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I can wait until next year for the big gains. We just had a little pump. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTkNELVdETzlaM3R3ekloczRKNTBYOU9HRGtsQjMyeFd6LVQyVUd5ZDhueUUtTHZjQWV5Zi1HbXhGOUFkYjlmczJFRTVQSFRlbjlGRGVFeXNfamcySWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeHdLakRZN19hN29yeFpnYmtnZnVqXzR1VkdsQU9KYkMxcW5DcnBvNnN2U2ZEUjVOZktGSHNyc09WbkxEQWhvZ2M4cE42dC11MlM5QXQ4ZGdoMVNSWFFWZ1JVY2plVF9qSl8yanRRYXpfX3g3UWRKMlVSYklHTElyYTY3eE1EN3lYN0xzTzE0Mzd6QWp0UGZRYW00TlFvRkN4dzZTREhFcnBjc2VNbldwckFVPQ== |
People forget the 4 year cycle. Filecoin is on its way to $100 in 2025. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMY1NMLUczRVRINm1VTmVsZGNFSG5rd3NrQ29NVkxydzBXQWxRWkFXdVoybW5WLUNtTXFicTN0REZ4QjZrU3BCa3ExZFZQREgxY1BDMDNMSWxpeFgyUmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcXY1dEVBM19VSG5fWUI2V2lPSGM5OVRCektHR3lMaklUODdGR25OWmZJSU9jNE9DT2wwTGJGMHRLdng4alVCWDZLa0ZpUWNvdFpGTnVpWWRmdjVsY1NNMlBvR3hCd3ZGZnpXSVVxOV9iTnhwbE9kaGFmUEdGYllIemZsRERvck54dV9FZ3FHbm5FV1VVaVNpdGtBOWw5czVVdmZaM0dEdmNNb3o4aEFBckJjPQ== |
FIL is an shitcoin and scam project with lots of ads
It has the highest fall and the lowest price growth
cannot grow alone, always falling and being dumped by his team
We just have to hope that BTC and other currencies will rise 10x-50x from their floor so that FIL can rise 2x-5x from its floor. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUERmTlhCQmZRVndobHFGc3YtUW93dVFDM2pfWWYyT0ZrMldpTkVWRkVYNVQ5MDZJY2U5bGJyY3RNcHByMFBUVXNheDRCUHBFWnE2UjhYVjBONGdBc0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaFNPWEFSWVg4VFlNbjQ4cUtBUzN2cXdpQ1pQS29UZ3FlNWQ3U2prLTdiUU5yb3M0bWpScVBCak41VTZ1bUxlWTBjUTA4VzBpMVVDUlZJQXB0S2lXNUNZWHE3d2VhV2MwcU1sa3MxUFNIYU0tbUNCLWY0UldvVkdqUHMxNVhHNnFEZWdFV19Ud05HdW9wTWxqR1lPWk1iM2w0NVFka2lSLUk3OUhBbHplSU81YVFGU053dmdzOTBMeVdoU3NwU19LRWNCMEZQSUdpRlg3dWF5RkZLMndDdz09 |
[OpenAI NanoGPT compatible](https://preview.redd.it/49btjj3mvk0e1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6551d9eaacf34c34554793329ad30ac5aba7a02a)
Another active week for us, so time for a few updates.
First off, we did a podcast with Jeremy from the Bitcoin Cash Podcast which you can watch here [https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1BRJjwyvMrLxw](https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1BRJjwyvMrLxw) or Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAtkrGvwKoY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAtkrGvwKoY) . It was a lot of fun (I'm Milan), also gotta credit Jeremy for this being the most professional-feeling podcast I've been on so far. We talk about the benefits of anonymity, discuss Bitcoin Cash and Nano, central banks, implementing BCH on NanoGPT, and quite a bit more.
**New text models**
We added **Yi Lightning** (and other Yi models), GLM-4-Plus (and other Zhipu models), and Claude 3.5 Haiku. Yi Lightning is relatively unknown in "the west" but is currently #6 on LMArena (independent leaderboard), above even Claude 3.5 Sonnet, while GLM-4-Plus is #9.
Yi Lightning is incredibly cheap to use, roughly 1/50th the cost of Claude 3.5 Sonnet and ChatGPT. **We seem to be the only service that offers access to it outside China**. With this addition we now support literally all the top 20 text models on the leaderboards and are the only service anywhere to do so.
[Independent leaderboard ranking](https://preview.redd.it/8duxvhkhtk0e1.png?width=895&format=png&auto=webp&s=e249d5876587d7df5c1e0fd09681a43fbec4dbd3)
**OpenAI compatible route**
Because Yi Lightning is so high performing and cheap many want to use it for API purposes, which we've made easier by creating an OpenAI compatible API route. See [https://nano-gpt.com/api](https://nano-gpt.com/api) or reach out to us if this is something you're interested in as well. It makes it essentially simple to swap out "OpenAI" for "Nano-GPT" in your code, add our API key, and then have access to all the OpenAI models you're used to plus about 50 others, all in one route.
**New image models**
**Flux Pro V1.1 Ultra** (what a name) is the first proper model to offer 4K/HD images. The max resolution is 2048x2048 (square) or up to 3136x1344 (landscape), and it generates these big images without losing quality.
We've also added NSFW image generation via **Promptchan.** This is the best NSFW model according to most of the benchmarks and user opinions, and it comes with an overload of customization options. Change the image quality, style, pose, filter, optimize for faces, and decide how creative you want the model to be. The model is only visible if you explicitly opt-in by checking "show explicit content" in Settings.
**Model UX improvements**
Since we have so many models nowadays it's becoming unclear which to use. For both text and images the models are by default ranked by their overall score on independent leaderboards, and for text models it's now also possible to sort them for performance on coding or maths.
Models now also have provider icons in front of them so you can find the model you want to use more easily.
[Model sorting](https://preview.redd.it/d2qc9ymktk0e1.png?width=436&format=png&auto=webp&s=49f8cd12a196826da5c7b0b839c82d4d17c777dd)
**More payment methods**
Doge, Solana and BTC have been added as payment methods. It's been pretty interesting adding coins - BCH is still one of our most used coins which we think might partially be because it was one of the first we added, but also partially because the BCH community is actually using crypto for payments. At the end of the month we'll release statistics on which coins are used most, which should be interesting!
**Next up**
We're adding payments via ETH, Polygon, Binance Pay and Coinbase Commerce which is an all-in-one integration, then we feel like we support practically any payment method. From then on our focus will likely purely be on improving UX: adding file upload, image upload, improving the look of conversations and generally optimizing the experience in every way.
As always thanks for your support - it's great fun building all this and seeing people use it. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWVFKTEFHcGo4UHU3SEU2Q19Iai1YTk9odHo3VGljSFFzTi1qZ1lhSlppM1dtR3RUWnA4Q0tJN0tTaU4wb0xCek5MTTVSdzhseU1EOW1obU1QUWZvSkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUjI2YW5wVHBtbGNyVEhEanEzbEpQNE5lNk5UeS1FMVlWQmR5TzdRZGt5LWtOZ1F4eVFNaEhGNkU5UjA3SlNpVWxaX2FkeXpZcjBRR3I1MXJ3Z2pEb2R5c2loYzk5d2E5eWhtLUg3X2VuNG5PcVdxSGFiS2lLQUZub0o2dkNwWHdoNTJwZldhSTlPakc0TDlwYjEtMkNaamNPcEg3NlJqT1ZfMnhkX09jU3Iwb2JWU29HVGJEOTF4SElXOHc0LWgwcld2QjlPTDQ1amxucXM0NEdvY3k5dz09 |
I had a plan in my mind, hold forever but life said no...
I had to sell because I bought a house and I need to renovate to live there but we are poor right now and my bitcoin are a really big help.
I sold at 74 and feel devasted watching it go to 90 and possibly beyond, I had time untill january to sell but the risk on the short period and not this massive gain difference from there to 90 (It was my new sell point after knew I had to sell) It didn't make me feel safe. (I'm moving with my girlfriend so It's not just about me).
I hope Bitcoin explodes to 200k but watching my 4 years stacking disappear very close to a massive bull run it makes me sad and stupid.
I know I've sold for a fair one and It was a need for it but I can't ignore all the years of sacrifice spent stacking satoshi gone.
All my precious satoshi...
But I made 3.5x so I can't complain much.
I could have 0 Bitcoin right now but my mentality still the same.
I will start from zero again, a new shrimp will born.
I wish you all good stacking.
A fallen Bitcoiner.
It’s lock in day this Friday for May 2025 upgrade✌️
Let’s bang some drums and make some noise.
Join Fiendish & Friends for an hour at 13:00 CET to discuss BCH, VMLA, BigInts, and check out what Paytaca is doing with its ecosystem and merchant adoption!
https://x.com/fiendishcrypto/status/1856452981345882608?s=46 | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaUhUcTBHVU1iR29SZ3Z0NFRzYWIteF9ZOEZuQWR6MHhhRHJKMWtscVY1TUIwdWZVWjdpT1BiVE9XSDBZMExidzFKQ2VxTS1YSHlWWnAyQWdmSk9hQlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbllGV0pTMHRNMTBFNFpqOTFXWTBsYnBLQlFscDlPN2hKa3k0dFA2SEZoYTZKWmg2LXgwUWc5OGYxWjlmdUN5ZWs1VXJvUk5McVY5MVN3ZFFiQjRGWF9OU0cyQ08xLTRPV1lXenFnVksyV1FDaDZ4M21LLXZQWGl5Ry1ZQ2psdV9yNUcyVmd4MzhJYVFYWjNzeHVlNk1xVWpnT3I0YWxDMVFJZ2loNTJYeHJFPQ== |
https://x.com/brodyadreon/status/1856408139907903748?s=46 | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbjcyOHJuN2lxcTZlY1U4RmIybnJnZVdUVGZDVUZOODdDaU9MNkV5YzJhQ1lScWF6bDYwbWVyQnB2RlZ6YzBMcnBDR3RnMkx6Uy1pWGp2SGRrUll4QXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZWpkWVRLbGFGNWNwbDJaVzIyR2lHSTFvUUl1cUI0RFYtZHhPZk1CLU1fWU9DSm9YRnRzSVlyb0xqeEpBemZPa2NwWC1odFY5bGdNakNaUU4xWEJZRl9MSkxtQ3NFVjBkb3pBZTRxWmxNUkJFdzYwM3NZUkdTRy1ITW12aFFIcTBROHVhWXpXWERmRjdyUmhaVExpVzRTZmdGZDRtb2tPRkpmSGtSWENNUDY3SHgwNFlreDU4c1cyS1kyM2wxaGNENW14YlFBRWRyaEpsd0VGb1JaZTI3UT09 |
Greetings, I am new to the Monero and coin communities, I am interested in this area. I have a few questions. I would be very happy if you answer. Thank you.
1. **Is Monero's supply limited?**
* If not, what is the reason and what are the advantages of having an unlimited supply?
2. **Is Monero decentralized?**
* What are the benefits of decentralization for Monero?
3. **Why is Monero difficult to trace?**
* Where does the untraceability feature come from, and what security benefits does it provide?
4. **Does Monero have better security than Bitcoin?**
* What are the security differences between the two coins?
5. **Why is Monero less listed on centralized exchanges?**
* What are the reasons behind this, and what are the consequences?
6. **How can I use Monero outside of centralized exchanges?**
* What are the ways to use Monero outside of centralized exchanges?
7. **If Monero gets delisted from all exchanges, can I still use it like real money?**
* What are the ways to use Monero as real money outside of exchanges?
8. **Can I make payments or exchanges with real people using Monero?**
* Can I use Monero for daily transactions or exchanges? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbUVJVG4yaHZqVHIyYTdmUTA5QWNSbVR3N3h4RHh2TExtclRVUm5nNWs2dDh1NnF0TWNIcHE5bi0zZWJBdjd6cVZFdy1oUWwxVjZuVVF4OEJIa2p3U0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVkRXdjJTWXhod1htZV8wOFYyTDVtTXdoT2VwWnlEdW4xdTl3d3ppR1RjY2Q4VWFwWHluMGx4cjJlZDlwal82LWtTa21Qc3hrcEkwcFpSOGRKZzBKeVYtbU0wNGJHOE9WRS1hMndQLWQ5WEJvUzVmVHRGN2JteEVDRDJELURPckM1VDFKck1RTFBjb0JIUXVaUGxGaEF5SVBxekdfM0E0VnVSSFFSa0tkdlVZPQ== |
If BCH ever does rise, people will start to see it as a legitimate threat and competitor to btc-core, and it stands to take market share from people blindly throwing money at the #1 marketcap. Currently the market seems to be giving BCH a 1 in 200 odds of success (BCH ratio is 0.005 - 0.5%) compared to BTC, Those odds seem quite low for a functional blockchain that actually works in the wild and is battle tested against attacks on all fronts for years, compared to a nonfunctional BTC-Core coin, that has to be kept on centralized exchanged due to fees, so the blockchain is basically nonfunctional.
As we see recently, some posts are stating that BTC-Core has "won" since its a higher price, when in reality BTC-core is a total failure due to high fees, while BCH just works and has real utility, to compete with actual payment companies like Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Western union, fees must be cheap and scale-able, BCH does just that.
https://www.google.com/finance/quote/BCH-USD?hl=en&window=6M | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMODQ3enhYNE1xU0dKNF8xMHU1OFZLNXFMS25tcGkyTGZ4OHhIQ0ZVLTVPUV9CeEw3N2FmRnRaZVdnNHJpX2luZTdkZFgwMXV5cGF4cWtxUTJMXy1RSVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbjlCTnpFMVJqWXRKZGY4WERDS2IwRnRlLU5ZWWpOWVI0WXFUYk05VVJsalREanc0SjRuWDFpcmFwSmlHQ2MyTnpjc2FCNnRrZnpyWEpkSjdTMHRmSXF2VHNkME8wblg0dXYzX1IxeVZTa1JuZmxvcUw4Zk1jcDY5d0RvbUZHSjhxUGQwSE5HUEZYa0wwU0phUDhWUjJhOHVLSmlFaS01VEJUYVNReUl3R0tiT214RGlMYXZCWlEzMWwwSk40a2p2TmxnNExHUkdraGNuM0UzbGl4Q3FSdz09 |
I'm observing the cryptospace for 4 years now and I didn't buy and hold any coin that made me rich like Dogecoin.
So I have a couple of questions. I read a lot about forks and that Bitcoin Cash is actually what Bitcoin should be, the same argument comes from the Monero Community. Doge is also a Bitcoin fork, so what makes Bitcoin Cash the best option to invest into?
Bitcoin is the gold standard nowadays, is the price only because of attention and interest of the general people? Did it skyrocket cause governments are in it now and they see that it's the future?
What blocks Bitcoin Cash to be the same price per coin Bitcoin is nowadays? They're so similar and what I heard of it's even better.
Is it a matter of time or did BCH just got denounced? Cause honestly Bitcoin Cash is up there and I see no reason for it not to reach 5-Digits in price minimum.
Would be nice to hear from you what real Bitcoin is | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRXY0REpjRFk3NGtXcjVGV0FTcV92amplQ2c1eElraWg1ZUJyb2NTZ0RNNXRhVW4zemZEdjZhTVlYUWhNaHNsZV9ELXU3dUhqM00wMHg4bk96bEJ5NFRGRnhwcmdtX3l6b3FFclV0SDBKWGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNEJtX2kyMXVoaWc2QkxEdXVFSy04T3NnRmRJUS10Wl84NEtiLW5nLWwxRmtXV2pKUzZMR1cyRzlkdWY3NFpsbXc0Y0lBaWZUQV9ZUmpqd3prVS1oR2h6Z2VTdEhYQWF3UzJHTUt5ZldsbGJQa2pGMFhvNFVRdlVEYnNPTHVYRU9OZlMzVjNXUmM2RjZmbnJLd3o2aUgxSDhnQ0FJaDdkVlM3WENabGQ5STh6Z3Rwc213a21QZ2NQUVpUTHhZcFdB |
**\*\*NEARWEEK Daily Newsletter 📩 \*\***
**\*\* Wednesday, November 13, 2024\*\***
**\*\*💥 Big things around the ecosystem 💥\*\***
[Whether you realise it or not, you're changing the world. One line of code at a time. Until next year, \[REDACTED\]](https://x.com/NEARProtocol/status/1856666652294992226)
[Catch Nate’s talk from REDACTED2024](https://x.com/BitteProtocol/status/1856382067678031902)
**\*\*💰 DeFi 💰\*\***
[Burrow Weekly Recap](https://x.com/burrow_finance/status/1856390368268562547)
**\*\*🔼 Projects update 🔼\*\***
[Deutsche Telekom joins Meta Pool through them Enterprise Node Operator Program, becoming the first telecommunications giant to operate a validator on NEAR Protocol](https://x.com/meta_pool/status/1856429786421236200)
[Aurora Flares Ambassador Program: Ignite the Sky with Us](https://x.com/auroraisnear/status/1856651440711725274)
[Launch your own blockchain without breaking the bank](https://x.com/zacodil/status/1856553412722339882)
**Don't forget to Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter!** [**https://subscribe.nearweek.com/**](https://subscribe.nearweek.com/) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMT0dHMzdCcFZxVWFndjRXRC12aHNnT01kV3M4bU1oTzljSmxRdFlvT2p2djBiY2ZYbklTaFc2VVFmRG5oZ0llOURaNjlCbWZsMW5URWhTYUlxM2NmbFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZmkyMmRHanRxTXNfU3pKTGQ2NDhmRGlRWDBPa2hxc1lTdjVjb2ttWmpIeVl5Q3JBR2tRMEFNSm1NTEZfbUoyOURLdlN2cV9uc0h5SkhjaFA4bEwtNDhLSE5rRDNaRjZMQUhwVG0tMUtJNXVobjdHOVVfYWc3d0RzQ29vNm1ocnpjOFRtd3JrVXZ0MXd0WEwxXy1oUkVCMzN0a3J6YWg1UjZjY2VIMno5c1ZONnNKWTg3MW9oMjl6V211N0dCUU1G |
With the release of version 1.0.13 of Haveno-Reto, I decided to switch my operating system from Mint 22 xfce to Lubuntu 24.04 (LXQt). I installed Haveno-Reto using the .deb package and restored the backup I created through the version 1.0.12 interface. But every time I start up Haveno-Reto on my freshly installed OS, the access password screen shows cropped like 1/4 of it's normal size, so I CAN NOT see the password field. My screen resolution is 1440x900. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMGdoVTJuVjM2Z01BeUVTbHh6dHVqd0xTVnJWSVdzcUJ4cS1kaXAtWkkyUDdMeDE5NENYSjNMZEJlN1Z3Zno4MDh0VXo0WTktTzM2YUo3NFR5MGVwb3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUzBCcWcxcHdhc0dUUGZNUDB3ZndOcjFmRFJNQXhIM3FJWXAwV2FHbVpkMEFheDdvTjF2aEQwOXdaQnZxcGtQekZyVWhjSExkVzdMd0ZOVzBJbk5FOGdJbXpscHBhMjdPbjhXMk01akVrc3RfNkkwV296UnNoa0tHYVRwWmdVaGtKM09Hd1hnZVE5OU03YUZuaGtiNmRZQk1OM1FUc2hrSVRpTS0zLUJpS1RZPQ== |
I've started to see news about Bitcoin again, which is a telling sign, but active users on reddit seems stagnant, still.
