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Send me a DM here or on my x @ s1darta0 | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMXzk2NzNvODQ1R1ROclkwVExRS1N5WHRfSTRFcXI4UGI4ejk5emZCWXoxZER2cFR3ZTNqelNhaWpmRWctTzY0YV82OVoyeTl1RmpBRnhKR2QyaTlMb3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSC1Ga3lpWE91OWIzcGx4cXZGX3RrREZEZkp4cXNEYWM1bzYySVlaQlgyS0VqWmk0TW5IV1Jkd1RtYVo3NUwzY1JGVXZuQTRhRkZETV9naWxsS3diYjFEdFJNU2dYTVNRWVViNVE4cEYyN1dxQzhCMzJ1UVVxeUZVOVZwWTc1SHE5OS02MDA4azlrNWRoYUQwZ2NwZEtLbmdNRnc0TGxicWRSdUFxSllBOE1JPQ== |
Definitely. Give me a day. An email i can send u some images. Also Instagram @ anarchyonthe | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMkRvSGYwZ01LVUV1bHpHYlotUS12UGhwZVQyZGY5UDR4RXZtUHc0T2hpc3lJUENMTFpQWmN6VFlmX3A4N2RoeGtuaDNQZXlfam55b2dfSmp6ZGcyOXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZTNFSURUa0xpY0Vfb1BsN2h4V3AzWXdqRFV2ZFRyWXRXVzE5M3ZESXJLT2ZKRmoyOGhlQl9nUEdOQmE0bnpYVDdwUWZkdjJZeDJMQUxQUHZxd1psWFY3Z1BqdUdzc3hrLW9OUlM0V3Ayd3lLTTVaRHc1cXc5UE9iZG0xNXRfY0s3QVI1bTJkWmdjODYxV1F1aHpBdVdGT3VYVU1rRExIUGVhbWxjM0lWZTJFPQ== |
Just another of many warnings to stay away from this garbage exchange.
Judging from many others on here, and my own experience, they have essentially legalized theft of customer funds based on their own ridiculous "policies".
They have a minimum limit on deposits and if you miss the fine print and deposit below this limit they simply take your funds. Even if you send another deposit to the same wallet to exceed the minimum they will refuse to give you back your first deposit. This is literally theft.
Can you imagine depositing some money into your bank account, and the bank tells you "sorry, that doesn't meet our minimum deposit, you need to give us more ... and by the way, we're not giving you your money back."? Utterly ridiculous. How is this even legal?
KuCoin customer support is absolutely useless. They just keep repeating the same canned responses. It's clear they care nothing about their customers. As soon as they get their grubby hands on your money, good luck getting it back.
And for those thinking "you should have just sent more than the limit dude, that's their policy", well that's besides the point. KuCoin can't simply take customer funds with no services rendered, and say "it's our policy". That is literally theft. So they have a policy to steal customer funds whenever possible?
And if they are going to have a minimum deposit amount policy it should at least be cumulative, so that you can deposit more to get over the minimum and still get your original deposit back. This is how other exchanges work that also have minimum deposit amounts. But not KuCoin - they just simply confiscate your first deposit (aka theft).
I don't care too much about the amount I lost, which was minimal, but it's the whole principal of the matter and lack of customer service that really bothers me. I simply wanted to transfer a small amount of BTC as a test transaction before sending very large amounts, to make sure I could successfully transfer to KuCoin. Doing a test transaction on a new account is standard procedure for those trying to be safe.
What kind of company operates like this? To prioritize stealing customer funds over customer satisfaction, and wrap it up in "policy". They would prioritize stealing even a small test transaction, over keeping a customer happy. I was going to transfer large amounts of BTC to KuCoin, and they forfeited that because they wanted to steal my small test transaction. There's no way in hell I'll be using KuCoin now.
I guess this is a blessing in disguise. If I had used a larger amount as my test transaction I would not have come to realize how shady and corrupt KuCoin is. I may have risked losing much larger sums of money. I now see many other people getting their funds confiscated by KuCoin and I sympathize with them.
Regulation is sorely needed to reign in these garbage exchanges and their poor treatment of customers. Sure, we all hate tradfi and the banking system, but at least they aren't allowed to outright steal funds from customer accounts without rendering any services in exchange.
Sorry for the long rant, but let this serve as yet another warning to new or potential KuCoin users.
You have been warned!
| r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdlM3bjB5RkctX19HbEExSGV5WmJOb0V4cjk5ZDlIc1c1RVJjRUN0dmt2empDTlJlWC1COFMyNjdMLVlKYlEyN0gyUGl3MUZkLU5VUFgtUkJNQ2llRmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSzhQNHdjZlZwSHBpaWlibERyNWF3U2hvUG0wZ1lRcVd3bUVzQUE5Y0JmUjdlNi0tRUV6M0p3QnNLV2hKZG5RVjQtTUpOTzhWcV8zLVNxXzhqbnRrMHJhaFdhUUdFNjlIYjhROENWQmRwdkhHdmpMWXl2WHpqNlhHODJicVhweWRtQVdDNktwWndkV002YkF3ekg2R2I0TEJLN1dwS1oxd01zbFRZZ2xMY2pBPQ== |
I’m back with the RedCat DD that I promised.
RedCat is an American Drone company that, as of last week, has been chosen as the sole provider of small, rucksack portable, attritable drones bringing surveillance and strike capabilities, to none other than the United States Army.
Through a program of record initiated 5 years ago, Short Range Reconnaissance (SRR), the US Army was able to test, research, evaluate and compare capabilities/limitations of drones from 37 companies including Boeing, Lockheed Martin and the “reigning champion” from SRR tranche 1, Skydio. They also fielded these drones in Ukraine to determine resistance to electronic warfare and signal jamming in combat against a modernized and “competent” near peer adversary. Needless to say, RedCat provided a far superior drone, purpose built for the warfighter and was subsequently chosen as the contract winner.
“Oh it’s one little Army contract for around 12,000 drones, how is that important?”
Great question, looks like not everyone in this sub rides the short bus to school.
As mentioned previously, SRR testing began in 2018. Now who was paying attention to something other than the big red line that was your portfolio in 2022? Just 4 years after the Army identified the potential viability of drones in wartime? Yep, you got it. Russia invaded Ukraine. Here’s a sticker for you to add to your helmet. If you haven't been watching the drone footage from the Ukrainian war, you should probably get on that.
Drones have completely changed the battlefield. Ukrainian forces are currently using/losing at LEAST 10,000 drones a month, with some 30,000+ drones in the air everyday. To reiterate, 5 years ago, before Russia invaded Ukraine, before drones were proven in combat, before Ukraine was burning through 10,000 a month to fight one of our near peers, the Army decided they would like about 12,000.
Do the math. Do you believe the largest and most powerful land force on Earth would order 2 weeks worth of drones and call it good? You know the answer to this question. Why don’t you have free medical care? Why do you have 100k in student loans? Why will an ambulance ride bankrupt you?
Fantastic, you’re right again. 13.3% of the US Federal budget goes straight to the DOD. A cool $820 billion. I’m sure you’re losing focus but I’m certain your wife’s boyfriend can keep her company for a little bit longer. Now add this one up. If you are engaged in conflict with another world power, where do you want to put your money? Do you want to buy the 50k drone that can target anything from the sky, completely unmanned, or do you want to spend 10 million on a single M1 Abrams tank that will take a critical hit from an FPV attack drone, killing the entire crew?
Let me say this another way. You are America and will stop at nothing to maintain your position as the superior global superpower. Are you buying 5 tanks or 1,000 drones? 1,300 drones or a single F-18? 13,000 drones or 10 F-18’s? How about raising taxes and buying both.
I am not the Secretary of Defense but I can assume an intricate cost benefit analysis is being conducted by US military leadership. In the very near future, the DOD will be acquiring more than 12,000 drones, a whole lot more.
In case you aren’t aware, the US Army is America’s largest branch of the armed forces. This means they have more money to R&D than their counterparts. With some second level thinking you can understand this to mean if another branch of the military can wait for a wealthier branch to spend millions/billions finding the best product, and buy it after they do, they’ll do exactly that. This reality extends beyond the American DOD.
How about Australia? Here’s a start.
“Red Cat to Supply FlightWave Edge 130 Blue Systems to Royal Australian Navy”
I hypothesize allied armed forces have been patiently awaiting the conclusion of big Army’s testing to determine where they will also be sourcing their combat drones. SRR is really only the beginning.
For those interested in semiconductor plays that also understand the importance of Taiwan, you might want to give these articles a read.
The future of warfare is unmanned systems fighting other unmanned systems. Why did we leave Vietnam? Unpopularity back home, moms had enough of losing their sons. How long can America sustain a war outspending USD? When America’s cost of war is cheap drones instead of billions and American lives, we might just deter our adversaries in a way they don’t want to engage us anyways.
That leads me to the next point. Drones as a deterrence factor. How many drones operating autonomously in a swarm is enough? How many does the entire DOD need on hand? How many do our allies want? 100,000? 200,000? A million? How many combat drones do you speculate that America’s military industrial complex wants on hand? I can’t give you a definitive answer so unfortunately you’ll have to take a quick break from licking that window and use your own reasoning skills. I can say, however, that I’m pretty confident about where they will be sourcing these drones.
Now, enough “market” analysis. Let’s talk about some numbers. u/CynicalMelody was kind enough to post this on a previous post of mine the other day.
“Here is my prediction Stock Price Potential Based on Updated Calculations
Current Market Capitalization: $708.997 million
Current Stock Price: $9.39
Shares Outstanding: Approximately 75.5 million
Projected Fiscal Year 2025 Revenue: $100 million
Industry Revenue Multiple: 20× annual revenue
Implied Valuation:
Implied Market Capitalization: $100 million × 20 = $2 billion
Implied Stock Price: $2 billion / 75.5 million shares = Approximately $26.49 per share
Potential Upside: (($26.49 - $9.39) / $9.39) × 100% = Approximately 182% increase”
This analysis does not include what will be awarded in the future.
The stock market is forward looking. Now look forward so you can get an edge. The US drone industry is currently estimated to be worth around 3.94B, expected to increase to 8.65B by 2034.
Sure maybe the American drone industry will only double over the next 10 years, the thing is, all bets are off if/when we go to war. Where will that money go?
If you believe global tensions are rising and war is imminent, where is your capital going to be safest? This is your opportunity to build some conviction. How will the US stock market hold up if we go to war? Individual companies? How about if we don’t? Answer those same questions but with RedCat. We get sucked in and large scale war begins, VOO -25%, RCAT +60%. Place your bets.
By current business prospects, RCAT is criminally undervalued. It should have traded at $12 the moment the SRR winner was announced. Also, is there a more reliable source of consistent payments/business than providing services to the US military/government?
This image was not my work, but here is some price modeling data.
If you can buy cheaper than $12, you’re getting a deal. If you understand the gravity of the SRR win, there is much more to follow. This is a chance to buy something that you would hold for a year. Most of yall have never heard the word “profits” so taxes isn’t a problem for you, but for the 6 people in here that aren’t regarded, this is a play you can hold for a year and pay long term capital gains on your gains. Buy calls, exercise them or sell them, buy shares keep them, whatever you wanna do. This company is promising with a bright future. I do apologize that I didn’t post this earlier. I have been working with the mods to get this posted as soon as it was allowed. (Until a few days ago it’s been under 500M market cap. Wanted and tried to post DD back in July)
Ask your questions and I’ll do the best I can to answer them.
700 RCAT 1C’s Jan 2025
800 RCAT 2C’s Jan 2025
1,700 RCAT 3C’s Jan 2025
I will also be exercising my calls at the start of the year. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVTdaZlF5MTI4RkpNWC1YNjNucVlCT2pQZVdIai1TTS1MWko4TXJiSDFvMUk2dENNUDFYd2dBLTZUUDhqQjdaU2dXREtvazdDdTV5NkNfLWZIUlYtWEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRnE3ZDZuaFBCal9mNEo5NkpCLWlBZFlSYllmWS1nRGx5aGg2TjFwd0g3R1RNdWpQQm5FdDhXMUU5NnVoYnEweEIxd044Rm1HcVkxeHlVb3FGMXBEdEFZSnNudEdNTkFlRjktZTEtelE1QlhXbHVIamR3YWYyNHp3ckVYbzFjcUhIc0gySldORmQ2eWFwTWZRQmZHQ3gwdm1ZQXVPd1FuUEgtRE90NnRfZXRvPQ== |
As others have also said, it’s all over this sub. Work on your search-fu, I guess. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNXd3aDFSTENmMldJbUU3RmRPTm9aV05KNmlSYXRvSFdCa1dLU0ZseTc5d2d1bnpyUElUaXJKQ3haMDNHd2JEQ2NGQXJyWThKOWxtSzJxNFROOXBLd3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcnFneGNjZUlCVXFNTm9leUc3UGE3MG9NdzFUMDVvODc0bWJJZ2ItOVl0aFFNUjFEV1ZxZXFNRVQzRjhPOXJOOHhLS25tb2tObGszRWJBX1QyTkZ5eC1OeDlZemFqaXpic1NuVlplNDVTOE5BSnp6T3Bnenp0QmhMM205aTlMWkR5Vk1tMWV3cERET09lNlBFOHFKeGw2R3I4N2NkRjlHU1M4Sm9TVzJQWGVaLWc2ajRzYzg0YzhZNGFUYkFUZmlB |
no one knows shit about what will happen. your also holding a dead coin. before i get downvoted to all hell. i think etc is the real eth. code is law 1000% and partially why eth struggles now. they undid the whole point of blockchain. nail in the coffin. but i’m not delusional this coin ain’t going to take its place | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaEFOZVZpS1g3a3VUUExhWWV3MGxIdFpqTndqNEdmZUxjWXdBRV9DWGJtS3JxVGw3OFltSlk5blk3aXZ2T1BuWEtPYVFLSXF0VkNpVVR1WnRxTW5mLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNb2JqMWVrMGM1WXNQbkdpTkVzVXViWHNtd1Vmand3QTFjSXpWT3RVM2hCTjEzYnh0YUlVMEFqYWROdlBzeW01SFZfRWtJZjRWb2poNG9LRmpWaXc5SWhMdjBVQzJPYmQ5cW9hNjR5dWRfbXRKcXREYkdpZXBSN2NlSkhYSkxJWl9qeTFVTDRIeVgxdGo1M3o3dEdOVWFzM0ROcUQ1Y0ctbDVCclRneTBrSG9FYWRpeTA3ck9VY243cDJUTVBwUlZh |
$BCH is pretty hot. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTUU0MHBGNFVWYi00SjI1Vk8tT2xZTEdSZV9yU25QWVV4VHJvYXJLdFhnUHp0WXFSQUdLMnVLb3Jta2lVYWVEbi1JclRxeWM5OG9IaVZZUjd0YmtIa2tIWEpHS3h6dG5XcjBHMmdROVNuR3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQlktRVBGNi13RWRlQUJqOElGQXlsdC1kREFvZllIR245RXlPcnphUEJMR3Ftbk9mZXB2NnZ4TXhkOFlZNFBRWk9rWTJWSy01ZG1VYWJFR3Z1OGxwTFlIZmZULWxPemNDMEZVQlp2S2RwV3d4c2todXJrV2xPaUZxV1dLTy1NdzNIRjNzV21TdGhtQnNWM2tQY25xOFE4VU5wREFJMDVndklaZ01OWFpzWU5KbmU2RG00d1ZiZkxLWFdKT2NqbXdYdE1oQ1JXQ0FtY004NWI1di1BQnZYZz09 |
So I have been doing Crypto Paper Trading for a year now. I mostly use Encapsulating or Inside Bar candle to find major levels.
According to my understanding, I believe BTC/USDT will hit 94,000 and then go up.
Am I right ?
