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问题与答案Bakoma原味克非尔酸牛奶是一款健康的奶制饮品,产生于牛奶发酵过程中。 | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Chinese language. | 331. Although the State party is undertaking efforts to find a peaceful solution to the ongoing armed conflict, the Committee is concerned that the general climate of violence largely caused by or related to this conflict is not only negatively affecting the implementation of the Convention but has led to systemic violations of children's rights.
Kefir naturalny by Bakoma is a healthy, milky refreshing drink, developed in the process of milk fermentation. |
Russia's ongoing intervention in Syria has been used by Putin as a showcase for his new toys, such as the Kaliber cruise missiles that were fired by Russian warships in the Caspian Sea at targets a thousand miles away in Syria. | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? The given word translations should be used. | Путин использует продолжающуюся интервенцию в Сирии в качестве выставки своих новых игрушек, таких как крылатые ракеты « Калибр », которые были выпущены российскими боевыми кораблями в районе Каспийского моря и поразили цели на расстоянии тысячи с лишним километров в Сирии. |
Согласно статье 12 Конвенции о защите прав человека и основных свобод, "мужчины и женщины, достигшие брачного возраста, имеют право вступать в брак и основывать семью согласно внутригосударственному законодательству, регулирующему осуществление этого права".
С учетом особенностей Миссии и необходимости обслуживания девяти опорных пунктов (пять из которых расположены по другую сторону бермы, куда проезд местным сотрудникам запрещен), а также отделения в Тиндуфе, расположенного по другую сторону бермы, необходимы международные водители и автомеханики. | Change the given sentences from English to Russian format. | In accordance with article 12 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: "Men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and to found a family, according to the national laws governing the exercise of this right."
Owing to the specificities of the Mission and the need to support nine Team Sites (five on the other side of the berm, where local staff cannot travel to), plus the Tindouf Office on the other side of the berm, there is a need for international drivers and vehicle mechanics. |
Он возглавляет знаменитый монастырь Дзонгсар, монастырскую школу, а также несёт на себе бремя ответственности за благополучие и образование приблизительно 1600 монахов, живущих в шести монастырях и институтах по всей Азии.
Оказалось, что L-аспарагиназа также может ингибировать (блокировать) теломеразу – фермент, ответственный за удлинение концевых участков ДНК (теломеры), длина которого определяет возможное количество делений клеток. | asparaginase means аспарагиназа
Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form, and must use the given word translations. | He is the head of the renowned Dzongsar Monastery and Dzongsar College and is responsible for the care and education of approximately 1,600 monks living in six monasteries and institutes in Asia.
It turned out that L-asparaginase can also inhibit (block) telomerase -- an enzyme responsible for elongation of terminal DNA regions (telomeres), the length of which determines the possible number of cell divisions. |
We also demand that Israel lift the unjust siege on President Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian people, dismantle the separation fence and release Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons. | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | 我们还要求以色列解除对亚西尔·阿拉法特总统和巴勒斯坦人民的不公正封锁,拆除隔离篱笆,并释放以色列监狱中的巴勒斯坦囚犯。 |
"13.表示深为关切克钦邦持续发生的武装冲突以及相关侵犯人权和违反国际人道主义法行为,并促请政府和参与武装冲突的所有各方采取措施保护平民,确保安全、及时、充分和无阻碍地提供人道主义援助; | How should the following sentences be comprehended in Chinese? | "13. Expresses deep concern about the continuing armed conflict in Kachin State and the associated human rights and international humanitarian law violations, and calls upon the Government and all parties to the armed conflict to take measures to protect the civilian population and for safe, timely, full and unhindered humanitarian access; |
The sixth session of the Conference of the Parties, convened pursuant to article 22 of the UNCCD, was officially opened in Havana, Cuba, on 25 August 2003, by Mr. Charles Bassett (Canada), President of the fifth session of the COP.
In this connection, the Special Rapporteur refers to the case of Kamal Mekki Medani and nine others, who were reportedly arrested without warrant on the night of 2-3 September 1993 in the town of Wad Medani and kept until the next day. | Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences using the given reference word translations? | Шестую сессию Конференции Сторон, созванной в соответствии со статьей 22 КБОООН, официально открыл в Гаване, Куба, 25 августа 2003 года Председатель пятой сессии КС г-н Чарльз Бассетт (Канада).
В этой связи Специальный докладчик ссылается на дело Камаля Мекки Медани и девяти других лиц, которые, согласно сообщению, были арестованы без соответствующего ордера в ночь со 2 на 3 сентября 1993 года в городе Вад-Медани и содержались под стражей до следующего дня. |
At the same time, 29% of the world's population uses comprehensive social security services; 68% of people of retirement age receive elder-age pension.
In the years she has worked with UNHCR, Jolie noted that the number of people driven from their homes by wars and persecution had surged to 65 million from 22 million, presenting a challenge to the world and in particular the UN Refugee Agency. | What do the following sentences mean in English? | При этом услугами комплексного социального обеспечения пользуются 29% мирового населения, пенсию по старости получают 68% людей пенсионного возраста.
