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2-3x 🤣🤣 you living under a rock 😂 you have no idea about crypto market, lying in 4k | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdmNzQ0dvS29NYXFIMnhJV0lzdUx6MWJkV3lqR0h1Z3JCajBSRXNuNm8za2c4RXhjT1JPTVZvdE1GdnA5VW0zeHlYWEZjdllmcGdRMG1UOENUaVRqRjVRX3U3QzFrNmt4ZHFOTy1OcFp3Nnc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOdVh5X3N6cWFCMHBTd1BpUExfd3hlWXQxOXFBaUJ5ZVRJMzc3T25rdjZIaEVXRG52alhtM3lVenV1ZkNSa1paUlVmTEVJRXg3ZmhqSFpaWFYybmlRVzZtdmZtRUVoczItUUN6OUQwS3FZWjdwMElOeExPYzZiTmgxaWVhSTNNb3JKUTJOakNmelpCNE9PZmU0VHRxc0U0elk3a0lPc0MtNXNobU5Ca3FsQTE0PQ== |
I collected exact amount of 243167 FIL between $3-4,2. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMV28xY2pZT0VFanNXWnF5eFA5b3VXdzdUc2w3MVlnWnYtQUtMT3VvWTJCTEhDU3F5YzZhMVVyMlZ1bjVxSXBySUlqS2RwZkhXQlZucXcxX2c4c1RvaUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZORDBTSHpqU2c1bDB5U2FPeUt5Szk2RnVwc3ZxOW43QUhwOTdGVHFERlBPSGQ1TE5CV3MtMWk0dXdfTW1xMDNUcnFaTlI1a3RiYWtNYjh3VWk0ZE41a1EwaHNUenJSOWxaM241YV9hWXF5ZU5pSXJVcWVHQWJQMzNoZmRXQUhBNzZrNnVwcFV2azd1elFBVU1Md0NxN05LSHJSZ2tDc3hnSGVPNGZ3Nm4tdDFFPQ== |
r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcG1BY3NGNnZxUEhUczRSc25NcDRRQUE4RFlVbl9LdkFWaERJOURUWFlLYUVLTGxDT0FNZGlrWDYyc1EzN2dLSmdHMGc2MU14VUF4M0ViVWNOZ2xXdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOOVo0Nm9QalVCQjBjSE82R0xteHN2d0pTeEs3UlE3RmdCMjl1ZnNGNi1iUXBnZEpUS3dDa28yTk9TcE9DSjlDTjNVeFFyVmkzRzJuZWpqdTlSZU5YT3pnR2hxa092S1l4WDQ2QTJZSjl5WTJzZWgxakI4V1ZtXzJ1N3ItaU5YNjRobjBpQzJzTWRGY2xrRko5Vzh3M0NTcERKTnc4YWJ1NTdCdURTb2VPMXJjRXlvM25oSVZSNGhTV0s3TzZXM0lJ |
accumulation accumulation 💎🚀🚀🚀
![gif](giphy|WgP9ktbkylv29QemeR) | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMamYxaWZ4NVRKa2FDbE1CTVJCdHNGRndVdE9vSXlKQ1pDYUwzcDE5TWdBV0JRU3l4WjdVV0RnMUxTMkdZYmFkdXVUNmo3S2hySzhVd3NQVXVGd3JLaDlwekttZm56ZV9MTHRTMmthYWlMeGc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOekJxWkNRTzRzQWhmRHphU0dnNUNEWkFaOXdnbEE5RnAyWGtyQzNFZ2tybWx5a243ZE5qNUZNLWU3dE91Y2hYdk1XX0ozZUdPcHpJMUg4bXNPXzc0M3JiNGNmZEkzYlE1TE1yTzdBVUZLOWN5YjJ1OGkzYzR1WTBWNlpoeWN3WkZhOEtiRHp6SWIyN0ZkZUEtcTFGcy1wQjY3WXYxZFdybEwxRzZlSWdWS2szWThyVmlzaHZ1Ny1PQk9fLUYxdnpOSGp5Z2dlRFk4RW4yaWlZVlhrRzB2em14ZndsZEFCSk5McGFvSHo2Q2VBST0= |
Converted my BTC to XLM for 191 sats each. Saw BTC popping and XLM keep losing its value to it, so converted XLM back to BTC at 142 sats each (around 25% loss)
And literally within days XLM started popping. Now at 600 sats per XLM. Basically x 4 from where I sold it!
Roast me. 😆 | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSmNhLXBTOXFNRi1aMGMxYklNUkc3aFVTUW1LT0dJeG5renE4NU5ZQnVWV1JWOUlpV2NJcFBEMVhCX3R2cXltOU40WlJzMlRGd0xPeTd5TndoNFZlTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOZVpwZGpzX1NlLWlXVEV5T1A5YUVmWHktRlJnVDRKV1lfcDlMLVpaV1NybklsUnBVZ1llVndqOWtkR2RzV0JQVkF5U0h5TUNLRzUxMDlCamtoNC03QklZVUwyOGp2aGotUXNkbVQ4V2ExRjA1bFc1MEQyS2h4cVc4LVZ6MHhERnpTTmlYUkppZ29XTmN1VHgxWlp4Wk53TFNOdUw1UnNnUXlIei1aajMyRlA1eHZsUkVwQTFadmdOaUw1WWlNZUtKM3I3QzFabHdKOXl3MVdqQzhxY0VBUT09 |
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. [Click here to view the full post](https://sh.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1gz1bsj) | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSlM1cDBhSEcwbS1XenhHQkVfNlFjWkJpdUhFekhtRk5ZdDF3X0c4RzdtWW9aMkdBQ3R0T2FDM1I0ZlhPd2hHZlZkclhqUE1YOVc3X0t3UTN1aC1za0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOWW15TkZFeTFqN2JDRHE1LXdIUzcxZnFqRjBBS1J4NjlPYnpUb0MxX25veUZ0dy13eU1EUXJPZ3BzUzRjWlZmbndpb0Rkbndza1NKWnVXRWpJakpRUnJHZGM3bjZ6VDhoTHNJUnpsbkhGXzlnLVRtejRLUU1zNTlWdXE1SFhrd3J0UDdkR2t0TlhjU0xmSFpRM2NnR2Q1SnRYUEtESV80S2s5YXZsN1pxMVFRYkdpMHVrbUNncmtIOFpaSE9kUGpqZDF1YjJ1OUtuZ2hHdFVoQ0QtLVdSUT09 |
I like to use credit cards as a comparison. What would later become Visa was first launched in 1958 by Bank of America. It was initially known as the [BankAmericard credit card](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_Inc.#:~:text=Visa%20was%20founded%20in%201958,other%20financial%20institutions%20in%201966) program. Fast forward a couple decades, watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRwJw3Bdavs) to see how people reacted to Burger King's news that it would accept credit cards at all locations in 1993. The tenor? Skepticism. Adoption takes time. People adjusting to new systems, vocabulary, and behavior takes time. We're still early.
However, don't be stupid. Make a plan. Here's my plan: I'm selling a third of all my holdings once the total market cap of all coins hits 4 trillion dollars. I'll sell another third of all my holdings once the total market market cap hits 7 trillion dollars. Most of my portfolio is in BTC. The majority of my other holdings are the big L1 smart contract platforms that can handle volume. I don't know which will win so I own several of them. I figure that if 1 to 3 win in the bag, then it'll pay for the losses of the rest. If crypto falls below 2 trillion total market cap, then I'll resume DCA in my portfolio. At current prices I'm not buying anything.
That's my plan. I'm not saying that it's the best plan, but it's what I'm doing. Yes we're early. But make a plan so that you're not second guessing yourself everyday as prices shift around. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSU1zNTBoNWlfNzNnSGNJS0FxOUpzVVZ3TFBhcEk3REpkS0gtSm1kWTB2Z0JJbVltRzNKVjY2VkV0MG5DckdaVkFuSGd6blZyX1c0cEw5MnE1YW1JUWFZbXRmSlhRRG5tR21jb2tJalk4SGM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOMEU1OE8xaFpfbmNDdEJoSFhLRHQyQU4tclNJWU5xUnIxVTBKdm5HcnJHRGk0bFpmVy1LaXc3alhHc1dUUWFrbmxZUDJOWXl1QTIwQW8wX1dJcHFxTnI2MnJLeXFQdUdnaHBiTU5hbE51YzhnVlU4b2JINEY1NzFRM2I0eERMSGtEbEIxQ0g1TFMydk1qWE9sWlBObmpTUzM4N0NOWHB1X29nMDFSZXluYkFVPQ== |
Idk why I'm not able to post a before and after pic, but meh. | r/worldpolitics | post | r/worldpolitics | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMU1FZVFFZSl9IaS1ndkxhNDlpeFAtcmd1ZEJmRHplMG50cC1xbi1WYmlrc0RkVkswYnRnUUcxeDI3ejhfRGlYelE4TEwtcmk4WGtXNVJ4ZGQtRU8wYjNWRi1zb0ZyQmN1cl9EajhGeWM2aWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOZ0VqNzZoTzB3OGlRV1MtSGEtSTZqeXJmNUdvNHE2dlQwMV9zN2Jrb2V5VlNhX2tha3JFWEptNXRTdFBBbzhLNU1UM2lsRk1QOEM3c0dWN1FHS3RfRUhJMTdUbzhHRmlLcmZ3WUx0eExqUkl3R1JDcXp5TnRYNVowalhXMk5HR2piM1lkUzhzLVA4OEdCX3pCYTZpQTVrc3RXbEFxT29OQnUzdEVJdmxtaFJ1LU9PRzdQZHE2VFhadlhsQ19qVXN3UDdVWmZCOUJrY3p2SzQwellZbEh2Zz09 |
I keep telling myself i’m market timing and just getting lucky, but yeah, i have no fucking idea about what’s going to happen when i wake up to fresh downturns after a big spike.
…however, i’ve accumulated some nice dips in doge (and solana, and btc, and polkadot, and eth, and avax, and cymd, and etc, etc) since early 2021. the trick is not to think, “oh shit, i lost $750 today, i’m going to sell.” nah, never sell. instead, i think, “oh shit, i gained $5,000 today. why would i sell?”
- #hold on to your dip. - #hold on to your dip. - #hold on to your dip.
watch it disappear when the market goes down. dips suck, but they have all been tiny compared to the peaks, so “hold” them for now. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUzJYX3JwelUwOG9iTmV3QWxlQ1J0ME10aGFhSWNUY1kyQkVQVkN3YXZTNzA5NmZFMHN6Zl9venNZNnBRcXNaYzl1QTQ4OEFtRGhMZUhSN1JCYndOMEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOUDBxV3FOa19XaUxOenBSb01LaDAxZ3JEN09xQ2dmTHZhcWQ5ODBuUnJTaXY1MXk0elJiVmNKVGdueEljaFZxMmIxb3RmUE1qcmFOX1FuaTMzSnNNT0tOLUhkSU5FVTVOSU5jN0x6RzZkcWJ0X2xQYTd5cGhxQW85S014MUdlcGl4dTRaYkdrMHBheFB6ZFFzTXNmN21pbThvYk02bTZPRW9JWGJhSXFMRllNTDNiRDNPVGg3bGZHWWFiYlNiM05Scl82d0IxdU0tckZoOWgzSjQyc1pwUT09 |
It just got listed on binance and soon will be on coinbase | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVzgtanJDZENyU2FocDF3aDE1Q3l6Tnk5ME1hOHZhY0hvWDRBYk5lZXVwNUJmbWF4Q1Z2bmpudnA2Qm5OVGl1VmM1a0NpdVEwcVR2YzFGWGl5TU84dWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZONVd2T21hZktPV1N0ZjE2MFM1SzdvanBWTk51QlVESk9OOFZCclJFMW5ZZ2oxd0N2SElPdlJ2Y2o0RkJIR3A3LXJ6aVViRlhyd3lSTjR1a1JCZHF0MFhrMVRESnJ4bzZZcVVoS3NTM1Q5enZQajNoSGpmYUp1SS16QmVZWkZNUDRnWFE3ekczaUlkWnpLNVVVLXZSTHRzZEhRUDJtbGJ2WmRhRXRpdm9pU1l1QXo4d1liYzRwZFVpNjJUbTNYQzkzTmQ1OUZ0SkJjRXk4VXBqZkxQcUY5Zz09 |
As everyone here knows nearly ever crypto will bleed value against BTC over an extended period of time.
Yes some traders may be lucky enough to buy an altcoin before a rally and if you are good for you, but TAKE PROFIT. Seriously. You bought Cardano at $.45 and it more than doubles - at a minimum get back your initial USD investment. Holding profitable alts long term is how this sub probably loses the most money.
**If you make money on an alt**
* **get back your initial investment**
**Do not:**
* **Hodl everything for even more future profits**
* **Double Down and buy more**
**Seriously if this post trends check the comments of this post and I guarantee people will tell you how they bought an alt in 2021 held for huge gains and then held back down for a significant loss.**
If you are new here learn from the mistakes of those that were here for previous cycles, take profit on alts. Period.
Some Alt to BTC charts below to help visualize and reinforce what I'm saying.
https://preview.redd.it/fkgk067v6x2e1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb0a704f77c28a4a3dc0807e753cdaf53be00255 | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcVFvWHRwa2NQZjQxLVVXMXduYmdQLUp0RGhuMEx1QnNCSnNWQnMwSG54aUV0QW9fT2tfdDBla04wcXhuUjM4R0dVWmxZN0xKMnRZNXZTWE1HalR2RVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOYUw2MGRvTjRrb3JYM3Ixb2twMkF1SlNpWXBLdkhwZ09yNFdpLW1mU0oybVJEdlBwNFZ3SzBTZWgzZFk1Wk9wdTZBa1RlQm1fTmJTLUdGQ2FPeFlPQU0xWVY3MkRHWHNOYkdFc05wcURCanZXcEVHYmRSbTVXTXBmajZIV1NPdlJvLVAxWDBweTJjX05QOVhnbVlwZXVsY1FSUmM5R2JZWEx1RGV2bzNDNE85MWstMnRLcDctTzlnbGtDWWpzSzRWeVdpSy0tdnViXzdWV0Jodm12ZHA0UT09 |
Buying and holding isn't adoption in the sense of usage. Cryptos that allow actual usage to meet actual use cases will do what they will do independently of whatever happens on BTC. If I could actually spend/use BTC with low fees, I'd be using it, but I can't so I use something else. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSUZlZmd1WW1ZaXZMenlsQk9aZkVNM0J2ZGVKVVllLTVVdmNpVzNQNVBJcGVkNFd2UmRxVG1TQ2Jadkg0d2k5b3A4a0VZaVFXckkzcGpST3hvV0hManlNQzEwbUVTSDBmRzRDeGtIcFJRbVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOQ2d5VlJRLU0yckROOTB4WVVoVl9jaVNLRk95dDlIcW5QUGNFS3lwMGFQTF8xTE5naEZReGlfQS1pSzhESTNJcnZmanpkZTY0WU9SZlRBVW5qajlSY2hQNGpMQlNSeGhZQnFpM0tPVUhzSW1fek9wckJxeHJnYU03NGh5OWUyRy1hS3g3bXY2QTdaMmhjR1g1ZEpFNWpsYzUyM0ZzeExLWlhCSEh1NmhBSDh6RzVHYURnYmNqOFhJNDdiQVVTQ1pNN1p3Tk1vTlRPdmNoRmVENjVsTFlzUT09 |
What have we achieved so far?
✅ +1500 subscribers and an active community.
✅ +100 hours of published content.
✅ 150 videos dedicated exclusively to #BitcoinCash.
✅ +500 hours invested in the preparation of exclusive BCH episodes.
✅ Weekly publications.
However, we need your help to keep growing. If we don't reach our goal, we will have to reduce the frequency of publications to 1 episode every 2 or 3 weeks.
Each episode involves a lot of preparation and editing time, as well as a high opportunity cost.
What are we looking for?
- Maintain the quantity and frequency of our content.
- Continue to offer quality information to counteract BTC's maximalist discourse.
- Improve Audio and Video Quality.
We believe that the Spanish-speaking world needs it more than ever.
Your support counts.
Any contribution, no matter how small, brings us closer to our goal. Thank you for helping us continue to spread the #BitcoinCash message. 💚
🙏 Thank you for your support! | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQm11UUdyN0dieTQ5U1VhUDVrN3pjNDltX2F4Q2N3am1FODNVU0JVbGVEUWRGM1FmZjhQUUtQMGdVVHNfXzhpQ29FVGM0Qm4zSG1YTjJoTXoyS3gxSEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZONTU0b3NTblNlN2p0bE41ckRRN0JKNDFnclZPNzgxZTFpSGt1RUNZMzhhY29VcXV2b1JIZ2tXdkVDRV81ZTE5TGNBUzVXdldQNTZnb2RvN0Vpb2V1STJhYlFYTXdZZGVIS1ZQdWFtQmxEdi14WURCX0xJWVc1enRWenhXUXlJUWg4RVB4Vmw4c0M2bWUyVzg1M3VsWFZ3eVI5RGhDSWpVemxUYkl5NmVwcTBMbno1OFItQnUwUV9iZ3laLWJtcDhv |
There's only ever going to be 21000000 BTC on the market and 19.5 million or so have already been mined, how many more halvings will there be? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMb1ZxNHpsZndzY0xrTnVNSFhaMWxqNWp5YUtjTWtjNk5YdGRVN1BtdndaSm4tN2RJZDhNTURuU2tibzF2eFFzdl9OMDRHSldtemlONEEwQndNQU9ldmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOSGNYc0VkcVpRY0xXTUl0NzZnbW9GSWRFdDZHT0sxNXRfOVVtdXlwMkRSekRyZEE2cWRoYVdhcmpPVjU3R0pzOWdyWno1dmpocVktOVlydjVxd29Nc0s2T08wOVgxMC1xQWFYVU5XZXBRQkdrU1V5Wi1qa2JzcUlHTU4zNDFwSUdBb3ZvWHZsNjFhaURTTlcyZ2ZmZjZCZWxHbWJFeVhhUXkzSDZLNDk0bXp2d3g5RXFaOUQ0c0xJSF9YeWwzWXpS |
What are the best crypto platforms with NO fees.
