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We are hitting 500 | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRUxZUm9GaXdpc3FfUXFVWEJaS0s0N20weE1xN1ZacnRORHdJRUhQTW1mOUxKUHdQbnlIN0xuQ1BzZkZTNFJnd3JTbVpMbXlvQU1CY1BrOUZUVm13RmJQNDFzek5Kc1VzS0lxQW9VWTNNMVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWjhuUF80YVBEUVM5azFOOVBtekhvQzJJX2twcmJCS192NUxmdXlnRllEVTFkTWtPbzdibUhiNkE2X3dXYWlWQS1ZTmxQdnl1Yy1VeEQ0elBfSDI1WlhrRnZSZmpiUDh3LUZQWkF0RnFKbVRUeVBWMXpQZmZHLTFHQU5nQ2RTY2RwWnpQV3g5VTBaakF4aENVelY2Q3VOYWhaeDBMb3FqbURNWF91Q2w4STN3PQ== |
You're new to the crypto game...regret not getting in earlier because blah blah blah.
Listen...you're going to see a lot of things that promise you lots of money. But trust me when I say this..you won't make a lot unless you get lucky. You won't make millions or tens of thousands. Most of us have been slowly buying over the last 4+ years. We've seen bad days and we've seen worse days...
Set your expectations to smaller gains, especially if you've jumped on this in the past month or 2.
DO NOT connect your wallet to anything. If you do, make sure your wallet is empty. Never ever ever connect your main wallet to anything. Most of us have multiple wallets for the same coin for this reason (that and a bit more privacy).
There are a lot of rug pull coins, we're seeing it happen...this has happened before, just Google squid game coin (which for some dumb fucking reason, people are rebuying into FFS).
Please please please be careful. If you do get scammed or rug pulled people may say you deserve it, but that's a shitty thing to say especially as a lot of us want crypto to have massive adoption. This just puts more people off and sets a really negative stigma on what crypto is and can be.
Do your research, don't just follow some YouTube cunt who wants to make gains off of your investments. Their only interests are their pockets (the more people buy and invest the more the coin they're shilling goes up), they don't care about you.
Also, invest in what you're comfortable with losing.
And remember, what goes up...must come down (if you're down 10%...gaining 10% wont get you back to where you were...)
If you have other advice to give or ranting posts on what to watch out for, please do. I joined this subreddit to learn more about crypto and not just shill a coin...
My ADHD brain means this post is basically me rambling, sorry about that. Just keep seeing posts of people getting scammed or locked out of their wallet because they fucked up...proper pissing me off. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaFZERzM4MzcyOWNtRWcyNTJ6cGVoLXpwSWUyTFItZExzMm44T3ZHQzJCb1lPNll1OGk2cFlBdkgybEItMHZlVVc1aDdDMjMzQURUdG5lcjUwZFpJc0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQ3JpLUZXV1BMZXNUUXlIZmp6MkE0YU5uSnBvVlRNc3Rnb2VwcDgyYXlRVjlZaTMxTjRsOXllakhPRkIzcjJwUFBlRWFCYzJIUXFMQ3liSjRqdUFFYTU5Z1V6TzlGckxEclJLUi1pXzlTR1lDTmtPVXowSkZweXhNcnJZUlVvb1hlZzdaVjNyYWwzc0gyX2Q2TFpDcXdOcDlDdXNEZmlHTkFaeXFtb3U5My1HcG91WWpHTmpqR3dvVmFXQ0poN2tF |
Will FCMP make it slower to get to 20 block confirmations?
What are you most excited about with the FCMP upgrade?
If Monero was in a totally free market, without manipulation, based on other similar coins that survived 10 years, what would be its fair market price? | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ1c4ZGctTE5KYko3UnBHR0lVTmxZdEtRSDZPSHhGQks3YzhMdEhZNFE4NkhHRDlha05RUDdwLWxjd2dZMTcyX0s3T1dtYWtPc1FIX3V3TDNSa2tLODFORl9aenhIZEk0U1IwWVN1NXVvLVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNS24zTDN6ejI3OTJFS3hTcnBqelo4bUVEUkFjbHZOTWlhejJSY0dRMHc2QVVvVVd5X3k3TWtQZVkxWTU2Xy1CX0tVT3BVelhteEZPdnlra0drclhUQi1DaVBEVHlVa29BUVlmc1ZuVlVVT3k0TWY2QlJHU0N2M1ltTVdUZmRzQ3R4ZlNSVHA0OUtvUTNpRE94aXJTWk84TlphQ3RQMlM1X2JORnRYNVJqY1BSVDJ1SDltNHgzQnJneXlLdUpjcGFzMDhvM19uMXJpUllhcG1EUERWQ0F6dz09 |
Sounds like gambling to me and the worst part is the casino is rigged | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRUdhZF9kX3hSTkVFRFNRSUlJVGgxaXNHbjB3TGRFdkNNUEZFWUpuUmZGVjRQV0RvRHBjRUZHdVBCbTZUTUFxdjNmWk9KNmRHa1kwcW1ta1lucE1oSngwVWExNEs5ZzBfVm1ZbFBJZHJ5clE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSTZJOU9FZ0tSallaa1FNQjJKLUszQS14bXlhcHlBdU1FYXdLZHhMX3k1dURyNzVoV1BzcU1NRlR5amxMYU52WjVHT3FIREZzaF9LMFpFRU9QbTZGVVAzaDB0RUxRTXBvMzhwcEVDc1FuVFZYLUxjMXB3YmtJdER5WnpZVDFGSDlZN3kxVmdZZ0oxNlU3OGk3emt3UzV4bHNxWDM1WjNfR3hSOXdoM2VWWGRkRC1NSUhRSTUtVGM3T2NiZ1pmUXdU |
Same finite supply. Higher upside potential. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUmFPdzZySFhnakVCUkV0N25YZlJCN1BEUjJpb2UzQ2pON3U5b1dqbmJfNW1mSjVud3BDSHlLR3pyUUJ5WkJNa3Z1ZGNlNHNsN2J2VTNRQ2dOMXBJS25nUXZtV2dDWEVNZjcxRW1OWEt6aXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaHhScUtXS0NTS3I0M2NGNFhzNEFmY3EyZ1JsOU5IeWw3X2dzQlRjOURwYkk1UEpDVWV1d014Nms0SEFYWjBMU1c0OFEzZ2MzOGVuc0pjeWlSREdfYU15V3MxdVJseEtNRUxCMXkyd203OFA5d1JMcWxoNW1nNWhndVUzM2g1ZGl2bHAwekVBQW5xQVViQmlEcTVuTTlrVGZfYzM1b2FucXpEbHhURVY2dy1GUjBhWkpibkcwekdzSW11eEFZV1RHWTFtY05sbHozWFlIMVJYTjVXS2Vhdz09 |
Ditto! | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRzZTczNhcGRGTzRFcXZGcGFwaTlKNTJUOWFMaDIyaUl4Wk8ySkY3WktaLWtsX2M3RHdMWm5semdEeVByRmFPOHpXdTlTZ0NvcTBwX25lMlBiR3VLdlp0MnJDR2dHa25xOC1zNkVLcGMxVUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeUJPRHJCUWQxalQ1T2JiUGRKbWE5Rng4aUJVSUd3blRmZ2RsSTlGOWU2Y0NtVHQ1Mkc4eUdwSDgtLU9oLTh6V2hMSnJFcWpZSWs5VWdfYVAtM0kzejBYTGxocS1fMGp4RnNvYzFmc0dKeGhQZWFNT3dHU1lVMEIzT19oSVhBNFFTNUVvVHFWQVMxMUFTQ0FuQThfWjZVaXlGU2FqRk5SWVhMdWVjN1gtNUJZPQ== |
The most important <<parachain>>from all of us!He makes a great job! | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMEgtYnhaMVdOV3g0eXNLb1RtWmNobllFSDgzYXJPMDdtQjZOaGcxVHFhSHJTQ3dzTHF2QWlNU2lMZXNZcDJjd3VfUjhLQ3Z4MW1qbVBJZUpUZkRxRlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcXZRc3FTYmh0am80eXNFdGF4aWxwcmNmWXlmZm1ubnI4cU1Na0h1YVRnaGMxYmJIMjluZmUwcHdoVUwyYW55VmhaejZNRGpIMHRqOFNYR3NYdlJOd2tUUXRybFhfTktXTVRZVXJIcWxFVzMtU01UN2M0YWJTaFJPZEpOY2swLXlOc3Ixbk1LbGFuZUloQUtyT1VVdFJ2YnJnV05PdkV2UTVGeGZwRTh1dkt3PQ== |
this not even started still in accumulation zone for us to speak about another 😄
![gif](giphy|9rjzS2QYAk1paKD7uk) | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQWpEOXdTRHNwa0ZCVzg5WXU3RjdPRFVtU2djUGdsV0xUTHR2VlBwbTVpUk52VFhLS0lSUnVFS0dKdFF2YUw4bWxnRXk2TXZXdk10WVZEM3o3R2doMG1VZFZObE44Q3RqdDZSMmJKTENVbzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSDVGU2toRndJRVdhLVlyZEsxWEh0Z1pySldJMTJyQTZPNTJuUzJzeV9ZZDBWeHNQVmUyT1N2UFE4U0VXWG1WNWNoSXRJTlU3SEdSSEtzdXg3QzVxLTNNOGoyem96RlhFMU4tMmRVLVd5MmQ5TmFXdUxSWjE3eC1kWURDaEMyQlZIS19FckY4V1NaNXN4N3FhSktqX29JcWo3TE1qZ1NiWHZnYXZTWG9HR1dNPQ== |
easy with ETH at 10k+ ❇️🔥🔥🚀 | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMLWIya0laSjd4bmowWkpOZ0s0OWpkVWNldW95M09xaXRKbm5CLUxfRTYtaVpZTXdrQmVDNThuaGVKUUdJeVVkX1ZFb3VJNDlkMzZqYVlQUkViMWpzYVdaQXdEZjRVMFF0eWptcU1acmU3Sms9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNY2EtRlpUWW9rTnFFUFRTV3hLVVppRmE4ZWpaRU1OUm5Fa2NXTnNrX1BiZ0QzT3FNRV9FZlp6d29pNkhJb3pyTFZxNjRQN2pUQlBGeTVKUW4tSmU4OUVZcEVKbDFDX2ZwODI4cEtxWEh2X096OHgxcnJxWWpwbE56bUVzUzBpYWhyeEpXYWdDUEEyRnRtaDdHUWxGX3ZnLTA3OXEtejF3dlM4N1pVQzJ1WnJFPQ== |
Couldn’t agree more. Credit to the space. Clear, concise, informative and positive as always.
We’re lucky to have you.
Thank you 🙏 | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMT1k0aDRCSkNwTzlITFR0N1FtdGk5ekZoeTBvd3V3TmVSSWRkckxVRHZSN2x2bW5Cc1drcXI5Y3FtRVlsY2JhZXdXZjNUc203MVllaVUwWWJjclJZOHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbU9yWlJvV21zNWU3SjRSckhHd3Rpa3ZDMlduNE54QWJMWERWdUVzS0ZlVGJkVVJxN0NlRUU1dm1nZHRGQjg2bE5ZUFZ6dUZDZ3BicmVZNnRzNDFzdzNrV29lNjNKcDhMVTR5bTVjUWR4QThiSmZmRUZEdzhabXhmakdXNGhBU2x1UmZtUVE4d0N1M1BEdXo5MGtLNFNuZ3BPZnhEb09LaG9KaXpWZDhERWRBPQ== |
Point me at one of those laws or rules that prohibits listing privacy coins in the US on centralized exchanges.
There is no such prohibition, law or rule. Behind the scenes pressure, quite possibly, but that is not "laws or rules" that is just jawboning. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTjRjYzlqakxRaWNlWkRWSG44bkpUZncyZVJMbm5kVC0zRXdoV2lqQllEWU9Fdy1RXzBWcmY5ZUpva0NPYVp3VXVEVmlFdk1lbWFHMDZMVUhpNlJIS0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUzlmdjQxc2RQQkFrMDd6Z1AtbVpBcHhHRk1XdmZScnhwU2hWOWNyOW1lbWM0NHctRC1uaHdmN04zYVNNbUxNX1JPM2w4WTN5b2M5WGNqazFVREwzak1DMUJ3dmR2Q3BmMDR3dEN0dFpVa1RrcUloa1FjZEVjYjdUU1dBeVN5RDhlRVExTFZjX19vdDdJZDhHX3FxQnU5RzJXXzhvRlN5SE5falpSX3hZc1I3cjJPRlhILTZYYVhKTVFrVW9sNC1qTE1LWlYxTFFOM2o1Wm85bFA3QVByQT09 |
So as most of us know, since 2020 MicroStrategy were consistently purchasing BTC and according to this website, they have held 252,220 BTC before November 2024. Until now, this seemed like very smart and wise DCA however what they have done this month is questionable.
In this month, November 2024 they have purchased 134,480 BTC which was over 50% of their entire holding of BTC as of the end of October 2024. Further they have paid for it over 10B which is more than they have paid for the 252,220 BTC that they have been acquiring over last 4 years or so.
Unless they are leveraging the gains of previously acquired BTC to get more BTC, their purchases from November 2024 or doing this to get publicity - this does not make sense to me. Why would they spend 100% of what they have been spending at ATH of BTC to get roughly 50% BTC when they believed in BTC all this time.
I would be grateful to hear your thoughts on this, maybe there is something to it that I don’t see. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdTZIZUJlaTA4LWtqU05tdURtbnRRV0FKU3BQSGhnTGJQTWpFMGpEekxOaDR6dnUyekM0WmQ0cEozMzIxQVBZTzl0dFZCeTJyV19YQVF4Q1Ewa0VvQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUTRRVmc4dmZ3SUtmU2Q3ekpraW5rUGJ5Tl9NOHAxcGNYTzhIYk9QRkhiYUdxZ2ladzYtV2ZVX3BhUEZLWldhaE9fRjhyQnNFd3ZTM2NlZ1dVR1JObnNZRzlNN3h0Yk03NXo2VkpudWRxWnFXSFRCaWhQeTBGVWFuU290VElUcWxCNVA2QV9aTHd6a0dNbUNadHZiZGo2U1JkVnhhRThWSDFFVklpN3IyZkI4UFVZcnR0RENQV3ZxUlN0X25uTTNwSGh2enVNZG9KbDFqVmZ6ZlRtclI0UT09 |
Dear Polkadot Community
I'm a documentary filmmaker and have been around since this time [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkopOJQvmFk&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkopOJQvmFk&t)
I'm building Kinera, a decentralised media rank, co-creation and distribution network.