Джоли отметила, что за годы работы с УВКБ ООН число людей, вынужденных покинуть свои дома вследствие войн и преследований, подскочило с 22 до 65 миллионов, что стало большим вызовом для всего мира и особенно для Агентства ООН по делам беженцев. |
It also urges the State party to take all necessary measures to combat discrimination and violence against persons of Arab, Asian and African origin, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and persons belonging to the Roma community and to take effective measures to prevent all manifestations of anti-Semitism.
She had become a scientist, a savvy businesswoman, and a peace activist - and had a decidedly hostile relationship with chemical weapon developer Norman Osborn. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | Он настоятельно призывает также государство-участник принять все необходимые меры для борьбы с дискриминацией и насилием в отношении лиц арабского, азиатского и африканского происхождения, лесбиянок, гомосексуалистов, бисексуалов и трансгендеров и лиц, принадлежащих к общине рома, а также принять эффективные меры для предупреждения любых проявлений антисемитизма.
Она стала учёным, опытной предпринимательницей и борцом за мир, а также имела явно враждебные отношения с разработчиком химического оружия Норманом Озборном. |
Seit Mitte 2013 liegt die Inflation bei unter 1% und nach Monaten mit negativen Preissteigerungsraten lag die Inflation im Dezember bei 0.2% .Kritiker, die im Bestreben der EZB, die aktuelle Inflationsrate anzuheben, eine Änderung ihrer geldpolitischen Strategie sehen, irren. | Translate the following sentences from English to German, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Since mid-2013 inflation has been below 1% and, after months of negative rates of inflation, it stood at 0.2% in December. Critics who see the ECB ’ s efforts to raise the current inflation rate as a change in its monetary policy strategy are mistaken. |
Padded boxing gloves as we know them today were obviously invented by Jack Broughton, an English boxer turned heavyweight champion in England in 1736 after his victory over George Taylor. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | Die gepolsterten Boxhandschuhe, wie wir sie heute kennen, wurden offensichtlich von Jack Broughton erfunden, einem englischen Boxer, der 1736 nach seinem Sieg gegen George Taylor britischer Schwergewichtsmeister wurde. |
In Alpay ’ s view, “democratic laicism ” can only be achieved if the new constitution guarantees equality for the Alevis; pushing this measure through against the Sunni majority is Erdogan ’ s crucial“ democratic mission ”.
Though the tumbler has been given its own unique colour, it fits in perfectly with the rest of the Raami collection, promoting good atmosphere at the table from morning to night, in every occasion. | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | Für Alpay ist ein “demokratischer Laizismus ” erst dann erreicht, wenn die neue Verfassung die Gleichberechtigung der Aleviten garantiert. Dies gegenüber der sunnitischen Mehrheit durchzusetzen, sei Erdogans entscheidende“ demokratische Mission ”.
Während das Trinkglas eine ganz eigene Farbe bekommen hat, passt es hervorragend zur restlichen Raami-Kollektion und sorgt für eine gute Stimmung am Tisch – von morgens bis abends und bei Anlässen aller Art. |
Das Münchner MedTech-Unternehmen Hepa Wash ist momentan dabei, dies zu ändern und befindet sich dank jahrelanger Forschung und Entwicklung in der Markteinführungsphase eines neuen Geräts zur Leberdialyse mit dem Potenzial der Erweiterung zur Multiorganunterstützung.
Sie sollten jetzt eine ziemlich gute Vorstellung davon haben, wie wichtig es ist, sich mit dem vertraut zu machen, was für Ihren Urin bzw. Harn normal ist. | Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences using the given reference word translations? | The Munich-based company Hepa Wash is currently working on changing this situation and is now, thanks to years of research and development, in the market introduction phase for a new liver dialysis device that also has the potential to support multiple organs.
You should now have a pretty good idea of how important it is to familiarize yourself with what's normal for your pee. |
Mr. Carro Castrillo (European Community): Twenty years ago, the Chernobyl accident was one of the largest industrial disasters in human history.
From the refurbished waterfront of Aker Brygge to the snowy hilltops of Holmenkollen, Oslo seems to offer the traveler everything they could ever want: hip cafes and nightlife, a verdant landscape (Oslo is one of the most forested cities in the world) and a culture steeped in arts and history. | Transform the upcoming sentences from Russian language to English language, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Г-н Карро Кастрилло (Европейское сообщество) (говорит по-английски): Двадцать лет назад чернобыльская авария стала одной из самых крупных промышленных катастроф в истории человечества.
От обновленной набережной Акер Брюгге до снежных вершин Холменколлена, Осло, кажется, может предложить путешественнику все, о чем можно только мечтать: отличные кафе и ночная жизнь, красочный пейзаж (Осло один из самых лесистых городов мира) и культуру, погруженную в искусство и историю. |
Когда в начале 1920-х годов в Крыму разразился голод, в Симферополе появилась еврейская благотворительная организация « Джойнт », которая помогала голодающим. | Kindly submit the Russian interpretation for the next sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | When at the beginning of the twenties there was a famine in the Crimea, here was a Jewish charity organization Joint established in Simferopol that helped people suffering from hunger. |
Because the vasa nervorum do not reach the center of a nerve, centrally located fascicles are most vulnerable to vascular disorders (eg, vasculitis, ischemia).