I’m on Bitbuy and crypto.com, but I’m hearing sketchy things about Bitbuy and don’t wanna invest too much $$ onto it and there are fees on crypto.com (not the best if you wanna DCA)
Help? 👍 | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVkZUaVBtNXcyeWhqWTVMR0xFNm1xMUFDa2FxVTRibHZwbWVWMmY1amU4ZEo0cXZSd2J3VnEtOWx5VlNkOUZDa2pMVWhOUVhnMTBkTlR6UVdjTzc1RUpLWUtiSkFVRlpMMEl3d2x2U2dFUUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOQVN0dDhaM3pBUnZjUGkybWxiZTJKSGs2ZTNfVTJSZHN2R0xlVlJrTkdJYi1KWkN1NVVRUTRfelNyMjViTmZtSUs2Z3VRdGpWb0F1UHpFbkI1UW1fSG1GMnNxbDJNLUdkUnRad1BXcV9FVERKNGlrWmdaXzlhRjlQaTFsQVpHWGI3MnZMVUhwM1BkX2RRTkZzazhFdFZmUldFN0R3M2pGUUMzaHBXUlVqUzZjPQ== |
Dead coin has made 500% in one year, performing better than etherum and without any hype, imagine how far this will go on 2025 when the bull really starts and normies pile up to buy crypto | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMN2RwWEhMZVZMbjQ5YlJ2ekd2SWNyOTNrTXpzb2VLcFBjUjdGaVhYRW9JUjR5QUE3OV9VWG9tb3BvMXhyOGdoUURVMFpSRndQenhEUFRFOVFnVnZ0Z0VsTTNsMVNLaFN3U2dGaEltcnh4Zkk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOeWZpMGVVczRJWlM1ZF8ycG1xWGktaVozaXFWdmY4cmttNXRQR2lwYjI0eVY5dWNIeVY1MmZyZkx2enEzTl8xYWFnZUdNU3hqOTBINWl3SGNpVzdFdTZFalNTX005UHVPVkZEOUgyQm1ueFp0bjRUazRmSWUtVFlPRGFuNEtheXc5N0ZVS2RNZk9KUW5uOC14ZW94bHNXQndmb0dueTBrUWNDb2poT09jWVFjNDEybmstMWc4SHZ3Wlp1cks4REdPdXNjU1QwMGxBYWwzZjhEOXVQWkJUUT09 |
This is 2024, almost 2025, no one is transacting with Bitcoin for day-to-day stuff anymore. Bitcoin is digital gold, a store of value. You borrow against it if you need liquidity, get some USDT, USDC, or whatever stablecoin you're using, and handle your business. If you're sending Bitcoin, it's only because it's already sitting there and it's convenient, not because it's practical.
We're transacting with Layer 2s now, maybe even Layer 3s soon. Who's genuinely out here saying, ''Hey, let me send some Bitcoin for my coffee? I buy BTC to hedge against inflation, but I'm not using it for everyday transactions.
Here is your chatgpt response: 1. Bitcoin as a Hedge Against Inflation
If I’m buying Bitcoin as a long-term hedge against inflation (which is its most dominant use case now), why would I even bother with Bitcoin Lightning or other transactional layers? The point is to hold it, not spend it.
The value of Bitcoin lies in its scarcity, security, and decentralized nature—not in its speed or efficiency for everyday transactions. For transacting, there are faster, cheaper, and more efficient options like stablecoins, altcoins, or even other Layer 1s like Solana, Avalanche, or Polygon.
2. Bitcoin Cash Doesn't Solve a Real Problem Anymore
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was created to improve Bitcoin’s speed and scalability, but today it feels outdated. Why?
There are so many blockchains that are far faster, cheaper, and more scalable than Bitcoin Cash (e.g., Solana, Binance Smart Chain, etc.).
If you want to transact, why not just skip Bitcoin Cash entirely and use a currency built specifically for speed and efficiency? BCH is like a halfway solution to a problem that’s already been solved by other projects.
3. The OG Appeal of Bitcoin vs. Utility Coins
Bitcoin’s strength is its brand, trust, and track record as the first cryptocurrency. It’s “digital gold,” and no one expects gold to be fast or efficient for spending—it’s about holding value, not day-to-day usability.
If you want to use crypto for transactions, you’d pick something designed for that purpose. For example:
USDT or USDC for stable payments.
Lightning Network for small, instant Bitcoin transactions (if absolutely necessary).
Other altcoins (e.g., Ethereum, Solana) for cheap, high-speed transfers.
Using Bitcoin Cash feels redundant when there are already solutions that work much better for transacting.
4. Why Bitcoin Cash Doesn’t Make Sense
Bitcoin Cash tries to market itself as "the better Bitcoin" for transactions, but it misses the point. Most people don’t even want to transact with Bitcoin (or Bitcoin Cash). They want to hold Bitcoin and transact with something else entirely.
It’s like saying, "Let’s use a slower version of Ethereum" when we already have faster Layer 2 solutions or blockchains designed for high throughput.
In summary, if I’m buying Bitcoin as an inflation hedge, I’m not interested in trying to force it into a transactional use case. And if I need a cryptocurrency for transactions, there are much better options than Bitcoin Cash. BCH feels like a solution looking for a problem in a world where those problems are already solved. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaXNnS1RPeUtPclZ3SFg4RnZMRTZTQS1ndW9QNjBxSzUzZkFhSW5DRmFzaWxnZlpmeVBOeXNwOUo2N3hnY0liRk5zejNVMGp4YWtLa25feEdSWjBocXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOcDlWUnpOMFdOb1VUbTJFYzNZcU9pRFE4WlRNX3ZrS1J1NXpCVmUtZVdVNl94UHhyYVc0ZGNDMDdSdjVaVUJreTlBdmRUeXNBem15V3RfVnczeFRPalpQc0ZNZUoxQ0pvcGFUa0F0T0FxelNGSlU5RmJ2UEN0QnV2V2lKbjhSNFVHajZJUzRuN2dwZ1M5LUJGdml6amlXeThraWtadXdibXpRYlQ3ZngyMGJaSGFYZ2J4WF9UVUd1Y1c4aEhrY2xfWExTcGlGREZYbE15TnFOYjVZamVWUT09 |
Right, but then what gives BCH value if it's not something you can hold to have value? I get it can be used and the hope is for it to become a currency. But would it not also be seen as an investment? As it has limited supply and could be used as a currency? | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMX1c0eWRmSjFWemtQc0lOYzlJbkZLOHVTUXBMQVVWbGc3ODJINW9OOU82OFBTNFpWajdQb192NnVwbGtEZjNmT3FoQVF2VkZIenhKbjljckZnWVVJTjZkc1VOOEcxaTFqZmx0ZnRMd05IQkk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOYmxQLXF3S0VKei1aR0ZXdmRXZjVld3R3OEJqYmxwai1wMTBCQzFkVThmRkdMY1NkRGt0WWVSN1NGWE9NVzhNR0M4MHo0aFljRHg1ZGR4b0VWZnhDcFVSTFJ5cmdxZHJib3QxTzlSazJzdmh0dG0xeEtrMXVQSGNxVGxyR2I1YnpVVml4WkZqVVFSMk9fRzVpV2VwcnYzYnhqR3IyRXhjZExxWFFQUmhpUGVvSm1XVlQ0X2xCRVpuV19MdnE0LVF0aUt0eTF0MjFNYXNYdW53b3dNVHNUUT09 |
I searched the sub, but I mainly found information from like 3 years ago.
After 4 years, I’m finally looking to take some gains this year. Is there a program I can use that will track all my previous interactions? I have made some swaps, but I don’t think they amounted to much gains.
Luckily, I haven’t done extensive trading, so I have to go manually and add everything up, I can. But ideally there’s a program that can do all that for me lol.
Also wondering if I still have to manually track staking gains.
Thanks for your help! | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeVVVYkxfclZtdHRiMU1ISW5VMVN5cWdxMXViOGJIMUZBOS1oSHZPaXh6TnpUWkx4WWVmX0FtQW1lV0xaenRsdmVzS3gyRVZnaXpXMl9iUHVwM1BfYVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOUDJ5Sk5LRjRpVEZ3VnhxYlo3SzdfcTFKcnpyZHgxOEZmV3NXeGxiRk1kOThpZXJoMF9Mam01TkYxQmd0SnMydzFMckZxb0MweXdEYWpZUHNCSG9ZeW51RjI5NU9PQ0NQYllOVmNVLWl5WXktYjR0NXJZVXk0Y3ZWcWlTTDQydGJibU04bWZZeTlTRTAyY090QmJuRFlZaVZqVFhBcHZaSXFRUDdaME1Xdm42c0ZaMVdzSGwxbEcwRlo3eHIzU1d4TWxJS3RPdklYR1ZDMjRxWm5Cd095QT09 |
It's BCH, there is no BTH.
Bitcoin CasH | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdm5RTkpGOFlrYVE0ajFVQnlVb3o0OUV5Wm5lZDhuUzJqc18xeXhMWGVkbEh0aVJ5dE43VnEwWFBCXy1RUHNqdDNGNU54S2xFSUZCak1uUEltMENlRVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOU1hSQzVxZlRBbTRfM0ZpWHFRTFlleGdpNmpvbGZEa3hMNldKY3Nka0Y4b2ItckdBOFR3Q1M0SkMzRWdsVlJINVZlRGpjQ2I2aUdGaTIxaDRsZUQzTWN0SFNGVno0TldUTHFqWFlYYzN4TWVSYWh3anhoUW9ldkUxcGdXbVhZdE1FVVpJXzdjR2VYWXZucTBkZ0xLTUhQVUxCYUI5S0hXc3ZRdEVzSXFwaVFhTWNoUEplSzlLSkhwbEdaTHZuSi1UR2JhMXlUY3owRE1EQjhJTzFGOFB0UT09 |
300 FIL at price 5,50$ | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWE1XSjFTUnR4NlF2OUQtUFRPQXF1bkgzZGtMN0lxR0JPSWtxVUJzZW5zVzcwZU4tR2YxS2wtMXl1XzYtLXg3ZUJlc1dxSWNNYXNGUVBKell2MVllV2xKRl9TNEJ3R3BKUmtNbFhObE0xcWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOQ2R4bUs3Z0pRTS1vTWtFeUl2UlZ3cW1Ta2tKQklWRVhPRnFzX2l4UUpmNEhrUk1BUV9TbXZJMmEtSW1CVkRvazc0TlE3ckh0cUhsQnhFeFpvTzd3WXVNVV85VG9nOVVPRElxZmxoSDFvQ1VBbmRnMWZleVBkbWVSanpzTVJPOE9iWFNzbDl2WGxVY3RlTjlFd0pmbXF6YmpBcTdsYzZGNE5rUTZOM3UtYUJrPQ== |
Huge amount! You are badass man | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbXNuenBEMGN6X1ZWQ1FPeE9DWEFoNE1YR2wyN2pXQ1ZTZUltQjVtUE56LWxva3lkR3pDRXhDcF95bU00UWlXd29rUXVGdGpEeDBJMlNhcllwVVFzQk5CbUJfVnNvOVhQd1JpbGtGSC1HTUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOUUI1T2hxbTZmaFBZaDRBcVVRSXFOZXZmaENTM3FSb2ZIY29hX28yTEJnbHRST19ka1kwdGRPLWVRdUNaX0ZzRmo4YUlxRDRKWjhmQ1NzZm54X3NVbWVJcnpNTnN5ZlliSHBmcEMtUGkwRGstVlZmZEYxMHFPajRfUzEyVm4tYzZHdk1ITkNTa0E1djB2UFFlWmo5MmVlWnFPTWNQenk4N1RYbnB0QUlrSzkwPQ== |
I appologize. I learned about it today. I am trying to learn more atm. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVU9wX210TndaaV9xd0lFY01FRTB1SGVNV3FCYUw3cF9IcDkzMU9UM0pVY3lEZEhRTWplVW5aajNNaU9hQWhwcFUtdGExM3ZLRWM4ZjlWczd3LU5EN0tIYmdqRWlvQkpzaDZ1b3dFZ3pjdWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOWFl6U0xwOEtTRkRuaXVnNWNOMWRuWjhMLVV1MGpUVWNMQU9DUk5DdmRtd0t2ckFVaTV3RFllQzltVGJORWtHUUtkYXRVRGZoelhodzg5a3c5cmhOU3JHWkxmdk8wYmY4QlV4STNNSkJ4R3cxa09KSElYZTF4eGVHc1VtWWxmVThlX3NVbHYxTHVVOW1neE5Sb3lFbnhueUJTR2lieXRaRzA3dEI5ZEZqbVVBdVllYl91cWdqSEFoSEw4R0t5akV0eHlmQ2VLazFrbUhqSGVVTHJHU0paUT09 |
Strangers of internet, should I sell?
First time options trade, not sure if I should hold longer. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbnBtLUpZSVFxMWVWVHZUYlJucnh5WVVTRF9fZTlTYVd0QlFuYTEtR2FDOUxOSFVLb3F5Nk9LWmoxOVJpZHZFT0NScmE4LTlJY0JXNnBDRnFlNkhMS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOYl8tbUZyOEh3c2tNbUhMU2FwTmJ6aE95dHQ2OGZPNkJvaV9jdVpUTms4SGhtRkxFWlJkR3JJRGdBZFJYVFRYSjBfMVBjYVFycVlxdWk1bzNGZjFPWTBmc1ZmXzl6ajRzZGU0dmwtSG05VmZGMG5jaXlQVnFGZ25lcGoyRGdDbV9QZ2M1b0Q3S0R2d1NIdHJJTDBDaU5CNmc0c3luX1M5YXlzMEwtbk5QOXhBPQ== |
Someone say it should be 3 seconds 😅 | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMc0JZUEhMM2h2SG0tNFlwRFNua1FPV0I5aXJ4elNITFV5TXF5Y2N5U2o3Szl0OUszbF9mVEhXSnY1ckF3bGN5d0xkLU5LQjI0dkkzWnpXMHBUajNianc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOTkE2eWJMM2h5M0hBNlVseHdfVDRkVE90S3dacnB4bmlldzhQTFZYRjNib0FTcXdkaDluRVc0cTFSMm1HNmJ4SHYtYzZTTTZXQlJZWG9ROXlXOHZTTWRSckowTlQwRFFKa1FMTWhnOXBMNjhsNkFPb3poZHZ1cG5ZcHduM2ZJWFQ2MjlaeW13R1pxUkE2MTlnWGw0N2ZaX19nTVNNb2Q4NHkxd2Jyc19EazZEWmV1MkQwM1hpTmo4UnZQLU9pSzJvb1Uyb2FpdmNiSF8tWGtJS0dWVkhIdz09 |
Ideally, value would be determined by several things.
1. Demand (to use it).
2. Prices set by vendors of items in terms of BCH rather than dollars.
3. Maybe some people holding and reducing the available supply (self banking).
The reality is, however, that the current BCH price (as is the case with every crypto out there except for stable coins) is virtually random due to speculation.
But we can come up with a way to think what a fair value might be based on total coins (21,000,000) and what might happen if the usage were to go world wide (8 billion people)... and what the value would need to be to support trade between that many people.
All that said, this future of everyone using BCH as a currency is a LONG WAY off, if it ever happens. Before BTC and BCH split, an economy around crypto was evolving and growing. You may not know, but companies like Microsoft accepted it as payment at one point. Then the number go up side show began. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVk1qMHBWczNZbk1WVkszelFEOUdrMXNoQmFpbzAxdWUzblJDZ1hYWnN5NTRzeUJicVRlVVZURFlWR3JVbjlRbnNpbVFKRGJ2UDU3NmpvTUhKR2d1MklHVEpZU3A1dDdRM2pRSVdnMWZMNVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOMWtGR3ZDWURPcjM5a0xETVpZbl9OaEs1SUNodkNsUVdlZ01BTlJkLVNWc2xrZEVGZ2RtUl9QN3JjWHpyVjVBTkxEUEs2dkd6YXhuTWRrelZuN09HSTgxRDhSc0F5a2o5dFJRcFNRXzJmU085RnNJYjQ1RjgxVHNsN0JCd3libGRqbm9jdXJRQUxGdGR4OHJwRjFOWGQ0eU54U2g1RjdpUEF4WjZFX2lSbkRsdThEb0UzWkRrS3Y4RmdJYW5QX055OGdqbnhndXFubnZjQUg4a253OVJYUT09 |
68 at 42$!! And I held all the way through the peak!!! | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNWxYbVloa1IyYUFUV1FsbkZxOHVBaHNuYk5aMjJCaGRhNmNzTHA5c0JuY1h5M0czY29fSnpvWE9RVkFtZHFEN0VnV0FFeDBMT2ZXOG95aHNGekNHWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOeVZyeW5fRVZvaDRJU3VDcndfQW9MQnlQS3AzdnR1Z0JsV3RXMS1XaDhzMXM1ZlZYMDY4Q1hWSTBuY2ZhRXgyV2tpVUxfcW1GVE02OVBYQW5LUDNkbERONVJBNlJLX1otUExBcW1oZjh4R3BOTHZ1R1pVSEI4aWZjR25PRVluSllVUVd4alAwLUZHa3MtUTVseWZtT09uOXh2dmQ3eW1rSTdtNG1XaC02dE5nPQ== |
Hey guys, this is my first time buying crypto since 2017. I currently hold cardano, solana, chainlink, avax, aioz, akash, doge, pepe.