Or maybe the numbers we had in the prior bullrun were inflated by moon farmers?
Institutions seem to be driving this run, is there any chance for retail to be wary of the high BTC price this time? We're talking about 90k now, it's intimidating AF to think about buying a whole Bitcoin compared to the previous run.
I am thinking that the huge price of BTC might also be the catalyst for the alt season. Newcomers might want to try their luck playing the alt casino.
What are your thoughts on this? | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSHk2dWRlQkM4V2FjQWZIc0F3QXlMeXk3ZWR6b3pEVTl2eE5sRXdkVGkxYjQtZGZrUEZuVFAzaEVlbzQzV2hSaW43YlVlVVRndlF0WmdkcFR1Z3kxTXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMktVRDBldjZIWmdzVloyZm9ZR0dZcDQ1WHBWekJGcV9KOHY2cEFtVDBWT2xIbzhaNjVobWh6Wnk5VFVVZkwzLTNvMnJ3cUp3cnhTV01RMjdiRUphaHhlak5MM2dUaWxsVWZ3b1A3amxhTnAtZEREVnVNZUNyR3k2Mmh0OUFxZzVwZ3BJSHpyd1ZiSmN2cUtIY0xTdzcxUjk4YkJLeGJLUnVKR3B3ZG15clg5TlNtQ2F0M2s3YTloUHJ3MWEwTUZPeG9JWnEwWlpoS0FXazlJT014N2NhUT09 |
I thought this a remarkable event:
An unknown miner, with string 'rWGFYS' in coinbase, orphaned a block 6min47s after it was first published, seemingly by extending a different chain on top of 872047 .
Order of events:
2024-11-13T14:55:35Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000001961e63529ad04a3b247d64ef211a05eaa15e968d0ba7b6 height=872047 version=0x26708000 log2_work=89.139276 tx=403843063 date='2024-11-13T14:55:39Z' progress=1.000000 cache=0.8MiB(3620txo)
2024-11-13T15:01:12Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000007cbdd9773a42e2bb8800296e17e435d586b321eb85a3b4 height=872048 version=0x32000000 log2_work=89.139281 tx=403843152 date='2024-11-13T15:00:35Z' progress=1.000000 cache=0.9MiB(3947txo)
2024-11-13T15:07:59Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000001961e63529ad04a3b247d64ef211a05eaa15e968d0ba7b6 height=872047 version=0x26708000 log2_work=89.139276 tx=403843063 date='2024-11-13T14:55:39Z' progress=0.999999 cache=0.9MiB(3898txo)
2024-11-13T15:07:59Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000007519b67ab39ad235328bc28e47fe5bbd8c973b171c372b height=872048 version=0x25630000 log2_work=89.139281 tx=403843161 date='2024-11-13T15:01:10Z' progress=0.999999 cache=0.9MiB(4116txo)
2024-11-13T15:07:59Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000002555250f55c39de1d03b7bec2a01999b06891d1dae3de41 height=872049 version=0x20a00000 log2_work=89.139285 tx=403843261 date='2024-11-13T15:07:50Z' progress=1.000000 cache=0.9MiB(4288txo)
It might be interesting, if anyone has the original 872048, to see what changed or whether the replacement (98 txs) was strictly a transactional superset of the older one (89 txs).
After finding a source for the replaced original block's data, I could confirm that
- the orphaned block contains a miner signature pointing to Nicehash as origin
- the new block by the unknown miner/pool is a transactional superset, containing all txs from the old block and the following 9 additional txs (of course the coinbase txs differ and are not included in this):
_tip of the hat to CTOR which makes it easier to get a diff of txs :-p_ | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMY0Fta3F6RXRuT0xUN18xNmNLdTFLeDFuZlFUMEp5Y3J4b3lmWDNpcW83aVdwOE5HXzlmXzNXN0oxV1BEUzJwcm5pUTBSSE1zTngwcy1ndklCTGtuMGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNd0NPTklsU3REaFpzbU5CTlZ0YTYtNy0zaEwtMGVRMjBkRjhzYlNWdWRRRllmSEtWajVJWFdFVTM1MGM1YjZudGNBREE2UjByVUJ2UTlhRU9xeHlSQnZ3N0k5cjJXMWdESklfd0VYeDJpSngzY1dfbXZoS1dRc0ZGTzN3alJvdzZYRkE5MGJuRFRvX1ZELWp1dmItZWdZLUZzUWREeTBIOXFycDA1ZDZ3NHNTeDR6UnM0VDQ3WlJrTmlyWmQ5cjlk |
The best projects in Filecoin | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTF9TSTIwVUdabWFzdzBlVngzYmZnS1NCaWZ0UXF2c09tZ0I4aHlSMHdzc01NQnBTSl8xSG8zWnY1bHBFbkdHeGVyYVNwVmpueGYzUTJLTXdUUTBhUWdIdmk2MmFRaHdoNUJNR0ZaOVJFZ009 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNS3RDOVFUcDBRVXNvSjctbndKSXR6cm5UOHZGTWlBR3lCVEhyT0FveWtqV05HdThpSTNvbjE5SU9TRDFCdDRmTnkwYWxFeVpoNGphUmdUc05aYTRhS09MdERJNldJbGxuTHRLcVM1ODJwaE5JNVozSnpHX3F2OVFOTmNkRDNuRUpDVHFJdEJ0VWpPZFJiSUtoZTJ0S3IyOGZ4YkViM1Z4ZzY0ckxDdW9NQmJPanI1QTgxYmM0SlBYVnZaTUJXS1dE |
To add onto this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/1gp44kh/why\_you\_should\_not\_worry\_buying\_ath/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/1gp44kh/why_you_should_not_worry_buying_ath/)
Which has garnered the attention of 70,000+ people. The idea is to not worry about buying an ATH into a clear bull market with a higher uptrend. Since posting, BTC has gained around 10% and alts varying, but higher.
Obviously each week that goes by, less and less gains will be achievable.
I believe BTC will form at the 100K for psychological reasons and then money will flow to ETH/SOL.
**"The best time to plant a tree was yesterday, the second best time is now". DCA and forget :)** | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMU0NVSTFkVG1oQTZCZ3p4WVgxeEhfNVlXZEtHd05QVkRaOUlGWlpaMjJPdk14bEpQS3pfb3hycjZBdDkzZ1dmUF91WXRvVXlDTHVIMDdIVGk5RGpINFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbjNmX1l6Wmhxd0h4QjRpZjJGdG44ak04bEhqMjRLZjk2aEVGa3g2cnRJYmZYalJTdjVUdXJwdnFoWnJ3QnlrOHB4YTNhUmJCSllIenhGWFk3b2h1QWdFay1hbzRGUGZUeGxkWi14SUUtWmFlbVVFUmMyN0szQ056VmdVWFVMZy1Zc20wbmlqbDc5WXVZaWpjUHlFT083eE5lLW54N05yLU9YUHBZMXRIUmR1QjMyXzBTMjU3bm9LeDR2Y0tuaGNfSWthYzdRQ1BlcGpLcDRRNW9SY1lPZz09 |
$20-25B MC seems attainable. Near would be worth around $20 if that were the case. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ1JrcWNiWkFnSUtwV2FxNURpMVV6U2dIMVpVaEg2Z2ZqbGtlaU1UV05XNFpYLUY3VkV1b3M4UEZfUEE4RWxrMVlZYXVPRE9NZzJsOVBnLWNsX2VLQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeGdLQ1lhTlF5SjFMdnN4dFhIMFgxQ2xBYi1xa3VPMTRIcmxVdmRNZFF5eXhyRm4yTmFDOHppYmR1S1pfVHRUNm9Zc3QtdzFSbk1wdDFLc3d2Sl9rMV9FY2dRTkxmamNiYk42VHJPSGI1TXRXNEw0bUFoNHp4R0VQQTdXOTFRRFItYy1vcnVPSlhaRlY4ZDNPOUVoc0dEUmxUU1VuVHowUjFaYjBFY0NRTUJPeTZRZWJITnV2b2g5bUg1SEJaaW5NeVJkc0FIMVB5Sl92ZDkxRjVSbDB4dz09 |
Uptober in 2025 not 2024. Day Traders try to pump crypto everyday by exaggerating and hyping. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaUd6MXNkYVZZM3VyOWMwU3dJSnB2T25ySm5CRklXbk1oMEZxMXdXSUJSdnZid0dlSjUwbUdaUm1nSnNscDdESEZtMDlkTTlTTURrUE43ZDA1Y2lYSFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNc3piX0RocGVkVWoydVduN0piY1dHVlI0WHVwT0pCV0xPZjAySG1yZDlhZG11T2ZfZHZIcHNpdVNUMU1pNHhKV09weEdzM3NZWjZyb016LXFPQ01JYXhUdGFuUEdmVWhJSTdPQ1BhdDViaE4tNWlzUVJSelZtcmliU2RuT1p1YkhubmJJR1RLY1pLblZOenZEVlJtcmVNYVVLdktfR2JTODhPWHA3V0I0cFhYN1B6SEZJTWVIOGF0bHBqdHhKZ2tQ |
did it even make the cut for Coin50 index? | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRjlOdkM1VkZrSzZGdHBrVnN4TjJzUkw1VU50SENwb1FGelRUYlVISnM5bWVsSnNyTVhSeEowRmxCWl9SMXByYmJRMThmRWhlekExT1hfSlB6ZmtPYkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMmdWZEV4cURtMXRITDA1d3lMZnZfTUNZZTg3T2VKVTFTX1dFckN1NDFUbWpqQmJhRC1FaHdGa2JDdlBXcndfQk1WZmt0czVkaE1WSm9USVJ6bmZZYmZJdldQZVJicDZpM3REMHZkVU9yUVpmVEg1bTlHZkxXcTBqUVJqQnpMLU56cVhwOUJMVHJMbjhyQm1UM200TmRBOHNmQkpvSHpSOWxnSjNMRlg2TTZKbXduUkp2RF9FTkgzSEtrVHd4WU9k |
You could argue that it's happening right now, but I'm talking in a scale that we saw in 2021, where even actual monkeys made 5x on their investments. right now very specific coins (and meme coins) are pumping, 80% of alts are 60-90% below their 2021 ATH, and BTC keeps pumping like crazy.
do you think this time will be different? BTC will keep pumping to 100k(+-), everyone will sell and the market will dump hard and that will be it for this run?
| r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMa0tWMmJkZ0txZll3eGdRc0dRRkQ2c2QxV3ZMNW9jNWgzYmY3RWR2NG1WMVNCUlczalpxMjVHc1haWkcxUFNLcVQ4cnZCbXpmeFRhT0pPRlliV0lBT3h2Tm9fS2pwN0NaOTZZbmIwbWUzbWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZ3ZiUW10dXdYemlNeUxPUllZT1FsSC1LenpUU2ZiWkY0SzZneDZEb1RTd2RuWFVOUjhUV21PczhTYzNFT3ZleWVlVWtjZjhUbHNNdkQ1OV9uOC1Jc0k0cnBtelk1ajhWNEhlc3BNblczTmItQ2hTcUZocmhESHkwbWtWM19ueDN3ODh1VWVQY0lxWTNkeXl6WGhhYmZwcGxLZ1JveU9SNkhUMTRZYXczSmprazAyNVVzSXJCenNKMEZ3QkthdDNWbjRZNWUwRWdTOWNSYVd3MkdZZnVEZz09 |
Uptober in 2025 months have passed since the end of the bull market | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMemlhbFZOZDE5cXBPRkFaY0dqMll6SVdRRnpVU1czVzM2b3NGeUhyVThrckxXOWczdG9IdV9XRXl6WkZiby1fVmN5enlpQTYxMVU1bkxQRndVWXpXNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbC04My1LSVFaZEZ6MnZnVWJZYl9aZFZPMVIzWlFNM1N3b0dZU2hUSkk1U1pwQlRxTUZKWlhyUU1lYzZhdV95dWFFSm84cHdXbkEtcEc0LUNsdFc5bDVkQmhYTzRqUG1UREIxOW5id2pYVzFQS21TODFrb25oN2ZQVE1BVnA3b09XN2l5MDVQb1hjcFBNdHAzRXdzQTg1dkZuaWpoZ2hiOUEyVnNMdjM5WTl3aXVDakEyNTdTOWxRTXZDeTFhb1JE |
The bull market just started. This is the beginning. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTEp6ODU1WWNyWmtRTFpHd1hfWm5Idmxvcm44NE9TZkNCdjdqOTVBSV9JVGRoOVRfb1RCWXR0MEJTZ1p6bzZad2cxaXhla2diV05CMUlqNVN1MTcyS0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcVRWY2stTjFnb1RnZl85d1dtUTZnX1dBSXJLdkNjVGpkeEVRX19QakFndWEwSDI3UHV5aVdPTWhGaGJFa1JhV0l5SFdjU0NnUE9SODdaV1dPdjJqdEJFM29ybm1FM2xzVnI2c1ozbGVCbDVGb1lyU1IzWVB4MzFCQmg3S0FCeFFieDJYRmdjRnM5aVpsS0w4VHh0T1JhTFZWaV9sNXJabFFQRkhkbTBVd1AybE1nbGNZZUVBNE1wVU5fdFRsc3R6 |
Bitcoin bull market started a year ago And grow many coins 3x-30x | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcTdETnYxZTNMMFRXN2NRdEtlVkpqdGFkUDk5U2JTM3EtbGdFM1lpOGVCamtFSzFfLXlDQlkxV1hLSm1WNVQtSHRzaWM4aFpBU1U4WGNscUE1Qnk1Tmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTkFVQkVmdFVjSDg0bVNBRllzTUlVaGR5TEgwdTZIX05Uc0R3R3Z2OEcwMW9LREdqRHMzZ2diMmE4NDJibU9EeDZmc0VxZzJuTG1BRFBHTHBJa1k1RElqRXB2eklEN0dMYkx1cFppbUxqWnJPVExDWDRiajZMQTFZdnZ5aFVFeDg1SXd4V2lWN1FsUThXZEZIMUlJa3JaalFVMGUzRGFhendpbDJ4RVhvVGtleVM1SWJKR3BoWWM2bXp3SVVFcGV0 |
Bitcoin? Look, a lot of people ask me about Bitcoin. They come up, 'Sir, will Bitcoin hit the big number by EOY?' And I say, 'Well, first of all, EOY—End of Year—that’s a powerful phrase, a very strong phrase. People love it. They really love it. But I have to say, no one’s ever done more for big numbers than me. No one. We used to have very small numbers, folks, very small numbers. And now, under my influence, we have HUGE numbers. Tremendous numbers.
They say, 'Sir, do you think Bitcoin will make it?' And I tell them, 'It’s not about making it. Bitcoin, it’s been on a journey, folks. A beautiful journey. Like a phoenix, up and down, up and down, very dramatic—some people say too dramatic.' I don’t know about that, but I do know a thing or two about making numbers great again.
