stringlengths 1
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Check out https://meme.cooking/board from the $SHITZU team
Weekly activities in the telegram to earn $SHITZU - https://t.me/Shitzu_Community
You can get a SHITZU Revival NFT from https://www.tradeport.xyz/near/collection/shitzu.bodega-lab.near?bottomTab=trades&tab=items and stake it at https://app.shitzuapes.xyz/ for reward boosts and to earn $SHITSTARS, a social credit token
Meteor Wallet has a slick in-wallet bridge that currently supports transfers between NEAR and Solana, Ethereum, BNB, and Arbitum. https://wallet.meteorwallet.app/
If you want to get to Polygon straight from NEAR, you can use Allbridge.
You can swap for Allbridge's native token $ABR at https://app.ref.finance/#near|abr.a11bd.near before bridging. There's generally liquidity pairs with $ABR on both sides of the bridge
https://app.allbridge.io/bridge?from=NEAR&to=POL&asset=ABR | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ1plY1Bvb1NSSzBjcTNPbmxLNDh6WlBFeDBwdEo0RDJRVDFVRXktck1CaER5dkZuMl9aZjQxRlBhZnh1N21ZaXVMR1ZMQzM1cmh1cjhYRHdBeG5ZMEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNa3o2WURPTDIwVXRlaW9OSzFTeEZqQWo5Z1U5LUVrVXpsUmVUQUtDNE9ZdDZzcTBndHVvVnAyQXRoc2dTakVLQjJVdGxSdlZpdVZ3SV90Z3NiVndGZ1FCUjZsT1IzUUY1X01ZR29NZ21TQ2hveWxmdWZ4MjI4Mlo2UEVHMjRKdUxnOGJQV05xNE93WHp2VFV4b0FRZDMyTElhN3RJNXl6Y01SdDZydllHRER2VFFoR01MeGxsUHdHazZCMWdoby1WNUl5V0REeTBkM055b1M4Qk9iVjVZZz09 |
Has anyone read the gray paper? That's my JAM! Buy now, the game theory genius has cooked up another recipe for the expansion and implementation of Web3 dapps. A little technical, with some of it soaring over my non-coding head but the gist of it wasn't lost. Big things are coming!!! | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTkFaZ056YU5kaUZRZTMwaXUwSEkxdmttd0ljcUk4bFd6ZWp1TVNaVFQzaXpTOHdQbUZlSXU0NC1nODJxaVZ3WHVSRE5NUmFmZ3lnMGNsZVFDNjQ4Mkh1UEZUdWFIRl9rLUhhSnI1NXdlQTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVk11MWxNU0VCbk9EbzRzdWFKZC1fbExaOUVFZlBaTzRYMWN0Q0JjTElzT3hHOHExZjBHWWF0SmJZMHhsUlN1LVpfUVVEaldVcGR5MVpDaXhNeVFHN0x5YUhFUjRITWNuc2pzS0VUZ29lclN2UzhyelZvOHViS0ZmSF96b1pGRzRjNTZuWDFaaWRzRUszbko1UlotbmU3R3h2NGZrSXEyNHMzVmZfWU1HQ3hrPQ== |
I want to sell my NEAR at a fixed price but don't use Coinbase or any of the trad trading platforms. Are there any dapps on NEAR that will allow for automatic selling or stop loss sells? | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ1ZqWS1TYUJGdHZXWVFSYU1XZy0tVkxNaWdBN19rb1NYVTVtMWdXWGdyOFFQcXpmYnNLWS0xNGRhVXBWSklNcUs4U0t6T19reno0RGxIX0hGT08wQXQ5X3k4eU0zVlFqSm95OUdTYjNGTDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVDlFSi1rRFhKVktZQ3hsNmpGUlJuUjl3THAxWnlPV1VBdkZESDBPY3Z0MDQtRWJ5SzRqM3JBdG5xSy1Dd3Z0WnBxY3FYNmlvZUtNYUo3NmVPblVtQTJ5dUNqc2JyNDByaHV6RnBkWW5ZQ2hDSzgxZmpMcXhxdEd0dTN6VVRza01ieU9jeW0ydlVOTllRUF9PY1FmbDZaNC1nUmV2RHNueTlyalFPNFZzZHZGa21JN05FXy1VMlZ2UjdBbjdqU2RC |
thank you. Yes, have the passphrase and wallet is there. Ill go to import the existing account. I wonder if this happened because there was an upgrade, change in MyNearWallet? | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMX0FGcV9nUURMaFBONGpVaFppQ2xOUVRvUkdKVUJtYVBjYV9xVUV2OVB6OUt4bWJRNGVqMlBXT2E1TGw1c2EybU4wXzRfWGdvdXJRZk9kTzBONjlJdFVnTG02SW1jY3JkUUFEMThsN0UzQmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNX0tCWWlOUHpZZ05iSmNhTVlpLWcxb3FsWmJjUF83UTQ1VHFNQ1R3R0JPMlJkSE5qR1RJTkhrME1kQTFrNS1yMkZFd2dnRWFrT21JbzV0RDFKb2VvWUVGSDE0OFAycDN3TndaWkxnNTRYamd6NzVodzhwMGlZVDBET3FsNVlIVlhVV2Z5V1QzZUdwZnpCTWthTlRyMGdlbWdySUZVZ3YzSHZDNEd5WUFyVk41endnc3ZiZmVzWFRmaTFKcHdqdU9sNWkySlNXZXR4cTFwWExadlNDdTNVQT09 |
It was late winter 2021, and crypto seemed unstoppable. Every new narrative was primed to pump 5x-10x, and all the major influencers and celebrities were jumping in, proudly showing off their NFTs.
Venture capital felt like an endless stream of money pouring into the market, and crypto had finally gone mainstream.
I made life-changing money back then—a new car, a new place—and I started to question everything. Why keep working a job I didn’t enjoy for $100k a year when I could make 5x that in crypto?
The "easy" gains made me prideful. I thought I had cracked the code, that I was different. But when the market started to crash, I kept doubling down—buying shitcoins and gambling on risky bets. Then reality hit.
A brutal bear market left me with no income for almost a year until I managed to land another good job.
I’m sharing my story as a cautionary tale for anyone who might think crypto will pump forever or that they’re invincible as an investor. Stay grounded, stay humble, and don’t let the hype blind you.
| r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRU9taHJ3aEVzQlJwYlEta1h6d3VaUEFNb19NNElfRzFaZDZmeEdBcm0tMVA3WmQyTWsxdF8wWWdlVEF1cS1zTzVHejJSSWJXQ3F6Sl80UUZoS1RscTFHVkZaSUY1SE54ZVN6UU5aX3R4SFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbHNtLW9Zc3ctUWkyTjQ3NVJ1NVlvSzJNZHFjamw1cGV1WU9pdDRCUVpZd1ViRWVIZFJwODEwbjVDdk5uUnY4alY0S09ReXIxTGVjUmdIamNsVGU4aXdmcnE4V3BJUGhmNmZoMWhtSkc3ZVNRRDVZUUxNWVZMMGNhRURqQ0c1ZWwwMS15ekEtdTNFNTFoMjFqWldsMGl4NXE0eE9SVXpwWFRRUlFBMHVuZ2lmbHU2dndjMEtTUVYwS0xibUhnOV9FWWJUWFd1RmFKdTdUZTA1anJLQlBPUT09 |
Holding since BTC was on 24k, ATOM,FIL,ETC,BTC.
Today was finally a good day in my portfolio.
But the best cycle part still not here. We just began the catch up bull run in general. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMU0R2WUQ1RmthUkRRRHc3aXFLaEt6SlU0blkwRnM5RlBQX1BJWE5ESFNqOWJndkJqVmNqUFZtdVN0cUtrY3BESHF1aW5KTGVjanJNRVZQRUhSck9YRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYXdlUFRnekxleThlVlJ3eW5hQ1FNY0l3QVhMaU9LQkNUdTdiMEdZa1huZDY4X1JfYnBIMWVZSkxVajYxbUhQVVYxLUdvaV8zQUlOTnpYeGtpV0dMczdyb3pmdHZMOXMxeXhXMFpiMGpYTkItb1AtMDNmWmFFVTdaOTNfNTc5bmFQZExtQmFhNDBuYjZMUnZHaDY2Mmw4WHZTUld6bHJ1TWwwZS1pMDdXeGZTOWVYTXhad05EOWlscFpCNloxVUN1 |
Good 🧌 | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMGdxTnZ4d0t2NW5JQjFjck8ycy1WX0NfdnRCYXI1VWRleG91bnVka3NmTW9pWGI0Q05vOXZGZGpUek84dmthZjlvemVkMkdxd0N0SEJkYXMyQkJSVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeEJ0eWJRcGlBUVExb0NDZEQ3QkM4MGIxQUxEa3dqa3VhNm14Rjk3TWM1X045YWN0Y0szMTBib1NzU1ZrdXVVckwxbmhvb3hublFlamF6SEhveVJnSG15dmJBNWd2LU5NamVwOVRJYk1iWHhnNEk1Wl9HOUJ1UnhRNmJla1prVjJEVFhWMnpZeGtsdUF3N0daNUM1OVBMcnhCVUJMMlR1anJPZkRDRnpLaHFkQVRGUW9kZ2w3ZjVQaXQ4UDl4WVdkVGlqbGJ2Y190cGllbHk0OUVfMVBlQT09 |
Send it 🚀🚀🚀🚀 | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWjY0UTQxOFJKLU80V08yMkhWR0tYSTlVTlRnNmwwZlgxcEpDM2NQRE95Nld3Z0RueUZwV2ZRRVNvOV9aLXlLT3M1ZlVNcFhoejZBVE9tdVJ4S1N0OHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQzZsUW12M0RVd3FtaVhzMWU0ck5uOXJubWdwWmhsUWJseHNLc1NmdDNSWXJxR0NncnFueDlrU1p2cWpHQTBra01pT1V6eVRCclpLZW8zSmVtXzlubUMxQy1LRldwYTVZcjhCV2ZCQ1ZLdTQ3c2lNZi1sclY4WGRlZnBzTmtScVNZdWozdC1XOFlpaUVlekR2TFMxWnlDeUhPejYwaFhjeExHaVROeTF0OTIyX3V0c2ZObHFSbExYTW82ZWNEM0FmbzdNRjhzNjBHZXg2VjVMU1lrc1QtQT09 |
Hi, I am watching a surge in crypto currencies. I aint having much money right now, but now I have some with me. I want to buy crypto for about 2000$, which coins should I invest on ?
Is dodge coin reliable ?
I know only of binance as a crypto exchange. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWnN0MzdQWTFPM3Z6dWE0QVBsc1V1U1NOSEVKNGIzUnBZRDYyN3ZIRnF4TzVOT0tlNFAyMVJ0cC1YdENtRTE1YzNwSHhuc25ZWWhtbGlWem1VRkhDX3NOQzdfQXBad1lxRk9JdnJCc1lCSUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUkRJcGNDNkRacHp5ajlpT3otR0tLOXk0R2Rpcjg3WXpZX3FvRW9naG9PNG9QbDVVZV9ZbHdYcGJrbGhQY3Y4RkE5QXJZNXh0R0t2SHozdlRVNkxLMGQ3RDBOSm1JbVItYzQwTXdPT2g1QjVDWFExMmhabkNzU0RnaDRXRHRoY0FIMnVXandJRTRIal91VWxaMnZVVkE0NUM1N21kU0kzOVhYa3dNbUFFdHRGMGRnaFhwNDVyaHdzbGRManZQc0g3a1Q0dldiMDZFRmo1SUtmdHNBdFM1QT09 |
I’m a new holder, heard good prospects about this crypto but I don’t see anyone talking about it here. Where do you see DOT in the future? Maybe 10 years from now? | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMM21UMlVnMXNaN0ZhSGdoRTg2TDFPRWN4UXJEbUxqRnA2TGJwNWszZWhJaU4zZFlNdVNMNk40ckl2WlVsVFpJSUNBUmF1VFV2OS03NWtDX3FkTXI2SjlGYmtNZktJaGEtNldNT1FGNDJ5UFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbmpjTzZScG1Jd3BiQzV2ZFVPS1dOa1NNVDc3bE8ybHdnQl9TdFhmM0lpd1pJTmxpOXFRQUtpdkVYaHlJVExhZFd0RDJXdlNLTHRqdEttczZxdWJKd1RlMlduZ2NwUVpqOWZUVlFhZGFqbzFiekViUXVjSkZ4cUd0Z3RFdHlmUWJLNGFTaElUY3Mzc1RRTzNoVzBqV292WVprTzFfWkVybXN0SnVEZG00VHFnPQ== |
Filecoin is the only crypto that is used for space exploration. Exciting times ahead. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdDYwRHlEODg3ZU9MOXhOOWNlVjlfSnBZR3VqRzdIdXl0YW1WLUFwU2RNRHRJLUJCVlJYU2JYaFNCQy05UkF3TVpWaG1FLThVSzBIdWpzTDJfY1ZGU3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWHQ5STVCOVNVYWozRDBnd0luWWxuc1Nua1lWMnhLNE1jTkxBZU1GbTlXUkg1TlBGNzhyakxNSFNjVG1WekpaU1RGT3JtTGtKQjJlRXpVRjZnTVA2aWdpQTdxM2FfVmE4aVprMWl6c2I0cl9oNURsZXBCbV9DWFZQTzllU2hJaVZqdlBWajRWZ0JTM3gwSkswMEJpUDRZVTd4dndZNEtfWFBkNExRYWwzSy1JQmszY2l6Tnl3b2w4R1JnWExQU3Zm |
So i am an absolute beginner and want to start Crypto trading I no idea whatsoever .I am not here for extremely quick money ,I am satisfied with reasonable returns .But the market seems so saturated that it feels like there is no opportunity left.
I there is still time kindly guide me through procedure as to how to learn it
Thanks in advance | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVTVSemNoSW1NNFk0RDhSOTlmeWFDNVFJTFZKVkxyTHpBc0NZLTVFT0gxOFVxWVFad1NtSHU0cEgyX28zVm8yZU5fbmlPczdMMG50dlJrNlY1UDcwZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNel9BYkVvWDdWREFWaHFnbTRmVjRKdXdxYm5RVHNLdHdzYTZjWW9LcGVPSl9RbExLMXo1NGE1cHlzNVBDNU5Eb2dzWGdIZ1EzR1gxLVlST3k3blFrbTMwbno5TWp0Mk1OdXhKZXJTUTVLa0I4aFFnRVV0RGdZbVlWUUc4SXNQaklWRUtzd2JaNGw4WVJKQWlodnU2Q3NxdDVIaUh0Y0R5dHl1Ukx3OElQdEJrPQ== |
source ? | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaTJSQ0xJQTJCU19PaGFZUjJJQmxTUUIxSHhuSWg2ODBueFRtSE9pSUU3Ql9oeXFCWkhoczRxcmxqcm12cFozR3J6aWhveko1Ql9aQjFnM3NuenB2VGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNT2J1Uy1FR1JydFdwdXpjOXpOZE8yVDhHQTNubjY1TWtjRWNUNzFUSlg5RXNHYkhxZkxEdEVKN0x4cm5wRGZla0Q3NEFQZWk1MUhCSlNRM293UFNvQUlYaG5ELWhHejJha3hDSEM0aFZpUEhtQ2ViVG1JUTIzdEVRN3lBMkIwT29rZ2N3dmZwbXFCNElFd09XOU10ek1SbFlfSWlRWXljLU10bmo2R211WFpoNEFHcVlZbnA4OFFYaW1LM3Ywa2N4a2EwdDJFbzVyWmpsby12Zm1IZlJzUT09 |
TAO token is about to go parabolic as AI crypto sector will starts the rally in coming weeks. At present moment Bittensor is trading close to $500 and we may see it hitting the $1000 price mark before the end of 2024.
