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is their any way one can send all their dot out of NOVA wallet?
ive got over 1 left is it dust now? | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYlVtSEpvQjhWaTV2bUNybzBDWWxSc0dkc2xYZW90SzZJR2JIaXBLM21ya3lOUW5ZXzNLZHZrNTJEa2V4NURLOGlPX19JcXlmSHVxX1FJRXB5QTRVR3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOS0hONUlNaFNqdzN5NHZJSGF2U0RxVWpxbU9OLUhic21oT2lheWdWdlZEczB4Q2cyaDRzYUJrSTRfVzBpb0I2dTlOU21uNWprQkx4UUZmZXV3Tk5aSmpHVDZuWDB1VTlUY3pRTmNwY3BKUmg0QW9vUUVpeEpibW13ZGh0emU5dmpJRUk5aF9weG42OEVpeVJiZU02ZUp5U0VDOHNnOXZLTV9sWW9sV0EwYkNFPQ== |
Memecoins are a concept is of the past, and AI is a new concept that is running wild in the stock market giving tremendous gains in stocks that are AI related.
Why are people clinging to Memecoins & blockchains that only solve speed & bridges & exchanges, When there's already AI projects solving usecases outside of crypto?
44B MarketCap on AI tokens (and many aren't even AI like Near & others are just a bunch of PCs ready to be used online) But there are good AI projects in there
120B MarketCap on Memecoins (+2Million memecoins tokens by now? XD) | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcW8xNzJfblF1NS0zZUNRTGF5eVA2YXpZXzJlNGRLd0pheVYzSVlhbjhHZXJMSGFCcWUxQmNTbjZRVlNsamxfckNuaXFVSGZ2R2lTZ1ZVazM1dHplVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOSm5MZjZvOUpHRkRTVVJpQ1pZemdWUVFKank5akxPS3B6MFFkMk5xMVZ5VmoxVHVtSGxjRWgyLUZoeDhCeVJQQ2h2MVNGY2M3Tk9acFFiU1puTGRTXzdoWUdmdDc2WmFZczJkNEFFUzZ2UlVFV2VrUHM2bXNuS19tRm1iR0dxczdMckg1dTBHNXpHZEZwQXVRaE00NmQzTWY1T3ZETGppNVR5WTd2MDducFpuTnk3RTBpSUpvQk5mbl9RRlZ6NU1k |
Yes, but that someone is not you. You pay for the product in BCH.
Imagine a supply chain of 1000 steps. It starts somewhere far away, and people you don't know spend money you don't recognize to trade parts you barely knew was part of the item you want.
As you move up the supply chain the item gets more refined, and different people pay eachother in different currencies along the way.
At the end of the supply chain, there is a merchant willing to be apart of that supply chain because he wants to provide a service that is paid in BCH, and you are agreeing to use that service.
It's a real and valid use.
The case you are describing, is more like the "crypto" debit cards, where you send your crypto and they give you fiat on your card. There you are literally buying fiat with BCH. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSjRIbEF2RlQ2TUJiekZuSDdNNl9aaFlrTXEtU2tjRmdjQkhORDBEOW55dXlHSVNXSFNUMWVXUXY3LXBzWDFBajM3LWdydE40RDF1YXZmeXZvWUZGWkJSdkx6bElwT28tcFpqUHlveVFzbjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOME1HU0p4c1A4NGtDdzJtemZpaDZ6cGpmWG5ReVhtV3p0T0V1Y0tjUHlqVDZvdGRuWFNvOHVQN0I3YV93U2FxRXl5SmNVdFhlQ24tZlBaQ3VDanJmTFV5WFVSZWNaTUR4Y2N3Nmg3LWJMQ3RqVGtySEVyYlk1d3l4TkIzbUlWcWZlelhubF83NWwtZ2xza2ZMZlVzWlhSc1hEQzNEVnlDYWphNnpNakt2YV94MWFGOUxuMHFISmJuUWVReHUzZk5G |
Depending on your location, the answer will range from "almost everything you need", to "just some of the things you need, but you have to order online and wait for delivery".
If you live in Ljubljana, StKitts or Townsville, you can more likely than not find someone who's willing to sell you anything you want. Most of the time direcly at a merchant without any fuzz, but when needed on a second hand market.
If you live in a metropolis you can likely find someone to sell you some of the things you want, but how much will heavily vary depending on location.
If you live in anything smaller than a metropolis, your chances of finding merchants outside of a few hot spots around the world is pretty slim, and you would need to go online and order to your location.
If you just want some practical examples, I suggest you try these two as a starting point:
keys4coins <- middleman that lets you pay BCH to get gift cards.
bitgree <- middleman that lets you pay BCH to order on amazon. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMN2pvN1VTWEY5bzFpWGh2b25EdUJtRDhXX3FRcWFDc0RxbzVNME9ab1FvQlkxQmhfSzhYYzczTjJaZ0h4NktwZWtpbjVib1J1QnFrUC1IOGhWNl9sOWZHTWNVV09VcjBUQVpxRWM3Uk5melU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOc05TNnVtOF82YjlyT2Jsdm5NUjB2OENqZVRpVl9TNEhIamFWMXJucy1kVXZ4RWlKQm53N1hiLXQyS0VkbDVyYnlQbF9ZWXVvSlJVeW5IbXBQTFNORU5iY0pmREtnekc0UGstbUlya2pKZDZxSzNVYXd2bG5TNUpkZmNKam9XNGNCR3lCYkdrTkw1Vl9pY3FnY2EwRU4xbzAza09VeDJRN2lXMFRrVkV6b0ZOaFFJaDRjZ2xGX0lDSjdkS2VoN2N5 |
It wasn't a quantitative statement. The BCH forks were more relevant in its ecosystem & community. The smaller community and governance by competing development teams such as Bitcoin ABC, BCHN make it more prone to disagreements (Consensus is not as broad as BTC). | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUGoydjhsYTZ0cGNqMW5nczhNei1SemZ6cHJ6MlA5aGdTd2QxM0ZhOHZjaTJ5b3Fxd21fbDBCN3Ftb1ZNek5RZ1ZNanQyUnk1U2NtVUNEV3h3QXRIVzV5a3o4LWZhbE9lcmdEcnBSTGlfa0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOMEtIRGVGZnJ4SFlZR0FYeTVWUE9FM1R2ay1JVlNzMFFFZlE0b2o5UkhkSWtTbkV0MGU0ZE9NZmo5dXZQV1RqMmZlOGlXNnJhWkJKMGpkLURTVFB1cDhpaTNiaUhUZXQxOFNjakNGSVlDeUtNb2I4WjVHMlVoalRQdnZEUVFKMVBFZ0hoRUNSMWdrVnZUQmxiaXNPQ3RDZ1JHaWxBS2M3Szk0Uk5GeXExVjgzdl83WDR4ZkI3VjB5S0RGVzlvRXhDcFZwbDFwVWI3bV8wNU1GNnd6bDZlZz09 |
Yes, Near will hit $50 and I think it will surpass it. We humans can never fully grasp or measure exponential growth.... | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdXo0Uzd3ZFV3RkFZa2xQZmFxRE1kcUxfenB4cjc4QVV0U3U4VFBnTWs5bW40dUVpdGU1NFZLVHlGOXZHWlcwMGhldmJkNDRCeFVvZk1jZHNNUVVoOU91NHk4NGZlcWdsVFYyZGdyc2t3dHc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOYS1DZUJGWGdVd2ZGN0FvLWJPcC0tM3VZdFRpRzlLbEFfTlA4RnhMeUdMU2RDaDBWTUNVRFlXVzdOUnA3VWtfaDBNYWtWbF8ySTRWRHZUc3UzcFJmakRDVk9YSkNSZWdPX2x6QU9lamRMTjlJVHVEZ2R5RWxhYlpxMTgxUkw2dFJMRWdJT2J3N2RCZmtaVmFFWmtFVElpd0wwcnFqYmtfUHdZZkt6VTZzb3dsVlI5MVpvVDZBaEF6cVpibHctYVZHc3VtSE5IakF4VHQ2Tmd6VVVDbXdhQT09 |
I also think this $50 can happen, as most people are not believing, and in the crypto sector, things happened that retail never thought about. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNV2NqSk53aFdDQk00TXpHVHdpb19xTGJrNnZFRXZDOFR2V3k0b19uM2NuMFBhSlVxOTBaaTcxa2RFY2RnTjJDcURyWlJlRThHRk9KeFBPcjVRVGFhRmZqaE92SG1tYVd0dDgySjdkUDhXQlU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZObXUtc2J3R0plU0ZQVDI0aWZ0NnVFNUN1ZnJPN3laQWNMby0zeWVTTkVzNGVQQV9SZXVncVE5b2ZxVmRTWVZtZW5XZGc3UXlMV29FeFJhSGdZMG0zV3Z5LVdIZGJPRG12ZmwxeUxrT0Z3RDdMQWpSaFN4blR3QjIzbzkxdlBacWFTSlJBUUZWVnczS1pJMGdyQk9Tajcwd2RFVEpZUHJwcl80aTJmZFJaQ2hLbEZ2ZHB4eVpyRGxHVlp1cmFpWFlNT3hwYWhtM05ReXRkSUx1M3htamRvUT09 |
Key Findings
76% of Twitter influencers promote dead memecoins.
2 out of 3 memecoins promoted by influencers are dead.
86% of influencer-promoted memecoins lost 90% of their value in 3 months.
Only 1% of influencers promoted memecoins that gained 10x.
| r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMzVxNTRiUmtJWVRtUGk4MFVRUUFFUDM4Wk5EQ2RERkJwNzZiVk5QTnpSanBNSnFKS2RLR0lSTURxd29YMnNRY05IamlDWUU0X0RXcUh3eFB5QjdHOWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOYVlnOW5RUWdDTGVNcUloUjlWaEw0anNFa3pjYVF4T09DcVIwZkNacDZzUDVQMmUzOGpxc2QyQktJYUtsX1BvUEgzbDVpaldZZDgwUWttZG5UN0NNT1BkVXFES29yS1JpdXFoRTlKLThscHBwQ2pOVnFreHlLWkY1VFBoelN2UUVIMk54ZENLUWFkTDAwZUFxb0hYcTZOY1ZlaGdOeDRlT3o1Y3hvc0dtb2NrMWRaSmZ5WkVJWG1wRGNPcFhNR1M2QUpTb241N3p5VVlCYmoxR2ppYTBmUT09 |
Hey all,
in this post only data is included which was generate between **11.11.2024 until now** (18.11.2024).
This week **51** **(-5)** user send tips and **92 (-3)** user received tips, with
**- 6178** tips send **(+538)**
**- 7842.7** donuts send **(-2412.6)**
(..): Difference to last week.
Most tips send this week from one person to another: **parishyou** send **37.0** tips to **BigRon1977.**
Most donuts send this week from one person to another: **aminok** send **1000.0** donuts to **abcoathup**.
On average **121.1** **(+20.4)** tips were send per user.
On average **153.8 (+49.1)** donuts were send per user.
Less active tippers more tips send. I assume everybody motivated with the start of the next round.
**Send Leaderboard**
|No.|Name|Send tips|Most tips given to|Send Donuts|
|1|BigRon1977|559|Extension-Survey3014 (6.3%) Abdeliq (6.1%) Buzzalu (5.9%)|786.6|
|2|FattestLion|555|parishyou (6.5%) kirtash93 (6.1%) Odd-Radio-8500 (5.8%)|587.3|
|3|kirtash93|388|FattestLion (7.0%) Odd-Radio-8500 (6.2%) SigiNwanne (5.9%)|388.0|
|4|Buzzalu|385|BigRon1977 (8.8%) FattestLion (8.6%) goldyluckinblokchain (7.0%)|487.8|
|5|Odd-Radio-8500|346|BigRon1977 (9.2%) FattestLion (8.7%) SigiNwanne (7.5%)|347.0|
|6|parishyou|324|BigRon1977 (11.4%) Extension-Survey3014 (9.6%) FattestLion (9.6%)|324.0|
|7|Abdeliq|300|SigiNwanne (6.7%) kirtash93 (6.7%) BigRon1977 (6.7%)|300.0|
|8|goldyluckinblokchain|291|kirtash93 (7.2%) Buzzalu (6.5%) FattestLion (6.5%)|365.4|
|9|Extension-Survey3014|245|Garden\_Aria (9.4%) BigRon1977 (9.0%) SigiNwanne (8.2%)|245.0|
|10|Garden\_Aria|237|Extension-Survey3014 (8.0%) SigiNwanne (7.2%) FattestLion (7.2%)|237.0|
|10|InsaneMcFries|237|FattestLion (6.3%) BigRon1977 (6.3%) Creative\_Ad7831 (5.5%)|260.6|
|12|MasterpieceLoud4931|225|Abdeliq (9.3%) Odd-Radio-8500 (8.4%) goldyluckinblokchain (8.4%)|225.0|
|12|SigiNwanne|225|BigRon1977 (9.8%) Odd-Radio-8500 (9.3%) kirtash93 (8.4%)|225.0|
|14|Mrwiowijo|224|FattestLion (8.9%) Garden\_Aria (7.1%) BigRon1977 (7.1%)|224.0|
|15|Malixshak|217|BigRon1977 (11.5%) FattestLion (11.1%) kirtash93 (9.7%)|217.0|
|16|Creative\_Ad7831|186|Abdeliq (8.1%) Extension-Survey3014 (7.5%) FattestLion (7.5%)|186.0|
|17|AltruisticPops|181|Odd-Radio-8500 (7.2%) BigRon1977 (6.6%) kirtash93 (6.1%)|183.0|
|18|Wonderful\_Bad6531|146|kirtash93 (8.2%) BigRon1977 (7.5%) Buzzalu (6.8%)|146.0|
|19|CymandeTV|130|FattestLion (10.8%) Odd-Radio-8500 (10.0%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (7.7%)|130.0|
|20|InclineDumbbellPress|118|MasterpieceLoud4931 (15.3%) goldyluckinblokchain (9.3%) Odd-Radio-8500 (7.6%)|118.0|
|21|DBRiMatt|105|Buzzalu (10.5%) FattestLion (10.5%) kirtash93 (8.6%)|105.0|
|22|bashdude\_1|96|mayusuff (14.6%) Garden\_Aria (10.4%) Odd-Radio-8500 (9.4%)|96.0|
|23|mayusuff|86|bashdude\_1 (16.3%) Extension-Survey3014 (10.5%) FattestLion (9.3%)|86.0|
|24|whodontloveboobs|64|BigRon1977 (18.8%) Abdeliq (9.4%) Buzzalu (7.8%)|64.0|
|25|DrRobbe|48|DBRiMatt (18.8%) Buzzalu (16.7%) BigRon1977 (12.5%)|48.0|
|26|DaRunningdead|44|kirtash93 (13.6%) FattestLion (13.6%) BigRon1977 (9.1%)|54.0|
|27|timbulance|31|BigRon1977 (16.1%) Buzzalu (12.9%) goldyluckinblokchain (9.7%)|31.0|
|28|Ill\_Thought5132|27|Creative\_Ad7831 (14.8%) whodontloveboobs (7.4%) BigRon1977 (7.4%)|27.0|
|29|Crypto\_Gaming\_|22|CymandeTV (31.8%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (9.1%) goldyluckinblokchain (9.1%)|22.0|
|29|MichaelAischmann|22|kirtash93 (18.2%) goldyluckinblokchain (13.6%) Abdeliq (9.1%)|22.0|
|31|S-U\_2|19|DBRiMatt (15.8%) CymandeTV (10.5%) Odd-Radio-8500 (10.5%)|19.0|
|32|Huelino|15|DBRiMatt (20.0%) goldyluckinblokchain (13.3%) kirtash93 (13.3%)|15.0|
|33|Ok-Chance-4634|11|bashdude\_1 (18.2%) Garden\_Aria (18.2%) DrRobbe (9.1%)|11.0|
|33|ChemicalAnybody6229|11|Abdeliq (18.2%) InclineDumbbellPress (9.1%) Odd-Radio-8500 (9.1%)|11.0|
|35|Thorp1|7|Malixshak (28.6%) InclineDumbbellPress (14.3%) 99MushrooM99 (14.3%)|7.0|
|36|Mixdealyn|6|DBRiMatt (16.7%) BigRon1977 (16.7%) Abdeliq (16.7%)|6.0|
|37|King\_\_Robbo|5|InsaneMcFries (20.0%) DBRiMatt (20.0%) DrRobbe (20.0%)|5.0|
|37|0xMarcAurel|5|Odd-Radio-8500 (20.0%) kirtash93 (20.0%) Buzzalu (20.0%)|30.0|
|37|lce\_Fight|5|InsaneMcFries (40.0%) kirtash93 (20.0%) SigiNwanne (20.0%)|5.0|
|40|Kindly-Wolf6919|4|Extension-Survey3014 (25.0%) mayusuff (25.0%) Garden\_Aria (25.0%)|4.0|
|40|PoojaaPriyaa|4|DBRiMatt (50.0%) DrRobbe (25.0%) 0xMarcAurel (25.0%)|4.0|
|40|aminok|4|raymv1987 (25.0%) Buzzalu (25.0%) abcoathup (25.0%)|1170.0|
|43|CarryKind8827|3|parishyou (33.3%) InclineDumbbellPress (33.3%) kirtash93 (33.3%)|3.0|
|43|SeatedDruid|3|Abdeliq (33.3%) DBRiMatt (33.3%) InsaneMcFries (33.3%)|3.0|
|45|IncompetentDonuts|2|goldyluckinblokchain (50.0%) FattestLion (50.0%)|2.0|
|45|Mattie\_Kadlec|2|absurdcriminality (50.0%) Mrwiowijo (50.0%)|2.0|
|45|MGoAzul|2|Garden\_Aria (50.0%) whodontloveboobs (50.0%)|2.0|
|45|lorem\_epsom\_dollar|2|Malixshak (50.0%) DBRiMatt (50.0%)|2.0|
|45|Flaky\_Word\_7636|2|PotentialClassroom75 (50.0%) kirtash93 (50.0%)|2.0|
|50|beerdrinker\_mavech|1|mattg1981 (100.0%)|1.0|
|50|ellileon|1|DBRiMatt (100.0%)|1.0|
\*\* Receive Leaderboard \*\*
|No.|Name|Received tips|Most tips received from|Received Donuts|
|1|FattestLion|410|Buzzalu (8.0%) BigRon1977 (7.8%) parishyou (7.6%)|478.0|
|2|BigRon1977|402|parishyou (9.2%) Buzzalu (8.5%) Odd-Radio-8500 (8.0%)|403.1|
|3|Odd-Radio-8500|340|FattestLion (9.4%) BigRon1977 (8.8%) kirtash93 (7.1%)|349.2|
|4|kirtash93|324|FattestLion (10.5%) parishyou (8.0%) Odd-Radio-8500 (7.4%)|328.2|
|5|SigiNwanne|318|BigRon1977 (9.4%) FattestLion (9.1%) parishyou (8.5%)|318.1|
|6|Abdeliq|317|BigRon1977 (10.7%) FattestLion (9.1%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (6.6%)|317.3|
|6|Extension-Survey3014|317|BigRon1977 (11.0%) parishyou (9.8%) FattestLion (9.1%)|327.8|
|8|goldyluckinblokchain|313|FattestLion (8.9%) Buzzalu (8.6%) BigRon1977 (8.3%)|392.5|
|9|Garden\_Aria|304|BigRon1977 (10.5%) FattestLion (8.6%) Extension-Survey3014 (7.6%)|304.1|
|10|Buzzalu|300|BigRon1977 (11.0%) FattestLion (8.7%) kirtash93 (6.7%)|415.6|
|11|parishyou|259|FattestLion (13.9%) BigRon1977 (12.0%) Malixshak (7.7%)|259.2|