I don’t hold any btc but my goal is to buy alts now and when bitcoin dominance ends and alts start pumping, I’ll already have bags of different coins that I bought now.
Obviously nobody can tell the future, but I am asking those with more experience/knowledge.. when can we expect to alts to start pumping even more? (I know alts are already pumping over the last month but I mean alts hitting all time highs)Just loaded up on coins this week. should I wait for alts to drop more before buying or does it look like the time to buy is now? Looking to buy now and sell whenever the bull run ends (3-9 months??) i don’t want to chase pumps so im buying the alts now before its “alt season” am I smart for this?
Lastly, does anybody have any alt coins I should look into that are relatively safe investments for this bull run. Thank you everyone! | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTUQ2c005ZE5JcGd2cnUzbVZjNGFhR2ZjeDRBNHVSWTByc3h2MS1qaXZZd1g5ZzVmVmFsSEViZGZtaW42ZmprRGNHVXJzY3gyalp2VUd4dG5iVkpuNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZObFNGbzdlOERFMWpidXQ5VmdDcW4zNFg4Q3RIZTBrM19RVHJGbEVkckdVUzRKY0NteTdFMlNIMFRsQVJCb3c0MmJlNTlKV3E4bmZ1bENsQUdUaXRPRUl6Nks5NzI3OTlXRGhJSEZVVzdaUEF4dEQ3eF9wSTh5WjBiOTNLXzJLaGUwVERmZU9qeXhweFcySUR0V2o0RTlodmpuajJrRFNudGw0ZXhrOEFIYWNyWnRKVVVSRlBFNDBESDhkTWpDV1FR |
r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSjA1QXJTSmkyNFphbHhoRkcwWEJxdm9qbFBLV0tnTDFWLVVSMnRNYzlEbkVndDZ2dkdNQnpwUEYzZnlHa0xKZ3BBZTRsZE1kbVp2Q2owdTRtN05BNE5ORVZJei11aXRBcTBWZ1FzZ2xUTmc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZONjFNekZaRl9ySXFzYmg5bGpSOXRlSm02Mk9zNUNJakhTMWViZENuZGhGMXhKNlpVQlZSb2FqWUtoTDZkLXBjSlM5SG0tN3Q2UWNXR0RQOU5xQnJxdEhfb2RFNVZsdkFFemNpQVRLQmZiaGtqd3R5YW5JdTZ2S2JXZXZ6emZUeWk5SWpyWG1LejZaX2Z5LW1Ub1ZoT3hBSUlTcERSd0N4eWlfVmMxZTlGVnp3c2VueGNZUFM2bm03cUNULU9nekJ4 |
This company is a sleeping giant, I'm sure you've been seeing the name more and more at restaurants. By far the most user-friendly platform for the service industry.
Toast operates within the **restaurant tech** and **point-of-sale (POS)** industry, which has seen significant growth recently.
* **Digital Transformation in Restaurants:** As more restaurants modernize their operations, there's an increasing shift toward integrated POS solutions that handle everything from payments to inventory management, customer engagement, and analytics. It does it all, not just payments.
* **Shift Toward Cloud Solutions:** As the industry moves toward cloud-based systems, Toast’s cloud-native platform stands to gain more traction. Its subscription-based model also provides recurring revenue.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTnZNR2otYl9TbGpqMDN2Wml0LW5NN2dEdlhnZTFTR1lFbWJFUVR5UW5PWHpIVmNSZl9fSXZBekV0bjJid0p2SFliZGZCajJ2QkM0TVBCZlp1dGM5UUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOclpzTFdxZ0YzNGY2RWtkbC1waEg0RnM2X3pBTFVVR29JV19TeWQ3MXlJOXNRcklxU2kxODRGcUxtOThxUmtFeUl0d2JKYVBVamI5UXZGUzZiWnp6VVhEZTJ5QWc3UGhZWTNTY3hCbXVXSVZ4Z1lZc2Ztb0ZaRVRuR0laRmowcnd1d0tsMjVhWGJ4M054VE52V1ZNUWNVNEpQWWdBV2FlWmdfRERjc2ZPZkh3PQ== |
I invest in crypto since some years now but always stuck to the big coins and want to expand a bit. Is there a way / tool to see the daily / weekly trade volume of many coins preferably with a regional filter? Like Americas, Europe and Asia or similar? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZEFUX1dIdFdZRHB1eEtRd2U0Wjk0RWNySTZ1R1lKNW1YR2YyQmNJM2Z3NVF1ZmZCRHhaZEwwLVdEUGFxaHhORGRjZkZ5VlV6N2l0WDZsWkdQVXlsVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOLW9feTJvUS13ZGJQOXFERklQSllsMUFTLVhTVW1vZjJJRmRWZkRBRmkyTDhRXzJqeWlZazQ5dHljNm85UUtCSEhodGcwMml5dDFOZk5uMHlSbTRtdklWUFlsbE81alpNS2k0eS10NDd6TFFPUlFPdEV1OXBfLTNDYnhxWTd4aHJMemRBRXlRRGsyb1pnTGJuZk9MNWROS21uZmgzNVFBdjNxdUtUZlFYMUdFejZaWXJBZ3dtVWpMRHFTdTV2UDdO |
Closed out my 165 CC and bought 30 contracts…the news wasn’t news Thursday night…we are pumping this week… | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRHZBakxQbTZtTlZBU09vWlZYaGtYMHMxd29yamZRMXViRjRUUi1Ib3hJcUJEVlFMVjJtR05SOG91ZmdxT3FFS0ZyTHVTTnZuMVU0RExucE5HTENnRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOZldKZ0VTOWRGckNYclNoRW52WjIwOXZub3FvVGNmckQ0NG9STE56SzRZbHdfcnNYYVBjaHZ4YTRHRWs4ZjJjR0Z5U2RUTFRVakJWalY3M3NMTThSWDhDY29YVjFTNmg1ck1ucmVLVUI0RDU4TDRCUGNqQVRYSFF0SFZzTnE4TTl2THVEUHFfbC1XNnhNY0dYSlBRcV9hcDFEM1BZSGdCUVZxWUJBY01GQnBFPQ== |
I don’t think the numbers are going to get bigger
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYTNIcjl2Vkt1eTAwR21fS0R2N1JaamhFVGI1LWpLSjM5UUQ0aldtNS1HUEFpUWF3bUswdUt2NG1LMzRyNmtfUzJiUnVFOXBTZ2lLVThTNGx2Rk5HbFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOeEZ3NHJRSzJmS3hFMGM3Q0cycmZyUGJHcHpGSzBvZGpCN0U1RGxhRnpXY2YycVE4bkUwR3Z5TUU5d29PZWZXazlxSHVJb09wcnE0RW5CR2xmQmZHdk5tXzI0YlhSODBCSDhNU3BKVnJrOWhYaGtON3lzbUdLOUtnTnE3M1lLUXNjYnR5T3pJNDQycS05THBIc3c3Z0FMUGVDQ3o0c3ZfYVpnYzRYbXdKU3BvPQ== |
My breakdown touches upon:
1) Overall market context; 2) NVDA specific policy changes coming under Trump administration
Overall market context is important, especially if we are headed for a correction or a consolidation period after the period of exuberance we have seen across asset classes.
The overall market has largely yawned at potential tariffs, regulatory framework, and possibility of more export controls to Chinese market that could be enacted under a second Trump administration. Ex Goldman analyst Robin Brooks has alerted that markets are discounting the prospect of tariffs and how their effects could be really damaging for equities in 2025 ([https://www.benzinga.com/24/11/42134031/markets-got-it-wrong-after-elections-prospects-of-tariffs-not-good-for-equities-vs-dollar-says-ex-goldman-sachs-analyst](https://www.benzinga.com/24/11/42134031/markets-got-it-wrong-after-elections-prospects-of-tariffs-not-good-for-equities-vs-dollar-says-ex-goldman-sachs-analyst)). I don’t know whether there is hyperbole here, and if tariffs will actually cause pain for stocks, but it is at least worrying that the market has not seemed to care at all now that we know Trump will take office in January.
Goldman Sachs’ forecast shows robust 2.5% growth for the US economy in 2025, with slightly worst results if Trump enacts a 10% tariff on all imports. ([https://www.goldmansachs.com/pdfs/insights/goldman-sachs-exchanges/2025-outlook-will-tailwinds-trump-tariffs/OutlooksFinalTranscript.pdf](https://www.goldmansachs.com/pdfs/insights/goldman-sachs-exchanges/2025-outlook-will-tailwinds-trump-tariffs/OutlooksFinalTranscript.pdf)) Frankly, I believe Goldmans’ forecasting model is overly optimistic for two reasons. First, their estimates does not include a 10% across-the-board tariff on all imported goods, which Trump campaigned on. Nor does it include a scenario in which a large deportation program – both of which could have the effect of suppressing economic growth if implemented.
Wage growth has largely slowed and consumers would feel fatigued if a new bout of inflation rips across the economy—this would definitely have an impact on earnings. On top of this, a weakening labor market seems to threaten consumers’ comfortability with rising prices again.
One could argue that Trump’s immigration policies, including his plan for a large deportation initiative could see a tighter labour market, and rising wages that could counter a weakening labor market and slowing wage growth. But it’s important to be cognizant of the fact that tariffs would happen instantly, whereas deportations take time, and their effects would not be felt immediately throughout the economy.
Now that I’ve covered the overall market context, let’s get specific on NVDA.
Since NVDA reported earnings last week, the stock price has seesawed in pre-market trading as well as during trading hours. There has been plenty of pontification by market analysts either discounting or raising concerns about slowing sales growth and lower guidance going forward. The stock ended last week largely down, with significant selling happening on Friday.
But I want to focus on what’s in store for NVDA under a the administration.
Howard Lutnick, nominated by President-elect Donald Trump as Secretary of Commerce and USTR, has signaled his commitment to intensifying export controls on advanced semiconductors and related technologies to China. Lutnick’s statements and policy positions suggest a focus on maintaining U.S. dominance in critical technologies, particularly in the semiconductor sector, as a countermeasure to China's rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and military applications.
In a recent interview, Lutnick described semiconductors as "the cornerstone of America's technological edge" and emphasized that "export controls are not merely economic tools but strategic weapons to protect our national security." He has voiced strong support for continuing and expanding the Biden administration's measures, including targeting AI chips and semiconductor manufacturing tools.
Under Lutnick's guidance, policies could further restrict sales of Nvidia's next-generation Blackwell chips to China. He has highlighted concerns about these chips enabling advanced AI capabilities that could be leveraged by the Chinese military. Lutnick stated, "We cannot afford to let cutting-edge American technology become a tool for our adversaries," signaling potential restrictions on Nvidia and other U.S. tech firms developing high-performance semiconductors.
The implications of Lutnick's policies could be significant. Stricter controls on exports, including modifications to loopholes that allowed companies like Nvidia to tailor products for the Chinese market, might accelerate China's efforts toward semiconductor self-sufficiency. U.S. firms could face reduced revenues, but Lutnick argues that "short-term sacrifices are essential for long-term strategic security”.
In addition, we cannot discount the Biden administration making last minute policy moves to box in opponents and make it harder for the new incoming administration to deviate. This has already been reported by Reuters ([https://www.reuters.com/technology/chamber-commerce-sees-new-us-export-crackdown-china-email-says-2024-11-22/](https://www.reuters.com/technology/chamber-commerce-sees-new-us-export-crackdown-china-email-says-2024-11-22/)). According to this report, the Biden administration is set to enact new regulations could make up to another 200 Chinese chip companies subject to a trade restriction list that bars most U.S. suppliers from shipping goods to the targeted firms. This news broke on Friday, but ten minutes before the market closed. If this is correct, it will put price pressure on the semiconductor sector, which could affect NVDA as well.
I really do believe given this context, we are entering a period where NVDA could suffer, at least until we have more clarity on tariffs, export control regulations, and Blackwell sales numbers which won’t be reported on for some time.
The largest NVDA drawdowns that have happened recently (March-April; June-August; August-September) averaged anywhere between 21-30%. Smaller, more muted corrections have also occurred of around 10% in the stock since. A similar effect here (10% or so from its high of 152.88 would bring shares close to 137, and break through a key support level. A larger plunge could see it closer to 120 or below.
All in all, a dip here would be a good opportunity to buy up shares at a discounted price.
I will be holding cash for buying on what I believe will be significant dips coming in the coming weeks, in the lead-up to inauguration and what will be a flurry of announcements as Trump will want to signal change and do so in true Trump fashion: loudly.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUWRNNWhDTGpVTHpIZFJiYkdRdTh1QkJlNEtGUFBwWGRjamVzbzJ0ZTFsZUszcmdWSzlRaG5wd0d0VmF0X2ZkMzBUcExmbzFRRE0wcXlaX29aMnRBU0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOVFp5UW1henNTS2pjaFFSdXVvYjZkTEJGZEd1UVBjT1E4Wm1uMjFvQzhVTEtDMHI4clY1OXZ0em0wZEQ2QXE2dF91VTVya3dRRUpjTXZNM1oxNldKcl9QaHdwSy00Y0RUeGN6YTJMeUtsMXF4ZTRZUmVMTVpzbXptMTdTbTNMaDh0cGxkZ1RCYWs3UnZjOGJfXzVwU3NMQzMzanpJRnV5VEs4dllNXzdPZHRIZ21DdkNwQzhmcl94V3hLa1hSTHVTZEMtM3JhN3FPR0dGc3NYUE9ha3pHQT09 |
u can stake 1 Tao + | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMXzlJaEctUXlGczRRREVLMkw2ZlU2c0NXdjJCWGN2eUgxbEx0Y2hSdkN1WW9tZy1sQVZwczUzVTB4dG02NWhKUUowaDdNOU41cFZKNndWTE1YUlVKcmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOdjFXRHhsMlpHWWowVEVWeVRPa1d4dEltQjEzTVNDdzhJMGMxNXU2UWMtXzAzNy03ZHhzZDY0TEVad1pYWlUtWU9tRFZOTGdCRDNlRURqNWN5a28tRWJPRFctYzRuWFkzUkJ1UnNSNVNCdVpZZ2tFVmdrdDgxTjBhZjh2T2xyb3dVcVZQejctV1ZoSERjMlk2VmpwNGRiRGVEYVF6X1NUQkVpS0V1Z3o1aFpvaHM2Ync5dC0wbC1mYzQ1c3pvN1NzVVZyVXBVaXo2ZHBLUlNUdHNYeUpEQT09 |
yes with Talisman wallet, but really easy | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMT3RUSC1NR0prU19IeWJheE9jSFpmcXg5VV9pQm9EQUM3UkNFLUM4MW83cHE0QXJzU3NKTzIwM1JwMFFUYm9TbElVZk5pRVRQMFZoNi1ZSmM5RktmRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOQWV4b2F0RTJhTTF2Y2h1SGxSUV9UTnVwdXZuUk56dnROV1k3YThSaEpHazE5SUR6Yk44NG13eU5KQTc2TTNNTGVpWm95a3NpdVRYejNsc2c0TUl4NW5Wd25OSWVpdHd3cnh5cDZwclhDaUN4YUFoR3B1cV9vUVNJYllLZEQtRkJ6WmF1Vm9UMEJteGFDd3hXc241aHBLc1NWb01YMXByVnpCVkRwR2JpY0JBRkliOTczSlFBTlNkY0stalNqS0dwUlJ5OVFVc1BtNUpZMC1BNVR6N3Y1dz09 |
Do you like Talisman wallet? It gets good reviews, but has a .xyz website (my antivirus doesn’t like the .xyz sites, I think because those domains are the cheapest/easiest to obtain). | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbVhyVng4aUZwX25wcVBkLW4zSURPMVlQU2xJOF80OEpNVHJDUmlvbkxNNzV2QjU1OWtubjdfVFVmd2JNN1JxMnBwODdla3ZhazlreE9jVnd6VFVYbEpGNnpoQTdwX2ZmUktoVDhuTzFPZms9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOd1RjQzlXNXVfVTVjeHkyMWxvRkthS19kSjF3ZWtybnluc2N1SHNtZ2NKOU9qdGxlc0pEVVBYUG5ZM1BYaVh3VU5RZHNPd21JZW1ZU0pfc3VkMGRXSUpYX3Z6TlF0a1BUVEx3N05XY0xNakwxRFUtc0JOZUwtX0lLUG1hcUxGOC1aNFNpZHpTdTRnRkZfRUhTeXlhU0tnd0Q2a0NlZGVMTkJfNmR6YVU2bWFfSmZoZm52ZHhoeXhQdWFPRi1oVXdQZnp2eENKX0I2SDJQOTVOTUpadXo1Zz09 |
Talisman wallet? | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUk1VZmNuNVB4TGl0dGlsQnpfZ2pRY1hKVUR2R1lMM3B1amEycWtNUi1MOVAxSmNRZS1jWG50U3R5aGl2WE1EM3h2WHRuNUtrVXBGMEJxUXB4b2h4TmRPQ2tKWXlYbXBHWkx6SEhrMi15SEk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOakEzUENtZDQtemdOX3RhQmxMbWFaejg3UWdUMjZLb2ZfSUJzRGdhb09BenNwZnljMWtZRTJ4VzBoeFg4R3l4dVJFU3A1U2tBNG02ZkE3SXFUTkllSzlaOXRUbnE4WlFBckNSYzk4bU96VUZla1JneEJ5cnljSG4zSjhHb1ZDQUlEY2w2d3YxbU5ldzR5Njk5ZDlBb3ZKRktiNTZpRnJhUy1HM2NuM1V1djc3T3lxdVBYOVFiT3ZFbmZROVBZaUJJV2RYUE9HM1p4bG02V2hvY2g3b3ZYUT09 |
yes, works for me and no problems, never used them before until i had to and all good | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTWo5cVNkcVh2ZjFrTEdTVlU4Z015dVZSRXZ4cGZPTVdZZFJySFg2YjJHM3hwbW5jclFvMnUzcUtHU3J6Vlo5TGE2OHNBVzdta29lQms5dFF0SEN0X0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOVnpOUG1vaExfM1d1WkZQcW1MX0xsTzNLa3h0QVEwbzg4d0VIbGRTWkhaQXVNUnJhTWJ2UW5TSlQwckt4cGt5UUpQOXZGU1Zsb2FrWjBSdjlvWG5HMlZFaG5SazFXS2lEQUM5UEptZmh6NFhZWGhUa3RJd05Fc1hxZGVJNlo4cE85OGIzbkN2S3FkR1Vxa2ZBSWwyMm1TeC13Skw5SE9tWlc1NEx3NUNXakd3c2FSNkNkSzdBQjkzc3czZDhSVkpTYXgzeXZmdFdfTDdjc0pIM0VuRXlwQT09 |
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In light of recent events and the challenges faced by the Ethereum and broader crypto space, we'd like to draw your attention to Coinbase's 'Stand with Crypto' initiative. It seeks to foster understanding, collaboration, and advocacy in the crypto space.