**TAO Price Analysis-** [https://cryptoofficiel.com/bittensor-price-prediction/](https://cryptoofficiel.com/bittensor-price-prediction/)
# Can TAO Hit $5000?
We expect TAO to trade between $750 to $1000 at the end of 2024. In 2025, TAO can easily go beyond the $2,500 price level and the upper range is $5000. What do you think, how high Bittensor can rise? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTVZ3QW9TbXAyV0FTTEQ1WTU0bVZuSkZPRjNnYllEeV9ZaVBVQXhVbUdQTkxMM3NrVnducDduX3VTSlVadWgwa0RGYlRrX2MxdlF6a0hzUmdWSzBmNDIzclBXQ1hMM1BJS1piMFRjOXRsT0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSE51S2M0Z1l3ZHRtMWZkN0xHZlI3QXpGNlBNTjliWUxxdzlFTTVZUXR2X1pMeUJjOXZBbVFWRnpIZHViT3hSazZiM0lYY1NMT2haM1Vtbkt1NFVpNWZtSVBfeUxyM3kwaXdpRTQ5Q20tM2xVdzhmWXh1azI1QmxYTllrNW9naUVCcFVYajBJVlN3dUNGaEstLUdBd0pOZFR2SWo4SHl1YXNPMkFMRzl5TmpyRGppU1ZRR2xQY1ExT3pjTzRxaTQ5NndlaUtRbW83NXAycV9PcGxHZThOQT09 |
I have trauma with the word 'Partner' due to its overuse and misuse in the crypto industry. Legit Source or Fake news? | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZFM0dGVObDhrZ2tWcHBsWW56UVNUN1BqUjZUWUVlSDByQ2VYOFphaWtINUVLRTdjdHp4aGZSVi0ySE5qY3JNTmhybFk2c1VhX1Q0VU9RdGpsOVgxTkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNak81TEdteEYzR3prcWRoMVZNNmkxcEVyQjA3QnJueWdKX2xCMGVheFgwZGUyYmFCbzBSSGJqeTFrSjk4RnluTmRoLXZyLU1NN042VUR5Q0d6NjkwRDVyRGxHOXpqZWk3TklGMVJyWUZYa0RpQjA1cDBfdkcwZE5oSU9Ta1RObi1YOHBYS0JkdEhNRnJTNnhsR1VXRTRpal9uOFZvNE80dWxub0hIQklxZkduakowenZLSVd2MXB4SUxpMUNuLUd6UDFrRXlIS0oxWFlMMUtuNHZTd0g4dz09 |
Newest version of Cake Wallet is live with some exciting Monero-specific updates:
* Cake Wallet now supports reading QR codes for airgapped wallets, in anticipation of our new app, Cupcake. This enables people to more securely store their funds offline, with similar security philosophies found in hardware devices like Ledger. Many users have an old device *(like a retired phone)* which is a prime candidate for becoming an offline, airgapped wallet for users needing even higher degrees of security.
Cupcake is already live on the App Store and Google Play Store, but it should only be used for testing in its current beta state. As with any beta, expect bugs and please report them to us so we can continue optimizing the experience! We would love to get feedback from the r/Monero community <3
* We are extremely close to launching Ledger support for Monero. We are already testing it internally and hope to ship in the coming weeks.
* Version 4.21.0 also includes bug fixes, buy/sell improvements, and more changes that can be found on our [blog](https://cakelabs.com/news/ledger-monero-cakewallet/)
Thank you Monero community for your support! It's been wonderful to see so many of you stop by our table at Monerotopia.
# | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMc3p2aVJCTXVlcl9kR1duWlJKdEV2NjJjNnFaWHIyUHpvcU5GeUEzd3dvTEM1YmdhNGV2RDJ2WU04aFBWVTZsOEZpSFVad1NUbnRhNmN4UnpGbFpvUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU0hUUUJjWGV0RTNVVWE4dkE5bUgxTTFKLUZnY0s5M0lVdFgxV3NHam9RWUQyVzJ6dU5VS3RMLTRZd24yd3hpTlJ0YkNfUnRzY1R2ZU1MZFppbXF3bDV5WlBFekk0Y1Z5VmJhUEFaYjdPYVRCa2NLSXJxblBhUlZVV1RsLU1qSUVtaHR5Z0lhZjV6ajl6TFR3Q2tNSE85N1oxLWNQWUJhdVZrVE9pMXdIcGhibjZLWVdQN1N3YTB0RXJGXzdGYVA0 |
I hear i2p is p2p and overall superior in terms of privacy and hiding IP addresses than the clearnet and possibly even slightly better than tor since it doesn't rely on the generosity of others to run nodes. And the privacy on i2p is maybe slightly superior since all connections are one way, but I am not very knowledgeable about the technical details, so take all that with a grain of salt.
But with stories about poisoned nodes collecting IPs and such, should we not move to more robust, private places to host our nodes? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTW05enVBbXNPX0pjeVZVRXJTS1lpOUkxZFY0Qi1IVE84UFpvUjVjWUxid2lraUIyaGZaRDNORm9YMjBJZTZSTUQ3M3RMb3lYbmY2dnRob216SGp0S0UtSjNwcWYtaWZ5ZTNKNTN3R09vWHc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNjZLbHFrcWVJV1dPWklaOWl4eUo2NE53amZTTm5ROThPaHpia18tclBoX3pPX3ZGTDlPN0hwNFVoZmVKaXN1Z2c1YVZJcUdrb0ptYzdqbi1UUlJFcUFrUzQxY2JoLXUxYjlUUmt5TXRRblRxYTFuUnRSQXFxTHJRbnM5VFNhZG1HbzFKRDZLcF96T3U2ZHROejZuRkNzTGZMNnRpdlpIanBKNGU3azVXaGNiSFRfakVZXzBkc3FOZWFkSlBDR1FB |
We all know the infamous: Bitcoin can only handle 7 transactions per second. It's slow and clunky, obviously. So I wonder, how many txs can Monero handle per second? How many txs per day to clog the network and cause a backup? Will FCMP++ improve this number? Is it more important for scaling than the size of the blockchain growing too large? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdkdEYkcxQXQ3SHltQmJfSWJLYWpvaEhERjh6UXhmNTFGYVB2YkZoTU1NNS1HR2JKR3pKdEQ3U0xjdl9Nb3Jadlp5UzY3eHB0YnFYaENnYktwZVdFS3ktTHdwSC1VZ0hJQnpWaVFkNFl0Yzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMUZFa2NXenVWb19RVy16aTBJRUstNy1TME1tbldJOGtCZTJCc0JXOHpDZXphUWpGNHpUdlBGSnJkUFZBVlJTNlQyeUFua1VhSDhaUkgxUWZaaWFUTmFhOEI2NGFGV2VXYU9fOXhQM0NVSW9hZlo5TzZvdmM4Yl94TGJGdFVLZmdTTlEzYmJ0Ni05eHdLTGxESmYyODhXcTJEMFhVSWgxemszeWV2THd2V0FGQVI5WlVxcjg1UjFmMFBCYVRZb0pIUE5QR3FuQVg1eVVtaFVqX0RsS2RBQT09 |
It's legit, Nasa and CERN are uploading data for storage on Filecoin. Their looking for Extretrestrial life in Space. They need alot of data archive storage. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdnFwTWlrTWVxclhnV2M1OTRPaDVGQ3pxWldzLU5saFhiMTZ1R013REtQUmNjdlF1S3VoUmVGcnpQU1NxNzZiSi1FTzhZUjVoeVQ5V1RGelY2ZmZDMGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOW9Tek53YTEwVzUxN2ZtR0JfSGowc1BtZ2ViWEJBT2V4Zlc4aThEV2tqYlRBLWVOcDJWeUNHSTlWRGdHV0dNaGlNUGR1MFd1UVIwZWlUbHR2bWFsdXFuZmNqVUNhTU9FQjdkcjJrY04zUmo3RnIwZzZ4U0NTTFY1NXFFdlhCZjc1YUZTTjdPN1VnZnBnaElsbG9IZ01PWk54RnhKelh6S2VYOHllbWFsZ1M0T0I4Wml4MEZzVDhhVjdnSmFzc0YzRE9HVnQ0Qkx0eTk5aGdGYU00elBndz09 |
Memes are picking up on Near ecosystem, you can take a look at ref finance and check some of the hottest plays at the moment. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMUZ6d3hQU0Q4RzhGcGJmWUN4US1Wd2hEOW1wclJPUTdkYWVHTE1Wa2NnV3RaajVyM01TZi1nVHh5TV9iT2tKN0NNakRnckpxTXJVcExBek1zdWVfMVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNelVYNWNzaVVVSUk5b1pXbVh2WmlyTklrd0pOX3p4WE9Od09uZjlkSGhqQ2I2QW8yQXA1UmZnTDhtTGFRaUNMcU5iUi14YS05X0dPbUhrUHBJRVppU3pZbEloeXBLMFNXeTJpczNMbDBtVGN2MllVRjVPUUZGeVdpeTFycFBNNnRfREFFcHlGNG5ieUZNa0l2UV9YOGNqQTFvUnJyZkxkWXNaTGtfWm42N21PXzJmNkNTaGdaQ29Ra2VxRXFkQ0pYbE4zc0ZHU3Y1aUVDTGZxc3lsZUc1UT09 |
You coud do it on Ref finance via Orderly protocol.
Havent checked lately, but it was reliable and well designed. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcDY1ek8wZU5Db0lCdnFKQWxjMXRuZUZ2b3liR0VpSXVWMDZZTzZPRW1OLW9Kc3BkN05veWk4THdSanRRNFVLUDN6bE1sTzNScXRNQ3U1UU9xZHpGZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSnNFblRKb09nMXpMRGtobFVHZGdJcEdubEtUODV3RGFkQk56SXp0LTRhNHpfNjl4cTByU2JRUFlsY2JuWWtwenpWMjMyWC1BbmxvWnZOZEVaTjdLQUM4ZDNBWGtkdUh3YUV3RDVSRGVxU1JVWjVtd2tEd2MyTnNJWURSbkxmQWcxbS1VWUN6bVJYT0xoaGZCYUx6UTl1UEVZWXZJTHlyZTNrVVRCQ2xhVlhLMFJEb2JhQlNYRU51TE94Uk9UNWNJ |
It won't be smart to sell your NEAR currently at the moment because it has a huge prospect. However, if you want to, you can use a REF Finance a decentralised exchange on Near you could trade it there. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUkRWNUFQS1NzUzRTQ3NxZWx1eXI0VHYwZEd2M0J5SVZpN2JTbXFyUE91anB3SEMxT18yaDdGSWxOaGczekVIZDM1WjVsWUVFZ05uUDhGNEEyRHZIaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNN3FEUTg5MmVWSk5YSVludmdHRGg2VzI2QjhqMXp4OVdlNG0yNDNTWWdJSkZ4bTBfYndwaTR2MlhmaTBCSnRIMEFPMnZQaFpLRFlQdkhCaXFFYnBveUNsTlJsdl8yQnh0NGl1UVlaUGtjY2JsUzR1dWg3VVVRRVpjMGNZMkRmdnA3ZFpMX1NKOWx6cVA0MkxVajZkdTFoOWFxcFd2SlF0bm9mR1VGUW9ESFUyTmFvSDJzdkFIUmlqWHVSQlh1Zld6 |
NEAR is a solid one and a solid Blockchain for decentralized AI. Grayscale is already bidding and accumulating. Don't sleep on it. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNUxfMTZsYjJEOG9wOEowQzQ3X0doS2hjemVqeDBaeU5OZDZ6dm9uWmxkN2dlWVo4SXF6SDRHUDJxTmxvQkk4VTBaNGlLUnJFbXB0ajZCLUlMM2hKX2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYjRjZGFRTm1INHc0VU9IeHRjdGw0eUlRTk00a3lOdHdmOVo5OW9tOV9kdnBZLVhhV3FVUTRodTVDZzhZVDJ2YXBFb3N3bHprQnJFZjZNOWFuTFBOczhrYmZUVzU1dUJ4MW83R1pKYjBJMHpZZFJQRzBsbEJTdGNPbGQzQUZKV2Q0UHExN0xHbXBRTWlDbmtuWFk4SXZNUzJWY0NyQkdaZGY2YmhUbFJGa0J6UjVSU2J3aDdmdm1mS20zMWlpV0Q4aC1Ibkc2WEtOTmtFNW1CMUdZTmRGSU9KSlFvbzdQYTkwQmhzY2gwdkQzQT0= |
You can actually check out Rainbow bridge and see if it works for you. In addition, interesting things like NFT marketplace called Paras. You could trade all your NFTs there. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWmJqZTZUdkFyY3M2QUlwcTRPS1dUcUVtTlNhaG85dVFzUHZqY2QtNTBKR1RhLTRCVnVGVG5zSUthREdWbzRncFc1Rmx1bWk5cnZneHRGVkF0MHZ3S3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaldTdlRVWXZfbEZZTUMydUFMakxsWXNMN0RWQnNoU0RoSkdwQm1TX2h4elVtQ2JMUllhbTAtejY0SHdkVkVod3FmaV8tWnpWbEJsTVFpSGFmWHFPaXFCSGhIWjk4Q1JQclV5VlRTS01zYnMxcS1ZR0E1c1VmN0RDbDFrSHIxME5lMjFCdGRIdGVVVkQ5ZTdWNXJsQTUyVUVTd0JWaXV2cGY1T2UyaEpnVDlUaGtxNk5aa3BLVUR5b0ZLQVU1cjRMX0lvblZpaldEU0xXVXloN3ZMTWpKdz09 |
Sorry about that. I can feel your pains. I have done this before and I can see NEAR community has already come through for you. I'm also staking my NEAR and taking advantage of the ecosystem. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWFItUk1ZLWNPM2RyQURkYUt3aHdfUThkdXBjZ3BlQ2g3ZzdnMnd6YUgzb0RMaW9NanZxNG1GYmJ5SmZ1TnNFQkJEUXlydkd3QS1oa1JWZndsVVpJQ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOFVXcmpwTThiaUI1cDZpMlV0azUtNmgxMkxkNTg2NlhXSjVKM0hodDlqVzZpcEhmSkFObWpESm9KZk5veXZpNjhSSkFsVm9SOHVibFE5NHExMEc3TjNtemJuNndfN3BvNWVhOXkwSmJaZUZzdWRTUlM1QUVTZmZhNWVYUE82bTNKSVp2WmJEUjhBSUEyclp1Rk9rYlJPV29veHpNaEpVSk5JWnJvT0dpUGg0a1VXVUpRMUFsNzR2a2xVNm9mZmdrWTFLeENMVW5xS25sZVR4cktqX2Exdz09 |
Chain Abstraction and account abstraction are one of the beautiful stuffs NEAR blockchain are shipping that I love so much. Awesome stuff 👍 | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVVZlRGd0QVZmYWFaQk5IcVFLX1VSOGYySnBiRGNqU0gzOUVBUG5SR3lQWERHd1FtLWUtRTREM1pCa05mMXZMOFRDN0RZdndyWTZUT2RZalZERjczckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRmE4TU5CMXpSeVlmRmE3cG1Ib0VDVWQ0a1hpSGxhYXB2RlJzdVNTcHNXenNPdmFMT21HaDdhYkpSWENldnJHQmlhMVp1Rm1ndnRPNHVIWlpNZlgzR0Y1UnF6V1BCbDEzTS1vRnV2Y2V1MTRCVXFMaEJqUk1EU1J5X2w1Mi1yalN3WVdNUjBpYXQzRFFMRHc3MjNFRlpDTzhRdTlPLTJuaHlzczFtY0JTdVBhTlNpRDh4dmJyVlVFT21oNlJpRWZS |
It has the potential to hit that number. Grayscale is already buying NEAR this is to show you that he has seen the light. Take advantage of it asap. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMU0xMnd2NVB5TDZ1Ukx4UUhFN3BDSUpnblh0WklpbHRzZGJiS2VBVVctd0JLbzVUd1hSLU9iUGtsU1BraVFiX3BnMXd3cVBGMDBxNTZfUHBzUHdsa1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNa3YxVUJlZE9WUjBDM0NfU29tdHdmSC05TkZPUnA0VUpoMkxZOGVSdzVwN1VmaEJsTjdZdFhVQ2gyTGJjZGZncjhZc3RTSGF4OEtUbVhaLVlwLVJ2VFVkeld1TDVBQno1ekxqMFNMUnZmSTJFa2oxVTFVaUFSQlhPSzFMcXpYcFVSTXM3aXJraHJpMVppX0RMYS1JdFNDblV0Vy1pWXVoZWF6Vkgyc0xPUWVJNnFQZUs4b3FLZjVqSThkWVFlZl8tT3dOOVZQeGhRVERyRk1SVkV0TFNoQT09 |
Since DOTs inflation is the hot topic until Plaza and JAM arrives, let's talk about the current and the future.