|12|MasterpieceLoud4931|208|InclineDumbbellPress (8.7%) goldyluckinblokchain (8.7%) Odd-Radio-8500 (8.2%)|218.2|
|13|Mrwiowijo|202|FattestLion (12.9%) BigRon1977 (9.9%) Odd-Radio-8500 (7.9%)|202.1|
|14|Wonderful\_Bad6531|201|FattestLion (10.9%) kirtash93 (9.5%) Abdeliq (9.0%)|201.1|
|15|Creative\_Ad7831|196|FattestLion (10.2%) BigRon1977 (8.7%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (8.2%)|196.1|
|16|InclineDumbbellPress|179|FattestLion (10.1%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (8.4%) BigRon1977 (7.8%)|179.1|
|17|Malixshak|166|FattestLion (12.7%) BigRon1977 (12.0%) Garden\_Aria (8.4%)|166.1|
|18|mayusuff|158|BigRon1977 (12.0%) FattestLion (10.1%) kirtash93 (8.9%)|158.1|
|19|InsaneMcFries|151|BigRon1977 (9.9%) Buzzalu (7.9%) FattestLion (7.9%)|151.8|
|20|DBRiMatt|147|FattestLion (12.2%) Buzzalu (11.6%) InsaneMcFries (6.8%)|227.6|
|21|AltruisticPops|143|FattestLion (9.1%) Odd-Radio-8500 (8.4%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (8.4%)|143.0|
|22|bashdude\_1|114|BigRon1977 (14.0%) mayusuff (12.3%) kirtash93 (8.8%)|114.0|
|23|CymandeTV|104|Odd-Radio-8500 (11.5%) goldyluckinblokchain (9.6%) BigRon1977 (8.7%)|110.0|
|24|whodontloveboobs|80|BigRon1977 (15.0%) Abdeliq (8.8%) AltruisticPops (7.5%)|80.0|
|25|CarryKind8827|59|kirtash93 (8.5%) Abdeliq (8.5%) FattestLion (8.5%)|59.0|
|26|DrRobbe|54|Buzzalu (16.7%) DBRiMatt (13.0%) goldyluckinblokchain (9.3%)|130.1|
|27|0xMarcAurel|33|kirtash93 (18.2%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (18.2%) InclineDumbbellPress (12.1%)|37.0|
|28|DaRunningdead|31|BigRon1977 (22.6%) kirtash93 (12.9%) FattestLion (12.9%)|31.0|
|29|Huelino|23|FattestLion (21.7%) DBRiMatt (17.4%) goldyluckinblokchain (13.0%)|91.4|
|30|Ill\_Thought5132|22|BigRon1977 (22.7%) FattestLion (13.6%) Buzzalu (13.6%)|22.0|
|31|PotentialClassroom75|21|kirtash93 (23.8%) BigRon1977 (9.5%) FattestLion (9.5%)|21.0|
|32|timbulance|18|BigRon1977 (22.2%) Buzzalu (16.7%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (11.1%)|18.0|
|32|coinfeeds-bot|18|BigRon1977 (88.9%) parishyou (5.6%) Abdeliq (5.6%)|18.0|
|34|MichaelAischmann|17|goldyluckinblokchain (23.5%) DBRiMatt (17.6%) kirtash93 (17.6%)|22.9|
|35|S-U\_2|15|CymandeTV (20.0%) FattestLion (20.0%) Odd-Radio-8500 (13.3%)|15.0|
|35|LegendRXL|15|FattestLion (20.0%) BigRon1977 (20.0%) Wonderful\_Bad6531 (13.3%)|15.0|
|37|mattg1981|13|beerdrinker\_mavech (7.7%) Ill\_Thought5132 (7.7%) DBRiMatt (7.7%)|97.1|
|38|Crypto\_Gaming\_|11|CymandeTV (54.5%) FattestLion (9.1%) S-U\_2 (9.1%)|11.0|
|38|lce\_Fight|11|InsaneMcFries (63.6%) FattestLion (18.2%) Crypto\_Gaming\_ (9.1%)|11.0|
|40|Icy-Profile-1655|10|goldyluckinblokchain (20.0%) AltruisticPops (20.0%) BigRon1977 (20.0%)|10.0|
|41|PoojaaPriyaa|8|kirtash93 (12.5%) AltruisticPops (12.5%) Odd-Radio-8500 (12.5%)|8.0|
|41|ChemicalAnybody6229|8|MasterpieceLoud4931 (25.0%) BigRon1977 (12.5%) InclineDumbbellPress (12.5%)|8.0|
|43|0x456|7|goldyluckinblokchain (42.9%) InsaneMcFries (14.3%) DrRobbe (14.3%)|7.0|
|43|99MushrooM99|7|kirtash93 (14.3%) Thorp1 (14.3%) InsaneMcFries (14.3%)|7.0|
|43|bvandepol|7|kirtash93 (28.6%) goldyluckinblokchain (28.6%) InsaneMcFries (14.3%)|7.0|
|43|313deezy|7|kirtash93 (14.3%) Mrwiowijo (14.3%) Buzzalu (14.3%)|7.0|
|43|aminok|7|Abdeliq (28.6%) kirtash93 (28.6%) Buzzalu (28.6%)|7.0|
|48|mallison945|6|DBRiMatt (50.0%) InsaneMcFries (16.7%) FattestLion (16.7%)|6.0|
|49|Jolly-Clue-8480|5|kirtash93 (40.0%) BigRon1977 (20.0%) Buzzalu (20.0%)|5.0|
|49|reddito321|5|BigRon1977 (20.0%) Buzzalu (20.0%) Odd-Radio-8500 (20.0%)|19.9|
|49|economist\_kinda|5|Abdeliq (20.0%) kirtash93 (20.0%) BigRon1977 (20.0%)|5.0|
|49|Ok-Chance-4634|5|kirtash93 (20.0%) DrRobbe (20.0%) BigRon1977 (20.0%)|5.0|
|53|thecryptos|4|timbulance (25.0%) Buzzalu (25.0%) Abdeliq (25.0%)|4.0|
|53|abcoathup|4|kirtash93 (25.0%) Buzzalu (25.0%) aminok (25.0%)|1007.5|
|53|Good\_Extension\_9642|4|Buzzalu (50.0%) InsaneMcFries (25.0%) goldyluckinblokchain (25.0%)|4.0|
|53|King\_\_Robbo|4|FattestLion (50.0%) DBRiMatt (25.0%) Buzzalu (25.0%)|4.0|
|53|eat-sleep-rave|4|FattestLion (50.0%) S-U\_2 (25.0%) DBRiMatt (25.0%)|4.0|
|53|Mixdealyn|4|FattestLion (25.0%) Creative\_Ad7831 (25.0%) DBRiMatt (25.0%)|4.0|
|59|Josefumi12|3|Buzzalu (33.3%) goldyluckinblokchain (33.3%) Mrwiowijo (33.3%)|3.0|
|59|verysillyman|3|FattestLion (66.7%) Crypto\_Gaming\_ (33.3%)|3.0|
|59|Thorp1|3|Malixshak (66.7%) InsaneMcFries (33.3%)|3.0|
|59|Kappatalizable|3|FattestLion (66.7%) DBRiMatt (33.3%)|3.0|
|59|nethanns|3|Buzzalu (33.3%) FattestLion (33.3%) DBRiMatt (33.3%)|3.0|
|64|Kindly-Wolf6919|2|BigRon1977 (50.0%) whodontloveboobs (50.0%)|2.0|
|64|ShadowKnight324|2|goldyluckinblokchain (100.0%)|2.0|
|64|raresanevoice|2|Buzzalu (50.0%) kirtash93 (50.0%)|2.0|
|64|absurdcriminality|2|Mattie\_Kadlec (50.0%) InclineDumbbellPress (50.0%)|2.0|
|64|zkrooky|2|Buzzalu (50.0%) goldyluckinblokchain (50.0%)|3.2|
|64|F-machine|2|CymandeTV (50.0%) InsaneMcFries (50.0%)|2.0|
|64|lorem\_epsom\_dollar|2|Malixshak (50.0%) DBRiMatt (50.0%)|2.0|
|64|Sal\_T\_Nuts|2|FattestLion (50.0%) goldyluckinblokchain (50.0%)|2.0|
|64|k4yce|2|FattestLion (100.0%)|2.0|
|73|IncompetentDonuts|1|goldyluckinblokchain (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|BlackWarrior322|1|Buzzalu (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|raymv1987|1|aminok (100.0%)|20.0|
|73|thinkingperson|1|Creative\_Ad7831 (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|Donsaudi29|1|kirtash93 (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|Barbarossabros|1|kirtash93 (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|Klutzy\_Beyond\_9206|1|goldyluckinblokchain (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|UpDown\_Crypto|1|Buzzalu (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|bluesmaker|1|InsaneMcFries (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|Fallini47|1|kirtash93 (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|blakes456|1|FattestLion (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|ellileon|1|FattestLion (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|Crypto-4-Freedom|1|kirtash93 (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|na7oul|1|FattestLion (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|bzzking|1|FattestLion (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|ComplaintScary8730|1|Buzzalu (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|megselepgeci|1|Buzzalu (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|Flaky\_Word\_7636|1|FattestLion (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|1crab1life|1|FattestLion (100.0%)|1.0|
|73|donut-bot|1|Wonderful\_Bad6531 (100.0%)|1.0| | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNd1o3TXI0RlFOZ2JEVGszX2w2YVFMVVA3MElLZmE0Wk0xaU5fLVBDU3ZIUW5NRXJHMGZ1VGQwdjdLUzVyNHl2ZUdQNjJfb0dyeDV6TENzY0ZnSzVYREE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZON3BaMlRrc2dTQVp5TXZwc0xSSVEwelJoUVE4QnlwbnhuRE43aVdXVDI4UnktenR1cF9jQ0k1bFM0dmhvRjRyX0dBQlBlN05IVHZRamozVDFLNDFkb0tDVTE5RDBNNFAxREJ4SDZzTExCQ3lTVEdJaGlRT053RGpsRk5sQV9WR19fUV8wcHZlelZjOUpidnlFRGE3OFRuN1RJazEyZzY4YVVvUHI5TlVpTXNBPQ== |
>You pay for the product in BCH.
Disagreed. One doesn't pay the product but instead pays a money service provider.
I'm not saying that service isn't real or valid. I just find strange for a community upholding p2p electronic cash to peddles middle man solutions.
IMO the goal is to replace the fiat payment, not layer a payment on top of it. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR3cwc1loYTRORmVsN18zLW03R3dMTWZjUnZmcjRGU0RBVmVEQV9JQzdkWnRiWmQyQ042QkdQeHFycHRZdG52NG9FaXBMc3BvaGJKREhHaWpOb0tMbGJmWWdBd2ZKX3pKWmU4TjM4cHhVaTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOaFFtanVUUURSU0Z5ZGdVZkZmTE9rYndDcjdrOU1RcGZicnd0dk1hdDZFM1dpcU5qdTFtcDdIMllJVUhnN2g4T1NRaVBmdTNvUy1abFJkQ2hDX1hkSFdBVGhRNUs1TEctMEZQWG0wWExxbHRyUVF0UTVDVklZbXZHZjcyamZBSkZlZG1kR2hsLXJQNUI0Q2tyTzhKbERSblM3dDVQQUdxaVUxS3FMTUhGRXJFbVBxMG1qU0Z6cDlfXy02cFdKRTJB |
. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcHdud19xeU40M2pRdU1pNGV2UTJST2s5dFJsbmxfNk4tWEVOWHpDd2hlTVRJTzhBUmtscDFXX0hIZEtlZldXVmJtaWQ0aFJycDN5SmdyUVhENDdNYnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOMmZSU1JFMVI3YXRlUDJaVi0wTlBGR2RnZXpqNGFOSGZncUUwMUhHaG9NVmg2UUd2S1ZMZGVaaXBJdVVTUmllOW9hc2ZHZVJ4U0o1dUlJaV9uVE9WODQ5dkFZR3J0ZW13TndLWUpQWDhETC15b29adkFSREtCWkYyc0c5VFZsMEtLbXptM1FhbzhKazFtNFpDc1FLZGFDUFFySkk3N3pSRGhNRzBtcVRxeks3V2Z0SW5mZE54bXRad0JsZTFMRnZ0 |
You realize it was above 700 before? | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR3FlenpRaVVXT2hZSWNhbGVCb3F1WjVZLVNXcDgzczRpejRTQUxCdjdRdkdyZ1NUcTNPWFJFbk5vVWd5NGRhM3ppTUp0MVowc09JSmpjdG96czUyU1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOYUNUT3VsdXNfUzZMUXBvSDJRYjNTd0VvSXNuRUFrWnIzMHRJeWwwc210V0laeFM0S0Zzc1dRaE9aMXBSWmZtTVpaLWZZTDRvZzFhSGJZWURfS1RfUDNGTzRZUGJUS2JTUEVKeXdGQVJaR0k3aXB6dDR2cVF1Y2tOUHpuTmxKeUZ1SWtGUFo3NUxkX090WDJKclNhNDNfVENsUEx5RUl4OVBTOTFYQnNfa0JiT3dySExLRTFlZWZYWDFxcmlIc09WbkRVTk1NZThMZllVMy15WmNDNFRsQT09 |
My biggest % gain. No plans to sell | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMEhWWFlSTjltTmhlWlFRUEY3M2JTVDF4dWZGMnNEcTFDUV9EZlNGenVNMFZONW5sTVFTQzZiOUNJc2Z6MUgycXBtNXAwVHFpUjVxcU5ZVG5mVUlSa2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOZDU1LXdFX1l0Wm96R3NtcFVLeXd3SnI1OEFTVFJYeDVLX3FwYWh5U3dCVFMxTGlqVXRqbGlKTHN5LUt6Ry01Q0JTQVo1Mk80OTNyUzdzUEV6NjQ4N2R1b3JSVU9sTEstbGloTHQ3UHFjcXQwa1c2Y19jWkJ5QndUU3Y0U0dDcEZuTFVkS1l5aEhwVmlTa1hxNV9tX2Q3MGotd2x3RHBZcnBqd1U0VmZkM053PQ== |
I read a lot of messages where people bought coins at the very beginning hence making x100’s or x1000’s. In order to be able to do this one must buy the coins very early on. Usually it’s already late when the coins become available on mainstream sites like Coinbase. What is the method to buy coins early on? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNLWJ6Uzdfckd1RTB6Y1lMYnZxNkVteVlFSzVuVHJxdHE4TTRCOFhQX2haWHZxYzlTZnRFN19CM0dXbkdnU0dScHNTY3RETVcwbkxyVkNTb1UwWnVEemc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOcXBWLTViRndtVVhIdUQwbmNidDdCTmdJTnVJdklZVl8zMVNzLV95RG5uVEQxZzZ2RWtjWVV3dTdhSmdzbjJqUlZXSWhYZm5NbXFkc1l3clc2TFZJZVU4aEkwYnZmakpwSi1MbGZEWjhLMmtteVFHT0xMWmFHemhKUVZuUGx2a3dQTmJUbFNBWlgzU1BPR1lMTktTTnppcHhaWldhbzVrT1habTNLSEF6dzBxbU53UkRLUXdDeWduSlFFQnRFdS01NV9BX1RrbWcxMDd6RTJkcXVWLVhzUT09 |
And yet BCH is building whilst BTC is fossilizing.
https://minisatoshi.cash/forkmap | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNFUwOHBHbmtuOHU3U1E5dUxWbUlZbEtfTFJtWGJvZ3ExTVVFa0xtYnZXWmRCWFh0Y3ZiSUFzOTRaNjlrdzF0YWlpd0oycjh1MHR0SFJwcXdPTF9Hamc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOTllmektfME9PNVQxdm5KUW5JTlpFNWpuSjZYbWpDclpZc05xUGZWRGFpa1FpRVRMREtNRkNXbkZZQXBPNEdIanNJZmhhUVZWaHBtZFJSVkNLMlZlQXdSdy1mVldpNldsdWU5QXJ6bW5TOUZBLWlSeFcyNFJ3WFl4WTU4YW9QU2hreHdkWmlleTlMVlB6V1cyQTJ4Y1JwRTV6U0M1TTBZYzE1NUJfMmtkbkJyX1EweWM0SmhvVWM4bXBycUp1STgzWkpxT0pJa0pkSnZQUEhWOTZLSE1MUT09 |
Telegram is a lot more active these days.
Some links to both here -
https://minisatoshi.cash/index#_socialmedia | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMlMxNWpfeFpoYVdpc3JkcnRRVndBY29EdVoyc19zQmV3amNVWXU1NXh3U1pheXA0Rld1aWpyVWtlbUx5aklmZVF2cGxPTUNVdjd2cVJwRnZWaU5DR1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOdkZpdC1xWUZjcVdMYWlIUm5ZTXZRd216RVhIMkp3amlWeDdBd1plMi1wZlpuZFM1ZnFyV0ZHN1cwYjZhUER5MXhYbDhKVTNNdnM0Um5rUFJWYkZoVzk1N3NZek1fRkRSblJrbkRfLTdzQWo3UEhCaUhWTklwaWNpTER2Z3pwRWZCVzlLc0xEeWg2MTZibFFndTUyYUxFNS1IOUtaRHFrX1FfM2dGQl85SWJxaUJPZ19yTUVPWVNXYUtJTncwQzE4 |
how many times has it been the beginning? | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRXFpbl9XUjFuYUhCZlRMVUY1S1pFYlpGdVBMUThSYUVpVnltT2VhNDJTSWZuc3ZuV2tZTG1OUW9LSm5uZE83NDFYSy1KTWN3V2d3MTFCUS1MQ1ZFWnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOMDRxUW9fVHpmc2RQZS0ySUJSSVJGWGZQSDZfdkNwZFFiZUdzY2wyVnBPMVBCMTNxdEpMT2FhQnp1TklhTk1uSjRLV3Q5LWFNUVo4LWV6ZWFLQmdfSU1UalYwN0JBbTZTSHBqaXB1UDQwQ0tBS1RZTDhzam03bEo2aEJmdVlIbHQ5d0NKaDFwUm1xb0xWNUpWc2J2ZW8tcUhsaDNYblNKZWxqbTFxOVZySzVtUnVER0hEWk1xQUJTT2VIQVhLYzRk |
You need BTC to succeed in order for BCH to succeed. The Bitcoin whitepaper is great but as a world society we were not ready for that technology. Now people are starting to see that they trust blockchain technology. BTC had to succeed in order for BCH to succeed. BTC is a storage of value that will be used by the ultra wealthy for large purchases, SBR(Strategic Bitcoin Reserve) and BCH will be used for micro transactions. El Salvador was the first country to implement their SBR, now the US, Poland, and other countries are introducing legislation to make it happen. BTC is snowball rolling down a snow mountain right now. BCH will follow the path. They will both coexist. It's time we merge our communities together instead of fighting each other. The world market is big enough for BCH and BTC. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNN0FjRFVOb1RTRXNOcXBadEhiZEVxODhFNGdobnZoS2hsZVhuUS1UdUN4R1pXV3djNjBDWWZkZG13UVRMOTNIRXo5N0gwWnlZS19kWkxYREJoc1k5R1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOYnAwazdINXpUQWVEcGoyR0lQOXhpVHB4QlAtaHhPRW14S2hIUHEtbmVxTHVaakwtdU1kbUdHdEhuZURsSTBWTUdfcFlYbWJISTN2czNtbEQ0LTUzNlFlQkpOUzlsM0c1S1hYWExkeUhSclp1Yjl4NXNVUXFQbUxfZFNNM3dsMFFwQjRkMTRQUmpnLTEwV2JsU1hicF81d1hYWVRSb2VxZkpiRE5ITU03RGxLTTlqWUxKc0czUTF2WkREV0F4dElBa1dCRmtLVUt3UmNPdHlUSHZ1Umh3QT09 |
Hi all all, just got off the phone to my dad and he said he has been using a company called Intercove - https://Intercove.net to buy Bitcoin.