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Am yet to really look into the talisman wallet, doesn’t offer multisig I do know. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTTBwSlE2Ny04bXVSLXozTUR6M2xGRjQ3Vk5sbkF2UEZZRHRCQlRVa0lxUXNGM1hDY1QwcWU5WjlnMF9UaHR6ZkVXb2c5WXdwZ3hwSTduUG9OM3lwZFNWWUZZNl9fb1lXNE9POXI1Y3RpZUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOekl0SnVOVVd4bW1GWjFrWVFSZ1hySms0RmROU3NQTzRCV1FwbXloWVdxeGdQcVpFOFUzN0dXSnJTRjlpT2ZrNHVPTU1MUUthX3Ftei1HNHo4S3RwNzdJQ3V3MEZ4ay1VVUt3cmtBT0JiMWZrZi14TWN3RENhNzZQMDM1Q2labGQ1UzI1Z1I3SVo1Z1ZRb0hMOVB5SlQtVkdRaWc3blAteDlsRHBKN0FNYmlNNmtCUEpUbTVoTkNxYXgtdUlEVlY3eHdtZ0RENHlWTF8zSDJ2RnFWaTdWUT09 |
I get your points here, however, it seems to be a bit of a word salad and misses the point, I think. In response to your points (without ChatGPT):
1. Although BTC is used as a hedge against inflation, this was not its original design. With that being said, either BTC or BCH could be used for this, as they hold the exact same properties to be a store of value, neither one is better than the other.
2. Bitcoin (BCH) does solve a real world problem. It solves the problem of transacting freely with anyone without going through a third party institution. Let's not forget why Bitcoin was created. It was because banks misuse our money and take advantage of us.
3. The notion that Bitcoin is only 'digital gold' is senseless. You've advised that no one expects gold to be fast and efficient, but equally, no one expects gold to be digital. If you're going to have a digital asset, surely you'd expect it to take on some digital traits like utilising a fast network. Again, Bitcoin (BCH) solves this problem. You can store your wealth in BCH but at the same time move it for almost nothing. Why not have the best of both worlds?
4. You've advised that Bitcoin (BCH) isn't used as cash because people would rather use something else. I disagree. People will use whatever is being accepted. If people wanted to use gold at a coffee shop, they probably couldn't in most places because the owner wouldn't accept it. Hence, most use cash or credit cards. Now, if establishments started accepting BCH, and it was widely accepted, say, on the same level as Visa, no one would swap back to using Visa and pay the higher fees for no reason. BCH is better than the legacy system, as well as allowing you to store your value in it instead of swapping BTC for another coin like USDT and spending that. The transaction issue appears to be more related to establishments not wanting to lose their money or power, and not allowing a good payment system to work. BCH has 0-confirmation transactions, so it's not a slower version of anything; the payments are instant. Sure, for more expensive items like a car, you may want to wait a bit more, however, we haven't had any evidence of 0-confirmation being abused, so currently, it's all theoretical. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZ1VKczJUcXFuZ0dOZUV5clh3S3lKYnFPR1ZLclRzUXdueFFCXzljQ1VGem00TlZaTUlTaFVaOC1zc3paT3dpWGZfSkxCeHZiZU5rMnNLalFQNkVxSnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOSDVvYmZFY1BnMUp2Um1zdE9TUzBEa05rb0lPS1Bwd3RnSlBRU1FxckFmeW9NWnprYkI1MHRIYXlUTzJEYTEzRXFlWnlzQks2eEJPa2dvejZ2VFZnQkNGTV9zUkJuNHF2bk1GWTNGVzFEcEg1ZmI3TURtNGpEcDJ0X3JnQU90NmJFX2hKYW53M3hMVTBPMzE3Y0pxSEI4MEpINGlESDR3UGgzdENpMWFSZmo3MEYwSzdwNkpndlNjcFQ5eVI1Z2UzRVVrQ1dVRzNxa21TMjVXMlNTT0tKdz09 |
500 @ $65 ☠️ | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMLXVIR0J3bmpmV2N3VExmLTdaZTVUZUpveVhlZW1rZllod3hYVFUwNDRTYmQ4eEo2Nm9VNVpjS2lTU1p6VlhlZUstTGVEc05SSnVHckRSeEdHOHZoNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOSko1UWhIcW5VZHd2dy1xbmREZVRsd1V4YUVjVkVMQ0FsQ0Q1a2pvdHhPRlVscEdYSkJxOUY5allCaWxTYWtvTUlkelVQSzlNLWtUTmVTVnhfbTlBNzBFWWNOeDhMTktPOEZQU2JlUlBHZ2NNUmk3aEI1RjRBX29zR2h2LXFOTXNuZ3Y3Q28xQ3NFQWs1bXhlckRyeVJYRjZBLXB3Y2FhT1drNVlBeU1WOHpRPQ== |
Well if you use a lightning wallet you can use bitcoin for everyday transactions.
Bitcoin cash is still cheaper. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWWpQbFZZZ3FRQk1mc3VxdVNubVRWVmxERzBfRGVMYVB2OTdlSmp1T0R5dm1KcHF0RFFLVjN1RU8yaFZQU0NfTUZJb1d2QlhKRzBLeElzT3AtM1hsaHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOREdxNFo3elNZSEdJbDRYUndTUV9LSkNGOHBjVTIxU0c4V0NpN3NYcFFOWVBwdHVMdjZ4VUtObEFfNG9RZWFROGhXczU4a3FHN2h2a0NwZ3NXNmJyazZCV3JEeHN6TlF3MzdIU19heVhvRi1URnYxb0F3V3Q2Sktid2Y1bWFscEZtSkQ0M2tOTmx1dmtXRmptWHI3Nkl3cFBFRkxTQzJuY3JYeXhVaVoxZnppaFFqZnJZVWpFc3BnTWhtNm8tWHRubkxRWkZZOEt3VmdVTDlyejBTUUZtZz09 |
*noun: nystagmus*
rapid involuntary movements of the eyes | r/worldpolitics | post | r/worldpolitics | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNEZSRVJ1cXJDMFdldVNVSVlmc1BRLWU5ZnpFVTB3SjlBTm8tZzMwX2F2MHdZMWJSeVh4Zi1DMlU4WUMwaUdjV3hBUlJrXzgwT2RFaEN3MVN2a1Utc0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZORWo5LUdsWFlEcVYyU2JlMEIzbnZpTlpZS2VIOU1ZM0RRbnpfUG8yNTBSdnM2a09MZkc2aUc4cXdCSkhiZnRpVm92S2Z1c29odkVuVy0xRjQxNzltQ1BLdS0taWlnTi03UTVLazBhRm04S19JM291eG9jcThfdnlacFpzb255cFhVMUtuUXV3c0pkOEJleEdGZlRBNXgtRlpmMkJORXRmM1NZc2M4LVEyT0ZRPQ== |
I work as a contractor so I have to wait a while to get paid sometimes, and right now I am FOMOing so hard to pump more money into crypto, waiting on about 10k to land 😭 I hope I don’t miss the alt season | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMN3pTYmtXVE9tZjZRRUM1UFFwMWhlUFlUOGhVaXVOeU1SNEczUk0zYWxULUVsVzdvcEhkYURNQUdVN1p4cGdpQV8wOURLZEV6YjdadF9jSHFyYUN4OTdqaVVXR3Ruc2dOU3lobkZJVTUwbXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOblZUaGxyeXphWk54TVVsNEVqWU5QeU9hVmg4VHZrdERMNG00clVjVUVuOTBVV2VSNVhrSUxDRGRoaXZQM3hMT3l4TzM2QW5jczNWRDRUWEJDRTRkN2ZDYUZDVmF2TDNMNHZNTkJFMHoxNUd1YmlSa2JZNXE2ZEQ5dW5TMk1aZk9Yb0NMcjM2cWMwNnJCWEV5RzBqMkFvNVBDZGJCR2RUMllYZE5pb1N0bERBPQ== |
No | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVW9Nd3dnY0s4OURzd3pnVmtBRFNCdldhQkhHSWhUNEtYWEdCeXBDQXlwNXZ5ZHFQTHB3SE5ZamQzSEYwOWd4M0FnR1l6eTMzamtQclgxYTFHYmtSaDJvV1FHQjNBc0ZCci1sakw3Y1Y2a0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOWE54bW5od3dCOXRES1BFYzVhallYTW54V3NydEFXQzZ5MlhZemEtVmJ0U0FxTFcwVnJFSjgtUlZvRWxQWVlfeS1CN0RsVXFHOERjbXJnME5wS0c1WUVqc1ltTTlJN1lCQnNTNWVHeHMzbm5IUkJwdzRhYWhXVlVCNGltTDhrUkcxeWxUUF9SMmxuRS1xNHJUOE9SRUFVSTJIekYxOEIwVnFaWEpTa0ZULXg2R3pLNW81XzByd29mS05yQ09lOFpGc01GWGJRS214WHpPbW9hWTNPZmJtUT09 |
Thanks, I’ll probably check it out…can you see your rewards as they are being accumulated within Ledger interface? I’m weighing between using the regular Bittensor wallet or doing Talisman wallet w Ledger… | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaXNpYzFkZDRqVkdBTmxOOVNPZ3RDQ1NZSzhKUDJpWTZoQU9TZGdwRm9CY0p2cVNicVNyNjlHZmFXYU15VW1Pek44bkN5bWlURjlQQVF3RjFQRTRhZ3ZFRXFva2JKd29NRlpmc1VlY1hFcXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOd18yVmg0VlI2aEU4TkdHRDc3QWxNVHFCT2NfMGhtU015T2dkeThnMzE1UktBZU1XWmxlRTlZb29OUno0YlVCaDBlX1NtR3VlR1YtczNacUNMUEhoNU00Z2tsYUVzSWM1R0lmY1VyV21ISnFMUV9YSW1qeWxqeUx2Q0N5YzBRYW9hM2RrazZqaF9OT2xZb0NFU3l0OHpmUnhPWVRyQkhkRVN2T0pqa2M5QkNzendoaE1jaV82X0U1aWwyb3hRWXFmTGNGcnZidktITVFuUFJSLXBPVXVadz09 |
Hi everyone, I been in the market for years but today I made the biggest mistake in my entire life by accidentally sending all my usdt from my account on the AscendEX exchange to the usdt contract address instead of my wallet address and i used the ethereum network and ive lost all and it's literally all have rn!
Has anyone faced this issue before? And i would appreciate any advice on how to recover the assets?
And I really hope this never happens to anyone here because it's very stressful to lose it all with just one mistake like that! | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZkJWV2Y2cGNsS3ljS25hTWNzVkR2TGU1WVJQWEZCQW1NeGxHaFJ4dlI0MTBzOW5RNjRRYjhQVERJbENWaWpNSXNKSHhhMllBY3NXWXBLZk44YUViZUFzOHIwZXVQeVNmb0dGN2sydEZlY2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZONldRbzk4TldpbGhZM2JBa3lzeUdkc1pQODQ3R3hGYlNDdzVaTHRIeGcwSDhRN05tLXk5MjZXR2dFc1Vzc1MtaGpZZTN6T2RVRnFWNzVWOUx5RDFMa3lDM3VqN1ZPZVdFeDZwZmN2MHhlZmRYSmxxbFJLUmQxRlFUdGhTTUdBWG11c0FWbFprbEJtVThWN09tc2c2eGpZODBhTFNKZ1RPZV82N0M5NXlTbWFnPQ== |
Place yer bets | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMenhscmtXV3IxX1VvZ1hfVWlZQm12LVZTSEY3M1ZRWEh4aWlDeWdNN3ZBUjNFSWJ6dlViTFZubThTVXRqM3B6WXN4QmdSMEx5cnY5eDY5RjFBYUhtZUh6X3E2VnhjNmZTako1US0xNVgwOWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOR1hYa00xXzZPWHBCUHBSd3I0R0Fxa0hKY0JsZllSN0Q0dDNWOVd2NFJOSzUtZldlWl9JM2doNDI3OFEtZldpNnFyZ3cyelhlM0tqYmFuc1dudmpqbGl6aGNTZWFzSWJlcXZxQmZwa1llRk1sLTlsTXc0ZHRibW1RNTBqX1loUzdwVVlKVEsyX2tsUmh2aGdfbjFDWTZVUWtWSXRWbGhpU0JEalJYS2JrNE9IYkI0elROeUF4ZEMtTkRYbHl2bm5WUzFYaWpOdmlBcFpRVUFTWm1IY3p5QT09 |
I learned about BCH today, and I was not sure if there was a discord or anything of the sort? Looking for a community to discuss | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMV25jX1ZSRzdaYl81dkNGd3hBSlJ6Sm1LRF9qc2ROMmlWaFZUUmRkN1NWWGRwS21Wd0Z4VGdGOVdWNXIwLXpfNTZJY21ma2V4ejR2VkxEV1JrNzFOWWY3UFlUU0YtMVdGa1g3YXN4U2JDTjg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOYURsMUE5Y2dSZ0RJNDUwdXp0eHhyWWdiUTdNV3hMVkp1cmFFQXRodi1uLU4tT2ljdnk5U29QekVmN1FncER6VmEtYlhTSE9oNDlQLUdVSFpBc0NFZC1BVXVQbDZwWFp3eU9HVjBxcmJRaVcwVWU2N0RrN19QRDY0N1BPRnBWQnNGNGRKSUkyWVZjdDNLSzhLUXBSZi1HemxWY1lHQ2lUdThxMTQ1ZzhJX3hoOTZsNmNMWkNpMDYtM1g2Uy12aW5v |
probably bc Barry is involved and mining/staking the crap out of it and constantly selling. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaG95Q2R4bldwQTlCRXMyemFLWmNGMHNJMTRJbHVuV2stYVBvMWhvTkY0QkxwUno3eG5oeF95SUZXeFkzU2ZfNFlhd1E5aVFJWmYxaURITlJrSlV3Nnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOSkFLY2JmWHhEdEVmWXRKSFlqd0N0V0RKU1JFbUVlQmwxVlE5NlZReV9rM29JeFJacHRDekdNZ0oyMHNDRTJXR2FzQWN6UFNZREt6ZllVLWo4Nk5obnh5aHhRUXJKd1pCaTJTUldoR3loVEl6VkI0ZGpQbndQZjczNnhzaTVrZ1l1dHZINmJNTnBOcTZCX2VTWmx0QWxESkRRVFBnb0Z6a1I1YXNERTB2cFE1VXJfcC00OUVVRjlZZDFfYkV2Zlp3UkRZeDhlYk9UN0Z2dTAybzhOUmx3dz09 |
HODL!!!!!!!!! 📈 | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUHExWXVZTkloSnhpWGxWOG0xZGVVaWF4X3plRnE0ZkFQQUpWSEV1WGIzbngzemtDUndubkJzMThyV2xOVHNzYk5FdTJ3OVY1VXZFcUxrYUpEWGh6V2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOd0IycWtyQmFpWElpWElKSWo3VGZSLW1HajBUemFDUUo5d1FiUG02SWZlb3NSSVNRNHp1a1Q2V1VEUzVWUk01cDI1cThFUTIxX0pqbVlJTUpDbUg3by1XeXBZSUR0SmR0aF9JYmRtaTBiNmZkWk9kRUltbW9MYl82dWRrd1UyTnk4ak5hY0RlV2ZrVTBhTVZmZDlhd0ZCZTFWRzN2VHVzXzgtSlpJMUZzNTg2VExGVmhDMjgwbVFERF81VWpwdmVmcWsyT0s0S3NIOWFHY3l3d1F4ZjJYS2RKWXMzOUJMLWUxM2FmM0VXb29Yaz0= |
There are a ton of issues with Lightning still in 2024. In my opinion it will never be widely and consistently used. Cheaper coins will.