As a content creator, I propose a new audio and video format for web3 interactions and I explain why here [https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1304](https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1304)
This is a shout-out to other media producers and DOT holders to understand the 3AV format and support it.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you
Miguel | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYmc5OEhTNWV2Ui1fMHEtVkFHaHZtUjVEb2g4cERDSGZSVGZic2ROWUxac3lVYzNLRThLbFNuRDk2bEdpRVJ6RTRqaUFfN3hjZndxdTB3MV9OeUlheEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNN0lxcWppbllHS3hlS0VhZnhfa1h4ekZQVzVqZDN0cHhUWTlHTGg3dUJZRG11RFpOZ3k1c1V5Y2tsZDN2ZjVsX3NnbFU4UmtRT0dmd296SzBlNE9GYWlMNnNmMElsdHpEWWlJdllCMmg2ZWZMWXE3dWZPUFdLdFBCWWlyeW0wTjlTSFBZT0NDazNYZkRHeHZacFJpSGdPUWJXdkhUQkl0aTZaVFJLLVROb3ZLb1VxWVRtSUpWTlN4ZjRHdml0WFlEZmJCUnkxR2VQOXJlV2hzcHI5Snp4dz09 |
This would be nice | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMX0x5WFZXeEhuTFhOWUlsaW00Z1hqOHB3OXo1eWx3TFNsbUtnb1hrRzRnM2JnSmZCRU9Sb3VPcFhhZk8zeDE1QjVKbmtOVDJqVUQxX2QxSnV1T2VlOVgtOUh2TFJFX2k5a1M4Y3cweVg4NTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcmx3UVpmMmVJUmoyN0VGRTBXcDA1Z1pyMk8xNDNMTk9jdXJPdFNPM1FLN0dfaHppb21yVERrLXc3VUhnMTlZUjAxUWpMS3JZMC1WNm9aMUJMdmx2QjVTV0haR25xdWJKYkF2WHFjSkhYVFNiWktDdDV2N2xUTXh6SHNsZVRfTkNyUWx0RmZLOVNMcUVIRThCS1dIWHdXRzd3UlRNVmZ2RHBXbTMyMnF4eVc0PQ== |
Honestly I was just playing with a fun thought experiment | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRGdBSlJMVnUxdlVXeTRicC1hOERKS0JEdlRYOFF6OHU5M2NHbG1PeHBnV0VnMG95MHlBejdhWnpya1BacmNBRTdlVWJab29zR2NNMklNQXVpYkNybUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTy1EQkhDd1VJQ0tPLXBRbEx1WFZzcHN0NGFET0xtVFVRVWdVY0c5N3h1TUFuMXZhM2Q0ZWh3QVNCV2dmYlpGNm5hX2JReUFDQkN1N2dibUVNc05LX1RKTTQycC1lUDUyTDZHalpHUElyN3RneUlzeC1VNGxEVUhOS1JyNFp2N2JSdTFUTmJLNEc3cVNkbld1ZmVkcmM2VndKOWJRRWlWQUlRUkVJRnhVakNNPQ== |
And much more downside potential. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMd3hQZmdOUWthWkgwN3IxZEdmb0VjeDktUEFDMXdrOXdaVm96Qk9DTGtWU0twWEZWM0MtU1h2Y05FY2c4NGtTZG5OMW1lanVXSXFhLVFGNi1RdW40X1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRjJUbXdfdV9JUmtMazktT1hCd2xQSy02dWlwd0JTQ2NnZk9QOF9UdnVBNXFBa3NWSFpPeGNCZDhWY200cmxreDFIZ08wWml4bnAybGxSOTVsS0VSUkVWNU1zT1V3ZEk3bVpwZEJIbFg2Zy0zSFpsSTExZUhUZllQQktiMGszVVFDbzRWRGdmSXFveHhSSXdyUlhSdVFsMXlkQktwemM4QlJETEtFTTVydlJmenZ0eFRxa29aOHZfY2Q3cTByeGdYdzdkdlUtS2VfcTdKMHFoNVpOTUN5Zz09 |
Is there a go-to site where you can set up P2P automated DCA directly to a cold storage address that just works with minimal hands on needed? I want it to be non-KYC. I know Trezor Suite offers something similar, but not sure it does P2P DCA on auto pilot. Been looking at Strike, but not sure it does automated. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNU82Zkk3ZGRtUXE2SjJPLXV1bE4ySnphZFdIbmVVcElRbXlDR3ltcVpjTW52eDVWZ0REVnljdG9KUXNsY19IeGQzQ3JvTjVjcTZZbzdHcHdsd3RCVG1VWjFwX3Vad2dEbTk5Z3V0WU9PNTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU0t2bmNrQW10OU9BQjlmZEdZM0RSNGUwUEtiM1lHM1F3ZFlvQWx2T1RSb3M4MW9jTUFNM3lWaDRlNjNzZFhuTmhKbTJqWUtNWVJOeDdWUEtMdGF1MHJlVEdBdEpOREpyeUNWRmFWaXU1UjRBLU42ZThZaEZlaE1RdHc4LVlXc0FlemJObm9XZjc2cGF1UmRaOXhvR011dzhwTVVkcWd1eUNJemR3b3pha2dLYzdjVDVCN1VZbnJVU1owb1hpcFRwRDdVMjJMaU0wNEtjLWhFeFdlRjYyUT09 |
This account needs more than 15 karma to post
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EthereumClassic) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZG1udVJmTTNHNk9qUnlHTWZNY0pJVlVMOWtHdGkxb0ozYnVLeHVoeWdaRl9nNFBVcFVPbG54SUt2aTU2SXdUYlotQTVqWGQxMTJhQVkyaDdydmo1cEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdGZxcFlmeU5YVFN5a3BUX3dyTmlCUG8xaUJOYl9WX1M4V2piZnFwZ1lKOTdoeUlkZnBranNmcEFoUWZ1cmRPcTQwSlFnVlNsYlE3ekZjYkJFRm1oMjBreGh0V0lTaEtTRl9Nd2xGa21hUldNZ1F6MG00NnVoeHduallMMWJjb1JHMmoyNHFack9OdlpDUnBMSTc3cWlXNGFRV1pwMHlBWTZNN0pvRlhoOVQwPQ== |
It sure does. Buckle up | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMenptNk1WQS1GT2MtRDUyZ0FXc294NmNKVUxPS1BDdF9QZjRKckh0MmVONVpVNjRxX1Nyb3pCa240TWtWSG8zamxPdDA5ei1EVHZmT3BQTUN3YlpUMUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVUxfMmNEYXJUMnpsNFJfeHFodThzRlFpb2RHaVQ0NWgxbi1SMDE1M3Q0U244X0FNRlg4a3l0bDVqU0cyU1JETUx1ZmI5Z0oxLTdyekpRSnFRVkRUWnRma3hic3o0Xzl1bjh4SWJSeThFTmVjWEp2bXItdTdqNE81T29EcUlXNlRQcmh3bDZHVXhxcFc4ckd2ZFFqNGlPWWs4N2E0NlZ5UEo3cXFQM19HdGNxVm5Fbjk4bTdXTC11Z3VNd2hocGFRcExfeExlWldJQnJvS3ppY2JvRGlldz09 |
I think a few months ago it did it at 0.5 or as close as possible, then it changed to 1 dot, is that correct? | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUWs2dldrejl2bmtNU1NMVERxQnhvVzg5eDgyVHV3UHJEWnpxNDBOWjB6VE1uWFBwYmo5Zzdmc1dOekM5a29tOEZHbVpHWHdlZF95WkUtaUtkcFpObVpIYWgySXRsbzRsaHBEdzF3X0pUZEU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQS1fQTJMVnRVWXdKaTR2aGE0Rjl3dnVqbGJKajh5RUl2NEJaN3l1V2JWZ01tTXE0WkJoOUF3Wnk5djZuZlZ0anhnTWhkY1YyU3l3RDdGVkZpSkJ5ZHZReXVjc0tzYVVabDY3NG44UUxINlJZc1NUQUYzbEtDWlBrZ3F6RjNiNjAzQzlnNnpYYXZXbGEtTF82MVhUNEZGbjJnal9jdnA5Yzc5NU1oZHVyTDNsSWwza21NR1huQ0VsSDJENHNadFE4b0FJUUYzR3hhWlVwdW0zWkZ1U0RqZz09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUUFSM1FvNDk5VC1kQmhGV1pRbklsZTdNVElTcmpsN1Y0bHdOWGpVc3JDdGlld2NiYURKbEg1WnJhM0pUWk5TdGNlMFpPVmllY2NYQmZRMldEWUdYSlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNV3Y1Nk85S2RWVFQ0X3BWWkNSWGtPRV9pWmRFbzFwMnc3c0tnRHpLUjJjbmxHWFpjSnBlOEF4RGVfOXRRa1pwZm5VRkJBMlFnTzU4UDNydFJKWDRIMl9XallqNi1scF9OaWU5NXluVDlsZTlwQU9pR0RsTVczMnlka0YtM05hNllRcXh3cm9PREE4TUNIOVNERjZuQ3JwN2J5UUdpbEN5dDI1YU5oTnBNWnRTWGJCOGxuVmZWUFdqYmRjWk5EQ3dD |
🥰💪😎🤤 | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVkw3OHIzcWxEOGxhYmUwbm1MWURmbHJLU054TFlsQWZyRkRlTm95VFlfMUY2MHdCeFRuVFo2UENkYW1iTE5ubmJBYnJwa3ZnNWVtNnQwSjFkTEx0ZUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMnY4OVFGSG96SmxraEtmLUNxd3pVM3g3aGxEQ0hmcWUyV05FZEd2UVpWZndvdzZSNFd5Wi1qaFNsNFRVYmpNTVdZZW9TdWQ3dWpCR3VXNUFjRzZLY05SSlBTUnFKd3o3UjVZdFlpWXRwZTBSSHBfWDFacW9naUMtNmpXZ3F5MWVJZjJ3Mnk3U3RYdnVBSXhvYXg4VUtyampua1RUUnl4WGZOZW9Od1VsZTlWRmdlSEVPdHN4YTFhbW5wRy1pRE1JMll5clFEOHNveHdFR21Pd2lsbXhQQT09 |
So I have been following crypto for about a year or so.
I still feel like I am basically gambling half the time when trading, is it genuinely possible for me to have some success buying low and selling high on the short term?
I use Coinbase right now and I feel like essentially all of the supposed profits are taken by their fees, or the profit margin has to be insanely high for it to be worth my time (obviously not trading with lots of cash right now).
Anyone has some suggestions? Am I just delusional day trader wanna be or what?
| r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMc0dvU3paQ0pmZ2JyVEVTSnRISDZ4VFFySURWTG9zMl9uMFFKY3JMdGdSU0JVcUh2bERtTG1PNEwxWkQyVXhmdVZrdDRRaGttZ2VJdDY2YmJJTDlPMkVMOWZ0emlRSmNjM3RGdzNrT1JBX289 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcU1CMENwcm83eGVqZ0JRMmJQWWJBOTQ4X29RWXNhcUJVV2U3dWxuRVpQRzZqTWxfbjNPc2tLc2t6WGJyUlpMTzBENkQ3MFZLRWF1RDJmem0zSjRPUVh4QkZJRFdMeDh5aDhKYmpMS2d2V3d4amRWN2RuZlRqMldrVnpGTnY2UXJ3bVZ2d0hWRzlJUTBjd0lRa0VoMGxwTXFLVEUyYVNfUmJvbzBYemZ1Nm44TEs0YWZucFdxZWVFZzd0Wlc0MWdrdDd3c1RVc3FmVUY0UDVjMFpyMkQtQT09 |
Hope your right, loaded up yesterday | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMano0Ync5OFRIYUtBM2x6QU0zMFlMSDhQZVpoUlg2ZmI4UzdoQlRzZGV2QkQ5QUpQU096cXZQTU93RllrR0hGXzFzSXZRNGpKLU5tb2NLWEFlWDNtY05JU0s3b0JyN0p6ZXdoWXNKa2FjaE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVWVaaTBaZ2NWdURYQi1SUzE3WXhvRVZteEVmNzhzc082a0ZfWEZ0OGRhcW1rUm9PbUMtQzhrTUZrbGlVUTl0UUlRQUZRbDRiNThTOVNXNXN0T0Zrd2xneXJMelFSY2o5OVYxcWtUM3NFbU9jOXJOR3FRNmlGSDJsQnhpdU9LV2RlTE1EdzBBUC1adDA5V1dVTnEwYjZTNUxIbTRoQWtndzMycFdvUUEzbm9rdWM5aFM1VHhPeXR1eExRRUozcmpSak40V3dhYTJUN1Njc0JXUFc5eU1jZz09 |
Set a sell order and get out above your DCA. I have a similar DCA, holding for a few years. Too stubborn to take the loss. I'm out around $45 BECAUSE, if I miss the opportunity because of greed and it goes back to where it likes to sit? I'll be down and stuck again because of my high ass DCA......
But for those with low DCA, holding and accumulating will make sense | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZG5oYllISXJmbHJ5NURER0U1ekFUUlQ3RjhzaGV6Z2VVMG9fdWhNM0M3OHFadEl3d2U0R21rYU5JUGRqenhsMXhZQmdoZ0hicWhuRmJfWk9WM1hGZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZVdnRmJwbFpuemtrNW9iT0N4Q1dHMDVPVEJBZ1lvQjNseG8yREZDX1JlNkFRcUMtdk1uZ21XeV9VdEhmdWp2V1JzTWs3NjIwVzZuTXpDeGs5ZzBtY0tJaGlNd280UXl3ekhpM012VGtZRUxlVWNNRGNBWWFWLWxGMzU5ZDVWX1pXQnZBaGl4T01QZG1XeFM5SjE1Zzd3dVRRbGMwZm1oaEx6UjJDUUg4Mm01cGZsS0lUQzdtMzJyMHo2UE5LSUJX |
**Bloom Energy (BE) surged 59% on Nov 15 and is now up 95%.**
While it’s unclear if the rally will pause or continue—and you should be mindful that, as I just said, she has already soared 95%—this post explores why this move is more than a short-term trend, with highly significant catalysts on the horizon.
[Bloom Energy servers](https://preview.redd.it/j6j1akk2x43e1.jpg?width=3912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb781f61de55753b16b0ff00433654d603615d53)
AI is booming, and it’s not a fad. Have you heard of NVDA? Of course you have, and you know the demand for its semiconductors is insane. Here are key insights from last Wednesday’s NVDA earnings call:
* Hopper demand is exceptional.
* Blackwell demand is staggering.
* NVDA is racing to scale supply to meet the incredible demand.
* The next wave of AI is Enterprise AI and Industrial AI.
AI isn’t just the future—it’s here and scaling rapidly. These semiconductors are being used to build advanced data centers. **But to turn on these data centers, you cannot just plug all that processing power into the wall outlet. They require specialized power setups from their local energy utility.**
Connecting a data center to the grid requires major upgrades due to their immense energy demands and need for reliability:
**Dedicated Substations:** Data centers need substations with high-capacity transformers and switchgear to step down grid power. Building or upgrading a substation can take 2–3 years due to permitting, engineering, and construction delays.
**Transmission Line Upgrades:** High-voltage lines may need new installations, conductor upgrades, or pole reinforcements, often delayed by land acquisition, environmental reviews, and public opposition.
**Distribution Network Enhancements:** Local networks require upgrades like redundant feeders, voltage regulators, and new lines to ensure stable delivery from substations to data centers.
**Redundancy and Reliability:** To meet 99.999% uptime demands, utilities need to build costly redundant systems, including backup transmission lines and ring configurations, to eliminate single points of failure.
Furthermore, data centers consume immense amounts of electricity, often beyond what utilities can supply. Slow by nature, utilities are vastly unprepared for the AI-driven demand surge, and they are struggling to respond.
Besides, upgrading grid infrastructure requires billions of dollars and takes years, with delays from zoning, public consultations, and environmental reviews. As a result, companies that want to develop their data centers face growing waiting lists for power, risking their competitive edge in an industry where delays of even months can be critical.
**This isn’t hypothetical—it’s happening now.** I’ve included several sources and citations at the end.
Enter Bloom Energy ($BE), which sells on-site power generators that can run data centers **without relying on the grid**—a proven solution used for years in hospitals, factories, and off-grid installations.
On Nov 14 (after-hours), American Electric Power (AEP), a major utility that operates in 11 states and is struggling to meet data center energy demands, struck a deal with Bloom Energy. Instead of making clients wait years or relocate, AEP will offer Bloom’s energy servers, enabling data centers to power up in months, not years, and stay competitive.
This is a game-changer for Bloom Energy. They’ve shifted from selling servers to individual clients to partnering with utility giant AEP—a move from retail to wholesale.
Bloom’s technology isn’t new, but the AEP deal marks a leap to scalable, utility-scale partnerships, unlocking massive demand.
A company wanting to develop a data center: “I need energy for my data center!”
AEP: “We’ll be able to accommodate you until mid-2027. You can wait, move to a location where the grid is already upgraded (but you need to hurry because those spaces are limited), or we can install these Bloom Energy servers and you’ll have your energy in 90 days.”
For those who grasp this jump from retail to wholesale, the opportunity is clear.
Careful, though. My entry was over a week ago, and she has been running a lot already. However, every new AEP order or, fingers crossed, any other major utility signing a new agreement with Bloom Energy? Wink emoji.
Do your own research, though. And for those who want to dive deeper into the details, here are the sources I used to inform my play:
[AEP press release](https://www.aep.com/news/releases/read/9866/AEP-Leveraging-Fuel-Cell-Technology-to-Power-Data-Center-Growth)
[McKinsey report on how data centers and AI rely on the availability of electric power](https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/private-capital/our-insights/how-data-centers-and-the-energy-sector-can-sate-ais-hunger-for-power)
[Deep dive where my play came from](https://youtu.be/puCqvzGWqDw)
[Reuters article on strong growth in new data center demand](https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/american-electric-power-beats-q2-profit-estimates-data-center-demand-boost-2024-07-30/)
[Bloom Energy & AI data centers](https://youtu.be/mzg301k0SDY)
Personally, I’m playing with shares ($18.24, and I'm posting now because I was BanBet-banned last week).
And again, she could keep running north, but be careful. However, this stock is something you should keep on a watchlist.
TL;DR: Bloom Energy (BE) surged 59% after a deal with AEP, a major utility struggling to meet energy demands from AI-driven data centers. BE’s on-site energy servers bypass the grid, enabling data centers to power up in months instead of years. This shifts BE from retail to wholesale, unlocking massive potential. Sources right above if you want to dive deeper. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSHdhODJKVE9URjRWeVBpbHpDR19HVnlhTGtrOVRKLXVoWEV3T1AweTZYaGJNQWJVVTc0cm9JWnFQSDlMRGx0ank4RndISnhUUGlUcXk3RlFDVkNnd2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZzA1TV83WkJKWDZDZE90N1lWelFrS3NnSEM4dG5COEV6MGZQa2lZaWRMT1ZnQzFFQTlsTk1LRHZkYmhqRWFISjhfZTc5OXR5R1pjR0xBY0hMQjA3SGhZY0g4Ujk4eUMzUGd2ZWRSV0pIb0swN2V4YmphNjlFNUE0bWhsN25jSy1hMlZFQTBRYkE0QzVGQ0w1OEpvampaMGx4aUlwTVlRVi1lWUh5YTBBOWdITDhHcDlZN1NmUEhDcGNEdmp6ZlpkVWV1ZVNyY3JWTGNZcnA2N3BPOU1tZz09 |
\> BTC is a trap, during the last high fee event something like 82% of all addresses were dust.