And let me tell you something, if Bitcoin is gonna make it by EOY, it's going to be because of—what?—me. It’s not gonna happen because of Sleepy Joe, believe me. That I can tell you. You know what they say about Bitcoin? Digital gold. They say, 'Sir, it’s the digital gold.' And I say, 'Look, I know gold, folks. Beautiful, shiny, tremendous. And Bitcoin? It’s got the same energy, okay? It’s got spirit.' So will it reach the moon by EOY? Well, I don’t know, but I can tell you this: with me, it's got a chance. The best chance. Thank you, thank you very much. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQW5rZlJqb2VRbzYtTXBMMGRYMnlndW04dE9YU09jeThHVXAwY1V5SXR5Ym1CTWdfNllQTTUtcnY3OUt6S2NPeDJsSzRibFJiUVNVSk1RMDBkRmVERXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRmMzajhFZ215cjQtcjVEVmhGd1pwQ3VQc1pNeWNyU3k3Y3E2V25DbnlHOXVOTHlWY096LXRnWi1yazhTOEJoY2dwRjJoUlFZbW9SbmZjNkprYTNwZm8xbF9jb19Bd0t0elRUNWlNMzBXeEJESkNEVDhITDVKYXFDVUZYVXR4anItYkVTajFIMWl5aVlPbk1BbC1FZGZtWGRIY3VUdXlqMmhpMTFwNWE4RDZ6eDl2M092Q3FMdklmY3EtNGdRWWo4 |
Im looking for a way to convert my wTAO bought from a DEX (Uniswap) to native TAO since i cant actually stake my wTAO, what is the best place for it?
| r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZVh6Q0pDSThvU28wc3J6R0lzczNDX0pSTmJ5QW84ZkhFOXB4R09BWjFXbklsYXFvLWpPMGpzMEdtTG5XcF9CMnZNM2xnVWRLOHJlTXJOV0NTcjk0RGdOalRtdU1yRXJKYmNYTE5iMEJsQUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVzRLX2JHZnpmd25xWUNVR2NxNV83d25PTjZUTE5qMmlSeGpuY1JNamt2RTdEQzF0Z2JyandtYmNMMlp5MHZmNkVoQjZUM0RQU1BoQjhHRktvNlJmS25ENmYxSk45bTJhTVE0c0xrVEp1QjZxeWRWZTdrR1h6XzVJNmZxSE1KZ1NWZGE3MlVOVFVCejhsVDY2WnY4cUdFUkYzcUxsVVR3SDNvZDM5UHdfTmN4YlBPNXJWZzJFMkRoR3J5SnhfV201 |
Crypto has what is called a Bitcoin halving 4 year cycle. Price action dosnt matter until year 4 which is 2025 in this cycle. Bitcoin pumps first, then Ethereum and then Altcoins in 2025. The real bull market started about a week ago. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMFRFU1lQZVc3UFFhbGthd0IzWkkxaWZ4ZVplNmI0VUNIVWNZaWhaNTJmaVJCR3RIa2FLS3A0SE9LdnhsTWtiR0IwSURzT093QmhQajNZam9BQmFiVnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdlJhSDRTVGZZc3E3MnJ6VGxqdnFwRjMtcTdwdWQ3cHJiUkI5VDlvWVo5S1BVYWwtZ0JvX2dqTURvYnlMWTZVRXJ3ZVd5VDJ1SUxvWG9SU1JfYWVoTFhnWlBwZ3U0U1lXMlo1VVR5MlNCVWl5SlIzWGxMUGFwMW10RW9tZFdBSnNUM3ZVaFZzbjRqWEZ5NVZjM2hQS3ZTOWJJVFRPSnZqR0pTYzNSWWRaQ1FzbjhuYkhLYm1NOEN0RUduX0J3c0Fm |
So you say that the Bitcoin bull market lasts for 2 years ? | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVGNHRWZkTExOUmJ5WXlxM2V1c2hONnRuTlJtUmJHUTRwTlNmYjF5eHZxbzdRTUJCNmhBYUZxOU1TUWtRNkw4eHVBa2RwUEFtM21IbG1FQTJZb0JtLVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdUdjRlpVbEE2SjBTdnpqd1p1YV9NUF9SUGh6VUZFS1VFdzFubFBkYkNtOEZaRTF1Yy1WdDBWOEJPeFoxcGJZTmRadFJYQ1c5eXN0QTdwSFV0X29nZHY1bnFSY2UtQTBxVEVoR09YeWFrcEctSjQ2Y0VRQ0FHZEFpODFqWDVPWlUtQ0dNTC1oQl9Db1pXOHk4Zm9tVVI0Ym9LMnpsZHBpVmtKR1VwdHAxZjJMU0VTNExZUGlpM25GZVNUUFZscC1l |
Hey everyone, I been in the crypto markets since 2020 at the end of last bull & through the bear market
Just want to tell everyone , this is the beginning of a good phase , scoop up some alts & start accumulating btc if your new. Don’t go all in because it will have opportunities to back track to cool down
Learn trading & always remember , even if you only made $1. It’s still 1 more dollar that you didn’t have before. Emotions & greed will make you lose money. Patience & not being greedy won’t. Good luck & change your life around a little. Learn learn learn | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWGhTN1pLaTRVRGZRNUJRS19HSHYxYU93NHVQUVdZQWRqekxnaGxEUzZ0d2tCQ3Y2SFFsbUlDZzJNMVp3MjhSczBKaDJDdEdTVUhUWkktM0MtNmc3NDU4UXYySmxnYkdPN3ZWUGJETzJ4dGc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUllFZU9hZHNUZG5pWmZKbjU5b3lPemZpZ3QwSmRvUllMdk1NQm9ub0lVWGhZZkhKTVNBaGlacFBXUmIyLTBlbXRzaW1xa2IyS0haRWlQQ19oQUd1bERUbktueW9fTEVSQ1pGX3BuVUlkdThRN21WVjA0UUJFVl8tWXUxcG5kNG4yaUZGU3Y3ODBIRVRSYnFmNkgtTGlTdkRVakRWWkV0QXZLeHFiVS03d2hNPQ== |
Something that truly concerns me is the likelihood of we be heading the ltc way.
For those not acquainted with litecoin trajectory , as the “silver to bitcoin gold” and slowly fading away to a less and less important coin, project, very little to no contributor at all on its GitHub directory.
This latest (and current) btc rally I have seen btc go from 65k to 93k
While we (just like ltc) have barely moved at all.
The btc/ltc , just like the btc/bch gap keeps widening, to the point we don’t even represent 0.5% of btc price nowadays, it’s really really sad.
Now I’m not saying we are going to have the same end , however it does look like a Deja VU from what I witnessed on ltc, and that scares me.
What you guys think ?
I’d appreciate insights on our current status as a coin.
Thanks. 🙏 | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRU1IZGtNSGs0U2NSb0dRUnpWS1JvVHBJX0MwSlZtd0J0d3ZXTnlFNHR4QXVyd0RlNUZPU1E0QzhrS2FDUjQxUXZWUElLUW00QkxTVmppek9maWFwQ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUGI2ZWR1X1lSbHktY29RSEJwUTVQei1VdGRrS3A5TU9kbDBGcGJJa2VmcnppeXVxeEFNRU1XNjdqLTN0OHRUbHpJX1BYTU1OdDNTZGV0ZURGcXR6RjM5cC16eTNzS1lYUlVXNnRfdG5MQUY4WWJPekl2OUxIRXhsTzlzZXRSVlYzTTcwSERLclYycEwtMk40WWlhVmZ3LUdpUTBGWnQxdnZQOWppOUp1MGhRPQ== |
Bitcoin bull market last about a year. Middle to late 2025 all crypto will do what it will do and then crash 80% again. 2026 starts the accumulation stage to get ready for the next bull market in 2029. That is how the cycle has worked so far. 3 years to accumulate and less than 1 year of a bull market. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUnhWbVJ2RWhfcExFVWMyYTNkcjRLTWVXd0I2M1VBYnlVbGx5ZHVEOU51QTRNQkNkcnhVUXlsa3lBUVNHT2ExLW1CRjRkcWhDUUVEblNlV3Rpd1J0Nnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZFdDcWs0ZUR6eE00UmFSRlNEOFhpZ3hzRGF5MzgwNTBRZ1QyTFM3TVp0ZXk4dVc0SFVWYkJ4bmMtMENUT3lzbzRuMDcxdTl3MmUzaUlGZWFOSmg2aF9Sa1RJNlFhZTg4SDhhSDNHT2NKanR5QWlVbDlSbDJwYmRTU1gzM2lfQi0xbTRiU2ZBRHJLN1piOHRWT1UyWEFhSFF4ZGhKN0hveXBXVFVqN2cyUmVJU0I5bkpiVzhHZmtpVUJPU3E3el9C |
It has been a year now that Bitcoin has grown from around 15,000 to 90,000
If it continues until the end of 2025, it will be 2 years Bitcoin bull market | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMc09Zb01uRERGaTdieG9zYTNxalJDTnpGZFVmTGZWOUtnLWxSSzhEbXF2M0N4VWtUaGEwMFNnenZ6bjRSTTZESkt3NjZlRUdGSXhId3BSQ2JiNlFDVWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbDZ1UmdqcWlFaklEUnBjYW5xZWdmNDZ1cFAwbEdGaFd1SlVNaEVDbHRWVFktdUppWkNqRmNzbXE5VDRLSUxyUzA2M0xiOWt3dEE1V1BPdndlc0JNQXpWNG1zd2paN1pjMmdEVml4cmhhc2JIMlpIN29GWVZoWFlTZ3FyX0xMdHZRQWZNRENXZEhmZl9Jc2ZMLWF0TjExVHRfZEZ6SmNFaGlOZWUtVVlaNTZ4WVhFLW9Nd3JoLTVmUXB5dF9fNnRi |
Bitcoins bull market starts when it breaks its old ATH , All Time High. Which was about $70,000 in 2021. It just broke the ATH about a week ago. So the bull market started about a week ago and will end in 2025 sometime. All crypto follows Bitcoin up or down. Google Bitcoin halving 4 year cycle. That's all you need to know. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbUhpdHFaYk9Ic2ZLbFA5bjYwcXdmeXcwRllHbFNMSVdMMlpoRl9UZ1A3UVZqcTJmR2ZpdWp0RFVfZDJZNjd1bEEwV2JKQWVETUFScnd0Z19wX2hxa1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYzQ4NVhxdUlsZkhFaFI1TjdBNXhfRG82bGRxRURmbkFYSEd2SnNqR0ZzNXczMUNHSU9vclJ5TW14azVhTGVDMTVUMWRyWk9nc3lIM3B2dmJFajNqS3VtLTZsMGFHSjNCcjRoX1d1eWdpeU5idzNoQ1hwTEZTWFktTHozVmdKYThKZHpKMVZObmdUS3dzb0FlWThQbkdVZllZQkprVWhBZUtvMF9oTTZuVTVEQWdFb2k1MmU0R3htTndPWnlpM3Zm |
Running simple mode on the GUI and tried to send a very small test transaction. (I know running your own node is recommended and important).
The fee came up as over 3 XMR!
Had to switch the public node several times before the fee came up as normal. Is there a way to see exactly which remote nodes one is connected to when running on simple mode? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRVlsbVkxS1VmOXlSakdXZXFQRkRqRlJrRzNlMmtqN2E5MG03bm50LXBSRnZOVGVET0thZXBqQzVWMERlQ0NPMmxFVnZIOE5PZC1lOXVRTms3RnB5LUpxTE8yRWFyU2JYamU1dmlqWDZnYUE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNX1g4LXktTUtVWDYyQ0pMUHpTZ2FyZExfQ0hJbWZ6a1NJeHdSeVA2eTVFTlB1WUN2Z0E0VkoweEk1OWhWRXlwaGQ4M3pRaDJnQWhJWW9TQTBtcmpJTTM5X2pQY3U5dklXNUFoalFHUVRZUFNmbnNjenpuUHhhd0FzeEdLY3lKVHp4SURURmtYT2ZlamVXX2xQTjVqTFhCajNLOS1GcEVOVjBmRGI1eW9vRjd3PQ== |
Since I’m quite late to the cryptocurrency game, I’m eager to buy but want to do so at a favourable price. Right now, it doesn’t seem profitable to buy at the current rates. Should I consider looking into altcoins instead or wait for Bitcoin to drop to around 68K to 70K? Do you think this kind of price dip is likely to happen? Maybe this December? the recent "Trump pump" just a temporary effect? Many people predict a rise to 100 to 120 million in value next year, but I suspect it might decrease once Trump is in office for after few months. What do you think, especially in light of potential Trump policies? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeVhuUGZqMFdIdzhYUE4tcWVtVW8wS0ZPZWtOdlg1OC1qWlNfbDNraDVJMzRBTEVqTE16aTVsWnRLaWRsWWVMQjZPem1lQnkyQ3F4WGdEOVYyNEZTTDVMRWRHUEM0ZUpHd3VVQWRmUW9KcEk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeU9ZZjF0b0swZzZDLWlTSkxMZjRmZGVoQ1o5bmNUai1WcGZtX2VMVjZVTmV0ZEgwTHpTZzh2cTJaWjZmR3RkSjJBU1UxdmpLYjZ5NXhnamlteE9KYTFIYnNCdDNnUzhUNEpnZHZhTHY5dm9ZQXBhMExoWmVvSFlWaGN6bW5nVWdFbHk2ZTV0RjBTX1VTdGhaQkhDNVhEY29Yc0JDUUZZOUhpaU45LVdHUjBsMGdqZ2k3blBHU0VRZFE2clhZTU9PZ09wcGg0eVVPWncwdUt1N3JicjI2dz09 |
can someone tell me how to bridge NEAR to BNB or POlygon? the articles google is giving me are all AI generic clickbait nonsense.
Also, is there anything fun to do on the NEAR network? i remember there used to be NFTs.
our patience paid off! | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMczBvR1VuY3JOSEQ1X0FmN2t1a1Q4VHJxT2I0c3lyRHc4ay0yenM1ejNoQlVCeWZuTnMtRFRob2UyOTJqN0l2OXJpQzcyZEl2SFZZV0hvWWYzZjN3dGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMWlLVHhmV1dfcjBVdGZzSDRNY2VIb1FDTk4tS0Z5SWFvc2lCb29EQXl6WVQ5WGlKN2NFOXMwYlRlNlBEUnpaTmN6QVo0QmJzWi1MNzMwOVJDc2Y5ZnVmQkhJN0prNXYxM3dXZjVOQm0wV05OWVRjYjBvLW1uc2s5Q1REMVRWajNMQ0dvSmt6SGtPRkJwVVpJNWlaci1aaGp2NmhhbXJIUHZ2dWR0dFZyMjlrT1FkTVU4WjBjN2hOdUpHamxRVjc5MXRLZDVxa0VPNl8zdUk2MkhPLUVWQT09 |
Rocketx. Check the discord for interesting stuff on the network | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQkZ0MUt0RGsyelBHb2Riem9hSlh2UDRqYU5CelVIblowZ3pHMGNtbGxoeWJDUVl3VWZVQ3hINUV6czZRa0pEbjVvNTd6WEtfeTNJMW9HT3kxa21RZUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZlROMzY0LXhDVjlISnNJc3VBUDNkVS1LMG9UdjVnelltT01VVGMweWQzTVE4SE0yeHNIN2NOa3pFRFhEaDRaS05PNzBRLV9FaE9MdkRndHNWYzc3UjdualR4ZXFROURweDFaRGh1bUxvV3V2eWJaNFJPS1pNdHZxWXVvZ2VCWkRNYWVxejltTkU3Um91Q1ZLQ0tNR2U2WGJhQmhRY2pMQ010V0xxQWYwdG1fR2FTQkNKYWFmd3I4QkFDTDJOY0FsQVY4b3p5SkRRRnY1TU1tYjBYSkJTZz09 |
For many alts this is just the pre beginning. Remember investing is wealth transfer not from poor to rich but unpatient to patient. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZGVzcHVRVGtpZVZOSGJvdi0xSnVwUHRUX1hLclRDNDh2T2JweXY0Z1hMdU5RREFGVTBqYlZDWU03andPeG9abGVQVGNPUWN4MEpkdFhFZHM3TjJXaGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSEN6b1NjTHl2c0pEZjY1b2xBYnRadGt5MG5fZk5RR1ZJQ0w2THRsZzFxMEtZR1ViUkJPenZtWjBiVFRUb2p0a21oNEJJUVZRV2otWVdOMU45R1otT29NeEtPRGxkbnBkWDZKdDFuLTNiU2hDdzNjamVLOFZFVjdlaTNJaXNra2otMG9IaDdNOURTMUV0U0IyelFaeFh2UG5pN2k5UDlFTk5kVmpDRVlPeVlJMm9FbE9RbFBTM2xyNHFzcF9NX2Fo |
Hey everyone, I made a bit of a mistake. I went ahead and staked all my tokens, and now I’m short 0.03 NEAR to cover the transaction fees needed to withdraw. Any suggestions on how to get unstuck? Thanks in advance for any help!