First of all he's 70 and knows his way around trading shares with aong history of using his CBA account to buy regular old stocks.
This is the first I've ever heard of them and I'm relatively more clued up in this space.
Has anyone had any experience with them? He said they assign an account manager to help with transactions and faqs, which for me was a red flag.
The rest of the platforms just let you have at it and lose your money as you wish.
Am being paranoid?
YES, ITS DEFINITELY A SCAM. Please do not interact with them (or let your parents).
Seems to be a very sophisticated one at that. Lots of fake-ish/ real-ish articles. The website when you login looks legit and they have a UI that shows trades and markets etc.
He can't get his money back. They said that there was a "rolling credit" on his account that needed to be cleared before they could release the funds. Ie- send us more money and we promise we'll let you withdraw. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaU96cF9FQ1c4Uk1kd1hJdzhqd19RSTFPUzJ2T0stTnRUM0J1Z0ZTTmgxYm5XMWVWcXJoLU9LcHlxaVJ5N3BtX2w4SFRySEdYWWhmeEJvbWJrVGJxV0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOT3ltY2tsSHFxU3RWSnpWU1E5WkNFeEtrR2V5ODRtVkFDbkdERDNHc1VVSmFidENtMTRubzZGMDZ0dHlaZFduaE01UVAwc3FYOTZsbm1pOThoRWdWS1o2QVFvUlg0bFlreUdPTFVkVERjNkJFWFF2amlEaDV2MlF3NmJ5SGRFVmNmODBzWF9RZVRPUmdGSGZkSlk4N1RGdmdMeWZaWnFPNDdxbGYzWjQzel92RW1uRTJ1U1pVX2FuOWpSaXNWREZ2 |
👀 i pray God for that. 😹 | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQkR3QnJUaW9sTmx4Mzg1bFRWWG5YODQzN2VjcFFtNkh1NkxiU21ZUnIyQ3hnbmNLSkVDMnFjR3hZb3M4Z01mcHFTRm0tTmdaNDFXRDUzcXRCT0U4ZEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOeG9pNTJPQWZpSHcyM2lMcVVINGMwWjQ2Yl9IUkNDelcwNGJqeHU1bjR1UUMyTl9HU1p4TmVQSmJoQ2g5OHFIOXpXYXVjVGdiMHN3VkFxTlc2VjJTM3dPR0NBR3JTRkpBampEUnFtUXhjeGItOWJZQXB3a0xBVkcxUUdoZzdNOV9qVjJHNWw0TVFnTk81REdsVVJ1ZDBFM3pjTnc0ZlptbnpYWTVVUmRHTWRKOW5vcjR4MVl4SVdmUEp2TDFqU0U0eTFFMExKWmFfY2d1bVg3aEpFRnBCUT09 |
This account needs more than 15 karma to post
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EthereumClassic) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNelI5TXFzdGFFMXBpSXQ2WjJRWmNMai1GYzNramRfaGMtN05CQVpTaFY3WlkxTWJieGY0cHkwbmZ1eUhVUXBWSWhHQl9LWFhKUEZxTHN3eE12WGI4TVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOMmQ1ZU9OVzRieUNDOFNDQkUzbGVfNVhtLVJKbnhkbG9uMGpKbUlsVkpvWHNubFl1Y0RRaXlmbnhDVUtvZnl2NmlZVmhSbWtBaVdiOWpBTDR5alJpMkZwakZzV0M0MjZaRFVWc0tKSVJ3WktISllqMGJ2akI1VnV2TkpLbVJZT28yY2FJTWRmN2FSN0NycGRGMUItYVlLUXRPaDdVUjFwY1J2WURsZHJYejVzSVhzb1Vxci03QTVaN1NQSmlFWklyYVRqck05RkRibTNoRUsyZ3U5MGljZz09 |
My personal conspiracy theory is that Satoshi and the true Dread Pirate Roberts are the same person/group of people.
Think about it, GFC happens, some anacho-captilaist tech-heads get feed up with the monetary system and design a better one. Only thinthing that was missing was incentive to use it so that it could begin the momentum.
I have nothing to base this on other than its what I'd do if I were in that position 😇
Would make a great film though if anyone's keen to work on it with me.
Edit: had to post here because it was censored in r/bitcoin | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNajRHTFNTNEFtbmFDSmN5bnU0QlVhZ1NucFlKdzJTR1ZpTXdBT2daLVAxRHhFSV8tRklSVVJWUUk2NTlnaF92RVB2RjBHX0t1REJkcXBxOWVqS2RxcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOTU1PakV3MkFpNHVGMHkzOXJjcThMSUkyWDNVc2ExSWtjMXFXWm9LaFp3NGZCM1E0RVdBajFUYmVRTmxEX2lJeU9lNk03SjBkNThMVGNYRGpnN3B0OFJfTDNTRGExbXNZbXp2X1pnMW1yMTRuMEttaWF2ODlPTVEwV0M2VEtUaG1Xc3lmbDIzUzFsZWhfWUxMaE5GSk5rV25nZDRGWHEzVUlhMTMzTG8xUzFZPQ== |
I think 23$ | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZElnMkdkLXctaGZNbTZLbjNOVTh0Zy1ySGFSU0lIc0t1WUtUWjVBYVFHazI1LXA4R0lEODVoaWxyeUZZZXJkdXMtSWQ0NzVpVXptMzA1dHZ6RmVYSVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOSWxQb2pIajMxcmZBdWhnOUUxelVfVHNiVWlXZUFVTDg0M09oM2xRdjZQbDlWQ0ZSeTlnZWsxbkZ6UjIwUGFUWTNWc3owY3hYM19ORmNKcFhYVHZGT0ZLN1k3anJGNnNPNEFwSnFXNDdqUGRfVGdHejkwSmpQQWFNZFpIQXlueXNJTXVQX3ptYTgxWUdYOWQtekVpWTc2M0ZQLWtjQU9JQlZ5QmlBbWNmODQ0dEk2QVpmcUVGQS1HcmU2ZnR3UzdnWWZKelB6SXQ4c1MyUV82Nms2OUJGUT09 |
$23.69 | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWWR6QUpnZTJ3bHJmaGxIQ1BDelVweUZtWmNTQml4c1JyQmJTMXpleGplWkM3Ulk2dDFEczBTaF9hZTZfMkQwaHFkdlcyZV9xM1A1VTZfak5INW9pNDFrUFMwc2JSbi1PWEFjblpaYjg5MDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZON0Y4b3VEdkZmT20yZE1qMmNkZWRyVllUWVl5Q0tKaXdzdlBhbGlibDczN0VYZU1oSGJ6cXA1eldQVkg2RUV4VTJFWHczV2NnX0FYU25uRlZSdlpNeUFZZnVwY29UZXJkOVAycVlBcDZtMzl2dmdZd1U2SUdaZkFfSlJ6bzlHYVQtZF91bm1rdVVKZ2RHa1U2SHZWSXQ5Z184N0NCNTNfY1ZaN25Tazg4OUQyNDhlQzM1Z1NHdHpTc0hOblNfbW9sdHFoOXN4UlU4RGwzemZHVWZZekg3QT09 |
Most active? Which dapp is the most used? Aside from Sweat I haven't seen any real adoption. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZkRWV3ljbHljQ2x1OWJoT2lHYTRjYmFEX2xWb1FzZDNiVzRNT1JjYUJiS2p3bWZNZS04Y01YbzJfV0ZYLVJnUWFtbVRuQ1NFd0ZBajNNTW85ZXhXdWUzVzJtVTd4LTVaZ2ZqYjFmb3dpRmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOS1Q1aUxxNmx0UE5xVDIxUDJNQllCcHRkclpzcVUwWHBVLWdYODJKTUttRGMtSmZzRnlsdXB0WElVcnRoOHcxOXBUSVY2UThuZzN3WFJnR3hueHFaR20tRmNJbVowUnhadzBUemprMUl3ZHFLNnJpcjUxdkRQMnE5eFQtQkZRVElNdE1BbWhCU3NpeTdCa1pIcU5TSTZsMGtFelIwTHdHVkhGNXhOWk5VbDFSU3NlbFI3c0tzYTlEV3pQY1dsUjkyNHFJbGxiVjBhaDQzTUdMN1pwUGFkZz09 |
OP…don’t listen to this clown. He’s all over this sub and that’s all he ever says “$300 is the first target” without any technical analysis whatsoever. He’s just trying to hype it on Reddit to pump it. I think $300 is far fetched for this bull run.
OP ur average price is totally fine. It’ll get above that no problem in the coming months…likely much sooner than that to get above $42. ETC making a new all time high is definitely questionable. Yeah if you make a top trend line on the chart off the previous highs, it shows going up into that $300 range but there’s so much more you gotta look at than just the top trend. There are several layers of strong resistance prior to even the previous all time high. And on a macro scale, the ETC chart doesn’t have strong bullish indicators like that of Bitcoin for example.
Just be patient and smart and come up with clear realistic targets to take profit. Don’t be foolish and listen to an idiot like this and HODL till $300 or nothing otherwise ur going to be holding the bag. | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOXV3OVNEM2ltQkFGa29zV2pBQnVEVEJ0clNsU0R6ZzYzMEl6LUJhOE1MN1B2Mjhuem5PWkNBMnFyRWowMTc2dGRmVlRGdXVQN095eDJiWVp4UGo2R2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOWFRrMHFYSjc4M0dYNFRvNHNQTWU4X2xRZU1EQ1F6ZUszTmlPam5JaG1kcnJPeUQzaVVIemg4TXZYdVZuQ28tTE5TckphcW1RT3MzNkk1UEZYQTd1bmg0NUxSUklOc3VIMVBEcHlfdkR3ODVBTU5oX2Z0d3VSTXZ0ejRoY1lOTWlnX3VnTWVPdlF0cWh3SmpybXJZNjB0OHJ6RnYxckFFbTZFaFdTMjRtb3FBRnhLWlJDQ2s1OUtqbnRLUzdKWmJy |
Squeeze out and break the previous high of 238,uniting all the strength | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUWt4TmlNUllzV2kzOWp5WTY0dXlfdTNWaVpoV2pKbVVWQnpCbF9VUWNZY05NWFd3anNxTkZjLWV0Z2pyWkpUQWZRRFVOdkVnUW5XYmkwbWRURkVEWWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOTUYwZ25XeFpkOWVJX1ZxRmVCT2RRck9EQVBhUGhhRUZfZl83NS1FNnEtbGUtd2NaZ3E1RzdEUUxWbkowc1FmWnI2aEdBVEZuZTdaNGdGTzlITWE4WGJheU1EVHl1VmJQaWVwcjB0NXNHM3JtbDN3Wl9haTYyTkhtb3MtUU9mdDNFTUdQZkp3c2NVbk13eHlYRGhVMlNzaHRpdzFoM2hfYm5qWjNsTFlzdVdBPQ== |
Sorry if someone already talked about how this really works. But let's get into the details here on why MSTR is able to get 0% loans on billions every time they do a debt offering. Many people are wondering what kind of morons are buying 0% convertible notes from MSTR. After all, there is a reasonable chance MSTR goes bankrupt if BTC has a sustained bear market around the time these notes mature. And a company like this, you'd expect double digit interest on a loan.
But of course, these are convertible notes. The most recent offering is convertible at \~$670 per share if my napkin math is correct. So they are essentially a 0% loan with a free $670 2028 call option. It turns out, that call option is incredibly valuable. Don't take my word for it, just check the market.
According to Yahoo Finance, a $700 MSTR Jan-2027 call traded around $230-240 on Friday. A Jan-2026 $700 call traded around $185. So you'd expect a 2028 $700 call should be worth nearly $300. So just by buying the note, you're getting about $300 worth of call options per share. You can instantly hedge this position by selling the 2027 call and grabbing $240. This sets up the following scenarios...
1. MSTR goes above $700, your call buyer exercises, you convert your debt to equity to cover the exercise, you net $700 per share + $230 call, you are out the $670/share you used from your principal to convert. You have a gain of $260 on $670 initial for a profit of 38.8%, which takes a maximum of 3 years (expiry of the call option) to materialize.
2. Your call buyer never exercises, you hold through to expiry, you now have your initial investment & keep the full option premium you sold @ $230 per share. You still have 1y+ until your convertible note expires, meaning you can potentially sell another call for added ROI. You pocket $230 for every $670 invested for a gain of 34.3% in 3 years. Eventually the note matures and you get back your initial investment, MSTR is not bankrupt.
3. MSTR goes tits up sometime around 2028. You get to keep the option premium you sold of course, and you will probably recover something from the bankruptcy as well being an unsecured creditor, unless BTC goes to below 10K or something. You'd expect to get back 50-100% of your initial investment with the loan and option premium.
With this in mind, all you need to do is assign probabilities to each outcome. Clearly the financial world thinks that these are a good play. They are able to do this because the IV on their stock is absolutely bananas. This makes their call options incredibly valuable. MSTR is trading volatility for cash. And people are lining up to participate.
So long as the stock remains volatile, which seems likely, they can keep issuing more of these notes and people will be lining around the block to buy them. Meanwhile, they are using the cash to buy BTC which puts huge upward pressure on the market, and subsequently pumps their stock, and creates even more demand for their notes.
Does this end poorly? Probably. But for now the music is playing, and we all have to dance. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNY1ZzelFZZktNV2JDUFRuU2dVVnY5aEgtQTV2TGd3cTZOcHhWV2UyRElvUi1xLWVDeWVsWEhUcEdudnFKY0d1NHVNUFVKTVh1VmVQaVJ6ZXdTbDZLMFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOWU9SVnJaUTFqNXBwaGZDS2w3M2dwSW55V3Z5RlhzN3hGNmJXLUNkNm5OQ0VqdzMtT09RQ282WXRpUVpZYnRRaWlQUnJablhyQzdteWpnMnYtRW43eXJfYXpxNVRuZ3dMaWQ4VmU3YVd6R0U3TmlGZVZPRm1UcVFSN2tjZ3BkRVNEeVhZNFB2ei12Wks4MkVGMURxRk5idVo3Nng5U0pueGZYeFg0U3o0YnN5d3ZZdVhGbmtJV0VEWm5Zb1F6NkhM |
A few days ago I posted here about my monero node setup script I made. It allowed you to create a monero node with HTTPS support.
Well now I have version 0.2 out.
This version adds the ability to add tor to your monero node. It also allows you to choose between installing HTTPS enabled, Tor enabled, HTTPS and Tor enabled, or just having a basic node.
