuY1M1SkZVT05PcEd0QWhFdWJhV1daOW1DTmF5SlJLY1JkVVFScnF5QkphQ1Z3WW5EeVhLbVY3VVFqc1hhUElwVklJSGc0MDZ4dXB6cFVCTHptYldV |
Buy it via dm. Original artwork. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNmxKbFJHd2xDbFNDVlBoeTQ2V0JXX2tEb3hxRzFjMGJtVi1CVGRLX01GUUxBTFRkN201MGdkUjFyUWVQWmJLeGFya0RzYXcyczQ1Q2N6MFVMSzQtVXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbVJVR2k4eTVPRThiNjZPTFFtYzNocExkWml0Wjk1ZVctNHcwenh2MXI5cjNGX0RNUkhYN05uSWRMQmgyTFhSV1ktMEtZR0NzM1JKWGpEbFd6YjhCMEJIVGI4dlVuZWJiTFZoRktWRENlOHoxdHNXX1RvVTB0d2Z4QUROdW44SDF2V1p4RXhJOTJVWUVtOTUta3hKdlgxNXBXMkExMUVsdmdkZ29WU3dqLWY3MVVvbDhBQlcyMlFKU1pKV3ZHTDN1 |
r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTDNPLVpMVm1qcDduWjNkc29nalkySzBMcjRQQ2JqN2dzeVpjX0RheDdxYzdKRkV0Q25yaWppd2RHYlJTbmxuMTNUclhOZV9DTTZJcFdTRUJFWVlzM1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNm4xNkJkcGRvRGhqUWxZdzFrUURSZmt6N1dIN3J4eUJuZkdXemxzYmVhTWV1eU5CTVNtVnZlU2FQdS1nRlUzb19PTk9tUXl5MVR3TnpNb1JXNEtsR2pLb3pvcVNaQ1UxYzAwN3F5NnFTVUdaX2JYa0oxcUVNRDg4cU1jTkxNZ3BEMHJjZ21uWnk1US05aVFlVzVRc0d4b2ZrdFYyMVppczNhaGRjQ2o2X1U3V1BhZzRHc1JoRVpUejE0X0xfbGFHWU4xQlphbnZlQUhxMTYydGNCOF94UT09 |
I like the team behind NEAR and their tech, but don't know much about what's being built. I'm interested in knowing who are the "consensys" or main builders in this ecosystem.
Thanks! | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZ19XUlI5SHBaZ3JrZ25FMzlpZExmXzRzM2FiLWxlVFhlZWdZSk1sajBmNldsaGlxb2dJajY2S01WdlpRQlV3LTBjdWxlTUtUblE2ak1mWUl2M2dQVlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTTNpQ05ycVh1UmgtNXo3WHBRWUpGcXRjejktRTJIc2dIMXp3bkhRdG42d2tBMVdGT3dMazhIcWdpN3dlT0pwaWJCY2NjallWeDVXTVZQZ0NOeGNIQnEwdU1PWmhIRUtXVk9DZHA3NDRYZy15QVFraEZQQ1diZzgtWWtJRFBPQUdaZE8wSDBVLXUwUzdCeWM3anplWHpCQmEwN3dSVVZVZXF4SzZNeVBWRFVBZllsNnJKMEwyeEU5RHk0aEVmYldCZmpEQW5ocnNpMjNhb0JId1dqV05XUT09 |
**\*\*NEARWEEK Daily Newsletter 📩 \*\***
**\*\* Wednesday, November 06, 2024\*\***
**\*\*💥 Big things around the ecosystem 💥\*\***
[**Whiteboard Session with Illia Polosukhin & Alex Skidanov**](https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1gqxvNOooDAxB)
[**The AURORA BETA TESTERS CLUB is launching a second project for testing**](https://x.com/auroraisnear/status/1853834135166697608)
[**Aggregation, fragmentation, privacy and more. Nov. 6th, 4 PM CET**](https://x.com/CalimeroNetwork/status/1853861081304752160)
**\*\* 💰 DeFi 💰\*\***
[**Ref Finance : WEEKLY RECAP ft NEARvember effect?**](https://x.com/finance_ref/status/1853826703006806295)
[**A new 2-step route on Ref when swapping NEAR to USDT**](https://x.com/finance_ref/status/1854136405645295661)
**\*\*🔼 Projects update 🔼\*\***
[**Universal Accounts is live on mainnet, enabling one account to control multiple blockchains**](https://x.com/BitteProtocol/status/1853820758436217333)
[**UniFat has teamed up with MITTE, the No.1 NFT/Meme trading platform on NEAR**](https://x.com/unifat_xyz/status/1853737067244892592)
[**NEAT is partnering with Sender AI to develop an AI-driven Adaptive Proof of Stake (APoS) mechanism and Multi-Agent Consensus**](https://x.com/inscriptionneat/status/1854065395680075841)
[**Introducing the NEAR FAM NFT Cards Collection**](https://x.com/near_family/status/1853924000038375861)
**Don't forget to Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter!** [*https://subscribe.nearweek.com/*](https://subscribe.nearweek.com/) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNWdENFJLdHptUFNyS2NObGw3cjU5c0VUN2xoTlUxM1hobEtKWG80SEZpZEdiSDF5SmtGd1lqMW9sb2hYbGZlTWFZZGhpSHBLc2tpa0NlazVCUWphNXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVmY5S3hkM1JGWjVwZElTSFlpMTQtY0ZMSzJRM2lFRjE0aU5vNzRGUlZtR19pNHZTdlI2ZWJCTUNVZDdDY2hjdlAtMGtGc1EwU0dqY1pMNlBkbEFxT1FRaFlnMXY0aHRfaHl2RkpRTzZFdWxTU3RJcThMUWp6WDZkZ2RjQXVLZEtMbllSU01ZeGVZZUxocGJBLWM5Q1c1ODZvMDRtZ1NRb3FtNzJIZE50ci1zNmN3NFNMUTA1TzJ3NG8wbmRBcHo2 |
Now that Trump has won the elections crypto will rise for sure. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaEV2MEpHR3V3MzFsLTRFb0tSSFF2VjdmTEZpZi1EaGN0WXlUWUdLMElYWGdKbXM5TU5jaDBhM3dJSUtOeVM0eEpNUlJHX3dSWDZUbU81VmZUY21zT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNS3B2czRTRmxnSUZMTW5Ra1pSOVo0cUE5LVNiSE9kVVhoNWxSUmRIdXBONFBzZWZLUDg4Q280V0gxVkk2Q2F6MS0ybG1vX3JQZVBSekFFSG1mLTVCWG1JM09saFBhakx1UVI1ZGYtLURkTjBNMGJpLWtZSHR2RzdFc1lrNFVMOFBJdjJqWlBXT2s2cVNqSTJHYnVCTEVYbHVlQm5ya3d0SHd5X1NPNENFVENjPQ== |
Hey all, long time respecter of Monero here. I've been building the website [PPQ.AI](http://ppq.ai/), a super slick user interface that gives access to all of the premium AI models you know and love (GPT4o, Sonnet3.5, Perplexity, etc) and operates on a pay-per-use basis!
[PPQ.AI](http://PPQ.AI) offers:
**Document upload -** Connect pdf, txt, docx, etc and asks questions to the document
**Vision** \- Allows you to upload images and have the LLM interpret the image for you
**Github upload** \- Connect PPQ to an external (public) github repo and ask questions to it
**Adjustable context window** \- allows you to set how much of the current conversation you want the LLM to be aware of, increasing its understanding of the topic at hand.
**Context caching** \- Vastly reduces the cost of our highest end models (GPT4o and Sonnet3.5).
**Hotkeys** \- Allow you to easily move around the interface without taking your hands off the keyboard
**openAI-compatible API keys** \- Allow you to use our key in third party services like Cursor, CLINE, [Jan.AI](http://Jan.AI), and SillyTavern!
**Import and Export abilities** \- Transfer your PPQ conversations from one device to another, or even export your ChatGPT conversations and import them into PPQ so you can finally drop your AI subscription!
**Image generation models -** All the best image models, and even an image editor!
Many more little UX and UI features which make the experience extremely smooth and up to par with all of the best subscription UI's out there.
PayPerQ also believes in privacy - all conversation data is stored in the local storage of your browser instead of on our servers, and we don't require even an email address for you to use us.
We've worked really hard on delivering this product over the last eight months and we hope to get some privacy and freedom folks to advocate for us. I would really appreciate if you tried [PPQ.AI](http://PPQ.AI) out and gave us some feedback! We believe we've achieved a lot already but in truth we are just getting started. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWnBvelR0WUtERGxHcUd0OElEQXFXWFF5RUNKSEJ3YXQzb2JKTzJwZ1hBcE9MYy0yV19rUlY1eEFfN1FfdnRHeWlzZHFxRWkxVEQ1STdvdFRNNEdmd1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNREs3NEZ6aVVxVTJhTFYxVEszR2w5b0ZaU0tRSEl5c1RVcFBpS1ZkMGpocGluN21YQ3BKNXFYVE9JcGFmRkxoVmpGU3NqRmtBbEctQUVCUWJyLTVJZkt6QkJFcmZtNlVOdTNhUTlZTXM2bUx3WF9ZYXFPaldKbE4wdXpMcGtweFAzampxU0NZUVBGekR5QTBkakdDYkpCRjlGN0RwSHBjS2VkVXVpSUFwTVVRX3JBcGpkaUhHTXN2c19sbEpBb1ZB |
Good afternoon Polkadot community!
With last night's election results in mind, we're curious: How do you feel global political changes, like the recent U.S. election, might impact the security and resilience of decentralized ecosystems like Polkadot? Do you see increased challenges or opportunities for Web3 security?
[\~X (formerly Twitter)\~](https://x.com/DotAntiscam) |[ \~Website\~](https://polkadot.antiscam.team/) |[ \~YouTube\~](https://www.youtube.com/@PolkadotAntiscamTeam) | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdXIyRVloQ0tYdUR2b2lSMEJBa3RxZUJIdUUyTE9MeG1PVU1LSjBMQzhldExvcjJyWGhfNjM1STNkLWJnZGp6ck9tY2M1SWQ0bDZIRzBVOHVzS1IxdGZvOFdoTTZhUzl2WXZ2Z0k2Szd2dVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNelcwNjRlcE9kWVpWcU5xbmRMeVJIcmNINGFYazhPenRia1hJRGJFdGJ3a2NUdF85dkgwcl9WNWhFczZPR1NWcDJ3UTYySEFnR2hzaFVmZjA4ZmlpeUJGd09hZFg1cXRQM2w2MGNrNUdSOTQxeXcwdFRac1Y1bWNEZVA3amttUjNHS0J3aHJIdG03Vk9PblZqTXI5WFZ3alUwUUVaSGEwbEFPZGw5aEMybHRfN2xydGlIdUZOdEl5a3hmaWFqUFlh |
Germany sold all their 50,000 Bitcoins at $54,000... | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYzcyV3dLZktJNWJ0UW5wam1JNThnZm1LM2NhdHVDY1B6SkhESWFIWHJJNWh0aTVYb1FzUzJqU29HWUlSRG9KWGxGTUZYR2lnM0lhVGdvMmxSU29Kcmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQ0duSHpzYXcyY1VxNWVVX0pCQWRDTnY4Tm5rSUxhdzZZY2ZocGZza3VkX3ZJSXhHU01Xb1JvVTg2TnJNRF9jd3o0eHBQLTFYdElRUUluc1Znd2dscllVal9GZVRTUzFUdDlJWXc3dzBzZnRRa0E0cVAwWDNSMFRkXzVFS3FjMDR6TktFMDhOUENKeEYxMlV5cjQtWnV0b2M4WVJzV3ZXRThUWDZZVzd1U3BPclNBYlozUHJFM1ppeXNqQ2RYdW1S |
Much of bitttenso is using AI technologies, after the launch of Sora with an update to openIA, do we expect a new giant rise? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNGZqaWl4OHd0dkYxMnFhTnJhdW9Xdy0zSTFOWGJ6SkFtcWpzYkpJeVNRT0hLeDVadHRId1k0QlpDVGhzVUJ0MThNc1VjdXBuTXVEdHljTDlMQ1RFTnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVFN3UUNHQk1QbU5PS08wNUFya0hNMkNCcGhYaUVCd1NEcWtIWnZGdE9ySnJkWnhrM0J3UVYyOGJhSGs4SnloYlJ5N3FhWGVvUU1EZmR1TTFrYXBsN1UzTFhxUjF5bUl1QkZOS3VOczFJRVlJTmdpalZEeGZxR1J3dEFDRmxfa05VXzVhUEFTaTFrQ0Uwc3F0Rl9HYmN2Nlc3M3dvcFl3WjlPNklFb0FyNklrOHVzbzliQ2RaZC1pWWo3aEZMNTY5 |
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🌱 Join us today and let's grow together with Grass! | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMajBoSmY5eF93Z19PUXhicTZfMGlwc3poZEJSQWkxRWtEUHZWZElaOThMdDM3dk12d2hIRDhXVEkzcTZnZFJnNEVWMVc4a2RMN1paVXJvbE0yYkpWMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSzd4d05aVW1KWHpJWTBTTlFLU3RjdGczUGJ2ZU9jckd0NHFhSkZNUVZpRnl3TjZMeWVIb0pyMUNreVNsUUh3eE11MjBxbWxJZTBGLVZ0Smt0ZUd5Q3BodFhPdTdvUkx5czdXaXdrcGI3WUl4TUhQTjZzNkVQYXZPS0RTSTNsNndsTEFTQmQtRnVVMzlpTzRSYllEdzJ1MXczdnZ3UXM1ZlpTNlpLSjMzcFh5Qi11RVUydElvazM0U0tFcWh5T3NYbDcwNHMyaXZ2QkZiSGVSd2FkWmowZz09 |
Hey fellow Redditors,
I'm scouring the market for some solid low-cap cryptos with real potential. Anyone got any hidden gems they're watching? What are your bets for the next big thing in the low-cap space?