| r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMXzM3MnRHc3ZyS0t2NXl5QkxSN2I1ZDlIRGNmQXFEUjBqS2twN1FycGJvcGxUbFdrVERwcndGMjRCSy1IMDlDMHp2Y3NIWHdrYUpFa2VHWElnZzRqd2NHUTdhdDNaS0dQTkZSNzUyaFpRVkE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVm1ua1hIdjA1WnZ5b2hwd3M2R0tFLWQxR1hpdHk5QWVPSmttcjdzQWlDWG5iUHZNYXBMazZIcVJCdWdWT0lPTFZ4S0RoenZRQzE5aDdLVUtNby1JYjRQRkJOaHFIT29UT0NxZ21FdmRIejY0YWlQbGNjVFB0X3pHUUo1YXJveTBiSUY0WnlHY25VX2EyZjlVNmt3OWlXNHo2bEw3TkN3Sm85VEdZN0w1T0kyNU5jRjFSbkFDcGpFeWNSd2RZZXFycl9HdG1jTXlDSDlrZm9BTzhCN3FXUT09 |
Send me your near address | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTmxRck1vVEJBMEJUT1lYS0VnbGZ6REhlNmtVQnJRWnpHUWFxOS1aTUFYUHZrWk56ZGs3S2Z3WkpBWnhSR21BMmYweUoxekgxOXNwdVdEeWt5M0ZRZjlHVFItdnF5SnQta0o0TjJUNE5pQWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNclZXQ3ZWcmljWjhVUWVWaTNlenYzTWdqVGNyQTZaSW1ZUHAweXRRQTExTnJZc0daY1hRbmVrVlE5eVJwbnlCTnlJMGRocEc4dkJpOXpzQm5RaFh1RDFVRGhlUzJmcW5Pa29SSEFDZllOS0dDN3dlNXprbm4yeUVTTXpYUFRpeHNmV2FMUXM4aVJDWjNJaEpoWkdkRk9OaDlybVRUenhfemF1OUtOc3ZtNTA3dGJ3UjZPTFlYMXVkcGd0dVZwSGFLbnJ4b2NqRnVQMkpFZEVWR3dyRGprUT09 |
It's on screenshot, 56366966ea0a73f2e1dd8c22da85c2092e9abe28b83213353a76fd7da7483414 | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWGNrOXNtTk04VDhqajNsQUtwS2NFMzFlOXcxZmdVdU0tcjhfVnVzNHdWcVI4YkNnZU5ZbWRrZkdGT2xtZXgtYXVDMnpJd0xOTzNRN0czWEZLX1JkSWxfZThoX290SUtpOFBMSTNxTk16MWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVEN5aW4wYkhiV3FEaW93cEs2NFVpYk5OUjMzbkJ3SkNtZldaNmk2RkxzTi1Rc3plQ3JteU9jQ2JjalFmbGhMN0ZxZUpnSkpqYU82b0xjSFFwb1BXYUNXN1AySnd3NEtrZndBLWVZblc1MEwwQlIwdG1POHhxNnBZN2ptdUJpTmt6dmc1RUYtWW1NdW9TaThGWWtkYWxOUGU1MzVTYUg4SmtCdzBDUElmNi1UUVJkWGdabjVKM3ZOekFwNG91dE52akN1RnFkXzVTbzFhNGY4eVp4bGpHdz09 |
I know but it’s in a screenshot. You expect me to type it out from it. If you want help. At least. Make it easy for people to help you. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUHkwTEVqdVBnTUlsaVZTaDk2UXNLR3VOUTJVSjl3RlEtRnRTdmxQemRUZkJBdUtVX2V0NmpSVC1obWVzR3hFYlJBblg2YnpXMHo5OTZ2MERfaGhhS2xEaFh2SXdUNlBCc1JXMFJJUU5FY2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeWlFaXpPNXJfTFBfX1NjZzRuc3AyV1o4Q0VJTkRXSExSWFN1ci1MZWxCWGpKQWtiWEplUlRDcl9WQXdhaG54Z3lGV2RJd3RoUkh6Mjh5YmVRVFNVOVNRaDVXeFNrSDNadC1pQ2FhbTdTb0tfQktsRUJnSVRpd3FiZEJwZ3ppUDhzN3kwNUJHMVpLSDVGQTRlcmJ6SERFc1MxeW9tR2NKbHkyemJpaWFLMmkwdHJTM2YyRG1OZzU5MnBfM0dtNmFfRWpSLTF6bHVpdU9FeFQ1aUFVQTR4QT09 |
Just buy more near and send it to your address | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSzdKUjJHaTdZd3RkWkRNcG16TE5hNUxmT1lMZVNfc001LWpsTTk3dElIenM2VjVENmRhM1dJekRaTURzRkxEUW1pazZELTFTLWFwaWZRdmVQcXpDSnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNY1hhR1NBdUdpbHd2YUdwV3o2LTRLdGtlWnZLYlZBa2t2VjhPOW94WVdDQU9ZUjVEeDQ3RzZpZmZRWXUzTC10cmF2QkJQTlJvSUh3M2lQQ3oxT0ViNlE2czBWY1VZNXAzdWdLbnMtUktOcXd2Z2xleWtFMHlIQmdNeGc0OGRtcnpSR1RHN0h0S1ZWVC1Bdll5a2pxVk9KNnYwNXpXQ1FiMThheFg2cVJWNGcxNWxUWmJHNjhsWmdrUU5qMFAtQlg4cTNZZEhXQXJQM3Y1UHlPcTN2YlNwZz09 |
**\*\*NEARWEEK Daily Newsletter 📩 \*\***
**\*\* Thursday, November 14, 2024\*\***
**\*\*💥 Big things around the ecosystem 💥\*\***
[According to you, which AI coins will hit a $50B market cap in this cycle?](https://x.com/TheCryptoLark/status/1856662650660311296)
[The DapDap clan has arrived to Clash of Clans Tournament in Ape Arcade's flagship game, Meme Fighter. Sign up to join and compete for a share of $30k+ in rewards](https://x.com/DapDapMeUp/status/1856970087086874718)
[Illia Polosukhin, founder of NEAR Protocol presents on "The Role of Agents in User-Owned Internet "](https://x.com/openagisummit/status/1856940088451895473)
\*\*💰 DeFi 💰\*\*
[Orderly Network Adopts Chainlink Price Feeds to Leverage High-Quality Market Data](https://x.com/OrderlyNetwork/status/1856741326446104762)
[Ref Finance : Weekly RECAP](https://x.com/finance_ref/status/1856693170291298644)
\*\*🔼 Projects update 🔼\*\*
[DeltaTrade : Vault Pair UI has been updated](https://x.com/DeltaBotTeam/status/1856879383329603598)
[Bitte : Launched "Explain Transaction with AI"](https://x.com/BitteProtocol/status/1856948653778505893)
**Don't forget to Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter!** [*https://subscribe.nearweek.com/*](https://subscribe.nearweek.com/) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcU9FZHdyeC1PTjNGNlFqOGJVY1ZXNFNZTjFuTEFZY3Jsbnd2cjk4QWlDSllnZEVzOWZkZ0xVU3M0N3pscmdQWF9NRnBkbUdqaXdZRGdQamwta0toY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNkRBYmRCQnJFV0ZTZFZaaTduUUxKQktrbm5OaHo0U0FvTjgxMG5reTBUNmU0dVVQWXUzeFM4Rk1fMVJoUXhxdjF2RW9Uc3h4Mk85NUtSbGlCeUhXRHdOcDhxWjVBMVVhTmRibElfeERRR0NqSGZRelBTRUhVeXNDTUFCbGRucFFYeU81ZnBzckNiRmh3T2xWTk5QcVlsb1hkRzBSOWJtenFqQzVHVC14QVZ6bjFmaHFucWpYalMtRVprRDBNa3Ey |
staked it where? | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYW8yVldVdVFfRDFjYWFWTHpJN2VyMjAtdnhYRjd2WFlFNm51YmluOUpELW9BX1NkZlRQM2tSRlF3Vk1ydjRwTTdTbGMwOU52SlZNYzFZWXQtb3pyclE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU1hrbS15QkVOcDIzbWVvWUptenN3bWcyNjlOQU9MNldJcFFPbjdhT28zVEtFSWVFTDNHWWh3cmtiRnBGb3BDZzdyNEtJTW53T212QnM4dHVTb18tbTFyQzkyOXpDOXRpcEZCbkFzWkdEbkVSUHpzbWVISkpqNkNTNFl0TWlCUFdXMzc5bGJtclhQeER0T2QwcTFpNENCa2Y5ZldTaGZYVGxLR0JfaF9xN1BIZGZ2WHZJamdaaXZ4cV8wM1pjTVdwU0NMbm5uQUtlRVJRZnZLVzhCdnlNdz09 |
I tried, widgets referenced in mynearwallet give 'error try again later' on payment, Coinbase is unsupported in my country. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTHBsSXpwMy1YaTAtMTlMMkN0ZUxtcXFuMkFfbHpSQjk4RlBDWlJUTG9TTnBqX2RSUkhZbXkxZVdjaFdOa0d6ZjI1N05YeU54SEk0VjFwVFJvdGxPWTJlMmEwRFVZdUhlVk9lUTI5dTZJc1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWklyS2ZnS1dJNkVya2FMWnZ2Q3o4SWtiVW1WaTVLUUpKbmc2X0lYZmZXVlRTdFRRV2lVWVUwU25ER3g3QUgxZlg3azZQWmZibFppUHV5N3hvUWtTcUFacHFLUHNSODBrckgxclRybkxaMHNnNnNQdjNDOG5XV0RsTzJPWHVFWnc0MHpiQk1jUFFTbjlEY3ZBNFF6ZkVOZVZ1OFVjTTdrZXhrRGZqZDNYNW94OVNQYWFfUk5SeFlTTjMxTThMekFCb0VfNUZzQnhTSDhablIyTzRoamNmQT09 |
Sorry I didn't put it in the post, here is the address: 56366966ea0a73f2e1dd8c22da85c2092e9abe28b83213353a76fd7da7483414 | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRk8xSVVETWx3RXZfVVpnbGlFR01LTktubWxRMkdKRDYxaDFCc2luYV9leUlfRWZjbXVFWW1QVXpwaTJmYzV6QURlR1FXWGNiS2RFLUhlZG41ZEw5S21GSUR1TjdDX3ZDYTVlUk1HZHdqRUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWnBiQlJlVE44VWZ3MzRZMWduSExjNjNadGlNMC1vdnNtb1pjS0ZsU0lHNThYeFpacGthMTR3Y1NQNWM1dTQ1YmNqRmtFRzB5eHZva1hqR1I4Vk40aGpfSF90WUxTZEE4TGVJZ0syZGNycVcyT3o2Mm1Qd18tVk9yUkprMVFOOHpzQTEzM0lYUU9zR3AyMWlOUlhINmd3akVZMlgxOTFpX2VWS0tUOXI3Snpza0VPdnQtUHVGNjhrazFNak5kTC1USXAzanF4eUtpRXVUaklNQmdZX2VwZz09 |
On mynearwallet with allnodes.poolv1.near validator | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRnNzZVJGUjFDVU1LSjRheWJpOWE5UU9GOGx3U1I0UXkyVWd1Ym4tYmZhaXlZaHpYNVRGZldHODAzOWhaSFJPeHRjdUlHc0tDWWxPNy1QSWlpMnFzb2NBdzU5aXhBQU9UOVA2aTVyZjZJb1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUTFkbnpZSnNPY2dzeGxaNnU4VWNfdDNBVVg0TTRIU1B5Q0JxQjcxTWp4bjZ4X1N3SHdfOXJtdEs5eVpVWElPaWRvQVV2dGZiVGhRbGk0a3BreS1NTEVjaWNnaWZNVVhCOFl0aDM3ZEhqWC0wUWVPX1dYOWdFdFY0LUpjSHVMTE1NWS1OMmw0X3dzSGpmOHp3MWc3ZmJvdVh0OFR1V2Vld24ycURXQlVpYXdtdUh6WnpfZGRndFNrZi1sNk1fMllZQWtQa0ZXa3VfZFRJUU94bzRfaGFVQT09 |
what interest rate are you staked at? | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRlk2UkYwNEZSY0ZKbEFiWVVtekgwUnozV0FENVdPRDNLTG9uOWJIbjRCcEVERmgyQlB1cGpxdFI0ZTN3QmNzWWxkaHFHVVZiY3cyTUFCVW5tcXViRlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNXzhyM0dobWp1Qzh2eWUxcXUyX3lqSS1aU0ZjQUJ6OE9uSVU2RjMtOVFMTnA1LXVsZnpkRUtmTzlyR0wwY0tXVEJSM1pWMmgxeUhqWlVhX2E5SzhJVjROQkdLWlB3S21KT3hqSFJHWUhla2Q3dWhqdExoZjhfU05VdlNUSllMcTJlcVFnQUM0R1BxT1BnYWN5S3FtcFY1R05NTXhlTDd4UGw0Y24yMlVtUzlmbHJ3Y0lMRzdNbWJrU1lCNFh3akptTXpKN21RNXJKaGQ3d3ZPTmcxd3RUUT09 |
Litecoin has had no downtime since launch (13 years) | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOGFDdEZNdlhnR1lLdlhWNGsxWWRFZlpfOE1PNVRkVTZkdFViQ1VpeFNaYmZBVUE3U2tCa09fTnYtbjdpUzJRMmwwMmNncHpDeDA0YjF6TWFnaWpDdnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNY09TR2dvVnZHSWI2Y0J5dm4yR2ZXM1dyTHU1ZnBKeGFlM0NUZ0JJdDlMYV9rbnRxbE1XWnFxNFAwSW1hQ05TNHJhREtoX0d5dFNDRE4tbXhfNWJtZUh1VG9aZWVOTEppUC1MUDFway1NOE1weVBVLXFuWDAtejEyVHdDcDZpbkY1R3dJcVV3SWVXcDQxWmpaX2kwZDBkclhpWXdNRldhVU11Y3o4ekgxNld5NThvaGlFLWpBeTQtdWs0MEVGc1dGenJHTGRuZVYzYVdTa2p2MDZLd053TW9wSjNBNE1sMExmYnpQdGdLbTNrUT0= |
I already have an account on MyNearWallet, but its not finding it. Instead of just asking me to log in, it asks me to either "Create Account" or "Import Existing Account". Was ok a few days ago, is there an issue with the wallet? | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMV2dwLVVDcTVKemdGVC1mTTktcGFIeHFxSi00YS1OOWVQN082T21xSDlOaEhQT2IxTFBqOTJWTWg0dUdNUFBJRmU5MEU1Yjl6UFh4T1lxNGR2aUVuT1h2akZxLWtkZHBhTlYwVzkzcTZPajg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWGpUVXB2MkV4SnJtRmRPdUxiT0U4T3Zub2ktNmpEblBkakxLUkxnOHNkTTN4MDc1ZkhyajVwVHVvVnJnazBXbFo4WjZWM1FBWGlpbkRSLWtQVzZOYU50SFdLMG1PT1h1UU1JMjNxNDFJRUFFWlVZbWo0ajlzaWVRdngxdnlfUUZTX3hGTWZLN3F4ZzdmaGw3NnpDaExkdEx4Z1l5d2c3ZnNkdXdLSXVPR2tVeTJ1b1F5MWxfOWlKMjliNVk1NjRp |
ETH just hit a brand new 3 and a half year low against BTC after touching .03462 beating it's last 3 and a half year low of .03465 set just 8 days ago on Nov. 06th 2024. (.03462 means 1 eth is worth 3.46% of 1 BTC. )
In fact this means ETH has wiped all out gains against BTC since April 2021 when ETH was \~2k and BTC was around \~$60k. Since then ETH has completed the merge moving it from POW to POS and Proto-Danksharding (which dropped the gas cost on L2s). Still in comparing it's value against BTC, ETH has officially lost all of it's bear market gains.
What you might not know is ETH is not alone lots of alts continue to be down against BTC.
Chainlink to BTC is also sitting at a 5 and a half year low.
Perhaps one of the worst performing alts and sub darling, DOT continues to hover near an ATL against BTC.
This list is not comprehensive but many alts are barely above recent bear market lows.
Just for fun I'll also include the Moon to BTC Chart which isn't great but is somehow better looking than a lot of the alts.
| r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbHFKeF9aRmd1ZmItbHN1MDZsMUliRndiOU5pc1B3cmNtX3VtN0tDSUtnelhqVHhLZERxZldRUTAtOUtIb0J4NC1pSzhsY3Mzb3N2amFoTURweEczSVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRUltVzFmUjZsN0RWWUxYbkFFdlRoSjVNMW1TWlBwWVVaWDh4Tk9hd3RsbnctOEtieTBMaXlwX1ZrSHh3Q1RIV252eFZ2NUVIdFhfTm81SlV0VlpFek1ZQnlxRWptbFc5U2owTmkwZlcwbUdLNXptWEZ3QUg2bWgyMkRjSFdNdTZUdmVkREFMY2tHNVg2VzBtMUt1TEpiM3hFQTZvZGY4YkZDYm40T2ZTaXJMbVNiUEthTUpkenpRdE1vaF93bGJwVjlkYkhUamdjTFFSRUVQMGJ2S2NrQT09 |
Hey guys some big astrological events are going on. Starting on Nov. 19, 2024 Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius, where it will stay through Jan. 19, 2044. The last time this happened was the American Revolution (1775–1783) and the beginning of the French Revolution (1789) were defining events. Both revolutions emphasized ideals of liberty, equality, and challenging monarchies and traditional power structures.
Pluto (power & transformation) meeting Aquarius (innovation & rebellion) is showing us exactly what's happening right now. X is evolving beyond traditional media as we're seeing in real time with Elon, and crypto is absolutely going crazy as it represents true financial freedom. Trump understands and supports crypto because he sees it's the future and America needs to get on board with this global financial revolution.