It would be very helpful to know other traders opinion of on this.🙏 | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMLTR4NEpmZkR1RHBOS09zMWgzM2xvb1lvUElXRnpNZjRBeGEzUlcwTzdYY0Zpc2dlelJ2NVk2VERnMkJ4U0hKT2dWd1JoWHdfcHJuUm05d0dnWDRjc1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNM09vR2FXMEtOWlM5WGx2Q3RnQnJubWFQdjZIX2dTajU4LVNJYV85QUFYdHR2bHFKNDdEZVdpNk9MVHZWaHROSmJzbktjMENaeEFpS1ZqbXh6R1hWU1E2WEtJZlRkTVhmZTZYU0VXSmpsNXVQZDh0LXJjai0xT1h1dFl0aXpzY01mMTRoRVBFejF6RGtsWFF2dHNxWU5kYzlBMXFkWTIySGNfOWhlT2lYX29rPQ== |
You might be right, but we also need to take the fact into consideration, that Elon is nothing like other billionaires. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTjlkYTVONUZMQXRmbktTRHFITVFQQjRUU0dDanFuM3BMMGxtNFJxN2s5NHNEOVJFUExSZ1dGX2tUd29abXhTSWl0dUlCSlMzWmpLSDRSTm41VmVHcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSV95bGk1OUkxVVhTbGt2MWw0aEljSG9TNkVrTTFnMU11RGNqa19BdTh6TG9xZ1RpWmhQQ2xYUklVNUdtVTBfOGNnRjl4QjQ4QjJTNFZlUGVjWW5fS3Bqa1hSQ2cwRlVJNG5ucjlvbEhYSV9uNTZoeDV6SUd1NGVaanBTanFlaGVjS2k3VVI2WWh3S1FmSnFwUlpmbWdvSjVhQjZQb0xzeEZ4c19MS0xIMXBMSU1ubENDRUwzOUQyN01oQ3NoTlBId3RKM0dzUWcxWW5vOHdQbnFpeFRMTHdIZVloVGRIVV9hNm10cGMyLWdTMD0= |
Had been invested in ACHR since spring this year.
Now I just hold 750 shares, the IV is super high rn. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSnpCTVJQWmhWRjNZS3JfMWx2Vk9qcnRtc0s0VDdPaTB3OTNkZWJvR3haMFh5aE1fRVQxei1LbVBlaS1WOWdpZ25TVGtNRjFxcUVHSUpTU3VnLUNwV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbUhrRDFLcXUzLVR3OFc3dGJNTUwtN2xnbThHQnJMZktRc0R1MHFsOWMwUEZ5UnNwUU1rcWNEU2FNYXFfaloyWjhCa3lkNWhvcFZkU2JnTFFNZm1lY2pJcWdWaVNqUWNMSmRQNDVXZXR2N2Q4QzJscWhBSE8xUnNqNUtaU1FzUjVDVGtzUDlPVVBjU1lBTzBXWTJlQWM4bVV5VHJaMWtFeEJ2bThPNFluaGVUZTQ0X2xZN0Fna0NIb1hTVmhJVkRP |
I care if my merchant accepts it. Not some random “investor”. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbXhZRHlvZ0lPQnZjX1BmMm1RSXRqRklBcVFiMnVGSDJ2YlRtdGJvU3paemxXRVV6MUZPVHN4YURic3VHZVlCME0wWDEtbjZqRERiQWZ1emtncWxZNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNV3k3LUU0My10UWMtelQxWVp5cTJ1ZmkyUFcwb0F6LWdpWF9RVWQxd3U2T3RoRFNmX0k4MnIzT1F0UjJZZm5QcEIzMnZyZVotMGJELXZsYnZEaTBwNzFYU3hlNk1MakprUGdoMmpoekk4YjBuZXBUSWxtM3ZaeWFsLWdDUWRaQzFRZjlNd0ZaOE5ENVdyUndmV0RmZ2lORS1fdm1ESEJSaTQ2LU9zMG5aeWZWNHA5TlJIRV9nd3Rkd3RXRXVBUDBH |
Hi, so I'm sure this has been asked here before but I was wondering how people find out about new coins before they become popular. I was wondering how people find coins to invest in that are new projects before they boom in popularity. Thanks | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZEhxUWdfdVh1VEE1azBiY0hjSGt3a3lKWXQwU1VGWDVkc1E2NkFVWFNXXzFxMjhwZm5VV2t5Sm0xeTNYNUdUOEN3YWdhUWZ4eHQ1TE4xU3NTM2cyYi1ITTBwOFRNc3o0c0hoTlRXVnNvZjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQVctVkVLOTJGLURtV21mLXI3Yi11VWRYTXNidU1idXhRaG5lbmZRNGRpZmJ1RWp2dHJPWDZ3bmw3WWtuWlI0YW1NNXNYNldYSGFobGJnNi0tZG1CNGFGcE9mMW1fQmZNd0VianF3N293ejhpcW1SdGN2aWRMaFJYdEw0R21qaWNvWkxQTU1mcDlpaTJwVlo1ZUFveXY5NGN0cmRWc09IQWM2RkpkMV9ZNUZpVVAzYklpU3p6dTQ5YWNid1ZQQzJ6NG4wY2NnbzhZTG1PRXVvXzE5UmhRUT09 |
My prediction is $25. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMT1BGaXdNa0pNaFdqUm1OSGJrT3Brejc1NVBKRFJsSWVTamNEdEI2Q3dLVEdEOW1taVowdXlpVHhwNVRkT09uUWY2X3RmM2dqVHFid1FKTGdJZHVtZjZ6QjFCTDhQWmd2ejJaQzVPajVlZTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcnR3N2VwS1J6cUhvMkhqTS1ITDNPTlBUeTdoaGhUNkV3enlDVW9kUVNXMGROd0E5Tm53VXNlUWoySS1XSDczSzFfVU1kdUlsZ0FjbllOWS1mRkg1bXk3N2RyaERJQVVRdWlvZlVQQkRYSDdLdU5HcmxtSThCNTFoN19GX0VwZFExVk01R3oyT1M1WWZfd2RvNS12QjlBTUNJQm94U21kSHNoZHUxRE1NckpoN2N3VE1YWDNkWkItWkdSRzNuUXN2NDZybkZHYjlTRGFjM1hSZFYzQUFVZz09 |
Ok, I’m still new to options and even newer to leaps. Back in Aug 19, I bought 4 RKLB 7$ leaps in retirement account. While they are nicely up, they are not as up as I would expect from an option which underlying stocks is up 300% in the same time frame. I think I bought a very bad leap contract, that cost me almost half of the security price hence my leverage is less than 2x on these leaps. Now I wonder what should I do with it. Initially I was planing to just exercise it if RKLB mooned. Well, it’s already mooned. But when I do math it seems that I will gain more shares if I sell leaps and just buy stocks on all proceeds plus money required to exercise it.
Here is math:
Sell leaps for 7k and buy ~306 shares at current price (23$). Buy another 120 shares @23$ for additional 2800$ that would have been required to exercise these leaps. In the end, I will have 426 shares instead of 400 if I were just to exercise these options for the same extra 2800$. Does it make sense?
Important detail, this is my retirement account so no taxes. If it were in taxable account, exercising would been the only viable option. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVm1kTDdvRlRqZzNNZjFSRU9Yd1A4bEhPbXVjX0hodGNDcEJYbXJZX0diOWoyZi1PTHpMWU5qR21iVzdOQmV2T28tZWVpY1pHWUVVRUdxZ0UwT2pjcEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNckJPT2FrcUxRUFNSNUVYMWs4T1pkZFlqLXpFM3JidVVGR2lkTjdRSWExWFpJMUJ3U29kMG54djRVaE9WOHFHNTRndzJMSkFEblNCendCWUhWTVdUWEQydnlMaWdGTl9POTl2WW9DUExyUEY1S2RFeVlpYkhSbHV1OHZlMFNjdjR5ajljT2pNV3hGdHpESXJqVkdhZndkOVBrZHFvTHRzVWtvMlhSSks1eGJ6NGpjeUpEQ2M4ZnY3bUduMWpDQ25v |
lol. He gives off a persona he is nothing like other billionaires.
What he does is run of the mill. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOTNhVVZxNFNuR3JNc3FMTHNZV1huY0RGQnR5aTFGTWZ1VDNmeFkxcEVRZDdEdWpFUFFfS3d5Mi1nUWxaT25oNTJ0V3ZFWTNkQUh6bm56b0txTmNTdUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQ29sT0xKSExhRlVDampFNmZ4UThhLWt3QWFydzB0T2xzUXNnVDlWSWFNYUlFSFJrdzR4WVZ3WEZvZjNWalU4TGF6REFWandEay1SWWExenRqb2tFa1hZZVBpUUkwX2xHcnJNMHI2bmlxSklweHBxRkZxbUtzUEFNc3ZqSGhIb1FhTkFVTF9SYWV1NFRMUC1KSkpyaEo5UzJEWVYxM05ZWEd5amg4a094cXU2eXhEMW1lMXc0UDgxM21mV2l0Y0g4ZDFtZlgtVTIxb09OWjhzSzlpMVJ5Qzg5NF9EQTZPbXVzR2pIV0ZUbGYxYz0= |
Like 2 years ago I invested in crypto with very little thought and knowledge. Thankfully I've managed to pull out of the majority of the investments without loss in March and in the past few weeks. However I'm still lumbered with a disappointing amount lost in Curve. I invested when it reached 4.8, and then again once it reached 6. Now, i completely missed the U-turn that curve took and I'm left with like 95% loss.
Is curve likely to EVER see numbers like that again or do i just cut my losses and close the trades | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcW56eTVLUjE1dnVFbEw2QnQ2bjkyTnYxUVN5cEZmQ0lZYTRyeFRhQVBnOGZvNDNaaGFLYS1WN0ZXaHhEMG03dWlzWWNwNmNFT2JUTzFJX18zX2lxdWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdHQzVE8tTEZfX1kwVkp2LWV1VmhwdmpxYlpBQkxsbWt4VHZWWFlycl9mVFViS3YyVjgwcXB5Q2FUWWVUaFJCelk2TTlkSnlaTV9JYm5rcWdHSHBNckkwRHhPXzl6QWVHUng1eS1wSGtEbVNEMEtaQVJxWk1TN2tyaEhhLXlqUkZDVEdBNGgxVXZMZUxqbTNRZVV1TDBJOFNDQmc5bGhKeTN1d0s5bzA5MktBNVE2Mlloc1dkRDRlZ2V0eXl6U3Ri |
Gift cards is workaround against regulators. They allow the whole Monero economics to grow seamlessly and safely , until for governments there will be ‘too late’ to deny privacy as fundamental human right. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMN0R1MG11d2c0TGhFSk9BeVRkaWZkV1VMT2pTbzZIZ3lxSFlBUkdnaWc0RC1sb0hMZENncTFMVmVsQ3ZrZnN0MkN1T003RGo1WllOUlZha240bElTb1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMHRUOGJyd0lPS0NQUzhpbEFKcFhobDhHNy05M1NyVWx2Y1BiUndicERoTDRfeWlUTWFyODJrZ1QtNExQX25ieExtTXdqZFlFWmxNVkFDR2Flc05UMXFXUk1zUmpWTDAyVTJlWEdWelBZam1FQzBlbFV3bTVyb1YtamdmS1F4TjJxMWhIQXljWVNWcXZxcFprSE50Zjk5aVpsV0pRWXJwNU9pdUtZcE56aDM2SVA0LWJ1QS1QSGxpMmtXOEFFRk05 |
The question is in the title. How do I access the trading platform on iPad. I tried Safari and Chrome apps but it just shows the homepage and no option to either login or connect wallet option. Is there anyone else trading on iPad? If yes, kindly guide me. Thank you guys in advance. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbEcyajJ2Qk54bExHM0VuUGZoRndRU25lSjRQYUZsQlFfZU9IOVlkdnNhT3BtRkhrTkpJcUt1Tk95TDlPV0hGRTE5T0tqWENzajBGQTRHQWwxVmlUMnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNk82Z0F4aXI0X1NmUnpnWnd4WXlXWER0NEZkWXBGNUNjRlk1MkVQRWtUT1gxNkhXQV9uRkp3emdMelI4NFFXZG5leU1vTXFtY1pkRTVZR2JIbzdCVWRmeUg4NzVBS2NqNExndHhGQTU0RWthRHlDWVd5UjhGWVl6TVphampxaFA1RUdocHhWRWhDZFE0TnBSbGpnSmpwaHpKRDZYcnhjLXFIYklFSjdkdjhaQnpyMTBBLUg2dWtNMWR2MGhKelV3 |
I'm looking for non kyc crypto exchanger sites or places, do you guys know any? Posting on this sub because i'd like it to be solana | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ19TSk12UHcyZjdoUnJLTWJrd1FfaEo5RnhsanVFR0JCYnpwaG1tTzFIYUNvSXdhaEk0d1hPZVBDSGpTX1FQYkxfajdnZGJvbnBtMTZwQ0piOGhzVzJnSHFNT0lhb3NRcDRxU0VzX0wwaVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdk9IdzRRVG5pYWV6MFYtOXhad24yUUZhTF9fV2NfSjNiY2xsNEpyckJVblNsSDlFWk1ITXlQMTI1cl9XazQ0WGJxcmJLckVFanBOeWc4MGNzTnllN2pRdjRibFM1bjZOaXNkM3dUVjBURGpreHdPcmd1WlRpSU14WHE3ek40T0NTRkxZSzVzYjdpNFl2UU00RDFDOGY5aE0yYXoyNTJpM2ZDSjc1ZGg1UFJOUVlGLXZ1TDNhLWZCeTNhZHdLZ21I |
Bitcoin’s early bull cycles (2013/2017) saw extreme volatility, with average bull market corrections of 30-40%, reflecting a nascent, illiquid market. OGs who rode this out were the true legends of Bitcoin. 🙇🏻
By the 2020 cycle, as Bitcoin gained institutional adoption and deeper liquidity, corrections averaged 20-30%, signaling diminishing volatility with scale.
In 2024, Bitcoin is even more mature, with trillions in market cap and strategic buyers like Michael Saylor executing $5.3 billion in purchases, creating a powerful price floor.
With reduced sell-side liquidity and increased demand, this cycle’s corrections could shrink further to 5-10%, that's why I am putting my money where my mouth is.
History tells us: violent move up soon.... BTD 😤 | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNE1TTGFfa29jQjAyZmZWeTBDaTV6VzJIYk5GUzVQMk9SRzRweWItX3pZUklCSFRHc0g3WWhEU3k3VEY4aG9WZEdDUU5Dd29kcHdGUHJxNUR2M3p5eGo5S3kzRXp1ZlZoT0k1cW1qcmNOUFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdlNvbHNTd1hUMlRSdGUwbTdOSW1yT3VabW9kRC1ueUtpSnJvSlRkZHJNS2RHZ3IzX01BenRTQ3B1amhvLW56WFY4WFduajc2bG1SM2ZYT1c2QjRlOWdqZm81cC04VjVLNFpXQjdRVG1RVTVXRkJ3azJSZHFwVV96R1RJMWJOcm5US2E3UHV2UTN1T0tSXy1FRHNNTGhzdjdyZ3NLczdELU1RUTMtVk5seE5vVWpPUURsUE5fSDVldEhhanMtSXFY |
SEKIII would've loved monero ;) | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcS1Id0tCV0tKcFJlbEZOVUpBY3o5REczREwxREUtR053dGYxYng3b3dvUTdLVTZ6OFJZdnltZXUtWFYxWkN0b2RzQVQ3NHBSd2owbVBhZ0VQdFVIUTBFblRETDEtckZPV3BiZm82eXl2NzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSEVpam5jM192cm83Y3FiZVM3OVpncEN3YXBqZVF3bFFmUEluSUlQUkxlTTRfYU5zNHlzOW9iSmJLQ1BXeUtOdG9YZ0ZnT3NfRzlwUzBjZjVRcGcwWVRmcVVjUE1ZYmVPbGUxV1hUbktiNG1ZMUlLeGFJNFhEaTRzbEphdmNNTGZrMjk3b0NrWmdDdmFBU3BrazY2V3k2UVd6MGQxeFAzc0dTWDZKSE9fZEh0Wnd3dlhyN0dZYWhoVmh6Y0xwbll4 |
I refuse to give up on my dream. I had to take a 500k loss since friday peak but it’s valhalla or back to Wendys. I honestly shoulda just held all morning but i did some dumb shit with spy, lost 100k with that laughed it off. Going all in now with mara and MSTR. I will carry the boats my fellow regards until i make it | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNmRUcmJMeURYWHEtRVVYXzNxbDc1QlE1V2xreGEybDFuWTZIbjI5U1AyTGlxZVFjUDd2LWpqN0JwTWNjRkdGY0FLaks1eGtWYzJJMnV0SWlUYVlOYWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdHluZXN0U1FlLWhNd2M1N3R3S2VpMG5aS3BZSjctTENQUGFBMHlsOUU4ek1DSEhPbzJ0emlma04zTFBId2tITWtzdVM1Zzl3dVpNV2ZZTWE5RXFFV0RIczFxeGF6Wnl4SnZmWVlZb2dRejZBamZIM0wtOEtHU3M2dGUwczBEdWRVcF9OWEs4a25rZHJpTC0tUUp5V2FwRXdTa1VqQ3JmNmVqSUdrRWtTMTExaVk4OWZUNlBrZkxfWjJNQzh3YnV3d3MwUHNaTHFtY0FNQU5hekM3cWtFdz09 |
I've tried solana public node, Helius dev plan and Extrnode basic plan so far. All of them have problems with sending me transaction log data after i LogsSubscribe for [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) new liquidity txs. I have tested it on 2 different machines at two different locations. Same thing. I'm using Golang's gagliardetto package and it didn't had any issues when i used it for different logs. I dont rule out that there is subtle bug in websocket client implementation on this package (but is uses gorilla websocket internally, so i think it shouldnt be this).