Thanks! | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbS03VUZlS0wtd3dkLVY0V1V1RFlYekNaWjlCZHhZQ3RJZk9KeVBGMlduY2QtYWhVbXB4bWVFbDI2clAwRHAxcExIa2NPbWgxbUFxSTdGUGwtdVB3dEtpb2ZXNkgyVElVeDFNOXRONWIzeXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNY0dXVG5NNEt2YVFSMXRUNERjNmd6ZkVNN3lIZzYwNEM3OUJQdUMyLUlKRmJ4ZEFmSldqa28xUHhUa1Jnb1dPWldOclJWWHRPaGg5cENVa3JVaUtqNkFjM0otQWdTUmk0bFZjUXBWakVtSW9HUm5KUm9YTkNzb3p6UXNZOHdVQXB1ZUhLbjJtOWxmcEJCQ3lOdXlRc1JQVGMwRmh6SE9EYWZ4eWNxcGFZNlVRSUFSMHM4cHlUWXhtX3dsbWl5LTJ5 |
I would like to understand the whole codebase of monero. I somewhat understand the theory and the cryptographic part of it (read some books of bitcoin and monero), but I do not know the specific code nor the specific programming language used.
What would be the best way to become a code contributor for xmr? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTkpDeEktRXRWZUhyak1nVnJ5a1dacUoxcTFaTXBjcUJvU0NBbVpEamhMaDZNTTBhUU1EbUlXUjRid3g3THdKMV9HNXNlb0FBeW03SHNMSXVmQmxRYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYm03dktIdGNIUDB2MDlEeElUQ2hzX3BnODJsZlJBNmVpNElpQVJOZTBQT3pDS0VwYkZoR2FKOWh4WVBuVl9Ec3FSLXROZ3pZbkZWbmxvTWVDRzA0bHB6OG5HenpWTWg3S0NHbm54cVB0UjIyUVhhbE1XTHRjTGJOdWtvUG9jV0xKc2xWS056NU1Sd1VSYlA3ZEpDN1VMTXl3dTdKeVFRemZ3cFlZVXpiS0xUY1E2ZjgzRzNpVldrQVdJYW9QNDJTcDNEbjR2aTBCSXNRWTYyMzZSYWZkUT09 |
I'm new to crypto and saw some articles saying that it's best to invest into Cardano right now as it's projected to 20x or something by 2025
Can anybody guide me whether I shud spend in it right now if it's a good idea, thanks! | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMV21wdFVsNklBekxvcVBnZ3JpX2ZUS05tWUhkZ3E1aXdTMG5od2RZZ3hKWXlrWkFUSXU5LWFBNGQtZU9MVkVxX29uWTd5cHVHb3lvaGpVVlBVd003MEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcElGY1Y3M2pKNlo4T1JnU3hBZTdJcDRPaXA1NkhIWmJtSTVGSXE0R3BBbk5OS3E2ZG1mUHNyYXk1ZFZvb3RKWlptVFJXenNFNVUtdklrR18wcy10QWE1N3JRU3gzNkRKTDYtTXlINGZxbm1qcWhDQkloMzF2QXAyOWh1YllLTEpvNW9Dc3hIMS1YSEpUWm8yaHVxY01BOTdkTXlDU2U2MUVMS0lTSEYxdVIwPQ== |
Is there a benefit in using one monero wallet over another? I downloaded Monero GUI sometime ago because of something I read on this sub that gave me the impression it was better for Monero than something like Exodus. I opened it recently after a long time of inactivity and it is processing a lot of things. I'm not exactly sure what it's doing but it looks like it might be downloading the entire blockchain. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTWhvY2xkaDBlNjBnMzZUYUVRYUI0cy1zczVLdldDNWdCWURHaW96VlpiSmxnTUQ1UWIwbEZPdTdVb2JNb1plOWdwUGZRWnJtcUd4V3pLNDZRdEhTc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZldjZnBTTEFQcWlPWmRlTm9ESWdYTE5UWTM3Y0tWbm5oWFNTVWU5TmFUSnNDa2p4OFI5TVlXOExYdW95S2c3S24xVFZZNllacnpGYW40VUpPbUI0QjUzUlRINDRiMWxwZG5TVmptYUlaMTRia0lhbGNMZ2daWnVwaWNDQkNLT1cwNUdzTTJ5Qk5lelNFZ2hac3NNODg1enRiV2wyVWtabmNfSXlFRXBnUTZFPQ== |
The title. Thanks | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZEdyYjRpSkhIa29Wc0hJMjRtNE5QSVJIQWdhS1dGOEl5bUhkenBIRGdnSkJ3WFlVcURvaEdGNVhqODFxbXFIZXZMLXlNQ19QcmplUHdRbmc4cjdrMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSE04a3dmNExfaWdOdkZ4cGRqVGtLRnlEMUZnUlNjXzR4OWMtUWtMc1dPZTNXblVsTER1LUZvQzRxb2Y5YTJFN0QwWlNqSDZTd0g5RGNxS1FFb0lKYXBJamFLVkptTnZOdXc2a2NZUm92aGkxQWFrRUs3czFBQVp2RGJYZFRPaWlKMGVmUnRTWFE2eEJ6U2dqQXo0Q2FiWW9IV1FXT2JCQ25YNVNRSmZPc1VUVnI5ZkN4UFhiYkRmMXRZX2pCb0FBeGZNTEpPNDVUVEhUNjJTTG53dTZlQT09 |
Someone (possibly the same shady people that were behind the dead "haveno main" network) has set up a second Haveno network called "Haveno-AIoha" after they saw the first real network called reto (https://haveno-reto.com) gaining some traction.
"AIoha" got criticized by a few people in the Haveno matrix chat for their completely unreadable GitHub repository with nearly 2000 unnecessary changed files:
They, for some reason I can't explain, made a weird negative remark about a default Haveno setting that is literally used by themselves?
As well as claiming they started "months before" the reto network, meanwhile their GitHub history was only going back a meere 4 days, not to mention that reto launched 2 days after Haveno went 1.0.0, so it's literally not possible that "AIoha" started "months before". They also copied most of their websites wording from retos website.
What do they do next? Instead of just fixing their messed up GitHub, they start going completely schizophrenic and accuse random people like u/rottenwheel, u/boldsuck and me of running reto:
They also wrote paragraphs and paragraphs projecting their own actions onto me?
**These people are absolutely unhinged and I would HIGHLY suggest everyone to avoid them.**
I believe nobody in their right mind would trust these people to properly handle disputes after seeing them go off the rails like this over some minor criticism
That being said, they did make exactly one great contribution that I am thankful for:
By announcing that they would have no trade fee, they made [reto remove their fee as well](https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1gku3gl/reto_just_announced_that_they_will_remove_trade/)!
This is a win for the community but also removes any incentive to use "aIoha" compared to reto, which has been running without any controversies for the past 6 months and nearly 1500 completed trades.
It also hit a new liquidity ATH of 2300 XMR recently, check out this thread on how to get started:
[Haveno is Live on Mainnet: How to Install : Monero](https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1g42umh/haveno_is_live_on_mainnet_how_to_install/) | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNGhxUkNQRkp3dmR5QmtpWUtKWGttbENKdEhKZnhZc3VMRnFvR0pseDN1TDBxX29xYXJETGVncnd0MzZId1RJRGYxMHQ1Nk5UazJ4TVBGeG9mSFh4dEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYXBGUWF6enJ2R2NfYldKZkkwVGswcjZyMGEyX3gwVDZPZUhBeEVzSUhJUkdYc3JzbVl5YWFoT2I5S2FxVlhPeFM0UzY1VVhnSUtXRHE1WFFTZ3lDNzhsa0loczhndzZXMWx3RVNfQ1ZJX1RsX016Z3BMMjBFMXJxS2pYRDlfdmhkSG1QejJkRlRheDc3WjU0WUlrQTRRcWZtM1BBOU5GVlF5V2tRRUVRNUp6Y0tsT1dJWGk5VmItNXhNWUN5ekhZ |
I am very bullish on Near as I think the IA narrative will drive new investors and retail to invest in Near in the upcoming bull market.
Also potential ETF on Near?
What do you guys think? | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWG5BenhncGQ0dkNwZ0ZPOGVJSW45Zzk4czZYeVhuWURJbnpqU2VwYW1jWmdVOXdWSHR4cUZhTUNBVFFTTUNZOGZIb2Roel9Va1ZlVXJDNlZDWEVJNjRtdFUzcWpDb0NLRDR0UGZwdExiZFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZHBVN0NWOUxtSUI1c0stdEc2Y3RUOGFrb2NreU9ablZRUHprTFZYX2FEakpqM2h0Y1RaZzBRcFJCaktJNnpfb3RKMTNZWTd0TDU0eHY1OXhRak1GRy1CalRGeklqWVhldjF5YXFqSUE5d2NUd0xzakhBcFk3VmtXQVZSXzY5c1dzLTNPU2tib0l4bHlBS1dhVWxyZzljTUdZWFlXQVF6Y1FDODljY1pGaXlQRHdQMU16NkgxS2lQY0I3RGdtUjBk |
After reading some of the comments under this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1gku3gl/reto\_just\_announced\_that\_they\_will\_remove\_trade/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1gku3gl/reto_just_announced_that_they_will_remove_trade/), I realized that people don't understand what USDT is and why it is needed as a tool.
If you don't know what USDT is, it is a centralized stablecoin from the very shady/scammy company Tether.
Within the USDT smart contract there is a blocking feature. This is when law enforcement agencies work together with Chainalysis and other know-you-transaction engines work together to block someone's funds for various reasons (guess which ones).
And that's where the “scaremongering” in comments from people who don't realize that 99.99999999% of the time they won't face blocking because... um, they probably don't have enough liquidity (I don't want to offend anyone) and aren't doing the things they might catch blocking for.
Here you can see how often and how much USDT is blocked and on what network: [https://x.com/search?q=%28has+just+been+frozen%29+%28from%3Awhale\_alert%29&f=live](https://x.com/search?q=%28has+just+been+frozen%29+%28from%3Awhale_alert%29&f=live)
**Why have USDT as an option for Haveno? Why not <some-other-stable>?**
Because of the liquidity of USDT. Take a look at this [https://defillama.com/stablecoins](https://defillama.com/stablecoins) and compare these numbers to your favorite stablecoin (if you have one).
The second point, those people from the Monero community who live in Asian countries, CIS countries, African countries, Latin American countries - they understand what USDT is and what role it has long played in the life and economy of their countries.
I'm talking about over-the-counter (OTC) trading and that USDT is the exit point from fiat into the crypto world. More often it is USDT (TRC20) on the Tron network and not USDT (ERC20) on the Ethereum network, but now this small detail is not important for my post.
**How exactly can USDT be useful to you?**
A lot of people here complained that Kraken removed XMR, and that it was convenient for many people to send bank transfers, from their account, buy XMR there and withdraw.
I explain very simply how USDT + Haveno-Reto can be useful to you.
***Option\_1***: Kraken (or any other centralized exchange where you deliberately made KYC to send wire transfers on your behalf) + USDT + Haveno-Reto:
1. send a EUR/USD/GBP/etc bank transfer to a centralized exchange, like you used to do when XMR was available on your favorite centralized exchange
2. buy USDT
3. withdraw USDT (ERC20) to a non-custodial wallet (tips on non-custodial wallets will be at the end of this post)
4. open Haveno-Reto and buy XMR
***Option\_2***: buy USDT (ERC20) on the OTC market with cash and/or bank transfer and buy XMR on Haveno-Reto.
This option may be much easier and more convenient for someone than buying XMR directly for cash. Or maybe not. We are all different, and we are all marketed differently. And that's fine. :)
When you choose one of the options and/or make your own, it goes without saying that you can add Tor, Whonix, i2p, and anything else you want to this chain. For example, it might make sense for someone to withdraw USDT (ERC20) to ***address\_1***, then transfer it to ***address\_2*** and then buy XMR on Haveno-Reto. Why? Well... think for a moment :)
**Who should not worry about using USDT**
If you deliberately buy USDT on a centralized exchange (like Kraken) to then withdraw to a non-custodial wallet and buy XMR.
**Who should be careful**
If you are engaged in some kind of activity that your favorite state does not like.
Also, if someone wants to buy on the OTC market USDT directly for a wire transfer in their own name - be careful and only trade with verified traders. Why? Because you may be sold USDT that was for example involved in drug trafficking, and when the guys in uniform come to the trader, they will be able to trace you, even though you knew nothing and honestly sent your wire transfer to buy USDT. Such USDT may have a “**bad AML score**” (another scam from the existing system to make it harder for you to enter/exit the fiat world).
If you buy USDT for cash without KYC - this is the best option, and you can safely go to Haveno-Reto and exchange USDT for XMR.
**Alternatives to USDT**
There have been a couple comments along the lines of “*why not DAI*?” and “*why not LUSD?*”.
DAI rebranded to SKY (USDS ~~= Uncle Sam's Digital Shitcoin~~) and added a locking feature there. That is, DAI will still exist (for now), but all efforts and all work will be centered on USDS. So, either DAI will be picked up by a super active community (which I doubt) or DAI will slowly die.
Liquity (LUSD) **v1**. I was introduced to this stablecoin by a friend of mine in the Monero community. Yes, LUSD is currently censorship-resistant without blocking/freezing feature. And I'm glad that some people remembered in the comment section LUSD as an alternative to shady/scammy USDT. :)
But it has very, very little liquidity compared to USDT.
For me USDT and LUSD are like a hammer and a saw, two completely different tools for completely different purposes.