See the install scripts here:
[https://github.com/John-Doggett/Monerod-Node-Setup-Scripts](https://github.com/John-Doggett/Monerod-Node-Setup-Scripts) | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTXBjQmlWOFFoVVkyaWxySlJxNnJuYndaWm94dzZpU2VkVUdvb1JIV1NIUmdRRGQ4d3d4NEFJVExLdTNBQ2RIeGJGNng4NFFFRjBxUDlnY1dxa3JNSXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOa0IwTnVGMDB3NGRHbm9BbmpDX0lXVGdybXdmeEM3cGo3SU1HX3FURVBRQjA1Y0oyYkw1SVRZUS1uRW4yMFJlREJSVE56ZHh2N0JhQ05JY25UeEI2SkVacDdNOV9VSmlnaUpUcEVZa2xLQVF4eFN2MmdEeDhuN0JOaGs3RnQ4Mk41S0lmb2Jrbk5uTGN6NHV3QmFuMXdrMmhMWHFTUDU5VnFERDcyOG1uLXoxdm1lM3J5YnJYXzR3QmkyNGZNM2EyN0FwQVFiUGplbmlrc0o4TWRHNXV1UT09 |
Brother, it happens once in bull market. Be patient, time is near. Last time we had it in 2021 | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZ3pWY25qNmcwUjZUQmFFNW9WbEVab1hpdk9vWUh1czJLSFhwdXUzYWg5MXBsaWtXRjhJcFBzUm9Qb3ZOVkNRX09kaTBpeE1qR3ZNNzhkUzZVclZxcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOSUdDQzlnSWdwQ0loeGhMODd3TzBOX1RMSjc0WHNlZE9fMmlrc1V5RV9Sa09QX212b3g1R1ZzT2QzNEoxNTZ3Zkw4STlWM1BWYTd5NUVwWS1wbWhWM1FnaWQtYTFBdzJZWkVuNFNjNFFIOXdLaGZJc3F0Z3VhSTNSTmh1cWFyYTlGVTRNSTBvOFIxbjU2NTRYdm1EREpCOXZSS1FHQ0NPeWt4VDNqTDkyckd1SVpUSF8yWXRBa29kWE1ONjdTbkkt |
Hi guys,
In this bull run, I’ve made good profits with SOL and memecoins on SOL. But as you know, on-chain activity often attracts scam coins, phishing attempts, and potential wallet compromises. I’m becoming increasingly paranoid that I may have unknowingly interacted with a phishing site or used a compromised wallet, leaving my funds at risk of being drained. To stay safe, should I create a fresh wallet and transfer everything? Or should I split my funds across multiple wallets for added security? | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUkhkVXhoUHhtb1g4MWdDTUR4WlpIZlUyMUlxLTM3QlVPajFhWFI2ejd3VUpRSXdEdTRLMllrMFlHeVBGbEtCdUhsaGpxZkU5THJvUEhpZzFxT1Q1b0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOOERoVGsxVC00eVlka1B1akFjdm9SY2FacDRCN2ROQjQ3U19fMnBFMWpIaUNRMDZSdzdWNnItMXU1ME56Q0hKZTNmRkxjV3F4RlpKeDYzRU9XLUdVNzZOeTRZamxaOUExUE9wTjdfbnlsbm9va2dmNjgyR19mWUU2M2JuTnlWWGZJaldiM0NoZzlUU1h3anM1OVpPcTc3ZmFrMGNWR1RzWHFFR0hQZ3NMVzRSaFFkQlRoeDJuYlFrVkREajhrRlFz |
Hey, is anyone mining coins in the Human App? It's built on Solana, but I don't understand how it works or if it's worth it | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZmxucWxYdVdtdzB1YzBYV2ZESjZjeUNWQk44YklwSUs1YUFtX3dPS1FJM3hScjBmdWJqYVV1NjJoeFczXzI2d3hmNF9oRDJfZ2dyZkpscWNOXzJnS3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOcUFZdl9aSzNDOFYwbkl5QkFyZm05aE9CUXpxMlFUMFVwNFYyemk0bVhkNThfUlBGVDBCVzhGY0FGUExQcFRlR1Jmb3AxdTMxZ0pDU3JGcmhwVW85Wm5uVE5yd0UzeW52UWpiaU1ZaXdobVVkQ0diZVd4RHU0UUR3OGdDZEQ2QzYyUC1hRGcxalJtRXZicXRYTGpzYUlheC1NbEMtcDVXbXZCTlRZc3FrX0pCVHhhN3d6V1c5c2FQRi1uMmVsSndPX0NzUnA1OVU5QjFZa1RoZFVhb0hOQT09 |
man , the markets are the markets and do as they do - if u think a project can only go up, u are way off - and if so , go chase green candles out there (perfect way to get screwed) - so hold stake and wait , it’s all coming eventually (if u belive in the project) | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZ0dud2s3ZDBBOURWeEkyOFpwTnRNb2xVelY2UEZfTnoySUVkMm0wR2ViMktXMHpkSVlHWDk5R04tNFpzQ3JEcFdCWW1oVENzVjlST29WWEpPV0FLbmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOVGgzVUZDeGg5aU9DS1ZpOEJjOURMY2JsLWwwRFd2Y2pFMTYzMHVOTE5nRXBneVBYU2pkRlBFZ2VVQVM0Q2lpR29BcEg2SHhaWnVMSll4Z2hjbGJ1VFlibmplS0VOMjJDNldXNnNRT2dsU01rUjdKVmE5MTNxQ2hDcEM3ZmNhTkRuWXBvNTBHa3RDNXRxdWpPSDd4Z05LWlFWM1JZTzQxME5ZZzNvV0JkU1ZkOEFPLXNtbldDWG5WR3F3NEhnYk9sVjFEWGY5V1ZHazJlaXpESFEyM0ZRdz09 |
What does it mean. How can you prove that it is what it is. Then why is it not called btc. Satoshi followers did the same block size , lightening network soft fork , while this Bitcoin cash is a hard fork. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYzFwOXdVYTRxT1M3clZpN3ZwNlRxNG5IRV9DOFNPdHJvMlk4aUNjLVNjdlluUTAwX3dCRWVYYUkxck1RTXlIVkY3Z1g5aGxaV0ZPa3I2MjdsaVU5Rnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOcGNGYXktN3NWeVRWWUNWMXZuSmdjcmlobFJ0dEJOZXhkTVlPZEVyb1NhazM5LXJWVUJSN2ZWNkJCb09PQ085dWlKX01JaEpnbGNOc0VSQTh4X2w2STk2OUExbDJRN0FzZEdLZUlTZTlUVkNPSUp6YkxvR3V1X0JYTnFCZTZ0ckVsTnc5UkpmVlg3TGVoeXRuNjI1ZFJ0X0FZcWViRUxJUlFoTTl0UldCQldXbHRGbUpEZUw2UlJDMkM4SHR5V0dVUXc3a1FfOHUxVVpNWVRVYXpCRXB0UT09 |
/s | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSjNWWGVQc2Jrbk80MDQ1ZVNIQXNWUG5seHRxRGJNeldGNE5UMmozSWZ2YlQxWE9lLVBUMVJYamwtNkV0Q202dlE2WmU5NFljVU9KVVZUbkdqU2E1QXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZORFA2N09fb1g0MnZjanQydjUxaTJpMmpibVNXYmotSmlycHQtQmt5UDlFQ0RGLXNlMWFoQy15cmpsVUd3SGswV2czTHdwTFg5bUdtdGpCeTA3c1hLMmVKWUhHb19ENFRHcTIyZmI5c2ZEZUVweko4b1QtXzBBSjBWOWU0MWxoWWl2dElSam4zMklBQng5dEZ0S1M2cDk2T25OVExBdXZ3WVBHajY1OUpEZ2VJdzN6MWFWTmJEM0pzLWoxTkI1emZwbDhwUXU1RmJqLU9TN3A0YmV4V2JQQT09 |
But there's a thing called bitcoin gold as well | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVEItZl9NbDNnUE1FNFNSSUtQQmQ4cDR4c1MtYVJwanVjb19ZU1F6aXcyR1ZCalZYd2I1anExSE4wYnFBZnptNGZwMjZuTDQ1Y1NYb004b0FxUnRiWmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOSm1kWGVfVjhEY3pDeUliNVRpNlEtVUtYZ3RVdjhwSko3dWtudDFiVndnaXlMWHVlZW02QllteEpoZWgyOFkxQjNNT0taMVZNdXN4RGtSN0JHNnNocXVtSkR6MGE0SFo1M0x5MVhZYTQ1Z0RtVjdCUk1vdnB6UWhCLUdhWmZYb1RScGd0VmZGdlV0VmRhOVBjdEpPMC1rejJHUnV2XzlRaU00WXdwVDFHYnNNPQ== |
ERROR: type should be string, got "\n\nhttps://preview.redd.it/jrho8l46x03e1.jpg?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56902ae1b03cf51522f89d568a424f6552052125\n\nMicroStrategy holds 331,200 bitcoins which is about 30 billion dollars, but worth 90 billion dollars.\n\nWhere are the additional 60 billion dollars are coming from ? is it the software business ? no way, it's worth less than 1 billion.\n\nEven if bitcoin value will go to 150,000, or 200,000, current price is just a bubble" | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSHhqRDBDZ3c5OWdWOGlCTXNyQWVIZnF3cHpDbVQtZWhJTzA4cEZaWDFaN2pVdHgyVFk5c21uSEdLRmlITlV2bjZRVnhLUzlvaDZhQVNwSk1MM204Wnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOdGlGM0JJaklkWG1OVElHTnVWbUNQT0trbFM3b2xJcmNKT0NoZXdvWWZKOU9PbWtPTlBQSElrbmlROFB0NVZ3Z2wzaGlxTThaLXVxYWZxaGlZQXZmdC1NcFFxLW1YemJzcU9fdEpqUTB4UnFORXBpc2ctenRoX3VXc1l3Q0RHVDB3RTloc1hYWlNiZmNBUDJ4WTBHcnBSSG9OcEtBZjE1SERqV1ZURHp2cDQwdVNfSnc3Q2FhV3U4aTBxN3JhVDY2dWY3VFhtTlRPZ0pJX2h1MnNoWVhjdz09 |
Boeing 737 Crash due to technical Error in the early Morning | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSDB0WnBhdXJVekc2dExad0NiZWQ1aENGb2JhYzVPQlRPVzdyZjktUlhsNlRMYmRLQ0tpLVowRzJIc1MyOHdnTGZoeFN5cGd1ODI0ZHZ2S24wbjFDSHlaRmlHV0ZYRC0zUmJVVmItUlpvNGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOT2NDQS1KNUgxT2prQXRHUHJVQ0J1dmt1d3hkZHBFc2VURWhZQVA5b2YxV1JueC1ESkNvUTFQbHVGQXNWYjN4TkhSZGUtUkNXOW42UFNaODBqcG5UNFhGamYxNkh2LWwxSFkxS1ZrYktCZG55UXVOb2xwUzgtU3J0cUhjZkVHdWx6amlMWUhWaHJBVlFJdXNUSm1tTHhiMUpqZDRUNlFCb25oSlFUcjlMRUc0PQ== |
Benzinga requires account to read the article, so here is a short summary:
El Salvador has successfully mined 474 Bitcoins using geothermal power, worth $46 million due to the current bull run.
El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele Says Renting Out Volcanoes To Mine Bitcoin May ' Make Sense'
He floated the idea of a “rent your volcano to mine Bitcoin BTC/USD” policy in the wake of the country’s successful geothermal-powered mining venture
Bukele was reacting to another X user’s post on the country’s stockpile of 474 Bitcoins mined with geothermal power, which swelled to $46 million due to the leading cryptocurrency’s ongoing bull run.
source: https://www.benzinga.com/24/11/42157461/el-salvadors-nayib-bukele-fancies-the-idea-of-renting-volcanoes-to-mine-bitcoin | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRVNzT3BaNlBCNU5veTBBUFJvRXZMVERJWXBfRzNBUGpRc2cwOENVWVJDYWNJZnF0dVp2WEhubUViMXctRzRRRExMVkpkMy0zSDlNbEt5TW9sb1FwUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOQTA1czhBcndacWxaUzdGMEdSRG9wUVhnVHBCRDdPZUhnUWd0aUdsT2FyZDlVTGJSc3ViV0dGcmxQaHJTT3pGS1Y0U1ZJeGhBYW11QzJrOGVDTVE2TF9FSDQzbU1rak4wakZqRDVWZ0g2Z3FfcVVoTmUzREFKMkdnZGRrVFF4N3JvRWpadGRpOGYyOXN0UjJVWExLT2lKV0JNVXRoa2xFR0l3R1FoQVc1WXZ0TjdVZXI5Nm1HaTVZbkVCam4yenlPX2RncWN1UVgtUmZmUXBYZ1RsUzlpZz09 |
It's a good question and there is no concrete answer, but in my opinion, tao is revolutionary...
There is no other ai project that has this tokenomic, fair launch, and does not develop an llm/ai itself, since tao only creates a conceptual framework to align incentives in the development of this technology with a token with the characteristics of btc which was the most successful so far.
Tao is doing to centralized AI what btc did to the banking system, if I have to choose a crypto outside of btc, without a doubt it would be tao. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNb0FmTTVGaDB0cVVUU0Vrek5pUEl2R2VlVXFvbEVMVEsyczE1SHRKVldPNXhYQTJ2WWVPbWRCMGl1dmVndlI5bDJhajM3ZXFBendsTy1nVnA4dmUyU0FQSjZ6UGxpb25TYXMyck9ad3BUODA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOMzRfaHpkYTlvYjZ0MWJteThHZFJkU2ZaVTFfQTFRTG9Jd1dnVlZ4cHQ0YjlZX29rV0FrUUJuQVROU0hSd0wzXzBKNWx2czNwdFRnYkE1MEEzOTV0a29BWDJjLWNMUUNtZm95QkZ4QXZwNGFKTWdIbmZDS0FocXZ3bW5hOGw0TFZfWGZzQ1EzOGJ3T01TS1JqbmVrVzEwbTdseDl5alNFYUVaVV92OTNzSHIwN3pFMUw4Uk91QktyUUUtUGs4cmpLSk5TUDUtbG1CVHZIMUphTzhQUFl3QT09 |
I recently converted some of my portfolio to leveraged positions. But I did this in traditional off chain exchanges. Which leaves me a bit nervous as I do not like to hold assets that are essentially IOUs. I prefer to hold the assets photographically as that is the main point and ultimately the biggest advantage of crypto.
I have not been trading for \*\*many\*\* years. Looks like one can trade coins/tokens purely in crypto using thingsl ike uniswap, binance, solana, etc... Given that I am understanding these new things correctly. \*\*Do these platforms offer the possibility to buy futures? By that I mean holding assets with leverage. Is that even possible?\*\* | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZGpwN0lZYXBlQUhlR1dqT3d4RWg3UXI5WHV4RlJZUWZocC1JMlA4OUlwTkxfSVd2MGJ4MFc0VXA2NV9MSFBFaGZUN3Rlc29ZVEdCdDhrMUZKS3d4eUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOejZfcS1yT2NHWWRFUEJsTjlUSHNYblFPdTNVZkR6QTR0S2U3am5NRHBUREw0em5nd3FYWUFrVjI3ZHJGZDlRZUtFMlVUS0RLLTItTlBYN1Jfc2pnZlN4UnkwSDZWVU9jdVk5OC14aFhQTTlzZVBkdWRTSGdRRy0xSEdTOFNhUmZBRjI2OVU1V2gxZXV0U1lMRlkwTnNPbDFYc1lnanNjampWZmFrVk5USHVWbnh3ZW5BTnBmVWp3S2N0TXNjTjVCcFN5S1EzQy1veGtScjVTTldid2pyZz09 |
I invested £300 in xrp, lite, eth and doge with the idea to hodl and invest more every month. The day after I decided to do this the market crashed and it was worth £80.
Now it’s back up and it’s all worth £350. Is it worth cashing out and waiting for another drop until I re invest or should I start my original plan of keeping that in and adding more each month?
(Also worth noting I knew about bitcoin in 2012 from 4chan and people buying pizzas. I finally decided to take the plunge on the worst possible day) | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdGlFUGFRN1FqWDVOLXBzd2thNFZxUW9kcGRMeHdTaGllRE5SVU11RDlXUFMyNy0tNndab2R2ZWVEUE95ODBaRjltNkZraXJFVnROVFAyZUZCOXBDblFnMWY0OXVKY0gwTWpsaUxRaDREWXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOa2liV0xPSmlHOFhnV0NXMmZQV0xHejdEdkZPbFk3SzNxeS01RjlvTlFmT1JUX0JSWWFOanV4MU9FV1JtVW5CYnF1YVJ6UzlHeFlLVVpaOEpSVTJLU0Z2S1dndXQzWjM2SVhBLVg2YnZHTW90TUpZYzRua3R2MTRGRkRYekVPRUZyY2dxYU1WRVZrVTNpRVR5WFQ3Z3huS2c4bXhXOVgtbDQxSlB0WEp2c00ySGRpSXlXSWNOUGdQUU94RzRVNm0ySEJydU5nb2Vxc05XVUhZNDhlMGp0Zz09 |
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. [Click here to view the full post](https://sh.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1gzg9ie) | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVFVwUnd3WDB4OTZSZHhBLV8yY1dydVVtZ0xsWWNIa3JZeFBObUoyYjVSZjVQOHVGQnNjTkktWWoyaF81a0J4SUpaWmt4dklTTzczazlMQlJqRHJ1a2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOMTJvc0ZxeU5QNk12WDZuQWVpU1hlTkMzSG9ya0ZrUFRDbUFZVDBiTkhSSXlQbHR5SE1jaWdTelhxRkZrYU5IWGFBTjRwbFV3T20wc2xCU01iOWIyUEs2eGJBQkhESTBJdHQzbV83dWlsb2JsRlJVeFh4MXhUZ3NBRDJGS1FTblh4cV9jZVhlcGM1UU02YmExWUN4M3BHdjVuS3UtcVEwcm5CSm1tTHVISXYzY3hXU19LS1RNZ0xPODNhUDJJZXMwUUNrWjVHRnBHcFQ2MGQ2MzlqVUtrUT09 |
I bought some coins and sold them, o I got no solana back, when i click to see the transation i see that i should rececive for exemple 0.01sol, but i did not recivie nothing can someone help me? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbjNQQVBGT2xIbUpIQ1JYNTR1aGpldmQ4YkFJUUduTFJKR0JWOUN6UnhRbGVmdXpSNE9QMEo3dzkwVklLVTFscXFVSFktMVB1WXp0Y1pqZTFtMjNDWVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOLTNFemZvT2hMckJMSEdFSkJoNm5WbnppcElnWEN6bTU5NXlMUXY0cVc2ZlRtMWNaUlN4Z1pOZWlsWC1lbll5ZnpvYVZTVkFyTXp2NVFXb1l6NDdpMGVnTlY5UTZ6NE9VUjY3RjJuU0s1RUlLcFQtcDFyM2hRZE1BM19IOE5BamdLVktybjBnN0ppZ1dxZFVUVEpkb0xGZTF6THJRUWdTYjJjdThQSnNERW9jOGdtTWh4SUVvb2I0NFFSd0l2RlZG |
Me once again downloading that dating app in hopes to find the one | r/worldpolitics | post | r/worldpolitics | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZ21TUGRLdndKU2MwTjg1WmZnVTdITFc4bUg3SFNUSTNtWU1rU0xrMkhGY05hakp1eUxhZEFveXdIdGF6YUktYTJEcHl3Z0RxXzQ5ZzVSUGtTamRWQ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOVnhWdll0b3N6c09ZRE1vbFpYXzFJT2ZkOVJPWUNxMlp1T3BpeTMtdXVyZG9qVzlfRXRiZjdQMTF0WVlRRVhxVEtEVXVHZUVRanYtbWcwWGxZczZSblcya1JRblFhVzlVNjJIZGJCdEw0NXdVaVBqWFZreVdLUk00N1o5WVRSNW1JbkxkN1JBcl9tX2xMRFNUal92RXBKSVR6dW1KNEdqTGVuX0RCb1lNOU1RZXJ5cVJaNGx0Wjdub2ZhZm5mU2pNY1lhNlZ2TDZHLWpBZDg2UmI4WEZoUT09 |
we just started 💎 we are in accumulation zone 🔥🚀🚀 | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcTU0Qm4yWFBvbHlxcExJdmp4X0Y2TXNVcGhQTTVxZHhORDVPdlpEWVhRRWlEeWhFRzZuNUpMZEU4aG5qQkQ5cDU4dk9nWG8yZmY3REozNmkzclNNMFk0UF9UZFJ0d1p6V2p6elc2MzRERTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOUWsybzQ1MmZqUDg3OFpKV2kta1FuYjBVS3BHVjZPN0twcGl1cWhGTGoyUXJIdnloUVE1c21rdWo5UXZvM3QzZl9rTG9ZQ29scUtJS09jZHVDdUgzanlpUFhvd25NM1pOcFZmMUNLVVctN2ZrQWlJc3B1YUVBTUNKdzNWVzBTNWliLWcxOVJiZnhfcXJ4Y01FV2c4LVJjLXk1SHlGSGhaRG0tMXVHRlZCN04yRVpRWkc0eVBFelBEUlc2WVVuaGsz |
In addition, I also have read news about FTX and Sol, it would be a huge potential risk for Sol market? and then how about sol meme token? I really appreciate it if guys can solve my doubts. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaC1tczRRXzJPVUt6bkFSMlk1cDVpQ2Z5bmJzdGZwSDduRHdUNzhZRlZjR0VOcVREcFNVVzNWY2xHaTNiaWREQnl4YTJ0TFQyNkFoRklDb2ROYm9uaElvT1VXZ19sUEJFN3pEZk1FZDlzUnc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOQnVGcnRnbVhhVU9RQ05Ja3hYbHVzTjdxdmtvbGpMdmp6eXcxZTVPYkk4ZW5VQUt5d3Z1di1mUC0yTHhTcjNibmo4RFBobXlIR1czZ3RJY2RDbzlGcF9uSjZudkU4Mlh2cG9YUDFibXdGa2FyejZHZXhadl9VT0RWTHRaUHh2NUp6dU1QclRVajd1aEhFWFZXUGVhOWhPODFLSngtLW5hV3FRYXlsQ0tpNkFtdXFyZTBqVFpIdHBMSFNEZjE1MFlvZjZ0R3ZFaGw3T0NOMjBWOWpUNFVodz09 |
br go do research understand where you are in the market. we are still in accumulation zone 💎🚀hold and relax. look at the post below this. | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZ1otTE9RUVBzbUl4TWw2UExxTlRNbWlzb3hLb2FabzhjSEQyVldDYVMyUE83emJfa3VxT2FXblBGOEw4elZKRUF2YnlJaEQ3SjQ3ZUVCRFpVREdhZUgxQ1lHaXRJeGJvWTJWN01VLWhSVDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZORm5HX3kwdDFpcU8wanpCMHVXZmNkTkJaY0VQNGdxUktiQkNJdUtWQXlqUjNhOUJTX1N2R2QyWkJTUmQ1LUh2bVRoUGhqZnZlSnVtUVJEUEJXcmtIcUdObU45eC1qLVZqQUdtZTNCTWRlMVlIajVGaDRySUF2UUx3c0E1LW0xWjk1cHQ0bWJyeUxFWUFNUER2MHJuVk10R21sWnBnRkNfVmExOEVoS3pzdGgyVWZQdHRobzJ5V241MU9KY3hFZnlf |
Here are two other sources I find helpful for those wanting to understand a bit more on how and why liquidity positions change.