Could you elaborate on this/send link that describes this? | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMM0ZOanU5Rk11dkhOLUFfLTR1b2R4Y25IX1FUWmFEc2dNbFNwNzU0UERNTm8xWjFzNUkyZll3d2RGckdWS3N2SEtNWHBEM3FCV01uYzYxR29JVXFHaTZ4cHBOZ2l0LTV6MVFmSEtRZWtBU3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNczU2cVdvQTZyMFdNSzVmU2F2TDdRcXppb3VpTXRjd3BUR19CLXgweG9kaVdZd0phSml6S2l5YWY5Wm5qdXlaYW5TYUMxeEtfeExKSnQwLW1jUHVkUlhpOHBXdUxIOHd1WElUWjY3Y0NPOEZTSGp6c2s1ZUtiYzZOUE16aGt4dE1sY09KT2lrTU9WTkZCUFVGdG8yTU9nNGpTWHhxRTVjT1V6NUtuUExwVHdQcXBHcDN3M0ozS0VlRjJVS09qc0J6 |
Completely useless post, but still want to rant.
Are you stupid?! Where do you get that money from?! Where are your parents????? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMal9zNXkzSkJZM3RvWFZSNzBVNFZWMFkxVklCX0MyWjA5ak03ZEU4dFN1dkNaUHpsZFJsaUNUdE1rY2hodVZXMU9xZGljSnRHS0I1Y0xGM3F5cldweGlmN1NLUE9rUEgzeUNwc200SkJjUlU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUU1QUjdCRHc4djJmMVFaOEkzdmNXV0w2R0dUeGgyX1RvekRteUQ4cDRwYTk4ZXlHaTRHejlnQnRkODBTX24xQjBTQ0xhbHRKSm1CdFR2RHlrbmtkSXE2dEFzUFNES3B5bHB3aFppQ3o5bTd3allfbkFwX2dZZnpja0EyMlEtNjdpcTdNTXFkVDI2UjRDbW1NaFpDcEtaUXhySWVfZzlhLTF6LVUtek5INGVVTk1NV0JIN24wWFFXaERoN2F0RnBPcWwtU002SEdjVUtsVWlKR1NONE51dz09 |
Got her assigned 1k shares at 233 and now doing it again at 360 lol $500,000 yolo in commons. I’ll just make her some tea and we’ll watch downtown abbey again. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMekxlcVZ5QzlJdHFBeDNpWFdXSEpTbGQ0VkZReWpoVG83cG11YWVCblNibDBFQXF5SnJxZV8xcEw4RWJ0LW1XS3pOMldJcXZUaDA2bVlaU1ZKc20zcmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZkhJVm80ZXZyaWx5SzZRQnRUWHZtVVRaNUpweGNqY0tOR1hWZmwtUV92YkJnZ1NEbXBKeDJnRVZ3SFZiV0EycktNWDNfRHdNUkdlcjZnZGw3dnNxRHFXeDJEUTFiU2hxOWszYVY1U2Fad1lFNGxYRmMyT0ZHMFZuamlFWDRpVXIyVXhFVjBrVTVScXZBWmN4MkJ2Um91WFo5Z01NenJzb0NvdFJKZ0VIVDdyV0JMRnNGV1Y1N29PenFfb0sxT0ZEUE9rN3lvdEhhMTkyZEdycEphWk0ydz09 |
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**Stand With Crypto**
In light of recent events and the challenges faced by the Ethereum and broader crypto space, we'd like to draw your attention to Coinbase's 'Stand with Crypto' initiative. It seeks to foster understanding, collaboration, and advocacy in the crypto space.
[🔗 Stand with Crypto Initiative](https://www.coinbase.com/public-policy/advocacy/standwithcrypto)
Remember, staying informed and united is key. Let's ensure a secure and open future for Ethereum and its principles. Happy trading and discussing! | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVFhNYUZGT1Vvd284SkVUM0NNcmgwZlpDT0VfX1NRMG84UGF5UWlITG5WSS03bExEeTBfY3dPTWxyMnA5Q0RJSXpqSVdSN3lJdHNSbFBGVmZqYWZRNUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSWhuLXl1WkJMWFp1bHNtaTYxeXV4SjU1SlloYllXdWpKLXhlemhwOWRwTTB0WHB3OWF4WFhGbm9hOEdsZXM4QTcwYmMxQ1hqWlBWdnlfeEZtVHpwN0JYaGdCX2hmT2RPbTN3Wm1TVVBxZm1yOGNTS01GQkhLVldnSC1wS0JSN3pSNWR5bnBoQTFCSXJOV2EtaDhNY19faXlDbjZ6Q3E1a0tEdVlDNThjbTE5b1pvcXBib3VaYXNLMnNSSjdNamlNdDcweHFIZHFKU3czVC1Md1gyN0JIdz09 |
You are correct. None in the US. There is unfortunately a badly worded regulation in the EU within MiCA. This is what has led to the recent de listings in the EEA | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMVBaajVyWHNDMW9LRktMY0x3bVltQVViWi16RVBOaGtYY3YxTUJiVEdGekxLc0ZBaHV6ZVd4WXJvSXoxb19vZUdYRDlqREhwSEFfcURqdnBpd1BVekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNLVNQUVRiTUVXWjVjWXVIRWt6Qm1BaTVLYkluTXNGSkU4UnFtZzNkZm0wR1ZZeXQtWWVhZEdweFlsQ2NBSEdJRlFQYnpPSTAwRHFqX1hVMWtuLXR3U3h3WjZ1NWM3cW5GWFpxMmw0eFNlNm1UMVdZN0tsOXZMZmxONVFRR1VlQ1p2UDJCWXhoUXZET2ZZYnJNdlZ0TXR0OFlPcmZRUmlwSENhQVpLNHR3WlphcGNOdnV5UXVYNHBEZm1vTVdMejZKYUhka0p2S3R1VWRaVlNOazhuMUdrdz09 |
I'm in at $7 | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMb0UxNkxaN0VEUDV4OWlsZDlUU25HQWt6SzhVUmF2U203d1Y4WUEzaVgwZUV1X3kyMlJCWlZacG1uaHJkOU9GU2dJMFBobEp4VVNQNjZOZzNEd1RaVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZkRMRzR4eFhZRm1MSjZrSE1CbjVUbE1EY0FpUndncnIydVFZNExkXzFuX2pIeFJoN1V6V3VEdk1ZcmpHb09Qa2lVM2c3N2d5cGNKVWZEV3pCTWkwNzBhMEJ4MUN1aFpIbEptZG9DNDBhSVBtcGc3ZkdVem5KR0JiSmQ1SWpqb1dlQUxHM05zZmRrTWZibjh1Y0hmeDZJZWVRc1J1VlZPdlQ0OWJScmVKS3QwPQ== |
Looking forward to this | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTHpGeGtaWGs0WHJVRDlxdE5nYlVraWw0Q2k2STJYUGRkbmFkMTBzTURIc2E3clRzaWVaS1FsSDhYNTZ2d1d4SVc2Wmp3RU1mVWRrTzNUNHNsdk9qNFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR2o0V1EtTmk2UGpCR0UySXFhdGR6TDBadVhxS19rV1VFZVdCMXFFSV9Uc2VCUWlQMXlva2VCWlhNeVpONWNTTWs5RUhVaTJlc05Qa3ppaW02M0pGV1pyQ1VrcWo2a2JiNXhFdWhzNGpOWHFhV2Fic1A3X3E2eHFHMU16YUFYd3ZrUWNaa0RmYzhHMTdKOEc1UjFLUUZreHJWUVNHQkpSWmNOOEJ6d2xRWmRFSnpvOGhfM2lJRm13b3M5Rm0tSGM3NEtJU3ZvRmsyNWFSclltbEJRSjctQT09 |
# EthTrader Contest Round 144 #1 – Prediction Contest
* **A simple prediction contest, each multiple choice question is worth 1 point.**
* **A free choice answer will settle any tie-breakers, closest answers decide the winner**
* **Entries will close when the Daily Discussion on for Thursday 28th November is posted.**
* **One entry per user permitted - registered users only, new users are welcome to register!**
* **Prices are based on Coingecko.com and in USD**
* **Follow the correct formatting for your entry as shown;**
[Entry submission formatting](https://preview.redd.it/k6t880gg5crd1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=3876a1827c7a69ac3d0abab67083327240dc3743) \*Note; number of questions and prize pool has increased
# Prize Pool
* **1st - 3500 DONUT/CONTRIB**
* **2nd - 1750 DONUT/CONTRIB**
* **3rd - 750 DONUT/CONTRIB**
# The Questions
**1) According to Coingecko.com; What will the Price of $ETH** **be at 13:00 UTC Sunday, December 1st.**
\[A\] $0 – $2999.99
\[B\] $3000.00 – $3199.99
\[C\] $3200.00 – $3399.99
\[D\] $3400.00 – $3599.99
\[E\] $3600.00 +
**2) According to Coingecko.com; What will the Price of $ARB be at 13:00 UTC Sunday, December 1st.**
\[A\] $0 – $0.7499
\[B\] $0.75 – $0.8499
\[C\] $0.85 – $0.9499
\[D\] $0.95 – $1.0499
\[E\] $1.05 +
**3) According to Coingecko.com; What will the Price of $ETH** **be at 13:00 UTC Sunday, December 8th.**
\[A\] $0 – $2999.99
\[B\] $3000.00 – $3199.99
\[C\] $3200.00 – $3399.99
\[D\] $3400.00 – $3599.99
\[E\] $3600.00 +
**4) According to Coingecko.com; What will the Price of $ARB be at 13:00 UTC Sunday, December 8th.**
\[A\] $0 – $0.7499
\[B\] $0.75 – $0.8499
\[C\] $0.85 – $0.9499
\[D\] $0.95 – $1.0499
\[E\] $1.05 +
**5) According to Coingecko.com; What will the Price of $ETH** **be at 13:00 UTC Sunday, December 15th.**
\[A\] $0 – $2999.99
\[B\] $3000.00 – $3199.99
\[C\] $3200.00 – $3399.99
\[D\] $3400.00 – $3599.99
\[E\] $3600.00 +
**6) According to Coingecko.com; What will the Price of $ARB be at 13:00 UTC Sunday, December 15th.**
\[A\] $0 – $0.7499
\[B\] $0.75 – $0.8499
\[C\] $0.85 – $0.9499
\[D\] $0.95 – $1.0499
\[E\] $1.05 +
**7) According to Coingecko.com; What will the price of $GNO be at 13:00 UTC Sunday, December 15th.**
\[A\] $0 – $199.99
\[B\] $200.00 – $229.99
\[C\] $230.00 – $259.99
\[D\] $260.00 – $289.99
\[E\] $290.00 +
**8) According to Coingecko.com; What will the Price of $SUSHI be at 13:00 UTC Sunday, December 15th.**
\[A\] $0 – $0.899
\[B\] $0.90 – $0.999
\[C\] $1.00 – $1.099
\[D\] $1.10 – $1.199
\[E\] $1.20 +
**9) According to Coingecko.com; What will ETH Dominance be at 13:00 UTC Sunday, December 15th.**
\[A\] 0% – 12.49%
\[B\] 12.50% – 12.79%
\[C\] 12.80% – 13.09%
\[D\] 13.10% – 13.39%
\[E\] 13.4% +
**10) According to l2beat.com; What will the Daily TPS of Arbitrum One be at 13:00 UTC Sunday, December 15th.**
\[A\] 0 – 18.99
\[B\] 19 – 20.99
\[C\] 21 – 22.99
\[D\] 23 – 24.99
\[E\] 25 +
**11) According to Coingecko.com; What will the Rank of $DONUT be at 13:00 UTC Sunday, December 15th.**
\[A\] 1 – 3199
\[B\] 3200 – 3299
\[C\] 3300 – 3399
\[D\] 3400 – 3499
\[E\] 3500 +
**12) What will the Post/DONUT Ratio be for Round 144?**
\[A\] 0 – 21.99
\[B\] 22.00 – 23.99
\[C\] 24.00 – 25.99
\[D\] 26.00 – 27.99
\[E\] 28.00 +
**13) What will the Comment/DONUT Ratio be for Round 144?**
\[A\] 0 – 21.99
\[B\] 22.00 – 23.99
\[C\] 24.00 – 25.99
\[D\] 26.00 – 27.99
\[E\] 28.00 +
**14) How many users will be listed in the final Distribution Summary for Round 144?**
\[A\] 0 – 174
\[B\] 175 – 199
\[C\] 200 – 224
\[D\] 225 – 249
\[E\] 250 +
**15) Tie-break settler (Free-choice): According to Final Distribution Summary; What will cumulative Pay2Post DONUT fees from all users be for round 142? (Eg, 42069.69)**
**Template for your entry**
[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] 42069 | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaHl0V2k0RjlWb2dWRXJQM1hsVVFNaDBnMFVOWlZEc3loRXV3cUxyVDFSYzFYaHYycFByNmdSejZ3bjZoTHR5ckpZTm55eHBGLXNSR3V2SXRPZFFqMWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUUFxWVdYOGZMcllwV1A0V1ZvT1NvaEFocEZTN01VYVFtX1dwZU90dWhLNWd4RjZteFJiM3FnQ3FQbThYX0c1bk5fY2R2MWFTSFhwMHRMSE14TWV1Rkk0LTZZeWFzQWtXaEJjTXU5enp5WlBlUlM5VC1KRGFYQVVEMGpsR0RnMXBvd3BzWnJtRmI1anJmNmFNR0RIVzhMNHBkUXJ6b3NCazZQZFRqa21zTnlHUjRoSVV3eFdWTGZYYmcyT2RzOWNaTTBxLTRtVkxER09OV29rakUybzJ4Zz09 |
I have 1.8 SOL in Bonkbot and it's not letting me withdraw any of it. It always say: not enough sol to withdraw. This seems ridiculous. I've tried withdrawing all and an X amount on both my desktop and my phone but nothing works. What's wrong and what do I do? Please help. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZWNnVl95bDJCSms2NVVwV3JiTUYzbkpETTUzb0RMUnhPSUx4V0plSkRDYU5OMFlUM2djSEdpNnlPcTFUYVhUZWlQYm1RT292LXdLR1h2YXJrWnBWcVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNM1B2aGdEMk1CX1ppS2lIX3dOWWgwZ0lrTkVxdjBpMHBMMkJLNzRxajNFclI5NnBpN1pmNl9QT2daXzFfUmgxWm04cXdhQnFiS2dVdW1aRG1Ka1FIR2FMTXZnZFd2SzYwU25LOG9pLThJRTFRQmxQbm1mM3NtQXdtbVlzMkdQSC0xWlZaRk9RUTcxMXprcDN1cXVjMS1IeGRacmp0MDZYeGJxb2VnZTVWblRJPQ== |
It’s been about an hour and the status says “success” / “finalized” but i still haven’t received the funds in my binance wallet. Solana does say “congested”. Could this be why it’s taking longer than normal ? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWkw0TnY5SDM3bmdmeXVrMUtia28zYXlPZk9NZURZcldiLWt6QVdxRXM0MmRGbzd4WjdldmNsMzZ5SUxlNWdHbmRUT1U4U1JYS3B4TlZjRG5kMGFKNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRlNrbWVlcVJIQlFIQWR0SGdiUTk4TjkwR3RjWWpNWVRzQUI4ZTRhbkJES2lfdzRpR2RPYmNSUjktR1hkRXNZRV9temEwa3NreldjWloyc2tkUzZXQ2pKdFlqRDNtQzRncXFaTVI0RWtIMTBxa2lWbW14bG5faC1mNG1ZTm9kNHdkaGRBOFJwVFZQM3RKRUowX1dhdFpON3EzYlRoMU5MTXVvTlNNTDQ5MlBnYmVFemVYSVJnLTV5M2Z3VzRPS200RktpTUVYclNvYnBVZGlseW1vUzM1QT09 |
Filecoin is at the point now where it has real world usecases. It's an old man coin that has just come to age. Everyone needs to have enough storage space for AI and AI takes alot of storage space. I'm thinking $50 to $100 in the peak of the bull run. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMV0VZNlVCLV8weU5xcmw4dHBpbVJDdFBVTEhPOFR2QW9DSExGWkQ5LWc4LW5iNEtsX3ZBd1FMb3hDOVliVHZyLW1RaEdOUDh3WGMxeDh4TlFBalMteVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZDR4d0FLWmdnMERiNTBBbzVxaXlkNDBXbjJEQ1QyXzBWVUExcWlpWnB3UnhyS0tGRDZ6M3kxaHNqdWh3dGNyVW9jRUlfeXpiOFpKWVJIOGJDTkd6d3dwM1hrdmtfdTlDb3EtdHVaUzFuTEpxYS1QVTVtSUdfdnY1XzloVEJQbWpUUlpBZ0psM2ZGMkN3bWNlNG9tTGI2MS1hMkpLQVJXTmNqS0dDU2NxZ3pIQ0F4U05wa1J6MzBQeGkzNzVkMUFnZnh1UHM4ZE10N2RQMHFUdGxQUUJwdz09 |
We need to understand that the real cause of these de istings of Monero from centralized exchanges is Blockchain Surveillance (BS). Once BS is exposed for the real fraud that it is, the de listing problem will be solved.