And moreover, if you want to get LUSD it is an additional step, which often lies through the purchase of ETH, which is much more difficult (usually) to buy for example for cash on the OTC market. But yeah, you can send the same bank transfer to the same centralized exchange, buy ETH, withdraw it to Metamask and get LUSD.
Important point, once again - no one is calling anyone to keep their savings in USDT. This is a tool that you need to learn how to use ***correctly*** based on your vision/state of the market.
I hope that in the future I will see on Haveno-Reto the possibility to buy XMR for USDT (TRC20) which is on Tron network. That is, shady/scammy USDT + shady/scammy/centralized Tron network. What could be better, lol.
Also, I hope to see support for LUSD (version 1) because it's a cool project.
**Wallet recommendations for USDT (ERC20)**
I don't use proprietary wallets, and I don't advise you to, but I'll leave 1 proprietary wallet on the list here for you to make your own choice.
My choice is: [https://unstoppable.money/](https://unstoppable.money/)
Why? Because: [https://walletscrutiny.com/android/io.horizontalsystems.bankwallet/](https://walletscrutiny.com/android/io.horizontalsystems.bankwallet/)
You can also use Metamask as a browser extension as well as a standalone app on Andoid/iOS.
The most popular wallet for storing and using USDT is: [https://trustwallet.com/](https://trustwallet.com/)
Trust Wallet was an open source wallet, but after they were bought by Binance in 2018 - the wallet became proprietary. The company's explanation is to protect me so that hackers don't copy their UI. Yes, yes, yes, of course, thank you. /s
I've used Trust Wallet for a long, long time and I personally haven't had any problems. Why did I use it? Because all the alternatives that were available at that moment were even more proprietary and many times more shady.
But, I did this: [https://github.com/horizontalsystems/unstoppable-wallet-android/issues/5355](https://github.com/horizontalsystems/unstoppable-wallet-android/issues/5355) and after some time Unstoppable Wallet developers added Tron support and I immediately unistalled Trust Wallet.
And I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to post here if you are waiting for XMR to be added to Unstoppable Wallet like me: [https://github.com/horizontalsystems/unstoppable-wallet-android/issues/5492](https://github.com/horizontalsystems/unstoppable-wallet-android/issues/5492)
Thank you for your attention.
**EDIT**. I see that people add in comments different stablecoins that they like for some reason. Remember to always DYOR, so you don't lose money with a no-name stablecoin that is 1.5 months old and liquidity for a 2-pack of beer. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUUFCZGxlWUxhbFZoRndsRmRUMkpfSi1jSTJwU3RqWXpJTEhYRy1IcXFxMXFBSVZwN0VyUnhVWXE5Z0RveVc0ZlNGQVN2QVA0Sjk5SmhuRElPQUdkcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTE01NkExN0hMT1ZxTzBrY1R4VXlPdVpuUWJBbXhycjZjUGlLVnlQaTgxQzNFeEJHVlBtdmk4aVY5TTVUdXZsemRubjduTkdGSF9YMXlua1p6amduQWVyNjgtUGlKdjF4Vk5UdXNvZjAtUDFPWi1CMTRDNjBDS3FfbW1zTHc0SXJmb2FtdDNXSzQwSlk5MHhHVllzQVJnYkg0emZRRUZ2MzNNQ0l1VGxTVUZRR0QyS1dNRmJMcFEzY1VydUVqcTI0NVNrdENpZC1DTHNBM2xVNHVWUDhFQT09 |
**\*\*NEARWEEK Daily Newsletter 📩 \*\***
**\*\* Thursday, November 07, 2024\*\***
**\*\*💥 Big things around the ecosystem 💥\*\***
[**The NEAR Protocol and Delphi Labs AI accelerator program teams are some of the best building the future of User Owned AI**](https://x.com/nearhorizon/status/1854457269016313913)
[**Near x Protocol Labs Open Co-Working Day**](https://lu.ma/NEARProtocolLabsOpenCoworkingDay)
[**Chain Abstraction Community Call #4**](https://x.com/NEARDevHub/status/1854163309089653001)
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[**Put your NEAR tokens to work and earn \~8% APY**](https://x.com/meta_pool/status/1854238193207365770)
[**Atlas Protocol partners with Bima**](https://x.com/_atlasprotocol/status/1854186062848946288)
[**Burrow : 12th Buyback in progress**](https://x.com/burrow_finance/status/1854147802202608109)
**\*\*🔼 Projects update 🔼\*\***
[**Charlie, Head of Marketing at Aurora is speaking at Ocean Protocol's Superintelligence Summit in Bangkok**](https://x.com/auroraisnear/status/1854237318334525893)
[**Universal Bitte Protocol accounts are secured by Safe, signed by NEAR Protocol**](https://x.com/safe/status/1854506416930955315)
**Don't forget to Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter!** [**https://subscribe.nearweek.com/**](https://subscribe.nearweek.com/) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNEV6ZEVWRWtSRTRLdVpaQmFtOG92Mm1yYWJFcWVzUzJ4TV9zeUpHYjVwZzk2azVrZHJmV3VUV0ZQamdobGxqNTczVTBzZE5zSUhCRmZqWFhKWDhhWnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOVd2azNmNF91NF81Tkt4SEJDMTB2UUd4YVFZV1RMd1dPU09qRTVnRHpwSjFTMWVyTFl4OVJFUFV3NUlnT0hjTmlHblhOdWxjYWtxRjROMG0yeTRuSVdiUjVnaW0wYllVLUZWemFaU2F2S1JIcHZsZHUwdmE2a3I0aUMzc3FzVDRodzBfMDlCOWNLUXJDcHNtSXQtQTdSU0NlYUxaRDlTQkQxWFg4MzFLb2t2Y0o4VjA2TEgySUJvZVRsTFNTSzk4 |
Since 2021, From a single-purpose AMM ➡️ Leading DEX on NEAR — What's next?
The Answer: Building on NEARProtocol Chain Abstraction Frontier. To go beyond, REFactoring is needed to be the central hub for DeFi services beyond NEAR.
Here we are, a new suite of features that elevate your DeFi experience.👇
[https://x.com/finance\_ref/status/1854537287922806987](https://x.com/finance_ref/status/1854537287922806987) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMN1kzYnJXcGZfT1NrbEYxc2FQZllJNWU2UFllZWVuNDliZjNnc0t4V1lMYUJCSFVPWkEta0Y3bF9ubGZUMk9mMEVfVU9KbDZQU0hFalp2eGR4TnFRQWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWFd5N2IteTdzSm5KUkxWNWUwVjZ2SXJZRlRoeExTTlFGYzM2Q3Rqc3pHSWhLTHZVUl81Skl2NmF6R2ZwNWtCdWZMLUNOVDJ1djl3VWE0RmRoeU5Ra3EwaHE2T2c1Mi0yNG9vYndSbFlZb1JuLTdEZFMxR2ExQVVkeEQ5T0xUU1d0WGhROXFiY01LeXFfYTlZdXdXS2gwb2Z4RE8zVjRrS0NfdXMzZ3RWc214MWltWVpoM3ZxVE5KSjAzYmJGRUlZbjRrdFh2aG5OVFJMbVlfdGxQbW5nUT09 |
Thanks in advance for any help. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMnZHVGJ1akJsMmVQQkFaS001VlE1Z1dFV0RmN29USzJaQU53LW9pODNGaUktSFFHTWpzMnFQdG4ycE5fblVhTno0Zm8wRU91ek1zRVhVOVE1cVhiLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQW9TYWVLV2Vkd1BXVUw5T2kwVGdub3JaUWhKbmRFYzF2QVR0cm5qRHNrWHhZWGhYNm02TjM0MkplbmhDT2ZyYXFRZW9sQjhvbFNOVXM4VlVmQkJZTFJIeFhLVDBjWlRkd2VJQWlOTkF2ZDRzYTl4MlR6enRheHJMckg1ajl4TU0yNjctQXZFd2Z4QWw1MkRMbFBvWnJhVW9NQ3JRc0VGTzNTSzhHcUQ5Z1Eta2hCX0lZWF91a3BEYVdNQ1R0c0NPc19SMFYxck41RE1aazRpUUF2RFdpdz09 |
Ross Ulbricht was condemned to die in prison in October 2013 for creating and hosting an anonymous e-commerce website called Silk Road plus some 'Murder for Hire' alleged charges. About an hour ago the Free Ross X account confirmed that Ross will come home in January, most likely assisted by D. Trump.
I'm personally happy for Ross but can see that some people will have something ugly to say taking in the account some of his murder for hire and hutman charges, What do ya'll make of this?
X post:
https://x.com/Free_Ross/status/185456068771 3927541?t=GpvTLc6susck2g8rdJQj4w&s=19 | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTGQxcnk4YmtmRHNmV3FNaG5YTWRXTzVXX2g1Z19JdkVCMHlSWjN5UlVFOEF1TmdRZkJXZEdoZWNjMlRaeFJOcE43QWlvWTBHMWNaVFBza1VmaXNVNVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWTN4RVFyVTBxZlRUaE1wdW5PN0tFdnFraFloc192MldiVGNWX1RDcmVQSXA5YXlZSkEzMTZBT0lJSDJmQlVlTU9NdlZlQmJYRVJVNHRFc3FKdktxeGZNSXBVWmZOQVNvblhsaXNvdmtFNFoxVUh4Z0FBbmlIXzk4VlVFTmdjeUZrQWVIN184NjVXTFJiZ05QLTJJbHB0RlZMTWdrWXlqQUl5bjVmX3d5eE5BQUp3Q3dQSi1xbEVTX1k0YmdabmszMWJMSW43bGEwMnBXWnZpUmZWTk5Mdz09 |
Assuming this is indeed the start/continuation of a bullrun, what is your price target for BTC, why is it your price target and when do you think it will hit it? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcDdTZXA3Ql93bHZOMHlEbFdiS3JLWllWS0pMU3BjZ3JvT0lYMFpiSll2YXh1dXdZc3Nab3hCYktOSl9iX2hZZUR4eF9UVWFJZlNYaU5waXp6bWpzenc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNT2VTNjlvYXNjZVZtR0REMjh2cDM2YnRfcG5Ibm1jdHBPMi1Ybzczb0xwSDBNaDRiRjd1cVBEd0oyaHV3OE96dGIwdGx1UTdqZHYyNkJ6c1ZQN1lPcW01RjJzeThrdGlzSkxrUWRqSDFJeVpMU25GUXpmVFFzamVpVjEtNUEzaHRNVjNIeG9PcWtKNnhtUEhNcTRvZDZacEhpRlFoRXlmMXFEcWwzZjBIMHJMV0dJWElsRk45bDA4ZzZfQXdQeU56eWdRc1ctcS1lelZ5bkhKd2FVLWVWQT09 |
I like my accounting to be spot on, but this racks my head. I sent BCH from one wallet to another, and now I have an EXTRA transaction receive of 0.00001 BCH in both wallets. The accounting is perfect without these 0.00001 transactions. I literally have 0.00002 BCH more which is more than the fees, so, I got more BCH out of my transaction. How is this possible? | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMR19ka2d5WlNEUmVQN0NSS2RhNWNVZTJyZlcwbTEtYlNFWVRtd1dZS3M2TE5aTnlPdmNTVzFYaVRFMS1UUXJ3bWhER0RJeHhuRERNMmZoY3F5ZzJmcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRHFtajlZY2FlWk1zNl9nNk9wc01BOEw0clIyRWoydWdvUjBRbURwSUFZM1ZLc201dmU5YmlzWEdCaC15OTFkMVA0NzI5YVZaTHhlZ2VHdGtINzJlTWNETGQ1dWVLVGhtYXYxU3NaY3BwSF9FZ014aGxJWnV3cXl4dU04Q09Pa3pqd2Z2Wnhkc3EzT0MyOFAwdWJSVjBPYlJUVDltdXBPUExfczRXaG9qd1Rkc2pBSHVITW1EbG9BN25hZ2hfa3JpV2RoVkpGZHZ4NE96bkZNN1hXdE0tQT09 |
"btcli subnet list" on my linux only shows the subnet of mainnet.
Is there any way to list up subnets of testnet?
I am a novice on bittensor, and I could not find the way to connect to testnet to test. Please help me if you could | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSlYzdUFCSlk1TW1GX1RxZ0pQVFVCUHQ2T0t2Ry1wRW9UWW9DSmQwVVhZSktOVzFzOVgybTBXZWx6SC1MVGp3aUVXT1hzbDRzbUZFTG1abEMtRHM0QjF0RWIxTXp6OGJnMUJqRERENWNGNWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTGZqaG96QXg4VXl0cHBRVE40U20xbVdKN21oVERHbFA2ODYzZ3N2MzdkN2NMOFZmUDlIdEd4ZlY3SzhwcWxrMEtCUEZvSC1NNzk1UGhpdEhPNURuQjNnOUlwSnlKaUxOekdWcVJXZVMzb1VabURmRl9BSmxXLUlnOHY1QlViZWJZV0xvLWRObVlBemozREthTzR2UXVZcjhzUzYxWlA5Z0hVakVjUjJ5NXhXa29pOERIZ1lUblRCOGZGaVNJa0ZU |
Well, I'm not an expert or anything, but two months ago I made my first 'big' investment in Ethereum because it was very low, and I had a feeling it would go up soon. I never lost money, but I did lose part of what I gained, and there were many ups and downs. Now it’s the highest point I’ve ever seen till i invested here, and I've made a 25% gain but comparing yo the last 6months it could go much more high . What's your prediction? Should I sell or keep holding with diamond hands? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcHRucHpxQ253ajdnUW9hSXlNQWlFd1NiR3RpSjBLYjFTdjhKOGg3YXdiNzMwVm5zUjBCYmwtdnVsMUZ4QjNRd3NVdW52b0l3TEJxSUFjZGdYSHNTTXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTEhRRVNvWDBRUVNfUlpHSnU4OG1jbTBOSFZ6dFFfMzRQUzZXZnlNeW1yM084UEMzejE2elo2bUl3NlpfaGY5TTNFdU0xR05yS1NjeTNvcnBYUzVaUi1JTDJfd0ozQWtfd09XR1NkdlAxalJWb1lNYWxxY1I3V01GTC0tZnZCRG9Pei1XNUlXU0ZrcEVDVUxVLURWbi1ydzNqd01VSTBhQXFlUktGa1JZRUsxcWJ6VjlTNXdoYjgxbTVxNlJqbGZIOVpTdVBHMVdSbG5zTFFJTTJlenAwQT09 |
Dear friends and supporters of private and secure shopping environment,
Fellow Privacy Aficionados,
I have good news 🎉 : ShopinBit Schweiz is live!🇨🇭
# [https://shopinbit.ch](https://shopinbit.ch)
I would like to Introduce to you Switzerland's new Maximum Privacy Department Store, Concierge & Travel Service.