You can create kitchen linens, tea cosies and pot holders, or even have your favourite washing-up brush printed with the latest family photo. | Switch the specified sentences from their German form to English form. | Weil die Vasa nervorum das Zentrum eines Nerven nicht erreichen, sind die zentral lokalisierten Faszikel am empfindlichsten gegenüber vaskulären Störungen (z. B. Vaskulitis, Ischämie).
Man kann Geschirrtücher, Teewärmer und Topflappen herstellen oder sogar die bevorzugte Spülbürste mit einem aktuellen Familienfoto bedrucken lassen. |
Die bekannte Journalistin und Autorin sagte dem Sender Sky News, ihr Bruder benutze Worte wie Kapitulation, als ob die Gegner eines EU-Austritts "gehängt, langgezogen, gevierteilt, geteert und gefedert" werden sollten. Sie halte das für überaus verwerflich. Sie erkenne die Version ihres Bruders nicht wieder, sagte Rachel Johnsons, die bei den Wahlen zum EU-Parlament für die Anti-Brexit-Partei "Change UK" angetreten war. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the German language. | The famous journalist and author told the broadcaster Sky News that her brother used words like "capitulation," as though the opponents of the withdrawal from the EU "should be hanged, drawn, quartered, tarred and feathered." She feels that is thoroughly reprehensible. She no longer recognizes this version of her brother, said Rachel Johnson, who stood for the anti-Brexit party "Change UK" during the elections for the EU parliament. |
Sustainability, pure nature and a perfect view – this is what the Entrup viewing tower in the district of Höxter (East Westphalia) offers. | Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language. | Nachhaltigkeit, Natur pur und ein perfekter Ausblick – das bietet der Entruper Aussichtsturm im Kreis Höxter (Ostwestfalen). |
所有辛变换的集合组成一个群,且是一个李群,称为辛群,记作Sp(V)或者Sp(V,ω)。 | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Chinese? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | The set of all symplectic transformations forms a group and in particular a Lie group, called the symplectic group and denoted by Sp (V) or sometimes Sp (V, ω). |
该雕塑的目的是通过作为自由女神的女性化身的、古老的经典比喻来表达法国和美国共和主义之间的联系。 | In terms of Chinese, what do the next sentences imply? | The sculpture was intended to mark the connections between French and American republicanism by representing in a well-worn classical trope, the female embodiment of Liberty. |
Yesterday, Sunday, 17 June 2007, two Katyusha rockets, launched from within Lebanese territory, fell on the northern Israeli city of Kiryat Shemona.
We rejoice when we see others happy, but we rejoice in our own wellbeing as well. | What do the following sentences mean in English? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | 昨天,2007年6月17日,两枚喀秋莎火箭自黎巴嫩境内发射,落入以色列北部城市谢莫纳镇。
看到别人幸福时,我们会感到开心,但我们也会为自己的幸福而感到开心。 |
不锈钢的发明是世界冶金史上的重大成就,不锈钢的发展为现代工业的发展和科技进步奠定了重要的物质技术基础。 | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Chinese language. | The invention of stainless steel is a significant achievement of the world history of metallurgy, stainless steel development has laid an important material and technological foundation for the development of modern industry and the progress of science and technology. |
The talented young girl grasped the opportunity that was offered to her: she completed her secondary school exams, studied social science, jobbed in England and France, and eventually ended up in the USA, where she was given a doctoral scholarship. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | Die begabte Tochter nutzte die Chance: Sie bestand das Abitur, studierte Sozialwissenschaften, jobbte danach in England und Frankreich und gelangte schließlich in die USA, wo sie ein Doktorandenstipendium erhielt. |
Witnesses to the attack reported hearing gunfire and seeing plumes of black smoke emerge from Camp Simba on Manda Island.
The high representative, who is also a special representative of the European Union, has the right to cancel the decisions of the Bosnian Executive and legislative authorities of all instances and to dismiss public officials of any level, including members of the Presidium of BiH and the President of the Republika Srpska, and his decisions cannot be appealed. | Change the given sentences from Russian to English format. | Свидетели сообщили, что услышали стрельбу и увидели, как из лагеря Симба на острове Манда появляются облака черного дыма.
Высокий представитель, который одновременно является спецпредставителем Евросоюза, имеет право отменять решения боснийских исполнительных и законодательных властей всех инстанций и отправлять в отставку государственных чиновников любого уровня, включая членов президиума БиГ и президента Республики Сербской, причем его решения не могут быть обжалованы. |
Те, кто наблюдают за событиями в Сирии, осознают, что Башар Асад на протяжении последних месяцев стянул все свои войска в сторону последней цитадели революции — провинции Идлиб.