All that is required for the fraud that BS is, to be exposed that an innocent individual falsely convicted because of BS be set free on appeal. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdWMtZmFKSWRORDZKR1dEMW1BY043MG5UTzBNNVV2ZmtxNDdDWm85bko2Um1iWDJQekRfUDJiMF91Q1VxQkNSRXRGeXkzNWFTTWl6TlBSSFRXeFRsQ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNT21IeU9fV1BzRXdiOWk0RlUwUGQzSF9lV1RvYXlTeGhYLUFZNmFSNnFGNjMxZnkwOHBnV21qLVZaUjNfTWhZVEVFN1A2QWRNWFJPNHpPczNkWHd4R3Z0b1d4ejI3bFBvOWx5U1Fselh1bjAzdkRuZkF1MW55QXNfU0JxeHZJaU1zVW83bXAzUlFZV0xCWTNhX1NJOExsQnRRdFVGWGJDSmEyTVZyOVlhM25vN1ZmdE9GOGlzcXI3ME1PVV9sdU5IbnpYWjVpVWVNQnR3RkhzMWFKV3o0UT09 |
PEPE was just listed on Coinbase and Robinhood. When SHIB was listed on these platforms, there was a huge rally after a month. I'm a Bitcoin maxi but would love to sell some of my profits for meme coins because, most of the time in crypto, prices are driven by hype and hysteria, not the technology itself.
Are any PEPE holders here accumulating? What are your thoughts? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMakRJTGV1WXpINTlCallWbU5zNXZKWnoyTkE2Zmkxb0JZNDRPcGhKSEtZcjZWWVd3WEJZQ1hldjhDVnhCblNHQmZ3dVdiTGhMYkpGVm5fX01ETndBQXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOXBRTTZVT3lDVGZJSlp0NzcyRWhhMnNrdUxWWEdpajU0aGRpRWMzUjh4eE1TRWhHcUhfenlfa2t4MkdsVW43Q2RvZE9SVEVXc2RQSEJJNU16ejhJdExmZWlCdHA0a3ZLSm5uNmlnaWJrQjRoOEh6aUtaUW5xMnVJbEVibHJWM1FyWEEzY0JJaXcxdUx5U054aHBGS1FYY0pPNWhiWkprQUJJNldILWZBY0NPejVUaGJRTFhsX2hTeEZ3MVlOTXBr |
I've been around awhile, and recently moved from ETH to SOL. The first thing I noticed was that SOL charts just didn't add up. Too many dips turned to capitulation, too many non-sensical buys and sells. So I started researching....
I think maybe people don't realize how big the bot problem is on Solana. Tbf, no one does. The pseudonymous nature of the blockchain makes it nearly impossible to judge. But we know it's bad, so here's a post on why bots may be harvesting you for liquidity.
First, the types of bots we're talking about:
1. Front-Running Bots: Spot big buys and jump in first to profit.
2. Sandwich Bots: Abuse slippage, effectively rob you by buying before your transaction and selling right after
3. Sniping Bots: Buy before you and then sell to you at a higher price—some of you probably use these
4. Trend Bots: Spot breakouts or patterns on charts and act fast. These are stealthy.
5. Scam Bots: Manipulate the market to suppress price movement.
6. Chart Painting Bots: Fake trends on charts to trick investors into buying.
**How do we know bots are so common?**
Well, if you designed a blockchain optimized for hosting bots and hiding their activity, it would probably look a lot like Solana. Low fees, no tax, a confusing blockchain structure, no penalties, and tons of highly volatile coins make it a literal botters paradise. I'm fairly confident there's not a blockchain more suited for bots.
**How bad is it?**
• In March 2024, during Solana’s frequent outages, 93% of failed transactions were from bots.
• \*\*In July, Solana had 1.3 million active wallets vs. Ethereum’s 300,000. The average Solana wallet had 217 transactions, compared to less than 3 on Ethereum.\*\*
• Many who have dived into this issue believe that Solana's meteoric rise has been mostly bot-driven.
**Why don’t you notice them?**
You do. You see it all the time, you just don't know how to spot it. This is speculation, but those big price swings that's earned SOL users the rep for dumping could be bots triggering each other’s stop-losses in a chain reaction.
And those “Bump bots” that keep tokens visible on [pump.fun](http://pump.fun/) that everyone says are required to launch mooners? Well, a flood of transactions with little price movement often signals a breakout, which makes it kinda likely that bump bots are false-triggering short term trading bots, and that's where the extra volume comes from.
It's very possible, maybe even probable, that the reality of the situation is that we're in an automated high-tech Bot vs Bot meatgrinder, with the equivalent of a slingshot to defend ourselves.
The memecoin game is ruthless, and it’s not just you versus other traders—it’s you versus devs, influencers, and an entire army of bots, all fighting for the same scraps. when you factor in how much bots can manipulate everything from prices to volume, it’s no wonder the odds feel stacked against you. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWjhSbnZybUd1YVJNT28zOFJyOWVwVnRVUmUzdVZ3MHhlaC0tbnRjcGtGeDVjSGU1UkZVajFUU2liQXB0bWhCVllmMDhpNFNmbW9LRHhzeXA4WTJ3ZWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdkI5TFhDbkVxVHZkVWItV0lIWXllY2l0bjZqaXZVYXo3SFp0b0FNRWdUZVlMWDZOc2M3QjdlXzF1SGxxZ3lqT0sxRmJzT3NDcjdCZ0RxQkd0WEhHcHJHM1J4Z3BRZEgzTFRvLTNGZjAwR2ViSG1EMHo3NUNZU1AySHNJZnFCaS1fWmRyZnVPckpaTkxEQUdzdHo4OE1tWUZPZlJPYU1wblNMY1kyWEloV19xTExvclkzbFhqUGhLdkp4RWNxd2tSZjEtX2FSY1JzUXlud095Q0IxMEZWdz09 |
Anyone can follow along with the rise of BadgerCoin [here](https://futurebitcoin.cash/savers) | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVTFTLUtfcWs0eEt2cVVZR0d0bjBqQUh5UkJiNmFOREpJeV9tYVdOcWZrMm44N0k4d0NQam45OW5jMmhzQTJqU05jczRWX19iZkhTeHUxdjVtRUJnNVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNX1g0N05xRkNGY1NfeUItUWNyQUI5czBDZXgwOGQ0RDMyaTVscHRJMHB1YnU3eERsa0dEQVdnc2RlZU1HVl9fSUZaVjUzdTlURzZDR0hWX1Njd19QM2VabFhXNS1ScFdOa0tBc18wZVgzNTZIQWUwVTJMZUZmb3BiVXlkd1p1bVk5MnFfZDVNemswSUFZa3AzREFTeTZSWTA1Y1BOc01qMzBFRFk3d3hISjZrQWprdzQ0dEk0Y1d4LUJsOUNZRWdrbmg0Yl9zR3hNa3lLZlBzSjQtTE92UT09 |
You do realize Elon owns the company and it’s his version of free speech right? | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdFBXSWQxeHFwNG5FZWtEb1lsOVJleFNhbHdWUmowQ09tSUwzQllEa3BPUGRhakdPRzhqVmtHWkJmQTQybk9FNWstQlc3UG9zd2dhRHZ4dS1Gcm42V3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQmJvR3Q2eXlsZmkwQVVxVnFXTHdDSHcxN1NzTndDSkt4NmNPMGdYc2pCYU8tTHdpVUhsWmoxTmpFQXlZUmZNNFFPbXdLYnUyRU1DQVVrWmhFQ1o3ZXNpdzg1bEsxbGROc3RnRDJDLXowbnNsdllGZy1HNW95MmZZaEFIWEtfenFvYXNUN0lPdjhVQzJRUnRwbVhqaUlaanEzbGJmMWEzeGdIT1Jualp3M3RuNDJGUUZ4M2JaM3Y2UERqRE5HckNoTlB0NTloaHJpRUVDU1d1MFZoanpMYW5RRktKNHFYcWlQYTVOem5SZWY0QT0= |
I swapped 10 ETH to BTC last month with dexch it has best rate but sometimes to process swap takes up to 15 min.
Another valid option is sideshift but has high fees comparated to dexch but it has average processing time lower then dexch.
Unless you are in rush I'll suggest dexch, you can save a lot of money in fees using it. | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcGJWU2JrUnZjV0lOdExMbmtCenhKYWdxcThvaGZGZEx5Qll6RWNhYjlONlFjUzBmTl9jaDNMaXdWSW5mQk9BUjNUSndEWFZJbXI3VnYyNlBQZ2xBSlZWVDhxaWR3bkRrQTUtSVdoTmtYaDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaVFMemo4OXVYR0JLV2VkYlM5cFQ4VHNoaEtncmZSdGcyTXFaMTQ0TkFXVm0zOU9USldFUkxMT0o5UDlJeEZXZVdxZE9hemdTaUliSWhWYmRLM2diSy1uYTdyZUduc2dqNkhRV0JRbGhQZmk2NjlkdTAtZXJiQmk2R2FfMmFjNVI3eE5UNFh3UWJmRjdTNGtpZk5CaTY0TzJKN3JVLWV1U1BPU1c1aW5sR1pNPQ== |
I use dexch to swap BTC <> MONERO, works well never got problem | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcmp3dWpTZi1IbzJXclVfVWpPek5iMmZ4aDdtVHIyajNYem5RVmNJRm5waVFfUmRBbktXOFo4V1hkWmNfRFJYNGRNS3gwbjRYS3Jfb3hzWWhTOV9ZZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNV1ZWUnp3dXh5LXJxUGNQNnU2eHlHeWRyRG9FNU5uM19mSmc5MXNiNVJXWWpwcHoyWVoxeTZJcHcxNVVvdHRmSGpJQThjRktNSHZfMFMza2gtRnlvOTJlLWNoSGZPOHpkVUJYeTE4Zm1RWjVUOTE3bk9jRkFQWlV5cTFTdGZqT0Flc21SaGpzZFZhNW1GREpHbV9GX2xZMkc4YTk1eWs3REpEOEJ5ZGxIRmFvPQ== |
Im not a picky guy and ill take a win on bch any day...But you forgot how bitcoin destroyed bch all year long. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbnFKT0J6eExEMmMxSHdieGUwUjJJU1JCa01ZUU1tZ3l1WG84UmxiNjNaMDhWdTJTRGdKelNyVDNDVmVTeDl6aThpeUU3Y20tWllTY1BWaXJmQksyaVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUWRpbF9yTDlockFLS1huUVE0OFAwbmk2SEFJelFpdzI0S1YyUml2ajNPZGdGd0p6YTNVUnBKTjEwUUxKVDZ6ZXJJNS04cXNFVDc2a1dOcFR3akh5UVRkTnBTS3ItczZDYXdTcUlza1Rwc2JZWFU3WXl3SGNkdUtidFVvSy1WazdwaVBqT3dzSDJiR0x6X0ZEb1ExZUxkZnVWMThLWWF3dGphZzJDdk4xM0dIVm1vdGNFS016SlNVeElvTDlvOU01MUM4UHdiU1FRb2dvMlZVdTItb2hXZz09 |
😂😂 Bitcoin etf you have to respect the flow of money. BCH was always going to have to pump after BTC | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYzkwSHRIUkIxSUhZVmYtemRfOS1BenVIZGRVVHJRUUV5VmVwejAwcDVuTW5KbFZQVkI2eG8yUnVfMkZiWnhBbzRXcUl5WVhYNzBjRk9MOTlUOXhYdnNDMlBfUUNFcktsR093SnR2MlNXdWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdl8wRS1leVpPWU5lVjFVMzdfUHVILUNFelJ4ekZvRVhzWmJlal9HSkJSR1NyRXI4VGlhVy0zSVpwMDVqN3k2MWZULUE1YXpncmxyYlpiRUhlemJQYzR5WmFFLVI5dUZmREEtNzFGc3kzU2Y1bU5SYjRQYWozZFNBZXc2dGt4Y1Y1YUNRR3BvcnJ1SXpwT250Q2loR3ZNVjlnSVJvaThRcUp2SG05R0diNWdZdXI5ZlVVdnZsWmh4S1dOZExuUFNScFoxODhKNFhGTzduZnFUNmdmYVFhZz09 |
I'm following a now 12 day old meme coin released on [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) that quickly went to 10m, back to 1m, back up to 10m and is now in crypto purgatory <1m with around 250k volume - but not dead dead yet. The narrative was really top tier and the on chain activity looked odd to me so I continued following it, and it's clear that insiders made a lot of $$ on the two P&Ds.
The token still has an active CTO and these insiders appear to be dwindling in terms of there supply, at least according to [GateKept.io](http://GateKept.io), and I am just wondering now what is the typical outcome for such a coin? There is still a lot of bot activity, still some diehard whales accumulating, still some scalping by the insiders with their remaining tokens (they mainly sell but do buy occasionally). Hundreds of bots, often brand new wallets, appear and buy $1000 and just seem to hodl it.
What does it all mean at this point? Can the token ever be allowed to grow organically now? Do cabals stick around or have they likely moved on? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQlg2Q1o1SVRpMzNnMXhCVDBWbWM4SDFDMnRLd1BuUU1nSk9rVXZZM3NpUjNMR1V4UldlOElJQTdLS0JRc3RMR05acllKdk1PQzJWYUJSam1vV1pyZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbGxGbmVEWHlEVmI0QjFBSTB3RS1jeVBPa0dYNG4zRzhWRS1ELVJhSTJ3NzhrNG14OUZ0SFprZF9PRXdRR2JpNW5TQ1VyTTJrZW80UXZKQkt5RUdMQjBzSFc3Tm9RUkZVRWo1Z1gzQ0dfUV9SdWY5WWlmVy1EYVI0OFdHSUl2UkY3VnIxSEtKSW5Kd3JZN1ZwR0gtVThFWVlwMmpSdkRqU0JQZlRJYzZ3bEtYcDdIalJ4a1IzcjYySkgxUjJIM3lX |
The Bitcoin network is a decentralized financial institution. No one person is in charge of it. It is a computer program currently running on around 20,000 computers worldwide, called "nodes." Some of these nodes are located in underground bunkers, while others are said to be orbiting the Earth on satellites. As long as a node survives, the network survives. For this reason, the Bitcoin network is nearly indestructible. Each node has the same ledger, making fraud impossible. All transactions are confirmed by these networks. In my opinion, banks are scared of this technology for that very reason. The ledger contains every Bitcoin transaction ever made. You can download the entire ledger to your computer for free and be the next person to run the Bitcoin network. Its current size is nearly 600 gigabytes. We live in a world where you can download a program to your computer and be your own bank. If Bank of America or Wells Fargo were to shit the bed, wouldn't you rather have your savings on an indestructible global ledger?
I feel like more people need to take the time to understand how powerful this technology is. It has the potential to keep the world honest and improve moral incentives. Any thoughts? | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUDhmek1IT1pPSzhqbmtZdTQ3bG5hN09ZXzJEeUI1NVl3cmVpeEY1MlQwejRGbVpXRlY2Uzdjc2ctbDFOczZEcnhlaFlNTy10VWhSQVBGYkZsdGl4YnFtWk42QXdrb1F3TS16QTBSUXpTLVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNWNVclE0THlwZ3E4NGNtRGEzV3lWT2ZGcGktdE9jdkFDOG1ZeW5CbkJ0djRrNExaTFNFZm1ad0RvTDhfc0xueU5SS2w2Q2lCdTM1Q3ctZ3pkaUJMS2drQjhJd3g2U0xvT3Qzd1hUUjZMLWlTaFB1dEhmeE1QMzVYZFdwMWFOYkdFV2hEbzVVRzc0ZEV0SWhZdm1FOFRUT1JEY1NpNFJTVGtsX3pVU01QdXNYcE9GTmk0YTI2bEtybGg1Ymp3Wi1TZXJvMkdXWHVVb2lSbWJvWVRKaElsUT09 |
1) then put up a 15 second explainer on how to set it up. Yes, its powerful, but ppl will look at changenow and go with that, its way easier and you can buy XMR in bulk.
2) also every posted trade should somewhere have the XMR-USD value (Ex. $160) the posting is buying or selling. noone has like 100 calculators open to lookup what the ltc/xmr ratio is then go to coin marketcrap and get the current price of each coin and calculate the ratio to buy xmr.