The store came into life on the foundation of the EU based [ShopinBit.com](http://ShopinBit.com) and its values of privacy and security.
We proudly offer:
0 - Zero marketing analytics
🚚 24-48h delivery time
🏠Shopping worldwide and duty-free home delivery in Switzerland
🔎 Automatic deletion of customer data after 30 days
🫰 Payments accepted in **#Monero**, #Bitcoin, #crypto and fiat
🎁 Concierge service
🏝️ Exquisite travel experiences tailored to your preferences
Get anything, travel anywhere, and pay with #XMR 🎁 ✈️ 🏝
Feel free to comment here, I'll answer all questions you have.
Best Regards
Your crazy privacy brother from another continent and mother
Lando Rothbardian
CEO of ShopinBit Schweiz AG | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZEhsLVdOdmZsWV9IYW5DSXQ4aVdBQ1ZBQktFbHBhT2R2N2gtUk5CUVEweTFjRHkzNUpfT2Z4Y2pPMV9ZZHUtaWV2d2p5enY1QTQzSjQ3OWJFRWZ5YUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSFlHMHBHd1hwRnZPZC05VjRSbTBpZmVYaUlKYnZuNnM5c0NqeUlTaHdUd0V1RFFfTUdyQ2U2LURNOXJ1MWFMMEs0WU8yVzYzYkpoV0JCaW5ldEk0ZnFjaTdhSnEwNGVOWE1ia3Z1RHpSM3ZWZHJ3ZVMwU1lUekZ5WXgtQ3IyMFVfX1JCU1RnQzJNam1naEdOcnV2NldYQnhOWENScDhLcHdzQ292Y0JHN3luUklqQ0c0NHRQUGdIb080cGZnQ1lhWVhkZ1VMZFQ1UlItODUwOGwzMS1pZz09 |
Looks like the speculation frenzy is going to take off soon. But seems like support for pre-2018 era coins has waned off. Does anyone find it surprising that alts including BCH haven't done much this later half of the year WRT btc even though it's at ATH? | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMVU1cDdiZTEtWmI3OUNJdTJHQjhJTWpUWFZXaWVqMnhKMjhEdmx0OTZvNVdKSDQ0NjNaeWZLZktvRG9mQTBqWG1icjdkc1lzMWlrQ1ZncHBrQjh2OGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZEdXTzctWFBLalVCS3FQVVQtTzBndW9Ha0xnaWV2Uk5EMVd2eFg2VW1LcXFSa3FxbmhPa1ZtY0F4bmhKdFA5YW1fb2NKSEhJTXVuS2NlS1NCY0hlTEduYVhFaUctd2tkV01jODZNYURJZkNERzI3VnllbHB0UFRVMV9rbjZPdl9JMW54bENld0wzc0g2MmFJdGhyTl9UTnZCdVdjZzFpRHQtQUhZdnFSVjNhSzBibFVXQS1vYTYxN0oxbThvQTJ3 |
**\*\*NEARWEEK Daily Newsletter 📩 \*\***
**\*\* Friday, November 08, 2024\*\***
**\*\*💥 Big things around the ecosystem 💥\*\***
[**All eyes on \[REDACTED\] this week**](https://x.com/NEARWEEK/status/1854589425814323615)
[**Computer control is amazing functionality that is getting unlocked by AI right now**](https://x.com/ilblackdragon/status/1854790124342853686)
[**Build Buddies: Cafe Meetup**](https://x.com/meta_pool/status/1854712949174136959)
[**Aurora : Get your weekly dose of Alpha Leaks. Tune in, ask questions, share good vibes**](https://x.com/auroraisnear/status/1854887118885339271)
**\*\* 💰 DeFi 💰\*\***
[**The Cave is officially open in BeraTown—time to level up the Bera within you**](https://x.com/DapDapMeUp/status/1854574584508641327)
[**REF Finance: The DeFi Hub Supercharged by Chain Abstraction**](https://x.com/finance_ref/status/1854537287922806987)
[**Meta Pool : The current average DAO rewards APY is approximately 50%**](https://x.com/meta_pool/status/1854888483740844367)
**\*\*🔼 Projects update 🔼\*\***
[**Introducing the Chain Abstraction Framework, powered by NEAR Protocol and Socket**](https://x.com/SocketProtocol/status/1854556829176807878)
**Don't forget to Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter!** [*https://subscribe.nearweek.com/*](https://subscribe.nearweek.com/) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYU0zcllETVc2STc1dWJiTGhxUWF3V19wQWQ2aXQ1WGs4ejZYVUcxZWZUZW5IUnBxRlpxa3VCRnVSQ2FkQWtUandRVy01czZYd1MyU2J1NllMQk9ELUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSkZCR2lvSDM1d3l4bnNNNnkzYlc1TkV2Y1NReHNCcW1KdVptVXZoaFZWeURXaTc3SzVRNjNPeHhnanNzclBIYjQ3bUVncXF6T3VYZ0lGTW9LTzZNUGxyeEJKVDl4M3pONWRTZllPaUVnLWR2V2Nxdi00X0JaVTZlazNnS29vZDNqS0p0UktaMTNzbW9ZNW9ZZXRSMFZyRTRHcFdKanlnc0tWV3VPUTNQVENvUzZWYUcxZFhNSGRQdVZrN0F0elhl |
Hey Monero community! 👋
As many of you know, we recently launched Bitrica ([https://bitrica.com](https://bitrica.com?utm_source=reddit)) as a new P2P platform following LocalMonero/AgoraDesk's closure. Thanks for all your amazing feedback! You guys reached out with tons of suggestions about adding more payment methods and currencies, and we listened!
**New Currencies Added:** CAD, INR, KES, MXN, NGS, CNY, AUD, TZS, UGX
**All Available Currencies:** USD, EUR, GBP, RUB, CAD, INR, KES, MXN, NGS, CNY, AUD, TZS, UGX
**All Available Payment Methods:** Bank Transfer, Cash App, PayPal, Venmo, Wire Transfer, Zelle, Monzo, Revolut, Sberbank, Tinkoff, VTB, Yandex Money, N26, SEPA, Wise, Western Union, Skrill, World Remit, Xoom, Interac e-Transfer, UPI, IMPS, NEFT, Paytm, PhonePe, M-PESA, Airtel Money, SPEI, OXXO, Chipper Cash, OPay, Palmpay, Alipay, WeChat Pay, UnionPay, PayID, BPAY, Mobile Money, Tigo Pesa, MTN Money
We're especially looking for sellers right now - lots of buyers are waiting! If you're currently selling on other platforms, this is your chance to be among the first traders here and build your reputation early. First movers always have the advantage! 😉
The minimum trade amount is just 0.07 XMR (around $12), making it super accessible for everyone.
Let me know if you have any questions! We're constantly improving based on your feedback. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWjlObGZMUjAtMld5RHVhS19CTERqakdZMzQ2OUxDeE9oMHV4VUloR2dKQUdSX2FLQ2xxSnVud1ZEdE80R01GeTY0WHkwY1F1UUFZc3RqblpKMmlKSFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdmw3eHFoZUItRkJ4SWpIZ1lpME15S05ORzJ6S0tWSG1XNXBtZ2hQRU1TcUlycGpGclFUUzV3Rk5XeDh2Rm85dS10UkkxUk9hR09vNDY0NFpfQjZRNkVHUHFsdzIxdl9zT0R0Vm41bzZHLW9mQW1zY3lGQUJ0VFN5T3RSeDFGa2JUUHAwdUZKS25JTGNCUlgwLTMtZ1JMNXQyTFotNUZXeEluZUZZRk91QUpXZV9ONVJMd0F5SUZfNmpJYUIzWUFQVUpCcHI1Q2lTNGhlZlhKMVZVMW1Fdz09 |
The price of bitcoin went up when Trump won, are these two things related with each other or just a coincidence? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRFJNZ1JKQlUtZ2ZUT3FVZGNoc3VZZTMxTU5ZVGdZUHVuQ3lnb1RSYmlOeGk0czJCRThXWVBfR3NJOEo0NUwzSFI4cXQ2NVlTaTdzUHIzcUxBelZNZGhHQTZCQkljMjF4VXUwYy1HbDZuNU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQzYxRldpZTlqWlFDOFNqNnYyUjZKT3FYUDRGVk9qRG5yRVBlQ1Fza3JDYXZpOUVfbUZXTDRXNGplU2lneXM3RzhtUmJyemV5eE1lRGRnam5LSlhpNktFTUFKLXZPTGg1NTlyR3lGNDZUWjFvU1QxaWpBWDBRZjZZMzEtbkRuVG5UV1Y3SDFZZWVESW00SkRva083RGVka0N6Q1JnVjhwZXRXeFpqV3FJVU1lbjIzc01IUDVFelQ1eDFTc0w3OEt5aExXR05sZkNmRmJUX0RZRGdWalQ2QT09 |
Instead its using its own token, isnt this a missed opportunity to make DOT demand go up? Would the system work with DOT as gas fee? If yes why didnt they do it? | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTWpGSnFpWkV1UDg5NGlyS2RPS1R5eUpMdkhNSERXa1NwNGwxdGNLQmo1MWNFT2w0aDZjOWlTcmhvdEVLR0xXMTFMa2JGNnliaGMtNGpQRXpFNm9pcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbWtVSk5aelFMRUdYeng4X2xvSkFjSWRiUHNlM1ZEdjI5dWxNdzdieEtTamh4a0ZENWVnWUlkR0NzWFVxX29NTlR1eWVsTjVlR1h0Zk9wMTJRQng1WXgzRk5sTmpPaUFTeGEzWWhrUmlKSkRLRGdreEZYSDdfVGFlRTVsaHdHb2wtdDk1bHNRSVNKQ0haU1hjSWRCemNSWVdPNkYyTEZSTF9kZDJHVmxZcHRvU051bFlpemlidzV3MlF4YUtod0N2 |
Here’s a chart of the last BCH halving in April 2020 (the blue vertical line) 273 days after is where we see the first big leg up . This exact cycle will repeat here.
The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) halving occurred on April 4, 2024. As of today, November 9, 2024, it has been 219 days since that event.
There will be a lot of other coins & stocks moving within the next few weeks so it’s easy to think pull money from BCH to go elsewhere , but don’t do it. Rather buy more. You’ve held this long you have approximately 35-85 days until we see our first parabolic leg up.
Stay strong & HODL … and don’t forget . This IS bitcoin. Same tokenomics. You’re just early. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNEFaa3RrSmV6V25FdGpzT3JzU20tREdGdGstaXdaQUxYZ1ZrZmFiejRwQUpEQVl0Mml1NG9uTzloVktJNy1zU2hnZG1xanVIbEtuQ0JTb0hmUk1iWTVHR1EyN3hzZ1U1amdwcGtjN0FZLU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNa3FseEs4TGZqWDJENHB3RmZMNTZ6b0pybjJlTkxST3EwUDBWZUMxZWZyNHZnMkVwdTR0aW94bTQ2RWVSRWFQaDVfdklScmhSRHZ5UG5jNWVJNTBud21VQ2l5X251WkExdGVkRlpGY1JzOU14ZTdQejd4ZGVJUEZUREhZc01vTUlXQnZWZWZjVHFtTmNuTk1kb2t3a0FtUmtERk81YVA3RU5GTUI5MjdBVE90S3Q2aHN2RXhyQ0ZXYW5MV1Mtbld4 |
Hi all,
We launched [sigmanero.org](http://sigmanero.org) back in April but since then the adoption has not picked up.
The concept of a betting exchange using multisig might be too early to take off just yet, especially since the hard work of building a network effect is yet to be done.
However this served as a proof of concept that this can be done, especially the step of generating multisigs among strangers in a quick way on the browser. Hopefully people will see this and iterate for future products.
Thanks to all the people that registered and gave it a try! We repeat the well known advice that user feedback is crucial, so if anyone is thinking of launching something, do it now and learn quickly what works and what doesn't.
**Final call to one user who won a bet but lost its seed key -- we added the option to request a refund by asking the counterpart to sign a refund of the funds -- better than nothing!**
Initial post for reference::https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1c8rzib/announcement\_sigmaneroorg\_sports\_betting\_with/
So long! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZlZDVk9hNDRxSVZTUUxQRzJVcmRrdUgzYXo3aWNyWnF6amJXOGR3MDhzVk00bW5XSm1IRmFwa3FrbUN3VHphcFdscTRzTXJiSGxFRzJpSVR4VkZWZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNLWhrTjNrSjhreWFrOXBjTlVHbGJPUlZnaDVTSXN3Mi11R21NN3hfQVpEZFpOSjZLZjRPNUJnbG5sN3NkZExmR1VBOE5scUZRaERRUzV4b2pBb3JWVGE5TFlMRFg4VzQwT2xMQVNHZmhQb212bkZ0VFlveHByOG5IOG9jMjc2Z2J0QVF0d1luQnVfcl9ONWEzenhkd2tYZFBidmZPWFdKMm5aVGNDUHViNmhoRjVxNlJwSW1hVDRFQmNRMm5qbEdoMDVqSEZjTXl5WkdOdEdhWTA0Z24tUT09 |
When Monero is banned due to issues with "Money laundering" and "Terrorism funding". Like we've seen with Japan, South Korea, Australia, UAE & Morocco.
