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400 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Jangan sentuh aku!" | Usah nyentuh ken! | bhinneka_korpus |
401 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apa kamu tidak tahu?" | Ani ko ayap? | bhinneka_korpus |
402 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Turun dari kasur!" | Disah teng tilam! | bhinneka_korpus |
403 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Bangun dari tempat tidur!" | Angket teng tempat pebes! | bhinneka_korpus |
404 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Selamat siang." | Selamat tude ari. | bhinneka_korpus |
405 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Selamat ulang tahun!" | Selamat ulang tahun beh! | bhinneka_korpus |
406 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia datang dengan bus." | Ye'e iteng ngan bis. | bhinneka_korpus |
407 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia adalah seorang dokter." | Ye'e ngen dokter. | bhinneka_korpus |
408 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia adalah seorang aktor." | Ye'e ngen aktor. | bhinneka_korpus |
409 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia terlihat muda." | Ye'e tinget angot. | bhinneka_korpus |
410 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia sempurna." | Ye'e sempurna. | bhinneka_korpus |
411 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Sudah terlambat berapa lamakah?" | Dah telambat kida lamat kah? | bhinneka_korpus |
412 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Berapa harganya?" | Kida harga ngen? | bhinneka_korpus |
413 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya adalah seorang siswa." | Ken gik siswa. | bhinneka_korpus |
414 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku tidak suka telur." | Ken aye suka turai. | bhinneka_korpus |
415 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya pergi ke sekolah." | Ken ampus ka sekolah. | bhinneka_korpus |
416 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku benci menari." | Ken aye suka nari. | bhinneka_korpus |
417 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya demam." | Ken taben. | bhinneka_korpus |
418 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya punya rumah." | Ken ade dio. | bhinneka_korpus |
419 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku tidak tahu sama sekali." | Ken ayap sama sekali. | bhinneka_korpus |
420 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya tidak punya waktu." | Ken bes ade waktu. | bhinneka_korpus |
421 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku suka lasagna." | Ken suka lasagna. | bhinneka_korpus |
422 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku suka bernyanyi." | Ken suka nyanyi. | bhinneka_korpus |
423 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya suka berselancar." | Ken suka berselancar. | bhinneka_korpus |
424 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya suka makanan penutup." | Ken suka man penutup. | bhinneka_korpus |
425 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku butuh perangko." | Ken butuh perangko. | bhinneka_korpus |
426 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya butuh teman." | Ken butuh pegei. | bhinneka_korpus |
427 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku ingin seekor anak anjing." | Ken aus inye iko anak kisu. | bhinneka_korpus |
428 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya memakai kacamata." | Ken minyah kacamata. | bhinneka_korpus |
429 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku tidak mau memakannya." | Ken inga man ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
430 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Lebih baik aku mati." | Lebih baik ken kubes. | bhinneka_korpus |
431 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku akan datang juga." | Ken iteng nga jak. | bhinneka_korpus |
432 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku akan membutuhkan bantuan." | Ken butuh bantuan. | bhinneka_korpus |
433 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku akan meneleponmu." | Ken jak ya nelpon ko. | bhinneka_korpus |
434 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku akan menunggu di sini." | Ken nunggu ka hak beh. | bhinneka_korpus |
435 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku adalah lelaki yang bebas." | Ken narai neng bebas. | bhinneka_korpus |
436 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya bukan bayi." | Ken uken anak angot. | bhinneka_korpus |
437 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku tidak sedang bercanda." | Ken aye begail. | bhinneka_korpus |
438 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya tidak bodoh." | Ken aye bodo. | bhinneka_korpus |
439 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku orang yang rasional." | Ken na neng rasional. | bhinneka_korpus |
440 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku muak dengan hal itu." | Ken malas ngan hal ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
441 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku sudah pindah." | Ken dah pindah. | bhinneka_korpus |
442 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Itu pasti Tom." | Hak pasti Tom. | bhinneka_korpus |
443 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Terserah padamu." | Terserah ka ko. | bhinneka_korpus |
444 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Jaga agar Tom tetap diam." | Jaga mada Tom tatap diam. | bhinneka_korpus |
445 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Serahkan semuanya padaku." | Serah keh ka ken kame'k. | bhinneka_korpus |
446 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tinggalkan aku sendiri." | Tingel lah ken kabu. | bhinneka_korpus |
447 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Berbohong adalah perbuatan yang salah." | Mbolak ngen perbuatan neng salah. | bhinneka_korpus |
448 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tolong hentikan itu." | Dah usah gik. | bhinneka_korpus |