Edit: cheaper as in cheaper to transact. Lower fees. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNWhKUmRFU21LdE93bW50WmZqMnBxUTBWOEdJUUJQZXRSWUNJUzdvRldDc1dseE1QdmR1TVFoNDBFaERTbjJqM1EzSERUTkEwWUl1RmY1cjNRVDBOZy1RdnA3cnNmSElvWmVSTkFKOUhoOTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOeV9Pb3lTWFcydzUxZEpKQnJXUHM4YlBWYWxYMk1LWUZvclZmemh3WFdTZG1PU3E1eFdHSWk0TUdaaGFIcDdRRE9UVFhBVm9jZW5hdkNiaEowcEVvR05ZaDNHbEhQRDBmNUVMc1V4MG5yLTBHM2hodExGbEJhUng1cWR4TGJBMGdITnY2NzE1enlzdjBnY2R4U0J0Wm1aaXNuc1lXSlJnQWtVdlRNRUs1T0J6aGFKUFFTaUZzOXZNN0hBZTMxNmR5M2Z2RjAyWUV3UlB3Vk54YmItcTdhZz09 |
It has the same ability to be a SoV as BTC. Same supply, it is just not as bought up yet. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMU1QzbFFjUjA5ZFp4NmZtY0w3ajNVNWpfRnRiTDlKWS1mMVhyUldTZGxkeHVOT1l4dWxBcnpXa1B1MnN3ajVXV0d5V2JwdHpJWnNvaE95UTY0NHFuZ1hBVXpULVRBS0FFeDVvd3BKWHRYcW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOS1Bkd2FTdGpKU05haEk0cnMzck1PaWdoalR1aFk3TDFmVUFKT2xhT2JBVjVjOFZMdFJVSWRueWJsVGdmS01QVWdCX1BVQ21GZkdNNHRnNjdZWTEzUmh1d0FSM3Zydm5Vb3ZWSm8xMGtfc1lKWDJFV2F4dnc5WGJBS2hhQkNKNExEajRUdl8wMUNXMmdzdjBIOXdMWEZ2TVI4SjhHV0g3d293STNFTi1EUjZWZ2hKaDY3RnVQVDkxYzBHSWZjR1F2Z0tkMW5xcThGQlpIWUo3UGtTZ01Ddz09 |
No problem. Welcome. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWXpKTTN2a2N2MEFDRXdMZVNQVlc5ZkgzR2tsN1V0cjRibXJvVVg1dXVvTW9Tdjk1Y2k5Q1ZyM2N2aXRPTnNzVmJIcEw2R3NhT0lTUDBYaksyckduV0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOWlBnYWtZM0p5YmdSZlJtSVpSZUYwQlh1YmpCYjZuU1I2QlVlNU9RTTNFY1ZiZEtJa09jMGdHa19ZSGd5NklZdEl3ODhOUENJaTVKUFlYOVBaRW55T2lONmVXcnhxaVZhd1pqc05VUkJpeUtvSFZmLXpCemVraURDRWVyME5oOWFOMS1mb3o4M3ZxeEZBQlFsMlRzMWxLbEJnVkZvT0NfX2NobFVXVDlVeTI2cWZaSlBhdXZrVVhROTFlSS1WUmJDdkFjQmdqX3p4bEFNbG9GMjZ2dG93QT09 |
The solution is don't keep your coins in other people's control. Exchanges are not banks nor are they good wallets. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVFc1VjFQODRnLUJFRXlmZ0R4WGI0c3Q4ZWF0bzVObEZpdlNTT21WSzRjS1phdllGQ1pIMFVRd1A3dm5oZV9uU0hRS3czZ0pqOXgxR243M0I1aFJKSWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOdkJEMUMzT2lZSmRlY3RaUTg1cjZVQmlmVHRLSDNOYVRxUU9laUJyRWJTX3hPblNNcFJ3OGoteURkaUJiMjJyUjJ2TER1dmMtMXdoSC1PRThmR3hhRlIxVlNsQ1pieF9FeVA0bVBrd0lKdVVwNVBEWHhGd2dfQ2p6UjFUWHJPTzVENzhERjVpd0ZKVjY4MkFGS1RzYW5OV0pGMUVnUVlpN21xRTN6YW5XZGJwemphXzhHZTJXZ1d1Y3ZZOHFVY01ZcHFGenVIOURGMDF3bnRFY1FLOEt1dz09 |
I’m looking for an advice (not through DM).
A while ago, I was smart and got myself a cold wallet, mot very popular (SafePal), but it does the job, it also does offer SWAP option, but for Bitcoin it only offer CEX, through the Binance and some other exchange Changelly (horrible rates).
I really don’t want to use this options, as people complained in the past, that transaction is pending for quite a while and often goes through, after BTC dips, and of course transaction is on the lower value. It probably is possible to fight for a fair price, but I don’t need more stress.
I tried to ask for help few times, but obviously, got sarcy comments about how little I know etc. well yeah, I’m not an expert, but that’s the reason Reddit exists, or am I horribly wrong and Reddit is only to talk crap and bully people?
Can anyone explain, how is that, I don’t get BTC swap option on DEX?
-Is it because my cold wallet is poor?
-Is it possible to SWAP Bitcoin, only when it’s wrapped? I guess I would have to bridge or swap my BTC into WBTC, depending what network do I have to use, and just then SWAP WBTC for USDT or something stable…?
I hold other coins, which give me a decent DEX option to SWAP, only problem is Bitcoin, strange, it meant too be main crypto coin, but it looks very limited…
I really would prefer, to try some quick safe option on DEX, before sending my BTC to crypto.com exchange and just selling it there.
What your thoughts?
Thx | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQ1UxTkRnaEVqSHVyYm92OGRTX1d1TENkcW5YbjFDTjFpaGFwbzJ6TGl3SUl3NktpeE1YTm1OQkVMV3FHdGtSTnpvSlZkOFNJS2UtMVhQSjRLVjJtT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOX0t2M0JnQWY0NngwQVVzcEZCemRWRG1LTldaU0FXZ28xYWowekxheEJpQ2ZGMkw4RnBsX2tyS0t2LUNOWFVMR0VodzV1Ul9HdkdUalJsLXlYUWEzNzh6WW45LURHaUZRN0RZUEhRZDZVRllndzF5WnlhUTcxdFJjQVREd0pqMmNGQWI4UEZWb0dVemFBM09DLW8welhxUThnNWZndVVDVlhuQ2ZDOWNxd1pra1JfcFBPTEhIVlNxZE5aWHEtcmhiLXFJVThxcURnb2hfVjFuTFM5YWdWQT09 |
Can anyone explain why this coin is special compared to similar hundreds of coins? | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeGlDeWhGbG9sXzl4R2l4aE43SENEU3UzM043ek5ZQnc0ZjVFVEhrTVVtNHdkbzhrb2t0d1ZBMGlGWG1fZkRqdkprYXJHSHhvZEJIWHJ0dUc0S2RPd1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOanhGZEhpZG91ZGhwRWxKbDloaVZhUXg3bUlmeHd3clNUMmNCSm53eTAzanlOMmIwM2trdmJmbktldTg3Nm5Ca3Y4VDB3b3l2ZGV4UEtQZ3k1aDBOUU9IbHg2MjhMUG9lRFpnSEkyS0FpeTlSc09SOUdOUjJNZ3Fwd212OGl2RDllbXpLcHNXRzREY0VhSGhGdzRzbktwVWRWZ2hFc0c5RWJ2NEhTN1RuMkJrPQ== |
[ROTH holdings](https://preview.redd.it/w4mwts60ey2e1.png?width=2156&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd7b7b349204c1888c5e8b53ac00cdb04ed3811f)
I heard SoFi's CEO has significant bonuses tied to SP reaching $25/$30; this is my ROTH (!) Should I shave some profits? My actual (original) cost basis is under $8 (see second pic... from a Traditional IRA); I sold and repurchased on the same day a couple weeks ago, taking some of my gains and purchased ACHR @$5.08
[Traditional IRA](https://preview.redd.it/5lr5d9zmey2e1.png?width=2168&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fb555f6880b4aabdbfcddfd8ad2b2cc0bd7149a)
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVkhWR0JBd184czA2YVBVU1JOM184eWM5c1ItTVVnS2ZCTUFxemZoVjl3aVpnUE1HU1hHMlgtYXBwSkhPVVlZS01NczBQWU1UOEpMeFgxR09yR2JqdUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZONmxiTE0tZ2dyRDBIeHVvYUtXTURiVWdBWUJJTk9rR0hSMjhHSllTZ25xNEVtVEpFallHSll5NWNqRHBXMk83YlBndTNlVXJOUjh1UlIwRmV1bG5pYkpWQlZveXlQQ3REUVRvOHV5VElvRVhGRjlXV2lTcm5SMFZzdUFSWVRmenIzYXFmLTBmYXRtQU5vVVVMbjY0eVAtNXBNdXJ3TlN1Z1ViWlVUbzVid1Z3PQ== |
I'm not really mad, I remember selling BCH for 700 a pop shortly after it split. Ince of the best decisions I've ever made. Hahahhahahahahahahahaha. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMN3lpRXpBbkdwUV9JN3VzMXVzbjBxclZ1X1NiMENlMHhla1daS0JFN0xvc1JJcnVROU9KbGh2NVByTFRPb3NjdXFYTEJWa0pGNkxvUmxCOWRkTTRPeHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOZFN2SGVKSEtybXFZZnF2M3VLMk1pUG9iekhjQTVZMWVnVDRoSU1oTmp3NmRtSVY5SWhZZllSZFhtTHZNeGdvR2xKOG5fTkhubnlKX2xPWFlJVVExd25WbVU1aUFkTThUcEtCa1hBQW1iMEV6NzNKeGNZTmpicGlYSGIyY1pHUDdzRGJFUms5SVRxbGwteF9KY3Nwb1VCeWU4RTZ0bE5HcHRIYnBhMkU4ekFBN0VpSENjU0tRUW5fVWNRWFpWaURfUEM1eFBfX0tVbElYcEFRMGVURjNBUT09 |
Why would you store data on the blockchain and not a hash of it . Lmao. Hahahaha. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVDNNdG9fVW9uZnktbXBmOERMQlB3TTVRSkdwN3pVWU9JTnNJR2loUUU2T1JKZHdnVmZ1QmppQlFPU1hSTFVBNmZsay1jbWRIclF0SUFHWDd3QVEyWnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZONXl1MV9za2s5NzVjTTl2MkliTFl5S3d3LVBGVnhheU9INVVXbE9VZ0ZMclFZdmp2TzRVakZzTGYwSUN6XzBQOElLQnh1c01WVjVOQkpIc0hDZzdidzF3Tl84V0p2S2kwUEVMTDJPUU1QOEs0ZU9UdnZHalc5WWFNZTJLVTVRZXoxOThaMG9NdmZyTnpxdFU5cXdvejNYUlh1S0plM2dDODdGYjl5T2dpazlraWZPTExWV3NETDhibVY3Z3R5dnlFSVRhYk1OZHZkZ1lSTXBhUXlreVljUT09 |
As an authenticator in an AI fake world. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNEV5enNhT1hIYlpqOV9KbEZ1ZnJIVUotMjNGY0JpOGhFTXJzT1FMMnFNOVNHYjFfM0JQd1BIeDJoZFJQaFdEa3JpXzJXcjBta1VpRDhqd0FTNldoeXVLeXZ6NzRKZ2VCczMzV0g2X2U2djA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZORGpueDRfNC1fRDJZQ3BndWtqVVBMbVUzd1BtcXBYbi1haGRrYmdGbTV5MFJfeVhMZ2RlOWdaMFpqZmtON1VjQ3FGamRJZE10clJoUGNhb0tnNW53UHY1enRGMkZYLW9sNkRaclBjNExkemtPcnFjMTRQWGpvb09ZbkV2a1dwYjhBYmdWb2trUjllQzVFeHFtWE9Td1VRUVBXRTlGbHZxdW9OM0ZMUGVQRWRLdXUzakhUZ1FpZWg2OFFTRkFlZWJrRko0SGJkZWx5OW9kaHoyUWIyWjVBdz09 |
2.4k | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWTZPdmxocTV5RXJnM1pyM2JFZFFIdEg1ZFJkQlJkZE9JVkpjUW1yTExKbDd6WHk0Tm5FMmdURXpYT01aZk1aUkVHamJHeVBRSXpSZEdhejRKTmZCanc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOY29KQktHZDBKd0ZNeE5TdEozX2JQNm9WandPRDV3Y2QzTXM1dnE2RnhOc0tyUFh1aU5nS20wMWZESFNqVDlQbFdrdXdlMTJkMEhkYmFROWxfUHlsQk5wUjhxd1ppMkVESlpaS3hqcHlJd2NtSlI2N2dZeWRvZk5UWk1jcHFzVWFCZFVrd1pHM09QV29leUZOd1F0MVl1ZmJ3Y0pDRC1Fbmc5YjBxYUhLS3lnPQ== |
Also many of those problems with LN are just literally unsolvable, they're at the very core of what LN is. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOUdab2JtcVBzTGpLMldGcUFDV1A0UURaZzN5SFdXNTlPYmZqTWs5Skl0N1VjNU1mWFBmakRvZ0lGVFFBMkFBVWpybmdPOEIzUlVjOXI2NnN5TTNCT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOSVhTTmNZampzMXdFdDM1TjZtYmR0UEhrcTRfbnlwT3RLM2FYZzQwcE0tWGFSNnpYOUREaDBzd3I0ejFyTVpuLUVkenYzOC04T0RGLWZCSmplRDNOdGNHVVVvdGhUUHUyZU9lYjZIOVZaSnJqNm5zQ0J5bkNNVU9NNVZSMGJHcmNwU2dqMFg3anUwNXJtSkZKNlJ2R1V6SE81a3JYT1Y0ejg2MTFCcmgzWmhiNmxTQWEzSDlBX2F4RDFjUnBvZ3pycDZpMVlFSTdlVG02Y1V2a0ZEbWFydz09 |
Exchanges are not really the use case that crypto (any crypto) should design itself around. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNjg3LWpSc2trZFJJZzhva2UzSk5vX0RzYlBnNmVvdDRTNXBSSy1LeVgwNC1MSHRxZGlyaGpBUjNUYU9Xam95ZnZmZUpZMFVxZEk4cXdKSklJS1Vyb3lsRkZvUDM5ZF9TV0xSWDBENkhLUE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOWld5TkxwNFZiVGVfUy1OcXhaQUkzTkVEUmFwUlF5c25Bem85QkxsYXZEOXVqZnFOb3NQOVBPOU55Q01Pak9GeHJIY0gwUjZaai01ZXNvMjlYVFRBRE9BUkl1amx0UjFqTWltUm9zdUdyN0xIOWN1RUxVemExYUhRS29fMnRUMnNuWEY5b0RLbHo4TThIRE14UFI4V09VTFBnbFRkY3NaUHJXZExnVGJDa0FzYzhwX2pzMEVmNnY5YjZtbVFkTG82VTFkS3R1T0ZUZDdtUWRrODhMSUJWdz09 |
Disclaimer: I use a cringe amount of emoji 🫣 also the following is not not financial advice. If you lose money that's too bad, you gain a life lesson.
Illiterate? => Scroll to the bottom, follow instructions 👇
Disclosure: As of Nov 22nd I have \~8k in various $MARA calls + some additional funds to buy $MARA stock on dips. I will instantly buy more if Fred Thiel keeps employing the "MaraStrategy"
Most of this DD focuses on $MARA compared to $MSTR, I compared multiple tickers before determining $MARA was the best play.
With that out of the way, lets dive into the always sunny bull case for $MARA
For this section please humor me by assuming it is near impossible for $BTC to go down and it just continues going up. Think: 'sToNkS oNlY gO uP' type shit 😌
Thanks to the pioneers and investors in MicroStrategy an asymmetrical opportunity has presented itself. $MARA or Marathon Digital Holdings mines bitcoin and holds bitcoin, a shit-ton of it. In fact its the largest mining company by market cap with the largest $BTC holdings after $MSTR.
The "MaraStrategy" (codename: 💊) is an ambitious prospect of acquiring, holding and utilizing $BTC. Basically borrowing money against its holdings to buy $BTC and in turn providing that investment opportunity to its shareholders. $MSTR CEO Michael Saylor has derived this creative business model that is pushing both industry and the world at large into securing $BTC holdings. A man like that is hard to find but I can't get him off my mind, highly recommend listening to his vision for bitcoin from interviews on youtube.
$MARA happens to be in the best position to replicate what $MSTR is doing.
\- They have plenty of expertise and experience within the sector.
\- A forward thinking CEO (s/o Fred👋) who has already began executing the MicroStrategy model.
\- One of the strongest mining operations.
\- Fresh infrastructure investment prepped for halving.
\- A growing reputation of HODLing $BTC.
So why not just buy $MSTR? "They were first!" They will come out on top... right? Yes and no. They are currently utilizing their $BTC holdings better than anyone else. However, the $BTC value per share would be reduced if everyone just kept buying in, driving it higher as shares are diluted. $MSTR still has to pay their "debts" over time (which is crucial because $BTC takes time to go up \[I'm simplifying this slightly\]). Plus their option premiums are pricey 😤
We are starting to see other companies switching from purely fiat currency to diversified holdings with $BTC, daily.
To be clear I am not saying $MSTR is done running at all. My conviction is simply that $MARA presents an asymmetrical opportunity to get (fuck you) money from (irresponsible) option positions because it is an early adopter of the same strategy and is currently wildly undervalued by comparison 🤑
Hopefully you kept in mind what I said about $BTC not going down, it helps understand the premise.
Also its true (facts no cap on god frfr), $BTC is just going to keep rising, its inevitable. Although if it has a big dipperino all this goes to shit... but its a bull market so we're throwing caution to the wind 🙃
If I can ask you to only read and consider one of these, really have a deep think 🧠 on the first one, the rest are bonuses:
₿itcoin - I was a skeptic years ago, now adoption is imminent. Bitcoin is the world's reserve currency. The biggest catalyst of all is the value of $BTC and the fact it's being adopted by EVERY person, EVERY business and EVERY country. The people drove the companies to invest and the companies are driving the countries to invest. Read it again. It's a rich man's world and they are going to want to ensure their wealth is secured. Without getting into the weeds you have to acknowledge fiat currency is inferior in some ways. Bitcoin's monetary value fluctuates, its use-cases expand but fundamentally its societal value is static and has remained intact since manifestation. No one knows what price $BTC is going to but I bet my dick it's much higher than 100k 🚀
Continued aggressive purchasing of $BTC, the sooner the better. Fred Theil needs to show he's committed to following the MaraStrategy model. Then he needs to utilize the holdings to purchase against for more $BTC and to expand operations because the main business needs to also benefit from the increased holding for shareholder value.