I hope to God a designer can help the coder get this to be more user friendly. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMLXNDek5hLU91MlF0X2RpLTIxQnFIbWRTS1JVRmM5ZUNBZG1hMHlaZC1lX1lVMmpJSlg4U1RYc2hVZ0JhN1ZSb2xJR25fcVBGSVp4c1FHbF9KeXhpRmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbkgxVUV3RXZhclN2UVUxcUJvazhHcU1xNXBmZWlkaE5Hd3dPQjhTTERZOHF5N2R2azg0SkNGdGJCZzJDYlExXzhLTnVSZmFpQzVrT1daN2JKUjFTdjdzYkZ0eERPZlJHcUttblF3dGY1a1I3cWl0YUllQVM0M1pMUnF4YjhsSmMyTk9ZWC0wR3pDZ3kzbmU1bFJ2M1h3aGp4TDIybFJRZWpaMGp6TjdEQnROVG5mT0ozLUZmN3ZpbG1paFRhWmFzbHJJNlgwOEdXNFRZSlNyaUFQYU9ZZz09 |
and don't forget finger/hand placement on or near the month. For example, one finger under lower lip means high interest or hand over mouth means urgent must watch now. These are the vids you have to take seriously. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUXpWZExFMk56aUJjZHRPc2lSbWpCOW1tYlRrZlNhMS14WDBQUWVFU3dlRGhucXJCeEk0V241MEZjeER5bTYxVDd1SFhDR2RQU1ZEdVhBNHRnVkd2ZXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNY2tqdFFzOFZJUjZCNXVMLWYzUFZMOVJaamVyVWdyMHpRMmhqbVpDLW5LOUZNYlVZbUdLRWpiOFp4WERfRjdkVzA0b3lRRGExSkRKZFJPMGRqMzFkTjl1dUhoNkk4V2VLY3lmZXZYX1FyMGR2UDJySHJ5LWRsRWltZDZoaTFVRUY2QXNnZ3pGci0xQy1oU3N2TDhoRWNRdDNoRE5tVGRpQzdBYVh0MHpRTHlna1RlYjRCQmZNSHQ3aW0tNEI1eHozQlJIV3BMOWI1bzFreUs4V3pHTE52QT09 |
I've been using Nova for about a year now with about 200 DOT staked. When I get to one DOT and I have enough over to cover the fee, I claim and restake. These comments really make me think I should figure out what Talisman is all about though. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdllRWmRLdzlJdzZWY1RrdkdUTWRUYjVUcDNQLUpiNVM5MjAyVFFGWHZheGFUMnFBX3hIeWdBWGRaYjVpeEdxclo4ZmVCXzM3M1FFZUNnU2kwcmVwZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaGpQRTF2VzB2cVR6NzRaVTlmcGVtNFpoR05weDBaeEwxYXdCbkFWMmppMDlEZ1ZDeDdmb3JLbVlrVFozTmNMVDJfbVBKLU1TcjlaLVFIa1lnOEF6ZWNqX2s1czZUQzdKcHBhYm1GWmRuMWJpdWRhT0puUFBSV0syQUJZTjBQVDFneGZLTmpRZVV4b2p3U0Y4U2dBTXlrc1pPd0U5X01JUVhRNWNDMFA5aXYwREs0U0pMZlhmZk9lZW9lRG94VFZOT05EUnBfOHpwM2Q1ZElRbTQ4d2d2QT09 |
Looking for other devs to talk to. List any suggestions below. I already know about stack exchange and the primary discord server. Looking for more interaction.
| r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSE1ySk52S0xVNGRZRTNYUDhYb0t5X2NkX3JaMVNweEhsSVF0WENIU0QyTFd4RTlEZ1NSWExpcDJXRWpZWXJTdnhEbFFVVUhLTThpZkRsQ0ZhWFFBU0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNc2owYWppRGJyc3dOT1Q3c0JmRzRzOTNnYXF3Yk9rTDlNVWJhTmM5ckp1UllEUU95WWlZWUNJbWp3NklzY1pmdWVPbnVwRWNBY25IQjR2c01kd3E3UHhIT2JQUXA0a1BlZUsxZnJGUVI2aUJHR0hRazBEODVhejV0cElMQ2ljdGRrUmtDZjR6cUljUkxSUklHM2FfQVJ3VXFOU2VubUQ3aUdybEtNS3ZmdmZpN1ctZVJlWlI5bG1LajZfd01qTFVn |
hi everyone i’m young and dumb basically on this topic. i have other investments but nothing like crypto. i’ve recently heard a lot about it and am wondering where to begin. i’ve heard of Phantom, coin base, and solana. I’m not sure of the differences or what I can do but I’m going to be doing everything on my phone and i also am a beginner so something beginner friendly would be good too. also any advice you have would be great!!
i’ve heard recently of meme coins? or things like that but ive also read it’s too late to do those bc they are already getting popular. pls give me some advice on this! thank you :) | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZjBIQW16Z211enBPMHpkVzc0WjNjd1IyWUJkVUFIOHRUTUdSZG1JQjRzTFMxVVozUGdlRXNMd2IwS3UxRmw4ekU2Y1hWVUlNalF4a3VBYU5aWmI3ZXE5T1lreDlqRWlnSUlQWEFBSXVidGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeGRQSV9rcGxvemRzbWd2NWJYVUJRakNnUExMUGk1RGpjYzA4R2F4bkRDQ0l2V3RlTjBhQ0pMOGxkVzJIdTJwb1gyV1pLd2F5aVBhbHlSdXU2ampVc0tWdE1waEpheWV3Z1BmYUs2OHN0MnVJazJaN25vSFhqTEdRdWZuUHkwWmZMSDg1dWhibWNtemF4aGZGYk9tbHhfMU5seGl4eDl6YlFPaGJaTXFUUnd4c21TWUhfTDZ6VmM3WWticHNIclcw |
After being in his discord for few months, I discovered this a cult of grayscale. Ethan tells you most things you need to know about Grayscale but you will learn a brutal lesson if your timing is off. I writing off my grayscale experience as a paid learning experience. What Ethan doesn't cover is private placements. Certain intuitions buy shares at a discount and agree to hold them for a certain period. What happens is you buy some shares at probably a heavy premium only to check your portfolio one day and find out your 50% gain got wiped out and your are now at -30% while the underlying coin may have had considerable gains. STAY AWAY | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMb0FKX1hMQmtnWVNOMnlldkt3TEt4UGc1bDlROVlMM0pGREdqeHdmeGVqekNja0RfLUVYNlFjNjR4R0U2a2hGaVBpQmUzdnEtY2xnbEFadFJZa1E3UHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZTl1aVMtaC0tM0hpZzlSbHZJWFN1bkxsUE9Kd21PdzVYWW1tU24wOERCejI0ajduSkd2NnhBZHB5Y1RYRnM3Z0RYR2V4R0VQQlZtYkxaSEp2clNFMHYzN0NoY3lJaXVsLUQxbURfNE1ySHdsVlEtYWtOMmxYX2w0dkxyME4zbTBsRTR1Z2U3V0VzcW9OQ09QTzFFX3ZNeE9Xb3dCeW8yR2g1dmlFeUg0Q1JtT3cwclowbTNRUmFaT1lsNlJxM1NMUE5PYWxEQzRKYlRrOXJ2dndUS2FvUT09 |
While I'm all for individuals holding their own keys and encourage everyone to do so, the reality is proving to be much different. Btc allowes an individual to hold their own keys and be as self-reliant as they want. They can also choose intermediate options that come with various tradeoffs that meet their needs. In my opinion, there is a good balance that's only getting better as technology keeps progressing.
Bch has taken its own direction that comes with its own risks as well and, in my opinion, has now deviated far beyond what I'm looking for in money (not currency). | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdWFkVUwycVFQU0hDSDVPUks0TThDYzBoQWlBMHlTaTRILWdWdWFGc0g2b3hmRVl0NlNqNDR4b19ycUh2TDBqQWluZFpYOVVpMlhaclY1emtPQkhLZ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQkhHbTl3RjhSeXpmbXNQTjlOV1N4akEtQmpPS21tMVlvVXdLc1RGMXZyT1JtOWg0SHVJWjFfTXhSdWh4V3Y0Y0VFNHh2V0hYUnlzZFpPY1lnQ2pKY2JmNzk4eUpBbGtMUVZ1MW5laTdNMjlrS3JldkdaMTNMVDRYdG1HNkxNQXh5LTlIYXctQTl5aWc0Zk5jZm5jYnVsSFJ4cGgtWElzd1RqZE1MYlRTQ3ZkaE16SXdhWDI3V1ZPWUNkNzh5VHZSWW9pNDV4dHk5YlA2T3REVEVPaGk3QT09 |
but personally, i think it'd be great if u did lose DED. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUmZ5NFZGUkVUdW40cjZLQnUwUHU4OTdtRFNrc1J4N3FlV3Y4Q3czZi1lbDFUVjBCQy1IcDJVYkh0akpaRUVmZV9CODZpQ3lJOUVwWExHS2t0V2ZiTFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWkFmTFhfRER6Ry1nUWd5enh6NHY0Q1JwV2x6WWcxcXZzLUc0b1JLQ1N0N3hodGpPY1FQMzczS3k3bk0yNGxmNWxBWi03dzFkaGItckNKTU1RUmhwdVM5TzBvV0xoOWU4RlFMczJkZ05LU2tsMEdKTUxnMmFNN09yX2IxZ09DekJmdW1TQVhLWHdtYzdhOUlySHVXOUZvdVNWaWkwV2d3QkZiajkxY2NkRFc4PQ== |
I watched Monero Matteo's recent video, and he mentioned FCMP++ presentations from Monerotopia 2024 in Mexico City...I'm interested now, it looks promising..I just dont want XMR to lose its sovereign vibe like BTC during the BTC/BCH civil war. My PTSD. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZlcwdllzZUo0TmJQZlhmOFNzZDRZNm91RzhMTG5UbFRmTDRPa3JsWkk0b0E4UU9mZldIMlEtV3dPeDFsQkZpTGVVaTk0YzVXUWR5UEhSWV9HeWRxanc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbk0zZlJLaTc2Q1U2RVBaTi1MRzlkeXYwSkhZTWY2TVdOZVlwaEk4aHNycDh3cDAyNXVoYUphTmRxQUxCRFhTN3JLRDdueGxCbVZidG5aLTB1RkxUTEp2bHRpV0wzdF85T0JjSjBmdkt4dG8ybXkwbURVdmxmRHg1VDJUNVpHNjFSVE1VWjR3cFZhRnluT0FtS0F0dXJlVGRHT19mY0NQZnd3WWRsaWFlNmZRYWVla2hINjhDcDNjeE56ZlRaMXZZZk1tdEVoVTZMSk1zMGZhTUMwZzhEUT09 |
I traded a few meme coins I added 100 dollars of solana lost about 4 it says and now I can only withdraw 6 dollars where did 96 dollars of solana go | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMODRRdnpUdE9kMTlqN1RsUF9rcVhXc0ZyNHBPZnFGYlYyeWw5cDFIaEh0NkxrX2Y4NXdPRzBobjB5NEsxSmNwcGo1UkFUQ3VHTjRnaW1qVVpROXpJQVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU2hURDZDTmEzWVhfVkl1aEpBOGROdjJiVUJZM2lnWjJQMU5hZ2JaR29MWm01OHVjOUZiSUNWTlhhYWlCNy1xNXJiZWR3Z0hHOHAzUllibVg2NDh6Y05tVWxfNEdDcEZUSGxEVWp1bGVUREg3NHRMTlVKaUZ5Ui1udUNvT0hWbkVxQVozalB5ei1aUDRWRFFJdjkyYTA4RnA2TWdGZkdrMnFNMHdlZUM2eGlsc3hlSG9hbEVIRXVabnNEQXZOMkNj |
This is it chief. If i
***The idea of Monero, a private, free currency, is more powerful than Monero itself. Even if the name is different, something will always rise up to take its place; to fill the demand for freedom.***
I dont know if I've heard it explained any better.
Currencies change, but the demand for freedom is eternal.
Privacy persists as currencies evolve to meet the demand for freedom." | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOTByeEgwVmZ1cTdPTHZoVjRWXzlHSko1SmhlelpFZHVpVkpBcjllOFFYNWRPdWVBcGgxV1QwZGZjUm5JcXdULV81V2I4dF8taVFyNFR6TEF5NUItQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYldnMW9YM2diQ3c2MU1fVmRnQzlhS3VDVDNQY0xCa1BqMG9JMmNlYlBxeW9zaE5GTVZBMFJDNlRCaFBOcDFzUDc5MnFnTWZFaEpTczBoY0htUFBkMkhDeURhQ1dLa1JicjZ2dlFBT3VqSkhRRWloUlBVN2RfUEJHMGVrb1d4cl9LWk84WHdTU1FwZUdCOWRhZ0p6cUt2dVpsNlhSSUMwUmhYZGxmdTNJTDE1dVE3STFBTmxxcXg4U2EzU3dXY1U4 |
they are known scammer on Kaspa | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMX1NNTE5GWHM3YlZJVmhKeTIxMk1mUVZZNWsyUTJVYUFZWU9iLWZIWV9FVU5xeEgzNy1fbmg0X2R4VmJ4U2NxZDFMLTB1UmlJZ2JXZ2pwWW9CS2ZJNHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQzZZU2dzSkZSdjJnN0dRM2lVWW1QRFVSdmdIQTNPZkxxSEVqTWtkVUp1amRWZWpZamtyYkcyWUZ1Wi1aRXpUbmY2SWpqU2UyVzJETVhpeU5kbDNtcWhGdVg2dndQOVktd3NtS1V2UjRnaU5MTEJjUHYxeVlrRmRrZHdDLWEwOWl5N2RxOUJvYURsSGRlZkd3bjV6cmR3R0Zqa2I4SVhjY3Bmd2JfNHh1TnRwMUFMeGRlM0JnTm0ycXppdWRXOERDOUhrYTYwc2xydm1kYWh5VzZnRGQ4Zz09 |
TLDR: talk about it. ❤️❤️❤️
explain what makes it different .
also its better than the other privacy coins because its 10 years old and has way more liquidity for whales to park wealth and make it "invisible purchasing power". | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcERPQk91amV2WXd5MmQ3enJWa000TGhWbGYwOWc3YkpLMTc2YnFGNHBHSG1PVkxieDVQWnRNSkQ3VGtqLVhibUMyR2tPb3BmR1hYNzVVMnJHblM2UFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbW9UZmxiZElVRDZaWi1sMjNHRVd3UkVxZ005ZkFSZU80MlJMSkd5NWd3OTkwRzQ0ZmpCeEVtMkxUd2RJT25jUXdpdTJRbU1ZZXRaWHh3SnlTZmxuVXQ4amgyV0dpbUJXYmJyY2VTdk96X0x2SFRUY2VIMlFNelhmV3BMWFExc05BWVR4RF9hb3BlVGUtSXFla3N6ZUtkRXZrcXE5UlFjYjdDaFljb1BpcUNpV1U1NWlhdndXNm1hRTl5RTVGSGZCVEtxbnN3aGk4N0tIVXVBS0ZMdGlpdz09 |
>The idea of Monero, a private, free currency, is more powerful than Monero itself. Even if the name is different, something will always rise up to take its place; to fill the demand for freedom.
Currencies change, but the demand for freedom is eternal. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdzRPU0g5dDkzQUczS3hPLXVJLUxyQ08tT1o3TUdobUpYYUJrSWpvN3BGSDBfSWE4eE0tbWFhcmwySzNzY2FSblUycjdINTdlYS1VTEpGajFEZ3FhREE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYlp6LXB0bVFiSDFTRHcyLVVuMGJCSUItU3hwMGlfanZwdmUyckdJU1ZyWl9FQjJSLUFicThEU2dSaEREaXVMOWQ0UHJVR0tfYUZBdGNVNFVOSWM0TDEyMHBVMGRheGlaWm43QWdkMWJJaXh2V1ZHMG1qNXRBbEphNTBleWRCVk5IMWNYME5lS09aOHBkTUN1NUtDTXhPczZoRE1TYnRuVVlvdUMtOHIzTlE5ZkNOcmFCa1RNSmtyYzZUT1VQU1JyRDNzVGc5V051Smkzdld0V2ZHaEJsdz09 |
How to run Monero GUI with Veracrypt? If I open the main menu in Monero I see each and every wallet I have on my computer... Doesn't seem safe! | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMklValpmRUdaUDhIcjJZcV9rc0pISGRNenE2Z3hYT3U0aWN0VDcxdVZZVXBwampMMkp6NVZnSmhROGlRZ0YzZXpwWExsdWNaX1lfM3JwcDlnSTdSVkhJOUtGOVpxaGNKYjRjbzNlXy10N0k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNN0Ffd3JobXZkQVY1NVpFOHFXU1NpeTdpa3JId2U2MG95VXotWHV1Ny03Z0J1N1BsZG5lXzk5V0l3R2p1YXVHc0NSSGF1ampfdUE4TnZvV3hjbV9teE5IclEwc2FGYU9ZNG0tZGVJMFRXSjhueUFubk5pa2VQSHd4TkRsLXFFR3E3TmxXQVR2TGVfSDl6Q3RYUmhNWk5QUGMzRmk0aHhxaEhoV19tNWIzc21leERmNEUwNjROckpkUVZzTnVWR01r |
How do you do that and how to hide the wallets? If someone put a gun on me, I'd like to show them some decoy wallets, not the real one. How can it work if all wallets are shown in Monero GUI main menu? | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdGhSajlrWElWbFN6eC15a2ZXQTZVeG93a0d6cm5Tam84RjJGNTZwcFgyVWw4aXZKWGQya25kZHljNnhIODBRRVFRQkp1dUlEU0lIVVRMejRvR0Rla0dBWG52YXE1V21ET1BDWmtxcHJmRGM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRWg5NHN1QlZ3Tk9NU3o4LVo2RTJVQ3RtY3hLRElMeDRkYWZYUVFxeXlkZ190LWtxdy15WHh6WnVPZnYwYWUyaElYbE9UYmk0aThwZ2dRU1hLbUx6RVYya3ZoMXAzSEpQRjJXbG1BUFpkUkVYd0ZvaTRKY1V2b18zRDF3UEdyLXFiYUM0bF9Hai1JMDU1REthTk9ZdDNGekc3WXppcllGNWJlY3JZYnVxcEZBV0ZhbXVnRG9VbDZubE1jYUh5Xy1h |
I bought some Doug The Duck after checking the address on a few sites like solanatracker and rugcheck. The liquidy is 100% burnt, no more minting, and no one address holds more than 10%. Raydium holds 7%.
So does this mean this token is safe? My only concern is that the metadata is mutable, but I heard it can be used for to change social links.