449 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia sedang lari" | Ye'e gik begagak. | bhinneka_korpus |
450 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia tampak sakit." | Ye'e tinget taben. | bhinneka_korpus |
451 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia jago renang." | Ye'e jagor berenang. | bhinneka_korpus |
452 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia seorang yang cantik." | Ye'e na neng cante. | bhinneka_korpus |
453 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Jadi mari kita lakukan." | Jadi yok adep muat. | bhinneka_korpus |
454 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Berhenti berteriak." | Usah gik ngampak. | bhinneka_korpus |
455 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Berselancar itu menyenangkan." | Berselancar ngen seru koh. | bhinneka_korpus |
456 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Santai saja." | Santai keh. | bhinneka_korpus |
457 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tadi itu hampir saja." | Tadi ngen hampir mak ee. | bhinneka_korpus |
458 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Itu ayam." | Ngen siap. | bhinneka_korpus |
459 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Itu sianida." | Ngen sianida. | bhinneka_korpus |
460 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Harusnya aku yang bilang begitu." | Harusnya ken muah jengen. | bhinneka_korpus |
461 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Anehnya." | Aneh beh. | bhinneka_korpus |
462 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ada kucing." | Ade kucing. | bhinneka_korpus |
463 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ini kucing saya." | Hak kucing ken. | bhinneka_korpus |
464 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ini sangat menyedihkan." | Hal sangat sedeh. | bhinneka_korpus |
465 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ini tidak menyenangkan." | Hak aye seru. | bhinneka_korpus |
466 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Waktunya bangun." | Waktu nyah angket. | bhinneka_korpus |
467 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom tidak bisa berenang." | Tom ojo berenang. | bhinneka_korpus |
468 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom menanam padi." | Tom moyok pade. | bhinneka_korpus |
469 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom adalah seorang rabi." | Tom ngen na rabi. | bhinneka_korpus |
470 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom ada di rumah." | Tom ade ka dio. | bhinneka_korpus |
471 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom gelisah." | Tom kawater. | bhinneka_korpus |
472 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom gugup." | Tom gugup. | bhinneka_korpus |
473 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom tidak berguna." | Tom aye beguna. | bhinneka_korpus |
474 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom tidak lemah." | Tom aye lamah. | bhinneka_korpus |
475 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom terlihat pucat." | Tom tinget pucet. | bhinneka_korpus |
476 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom melihat seekor serigala." | Tom ninget inye iko serigala. | bhinneka_korpus |
477 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom sedang makan tadi." | Tom gik man. | bhinneka_korpus |
478 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom bekerja dengan keras." | Tom begawe rajin. | bhinneka_korpus |
479 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kami membuat sebuah kesepakatan." | Kadi muat inye buah kesepakatan. | bhinneka_korpus |
480 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kami akan senang." | Kadi akan senang. | bhinneka_korpus |
481 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kami bingung." | Kadi bingung. | bhinneka_korpus |
482 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kami dapat dipercaya." | Kadi dapet na pecaya. | bhinneka_korpus |
483 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kami berbudaya." | Kadi bebudaya. | bhinneka_korpus |
484 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kami seorang yang mudah bergaul." | Kadi na neng mudah begao. | bhinneka_korpus |
485 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Bagaimana dengan Tom?" | Kuna ngan Tom. | bhinneka_korpus |
486 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Bagaimana kalau aku gagal?" | Kuna kalau ken gagal. | bhinneka_korpus |
487 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apa susahnya, sih?" | Ani susahnya, beh? | bhinneka_korpus |
488 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Di mana aku sekarang?" | Ka pe kan sekarang? | bhinneka_korpus |
489 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tadi kamu di mana?" | Tadi ko ka pe? | bhinneka_korpus |
490 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kamu di mana?" | Ko ka pe? | bhinneka_korpus |
491 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Boston itu di mana?" | Boston ngen ka pe? | bhinneka_korpus |
492 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Mobilku mana?" | Oto ken ka pe? | bhinneka_korpus |
493 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kamu harus pergi." | Ko harus bo. | bhinneka_korpus |
494 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kamu terjebak." | Ko terjebak. | bhinneka_korpus |
495 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apa ini milikmu?" | Ani hak wak ko. | bhinneka_korpus |
496 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apa kita masih belum selesai?" | Ani adep gik yem selesai. | bhinneka_korpus |
497 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apakah Anda yakin?" | Ani kah ko dah yakin? | bhinneka_korpus |
498 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apa kamu sedang jatuh cinta?" | Ko gik jatoh cinta kah? | bhinneka_korpus |
499 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apa kau serius?" | Ani ko serius? | bhinneka_korpus |
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