Anyway, anyone had similar experience and can suggest any affordable solution (RPC provider with minimal delay for streaming data)? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMb1VlT1VtWFphTFNoaWZDY0hjUkdnb3VrbDJ1OGd4bU5DWW12MXpLVFVIZ2E3VkF0RURKSWN0ZklxSVRFem42N1otendpMnY5ck84T2FNSnljeHV4YUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZFJwa0V2ckF1ZjFJbW41SXctcnA4aktBQWh2UVktOG4xazZiajRpUWpjQUdUTGhseG5LZlNNanEyNEVkNmxSZlgzU0g5UU1TQno5dWdUNXJ6OXUzV09TWlljQ2cwSG90d1E4ek9NZ0JVS0VTaXdHT0RzZ0dOWkprWWxqMjNXU0xVTEctejhtTjR4UkNySXhvMmExVE1CSHRTMk0yaGlVbGlWY25OUjAwUS0zSXViOVp5M0R5VnNDbDluLWs1UzJ2M0w4NU1uekg3UlpmSEx5OFloWGdGQT09 |
I do not generally go too much into options. However, I been watching ACHR for months and have already made about $4K in profits. I decided to put it $5K into it and I am so glad I did.
$19,000 K gains thus far....
Also LOVE and SRAD taking off as well!!
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRVE3VEpJWG5tWkdvd3Zfa1RMc1l4VDlrenY4TnBnaXdPRHBwZGs5QkU5djZKMUcxVU0tN0FQRU1JcHcyd3oyd2pxUzkwd1lUcjU4RU1tNGttbC1rS2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQW9UWkl5TU9aT200NWNib1pTQjZpZkNkcEdUWU1WRFN4VVZmWDBleFFVQVhtWmVDM1JVVUhnOWZPX185eTZLYldzTVRBcTFOT0ZBOXl2MEdhUVdUVVJBQ2dGRjFSYklFam1qRFI0QkRLVzZVRzhpUzlFN2RQYTU2YWwzRDdZQVFwaTNxdDdZWHBvcHZCZHVtdU5SNVNNM2hBT2Nrb2UtdHdrc3hNZVFsU3ZKVnhQUGtzN0R6MG5iSjctMjBfbHpncWJKMjRBZnJiYmxNTFJhTVczY0tyQT09 |
There’s been talk that the Trump administration might be supporting the idea of no capital gains taxes on cryptocurrency companies in the U.S., Even for companies that move their main offices here would benefit.
A few well known companies are known to issue crypto here in the USA, but what others are out there?
Does anyone know if there is a way to know what companies are based in the USA that have issued a cryptocurrency? It would be good to have a comprehensive list of what is out there based in the USA. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMU291Njlhd2NTX0w1ajJwRWdydkFKeVQ1R2NxRnhYODVkUzcyWlFZMEdVbk1HeEVOci1relpZVmhGWTZzYlRiS041Vm9VbUx4eFJCX3gtVEY2dlNrRFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNEVNNGFlSEM0dU5GRTAwRTFfR2JSdFJDbFRlenoza3RqUDZWamJqOWJ4WENibHVmQUdqdEJGajI0a0NnRjFHNElzT1JkX0ZGOTRRVGs4SDd4TzlSeE8xNVh6Z2Njc3hjek9lRTBjM2toOFpSZmtlY2JLcENDUWRiQTI2dUR0d2M3V1dqLU1fNjlVS1BWT182WGozMWN1RGlsc3pIRkxUa0J1bG5EdEhhSmZQaUwwSTh5MnROdHdwQjJFT0I4WnEyclowbEZXdHJ5LVNOMWxwYXdKRk5tUT09 |
I liked MARA since they announced their offering to acquire bitcoin. I had 15 contracts on the jun25 call and added 2k shares this am off the other guy’s post. The fact that we are up with bitcoin is down is pretty bullish imo. Let’s go!!! | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMektsRERKblJqUmtFTmVzNFprdkQtWU5qRk9PZG1leVVxNjZNMDZZa0JmNFU4bHNTNnNiUk95M2ZuSUxzNGtIXzlBUFRrTWhPdWM0MzJnN3VsLXlDTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUm9rYUdFZm1SaHhFYXhtdnVicXQ4OTBXb3dKVlJpNnlNNTFUS2JfSk5QR0lENlNwY0UwaWwzMkhPNEpSZ1NjS0x2c1BJUGRHN0pEOVVDN0NSSWh5VDNHYmR0WXJiZlZkLUlBMGRfMXpFaWtLMmdsTmFwSFdNSnZPejNjb0FTYWJwY1ZoSHJYNUZhdmpwTEQ3ZFVxbmpnPT0= |
Might exercise, also could be shitass company that dies in 2 years, guess we will see! | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUDgzbHFsa3RqOVpNdExtcjVzVmVJUWJrb0xWb1p3V3daSEZFaXV6OWlJUEFaZWhab1hQZF93cjkybUJMYTZtXzdWSDlRY2x0VzczNnNNWkNRUTZaTXl0WTQ4a3BfRF9uUHh2S0JCRzE2MnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNM0FkNXVlS3hMb2g1Rkd1RkRXY18yX3FtRlI1UHJMeVJvbTBPMHliUDIwaTdxOFZJNVZma1BSV3k5cUxmekN3Z0FmQzFoMlNfZHBybW01aTYzWkJXeWFXeDVrdEVDeWNmX0lTV0ZlczI1emVTNUxma0E0eWFKcnVZYXBxeEdEcHlmWF9KcVNsSGdxd2hmd2szbFEzZ3lvY0lQSGk2YlJUT1dnMlNuQnlqSko5Z0pjQUplWFJHN3YtRTA4clRQcXBh |
I'd like to dedicate this post fully to u/Gr33nHatt3R. Thanks for all the sharing / explaining/ and again sharing and explaining everything.
Really thanks for doing a great job out here! 👏 | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdTdYRW5ySTRoWk8zLWtiejJTekt1REJ5eWtvLW5tTWRsQ3Azdm1JSjVMSEljMHMzNVhiWEctdlNwZHJhRFNGbXY0d0FhN1Y4QzBqTzVQVHVFZzl6TlpkN0J2bG5XLXlTTHpkTUVKZkJZOGc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTTMzZXFmU2lMdWpoVXpYVUN6UG0xc0pBSXJ0U0tSUTNhb3FTeHRpQ0NBVG05NlRtX2JqdFZmNFNXZnpmY3FMdDl3alVwRV9LdG5IUkNhczJEWnFwSnpXX3NqRFBXQlNpbThnZGxDbGVVcW42a3paSWdoWWJpV2NDZS1zNnZqQ3V0ZC02NUxWQ2FoUTNTRGg2TjdkTG1Ba3I1Zmw0anZscEc2azBvMzE1Vnc0PQ== |
Plenty of fresh entries + no stables in sight! Community cookin? 🤔
✨ PURGE-NEAR rockets into top weekly rise at $139K
✨ $AURORA reclaimed top 3 volume for the first time since May 2024
Wen 69M TVL? Its coming soon...👀
After the news from march when the founders got indicted by DOJ I can't find any news on the progress of the case. Are they out of the woods? Is it safe to deposit some funds back now? | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNEdaeHZVN2ctY05JRXBWZFBzVlhoUVIwb1RMclE3NGJGRVhiNlh6RWRVVjkzSGhlbGM2QmF1LWVBRlFXYzBZNjZnOXJjQTBfZTNSR1cyM2VNMk5hZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNc25NbWxtRS16NXhmbENlSjhBcTBkcHVQaHdJT29VcnNVcjByMEd1cXNzU2xZMW5Qc0dlRjNYUzJwNWZCZkJ3bFlERWpfdWlCSk9JZTJsUl9GUzZYaWo1TFZ6SmpxVFRTZURYdEtYM2RVYWFGNElyNElUaGY0bGgtcnJLaDlfYm4td2Z0cDdWa2NWQzJrWDRDaC1pZ2NVT3M4T2Z1TXQ5MmFVdVBZbUZ2ejhFPQ== |
For those with less than 600 DOT in staking, how often do you claim to restake? After how many days does the yield outweigh the network fees? | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMFgxTkNtWUNHS2F5YVZ0S2Jmb043S29UMkZDQThEcGxvUWpUU1ZkRlRRZm9nNkxfeUZZbGRYTmpvSGJLN0VveGpfc0pPa1VKc3M3eEdGVE1mcm1rRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSUVYSDlENjloR200d3dNUXhqd05BRjJTQ3FEbHRxUFJBcWY0Tnh6akNCdF8xd0k4WlVfaXR2aXR4Nl85QkVQVEVVbHNrOV84UE9EWDBtVHptLVF1ZGlPM2ZNUVdlZEZVZ3NZN190bnhERFRJX1ZZaElKOElfMU1jT2ZxaENiQ1UxbTJHTWRHSmM1VXEyMWtWcHlJSFNISHhOTnJkTDB4NDNtRXc3eThxRjJXb1FuWkRnWHUzV1VGYm05RzdZbmdwZGZjbUNiM09CSnh6c1htS3BxdTJHdz09 |
I have both wallets but the money isn't showing in neither of them
I also have the encryption key if it makes any difference
This is the eth wallet you can find the transaction below
It's my first time using crypto so idk what im doing | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQm1LUG5XWWI1b2RCbFlsbW91Y00zLXV3N2IyelpvUWZSdnYwTzA4M2VScFk1Z0h6NE5hYmxlVGEtYWl6SUhUanIzRXhKUl93ZXVHSGZ5QzU5cUZFYkpLQ3FReHJsRGsyMXdFQThqc0dabVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVjNuMWJIMVFnQy1qVlpLanEyUnRrU0dHZC1HRE1yUl9fR2RJeXpXZmtYWW9DbjhuY2ZXRjRPSlRjNXpYWFdwbUtmSnJDTlFUVGZSaVdha1diY0VERDRjbkZ5LXctQzZWZTBJdnBKTjFYd0M5TEJMamh6Qk9qOGFqZEpGRzJzRHEtLTVkZ1lyampLbFJpRzFaQjk3SDVZSHNLTkJJNXJ6SVJ0bThUa0dsczF5bzktajFXemZVQVlyZ3JIdUFmTUQzUjJ5dFVUaGdIN3IzNXZTTzV0UmcwQT09 |
Hi, I recently bought about $20 worth of Solana to get started on a site called Unlimit. I made the purchase through the Phantom wallet using Apple Pay. While everything seemed to go smoothly, I never received a transaction confirmation. The money was deducted from my bank account, but it’s been two days, and I still haven’t received my Solana.
I’ve tried reaching out to Unlimit’s support, but they haven’t responded. I’m not sure if this is because there’s a large queue or if something else is going on.
Has anyone else experienced something similar, or can anyone offer advice on how to resolve this? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdko0dS1RX3dXWW9uRlQ5ajdsMHZaODB2ZklvOXYxTkxUZFFSZXJNN0ktNkliaU9WZ21wdEh3YmY4a3FQRDFXU1JQZ1k3Rm5nMGJQT2FhZEVmMGhUUUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbktHekRpM3NBOGFjQ243eGtnWDMtWmpZTXFrdng5Szg3ZDFUM2hVeG0tMEhWU3dOMndRWlEzMnRfYy1iVEZMRWFDaVBma180bUEzSXpGOVRHWFBpUEhvem8xQTc3bVFHdk9iSGtzeDV2bzA1Q0RNczY3eXlmU2hwUktmeHdqVlo1QndsQ0FwV0RQYXBhSi1sRWVGa2tfMzZFVDFQRmFBaEpNNzdvSUtCZHQzdmducEFuQnJ1RkszemVGUXFHQlRT |
I usually avoid airline stocks, but their ideas, aircraft and contracts make it worth looking into.
To me Joby is far ahead of archer. They alphabet contracts with Toyota and Uber.
Archer does have contracts with united which does seem like it will make things easier for FAA.
Jobys aircraft also seems like it has more going for it.
I’m not this huge investor, I look at good entry points. Both seem like solid buys at high 6, mid 7$
What’re your thought on which will takeover if either | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaWtQWE5HTGdodGNKdTlWRE5uWUtTb0ZEWnZaTjdMODFETWk2bEtFZjcxUDNKVVNFRUlZTkFwRmZFUVJVckhoOE93T05EQ0RMbVhBNXVGU3pjVk5WMERucC1LSEtJMWZYdEZULThzaHVOalk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUEpmUGVrR1dOSkxyVkxFcFZ1c0VvbFNxQ2pqZnZDWjVYZmFVRXdrRFctSlV0RU9rUmViRHR0NWhFdzhreUZ3NkZrdnVZdk4wY1RDME5CV1hTQlB1dFRINGxOZ1dIWV9zVEp4VHZXYjk2ejYwdGtkNlFrQUVlU2FYUFdMbzhJUjJBUkR5NzRTeGdXaXZjTjRkVkticm1UWWxta2VNaUE0MzEzeFVib0FDaVBRPQ== |
I know this was more of a long term play, but the sentiment / vibe after the JB with VW and the clear price floor at $10 made this mini yolo pretty attractive. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTDZOZnZfV3Vwb2ktMlUxQTNvMm14LWlBcDRSV1VoamR0WTFNakZ4b2hySjVhYnd4UllZTUZpdTdvdk9SUG90UTdrVU1MU0ZWdUZJM3FqTTN4RVR5NGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRXFvOUZyRVczbVJTZEFHR1RoTlA0dEtSRm92OUNLcVVyZ2ZnMU50SkZuMWpVREw4Q21NdW84bF84dXVpV2hKS05feUxRelRrUHlUWkdMQVMzQUJuaEVTN3BxZ2E0R3lDMC1lc2NDVEVmSmNWUDJjaFVKZmEzbzJkbHUyMTBqYnFGN0RCODVsaDFteDRPQXpkSFVfYS1BVk1qUEp4ZkQ0S0F0RjVSOG5PMmJjPQ== |
so the government want to split Chrome off Google? this is a win win scenario for anyone who picks up any Google stock and Google itself:
1. They do split it. Google goes about it's business making billions and now Chrome belongs to someone else or in its own thing. Google can just launch a new browser off Chromium open source project. Heck even if somehow they are forbidden from ever launching a browser again they can get away influencing the Chrome foundation or whatever like they've done with Mozilla through partnership/donations. It's not like their core business is Chrome anyways. Same deal goes with Android they can fork or influence even post split. Maybe if they took YouTube they'd be hit badly but still carry on making dough off search alone.