Anything else I should look for? Thanks in advance. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeE9TNW94NzlVM2J6Mjg2VGlpSEdQVTFLa09pb3o0WXNfWnpZN0NPWVhKT3EwSjIxbkN3NEdNekxKYjMzWHJTV3Flc3lVcDdVMTV3dEo2SmJrdklvaXg3TWlOZzJSRzJnQkRtZTA1S0t3c1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcllsSFdkd215X25BVTF6LW83UGdaMWRWbmJiRXVpcUdwcjg5SHlyTHl3NWVNSUJaSmItcUtiRGhuYXNGU1FkV1hQekY0MWlKVlRvVGZIcU5kbURDaEk5N3Z1RFN1NWhwUUU2ZkRuTldYYy1vQW1JbTVsSFB2amhJVVEyM3BINnhLdWJsOWU1RGphV0Z4THY4MkdVR0JhTll4RFM1LUt1Z1U1WTZXcFF0emhIOFFyQVN6UVJJZDd0RVZJdVFaeUZL |
Is it possible to run Monero with a wallet on a USB stick that is protect by Veracrypt? How would you do that?
Would the Monero GUI portable mode be the same as the Monero CLI?
Would I run my node from Monero GUI or Monero CLI? Can I use both at the same time?
I have so many questions; I feel like this is a blind spot. The $5 wrench attack can be a problem if everything is shown in Monero GUI.
I would appreciate if you would explain a bit more how you would do it. I am not tech savvy (running my own node with Monero GUI was a challenge) but after much thinking I think the main risk is the wrench attack, so I need to have decoy wallets and one or two "real" ones. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVlB5Z2kwaXo5N25Ya0gzMlJENElwLWp0X1R1dXh3TF9SbWF4YVc1Wlh0RDQxaE0yQnNVTVVMZzBzakc4eEg2Sk5CUDlKcTh4WkZnSElxSjJVNlgtcWNvQjBzY196clEwTmt0V0xNS2NYQ1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU2RtNUhSdmQ2eEF4ODZVWVJiSHFsdUswUGhBSkV3SnFnanR5cHRCU1NJckxFSEUtbkkyTjc0cHJ2amhxeGV0OTQtVHBkWkRlS1ZVQ05wQlpzbmJNODk4WnRHMnk3N0ZMSkJaUUNmMDh5NkQxbkwzN3FaOHowSllrdTFxYXhtSWd2cVM1cjBTNVI3TEdnNUszYlB2a24zeDUtdml3VnRYZGFpcE50WTFlQzBOekJjQ2dub0hmeTdXSVJ4ZnZHaWlj |
A few months ago, I wrote a script that monitored the blockchain for Raydium pool creations. Back then, I noticed that there were almost no unruggable coins or honeypots, meaning:
1. Mint/Freeze was disabled.
2. LP tokens were burned.
3. 60% or more of the total token supply was locked in the pool.
Before I invest time polishing the code, I thought I’d ask here about the current situation.
For those trading non-pump.fun meme coins, are there any "safe" options available nowadays? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMamNRaW5sTzlhWDE1MEJycFFNSWplWGowTV9zdGFCeGJhakFYR0xBT1FmX3NWbDlLZ1RPTnZwbW9scUlzZEpDc2loRjh3WDZ1RGxPS1RjMURLN182ZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZmE5aTZWSU5iWVlFTUtSRG81SHdzWGlJdzI1eEE4MWhPNDdZYWtPMTdGQkpndUZObTNVTkp5cXpCUHR4d2NjbU41UjBHWEg2TjdXZ0M2QWxoeHNWQVV5Z2lrR3Qxa29hZkNrRnBVLWwxYmlwbFpCazFwaVVkODl6eW5JVjBtTE1Ia1ZLdDdpZWNob2wxUUNla2QyejhmUkVKcWd1TDczVlZNMjN4SGozMWgwPQ== |
I unstaked 97.93 STNEAR on Oct 30th, 2024. But I cannot see any STNEAR in my wallet. Could anyone please help me? This is my transaction:
[https://nearblocks.io/txns/2q8pFFnysmvQtCaZuyeJkH1quicR17dKdtSFPRPdccNn](https://nearblocks.io/txns/2q8pFFnysmvQtCaZuyeJkH1quicR17dKdtSFPRPdccNn) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMREIyeTUzRzNhWkdyOUVRaU12M29OcFpSUEZQTFRNSWszYm5DZFpTcmJuNjRnY1ExaGduZTJsWGVTXzdNSWZoTGlDeEs0ZngtZjhiQjhaN2Y5VGI2bFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbnBQZHhvOEZlRnkyOHE1ZFVyNVpscGl3T0xhYU55N2k3UlpMMFEwQ0ZUZmV2RjItb24zTHZ0LWdRWWlZbTJXQjdlTzhRMGRYU0U1TUs5ZHYzZXhRcmlnSkVra05HY3pVT29GRFUwRFdyWERRNXpmTkI3MV9xMmh5MG1KNXBJNFJTLVFFN2FCaHItSWUtWTlzQ3RMbk9vakRmQk1UVkgyWXA1RFQ0TmREd3RsNDhTTDlDeHV2Ui1xZURJTy1rNWpWeF82NWR0UGd4M1AtcVFEblZtVWloZz09 |
Note: this page is tracking the TLV of the BadgerCoin Protocol Vault, which rewards BadgerCoins to people saving BCH. I'm not exactly sure what the TLV of the BadgerCoin token is based on a swap price.
The protocol is locking 26.7 BCH ATM, and those users are getting rewarded with a token.
The stake contract holding the TLV BCH is here: pvgcl3xk6nwqlngkk09e7g67x5vxs57jv6v2q4qm4ct5yv4d3ppfgl3tq982v
The source for the contract is here: https://github.com/SayoshiNakamario/BadgersStake/blob/main/BadgerStake.cash | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNVdDV015RGNQSGpFcTJvTFIwcWxobXo0eFg3bW9nUVFsSjJzYURSMzhDbXdkLUhjSjdiU0FkZ0dObUJtZ3hvbzl0X2FBblp5Z3pTaTU4RS1UV0tCd0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbDhRQWk2Q0hWU2ttLW1UaURhOTJCSlFncVFPT3I3YkZjMlNiSFQyWUJDZk9kNEk1T2JSaktiR2lCNXFuaVgtV1RJcmhDMXNwcm5hRDJKaGVLV09IbTAxajZJamJDZkJiSnRhaHZZVjlxLXUySDFIdkhxZHliZlVacWtldnd1TkUzc3FQNi14VEJXWDdWckV1dERnRXlWWmdOVXFFZGsxSTZfNlVKTjVzOUFmZ3JBRzhMa3dNZi1sZ3FxR3plVDZJRUdWVjBQMkJkanNHN0VaREpzbnpIUT09 |
What…? This is your value prop for bitcoin cash? This is awful lmao | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdWNWTHJ1WUdfMElSSTFQc2loRi1tczRDZ1pTSkl5Zk5INE5tZFVYcEdtWEVOcDNDRHpBRzlfYXZaeThEU1FZOXV6VjhLSmZKLU94Z2pkenFKNFhvR1Z6RDVTZjVmM2RkeXUwZUVHc2l6TG89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaDVOTU5QQmpnZWMwYi1YUmhtamR2cXhMYWYwOG5CZTFKbVVxYWh4OG9PTjhLWlRKcHpaVzc1TUtkbTF3b1RtQVRKcDl2bkpEWUV5Y1YzUjZERmNsbXNCVGNXbmpoVG5TY2RhSnUwQXdia1FxaUpWOEFGRUZNbVVFcHpzWHBkYmZ5dnY1cWxqUVpIRVYwb095NGp5Ym90aU5lVnFnOFdObEVIcmM0eHh0VVo2V05CLVI4OUU4VmFGNGdZeVZZbXo5eFhPS0NFZTdFMm5nZ19nb0I4M29EUT09 |
If the token on pumpfun makes it to raydium, can i still sell via pumpfun? Or does it have to be on raydium? Is there a time period i have to wait after it gets on raydium to sell? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMS3NwSzRhUVd0b0xmcUlKY09QMXpxaUhmZXROdWRPQkZJdm9kYnlWVGNkeXFYSmlEZmEwZjJET2wtTFpYMG1ZX0pDaDZ5QXBMZmRRWHNoenBWaEZoZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcC1aT2NybE5oRTNnWFZ5UEFNeHlyamFnWXk4QWF0aVc0dGgxUE1qT3B0T3lVVjNuOXFOX2pZaWVWTlVHWW0xdWZVRGt2VTg0dFFUYmJQeFNqQWU3c3NYUU02ZjJsRlpWTmhtcG52UWhkNUNDQUIxZlBRYjB3TVlHZy1wZGJPQkNZSVozMDdrYlh5YmdEbXQxWjJYMmRDT1I4bkZtd1FRRmE0UjNRSHV1T0lzPQ== |
Hi can anyone tell what's going on
I just entered seed phrase on mobile and it said 21 accounts found and i retrieved all
Is my funds safe ?
I am thinking to delete this account and make new one
How is it possible for the same seed phrase to have 21 accounts | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcC1qUVZKeVBGRjA5c2w0bmxlaFcxbHZUMWEzTTNNbUY3a3pQMXV2NjJxcmNsZ2NKbmtoZDlkWXIxaWJuQjhYNFFfOVBrb1VhbjV4eU1ZdlJuWXZFcWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTnF2TW94eWFMQUlBRklsTDBrYVRJMko4blpmT2VHLWxpbENyWlhKdlUzc00xcEhWdk5BMjEyaGREUVJYeW1URkY3TjRuWGFBQzA1NERuUUNGMmFzS0p1Ym91VTgzQjluSHBXTzUxTGFnSE14MVo4TUFFYy1NaFNKU3M0TWtMdlJraDM3UkVHSkpQQkZkeklTcUVDSnRVa0NXbzJrTUFjcTVoSmNzRDRZd0hUYUVYLV9Uem56YVZRbndLTE9mSHJB |
That doesn’t mean a trillion new dollars need to chase bitcoin. It means the buy wall falls and they are trading at 150k. If the sell wall is short and its on a run with limited sellers it could go to 150k with a couple billion dollars or new money entering. | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaE83dzlSclBVSVg5TlAzczZGVmtiZUw2WnZsTFkzZ2FUSmdtLTdHQlJqTDB2dUx4emZSenZOMmVxeEJDb1VpS3JBNk1KdTNicEtPS0xnZWl0Vm5xV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNX2xsdnhUYmRsY0pJNzlNT3BDTUp6eEZCMHJ5YlRRRVFkeWtuWno1N21JVS0yMHpWZEN6VUtvSHM5cHFpWm10NEcxZlpONUFqZkZLTHk0M25TMHJiREU4SHdkNGp3cEJHME9JTFZTQTFNUk9WNl91LVlpc2lXbjF2X1dfUVllbXgxS09idENUUG9WYnRLaEIyWl80aXdHU3dkSExQcjRqTEJMTDYtVTNlMnk3cjJOMk1UaWhZRS1xOThCZDNHbW9v |
SYNT offers solutions for Web3 developers to have "universal access to real-time data from any blockchain". The CEO is a finance guy from Switzerland, was President of the board at the "Crypto Valley Association" in Switzerland, was a bank consultant for Barclays, has been the CEO of other fintech companies. And from a TA standpoint, the old NOIA price high was $0.90 and SYNT price is currently @ $0.035 - and it recently double bottomed. I am aiming for $1.50 in March 2025. See you on the moon boys. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNHBXOE95VDhhbDctbnI2Y3R4STlaMTh6b3cxNHpJcW1oVWpJZkRrMkN2R2xDakVIaVVMdWNtb3RLSk83MUFNQzI5VFpDVWlkUmpCcVQ2TUhMeHliMWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQ0kyTGR4MkJlaWU1eVFkOHNNVTZ0NW9ETkNiQXFNWHhHekdwd0Jpa2habkhvaVU3a0ZPV2t6ZEg2TEZmeFdYYUl2Y2RkdWMtdW5QaTE3bm1ucko4VEc4ZlktX1NwckpnaXltVVdZRUdfOEpScDlxUlJ0bGNOOHc5SVBpaUR2V0hCSWZDUXg2WUo5amNXelNTOURyeDJBSFZJenRXX0VyeFZ1Y0lpZV8wRmFJMzZycGFUOG9OV1FJNjlUSHg0YTd6THd0N3FUbDdwanVkdHJpMDkxNk5OQT09 |
I haven't had any problem in two years with Acala. I understand that in the event that Acala disappears, the DOTs can be recovered via extrincics (I am not sure about this). Either way, it is surely safer than having them on the exchange. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbjBWQ3lxVDZHX21FR0dsR1g5MkpvLUJLcTlkRlI5WUJnU1J5QXQtYWRiR2trMXVnWXVORFEwUkJ0SEpRbU10OU5NQTI1SkQ5c3hOOEtlRkpyYW11ZUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcktWLTI4bmdNTFdCVllhYW91dmZJMVVEcTF1c0N2QVQ4UUMwSENJX2VjN3lZQlJvcHlZVDFHejAxZjNQSGE5Um9ZaFZiLVROWW9wcFVKSEQ2d0kzN003blF2YWl0bG52NE5sMC1icnVCd1Fwdy11WHVQSGhHOWx0UnlUSEsxZVBadXhROGpidTAzVVhaTENnb2ZzQXFMem1hc3JpNTlOUGU1OWFXZVhPME1vY2JNQ1R0NVYzYmxjdWE1UUdDcjRvdmRoZzh3U0ZGdmRERXlKTEdBVDgwZz09 |
I thought this sub was “anything goes.” Shouldn’t that go both ways?
What happened to anarchy? To chaos??? I thought rules were forbidden here!
Plus the US election is over so political discussions are going to calm down soon. | r/worldpolitics | post | r/worldpolitics | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMa3Q4UmVnaUxoR0h0TUMya3VXdXN2SXVBTHBDaDhLVEh1Zks0amdGanFqWlk5SFJHdTV2WVY3UUZhVk1wYXZ2VnlVekJweFBTTlJscTZrNV9qanBrYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeng2NjFhaGV6ZWtYZWtOWjFBTU1aSVJUM1ZGTndfWXNCMzNONmUwcGUteDFGR0pCUUpJY1Q4UjIzNk1DNFp5Z0RvdnBBLXJIV0Q1UEJjS0pjVjFNUG4zLTY4bmxrci04WE1PUVJhZm5vbnEwNVFxMFZQQXdsSDZlVmJwMEEtSXRqdnlZMUI1UFFKc0VTNkxZNDVjVTFKR19XaGc4dmF6VEFLUXpibWtoOGhnWk9kT1NXdExyVW42V2tRRGs1Y0dm |
**Source:** [https://x.com/Tristan0x/status/1861084749068108200](https://x.com/Tristan0x/status/1861084749068108200)
> This blog lays out my thesis for real-time, verifiable DeFi and how we're turning it into a reality this year.
>With [@ZetaMarkets](https://x.com/@ZetaMarkets)
, we set out to build the fastest, most trader-friendly and rug-resistant decentralized exchange possible. Over the years we learned an incredible deal about blockchain and exchange design, and arrived on a stack we believe can deliver the performance and usability to rival centralized exchanges, without having to trust the next Sam Bankman-Fried.
>We're calling this blockchain [@bulletxyz\_](https://x.com/@bulletxyz_)
, an ultra low-latency, high throughput rollup built on top of Solana to power the latest generation of our exchange, Zeta X.
>Let's begin.
*Adapted from* [*@0xbreadguy*](https://x.com/@0xbreadguy) *'s survey of high-performance L2s (*[*https://x.com/0xBreadguy/status/1843138227206844598*](https://x.com/0xBreadguy/status/1843138227206844598)*)*
# Settlement and Data Availability (DA)
>From a users perspective, [@ZetaMarkets](https://x.com/@ZetaMarkets) will be a non-custodial, highly liquid and seamless to use derivatives + spot + lending platform. Under the hood, it runs atop [@bulletxyz\_](https://x.com/@bulletxyz_), an optimistic Solana rollup built on Sovereign SDK.This means that we post all of our data to Solana, and will have a zk-fraud proofs secured optimistic bridge with Solana. This allows us to inherit the safety and censorship-resistance of Solana’s 1000+ validator set by anchoring our rollup state to the base layer. Also, this will allow us to tap into the generous data capacity that will come online with the shift to Frankendancer/Firedancer on the Solana network.As far as we're aware, we're the first team to ever do this.
*Credit:* [*@\_Frictionless\_*](https://x.com/@_Frictionless_)*(*[*https://www.vaneck.com/us/en/blogs/digital-assets/matthew-sigel-vanecks-base-bear-bull-case-solana-valuation-by-2030*](https://www.vaneck.com/us/en/blogs/digital-assets/matthew-sigel-vanecks-base-bear-bull-case-solana-valuation-by-2030)*)*
>Our decision to use Solana for DA is a bet on the base chain being architected in an incredibly scalable manner. We believe that blockspace, storage and data costs should only improves as Solana scales with rapid advancements in hardware and software (i.e. Moore's Law). By using the same chain for settlement and DA we dramatically simplify our architecture, and reduce the need for complex bridging and messaging overhead between two separate layers that usually end up inheriting the worst security properties of both chains used.
## DA Implementation - Solestia
>Our DA adapter enables the sequencer to pack a batch of Zeta X (and eventually other) transactions into a Solana transaction as pure bytes (a "blob" if you must). On-chain, this batch of transaction bytes gets hashed so that our smart contract on Solana holds a "data-root" specific to our application. Referring to this data-root, a zk-proof can both prove the new transactions for the Solana block and, by combining them with the previous state root, prove the new state.