[Impermanent loss, text explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/12dducc/impermanent_loss_simple_explanation_liquidity) | [Binance Academy, video explanation](https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/impermanent-loss-explained)
**Current state of the pool & the last week of trading**
Total Value locked in [Sushi.com](https://sushi.com/) is $ 49.43k
* **3.78983** ETH
* **7198490** DONUT
* Trading Volume in last 24 hours = **$** **134.74**
* Trading Volume in last 7 days = **$ 6.22k**
* In the last 7 days ETH is has moved **+12.4 %**
* In the last 7 days DONUT has moved **+2.8 %**
* Last week 1 ETH = **630.11k DONUT**
* Today 1 ETH = **698.68k** **DONUT**
* **4753.6** **DONUT** per day distributed amongst all in range positions.
Overall, this week saw about 4k less in overall trading volume. With DONUT distribution for round 143 being complete, we also saw the usual sell off on some freshly baked DONUTs. Sadly, this has resulted in an other low for DONUT in the DONUT to ETH RATIO, moving to nearly 700k DONUT donut per ETH.
The 2nd largest liquidity position (\~15% of liquidity pool), which is a concentrated position set within the 250k to 460k DONUT:ETH trading range - this position remains out of range and not currently incurring any trading fees or rewards.
|Initial Asset Balance (August)|0.432835|520299|
|Current Asset Balance (November)|0|705904|
|Rewards|ETH Fees|DONUT Fees|DONUT Farm|SUSHI Farm|ARB Farm|
|**Cumulative Total**|**0.05438679**|**25183.66**|**91262.23**|**63.79**|**650.43**|
|**Cumulative FIAT Total**|**$190.62**|**$125.09**|**$453.30**|**$74.00**|**$606.53**|
* Base Impermanent loss experienced = $-2361.90
* Cumulative Fees Revenue + Yield Farm Generated = $1449.53
* Overall Position Performance = $-912.37
Majority of liquidity providers will currently be experiencing losses that outweigh rewards earned, particular if they entered the pool in the last 6 months or so, but those who entered in the last 2-3 weeks might actually be in a much more neutral position. Positions still in range, should not be quite as much of a deficit as the example position as they still hold some value in ETH.
For the time being, we continue to see DONUT slowly bleed. As less ETH becomes available, sell orders of DONUT will likely see more slippage in the trades. | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRk1WRUpQRTdDeWtNY25GN1UzdnpucnpYaDVtbktPaUJvOGlOUlFXRHF2SDlYd1UwSElsN1E0VzV2VDBMMDdQUk1HbG5LSzE2VVFQVFBXVWhLWlZiTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZORHpjOWVTLXQxeTdfVG9oNjdPNjZlY0lRdEJFLU5kWHpyZkVtOWJtRkVKa0FBZHNoaTZRajB0Zk1zWlNoUnA0OFlxOGljaUxKNXl5aE90WXFuUEx5alVLNTJvY0cteGFnWWhjMnA3eFZXaGZDbGVYQTFxMy1tSFFhVG04TXVDbGVJZ2pFdFhYbkp2YUxFeXh6TFdycnk5elJVMUMyZEVLVTJEUHlXRng2eG5LcXVITWZacUV5ZjVkUnd6bnUwbkNF |
I am confused how can a platform (coin glass) provide us such important data for free , from this map anyone can easy predict Market,I am confused if the given info is correct or not,if anyone has expertise on this, share your experience, | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMk1ERHkwam1XSGVwaGFxVnBQMmZRNTNtY0ZqaUFKWmVERTduQU9CTkFGTTFGS09iSHo1OGVnNHR5bjhFT1I4ZnZmS25DS19wMGN5YlZMY2JKRm5YRkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOZElHX1VhVnVmZjN4S0VVcVJtRzZZU0ZPTVlrc3Q0Wlhka0V3RTdQUWM2clZEVEd0Qk9tMlkyVm0xOUxXVDVobkNQWG9ZaHF3T01GeXdaUUVERTdOTDQzLUZLU05VX19aQm9qTFdQbndSbWZCYXFSWDZMNjdqLUMxT0o3WW4wRVRjQVBlYlBDNlN3NU1LZ3NYRW9SZVVvd0YtWlBDN3JlNUhpMFFwdXJUUXRjenA0cXluSXltTE5OMFhWZm5tbmRI |
To add to point 3:
No matter how large the block size, a distributed ledger will never to accomodate even close to a number of transactions to be widely used for payments.
Just to understand the order of magnitude: I worked for a payment system for one supermarket chain in one not very large country, and the requirements where 3000 transactions per second.
Do that with a blockchain, and you are at terra bytes in a few hours. Impossible to use a distributed ledger for that.
Multiply that with many vendor in many countries, and you see that neither BTC nor BCH or any distributed ledger can come even close to handle that. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNXhyRDNoS0NqS1hNVW5FV2hqYWJkN3lrOXJ6R2NuQWY2VlNSSjhCdDdvT1ppUGVPVWxYZERaeHYwdEJGY1RsTkVuT2l6b0RiTEdXWlNBR0xjNUhTa3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZObWNPOGJQTjhDS21rdEw2cGNySjhmTUdwSFBnTUVfYnM3X0NiQlQzbzRVVHoxd0xFUFhnVkRjMWhwMEVHbUlDcU12TXp3R0JWX2phMjBKcEVrbGU2U1IxTVFjTE9qaThLcmF1WFJsakpUWVZNMTlLRHlwMkIzYldYb1RYdEJsc3FtcGRfa0VXRzVobXJsUV94UTBBekVqSWsyRWE3TWVzNERic04zWTNDNzNLZ2RiRGNxaWtBZERTemsyYmt5alpnVjVlX3RYMlduWkwtMmFvZ0I3VDNMZz09 |
I don’t really know which crypto wallet I should choose as I basically just started learning about cryptocurrencies very recently, so please explain like I’m 5 sort of question.
I installed Coin98 on my phone without doing much research, but I’m not sure if it’s a good one, as nobody seems to use it except me (facepalm).
Later I read good reviews for Exodus wallet though, but also read many people saying their fees are very high compared to other wallets. So which wallet should I use based on your knowledge that offers safety and low fees at the same time (if that’s a possibility)?
Is Coin98 (the one I installed) a good and safe enough wallet and which there’s not much to be worried about if I keep using it? Or should I choose another one instead? | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNM3ppdHZUSHBtV1JVVk05a1ZoeDJlMUg4SHA1c0I0Wkw3amIyTnhJdGZZeWhPNUQzc2xsS0xNbFF5WEFCbXpOY29MczJZSDBGM29GQlZPempKQXY2anc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOY05WcFNqaDhTLWVLUWhWWnUtRE9BVm1LVVUxVU1QUnowWHp2cEt5bG15a2k1QjU4OV9VVjRjRDRaazNIdFNZVExMOUdTU01yRkdkVTdLTXl1YWFQald1Vnd4dkNTZld0QWtBOWk2TXVHNzZxVGpQZEdlWno5VXdmYnQ3UDR6RDdBemNyMGxSbmJGRy1VWmEtczMxQWxzN25XYjFlcUFCN0NheFFDN0doajhiNFNLVWpPNF9ORFczTXV4dk5CeEVJ |
br 🤦🏻♂️ you are the biggest clown and fudder on this sub. first target $300+ based on chart analysis. there’s video on this sub and you can dm me i will send you chart analysis. there’s many crypto youtubers done videos ETC chart analysis with targets to 2k+ looking at many points on the crypto market that can fuel that move also based on chart / and i said many times anyone can take what he want at his own personal target and leave rest to fly. and of course there’s price layers we need to break to get there. that’s known. | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYmNoQlFSUlIyb3J6bUR3eTZxNFVGR2NvZllDT2hZOHRTLWtZOG1WanItRTJIcGdmWkdxQ1hJMmo0ZDRoWngtUTd2YWNlWGRObTNsdGVDRkwwdzBnTDYyam8waVNzZm9BUGNzbXZVakFxdDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOSGNKWVdHX1ZTYjl1bExmdElVU3lzbUZjMGtvSkZKaGJ2b2lCN0lYWHVERXk2NjNlVk5pbHl6WURCSlRudTNWRjRUUEJpRklDaHo5ZDRvRXl4b08wWXVCSnhFYmVKSzNQV0hpRU5VMlNVT1FLVzlXcVR6Q2JVNzY4aUFIakpZUnYxZ3l4TFBtM1FEOHNZc0xjekdpOHpadGwxbzhlWVRPWVFKTDVHYXhYQ1F2MktFcms5bTIybS1Nb3hEajI2dUpv |
💎💎🚀🚀🚀 | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUHhGekpzU0FPSzZDaklPWElqTExPeTB4VmE1UHExSFpPMXVQS2lfNVYtcUpqS3NkZThYSWpmbjI4ekowNm1aUlMtWFpFZ3FOWmFnbHE1NG51NTRnLXd5MXp1S1VaXy1UQjJiT3gtTjlQSTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOWERuZG0yYWs5ajZJN2xHQXdoYXhxZ0RsYzcxaDNBaFpaaGdfNFdTa0FhRjNWLWI1eWsxMElicC1GQ2xWTVJINzZMTGNTUVZpaWtLdWNWUjhQeDNReVJ1TFY1SEVIcnd0Z0hrbHdQZEFDYjFjZlNWZ25RMUJqNnBRa0lQajZ3ZkFGWUdoU0hIaU9CZldRbTVOT1E0Ny1qOHZ3ZTl0M2g4SHpielJ2WFVKRHpDOFRIaEE0TGNEcWpldHU3YUJZRzcx |
My Bull Reasoning for Redwire
So some people have asked what’s the bull case or where Redwire has to grow. Below is a cumulative list in no particular order of my opinion. I’ve been in as low as $4, sold a fair share mid 7s but then loaded up in the $8 when I realized it wasn’t going down again and haven’t sold a share since then. I’ve done the same with rocket lab and this company is another sleeping monster.
Again I fully feel it’s better to dca or at least do low level limit orders in order to not drive the price too high too fast. (I’m still dcaing at almost 14,000 shares) Note if you’re trying to get in I highly recommend you get what you can prior to Trump signing executive orders. No you don’t need to load up all in one day but stress manufacturing in space will be a priority for the Trump administration.
1. Pilbox- market for it just in the pilboxes alone and as well as royalties from the crystals grown and other experiments within it. HIV market is alone 34 billion TAM. Bristol myers and eli lilly are two companies we partnered with and they are one of the heavy leaders in that field. Could expect millions annually if drug crystals grown in space show the purity levels that the chemists expect. Multiple avenues here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VttNK2UuY_w
2A. 3D bio printing- Goal is for organs which could be 7-10 years away pending how these next experiments go. Ultimate goal is manufacturing a full heart which costs 2 million alone for a donated heart (check the amount on the waiting list to receive a heart) over 3,000. Even 300 hearts a year you’re looking at over $600 million a year(I imagine a heart tailored to not be rejected would cost maybe 5-10 million)There are other applications they are trying to pursue as well with their 3d bio printing.(Knee, valves, heart patches etc)
2B. They could potentialy grow human tissues for drug and cosmetic testing, which could in turn render animal testing obsolete. That's great news for the animals, but on a financial note this could be huge, as it could accelerate bringing drugs to market as one important and costly development step could be skipped by going straight to human testing on printed tissues.
2C. Microgravity research and manufacturing includes semiconductors, agricultural, life support, etc https://redwirespace.com/newsroom/new-redwire-investigations-launching-on-spx-31-include-crystallization-and-plant-experiments-to-improve-life-on-earth-and-expand-humanitys-presence-in-space/
3. VLEO- look up darpa with their otter program. Phase four, epl and redwire has been awarded contracts for this. Phase Four and Redwire received the most. Budget from DARPA for this year is 25 million, 2025 increased to -62 million with 2026 expected to be increased two fold again as we will be getting into the operation phase. For Europe we have SKIMSAT and Phantom.
4. Valkyrie Hall effect thrusters - Huge market for this. Redwire partnering with Phase Four on the developing of these…multiple applications. Full rate production starting 2025.
5. Link 16 - Redwire has the best link 16 antennas on the market. Even though there are some issues the FCC has, link 16 is too important for national security to pull away from. This market will only be increasing. https://redwirespace.com/newsroom/sda-completes-another-major-link-16-testing-milestone-with-successful-space-to-ship-demonstration/Currently subcontracted by York Space Systems and Rocket Lab.
6. Overseas market - I see some huge potential with Dubai and some other European markets. Redwire recently won a contract/grant from ESA for robotic arm development.
7. Redwires software line- not just hardware but they provide software to nasa and other space agencies. Veritrek for thermal analysis and ACORN for digital engineering.
8. Roll out solar arrays (ROSA) - Astrobotic’s Lunar Vertical Solar Array Technology program to deliver power on the lunar surface. 8 ROSA Thales Alina Space has put ROSA on their GEO satellites as a baseline option, Blue Ring strategic partner, we have 25 orders as of September 2024.
9. SDA contracting- potential for trache 3 awards but at the very least will receive subcontracting work for their antenna line. Rocket Lab selected them as a subcontractor for their antennas which with how rocket lab is all about doing their own research/work, has shown how far ahead redwire is in this antenna tech and has imo given up the fight in this market.
10. Their Robust camera line for both lunar/orbit, sun sensors/star trackers(Most of recent award for next generation interceptor program)
11. Fablab https://redwirespace.com/newsroom/redwire-wins-nasa-contract-to-advance-new-in-space-manufacturing-capability-for-journeys-to-moon-mars-and-beyond/
12. Developed systems to build landing pads, roads and other forms of infrastructure on the moon.
13. Management looking after shareholder value. CEO by the books alone has made it clear that they aren’t trying to flood the market with shares. CEO currently holds about 143,000 shares. The board/CEO is very tight with their wallet when it comes to share issuance.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOGdocE9kajQwbnhqM284eXhLeUtsaktma1hoQXlFMWtVRTR5NGNxMlpCS1ZnLV9VVEpEbVlwNVpwZWtBWmFUeEZ4SmVTVnpZQjRJeG1KZWlkQWduQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZONGx6azh3U1BvT0NmVUxPNThmVm5TYy1qaFhDUWF2TDIyajB5bGdRb01KT1JianBfbU1TenVpNFROc04zeXRiTDEwRTB6X3lKa3ZGcEtCQnQ2X3YwLW15cU5ISEZxVXVTREFBUGZ4Y19jTjY2a1NpTE1DZWtJYWlnaEptNUM3RWExdERuUEdwVXBCNmc5cW5qa0xpUlRCSklCVlI3WXNhOFJmUW9kOVN4c3FZZ1d6Z2hVeHJHbFBDMWRXZkMwdy00 |
Also OTC, off market deals, dark pools. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOUctN2hvdEFiSTVIQ3dlVHFCcXhxRzd6eFNuWUc0c0ZQR25tSjI2ZEIyRWZTamxRN1dmc3hwZ1Y5OVZtam0wWTFPb0ltR1h2WldKTFVsS0FtTFpoLVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOcWRfeE9fN3VaTWRFTzVMazlCUGdnb3hmQVdPZVlBVlExV3ZzelhIOW41V1lWYkRxMkdxZXo2c2R0aS1RbjI4dklTNlVtQVpiUER4N0dJXzY1a0VYNUlPX3VEb3VaQXhKV0lZeUtxY2tyRUNVRkJkRDM3WTF3enlhQ2x4dHF5Nlg3enpCYjl2M1FhMTB6SGdzTnZaamNGWEFEV2N2VXpBendYSklFdXU3azVPUGF5OE0xUHB2emJBbjdTYzREWXVjX2tJS3poNG1qOW5DSDBUQk1BVUo5WFNKeXJtLVUzUDVQNXVEaWxnRGt6Zz0= |
Good day legends! 🤩
Yesterday ETH traded in a range of $3281-$3450 and ended the day at -0.94%
Traditional market participants celebrated president elect Trump‘s nomination of Scott Bessent for the role of Treasury Secretary, with stocks and bonds rallying as traders likely view that the former hedge fund manager will be very market friendly. He also happens to be very crypto friendly, which appeared to push the positive sentiment into the crypto markets as well.
There’s no significant data or events today , but looking ahead to tomorrow there is the Conference Board Consumer Confidence data and US New Home Sales data.
However, the key focus of market participants will likely be Wednesday which is jam packed with US data releases including GDP, the Federal Reserve’s key inflation reading - the Core PCE Price Index, and the FOMC minutes.
Market participants are currently uncertain on whether the Federal Reserve will cut rates again in December by another 0.25% as policymakers including Chairman Jerome Powell have said the central bank can afford to cut rates in a gradual manner due to the strong performance of the US economy, and the data in the upcoming weeks including the Core PCE will likely determine the outcome.
Today ETH opened at $3361 and was last traded at $3495 at 11:00 UTC (+3.99%). ETH intraday high so far is $3527.
Happy trading Ethtraders! 🚀 🚀 🚀 | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWlh3Z3Jld1kzM0RndlNhZWltTmxnNE1CWmE2ZWN2QUt1NndBMzVZVnZweVZmeVlMMGhQV2dJSmtoWDZOaDBybFhRV2xreXBUUFZvZXFlXzJWcWVkNWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOM1BSdkNyX0dwV29tbk51aWpqVnctTU84RUl4ZEV2R2hqMUhvMkRSQVc4d29uOVVWRTlIVnpwczM1VlJ2b2hRdWFFLUpFdkRscGlDVklBUk1Pbk1LYl9YY3hIVTlianp4YXZZYS1tWnI4S0U2LUNSXzV3YUNOb2tyTVJQVmlXNmY2SUFXWUZaQmFoUktfa2tma29QajVyRENFaE5PV1p4b08xTjN0MnRZdTF0NXBsUzZqYzgtaFBiNDQwMVhHMW9lNmpEUHcxWFpNUDAyRDZkZW5ueGdZQT09 |
i can say that about $200 not $40, few months ago we was there. it’s a small layer and with the flow we have in the BullRun we will pass it fast. | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNa2l3anBZQnVVX3hvb1ZfaEpvbW5ZOUNqNHRRdW9lOG5BWC1VdkZEZ3g5cWE5cW15S25sOTNwUS1DU0t0bVZ4dWl1ZzVmSkZlQTNyNE1ta01wYUJWLUFYMnVlNTBRQnM4U0VXcmk1dG1BWkk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOMzhXQUNMcHlxSXFReWtzLXM5VEpPaHQ3cy1qWDlaOW1UYnMtcnlOdWtxN3ZaeE9oMkdYcFZhQloyNzdVMl9oX3MtYkFMZnMzZloxYmxVejNkWEFYRDRZN013Ulk1N3NkbmNHOWFGQ1hvbTltTWM3WEljVTNMZUxENDRpTS1lSDZMblJpSlE1OUd6Y0kydUlmbURuWEdYTHFaUzRBNXpCbHI4S3pRZUJRZmVOZkhKRTE0eHRVVEtacEtGVUcydElVTlJHb25YZUZjVl9BUl9WVDRzQlBQd2JFREpITU1ROGdHZmZ1VEpoNWxaMD0= |
Up 189% makes sense to what I've originally invested so now I'm at $470 but why does it say +$890.73.