2. They don't split it. Biz as usual but you just got in a good entry point.
I plan keep long on GOOGL but for now this is all I can afford
https://imgur.com/nDoOPpG | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTFBvdGJqS1VpQ19OZndhaXJab3I3UFo4Ri1kUzR4Wm5aNUdBejJuZkpCUXl5Y2pNX3phRkNxa3RDZmhxY2NRMFIxS2tzeFhJcG5IRWJXYjcxVEc2QkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQnVJZlVMZjc0WWUtRDEzanAyLVAzLVVNS1BpQXdqUzJBdmw2ZVlJb19iVVFNVFVOVVFaaWJydG5tRkFRZkhkbm9uZGhWeEdxVG82enB1UmwzUDZ2YVlsdXRkZkdRVzlRbG9mdjVleEJlcnBVbHplMnhTTlpjMjJqX214ZzI0TVRNbmljQWVYRlVpWUw4WS1yVXdyOFlHZ1RXLTBrUlhRZ3hIX1lpWU1ybXFZQkpZb1FseldzTkRLbkxTLWI3bjdERnBxYWFRNXJMbWdMUGVCQXpueTFpQT09 |
I would bet my house it will pass $40. | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUHlfZ3VpaFRsUlFGV0tzYXFYUmYzcU12NzBfZDBtOUpSTV9jLXRSMkU4Q3hEdXY4THFXWTJMcjU1WGpNdWtXS096N0NSbXk4V1JvT1dqcUUzTThpeXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaklzRGRvRzRJMHk5UDZ4UXk4djlTNXh6N21rTjdMUjdYVEFhTUFNbXYyVjgxUnBmUWFUdHd6aTZvRnljNWhSU19DSTBhSEVwa0x2YlFYb25kcS12ZHpjQzRUODF2eVc0TVdMcHMteVppTXRHclMtWmNKMDdEWjNPNGh1MV9Yb1dTc01VVV96UDBOZFNMWDRjc1hlQlNZZU5vSDNFWmJuVzc4SWNOa05hamJjNDdiNldtU1BhYmpBOHp5WXV6SDdHbWlWOWRwaUpQT09HNFRjNEV1VEhsaWFLVDlKRHZ1c2JOUDNLLWRLQzNmcz0= |
hi , I was wondering how I can start mining on Sub3 , there is no GitHub repo or something like that , is anyone has an idea , thank you | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQVRTM09vUlZ4MFJVQlRxMno4UVlPNlYtejVLUzNfdmdDVnRIXzd6c0I0cExrSHVaNnBXejhfU2hmQ3czYmVhTzI3SjlITVVSdERoRXRyQ2hZWjRTMDRWdjdfVFluR3VzNmV1eWlsVFdVUm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeEhramREZDRHd0RQZjg4ZHBZVXlKLXlnTXd2NTdiLWh2OUhEdHRRZkY2WGk3QjJNYjBUZzRueDZ4ZUNWbU5sUTJtQ1FnUHJZMF9XWHFWX1l6WS10N1VTY3RTWlF1ZmwxaG5kTDV3UkxKQTFoNHoyeWI4ZE55dnBOZElOVElocHNxcUpsQjRRbEdsOG90Y1ZOLTRpUXVqUFVEbGs0cjV0SnBFajZUbVNVUnRBPQ== |
Yesterday I got SOL stolen from my Bullx wallet. Someone obviously got access to my telegram account but I didnt see any unknown logins but I logged out of all devices on telegram. I have always had 2FA on my telegram. I dont remember clicking any sketchy links at all. If anything I might have joined a channel or two but I havent clicked any links in any channels that I can recall. My last bullx transaction was 4 months ago. I did recently just start checking things out again wanting to get back into trading. I changed my telegram password. How can I move forward? Is everything compromised or am I good to proceed as usual after logging out of all devices and resetting my telegram password. Should I make a new Bullx wallet as well. Cant hurt.
Any advice is welcome, thank you. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdHJRVnhWUVNZQzZBYUQwaTZiRDduVUpSejdjOFBuRlJ3N3BxbnlYT191ZmZBWGpEOHY2SllZdHhLb0ItWTgwVkVTN3Z3bS1ES3R0RXI4U3BLYldlaHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNmdPa0VZZlhVQkVydDJ5ckk2LUVsWGdCVWJmd2NJV2JmMkRfVjl6ajdQbm4ybVFjVlNULXBWendQOHJqcm5tVFpabGg4OEFoRDA3SUpGZUFpeE1ndzMzME03LUJHN1JESFZqSFRBNzd2QWJnVExLVzJlRVByNUVUTVRDdzV3OGRmbzJHekU1MzlBVWVfeUc3TzFHSzVpbXg5X3lrMTJoTkVDUWlYUEJ1VmhfYkQxalFYNGNMQVNZZndXTXNBMl9IVDhTeDc5ckZMVXVYdjhsMmZWUjl5Zz09 |
I‘m a strong believer in Quantencomputer and I like the stock Rigetti Computer #yolo
I know it isn’t life changing gains yet ;) | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZm5xQmtQek0wM0FrcU4zdkt0N0Z4TUNEMHJKRDlIWkk1NUVHQ3lqNTNLcHMtQlh0MVlLM3VqalpEUkdDZUdMckdta19Dc2E0VmZObk5rQWNOd3lDZEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaXViVnd5QmhDeG4weElDZEF0RHd1VG9WZ2kwR3pPN05ZQlhZdTRUb0UyNER1a2V1cmlmV0lCM1BrcE1uYVp2VTFHUjBERGtCNERSMGJaTUtjSkpSanRDVmUxWXk0MlY2Sms1Ymd3ellPUEFrazJteDFYdTFsM0Z6QjB2WDRMWWdqZFlWMWZHRDJPM1dNdDRwQkxJbF9MaGVNUmZTZVF5VndrY1RIbGZXclk0akdZT3A2VkFPWVRzNFR1LUwwNVBx |
Don't have to be "Realistic". Do you realize that this is ALREADY and will be even bigger market size than 2021. So the most realistic projection just based on current market cap from bitcoin going into altcoin season would be $262.50 and that is pretty bearish given that Bitcoin hasn't even gotten started yet. Once Altcoin season begins you will see enormous pump into altcoin space. We haven't seen anything yet.
Do you think when bitcoin is $250,000 to $500,000 in 2025 to 2026 that Ethereum will stay below $4000 forever? | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVlJpeGNEbEhCU0tYSUpEYkNUQXNEZEJZUlhrWUl1aTAzRjNJUGRlaFd1YW9VRVdTUThXQi1WVFE0ckNYZm11a0hfVERzRXFOaVg1LVVUT1lMMTBNWkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYmNBallsSDVsV29LMTgxeTQ4X3lfX0Z4SnYzZG9DVWRDTlhnYlg3eDR3NzlPU2lMZnVNR2dTdnpnX2dad0hGckZqYUtFQ05EWjlRV29oYmxHWFdPR29ZVzhoS1VmVTVlVHRGYWVjNUl4V2dncDRHaGM3c0QzZXFHajhpYXJ1TlIxS213RHIzSEx6YndaMHhkc3NzTl9RYTc2NkgxbW5PaDFWVFZVcHM3UzhJPQ== |
https://www.instagram.com/p/DCr-fLrOlAM/?igsh=cGsydW1rcWhyemR4 | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbERkczRZSGd1ZXFMeUIxdm53WUU5VjFubm00MUpXYTFfOXhjM04wNENiRDFJaTJUZDdjV0o2aXJxVHVDQTF5VEYyMzl5V2RMSVB0TVo4ZExkUHd2dWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQjN4Z2EyeXN2WDdBU1F5aVRjNS1TakpRRmJfUWFLRnJlaW13ME9oUXdOZmM1Q1FwTU5BNlZZM09ORDZaMzlxVmY1Q2gyNWo2WnpnU1AzTHlqTi1mZWNlZDRlbWEyemE1MDYzWWhCOEVqamVDREgyVEhGckR2TkRqT1FpSnJDN3JKeGlHclY2cUVDcE9lSE1qV3FFeEo5TDlBcUkwdkZSaWlPWlNHWEU1Rm5RPQ== |
https://www.instagram.com/p/DCr-fLrOlAM/?igsh=cGsydW1rcWhyemR4 | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMT2dXNnB3blpkaHVabkxUYmJnUTd6cXBNYU5Ec3FOOXFOYWtIRnR4eGVUVzZYN180Tl9ZTEpmbGpYUXcwNnJyd19Ea2tMbVVNSlNhbXVKT2praGRscHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYXhpbDZhTG51N2pvdlRTMmhkdjgtNW9acFlvNXBsLTI2N24zTDNrYXNZRDdYd2dkRFVfb3duVXVvRHFvWldQM3hQY3d3TmV5cmF0UzlMTi0tZnZmckZidU9JLWZJVFVZOWJ2UkVVRnJPcTBjSnp0bUJBQ082TUNmOHRqRFcwbFZqUXg2YTRaQWs3QzF3YjJvbm9hcnFaTEtaQ3Z5ZnVvdFpnbGVhWGlrdEVrPQ== |
Hi, I'm a teen that doesn't know anything about crypto, but I've got some TON on Tonkeeper thanks to some games on the telegram. I wanted to sell them, but I don't a credit card, and my bigger brother doesn't trust using his. Is it totally safe to just sell some coins on Tonkeeper, right?
I don't know what to say anymore but my last post was cancelled because it had less than 500 characters, so I'm writing some more just to bo sure. Hope this is enough
Apparently this wasn't enough, so I'm writing some more. The weather is lovely, isn't it?
Thanks to all that respond | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMzM0N2xiMnhRSHFvVTVER1FoUkdKQlpvN0tkbHFxY181c0NmaEJDMnNXanpDR0t4U2psVUk0XzVOQW5IUUVoZmYwcHQ3Si1MdlpnSTlJTGQ5akd0ZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUzZkU1NIbVluSmxoRGQ2WXFSU3A2X1BzUnllcTAyM0lsODQ3RnlpN3Y1bkxQWkZYVHhOSThMN0NTWUdHaEllY1ltdndJSEhneU5Bd3NjNXZEcHViRnk2Wk5CUURNQ0hPb0VwSE9kLTNhOUxCV2hKRkNYUGx6VlYxS1NJU05HNWZLRmdhTFFFRU9zUzl6b1ZPOVU4Mjh2UnV3cXVCZko0eXExeDBWT3lkWUhfZzRrOEoxZHUtTkJTYkRDSEt6QndLRVZyRUNBYThEZEpMeEh6ckJ5SUJGQT09 |
Nobody is going to accept it without investors and traction. Sorry but this is how real world works. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTnlwdmJDWXB1cmJaN3RCU2txVDJBTDRkSThIZzBDVDdVMWVNYXdvT3JUM3d5V0kwOTdRQk00Wkh2OXJremk5TmpmY3hPTUdUeFFkOUowb3ByZEJrTGxmdXpKdnJ5UklrQVFJc1RuUEU0YTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVVNJU2Uya1dDY2ZlZW9pamVWQnBTOF9nRGZxNmg0MExMNlpHWGdUMVhwdlFEazJzaTRQbHRpc3c4QkEzSkNmQm1vYUhBbE5LVmdiaUlnLXF6ZGFnWjlFUm5EVDdnOHdvcmVOVVN3WlgySWdiYzZ4c3lHLW5PU2ZTR2NXZENNUTIwS0xsRVBsZFcwWFVFNlpvQlFZMk9HVHdEa0hXWjZLQlUxVGpWcTd3VU9FMWJyZzNZNFNwYXI2QW1Rb3NXNlJr |
I guess you don’t know the real world. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMN05yM29sdTBkSkV2OVZ6bl84YVlkZVh6ZHBWOXY1Wkt6Zm1QRXpvbU5EbGd2cFQ4OHVtT0dkd0Z4WFkxbklBR0t4QlZQeF9XNElTVTNpS0VUVnFOYXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNLTMtbjVkVFJuV2FJSUowcU1ibzlHbml1c2NIclZUOXBSQ1dZUHpsQy1felNCQUFNMWF3bFBuSHpxMmZ4R3lOWlptdDAyejQ0X04zUFZyTHVtM0tQZngtLUY0NjBZbENqSnRDdV9WTEpMSnRjVlRsV3lyOUxiYTlJSTJWR2s5N0RDYl9vVG9UYUZvYXNjcTJrM01vc1hleFV0X0Vzck1Bc2dTblYwbHE0X0kyRHlmUnZZbkoyLThsck5SU0c3UUFP |
Monero Minute is here with your updates 📰
- Unstoppable Domains has launched .xmr for Monero!
- A fresh new Monero video purchasing guide from u/xenumonero
- Cake Wallet (us!) launching Cupcake
- Monerujo brought back in-app exchanges
- Haveno now supports USDT
- Monerotopia was a success!
Until next time 🫡 | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQTlrVGNOLWNiaGh4WGFDWXNhcWo5elEwN2xJRlZiQjlsUHNoYks1YzhIQmQtUXM5M0FOeWx3dlMyalZsVmFjNkM1YVRDU2FySl91MjlRenNOQUQ5SEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZVRMSGhPTmhiTm5MSFV2RThBUjduMHp2M2NkSWVrU3NxOE83S0tNcmlIdnh6VmNZT2xZQkNpVlAzbi1nek1aZnh1VjVmTW5HSVFtN01SUmFYX2o1MlRZbTVTNzBzdWRnZnNnMnZQRFdtc0lmOVFUaThZVGx5blBIYUlmWkE1dHZVUEhpalJtNl9xdkcxc25HbjUzWHVYc1lmTW5QSmNxdHB4b0FmY1h4bzZBTU9UQkUtZ2lpT0R6Wlo3cUVEX2d3 |
Of course. Search "The New Libertarian Manifesto" For a great short beginner text | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMenIwb0txVzVOQ0NGY2NMWFdQQmplYW1VbG1ZWnJQcXhtamZFVmgxTHRkd3NlMUhlTTVISHNQSExkUGpLamtTazNjdk91ZnhRNGxvRGNMZDROeHVIUnc4SG1uZ2tBNllmVDlZdDMtazJ5MTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcGdfN3oxUVZLVnZzM2NPRW03Vk9kYWJpZnVpQ01QTm5GbTViQ3RTSk9wWjh2em80X3VSamtZRVlfSjlHa2I5aWg1azJ4eXdxMjJaZzVncDZNNWxJQVZadDc4SVRSaFlCSjhRMDVDQVpsdS1yVVRhdm5hRWR1THJzVktHbXpkT0JIOUFINnljMUpkMDVCdUhpLUVleGRjTmphQWVEb2k2eDFxZWRWejdNR0RzT2lWaVpuM1gweHFQYksyU0l1Sjc2 |
What about i2p? Isn't that another place to torrent that is private? | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVzJKMkdEclBCcWtUVHVIYjZCRWZ1ZkpHY2o2TFdOM1BhUVh0cHduNUdiYUlGYWRCd0NIazdXY0hjZ2NTZFU2LVhIMEdHdWFZSVlQQ1BOcVVwMkQ2akw3QnJrYUltTnJUbFJrMEhjMEFZVXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUkhjNUVXdWg0S3JaWEV4bXN3Zmc0UFJ3R29DYnJCWGlIdDcxd1V6VmxIRmVDUXZWdDZmLUVXNUR6aERVMF9uZ3E0R0FST0c2aFJ1X280dlFUcmk1ZkxoMWxzUDZZcVF3QWRFa3ZmOUJCZ3F0QTNOZm0tYUFkUHJkbzFHMk9INWNaNVBqWXRpOFBoSHdWendqdzRZLXRkZTdTSElrZGFfY010ek5DbEUtbE9LNmFuMHNkV0d5VlVpbWdpYTE4MFct |
**News on Mercury Retrograde and Its Influence on Crypto Markets**
In my November forecast. While this phenomenon is often viewed negatively, in this case, it could signal something positive for the crypto market.
Mercury enters its stationary phase on November 25, with retrograde motion beginning on November 26 and continuing until December 16.
The coming weeks promise to be dynamic. On one hand, Mercury retrograde could drive positive momentum. On the other, a challenging new moon may create downward pressure on markets, potentially triggering a dip during the first week of December. I’ll provide a more detailed outlook for December next week.