Today there was a big post on how Polkadots circulating supply has increased from 1.1B to 1.5B in the last 4 years, this is honestly fair, and it's sad that it took people behind DOT so long to realize why inflation is bad, and why we should strife for a more deflationary system.
The current:
1% of treasury is burned every 24 days.
As per referendum 1271 inflation will be set to a maximum of 120M DOT per year. As part of the 10% to 8% yearly inflation referendum. This is set to decrease to 5% over the next years.
The future:
80% of gas fees currently go to the treasury, they are planning to change it so 80% of the gas fees will be burned instead. DOTA was bringing in 280K DOT/month at some point, so of in the future there's some good DApps on dot then this might create some good deflationary pressure, but it is not in place yet. Plaza is going to bring smart contracts support to DOT. This is the main source of deflation we are hyped for.
The revenue from the new core time system (to replace prachains) will also be burned, but this is yet to be seen if it will have much of an effect. 100 cores will be burning 120K DOT per year so this is not expected to have much of a pressure. Even if we reach 1000 cores then that would mean 1.2M DOT burned yearly, which is 1% of the total minted DOT per year.
The treasury in theory should support third party teams to build on dot, therefore bringing more users to dot, and more users means more gas fees, which means more burning pressure.
This remais to be seen if it will be effective or not. What are your thoughts? Will this be enough or should more be done? IMO we should be more aggressive to reduce our circulating supply back to 1B, and then fight to stay there, controlled tokenomics is very important, if you look at Bitcoin, much of its hype comes from the very safe thought that your money will not lose value by inflation, which gives a lot of peace to many of its holders, and it should be the same here. | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdVlkZEpHNklpUVFPZ1VYMFcwdV9LWWtCcXBpV01OVFVsRV9WOVBHWU52UEljamg2MHdQODZMX1o5djVnZ1J6NUVCNlVnMVVLak1YRHZPRkZhbS1VRlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTlF2c3ViN1dwUm9TLXh0VENaZkpWb2pKdC1RRkV1a29ud1kyX292YlI5TWxGR0p3YVJhTkFtanI0bzMtZ1BIYVdhclR6d1VLUDVWRERBaVc0VGd6SncwYTh2NjI5ZDZIOUNoZmVpZ0Q3RWIyWjlaRENKSjQzSVhIeE5lYUNpbmx6LVJxcUhBcnF6MzFVWlk0aGRZMndvMDdMTW54ckZvRk9SR2pGTmxFOVQwPQ== |
At the current price, I have almost 2.5x my original investment in ETH. To increase my gains, I'm considering selling my ETH to increase my position in some altcoins (ADA, AVAX, LINK, XRP, SOL, and SUI). However, I am not sure it would he worth the risk. If I decide to stick with ETH, how likely am I to see more significant growth? Would like to hear some opinions on this strategy. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWVZjVHlhS0tLR1l5SERaOVl1TTduN0cwSlRWQldhelhIM1BINGl1c1Q3d1pMWWFJRUZPNXdIYmtsLWV5amlRdjNXQ0NuZlFoZWo3d1VlY0cwTXJUX2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRmRZWXNBdjNVZWJsWUloRmJsYTFJb2xEWTJKUFVvd0E2dmx5TFVWM0pnTVYyZEJNQkNzWndUbEVzOHFYd0ZlQnFGakRNZTNFWlFVdjc3LTl3cVY4Mjl1Y3N2Wk1Fc3VVZThHV1FucGhrY0toUE9hOHdQLVljVjhrc0xSQVc5bGxabkh5SUxBVEVUN3RwV2x6dWczOHB5MnI4V01iQmx4bkswWXQtTURhRkhjPQ== |
I’ve learned a lot of things about crypto in the last few years, I know why bch is far superior to btc in terms of transactions. (basically the only thing crypto was invented for)
But I am still not sure what makes bch stand out compared to other, low transaction cost cryptos. Why bch is superior to them? | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMnpsdE5WbEJyWjBsU2dKMzZzaVVUY251dGgySnNzSzZCWjJGQ2JMUERCSHc4SjZ5MVg4T2RqbDBKTXRmTTV3YkZoUDh4WXI0UUVjOUpRLUlmQlVHSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSlpVQTdJdXVCVjFnZDlVb2ZVVmF2Yzd4WXFrNlIwWFJDVnI4M1RXNkhhdmQxLVR0R3FMMXlPQ2JMcGhNd3JSSmtDSmFNdm1nWkVaQ213Znp0cE5XZjhpWDhETlZoc2h0eU8xMmlPOE5LdUw2UFk5Qjl2LUdKbkFMbjdTZkJMaFpLeTNxOFFfeXBuNEo4MFNMa2tNbm5lWjU4d2M4VkdSQnpBYkNrUFNPM2luQ0RSUWZLOFpkTmlSU1JseFJDaTV3 |
My crypto portfolio is 80% ETH and 20% BTC, so I hope I'm wrong, but:
I keep reading about the altcoin cycle and how the ETH/BTC ratio will rise, similar to what happened four years ago. However, I feel this time is different. I'm not saying ETH won’t rise a bit, but the gap in interest between Bitcoin and Ethereum seems enormous.
From ETFs to headlines about countries or institutions wanting to hold BTC reserves, the focus overwhelmingly seems to be on Bitcoin.
What are the reasons to remain optimistic that ETH won't completely lag behind BTC this cycle? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMb0I1NFM4WC1PQTJwTkpZXzF1Y2JmWU4tblFEVWcyUTktaF9CdF9rdTJyUHhCQzN0XzgzV3N6VE9keVpweTlvallYcjMwLUp3ZzFFb1UyTWR0QUV3TkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZjZ3Z3paZnZ1Q3RjemxtdDJncU5vSHNGWkZfbjhKWWJJXzZvMWtmaklsUUZtTUNNUVhJcDZVS3Y1QkVzalpzelE3T2RUUVBjd0FZRzBobk12TndvLUlUVU5jOGhjZzVBdnhQOFhOOUpNb3I2ekpJOWZlaG1SMVc5MDhtSm4wT3NOTDRReUtlUWRlUmt2RkJZR19aVnF1YU14VjdWX2tnYXNzX0JYTHZRTUI0S0lsTEZ2dEV0REktbHNSSE1nSnYw |
to Infinity and Beyond!
Wen SpaceX? | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcHJUOW9vbkRiOUpYWnN0UmZqeExBUWVxWlBRNXJreFZXY1NWVGhIcDFNYUZRbnpKajFFbThpaUdtWlJlNVNkOVF2aDJaU0RLYzlYZGpUQ09ScFpQTnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcXl4VHB0WDJqdG45Q0tyeEttVG5hc0tTRjJaNXVGM25xRjBRZFFUVlI3UkFOc2oxQnBjT3JIV1BHWWJzOF90VVBXN3lSM200TmNlOTI4OG56X1VYdExHTF9MNG90TVZDWmJhZjJzd29mTEFRRldRU0JuZjdjbU5icGVRenhUV0o0RHV0UWZTSVkweG5FaDA1Wkt6R010RGtBRFZLRUw3T0VtSFc2TlBaY1RVVDlyaVd4WnM5TTJ2dnFkckVveVM2 |
That makes since, I didn't think of Space X. Filecoin could do it all. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ2MtOUd4VXYxSzBRYzd6N2VvMUNUMUVPTzZqMmRxd2psOHMxU0ItVXdJa0Q5OGNacFVqNkxRQUpJRnd3Y0h6V3ZRZzg0N19oRFdNaFI2WWdSTGtNcEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRGIzNWdSQzFNaVozTFg4ZGtRNklpVFUxM0NEb3FJSWdPbWRpWHN4VWRlM0dXd0NSMV9LLUhnbmlDZ3JoRmEyLU1YR0hFb0VqRlhscXhQRUQzb2dldk93cXdmeFB0ZmtUbU9NbnMtb1c4aTF2VUdVMXVmNWVPcDJpRWpZalFoYVRNeWFGZHFQUFlMalBhRXRmVnNiRzZoVl9QY1lTZm5wd3NKMXZFS3I1UVRSaTlXb2oxNml1Ty12eENZdldwQUJi |
It doesn’t mean shit for the price. Some organization storing non critical data won’t pump your bags. The tokenomics and lack of adoption on a grand scale will keep filecoin a memecoin. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMM2xfcXV2c3JaSDI4RTNvWFlWcEpiWS1VQmFXQTRpOHlWRmE2V2lRd0RVd1JaMkNXSkhXTUFFaHV1V1g1UUxhN2diRzJxSlNQV2pxelFtaDdmRUpaOHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRlplaXRncFU3c2FSNUxlV05UTmo4Y0wtQzFQZUE5NjJfWVZuejFENEd3TS1CcjVsazVOcDVmU2tldTBsVXhQMUxadC03LUFzVHpyamtZNVZ3X3RVNEl3bmhKYTFwQ01ybXJ5TGd2NFhIcERTLWd0bFM3a1oyR2p1MjlJTjRjcWlYenBWb0hOMXlmWXYwU1hLdjF1VFZjQUxvV3UxR18wMkhNdHl4N3duUTI2UWdzdG5Ec0l3em5vOWNzeUVjWTBPVUtRU3VSQUJQSzZpZDlTcHcxb3FrUT09 |
I dissagree | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMODRBQURNekRmanJtU19tcHRoa2oxNXY4WmdQdEgybFdfZGlrRGtBU1VXYlotWkljdTlnLWhMRlcyWFlEX1ZFNFZWU1VxaTdjVUFSRms5Z05ZTmt4ZXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbm1BRUtqSVkzY0tHX2sxNnNPTDRBS0gtWDY2TU5HdGlvZHh3WkdBcGFyMW9RbHNVTHdmR2VGRTRtZ183MTlHTzd5VFlWMVF1bVNFaUZCLVFBYnVENTVpbW1SVjlYN2RrZWM2TTFkNTBuUTNIUTRhVGhlX2U5bDdocERjMF8xSHlkMWtzcmplU0RXMW5SSk55RDdXMDJVMHA4OW84dTJnOWxZYi1IaURkTl9TdE5FVG9ZVXFyQlh1cmRtbDVxMWpiY3FCY0NQU19SMmVvUEd1di1PR2ZiUT09 |
Haven't heard or seen anything on RandomxV2 for a while is it still coming? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNUJKZEVPeGJIRV9tSXRDdkpLVkE4TjE4Sk12anV2eVBLWHcwaVRLaE9YV0FmZml1bzg0aHR6Z21lTmROU2p1T0dWeHpvWk1nZ00zVEFHMUo3TUZPR0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMGJWWnF3bEpQM2dCb3dyWERyNGtjb0MwMUpuS2tTeldqUWxlZE9zSlVNWFB6T0hiOG8wYWNLSVlLWjBoV2dHRnEyUUJzemd4VnhDbGRkVzBRNGYydXBaRUFnaVB6TVhzSVFlckpreXBDbkpBNDZUazRaLTl5WDdaYm1jdGY5SndsbVJmdlNWZUR0VXFZaVVTZEthN2JNR0QyUExweG1NY0tia0lxaVEzZHRVPQ== |
I love the concept and fundamentals behind filecoin, one of the coins with real use cases, web3 will need descentralized storage in order to be fully descentralized, it’s just a matter of time before this coins shows its true potential, | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUHNQb0w1NEt5dnQ4MlhfbzhDQzMtQWtpVWotdUF4eWZ3MWV0Z2VUUXZRc0hoYWRxNU1rMHAyNm5ZalZhY2NsSDh2a0pVRVJVNnRVbXJrS2hiMTRkQlBfbFFhajlIaUYySXpVV01QMTVnMmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNa3pRLTV5a3lkUGlMa0NrTVI4MG10QVBZU1FmRFVMOUhDVEMySTQzaU50Y3hYX3pidkF6cE9jcXJUQWJyV3VSSVFjcjJwdXduN3pJUDhDX1VwVVpnM0dEa0p2VG1LMThyZDFBN2xzS1FQaTZBUFdLXy1YUV9TNzFTSjRMRU9FaktnSjdxVTh1MlhPWFVKbzFKa2hpQm9RRjNhQnV0bnhJZUQwUHFsY3BKMTRGb0x1OUFJMW56ejEwQzV2SGZ6OUtL |
Glad to see new companies are partnering with filecoin , having NASA among them and also Solana speaks of how important this project will become in the future | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVjBBNkNObEoxREJCa1J6aEpCa0RnNXlnRWs3eXl2UUg3WWxoakN3NklCVUQ4Z3J0b1luNHczMFhzVFgwWjM5NFpKRzJabXdUNWg3amVlOHpGNTN5ekx1M0taYmNsc210SjRFUVlPV1pMMmc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNY3dRVF9sX21fYl9nRWZNbHdxRjVqWnVDR2x4cXdwSXBWOUVBR0pTYWduaFJoOGoxVlpQUzhIN1NzRHRTZkktZmd5WkVUQzBoR1FhZzhscG9nWFFsSHZaWDZ1QjY2VFd3MHJ5cFZQZUt1TzRCNEItNFhxLUNrUzJWMTZ0dy1PS3pjZzk4elhRNUdwaEVSOXh1b3UzMGt0Q0tyTEJPTmp1ZjM3dDhkUm1JTnJhN2FFbm1FOWNnUzd0b1NHSnhzSFhieEk0MzhqSEY3MHFZb08tWTN1ZkRXZz09 |
I disagree. The coin is junk! | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbjdWQW5oOWVKZW1JNl9wbzhlMlNmd2dSbEd1Rlp4djdOX0hrLUJFV2VXdVVKeF8tWHdJSHRXX0pIZXQ0dGlfbUdrUUJ4cXdrQVlWeWhwT3JsakN0Qmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVEp6dkE4Z0xUSHh4SEhrS2d5dnduR3VONWxGTDNFbDZFcHp3VzBKOEgzSS1DUjJFV1NkeEFJbGRReTBBaW1uRlV4QWg1cFNyUzQ3ODE0eV9vcjkzbFhiblptbTNxSnNYQ0RnSDlKZXFhSGxndTFNMUliTTJhWkozc2RwMjRYemVKT2gtbkN5VFVqb3d3ak1KYU1pMmhzZHJBWUt3SzBEUGxvVDVyY2ZDanVwVUY2ckNoTkFBMmpaQklITXdyWFFZVWRvWnNIU3ZFaHVTVHE3RVlDTnAwUT09 |
We do have that on Ref Finance but for limited pairs. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRGZlNEhZbVRyRTQ3aFlMSE9qV0JlVjZoTGJZZHI1X0p6Y1hIRkZub1RvZWNSc1cwbHNJX3BLRUtKOFhoRHR3b2hwR3RGbkk3Rk5TY1gzNzdRWWY5V0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeWg4Z1BBZWZaZjVrUWFNV05mdHdkaVNTdE8xZ055aFBLUGwtYU92SWVobGs5WTJMS0JFeFBCQWo3Y1ZTWXZaZy0tQnluNTJ2eFpzcnNEQWRDcXFZTnJ1QmFyWk15bU0xLXNNRTlEc3p3VldFSTZWQ1NkZUFpMDR3M2Q0enp0TjlPODRyX0p4b09zNUJFVnF6ZmRYMmNPbFZYVFpGUmJyNENyQjRGeXZoRHlibmdvMDdMUDFUUVhyd3laRHlPemM1 |
It s solid
Buying near is a no brainier | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQkxxLWtTMVJRQnRUTXdONWVLMk1GQVpSTmFObG1mdnlfYVNPMnNSbHFHMEpkbmwwOTJzYWo5bkc3SC1WZTFrR2VSM19qU3AwNzc1eUd1Mm1lTHI0Tm45eHlGVU85TjQ4Z1JuRFBHX2tqckk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeWFpRFQ0Z3gtUWhpWlVDQTdIQ3ZXekpSU2xVSVZYRTBhRkc1MGlaZS1EVHYwYXVyTHgtVVZhRnlLNVpDSlB2QzFxV1RBVkFmc0E5UVY3Y3dSaWFibG5Nemh6REZ3WHA5SzhJTGVIWHhlRXI5c3VKd2lYZEt5a2RXX2w5NXc5eG5IaFh0ZHdTeHJqb0JmWmtjendkTFZUSUZBdklIOW1XSXRCRFJwRmhZYjBBb2w0RjMydEJwN0NHR20tbGdxQk03bHY3ZVFDSmFLaENXMncwc2FXVjBJUT09 |
How much do you think near will hit in a couple months? | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWW9Vd29rLWlDRDBSVmhwd1BMR2VtZGYwb1ZyMEFod05vb2tjT1JKdlctZUc3dVdJVmpxT1N3dVhFYXBLeXN5bk85WlFnMjRHTEdTYTBlaTN2ZEprdVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRG83THBfaklHMTNyU1htTVZlYUpDcmZ2SUZFUkV6OWx3OWVZRzNWcF8xYm54TGRicVk0WThFVEdqMmdYMVM2YWpFVE9aSlZCWVo2S2dPNUhvVkoySGV0ZWRmYU5xa1phSWpvVnQ3TkZFTW1oWXFNMVRDcEFvVi1VMXZVQk12dVB6RVNORkNUMVFSMG1xUVVMaUUyUUEyeWFrMFNpUFVaVHQ1S1p1SUE5bFh6b1puai1FV0xyVEYwTXBHRU1HTW5Z |
Maybe. Sounds but more likely that you may have changed your browser, updated it or deleted cache and history that could also lead to an logout. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdkFuOU1ZczBySDNJcDZINVFQU0ZCTFAxYktSa2QwcHBTS2RmRTJfTjVBX09Qb25Gd0pycm1McmYzLXlXb0k0RHdRSmhyLWhKR1pRd0hMUk1pRVA5Mk1UYXU2NmJoeUF4d1lXTzUyeDVnVlU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdmk3cnFwT0hlTDBHTU5ZTDBQVmxfeG9jTzMwQ1JwUVl5UEFTenQxUkpXVFF4bG1LRlIzSkUtNWNxWWNreEIwSkRwREFaZmVIeVpwNmlOZXJRanFPaVdxX2JqZDFseG5PMTlGaUYwX0ZPZDBiU1hieHVvNkJ5UE5SZThrNzFFLUdqVl9BOEplRDlZdE9raG42WjEySTVNZVBlT0U0elVQaXZxcXgzOWRnNmliQ1VfWno4aEZDMUYxYkVpdjdrTDFqYVhMVkpibzluZlVCOUlHendvNEc0QT09 |
1. Find a NASA logo 2. Add random title >>> news!!! | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMa2FnQVZ2eHJWX0FjdjlhWTl3cDV0V1pxcDEzQ1c0R2RwYUxGNXFVd3RBVEhjNE05Si11eXB6VUpneG5JeVpaVTZEWVBwYWR3SEhpMUpvSVppYW9WTHlaTUpZSXR6dXVnTnl6U1FZUEwyOFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSjIzVUdoZTkxUU5hTWFLTGxsQWYxdWdBaEVlbnhSOVJtN1JYOHB6NzFmNkdaeW1ScTdhdGVpZ0VxTGQxeDQ2X2NNSUNkbGlFNkk4eThxRzJQLTN3U3lGT2ROSmtxREZyd2tCRzJ6WFRkWXZDUFIwWVR6VkppdnItT2ZnclhvTlJrTFYxRE5jMHA1N0twbEJtOWZQUnNaaGxGc0xmWXBpT3UxTU5PY3N1N1dUS0xBR1FyWUxOamhTakQwbFRYXy00cERoZ0JldzNsVjZhYTYxU2NqX3g1UT09 |
I know people recommend REF to do this which technically works, but the liquidity there is very very small. The orderbooks have very few orders. So I don't think there is a good alternative to the centralized exchanges for this at this moment. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRk5CRXZTRUN6YjB0X0VFN2lBaWRkLUMyNjdDMnc5OWhCdm54OGFBRWpYLUplSFFzS3lYZndWMHl3Mk1vbHpra0hpXzU1WFctS0xXeFowRzh3MGZVWnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMXFvdWx6THZaU0lDSHJkQlFRVjhUWFpsdWh6b0N4aTZuZ25OMmpNMWdMQ0dhYUQ1eFViajdwNlRsdEp1WmQ1aDhiYmRIZVhhZkpQMGFibm9VZGh6aEo0X0Z5b2ZudG90U0JSc3VDR0k1dFpwT2FSQWNISC1kYnVTN2V0NlFneWxncTBHaTNuYzVJTE4yVHdfSGNhSUVTNXZxelhYRkh6TGtMLUVpcjFYT2gyZm95TXVsVGRLeXdUUXhfWDI5MWpP |
I have 4k I want to invest in XRP, XLM, SUI, SEI, OM or/and some other Alts. I know it's not much but I just want to get in.