They'll begin to target Haveno and entrap people which most people use PayPal, cashapp etc which are tied to a real identity.
How do we survive this other than continue using Bitcoin as a Trojan horse into the mainstream in order to be able to swap Bitcoin for Monero? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZW1rNURMaXh3NHhEaVJyWGJNWEduaE5tVDFGUTVXZUpMclR3N05idTRGNWdoS2xpQk13MFNmSm1ZWXhHQXltNmtaUnBDVkxSaW05Tjh6TGNETlk4cU1fYjlpU0FxVk1NaXFJRkVtdDdFclU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNM1RzV1VHQ1BrSDgzLW1pRTJaRFdZQnJQVFlIQWNjWFpvUVRhU1pBQkVPcmFIWlFMOEsxb2FqMFc1czd4a3VQbVM4VE1FdEJ4UzE4R0JNdHJ3ZW15ZVYwWUtwaVg0N2laTy1nY3VQWXplNkJOYUFITURwckZMVFpGRnVSUGZpWVctUUxNcGtDT1hYa21QcW5PM05jY0JtcEtUR3dObzMwMkZxeVJyVU5BVmhjPQ== |
I just got the notification of !remind me 2 years ago. Who held strong?! | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeWxsblJGYXRZUHRMemVPalF5Y0FFdlA2eHJjdlU5VGJ6OEVsaDUwZnhLMUdCTmxibWZ1UFBYakoxNjdDamFtSGNuZUhHdFNZOW5RS1g1NEtXN3ZLbEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVE5mZkctOC1veHVuZkJUZmVvQmt6RnU2MXFrSWUxNXRPaDNCNmcwZ3lwMm40eWdtZTJDc0lEVFc2NnFNVUdJdTk3VV9ldDI0WUxyS0JCSEx5SzRkczZYYnZ1dGlDTTM5TWpPbWU4aGY1dHlBNHdrTTREYVU1UEcwdHFlZFZoVGk2cmx6VkR1Z25qOWlkaDk3MnUyVzNNSkpfV1VGYzdBR1pYNXgxOVVXYkEwPQ== |
HODLing is proof of work | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMa1o1SWJCTmxxOHY4dFU1NWxCcTBfTkxxb2hFNTRWcTlFSDE0dXNKeWgycmVlSEZOMDYyZ2RNYW9IT1VDZk85bkV4VlNHZDUzaVkzM1hKODdvUWhsYnZwRTNjX1RxT3ZXS3kyMDBCVk93Sk09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaEVfSGt2bjJMa2RYdWwxbzliNkw2TkFmSXM0eUZFaTdzeExnQkcwZm5Ec2tEOXRfQXZWZnZfWDYzeWVzcnpKV0s3S0kyRldBSXNHRkljMGxpMHowM1ctUmlqM1FzZXYzQTF0ZGtvbk1BckhJdjRpNmJGLWoxcS1NaF9JTkxDZ1dvLWFtWHJfdVh2cEZDTlRjWF93ZjBBPT0= |
Just wanted to share something. At around 9:05pm today I had kraken open and suddenly saw someone place a 2,000 TAO limit order at 510 price. I did the math and it was roughly 1.5 million dollars. Nothing else to share here, I was just a little shock at the big number. And hey, if that was you that placed the order, I want to be your friend 😂 | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMamV2MVMyNEJ1bWp1WjVUSFFMMnRsc3FWV0dkVDVtOEJWZ3Zocl84LWxSamJTLW01RkxBcjFudmxybm16eC00LVNvdm41bzJIaVhyVXpScXVveXUxdjJiNlBqblQ3VFFETVBUc3lWV3VnazA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMVl3Wlh0TENRbjdpYThaQjF1SkkwTVBJX3VGWVNTdDE4T0R2al9aMllXUzltaFVaa0RLUWYxNmlLRDczeldFZVFRVnRNWUNaTVpVNS1fOUxhSjZVVGpLRzlweUN5NXEwMC1pUXg3Q1BtX2pMbE5FNmJYaWc5YVNXUlFOUTlkcnpTTEVuS2oydW1OQzVCVm9jR25VR25LeFp4NmRLVVBBeUk4RjBQLVNYalV3PQ== |
I know the people in this community already knows. But this is going to blow I’ve seen this everywhere as of late. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSEFDRURGZVY4V2NjLTVreUphbGRxNFlVZFVRZHJQZUdaald2djFXUW85QnFna0pLazN0VE4xWXJubFhUZk5zSlk5bi1vWkRzQlFxNUFUN3lDTDVuVUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU1JUdWwwS2xxcG9tNHdpdGlRSnJvazhXTEdpVTdJT1ZZNUlrY0VrdjRSX3NuYk91a0tYUWJPWVhDSWJkNDNqVkhoQ29pV01WX0tHRU5iY0JHS3htM3o2RzgwWFNfZF9XRFdyWUU0MGt0SS1SbWU5SUFlOS01aXpJQ3RuVDFWTTh4TldOUThmUUFYQXYxOFlRazRQZExjOGFpTlF2bDZqc1ZoNHdmLXVidnduOXZnRXp4YzM2ZFJIVlFKZGZXR0NZ |
Just saw this post about JAM roadmap, i'm not a tech guy so can anyone explain each of these and it's impact on Polkadot? And does it means that JAM is certainly coming in 2025? Also is this new photo or i missed an old announcement somehow? Thanks ❤️
https://x.com/paritytech/status/1855269428163658237?t=GI6v2XWFBxxvB-5kDwFQmw&s=19 | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMU1Z5VnEzemF1SThBV2ZleHpObV90cVF1VURvRWlOdFhVUHM3cnZFdlZEam14eEwySkRqc0NxNWpUTFVIOXp1S1Z4RV9UWkU3OGtDUTg5SFN4X3M1Snc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOWNvakI4MkUtb2VEMkg2c1J0aHplMFhMMU5mVEN0RXZGY0VlOWIwb2RwVzdQR0NsRHlaUEluYU9Kck42em52QWI2Zkh4N1dnSVhOQ0FmbUpYVWpKZFNyZ1JWVnJsNmNpbDZxQ0xNajRjM2tEb05zbEpJdW93UFdld1YzdHVTc3Q3S2VNOGVtOEpIMnVBRDJ6YU1nN0lBPT0= |
Here is one of the BCH malicious addresses: https://explorer.cloverpool.com/bch/address/bitcoincash:qzu9mypqts9fk4rdfslsfs3ff22enrs09uwuc09523
more info here since post gets auto removed here due to keywords: https://old.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/1gnv1nz/someone_is_doing_a_massive_adress_spoofing_dust/ | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMemw0WWNaMmY4MHJYWUItWTNUNEpqSjA3enNKcm45SWpXTzJ6VUdSQmhGM3cwSnh0ZGI2NmdRM3BCNEhFUEJaaThHYTBZd2RkTHUyYTJON0VOeWhSa2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQ0MyUEd5cHF3bk9DTVpsVm5pY0R5cDVKUDZkYmh0UWFFTGVSeHBrUWF6VFd5a3U4X2kyOEw5dzVqOVQycDk5OWZFNFVZLTgwalFFODh0dGFOX3k0TzJXbDBZLVREWm1LelRzZlNHOTZvZjU0bXQ1ZHB1dG9tbV9ISmhhTG1oZDdXZ2VxWnZJUUlhZlN1NXRrNVJLQmNNckQteXBwVVA4SVFHb3B2UGd0UjYteEUzeDZ5aTlabTNKbDZ3Qks1bjk4THM3cXVlLUoyTXc3X1VPUmprMVktQT09 |
For context, I don’t have huge amounts invested and it’s an amount that won’t hurt me if I lose it all.
I currently have 40% of my portfolio in bitcoin, 20% in eth, 20% in sol and the rest in other smaller cap alts. But I’m thinking that at best my portfolio will maybe 3x (which would still be great but as I said it won’t hurt me losing it all so I kinda wanna gamble a bit more) If I want to try get bigger gains is it worth selling bitcoin for something else? I’m thinking maybe SOL or SUI or some other promising alt coins.
Thanks | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUkRaSzh2Z2hqTlZvVk00VmR6TXkwY1pDZWwzejV3WmdESlRwRkZIUjBfenVqc0pwcGc2SVZ2LUcwbjhjSl9TdHE1Qnc4SGF6cGdYTUphZEhKcXpobVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdlAwU0dTMWkzN3pXWFo2QWV6emhibDNVQ1BjZjR1Uy1kdWJGM2pCY182TnN2UWZUc2ZvcTA4dlZENWFWVUJCdGx6MnNEOVJRLXkwaE9PdHVaREFLZURvYVdPdEY0dEFkUWZaTWgxc1pCSzF4WERUSWUyS3NONFluMy15OEhjMUZmTnNTMzE2VXVPSS1sanJhNnFmQnlpQUVHaWhkNkpHTGdRU3lsSmdMYjZwZDZsa3hudWZNZVJFcGs0b3dUVF9pQlYzTjh3MEpMZmZ5WHhmdUxNcWdHUT09 |
We finally did it | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZkxPcFlhazNDbW1NRWpZaFlQLUVqRWNBQ2ZhTFZVU1VfcFFfbWJtX2t5SEpScjZVNG1mbkgxR2NLSjdKUHI5Wi1sS19id3JBOGZ5QndNWmtrdlFXTmFNc1R5em9YVFRyal9ZejE2MmFDTms9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbjYtNmxvaGs0RUlPalY2LW5iRHNFU0Y2bnROV2lqb193TE9ORUtkVWpzeC1QYmVzSE5taFY5OFB6TkR1TGF5bTczQmZrMEZuZDI4UEZGVE0wdVRWZ045WE51SC1kMm1kY2xWNlZPYmFrYkJOYWFCMXczQ3UwVVlkVWw0RDloYXMteFlWOUQtWVpLRW10bFh4QTVQVldBPT0= |
Having been an ex holder of Cardano over the years, I’m not a true disbelief for what to make of the most recent pump over the past couple days. I’m curious perspective and opinion whether a retracement is in the cards or not? Anytime I’ve seen this happen in the market. It’s always followed by a sharp decline in search of support. I’m curious why Cardano, SUI and a couple others are seeing climbs by 30% while the rest of the market is moving a lot slower
Is it correction for these alts that are pumping like crazy? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMU0xZZ0dNb3FhZFhlT0hJbmNnOTBUWUM4OUl1SGVBTWNvdWVTbEZrSzBrZFRuaGhKNGRDaDN6Sk1oT1IzOTVCMDV2ZFFxbFVySFJTTUtGUmhmdzhHc2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeVBGeGJocWFnUnNVaXg1OV85eTJvMk5kSVllNFhGTE9DdjZNMm5kTlNaLXRuNDRwQTNKa2RiNFVFcTFYR2NNUUhXWGRCQWt0YW44WVA1TzFHN2ZzcFdyWk9kbnJqalRlUVFRY0RDT2w3dXJPdUtJS010bVlEa09pb01LZ05YZWE4RERGdmdiME1Qd3VmZmNPQ1lERUhUNlAzWVFJZUc2Wk5IaW12Wm9zTzhzb1JNMGFOUmVoN1JkUjhKTmRMbU4x |
I work as a customer agent for a boring online normie bank. Nothing special, just a traditional bank but online. Our marketing is so cool and makes us appeal to boomers and look like we're some sort of futuristic bank. We're not. Anyway, the amount of calls we are getting recently from people asking about crypto is growing insanely. Grandpas are asking if they can buy Bitcoin from us. People transferring big amounts of money to crypto exchanges, neobanks and fintech companies. Many of them get their accounts blocked and asked for reasons of transfers, proof of funds, etc. Crypto.cum asks customers written approvals from our bank that our bank will accept their funds coming from them, people are in panic on the phone every time, they don't know wtf is going on but they want in. It's starting. I can feel it in my balls. People want crypto, banks will soon have to own it and give it too them. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVVR1aUw4MmEtQzRGNXFQaVhuU205SVVucnlzSnV1Qlh4cUlIdUlyZndiUzRIM0V0R0g1T2ZNUE96ZUJSTDVXZUxSMnJSN01lQjJOLWd5aDQtSmY1Mnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNDBwNDM0UzlER1E5blV4WkE4WF8wa3d5MWR1RkdDbldCazlNUlVKSTFrZWtZdHg0d1FqN21NcUMzYlZZb3RNTGstZVk1NnRST1FWaUlnM1BmeGZBTlVGZ3lNcVpwNWVwZUlzS2xidEJlVmY4STlEOWFwN2stY1JvdzlYeVo0MEdDZHJQVjBSaVpLVmRnaWFJdVNhWUNuNG41QUJ3MVI2V1J6ckY5Njk5ZmJ0NkF2TDluTEd2ZE5DN2puRFBMSUtN |
I can't focus.
Too much to do.
Too many coins pumping.