For now, my expectations are that the month will close with significant market movements, highlighted by activity in altcoins. Early December may see a market correction, but this could set the stage for even stronger growth ahead. As we enter the first quarter of 2025, an extraordinary growth window for the crypto market appears to be opening. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMV19OZmI4ay0xa0twanU3QzZfOElpbGRYaENqUlI3RHNpUkxEOF9XREZxenp2VXFLeloyU04zUk9vMjhtd2hUY0NPVWgzaEJWR2lBM25jaFZyb1NaYWN4emxtNk80ajNCb0dQYmp2aU11aGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcDBGelRvTWpLM0ZJSWhkUFR5QUpsSzRfNGhEQ1h5Q2pZYklRSEV6OWtqdE1iMktyc0xDM1M4M0dpemtfc0VtYVRpU0d1MEwya0hRWko0TkI0SWJYcEFjREU5VzRzeGtSYk4yVnZzZ2w3YUZ4bkw2clcwUTREXzlSTmRUUnZBTmtWZnBqMEJBLWF5eDdzX1hTZHhvQXR2bUJXczM1Rm4tWmlFSVdleV9UWEt6Uzd5azVyc29zWV85OHQ2QmUyUTlMcVFldW1KYThiLUZxT3BPNENlMzFsUT09 |
Fair enough. Even still, I think our goals are roughly aligned to make the government smaller and that means circumventing the channels that contribute to its unnecessary ballooning. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ3BvUGpHcHNhZ2dfNjhvQ3YwelYwUm9BdEQwUjF2VDdjMS04VlNJSTJpMnAtSkxlZFlrNm5CSHZCOTloaWhVUEQ5b0RfbVNhMEd0bnZCbXg3ME9VenF5RjQ3VGlTMjBsR2FhRm5RcmY2Nzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNS0RIRGZ0bU1rYWZpNTViTjlhd2dISTZvNUlYZVp0bkI5MHN0YWNvWEdqY05nVGdFUmhQNE1GSGlCZk9KclZtdFU5YXRKNW1DUzduVjNPYjRMaVljQVhObXBEVnROYnF1cmVwdVVFZGFyZ2NIUTNuOU5GRmIxdHdPSkdVZHctcF92LVdfWXdGTGZNNnRtQWlUV1VWMS1iUHhNd1Z4cVBkajZJM2kzVS1QSkVoR05PRzd6UDdXMXNweWVGdzFSS2p3 |
🤠💎🚀🚀 | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVGxzWEJBc2F2LU82Y1E1UzVjY3NsdXlFajZIR2ZHX2x1alQxSjZ6VnpLeFZBbmlpX3F5LTdVYzZhSXdiVTFPV1NGUFUtRGRlV3dldjU4VUN5Q3ZJMi1QMmJtQ1pmZW1NUG5CeEp5LVRPTU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUmhRbXBnWDItWlpCVHBLaG11UUJEUHYwSWNBYVFNa0hXYm9mZzhDY1FLbmZYeVJWa3lSUXl4U1ZUSzNsSTdqY255dVo2eFZWOGcyMk1EQ3Z0d3J4aDNscmNNNWQ5a0FHbGMzcjQ2ejdwY0REQmpiVGNyWTN0SUhqX3RnQ0pQZ2VBc2F4LXEwdXFXOGotVWN2RFc5cC1ZQXR3ZmFDaGJiS0FDMVBicEM4S1VzPQ== |
👌 yes with BullRun flow, that level is nothing 🚀🚀 | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRmVoTWN6SlJEU21ZWWltb295VWNNVUtOTEJUeEYtSzMxSjEwQkROUGQ5TUJ0TloxTFJHZ2tIOVRBcktCNHRKVzZaSzlOZ3VZdGgxd2IyN2FuX3JtVy1LOEdmbkdzaGh1b0xkcjg5OGt0cVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU0RLckhFWFAzTWJDVFFLdnRrTHYtWmlPZV84NVMwRlBSRzV6bzBpcXotWUVEOF84V0Vzc1pLMTJ6UFo5M3dkb3o3OVZoSjd5em5jVVEzYUFLQTNoTHNDQnRXRnpHTVlmNDlfUG82eXExNVVWa3BxdV8zS2h1TGFsWDVyWnhmTUJGeXNWN1FELXQ5RFZBT2JRLTZLZWhsbjI4QkhzRl9ITEV4aVpqb0xxR1M3d3BEZVMwbTI1Nm9wenZ6OVNMaFdiSC1JNERhN0xkbnZ0bXR5SXRnSkpDaE1xWUgtRlJzbzNWUUEwWlpoSE40MD0= |
what is your second largest crypto holding? | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdTMxTHQzQ2hZdUl4bHo0S2xMOE8xM0ctNkx2REo3RHphcGVjVXVCVmZINFlBU2k3OElOQ3BvUl9HbHRDT3AyNXd4TWVaTXU0YXRpWTg4QkpWYzNPTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRXdnSkE0SVIxVmswaTE5THBzdWhHaWFjQnpPLXV1VVlKYjBwOTRmQmtqSUhmOTVldWMyQ2VCR0xHZjdrbFMzcmMzOEpxU0p6ajRBcHk0MmtFcTRzV2NPQzdScHAxOHdHUjZORmt4b3o3NVNWZzlOQ0k4Z3ZsSWFrdnJxb2FRQlFEbDQzenZLUHpjTlRLbDhYNUwzRThnPT0= |
I posted this would be at 68-72 before ER and would be an easy trade and a great long term play. Will hit 90+ in less than 6 months.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcU0xclhpXzc2WHZSaU94V1YtRE9kTXM4WjBjYXZDbF81b01FcXpLZ2VsQ1NsS0RnbUVSTDhqUmkzQllBTlY3TjZfd2NLRi13ekozaUtnc3d0ZUZsbHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeENHRWp4Qkx4QXFTRW50dXpuTkh5SThGMy1Ha2ZCWmxpMktSQjQ4YjRrSWlmRVhySDN3cEx6cE9wVUpHbEJyb0FYMEZxRlN3SENldkdTME1Sc2ZrZG1RbTlNNzBxcEFjZmI3QndyaWJndWtaOVVDZW5TU3NVZUtURURpR3RXWGVvTnQyZnl5QmpjTzZPTG5wV2t3QWZpZzhzSG9Hcmc1TW5HOFQwUHFfU2VpUEwzdnRvOWVuRjRBWjZzX3NMd0Qy |
Well, another thread... I am at crypto about 3 years, lost too much money with trading and Meme Coins... And "recovery" all buying BTC and Hold it ( never sell it)...
Is a good idea to add alts like ADA, Doge, Sol, XRP and another one to my portfolio? I want to know is these alts can do better than BTC in this Bull for example to take profits when the Bull end... Or Is a better idea to continúe buying BTC and hold it "for ever"? I know that BTC is the most secure and for that reason maybe not grow up too Quick like other alts... But right now my biggest % of my portfolio is BTC (75%) and then ETH like the 25%. Thanks | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUTF6Q3FZdXU3UWZMSklPRUtDRnR1SEhoejFGN2tQekdJUWhZM1Vkd1pjdG9UUzNpZmRpUjBKaWxDVG1YTWtZa2dVTEJBWTltaWhQRWowaUlFWW1FbnN1VHVPcFBaQ3BRWVhHbjJGTG5hdGc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTHkxSmVxd2ZOREJQazlSbXQ4RjhZbDE1Wjk5Qm5JVldNVTZjT25DSVV3OWlkV2ZLQkFmZXI5b2tiUlozUGJaTUd0d1c1bXZ4NXd5emh1WmsxVVNZTTJobFZSN2JTamJaaTNKSGtrNjhybjBKUXhoWmRZYVJzN3d2YklYTWJEckhWRUlOMHhIbkk0bGlOSmotR1A0aXRmVzNSSmhVcl9VXzRmeVZldmVTdVBjSXc2RzdIamJxdlJ1T19ldWxDZGJv |
I never understood these anti-crypto narratives, and they seem just as contradictory, as they seem a little out of touch.
They say it's too expensive, too hard, and to slow to use for transactions.
Yet, here I was last week ordering another batch of porn online, and in just 4 clicks using my XLM that went through in about a second, with a $0.00005 fee. And they gave me a little discount for not using a credit card, which was more money back than a credit card's cashback.
There's many cryptos that do cheap and fast transactions now. I think SOL still being the fastest, and NANO being completely free.
And then, in the next sentence they'll tell you it's a currency that criminals love to use.
They'll say it's too easy for criminals to use crypto now, it doesn't cost them much, and they can quickly get a drug deal executed, or transfer money around the world without having any bank or government in between that can stop the transaction.
And the person on the other side can be sure they got paid with the money in their hands, because it's a direct P2P payment, without any switcheroo, block, or reversed transaction.
And they would be right about that.
But while criminals can easily move money without that money being stopped, if they use a chain like Bitcoin, it can still somewhat be tracked. Especially if they're not smart about it.
It's still a transparent ledger, so while they can't stop the transaction, and the person on the other side will definitely get their money, the government can see it (if they know what to look for in the first place), and potentially track it if there is some sort of known in the equation.
Yes, crypto has become increasingly easier to use, has been getting cheaper and faster, that it's become a nice tool for everyone, including criminals, to transfer money around the world in a more direct and more pseudo-anonymous way, without any bank or institution in between.
But many of these chains are still transparent, so criminals aren't gonna be immune from being tracked by governments that have enough advanced tools and can subpoena exchanges and businesses to divulge the key information to figure out what transaction might belong to them.
It can still be somewhat useful to criminals in some cases, and makes their transaction direct and untouchable, but doesn't always make the criminals themselves untouchable or untraceable. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdGpCdllyR0tLbjZWSVNRMmFIOWR2aS1NR1o3a1hGRElZUFc0ZUQwZUV3V1k5SnktT2phQWJFOXpxNjJxR2Njd1VOMlZYTmdsVjNZc2lWbnc4NnEzN3NQUEZSd0k1VEhBUF9FNWdZN2JSNEE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYlFldUlaSkRCSmdwdlZYbkt3N0d3SXVVTGZCOWpOc3hzNkJDS3ZRRElqUFVzclZ6UTNLTnF0OE5RUWNTTFQ5eXJzXzVFZ2w4YUE2YVgzelhuaGthdllYazdmNERyWjNuR25oZ2FXN2N2cVh4d2wxNzBzTy10U3d6cnI0cFFYY2ZidjRfbjh0blY3Z2VTbmJxSDk4R1BIWlNCaC1uMWJNRnBZZlVFalA1eF94UEFvSVpJWElhVUJkaVkwMEVYWkM2ZHlCQ1dYTWJNenA0elIyQ2tvazZ4UT09 |
Element Web (Element being the most used Matrix app I believe) stopped support for Firefox ESR not too long ago, which is all I can use on Tails, and I don't even own a smart phone for the phone app. So whenever I try to log in to Matrix on Element Web, I get an error message saying "Your browser is not supported." I believe regular Firefox will work with Element Web, but FF ESR will not, per the Element Web team. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMa2daNlpSQjdyeFZsZlRSUnBnWXFDLXFKN1BqcVJKYS1oNkZUS1JNZ2gxeFJ3V3k2c1F3U3NaQzU3elM3ZElTT29nSkRvM21mTzhFZ0RlVG8wd3Fianc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTTVIQ25JVnZWbnYxa1NueFJxb3NiQUhwOThJQ3lfUWJySEI3VXFkQ1ZHdEtvNTNoMk5SYnRNd2lhQm9hM0ZnUHFZRnhtcXhPbEpPWVZ0dThyOEtxUUVvNk9qdnJiSVh1aVlGa180dmRnanRBS1BXTFlXM3czeW1rOFBtbkFsRjU5MnZhbmlGNVhzQVpaLUExTnRPbnhjVXhPMF9sclJtY25yT0xRTlVnamtMeUFxTHR4UEVoUG45Q3ViY1A0UDdn |
I bought some crypto in 2018 and stored it all away on a wallet. I put it in storage and purposely forgot about it so I wouldn't prematurely sell it. I ended up forgetting about it due to being super busy with a new baby and house renovations.
I found it again recently and plugged it in to my computer. There was a few hours worth of updates but when it opened, I realized my initial investment was over 40x in value.
So what am I supposed to do about taxes? I haven't cashed out anything but according to Canadian taxes from what I understand is that In supposed to file taxes on any increase in value each year? So I was supposed to be paying taxes? What if it increases in value and you pay taxes on a large amount then it drops the next year? Then you've essentially paid taxes on something that doesn't exist.
Am I going to get in shit if I try to cash out without having paid taxes all these years or will paying taxes the one time upon cash out be sufficient? | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVE11Yl9hZklFLUZJNy1DaEhsSDZja0g2bG94Vlk1Q0ZfMUlKRFltcFh5Sm84ZUthbVVhT2YwRi1KUWVzR20wSmNSTFk0NExDMmV2ZDZ0dFVHRnFrb1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNjJmTmZYVmRCa29UV1A5NWpQWm8tVG1ZLXdnSnc2YkdGdkhXdDBRTTZNdkpOQ2tOQTdwVUloUTRvczUxVlJVcDVuQ2VQR3ZKZTJlWndvdUlaQWVZQWt5dEE1ajN1dUw4WmtkbU1WTTdsN1A0XzhkcHVoSF9hZmJhR2FFM2tRdXNaTmxXa1B4LTJ1Q1o2eUgyR1ptMVMwelZpQ1cyNkVVSm9aNUxuYjRkUjdXUFpLbEpFV2FKVUhnUWZ4dVh1aTRS |
guys I'm confused between trojan and bullx, which bot is faster and take less fee. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ1BlSVB4c0NhRHVLT21EMHpqZ0dVcEJDaVo1TzlESGpVZU51LUJMTVZxckI3VEFnblp5aXRHZlRQcFBqVlVXckxYZUcyNWktTWJ6dkl3SmJoelVwVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMkJBY2VKV0lpLVJrNkpHNl90TE93NnMxZWdnSVVRUFZ4eks1NTJBdnBvdFpibFhialVreC1PV0VVd1gybVJ3MWVVMlFOaVZZRThoTXc3eHJITkhOZHBUc3hZaTNyWkVPWnNIZkxDYmo0VUt0cEtHdVlUOW94MWtEVndjeVVsakNQLVBGd1V5MzF3VUhkWlFUbnpUaUZIY1gxVnlTMGFSYmJWbHpsQ053UVB2TDM4RDA4cS1lbjN2b2IyUzMtRzVa |
New investor here! For those of us jumping in now during the bull, is there much profit to be made? Or more risk of loss if Cardano doesn’t hold the $1.
Thanks in advance! Recommendations welcomed! | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMd05OQzFobFk3QWZPS1JUYVB2Q2JXbTJRa2ZRclFxRWMyV1RkN2hvc2RNQ2FGRWcxdjZEN29RYnJWYXk1a0dyN3lfODFyRThyTnRRLUs2ZFpnZHphdnhCX3lmaHNLc2pvRDRHU2FhRUJOMFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSG5DbUpXUDN1YU1oLUNOdW1odHJodVB3Z0ZZVnZLbGo0STBQbmd6a0JiSGlvUEc0MGduS3NwbFNsVE5maFVrNjNHTWY5WEhERG0xM0x3RXZ1aWhQd1dfc3BwTFA1M3hqYmt4TFJFT2piNEY0Sm1PaUY1c1dvVzRpVlBUanBtekM1NkRUemp0WWJiS3F5SExCa1kxSWZLdUxEQUNheHMwZXU4bTJFYjBlVHFrX2t0d3l2SC1ucnlpX2tMZDk4aHlxckI5VGRjakxBcHRocnQwVTktUHlOQT09 |
Glad to be here, hopefully people wake up and smell the roses. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTlJjd3NaZXh2MHFYMG54YWtxTl9TLTV4TGJwWjNnNnl1UGU1VVl4LVdiQm1INGVnMHNYR3RGY083eGpXSnZjMGNwaHN0cUhsdjNCVXVTTXN2TGJLQUxTZ0kyZ1lFOGpCamY4T2phN05UTG89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNX2gxWXNJcm1peXFaTGdzTzA4QUQweVBZQlowV3plbk1iNklJbHJaNndMSmxhQ0F5cldudmZWeFRTeTE5ejJYc3psLWZ6U3JhWEwxRlZYWTI4MUlIUDVnaG9IQ3M3aVRfNnE3ZUREbkd1dXpNVU10dHRiV1FtNWUxa05lMHdGSXBZMkpydmVVaHY3TW4wdDhrOUZqM0RjODFVcENDaDY2eE9uek02VW9pSkkxUHJPRUdPTW92UDFxbDJjdWVmT3o3 |
I just want to break even and offload this crap | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbHNiVVNOdTNTWTc2Y0VMRDJZREZmZktTVGtpQUZabHB2SUJvRVloTWNiOHNIdVZEYS1TV2lqdm94cDJHLXUwX0h1SlNTNlhJV2JmUld0dlFlaWU1c3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSHVHT3o2LVhCSUF3NUNFYmpnNlVsR1RsVzNTQTU2Q25vaGRJdUNwZVh3OUhGdE51NWJWTmE5UWZ0YTUzdlVfeF9tTWZUVmhWVktUMzR4WkxnZnZYMU9nSl9iMGlYX1ZzVEhGb3VsN1FrUmlRQ25pMDd5RDFHNlIwc3JMMVhKWEIxSkpneWNaV0tTaldsUXhKMkRrb3g1c2xKcW5NeFgyNDMzV0JFa1hRNEpYQmE4SUVIZVhGbjkyVDVvQVlEclQzZlVJU05paFFhS1J2RGJoLTBkNk1FQT09 |
This thread appears to be a question. If you have a question how Monero works, try asking in the the pinned weekly thread on this subreddit. If your inquiry is more support related, try our dedicated support subreddit /r/monerosupport.