призывает международное сообщество продолжать оказывать последовательную финансовую и техническую поддержку Афганистану, с тем чтобы позволить его правительству успешно осуществить национальную стратегию борьбы с наркотиками и тем самым уменьшить угрозу, создаваемую незаконным культивированием опийного мака миру, стабильности и социально-экономическому восстановлению Афганистана, а также безопасности региона и мира; | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Russian language. | Observers of the situation in Syria know that all the last months Bashar Assad pulled all his forces to the last bastion of the revolution – the province of Idlib.
Calls upon the international community to continue to provide sustained financial and technical support to Afghanistan in order to enable the Government to implement successfully its national drug control strategy and thereby reduce the threat that illicit opium poppy cultivation poses to the peace, stability and socio-economic recovery of Afghanistan and to the security of the region and the world; |
Старший вице-президент испанской железнодорожной госкомпании ADIF Хоакин Хименес Отеро убежден, что преодоление инфраструктурных ограничений в Европе повысит конкурентоспособность железнодорожного транспорта и изменит баланс континентальных перевозок в пользу южных стран.
На страны ЕС приходится более половины прямых иностранных инвестиций в Казахстан. В период с 2005 года по первое полугодие 2019 года ЕС инвестировал около $150 млрд. ЕС также выступает крупнейшим торговым партнером РК – по состоянию на июль 2019 года двусторонний оборот товаров и услуг достиг почти $20 млрд. | Please share the Russian version of the given sentences. | Joaquin Jimenez Otero, Senior Vice President at Spanish state-owned ADIF railroad company believes that eliminating infrastructural restrictions in Europe will increase rail transport ’ s competitiveness and shift the intercontinental freight traffic balance in favour of Southern countries.
EU countries account for more than half of foreign direct investment in Kazakhstan. Between 2005 and the first half of 2019, the EU invested about $150 billion. The EU also acts as the largest trading partner of the Republic of Kazakhstan – as of July 2019, bilateral trade in goods and services reached almost $20 billion. |
Бабба Уотсон и Уэбб Симпсон быстро справились с Серхио Гарсией, утренним героем четырех мячей, когда он был в паре с Алексом Нореном. | Change the given sentences from English to Russian format. | Bubba Watson and Webb Simpson made short work of Sergio Garcia, the morning's fourballs hero, when he was paired with Alex Noren. |
索尔维在特种磷市场占据领先地位,如散装化学品制造所用的膦配体,以及制药行业所用的特种有机磷中间体,与客户共同制定和独家的个性化解决方案,并提供多种RhodaPhos®产品。 | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Chinese translation for these sentences. | Solvay holds leading positions in the Phosphorus Speciality market such as phosphine ligands for bulk chemical manufacturing and speciality organophosphorus intermediates for the pharmaceutical industry, designing custom-made and exclusive solutions in partnership with our customers, and offering a wide range RhodaPhos ® products. |
On the challenges faced by the country, the Commissioner underlined that “over the past months the escalation of violence undermined its stability, but the EU is confident that the Iraqi authorities will work towards a successful transition to democracy and long term stability for the benefit of all of Iraq ’ s citizens. ”
He presented the Live To Rescue project in this inspiring meeting, told about the suffering of the street dogs there and how he and his team try to give the dogs more joy of living again. | Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? | Zu den Herausforderungen, vor denen der Irak steht, betonte der Kommissar: „In den letzten Monaten wurde die Stabilität des Landes durch die eskalierende Gewalt geschwächt, aber die EU ist zuversichtlich, dass die irakische Regierung auf einen erfolgreichen Übergang zur Demokratie und eine langfristige Stabilität zum Nutzen aller irakischen Bürger hinarbeiten wird.“
In dieser inspirierenden Begegnung stellte er das Live To Rescue Projekt vor, berichtete über das Leiden der Straßenhunde dort - und davon, wie er und sein Team versuchen, den Hunden wieder mehr Lebensfreude zu geben. |
The two great movements dominating the 16th century were humanism, 30 centring round the great cosmopolitan and prolific translator Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam (1467 – 1536), 31 and the Reformation. | Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format using the given reference word translations. | Das 16. Jahrhundert wurde bekanntlich von zwei wichtigen Strömungen geprägt: dem Humanismus, 30 mit dem vor allem der große Kosmopolit und überaus produktive Übersetzer Desiderius Erasmus von Rotterdam (1467 – 1536) verbunden ist, 31 und der Reformation. |
The National Bank of Georgia increased its forecast for GDP growth in the country in 2016 from 3% to 3.5%, the President of the National Bank, Koba Gvenetadze, said at today's briefing.
I am funny, love to smile and talk.... I want to find freedom for creativity and traveling... My dream is to be useful to the world, do good things and give love to the world through my creativity..... | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | Национальный банк Грузии увеличил прогноз роста ВВП в стране в 2016 году с 3% до 3,5%, заявил на брифинге президент Нацбанка Коба Гвенетадзе.