I simultaneously miss and hate this feeling. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUEQ4V00zMF9lSUdBQ0V6SWdxUUg1RFpwNGNQV05TTzFiLWt6TjFIQVRpRnlZdm1VQ0txY0kwaFV3TThaV3NidHJGZlg2SFE0blZRN0g1SXFHSkxzVG96ellVWW1ONkR0V25OQWhKSWw4Z3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUzBsTmhidnZ2bnZ1bnhXUktGNmxKQmltd0RLS2tnU01jcUFsdjlVN1pnNVMxeV9OTlVIODNtVFB4WVJLX2pTTTg5SnR6QWRZYkdnVDNxZzh6RUhjbXVBOW5nUDlHQmV1RHB2NGplQnNJN0N1NmkwVl8xM3pCNEpmVjduUXNhSEI2V3RjSGNSc0xOeGYyNWFBYVZJMHpsczZ6NmdleEE1UXZnUWsycHFKUnB6SktlSWU3UVJndlV6UVdRbWRNZjNoaWRKWWh2dFBBaXVNenJFV2gxT3ByQT09 |
?? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMLUVPQnJVSXZpSjE0Y3E3d1N6MUdxWE8wbWNEakhOMEdjV2NDX2g2a3Y2X3FVX0ZRS2x0bldZSG5YRVdiNU9ZLW1DUEhXQXFLWFdZSU1HS1JrUTE1Qmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSThldElTSXNFd1FpczZzQVJUTjRoTTQzbFdWXzd6T0tHSFBvR29fbkxuNjBfZ0J4N3pLeU5uRl9qQWJJUnJCSXUwMjhMR0c3UXExN0ZSTjhXeGlxVFh1SXdlbmpFQ0swaDdsWjk5cExXWlNkenIzck9GZnJOM2xMRGxvcFFycEY3dndWSWI2Z0c2UGpFcVFCUXpXUGFFT2xyYzJ2N3NYdWRQck93Um1RWF9VaGFjcTY2UmFFM1F1VjZSX1hiNU11RGQycUdNSWRSZDFtTHpldFpNaWNTQT09 |
Hello everyone, this theard is to share with you a thought I had the other day about the explosion of meme coins: crypto is finally becoming mature, which is excellent news for Monero, but only on the long-run.
I think there have been 3 ages of crypto:
* Childhood (2008-2021): crypto industry as we know it today appeared in 2008 with Bitcoin, and a number of other projects aimed at doing better or bringing new features (anonymity, smart contract etc.).
* Crypto had to prove that it was viable, and gained traction very gradually over these 13 years.
* Teenage years (2021-2025): crypto became known to the general public, with a certain number of excesses and stupid things being done (Solana, rug pulls, meme coins etc.).
* Crypto has had too many excesses, and is in the process of finding itself through its excesses.
* Adulthood (2025-...): a lot of irrelevant projects will gradually die out, and the only ones left will be those that actually make a difference.
* I think this is when Monero will really gain attention, because of its unique features (anonymity, fungibility, etc.).
This, combined with the gradual delisting of CEXs, means that Monero should attract the attention and traction it deserves, but this will happen very gradually over the next few years.
What do you think? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRjlDMkhyVWphaFZGc0ROWjlEMzZqRDdvbEhxbDJDUVVfSGdCVXJvcUF0ZTNqdzl2MXNVRlZwYVZ3THRQZ2M2VURmMmRmbmd4Y1pCSzUtQ2tLU01mcldhMmpRZHNOSEhjNDloZzJvTmhWLVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZlBpcVk4ZnlIQTRneF9nXzlicGdITzFad0hhR25BVlcxeE92VlI0dXN5QWdHUm42cTZjSDBuNHFBUkpleEtNVzFRckMzTkw2dTZRdFFCbTNxWGJNQ2VUVHlSNnBVWGVRcl9SQjJoSl9Day1NbGpzcjlQM2JSSmlkWjVUWnBCOXQ3ZVY0OXE0MkRYR0NUNFc2OUVUODVQSG4wUFAxZVJiQ2dFd0o4S3Q5YmJ4WUlsWXM4a0hNbE9tOGZmbmRXZTNC |
If you are “investing” in crypto with a goal in mind (amount you need for house, other investment, debt relief, etc) spending the time NOW to do the math, and set yr Sells up NOW.
I’ve been through multiple bull runs, and every time the greed + excitement has gotten me to hodl just a “little bit longer” when the numbers hit what I was looking for, so I didn’t sell, then things crashed, resulting in LESS profit overall. This is embarrassing - I’m not ‘bragging’ about making the same mistake multiple times - but hopefully someone can learn and profit off my bumbles.
Good luck all.
EDIT: Some of y’all really need reading comprehension skills. I am not saying sell NOW, I’m saying set up a goal for WHEN to sell (whether it is amount or date)and think about WHY you would sell. I’ve held BTC for about 10 years and ETH since low double-digits, but thanks to all who’ve criticized my paper-hands and lack of understanding. I haven’t posted here in a long time and you’ve reminded me why. And for those who will never sell - if you just want to “collect” stuff, comics and coins are cheaper. For those who want to enjoy life and DO something with yr gainz, start getting used to the fact that you’ll eventually have to sell. if you don’t, you’ve got jack shit but an intangible binary claim.
Have fun, enjoy the ride, and don’t risk more than you can stand to lose. Much love. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMS3VxRzJpNVlHTTNpdXBtem1zbUQyLS1jU1VCQXlIZ2l0aWVFSTlFYVhzOEFHWFh0S0dlUmM5Ync1WGZmQnZVTU9FNDdPa1I0VUFrTHlta3A2MldIakE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNclVJRzVzekQ4X29SWjhkc0EyN3d4cWJydXY3X3BWSGxSZXQxeXZFX2R1Y2RTSHg3Z3FyVlJsTHdhbndGRWpuSDB6cWs2UWp3NHNzcTlXYjVnVTNOSWwtUGhnejJoTWRpUnZsSFdQRFZ2eDBmOThPdFg3aEpJNFhKTEphdFdDX084bW4xcVlXQy1OSEQ0c1NDZEl5enljajFYbGNnYzFzamp6TEN6cnhVMi16dHR2cUFJdnlsc0x0aVl4NWVNV1Fp |
"The tools can and should aim towards reducing the particular currencies value, consequently inducing a voluntary outflow of their users."
Shortly after the paper was published and with her influence the attack begun. Chart lines up | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMX3RDdk4xMEl3bDR1bGV1RFNXWGNrS3ZQMnJkSUttY0VLN29NVFljTXFjVHVBbjJwLTFiWjN3eElOX2hzNW1RVEdFaFhwVWdubDlueDdMZTh1M0VOazI2SHZUdmswTUQ1ZWFqU1NnX1g1QzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaFpGcHRuRlR6bjRZcHo2QUM1SmVPRURETFltVmg5b01SZHNSbFlnZjhHazkxazlWd2UwSm1VV29YcVBYNGdKSmJlZE0wTmtSelRTdnljV2lZWFl3Y3dFNUwzTVktV1lZUjNkOWZ6Qm9LQVVOa25hMExwSTN5ajV3R1ZqVnlVaG5zckx6MFJzZ2FpOVJTUVAtYWFPTWlfWkJJdUxyanh0aUdGeTZITHJVa2o3SEtFbUIyR3R3N3h0NDd2WWxMOHU2 |
I guess when the entire government becomes a meme, the meme coin goes up too | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMd2lPTVprX2hfVXhMWW1FTTJObEdvZnBobmlvX1RYeWF1T3JQbVVIc295a1hrMjRkMUlKZlpMcmhIazVoM2stNjlWYWhINUx1OW5uWVY2bC1xUkd2VGdydVBrZi1FV1Y5LXlaaVVGd2tDZW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNS1hZbGdQdTYxY3kwT25MMGZoLVlONEUwcHA5ZUkyM3dCQWlHbEpSMG45X0hTWXRSSVpVVjlKN1Q0VC1hOG5jU2k2WVcySk1EQ1RIdUFTbjhIOE1xOWhmb09YbEFwTlZ6VUlhdTNZQnIzV3BHakZ0WS1PYjYzbWROQnBEVGFrLWhNdjRjVjNzc3R1NzlrdktPUUxCT09wQm9fdmJIbGh6UVFlQmdCaEdqd2RFPQ== |
Buy low, sell never ! | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ19SRV9fQUoydjV1VW5oWWUxX0l4aGNGZnNnV1V6dnBUSXFRVWZSV0ltaVRuX1dISFYwWmpKeEVkT2dTR1JzdzdtV2huRjRyYVdXTWpYWWdoWjhHU1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZE5BUFg0R2QxSUtEV1ROYkhYUnhURlpfTzF0ZWk2dWNCcUhEUWJvZlBYNlVsOUVPbnNhOHJvMjNfNlJyUEV4b054VU9YYjExU1B3Y1RGZ3libWhzeU1rblcxVDhlTGRKZ0E3V0hWWThxclhtT3R6bUhFell0QmhVaGlZbGd5MFB0TTBCUGlvczdDODZrajYzbEh6TW1hUVUtMFQ3enNLSlNwN3V2YVZIbGJNPQ== |
Here is a recording of Dr Gavin explaining JAM and it's roadmap, this was at JAM0 yesterday.
https://youtu.be/Jq8XBs1wPhg?feature=shared | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdVU2Y19IaVRnMnhnZEJ3SHpMTWFHa1l1U0lhWDR2cldCamNLVFhyS2tNY3FCODFjcHZ2M1E5bm9VamRXQ2pQWkJ2ZjhHcUVPdEcyRi00eEdHcWtEY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNLUd0eTNfY3VFQzV3a2dfQnFaYXZDLVZRTVhwWmJQdklrMC1FVWJUQjNQZENHeVlINEFIS21vNXVCOFh0Tm40S1o5Mjl0Xzk5Y1owcjhzZG1CemVraGgwOHlPZmFGMTMySHE3dEowN0xfWVFrU1hQSDVjQUFPczNOTEpiNlRCcVd0MnAzOEkybU5pLXZwVnZOT1dER1dKLURqSWFmSVVlSjNqNm1TMC1Sc2pzPQ== |
I'm looking to diversify my portfolio by exchanging some ETH for DOT I usually ever used [dExch](https://redirectdexch6.xyz/) because it's offer 1:1 rate and very low commission rate, as long as No KYC requirements for a seamless user experience and fast execution and low fees to optimize the process
Any recommendations or insights on tools or protocols that align with these preferences would be greatly appreciated | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYTZFVHFjNS1CdTBPYkFWb3Ziek5vT0RtdWlSMnJIWjdfa0dnNHJvMW04X1FfVUVPbWhmcTI0aVlZcFBfR0pTUXQ4YlBIbWFFTjZBMGhnZDZ6VHF0dlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdXJCVnF5WmlvcDdZUUZ3ckwxdFExdXRRRHBUZzUya05XZHFkaS12aU5pZjVzNTd3WHpWMXFVeDJfc2NjT0llY2pVMzBkaEd1Z29KempHWUFzRTR1LUdraE91WlJrV0lfdHdnTlp1amd3TmJMSnV4ajBCa2pVRlNaOGMybWhvSVdYQjcyZ3JRTGxfVmlHT21ORFAzdTNZQ01tUW1wZnh5VGJxZ0EtR3BmbXlnPQ== |
Given the success of the previous MAAMs ([see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/search?q=maam&sort=new&restrict_sr=on)), let's keep this rolling.
The principle is simple: ask anything you'd like to know about Monero, especially the dumb questions that you've been keeping for you every other days, may the community clarify it all!