If this removal was in error, it should be approved by the moderators within a couple hours. Feel free to send a message to modmail if it's urgent.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Monero) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVmt3aUhXdi1PTU91bXFyOGFZWTJ3dHBZXzhFMWR2eGpMa1BOcGZ5Ti01b2Nza0JqdW9BSzBxdHYxTnAza3AtX0Q3RkdTTmx1WXBJNHRuMVFQWGhBdVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWVh1UmhXTjBxZFZXSnpOV0hPa2pyR3kzQUpMcHYwOE1aNlpHYlhyRTlMN0ZGUHFDRWxMTmxWdmRwTU94ZThWZFhDWFZ0eXhGV1hQTEE0bXVrNkg4dHc2eHJuTmhlb3BIczkzLXREZTFJUllWcXJmdkxZRGNyam5TaF9zWWpaZktsUEd1Sk9fdzVzQmdmLVBlVXZLaXdwMDRJaUswQ0dPUy1IdzNvYmtqR0dtNVk5dEp3Z3p2c2RrbHJISDVDOXpO |
My first time catching a stock at the bottom like this. Thank you to the guy who posted the DD here about a month ago. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMb3dLRDZfTEN3WEJWeGxxTXhLNi1nV1hNS04taWY1ZE9ja0lxdTk1QWplWVdYbU5XN1lRYVY2ZVNyd2hEdUlPTWVfSUdzazRvbHAzdXAxQ0JnUTlUakE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTWYwRFB4bEZkQ1lJdVZVekZNWGlGTlowNWRRb0paeF9BNnNrTEtmUmxwTGpHVFp1dW9RaWFTUWVFVU1HbTQtV1RxQmNwLUVKY0ZHOE52UUFMRHliUnFDTEc0VHk5T0hNS1pEVHlvRUgtWEFldTBuZzF3bF9CVlBWb3F5UWdJamhTS3hNbWRwTG91aDk3dnljX0M1WXJObXVaYnlNVzJKYVVOMXpIeE9mYkowPQ== |
It was a wedding gig | r/worldpolitics | post | r/worldpolitics | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWllFMHMwQ0VuNjJSZUJ4NzUwQlBlSXJic3lRRjl1YzZrTTVBaktydEx3QzVyVkZpWFlRaWJMVm1ObXBac2lsMHVndkxhbHl1UGUyeGlZVkJNcHhPZ0NCVHJRR2h2T3RGMGNvX1VIMjZPTWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcjd6ZnVncFdjZlJiWERVeTExNGZfZDlYYXVESlF6THMzYjlBemZ1OGtoWlJSOWI4SU1jMGMwcllTcDlTSHVGQ3FfaVhnTGM3bmE0QTM1R25jeVZzcTRVeGxBTzVyRmhKOEpuak5PczFBQ28wRVBfcUstMHRFaXd1eVpGSzNwVEQ0OG9NZjA2NW9uRkVNMXd3Tm9QNzVTSHlldUVLdDc3ak5sY0tHY2YwYUhkZVhwb3AxR1I4REdxaDhfN1VnUHNiWnQ4TW5KRVpaVUFwdGVvc3A2YXNMdz09 |
Pump Fun is a site/project on SOL that users can launch a memecoin on SOL and then work with other users to Pump and Dump the projects, ultimately creating lots and lots of losers. Whatever this is just degenerate gambling...
The real problem for the platform came with an increase in users as live streams become increasingly "edgy" to attract viewers to specific projects.
In a platform without adequate safeguards this can go off the rails really quickly and that is exactly what has happed for Pump Fun.
[ ](https://preview.redd.it/t57hnnwpz23e1.png?width=587&format=png&auto=webp&s=37557d0ddf63e6908e41fed0afdf1fe21935617e)
Users killing themselves on stream
[threatening school shootings](https://preview.redd.it/omq7hrhtz23e1.png?width=548&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e008cae731dbf7da294f9b045bd9214073b0172)
[edgy kid threatening to kill family, and parents abusing 3 year old](https://preview.redd.it/csj8eymvz23e1.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fc11ac0d8822c3876052aecd21d400ca0506588)
[threatening to livestream killing pets and other animals](https://preview.redd.it/u9pbv0mzz23e1.png?width=547&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb948b1ef44e91b1cf5edaf54d4f4a72a446cf11)
None of these are isolated incidents.
Pump Fun in its current state is the absolute worst of the internet as token creators get increasing edgy for attention and the revival of 2000 era shock Internet culture.
After this post I will be following up with mods and proposing that we grey list pump fun, as the best way to stop the cesspit from spreading is not give it ground to spread. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWWFVZHVhX2gtVlVsbm5vMFdSS0kycUxld2h2M3lkVld1My1UaHR6MVYxTGtSYUJSTnJNUmVrcDBxa2xVRlU0ZXc4cDM3MUl2dFlwYnNXZ0tHV0dwWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNb2lOSTlCN1Y4QVY1TllZNkdscTJzMjAzM3FRUzYxWnZaMEFST3FxdVNmb3VRdXVmSnJ6MnJkN21EZmUtbmhKSUNSMFh3WmdGUHh5YkdrYXI0Z3Z3VXFHc0tITXZKd0JBbG5XdEIzcUQ5XzBSZG54SnRZRXJScHJQajFlWjZLelkwYmdOdXpwb0c2VGh4VzFlZHdRSXFoMm5NZk1KZXpuR0IzLUV4YUQ3SWtlOUhQRUNkQ0s0V3Q5SUtWT1FzOGlaY09uNWloekRIX0tnM0w2UXo0OE9aUT09 |
Hmm, I doubt that the non-support of Firefox ESR is universal. I am on Debian 12, with Firefox 128.4.0esr (64-bit), and Element Web does work. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMLTFNdGpua3M2Y04tQm5VazVGX1BudVZmY3h5ams5YURlbjVTdkVHMWR1NUtpSFc4YkdDcTdGR3hvRU43R1prSlNlOVpiUzJBc1dOaGZBNEd3d1JOYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeEtZSmhhYnJfcHZGQVhUNjhhdHMtaFI4X2psTHlCcWMxdDJHSlhUWXZFZFpnVWV2RGsyZ0lmQlFnbkIzRnUzUzBKZ2Vxbm9YaHFDS2sxaExlX3pKZElwV01lMkVQaE5XSEZ2Y1pOai02aWNRcS05UEJxazhqZUVSdy1jUEFON0ZXLU42VDVhVXB1SUlWYzNUdFZMX3U2ZTlOb2xQTEhSQXM1RmR2QWZLZlpoV243Y0ZvWWhLMmZFS3FKcmxUM0Rs |
Just found my old alerts 🚨🥹 | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeUY1c0MxaVBRMHFpRkZDX2pGX2xaTzdWRGw1QU5ONGxFanBWR0dXSU9VRVZXZ2ZaOFphRjFGQWNhdElraEZmSmxCNTNUNDZ6N19zT2p2a1NvdEFjVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVUx4Rm56T3dMSEVXaHhqbEllU2wtNEhFbjdtdkpMWl9IMkRTQUhRTmx0eEhBdFhTYzdpMUNhaGNXS1BnQkNTdS0ycXNObm04ZDRjQkw0MVNmbGlnd2FiU090UzUwbVRPVDhjcXpncnNrS09QSjdrcWhjZmJwN09EakFtNm56aVl5b3BaWUdieTZBLTVjd2szMmoxVXJVc1hxQ3gwcnlXWGRLWDJ0ZmdXb3hBPQ== |
Added a few more shares to each position 15 minutes ago.
I keep telling my wife I’m going long on both of these. She said the only thing she has an interest in longing is her bf’s cock.
Finna divorce this ho
Positions: LUNR (475 shares) & RKLB (210 shares) | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOEE3SmJpN1VCV1RtX2ZDX3Rxc0hyQ194ZEhyQTNjQ2tDTGpRRG9Qa2ZoUldxSVowR2NOMm0wcnJlQmFrYy1hNjRrUlFsNmkzNk9fcVN5LVQtVlRMTXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVjNfcGZIQTlsbU5Eam1vOW1ZanduSEpDaG14NzZ4OVpabjhHOUc0M0EzMHJvdkFVZ0pNMFZ6T0Jad25xa2l2ZkxRSnlpeHpvZ096ZVNkQTlQZmVrOWlJd1BJSVlZTlNtdmFkQ3dJNC03UVctbFZQVnYxR05VeW9LeUJuZGVLamExSWxtTUFIdFlucU9VOERXcUp0OU1UVDZjcl80bjUzMjZwMmFFcUlRamFST2VoMl9NazVTRm8yZVF5YmYtbUVUalFIUVpNc0tqdmFuLWEwV1BVNUF3QT09 |
Spent last week putting together a a PHP SDK for Solana. I love PHP and I wanted to develop a project to read the Solana blockchain to create an auditor for the blockchain tokens and its holders. However I don't want to create it in node, python, C#, etc as I would like to use Laravel. I looked through some existing projects and they were either archived or just not good. I love simplicity, I love good documentation, I love ease of use. That's exactly what this is. It is my first composer packaged library and I made sure it was special. This is allowing me to continue on my quest to protect people from scams.
Here is my repository:
I appreciate any stars/follows but this is not a promotion post. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMT1JyRHVZVS1mUFVTdlFrNzZFeWVIdU5fc1lyeU5vd09ycnFKemdpQVhNTDh5ODV4YWdZWi01Q0EwaG9vNWdNZmNuaXJTaVdJdEJMOXBJTm1qNk1VNWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNd1ZrUzN0MXV1V01yTkhIN25pZkYtRWlJUVFpOU40UjVla1ltVEJKV091Skt5Z1JMZVZNYUNxSmNkdG5WeHBLRUk0UWd0QXotYl9hMFRnNGVGMlFoUWd2N3k3TGhoTUlZZ1UxdnliSFF5TTdBMm1hZWxmZ01zeDBVVDhuUGNhbTVEQ1lKd2ZCWXRpUENfMGFDaHFZV3JOMUxCRjMxR0ZaZlFmUE8za2M4cjU1X1Y3bG1UU0h5V3R4V2p6bTVVVGxE |
300 @$4...would have bought more but spent all my money on Solana @ $20. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTEtyNVlHWmtsbC1Hc2NnVGNzV2syZzRiMnRJZ1UtZE1WWGJabVk3SVR4YWw2dGJJY2VMMndxdC1PMVVNWk4ySEVvR19fRllPNWE2SmpPQzVRRkE3eGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVW1RX3RIeURTdngyc2FqR2d4Q3NEcUh0WXdsMlJ0R01rcjdXR2xQYmRaVnhia0xUZEtBX3lPOXc4WjJLZmtaWFpuNEpIRHd2UC01N3EzTWxsRng3MmwyMjlTZ2k3bk1yX3Q2aXEyZktfS0d6QzNDa3RtRHN4dEd6bzJkU1BGS2EzYnQxM0N3aDRpcDVnOUszai1hNEVtVWJzcThLVmVLYVNWWXJwd2ZYc2RVPQ== |
> We aren't going to scale a layer 1 for small micropayments.
Observation: nobody here besides you mentioned 'small micropayments'.
It's off topic, and it's not necessarily something that Bitcoin Cash would optimize for. Those could still be handled by payment channels on top of L1, for example. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMN0FJZ1JDMGd6Z251dkRRZTFqaXFfVzJrcDZXZHc5cHU4Y2pzTVhQU1ZVVl9JUzBkOTNGdXJ6cmpfYjg3cTBQdGxhUEJTZGFSVUxoV2RMY2M5ZWFXVXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbFZrdjEtQXBldWNnZExrNnhnMGNaMGota2l2QUhBTnhHVHhfOFBJV25jLW5rX0lxQzZCTkVuMjVja3dRV0wtWGRiY1VBUGZuNUtXek9fMUJDVlJ4WmRkR1dGYjMwV2dCZ1NLVUk2dXBhRThib3prWnlkXzNyT1ozRlNrS0Z6N2FjTGFEVEN1STVPUzdPdDFrQnRjeGltV00xaXJyR3d5Sjh5aVFEUjlwWUxsZm9WNzc4N3VQRG44Z2IzT0I1TTIwdV9fSDhTS3RmM3ZXeXlPVFhxMndaZz09 |
OP said "on the internet almost all code requires at least one confirmation." He/she was contrasting it with small merchant payments, implying how internet payments could typically be much less than those. It immediately made me think of streaming Sats on Lightning the way Fountain and other Lightning enabled apps do.
So... yea.... not at all off topic. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMjhBeEpaTy1iTFY4dU9aaVVhcXRvR0VKU0d5UER5cUtKZGFjWWU3RjVDVEZNVXM5TWtXS1Z0MXg3akd6R0pOTDZPQUg5ai04U1dqcGowNEdyS19KQnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSXEwWEdJSGhVMUFsSE9IQ2NOSVZDSDF1VjctMG5KNHNZSzNIbzl4VFhOOGFucS0taFhQTHlOUjdZUktEVlI2dVJlbW5zOUt2VFVkakx0OVB3c1R6bm9VWkZ0TUFyMkF6ZFplWnQ2b3lUWjM1aTRiSlhMRzh6WllrTlVmRVFTWDBkdnlkMmxhTTJFaFUtb2FsbnFZNTgwTTRvT2Fxc0JXWFo0eloya0Q0VHQ2UDZqQ3JOYmttVXBDM2dGUERjVzNQbDRqTm90OExOSUViR2tQMTJVT1NIQT09 |
Reddit is cooked | r/worldpolitics | post | r/worldpolitics | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMM3FlcjI5WXBQRkUtUS11RWppUTlqQWxIUkNYblVyaFV5Um9XOGdNVkttRDJjQWhMMlp4VHdZaUFTdFBDenVHMFlPOFR0dW1uOFVzZEdmTTM5cnV3T1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUTY0MDFqUTN5VHhIWjUzc0JBYmE1THUyT2lydDljX0VDanhCdlAzdnUxQzFiTjZYUm9zLWdZS0I2d05EZElKZ3EtM05EdHBvanhMcXlSTk9fbXRLN2NZSTNQRkdhcXVjU3pyaU5iaGM2NUZYWDllMnZYNE45bGQ4ZXdIQW5zWVpWMjkyUTN1Ml9CbmtUNDlPZlZvcnFOcnpkWjQ1OHRCam91ZFNJUjZyUWNrM0stVXp0WXJVZzMzdGxSQjJucVhy |
> I am not sure how you can do escrow with just zero confirmations.
Just wanted to drop a link to the original proposal. Quite interesting, but turned out to require bigger internal changes than anticipated, which also need to be coordinated across node implementation. I guess that and priority of other protocol upgrades is why we haven't seen it deployed yet.
> I also think it is possible to game an exchange node with zero confirmations, you just need their IP address. So you send a transaction to them, but a different transaction to everywhere else. The exchange saw your transaction first, so it will assume that is the valid one and reject transactions from other nodes.
Difficult on BCH.
It has [Double Spend Proofs](https://upgradespecs.bitcoincashnode.org/dsproof/), and before long the exchange should hear about the looming transaction conflict. They tend to have their ears open on the network for the precise reason that people in the past have exploited exchanges in this way. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRmFWWmxmVncwenNsVk4wcS1qV1Y2bTUxc0dWZDRSNDlnUWU3V0dNRTgyVFBzaS15XzdQVjhjWVEzUGhmV2ZTSXNtZFZnWEdSekNnaVFXeEw3amo3SWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNS2lUV0ZFcmZWWm1FTE1sVkFsVVRjN0g0eC1PSFp1SC1OS29uR3RIZlNtLWw2cVotdVhQTm4yTEhRaC1iRzR0SjAtZ3Joazdzbl9GcnU4VDNNTmVySFRpRDBxUExTMGw5cUZMLXQzX01vTUlSUG1Qd090bjE5M2swaUVEbTFaOG1tck1aNkV4cGVMcHV4UE5jOGcwM3l3cWhFa1FtRWRnMDZqWWtxcmRqbTk0UHMtdFBpVE1Oc1NsUGs1MVV0Z3JhRHBPUERzRlprWF9yeFo3S3J6S1ZBQT09 |
I2P works as well! It isn't just for torrenting -- it's a parallel internet.