Investors flooding in from both retail and institutional have been a huge driving factor of bitcoins positive price action. It is easier to access bitcoin now because you don't have to directly buy $BTC, $MSTR, $IBIT and now $MARA give simple, cheap and liquid ways to diversify in $BTC as fiat currency loses some "market share" to Bitcoin.
Bitcoin commonly held by public companies/governments like the transition from paper to software it is undoubtedly going to be a critical investment in the future and holding out means losing out. Especially for public companies where cash holdings are scrutinized, do you really believe undiversified cash reserves are going to remain competitive? Chew on this, $BTC has increased in value as fiat currencies are depreciating and we have seen $MSTR has been outperforming a majority of companies, less than a year ago it was valued at less than 10B now its valued 10x higher at nearly 100B, they have 33B in $BTC alone. This isn't some small cap ssq run up, it's leveraged to the tits 🫦 but its achieving incredible value.
Infinite Money Glitch 🤯 $BTC goes up, which means $MARA's holdings go up, profits per coin from mining goes up, stock goes up, allows them to buy more $BTC, $BTC goes up ♻️ $MARA has the perfect supporting business for this they are literally PRINTING MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, must be funny.
There is a critical mass where companies and countries all start jumping in, buying $BTC and that causes $BTC to go fucking parabolic and $MARA to go marabolic -- its about to be a goddamn gold rush and picks ⛏️ are on sale.
Small positives but worth noting
\- Mining stocks are finally catching up to $BTC giving some extra momentum and volume
\- China does the most mining in the world and its courts just confirmed $BTC is property and therefore is now legal for cities to own.
\- With all Crypto rising $MARA can also mine other coins if it makes sense, they have pivoted before to coins providing better financial value.
\- Saylor just tweeted "$MARA is a company on the #Bitcoin Standard." We have Daddy's approval 😏
I had break my 🚫 no math on weekends rule to write this, ain't it sad?
I am only going to go over $MARA compared to $MSTR, they have the most bitcoins and $MSTR is $MARA's biggest competitor. Numbers are from Nov 21st, assume a $BTC value of 98k. Premium calculations are taken from u/Jazzlike_Record_8915 on Reddit, they obviously fluctuate daily but I am just using them to illustrate a point.
While the value of $MSTR is derived 99% from its $BTC holdings essentially making it just a proxy, $MARA has an operational business valued at $3B so lets factor that in to calculate the premium paid per Bitcoin.
Holdings Value (Bitcoin):
\- $MARA $3.191B - $MSTR $32.457B
Gross Equity (Operating Company Value):
\- $MARA $6.391B - $MSTR $32.957B
Net Equity (After Debt):
\- $MARA $4.972B - $MSTR 24B
Market Cap:
\- $MARA $7.92B - $MSTR $117B
Premium per share:
\- $MARA 1.59x - $MSTR 4.87x
Implied price per $BTC
\- $MARA $156k - $MSTR $477k
🤔 156k vs 477k per $BTC
Ahaaaaahh! Do you like paying a 3x higher premium? I mean that shits just gonna keep inflating but my boy Fred, over at Marathon Digital Holdings, he's putting his business to work.
Last report states $MARA mined 717 $BTC in Oct, thats > 23 a day and \~8.6k $BTC a year. If they didn't purchase a single bitcoin for a year their holding would still grow 20% from mining alone 🌱
Value wise there is no doubt $MARA > $MSTR.
📊Technical Analysis
The charts look fucking glorious, full on 🐂ish, every chart in the market is pointing to $BTC rising. I only know how to do bargain bin TA for short term moves, check this guy out for the yearly picture, hes a freaking 🧙♂️ at calling movement before it happens.
In his latest $MARA analysis he notes it to be incredibly bullish as it breaks above the current level ($24) toward $41 and if it can reach that it has a chance to really run ($100+), only 6 mins long and very thorough.
$MARA so hot right now 🥵
My apologies if the DD was a bit cooked, between the Twisted Teas and my self diagnosed ADHD, shit took a lot more time than I expected but it was worth it. If you want a better DD look at the $MSTR ones and apply the thesis, same same. Also I hand wrote this myself, no chatgpt, the least you could do is buy the stock or leave a fuckin' comment eh 🫵🧐
✊How to Play - Buy, Hold, Repeat.
In my dreams I have a plan, my conviction is that $MARA hits at least $120 in 2025, but I'm not stopping there.
You can try swing trading this shit but the moves will happen fast and sometimes in the pre-market, I think B&H is better.
Plays ordered by highest profit potential:
\- 💎Buy options now, make the maximum on degenerate bets, rinse, repeat, reinvest - 20x your portfolio.
\- 💰Wait until $MARA starts deviating more from $MSTR and other mining companies, buy stock & 1 month out options and keep rolling profits into shares.
\- 💵Buy stock now, take 25% out every time it doubles: $50, $75, $100, $125
\- 🤡Wait until its too late.
Life is short, lets make enough money now so we can spend the rest of it on our terms, I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVmtzdFJXcTB2WmZuUkVtaVYxUm9GNmgxS1JrVC1sN1ItUkpJN2tQcFJqenZiUVVOQWV0NnV1Y2hSY0NMbTFwWHUxRnV5Tm9MdmZQeFhkOUtUMVRONWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOQnRacWJLSjc0anVCendpbEdwdzNrbnAyTm9jVk9NZTRtWkFuV2Q5NlROeEJpZ3JUSVNEVlNKTmtPbUpoN00ycTY5dVoybVZ1UThzbkZjNkFZOE9ubm5JV3B1UGZDS2VLRER5a0dwd2thdDM0WEdhVnlGYnctR3ZVRDFOZUtjS1VvZ2hHd2V3YXdMcmxjanVEMGVlbE9BYVlTLTQzUVpuN3NWZy1OYkQ4ay1PWFdTdURDUDA4akJNLXdhY05DcTJR |
Hi guys!
Just doing some research. What's your criteria for joining a crypto group?
Perhaps a checklist would be useful.
JOIN crypto groups that :
\- provide important and timely actionable updates
\- provide legit sources
\-share good strategies
AVOID crypto groups that have :
\- Coin shilling ( Offering of fake coins/ lousy coins)
\- No actionable updates
\-Scammy website
perhaps you can recommend some that you like in your country/ community and we can discuss about them. thanks ☺️
| r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMekdyQzNEcEZmS3NPUnkzcTVBa1BLMDZfOFBNbk9TdVBCclUxSnBzcW9yVlZUYkVYeHE4cHhxakJxY29tVmI1aVU1dWtEZjV3RnJqZ1RIMkNnUHZnTWs2NFRsUExra294TW1XX3BoRGZtZlU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOT0xoR0dnT0RKZXI4NFlpbkEtUklKOEZrMTNHUXlJTmZEQzIydGUxZjhFbnctcHhKY2VKOTVjUmhSSktpQk54ZDJyRmdObHd2XzAtSXJvUVVwQ1pwRTdHY2dDbmRVVHNPbzNrVjRWM1JIck5YX0NUY0t2NFlSYXprRWxXdXo2VGtOcnVzaUswUzdPdVVFQ3BIQlFFNmNaNy1VTjR0aHZIZkpOSFpMWlo0bkxmVE1zU1NDbldBSC1wNjU3MEJTMTY5 |
$500 | r/nearprotocol | comment | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbU10T2tfSzM5YW1lVkJISlN2a0pjc1NhTGdFbzNBZTdjbUp6bEJTcGx6akVfYVFtTmZYSlRpZXhvVmVFclAwV3RRZEx3RHVTbjNWRy1WRm41elM2ZUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOWXQzVEpndUVPeFV6OGxubWNLb2V0WDRvOE11X3VCVFBPbHV1bUVKWnN2ZmY3eE1BdTJ0blRhTDZmV21PZ28tdjlmSXJzWGdWMkkxWG9nZDFrOGpockI2YXRoZjVmeGt0U0praUtlcEdocUJmUzQyTkR2cjVRWnE0dzEteFhRNXZnQ2VaRHQ4OHhDUkozdjN1MVlveDVQUVRHaW81WDU0ZXp2UUFVcHQtX3FQWVZJRlg3SzJJbFk1ODlZZ3V0UEU5bmd2OUJzclcteXBqOEtTMUxsbUNaZz09 |
Given that they were just invested in by Google, I think it's more than uncharitable to call it a ghost project. The project has released a version 2 of DBC and Deep Link has emerged alongside it. I think a subnet dedicated to connecting each to bittensor/TAO might be beneficial to all projects. Ideally, all decentralized GPU leasing should be made easily accessible for end users. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVjdrZ2xsMnpNVU4zSHlaS0lxSW43QTdHU0FTaHJjV1hKdXFDaHhFVGpHWDhPWGFianhJVUZScjJUYVJwLWFQN3MzUDU4Z0hkd3NLdVF6VlNvTjVOUTV2TFdXME9zamFTMnVGTVNQMWgzcDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOdjVaMVByNnM4cTFra2dubC0xT3A1Ny14NzR0UXVPUjQzelhpWTBlcFJsOTVCSFZlRG1iOEJ1Z3p1N0tMa21pQ0ZoY1dzZE92bmNrZVcyLXFjVlk2Y1QtLTEzM2dWUHd2V3ZfZDZpTDQyZmd1amZXazB6RWZmR1FKekxRbE5XSlpodFZNTXB1Sld3TjR6RnVkLV9MamlRYkZScXpVelFTS3pFekwtVXRIYVhuRTdtN2xBRFhsM2t6c29BV1FBNHhkbmZsSjNyVjQ4Q2NZaTZfZTNSb3R0UT09 |
I'd still be surprised if it breaks $40.
Disclosure: I'm on the moon at $170/coin. | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMc3c2MUx4eXBHVExib0VISDZvRGo1bzdHUF8tNmprX0NndjI2SjlwYXpOaHkySmNRLV9JZk1mcWxwd3NhcVM2TjVfT2VTX0wzS2FfWXRLYWVzTG9WalE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOVG9jcFZ4bThqOE9NZ1hkb3I1bmtfRDdaMFV5WXV4T3MtOGRySDYzc0w3ekVoQkNtMGk2SEdMcklEcUppUWk0TGNCVVEtdVkxRHZfLXMtN3p6UjVqRDVWVzVzMFV0RXlGancxbm5CUmVZaVVkUUZ6ZnVHUXA5RlZBYmhTTXNac2RlUFg5djFsVUV5Q1FuT1FxODVSSzhmX3BDekpxUjkwdlV3bFhtbTY5WHAwWmY2UW1aSFVIQlY2c2tSTWtNNEEyZnZjek4tTjE2bGdxSy1BUTlnQVlEenFUdUN0NTJROEdsazlPbThqb28yYz0= |
Finally back in the green over all time 😂😭
Made a bad call back in March holding onto what seemed like a pretty safe call debit spread on SMCI (actually posted about it back then too lmao 😬). Long story short SMCI closed right at the short leg strike point, so whoever was holding onto the 10 contracts I was short on decided not to exercise, leaving me long on 1000 very pricey and very volatile shares of SMCI. Ended up getting margin called that weekend and losing almost 11k when markets opened that Monday 🙃
Proceeded to make a series of bad panic option trades on NVDA and Adobe over the following months trying to recoup my losses, dropping me further into the red. Was down about 18k at the beginning of September
Finally had a stroke of luck with a well played call spread on MSI (posted about that too), then rode the election wave up to the green over the past few weeks. Special thanks to RDDT and TSLA 🙏
Moral of the story: still got a month to try and beat SPY gains for the year. Happy Thanksgiving regards | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMY1hTQ3ltYVZfa2h3b0NFVE1iYjFSUmZCWWR5S0h4a3hTWWw2ZHRPMnFrem5WVkVwOWVDU05QM3VkOGlyMGZ0Y3Z4dDRNR2Y4ZndLTzZKR1U2SzdfWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOUzI0UWdHYXpjMXNIbnFBYkd2cmJVVXQ4SUJIRWUwVmNROWhOZlZ6TG1id3N4VGNCc3JPdFM3aHpKZVNmbDFzb09vcHNzR2phOUprVGFqNFM4b2RmTWVfUGxvVlVVQmdMSURqWm9qQ3FJWHBpM0oyRWNzZTFDaWhPMnVwX3BJN2U2QUF0UTFlWDdpNmZpTWowTXJFS3lVNW5aVkRVWVg3S2Jab1pGVGJoU2hLOWhKSHZyTnlFWEE4djZQdVhYWW5m |
But why would the market trend change? Why wouldn't the next pump, perhaps after a dip, also be the other coins and not TAO? | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMa1BRUGhTRzNiOGh5SU5jNWx5VU9QcWo4SldyRERWaGhVTUltSTlZbVBpYU5HN1YwVXdIVGhUbGk1bkNENGpiQ3ZSRVI4ejF2TjRSdTRWZ3QtVUlvQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOMGNFOFNTcktReVRRXzZ0Skt1VDZmWmpfN1h0UzBoMFUwNk1FR08zZTcwWHI4M2Z6MVZ0blprWGx2YkZsa1M4QXFiNUphMkltdEtwTzBDcVBGSGNudkZHR25LWk8wckhTSWJUR0YwdW10YzNRNDVZSEZhRTdWWXlidk1WMmlVZGdvUDV6b2xqYzJPQy1OMEMzQUVjYlhYY3owSm9EQmlyc3FTa2dNblJzZi0xZEZTS0c2bVRTU29SODBrWEEwVVZyYmRGemlVRVIyNTQxcE1wRFdJUDJwZz09 |
This isn't answering the question being asked. "The rest" is what has been pumping, but not TAO for some reason. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVkMxUFJGZ0VUOGtVSmFvQXhXbFZMajZkVDU0TDJhTFVlVTdaVGVYaVVDd0hsbTM4WTlzX2hNTkRQQ2l5eld0bnhOOVkybHFRNEF3Yk1rY1JSbEFZX3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZONWR1a0NjUTBmSlNyZ2xLNG9WcmkzNE16SXRlWUNuenhWLU1TRUNGVEVtTzliNDZlZW9VakQxbmdRV2ZfVkpEVGNrNHUtN2lUNzM3TS1Pc3l2b2o5WkR0UURjOVVDNGlBb3NmUkVaSG9jNFhsd1VSTDFjYk5DMDc2dFUwc1RkbjI1ZENJQmYzWmJPcXJnbS10RlBySFNKTlpKN1gtNEdsdVFxcEIyNi04ellZVlBfTWQ5b0VpVWlCMnA2SnQ0SnFQbFdHUUxZeVJ5QmdoMDBob29oZjNJZz09 |
Really, that's why the other coins pumped and not TAO? | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRHhVeUJYcGN2SldQSFJlTklpOGdHYXMzTXlCLUtUbi02ZVdPeS1Oa0FTcEJycWNFZ2l2aEMyYUhCWGs5VWN5VjVITnRFSUtuYkJ2d0FGdzMtODFNV0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZONk1JaHBrYTZObUpBXzhiZE55RG5GZ2haTkJnekc0enBqV1E0SmNFSGNIX0hRQmF1R3lpc2kyUFdzbkQyMWpJTWV2UE9XTEd6NkZOUHJjM1VCVGdtT2pkLUNLcThuNG5rUG9GcDgwNFpXekJ6cTZxUWdwM3BYZHd5dUtBLVU2cE9hQkg0SHJRbE5RMDY4UHgyZFRKc0VfMnFmckZBd2MtM0lTQVVpakVOZ2wybGhsbUZaaFB6cllzeW9rRlZoZ2RnT2VJSnFWYVM0V2NsMVJONDJWWm52dz09 |
Many of the coins that have been pumping have a much larger market cap than TAO. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSXloY1M0dGhCYXBXTU5TSHlmRXpHeDgydUQ1UkVPZWFqeXRFcGxpWHcwZmREV1FTVEVCWUNVdVJQOWx6N0VTYXliVmp3TFFSWVlKdlBqMFhTd2dvbWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOUFF2cGZraERDUENXRGVsQXZpNDdfOG9MNXdLOE9nNTN1RGVibllKUGpyb0M3cUliX3VjUFA4eFdQMTllWnBBdmM3dVM0RTREQXZOSkVKaUdPakI0U29waTlpMFhwdkNrYlBZUzFESmNJWHRqeFBlaHBPUlV0akdwMWpfWlRpbEtaQzRJN09jRElQQ0xuNjhoV2VGWW02dThUc1BpV01KM1phRTRrUm5Ka0JjazNaTVRfZkViVEJWRFhPY2czOVZreE1GQkVKVkN5dW1qdnkzazNWVnRvUT09 |
sure u can accumalisation from staking , numbers go up, but i use taostats to keep an eye on that and never connect my ledger again (safety 1st) | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMmN0NlUxUFBqdFRTTFJvTlJoVDJ3ZVJxTGx3QlUwM2k1R2RQNS1PdldzVGF6Mk1fMFJRWjV1cFNwdzd4U2tWN0c0U0NTcGR4emZxTXRkYlExR0s4UlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOSEhNZkNpN0lGYUZrbGxFNVRRWWRMbTM0UTJIZEtZeVhCZlJyV1Y4NE9fUG05UFZoSy1UUk5jTXJ4dUR4TEVUSGNHaUU4UkN4OGZsUVdTelBjSXB1bS1yM1BzOEE3SVlMSWJIcWRNaTAtSmVIYWhYaWJVRmhOWmh3OThEdE5Zc2lIN2NOT25vSU4ydHF2Q1Z1MEs1TG5jekk1MkRoTjZiMmRDZUR4VU1ER29SODQ1VFpBaVpST19JRkhCbk1xY3ZDZzd1UzBOZFdMbjUwdzFvWF9HazM4QT09 |
According to my observation in last two weeks, I have to come to a conclusion that almost 90% of the community doesn't know that moons are back! And also that u can buy them through kraken using USD AND EUROS!!!! | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNFVhYXhHR2FsX0hKal9wZTdvTlp3aXVXeDBUTGJIcUw3MlhHWlpBVWFWVmQxVDN0VFI0NTZyRGhSN1JsVENGX2x4S3IzRXk0SVB6d2xzWDdmUjhoNVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOTS1leXhzcExHMDNoRHBJZTdiYnE5SEN5VzJzbWdnS3Y3YkFrYm11S09BWDh1Q2tUOVpMWWUyT1dOUjY0aVFSSkhvSS16T3FMX3JadWpVR29tZG5FczhIR0Fvb0RocXYwbUlOMi02Q1pnMzgxQXc3T0I1cFFzbUtuZ3hiNFRlQmRQQzdCRTktT1RsMTc0NUs0THNDenF3WTZIR01SUFdHNUNLNC1aeVZPSGp1X0FhamxHcXJSdTR4T0JTUk5KU0gz |
I've been wondering the same thing. Maybe TAO is currently only capable of getting smart money over time, but not hype money? | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMXJYOG1GdXRtVjM0YjZYa3FFUXdUS0RkenlMcVNYZTB6N3BpdlZIeUJDYTZBczVHU1pjLW5IYmpVUVJtNTFEYmJIbTFMWWRrMGlBbzhOTG5MWUM3Y3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOSTJCTlhlc0JUUmduci1ERXduUTBJSEY3dm9zdFdRa2k0WVFPZkRrZzR0Vk9rT1gxQ0pkdXk0T1Jrbm13YVlKaElVMjhwaFBHdThzWF9CcmVxUTlZeXlwZkdXTTRnN0FDMTZwaF9PNFplMFA0TWpYVUMyeDh4cmxBbF95OWRlYnQzbnZlOEdIalRqR2ExNDgtVGg2NnFxeEVfVDZjWmRWMnFmdjV6NTFFYkJnZzM2S0NDcVVkY3RJNUdGOFJxNFBONENoUmtpeXRxQnR0dzFabjBGYkxiUT09 |
On November 15, 2024, PLTR's board member Alex Moore tweeted,
>We are moving PalantirTech to Nasdaq because it will force billions in ETF buying and deliver 'tendies' to our retail investors. Player haters be aware that we've been hated for decades (plural). Everything we do is to reward and support our retail diamondhands following.