I've been watching the marked for 10 days non stop waiting for a good entry but it feels like I never get the chance and the shit keeps pumping.
Should I just stay patient and believe the dip is coming ? I don't want to FOMO in again (my speciality BTW).
I need a plan, I'm totally lost.
HELP this lost soul with knowledge and guidance
| r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeEpOR041RXJzTHo5cFRGbC13dWZTdlYwS2FKM2VJNVBXZzgxR2lNYXpENUlrNWpTQkNFbGZKeWpVUkNjVWZtenI0bEZkQnBrNmZfam9DZGJqc05nbktIenA5Ukw2U3dLVGY1UVc0Znltajg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZUlvMTNXU0ptb1NDZ2ZJajBvb21TaHNzU2ZiLUN1dklZQklGa19ZRURCN2dmNUFwNG9qTEV3a3Nqd0o3RVJaMnI2ZjVzVkVJMnpwaEt4aWxyNno5QUg1c1JiVUJ3b3JFQktDQjZKa3VSVUtwN2NHR2dyYktwdDZPeEJhUDVxV0dzNDlCTVdQYWFHU2tiRnFHT0pqVFhydnJVaG9uMTVTYmhvRl9DVnk2QkNXV081eG1wSnVRaXlqaW1rcVRBVzZrY2pzZGc3T2MwcTRFQ3hTQUgzdlVCQT09 |
Ask me anything | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWGVLZjYtdHZKSG9TWDVJZEpEelNNMlZwc05sOXd3MjQwTEFhbERSbUNvdEwxbElCOXk0MU5wN2phVUFtWjlhdG0xd0JieWhhQlkzamRSd3Exd08tNFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTzN6cWxWNnBJWVhRWk8yek9ldDYxWThSejZmMGZIUGF6Zk5xdThIeURIc2twNmhCQzFMb2FaaU5QV0VMdkhGRDdwM1VBd05CZU92QWc3TVBDejN3eTZnMm5uVjBnWWRnT0ZFYnVGZW95NDJxZTNVRDBkT0gxWldSNUo0NzVmMjM0bHNpWUdKa0V5Tk9DN1hndFp0QURlYUM1UERVM19NRHJpa2tCMFQyOEtPS1VzaU13bzl5N3BlRWhQY3FTVUJENWFnbG5WdXg2aG91R3YtZHFQZW9Tdz09 |
How come this communist is so dead? | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaTMyLXI2ZG5xR1hjeGZXWXZNcU1XQnlrQnB6dklsUmNRR1BWaVhjam53OTRkRC1PdkhQNUMxelR5SDdpTjllN0F3dWM1REdJa2s4dDd1NURvdFN6TkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSHM1Q2lmQUFVNG5TRVlqQXVrWkVycW5oRUE4MXB5OXdkZ2NEQTh6Z0F1RTljeVVSWHJLdHBfWFVSY1NaTTUtdVRYVENhd1ROSzdsREdiTElBUnVSb1NtNTdsdXVBZnVNbmI2OGlFYlFyX2NlakhPZXhJY1NNY3lFRERzQmxfb3AyZzMybFhyR3pUTGlPMGRRME5CRzkzNVVzZW5vbFNoYzRMTWtvRmxzS2NEeXB2ZlhnazczRlhCa1JVUjRSX2ph |
Given the success of the previous MAAMs ([see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/search?q=maam&sort=new&restrict_sr=on)), let's keep this rolling.
The principle is simple: ask anything you'd like to know about Monero, especially the dumb questions that you've been keeping for you every other days, may the community clarify it all!
Finally, credits to binaryFate for starting the concept! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMkNncEJFelNUVXNTc2UybWw0bWhXcS0wbzhSbEhrQkNRMTIxZHBlcm9zem1JbnVOZ1dLY3JxcnpwYm5IcHE3MWhtUjJFZzlnZ0JLRHFMX0ZSVzF1NFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVWkwYmtqWDc1OHZIMFNWTkpTWWlTMnlwNm8ycm1aSVEyZm1jeWs3UW5Vc2w0TmtWVlBGRWxVd28tQThZQ3RnV3BaTlBTNWNpS1M3dFowSk0tQVZJSHF1TE93SEw4QWIxX29lb21qSkw4bEpMMl9jUm5RMDFTemxkM1dabTRUTlR6UGxFR29sU1VsaTlSSk1aUmtaelplekZsSzAtUzBHeFRhUTF5QUhHR0FLVnVqb3VEMEJkdjNyd0Vwbmg5cWxJMHdMRDR6RlVlRzdPV3U0NEZuVU91QT09 |
This has major implications for the crypto space. First, it's very clear that the risk of capable quantum computers will force us to change cryptography.
They are telling ALL SYSTEMS to start looking at how to implement NIST solutions.
The cryptography that protects your private key will need to change.
This will not be easy and won't be backward compatible. Reaching consensus and building will take years.
As for impacts to the crypto market, certainly projects who provide the best solutions will have a major advantage.
Recently, before this news, QANPlatform joined the Linux Post Quantum Cryptography Alliance.
There are only about 20 members, and you guessed it NVIDIA is there also.
Along with IBM GOOGLE AWS CISCO META | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRXdvbkFydkdUZExSWWxJZmZjdDZKblFCZ2c2SWFiQWp3UnlPa2RUelA0cklYRzZVYXlaMWNyRjU0Y0ppQVBnUmNBR1Z1ZnJWZUN1NVMxZDgtaVljaERTWDZhdnVrQ3ltcGRDSlpULTdjd2s9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTWx3Tlo1WV9GSTF0NU9veEJDT21iV2w1WF9pLURmRXE3aGczZ1E3LWNrbHo5UEhyTXA5cU4zUUVBZXZnQVRkSjBsaWhOVHRlNXkyZmpYeHhnaHdaRE9HRXZXcnFZck9BRHpGR0l3OUJ3S1NNTkNJOC16dDZwNW9DZjM5OGtOd2UzYW5qbUtrV25lV3E3bHBlOUpPNkR5VlJJa09SM3ZNZm5yWDVLbllPU1JlanZWckdDb1NrNnMxY0xDbXRZUWFqSlVJdXFsMTR4TmpnVjNXU2NicXhKdz09 |
**\*\*NEARWEEK Daily Newsletter 📩 \*\***
**\*\* Monday, November 18, 2024\*\***
**\*\*💥 Big things around the ecosystem 💥\*\***
[**Notice anything interesting about NEAR Protocol?**](https://x.com/flipsidecrypto/status/1857484330521567686)
[**NEAR will be home to trillions of AI agents**](https://x.com/NEARProtocol/status/1858115694056939651)
[**Meteor Wallet : $25,000 Memecoin Challenge is LIVE**](https://x.com/MeteorWallet/status/1858175544845799748)
[**The HAPI NEARonauts Airdrop is almost here**](https://x.com/i_am_hapi_one/status/1858450235950829767)
**\*\* 💰 DeFi 💰\*\***
[**$ASI, the token of Sender AI, is now live on Gate's Startup Prime**](https://x.com/Sender_AI/status/1858418657493418288)
**\*\*🔼 Projects update 🔼\*\***
[**EAR \[REDACTED\] Hackathon Spotlight**](https://x.com/getmasafi/status/1858409397782995346)
[**The deepest liquidity. Crosschain. An AI playground. Powered by NEAR Intents**](https://x.com/NEARProtocol/status/1858445505795432619)
**Don't forget to Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter!** [**https://subscribe.nearweek.com/**](https://subscribe.nearweek.com/) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMc05WSlNDaEZsUXBXMFdUc19CMm9uVTZYcE54WGJ0MF9mbTJqc0xiNjhwMWhxVTdsQmxUNHlTcTV6MVZOSV9GSDgwTmJnbVJoa19JQmY0dlRwQlNqa3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaUJYWFVsdGNfWUN3OFNlQmx5LVg5TUJ6YU41MVZYUTBwRTJaWEEzWFRRYnpVSTRFN285ZDFzcUNaSU95NlRpOC1CbWVtMUdFdm9JVzZiV2JXTDZLaFR3cjQ4N0ZwUWxObE00WWFDd3p2M1N2V0VMOWNpT3V4bV9uY3lRa3lBak5YOFVnNy1hUllmV3NqdEhrM2lHaWtKTWFaMG1qd09ZcEdlMDhMcGxUdk5sLVhKcms0dWx6N0xkMVZzZ1JydXBm |
If you’ve been in this sub for years, you may remember a series of posts here dubbed “ethereum value proposition” back in 2021 by yours truly during an epic eth fud campaign before ETH went on its face ripping rally.
Check the receipts, I did a multi week series in mid march 2021 and days later eth made the face melting gains 3x and up.
Why am I telling you this? To toot my own horn? No.
It’s because the reason I made those posts years ago was because the market was being HIGHLY irrational toward ETH and I believe it is doing it again, and where irrationality exists, opportunity for gains exists as well.
If you’ve had a pulse in crypto the last 3-6 months you’ll know everyone and their mom has turned bearish on ETH. In 2021 the criticism was “EtH cAnT ScALe”, now it’s “EtH is DeD”
Nonsense. And here’s why:
Tradfi has quickly realized that the megalithic opportunity in crypto is stablecoins (see https://x.com/nic__carter/status/1857408855719674075).
As you can see stablecoin volume has skyrocketed in the last 4 years eclipsing PayPal, bitcoin, remittances, and ALMOST approaching the levels of VISA, the largest payment processor in the world.
Guess where the VAST majority of stablecoin volume happens? Yep Ethereum and it’s L2s. Over 70%.
“Oh but ETH L1 has no usage no one uses it or oh it’s L2s are dead bla bla bla.”
No, ETH has significantly scaled by introducing “blobs” a few months back. check L2beat, Ethereum and its L2s users and transactions are near all time highs for an aggregate of ~370 TPS currently. Source: https://l2beat.com/scaling/activity
“Oh ok so some people use ETH big deal, but it’s still not a good investment”
If that were true,why then while everyone and their mom has been fudding ETH, Blackrock, (the largest hedge fund in the world)in the last 2 months has increased it’s holdings of ETH in its ETFs by a whopping 65%? Source: https://x.com/EthereanVibin/status/1858254969389863290
Why is over 95% of Blackrocks “BUIDL” fund of over 500 million dollars built on Ethereum?
Why are states like Florida and Michigan starting to acquire ETH? Florida now holds over 800 million in crypto related investments and Michigan 11 million: https://www.ccn.com/news/crypto/michigan-largest-ethereum-etf-holders-us/
“Oh but Bitcoin is the only scarce asset with real value for holders, everything else is just a scam or gambling”
Since proof of stake and the burn was implemented about 3 years ago ETH has had HALF the inflation rate of bitcoin: https://ultrasound.money/
In laymen’s terms, bitcoin is being printed at twice the rate of ETH. People literally do not realize this.
This is beyond significant.
Michael Saylor himself, the bitcoin messiah has said that bitcoin HAS to figure out a way to generate yield, because just holding it long term is not economically feasible, direct quote:
“The point is If the capital doesnt generate a return its a non performing asset, you need to address the issue. If I put $100B into $BTC and the yield is 0%, thats just as bad as having $100B bonds that pay 0% yield. In both cases theyre non performing"
Source: https://x.com/etheraider/status/1836493170772971646
What this means is that Saylor fully recognizes that yield is KING.
Everyone knows that stocks that provide quality yield command a premium, you don’t think crypto assets will command the same premium anon?
But don’t confuse yield with inflation, yield comes from “activity/MEV/fees”, because if you have high yield due to inflation and not from actual usage of the chain, then your yield will be high but so will the inflation of your coin so you never come out ahead.
And what chain has the purest native premium on yield? The one with the most activity/mev/fees RELATIVE to its inflation, in other words Ethereum.
Saylor for a long time discredited eth because he said it was a security. Now it officially is not.