Initially I thought I had that value and was up $890 when I first glanced at the app at work .
For reference I only have one token and one that I sold a couple weeks ago that still shows 0.31 cents of value as it didn't fully sell it all.
And literally a couple $ of sol ..
🤔 | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZkFBeW5MYVdyOVdkWk9VT3djX3NtUDhfR3loc0pJQlN0clY2N2Vjd2xUd2FjQW5hRmZDQTdTdVFpcGg0UEtraFIyd1UyOEQxQlViejY5QXp0WEZMVXp4QlFjc0YwNXNNc0Z5TnlRZF85NFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOVGhjbVZQdkpLOFUwRmJLOXVsRzhOY1VILW9oNnRkMkxadTJSMGN1NmRENURpb25mbzlwSEFTbFhZU2NyREpXU3VJY1BQQjZMV3VwaWtfLWluQ2ZsdnpVUWpGZzFNX01hVm94UGlwc3BkdWtQWGFaTEp2cEg2bzFlR1VjYmhCZ3dQYjhUWVg3ay11UWZkRzZvQ0k1VFFTdmhHS2xYU3ZQX0FtWHBfVDZQOXpjPQ== |
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. [Click here to view the full post](https://sh.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/1gzh7zv) | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMG9pb3dqeXlveVZvb1ZhNXpKTWZUTlhpbjlJSkJpN2N6dzc5XzVnTjBBMnFYaDRyOHJKc01Tckd1WlJTWk1UVnVIV2xJRzUxdXltNk5rcnZNbi16YkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOUVBfZk8wdVRyQzFxdlo4VHp3aUd0c0JYSzgwWC1VejZRVEZYcTlVbS1ZdjByUHFNY1NhZ3FYTUk2MGNZMGJIRFc3NnBOQTRiZFdRd2ZEVlJ4MHBWRkRNaDAzeGRZcHM1SmZjQTVBeXpNWmhndzA5c0RuTFZ1ZXFYRW5SUEs1VUQ0MjhtejR6WUFDN180STJMZ3I4RUNsZjRNR3JEUVhGRjBVcnZUNkJHRzA5NkJGTVFkQW9IeUplV3FJUkFvVHU4ai1DRjF0VHkwTXd5MXRsOG1JbE9EUT09 |
NEAR is making moves, I believe it could hit $25 if everything aligns. The tech is strong, and the community is growing. But anything beyond that depends on how the market plays out. $50 is a stretch, but If BTC takes off, it could happen. | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQTQ2M1o4SW05c2hGQnMwY1JOQWZDd2VEa2lGZlVFVldtRDZmdjg5RldVTWxyNlBaa1BMMzBXcTlHckxCUUJQTTJ3YVBCMlRqZV9mZXA2LS11RmpEUWdYWTVzeWx2cGpTTDNvTkNKdWVBUEk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOMDczaDFVLU5DWGhiSldCWExHaVZQYnlHT2JubEpzTjZTRDhDbm10c2VxLURGZHhKa0VQVHo0Nl9VS0Jyd0hGZ0xJZXJGNlYzM2xrTDRKdmg3eXFtbXZlaFRucFdhc21nME9naWtYZkJ1Mkh4aUFpWkRCZ2p0STR5N0dJT3NjTEpNelVUSGR3eFpEZzU1SXZvblRORDltM0Z3eEwxTnFRTFFFaTQxbllXdDd4ZTV1NlhScWVJS1I5cUI4WXVibnQ1WWRpeFBKVTB0ZUxOYlVtRUlVT3RiZz09 |
I am making a meme coin to be honest. If I had 100,000 of my base token and I added a liquidity of 0.1 sol which I then burned. Wouldn't that make the price of 1000000 coins equal to 1 sol or do I have this wrong? I'm trying to learn this so I don't accidentally created a mess for myself and I have no plans to launch for at least another 4 months. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaWt1QjRGVzMyNFBURHlUSzZuaDM5QldTbXRJRTZ6YmlEX05mZUduWFIwTEhqNVZ0MnYxTEhrTmxuVXhJUzVhUm9Fakc0YnJ2YTJ6YUxUY0gtbjRKZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOV0xHWWZpWndnZllpakIxWDZlci1TUkZ4b0lITGdhTVdxeE1YRy0xQnd0UzAxOGNiM3I4TnhaUUNfRk40cmI3Q0N5SnhuQUV1cVM3VHgzOENOWXVIRHp4SWhYbTdiWU9HanpNdV9pTjgtWGZQQUszOC05UnFod2dYbHlUU3FEd25lVkY2MWw2eGk5V1pONmxxMnF3R0l6Mnh1b0oxSXdfUTZwTHV0V3kxSWxUZTdkeC14QWpDekRqQzducEt6bGpY |
From my understanding, Bittensor is incredibly interesting and I hold a good amount due to the decentralization and non-biases. My question is: how will it compete with the big players like Openai and Claude?
I have been a heavy user of AI, specifically LLM’s and I tens to only use the best models based on metrics and personal experiences.
Thanks for any answers here! Have been looking for answers to this, no-one seems to talk about this. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNc0o3QmNBZlV1VmliSEVwUzl5VUNHcWNQbVhsZVpSRFdhWVFsbm5QeG0tLXBWRWUzUHJPM0pnVHhpVENpcGhpS2lBcU1JMGx6MHZFZko0UEROWWVVYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOMWtuTEVpTjctbnhLQ3h6UGJ3bm5Fb3N2N2k3aU9CQk9jZ09MWkV2aUgwMFQ4MUI1MGc5TnNkWm51VG94WmFkX0otcGdSdjVDUXd2REE0djN2S3hQM1A2TlE5UUtUR1BHYnJOUy1sdUg0TW0tVUdLVHNWSVR6U3A0OGEtSUhOV2t1VmpDdjJkYkRrdzdQNm01bzF1cDVIOTlfWWM5U0xFMGFJZEQ1X3hGMmRQa0lLLU5fWDk0V2RmOVlraUVqcWxmWV9mbVJHVWt6ZG9JOWtnSGp2SU5wUT09 |
I have been trying to recover my wallet created with Phantom for two years. After forgetting the password I used the secret phrase to recover it and another empty wallet appeared.
I tried to search in all the derivation paths but sometimes the addresses can be infinite.
Does anyone have a solution? Does anyone know if there is a way to search for a specific wallet of a secret phrase?
Since these wallets, phantom, solflar etc etc detect the wallet that has money inside, would it be useful to try to send a few cents to the wallet address? Could it re-establish the correct reading of the wallet to be loaded? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWng3aXA0MHFjU0MtUXV5VU9VMTFnY2ZjdjNRN0VKRG8xS1J3c1JkcFZzcHlqdHhfcnc3U1BueFdmaXZPV28zaTluOVNnNHBYTGtUQk5HYXB6bi1xLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOV2FGYzNsTEt2a29qdHRvM2ZnNGV3TTFXd1RrRWY1bEZJZXd4dGlQblJfc1pzdU1VX29QMmxMVXpRTldsc3BXalQzSUhLU25yM000TWcwbTFLTWl5R1dsTjNyLVBIS1JVM09iVlJUYTBCMmVQQWVXZ0R1ZUxPQ3hCSEFRWExtZW1NWW1VbWktZUxYeTNQMGZEQnh0YWZxajlhMGh3MFJsQzlkZ1djaWZGaE5wMmZIQWZvcHd2YTRZdTRhS1FHMHRVbnRfRFJwdkRtcnVIcWxVZFloY2sxQT09 |
Hi people, i was trying to set up the bot to copytrade a wallet but i was wondering about the buy percentage or buying by fixed amount. If my buy percentage is 20% it means i am using 20% of my balance on the trade or am i buying 20% of the amount the trader buys? Because my balance is a few hundreds and this guy buys thousands so if my percentage is higher than my actual balance... what happens there? Thanks | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOGpJbkxmVDNibWtfQjF3WUpmZW1Oa2hBdmFtaDQwMFVMUm1mLUJSTlQ1UFlJaWdaenN1LS03ZGlESE5RQk9TeHBob1NHTExDUU1CRnd3ckZqR0FOT0xTVC1hZEs2SDY3ZTd5Q1Awd2N6VkU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOR2c4dWg4eHV0NnJrMmFVNU53MXpxT3NLMlRRbXpYaXRVeGpheXZvYzA0b29PQXR4VFg3bTByQUNybzNRV0xhemQ4QWJxa3p5aGVVLUk5RW9zZnpxbGZzT3VTSUNIVFprVzk4bVlaRGp6NEdiTUV4UXZkMXRsemMyZHVrbm96UDdTUHBMZ3hxTnZ6cWs0QUJjeWJUNUxReFBHS2M3cUxNWl9KN09tRWU2WmtjPQ== |
> What’s your experience with BCH?
Good for privacy, good for payments, much worse than BTC for hedging inflation. So I hold both
Very excited about possibilities of OP_RETURN uncensorable speech. Hashes + DHT | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNc1NiR19BVFVDbEp5SkxRMmhDdkUxZXJUXzBPN2M2M3loR3kyMlZNenVwVVJxTHBhNWZHbDc2eEtNMkU5VXZpQm92SG5kRWJZaWE0QzhiSFRtMzd2aUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOb1ZSOWNXXzVIWGJmeW9oZFptSWVyQTdQUUJsbjd5b2dnRGFjX1hwZHhNMVYyUVIzeERDWXNvcnVCY1ZyQnZ1MFZGQ09WdEFKalZfZ2RyMkFWYzl3T0hpWWw2SWtIMmpfT2NRejNKNHMwdnhpcE1ybkw2U2FsZVkxaUZJU0xoYzk2bWRTTjl3Z2VFWklWM3R1d0g0RWowV3l5TlJoY3BxUkRLcnFwbjZwWENGZEpNTERfTFVJWEVpZkFYN21QMXhybm53ZGhUOUF4eGtBQ2dBb3ZNOEtkUT09 |
Yes. I'm just stating resistance and support levels. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMUVRMnJ1S1JDV1dVaFJIcW00Q1F0RVdoZmRjcnpVNHVnVHZHSlJfWFExaWxGajFTdHE5WDc5S29td050cElvMkhxR25MZW1JYXYtUVFmc2RFcm9LTHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZORVB6Z19yVEdDeFFvTmVnaG5PZ2s0X2ZoUHhXOEtKS2xqMHNsQWczMU1aXzQ5Mm9xVXJDMmNaanN3OE9uMUZTRkxJdkdUNXJLNFhiQ3hSTlpPOU4tT19ua0dUTWJtVEFRSXdXS1dHUkgtRmdCbjJ5X1dwc1Frbkk3NnJSb210NFp2SDRiR2k3OHE5NzZabjU5R0NScUkxUjFLTmNSQTVEOUZRZlNwdmJpdVdtOXF4anZhYkRrdnpGSUMzWnJKSDNuZG1qcTRaY2ZodjMtRjZXcTFncEd3QT09 |
erm what? | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTHFwVkNSMlNnMXQ3anFkekFadU83VTdEal93b05kNTM2UHFMa1hDRkg1dU1KVC15T0dQX0NBM2F6N3A2VDZUYWszZ281TDRYY0xmTkxwNU9QRWtra1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOSEhfY1lJQXZfa3E1bWhVRmM2ck45NnJpak1NZXFoOWtxTzF3Y3BobnNleTVpWVpvOS1BM1VSamJxRV9OdzdtLVBEbTZKNkFzQURmNGlpQWkycU15cGpZUDk5RHA5UnVMbGFjbHFtQWw1NTR2OFRycmtQT2xFU1NnU2ttb2NwaFBVWkpRSktBWUFOekw2UXFhZUtNczFHS0I0aGlEb1RKZEIyZU9kc1RpMlBrQkNZaTZNVUNCUEUzbkhwUnNlb1VYcWl2b2JETFYxZUNYdlBKZUZGbWR4QT09 |
2187 @ 5.66 | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWm54VUlSTE9xTXJVdnNldG82MVI0b0c4QkdibkxPZjhNYkkwUFlHVVlDdHZ4SlRLM2VrSm9peUpYaWlzRDJ1SHdyczdZQXhVYnIxY3ZMcTY3WXFMOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOVjdFYzN4a1Q3eVMzMjlpNExacHVnd2hOYkVidHI3dkRNajdRVHY1bU5GWVB2bXN4NTNqYmVhekhXREJ5bU0zUFRGbUFPY21zb0E3cW5zMlRaNFNZVlV4UWJwUE5tWV92eDdHTTBaRE9tS0YtdXFUTkxNaFo1VUVwdzVxQndpQzEyUVpxVXpWWWpKUWhBdERIa1V6V0Z1RHcwU0VfRXJyS3VCbHBRaGNVNmc0PQ== |
I started in crypto the month after lunc crashed. Overall it was a great time to get in with huge buying opportunities. I didn't know what I was doing so I mostly squandered those opportunities, but getting in on that relatively epic dip means even an idiot like me can make money. It didn't take long before I was trading on multiple exchanges and using multiple defi wallets.
Tracking all of that is tough, and I haven't found any pre-made solution that could do it seamlessly. Ultimately I just had to write my own Python code that could read the downloaded logs from each exchange with their different formatting. It was a pain, but it's been so worth it. In addition to making taxes possible to calculate (yay?) it provides a practical check on my gut feeling of how I'm doing, and that's probably kept me in the crypto game when I might have sold on previous dips.
For me, I mentally latch on to my biggest losses. Recently I made a particularly bad call, put in *as much as I could afford to lose* on one asset, and then immediately lost it. Totally lost, and it's not coming back. That shook me. Of course life still goes on, but it was hard for me to still think about investing money after such a thorough loss. I could have spent that money on so many fun or useful things... I was sad for a day or two, but I kept looking at my full portfolio, and the thing is, as big and pointless as that loss was, I'm still up maybe 10x the amount I lost on that dumb gamble.
Ultimately that's reminded me that even if I make dumb decisions sometimes, overall I'm doing the right thing, and I can't fixate on one particular loss (nor should we overly fixate on one particular gain lest we forget the possibility to make mistakes). | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRlMwd2ZXQ2RWV2Vxc1p1U09zdEtoRWQ2Y2NqUng4NGZ6QnVmQ2lRckpBanBJc2JURWNQbkxRanV0VlJpdnh4QVV5WmlkN29vMTJiS3puaHVIQnpJV1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOczhiUE1ldjFyX3dQd0tWb0hFeFJZcGVmZzhST2tsdDBJR1NWanNmZEZIUUdXdzhrbzJJWUJ0amxQNWNYak9ud2Y3RTV4NEd6V2pBcXk2ZTJGWTNpT2xCcGhBN2JuSzVfNjNQQnlkbXFTR2x3RkxHdjZna01zempMLVpQTGhsWC1qbzFueDMweHU0b2UwR2ZwYlExeEhXTnY5YVZMVHlySG9TUVo4TWlkcm5CLTRNVGVVQ2JEc0hpaVNuNEo0Z3dYekNydU5SaGdQRHpDa0U4LVBCWlRndz09 |
Technical analysis. Google it. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOW9yMUJCX2gwMW1rbXBpdFA2TGplcVFVUFZDc25TT0xyRnI3YVpMdFdVRmlUaWl2ckxpQzB5dVdnajM3RVVsUEF6cE5NSXRjTm9BaG1sdWdvY25oQXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOV01IejVNNkk0YTlrYUw0ZUN3c3QwY0VKSnp6ZkM2dHN6RGM0SE5rVUsyanZKUFRFX3R5SEFrSmNhbmhwS2FKQzN2bzdtQUUwa1B3Vjl1VnZxcC1NSW5yYzg3eHFkN1FMTVhnRDFDVlM3eU9MejFJTHNQS1IxWWFyQ3BQRVc5R2JDWWhXSW5xMEJ6aWt5STc1QmFTaU80d3FINmJNcDF6OUJiSXdtR2VlZFF1MEdxc2VXUm83RXA3dlpNMlE3SUdPSWtQTjRJajNhdzh1MllLb0tIYzdvQT09 |
Hey everyone, I tried trading on Bullx.
I started with 0.14 SOL.
I made a trade and took a small profit, but in the end, I was left with only 0.10 SOL.
I know this is because of the fees. Does this mean that my profits need to be even higher to actually benefit from trading on Bullx? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZlNxczVLNXM2aGpJTVpwYWJTOTdiem5YY05Od0NMb21sMHFsSFprZktZbWpQUWtkaUwycmZqdGo5WHpGRE02NHNjNXlUWV9xel9iQnh3RmU2UlZ1VEhma0dxdnVWZ3RHaEItVy15cHRacDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOUmFaMWJrcV90bDYxZFlyRlBzOFk0aVR4OUVOOVZtN0hSNUwzRnlZR21qamNadlAySHZaWnpvY0MxU2tXbkVpQjRVQ1ZDUXBVVjREQ2MxMWdVcVRQVlRPc2ZvbHV5dVhqRF8wcDk0RFJEelVrT2R2LTFnWkdWbkFnZlQxajhQV1prcUVHOHM2UW13aDlzYmZuYUtXay1XYTk5bVEzT1dVb3dqREZBckJ2Rm5OMG5YdU9fSEtMbmJxTWpZMEtrVjV2 |
So, about two weeks ago, two users created an AI agent (called Clanker) on warpcast.
You call upon this AI agent by @ him, and ask him to create a token. You need to give the name, ticker, and optionally a picture to be used. That's LITERALLY all it takes.
the bot then creates:
* token on the Base network,
* dexscreener page ,
* uniswap listing and LP (1% pair).
All of it from a single cast.
Naturally, people went nuts over it. First one was Clanker token itself (ordered to be created by the dev team of the AI agent). One user instructed another AI agent to give the commend to this AI agent to create a token (LUM). It exploded to 45M mcap. Another account said to Clanker to create a token, and if you own a certain amount of this token, you can cast anonymously under the account Superanon. Thing snowballed pretty quickly. In two weeks, over 3k tokens have been created. Also, let's say you make a token with clanker. You as a requestor get a certain amount of fees the LP creates.