Immediately afterwards, he deleted his tweet.
At first glance, the statement seems harmless, and even obvious. Companies are added/removed from passive indexes every day, and it's not a crime to want to deliver shareholder returns. There's no problem with boasting about passive index inclusion. It doesn't affect the fundamental business anyway.
I think otherwise.
Alex Moore said Palantir's quiet part out loud. I contend that this has been Palantir's gameplan since day one. **The stock's performance**, ridiculous valuation, and mania all **points back to one fundamental goal** of the company's management: **manipulating stock market indexes to juice valuation and provide liquidity for insider selling.**
**The Evidence (s/o Mike Green):**
**Part 1: The Listing**
Companies generally list via a direct listing, traditional IPO, or SPAC. For a company the size of PLTR, a SPAC was out of the question. They had to choose between an IPO and direct listing. Let's take a look at both.
**Traditional IPO**: Typically involves investment banks underwriting the deal, setting a price, and selling shares to institutional investors like mutual funds or hedge funds. Importantly, these shares are **not** part of the stock's free float, and insiders must dilute themselves in order to create new shares to sell on the public market.
**Direct Listing**: In a direct listing, a company offers existing shares directly to the public without issuing new shares or raising capital. This avoids traditional IPO underwriters (investment bank). The free float is immediately determined by shares held by insiders available to sell. Palantir chose this route.
**Takeaway:** In a **direct listing**, all existing shares held by insiders, employees, and early investors become eligible for public trading immediately. There is **no lock-up period** (common in traditional IPOs, where insiders are restricted from selling shares for 6–12 months). This approach ensures a **larger float** right from the start, as insiders can sell their shares directly on the public market if they choose, increasing the number of shares available for trading.
Why is this important?
Palantir almost immediately qualified for index inclusion upon its first day of listing. Vanguard and others were forced to buy shares on the **first week** of listing because Palantir met the necessary requirements for most broad market indexes:
1. Market Cap - This is self explanatory, Palantir began listing at \~17B market cap, rendering it eligible for most indexes.
2. Free Float - Indexes are not just weighted by a company's market cap. The S&P500, for example, uses **Float-Adjusted Market Cap**, adjusting the company’s market capitalization based on its free float to determine its weight in the index. Float-Adjusted Market Cap=Share Price×Free Float Shares
3. Liquidity - Also a no brainer, considering the number of shares immediately available for the public, and the hype around the stock.
It doesn't take a genius to see it. As insiders sell shares, the “effective float” rose, requiring extra purchases from index providers, and helping Palantir insiders exit.
[Vanguard = Liquidity ](https://preview.redd.it/630t26f5vy2e1.jpg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b54299e2988d9b42437fe9eb7d9db3f407cf904b)
**Part 2: Buying a Seat at the Table**
2021-2022 was tough for Palantir. The index game was faltering as net income and revenue growth lagged. This threatened their ultimate goal of S&P500 + Nasdaq 100 inclusion. They had the market cap, if they could only find a way to juice their revenue in a profitable way to get themselves over the inclusion requirements!
So, they did what any reasonable company in this situation would do, and bought customers. Financing customer growth by [investing roughly $450MM in over two dozen SPACs](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-11-29/palantir-failed-to-spot-pattern-in-spac-debacle), Palantir was basically [buying revenue.](https://www.newcomer.co/p/is-palantir-buying-revenue)
The process was straightforward:
1. PLTR would invest in the SPAC and assume a significant controlling interest
2. PLTR would use the SPAC's funds to purchase PLTR services
3. Any operating losses of the SPAC company could be carefully hidden from PLTR's reporting.
[Not part of operating income!](https://preview.redd.it/ydfikqj6vy2e1.jpg?width=1254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a6a7d123b4cf926e5dd07b1ce374ac30061bb2)
And, soon enough, PLTR was (technically) reporting profitability by GAAP standards! With the company now profitable, in 2024 it became eligible for SP500 inclusion, and was included in September 2024, coinciding with a face-melting rally.
**Part 3: The Next Frontier**
To wind out its strategy, Palantir wants to maximize the benefits of index inclusion, capped off by its **relisting to Nasdaq** to position itself for entry into the Nasdaq-100 (QQQ).
The timing of the move is also suspect. The index’s modified market cap weighting system limits the concentration of its top three constituents, disproportionately favoring mid-tier companies ranked between #10 and #30 in market cap—exactly where Palantir has maneuvered itself.
This move is no coincidence. Palantir’s ownership by the big three institutional investors—Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street—has soared to an impressive **22.23%**, surpassing even tech giants like **Microsoft (20.5%)**, **Apple (20.0%)**, and **NVIDIA (20.17%)**. For a company that only went public in Q4-2020, this level of institutional backing is ridiculous for a company of this size.
And the insiders? They're loving the exit liquidity.
In fact, they've been dumping into the institutions (and retail) this whole time:
"Show me the incentive, and I will tell you the outcome."
Institutional shareholders through indexes are the easiest exit liquidity in the world for insiders. They're brainless, rules-based buyers. And, once the entire world owns an equal share of your company, priced at 50x sales, and you've dumped most of your shares, you could give a fuck less what the market ultimately does with your stock!
Of course, index inclusion for this stock has coincided with a complete disconnect from the fundamentals. The net \~3B of projected inflows from the QQQ have contributed about 40-50B of market cap growth in just the past few weeks.
Overall, I think there's huge problems with how companies are intentionally trying to juice themselves into indexes, knowing it's full of bloat and thoughtless exit liquidity. PLTR is just one of many, and they're giving a master class in index manipulation as we speak.
TL;DR: The recent PLTR tweet about joining the QQQ was a deeper insight into strategic yet dubious decisions the company has made for years in order to increase institutional ownership to fund insider selling and pump the stock outside of business fundamentals. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMmgweU5IWDZKNDNlV1V4N196WDBKbTI5b3R6TUJ0TzdudzNrVDVMN01DbWhTanY0eThnaWFta01EcHM1N1dyUEpVVy1DZlFKSXBCbklpc1hmNGxZSmRJNndnazgwa0c4b1NHblhNdUs3bnc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOWGlPUFVuSzZpVF9OWTg4cHJ2Q19FcThBSVlvdEpJY3N5RHUzNzBRamNxZnNPVV9DYl9BdGRKTC1PLWhoSTBLS2FRcXMtMDZtOEF2TW9WaFVxcmF4Vk0wZF94NkNiUm9DbnloMTdQZ0xvMS1jVThfOVFpUEVOTkVsUVJaREZIWmlwSzBrVHgwNEVSaUJpQ2RsbTcwSTRiNnZHTU1FREJUcENYRmhPcnZpcVpjN2tCUEFjc0dUQXhwNVpyQXViSTZldjh2YVBMZFJGakF5R3A0d3lRdjRxZz09 |
Thank you! | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZlJjbWJmVTc2MlRBXzV3SG9oRGszRUJSYXRuaTkxeERHNWNlYk0zOFJXZVI2Tmw4blJwTXJlRzlhNjdQNXNCd1hhYl9GcmhLSFlTUFlYaEJMR0Etb3FOT2hXRWl2cXhCZFpwYlJ4UHJTSU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOWVo4VFZZaGtIWl9KQl9scmMtX04zQzFUajBYMFNnMGY0cERpaTdBZi1RX01MSU1LU0VBVGozemxNNDd4TkFsNE9wU3dJWl83eG9Jb3AyNkVpUzFFaUZIMHUtcHJfTDRCbFBIYjk2d005S0Z1dUhlYmJmM0M1WGFBWnltOEduWlpFTzY4Wl9aamlpVGZtMkxsakRILTZLeHBPZjZqNEJ4bkgxaWlDNjl4YlVLbVlSSjFBV0tZQW1VdzdvTFhJdkV5YWNqVW05MEd3Vkk2RFNFeks5YUxsdz09 |
Hello, I am back to talk more about SMR, UEC, and now MSTR. When I posted about SMR a week or two ago several people said that it was a bad investment as it has already grown 600+ percent this year. Look at where the stock is now. After recent statements by the upcoming USA administration I think I have seen more tickers with potential to have short term gains as well as long plays.
SMR has recently hit 30 dollars and will continue to peak I believe around 33 as a resistance after watching its chart for sometime. I believed that it would drop in price so I sold my positions at 27 dollars hoping to repurchase at 24. It is still at 28. I am going to go in with calls on this one. I believe it will increase in price steadily with sharp early market peaks. Pay attention to the volume. If you can scalp a cheap mid jan put at a reasonable 20 something dollar range I believe it will be wise. People will be fearful of the oil energy bro in office but the dude is pro nuclear.
The bitcoin talk about us being the capital is real. Thats why these shitcoins scammers are at an all time high look at tiktok and look at instagram reels. The normies believe this is their entry to crypto but XMR x UDC collab will most likely happen in the next 2 years so get ready for that one. BitCoin == next gold for backing the XDR == cash dollar. If trump wants to mine collect and purchase bitcoin this will innevitably be NuScales in for the government contracts as in its already its baby. UEC is still a play in the fact that it will continue to go up. Most likely based off my analysis it will hit 9.35 by christmas and hit an 8$-7.87 price point before the administration takes charge. Domestic production is back and that applies to UEC who is making moves with plans they cant share with you right now.
MSTR is like 4x bitcoin which means its going to explode up or down with price. I think the silkroad is going to comeback and take its toll on bitcoins value. When trump is talking about making us the capital for crypto that means the complete end of crypto privacy. Not everyone was busted. Drug dealers, cartels, government bribes, and illegal deals. They are all apart of its rise and its current holdings. They will sell off before the boom causing a tanking of MSTR's price. I too believe short term it will explode in value in the ROCKET direction. But normies buying at 87k 90k 95k will have a mass sell off as well when it hits 110-115k as that is a logical smooth brain move to buy a house. They don't care about cycles or the bitcoin rainbow.
This isn't a scam or a self plug. Everything I am saying is what I am going to play and not financial advice. But I would love to have a discussion with you guys while I play dota. IDK if I can link the the stream or not but I will be looking at charts and going over stories between matches and during games and death debating these plays. I have a lot to say about gold and a few recent success stories to show for my DD. Just let me know and Ill tell you my username so we can talk about these moves.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSWE4d3FuN2lvQ1FfeHZPYk5rbVliZThtdkk2ZXNuUGRsNTlQY2VNRmdGd2lKd1lza3NTeVdVTnQxZ3ZtTWpXUTdTMkdlQ3ZGdl91RGs1UXd5ODBtaWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOTExXdEdLcF91U1RHbEZsTE5pNXR1d21Ma2ZHLTJwMEYtQ05NUWh4cUdkX25jOXVUdmlNT0dFOHduRk9FZHhLMFpyTi1oeVB3Unk2RXVVdjZFYlpSVURKdGhueElmX0dLUkpjNVFoWUlYNkEteVV2UVNmcnZOaUJVd2tEZF9tSFc3SGlvRE9SVW80ZGc3VnVoTmVyYWdyb0JoVnV4OVJlamtrRGE0UzlNWXBsLWZXNW5zMW9mb2NXMmFtUm1aQkc4 |
As we look ahead to 2024 and beyond, the future of Bitget Token (BGB) remains an exciting topic for investors. While the price of BGB, like any crypto asset, will ultimately be driven by the forces of demand and supply, several key factors could shape its potential growth.
First and foremost, BGB has seen consistent growth since its launch, rewarding early adopters who believed in its long-term vision. Those who got in early have enjoyed significant gains as the token has steadily increased in value. For current holders, the journey has been nothing short of rewarding—congratulations to those who’ve been part of this ride. For those not yet holding, this could be the right time to consider getting in before the next major rally. Don’t let FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) take over when you see the future potential of this token unfold!
One of the factors contributing to the success of BGB is its staking opportunities via Launchpool, where holders have been profiting by staking their tokens. This mechanism not only incentivizes users to hold their tokens but also supports the overall value of the coin.
Notably, BGB is the only major CEX token to break its all-time high during the November rally, while others like BNB (-12%), OKB (-37%), and MX (-50%) are still far from their ATH. This remarkable performance highlights the strong demand for BGB and signals that its future value could continue to rise, making it a promising asset for 2024 and beyond.
With all these factors in play, will BGB reach $5? Time will tell, but its strong momentum and the way it's seen growth potential make it one to watch closely. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeW9wazJ0WGFZYTRMVm1YYlJQOVR5dmxVM3Fod0dacjcwbGl3NDQwQVJ6eHp1bWRjQWZRSE8xQTZ2Y1ZDY1FrWUhISi1qOGtLRmU1SmpmSTRiSXlWVkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOa0VKVTg1WmVxWFlRTG5hMG5mTFZ2T2Rtc2pma3NSeElMamRTcGpPWlRNUnYyWUYzaWZTd2lxUVdoQXpyaWttTVJ6MEV4TUFWUDdSUDJlaENiUE14bXdKM0gxanRZSm8xbGU5eV82LU1NQkkzZEJ5ZUc4U1YwTy12Nk93MndiUEsxYnpwbXdxU2xOaUdTRmRDTEJGSFpRbXcyM3F5VklxeTc1SXB3MlhOdW42SU5UUWNNeXNKX0xKaGlaUkUxME91TzBvblBEWVBZcFFoNU5COGJPUjFjZz09 |
This account needs more than 15 karma to post
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EthereumClassic) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOTlCM1RERHFXREpOWEg5amhHVHp1RDExYVlxeUpsWHNpeEdRRmhETTljUmxhZjhreVA1WW9qRW1pOXVJYWh5QjJ5YlAtN3Zrb2NyaHNUR3hHX2JldVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOR2pTanV4TmxBYU1HWEEtYjVqblJQWmplQzI4Tjg0S2FhOHZ5R1BjVlMwbWlTbkNKTjloSTh3eHVLeGYtU3lFaUFzMDJHbE1qQUVqdmF4cmVmc0FOTlU1dEFuaTNGTWk1VFJ4aDhTQWFKM1dGdTB5QnNOdlJBVUdPNk53MTVxQ3pLZklsbGUxTVFwOTBCUVViM3M0bjEwZTliRnhyY0dQZjV5M2x1ZGpzY3NjPQ== |
Don’t trust crypto exchanges to actually buy Bitcoin outright so wondering what’s the best ‘stock’ alternative?
Welcome to the team of peer-to-peer electronic cash! I’m not too sure about discord; I don’t really like using it. I know there are some Telegram channels for Bitcoin Cash - just be weary of people trying to get you to invest in anything, or give you free coins or whatever, both Discord & Telegram are full of scammers.