I2P can be used, however it's bandwidth for common usage tends to be too slow. As is the case for most standalone p2p internet replacements.
Unfortunately I2P requires you to configure your browser for the I2P network which implies technical expertise for the end user. By doing so, it greatly distances the general population. The general population is what matters here since they are the ones who make up the market -- not everyone is tech savvy. I2P can be implemented into standalone apps to work alongside the traditional internet, though that is up for the developer's decision. I would definitely be interested in seeing I2P expand as well.
Tor is similar to I2P, and more popular. It has a lower entry barrier too so anyone can use it. Unfortunately it has a stigma of being **the dark web** as compared to alternatives and would not hold up well in public view, leading to ostracization for those who use it.
A more transparent internet network would be the most feasible -- where anonymity is not available by default such that it makes the governments happy and would bode very well in a court case as compared to inherently anonymous networks. Additional and optional anonymity, security, and privacy should be available in my opinion. Inherent seamlessness and interoperability between using the traditional internet and the uncensorable internet is a must. This is why I see the new Freenet as a promising contender in Agorism. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMenZpeWJ5Z0xPTWY1cUx0TXdKZ3B2R041Z3p0aFlrTkRUUmJUWmRTdE52ZjVVU3ZKaWxjXy1TbVVKcTh1V0lBNVc4dUdGS0l5ZlJQc3pfeFFyMzZJNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNamRfU2RBY2k3eGlPcjNLbHpSdkFuSHFrMzN2N0Q1ZUpkLV8wN05vZjF5cE1iYnFYczh6RHBYNlNOemxJbTh2bkRiTHlFanJkdlJEMkctbEJEcndpd3RsMkM0Y0VLcU1ObjRiQTZiaUlNREp5VjU4NE5Rd1BZWTJseFlfWFhmazl5T2xuM2FwMFdJMEpUSVdfb2ZkcVFvT2JLY1ZOOFNOWEZlM3hrX3VKZXpmd2VlSXVNc3R4eGlYU2djNXBDcXNr |
They already are allowed | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMV1FvT25HWnN2Ni1sTGxNZW5ZeHlOeXA5bkFSei1STGxlMjI5WENDNmE1cnVnWVJMVTZkcUxfN2xiTGlRNXlscmdkYjM3TU9PM0ppMGtZeGtweGVnMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaTdndU14SUhWbW1tQ1FXVWNqaFNnOGN1aXFjSnlRSmF0eTVLRkt0cmRTT3NzVnduelpfYXBWamhPYzN0enlXRnJja0tLdHlMVUMtOWl3OWx1d09wZTNoSUUxSTN3UExVdjdMZzZhNGRobUdwRGlRbDB6Ri1SQXdNamhWdTZxOWo3djZlZzhCRnlaWjZKWEZLV0JTbTluV0pHOUVjZHhjbDBJb1ZUU2kyekJtajdfLTJObmVZd1dqa0V5dlU2R2VEQVZlQkFYX0VFSFQ5Qm96X1dMaXRaQT09 |
Hi r/CryptoCurrency! My book, “[Number Go Up](https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/711959/number-go-up-by-zeke-faux/),” is a globe-spanning investigation of crypto, from its beginnings to the 2022 crash to its comeback. This is me, [Zeke Faux](https://x.com/ZekeFaux/status/1860329843843358744). ([proof](https://x.com/ZekeFaux/status/1860329843843358744)) I talked my way onto billionaire’s yachts, went all the way to Cambodia to track down a “pig butchering” scheme, and was with Sam Bankman-Fried at his $30 million penthouse in the Bahamas just before his arrest. The book was used as [evidence](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/31/business/dealbook/bankman-fried-defense-trial.html) at SBF’s trial. I also paid $20,000 for a [Mutant Ape ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THdU00jutvo)to get into a party thrown by the Bored Ape Yacht Club :( (I named him Dr. Scum)
Ask me anything--
\*Sam Bankman-Fried’s trial
\*Tether–the $100 billion stablecoin at the center of crypto and the people behind it
\*[Pig butchering ](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-08-17/my-crypto-hell-journey-started-with-a-wrong-number-scam-text)schemes – the scams and human trafficking behind those wrong number text messages we all get
\*NFTs, Play to earn games, and the Axie Infinity craze in the Philippines
\*Celsius-I also spent time with its founder Alex Mashinsky for the book. His criminal trial is coming up next year
\*Donald Trump’s newfound love for crypto and the project he’s promoting, [World Liberty](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-09-13/behind-the-trump-crypto-project-is-a-self-described-dirtbag-of-the-internet?sref=sGNHChN7) Financial
\*crypto regulation under Trump and the possibility of strategic Bitcoin reserve
\*Investigative reporting techniques
Proof here: [https://x.com/ZekeFaux/status/1860329843843358744](https://x.com/ZekeFaux/status/1860329843843358744) | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSHlCV2ZvWlJmXzg4LWtNUEFqanNEUW1pQ1QxMTNxb2FfYTZlcFZsVGpKaGR0N3Y0LTRwVmFBUTgtdjRRTXZCbGVqMWVuZ1pvNmNVd2pFQWNCSDZYNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWEk0MEwtWGFDdDZSbm1CRllnYzVuamJKMGdOWnZ3TkRSdmpvQ3FCZ0FIUUJveVdKaVRxbjdneFhEbHVJdEZFNFE2Z1lsTVhHc2N3Z3luY2ZjRU1aMzExOXZybWhETllWVkNMNFV3NW5DUnRtbEdGX0xoR1NnNE4xUUlwLW9GUnp3TThoYUg0V2pHRlp0aUM0YWpWRnJTcUNTUWtvQ29kN1BjcWF0VktpTFZQNHk2X3NyS1dNN29ZYWYtdmdDN2dZUDBBZHRpM3BmWW0xUUFZN0VkT2xfZz09 |
Unbelievable brain dead move. Why would you swap btc for this dead coin | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUW1hRWdRNlJ6cXVjYmtGb0NxYWJNcGllbmRZWW84bDlrQ1lyeDh1RFc4WmdCdHMxWjY4QXpWRVJEN1BSM2NpOFozSm5VME5JQUpBRHR4eEV3SVl5YkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaURkNktIT0RiMExueUtVREc5RHR1aDd4eHRNdGZSRHg3bXZlMjA2d0hOZHAwak90c0hsRGg1d3g3ek14ZVl4cWp2b3kzUDNBRVhmSFN6c3lYQzJiWTJUWkY2WGFyOFZITmNVMHExdzRsZnVqRHdpLVFFV2I5QzZrSjZwU2M4UkV0LWNpTVQxaXk1VXBwSndGakMzUW1mdXlBdEtDY20td2o3WlplU3pjLTBhZXFmS3cyWFlySjBNT0ZrR0E3YS1pX3R6YmVtcnRrZUJyTndOZzdDTGZtZz09 |
It’ll never get any etf the coin is dead and nobody outside of this sub cares about it.
Btc is ripping to its ATH and bch is way way down with no sign of a future. Are you blind bro? | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUG83cUxHWDJJLUpfVGc0NGlkUWtFUnRxem1Na1hpbFh6ZHNGV29QNkRUeDVMMnY0TGhDSjdtY242QTdRWmZNU2lEWFpDc1NFT2d4U01jamFkQmZtWmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOFNEYkgwa3pYSlFvQUhWR3VEUzNiQUpoUlI0dEVqNGRNSm9qM012NVhfcWU2RzZJbGU2TUxNZ2pBOFNHbzlhb2hTbFdtYnFxb2dYNjR1TEVWSUxGUEh6b2lQN1A3bzk4Qk5wc2JJQ2ZIQ05CbHhvSUZYTXYyZXFORFc5UkphZUZnV0tvZDFxaTcxbjFuazY2VDhYbzEzbXV2WWE0U3JranAzRi1ldDVoU2FuYS1rZHJmbG83NmQzRHZ1NlZldGZJZDNZaW5lZjhsTGpWME9mcGNZYy1GZz09 |
Wasted 2k! Nice! | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMX1JzZkhEMGdqNG05MTBBZXRJbnhfUzUxMVpZejQxR0p5VTRZbWRuYk5wRjg1TFFfN2ozSWhLTWR5ZU5LRHpRbTEyOUVGZ2FQT252bVktM3R1RGpWZFFyeGpqc3IwSGpVQU9EN05CYTNoR1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNclhiTXhwZ3JER1pyS0RvUFdTVVhDUDZaQk1xMVZ2a1VvbEpFTWdlZy1qSl81V01wYWR6R0dsblFKd0pwLUNCajhmZmtZQ0I4dE1iODNSTlRVY0pFV293WmNZSDI2d2FVZ3poVnpISFRRdi04d1h1T0NNYVluVmdfQzl3VnRBZ3lCZWVQaEdKTVd2dGt0NUNfYkkzQm9ERk1YZkttWDJPd3hJVlU4bjQ1d0VveVBPTDFGOUp0bUhXNVdMdEk1OXVwRFd4UnV6TXQtVklUVXk2bmZhYmt1QT09 |
What are you even selling? | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYy1nV3VURmZ6V2NRRjczdjFmZUlWeG9VNkdBMGNKaWtZNGNSQnNmYWwtU1BnVDJaZThMemVkcWdOM2JRUmkzcXJoOXVUOTUtSjBBMXdDQjlVVGtqN0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNd0pmdWJLZ2JqaFlxaEZ0ZGZBQmoyWkRrcndpWHJlR191TjhTZFN2S2VmSnlrM25RUjI5SWVrUjdjcHlNZ3lxOVVBRGh1eHNYdUlHWGZBbW9McGtxX0xGaWRUVTYzSXhGQko1RVpOX3RvWENjRnNvd1NqUEhQU01MbWNtaWozQUc3MU9taGdjN1dEc1hxSjFlN1M4VlRzdUR4SndMNGFIZUxjRWdiUVVjSmUzTmdSQUhHajROZ3V4Q3JvVmlSLUxn |
Oh humans, we are such simple creatures and so easily jaded | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdENRSVB1Y2ZlM0ctenNUMzUxbXY0d0pXUk5ZV1ZQNDRQUGJYbjlUZFVrOWNqaW5XTHNpZUZSUUl6d1RmQmZIM3IxeFk2RzJsOHNDY0xxaUpENGVtQWd4MDQydHRLM1Y4RWdvYmRWNDMxLVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdmJuU1pmamlUYWZhS2l0emVSa1EyQmpmZkhvdlhiUTYyTF9GYm9qcEhNU3VDVEwzbVhEX1docGVjNFFCUUxHNl9GV0xxRVdXMTdBZWVpbGRSTmUtZUNCV1Q1dXloUFB3cTVtNzF5cnZrazdxc2Q0WS0xYl9FM1g2Zy1VOXBwRnFZSlRjQVFyQnhnaW1yRExJN2phZUZtX0RqVWtubnpNTDBwazI0b19kRFJmdzF5QUV2THVoRkYtY2E5Q0RYZnY0VWotcFBsb2xrY2h2RjEzT3hEekRtQT09 |
Before the Twitter files, I would have agreed. But now, I'm not so sure about that | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVTFqQTljbzNfc0hLYTh6RDZ2c2R2cVVNN2xEWGhDYVhGSTgyMDY2ZjhUR0tRR05pLWJablUtTnE0T0hTa0JKenFhUzk5VldOS3ltaVp6YVpqLWo0NXN6Ym44dk5EdHNaUWFaN2JyS3I2RE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNT1BZTGlHVFhjdjBuTG0ySnhYUDBrdHRSZXI4cVBGODdXZjJ1QV9NNjhqYlkzTHVYcnQ3SU5Lak5TajB4VzNJeEg2NHdMTkJwU19IamdLanpEZFFwRUpWOUVjWkliMXNoQXpWb0t1aVNJVnExaFIwcDhWZDJSUGdaWldOOFF2WFR2a2lla2lpOE9Kb0VkSnFHWTktMkFXOFBDa3A0ZjdWZGlTZjhzSWxaTlV5RzlVVnh1d3BTT1JFR0pqMU9nY1FZc2c0OWdyYkVaUDU4UVZvaHpxdGVBQUVOZVZOaldGVzhEQm9LaWFTQnREaz0= |
Why would you make this comment when it's ahead during this run? LMAO. And yes, I swapped more. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMenRmR0s3ekd2SkVqNURkN2lWeWpnaV94T3E3M19MR202QjBOZXljejRvXzNmTFBaN2V0S0M5UGF5TnVIc2l3OUlmN0xHaHBNRFIyNzkxTUZBekFhNXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNajZ4QlRLVDFGdkhjaFhtVW1Ca3NySE9xY0RCTmdjWUdSdkx0NzNDUVNPWG9TYXVQWUp3Mm1vRjlXY3pVRE85eVFITS04X2pZUEFEcDhrWEgyXzROcjhIZHM4dHRLTi1SdTJUU1JpVTZoTDdnWThPeU0wTV9KXzlzaFo1Q2NqMG1ic1dRVkpvUEd6TE5sRl8tUU1fUDlWX2ZtUFpmUGdXLVJ2LWtnWmRLRWZnTTdoYVpfWHZOZ2V1R3J2SkdYRnFWSmYyRUNlOVRIWE5PUWpGbmtkNy1Edz09 |
Realest shit I’ve read this decade | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbWN5UDdfN2RLLU5zVGo5RFRGWjAzZnBMdjdqSTlVSDJsQkloMGtPankyeHdCX3R1SEcxcmxRN1kzX3JOdG5SSmNraFRza0pndzVPUG0xTzFSRE8xQXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR0FrcW1LYndPbm9XLXk4ZUZnQnpuQ0h5d3NXY1ZBSXd4OVZfNFI3ZFo4cGprb2h6RWpuOWNxLTRBU192R2hGZHpPV0JSbEpJLS1XOGFSYWhPR2xqZkh4VGl0M1NvNHk5ZUt1VU5CYjl6NTJwNURjd1BpT3lJYzRsdmExLUhPMk55NFRHMmJGWTd6VFBpR3V3QkdGZkJrRkdDTV9jSDdLU3VLVlZuZGFBZ29hU3B0c3laTEc5dHFkaFlPV21aQUpO |
Because it’s *heavily* underperforming LMAO. Why not just buy some solana or something. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWTZ1dFJnLTBKLWtwaVBTdFRxNkk3MHlyNloyaEk1dUlUT2FnM2FOZGk0QTRJNlo2M3hYSXdCT0FHWV9XSDE1TjZwMEF5NlpQUlBFRUEtVW5NNUJMTkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNnRXenNlekpVQm8zYkRUNEV5S0YtZk1oR1NuSVBIOXQ1dDAxd0ZmbXpSZ21lbGlDVm1PalRLZkJON25qYmlnY0ptUTNUNDdkMU9ObHlpTkdNODJ0c2VDRHE1RXhGUEpIcUpzZDd1ZHJSLTFOcnV1VUFHSnVOUVpsR2FVdWNVVmRsd005NmRvakxQWWY3M0xwcy16cFRiVW9yUXQwcWJjVG1OdWJYSFJEZHJ2QkRQYmJaVTQ4cG5ma3FTM0lscVhIQ1B6dnp0LV9tOVdsTzdoWDNCNHJuUT09 |
**Source:** [https://x.com/Perena\_\_/status/1861062088883605732](https://x.com/Perena__/status/1861062088883605732)
>The Perena Pool –– Numeraire is here.
>Multi-asset. Deep liquidity.
>Dynamic. Built for growth.
>More 🪻🧵
>**1/** What's Perena Pool?
>A multi-stablecoin liquidity pool that allows for the seamless creation and swapping of stablecoins — optimizing liquidity and enhancing efficiency across markets using a single hub asset - USD\* (USD Star).