Весёлая, люблю улыбаться и болтать.... Хочу обрести свободу для творчества и путешествий... Мечтаю быть полезной миру, нести добро и любовь через своё творчество..... |
11你们无论进哪一座城哪一个村,都要打听谁配接待你们,就住在那里,直到离去。 | Render the listed sentences in Chinese from their original English form, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | "Now whatever city or town you enter, inquire who in it is worthy, and stay there till you go out. |
Прикрепление микролитов к эпителию происходит при очень высокой концентрации солей в моче или при воспалительных повреждениях слизистой. | microlith means микролит
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Russian language, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Attaching microliths to the epithelium occurs at a very high concentration of salts in the urine or in inflammatory lesions of the mucosa. |
10.缔约国确认,为了减轻集束弹药造成的人道主义影响、将受影响土地交还给社区供生产用并高效率地履行其在《公约》第四条之下的义务,应采取一切可供采取的高效措施来查明和消除遗留集束弹药污染。 | When translated to Chinese, what message do these sentences carry? | 10. The States Parties acknowledge that, in order to reduce the humanitarian impact of cluster munitions, return affected land to communities for productive use and implement efficiently their obligations under Article 4 of the Convention, all available and efficient measures to identify and remove the contamination of cluster munition remnants should be employed. |
In 2017, hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria caused widespread destruction in the Caribbean and the United States, monsoons in Bangladesh, India and Nepal affected more than 40 million people, and devastating mudslides in Sierra Leone prompted fears of a cholera outbreak. | Turn the following sentences from their Russian version to the English version. | В 2017 г. ураганы Харви, Ирма и Мария принесли широкомасштабные разрушения в Карибском бассейне и США, муссоны в Бангладеш, Индии и Непале затронули более 40 млн человек, а разрушительные оползни в Сьерра-Леоне вызвали опасения по поводу вспышки холеры. |
We expect that the hotel draws the right conclusions," the official said. | When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? | Wir erwarten, dass das Hotel "die richtigen Schlussfolgerungen zieht," sagte der Amtsträger. |
Their predecessors, the Australopithecus did not walk upright as habitually. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | Ihre Vorgänger, die Australopithecus, gingen nicht so regelmäßig aufrecht. |
more > > Specializing in the production of aluminum electrolytic capacitors, Shenzhen Keweimei Electronics Co., Ltd. is located at the Fifth Industrial Park, Heshuikou Community, Gongming Town, Guangming New Area, with the registered capital of 5 million yuan, and was founded in 2009.
The polar nature of the hydroxyl group causes ethanol to dissolve many ionic compounds, notably sodium and potassium hydroxides, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, ammonium chloride, ammonium bromide, and sodium bromide. | Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 公司简介更多>>深圳市科维美电子有限公司专业生产铝电解电容器,坐落于光明新区公明镇合水口社区第五工业区,注册资金500万元,创建于2009年。
羟基的极性也使得很多离子化合物可溶于乙醇中,如氢氧化钠、氢氧化钾、氯化镁、氯化钙、氯化铵、溴化铵和溴化钠等。 |
Radon (Rn) gas, a carcinogen, is exuded from the Earth in certain locations and trapped inside houses.
In particular, the two protagonists, Tony Leung and Carina Lau, tried to revive their love after twenty years of marriage travelling to the romantic island. | Convert the subsequent sentences from Chinese into English, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | 氡气是致癌气体,在地球某些地方会散布出来,进入屋子里。
尤其是剧中两位主人公——梁家辉和刘嘉玲在结婚20年后重返浪漫圣托里尼以期重燃爱火。 |
Similarly to other European policies, the integrated maritime policy can help achieve an important objective – creating a competitive, social and sustainable European Union with a high level of employment, which may make the maritime sector even more attractive to young people or other job-seekers.
It is prohibited to copy, modify, sell, rent, loan, transmit and diffuse the content of this site or parts thereof without the written permission of Loacker Moccaria International GmbH. | Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? | Wie die anderen europäischen Strategien kann die integrierte Meerespolitik zum Erreichen eines wichtigen Ziels beitragen – die Schaffung einer wettbewerbsfähigen, sozialen und nachhaltigen Europäischen Union mit einer hohen Beschäftigungsquote, die den maritimen Sektor für junge Menschen oder andere Arbeitssuchende noch attraktiver machen könnte.
Es ist verboten, den Inhalt dieser Seite oder Teile davon ohne schriftliche Einwilligung der Loacker Moccaria International GmbH zu kopieren, abzuändern, zu verkaufen, zu verleihen, zu übermitteln und zu verbreiten. |
In particular, the medical device may be a medical device intended for implantation into living tissue or for insertion into the body or a body part of a subject, including insertion into a bodily cavity. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | В частности, медицинское устройство может быть медицинским устройством, предназначенным для имплантации в живую ткань или для внедрения в тело или часть тела пациента, включая внедрение в полость тела. |
[...] [Meine Übersetzung: Die Kritik am Korrelationismus scheint auf einer Äquivokation bezüglich der Relation zwischen Denken und Sein zu beruhen, zwischen Erkenntnistheorie und Ontologie.