Here is one of my fav BCH info/links sites with a bunch of great information:
- https://awesomebitcoin.cash/
Check the r/BitcoinCash community info for more links & details. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUlM0eUtQLXUxelNWTnNZSmxJTkhvclRoT2MyYVZmZjNmMU14VXRpQmF4dkxpNEZwMUM1V1k5MkJvSWtWbTJEYjY1UFhiOVhNcWxGVGwxR2x4ZFdPZXRoaEliNml3R3FtMWVkX3JxVGVqSE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZONnhWR1VNN2dFTGZaZGNoTE5OLWZzdVZmLUdqTm8tanczSzg4dGZLMTB3eUw3VC1ra05qdjJ2czRSN2UxM282MHBlNkRmVUs3cXljbThWUk1qblpHMVpKdWJaclNPX29jX3dWY1M4RDFVajhSV0hwM050VDhHaEpGTFQ2TFVYckViWnZ6R2RKYWk0RmZUSWhMMHBPTC0ydFJpR0MtY0JOb05VT2VPZ1JlR1RwQk11a0NydDBsR1RLd1dLLTRSSzBw |
You recommend someone buying 102k of BCH? | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaWxMbkQwV1dCdXY5Sm5pUks1Yzd1bUNvN1hwMjRsbmMtRmV5RzdyV3RXN2d1MmU4UUgyYXpMNDdCYzlUOXVEMHFDRTNCWHNtNkFSc1diWDFsa2JHZ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOVEd5dzBWUlQyR01xVENWYXBNZ2VGZU9ZTmtEMUpDOXlOVHk0emhucW1tNDR5RnpMUVRybS1OSldDcHNUdEUzSDhJamlHM0M2MktSb2VXRXFnUnpld3VULWVFOWR5c0NmWVltbE95cldKYk41UzJ5ZFlwVFRCNjVkN045UlNidm1lUDNEQnZDeTNFYk9OSlNWSlBNczZZa05FZjd0TS1JUDBscjEteEMwNUhJUFR6RFhmVWF6dl9SZVkwTmtjODJsWlg0eE9JWGdUMWdXQmhrMktoQXEwZz09 |
You can use Bitbuy, CAD company, legit but a tad more expensive. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMM2duOEQwYlVUbEpmWmlFamZwemFrVmdaTnlTLWZZeFhkNG5hMU82Vmd1RXp1MGUyWmdTWWczMXhBWHdFOW1sWEJuM25zaWlxWXVuaFhwRkR3YzlEOWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOdVVXSFY4TllBS1BVMzhSOFhFY3F2Qkl1RGhaU05nRTR6UmR5Mm43R1hibWRFWmhoSVE4c1RnVXdjblZzOFpZbEdHenN6elFmb2d0TU9jWW40a0t4UlNEZFdMZllqTmxuTE9uRXM1bXNzSTdyMnU3elI3ajJweWJfVm1lcl9RbUNicy0zUkJjLTEtR2ozRGpJWXUwSFRuaGlETXlKZlBSZUxKd09VNW5CMkdRRmZYc2NhT3U0Tm44c3hPNDhTclVtRXVGUzF6UVFxUzdBYWpMTEF2c3p4UT09 |
As per the title, i am looking for the best way to cashout usdt or usdc to usd with the less fees possible.
Binance has no more fiat withdrawal options (except P2P but i read that some banks could block your account) kraken is using etana on which i cannot add my bank. So i was wondering what are my options?
Thank you! | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbUx5MkpCejUtWmQ3ZWJCd1FwMFVuWG5SeGRIVkFONHh4WVVnbUE4b3ZFbHZLZkxvUjJKb1hVZlpFTllTX2VFRC13dlBqRUoxeFZ4VTN0a2JVVldOY0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZObG5tMlFIMFBMazl3eVBfZUozdlBQc3lDdTFSYVN4VHdrcmZoTjRaTnJadU1vazRvMXNTcGI1ME5QUEZFY2FjeUxWVjJQUGt5a3BIa2ptV0xOS2h2bXItVkF2NzYyLXlLN0hLTGluMGVjUzlPNjRyVlBOaUh0dTdTOXU0TWpNajJTOG9nSWFxQk03UU1yQ0dYbzhkdll2bnl1UG1VWnFBZ3dVOGYtRFVrTFdmWEYxVzBVVWd6TWRvdFdoWnU1cTIw |
I have been investing in TSLA for a little bit. My total return is great, I know it’s not a lot of money but curious if I should hold on or cash out? Also, I have never done options before but have looked into it. You guys are the gurus, what would you do next? | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQS1JdGxmdFNmWlBtS0w4S3ozeDhsbWJRejlLanRGRVFjMWpuZEp3cVF6UTEzN00ydTVENVBySnVWT3FRN3BNd3lTRHM4QUhKcXlDUXpyWF9wNFhkTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZONjFyTUJPM3lPN3I2Ql9mWXQxcjNjeHdEaUV0MEc4LWZsazhJZE9tU0dBUHBLRTFTM01md2RORzVlLTk2VTdrVkRjUkZOZDhqaF9ZTjU0NUV3QThqSUozU0FtTkVzb2h5MkZ4REZBWFlaZ3FhbE11WlR5aHNVenVpbWd6YWtuM3dBWW5BdWZuRGY5X0pUUV9uWnhlcHBfY0p5eENpTUNOUUtVZWxuQlpNb2ZnPQ== |
> ["Bitcoin isn't for people that live on less than $2 a day." -Samson Mow, Chief Strategy Officer of Blockstream](https://web.archive.org/web/20171201181639/https://twitter.com/Excellion/status/783994642463326208)
To give your noggin a good spin, _read this thread from that time_ (April 2017) which captures the reaction of those BTCer's at the time who were here for p2p cash for the unbanked (BCH did not exist yet)
Commentators on that thread sure give a good perspective from areas where payments systems like M-Pesa were taking hold (or had taken hold already) at the time among people earning relatively little. Because they worked and were less expensive and more convenient than other banking options at the time.
Fast forward to 2024, and BTC:
> ["Short version: I wouldn't withdraw amounts less than 1,000,000 sats into self custody. DCA on an exchange and only sweep to self custody when you've accumulated a decent amount." -Jameson Lopp, co-founder & CTO of Casa](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/1gyxnpm/cold_storage_question/lyt9bc2/)
It's not bad advice, and Lopp isn't wrong on this point.
However, I really don't like this kind of inflation. Just like ordinary inflation makes your fiat money worth less, the inflation of minimum amounts and tx fees on a blockchain has the similar effect of making your money less usable and ultimately worth less. This can go to extremes if your UTXOs become a total loss. I hope BTC blockchain analysts are on the case.
__Alright, show of hands !__
_How many of you crypto newbies are withdrawing a minimum of almost a thousand dollars in BTC [as per Lopp and BTC close to $100K) at a pop from your CEX of choice?_
If not, remember that experienced voices in BTC are telling you essentially you're doing something which can cause you pain later. Danger, Will Robinson.
Another well known BTC voice:
> [Use a CEX, buy DCA and batch withdraw once a month. A lot of newbies advised to "DCA and withdraw" are going to get wrecked by fees when they try to sell/spend their thousands of tiny dust UTXO. It's going to be a bad scene. -Andreas Antonopoulos](https://np.reddit.com/r/BitcoinBeginners/comments/185v8s1/coinbase_to_ledger_question/kb40yfr/)
Definitely worth a read of Andreas' 2014 blog post on Mt Gox if like me you didn't get to experience it live.
A lot of people got their first hand experience with what can happen when bitcoins are left on a centralized exchange too long and you don't own the keys that control them.
"We must all draw hard lessons from this experience".
The beatings will continue until the intelligence quotient improves!
> "There is a better way: bitcoin companies can maintain customer funds on the bitcoin blockchain with full transparency and accountability. We can offer client-side key-management solutions that put full control in the hands of the customers and remove them from the control of custodians, be they exchanges, markets or web-wallets. If a bitcoin company keeps custodial access to customer funds (holds their keys), then they can and must offer cryptographic-proof of solvency through the blockchain." -Andreas Antonopoulos, from same blogpost linked above
To A.A.'s big credit he pushed for this to happen and the more responsible parts of the industry have responded and improved a bit. But it's still a bleak picture overall, with lots of people trusting CEXes and getting burned even in 2024.
However, what is far worse is that the self-custodial aspect is degrading on BTC, and will continue to do so as L1 fees rise.
I completely concur: "_It's going to be a bad scene._" And I expect "_number go up_" to apply _bigly_ to the minimum amount (in BTC sats) that BTC users will be advised to transact with, in order not to be stuck with economically unspendable amounts.
Bitcoin Cash users should only be affected as far as the market decides to react to future shortcomings of the current "top dog".
Otherwise, Bitcoin Cash not affected.
Thanks Satoshi! | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSWNmS090TjY3YWU5QV83eGpuQ3N1Tm1Mem1vcEpFaE5VU01mX3BHUU1zTjJWYmNXbjM2WHlLbU11MHNvd3cyUjF6ZTEtS1ZwV3dwVkEtRDAwYlFKV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOY2Q0WUF0VFVVYm1aZUUwOUo5cEljakw0bHRaTjNYRzh6WmZJVHdQNnlFeE9WeHdzeFk4bXJKMnBYb1VDMjhlSk0zSjczMkRySDNQbjhWVHdCYWhtOGRiRGcyWjZzLUpLdUwyWjRuWnBjOXUzMkhZdGliSUhSOUE5ZS0tOENxaWc4NXp2ZzJ5andXYTRxaTZJaVFEXzhBV0RnTHZYZ1Y5ZXJoUGUwUWFyT1l0eTVhS1k0UDRXT2JTT1NKcE5od1lw |
I’m not particularly religious but I feel like god is watching me every time I buy an option knowing I’m effectively just gambling and decides to hammer home a lesson that I shouldn’t be doing this.
I know I shouldn’t fuck with options and I should just invest consistently and if I stick to it I’ll eventually make a substantial amount of money but I want it fast and I feel like that goes against god and he punishes me for doing it.
Anytime I buy a stock with the intention of holding it for a few years, even if it’s doing bad it seems to go up that same day.
Maybe it’s a coincidence but I think the new meta is to buy a company you believe in and pray really hard. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMU0JtODNLNHE5Ujl4QkxrdktVbEI2ZWdLRVhvUUVDdVdHR25QVlFwT2JHeDB2bHo1X3ZzdDc1cDBadGlwYXhJZS1aM3luWWVHYWt2Nm1YTExfSDFjYkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOM0pkNEg0VDNad3hEc2FvTG1ScElRcC1FZTVMT09EZUh6NThDQkpwSkNqdkZUeWxlTFZJU3JEblpRblFTZXRmeElmWERsbldXZUhTWmZNakVCMFJEWjEzbzJZN1NwdVl3UURYNi1NeFhCWHg1QWNmblFCVE1lS0F1OXY5ajBBclZJNUp4Z2ttWTFhXzlVSmhIVHlpekQwalNuY1ZBOFRmM19LOWd4VFhTaFZNaUN0M0VveUNGVkdzTG1pWVFZXzhhQzNGNHRBeUpfQWtIT2kxTUpueHdDUT09 |
> BCH development is more ~~fragmented~~ decentralized.
BCH has had two forks, BTC has had 100+ | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZGN2YVk0WllQV3RfN3ZMaHVTdG9Tcml2T1B1Z1ZmT0J6Q2I3dWJ6WHVTQVI3OUZQUllLQUd3Vnp4R0Y0cl9RcEp6NTVFd0dPeThsc3g2Q29NaGo2Unc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZObEgxTWtaek12UjUwN2NjSEszcFpYS0g1dVphbWdqWThLZTFUbzQtY2JxSDJYc2tUcERIWm1CenJBOHF3ZUkxQ1BoeC1BWWxDS3hMQ0JrVGt4SU9MOFE1M0VWdlpLVU41MVpXX1k1dW14YWRVZGxHZnpPbTN4dzhHQjViaDVVUDlRY1N1bnRmTXBOS3RGX2NHZXlSR2wyY2RKM0hrTVFKaTB1WTNxSkh0WUVhYkNpLWh6eWZ2cTM5aER6TXpyb3V4Tkg3Sk5vZ0xyckJORmxBbEd6NDZjZz09 |
I'm new to crypto, just wondering if you're on a platform let's say crypto.com, should you get wallet? Is it important and why?. Thanks | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaXMzYnFiOHlFLVl1bkRxSFRqSFhHRGZCZGtXWllxa1hLQVRBWmpXYmdFTXlTVlNPNVZrdE5zdENQLXdoTkY2VXYwR1hKZlk2TG1IVlZOcGVJMVBYZE1uUUJhSi13VThQWHk1R3NZTlAyUUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOS05MRU5mQWdVRnA4OXBidWFfSmctUU9jTUljNlZrME1UMnV3SnI2dmowd2oxOFpyaHN5TzF6V3dIVzctNnRxRkpOZHZoaDhCMXRkRkExbjFPV3BGYjBabjZjd3JKSHZiUmZCWTVWWkt4a3VPODJVMVVtU3JqWThCM2lqS2RMSEpINC03TWdDeTVqaVByZVhVYkoxallSU2E3YWpBaDNfWXZxc2trMFh5X21SSkNYMW5lNnh6T285OHZraWNnajltRzNId3BkdmhuU3B1UlpNb0dMTUdZUT09 |
Coins that are pumping so far are from the previous bullrun. Tao already pumped 3x from the August low. It will have it's turn. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUkRtTXRyOHhDa0hYUkxTVGdEbGJvRlFLWGxHd3B0QmVxdUFGM09xSnlWYWtXUWhqVGhTUEVlTXZsaDExRTRTdFYxVEUtVmNVQmVsWkJ0WGlreHA1aWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOdVBpTUJDc3BEcGRJTDNDczhPcW5wZWl2QjM5MkVkSVJXbWpxb0hTREZITEp6UlM1c3E2X29SbVdZYlpSMVlqX1kwTEFxcUtTNGNDSTRwLXZ3ZDNZcnFxS0hEYXlERU1OdkZRSUlXQWxJR1k1dWRDeDZpY3l3SXZCLVRJQUFpM0RCNExHRXA1eTZtMGp3UjNjOW5qSklLYXA4X3YybjNWMFF3NEpyUmVMb01tems2OTBjdmtEN1RodDQ5M0R0NXZraVp0VWp2YXUxU1EtbEJYZzI0MG4yUT09 |
anytime | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTDJvVkprc0l3V0l0M1pVNl82V0Y0cWluLUZwWlVaTklINFRkX1NmT1l5dEZhbDVWVFNfdnJLbGNqMU5TckN4VDZRMU11Y2RWdFp3NnFWWVFoT0NqNEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOZl9FRGdVMmMydVRIOG9DZGY4bjd4d0J4MWJfZHQycEEtWkRkN3E2WlBkc21VLTVTejJSX2ZGODNpbWx6MXZOUUJhRDRkV1V1d0VON2FEeFVBZDBCTUVnQ0o2OWNZZGgyakt3a0J6ZTZBSTdUOXhwR2pidS1USkxaNWdRS0VVQkY5c3BkYXVCZnEwQk9DRTloblVKdlppdlAtaTlqakFvOTdOalptN2VqMmVGTVkzVkl6ZWpVOTFGLUFFMGt6dHh6amhUME1YQjNOamxMN3pLdkdGOEZ4QT09 |
That’s just what subnets already do. Sorry if you invested in the wrong token but TAO ecosystem just needs TAO subnets and only that token.
Re-shilling (from the word re-selling) is unnecessary here. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOUo4RENiZGZsSlYtNmRMS2FQVVJDdWYxcWZtd25SWWZDNGR6ZWcxbTlnNjhQU0QxUkxJaERVVkxfb1ZoOXZCbERrZFR1cE9SSkVEM2RBS3ZQNDQzOXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOOHQ0OEstWE5FN3l2OWpGSnRlbVl2V0RpS0ZKaDh2MTd1U2pacHVndFU4SVIyY2dtOERtMzUxelgwclBpS1NPVWhNOE95VW9tTjRsRGJ2R29yR3lGMEQ2bG9UTnpGdVZmRlU0RXdaUmo5TW9oZXlkTkM3eDFJV2xDN1l6cWtvMzRtbDM0aUpBQUNtNHR5SkxtMWRGUTFaVG9RRTd3MkJRb1dJT2ozdWUteWt0WnQ5Yjg2aUpwb1FVZUVJRmJUcjBfVDdTb3VuNWtwYjVTZXpYZ2VBdk1Ndz09 |
There's this guy named C-ZAR who claims BCH will reach $20k by end of the season. But worse case scenario is $10k. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSnpwS1lpOXN4NlJPYUhXeHBuWDZXMGtlZUhoQnY2NE0yT3dKdW91eVFVN0FOVDNJYTliMk1McFlNcHZVWkhJLTN2dkN6NERHZC1tVkM2Q0txbHJsLWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOdnpFSU1EVTlyWFFXMUpKV2ZNbTBuTE9EeHYwTjNHeUQ5OEFiLVljVE9fYTl4ZHYtRGg1NVR3VHhFWFdoaEhfWF9QcGNlSzUyTEV1RE8tNXdSeVhFVHNGSFV1dkNzRkVrVnRrUzhvRWhLNUFpT0pxd0ZsX0RSWUpicVo4QUpPaHJfZTk2aHMxajRtYUhhemlURDMyc2s4Z1pqdHMzYVQ5dUFtZ3p2YkVLLXhEVC0zOXRsWXN3c3F6NWZZR0djd0JVV1MxLUZ2blVIS1JkdWpIREhZMXlOaWpQeGFxV2pXQXo4RkFNQUhPeF9ucz0= |
Hold. I'm at 67 avg. | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNlJFaXpnZ1g3SnJkRUY0M1Z3NG1TUWZVTWFXb0lwaXFwYWRKZk1Mdml6NGFnQmxvZmtKY1JmYW1CLVpfWXZtUFl6T3pPMnJqQ2hNUXhvSmFqV1NzR19jakR5bm9rVU00Q3l3cVVYbjZNcW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZOTC1BSktxTDVOaElnWW04dWFLOXE2YXVPdFAwamsxaEIyR0ZDZzM0OVJmc0F6OWpKUmtvWWtYSXdNb3lKajBobTFnOWt6dlRpOEd5NlM3NW82bnltSVhpN05rUXVQOEFRYUFLNF93TmxQN2tMX3hZU3g1Nl9nM18ySWExdml4X1FIc3NsdWs3UjNXUzBIdkRTVThkdWUzUWNCMG9lQ1gwdTlxTjl0X0ZQcEs2UUdhT0ZmdXF0U0NJZTc5OXNucEhy |