>**2/** It contains:
>\+ One seed pool –– A mixture of blue-chip stablecoins such as USDT, USDC, and PYUSD. You receive USD\* as the pool's LP (Liquidity Provision) token
>\+ Growth pools –– Each pool is created with a specific stablecoin when paired with USD\*
>**3/** Key strategies:
>–– Swap with hub and spoke model: A central "hub" asset connects to multiple other "spoke" assets, enabling swaps between any two spoke assets through the hub
>–– Bounded liquidity: Increases liquidity density around peg pricing without sacrificing slippage
>**4/** These strategies deliver:
>Higher yields to liquidity providers while giving users access to deeper pools and more efficient trades.
>Here's how it works👇🏻
>**5/** "Hub" Asset: USD\* (USD Star)
>USD\* is the LP token of the Seed Pool, the "Hub" asset connecting different stablecoins within the pool.
>**6/** Hub Asset can be paired with new stablecoins to create additional pools, enabling them to access the liquidity of USD\* and all its underlying assets.
>While the Seed Pool doesn't face any depeg risks from the new stablecoins.
>**7/** Provide liquidity
>–– Deposit stablecoins liquidity in Seed Pool
>–– Receive your USD\* LP token
>–– Provide USD\* as liquidity to help seed more stablecoins in Partner Pools
>Comment below to get whitelisted!
>**8/** Why Perena Pool?
>a) Regular Users –– Swap stablecoins with lower fees.
>b) LPs –– Earn more, thanks to concentrated liquidity & automated reinvestment.
>c) Stablecoin Issuers –– Issuing new stablecoins made simple by lower capital requirements and easy integrations.
>**9/** We're excited to launch with:
>**9/** We're excited to launch with:
>–– [@circle](https://x.com/circle)\[USDC\]
>–– [@Tether\_to](https://x.com/Tether_to) \[USDT\]
>–– [@PayPal](https://x.com/PayPal) \[PYUSD\]
>–– [@solayer\_labs](https://x.com/solayer_labs)\[sUSD\]
>–– [@SkyEcosystem](https://x.com/SkyEcosystem) \[USDS\]
>–– [@brale\_xyz](https://x.com/brale_xyz) \[cfUSD\]
>**10/** Swap between stablecoins seamlessly, with better fees and faster speed.
>–– Go to [http://perena.org/swap](http://perena.org/swap)
>–– Enter code OPOP (Only Possible on Perena ☺️)
>–– Join the Perena Community [http://perena.org/tg](http://perena.org/tg)
>–– Refer friends to move up the waitlist for liquidity provision
https://preview.redd.it/49f9ixkgb33e1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=2777f86b41232e7401b3015dd47cbf1dfb971a62 | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTE9xZHh4bTV3UDZObkFkOFdaOTdrSnJBNzZoVFFUMVVRVTdqUHZjWlNSVDlVbjJtOXVKd1h3OXVFN2ZjQWl0VDBCSkRwYnRuYVBXbVJUY1BZNFRJWWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNa1EwNjZGUnlpVllBTE1PLTNlNHhyazNDRmUwT1R0S0UyWHF1SmJJYllPRmZjaTdMVEhIemItSWpnaUNPd3d4ZmkzcjE5N243bG00dVhENFduT3lfdnhwR0lzVUlZQ2p4SUFJamwyQU93SS1ubmh5RGZHYWEwRl80R2pGMWFRYXhTREdic0E2ZGtlY0Y5TTJSemJua2ZPSFZhZmUtTUhvV3A5WUx0UF9wMnFfZFFSQU1TS2xlTnVFQzVlTkplTldO |
Hi everyone, hope everyone enjoying the ride.
I’m staking in Polkawallet app since 2020, getting decent amount of rewards. I know that app is outdated, need your recommendation what wallet to choose. And is it any beneficial to unstake and lose rewards for that period. Please advise.
Thanks!! | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMem50X3UxZlpJeHIyeUcwUGY5WHFXWkZRb2ZSMmJtSmNnbWQ2OUZ3MzJpTDE4UklJSzJiRUtjZ2ZNX1p6djdFeGhmeld2M2NNZkRGcVBwVDVrN3ZreXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNd0JqdnRsWkh3NzhjQnY5UmlpVzc0OWpLN2tjd25GWUtiZ1VUODZyNEhPMTNTeXp5Q3RGaW11T0VOQzlDRW9Bb2F3X1gzSGVsaVpDZHBCWGE1aWRpbFdTMmVNSWlpNzEyUGtGVmp3YkNuNmlRLUtNb2ZMc3dnTkNEQmFQckU2T2lndkt2N2dnN2VrM203MU5qSFhFdWlLMm5xQS1YV3NvSzJid1puNjVnOVRVPQ== |
I sold all my ETC and bought ETH this coin gave me a headache | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMa292dFc4akhic1ZEMmJROWV6VDVxRFhHcUhlSlFIYm85UGZwV0h6RFR5MHpBTWNid1RFRm5pWlN0WGZtTUxqdVpoSG5NeGtqSXlvNTU1UWswSzZLWlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbDZ1azAzYUE0Y1FuMExIREs3OWdrTGlSMXdMenBxRnZCdjNLQTBzS3ZNN2ZkemZ1WmZwemJzZklfOHFpRTFsNlkzeVhaQ1pheHRUeFZocVI4ZDB1S2JmUzN4UV9aaGc0S3YwbE54TUlLUnVoRXJucGlCcGJhOUZDamlFcGVOUXZ0cDYxTkM2S19GNG1kWkEtWUlTSjZQUlA5N2pnVF9xMTZicGlaT3VMOU5JeTV3YkFGbWEyNkVESjBST2Jjanl1 |
Of course, but recognize that cold turkey only works in Amish-type closed communities. But in those closed communities, any suitable commodity like wheat, corn, rice and beans can work as currency and probably works better.
If you're a store vendor in the modern world, you need to pay salaries, pay suppliers, pay for equipment, and pay taxes. While many businesses can do some of the mentioned transactions using Monero, gold, and silver, they won't be able to do it all...at least until the Monero circular economy builds up enough. Gift certificates are a way to help bridge the gap until enough people accept Monero at least as an option. As the song "Smooth operator" puts it's "no place to be ending but somewhere to start". Gift cards are okay in the short term but we don't want gift cards to be a permanent solution since they can be regulated out of existence (e.g. a law could pass tomorrow and declare that all gift cards have to be registered on the "fed-chain" blockchain and have KYC and censorable). | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUVNDa3Y5S004UkxabGUtc3B5U1lZMlF1dV83Ui1vdTBrSkFkR0o3VGV5M3pieERiaWh3MjZ1cndtcXZYN1ExQUZTM1Zla1JORGlGel9mRHJHY1RrMmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRkUxWlY0eFI2cDFoMmhTY3o4dTJ1MWttZWVuU0I2R2t6dmxubGlJNnNIejZjb3dZUnRWVWRxdmhJNnFzSUpJakZsNDlOQTBxM2RsdjJWN0xVX29VU0dCX2JDYmR0ajNvOEItRm1UTk9xNkFTaDVoYldWNHRKcWVPaUloZGJ3RDBvREN0U1lyYl8zYkxUSWEwZUtHdHhvV0VyV2hqU1VxcUxNZFB3cWlQWnpzUFNlRnJsRjk5NTNFdVEzRDNDcVlO |
Point number 5 is total garbage. BTC is accepted by thousands more merchants, physical and online. It's not even a close comparison at all. Unless you live on St. Kitts or wherever it was Ver moved to. That's the one island in the world where there is more BCH use than BTC.
BTC is everywhere. Btcmap.org | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMLXBRb3ZJeVVFN2hOSUhtY05FWHIxc2o4N2NGNmp6S1JCUnpLeFR3TEdfZ2RaNnduVmdZdlNXRG9Kc3dRXzU3NFpjb19nNnIzWjhXMnVRT0t1WjlqQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRmlrbUFqc2UxUHNfTEhjR2NISG5hclhwdHgzblZLRXcwREstRTFLMktWRXpJSzZSNzF6ZVpPZjhqaHFQRlk3dGlUQ2NjWmZqMmt5WGJHUWpuRlNmb3hvcDktaDJ1UFh5SzEwRzFxRG44cjBjb3pwUnh3bjFsenRvYU5lUE9pNkg5UlA4ZUNfaXk5TnctSVh2bmc2b2RUYWVzUHg1MEJhcTlvZmUtZEx2UGRZSDFaLVYwYnVvR1BpX3MwWmluREZmcEE0c3MwX21jVFVoYnloVVZBZ29TZz09 |
I want to start investing in cryptos so can somebody give me some advice? I'm thinking about investing maybe 100-300$ per month.. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeldSa2FYbWJ6U2lJOVd2Y2E1aGFCbE83VHBBVWtHQkFpMzI3M1NxV21QLVB6N25HbFE0ZFNUNGE3VVFpX2NWblkza29VNkZmaVBvYXBwNGJHcktfMkFVVnVOSVRZdURqdXJRcnh5aG9lRGc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdEtlU3ZwM09CZ0tSYmFoR1Z3ckpvRjAxV21TelN1NHFFLTVCU2RidHFSalRRVTZ3bXZCZEktbk51OGF4MVJIczFuM1pzc3pibm9ZLWRmNk55MVB0T0dobV9hQkEzaExKaHV5Z0MtbjZsaG9yaUVjZ1JkUloyczAyaG1qREJaWHdKbERtMnhuWmJtb3VrYTJNQnIwYkRtdldvVzdQRWRubHVyM0V0MGRMQUF3PQ== |
You think I only own two coins? I'm no maxi lol | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMV3VFSHRsdFVNdmVDbDdwRHFvcFJZeFByYWxvOW01OTU1SmxRamVKdGFMNURHelJ5SWNidEZ2c1haTVRXV2UtNDU5bm41Sm1FejI2d3AxMnpQNDhNLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQzJsbDk2N202YWlOUG1mLTFrUlRlbU5EcGdmNnpmczJmc1hGZ1FZUEROSG40UjZGejd5TVE3dTc3LTU1SjZjd0h4YjV5V2YxM2lGekVjdUJOVVlWRWZ1aU52MjZhcXMwQWE0ak12N2J4M2h0OVpFQ3pqQlhVZ241dk5USmh4VVd6dy01RW8yYnh4SUp1NlRhb2x1YmxDOG93ZllJdHlyMzNVVnNmMXNIcGhPczV6RTNpeGdKM2RObFB2X3JYeWFPaGQ4WFdKSEdhZDVXaDJiRmV1VnhRQT09 |
lol~ basically no one cares about this. It is interesting that like most of the Monero community is completely indifferent to this type of stuff now. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMN3Z4bHN6cDBTdzVtcGl0a0tvUl9DZjB4bnVWcnU4YmRlNFVjUjR0V1Y3eTZXN1Utc2lHWTA5c1hLZXprOUdQWG90ekZPd2xGQi1aTFhWZlkxaF9yZV9xQXlaS3F0b01ySXhYa3lwbGxxWDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNazAzQ09XWTloTVdXUzg2eE5GblRiWUp6M0Vqa3pLdjg2S0lHdC11VjR3cUdsMzJzRGtnS0UwemIyT0c2WmxVTUJXb0VnMG81aGVuYXF1ek9CZUNCdWtSVjJuakdkbHpDSTAtU1JQdFhQYWpjWTNYTjNCOUdwX1hjSnRCNThoS0xCc3gxOEtKWnBGTHJUaGhnSHFoLV9NcTZLQ2dwX1JMU0xsZG8tNW54MTEwREVvWmZCZG1PV0E3eHhpdGVaMmRkQkV6am5VbnRaYjNPRmRkTEwydkJOdz09 |
I’m new to the crypto world as of 5 months ago buying some coins. I’ve been targeted via WhatsApp or telegram by 4 separate group administrators with their own trading platforms. They all trade on the ups and downs of either BTC or other coins which I can’t find traded anywhere? All of their communities seem like bot discussions. I see their posted successes. Are they all BS? Do they all hit with fees after you deposit your money, then you succeed in transactions, then they disappear in the void? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdi1iblJaSV9RV0pmNnBwSnNtVHB1ZjBlUG9IWGUyR3k2ME5OUWhVbGJkOUZFcnJuU3lsaFVFMFZzVVZvcE9jbENBTUNhLTV3eER0YnhybnpwVUU2dEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbU1OLUI1Mm12UFl1UVMzNGZhTkdiSkpJcnVjcnFrM1lKdkQ0SlM5TWRaRUx4bmcyVE0yVWM1VGtGRVRXYUdVLTBYUngwV2xpdE5sTWE4eS1Dc24xak9GRnUxNGRNcGJZQ3Fkb0RXVV9VV3h3eXFORnhiS2p1Q1RHanA4bmJDQnZveXhqRmxGNThYaktndUtxMHBFUGNXX2p2MG1TcEg1aEcyQXFud2ZnbGdEemxSellmWkM1VEVYSkpiSGVtUjBh |
Still have 120 7$ 4/17 calls open. Letting them ride for now. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbEtnbnFTNUR2ZzJZenVKREs0WWJPVElJVnpWQVlDWGh0MzZIUEZXcmpVOEtKaEVCeVJVZHoxc3YzQjA2Ym9GemF5UUxTN19wRG1zMHRCVzZ5RWlKR3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU2dvWjhQWkp3X1hhYTJwcWthSFdJZXYzd3hKZC13Y0MtOW9JTy1aZjN1aThvLWJwc0FnMTIwZ2E3OEM2YV80S2FncGtzbVZScWRFLS1xRnBrXzQ4cmZWOXJkMkF4bTBCTmY1em1hX0NWeGpwZXVZSUVUNkE3N3N6RlpNckVrcGs5TUdpMWJDNE5vOUJfVnFFZmIzS0l0azE1RkpQM3lhcHA2N3NZLTB2ckpjRXRQSDZ0dU9Fd0JMSzlBV3pHYkUySmthNW9jZExLZ1J5eEdRQVJaZ3k1dz09 |
Here in the land of unlimited freedom in EU, gift cards are purchased only when you supply email, name, address (regardless if it’s a VGC VCC VDC or not).
So basically KYC-lite edition.
But with all this freedom we have, i have no doubt that soon enough, an ID will be mandatory.
That’s why i said what i said.
There’s no guarantee for any place worldwide this won’t happen to you as well. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRkV1NFNiRlhadFVQazVEUXVsNzgwOFNYR1JzNDhqdGgzTzBlVnJCQ1F2eDFDTmhPOC15NzMxUjR5bzE4VnFSRzlTMjNJTmg5bzd0Ykg5YTZoRkpkWnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSVJic2F6enRVTUxhd3JWbEZNb0NHLVMwUFM3LTh3QTRBRjZ5ckZ1MXhVdl8wbzZKUVQ1aW1zcnhyeENVV1dkSS1GY1ROWk9ERmt6LUF5d3FaT3B3YWx4MVN0dS1FYkJJeUxVYm9sZl9Sc0lnRElRMzN2cUMxdTBObXk4YkcwYTVwUXNjNnhGaXNaSnJPYkNZcHRJalhZbk90M2UtNHRJSk9iTzVQRUpUbEVYV1RYckZ3bVpXUG1PYVJzZ1JNR3N3 |
I thought I’d try it out and so glad I didn’t put in any more than $50 in. In the attached photo you can clearly see they charged me $140,000 rate AND took a service fee of $3. So basically, these sheisters kept the difference between the the market rate at transaction $98,579 and their “Sales Price” of $140,000 which was $41,421. After the $3.00 fee and this I ended up with about $33 of Bitcoin for my $50 deposit. Customer service was only available via text and that went nowhere. Be advised! | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQUNEeXJtM1hWY0hEWFdJXzREUE03TjNfM3I5d1htU2QyTk9HeTR2aFNsUlRrY1RSY0lvMlcwdXlPdjQtcTZxdGVzY1BwVU5ZNnVic3lsTl9lSWpUUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeGFRdjBGdEdhcWhnV1hsTVBYTm5ZOV83NkQ1WEQ0Vl91ZGRuRUlRNGtZMlB4TXpBaW5YeG5udkJybDBsd3dCai1CUUxZZTJ1UjJSN3lqWGluMmdRemJWR2hUMzVqWEFjeVo5b25tWWx4eWdWRWk2NGdYcmRodHhZVzMxUWRaTk9Rb2RFLWlHZXFzY2RnSEVuSDB0cXVMamducFVlX0QyM3RGczF5RFFic1lnPQ== |