The way Pluto in Aquarius represents decentralization and disruption of old systems is playing out perfectly with crypto right now. We're watching this massive transformation in how people view and use money, with crypto adoption accelerating and traditional financial structures being challenged.
But overall, this transit emphasizes themes of equality, freedom, and collective empowerment, meaning that the digital landscape may see major shifts. For example, there could be movements toward open-source technology, the decentralization of social media platforms, and an increased focus on community ownership
TLDR; invest in Crypto and AI and ur gonna be fuck you rich in 2044 when we look back to the start of it cause Elon is gonna make it mainstream and soon its gonna be globally used on a much larger scale based off how shit is looking rn | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbHQxdUl0b0FYUmFMdXpiTDFiMlhjZjJncnlBRjRhTjZDOFlGUEJVU25UZjlEOG11NzZXOUFpZDVSU0xKMWF0X1N5bWZ5SVpnSTJMSmxJeE1JZDZ4bmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWXFFZTBESTM4WHlQUDN2SkVUU1dxby0yN0xDV3Y3aHRCMVpJa0lkVFdZSTcxbkpuMG5SbnNOM1piNjRKODE2TTJaU3ZpZ1pCRzE4T1BXVWRXNkEwWFFMZkJoLUxCVEZKNXpuY2lNbW5aQWpjQWpHVEhreUtRZDBXQ0JfNU8zdWVteVV5NlJueENGb2s2LUtQTk9VZlpnY0NDb2pxZ2l5SnFYVWlQQ24wcFdNam5mWmRKOVZMald6SU1QMzdLV2FxdEl3UDlWLXNxR2RGSFVidml3M2hKdz09 |
Did you write down your secret phrase? If so, import existing account and enter your phrase. If you didn’t, not much you can do. Always, always write down your secret phrase when creating a wallet and store in the safest of places. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcUVYZldJUy1HamJ6UFdfbHNCZDdQcUZQSXdXRmhLalkza0V3ZVFvZDhYUEtMTkVlOXp4RVZaU19hSUZJaENUcXVRZ09rYXE0d1czY0cxVnVXZ0E5ekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQ2JtbnRWbERnYnM3MDUzejEweExyWFNMZW5YakdNVWhSd2ZVS3BJZHd4TWIxN3BlZ3JGaFFFT3JKQkMxYzdaajBTN3lfVHVPSWlvbzJMbjZCcERBNktyVzBVVnBxY2NINlY5VGZOazdSLXpuQUp1bFhKS0RWZTh1Q3FOYWN3U3ZzQ0d4ZkdFRkdURHNJb1pwemg4THRWdmxQbDRvUDJ5MUxNM0Z0a1RtUjdxRDdpOFI1NEs5Y3kxN3drUV9lRzNHdXFkWWFWbEQzN2pUZFFEWFp6VjBvUT09 |
Did you resolve the issue? because I just ordered a stax myself | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWC1WbHlKcmtDQkhaREVFVFlsdUhBMUFmR0RlSmR2SkhidFQzTlZkdEdkaWs3UVZsWjhTTlEzbG42UXFaUjZuNkl5UjJha3pKUWcwaWZaTFAtVnBCNEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNczRsSFRFSU9hQnR2V3pEQm9PSm1QaVJBdHo3STVmb0VseUtWV3hPeG9YSnVCb19NajRibWlvU0hDWm1maFVNdTZocjNHWkxfcVNzVG4wOTJUdldpejY3NDM3QUJyUkxHX0NSdkVEclRZWGM1NnpGRnFNeEhWRmU5OVNJT0hVTmtYYUxZMXl0S0tmMDlHWlJLdDV6Tk9fV3k4ZG9aVjdqRGRHMDQ1U2l3R3RUU0wtaC1ZdUw1RHpvczB3ZXpUbzhU |
I need a solution to buy TAO though decentralized options and stake it straight after that, anybody has the recommended place for it? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMODNkNkpNNk9kblcxUTNTMHdRb0VYcHMwNzdIelFUTzcwUjlUVzl5M2hWSXBNY0VMMnktMTVfOU9HZ1ZPVnRNOG9MV3VoaTZnQjYxdjg5TkR5dm55alE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNd2VXZGMtR2Z1b0NrbW5xc2tfbGp2djc4MGZhRjEtNFNDMURmQlJjNlBwcUw3RlFXZ1dQVkhGbDI1WDNnRDRnZDNTbU5saEJDWXk5WjVLdnVVaWZHVWdIVGR5Z1JOdUIza3g3bUF5RTVSOFRDMGU2M2FsLTJoUmMtdy1UclhEWHM4d1lIV3loUEM5NjlMcU9ueVJOOUotcWh6VF9lOENHSHZXMGpYdmhNN1o3Uzc0dDNYLUlPVXpJb2xKR1pTUEEy |
Changelly has been holding my funds for over 2 months, i swapped eth for monero on their exchange and they asked for a KYC. The kyc was completed very quickly around 2 days after they asked, but still have not refunded my exchange . No matter how much I ask for an update they just reply with the same copy and pasted messages like im talking to a chatbot.
After further looking into this I have found this is a pretty common situation and I was just wondering if you guys have any advice or have seen anyone say how they got their money back. I have completed kyc showing my identity and where the funds I swapped came from.
I've used changelly before and had no issues which is why I am confused as to why this is happening now. Whenever I ask support via email to reply with a real response and not the few bot like responses they send me , they stop replying.
I have also since checked the transaction and it appears they sent my money out of the wallet without paying me a penny to "hitbtc" | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMU1lNmQwU0IyY2tfZnhWUHZRSjVpeV9TbzA1VjNQOFdkX2o1X1RlOGRMdFZJYmlDZWh6S3JUNWpRNVhHR0xTVjlLcHR0QmN5Tjd6NjZhT3FYSkIya2xUSlNKT2c3c0hwRFVzOTF4OWVxVW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYTFLV2h6am0zdjlYaVF1ZWNtNmZmT25nclVnOHo3WHZnSDZESGVVRkZoNzE5YW94RTFiN2dVZWNibmEwaUZheFFfQmhjaU16MHpmeXNuZ0xLUHRjaFNNOFFHNGdGRXBpZ1JEai1FbU9yQ3p2Slh1X0twU1NKV3VzOWwyRGVYamhvSmptVnVEOWhjajBYVVIzbkp3aHpCeU5FWGhxVHpNTkViQllZX0k5aEZYd1VheE5xdkVGS01mN09XeWlsUTFX |
so i got a new computer, and I downloaded the Filestation app on to that new computer, it then opened up a completely new wallet for me. it did not give me the opinion of importing a wallet, so that I can two computers mining File coin?? so now I will have to keep on transferring filecoins across so that its all kept on 1 computer?? | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOE1uNzFZYUlHNXZ4X2Vkb1M3OG1nUnQ5UERFQWFxOGRpLThERjI1Y1FrRWFYWDlralNQdHJVZDMyUGN2MFJURE9lYVVsd1dZTmtkNjZqamdHR2VaQ3A5ZTlDNmFDZjhpazZMSGFRTHVXYjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcEhISnhYdE9RTW9nYWkybGJSQlZRV2F6WHc0MHlOUHJkb3VQMDRhY2RocmoxUDBsaFhKOV9Pa0NhUXRWVW5uODdvWTQ4WEVEcWdpZUFWakF3OHlkMFNXeU53MmNueXFQUEdJTk1fVGdjV2toakMtM0RWWERubzBHUlAyR2xiS0tDNUt3N0JpbFZvbU1JelVocjZrSGRRSWM1ZUxVVFBsRzg3WlBNWG44QlkydUMxY2dMaUJZcndrWDBMWmlNV3dCZGtyNTZZWmlKaEVmMmNHSUtpTFZBdz09 |
Is the time to buy now? Before it pumps like crazy or do you think it will level out/dip and then buy before it pumps again. Would appreciate some help. I've got money in XLM, XRP, DOGE, SHIB and SXP. Do you guys think any of them are worth holding/buying more of? Are there any coins you guys have an eye on? Basically when should I buy right now because I missed the bear market by being underage. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbHBXOGlwc3Y1Y0hDUl90TUprR1ZVeEpPMDgwWmdBZ3VWUW8tSUZxbjJ6Z2ZsOGNrUjIzNk9laVRVRFkxdGxEaGw0SDJZdEtXdFY3RnJBTlFQSGRKRzF4VUk3cGczOHlCY2lFUTR0YlR4TkU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcHRLZGlwQ1p2SmhidThBY1JBa2JyaVBaRkdOcUdaUU1fV3RzTTZtRlFiSG41VTZVTzBUMk1lV29DWEFVdWJvbGNUcWxkY2c3YnBtSFItWl9HVWRWRWpqeklXaDNpTzNwajdXRVVkYUxkWUJ5SE52ckdZQWxJNDBXS09vRVJ0QUhJQjgzcUhZY283UTVOLV9VaWh3NFRIUzBZYXJNNk9MZFdneWhRS3I1UVhjPQ== |
**We’ve Faced Tough Challenges as a Community**
Major CEXs have delisted Monero, limiting accessibility and reducing exposure. While promising projects like Haveno have emerged, they haven’t yet built the strong, circulating economy Monero truly needs. The market still dictates the price, and right now, we’re seeing more volume selling low than buying high.
It’s a reality we can’t ignore - but it’s also an opportunity to grow.
**Lessons from The Richest Man in Babylon**
In The Richest Man in Babylon, Arkad teaches us that true wealth isn’t just what’s in the vault - it’s the principles of trust, wisdom, and reputation that create lasting value.
Now think about Satoshi. His main project's strength isn’t just in its code or vaults - it’s rooted in trust and decentralization. Monero shares these same principles: privacy, security, and autonomy. But Arkad’s lesson reminds us that principles alone aren’t enough. To create real, lasting value, we need action.
**1. Action > Talk**
For Monero to thrive, we must actively build its adoption and economy. Part of that is listing at higher prices, which reflects confidence in Monero’s value and invites bigger players to take notice.
Sure, there’ll always be traders looking to cash out quickly by selling lower than market value - but that’s not the point. The point is to set an invitation for bigger players to see how much supply volume they can absorb to shift the market value window.
Higher prices don’t mean pricing people out - they mean showcasing Monero’s worth, which drives market analysis, liquidity and adoption. So, if you buy two, hold one and list one at the price you believe it can reach on platforms like Haveno-Reto or other DEX platforms.
But we also need to balance this with accessibility. Higher prices should reflect Monero’s growing utility and liquidity, not just speculation. We must foster adoption by improving Monero’s ease of use and providing feedback to the community to ensure the tools meet user needs.
**2. Adoption Starts with Design**
The backend of Monero is brilliant, but let’s face it - the design journey for adopting and using DEXs isn’t attractive to most traders yet. Simplifying the process of buying, using, and trading Monero will unlock its potential for mainstream adoption.
A better user experience combined with strong fundamentals is how we grow Monero’s economy, making it both accessible and valuable.
**3. Marketing Matters**
We also need to spread Monero’s message in ways that resonate. TikTok, memes, and influencers might sound gimmicky - but they work. Look at Dogecoin - it started as a joke but became a cultural phenomenon with the right marketing push.
Imagine what Monero could achieve with a well-crafted narrative that highlights its privacy and decentralization.
Marketing doesn’t have to compromise Monero’s principles. It’s about making those principles relatable and inspiring, inviting a wider audience into the ecosystem.
Monero reflects the wisdom of The Richest Man in Babylon: trust, autonomy, and resilience are at its core. To thrive, we need to act. Let’s balance confidence with accessibility by listing higher, simplifying adoption, and amplifying Monero’s promise to the world.
The stronger and more vibrant the Monero ecosystem becomes, the closer we get to building real wealth and independence for everyone. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVEpIWHktWGk0S25KOGpRMHc1bmFnMDdkU1RnUHI3QlJLczk4WDF5TlZvN2c5VFJfLWhJY1ZoMjVWemdfUVRhOW00N3pXNFAxUFZ5SVhxcVpWNlNZUGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR2E5SHRmdjZnX0xIdXZnRXNKTW0ySXZEeXVrdzdaZkxwdDNFa3N2UTZpUUQ2eWxVaFBhODVDWTRvbi1IamJncHN5NlRFalExVjg4WGtzcWExbkhUT0hYRTBRZzk4X0lyMjN5MzJRU0lpLXV3Wl9NVDVwMFM3RndxcE42blAtZ2N4ZE01SWNZUVF3V2xqaV9yaUMtaXE2dXJ4cUZIQ2ZtVERieHl4d1RjREpFRlg3RElXZjA0c21WdGVadzRaQUNzYnJiSUFjVXJMOTU0dURLWHVOM0Vfdz09 |
You can use https://simpleswap.io/ or https://sideshift.ai/ | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMLTdSSmFoYm16TzY4WFZFMGxNbGROV2tXWmowa2N6VmpGR0hfRkowV0VwNEIwOERhZ2N6cVpCUjJ1TEU4eW5jQjNUZTJJOEk0ek5Lc3hBUjdDWDR1Y1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNem5ya2FzLUpPNHluSVJNMndZWnUwdVFqblpvZkJOdWRqYTFaZ0ZsS1F4SFRXSVlQaTFtMERZZnhFR2pnTTVGSWJWUlRaZkFBeHM2SnlfTU9RVURsejFtTmtvc2dhX1hnX3F4OHRDWWl3Q25OM3VmcnE5ZlJZQjAwRVJmRVE5QU9HWTNtbGRQR3Q1Wm1hb196dUhQaWpaRTNsT3BtOTZ2NTl2Y3hpMmhfMm5nN1Nmd2ZqNUFhc3BadGFPMnd6X0lDYllwUk9xdEp3VkVwZmlJRkoxak45Zz09 |
![gif](giphy|9xnNG7EN2h822ithtT) | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMS3hBLXo3WjByLU03dHpPdGZaUWRrYjhLcjdub2t4R3QwOFMybG1DeW9wOS1rNi1IaDZBOVBWWnF2ZWYtSXFkcG1VMGpYQ3A4ZE1SSHhfRmZ3d0NVeWFqOTBONnU1SDV6Q045NEVGSUExWnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR1NOYklMdDBMZ2dyc2dsLTVIWUhoUnFZaUNmeDUxcWsxM2FWa0pPNkdnVWpWNzF4SGNJbk5fOG00RG8tcmw2bG9tc0YwZnhlWEFNb1VVOFBSU1FFckl4N3ktQVN1MDRxSFpRWmFWTlV5SXJnNDVLVEZ3ZHcxQlRKWVVILWNTNHVDLTBvVFB4N1lKRFpwOU4yNUJ2NTlFeVRKZk5ab0E2MWRfWkpkdDlpdkVWbkwwOE9UVEpVVVdWaWNCTDNDdzhnZUNvSUczcjZYX3lJcWxiNHVSZmdRRk1OSVB1QTd1OEI5eWpmQ25ydUFhQT0= |
This is a shit coin sell now or lose more money.. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMc3ZhRlJ5ZGNSNExTZVJuREU4dHVEWjVJUnB1cjhyYXBvbEdzcERzNjBGb1g4R2gzalZTQkFfdmRHUTdjZzFYU1ZkVTJXNFJ2LW8xbjZVT2xJM2lvb2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNd19wdUVrbm9TMS0yM3FTTjJWNHEzUjFJRXpFcVYxdGw5RDZGWE1OZkVQV2RhZDUzUC0tMEktVUFKNDdpNWxnbmVYaDFNV3lkb0dHYjB6MGFlNTRDUHVVYjBzSW1NeGVocjNiY0dKd0FhdEFUU3Joam1xbmV6TGp1NUVDTjZtLWFKdW5GaTdQYkZiYWkwRmI0WURlZHZPV3RfYUF6MWg5VDcyUUxzSVdvRFVZPQ== |
If I were you I sell it now. That shit coin will only go down.. It can have some positive day or two but in the end is going down | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVWR1anZtUk5CTmxpcjRrc3haZ2xIX0Q4clNLVEdzVS04WHVJbXhhUDhpZkFBX1FrM3V5dXY2UEM3RkIxZGlXWG1ndkVIWVZJdFVSQzJhMUlxZ0JDbHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTDRrU0c1R2Q2S3VkdmxrdjF1SlRDV1czOHJILUcyWG05cGdxeV95MTVtVWpjcTZJMzZ4aUJVSFcxdVAyYWtERWZ3Z2tvT2JzclJ3OG8tVGdXcHlkU2xmZFBlVVBSTURFM2RWanRFamdzZmZLX3d3ZVQ5akdQWFVuSzlqWWVuS1REVmpYeG5ZcGxLNFRxM3hLNFpPbjJKcjdmWHo4RDFiU0lXNFZnWmVISG13PQ== |
[The crypto industry has feuded with Gensler and the SEC throughout the Biden administration, arguing that the agency has failed to provide clear rules of the road and has instead regulated crypto via enforcement. According to the Blockchain Association, the Securities and Exchange Commission's various legal actions against the crypto industry have collectively cost crypto firms $426 million since 2021 to litigate. Industry executives have long criticized the regulatory agency's lack of coherent digital asset policy as the biggest hurdle developers face in the United States.](https://cointelegraph.com/news/18-us-states-file-lawsuit-against-sec-gary-gensler) | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZFUxOWpxalhDdzVSZWFsOGh1SE1penNDNEQwcmhMb2xFeU5uSWJSTUQzeGhlbWVHRlo4Wkp5R195ZTZRYnAtRXJibEhXdXQwdm41azU0aGQxQ1REaUhHMDl3UXRUdVBJVkJVTFlSZWNER0k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbmRHT0VISjhhLXpScEtTN3JDNHI0eTNna3NjaVJ6SDczdW9yQkNVa2MwZmhXRHQwMjd6SVg0RjZvTjByRVRLQXg4OHFYV043ckMtWGR4ZGJUWVg1YjU0blY3eW40SDlRbDk2V0VLSHZKcUdGakNaLU1nVFNrRGtfemQycFBXTlJaT1ZGUjBZZzZ0dDZKSWR4dmh3M2o5cGtqLW5hakJEcnUxcEM2RUgxSWV4dzFsb282aVZIa3pDX1ZITHFRSWhFYkpuVERNZUNBYlg4UkxRQm1iXzFrQT09 |
Please excuse this rant.. if you want gushy words, skip this post.