No, it's not a scam. No, it's not a honey pot, the contract ensures anyone and everyone can sell. No, it's not a copy of pumpfun or wow, as the tokens are immediately listed on Uni with a V3 pair (there is no bonding, maturing or whatnot). No, you don't need to put any funds into it (creation of a token is absolutely free). Yes, there are sniper bots currently, buying seconds after the tokens are created (it is being solved, but be warned).
So, want to try it? Get a wallet for ETH, transfer a small amount of ETH from a CeX to your decentralized wallet, bridge to Base ETH, install warpcast, and you're good to go. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTjBVODVnUGtoaUpTS1p2bTlkTVlMQmtBQ3pFZEk1azZlVHNDUlQ0ZzhMNjk2WGUwZldhSTVLUEVoYWJBVm5DUzc5azI1bDJBMktuMHJuOXNtMW1CZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOMW0yd1lwVnJmN2FjSEdmMnNGSDBZNGdjdFFtTFBqODBOdkpDOVRBVGFHQlUwbHpRMnRDQ3ZIWXBHc3R5SEhJdDdiREhyaGNUS3R1RF9zdmVQTF8xZTRkRTYtenpTX0dTc3JTVDZoMGUxSE1OZnl0S3NNUHBkQ3IyT0habHkySHF0cmVNcUd5U01HVUNXYkpIaGh3ZWJxc0MyUHdRaE90cjVCOTNlSkJFQzdHdVBUbjZlanJpSXhYdnRzSFBGTlpHbmtBRGNzX3NmRWpNd1pGLUJxTk9TUT09 |
You can catch up with all our GP Spaces and GP Shorts on our YouTube channel: [youtube.com/@generalprotocols](http://youtube.com/@generalprotocols) | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYXNFSDdWeFBlUWhsTUpfWEd3OS1vcmxMU0ZwbVYzRmVCMW5jMkdxTjNEeW8zbTIyd3E5cjRNeThKUTVTOWdfcFVobEU5T2Fja3dPWHRXU1haWDZrb1R5V21sbE9Ic2xJdUJTUzlETFdYUm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZONHdrRk0wRjRMeThUMGdnT1FseEQ5N1Fhek4xek11dW1WcUh0a1NEcWdoM0dpNGM0R1VXYWtfakRIWTlmQmNEQlFzTWpnbGVUVlZBTTE5UWMtbTNKNXkwdFUxanI1QzZrcHpDdXpvX01HOXYtZE1nN0Q4SlJMbF9pcEFBTy05Ukwwb2VoS1ZwSVVCNDJyNTJ2dFlkdkZRR3RaWjV2TjVZTGZpa1F3NUxVcnJWdG5SZ0ctSGRBVGZXU1hDT2tVUXpNRmgwbk5EeTRfOXl4SVlLSWRyVFBRQT09 |
I know bullx takes more fee any others, so I would like to know if there are any alternatives of bullx
Thankyou. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaFNNT3g2WmdvYi1nQTRQekU4dzVpRGN3dHZRdTdEbmlZWFlMYlUxa01NMDNIb2k3STVIUy1VRnZuSkRiMTZUaERraDZ2QnVoYnNDUXJva0MtLXRLc3RQeEZVQTk3aXVhQXlYRnROMHVoQVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOVDJLZVpoQ2Fva0ZDQ2tIUXJXV2FSd0lyTEdGT3ZUY1luRzczR2djeFlCdUc2TEhpaWpkV1FhRHRZZnJZRWhpMTJTYjM4UXY1LV9ObjU0Q1ZUT1huYWpJWU1LTEFtVnJCZml1dERVTXFTVnZDOHJ0X255V1c4d0xUV0dhUUk0OHFSU3R5cDZsZEE4X0k5YmNHeUlGckxrNmhtbUM3VkZsTWZpa0ExbTJkVE5NPQ== |
How can i buy 5 dollars worth of solana, I cant use phantom wallet since the minimum deposit is 30 dollars and i dont have/get much money where im from. any tips? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNckpSR1BlS1ZIaUdpUDR5aUI3eFFrZjdUTE9uQUprWGdLUVhLbWVrRlVMdnAybUV5UzhUcnc5ekg3YnFJOVkzZDlxV1o0ZjZ3SmRNak1lb21GZWpIWk1XSmJDcHpwT0RfZUZxS2JVVmJEdjg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOUVozMzBMX1RkWldaZzJjbUdsaDRHaTdZRC02UVB6bDU2MjZ3YVBfY0JQQzBtVXRkX2JsbEUteHRXSXpNVWMzZTlyR1BXZ2pFS0FYRk92M2l0bEh3Qm9iaE9XN3doMGJoLTNycDdKTjRPS001c18yZEROM1l1MkNGZDdSX29HSFYtNHZRbU82Q0hzSUJQajcxV21nNGJqQnd2Skg3eTktbUN0SkZDLUV5S1QwPQ== |
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**\*\* Monday, November 25, 2024\*\***
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**Don't forget to Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter!** [**https://subscribe.nearweek.com/**](https://subscribe.nearweek.com/) | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR3Utc0JobHI5SllGdlM1TUxNTk1CcHhSYmdTS3FLNm50SnJQVHZ3Y3p0VnBNLXpjX0tQU2JJRERXZk14NTNCWW1YaVFObFB0V2phMzFiSmE3UVp0Z0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOLWNORmtQZm9jWHA3bzNNb0hGRkk4ZWtaT3ZzTTRmSmdBQVNnNjdjUGZKSmtld3MwZzA5ZWNYRko2ekM0YjlxNXZneU9xaUJJQUQtcW5lcUQxN3FocnhlUFhBdTNMeTQyTFFPTU8tX01DWkFyVERpUDd4bGxBR1dWamc5bmlhbkRqbVdTcHctWWxTQklsNEVmTTZTMDRudTFoMC1HRFZsLVhsQzE3UWpLNlZraktwSHoxVGJzS1FXd0o3V1VEV0tW |
**Alright everbody, let’s talk about where we’re at with ACHR:**
Since my first post back in October, Archer has climbed **over 100%** and now sits above **$6**. The steep incline has been exciting, but the journey is far from over. Here’s a look at what’s been happening. We’ve got major news, strong forecasts, and institutional backing that keep this play looking solid. Let me break it down:
**Analyst Price Target are Bullish**
Analysts are projecting an **average price target of $9.69,** with some forecasts reaching as high as **$13.12**. New coverage from Needham just slapped a **Buy** rating on it. The trajectory? Upward.
**381 Funds are on Board**
Institutional interest in ACHR is growing, with **381 funds** now holding positions—up 8.55% last quarter. Total shares owned by institutions increased by over **10%**, showing confidence in Archer’s growth. Big money sees the potential.
**Insider Activity & Growing Buzz**
Insider transactions over the past 12 months show strong confidence from within the company:
* **7 insider buys** totaling **28.7M shares**, with only **3 sells** amounting to **3.2M shares**.
* In the last 6 months alone, there were **3 insider buys** totaling over **20M shares**.
This aligns with the momentum we’ve seen recently, with a flood of news, analyst ratings, and community discussions driving ACHR into the spotlight. The buzz isn’t just from the outside, people on the inside clearly see the potential too.
**Major NYC News**
Archer’s partner **Skyports Infrastructure** and **Groupe ADP** have been selected to operate the **Downtown Manhattan Heliport**, a key move toward bringing electric air taxis to NYC. Together with **United Airlines**, the plan is to electrify the heliport and introduce quieter, cleaner, and more affordable urban air mobility for New Yorkers. This is a massive step forward.
**Global Expansion & Commercialization Strategy**
Archer’s plans go beyond the U.S., they’re actively positioning themselves for deployment in the **Middle East, Asia, and India**, with key partnerships already in place. Their three-step commercialization strategy is set to begin as early as next year:
1. **Piloted demonstration flights** in key markets.
2. **Market survey trips** carrying passengers on initial air taxi routes.
3. **Full-scale commercial operations** post-certification.
India, with its large urban markets, is shaping up to be one of Archer’s biggest opportunities, supported by their partnership with **InterGlobe Enterprises**.
**Production Facility Nearing Completion**
Archer’s new manufacturing facility is set to open in the coming weeks. This factory will begin producing **type-design aircraft** next year, ramping up to a production rate of **two aircraft per month by the end of 2025**, with plans to scale even further in 2026. This marks a significant step toward real-world operations and commercial readiness.
**The Journey Continues**
For those already in, congrats on riding this wave. For those still watching, it’s not too late. After such a strong climb, while some might expect a pullback, in my view, consolidations aren’t guaranteed. Momentum has been holding steady, and the recent news flow has only strengthened the outlook. Even if there are minor dips, there’s no reason to get nervous. Let the doubters and short sellers be the ones sweating it out and reaching for the aspirin. With upcoming milestones like pilot flights and the manufacturing facility launch, the **short-term** and **long-term** potential both look strong.
**TL;DR:** ACHR is up over 100% but still has room to run. NYC, institutional backing, and bullish price targets are lining up to make this a big winner. The ride isn’t over yet, join if you’re ready to see what’s next. 🚀
Wishing everyone a great Thanksgiving and hoping for some gains this week to cover an extra turkey or two! 🦃
*(Not financial advice. Always do your own research and make decisions that work best for you!)* | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYkdzdnhiR21ZQ2NyOTdKcmQtRWdiSVE3VTlOOS1zM1B2cGVnMUxaSzRxUEY3T2xZM1A5TUxGcXdRLUpHSU1XajhWMVYwRDNwTVM3Ty1LNWVuVGRVVWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOVmVKTFBUTGF4RGdUcmVvM3FPVHZuOGx3N182SmZrWElJTEFjZ2Q5OVdaeVIyNjA3QURzdEw5NHZWdUVrMkRRQ3J1RUJ0cy1yaDZES0VEVHBFaUE0Zy15Y05sUTEzVFBnMk9BWTdIQ2FPZklfNzBoa1hPUF9XeGNocWwtTTVoSHczOFdiUjNacWJnWUYtcVFENGNEcWd5dzQ1bTdFcURTcTlRczNBRldXSWRHcEFvdEwtR2VIUm9xVTdKVGlLc3FINzczMVhoWTlpWU5FN05JUkZLaEFXZz09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeHdUYnk3YjRGS2JHUHRyckFpa1hDZDRwN2paOFRUckxXWWR2aUtzbmkyem9jUV83angxNThCNkhqQXBEZkJXbEt2VFVtV0F1eENzRF85LURybEVsM3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOX2tBZ2NWWXg0VnNwNDVGeDlXcTJyVm1CMkRnVUhIdkJMaW50Tk9MT29zY1BLVkhBVFlFUTlsazdDREZmdzlIMkNfSF9xdDBQbWQxODJBbEJBZHJLekpkNTQza2pBcVhWTHIwRTRFTm9DeHVxd1RTWnE0bUk3cFJ5UmNuT1NDQXdkU3lpdGprMDFYeWplWDE3NGl1Rk1MQjVBVklnclUzUUhCZzdFeG1qUmctallMWnc1Uk9xb2tkVHdDOEYwejAyYlR6RkRyRkg5WFc0eFNSNkFwcDlfdz09 |
BTC layer twos aren't just solutions to the scaling problem.... they are MASSIVE improvements to it as well. Instant, free settlement without having to sacrifice security or decentralization on the base layer.
It is important to keep them separate. We aren't going to scale a layer 1 for small micropayments. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaDl4QUdzQWR6bTNaYXJHb3EyM0I2UHlxeEVua29jQ2FrOHBFUlVRN2I4ekhjaXY3NGRiRDBIVTdFLUhmX3g2eHpMSE5sejFiRlJnem1PRTZXak8xT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOZTdUaHRLUW1fS21zellEbkhsRHBsVFBnTjlVQzJ6SF9UU183OGpZN0x4MHVkU2ZGY3ZmNFVTdDZyU3RMUUJRN0dRNU5zRy0tRC1GeVFJOTlXZmkySFdMWG92Sjk1eFFBNlFzekRmc0haYTAtbElJOWYyVkx5Wk42Rzhad0FnRlNBREE4VExMdk95MnFJbkdGSnhPdlVVWXJPX0hKVkNQbUR5MndlZDJoMU5IdGVpOGtwN0dlVnBYMkFDVmFUN2dGOXZhX0FNREhtRG16ekpRb2RndXJrdz09 |
I've just started with substarte documentation. I got to the point where I needed to clone the node template as described in the documentation, but it seems that the repository does not exist. This post is to confirm if I'm getting it all wrong.
from the documentation:
| r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNEU3cmswVVNSajZMckQxTEVONWdnNUE2enY0OTg1dGNvdFdMU3hiQnh5TEJQR1VMSXgyaHFpa2w5c1JkTU4yWkRMLUtUcWpzQ0RuRmN3bXZnMmIwU3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOamZpclktVVNvS0JWVFNPbUZYRmQ2bENTbzR1SHRBbHIwT1BnMjI2ZFRLa0wtMl9oQ2F3dU5wLVFpUjRWTWlvSm1rQktHcEFpQjR4b1JvTEREWmVTamM5Z2hfSUtwQ09YZE1EZ3VBa2xMNXlQY0JqbUYwa1NjdnZDQjB5c1k1Q3lBdTlCYXN3M1lSalBZclY4ckhKcnJ1bnVKZVZYc2RkWXR1a1hHY0hSQlpJQnU4Y29CQ3pTRzNQTXY2UlBXbFBC |
What its a good site to do crypto trading if based in NY. Coinbase has so many issues that I want alternatives. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTUZQNExfUUZkSU1HSzQyOHJZQVBmcmtqODByVGNiYjVzUlhVaVJuaUxSOEtSU1M2QndkNlZMbHBEUmQ0NFBGU0owR0dSbTh6RjFMZTktYjFDdnY5OUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOalFGS3l1MXRWcW9sWkpsRnBNQ0Jfd3c1ZGxJWTNIZGw1M29NbEtXeUxlNndVblhzRWhEVjBqUmRrSTQwMElYdHZkdERVY0lkbUVHbVFVb3NHcjkzSjRWb1BmTTM3MWVrNlFIWnozb1hyREhrV3FmQWpfRlBtY2FsMmIzakZxWHF5bndUR0E1Q0t4ekpITG1pRGlXSTVRYTkySUd3WjcySXduMlJHc3Y2eFpGMjBzWkxoTWxmeGw4M1hlM1RKT1RBVHdabS1PbC1hSmJJMmlzblg5SU1EZz09 |
The only reason this time is different is because we have a bull run in which useless tokens are already highly inflated/overpriced and nobody except people already familiar with crypto is buying them. Zero utility, only gambling. That includes big profile "cryptos" like ada, sol, xrp etc.
I'm allowed to bash because it's true. Those(and 99.9% of others) are tokens minted by a single entity out of nothing. They're NOT peer-to-peer CryptoCurrencies and are pretending to be the solution still looking for a problem, while being worth billions.
Entire memecoin sector is a game of hot potatoes and we all know it but nobody talks about it. Everybody trying to get rich off each other.
This time there's no crypto virgins where nobody ever heard about bitcoin.
This pump is forced by a trump hopium. Trump literally cannot fix the economy and he won't. We are inevitably heading for a recession and all the coins which pumped will crash spectaculary.
Go ahead and downvote for bursting your bubble, nobody wants to hear uncomfortabke truth.
All of this is great while it lasts. Unless ww3 officialy starts, we have another few months of bull run but I feel all of this is forced. Number go up number go up. And everybody is jumping in with extra cash, hoping to retire. Figuring the outcome doesn't take a genius.
| r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcVpBdlFXU0FWSWlSeFliSFE2NkJqZVc0RDhVOF9VeTZReFhZcDJNQ1oySnl6aFdreW52WEp6bnBROVNWdEg4dFlEVDF4N083UUxqUmRJNm9RNzZnR2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZORlBvV01lNXlzLTNMZ0Y0akprTVItN0xQTml0ZW42YkQ1Nm8yR2p1LWw2REdKUTFkNHNzZDFpejRidTNHMzhlN0FpbEpmQkloanFZbERKU256c2hSdEZIY0VleUVqaXlXY0hsd0dpcDVPQzdHcURrSTk5UlR0dF8wMERsYWNOd042ODFVVmY3VkFEYVY3azc1cTRneDJXbmhaOU5vTHhVakFsZFpFYXAzT1lNNFFQNzNvMTdRa0gwTTBORWdPbmtX |
I bought solana directly from phantom and its not there. Like i have proofs i payed and literally my balance is 0. What to do now, can i at least get my money back, please help me | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNc1hQUTRzTFh3b2lUenpZSkk2SW11NEJyR2Z5RFVHdjdrVEV1TUd6U1NBYXpYVVVTbG55WlVMY0gwcnI1a1h3bl9USm1fSjNSVmlxSjR4V2NpR1d4VGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOWUJIRVJ4Wi1CQWU3a3hkUGlsalRnRF9vUDkxQ0NFWWZ6RjlseHo3SmJlbGNBRUdlRTNCOUN5eVNqNUVfQjV6cW1vRkc5OGUwVW80ZXp3MFdZRnZ4aW5YM0d1bDlHaTdQTy0xS2lVcWxXT3NRZjE1NE03U2tqMGIyUlJRY2xnejVkZF9rRVBIN1plOEFSLWJqYzI2WTE5YmhpY2xDOW5fVUMzM0VYMVhNUEtWS1RiSDRuRzFVRkI4SXlkdW9jX2Yz |
With all the talk about retail investors entering the crypto market, how can we definitively measure when retail has truly arrived, beyond the casual anecdotes like coworkers or relatives suddenly discussing crypto?
Are there any clear indicators or metrics to determine this shift?