He now says he wants a “form of bitcoin” aka a scarce asset that gives him yield…..
You do the math.
Saylor may never capitulate and buy ETH due to pride or maybe because he’s built a religious cult following and attack the fragility of bitcoin maximalism by holding another asset but that doesn’t mean you have to repeat his mistake.
Is ETH the BEST asset in crypto? No, there’s no way I can make that claim about any asset without being biased or disingenuous.
Is it ONE of the best risk adjusted reward plays right now given history, tech, present social bias, and network effect?
I could go on and on about how ETH has always outperformed BTC in bull cycles, how the weekly RSI is at all time historic lows and therefore represents a legendary buying opp, etc etc
But I’ll end with this:
3 years ago the level of FUD surrounding ETH is what prompted me to post this series because it was so over the top irrational.
The same pattern is repeating now.
If you listened then and did the counter trade congrats. If you didn’t, here’s your second chance
Don’t fall for the CT FUD doomloop.
ETH is the dark horse this cycle.
Load up, you won’t regret it. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMX0dzOUhvQWF3T2JkbzNlLS1rX20tRVJhUkJxTjFiS2NsMFp5OFR6N3BkMHFXMU1qTWFXOWtwN3JWVnFfeUZ1bHlZYUdvZmVuY1pyRC1lSW9tODdZalE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNc1FYT2dYRmVnQnpfMWpfZzVfa25FakJCTlNLUExxdXNxZk43eFB1RXNyVnZEM2dMN0phbWhMRng4Mm83NjhjMFhPR0lzTVljbHVwUENiVnI4Sl91N2s2SzZZSDZhLWlnREtHUWlPd2IyNy1ITU1jRmFyZE5VbEFHeXc2OGEtWTN0QXU1R2tWVWg0MXk5YTdtQllyMlhMSEotbjFWb0dSZ3o5czRVMEhsY05BdjdEdUkxRE9INnF0dmF1RFFoRVZIV1NsVVZqQ25kMWNqdkVkLWVQSGJ1dz09 |
I had some ETH on mynearwallet like 0.00632. I wanted to deposit it to Binance. On Binance I made the mistake of choosing to deposit NEAR coins thinking it will automatically convert to NEAR. I admit I'm an idiot. The transaction was successful and on nearblocks.io the NEAR wallet of Binance shows my ETH available but doesn't show in Binance app. When contacting Binance support they said retrieving unlisted coins is not possible. Is there any way to retrieve my ETH ? | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMb00wRVJVZC1McFpDNGdUYmRNTTR0b1hPZkw0LTVZbC1nZFZaWmcyUXlQcDBzVUk2Nk53NUJ3N1ZBOEtNRFBUMEJTWjZjaUtrcjAtMW5tVVRhQVhnS2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNT0tQZkgtZHlIdVdYeEdzUDJaeDdjdmFhUnlzdFhYSUhPelZZWjV0cXIwa0FkOUt5Zkhtd3FRRnhyUno3aDl0d1I2UkdrYW90WnlKZUMxVzdfT2ZfMUQ0SUo1cVQtYjVrdjVLTmxkU1NiSmFvT1NlWU52S2g3NU5lY0ctZ3ZRSmlYbmphVWZueVc3VFJZWUlrZTc2X1JLc25lRDliUVJLS0RwWGRyTUtBR040PQ== |
Sorry for your loss but there's nothing that can be done since Binance has custody of your funds and only they can help retrieve it, but as you can see in the screenshot there's a processing fee of $200 so it's not worth it... | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMc3o3RW1CbXI3VXAtaXJ0R04xdDRFQUowNi1zLUpsdDc5aXAxb0QwWE1lU2xILXdQdE5WUmktWklLd1lRMnlOUjY0a21BcnpJeHp1UktldWhWaU5tUXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbldrc1NiNW5Zckg5VEE5eTBlZjlLSWhjajlYS3NCaDVCRVAwSkVSbjJRRGt4cmRBTHBDcmNEQXNxZEZVOE00WlpRZXZscW1ydFRaSTd3LVd1VnlseG95RjlKcmJqN3g1V3g4Ynh0UmZQMW9yNHJPSkxzXzdfSWJaZ0tQbG9DMUZLZWxZZGVINTlGUVo2WWhyeFpUY09pNUZSZ2ZIU2V1WGNzbHVKQllSOUg4PQ== |
[\#Nearvember](https://x.com/hashtag/Nearvember?src=hashtag_click) is rolling strong
$239.1M supplied – up 6%
$49.91M borrowed – up 6%
[$STNEAR](https://x.com/search?q=%24STNEAR&src=cashtag_click) takes the lead as the hottest supply, and [$DAI](https://x.com/search?q=%24DAI&src=cashtag_click) is on fire with an 8.3% increase, becoming the hottest borrow
Hold tight, fam. We’re so NEAR
[https://x.com/burrow\_finance/status/1858528011836096657](https://x.com/burrow_finance/status/1858528011836096657) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUFRlenRJN1NCS0tESDlZU3I5VWRndUhTQjRaQ21xVlNXdTk5LXJNUHVpckQ0M1NfQjFHaXlpaXlVbFh6NGxXNTFkWjYzdG5rcVk4eUtRdlZnWm94R2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRmtVSXdUazYxVG9XdUtDdG9hMG0zMU1GYkY3bkgxX0FZc3dGVHJKX21vZFBQX1J1YXVwLVJtU19DUWZxaEVsOEtZOVNURE1WQzJIdldYTWpuVmw2anBXMW94N0o1MTh1RjN2Q3VST29IZWZGd09rRkF4QndvSFJQYUs5aXBzNmZMWDRHOUd0dE5Pa0t0aWtFYnhITk5rY0VzMFFKNEtTMzl4UTVkS2tkQUpzPQ== |
![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNENQZGo1MWlJUjhSRmtQY285RHA2QmxNX2JRYk9qS1dJMGRCbm52eWkyQXJaRmUzdFl2N21NT19MTUdESkVtaktYbTRhSjZnY19wZ29Hb1ZYRkFMci02ZWxrS3JlVThDZ3BLSW5ZV1BjeEU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNc21JVG5qN0loUXhkTHU0andlRE5PdjY3VFNweDNzNkh1WG1WdWRHblJGb0JDd0N1NTFuYU9na0QwTjFDbFFzRVRseVo5dURfWk50c0hnT2lwRG5kYThLTVM2QXplZ1hRaXA1cVE0TzRaSi1WRFNHNXRwaTNpcFRta0R6akU1eHhkRjdkU3J5Y0M1T2tIdnVNZmNHTGZlZk91WklYcW9mRkdYV0pZX2pzdkF3NENFZy1Ma2FyX0Q0NS0wVWFobUVy |
Hi guys, i wanted to recover my Near wallet. Havent used it for a while and wanted to check my staking. But my Vpn (nordvpn) is blocking the website app.mynearwallet.com/recover-account. Malicious code was detected. So im not sure what to do. Can i mark it as safe or might there be a real issue with the near website? Thanks for advice how to proceed! | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSURZQnFxaVQ0WElBRzhYVzU1a1QyaHJFbW5EQzdmclZQcFUyUW9IUXpUSmM2Z01oa096c0RmaXFGSXVvYW9BdTZVZ0NlR3k5NnlsTE1vQm1yRTlGMGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNV3luT2FwNWFjU3F5dkJyb3lZS3htR2Q3RVlmZWliN1hRR19WTzJlalJ3cXpxejZZbXlyazdIb3FYbEVYallJSEpSalhVM0tfam1xSUhWN1FxRmFJYmZkbkk4ZVZ6WEYzTkJGTzA4R2k0UWRONU95VjA3MzFjb3hsU3RWbHFrTVBZbVZlUjJTMFdCV2hsMHk2OFlPY1lsdU5qNzk1ZGhEU3RUbnFfUDRGTVZkZ0RTdS1vYUZESkJnSWZ4blY2ZW8x |
I got out before Celsius crashed. I also lost almost my entire life savings to Luna. I am still here. I bought Bitcoin at $15k five years ago and held.
I am finally in the green and up thousands. It makes me feel nothing.
I’m pretty sure at this point, a lot of alts are just gonna go into nothing this cycle.
All I’ve learned from crypto is Bitcoin is King and every other crypto are basically scams or a joke that don't have capped supplies.
Bitcoin is limited. All these other crypto’s are minted constantly equivalent to the US dollar at this point. Why do we as a community stand for that and allow it? Basically from what I'm understanding we as a community are okay with being scammed because of "freedom" in crypto, the whole industry is strange to me.
I’m all for AVAX and other crypto that have limited supplies, but I’m done with unlimited minting cryptocurrencies. I get that I have more understanding now of Crypto through the projects that I got screwed by, researched the project I am backing and pulled out of the ones which have minting rates of the millions each year.
Please explain to me how something like DOGE is being considered for the new peoples currency when it is the exact same thing as the US dollar, printed whenever wanted- just on the blockchain. it’s minted whenever they want constantly. just because it has Blockchain technology, that is a buzzword, and it has ELons backing, that's why takes off. It’s more secure to our community but store of value has nothing or no difference to the dollar.
I think you are a cryptocurreny OG if you start seeing this entire industry as 90% rug pulls, scams, ways to lose your money entirely and then rest is waiting a decade to even get a slight return because of how bad it is. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdkNZMnMza3drRzNFWlFkWWZENlQ3bFVSRjlUeHBJc0ZzeGRtZktiRmtZdG1FZldFSVBIUzlTRU9wVHFSeWpiSWZRQXduaDRDRlB5Q19rR3pramg4NHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMFJMMkFKUGJHNC1yVGR2U1duZHh0QURudzFPRjIzWVo3YndOdzdmLUhockUyT09OWVZ4Zk84aDV5dlRUUkk2VGtxVXBaTVdOSl95aFRLYi16ak5JdExEVGlCa2prc2Y2ZTBHeHA0OGRublhpTWozZ1VZeEp0cU5BYUtFREkzSXptc2NqTWRNSXdUWlVoVmxKQlV5SzdmZjk0MzdMNEZsbDd0NHoyNkJURTZiTTNwX2JrUXM3cWRXenpfY0pfM0ZwdEhwUWdXS205SzVSV1QzaFZYYmZodz09 |
Gm! If you've the passphrases to your wallet, you can use some other wallet like Meteor/Hot/Sender/Nightly/NEAR Mobile wallets.
https://www.okx.com/download | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ2FIWVlhUGdyTlFwV09nWDBZb0UwbGdlSElIRnUxSGhuWUVJVGVJTHVIdnlfRjE2TXZzT2g4bGs3RmxwbTlKQWF0NVBtOFBJbFR6b2VxS3ZMbzQ1ckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTFJuakdENl9icHI5eVMzS2FfZFhlMDQxZ3V0RzRObGJCTlpKc3o0RVJEenoxVkNyUkI1VGZHOVI4RmFjZ2dzZmtfODJQMGdKOE9WSkJYcjBTVGlVbFlsUy02S2FOQlR3ZVFlUXZSQmxpVUd0d3pOcDRpWHhheWJDSndCejQ5RU5TWG5XS0ZMc3g3Y2dZV1duZ21EWnNCR2kyUzZMNEM4UDJpeVNqWEJ6X3FTVEJqMmJIcFZDWGxxZjhxM3lkM3dQNGhmVkQ0bEJfQ0NWT1pzRVdlZ0tkdz09 |
It should be safe to use MyNearWallet. It's now maintained by the team at Meteor Wallet, one of the largest NEAR wallets. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUWVGTzFzZmktaDhUQVRvRW03TjM0RjhiMFhLX1NOdnRCU0pYVTVUM0pOS2xteVo0QTk1ZHhVM0lJRU5FVzNnNW9oRE84OU84b1A2QWxhdzhUZ2FPWVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZ2FrOXcwMDFCdERoOEdpNVNPSnd2R1FqSGZweTQ5dmV3eFFHN2xVdEJXdnJ1TjNhbHZGODdvZ2l6NG1LR0VDdUtxWXhrNGxQcGRqallYVDZWT3lSTk5yMGdmcVlSMzBfVDVTYUVvb1ZqdEIxLXVSVmZtRHNNY2FJLVlxeTlNTlFlZ1JaU1hwNklqTUszN1k2UTFaWlhORE51VnVBWmlsQVJ4aU5NZ2x5UzZqUWFFMWJrajI1VlNodXFndXRmQWJnMHZtcjk2VE5uTXVhTHBNcFlWSUtoZz09 |
Hey Monero fam! 👋
Time for another exciting update on [Bitrica.com](https://bitrica.com?utm_source=reddit) \- you asked, we delivered!
**Tor Support is Here!** 🧅 Access the entire platform via [.onion address](http://vhwxmcyrthndouv3o2n3dsfjgvmyh3xs74zbhcrpwuwfnhqqiad4oayd.onion/) for that extra layer of privacy you deserve.
**Power to the Traders: New Safety Features** ⚡ Ever wanted more control over who can trade with you? Now you've got it! Set your own trader requirements:
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* Minimum completed trades requirement
For example: Want to trade only with experienced users? Set your requirements to "20 trades + 5-star rating" and boom - only traders meeting those criteria can start deals with you. (Shoutout to u/CBDwire for this awesome suggestion!)
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* New filter: Show only available trades
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**Calling All Sellers!** 💪 The demand is real - we've got buyers waiting and ready to trade! Now's the perfect time to jump in and start building your reputation. Early traders always get the best opportunities to establish themselves. Plus, with our new trader requirements feature, you're in full control of who you trade with. Come join us and turn your XMR knowledge into profit!
Still keeping all those payment methods and currencies you love, just making everything smoother and safer.
What's your take on these new features? We're already cooking up more improvements - what would you like to see next? 🤔 | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVGE0aEZsdm1qOVc5X0ZXVjdVM0pZLXg1d0ZBcW1pLUZUREg4cGVnMWl2c2JmUzRtSXlVSFdYdENleUJreHVjVnZwd0I3OGRQUUw4WnBwdXNQVFJlSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTlRKZV9wZGhqd2hoZEk5d2otVTZ4VmFNTk53NXhVMW5lR3REcV9RMnVWaG5PQTZYSGNoSXB6MC1mcnlRbzZVOXNzd20xM1JiTjRMUnFtZ0R6SGN4MXJQVFVIQkZERmQ5dVdySC1JRDhxVnJTdUF0c25uYUNIVHlrZFN0UkI4MldJUVBKZVpMZ1pBNnJlLWZDcTM1OWRtZGZKQVpYMW1zcU43T0NjZzIzX3ZCTzV6RTZDcjdUdTRZXzhodWV0MEox |
So I purchased domain. Monero transaction passed successfully which you can see on screenshot I will send. But status of domain was on PENDING whatever that means. I opened ticket 3hrs after that since status was same. 24hrs since I opened ticket has passed but no response. After 24hrs I sent 2nd message in same opened ticket to ask them how we can sort this up, and instead SCUMS LITERALLY BANNED ME. They are bragging as onion supported website and accept Monero. Doesn't matter.
https://preview.redd.it/r6imkknihp1e1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a25e53088abeaf18f6ff7c165801493d1354cf7 | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMN0cyRTZ6eVRKTjFKcTBmZFVCaW44M2huWG5odlo1UVhhVmQtVmNOQkxEdHFCZVZFd0VGTlpBendNSDNyaUxIOWZIbG5sNEdGbFU2dy1NWEpyZno1b1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTXdpdlhsbk84czAxWWRMUFRzeV90ODZ6c2dKT3ZPUkpMb0tqTzltXzJpZGxodFIwVl9LejNhN1ZMWGVrZHVlUFlPc1ZPcDNyNFNpNG4zRXoxY0ZLblhDbVlRVjBOVkM1Q1dvYlJtTklBMS1ESzhUSEgtSWZpU21KN2gtRm9JcU5ELTdmYTBXY200X1VQTnlhdkpqNVgtcU1DTGZDX3pMZUxLd2lYV3VFWnItZ043R3JSMU44N0VrUHZjR3RtdzhZ |
It's annoying. They just keep talking about it but never go into detail. I'm assuming they're just trying to drum up extra hype maybe?