Finally, credits to binaryFate for starting the concept! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZGVuSnVnYnpkdkdHMmJ5bWhYNXowTENLMmd4RnQ2blViVlR2YzB5MzI2TVdFR1VCVW5WVFk0Yml0VFRlbFdkV0N3b0lfVGVfNWFJckFyaV9ubUs2Ync9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNS1liODVySktQQUtTbjVHcE1RejFjeEQ1VDJCcTFpUV82cmRXdDJmSFo4bzB3Vm56djRWZ3V4WnkxMVVZVW5VQ1ZqWjBiQzR2ZnVKaHpGRm5GN3Z0NTlLNHJsTlFnTUZEN2tybmtjekNKMmE3VHlON1pHQk9LaTYwRmZKR2theHk5eXBsRnNjQ1lIRkRvYS0tN3dSNW5ZOFp4RE1VTzNpWXkxa3QtWnN6MGNFNXJ0OXlqUTZfdWpVTUt0LUtXY2pObjB6Vk1WeUJXN2x1ODRZSi1LRkZjQT09 |
**\*\*NEARWEEK Daily Newsletter 📩 \*\***
**\*\* Monday, November 11, 2024\*\***
**\*\*💥 Big things around the ecosystem 💥\*\***
[**Infinex is integrating NEAR’s Chain Signatures tech**](https://x.com/NEARProtocol/status/1855857518817444114)
[**Today, NEAR mainnet is fully compatible with MetaMask and the entire suite of Ethereum wallets**](https://x.com/NEARProtocol/status/1855822544206766521)
[**Deutsche Telekom collaborates with NEAR Blockchain: Data sovereignty, security and decentralized AI**](https://x.com/mms_Blockchain/status/1855884237049635205)
[**\[REDACTED\] Day 2 | NEAR is the Blockchain for AI**](https://x.com/NEARProtocol/status/1855819520570748995)
[**Join us at DevCon’s DeAI Summit for an epic fireside chat**](https://x.com/OpenledgerHQ/status/1855656087166611636)
[**Want your emoji an official Orderly Discord emoji?**](https://x.com/OrderlyNetwork/status/1855887038970745060)
[**Join the AI x Web3 ecosystem for the most iconic closing party to date**](https://x.com/NEARProtocol/status/1855928583673507911)
**\*\* 💰 DeFi 💰\*\***
[**Central Hub of DeFi — Start with Ref Finance Bridge Aggregator**](https://x.com/finance_ref/status/1855689706484433177)
**\*\*🔼 Projects update 🔼\*\***
[**\[REDACTED\] is more than just an event. It’s an IRL movement. The beginning of a new age for the internet**](https://x.com/NEARProtocol/status/1855510339133296833)
[**NEAR Infinex hợp tác với Near Foundation để tích hợp Near Chain Signatures**](https://x.com/CryptoBull_360/status/1855863265638977545)
Don't forget to Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter! [https://subscribe.nearweek.com/](https://subscribe.nearweek.com/) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMajJNR1B6S3Jwb3lFVER1ekRLRDZLRlpsVktaazNmLVBiRUJWRnVfQ21FY3R6Rk9sN2pZbWtRdzBCMVNtMkJLamFHWHluMHpkaVcwR0ExSVZ3UkM5Vmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR2RIblRRYjJTbVFBR1BUU1NSSmZtbEVIYmtpYl9TdUdYTFc4ZE5iWVh2UG9WeGlldEFVQ0tta3h3cWlwMkZJbjF0Zl9ZRUZ2WmVtTExTZUVsLXVjU2VyNHY5dTA4R0JjckxFTUlGMklnN3pxSGpKYmRUbVBGejhTcURYUWUzRm0yUEtaczZyeGVnTG9mbFIxSGtYNERubmVaRmZxSnhnMmxlcWEwdzlWa3EtLXNVamNQVHNXUDRpRm5jUDZDSlJN |
Being a top 20 coin is still a big deal , especially because it’s holding the bitcoin name and all tokenomics . I have repeatedly encouraged you guys to hold , we are seeing some movement now but this is only a fraction. This is a top 5 coin for sure. Everything that’s bullish about BTC works for BCH plus it’s for everyday transactions. DO NOT SELL. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWnNGNGJtLXVQUjRKMEg2UHVuS1E5MlI2VFhoNU9weEFBSmdpMS1CU1JUYi1WS08xd3JPY3dYVENYN0xmeVhrblJsUEpzMXE2VFVwMElUQmF5R3RWeVZwcTlMX2pfQTkybDBpOU5SZGsyXzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZVJXUTUxVmJyTlUtWXFzaWpfQmQxU0RpaUQzZUNneDFYbHFSLXcySWhjbE9yc2RKVkg4bnVudWxKMzI4SFBzVnkwbTlZcUpyNk9LU2g2RWRaWmJnMHB2aVE3Q1dxdDhZQzZJalUyQ0ZHOUt2b0I1cTF1c1QtRFdVZjNHVjJ3SUdrazMtSHRCbUhYbE9LaTJmUzVkWEsxZEdnTHB3eFpDbU1aZHJEWXNSX0R5ZFN5WjlGWm5mUE83Tm03b3E4b29Kd1F5bGNZSjFwYlRxY1RSbTVPZFNnZz09 |
On my Near Wallet the staking tab will not load. I can see my staked balance on the account tab, but staking does not load. Had no issues yesterday. Any advice or fixes? | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVk5QY0x0WW1vd2U0TTdDOGZjNjV3MHNNU0ZLNURocnZPYkhHWHRuOWlVblZSS1lDZzFCZmN3M1A5RXdPTnVoTUVSVS1Ybzh4d1psMVZ1VjZ1ZmcwZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNEVSUXJ4WGhhd1VyaC1kMnRfVndXUkVHdk9iSWFXZVlIMWpsLVJKNncxc2lldWtEMHRyVEpTTWM5SnNYM1hXLUcwdzJONWRnQnpQOXB2bkk3QU5Ucy1lQm5pbURQZHMzTFg3em43aldfcEJjN2luRTQwSnRrRlB6ZjNsY2ZadXBfT3dCa2k3LTVQRVhmMnBwTVAySjJjbVd3RjBCZW43OTlUTkJETzctNktza09XZUVXWTBoeEROQ2xHNDlQUHI3 |
Any problems with actively staking/unstaking switching validators? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNUxEOE1YUVRKRUw0akpfZFFlQVpiMGpERFZKQV9wSkhibmtRMnFDSmhDTzRzTTRDQWVtaS1KUlBETFZKdEdfVHF5T2pFMldHSENGWERDcHhKclFDLVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQWxrRmdTNFgwSm1zTnNoRzlkWTliSU9TYmYzYldiVUVscEZpYWxiYWRJNmE0UE9vTHJnQ1A2RGkwVUEwUlhQS0kwblRSaXg4UmNfakYyR3hLb3M3NllkT2dFUFJ6OV91bVJBbFBHUzlRMjQxYWxEQTVSd3FHWk15YnB2d3M4bFY4YnRjZnJDS0hRZWZicFdMMnVjX2pEak9QYXlFSXZ4Q0JlVHMxSmtjRU9nSjdjSllXR3oxME9OVTJ4QV9mM3MwMi1MQVlrSXZhR2FWV3NHY3ZYcDhCQT09 |
This bitcoin run has been awesome that’s just like we were all waiting for, but the question is when yall think it will slow down and what price will it drop back to? I was not able to put some more whole lot when it was 70s, but I am planning on putting a lot next time it drops as I was able to save some more money. What yall thinking? Drop back to 74 - 78 maybe ?
Besides that what yall plan for altcoins, how have you been analyzing and taking those? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaWJsVHB5TXB0M0JPLTBESmpnSGFBdW1mc2F3VDZmXzN2TnBNUU9taE4xWE44SUZKWnZGa3RjdmI5dFE3QXlyVmVBMllVd1BuUEFwTUFybUZYVzlMb2J6dl9reXk2aTY3Rzl3Q3ZwbXpiVHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNHJDUXdjSGZCMng0RS1sUjg1TFphdFdOX0FYb0xyRkVhdk1kSTlMTjR0UmZua1pLcUowMTQwejI1UjE3NkVBQXZPYU0wVGNaWFZ1Sk44MFpqVlRQQlo2b0wxVkFzLVF6ai1ZVGVxUlBGaFlGdjViZHl5TURLVEozQ2VJTkNPNWR3alRRWlNLU3JFODUxNkVKY3U2VTZJOUs2QXdCOHRSbExkQTVDTzdaczVLZTRnZU1rdHZpNmxXQzExRUQ0OTBmZmxQNnNKdzJKY0ZVeC12WXJVYUprUT09 |
Don't get caught up in the market. This will drop. Don't know when. But make sure y'all take profit especially if you've invested a large sum in the last couple days 👊🏽 | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQnItZmtVQ3Nra0JkODN4TzcybGt6MmdoUHJHQTA4amVhdG9QTlpCcDlnRDNIQV9EMm5RcnBuakRiTEdISHA5d2ZEeEpTUUxlb0hraFN3dW9WcTVkM0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNLXJ3bDZmUlE1bGtCWnRQaXBpdkJmVTNmLTgwUDNZZnlYWkxHSFFqYm1udUUyS2RNckJKOEpFMGstZ2NzVENhLVVZa3M4RFVSN1FmUXFDUkVLRVN5QlVqOS1RTG9COEVxUVhKV0N4ZzB4UUVJWmFBVDZ5LTYwWEl6ZXVYRFV6T3NsYlVFSWQ3RWY5UTZXRXp1a3g0c1BVelAxRDJJQlRaQjRwNEJ6N20wejlNPQ== |
ERROR: type should be string, got "https://preview.redd.it/dkcwg756cc0e1.png?width=1415&format=png&auto=webp&s=3abb8974679f733b5e838c7b8421114a2d083dbf\n\nToday, with a growth of over 10%, Bitcoin has surpassed silver in market cap, becoming the eighth most valuable asset in the world, with a market cap of over $1.7 trillion. This milestone not only reflects the growing institutional acceptance and adoption of Bitcoin as digital gold but also solidifies its role as a legitimate store of value." | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMV2dwZkdnQ2VpRzBFaVVKek9WQU91NVpDMVVWWlBqblpZXzZyVTgwcVJmNllNdGtzRG5GeFEtblZEV3FkOUNqLTQxZ0ZvNTdPOU9yM182dVlORTl1d0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNLWlxZmpYMVpKMllEQjBTV0I2SlNxbkNEeHRqY3BLVkdxZ2ZySjJaUHRYVVEzVmFZYTIwQmF5QnVSQ2w1SnVCM1J2RGlkMkI2eGNsTTVjdVp2d1VjLTgyOG52b2FzTkR2Ty1xR3pmTXZWWDhfWmNOOS0xaWtwejlUT3NINDNtUGdRZm9CX3Q2VFp5YzdVdXhwWWFORzdKV3RoVHBhb1VhS3hWNl85TkREZXlQY3FLMGZUM2FhWFhNUC1HM2hkU3k0 |
So many folks want to enter into the market but always ask 'when will prices drop' etc etc. NOBODY KNOWS. However, look at what's happening. This year, we got spot BTC/ETH ETF's, a Pro crypto president is going to be in office and crypto is becoming an actual asset people will talk about.
**This time is actually different.**
Ask yourself this- where do you see BTC/ETH 10 years from now? Higer or lower? My bet is higher.
We haven't even entered Q1 where the real parabolic gains come in.
Stop contemplating and go buy, set a stop loss and the most you'll lose is like 10%.
If you knew with a 100% guarantee you'll double your money a few years from now, would you take it? Who wouldn't? Stop chasing 'quick gains'. The best time to plant a tree was a year ago, the second best time is now. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ2RDQUpyUFF6b2Ezb1VZNmh1MHJCTmIxeGU4UmZWeTFYS21KRVd2OWxDRjZKd0w4OUMtMFNsbElNQU1Sa3pIR0NmOXdHbWtGNEFIQUdYdlJ1WVJMX1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVmw2NXNJYTRuTFhkRmhpRS1BbFU5OG9xY3c0bVNtdHVrVUtmRTIwZldSaURUQmx6TGU1d1Z0Z0NlNlZHdDh6c01KcFg0MlV6YkRTOW1vdXVUVGoyX3FPd0pVZjJqV2hYVVJSUlNfZmpFc0lydGZTMzRSMkhodWR3NGRBVnlFd0docjdGcHY2SUotbzdlNmhSLVdWek42THZyd01YSXJmSzkxalFndlk3cHpReW9oNFdRajM0RkYtYXF1bWJXclk2 |
If you don’t like what do you? I’m new to crypto so I’m trying to see what is good and how you decide what is good. Bought some Chainlink because people on YouTube/here told me it was good lol 😂 so idrk. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMa0xfRS04Tk9ZaUNITXUxQWpSbUFwT1VFWEpIX1pXSUVEaUU5TUp3VTVDbjdWOWk0cFIyZ0tQa1lGVTZJWFFJamhqZUxBT3BBa0VpS0ZFeHBVd0wyWUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNajRJVVlvSGE4MWJ1Z1lhYmdpTjRJWEpxZlJHQndFNXFhMmt3ZWhjNERaX3lhd0ROMDlMLWVjQjM0TVItaFdGOWg0c2o4SkpNTnVNVTlvQzN4Q0RtdVRLd2pYMEFSc3FaTlY2TTkzTW9XN0VFWS1aMmltLXJKQmtnZWZkQUdHdGdxN214VjI0a0VXSDhSSkZ4RTEyY0lmTjYzY1VBRFlwcFJZOEQwVktvR3otZDhNME1QZ0gwTHVaLU5FQ0Q0dkdF |
Hey BCHers! Y'all need to get some game over on NOSTR. This includes the mods on this site. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMX3RYNWpyMUdRNWFKaGFhYlN2bFFaN2pYVTRVY2E2NG1lWTQxY3dLdFAxWlB0blVTNEs2U1RzbTVINnBtdjRDTHlyWHZRRlR2b1dQcGt4Tm15NTh5Y0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNakRsZjhBT2FmMjdNQlRhR2J3V1c4RUlnMEdOaE9KbTBneVpJT3UwQnByVEJGdmRiaUxQeWdnWU9wczNDa3p4ZXZxSGxxNnk2Z1FTTHl4ZDVlQUdPZ245TzFiMmtlQ0lUVFpETGtTZC1ZWVhLZUVTNkg2b2hQb3dkTndjVXZjSGF6QWVjTVc4YmtZQWd6VURzQjZvSTNwOGhnR2tYZnZ3UTdZb2VjVEVxdGZFPQ== |
The idea of BTC->XMR atomic swaps has been interesting to me for a long time, and as an outsider looking in it seemed to me that [UnstoppableSwap.net](http://UnstoppableSwap.net) was the service that would finally make them user friendly, so I decided to finally give it a try a couple of days ago.
I want to share my experience here in case there are others like me wondering whether they should give this a try too, as there's not a lot of info out there.
I was expecting it to be a web service, but to my surprise I had to download and execute a 95MB binary, which triggered "untrusted publisher" warnings on Windows. I hope I don't need to elaborate on how sketchy this is.
There were three available liquidity providers. The one that offered the lowest transaction cost was also the one with the lowest uptime. I tried to initiate a swap there a couple of times and it didn't work. The UI shows a somewhat detailed log of each step as it happens. These explanations seemed very technical to me; I did not understand what anything meant. But they were very effective at signaling to me: YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
Undeterred I then tried the next best liquidity provider. This time the first of four stages in the process succeeds (the stage where my bitcoin gets locked apparently) and several "verifications" ensue. However, nothing else happened, and after a very long wait (probably more than a hour) a big yellow warning message appeared with the most perplexing of messages. [See for yourself](https://imgur.com/jvSBGRG).
Basically, the message was warning me that something went wrong and I was at risk of losing my bitcoin. It was informing me that in order to prevent that, I had to take an action ("refund") during a rather narrow time window in the future (after 7 hours from when the message first appeared but before 21 hours or something like that). The start of this window would have been like 3AM for me, and at the end of the window I would have been at work. So now I have to either go to bed extremely late, or make time in my morning rush to take care of this before going to work.
What I find absolutely abhorrent, and puts the final nail in the coffin for me, is that an "atomic swap" client was threatening me with the possibility of losing my bitcoin. To me, this goes against the philosophy of "atomic swap".