Falls durch die fetale Echokardiographie ein angeborener Herzfehler festgestellt wurde, könnte dies ein Hinweis darauf sein, dass es sich hierbei nicht um einen isolierten Herzfehler, sondern um ein zugrunde liegendes Syndrom oder eine genetische Störung (z. B. Down-Syndrom oder Marfan-Syndrom) handelt. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in German? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | the critique of correlation seems to depend on an equivocation regarding the relation of thinking and being, of epistemology and ontology.
Should foetal echocardiography detect the presence of a congenital heart malformation, it could indicate that this is not just an isolated heart defect but part of an underlying syndrome or genetic disorder (eg, Down ’ s syndrome or Marfan syndrome). |
厕纸厕纸最早是在589年隋朝(581-618年)时期官员颜之推(531-591年)所提及,并在后来的朝代里有著持续使用的充分证据。 | When translated to Chinese, what message do these sentences carry? | 589 AD: Toilet paper in Sui Dynasty China, first mentioned by the official Yan Zhitui (531 – 591), with full evidence of continual use in subsequent dynasties. |
理事长安部直树本校的前身是学校法人九州文化学园,2000年,以尊重人为基本理念,在长崎县、佐世保市以及地方经济界的支持下以“公私合作方式”诞生。 | sasebo means 佐世保市
In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Under the basic philosophy of "respect for human beings", NIU was founded in 2000 through a “public private partnership ” among our parent organization, an educational foundation Kyushu Bunka Gakuen, Nagasaki Prefecture, Sasebo City, and the local business community. |
In 1990, MARK SNOW uses that score with minor modifications in the CBS TV movie "Miracle Landing" (written by GARNER SIMMONS) in a scene with ANA-ALICIA, who plays a flight attendant there. | Change the given sentences from German to English format. | 1990 verwendet MARK SNOW diese Musik leicht abgewandelt in dem CBS-Film "Katastrophenflug 243" (Drehbuch von GARNER SIMMONS) in einer Szene mit ANA-ALICIA, die dort eine Flugbegleiterin spielt. |
Theological opinions about existence have not been researched experimentally, do not follow from previously acquired knowledge, and therefore, from the point of view of science, have the status of a pseudoscientific fabrication.
The average yield of triticale in Russia in 2016 is 27.8 c / ha, which is the largest value for the period of 2009-2016, and is also 4.7 c / ha more than in 2015 [6]. | тритикале means triticale
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Богословские суждения о существовании не исследовались экспериментально, не следуют из ранее полученного знания и поэтому, с точки зрения науки, имеют статус псевдонаучного вымысла.
Средняя урожайность тритикале в России в 2016 году – 27,8 ц / га, что является наибольшим показателем за период 2009-2016 гг., а также на 4,7 ц / га больше, чем в 2015 году [15]. |
妇女基本上从事教师(大学教师)、护士、秘书、打字员、文员、售货员、理发员等工作。 | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Chinese translation for these sentences. | The term guru comes from the Sanskrit gurū, meaning teacher, guide, or mentor.
- Women are most commonly employed as teachers, nurses, secretaries, typists, office workers, sales staff, hairdressers, etc. |
Есть 80 персонажей, с которыми игрок может взаимодействовать в версии Wii (30 персонажей в версии Nintendo DS), например, сумасшедший учёный, маг, библиотекарь, шеф-повар пиццерии, и тренер по боевым искусствам. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Russian. | There are 80 characters with whom the player may interact in the Wii version (30 characters in the Nintendo DS version), such as a mad scientist, a magician, a librarian, a pizza chef, and a martial arts teacher. |
With the Talisman equipped, the letter on the table behind Griftah glows blue, and you can interact with it.
If you act like you are a freak, people will treat you like one. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | 装备护符后,格里伏塔背后的信件会发出蓝光,你可以与其互动。
要是你表现的像个怪物,人们就会把你当成一个怪物。 |
当我在2001年德班世界会议上,然后又在2009年德班审查会议上担任"受害者之声"小组成员时,我谈到了密西西比河鲶鱼养殖工人的斗争和我们每天所面临的争取人权和正义的战斗的历史。 | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Chinese form using the given reference word translations. | He earned Academy Award nominations for the psychological thrillers Taxi Driver (1976) and Cape Fear (1991), both directed by Scorsese.
When I sat on the Voices of Victims panel at the World Conference in Durban in 2001 and then again at the Durban Review Conference in 2009, I spoke about the history of the struggles of Mississippi catfish workers and the battles we faced every day for human rights and justice. |
2005年,该工作室被收购维旺迪游戏,现在为动视暴雪的子公司。[1]该工作室是不列颠哥伦比亚省最古老的游戏工作室,一个完全拥有的子公司,常常被称为温哥华游戏业中的骨干力量。 | Can you deliver the Chinese translation for the mentioned sentences? | Although Crane critic and biographer Stallman wrote of Henry's "spiritual change" by the end of the story, he also found this theme difficult to champion in light of the novel's enigmatic ending.