Pls share your thoughts. TIA! | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOThZbWhnTWZibGd2X2IyR2txeGo4N1hsVXQ5TU5EN2hBbzdXc3lQNnpwa3B1ZXRGTUIya19NUlFBbXgxM3B1NnhVOGQzZlBPVU1pYjg0a1pnUGNQVGpXVzNZVnJRTE5hVHFRdmt1bFBBSVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOY2ZkdnBpOGdyTnlhT3VYR3NfQWhxRnUydURjUklEVDc2ZjRIdWVlYmlULUw4Yld0SGlUXzBsWVRyM3RheVNPN2FRQ0MweTlhWFVVMWZGRU5oUm5ua2wzbGFnOWZPT2lVT0RieWZRUW1fMDRseHdpNHFUZWh6RFFVX3JZYkRfV18zaGZoSjJlVU9sTHczWXdDSDBMZ2xxd2E4Zk91QzdhRXpGeEVXQmtPeFk0PQ== |
Look great for both etc and eth, my m4 dream is coming true | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNLURPV0pmX0JYN1VTdFFLSzd0bXJ0UHdkMmliSXBoUGQ4SXJSVmk0MGhQeDNsUjIzeGFzX1AzM0Z0OHF2RlpfZ2h1eVVUbWwxNnNOLV9MU1ZRdWI2MVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOWmdFckN3V3dvZHRoTVltUGdXOWVzdjJOSnBnMVpMb1QwTl80VW5mbnRzQ3BmRWg0c3pTUUdkN0tBLTR5SjJ2NngwMWxHWmdmalRBbHYwMGFPbWlQMjdORUlzTy1GV3RheU82RnU5LVFCaDZ5Y1VzU3p6ZEtLc0FVQ01RV2FPcDg0NzZ1bEN6SFVfbFdQQ3pZWTV0ekF5SW5lS21JWEdrY2t4SC1WN1NTZW51TVEtdnZWbng5eU9nSkFGMW5sNndS |
sorry, i'm just stupid and i didn't know i need solana to swap usdt, any workaround?
| r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNb0JCcTJYX2RLS3dtRWx3RndHdFdrLUxkdWVKZTRoNjRSMjl5UjlBbW4yS0x5dmhyaUZSSVo4dlNtNWxfbEFsWEt5YkV0MkZacmhSYnVPUkFReVh5MlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOekJaeG9kMXFiVFRuU290RHdPdXlxTzJudXFqbjVZNllVOGZXUUQxX0xMZXVVSmxVR3JJZXdLSlRHYzFfa1ppWnFmQkQ4aXVvWElDRFdlOXN3MHlRd3hjYmxXcHQwQjl1bk5yRXA3M2k1ZDJNTTI3SkxabUE0cnVCZERkU21nVXpqd3FtNlIzWkx4a1pfY3oyNXJkRjdOczF0MHB5OVRabFR2Vy03QVREM0hleDdPbDIwVkx6Szd1QkQxMWs2Nm0y |
![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)🚀🚀 | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNX0RDSGFjTktBQ0UyeDZMaXllbnFmVkhEUlplMEx6U25EZGVfYUpYZUxBVHYzYWVZYU5MOE9OOXExOE4ycVRaYmhkT09JaUV4U0cxYzlqVW5KR1ZYcllFUUI4d1pSNVdIV21IWHZfbGZOYTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOU2dINF8yT3lqbnFBWU1Nb1B6MTE5ZzhnUGdaRXVqREZhMkRScWZkdVBGSGFGd3Nsbnk4UjYxdFNxbF9fTUZZU19wemN5Q21PUmJCaFpCS1oxQk45MVlsQUJZWHUzVG5TMU05empNUTEzZzZrMDlfUUxnV3Y1ZmRRZGpsR3FzYmhTQk1kWWpqTDViN3JGbmgyQWtTRlEwUjVyU3A3WlNVSEN3T1A4cVZhNVZFPQ== |
This might be a dumb question because I'm new to this thing. I would like to know if I mint a token, and buy it, would I essentially be buying it from myself? Meaning, I get all the money I "spend" back? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbUNIY0tXY3lkQ0xPeUdVX0d4TXBsd2tNbzJYUlBCODcxRWJzUk5FRFhKbHd1Zk9zSC02WkpFMXlWWFR5UlYxMUZKbHNuY1djVUVOQmVZeWVJS3R2UG9QU2FOcFlwZ1lSeGowOENqYzE1SHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOUm12bzJuRUkwSTZWazh6Nklvc1p6OXR3cm1rTjJKSzd5SDliWlVXMlZ0ZHNPaEtheUZUWkwtaDBQbXFhREdhQnRIUFFtTGZjamZVcWVQX1FpUDRleER0ZTRUc2N1Mk9BR3lxZ1p4NmRQNlEtVzI1MVc5dkNDUUkwZHByRlVVa0xHbzYwNGNRRmVuaWpNS0dveHNHN3BMM2wxd1d6SlNlTmI0dUtGbzVjaVJtQzZld1pwYUo5d1VtTnVIbkdyOXh2 |
Thanks wsb for giving me random tickets to buy calls in
thanks to you I’ve lost tens of thousands of dollars, but also scored my first x85 bagger in RKLB. (it was a 70x bagger last week, now it’s 85x) (can’t wait for it to expire worthless)
Unfortunately I only put $35 dollars into that one (don’t worry mods 85x$35 is $3k)
and I got some pretty justified criticism that the investment was too small
So! for my next 85x bagger I’d like to put in a bit more money. But in what? What are your top potential not double baggers, not ten baggers, not fifty baggers… at least 70x baggers or above? | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWTRjeDR4T3lKWmkxdW9KdkdtTWxnWGR1azhBZk50YVRNbVRUb2ItRzVYOHRlYTZsMWZkOUl5YTJmZ2RGT2FuNE1jaGRCbFhXMFdIbjl0WHphci0wYkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOQUV6QjRYdklzaGlKdnQydHNfNU40ZlM1TUdJTnFiOEU5YTFXMVUyaDh0NDMtb0F1T2FzVktrYktnLWNCVFBrUEVzM0dJbmkyTFlULVFTWG1mZjhJUG5Yejd0dW5NTDdFVktHQ2ZWWlBmSlRZdGNxYUQtdmdPTmtvWGtMMW9hVF9UWVJUUlpTY0d3cEFubEZMVVlrQ0YtRlBDV2g5OEVTbF9wTVJYUG0zZkRmeERIVG4xQVFqUjZ6SFM4TGJ2TURH |
If Kraken still supports buying Monero and you are fine with KYC, that is most likely the cheapest option. You can just withdraw the coins to your own wallet every time you buy some. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNX2NtQ1pTYVg0WlZMN2VvNEx6OUdYLWxPa0ZXd2NFTDFZZG5kWmE2SGFZTmhmZjNXWmJDNjhUZW1Zc3dtSFNqbFlXblhlYzVrRXNTVnc4ZjU5T1dVYWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOTFZldmFweGxmNzZlTWJGSXRXazlEVzdHdzZfRXhVa2I0N3Vtd1hzLUg3WTJaX1BxUEVUQmZ3UXk3S01sS1kxdkF6NEw4VGgwSDA5UUVfRTZVejZ3aFRGek0tcDV1dFoyZXdfNVluZzIwc3AtLVU4cWJIekxhOGVjdUNYSzhfNFVYRHRQVFdOc2NWR1JPajd0YWRtQUNfQzhraDlmUk1odjRpbGZtMzEzdTRoRVdBNGZjUl9FdmZRSWhXemViMUJq |
We will feast for turkey day! | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbUhIVDZZZnFJWFBZV1NzOF9CTnY4WHVGVVFrV2c5THRVWWFXOFBTZmNoUWxKdU5udGZIZmZLN1MwNFB3UFB3aHlHNDNhSlk0ODdPcnRidm1yUnFBSG5URjBwZkhsbWlRWlZTV2pfWkNmT2s9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOVmhaVWR2TVFVQW9zbzY3bXRDMGhKanYxNUJWd1NySHN5UHpiQW5TT3Nackc5R2N4TklLVHQ1OWNrczdJSU83OV9Sbk1PbEJJd1U2TlNZbUYwcHhROVF0UERUc0pFYkdLbnA0T3MyMXh5amhndUxsSHQyNjdFdzFVQUJzT1NhS2dFbkt5Q2F2SnhLamc2b1FXUUdlMnZRYTM3eGx6Uy1Fdms0c1FqSkZKQ0I0PQ== |
If you’re already successful at trading, I’d love to hear your advice. I’m trying to figure out the best way to get started. A lot of people suggest starting with a demo account, but I don’t think that’s the right move. With demo accounts, there’s no emotional connection, and you don’t build discipline.
I’ve been fascinated by trading since I was 13. When I turned 18, I started trading with $15,000 but ended up losing everything. Now I’m 20, and after two years of reflecting and learning from my mistakes, I’m ready to try again and do it the right way this time. Back then, I let myself get distracted—especially when my girlfriend broke up with me. I got emotional, made poor decisions, and bought high while selling low. I just didn’t realize how hard trading could actually be.
This time, I’m thinking about starting with prop trading since it seems like a great way to build up initial capital. What do you think? Any advice for someone in my position? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYXhtakhzb3Q2d3dpX1lYYUREbVpORmVvSmttT01iRkgwZC1pMHNvMDRMZ3JFOVZ3SUU2Y0o5QXFlQk90TFN4UFRnclZqY0NIZlhMWW5aOW1KMklOaW9TMnBneWd1d1REN0NpYTNubkQ2am89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOdVM2MG4zYTdxVnBXNGVJT3YydmR2ckJYYlRjaDItTFdZdlZoTF9yUTlCYkJGVlFLV3lhTVpSN190YVBYRWJ4MU01MDNwaXU0ZFd0bjQ4YUFUei16dXNqZHRFbjV0b1ZlQ2tQT0ZuUUNTd3VISEtaTmlmNC0wdkUtWWRxRDViTkhoblRYR3RGZnY3aTM3UHBsSEdIbDhuUkdVZFV6dlJNVWxxRUNWcU95aVp6Z091b1h5RXRtYWJFMUNHWkp6UW1i |
Wasn’t the banger that i had hoped. A setback for the come up. Spirits still good… big oof. Will be fully transparent i wont hide from my losses. Cheers | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNelJZY0xzZU1YREk4a3M0STNpTU93M0xlby05LUNaRWFnbmNCS1NabGYxUmhPTGV5QTJPa1RPZW02V3IycWJnUndzX0p3WjJ4NWh6RGpwb1prdFFYSWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZONjdhTERiU3lOb25aTDZrMnppSFdKMTg4RHNEZnNGcWJXeHo4U1RrdHlTX3JXSGhlMzhmSmJtMElLZGdnQ2Y0OXJvX3NkVUE0OHB5MHpUcm1hdC01RlFOM2NTcjVzOFBSQmo5QWZjVUdtcjJCVTZTci1RTjdjNGROVFg0bmotRkVKaDJSdk93cTRqUGFGU0xjREZmNkZWWG5pVFdyUkg0c3BMWm4wdUF5aTBUQVB4aUJCNzd5bEJyU3pFWHJ2WXhnZDFoVXhMTHFMSWJGYkltR3FIYWh6UT09 |
I just learned about NEAR's Chain Abstraction. With this tech, you can interact with multiple blockchains using just ONE account. No more juggling wallets or managing separate accounts for each chain.
How does it work?
NEAR's Chain Abstraction uses Chain Signatures, which let you authenticate and manage transactions across multiple blockchains with just one NEAR account. This simplifies interactions with different blockchains, enhancing interoperability.
What are the benefits?
- Single account, multi-chain access
\- Simplified interactions with different blockchains
\- Enhanced interoperability for AI agents and cross-chain DApps
Other exciting developments on NEAR:
- NEAR Intents: Powering Cross-Chain DeFi
\- Consolidating liquidity on a single chain while allowing functionality across multiple chains
What do you think about NEAR's future? Is it as bullish as everyone claims it to be? | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNU3JPdVhlcUd0R0syQkVyaVJ4OHVZMW5USm9URjhqY2w0RUJiSlZFWFNBbFZfYmxMX3NDQXpNQXFVSE5SNmI2WEJTVFlWVG5Wd1lhYkR0LWJmdjJrbnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZObFJOdXIxVzVvdG9pbkVyM3NZODVKMnRRbElQZ3BlREh3MGs1ZGF2eFpLZk94ZW54NnRVc3Q3NmxFRzYwUHNjWGZtYXFUbVdSY3dGaWFoazdEblZVVlJJM19UdkhxUmtMTENKQ2JvVk41R3hpaHlWb3QtcVBLRWpGNC05ZG1uZWxZMmJpdTIydkIzdHZvdk9yWkRPY3FxdlRXcDFwcXg2ZXdvX01qS3VmVWl4R0pGc0wzbnBVN2IzNWI5NU1RLWFYSW8zWGstN2RpU21KTWMxckJhRVpkZz09 |
still riding hit 10 thx 12/20 6C | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaV9UcEE4cld5NHhTSTBDUi1lcnNhVjFtb1NNRTlZMy1UVmZnZDg0bi1UMmdXVzdCdzF6YzZTVTdUMnNPMUdKNDFwOG5hSzlsWWVvS2YzQVJqUU1MQnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOSVA5ZWVfLUFoVW5BTDZqNHNqZW1WN0tDM1RTMWJHSVAzLWpyTFpJZmFmS1VCaE9jeHRteVpvM2NqTEZnNFBaRTBSdjl4VUtWQ1ZoMHpPUlBta3kwTDY1eXhqZl85RjJJTWt5VVRHaF9zb3l2MFVrMmVIZUFJbVJyWVNXMVFFSVRTU2VtbFh5RXlUUURmcl92SUZkeGIyQUhCUlNQR2dWQ2Z0cGNoWUMzVUZJPQ== |
# Polkadot News
The “Spammening” Polkadot stress test is tomorrow. [https://polkadot.com/spammening](https://polkadot.com/spammening)
Referendum 1254, proposing bounty compliance standards, has passed and executed. [https://polkadot.subsquare.io/referenda/1254](https://polkadot.subsquare.io/referenda/1254)
The Polkadot staking rate has decreased over the weekend, to 54.4%. [https://staking.polkadot.cloud/#/overview](https://staking.polkadot.cloud/#/overview)
Kian Paimani has released a six-minute quick JAM explainer. [https://x.com/Polkadot/status/1861008901606391826](https://x.com/Polkadot/status/1861008901606391826)
If you are interested in coding a JAM implementation, there is a significant prize pool. [https://x.com/gavofyork/status/1860375737431150606](https://x.com/gavofyork/status/1860375737431150606)
# Kusama News
Referendum 469, proposing a minimum coretime price, is failing with 49.5% in favor. [https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/469](https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/469)
The Kusama staking rate has decreased by around 2 percentage points over the weekend, to 47.28%. [https://staking.polkadot.cloud/#/overview](https://staking.polkadot.cloud/#/overview) | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMk1lT0xOSk5MczFpV1JmUWloelEyMHltb2xiSjU3aDhHU21yNzhPT1VSR0RnR3pWSVRBcU8zWUprV2ZaRzVER2xqWVl3eVE3U3NlemtSVTZqVVZnbkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZObTBoVEZpdXozRS1GWkxKTkRaOEZlRTEtRXhzUDV5LUVEbDNfRDlvNVZueTlzNVlNUFV5Z2JUaGZBLUUxUlhIUEJWQ3NxNVBtbFRscGpSM0NqUXZNc2JpaEtqQ1Y1cUFIeTJwbjduR1FLQVlpeG5rOW01SmVmVHc5cmNxeHIxa3FwRC1SZ05DZnhPcGRPbkcxQ0Vpd0R3ZDZNdXVkYkVhRXpHbnkzc3BhcUZ3PQ== |
AppLovin is a mobile technology company that provides a comprehensive suite of solutions to help businesses, particularly mobile app developers, grow and monetize their products. Their tools connect with 1.4 billion through mobile, TV, and other platforms. They support mobile ads through an AI/ML process to design and place ads. They make 350+ of their own apps that bring profit through in-app purchases and ads, but also is a goldmine of data that feeds the AI/ML platforms.
YTD: +764.20%
3 months: +277.96%
1 month: +108.24%
1 week: +15.76%
Market cap is $111 billion. I own 3.65 shares, i’m a dork, but their line chart is consistently green. I'll keep my $1200 in there and pretend to be a big boy.
Currently at $338.08 and Benzinga sets the target at $400.
Q3 2024 revenue of $1.2 billion, up 38.64% year-over-year. Last 12 month revenue of $4.29 billion, a 41.48% increase year-over-year.
Competitor Unity Software had Q3 2024 revenue of $446.52 million, down 17.95% year-over-year. Unity Software’s last 12 months revenue at $1.97 billion, a 3.13% decrease year-over-year.
Q4 2024 financials will be presented on February 11, 2025.
The company's core offerings can be divided into three main segments: Creative Agency, Software, and Apps.
SparkLabs helps design and launch ads for mobile apps and games. This includes playable ads, video ads, and ads on connected TVs. This has helped some companies into the #1 spot in the App Store and Google Play Store. AI has helped to generate ads as well, making the process more efficient - they claim it has saved 1600 hours of work.
Software makes up 56% of revenue. This includes AppDiscovery, which launched in 2023 and is an AI-powered tool to match advertisers with publishers. ‘MAX’ takes an advertisers inventory and runs a real-time competitive auction to place ads in apps. ‘Adjust’ is a SaaS for marketing companies to track stats, keeping them in the AppLovin network to see growth and drive them back for the next campaign. These are all run on AppLovin’s AXON ML tool and App Graph for data collection/analysis.
AppLovin has made over 350 free-to-play apps. There is a gain for in-app purchases and ads, but also collects data to make their AI/ML tech even better.
Their software has been part of multiple #1 apps, accelerated growth into global top 10 rankings, and helped increase installs. This is across games from multiple publishers, shopping, media, finance, and health & fitness. This includes Experian, DealDash, Enerjoy’s ShutEye app, SmartNews, and gaming studios like ABI Studio, Rollic, Say Games, and Azur Games.
Asked Perplexity to write this DD:
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZ0UyLUdlWGxuLWtjSGduSHV0T2p1MWxXRFhlNDlNTVAzdUMtSWoxVnA2QWNoUUNScC1uVDltdGRvMnVnVkk1bTU5TjFFQjNNajgzejNJTDNYaS0tYUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOZnJpZ3pXR25DYUFpOFZjMGdWUDVmYVNnTklkaVJsdlNpM3MxaDZHWV96a1BNRTA0VlY0aWtrdDdNSU5aWjhGVkItV3UyQTBPVXp5ZTB5ajUyWEs4OUNad3BEZXVZeFVGclRaSVdNOHdlYmw0a1kyTEg3ZVRNcF9SU0RvN1hjQ09feE50VkM4NGlSc0VBMm9iVzc2Nm5qaERzN0NqRERPb0h2UWtqMUhPaEtJPQ== |
eh, the retaliation I was talking about here was forcing centralized exchanges to delist monero. I think you thought I was implying something else | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaU9MNjlOLW1vR3ZfaTQ4d3AzU0dtWXhtbUg5ZDUwYkltYXFDQlBXc0hvYUtYdGp6Wms4cFk1VURRMndUQ0VOYUVxX3BvNWN3ZUd6Q1N0NHcyTnB4bUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOeXVtTFhwUGhDTnZ2aU5WWG45a3RLVHVsTkJsU3I3S21xMzIyN2ZSZF83UjBvWmNSOW5QNVVFeUVvckRXUDRwMXoweTBvMmQ3N085NEdHa2dfYjZadWJRM3l0ZURuTWNtZXFFMFNfQXMtekRZbUoyWFhCeUFiTlJoR0NLRGJGOXlGdHpkVEZnSmRYbmxhZm1VX3FkcEExNEFON1ZNcEJBcjBIdE12SGprNHhYaDZUOTRQR1Y2dkxPaTJWUXVLTVNO |
4.4k @ $4.71 | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVk9QcXdiYmwxb3gxSTlEUXdEZ05HenkyTmVYRmVFWUhtWGJlZUN1dXdOWlBLSEdkbzljWjJEdzJYM2lrTWMyRXFPR09rVEw3RUtMMWZwS0hOS0JsTHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZObkpaZXJmc1paRnZQZTFVTmxoVmZpYVRtQXRBMUpOZXdLQjZqZmpyTFZUbHRyUC1HcTBqdUpRMDZoY1dvU000S2loSHNsOWk0bnJPV090YUFFXy0wQTdVaUpTNjNFWWVrX1NSbkVaenRZbzN2ckdiZDdZMmFOdno0RlQzTVc4c1RlWjFjNnlwcjhZalg4TGxtMkNBWDJRazdYRFpOSTdFWVRsYy10RWFTNGpVPQ== |