Been following Monero for a few years and decided to dive in again on the wallet apps after being away for 4 years.
LOOK AT AI adoption! ChatGPT took over the market naturally just by its ease of use and usefulness. Ate cryptos adoption overnight!!! and we’re still sitting twiddling our thumbs waiting for the crowd to come or relying on BTC 4 year cycles for liquidity?
1) Is there at least one sexy wallet app that looks as good as Coinbase or current uniswap interface. Cake Wallet is ugly, none of the theme colors are good, and it burns my eyes when I use it…and changenow.io has better exchange rates than cakewallet.
2) it’s 2024, and we’re pointing people to haveno to get xmr? I’m a nerd, and as soon as I go to the site and try to setup through github I’m losing brain cells. This is tik tok generation, why is this shit so nerdy.
Monero will go to $1000-3000 per coin.. it won’t matter the price when people are looking for safe havens.. and a way to spend their crypto without fearing everyone snooping their identity and wealth (AI WILL be able to tie your identity to your wallets, cell phone number, and your address if it’s not Monero/privacy coin) but whoever was here for the last 7 years dropped the ball on user interfaces for Monero wallets and swaps. It sucks compared to uniswap. Not everyone is a super nerd. I’m just a dumb ETH degen that knows Monero is the only legit crypto that will be used everywhere in the world. People will toggle their language in the app and their local currency (therefore won’t need surveillance stablecoins cross border).
…But not with these gay interfaces.
The only thing keeping me here is the tech. But I need tik tok interfaces so I can share Monero with other degen retards who just want a stealth wallet of Monero to hold gains/savings. Help?
EDIT: wow didn’t think this post would blow up. I’ve learned that there’s a lot more dope apps that have all the functionality… But I think what I need to shift my energy to is promoting better UI experience in all the existing DEX’s and Apps. Not a whole new app.
EDIT2: Haveno-reto needs a 15 second starter video on their front page showing you how to quickly download and use it.
As my mentor taught me, in marketing always speak to people like they’re children. Friendly, gentle and simple. Anyone new to Monero is a child. They should be able to watch a 30 sec video on all these apps and using it right away like tik tok.
Monero is incognito money. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMU1RlREhGeHZUQVR2cXQ4RmE2a1RLbkhiN2VkQWhNVnF3RENJY0QtQ2hFZVZPVWhhUmdwYjR3Q1VTTFQwWjBhcnR1MEFxZURwejRzbGxyaXAzSUtjZWZVSFFfTTN1RjY1cmd6a1U3cE1ORms9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNS08wRHNtTWhNOEktcUNUUWFfWlBwQ1RzdGUzZi1Vc0VRM2xEZk5IbEFyLXRwU1lMS05YT3NUcjZqT3NmWEdlUU1lTEItNll1Ny1TUVZiXzhlUXlFTTdHNVowS1VSelJBTVU4WjN1UUdoMWpSYWNmRm5QYkE1UUpjTFhwcWl1dm4tMVgxeXBPQW5fYjh1Q3RheXZlS3puRFhGYU9BR290S194eTJWbGxSNnRGMGlKdjV1VUI4WVRsSDVSTGxnSVhJTGpNZDFDOWRKVVhkcEhmd1N4MFBsQT09 |
I know I went through the tokenomics of FIL and it wasn't awful. Plus I know it's a great project fundamentally. Holding and even stacking more $FILs. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZGN3d2prQmdnTHliR053VGlwNjZva0d0NjAxaFR0blpENXRDS3QxdUVuY2hxNkpkRFpJVGVJdlJ4Q1dQcmp1ODVLUFBKdTI0dkdnakVWZWVmNW1YT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZFctdDdueTVKeFQzWHdvb0h6UDd6dGRFbWN5aE1wM0tNZFVmWUhwR0Z1dUg1T0pCbnE2Y1h0MXBDT3RBOFhSYlVzcGRjSDh3aWc1NWRYMXVETFNyOFJ3ZVZWdFZabXlBb25yckVvZFNkdFF2c2VKY1d1dXVVeE5jeVYxM0FiNVY3eUYyUnBDQ1dVcmlrSEZteGlraHhOZHVJUTRISndKVXNHUmRITTVIYnhjUmlsZ0lKRFY5NlhGcHRQY0JtbTk2 |
Pennsylvania lawmakers have introduced the groundbreaking Pennsylvania Bitcoin Strategic Reserve Act, a first-of-its-kind bill that would allow the state treasury to invest up to 10% of its $7 billion reserves in Bitcoin. The goal is to hedge against inflation and add diversification beyond traditional assets like bonds and cash. This proposal marks a historic step toward integrating digital assets into state investment portfolios.
The Pennsylvania Bitcoin Strategic Reserve Act is a visionary step to secure our financial future," said Republican state Rep. Mike Cabell, who is sponsoring the bill. "By incorporating Bitcoin, we're not only protecting Pennsylvania from inflation's persistent effects but also establishing ourselves as leaders in financial resilience and innovation. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMN0hsSnlQX0VLZUVXM2dJX016OUctSG5jNjZvRm83VFNQU3FZQm10dm5OU2xOSm5JWnZUUVFObzFOUmdUd2VySlQ4YUpLZm1pckZLNEFUUlVNa1dSX2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSDRQV2dHMnhuUG5UeWstZ0VUSWtUcjhBeVBaajhDV3c1cmZ0djBla1VBZEYyRFF4QkNtVENBRGpyVjNKMTE4bUoxYjZnQXk0c1Q5REZjeFdoT0xEck1yellZQk5wV1g1ckpNUGdoU1V3MEg0cUtSWkRVRUtxQkZkWWJVSVZtcTZ5UV9hU2tMQzZlaWpoOHNVNVBPOXhtNGVFX2hZQVJtRFVzTTZWWl93WkRzPQ== |
What is your suggestion? I'm kinda new to alt coins, and idk much about them. I have some XRP on my portfolio, but I'm not sure if keeping them is a good idea.
I also heard that DOGE is going to have a huge pump and I'm thinking to buy some too
BTW, sorry for my bad English | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbm50bWhQVXRCQlotYm5FSHAtaEw2NVBYQVVid3d0RG5PNlhjOTFiN0ltZlBkeXNjbEd6S0ZHbi1SZXNwYWkxTFQ5XzBKejUtQWVuNEJkSndDdndZbXV0VkEzRjhValBiczBJSEQ4UXZ4LUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMEVNMHZQZEJfb01pV2lHam5YRnE0bl92TzFhYTExclZ3bmtXcFVlbUhwdUZabzJwc0xaZnNzZ1hxSVA2NlA3QllackY1aC1DUzFvMHJxUktzWDFjOXlxZHA3ay1qMWl6amUyVURVUUQzaEx1d1RwMXB2eHBidmZreXpDZjQtVUlOVU5wd2E2SE0yMVZZUEtwN1R1dTNhV2NiMHJBQUlEczdSZHR5X0ZSbGMwZ01sME9qQ0ZhOTVLS2FkYjB5NHVIN1JjUV9PQi1ZZUdmbVVMcW5RSndPUT09 |
CfP: Privacy, Anonymity & Decentralisation. The CCC (Chaos Computer Club) has a community stage track dedicated to "Privacy, Anonymity & Decentralisation" at this year's annual "Chaos Communication Congress" [\#38c3](https://x.com/hashtag/38c3?src=hashtag_click) in Hamburg, Germany. The call is open until Nov 16, 2024.
If you are attending the CCC, make sure to submit your privacy and Monero-related talks.
[https://content.events.ccc.de/cfp/38c3-community-stages/index.en.html](https://content.events.ccc.de/cfp/38c3-community-stages/index.en.html) | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeGNSOUk3bUs1LXc2OUJzSTRCN1hHVjhIQjNTc19iNGhTekphbkhvLUJ1eG82M2RxWkgyOURYd0hza1E1VmJWYWlGVkNzQ0dObVR4R3E1X2t0QkVVc0dwNUwzMUREMHFsc2FLQURKcXRYVFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUTN4V29YOU5jSDdablpyMkRXOW9mY1VDXzMxdk1FMVpqWUlJVUxicG96RjU0T3lvQ3F0YUVacGpfdUN6WFNWUUNnejJUeGFDY1JjclNTdDIybDBmdzgwdnhCOTBEZ0pyOThrWDFjQVVtOHZLVzR3Y0NyRDRESTUzampKYWk1T2dFR0lmZnZJcVRXbW42MnBXaDBuNll5Znp6a2p2cW1TQjJwdFdkN29nRWR3VXRUa3dNaXY0RzRDanRTYV96VzdL |
done | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMa1Y0cUdWaE5XQmxXLUpHV0otSkkwazFlU0lYWXdwRDJodnk5YnVMdTFQM0ZrbzI5TGppRmZqakRwZGtkbXVGNC1FUmdBa3RPZ1cycTdKTVp4ZTRqNk9XYmlVVG5ZVFJyQWNUS1B4enRMS1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeG5HZnV0R2ZwNkJlUFEwZ25DTUJxcFVwdTgxdVo4OVBRUTJFb1NZYU8wTVpKSFdfNVQtZXExbUVYWWZ6a003d3NfTjlfcVFQOWM0Y1ZyMklNeE5CR2xROUl0UHZBN19Qd3piamRDNFhqYjd1UXh1Z3M2RGVpVGc0ekUtS0xCWEExczBvMXphcU16LXlYTG5NRVZNV29OcXVUbnIwTlhzTzIyR09yZ2prb2VRVTJNd0RWZXBOcThLdnQtUTcxZGNmRUdyUXBPLWducGE1b1djalZ2U2s3QT09 |
I currently have positions in SOL, ADA, LINK, XRP, AVAX, and SUI. I am considering putting some more money into altcoins over the course of the next month or so. Which of these are the best bets? Any others worth seriously considering? Am I right in assuming that most alts, especially those in the top 10, will have a decent pump in the coming month? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeGZlQVJwNzFjYzUwckcxNUxnY1B2R1Z0NXRFQWtWZUgyZ3VfdmlBSDNsQUpmQTFHeVg5eWFUNlJzZUxiajczekMxb3JRUExBemhRaTJIazRqNmpjU2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNazhDTFV0NzlTWl8yMWNVNkhhcE15b0xCZjUtakstemo0enZyVkVneUh4OVZ1YnNUdDVWSUJUNnVTWFZzQzRjQklPNWZyNEtyRFZWOWVsY2VnekozLWFHY3FXT2M2Tk5wbXNQaUJLbTc1YjZxT0FNdFJqSXZ6dUk2V1pmdkRBSWI3TFZzLWFaWndDbUxldUZ2QmRYNDVMcE9uZ1JvQkQ1TDBOMXN3QUlIM2tRPQ== |
Thank you, successfully withdrawed from staking and sent your NEAR back. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMV0Y3VWQ2RDZEc1BrNmtvVFFvbzFxaENBTVlBMGxmNW40cU5UN0tOZzNXS1d3NGxuUTBUdUVRR2JaX1VUbFI4N2p6X2R1WF9KNlRiakhaMGpkUzhicE1Xd0NfSnplbkE4T3ZaZWFGUkNQRlU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYVZvaU1wSk1Oams1dFk2cFJCbExmRkhRZUViVEt0MjMyQjhhbW5fZXJhaXhjbnZOZDdTRTBBWFROT2pVbnRVOTg1UmlaYXJHMUIwZlFVNlJmN2hzbFpMVHhWaVZXUXRBTDlZYi1wRjVmU3VVQjdZb2dZT2pHZUFqRzRGQWo5aVhvOUZrM3VtcGtBUm5DbDZFT2dRZVNJektDWmo2U0VFUHY2S1l4OU54OWxpQXdaUHktbm5wWGIyVWFoeW9QQVRvY0NwbVo5UVJpemp6UzMyamtOaDVqUT09 |
You asked, we delivered! We've got you covered with our new boxing bets!
Get ready to bet on some punches with Monero. Bet on your favourite fighter and experience the thrill of the fight!
Also a huge thanks for trusting us with the recent election bets. We paid out a huge amount to our happy winners!
Disclaimer: I'm one of the developers.
Another Disclaimer: Our services aren't available in the US. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaEl0U2VfQllMT0dYQVVFMjlYRVFOMXFuNXdDZFNQdHM4YXNJZmxZX3JHOU9fT0x4QTRnVmp4TmtKQk9wdjhqMTl1cTc2SnhVX2pxTE5hclg5UEg1Wnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNajVmVWVrcXpCeDhOWDNVcTZtZWlJemtHVXBpRTNHaWpCWDdaSF8wWkQzb3pkeHhoOUtlWXRfbzRWTzFNU1M0cW9IT05LUkpDcnJEdUtEenpUcklONWdvWkx3YmJ2RXJfOFp2c1VQQkZXeVhLaDk3dmM5UTJjZ09DSXl1dWNTSnJGaFJkUktRZmF5NjlDdkc2R3JXOW4yZFdUNW1ocmdHWmhCRDRYeUtYTXYxUHY5R1JXSHNhdG85ZF90YjVmN29E |
**\*\*NEARWEEK Daily Newsletter 📩 \*\***
**\*\* Friday, November 15, 2024\*\***
**\*\*💥 Big things around the ecosystem 💥\*\***
[The NEAR AI ecosystem is now 45+ partners & growing. Join us to build user-owned AI together](https://x.com/ilblackdragon/status/1857008119240441968)
[\[REDACTED\] 2024 | Omnibridge: How it Actually Works](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdoitV03DHc)
[Aurora Weekly Update \[2024-11-15\]](https://x.com/auroraisnear/status/1857369262140056009)
\*\*💰 DeFi 💰\*\*
[Looking for simple ways to farm LPs? Welcome to the abstracted $NEAR ecosystem](https://x.com/finance_ref/status/1857099157267472857)
\*\*🔼 Projects update 🔼\*\*
[Transparency Unlocked with #mpIP 11 in Meta Pool](https://x.com/meta_pool/status/1857063746784387238)
[QSTN x Alphant](https://x.com/qstnus/status/1857072133869896078)
[The first airdrop for holders of the HAPI NEARonauts NFT collection is coming soon](https://x.com/i_am_hapi_one/status/1857050972133982568)
**Don't forget to Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter!** [*https://subscribe.nearweek.com/*](https://subscribe.nearweek.com/) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMN20xeXJGY1RBWVdqdGI5RUVkU2tCZU13WC1GeC1zSjBLWWxqTXRuVGNueTI0aVdKWTJQajdZSmx2VURpWVlnZU03RGppNVdzaFpYSFBYRm1reGZXdHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVGU5WUZJbnpEbTRJQ3VZaVZGcl9GSlI1QmFCY3JZb3EwQmhQck5HQlZTTFZVbGpkM1daeXEwTVEtRDdPMmJvQmhDUkZXS3Bla2VIc0ZXa1hmTTM1VUI3Z1BnazhadEYtQ20wMUFaWEd2eGRHd2ZpeGQ2VzVUb3BvOGcxVkFvLW0tRm5FbS1LRHhMS1ZsdDFSdzlVQ1ZTbGg3UDVvQzhyc29BRmlRRU91OHhQWk5vZlBRY0JibDF6ZWx0cDU1U1Vn |
I'm looking to diversify my portfolio by exchanging some BTC for DOT I usually ever used [dExch](https://redirectdexch6.xyz/) because it's offer 1:1 rate and very low commission rate, as long as No KYC requirements for a seamless user experience and fast execution and low fees to optimize the process
Any recommendations or insights on tools or protocols that align with these preferences would be greatly appreciated. | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMa1cxd1dXT2dycjY3TXZJYUZtRXpZVXpjaWJRSlBjZndZb01qczFIby1XZjN6Wi1PSndwV2xneV81M0xvQnRJTWVGQXY5SXZiYmRMSV8xRm5UY2M0NlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMWZPUTFKSEIwdktFMk4zb2xiM0luTG1IWkVXak9BWUFnM1F5azktLU1idVBSVHU5N1JmWThtTXVNdk1ZWDV2Y3NVYVVmSXlpajBZUWY3YlFPa0RBVGlVQmxkYkhPQ1VtV214alhQSVRhbS02N0dWQ1BSSWtMczNjbXBka0NEbEVwcGNjYWNobUJvcmNpRGJyQVA4UUdBb3hvM1RTRTNWaVNBMmxEMjR4aGxqRmt5WDRBQUpUTUdHTGlwaElGVVhl |
What will actually drive the price up the most? Will it always follow Bitcoin? Or can BCH break completely free and move based solely on demand? | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMakt3dnJnMzhGakpoSVFrZFZDMms4djVEOE1QelF0VFl4WEdDUmdKdkEtdFNuNU93X2ZtekNUSndVcE1XOUFNejA2bkx4QVZMemlHenNFNFhJWjE0MEpGTWpIX3lHdDZqbGo5QWNPM3piZXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQjA2VzZmRTE0UzBYR1dNYnUyLUZSdERPcjFiVEJVSk10MzBWb2lVNzg2dHBLQlpCU1pjeURZUm1HdTJGRzc0QWFUNFZBVkpLamtWaW0wTTJGTDlONWJjUU5KTTB6Q3pMSkdQZ3pzMkhsdFRfSmx1WDhCZXg4MDBCaXdQZVB4bDVVUmpmMGYtX3ZmbnBJc2ZITkgwc05DU1JKT195eURmR3RSVnBxTHZVQWRYb245bk5BLU1ob3U0MVlDai00d1Ay |
1. "The safe bet"
2. "The 'Why does it have such a low market cap?'"