Anyone have any thoughts? | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ1ZiN3pNdnFPX3Rvc1hiWG1GdmhYNWxzbng4cmpZSWZvMk9zSEtHMGFqc1pUMElxa3FjNXdXNzFfNTJtcGhmNXdSNDJLUVJpNVpVbjBBcnlHS1dlUTRhQnZ0OUNlaXNsdjVOeWd4aVloQUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdzNkY2VLY0J1Y0ZQR05sWUJkTlVPamVqSnlpYUdQUWszSjktRXZxa3pJUWtwMWk3eTdtZE1BTDhKN2x0Q2oya3BxRVJhRHhjaUhDRFlDOEI4ZkJLOUtlM2R1ejdVZHprcEhfZmVtc2RrNTNFREZUTkVvY19HVGlRZDBhTmRPbkdHWlphR3h0dDRaTmNtUTgweHVUV2VYSEE3dzZMZ2xULTl6aXh4aXBBTDM1X3BuMEN4aXhuNUt6ZVdVSDNHMkItVnZqY0FPTUtkN0JJcXBhb1RtQWJzdz09 |
Balls, sir, Balls. | r/worldpolitics | post | r/worldpolitics | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMa0MyZ0cyMWtNcVRtWkdMMUpLbWFkc2ljZzBFR0pVQ2NoYWJKUEhJNXZUdU54Tk41U2ljZXd2b090Rm9vcGdyc3NNTl9qdG43ajVXWWpYLWtGbENwTjhrZUtjQkNCMnNCbE9BVVJRWjZSc289 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNLWVLY1JoeTc0YXl0V2NMZkpYQ1VVd3c1aW1mRURwUkpmbTZ0RjF3Q0lGU0FRal85ekdJYkUwQjNkZUxLMG1vcGZLY1h0cFRkYUMzb0ZPbVczY2hBbVFXX2tHd1ZSUi1Qb1lRbUdyVEYyYWxMN1EzQld6TFUwdWVrNjRNeGQwUTJ4UGZmYXRZbmJ4OVFoUlUySkhiYXFnPT0= |
For example Imagine a bad bitch bouta blow you she pulls down your boxers and she sees 2 balls with an alien like deep blue color. and she says "You've got blue balls" | r/worldpolitics | post | r/worldpolitics | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeGh5UDZqZTN2VDVBRkNvdDZjVjZUdUl4OFdKdEYtVHNYWnZQbVNFak1JbTJPazFUWU1aQXdVMFR0X2t0ek9ZaUpCOGdNNkR0RDBKLXZZTjN4NVF3dy1ZcG5fV2dBbVY3M3lXUXVpLW5HTlk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVnNEY3JqYnVvVXNhU3JqcHFFTlhfQ2NSdDVnRGExaS1HVnEzT1YtZ1lRc09xaHRURnYzVVBkSmJxOVBtdDhIa3d6NUlwbm1TLVFzeXV1dEU1OTRWMUR3bV9VMUtya0ZiMXctZG4ycFZmM1dTT0c2cmNSOTVCcm9vVHJDR2dSalhQZWR0czRLVUdmbkxFQUpxYThRb1R3bVRrTTdDNEp2WC1VenVTSW96aGF0RGFsUmhpclNGcTZxMXJUcElyM1VxVFNRYTRlVml4ZWg2UG9FdTVlY1FBUT09 |
I've been away for a bit. He was so helpful. It looks like he hasn't posted here for 4 months. Anyone know? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUDBMUmVDdXRsR0VnNTVYcy1OcUhvdGFydDZJejRxTVpYMnJUX3dIeFJZQVR2TTg4bGlnanhTT1JYal9FS2RSMzdiazJKamlIcUVhZnVWN1BEVldXcGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNE5PSWp5ZUQ1NU5HLTltcGo1X0FOemFxQTNJanB0Y3cyTVlBMFFab1Rvcmh3WkExTzhvOUY3cTNaZ29DX25zb0Z0M2JONThLdUt1dEp3UlBNSXhhTVdKRmVDX1dvdk9NSy1pNTA5Qmo4bjQyQUJKREJzWDBTbDRGSThIV185eGpwX04yd1JnTXR2aDlvUE5rWDlzQ183VWg3YWJpcF9SRjN2UzYxMlBTVmdRPQ== |
Yes safe to use try not to connect vpn | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbTFKWVN0d19ZOFcyYmtxY2xlcm1WUjFJd1EzMk5XN3lxc0FhYzZrRWFia0pTUDRJN09VdGR1d25ZbEQ5ZVB4N3JjY25od3NjZ3Q3czJSUlpVUW1yc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNa0wxWFhsTkk4UFlRM2Y4a0pfdUNfOHB5bVVBZlBKdXZ5NDVLbk1PWDVub251eUlmNkQxa1JmUU9pWWJfTW0xLTQtdjB6YmtQRzJTTzR1d3NEZGZxVTR1bmswZUZBTTZ3czNwUDdCaTZqaV9UdEwyRHdmajJOOGxsY0c1Y1RhWXpQTEdVRlphYkxfZTdnbjZaVGhZWVNVMDNjRlpUOFRrdDFkMV9fc2NYcjMteW5vU0RoNlZHWGJoMVQ1VXo5MjdTNEpMb3VqQW9SeUUxeFpvUHlrVHp4UT09 |
Right? | r/worldpolitics | post | r/worldpolitics | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUHhzMkU4TUZqQ19wcU5VVGtseWZVYThpRzR1VW5sNDJrdG0wZnJmeWl4Q0F6V2tTVVNKYXV2aFFZQ3U5NlhUYmIwSVpaTUZxWFBGdnpLZF9TcFhROW1LRTJpMGpJc1VpWFJnOEp4ZGRqblU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbkIxM1lhdnk1LWxjZzJ2WmMwdEtlYlNaY2pJdGdvQ25hd01rMVdtSm5PaC14TThTOVJHYTh2T0NydUh6V1hhaWRtVi1pbENSWEdoNlE5cGxiZl9QTmJJWmZKTkZTTnF6Q0JGcnk2OGZ1d21BamVOTjVPNUZNM2lfSXlyWGV2clRqVmhiVDljQTRRS1YyVnptREtCSDRWblVEU2owNXhhV09rMm1MT1hKR3dVaEpZMmh3MjI5R2pRaFdFNzNxT01OZ0ZKdHVHXzY0cm4wWFhfRHlxOWM5dz09 |
After extensive development, **Oceans Market** is ready to redefine the online shopping experience, launching in **early 2025**! Built with privacy and security at its core, Oceans Market offers a seamless and anonymous platform for buying and selling goods and services.
Here’s why Oceans Market is the ultimate marketplace:
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Here’s how it works:
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📅 **Launching Early 2025**
Mark your calendars! Oceans Market is coming soon, bringing you a platform where **privacy, security, and convenience** meet.
**Your privacy. Your security. Your marketplace.** 🌊 | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVmVvWWx0SHVoUVpiTnZST3dIZ2lKRExJNVFvUzc1NklnWFlIVlh0a0lzRG9TV2NDYUFWMjBlRG14VVVnSlJMSkpRVjF6cnJoZDRvLTVlRWc5VGdJSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNX1pRcThMcWl6T01FS0dqY3ZYSHhDS18tU0lRQWZ5bWR3aDZqeUl1SDFjSXM4WWRlSWlYcGhfTHczWDk3d0hnbDItMmVoN1NrVVVaYm84bXU2SG5BVzAwUGx5SXI2ZHNGVXhkZDNSMHVuUy1WcVBwcEJpSXlLZWYzMFpfMXpuLTVuLU1DWjhEcnA2Mnl5bndoQnM0cnFwb2VvMkJCdXVtbDFPQl9oeFBFd2tlRnR4ZHYtTHYwV3RIa2JzQzhIaF8xUDJ0YllMOTVLVUlHR2JXb3JQa3RHUT09 |
18% Increase in TVL
300% skyrocketed volume!
Top 3 [$NEAR](https://x.com/search?q=%24NEAR&src=cashtag_click) pools seeing double-digit growth
[$NEAR](https://x.com/search?q=%24NEAR&src=cashtag_click) token surged 146%
[$USDT](https://x.com/search?q=%24USDT&src=cashtag_click) & [$USDC](https://x.com/search?q=%24USDC&src=cashtag_click) jumped 191% & 170% respectively
Refactoring Bulls are REAL! Lets build momentum!
| r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcExPaDRSVl9pcTN6S1htVHU5Sms2ajNpak1PdWNiY2hkdmxmamdMWmEwZzhINk1mdzgtQy0ySVRCdExTUTRIQVplcHc5dndIbi1vdDhHdTlfLWNiSWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNa2RVdEpnNUYzOG1qRUs4aUE0QVZnNVdOaThxVGU4YWU2RjZNRzdjeUE2UktfUnhrRkhEMDNRNDZIeVZfLURMVVBEMkc5YWZWRTVRZVJTTXlJcWJGOFU3TUpINmJsYlk2Qzh0TlBDWG91el9TdUNyMzZYZk9jek5qMzk4OEc2MGE4ZlB3MFo0VnZ0aGg2RGpVYzZoTGdlcTF3eTN0OXFKRnR1Y0dEVWluM0tTTGhBVHR5cFdBWGtSTm01eXN3TThMdm4tTUtxRGNHSjA5TkdhWWFybnY3UT09 |
* Custom 6-10U server chassis with two rows of GPUs.
* SlimSAS SFF 8654 cables between PCIe Gen 4 risers and motherboard.
* Best motherboard: AsRock Rome2d32GM-2t.
* PCIe Gen 4 risers with redrivers for regular motherboards.
* We are [https://upstation.io](https://upstation.io/) and rent out 4090s.
I've spent the past year running hundreds of 3090/4090 GPUs, and I’ve learned a lot about scaling consumer GPUs in a server setup. Here’s how you can do it.
# Challenges of Scaling Consumer-Grade GPUs
Running consumer GPUs like the RTX 4090 in a server environment is difficult because of the form factor of the cards.
**The easiest approach**: Use 4090 “blower” (aka turbo, 2W, passive) cards in a barebones server chassis. However, Nvidia is not a fan of blower cards and has made it hard for manufacturers to make them. Gigabyte still offers them, and companies like Octominer offer retrofit 2W heatsinks for gaming GPUs. Expect to pay $2000+ per 4090.
What about off-the-shelf $1650 4090s? Here’s how we make it work.
# The Chassis: Huge and totally Custom
Off-the-shelf GPU servers (usually 4U/5U) are built for 2-slot cards, but most 4090s are 3- or 4-slot GPUs, meaning they need more space.
We’ve used chassis ranging from 6U to 10U. Here’s the setup for a 10U chassis:
* One side houses the motherboard.
* The other side has the power distribution board (PDB) and two layers of 4x GPUs.
* Typical 19” server chassis gives you about 20 pcie slots of space, and with two rows you get 5 slots per gpu. You can fit any 4090. However, buy the slim ones first.
* We use a single fan bank with 6 high-CFM fans, which keeps temperatures stable.
# How to Build a GPU Server
1. **Connectivity and spacing**: Proper spacing is crucial, which is why PCIe Gen 4 risers are used rather than directly slotting the GPUs into a motherboard or backplane. Think of it like crypto mining but with PCIe Gen 4 speeds via SlimSAS cables (SFF-8654, 85 Ohm, 75 cm or less).
2. **Cable Setup**:
* Motherboard → SlimSAS SFF-8654 → PCIe Gen 4 Riser.
# The Motherboard: Signal Integrity is Key
Since the signal travels over multiple PCBs and cables, maintaining signal integrity is crucial to avoid bandwidth drops or GPUs falling off the bus.
Two options:
1. **Regular motherboards with SlimSAS adapters**:
* You’ll need redrivers to boost signal integrity.
* Check out options here: [C-Payne](https://c-payne.com/).
* If GPUs are close to the CPU, you might not need redrivers, but I havent tested this.
* Ensure the motherboard supports x8x8 bifurcation.
2. **Motherboards with onboard SlimSAS ports**:
* AsRock Rack offers motherboards with built-in SlimSAS ports (e.g., ROME2D32GM-2T with 19 SlimSAS ports, ROMED16QM3 with 12).
* Make sure to get the correct connectors for low-profile (LP) or regular SlimSAS ports. We source cables from 10GTek.
# PCIe Lane Allocation
Depending on your setup, you’ll run your 8x GPUs at either x8 or x16 PCIe lanes:
* Full x16 to each card will consume 128 lanes (16x8) which makes any single socket system unfeasible for x16.
* If you use the AsRock Rome2D32GM-2T motherboard, you’ll have 3 extra SlimSas ports. Our setup includes 4x U.2 NVMe drive bays (which use 2 ports) and one spare port for a NIC. (x4 pcie lanes per NVMe drive)
For high-speed networking:
* Dual port 100G Ethernet cards need x16 lanes, meaning you'll need to remove some NVMe drives to support this.
# Powering the Server
The power setup uses a Power Distribution Board (PDB) to manage multiple PSUs:
* An 8x 4090 server pulls about 4500W at full load, but spikes can exceed this.
* Keep load below 80% to avoid crashes.
* Use a 30A 208V circuit for each server (this works great with 4x 10U servers per rack and 4x 30A PDUs).
# BIOS Setup
At a minimum make sure you check these bios settings:
* Ensure PCIe ports are set correctly (x16 combining two ports into one). x4 for NVMe drives. x8x8 if using SlimSas Adapters (can also do x16 but then limited to # of pcie slots on the board)
* NUMA configuration: Set to 4 NUMA nodes per CPU.
* Disable IOMMU.
* Enable Above 4G Decoding.
I hope this helps anyone looking to build a large consumer GPU server! If you want to talk about it get in touch at [upstation.io](https://upstation.io/). | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRGpZaFFHTUFPc2tpYmFnVjV3MlU3WVg0bnpPZTZyRUhWUmJlQjFaNWh0cDBMSUxhWV9pWDBoUnIzYUtHZGlPeDZDamF1eHlSckZMOFZrajVvSUQySFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTGhlYzZVc1hQQ3gycU5ZV20yVm01eUFVREFidUhxQTJNdTBxT3pZUWJVXzhUbi15bHVVV3p3RUlTRVJDUXBqVHVOYTBlTDlUQ0Q1Y3J1YjNxYm03T1lHNklWNm1yQVRESlI3WGZ1V3Q1UThuNjRDdzlrU1drRUNuWUMzNmx5VnBTQWNycTQ0N05vWVVDa3pDSVBQRmd0aFYtcktfTG9vbkN5cW9uTWNLV0VDRzhzQUJzYTFPYUlzS3pKMVQ0Mlds |
Ok thx | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZUVVaGNHbW5VNkE4c3dHUENXMGthU3NXWjZMcW5FTUFYbWM5azdoSzZ2Y1JBQjJvcTZJZDFaX2sxTkwyN1ZGbjlFOFY3WXBGdlhmUG1GdUlmSHRJQ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTElqMWlRckhva0NDSzdSLUtHem5meTN1RVJxb0h3UUZNM2ZDdDduVG9hc0ZYU2V4VjVSRGhXbXRCNDhpUUNVdEMyOUdUT1VJNGM3X2hGeE5valk4N3FVVk5zLVNWbWo4ODJBSUZiMVdXajk2VGRsdDI3N0tlWDN0RG1yYWpCOE1RYi1jbUx6eGJJMlFUZ0trQ1NKckM2aURhT0pNVGZrYjd4b2xsX1JJTldTVVNVZkIxQ3l0RzR4cHdQZzVMV1dfSC1yakpMbTFTWmVKQjNGNG5WX1AtUT09 |
Hello Folks, when BTC will hit a new ATH (I hope in December) what you will do ?