# Sequencer
>Our sequencer is designed specifically for realtime blockchain UX. [@sovereign\_labs](https://x.com/@sovereign_labs) have architected their framework for soft-confirmations from the ground-up rather than trying to morph an existing Ethereum/Solana node that is built to produce blocks.We have a unique “streaming” model that gives drastically increased performance and allows our sequencers can respond on a per tx basis. This makes it a game-changer for real-time trading platforms like [@ZetaMarkets](https://x.com/@ZetaMarkets). To that end, we have already managed to achieve sub 50ms latency on our sequencer, and have a number of known optimizations which we are confident can get us to sub 5ms latency (faster than most CEXs).
## Credible neutrality
>Centralized/preferred sequencer designs often cop a lot of flack from the decentralization maximalism crowd; however, we are taking a number of steps to maintain censorship resistance in our setup. Transactions submitted by non-preferred sequencers (which anyone can run) are expected to be promptly included by the preferred sequencer—ideally within a few Solana blocks (i.e. a few seconds). This urgency arises because if the preferred sequencer fails to include these transactions within a specified timeframe (12 hours), it loses its stake (slashing) and its ability to provide soft confirmations - and the rollup processes all forced transactions and becomes a based rollup.Delaying submission exposes the preferred sequencer to data availability (DA) issues, such as censorship or other availability problems, which could ultimately prevent it from processing these transactions on time. This risk, along with the transparency of all delays on-chain, serves as a deterrent against procrastination for the preferred sequencer.
# Proofs
>[@bulletxyz\_](https://x.com/@bulletxyz_) will launch initially as an optimistic rollup that will come with zk fraud proofs on day one. This means that block production will run ahead unhindered, however if anyone spots cases of misbehaviour they can challenge the malicious node and if successful, have them slashed. Our design is a significant improvement over previous generation of optimistic rollups (including Optimism and Arbitrum) which rely on running an on-chain bisection game over an execution trace to resolve disputes about the rollup state, whereas ours use single-round proofs. Concretely this means that the bridging time into the rollup will be a matter of seconds (depending on the chosen confirmation level of Solana L1), whilst bridging out of the rollup will take roughly 12h at present (the optimistic challenge window which can be adjusted based on risk tolerance).Over time as [zk proving costs and proof generation times continue to decrease rapidly](https://x.com/SuccinctLabs/status/1849575345235833170), we also have the option to transition to a full-blown zk-rollup, meaning each block would be proven, and hence allowing us to get our bridging out time down to a matter of minutes (and maybe one day real-time!).
## Why Now?
>The magic of why an exchange like Zeta X has not been built before is down to monumental advances in zero knowledge cryptography, specifically the proliferation of general purpose zkVMs like [@RiscZero](https://x.com/@RiscZero) and [@SuccinctLabs](https://x.com/@SuccinctLabs). These allow us to write sophisticated, Rust-based programs which compile down to a RISC-V instruction set, and have proofs of that computation generated alongside (with no need to write complex custom circuits). This lets us benefit from the state of the art in Ethereum scaling research without needing to hire a team of math PhDs (I never had the patience to do a PhD anyway).
>The beauty here is that we can scale applications like Zeta X massively by running the orderbook off-chain, yet retain strong guarantees that said computation (e.g. every update to the orderbook) is verifiably correct. This is a fundamentally different way of building application-specific chains (”network extensions”) without having to hand roll your own L1 and rely on a small, co-located set of validators to maintain a speed advantage.
# Virtual Machine (VM)
>We are VM-less, and one of the few to have made this choice! This lets us have ultimate flexibility when it comes to building lightning fast DeFi experiences.This is often a point of confusion for many, who assume Bullet is a SVM rollup (like Eclipse or Atlas). The distinction between the two is that our rollup runs without any VM and settles on Solana, whereas the latter run a Solana Virtual Machine instance but settle it on Ethereum, a pronounced difference.This choice enables us to be purely focused on our application, without being hindered by the complexities or intricacies of regular blockchain development. We have no strict compute or account limits, no specific RFCs to support human readable transactions, we provide standard REST APIs out of the box similar to CEXs, to name a few benefits.
[ ](https://preview.redd.it/emw1d9ksk53e1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=deded603758829aef1a37d8e8a348a57f6afdbaf)
# Database (DB)
>Currently, the access of state information is the biggest throughput bottleneck in blockchains today. Sovereign SDK already shares a state-of-the-art library with the Penumbra team called JMT that was [initially developed by the Diem team](https://developers.diem.com/papers/jellyfish-merkle-tree/2021-01-14.pdf). However, for the past 8 months, they've been working with Polkadot co-founder [@rphmeier](https://x.com/@rphmeier) in building what they believe will be a nearly optimal state database optimized for blockchains. We plan on migrating from JMT to NOMT DB as soon as its ready and battle-tested.For our users, this will mean that data capacity will be the only constraint for throughput (NOMT v1 can comfortably handle 40k TPS with 128M accounts assuming random worst case access), and as Solana scales, we should be able to provide free transactions and throughput at the levels of existing CEXs.For more of the details you can check out [Rob's recent talk from Polkadot sub0](https://x.com/rphmeier/status/1856179088865800466), or read [@prestonevans\_\_](https://x.com/@prestonevans__)'s [brilliant blog](https://sovereign.mirror.xyz/jfx_cJ_15saejG9ZuQWjnGnG-NfahbazQH98i1J3NN8) that kickstarted the whole development (reader warning: very technical).
# Parallelization
>We’ll be starting with sequential execution, with a clear path to parallelization if execution becomes the bottleneck (currently it is not).
# Block size
>Our block size is theoretically as big as Solana (which is dynamic, but seems to be around 2000 txs/block and 1232 bytes per tx, i.e. \~2.5MB blocks). The nice thing is our rollup transaction sizes are considerably smaller that a Solana tx at \~200B, meaning we can fit roughly 6 rollup txs per Solana tx. Thanks to this rollup batching we can achieve better gas cost efficiency for the same effective level of trading throughput.
# Block time
>Since Bullet is built to be a *real-time blockchain*, the experience for end users of dapps is that their orders will be executed and a soft-confirmation issued within less than 5 milliseconds. This is the most indicative measure of user experience and potential “lag” on interactions.Less importantly, but for the sake of completeness, the rollup will periodically batch transactions once they have been sequenced, and propose that batch to the L1. This occurs periodically (right now every few seconds), but can be adjusted as need be. This does not influence the user experience for trading (since users talk directly to the sequencer which refers to the most advanced state of the rollup), but will mean that full-node view of the network runs a few seconds behind the sequencer.
*Lifecycle of a transaction (*[*https://sovereign-labs.github.io/sdk-contributors/transaction-lifecycle.html*](https://sovereign-labs.github.io/sdk-contributors/transaction-lifecycle.html)*)*
# Throughput
>By far the biggest bottleneck for us will be the DA throughput as opposed to our execution, that is to say, the rate at which we can post our rollup batches asynchronously onto Solana. Based on some initial tests we have been able to hit 100kB/s on Solana mainnet which comes out to around 500 independent user transactions per second (each of our rollup transactions are about 200 bytes). However, we can amortize much of call data overhead (comprised of the signature, public key, nonce and gas parameters) by allowing multiple orders to be bundled in the same transaction message (so a fixed 150 bytes + dynamic bytes representing the Vec<Order> of instructions). In the optimal case, a market maker could pack \~96 orders into one Solana transaction blob (which is not as crazy as it sounds given they often have to replace quotes across tens of markets, for many price levels, every second). Extrapolating to our current available bandwidth of 100kB/s means we could process 7840 exchange orders per second. In reality, over 90% of transactions on a typical exchange tend to be frequent maker place/cancel quoting, so I think it's fair to assume a high degree of transaction packing, alongside the stream of individual taker orders.As a fun comparison, and in the spirit of achieving a "NASDAQ on-chain" one day, [NASDAQ itself routinely processes 70,000 order, cancellations and trader per second](https://www.forbes.com/forbes/2009/0112/056.html). Something to strive for 😛
# Acknowledgements
>Many thanks to [@cemozer\_](https://x.com/@cemozer_) and [@prestonevans\_\_](https://x.com/@prestonevans__) for their inputs on this thread. We're excited to be in the trenches together and pushing the frontiers of an app-centric future for crypto forward.Closed testnet has already begun rolling out this month for those in the know. Get in touch if you're interested in being a part of the next wave of DeFi.Accelerate.
​ | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZmszd05lYWlqLUhaWmpRd1J1dUdTUzViVmU3dGoyakVFZ2VFalRxVkdQNEZaYUo3dmVfUUlYVV9oSXVsd2ZLTWFncFVHVzdQS2JJc1lxRWhWTk8xa0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTmZCb3RsNVFILXV5bHR0dlpWQlpKX2RsUW56NlB4dDBUWkRLTnBwMDFxa0NXY0c4cUxhTmVKdVRoQlpyWDV3eFJYYzR1dTlwa2tpVmFmQ0NqX0hWV2ZsZ0dfS0ZGSl8zTEkxZVY5UENmYmZGNDNGaDZ2MHlBd1U2eS1GWDdxNWJLRGxqUnNSczZmY3Zzc3RrTUxtZFdpUVBWRWkwZTl6N0JDeC10emJNcGUyNjl3TnY2Z1F0RExGbks1OWduUUF1RUh2d3NySTc4T2s0SnFXbnJLMzBCZz09 |
lol….sad | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMa3g3UDFtSmFmTVVTbVBHZGE3QTZfOE5NMzEtTDlqX2ZqYThaS3lzUDh0Qk82WW1zZVVFeEVzdk9RbFA5aDBIVktiRVdZWHY2bDRYdEVHVVlTY3U0bmIwUHpTZjZET2pjXzZSQk1CbjU2cFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVGVpRDZjQ1dCSHVocVN4cjNjaFFNVS1USjFNYXQ4RUptRk5xZlRSb0VOaGNaR0twcU02Q25TQXQwUHZWMTE1OTVKQ2MtWk1TclhqYVlPRmRWSnZtUkk4RDVRcHpKMmxjeGdPNEoyRmczRG9sa3ItWTNEbnVNdkhrQk12aDYyVkFMVUxMbUpuTzIwSzBpR3lzRkRfaUxER3RkYzgwVmZIVDA1MklqZzZwSVVmYmpaMzNZOElSQ0piZUpOVFBfRHF5ZmNyRkR6WUQ3ZUNNeEk0emdOWVNFZz09 |
So similar to the mid-00's when we were seeing faster and faster single core processor speeds, but then we began creating multiple core processors and were able to balance the processor loads across each core.
You can get more work done, more reliably by distributing the work across several low speed physical (and virtual) processor cores instead of forcing everything down one lane.
Can you even buy single-core processor anymore?
What does that mean about the networks that focus on maxing out their TPS? 🫠 | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZVBsTGZWNkZWUk1GZGhLd0lRMU5NUWJCUlNiWXV2UnRaUURHeUZGdW55M3ZMSlZaV3BtcTVsTl9mdzhhZW5LV09BaUVxV0hHUFFkYmFSSl96VlJNQmNtdWVaMFVxRC1pRk44ZTcwS0ZpLVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYlltdV9VLXdsNXhmUFZKTjNCTk4wenlabUZCbzBtdmwxcWhYUVYyVjN4T2lNVHZZT3JGbmd2S212QU5XbmF5cWxfbXBOMUN1QkZ0b1JCRWlrUTkySW51YVRxWXQ3TVhPaU1TMXhlWkZxVm1nczNVd3d3WHNSU1hxY2tzd1F5VlRwNUZCT0c4NmFOZEp5M0VwdG9ZdVZESER1WEJxYktQd0gxeFJvZG94c0NtLVJqNnFNWGNoSWU5VjVBS3ZVS25VOGw3RkNlYzJfUElEQnM2bUZaN0J6UT09 |
gm! Please check with ADMINS at https://t.me/MetaPoolOfficialGroup
Beware of scammers on telegram, no admin will message you first but expect scammers to write to you once you post the question in group. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWFBGbVFDZmYwZnNxRmd0RUZlS3g5V3ZGdEM1MXlzODFfMzczd2QwZVZhY3Zrbmk0X3FIbDJCclpSdGxXTlRIT3ZCaWx1cXBSN2EzOWx4TjQ1Y3B0TUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMjRFaTdlZms3RHpUS2hmVWF5aTRvN3dzN01ZMTV2OWVDR0VtVVAxRDBOV0VPVTNmSU9jZ2ZBdmh3VHNOemdIOVUtckgwQUltdlVScUpwTkF3U0c1WmFyeDFWaE1ZOTFsVmk2M1Y0WVF3T3l1cWxpeG5yMGdXbHRWbWgyYmZIWUtrX3J4RGx3YlVPVHRva0ZsWFhyT2w4NE1feWlYTFFObGNhT2NMdDBGLXYyTk1zdVZBYmhGTXBVdzJ5QllmZ0dNVUNzM3hkQUhreGh0ZVoxcnhGMFRIQT09 |
It's unique. Not many projects are like Filecoin. It has the biggest data storage capacity, more than any other crypto will ever have. AI needs Filecoin. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWml6SmxyVWZlYnJUcWJTZ1hkZEt3N0R1RzMtcmhuMi1GVWRpWlVMV3ZFN0Iza2prTlUwWmpoQkpXV0JwakZYNUFBVHNEWGs5emstY09ZZUlfV05QN3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNS3FXUngwelplT0pNNVVnbFk2SEc1dnVQRmp5N0VyRGNicGtYQzlMd1hPam82alhqUHRRUTlqeFB1ZFNCX3pBc1luMnZoNk8zNndrbGJoVHdZN0xpQ1Q0c05aeHlYc000RnpMVjFjYmxMSzJIb3NEQWUyWF9UdDlpMjhCMFhFaFd6eHFWMjR0V1lDc21NZTVMWkJVbU00U0YteGF5OXJQbHNnbFR6emVoX1Q4PQ== |
1500 right now with a goal to 2k and then 3k. If I can get 5k before it moons, it's going to be stupid and great. It's going to be up from here. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMa244eHI1c01zczFGdHVWYlFMbzJDbHFHdmdoOWNJcU9FcXowRk1oWlNtZFZKM1ZjOEdCaXhnVFRfTWN6WGFRYUtqNDRmb0lWM25QWUEtV1hJNHQzNWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMEZ5UTJncnM5LVcwZW5PR1FFLVZGVTF6RnVjT05NaGFPUDBpSTdHNkRIaFZjaVlYRXZDSDJSWGk5bE9Gb1Nkd0RTVTFZZDBycnlhTXlINzdIMlNPeGQzUVZ5b1QyMWtTS1VTdFllbUdWaDVVWUp1bm8tZ19pUWZIaFY4aWRRMVdaSGhab01jWjhXNlBOaS1UR19CY0V1UGdhdzJBZm1tLWVaVHdEVnFiLXFJPQ== |
It says the Filecoin community. This means everything Filecoin. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ3RFYkFFcWJVQmc5NmwzQXFLM0YySmJ3VFJxSU80S3NlNUthVVJveDNidlVEckNvdHdOYk94Q001Q3hrM1Y3LTRDSXMzeWhTRGxRT01MSy00WmR2Z1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWVlDOTRXUFEtQ3Y4NDB5MFBSSmR6bzZxZ3RLTDVxaVlkUnRYRW9EaW1lZ053aF9GZlJ1VkJlX2NnTnVfTkJfTDZjWEFjSmlPZ29KT21VbmYzRHZoeHBHYmxxM3RUeF9kTnpCV2tmZEljaE1vRXQ1cnVSQ01SNnpNeWhsbGdSa3V0ZDlsVzE2YnROR0x4YXRkTGVsRER1YTVGUS0xZHBzdDlNbFZHZ0R2XzVaSzY2bVhqYTZESVE3eFVKcjZ0RXpwSXNJQ2hCS200WmtRWVhOZk1scTlLQT09 |
Hi all, I know a lot of people on here are not a big fan of meme coins but I have been trying to copy trade this guy and keep having problems. I keep getting slippage exceeded on all my buys. Here are my settings | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMEUydjBDOGlaMXBTQjQwZXpad0J0ZmpMeklFbEM4NnlTX0M4WEF5VXoxYk9NYW0tMkIzYVRPS2dKNk5KT3BZYUEtZnY0aElSOVJDelhUamdYbENSYm1tODM4UjVsRndienZhMDctaDB3dXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNUhLSXJoakxxYjhyNHJVTDZzd1FMNWVPNzJsUHY0Rk1YYTZURXE3VGY5bTFqRDIwc09zQ3FVM2ZNdEdxT3pyM3MzVEZEZFJPajZoeUtaSEtESUE5eXkzZDZYb2xGb3Fqemx6UGdSM2VaSlUwVjlWVXhlMjlEbnBFVzQwanFnTGhnSmdldDNERzVpVmdwMllyUWlWOVE0UFBtODQ0dFBtQ0hYLTZWWWIxZFVrPQ== |
Some crypto guys right now 😀😀 😀 | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYk5rdFJiM1lkeU5INFh4NEhGaVhNWWlZMi15NmtvUVVsbFpfOUJGa2hJd3lwWDBmbEdNa0NNNzVwYS1mMXFmeXNJMll0aE1aUVh6enEydm9iandxTXNaOTdLcVF6Y18zVFZ4ZTNyREVFcVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQzNWQjRnX2ZpYk9jUkIyZXJ3c2oxekZPeXJQVTE0M0tYSEgyNVJhbV9vMXBlNlk4ekRVNlJHdHRiTXMtd2hnQy1WSnJROVgxODFwaFJaTlF3cWxNRDV3QlU2c3JiVUVqV1pxV05pV1BxcXVrSUY1eE1LZkFvUklpSXBfMDVGbGJObFd0cmVvcThPMVAxdUlkX3p0SG9sQkM2TzVScDhtdHNXSGpETVBWWExrPQ== |
to whoever cares about the solution converting LCDOT to DOT, this guy did it and it works. There is a special link from the acacla page for people to convert - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWonfMQcOgY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWonfMQcOgY) | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeXZmU1E1ZlBSdThBNWZWZVZvaEdCcXozVW16WTRzb2dhdi0zQmFLRFhQWmFGYmFJZmFZdFE1RVNUQy15TjhOM1hsaUJ2SFA1VFVCOXBocTB5V3hjSlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVzlQZGpxbmVFVFd5cXhKbTRBUFZsVkdpa2FpdEtTQzMtc2NwbGRDNHl1YTQzdEdoNko4bUk1aENDbV9NbmotOXhtRDdlcVJVbXNjVlU0VHZxeVFhaERGRVBIcnVpbUpQcmFxYkpRRm5MX1MyZWpkU1RiRDRLVXJMaEUwSEh2M1ZoZzNTV3Y2T3FpRTA5SUxwOEppYXNZRUZKX1RTOHU1Q1hqb2UtU2dlcWhreEhvNHlaNW16VkJMdVpNSWtKVGxh |
I don't even care about the price of my DOT. I want it to stay low for as long as possible while these projects/initiatives are happening. My whole wallet is staked and I'm locked in.