3. "The meme"
My three coins/tokens are:
1. **ADA** – Because I believe the tech and the distribution of holders are significantly better than SOL.
2. **BXX** – They have some impressive partnerships, including one with Metamask. The token itself doesn’t have any particularly unique features, but it should have a higher market cap.
3. **Comet (Ergo blockchain)** – Just a bet on a blockchain that hasn’t been hyped yet. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMR2U1UmdmRV9tLUFPUWV5MkZYTTNyTWowVDBsdUx0Y05UUy01cDBobXZCTnMyRy1HVnpmeW5tY21Jd3Q1eVd2dW5VeThXOUdodzlzRTN2dzhRdW1uVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQWdCSzVlY0Q0Vk93YzhYbXZNMkRmZUIwNTE2V1drblRhc0NmdkNLYUJPWUJ6YS1FcWJKNjkwWGlEamlJY3FQMlE2R3BRVTF5eGlDbVFGY1JvZlhkWkxIV3ZuUktxNW5OWUlFeGREM2c3R00teVFJaTFmS1Z3LWo4LUJ6cUZfOERFN1NhLUVPRERpTGt3dm40MlZxdkg5eWZoR1JNM2lJc1FaQVBaWkV0QTF4a0tWdlNvM3dOYTlQMS1ldnNPdHFk |
lol, if this hits 100. I’m retiring. I’m predicting 20-30. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMc2dXbVZQSGFYdGxNSktJQXpiVWlEWHZmRk9xSHkxRG91cWp5QUlvQnRMY1o4TVhTZURQYXc3LUo1WlEya09UZElkU0s3MHFGamh4T1E1bnNEU214R3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNWpxZEt4b1Z0ZmxXNTVpQTQzZ283NGhaajhJUG9UVHZlZlRlMWJQaXlqbno3alQ5cHlhRE44dUItOTVMRlQ3N3NRZjl2cHctaEg5aGZmYTgycXVDQzdVNGtZUVNTcFJSaTY1dTBlTTZBZ1VaaGF3S0J2QUpjM2NOMTFpNmlPcGJQc3NOTThqVkphT1hSNlJFVTdlZDJzQXZfQ2N1WFBRR0NoNTZTWk5nWUZzPQ== |
Me too!!! What your take on 2025? | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYS1aWl9xSnM3Mk1HSFRZMUw4ZzZBb0RXejdqcHFCdUFkSnpobnl5VGFhaUZYWEF1dWdsQ19XYm9QX3VZMnQ5ako5NWhfUVJkdldnMWpHU19Edk9KZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU214dXdsbDZweXdrTmJ4aFFBYzBVOHNpRHlQRlQtbUJtUElvX0Y0aXkyQkRPa0s1aHNSaFZTOGV5X1pYQkhlZF9YR1lJM29oTy1HdHlMWnU5ZGsxUHNic0FyZTJQRkZsX3hzbTJmZzNDVGxaeXduSVIybDM1MTV6WC1TZnpsNlVJcEtaWmFQNW1TN2VmdVY4Qmk3cF83WDRYZ19LbW9fRW51dExfMnFkd0lzZHRuVElyeEFlNkRtSkFRUUNOekZD |
I’ve made the mistake telling some family members and friends about how much Bitcoin I had 4-5 years ago. Back then it didn’t seem like a big deal since Bitcoin was cheap and having a few thousand dollars into it wasn’t anything to brag about…
Now at these prices, I have my dad (he’s a yapper) telling some of his buddies about Bitcoin and also how much I have. I know nothing bad will come from them knowing, at least for now, but it’s just super frustrating.
Stay humble, stay quiet, and keep stacking!
| r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSDVnQzlqMWVTTHBnTjNlbHRvcW92VERoXzBZVGQ3REdzWjJsQ0tIcHdGWkRxMTZZVkNoU0h6TjZUdW81X1RDd3pVMTZ1NWp1S3dvVU9oNXc5a0tIWXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYk9XZEFTMG4yMnlzVkw1OFktZUItdldaX1luWnBsTnZBdlF5UWdoSHU1VjlDOFFseUxJSFVndlJZUXZCMUQyVm52aFQyMkh1N3k4SUdaXzNRcDJGMTl0WFQwNlllbkZGTkpzN1k5TFRKdE45ZXRSSHh2djdMNHUybDdzbXZYM0dmZTV0NlQ1ODFmN28xUjFheUttUVFaWms5NWpDbHRNbW42YjFpMHVoMnJ5ejBNN2VYVUNqb0dDaXZOS0V5VUhtaFNHb2pYVFZmRUN0ZTYxcnBMeE9DZz09 |
Imo, Bitcoin is going hard and consistent up to 150 k roughly . (154k is the 2.168 Fibonacci retracement) I then see a pull back that scares people and makes them think cycle is over . I think this will happening anywhere between April and June. After a drop and some bleeding for a few weeks or a month and a half, I see a bounce back to new highs and a blow off top to 200k give or take 20k between September and October 2025 . The new bottom will then be 68k give or take 10k in September or October of 2026.
What are your thoughts and where do we differ ? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdFVOY3ZySDFReDBrWUVXZUNOanFEMHFZckgxTktuRlBGUTdnVktWSXh0QTVqc2k5M004VHlRTWhwenhiRnhzaEJCYmx5WmZIWTBsOU10RmJLbmxHMHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYTI2SXA5ZHV5cHBpWVptUndweEI4QUFERUMtcjVqSjNIR3VsbGo3YzhKRUEzOHhtVjg0WEtWSDN3QXNrcy1MYThWd1FkSUsxWnRkMko0RXdySEtwVU1VUVRxekFKRjlHcDZUR05JUk4xYmZOdFdqRDUwdm9naUZCYjZRclk4VWl0SE9HU0tVWXlYVEM3V1MtYVhWaV9CQmJ2aWJfQTQyaDl3RGhSYTJRWEprPQ== |
This is going to be a bit of a longer post, so I apologize in advance to people who don't like to read.. But given the current state of affairs for Monero, and the always changing economy, I'd just like to weigh in a little and share some of my viewpoints and beliefs, because community means everything when it comes to something like this.. I'll start by saying I have been an avid user of cryptocurrency almost since Bitcoin's original adoption, and I think I've learned a thing or two over the years.. As more and more people migrate to cryptocurrencies or think about giving them a try.. Or maybe you're trying to fight the potential urge to cash out your own crypto portfolio(Which ultimately there is nothing wrong with, regardless of what people say, it's your money to control in whatever manner you'd like).. But hopefully this can help motivate, inform, or just bring together some of you out there, regardless of your level of involvement.. Anyways, here goes nothing!
# 1. Monero is the only true "Cryptocurrency" left...
I've been involved with a lot, and I mean a lot of different tokens and cryptocurrencies over the years.. Some for the better, and of course some for the worse.. But as far as "believing in the message", I don't.. And truly I'm sorry that I've come to that conclusion, but I just don't for all but one, Monero.. At least with me, 99.99% of cryptocurrencies don't have any real applicable usage, I mean not really.. They may have been designed with one in mind, but in reality due to the consumer market and how things ended up playing out, they just don't.. And in turn because of this, at least as far as I can see, nobody really purchases Bitcoin, or other alt coins for that matter, to use as a traditional currency, not like it was originally intended by Satoshi or the many others that followed.. Sure a small percentage of people might, but the majority of people buy it with the intention of being able to sell for a higher price at a later date, much like any of the other traditional stocks being traded.. So, with all that being said, the only thing driving the price of Bitcoin and many other alt coins really, is the speculation that it'll be worth more down the line if you just "buy in now".. And in my eyes, at least long-term, that's a really dangerous thing.. But, that's just not the same case on the side for Monero.. No no no, it's very different on where it sits at the table of cryptocurrencies, almost in a tier of its own, so allow me to clarify.. I'm sure everybody says that about their favourite coin, and I'm positive there are people out there just investing into and holding Monero to cash out for higher returns at a later date.. But in reality, Monero holds something over these other cryptocurrencies that I think truly gives it a long term advantage, and that's applicable usage.. That's right, **Monero is actually used as a digital currency**, unlike almost every other for the most part.. And that's because it actually works(As far as being a truly anonymous, decentralized currency.. Which as we all know Bitcoin, and so many others, fail at so terribly it's almost laughable).. And in turn, this leads to the continued adoption of Monero, be it slow, for more and more P2P based transactions where privacy is of key importance, even given the increasingly frequent delistings on popular CEXs.. Now we have to touch on this, because sure as some of you may be quick to point out the speculated use of Monero on the dark web(I'm sure the percentage is nowhere near as large as some entities would have you believe, but it should be acknowledged).. Now, I address this mainly because this is something that can cause hesitancy for potential newcomers or investors to the project.. However, I think it's important to look back on the early days of Bitcoin, and where that was being used, and what for(I sure remember a few of those sites).. And now days, given Bitcoin's success over the years, I think so many neglect to connect the two drastically different time periods in Bitcoin's lifecycle.. But it is what it's always been, and will continue to be so, it's just part of its history, no matter how hard some may try to ignore that fact.. At the end of the day, adoption and general usage really should be the goal of any "true cryptocurrency", regardless of how slow that adoption is.. Because the fundamental idea behind cryptocurrency is to be an anonymous, decentralized, p2p financial option.. Taking power from the larger centralized entities, and giving it back to the people..
# 2. Delistings on popular CEXs, and what this means for the future of Monero...
I'll open and state I'm no economist(Fun little fact.. Did take a good few economics courses in university and did enjoy them, and even did quite well, not that you care at all.. But my point is by no means would I claim to be any kind of expert, quite the opposite even Hah), but I have had many successful investments and returns in the crypto space over the years, so I feel I'm at least a tiny bit qualified to speak on the subject.. Continuously, our beloved Monero is delisted on many of the most popular centralized exchanges.. However, this opens a couple pools of thought.. For starters, many users and advocates for the project never bothered using CEXs due to the nature of them being KYC(Know Your Customer) from the start, and this kinda goes against the whole fundamental concept of using Monero anyways.. So in reality, this doesn't affect them really at all, other than maybe current price fluctuations relative to USD(Or whatever currency their country uses)..But 1 XMR will always be worth 1 XMR, so try to remember that down the line as prices fluctuate.. Now, with less and less CEXs supporting the trading of Monero(Kraken as a NA user, if you're listening sweetheart I love you, I love you so much baby.. Please never leave me), it's becoming ever increasingly hard to get involved with Monero for newcomers, but that's where the value of community comes into play.. And if I'm to digress a little even, truly if anything, these delistings just build and grow my support for the usage and adoption of the project, and the future it might hold, because it just proves to me it works, and I'm sure I'm not alone in believing this.. And for the skeptical ones out there, the ones who say Monero's price will continue to fall as it's continuously delisted from these CEXs, just remember.. The illicit drug trade is a 360 billion dollar industry annually, so just keep that in mind.. In no way, shape, or form do I support the trade of illicit substances.. But my point here is there is an extremely large market for them, even given the proposed legalities surrounding them.. Does it make it ideal? No, not by any means.. But does it totally destroy the value of a product? Absolutely not, not when there is demand for your product.. And sometimes, it can even increase the price when we start to factor in consumer value relative to a product's scarcity.. So does Monero being removed from CEXs kill its potential future value? I don't think so, not at all..
# 3. P-O-W and the RandomX algorithm...
I'm going to try to keep this section as brief as possible because I'm sure it's going to be boring for some of you.. But to me, it means a lot on where I stand, and it's just another reason I love and support the project.. I've been a miner for a long time, that's a large part of what originally brought me to crypto in the first place.. Not necessarily the potential profit margins, but just how cool the technology truly was and how it all came together, at least for me growing up as a tech nerd.. And with the continuous rise of ASIC miners, greedy corporations, and anyone with capital seeing a chance to make a quick dollar, I'm a huge fan that Monero uses the RandomX algorithm to continuously be ASIC-resistant.. And maybe that doesn't mean anything to you, but as far as gaining my support, this truly means the world.. For starters, this promotes mining to the "little guy" or just everyday computer owners, allowing the barrier of entry to be much lower for newer, less established miners compared to other cryptocurrencies.. Sure, this leads to smaller profits for the individual miner at the end of the day, relatively speaking, but for many of us miners out there, straight up profit isn't necessarily our goal by mining and contributing to the different networks anyways.. And, when people are mining, this keeps the network alive and well, also it helps in keeping transaction fees low, particularly in the case of Monero.. And as far as widespread adoption, lower transaction fees are a good thing for a currency and should be promoted in regards to it actually being used globally as one.. Which is why I'll just quickly say, if you have just a regular computer or some sort of gaming PC, not even a mining specific rig, try mining Monero if you truly support the project(Even if you mine when you're AFK or just idling).. Maybe don't mine for outright profits, but maybe try it to show you support for the project while being rewarded a little XMR for your efforts.. I think you'll perhaps find the experience more rewarding overall than you previously considered.. Second, proof of work has been known to be an extreme waste of energy for the most part globally in terms of cryptocurrency, which is something as a miner even I hate admitting, but is why many projects are migrating to proof of stake.. Now I absolutely despise proof of stake for my own reasons, as I truly believe it supports the big money, the guys in suits, more than anyone else.. And call me old school, but I'm still a lover of P-O-W, and RandomX being largely CPU driven, this cuts down on the raw power being used by miners worldwide to support the network as a whole, which I really do agree with and support.. Because CPU miners will just never demand the same kind of power required, at least pound for pound..
# In Conclusion...
If you made it this far I'd just like to say thank you for hanging on hah.. Not that you have to agree with everything I said here today, but overall that's some of my beliefs and views on the current situation unfolding before us.. Again, I'm truly sorry this ended up being so long, but I really just wanted to share my thoughts for newcomers and veterans of the project alike, because I think some things are just important, right now maybe more than ever, and needs to be said.. I'd like to close this post by stating I'm a huge supporter of the Monero project, if you haven't gathered that by now, and have been ever since my discovery of it all the way back when, and I will continue to be so for the foreseeable future.. So let's stay strong, and let's build the future we believe as a community it deserves..
***Because Monero is.. And always will be.. The cryptocurrency of the people..*** | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNWRrUzAyZkZzaWVtWFBIaEMta0stZnNlVy1WSFBUbXA4VXBRQzdnTVJEcE9RYU1IUldMdTZ0NXNvLXpKa3BsbXdXQkFrS21sbFBGLWdyZlAxWU9wd0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcmVPb1dGNXFZSS16NE1sbVdudnF3STNvVkx4aFpjZzRwVjktVEI1UWNYd1hna1l0V0lYTWplYXB3U19OLXZPVEpycEpqVmk3ZUZ3ZFNFY0I2dWVsRkl5b21pMV9hOVNTQ0o1UDE3cEw4ZmlmV09CLVN3T1BsZmNWMlpVZmYzU2VjbUhRcE9OS1hodW5GS0FadkRHUllEOFo1X2IyMXg4TnNDOTdrMEFCV01EVmxRYnFwT3FVeHNEa2lFNHBKRXdL |
The biggest names in business are here.
Nvidia, Google, IBM, AWS, Cisco, Meta
Probably pretty smart for Qanplatform to be part of this. One of maybe 20 members?
Crypto space fears quantum, rest of the world planning and preparing. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaGNzWWtKZXRhWHppdEhoRU8yUXdkRTNOTWVCVjNNQlFUTWhIcF9obE5wSGswWTMweTQ4UHg1em5QYjY2UGNjMkpjTHRPNkVqcFo4OUZGZkZ5LWZ6QTBIVFl5T082ZGdRTTRkUTNudE9acFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeTRaaXNrM08yMWh2YkZOOTN4WXh2a2doN0xRQXRKS2tSQ3hGWjFhWXJDMWV3ZEwwckRoVkF3cGlnNEwyRHVRc3FuMHpnODlyYUV1VDZtRVNDYVRwMGZaU0tYaEgzVmVUWjJRQ1VVOF9sc1Jod3FmS19IeW9TbFNKdUpQVE1JQ3ZPY1I0WktpSm95RFQwYzNHWWt4UFlKcGQ5RUpyMW5ZOVZIYldLeE1zREhWVWRKd21vTlpWZl9waDhHSXd0YnZvbG4tZHFRU2phVE85eXhSWXpOQ2FrQT09 |
Does anyone have the experience with Bittensor Python SDK?