It is an entirely owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard after being acquired by Vivendi Games in 2005. [1] The studio, being the oldest gaming studio in British Columbia, is often referred to as the backbone of the gaming industry in Vancouver. [2] |
07 / 03 / 2019 Leica Q2: The new generation of the compact camera with a full-frame sensor and a fast prime lens Leica Camera AG presents the Leica Q2 – the next-generation model of the Leica Q line of cameras. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? | 07.03.2019 Leica Q2: Die neue Generation der Kompaktkamera mit Vollformat-Sensor und lichtstarker Festbrennweite Die Leica Camera AG stellt das Nachfolgemodell innerhalb der Leica Q-Reihe vor: Die Leica Q2. |
biggest shopping mall in the West of Austria and its modern architecture make it an attractive addition to the historic core of Salzburg.
7. Also welcomes the progress achieved in implementing the Guatemala Peace Agreements, calls upon all parties to take further measures to implement the commitments in the Peace Agreements, and urges all sectors of society to combine efforts and work with courage and determination to consolidate peace; | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English using the given reference word translations? | 奥地利西部最大的购物中心,其现代化的建筑使其成为萨尔茨堡历史中心的有吸引力的附加物。
7.又欢迎在执行《危地马拉各项和平协定》方面取得进展,并吁请所有当事方采取进一步措施履行各项和平协定中的承诺,同时敦促社会各阶层共同努力,勇敢而坚决地采取行动,巩固和平; |
Some EU countries require you to report your presence to the relevant authorities (often the town hall or local police station) within a reasonable period of time after arrival and may impose a penalty, such as a fine, if you fail to do so.
So when you breathe in that fresh spring fragrance next time in your rooms and see the rays of sunshine gleaming in your bathroom sink, think of each person in our team who still whir around with ruddy cheeks and sparkling eyes in Hotel Austria for you! | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | In einigen EU-Ländern sind Sie verpflichtet, Ihren Aufenthalt den zuständigen Behörden (oft dem Rathaus oder einer örtlichen Polizeidienststelle) innerhalb eines angemessenen Zeitraums nach Ihrer Ankunft zu melden. Versäumen Sie dies, so riskieren Sie eine Strafe, z. B. ein Bußgeld.
Wenn Sie das Nächste Mal den Frühlingsduft in Ihren Zimmern atmen und die Sonnenstrahlen in Ihrem Waschbecken funkeln sehen - denken Sie bitte ganz kurz an alle diejenigen in unserem TEAM, die immer noch mit roten Wangen und glänzenden Augen im Hotel AUSTRIA für Sie herum schwirren …! |
附近一些旅游景点有豫园,老街,海洋水族馆,金茂大厦和上海博物馆。 | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Chinese translation for these sentences. | "5. Stresses that in order to enable developing countries to reap greater benefits from globalization and to achieve the international development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration, there is a need to enhance the coherence and consistency of the international monetary, financial and trading systems and global economic governance;
Some of the area attractions include Yu Garden & Shanghai Old Street, Shanghai Ocean Aquarium, Jin Mao Tower and Shanghai Museum. |
Первоначально трибуналы надеялись завершить свою работу к 2008 году; сейчас Международный трибунал по бывшей Югославии рассчитывает, что все судебные процессы завершатся к концу 2012 года и что апелляционная деятельность продолжится по 2014 год включительно (см. S / 2010 / 270, пункты 4 и 8).
Рост благосостояния Эмирата базируется на трех ключевых факторах: стабильная работа правительства; активный и открытый частный сектор; конкурентоспособность государственных бизнес-структур, которые приносят доходы правительству, обеспечивают рабочие места для местных граждан и создают активы для будущих поколений. | Kindly submit the Russian interpretation for the next sentences. | The Tribunals were initially hoping to complete their work by 2008; at present the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia estimates that it will complete all trial proceedings by the end of 2012 and that appellate activity will continue into 2014 (see S / 2010 / 270, paras. 4 and 8).