Polkadot will play a huge part in the future of cryptos ecosystem. It already is, but it is in its infant stage still | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdGxsSk1DanUwNk5JQ0d1eDFzUDFBTHJVSzZOSE05T0hFS2V4MjFWVDNucHpvXzlhNDNJaE1MdVltUzFlQlBXcm9iWEdoYUZHWHBwb0Y4LTlJVXJPZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUGhkOGRQWWVYb1pEUlhzVExtdnV4UkkwZUI3TXZTb0FSczRSZjlES1dfMGd2X3BKUFctUnhwS2lnQV9CaURDWWZIRFRraVlHcHM1amZNdnhQajQwcFktUXNDNHpFMlV4eUJxTlhEbjl4eXV4TkFKd3pfRnFhaEVkdnBFRkRYNUUxSVlGTURuQ2liY21KRnctOGt6OEpnM3ZwOWEtNmdsMWQxMDBiSFZIRFQ0LV9uR2paZzFlOGlGdmFMYzRFbGZ1Z1l2dkM3aWhtbEl5aXR3Z2haYm9mdz09 |
Didn't expect this much gain, but happy. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcFdHZlJPWkFVN2hiWVVhU3h4UUtvTXNhOXpRSk1iTXhhMUxhWVpJN3ZOb1JCSVp4eWxNSW5mWHhPeTg4WjJhUXhxcmdYUGxRTEZPc0owd3ZNZU1tV1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZko0QzF6cnpWS0UyeXVtWXM1aWlRcDRLOGJJM0xOTUoyUEt1QUR2QW9nUUxsS3ZMNmNsYUNRejFTbV9fTWlzZ0lFcnM5UVhvUlhWVjAyNE5KSWEtZ3ctUTVqa1gtUS1DLWwzb3JTYVdFbDBBU3ZrdzhxbGR2cV8yajJhYXR0cjV0Tm1lcnVrMndzWHdBLWg3eTgyRWx2S3Y0ZUZWSHlYenRyUmdfcEk1VEdRQ2VZV1pwWUw0dTR2djlFSFIwZUdm |
It takes some time. I think the period is 6 days? | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQW5jbjd4VGJVNXFyUERmaFgzUVd0Q0VpY0ttaC1kRWNXM1l2S1lSdGRpOFQ0X040c1BRRTFrUTJGN04zLTNidGdRTldHa1ExUk5ZZXowTXpLUjR6M2pGamtiWlhoQndPd3VhY3NNR2lrY3M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdS1mVmRpVVRzdG4wdjFfUXRHNGphVF9HcGpIZWVYLThqNWNKNWV3MFVJaWppQXdpTDVzWWZadnNfOUZjeVB5OG1SVGctcFZPNUQ0NG5keU5aV2E3Y0J6UjBGa1hBTWVKRjdLb0RLN01jNHZRNVRicHpIRnZpcjhFTWtHdThJT1J4T0tRenVuVktHODZFdEVISHNNUU1BbWxXTVlhTzIza2tYMnR6bUJEUXZTTjZuUFVxRVlaY3U2alRmNi1YUkYxSXpSUV8yakxId1dRVHhsUlVXUWtydz09 |
you "forgot" you had 75k worth of crypto? | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTnB2cmhTTHlqeVhXTjJGd1V6MGlVS29zVnNrYW9MaHR3QUNYUmdyYTRiV3NGdDRDY3BpekptUF85MUJhMnZiWE9jdFJ0M2pJZEtIWVktbXl3VG5XWFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVGxwcXdkd1lZVDFjT19YTGpkcHI4STJnSi1JSmdHX1JDYTlYZnVYcS11LXpETzNyQ2RzQk1lLU4zd0RCeFk4ZTdkYkFUYzNoeGpqQlo4SVYzQzBGeVFpcXdsb25FclhDNGRrTUswVENNUVNJX3NhcGhKcXltemtEX1Rhc0pTV1FwS0lsUXNsZlo5U2R3S2xTQy1pa2F2UTg1QVp4REJURmhyc2o0b2pCbDVCcXNxN09OemtkTlZkU2w2REsxQmg1TVY5VGtBeHpPd0RYR3gtMUQxVEZDUT09 |
If you believe ETH will hit 10k+ then buy and hold ETH. Why taking big risk buying ETC. | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdjRKcUxKaTRxT3d2S0NZZC1sdVpSM2Z1bTRCaTJ2RTVYRUMxUnBYSk51Y3ZRd3d3dXFfcURIUFgxT0FzeDZMTzBFejZFMGl2b1JrbFNJWkxiSEd1SlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVjlodUVLRERpRWxkLVJOcm5FUVhsMS16aGpqVC01U0FEdVN4ME96bFBqNDU0OHd6QUhrOWp1YW5JYXZ4TlV5UVdXcFdHU2hkaXNIbDl4bEFzVFFhNzNtZjUwLWdFWEFvdk44aFVBaEFBWDJEbG5PWDNXb2JlRWNKUFRGZ2wwOVBEUjNXRUFJeENsa2JYTE5hRFlxREFTTUV0RWk0X2FKck5QbFNEZUw3VklNPQ== |
Coinbase? | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYWFXbXdna3kwSzdudEZEOE11ajBLV1hEeGRjeWNmLWExb0YzRm5EREI5V3pWUFRCUjMtTjdyOGVWQjhtaHBvMUtLQjhtTmNfQWNCZ3FfYnlaanhtWjRKNzhkTWx2SzdrM2NBMFpuQjBYOFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU1QxREFQb3pmaUxiaENZWS1pZjZSRGlpaGNhRTdRNE0tZDV4S056OXZMUzRhT19qRzdnTUtwSEZfMVdRLWhqOVN5U21pTjd0aXA2Y0dWbkNXV1h1d0NZdEs5TXpTWF9xUGpleUFMSEszWHVzR1U3cFNDekVObFpqclBuM21KSnNFeVV0cjBERGhQMlVTQnFNTDRtX0l2UmFIUnZfRGx1QlFVODZNTmEyd29JcjliVHVXVjRPdldtRXVnSnBfZGRpRWp1VkFlQ3RZWEhrMmRlQVU2dnAydz09 |
Lol for real wtf | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVDFidnV2R014Zzl4bm9lZmtRNEV4UEZGVnRVVWVhajdJRGZiYVhfT1lPVlBNS2JiajhwaGNXZ0NGSGlUel9wRVNJaEYtbjFzN1ZrbktFaEU3d1RUR0ZiMTVnbHVpYjYta0dRdVhnWTlkQ289 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVEl3amRUM0ZlajlOWUZHbjNfUHlKMUtUREdpWE5tUDNubjZVUjZGUm5QcUg5LTBwRGU2RGFTYkJ5a0pVX2dMMmpZaGwwanY5SHV4OU1rV0hDWGhqWTQ2QzE4NWRQX2p1VzBiRXNGbFJ6U25ybHFWNHRGckxHWEVKdlJUVUIyRkxOU1JQNFRoMUsxYVVUTGhBTlZHaC1vcmpIZi1JVEk4Ml9ObUloVXNmaTdzamhmdU1hc2tUV0dKb1M1MW04ZUJnZGpHYThsdmFWWHFiRFRQNDFaRU9WUT09 |
So I bought this new shitcoin for $5 forgot what it was called few minutes later price shot up to 690m my heart was racing. I wasn't able sell it not sure why. This left me furious so I decided break my laptop and now I got buy a new one smh. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMc2o2aFd3RENxYkxoeEREY2lRWExoOE9SM2RnVVhTeWNaeTRiTUQzdk9jQU1TeWtYbWdyckR2YVdwRGJUc25sQ2I0bGNueklXamJxTGpkTGlURmNMdnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU25ocnJ4TU82V1h5UFVoV0xiejJ6bGt2dFlHWnplTjREVXQ0VlBScjRGbnlJQ0Ezbm1uTlZCUVVxSnA2WHR2MWcySHVUVjduR19ESUdza2NGNVZJTGpjSXZfWGo5NHJ3OHZDdTc3RzNPRHJtR3JPQUFCaGxlczg1U3NzTGxTZ0FpOGMzbnR2c1hmX3FydnFDVzNyNFNBYWxGUWcyb21oWks2bVF4bUp6T2NhaS1VNlQ4U2hrYjRsRUVOYmJBTEsy |
I launched a crypto tonight liquidity is sitting and 3.5k and market cap at 2.5k. I myself only kept 10% of the total amount. I guess someone bought alot and now i am sitting at a 98% for the top 10 holders. Is there anyway that i can reduce this? Or will it lower as trading continues? Any help would be appreciated thank you. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRFRVUEw3VzVVbFk3dlRlRkNHYi0yZ1NXZFRyV3BHa3VNc2MyY3dsWWtCb3pESFJ4bHByMVZPUUVKNXFaa3hQUnJLZVQtck9abFRfT0Iwb2x2YzU4Qnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSnYxX0NEMXdFazhtek5QZUk5bm5Cc0Vhd1d1a3VYRmVUNDQ2VU01SEM2cXlSRjU1d1NXdE9KckJtZ0dlaXFrbEppM1VFRVBtNkZOMnNINWVsYU5wN2J0U0swdmo0dVYxa3ZkRUd1QUl0TTlZTV9SeC1OT0FCWVY0TGg4c1RtRDlCWHBLelUtSmw0cHhOQ1hES2NvaVZ4Nmh5cTNCdTN6NnZHa2M1Vks4TVhNNEg2alc2V3BmbDlaUGpZSC1wRktL |
So you're rolling in money from AsSTiTs, $RKLB, and $ACHR. You're too scared to YOLO into $MSTR. $PCT is now at a similar stage as when AsSTiTs had their first test satellite in the air or Archer first flew their eVTOL. They've shown it can work; now comes the commercialization and scaling.
PureCycle has invented a revolutionary new way to recycle plastic. Most plastic you put in the recycle bin today [gets burned or thrown away](https://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/california-sues-exxonmobil-plastic-recycling-deception-rcna172267). They've finally figured out a way to actually re-use this shit (recycle symbol #5) and are scaling up production and signing contrats right now, just so you can get in on the ground floor. Other brands want their product because it makes them look good to their customers that they're using recycled plastic, and it's cheaper too I'm pretty sure.
*1. The Technology*
These guys have been dropping corporate hype videos in recent weeks because they're finally getting cocky that their shit works. I'm honestly not exactly sure what's happening here, but it seems like the new plastic they're making in their Ohio factory is pure as hell.
Here's another video from today of their CEO flexing their facility in Denver which apparently sources old plastic to make the new plastic. Again not entirely sure what I'm looking at here, but [this guy is a dawg and lives for this shit](https://x.com/private_dataguy/status/1859221977551998988), which is what you want in a CEO. My takeaway is they finally are getting quality old plastic to make into elite new plastic, at scale.
They also have a sick new R&D facility in North Carolina to learn how to keep churning out purer and purer product.
*2. Commercial Demand*
This tech was actually made by P&G and licensed to PureCycle to scale. P&G is their first customer. In addition, [according to their 10-Q](https://ir.purecycle.com/sec-filings-reports/all-sec-filings/content/0000950170-24-127556/0000950170-24-127556.pdf), "PureCycle has allocated 40% of the Augusta Facility output, for Lines 1 and 2, to existing customers and expects that additional offtake agreements will continue to be negotiated." I'm pretty sure that means that for their second factory in Georgia, they already have 40% of sales made and are actively working on the rest.
Now that the tech works, their focus this year and Q1/Q2 2025 is commercialization. This is the time to get in, because once they announce those juicy contracts, this thing is gone.
To be clear, this is a risky pre-revenue growth company so scaling is not guaranteed. However, it finally seems to be de-risked enough from a technology standpoint, and the deals they're making now show this.
*3. Financials*
[Their ex-CFO said they were modeling their profit margins to be 40-60%.](https://x.com/private_dataguy/status/1859221977551998988) They're taking shit that people don't want and would actually pay to get rid of and making it useful. They still may need to raise more shares to fund all their build out.
Short interest is high but the price is on an up trend. They will eventually need to cover.
Volume is low. Bid / ask spread is high on options so you will get fleeced by market makers.
Position: 200 Jan 2026 $20 C
https://preview.redd.it/c2m1rgux163e1.png?width=1062&format=png&auto=webp&s=725496b4a9301a0cace52cdda6378ebe7e57c33d | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMjZ6cGJOVHpFVWtIanM1d0VIMHlnSV9qUnp6S2FtNnBKdllqYUJpN1RxdEwxM2hzem40ZmkzZjA2UXE2VVdhQTBSZ1dSRjg2RDNjREY3eEVJbkgwU3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWHRJbURMT01zVWpLdXhNel9Jb3M4UnlCRzJhTUZjaHA1dEFPcTlyXzY0RzhoT3FjREw5MUd2a1d6MlN5Umo3OXN3cFNYYWYxT19Gd1VmSENhdkFDbmIxSHNRNEZHcDNiWW1tRUgtdVVvR18wd3paUkdqSGo3YW1sVHFTR0sycC1qWHRaWGI5dFZUR2ktaGFYeHFmWXlfcVZZZE95emU5Q2U3SEZSVW4tQWFndmdnMlhQZU9hMmN6N29rd1pyRjk3dmlab2hvQW14YzZrOWVxZEFLYU9tZz09 |
Forgetting Acala dollar? Lots of people lost money in that depeg including myself. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWlcxMF9Bd2IyVUo3UFdNQjVySVQzNHpoV0c1aHUyak5fUDhZaHJxRjJMZ2tmVjl5NzUyODMwUHdVUGhWRXpFRUJOcXpVUS1Ua3JVWTBmMTFSSkVtOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMC1pMS00NHNVbkpySElBajhjbHZ6VXRuTG9pVEJPaUp1d0ZsQ0dfZGdoOGREVzltV2dKdDlzMFhVNEp5ZTRyWnZHTk9fdlZDYW9NVjdhSEF2eUZrei1rejQ0M3VMRWJOMjRnanNyMEw3SHg1UktMb0hPLVBVcDJlcFRTekltaUdmUVlmYm5yNElIN2JXalljMHMtSTFSM1JyM0QwdWhVNkphNWNqSjZoRXRfMmE3RENHNTg1VXozZ1NqdTQ0bVlrblVBQVdGdUxPU2tNVWFYeTBtMDA2dz09 |
What a wild ride last week.
Total supplied $270.89M Up 13%
[$DAI](https://x.com/search?q=%24DAI&src=cashtag_click) skyrocketed 24% and 32% to take the title of Hot Supply and Hot Borrow.
The supply APY keeps climbing, let's stir the pot this week
| r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNDNacWhnMF9kQlN6M1Z3RGd2bzNhUk14Um0wV2Z4dHZCVVJQTTJGWEFEN3hJdEVsYzhCdkdCZHVBSUZJZkFsTGZidlBremJCMTFIZU5YN3U0NmVXc2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUlpNajhuWlh5M291X1V4aHNQeXVBbVAxdGVQT09Hd2lxMlE2eTZzNHdNU3Bjd1ZDLWNrR2M0MGxFMXNGM0h3cUh3TktiSVh2RWI0M0l0RkhnVXRnRF9OOXlmRFRYdWpIbUhCckRBdlFidWU0ZWwtMEFXSlNqMWQ1V0h3eU1wWEQ0d0I4dUpQczhLbFV2V3M0M3J3MTM4U3BCRUJZTjJ5dVEzbjg1WW1vMHhZPQ== |