Can anyone tell what SDK Class and method can be used to fetch the netuids associated (contains hotkeys) for a provided cold key? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZjVPLTZiblRzbEFoa0gxWFZuWWhHenVyV0pGUEFZUXo4V2lfZWRfTnFvbE5kWnhyQ1FUel9kZExYTGluQzJPNUQ0NzU1TzFPMTJwWkRoSFBvWFZoMFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaGtXQzNXWXZiWHBJMnVvLXFOUkpjY0paSGlzVWNfWmFtUzBaeXpfQ1RVRUZMWXU4Yzd4YmNyRWgyaWNMWTZ0Vk1oR2NqamN5NWctZ0xUZEFENkdXVVVKR0pmVEJIdE8wOGwzTWl2QVNYRDZTbGcwYUkzWWU0d1YyX25WckkycTR6ZEhJR1dKTlBxZHgxdjBMUkxGRHFjTUx3VzhnQUo3SDRneU0xaEVTNV9LU0E5cXFRazl2UlJxNmZaUUNLaVNI |
Hey squad I'm in the market for a new laptop, It has to be portable hence laptop. Mine took a shit just this week. With that being said all of the 4090 laptops are around ~$3,600 but I don't know which one would be best for mining TAO. Here are the three I'm currently looking at:
Alienware m18 R2:
Lenovo Legion 9i i9
Are there any other options I'm missing? Which would you choose and why?
Thanks guys! | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMM09LMExOeUJFcUJadmlMYWMtNGVkNXVIRnRwazhrUHBEZHhoT0JXMGVaNG9fMXRtSFRRaDR5cUxvNms1dmpQQzRYbklKNm9OVkdxNllNcGQ5NjVKZUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaFBrMG1sT0oyUzhreGpGYU1CM1h3LTMyaGRmXzZKMkE1MFEtUVJXU1NWZ0JQQnFiMHBaSkVtSzk4bGJQOWluclpjRGpaOVFoOTdDOGFld3B5dXZNN3BxRV82TlpFQWRkRHlaaUs0U0wzUE5SY2FEckl2azN3SjVJbmFEWUtabWw0eGpINUVoUnlya1M5Q1VYMW1Wa21ibzRxRjRPWmZLN1pZX3VuUFVnRERJT3RXYkZlMjQ2V2hNSnlOZEdhWi1I |
Has anyone seen a writeup or video on the economics of contributing resources to the network? I've looked around and can't track one down. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcEd5OV84blhnZnZhdVFkajhma0VxTzFreHlmU0UyYXk3Y2l4TU9BLUF1eERHVTJvNjU0Mkt6eUFRS2xXSmw4bzd0OW4wQ3ZhQXRSMWtrd1V2aFI0NWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTDVtQXVNSjgyQ3ZkYm10Q1dpNWRRSjJQek1weHZqNlNwMy0wcUY4WXVLblg4SkdUcnZJbzFXcG1JemcxTk9rSlF0cUVhd3hBbGpueXFNcVlLbXI0NDI4c0V5TllRaVlUUzdXZ3ZqNElQaE1QRW1YZ19UblF1M0RRbldjRUJBWXJLaGhocUFPTF9seTZ2bXA0LWJpa2hoX1NqbzEtckpFQmhwT01uaHIwSXJZRjBNOVVlOGZ4ZzZmQjJ0ZVRBV0l3TC1LdjcwUGJ2QVlFdlBZX3pfMHFzQT09 |
Easy to make something complex. Hard to make something simple. Love it! | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNkN2Z0hwTjQwVm43YlVoRlhHS1gyangzRWxnNWhQTkFkRHhwR1pfZEFKVFBGdkxGNVRleFRpNXFzQ3Y4a05EbEdCeGRzTHNrSTVDSFllYjBWQ0s2bkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNLWlIVkNMREUtdW9sbGxvN1JibWpJOHpTcGVUc2VFd0F3MnI4dkVTQnBVQWdSYzFLOWZWVVlrNDlBZE96RkNBTW1ZZjhKVE5SSENYcUhjWkpqelZFbERGaU8yZUNpRFkwTkMxWGptdDM0YkVlbFVZTV9udGwwLXY3UEdqcFQtVVl5ZzJmUVlWdmVQQ2NRalJGOGNVTzVteHBGNmotQ0N1cUFac25WOTBQSVRNSTFYR3JXTHRLbFlSRXpZdno0ek50blNmUHRiVjc4RmlGdUVaY1dPaE5VMzBubUEtdjhMTnItYmVSelluemdrMD0= |
I am trying to unstake my TAO but whenever it starts the process it just stops midway through. It begins unstaking then the bar dissapears and it tells me to specify an amount again. What can I do?
Edit: I also tried on taostats.io and whilst in sees my staked tao, it gives me this error message when trying to unstake it:
"There was an issue undelegating funds" | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWDRYamdIMTRYRjFhZEU0anJuSU5Dc0VxdlRNS3BfSk9JbXBubEloYmNQXzNURmM1NU9ieDlnV2tqSDR2MlRqOVltQzlqVjB3dDNsZmltWEFocUd3RWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNX2FQam8wbHZ2TWhmOW1qeTlFczRSaXh1NkQzR3cydUJPQlJoNzA3WllaY2sxdDZDekk2YnJYdGUxMzhpVnVzdFlsVHh3UUp5UnV1dHZleVlXcEJSSUc3ZGNRNHVNNWxzd0V5cXdlT01nLU5BcmJEY3ExdHgxZmdhTklua2RKX0FLUmxQSjBYMHA5LTMySnJCSmZlYXlCQXBIVzRTT1BacnN6M0ZlUVFNLTBKZWFxd1k0UVlwV3JmUE0ycllPNFFV |
You got it right! | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZXA1WkJhVlNiUVNFM2VGVmNwRFJhZjJ3Z21YYVZLTC1jejNhcnVLWGJ1d1ZGWHRsLVNELWEyRnptekI2UVRZQ09keGk0RjhEMHpDY0lFVUtOcHUta2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSWhKZGRIV3gySEU1RURILXpJRndQX3hnYlhXTHRzTXpld3NiSXdRbWw5UWpDbkdLTDRtMGx5V3d2Q2JaOE9SXzNuelVTQ3ZaRGZjbXFZZGQ3NlFLY0VERHJ3ejcxMWRYRnNHZ2hYTHFMaFRPUFAtaFcxdXZrV0dqbVN1dGNyMDhsUWJnck9YbmhSaUg3ME5FRGNoblJ0dFJEaEVNOU1aMDdXQXhrZWpKWGEtR3FNNVc4c2lUdE9CNFY5NG9VbVdKSjV5MzA4NS1ITkRPdm14TllQeWVJQkdJSk15cEVCbDh6Y09Mb2dkdkMwST0= |
Give me them cults and I’ll buy them. I believe this is one of best narratives for memecoins. Community is everything!
Also join free discord and share any ideas!
Great to see BTC at 90k 👀 | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTXFGZkR2SHpYNldHS2ZrVms5OUZwN0dFOWFlWVhQYjd4ckdjVXF4djJiYWkzaVU4TUNMb2l3ODdjUnVXQklDN0VqNllkUWpxa2tmalhWWThQV0dUdlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdk1ST1FnR3NCRmg3UmpUeEpRZEU4dFNpVmpUMG9Wc0xfMk9RcUY4Z20ta0pqcWd1VEt6dElOSDhsMDdROHNRM1NlcGtJb0ZpWUtwV29TWUwtekZkU3l2bVVpQWZjRU9mTmdsQXdWV0dPeDVNWnJHRGtmdGFnUmVSRVFQaU1YZFBBaVEtWVNmclpjN1ZGbHFaR3hHaGhodDM3Rkd0STVpUzZfRDdwNzZCT0Z2NWF6MkgzS3h4emdmX2Q1NVR4T1RoR2lKb094OW5fNk5nNEFJcENlWHM0QT09 |
Amazing! | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMem4tTjRHQURKang1MC1BZ1Yzbnh0Rmo2OXhJMFYtRE1CLVlMVWFkYnpiQ2J4RTJfNlVLa1hKLTllbkxsRmhPMDhPTmdzZXN2ZEtuQ2ZkeXh4a0tmd0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU1FNWC10LWR6eVZ6eVlKOHJuRjV0VUpYVF9tNXZxS0RvT3RuWHFyVGg0MTc2QmpENWlGelBmdE01U1BKSGhxMmozcEt1MzlYZC15aE10MldTdEFkZVo3UG1pSXdDTFlMNXRwVDVDVHdCZ19QM3cwUHptaG55UEo0cmlsa0IxaXhjNGJNZC01UmFyWWtMQXk4STV4UUtmWFdFRG14Zk1IZExpd3VheGpDcGhId1o0aU02ek8xSk5pSXFNZFNtNG5k |
I've been watching this project for awhile and I really want to get exposure to a coin in the AI field. Is Bittensor too high to buy right now or do you think it's a long term good hold? I'd put 5k into it right now if I thought I could get a 1000 Bittensor one day. And what separates this thing from other so like aioz or render or ICP? I want to buy the best ai coin and hold for some years. hanks. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdlhYNjI4dXNKQ3BHWTYzRi1UVllFVWVrU3Jzai10c3RjNnlRUUxOTmpoVzZQa2JCVlFNVUxFUmNfM3ZNVlRZYzBJRkVUeExsWnR6YWZ6UFl3T25ublpUS0Y3VDVjRjZ1cXRxMHRRM2RhNTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaUFZdmMwaW5Sek55d2dxU0dhS25TbG5QMkV4NlhVbEp3T3BmTHZITjhtMU1td3gxRTdKeHN1QVd1ekxTREc3YjBfTnVrU2ZLT29hR0hNaGtTcWFPX0dBM3hoYmJ2Wi1lNkUyNnhiLW56b0k0QmVkYmpuZmRhejVWRVJxV1NZOXBPQUVyNThDb0EtdXVENVFBVmxsbFY0Sk1pU2MzTHgybGpUWjlMTW1tWms0PQ== |
| r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWkloLVdHemVEWThFdTkzWFM2SjBGTWloVk41bUhzR1hCZE81LUV2R2wzRzNTN1FBWnBVN1pDUktJN2pvRWpWUnU3cHJOZGVKR3Y1dDFMN2xuMGEzVWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYWhsOGhrZTJNLWpUeDM3VGlLb1NHSU9rdmxQWkc5MUFhY21WTVZSbGNMbGFlMDRhd1gxS2dnaWlXLVptV2FUZGVEZUZXVkZrclVVdENoOWFGbnlZakdzV3JHZEF0VUEtX3FFNEhXRzZLelZSQkktd0Vzczhreldid3VFb2ZUal9KaW1ULWt5RlgxVnJGNmJoc0U1QlZuUDNCMkJHcWcxNjlDVDFrVkczWXVKSnVhUTNvMjNWWjUybjgwNlZ2RW1ValdZOEJLQUpLZGhzR0swaHZqaHJMQT09 |
title | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMV9rbndpTFZPMDBTaFNqb091S3ZsemZmNmNJd1owZDBZUHdQZTNHZDE4dGtfdW5SY25DZDVhaHlyZ2I3VXNPemNtYTF1YXp1VHhuSUxkSWtMeU9Id1c3cnZmM0JsMkFqMkdFTDhJNGRhZ2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU2NFY0N6MzNYdXNyRkJuYlV3OWo3MEpjRWJxYVVEOUE4SW9pLWw1R0RkOER1U2ZVWXlCREFsbE81cXRNWV9DWEtuR3ZNOVlHZG53Y3p5X0RDYUxPZUFjMWJwajhISFRlT2wxRV9HOXlITUYzQmg1a2JjbG9rZXZtMGpxU1FCakhwWWNqMTdPX2VkbHhNMU03Q05aQXFHQjNPQmxHTDFlOE5vaF8xWVVNUHJYYWk5RnlFUm85TWJ1WVpZY1FYMjJyc05yQ25PME1kY2V3QngwUjB3Y2dKdz09 |
I have heard about AIT protocol.
What do you think about this project.
They say that AIT protocol is a subnet of Bittensor.
Website looks really really nice | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNVYtX0trdFhBMW40VlM2QV9WOHdjNF9JV0hXMWVOeUVkYk85NHZyUDlBN2hIOXQ0LVBZWHN6WEQ3dGh4bFc4X0xCOGNIcnBwY3B1SGlucTBoVFgtbmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNLTg5M1VKTVk1YjVfeVFkYnhWaVBTVGhhZXMwSmRwSWdMVThCWXR4bE96OHVRWlFzTThTNmswUmZoSHdVVmJsdVp6bjR0VEpKcVdDUUh3VG5kbnFBZzRSOE9jaTlCSS02eGZqcFFfRDd5LXlxR3hUNGMzbTI1VHA1ZUI5aVJpYmdvQkJYRWpxZ3JYaWdFZUxMUWhvbEc3Y1VGdVJneVlLNGFVVmczWjBYbXd3PQ== |
I've been in crypto since April 2021 and so far over $20000 in losses, missed out on every pump and made minimal gains. I don't even know why I still try.
Note: Misleading title because reddit kept removing my post. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMR21ETk9pVmw3RGctMVFHcEJ0aGdBcE16eEFVbDVWUWdPdHBrTlhHMk1ua2lWamp4M2N4SjE2SjZXcjFfMm9TRWx1azNrMVItb19ySFJlWDlhY0VZT3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNY3ptaEVCRVFTZGZyOUd2YVV6RC0xMmlJbThPdzJhaXNHeFVCQWVJWXhDenMtZ3JIeUJHZklyMkgtT2l3QkNxS0ZmMWRJelpIUDU5ak56YXNoU25wWXpTTUQ1VnVtRXMyVVJ0dEJMQk9hZnV2OER3RjFVLTBla1AwY3dsTmVUUEpuYnltWVRPdFRKTldZLVBBYXE1TTRULVNqSWpDNGJrWGF5U1gxUndBWWRFRnk2S0VqSjFsNWVZLWhxR2owT1VZ |
What do you forecast it to get to? Thinking about investing a few hundred there before it's too late. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVlZacXJoUDZBbkhfaE9QQVBfR20taEF5TzRzWDFjZ0VGWWRTMklTenE5eVQ1cnJ0RmpVdVcwN2o4NTNOajBFYlJEN2dLbl9tQmlFUjNldzh6ekVJdUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbU82Y2FkQlpRR2paMmtoVm5rT0NNSzRYdGlyM2NNVkR3UEhRVDFaanR5SnlPOXlRVFpnN1F2aUtpSkI0eEtvLTRhYXpYRDJkR1BIMHJKMEpSSmhRU3M4RDNhQmlOaXlpQVo3SUMteW9LWkg3VmdLQzNKOUdpY0VQVnZ5TWtVMXZnYl94MnRoc1BLZ1Q1aUJiN1hpdGpqR1liVzdRY3gyclB1ZnZlSjlsV0VQYzJhMEsyZ2ZWUXJ0M3lKa3VwamJL |
my 5 cents:
if you connect to https://app.mynearwallet.com and creating an account, you do not automatically creating a wallet. you either have to create a new one or import the existing one.
If you have an wallet, you should find it on https://nearblocks.io and you should have the secret passphrase. If you don‘t have it you won‘t be able to connect to your wallet again. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWlhRZVAxUkJsaTN6anFucnRVa2QwMHZtbTB5bTM5MUQ4czMwdjV4UTZUazc0eDFqSFotRUJEUDZyX3NCMU50QldhektHUHpvQXluYkZxUE5xSVpfWWw4NHRsVDZDS3NKTUU0Z3Y1bVZ1ck09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcm9TSFFTV3pIclA0N3U2NmlVVEczcGdkVlZqTm91MEQ3YjFlOXk5aXZfYXZWWGRhbzExTWY2d2piWXhZcS1vTDdvNUJod25sZ2d0S2VLUy1wM21pM0tBRGhzUGNITDltVHBPVVlSNHVXUXZZZkplUmZlYnVpQUdJYjQ4eEUyemdvTVhkMjlrcksyN3R4OUVFV3lvOXhOZDdsRTFFa3lCS0JHVGtZM2ZTS3h4SS0wcHNrbUtUQlFmX3Z2eHJCZDdFWEdtS1hOazFuYnF6Yk5tMFVHQkNzZz09 |
Is this news as real as Jack Paul beats Mike Tyson?? | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZjdlM05CWUFLdTR6eFF2MzJkZDJFVmRHd1FpTnF4aFhyUmdVWnlfQ1kyTVU5V2d2U0ZxV3lZSGVQTENzNXYxVk54ZzlmMmdGMnhvOEJ5eEQzclpWenc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWG13Rk5WODlzcWVqb1Z5NG9JdmRxVHFrd1Z5SmFmenlsYUl5YmRxYUlIdGFvcTRmbTFncHlJeXkyNWxEVXhUQjRwcDlCVkliV3BBdlVQVXJCZTF1dE9GQW5mMnozclM0SjVHdlpIc2NnYzZCbl9ZbDZJdzJIcmV1Vi1MVXBVRUp4S2R1aFFlUEo0WUtNZC13bU1OYk9EVDNhMElzSWxSVWhFTE9WV1g0Nlp0SFlpa1JtQk5CckpqMnBBZmdDaHBVdkVCVUFxSkJCd0ZrckhzdHNoRGNrdz09 |