Personally, since I don't have an enormous bag of BTC, I will fully exit for
25% ALGO (Nice protocol, US based, easy access, brave browser)
25% HBAR (Nice protocol, US based)
25% XLM (I'm already in with 10 % of my portfolio, I have some good vibes on this blockchain)
25% KAS (Only for the meme of the "new BTC", I hope on some Hype around it)
What do you think ? With the de-tax program of trump for the US-Based Crypto fundation I HOPE that at least 1 of those will make a 250-300 % | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdmpFVVVCaVNJYWtsVWNOUXgtQVBteTRyY25mNDJaZXJ1aWhHSmVTRUFneHFNZE5sLV92TmkxUXM3eXcydXF1ZmRJTHFRVFRTNFQyYVFuUG1qRXduUGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRGVGc2JPSFNDbUxWNG1xZVRmNmlWS3UxUVJMUktLX0RTc21RYjhZaW9WMkJGTmJqNFdoUWwweGxYakZmOEJmNkJmcERFYWQ4UVlCV2MxUjJXRDJlUmpBT2lVSm9HUlYwWVJxRVF4UUowc3FtM3VFbDRNWC10OURLQkVFcHJ6VWw1azhyaGRQeWJMNDZ5QmprY0NUV2NHZmJhdW8tdEc0dWI0RWMyNXBNbEtvOVUzNXhCeGkzbXJ2ajNSSldyNTVmalNjdk4xdzZKaDhiR1RJZ3RzTmZWUT09 |
🔥🔥🔥 | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMHFlZU9ZSTg5R3pnSEVhX3FoNjhnZG1xcjZocFVfZjlZSkZHVFpSaXZOZ2lMSm9ZTUtucFUxRnRiU09mNnhZREhYSE5HaEtyTE1VVS1vbmNGdzVORlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNLTZ2ek5CLW1mRTk4M2ltbzJOTXpsbk4wS2stbGtQY1I4bVVfLW5TWEpIeG1ibjc1SzJNa3BLUExCYzlZR3FQQ2J0c2JrU3RvU3FmaG5oTXNqaHRmZG1KSl9RYW5JdGNCVTEwMEY5WFNwMVVHTVBQazVoOE9kRENGeXFlV1NVY2s1QU5mNHFwSnZyT01iQTVkdjFEN0JVZWRUd3B6Y1VBVU1hNjhIdUxpa1BlMVRHUk0yaDV0T282dEc0UDR0MklDcFBNNmFianZ6QTdDWDJIM1ZKTE9Qdz09 |
**\*\*NEARWEEK Daily Newsletter 📩 \*\***
**\*\* Tuesday, November 19, 2024\*\***
\*\*💥 Big things around the ecosystem 💥\*\*
[NEAR Ecosystem Newsletter #186](https://us1.campaign-archive.com/?u=ed13caf5cf7d37689d81ef60b&id=9a4268864e)
[\[REDACTED\] 2024 | Digital Sovereignty in the Age of AI With Edward Snowden](https://x.com/Snowden/status/1858625048312987679)
\*\*💰 DeFi 💰\*\*
[Burrow Weekly Recap](https://x.com/burrow_finance/status/1858528011836096657)
[Ref Finance : Weekly RECAP](https://x.com/finance_ref/status/1858532528841511229)
\*\*🔼 Projects update 🔼\*\*
[The total deposited $NEAR on Meta Pool has reached 22.15 million NEAR, equivalent to approximately $131.7 million](https://x.com/Masi_DN/status/1858526641288253929)
[AI Agents on NEAR are already here Bitte Protocol](https://x.com/jarednotjerry1/status/1858573571498668314)
[Orderly Network partnered with KODA](https://x.com/OrderlyNetwork/status/1858775892727918992)
[Deutsche Telekom Y Near Impulsan La Descentralizacion En IA](https://x.com/meta_pool/status/1858861539454820732)
**Don't forget to Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter!** [**https://subscribe.nearweek.com/**](https://subscribe.nearweek.com/) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMc3J0NnB0LXJnendOMTUxNkVGelQwZm5uVERpcE5RdWZ6UWN1RzVwV1JJcjJOR3RzMVpfQzg4UUZUT1kzWFJPRS03UEhkdU9QTnJVNVZfUmRWOUZkamc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRzJvLS1DSWxoNTRzTHpOY2ZBMVFQeDYzdVlxWjRQeEdFdlZFS3NvQkVkd3BNS2J1TmpPNkhrZGhzbmVrbEpheHFRMW01eUFPaUNsWjRvdTZ1T0hqTWUyUGRxRFcwOS1yMmxvVGlUVk1TZmgzVndXdmQ0dFp6bTNVdE5GZWplWHFaR25odDY1M2duaDN4dVVPRkpETGJmd0Fkc2lfdzJSMk01ajBIMkRiZFB6WWNjSmc4aFhFSmNtMHdiUTg5NnQy |
Hey all, couple questions for you regarding potentially getting into cryptocurrency…
I for one have very little understanding of it aside from reading a few things on its basic principles. I have heard that with the new Presidential administration coming in it could possibly be good for the crypto world. But who knows. Anyway I am considering making a small investment but I’m not really sure how to go about it.
1. What platform/app would you recommend starting with that’s easy to use/understand? And of course safe.
2. Is now a decent time to buy in? What would be some decent currencies to start with. Bitcoin or ethereum or others?
3. Any general advice would be much appreciated. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdGJSOUNuT0ZGZGt6UU9iUTBrX1dvbGYzXzloUGhVc09nNjlUUkV6V0hKMUpkWDBGU2ptWDVRdFVJMjA0QWZEVTJDUGRlLWU2S2NwNFppUGdTakFEb3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUWZjcUFmZ1NSSW9obGthOG9ad2Q1djBfYWx6SHRNcDJWZDVRYkxGQ3o4YmlINVh2enU0elpSVEQ1VzJVOWdreU5zMEgyY1c1QUxGOTJyUEhpMUI4dXNyQXh3a291ZDdNVnphZjNnLXZjeDVKX0NOS1Nfc25NNmZMWWVNYnZxT0NYS0g0Q1lDdzJlcUh2UjlZNmFuendSUzlHMkFvaDBrbnVUVlhXN1YwMTVRWEJCUHlXTEloaTRSMDBBYzljRUxE |
I’m a millennial and a lot of people my age are frustrated because they don’t feel like they have the same opportunity to own property as our parents and grandparents did. Wages haven’t kept up and homeownership seems out of reach.
I was orange-pilled in 2022 and I’ve done well with BTC. Recently, in a conversation about building wealth through real estate, I mentioned that “Bitcoin is the real estate of our generation.” As previous generations built wealth through physical property, we have a chance to build that same wealth through digital property.
That did not go over well. The average person just doesn’t get it. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbXlzanJyR3lMNlBwRmRXaDNGcDZSRHlHOTFoVjAzc0NUVkhvWjdLOElXdXdHRm94UGVTR0JiczJGX05uendwcFhUVkVueHk2aHdidW9OelFhT2dHdWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTUoxSUQ1UkFBM0Nsem5XSExSc2g3WGRWLXZQUHVUQ0thR2p4N24yMWZwTUItckJiQ2NRMC1XMVYwV3NvTG1xVHlHamx0LXl1YU9seGxmTTFZMVMxOGU3d0hnYnVZTi12Q0VhWGlRTUVHeHBZQnhZT0NPM0lmSmowem9IbERnUEtBUmxtOTJSS0hJdDFaSU81RXpaRVhtRE01ckNDZFJBSnNlLXFGVENXdUZpYWticVlpWFgyTjJWaXB3ckd0ZENk |
There was quite a bit of hype about Dynamic Tao at the start of 2024, with a test net launching in May (from what I understand).
But now I've heard nothing since - has it been cancelled perhaps? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ21BWm1FMTRaWTFJeDA4WW9QZ2dDQ1lJVHJnZDlvNkFXV3lyTElqRHhRZGxteUs2NGpMdzFac0s4ZVJvcTFTZUdkdmUyczJ6TUYwSVo3YmxLQmpiYm8wdW02QzhrRE9SQmZISnE1VHVadjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOEMzWFQ5VEV4Q0JTSEdQSm9hMUJ0c0FJLUZNbWJKdFZxZTJqRGpWejVHWVB3cnY5eWlyM25GQ2JBWG5KNnVLa09KYWY3M1Vxc05NS0laZTk2UkV5dW1sZ09BQkJmd1hOaEtaMTV4bnh2TjF5ZEJsNHUwVXB6MGtXdnptVHctbmJjVlNRQlVqVmhTQUFtU1NOTy1nVVhWU3lyR1U1elZJOFJXNzIwZlFQTV9vendzSEV2R3phR0txa2hMaTU0N3JT |
What happens when two of the most advanced blockchain ecosystems meet? Opportunities ignite!
Join the in-depth discussion on governance & interoperability live on 𝕏 Wednesday, November 20th @ 4:00 PM UTC
Polkadot: A Network of Networks
Polkadot is redefining the blockchain landscape, bringing together over 600 innovative projects under one unified ecosystem. Polkadot’s powerful technology and dedicated community encourage groundbreaking development. As a DOT token holder, you are part of a community making decisions that shape the future of blockchain.
Cardano: Blockchain for Global Impact
Cardano isn’t just a blockchain, it’s a vision for a better tomorrow. As a decentralized proof-of-stake platform, it empowers changemakers and innovators with tools to drive meaningful progress. Cardano is a powerhouse for sustainable, inclusive innovation.
Cross Chain opportunities you say?
Wanchain, a leader in cross-chain technology, made history by launching the first-ever bridge connecting Cardano and Polkadot on July 27th. This isn’t just a bridge, it’s a pathway for collaboration and scalability.
With over 35 connected networks and six years of proven uptime, Wanchain is at the forefront of blockchain interoperability. By integrating EVM and non-EVM chains, Wanchain is turning the dream of a unified blockchain ecosystem into reality. | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbmt2UnVCbDRXZFVvX0lZMGNEQlEwVE1mVWxNNkpNVmE3cDdidU5JNWdZSWljYTRDaXNpblVkYWVrcFM3RC1Cbmd3bUVPNVJuZDBXa0g5QVhBNjEwM3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNV3RMN2lhMko2LWFYaU9UczNFaHAwWFVNMEljaHdGZVZzcDNYaWtFZUFicUhMc0ZPbjZQOXcxdGk2b2RXSE9QR3hOZnNyWFpSUFl0aENNMzRXMnRPQk1RY2ZQNlo2dHF2NmpkTm5uSHZjUXlUc2pIb0dRZm40djF1S2x6UUtLV1VBY0tKcWNabzJiZFNsX1NXZ3J4U2ZYYVM1R3pYR1JCb21yRlpEb2xhYldCU0s2NUNpS2JTcmI0RFZvMXpZRWVtXzVRMGpyZ1dlaFhDQUhmUlVJaXY1QT09 |
The amount of Bitcoin that corporations and governments are buying is insane. Everyone wants a piece of it. It is very likely that Bitcoin may overtake Gold in the next bull market. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSjJxZVprZnlMZVFTUGxQNjl0ZFdJc3pFLW55bWFrOTUwZmpCZ2o0UVdLYmVoMjc0S2pDRml0YWotYlNpaVU5b0FjQVJkV0VJaVJlLXJ2SDktMEZMa3N3YlUtQm1XRFlsQXQyNkRSaVZwRkU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQm5USGR2d2VVNks4R1FSQ0NMaDZrdHE2bnpPRmFTcUxBUzlMaEYyenRfbV9UQkNwR3hGSGNfdWwyTW1hMTV0OC1wdENwVEdHSEpham5CLUJfdHNrTW1DeUNfWXVZZlhLcEtWbnUxTURZODg5czB3cEtHUzlEdHFUV3pweVI1YTBuU2QyeUgtVWppNE1WaUJuc2NrTVBSQkViRGhDZm5Yck1KOTZyaU1XYWxlbnhuN3lyTkl5aHhFc0E0UlNKSlJw |
NEAR ecosystem has got so many things packed around the ecosystem. So many big things happening and you can catch the train. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQjgxdktjUDYzRy00QTJ1d3NiN09ZZ2p0VFZkUlFSWXpaZHI3TG9ub3NwUUNCeDVqcjRzY0g1WUt3a3NxX0lla2I5Z3VuTS1QaEdpWEFWT2pHWldXa3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSFJxSkgtNDhBZ1JCNDM2SFotR2F3SXJ3MTA2TFBrNENyTndHckEwSzljLTdueVdrdnhsX3h5a05pTnlnRU9iS1drR0R1UkQ1UEpvQUdienpVLTc5OV8zMHhVc1dBNWhITHNxY3MyWWZqR3ZKVENob3UxRzk2Q2hnU1VkeXEwem1VSGJZVU55eDRvN3lUUEdWVGVDNWlEbWJNRnZHVVdNUzVkQXRDTXRBWWxnSE9TSloxSWt0YVZUcTJqajgxZmln |
I can see some people already responded to you and you now know 5 projects building on NEAR. Now you know what next? | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdldaUDgzQURqUlVRS2xfNS0xeVVpak1LblY3WnFJTmx1QTFidGVhazVDQUxvbEVtWnZJcEo1N296LS1pbjNrMmloTWQ1em51NlFocjVWcmlJRWVLMnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOGJINVkxeV9vRmFscGpaQXg5N3BHSnA1MVhHRXVqLWFVQ3dPVTRMR2YyUTc4RkxiMG5jX2RqaVljTmlHRkh0MXAtb2Y0TVFPdGZNb1YyeWxqQzlfYTh3MXpvUVZhSTNLOXQ3dklsRnJ4UThmNFZWUVdRcDh0R0t1aDhEaE5ZamxWRTVtOVZqM2NSeFY5M1B2UTRpbkV6c1RsOU9IdTlTZ3V4U1JJZFR0QjRLdXZPWURBMlVfVlBxWG9Xd05PNURERERRQnZXV0x2RFVxSEFMNE1DLUgydz09 |
I tried to make a post discussing how I believe bitcoin will be a good bet in the next 4 years on r/Bitcoin.
I simply stated I believe that deportation historically causes inflation, and a common narrative for bitcoin for the past 4 years has been as an inflation hedge.
They took down the post for being too political lol.
Anyways I do feel like this will be a good test for Bitcoin, it will be very interesting to see how it performs relative to the USD, especially if we actually do see the mass deportations happen…. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNjUtSUREV2hYeGl0bnY1UzBwRmQ4eU1OUWg0SS1WQzV6Ml9aTzQ5UjF1RUpNc05jYVlCN1hrckppRFB1Ml9DN2RFMXYzN3lBNFQ1dF9TSmJqMjluQlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMUdNUEIyeUx4YXBTRXhmdFBEQXlfd2pHZmJtX09Ib0tHaWNxYXJueGhPcUtCZ1lVNXltZV9KVUR3Y3R6TlhpUUgxeFZibjRwNmo4UTVvQmNNcklUQmlYUTFSZUJDMm1KU2FCWERGREoxeWRGT3dTQXRCQ2hpRUxDRkltRzc0LV83SkJhQTRrLTNMS2ExUlJaTjVFRmlGOEJUWnhVaTlxbV9yMUp6cnA2b1hrPQ== |
We once aided the world please aid us | r/worldpolitics | post | r/worldpolitics | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVjNsNDdlT3FSSFJuRWttUXZFQ2trZkNzWFgtVDdDUEZyRkhjcDdGZzJWVnUybTlIdk90bnlFRDQ4ZHV4YnRzeXQzOFVNRTdNYjc0WUpLRURCUHM2bFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNc2NncjMxNHpGR1NGOW1yMHdmUEYwaHRCa3p2d0Q0NUZqMHJ0TWhHWHEtbVRDei1ubnlpdjdTdzZpcWR6aUNtZEo2TjhIN0twalpHY1BXeTlYQmktVDNQRXdiRjFKeE92YUFxRGtJMm9MYmViSHlwZWlRcmtDX3g0VHc4LU42MFVnYjdtLW9LUDNwRjVZQzB4UDYxQlc4SDYtWm1sZzNld0w0QWp5SVZlQ2hsMk1DSjVPVEVtdVdqWW1qekI0Zy12a2VjUS15YklpUjN5Q3BndDkxd3ZBUT09 |
Who's fast company? | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQzlNeUk1T3ZDTklQTGNtSE4zdmFQN3NCdUhIZzVzMTJRejRVS0NuMjVtX2ROSmFzUXI5bTE5LXZUbHIxN0xqNWZud3c4Qnh3NWRfcS01blhKeHhvZWpUbUF0T1hwOUdtVl82QWxlTGVmRU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNGlMc0l3UzhpaElCOG41a2lMaGdTMEYzSXFxYTl0cU1sNDROYnBPN0J5MUV3MWdUQVhUX1RkOVY2OU9YdU9BelVfd0QxTVd5TjViVUxqRkNNalJFbGlwLUUxUk82QWs1RUhDT3ZGS2p1TXo2SXVmTXhQcDVCQUxTcEt3d3d5bXAyMTZwdTQ4NjRoU2dfWm5SLUFiM29LbDBqWUdQSWFEREJjQUNQUWNpUkJDeFpidFowZ0U4N3lMOUNjTUtPZXJMLXVuMktuY1QtOVRhd1Zxd1FHMkY3QT09 |
A popular American buissness magazine for innovation and the future in technologies. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYWxwNklmSHhCcGJYckw2MzlsNWsxREljQU5RUXJwMHJkRTRDOVM2MGVLNjZGU3FkYnZIQmFMc0c0Y3NOZktRcjB4U280WEh0bzk3dHdtNUlnTjN6Qnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbjVydnpMa3FJN3V2R0hHdG9OU2xvMEc0aDFPMV9YYlVpaEV5MzQ2azhIMlpRYmpYdW9MVDdHQTFCNFJ5RVVNLXk3VkRIREdWYWZucV9tal9EcEtnVXA4TnhUZWx3a1l6SFRsTkVKRnd0Tm9kNzlDb3BmVjFqVEZjbnlQY2tvdlVBaU9QQThfcDhwYkx2bFlqUGhYZnNhSm5EUk5uSGZKZWhzdFZfSFd1T0wtZUh6OEotMnp3ZHI1RXJOMWpSR1V6cXh4TnVKSTg0aUYya09RaGc1Zmoydz09 |
🚀🚀🚀 | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMV0QwR2V5S0htTW43WFp0S1cxZzE4T2FJSEhKYjBNTXhlQUl3UVRXdTV1NjlRZkttTWF5NkJjZTh0R1ZqNVlJbGdwYXVDV3lGN1JGelNOZTFOdlQxcG1VTkwtMzhqdTFoazJDZ3FLSzVkTzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRDhHQ3FQSUZGSDltSW5RVDhlTlB0TW1hMTBxMzVqUW0xUGI0cERYSGpkdkwtTF9SWDJQSjdtSTF1ZU9xN0pSOVpVN04ybFgxUF9LdWNyQldyNEtWdnI5ajk1ZHFjb1djb2lRVC1QUERTZGotTkp1TXJ6SEMzVGVZTkJPckZMTkxud3FyOUl4Z3BnTDRrSlJueDhKdUdsTGp2Tjk1LVJ1TlhSSEVSeGlqa1JReEtxVG05ZkNPdW5TM2gta3FjTXlG |
So, I have Cupcake installed on an old phone on airplane mode. I tried a test transaction about 15 minutes ago and my balance on Cupcake hasn't changed despite it saying that it went through on Cake. Here's what I did, if anyone can point out what I might have done wrong:
1. Opened the Cupcake app, clicked "recieve."
2. Opened the cake app, clicked "send," set it to $1 worth as a test amount, scanned the qr code generated by Cupcake.
3. Clicked "send," got the notification from Cake saying it was successful, and waited for it to get confirmed.
4. Waited 15 minutes after it was fully confirmed to see if it would just take a little bit more time.
5. Opened reddit to see what I did wrong lol. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeHZYWkFzYkN1ZE81bFNSbTV6Z2dpWVJZQ0dhM2ZzaXY0X05WNVZvbTVpR2QzelFpdkJCOWIxUHFldFdaeVBUZHdCZGRjNVBVZkN4Y0NQZ3E1bmVFUVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbzZLMmh6MVR5UFN3YmlZZXBGWFJJY3hYb2hVSHJleGV6VlhsY3ZTV3FhcmlRNmlpVkEtT2hGaHljS0Fhb1Vad1hNRjR0RjFBM1JOZzlvNVVtODYwaTcwa3NvZU1sOTNOcHNtbGxiNXRheDA5MElUUEgtSDVqc0dyYWx6NVVYRWxQcFpKWVVFREt4aDdwLXVCY1NMX1ZDbjgzZl9KZFhRbFRWMVF6eE13Yy1KV09yYWhtOGZHeG5wdXZ4M08yMXlrX0dQdG1JMUplX2tCNFFPaXcwSm5nQT09 |
Cup of coffee? 5000 sats ($5)
A year of college? 50 million sats ($50k)
Buying a house? 250 million sats ($250k)
Except, the supply for these is limitless, while sats are limited (only 2.1 quadrillion or 2100 trillion will ever exist).
The next milestone here is 1 sat = 1 cent, when BTC hits USD 1 million.
There's more than a few countries with currency currently valued at 1/100th of a USD. Talking sats, not coins, is what will normalize Bitcoin as a relatable store of value in everyday terms.
I’m new to crypto and I’ve just invested around 650 dollars
200 into Shiba Inu
100 into solana
200 into polka dot
150 into optimism
Are these good selections and am I better off putting more money into less tokens or spreading it out among a few any helpful suggestions are greatly appreciated thanks | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNk1PRllRb254QUVmQWJiMU9FQU1WY2J0OWdUR2NFSW9GQ2NNd3BGTEw5ajJ1M3pqbTBHbjJXdGRURmZaOXB4Q21FMkltQlFkaFVLLVRrZ3Bqc052ZVRybVc3RzJMVVE3aDJ3VkF3S3BqbDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVkxRR1Y0VzdiSEtaV2tra0NLc3pndW15U3ZYY0MtTFFNU0FSdzBKUm1tRDY0RG00ZU84Z01fOHJvN2FHOXZPdzdNU2xrb1ZhT2lYMjFsNElzWWZodTQwQkR5STVHZmU3a1F5azVFVWlVNXhtenRMRU01T1lIeVo5cTlYSVZQai0zRVA3WlVzcGhqY3MyX3Q5MU9FaGxBPT0= |
[ETH\/USD 1H](https://preview.redd.it/9rnwsoit602e1.png?width=1515&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7c28fd28c3f8343fd228e5eb1ae460b6f76444b)
As you can see in the chart above, ETH is clearly forming an ascending triangle pattern after testing top lines on 16 and 19 November 2024. As you can also see it has also tested the bottom line 3 times on 15, 17 November 2024, 18 and 20 November 2024. This makes me believe that ETH now is going to test the top line again but not really sure if it will be strong enough to breakout. ETH is going to test $3.4k and probably break it in the next breakout.
As you may already know, this week there are not very important economic data news like CPI, etc. and neither next week so I expect the following weeks to be a little crab unless as always whales decide to destroy my plans (Please, do it. I want some fun). This is why ETH could crab for some time before breaking out when alt season starts.
As you may also have noticed, ETH haven't moved much since BTC big brother has started its rally and some FUD and people impatient appeared. This sentiment has been also supported for seeing some other altcoins move up and start a little rally. However I believe this is just based in some news (ADA case) and just speculation due to the fact that basically those alts have been "dead" since the winter.
You just need to look their charts to see that most of them haven't had any kind of real price activity since then while ETH yes. This is why I believe some undervalued altcoins are catching up with past movements that ETH already experienced.
TLDR; ETH rally is getting closer and consequently also alt season. Get ready because this is going to launch soon! 🚀
# Is It Ready For a Breakout to $3.4K? 🚀
*Disclaimer: The concept and ideas in this post come from my own thoughts and everything I have seen online during my three years in crypto. Any resemblance is purely coincidental.* | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWjJ0N3gwUHB5MnhpVXd1bEEtUVVWcFMtSXVwSzVQc2VoT0F3UWROWVpyNWllbXdGeDRCcjFLdlltaDBGaTJQMGJ1NkQyWDRlbHBFeExOVFUtYVpFZmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdkxrYkxWOW5jam9xYmhGeGNlZ0M4R09BcVZkcWh2T2lJaVh0U1hzcm1wZjNSbVhxQTFrV3RPREhNWEljZDA5Rm11LTZqWmxqci1kYUlLZ0FicWVOMjNDVThzSWRON2FDZnowdXlhVWNocFZoWmVORF9zT053ZExZNHRNdC0tSkFMYzZ2aHJQMEtGYzF0bXJtU1A1VFM5akxxQ1hNY0RiSFJmZzlWb0dTQWVyd2ZBc1BIX1RfY1gtU0VLeFV1Ny1J |
So my current opsec went from BTC on a coin me account to cake wallet on my phone, Swapped to XMR and then from cake wallet to my monero wallet on tails. It seems too simple but I’ve done some researching and once the money is turned into monero there’s no way to track it anyway, so the only thing you would see is the buying of monero and cake wallet doesn’t have a KYC other than I’m using it on my phone. Sorry for the long paragraph I just wanna make sure I’m not under thinking things. Thanks so much for any help. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOFdUYmdwSzlvT1YtSTdjNXZXVVRCcTNVbE9LVEhRMUxGTFo4bHFTRW03bERUVElsR3V4d1lJSWZoZGdsY0tGanVpaXV5SW9mY2VkNkZQcUIwbC1HRzhPeFkxT0V1cmtUUXVKbEY3SHF5U1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYXFpc2JUOG02UWFQVWhzcTh4V3hzMHZUMzdGTXhKeUx2M2MwYXZkZ0ZQVk5oQ3g3VktmMjBUM3FSNklHQUlLQV9ROFBZWTdDY2lwR3poZWxiZEJaOFhCM0dkcTZabEl4UWRjMGczVjN2ajhvbXJRd25Sb3pWWXJiZ0t4WUVsemFEU0haNk05T1ZmRmg2YktvVl9IaEFzcWp5TmMyQzJwRG50MDVQMkZFZWNrPQ== |
Feel like a jerk saying it, but I’ve hit my goal of 1 BTC and in reality there is probably no way I’ll be able to get another one. I’m proud to come all this way but something just doesn’t sit well with me.
Everyone is in such a frenzy. People, institutions and governments all planning to keep buying more and more.
You sometimes just think your own investment is not enough. If I’m going to be honest 1 BTC is not going to make you “rich” it’s going to be a great asset to hold and pass through generation for wealth.
The real people that will have wealth out of the multiple bitcoins they already have or are the ones scooping up large amounts of bitcoins now. It’s a different league out there are we may just be convincing ourselves otherwise with our small holdings.
As everyone says a whole coin is an arbitrary number. But what do you all think? | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMV3NhUnNPSFRvMVV2RjB5NmxxMHRlTE54bFFwYzhmaHdJdXh3dE8xU3hJUlo1U0xJQjBuNGdyODZuS0l4SUhiRHlXaThUUS1BRWpoejZ0QlBGMkN5ZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU2dhcEFNZnZKVkdjMTY4SlY0RzNKRWtFRGdFVmMzVE9nejBiU2MyUk1ZZ1l4NWZfaFNNLVQ4YW1QcUh1X2pRb2wwWXJ0NEM2SlM5ZHdVVDYtRlNFc2JpWFFkaV9MZ3QxV3BTaDEySUFDT1hJc1NWWHBxc3g4SjZERTJzX1AzUnBSWW9uakJvcXF2NUNCM1hkbUoxZG9faHcyMzZWb0Y0RHliY0hMR1ZzOElOVEh6N1p2bVM5bEt1RElJckI1eFhq |
Then a year later they will announce Trump has no plans for such reserve and thus end the bull season. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQUxXcXR0Qy1QaENlMkJ5VkN5TExDT3pwb0RrU3NrbkpCRmxNWVBtRDlFQm1zSEpzNFpWNUMyVkFyWDZqeERhOFpzNHd5SEllM2VUNzVTZnpvNzc2RElUSVA2eHRaa0lxcy1hY2dGeGhNQ3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZHpJRkUwVFBWRkdMNDdFcnRYZzBfMDN4UEhZSWhfOWgtb3JUcFBkLVJKdlQ2RHJpbkZKOGN1cWxiUkloQjY4TFlzSzNrN0pZQzdtYURFN1k2VWtQUGlXS29LQ1BQazFNQU9ibGl3aFJXYmktMXZNa1luczMtLUYtRG9SeUNGV0FrRGdvOTJlS1hXb1daTmQ1OFdveThqaGJkRERMaGptYlNSclBCN0t5WDFXUlh5WF9JbFk2ZGM3SEI0a2g5ZjJqRl96STVQYnM5dXVlTEE3LWYzeTQyQT09 |
Hey guys,
I was scrolling through the sub and saw many people saying that $TAO can reach 5000$.
So here's my question, is this a long term prediction or is it a decent prediction for this bullrun ?
Mine was about 1k 1.5k in this bullmarket.
Thanks for answering :) | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVmRyNVhkNjlJZ0xydWJzZFNhQ2xWbmw4QVN1T2VjZUlsZ2QtejJFajg4UDkwQ0JTVGtsbVVnNzNzejdvMmh6MW1PN0VleGZDYkJPN0FMRDV5bHpCU1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcW9QbHNMQWp2cXptZGNTLWthVHJNUDRoQm10UVJ1NGdzNnVBSzgxcGtqbE5sTVhTVm1KV0xfUVdac3R6cjByUEFVYTZ6R3lsTGh6MjVLUS1ZemhFV1NsRnR6WFB2NVpXR3l0V2Y3cmp4WF9kOHZLWXF5dkE4MUhjZlplU01sWWQ4aXJXenV0NDBPdmw2MzBfTlVROWR3UEdFNzY2WjVfRTRTX3h0U0ktOVMwPQ== |
# Please post the link to the news from FastCompany | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcHl3aklxejRKQnl3U01CV1Fmd2tWU2prN21wa0VJcnlUZm82cTJkclFUQm9xMWU3U3o5NWdaUm94aUVLY2RIbXZta2NUbkJ6elExbmpHNzNNMDJVT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVGJPZy1uZXRMb20zZG82NmVkOG5jckNpellVOWtuSndENGVKYjBNaDV3UWlpMmJCTi1fUlU4bFA4UUhPZmVkOUhwR3lJWGpnWlI5ME81LU1QSlduWk5EQVpaaEs0VVloeFZ0a3NsVy1ZbXdvLUJpTm1kWGx2Ulc1NnZMOTRKVVhJcGtINnJYUDRRV0FHQk5oZ1FmVUtja2RBWHQ4aHhYUmMyNWs4RWx4cm5Kc2FydE95UFgxU2xiSUFJaFl5cThLNmV5NU5WeEdrMmwyRG1pTUtaSmZBUT09 |
Great article written by one of our own BCH community people in respected publication Cryptopolitan regarding the growing voices against Roger’s immoral detention. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMX3ZNZGdsM3ZpUHM4Tjk3NGZaQ1JfYlRVRElsbWFlSWlPSGNtbV9Sbmc0T2RkTHNxZzBsNFc1TFd5aVNrOVZsa3EwWXZKR20xbzBVVzhaZ1NhNTFBa1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZHlSX3FLVVhobVBVTktDZVB0TkNDRDNmODhjMy0yakFMbXhYVDdabkJEcXRrUVg5aXc5Sk1UQXFnOXBaQ1JPZWpudVhhdFl2MmRheFFveXUtZU4ybUZMUUNsYVA2Q09mSXJEaUhKaVVYYzRLdkRyS1VVRkRHdl8wak1ydXI3dVF1dC1laldIQ2l2UVJXcDNaSFJtY29VM3RDYWpUZnA1dDRUUlAxSjFDOTVMNWhpdjdSNG12UWNycGFFTWg5alJ2 |
10x to 20x are totally possible on 2025 for filecoin, regardless of the use cases (store AI information or 3.0 descentralized files) I completely trust this project, just look at it Solana and even NASA are already partners and the market cap is only like 2 billions, many people that don’t buy today at 4.00 usd will regret when it hits 40 or more | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMb1VPR1kyOGxzTllCWGctUGZXRlBiekRCSDYzNzgycjJXZWFtWDA0OEstUmE2Vm5vMW5hbVhXU2VOUGxHVl9pVG9DblE3cTJ3bjRKdmMxOEdiOFhDMm9hT2JEOE0xVWtONjJ2ZUZNR214cTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR19UTWpjQ0x0MkluTWZQZ1Y4LW9BX0hmdzQtSjd5TTlvZXYzVlVxaFN1MjZhSndQRmluallzcGZ5aFllektWRFozRnl3NEM3M0ZrNzdLRndPT3lteURSc1F1VXNPbmxRTllMdVRhNnI2UUI5VnktRGxUalNqVnNpbXVSN0lGcDN2Sy1oWFNfbEtWRktXYWVPUkZZUl8zMTRDa0VMTWt1VEthc1FHR0VudWMyeGd0eUx4Yzh2SFRuWUlEbHhEZ2lBTU5TOVhoek96ZXdqQ05jc05jdUp1dz09 |