In the end I did the required "refund" (the program did it by itself since I left it running during the night), got my bitcoins back, and did not lose more than a couple transaction fees.
I'm sure many of you have had success working with UnstoppableSwap and are scoffing at my inaptitude here, and that's fine. The point that I want to make though is not that UnstoppableSwap doesn't work, but that a random casual like me who has very basic crypto knowledge (a crypto normie if you will) is not the target audience for UnstoppableSwap.
**TLDR:** I had a bad experience using UnstoppableSwap.net and I don't think it's ready for a general audience. If you don't know how Monero swaps are implemented on the blockchain level, you may be in for some unexpected behavior. Tread carefully. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMN1pMUWVDUkt3M3d1ZHA2ZllVUWhwSjVBazc5WVd6S1FQLTRXdXpkLWlqQlgtVEppdEdHTWMwXy1wbG9xazBvZkw3V2pBV0ppem9wMzlManJabXV3OEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcWdMX1JYQkNFdmRzWFFUREVuUkhsbmdJN1pFNkRlOVh2QUM4YnJxWHhnT2FkYVBsSlBKOEVUS0hPakVLOFVtTXB4cU1UeVR2RlZXSUVIVWw0Y19YbVlkS2RGYUkwNTR1VkhOM0NRWldZT3d3c0NVbjhIMk4zZ0V0dGdLRW4tOXI4aXIzSEI0ZmZMSUZCTWV4SzFxOUtwb2MyMW9hcmRRUGxxdGs1TTZZLXR5QllQXzdMYzVYMENzUUhRMWw4NzFs |
According to our analysis BCH token is showing bullish signs and expected to show a huge rally in coming weeks.
Bitcoin Cash Price Forecast- [https://cryptoofficiel.com/bitcoin-cash-price-prediction/](https://cryptoofficiel.com/bitcoin-cash-price-prediction/)
# BCH About To Parabolic
Trade experts suggests BCH token will be trading above $750 before the end of 2024. In 2025 the Bitcoin Cash will be trading in the range of $1000 to $2500.
What do you think about the future potential of BITCOIN CASH? | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQlFaZExQdENaenBrZXRJMmxKdFVPbjlYNHZjSjB6WE51S0hmb1JtYi1EU1N0dmlNTmtIVVhoTDBHeWRDSk5hQWlYLTdKRnBwbHB3ZFR4NEdtUk9JbVpZc090MVNJU2s2cDFhUHh0SFdMazA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMEQyX2djclVWeVRKXzlmNFlGUUlKTGtXSUpIUFJHTzdYdmtrTE90aGZPcWZtMmNJVW8wb2t2TlpobHZnZi01X1RRTXJ6LXhDZElDX3pYZGUzTVd1UnpKNk01dWFyRXRuYTZ1TEthemg5clVjdjY5RzRQUXdTQzlwNXBEdmljeEtqNWdzY2hhczFXamQ5RnRrOWIwOF8zU2pQMjhBRURWbVNfd0lqUzZ0RU9OMkpRVzFLU3A2UnZjbDd5bUY1Q25ITXpqZy1JdG5mS2xxcXFJdi1tN001UT09 |
Been out of work till this month. Everything seems to just be rallying.
I doubt we'll see lows like we have before. But is it too late to buy in or trade? Missed the opportunity to catch bullring?
Haven't bought anything yet. Would love some advice and strat | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQTk0M1JjTlhQQS14b1BaSm1kZlptbFQxZEZuRHE0emVlLUFRZ05YRGNxVGRSSWs4dlZtRTA1UkYwenFnMlBtSnhyMmdPVTdieDhTelJPdC1EME5NZVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNa1hVVVpFUEJheHlsbGYwTlhFd3pDRFM5dUtuejJHRkNPa1lXM0lXbnlHYUlUTl90TXhydmpEUE80RlM4OS1WLVZXSmhXdWtiSnZkRDlLVEtYZ0pzazNkZkI4b2xlYUNOc2NLS3ozcjhGQzhROTliSWtKeHFORTBSdzFoT05uVVJkbG5lY0wzMHppWDE5S2hnWGx6b21od2VsbFFuN21SWW05WHJKVWpoYnI0PQ== |
Chain abstraction enables users to interact with multiple blockchains without needing to know the specifics of each chain and from a single wallet. AI allows users to interact with the blockchain more easily without needing to understand blockchain at all. Agents that can improve daily life need to transact, what bank is going to give an agent an account? It is all coming together...
[Dive into the latest edition of NEAR Dev News ](https://mailchi.mp/neardevhub/near-dev-news-37)
If you would like to receive the newsletter first each week consider [subscribing](https://newsletter.neardevhub.org/).
| r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTl9xdU05T2VxRHJjeHZ3UU45LXp3dERUNm0ydm9iOGZhN1huWGVVeWpKbllsZlpsZHVFTm91eGZJZ1pNejQ5VnZGcmF1eTRzaFJ2cTdVdUNRRmJabUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbjlNMTVYdWRsZTBCdlNtX1RnMUNSUDVqZjJTb05JRm43dG9Da2Q5UmVXY0ttY2xTb2tQU0xieTNsNTFFUGxOLXZJdlJJcHVRLUFrdnh3ejd3aGtnc20xT2RiTmJ4Zk0zZXRneHZqMW01WXB4YUlYMXNFTHJSUkZ5d1QtdTU1cktDZ3c1ZXJOc3FfQ1lJZE5tcWUtN2oxLTJVMVhHZndJdXZBYWdMc2dUcTBMRGttWDNES3BjakR4M3l0M1ByUzZU |
I finally received my Ledger (Flex) and just moved all my coins incl new staking. This step by step guide makes it super easy - the Talisman part is not on there but pretty much self explanatory .
Prices go up - Safety 1st !! Use a Hardware Wallet !! | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNzI5RTR0YTBJVktWTzVMOXVVU3NzSE8tRXNndE5lY1hOb0ItLXZidmhhWW1XZVIxaDdmRWpfUzVHNlVuZjFDNjVqUjBick5xSzEtRjZzR0YtRnVBNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNc1B2MnRIU0hYYzNTeXpWM2xhWVJ6NHhRT2VmRE1KUmhUNEhUT3lvcVQwbm5LTm5VMVJFTlBLaElkRjRHaXFfeDVjajQ5Z0pfUldoekEtdUZ1QUt1RVRpREJQZkMwcjVnRF9ZLUZ5clFlWEROMDhnWlVkOUI4M3dqWTZPUUs4SVViVk5ZT2NGV3hxeGNKcXZETVJ4d3JCd2d2M0tvV1ByaG8tekotQTA3N2xRPQ== |
It was an absolute blast. Huge thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth – we were there with all the INTENT to help! 😉🙃
Big thanks to Ocean Protocol for the invite to the Superintelligence Summit! It was a fantastic discussion on how AI is ‘Redefining Marketing’ and Charlie was thrilled to share the stage with 751.eth, Growth Product Manager Ocean Protocol, Bella (CMO of debbie dauphinee), and Whit Gibbs, Founder & CEO of Ringfence Foundation.
| r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcU92Q0h4VHpVc1hfWVRWRU1XX1kzb255S0ZRLXNPVmdmcnctbTZYb0pyN05GVWVxSFJxcEZPVmRnNXU0V0RBbXVfczlRUUhtdzdzakFvcXhIekhYYnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSHJ4RlJIUXRqTUNYSUlUVFFhU2RkNU1NZFJTNkt0Zkk4QkJzV3FDUE43QUMzMjNyazB0MGxQQzdzMHM0V1Frb1ZQNVZJUUUwMExMUy0zZzFld3ItMUJqN1ZLb092bzIzY2tldHdJZWxDZGR1NTRNblZyVjFIUEhXSzFrRnBJMTJEQld4SnpmdlM5UGtRS203cUNZQXE3WFFPTjV4U2lDN1VHOUhwNE1QbzFJUVNzS3RyREJJWjNvQ3NhcldrZFNq |
With our upcoming integration with wormhole, cross-chain bridging on
finance\_ref will be more than just $USDC. 👇
⛓️💥 Unlock Liquidity beyond chains
🟪 More variety of Solana & EVM assets
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| r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMLTlBZmpXZXN0X0lRNkV1RFZNN0xpWGo3NGJMZWNmVjJvd1UtT05BdC1oWG5kWWJLRG9PMjNkc3NLc0Y4WldFU3k4Z3dsUmlhTjJPcEE1Z0JKVUdwV1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNb0oya2JlVGkxanQ2UUVrUFkxcUR6RVlKak9mRUo2Xy1VcUVlOXFwbVBxLTg3bmZtUlVkdWVkNV8xX01mMm9QMVdZUmVqUGpTWkhmY25mSDZVNzV1djF4QVQ1cE54azlUb0o1TmVRT1JHdXREaEFwek5KNFBHS0xTbVhXTUpnalVWMjN6TGZDbUNtdVlnTzR1RVdua19qMXJPTHZjcXl3bkJnWFJoejRSUUoyRDcxN0Iwbk8tcTEyN1YwcWNGQkItWlBjaG5NNm9XLWlTaFExYm85bk84UT09 |
What should I tell her? | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSnlTdXpBTUNReXdwdDlBa0RHQm8tLWM4aXFXblV6UUdhcnpiWDZSdzFXYWx5V3NVT0pqVEZRdzI5R0xsQnAtRmNQVHkxYTVLcHV3T3pwN2xBREVnTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSmZ3WkZlZDNnUUV3MmNWaVBGekY3NC1xdVZma1lIOXZuWkkzSk43RzR2SFVJTHNmcGxXRTMyTEluTDV1TGM3NzZWdnhVanZ0cXBISTc4Z2xjb2VRU0tUZ0RpWk9ZNV80YnphZnlPWmlDbjFBaG9wcDk5QW5WcXlmZjNVUEotTXZRTEhtUmF2cGgxeUV2V2ZtS0ExQklNUEh5TVVnVGd0N3NjVUhXbjZnMWVZUldGTmRyYlRXWVN2TVpCQ3VZeFFHbUZMQUkzbDZ2SW0yZWVJdW4zX0s3QT09 |
**\*\*NEARWEEK Daily Newsletter 📩 \*\***
**\*\* Tuesday, November 12, 2024\*\***
**\*\*💥 Big things around the ecosystem 💥\*\***
[**NEAR's blockchain sharding allows for 1 million transactions per second & 86 billion transactions per day**](https://x.com/zacodil/status/1856203455519412257)
[**Thousands of builders, users, and fighters at the forefront of the war against Big Tech**](https://x.com/NEARProtocol/status/1856257504516162043)
[**BlockMeet Vol. 03: Navigating Challenges and Seizing Opportunities**](https://x.com/meta_pool/status/1856139985050874032)
[**Investing in AI | Supermoon, Peanut Trade, Bitte, Techstars, Forbes**](https://x.com/Supermooncamp/status/1855991479061397823)
**\*\* 💰 DeFi 💰\*\***
[**15,000,000 $mpDAO tokens bridged on Bitju**](https://x.com/Bitjuapp/status/1856092753651790078)
**\*\*🔼 Projects update 🔼\*\***
[**NEAR Protocol has the largest AI mindshare in crypto**](https://x.com/buidlnear/status/1856095497628557509)
[**NEAR AI Alpha is live at near.ai**](https://x.com/near_ai/status/1855469263135310209)
[**What if you type 'Swap 1 WETH for COW on Gnosis Chain' and it just happens?**](https://x.com/BitteProtocol/status/1855961461756932220)
[**Explore Satoshi’s Litepaper**](https://x.com/_SatoshiBTC_/status/1856027232873161003)
[**QSTN x MetaHub Finance**](https://x.com/qstnus/status/1855977375705501696)
**Don't forget to Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter!** [*https://subscribe.nearweek.com/*](https://subscribe.nearweek.com/) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSHNOdi10dkNja2FkWlBkajhzTzg5c19qd3g0ZFgwZWEwMXBrMUNHc1NmRW5nZ1FTYk9QTEpBdkpsMVhYNVFybV9UTmVTWXZ1ZFJHOWhrbjhaZGJtT3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWlo3TmdsVU9EOFJUeHZMeTJoOEJFcXFMUWt5N0RQT05lVHdDSGlycGowTVhNRlZsSVRqVFFFWHRJSG1QbXBkb2tmNWh6aXhiQ3R4bUw2VEs5cmduUTU5MV9IS0loSUZTeGR3bXVSWEhta0JIVWhlTkh4VUNfdGhxOHpUNGNseWtZc3B3QWhQODVueFJ0aGVTTk5xaWJRS29RbnU2NzdtXzJzVlA4bFVaY3g5VTlQd05ZMmt1OUZEMUFuVWZwMkFI |
2025 $50 to $100. File has to many great partnerships and is leading the way for data storage. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMamZCd3FSckhTdDF5d3N1T0l6bklXYjdVdm9jVUZ5NG8xWDJvS1lMdFhkc2xIYkh4VFZPR1VkQWRNZ1VLYXF2aDZ4RzVYenB1bERIY1NCM0FkUGhFaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeGpnR3UwRFpsM2hJOFp0cTRnN29xRVFIZHlKLXhHa2NoYmI5QllYekFGendYV2RhNHZ0VHZ6WHcycUstUHJSRGVVajlCTDhBZDBYUEQ5TjZzMVJIX25jYkdIYkcxUjQ2ZVVETGJwcEFaV0xuazJ0Q24wLS0tVEU0T01DcENNZGdCU2hpTW11Zm9sZ0FuT0psLUItbzZvVHdzSUlJVmtYWnRGNTFWbm4zdkhnVTl6SC0xMk5sUDR5bzJQWkdOdS1CZUo2eDhGd2MyVDNJenU3QzFzY05WZz09 |