The growth of the Emirate welfare is based on three key factors: the stable work of the government; active and open private sector; the competitiveness of state-owned business structures that generate revenues for the government, provide jobs for local citizens and create assets for future generations. |
Since the trigeminal nerve is responsible for the perception of "head" pain, the patient experiences the symptoms of a headache. | Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | 由于三叉神经负责感知「头」痛,因此患者会经历头痛的症状。 |
When we work on the details of a service, we use tried-and-tested means, such as service blueprints, stakeholder maps or business model canvases. | Translate the following sentences from German to English. | Wenn wir einen Service ausarbeiten, nutzen wir bewährte Mittel wie Service Blueprint, Stakeholder Map oder Business Model Canvas. |
The project provides answers to the question of how and why the perception of climate change diverges in the different European countries, which role values and worldviews play and how the European public can and must be involved in order to ensure the effective implementation of the European energy system. | Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? | Das Projekt liefert Antworten auf die Frage, inwiefern und warum die Wahrnehmung des Klimawandels in den verschiedenen europäischen Ländern divergiert, welche Rolle Werte und Weltanschauungen hierbei spielen und wie die europäische Öffentlichkeit eingebunden werden kann und muss um die Transformation des europäischen Energiesystems effektiv umzusetzen. |
Es handelt sich dabei um einen gigantischen Turm von ungefähr 40 Meter Höhe, der von Epimachos von Athen hergestellt und der von Demetrios Poliorketes in der Belagerung von Rhodos (304 v. Chr.) verwendet wurde. | Translate the following sentences from English to German, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | It was a giant siege tower of roughly 40 metres in height that was constructed by Epimachos the Athenian and was utilised by Demetrius Poliocretes in the siege of Rhodes (304 BC). |
Unter der Führung Spaniens und in Partnerschaft mit UNO-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon schlagen mehrere Geberländer vor, ihre finanziellen Ressourcen zusammenzufassen, so dass die ärmsten Bauern der Welt, mehr Nahrungsmittel anpflanzen und somit der Armutsfalle entkommen können. | Change the given sentences from English to German format, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | With Spain ’ s leadership and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon ’ s partnership, several donor governments are proposing to pool their financial resources so that the world ’ s poorest farmers can grow more food and escape the poverty trap. |
My art allows me to return to the culture of my childhood, to the mystical world of thousand and one nights, incense, oriental clothes, living spaces and architecture.
Her books have been translated into more than 100 languages. As such, children all over the world are familiar with the adventures of Bill Bergson, Pippi Longstocking, and the Children of Noisy Village. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Meine Kunst erlaubt mir, zur Kultur meiner Kindheit zurückzukehren, zur mystischen Welt von Tausend- und einer Nacht, zu Weihrauch, zu orientalischen Kleidern, Wohnräumen und Architektur.
Ihre Bücher sind in über 100 Sprachen übersetzt, sodass Kinder überall auf der Welt die Abenteuer von Kalle Blomquist, Pippi Langstrumpf und die der Kinder aus Bullerbü kennen. |
Франклин Холкомб, научный сотрудник Тартуского университета в Эстонии, специализирующийся на геополитике России, говорит, что у военной операции РФ против торгового флота Украины в Азовском море есть две основные цели.
21 августа я встречусь с католическими епископами в России и тем же вечером возглавлю мессу для московской католической общины в соборе Непорочного зачатия пресвятой Девы Марии. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Franklin Holcomb, a researcher specializing in Russian geopolitical affairs at the University of Tartu in Estonia, says Russia ’ s military operations against Ukraine ’ s merchant fleet in the Sea of Azov have two primary objectives.
On August 21, I will meet with Catholic bishops of Russia and on the same evening I will serve a liturgy for the Catholic community of Moscow at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin Mary. |
The repertoire of the chorus is very various: Ukrainian folklore, classical and contemporary works, religious orthodox songs, Christmas songs and many others.
Windsurfers should go to Lake Arenal, which is considered one of the best places on the planet for practicing this sport.
The entrance to Novoslobodskaya station itself is notable for its grandeur and monumentality: the ground lobby, which is a site of cultural heritage, is made in the style of ancient temples. | What do the following sentences mean in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Репертуар хора очень разнообразен: украинский фольклор, классические и современные произведения, религиозные православные песни, рождественские песни и многое другое.
Виндсерферам следует отправиться на озеро Ареналь, которое считается одним из лучших мест на планете для занятий этим видом спорта.
Уже сам вход на станцию « Новослободская » отличается величественностью и монументальностью ‒ наземный вестибюль, являющийся объектом культурного наследия, выполнен в стилистике античных храмов. |
Der Tiefpass-Filter vor dem Sensor wurde ebenfalls überarbeitet, um die Entstehung von Moiré zu minimieren und trotzdem die Bildauflösung des Sensors bestmöglich auszunutzen.
Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und die Reduzierung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln sind erforderlich, um die zunehmende Weltbevölkerung mit gesunden Lebensmitteln zu versorgen.
2014 konnte die Galerie erstmals an der Outsider Art Fair in Paris teilnehmen, der europaweit wichtigsten Messe für „Außenseiter-Kunst“. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | The LPF (Low Pass Filter) has been also newly designed to minimize generation of moire while drawing maximum resolution of the image out of the sensor.
Sustainable agriculture and the reduction of pesticides are required to provide the world ’ s increasing population with healthy food.
In 2014 the gallery took part for the first time in the Outsider Art Fair in Paris, the most important fair for “outsider art ” in Europe. |
There are still those who prefer to foster division, retarding rather than advancing the cause of reconciliation. | Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 仍然有人宁愿鼓动分裂、阻止而不是推动和解的事业。 |
On returning home after the ball at two o'clock in the night, the Tsar sent for his secretary, Shishkov, and told him to write a decree to the army and a rescript to Field-Marshal Prince Saltykov; and he insisted on the words being inserted that he would never make peace as long as one Frenchman under arms remained in Russia. | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | 从舞会上回去后,皇帝在凌晨两点钟召见秘书希什科夫,吩咐他给军队写了一道命令,并给大元帅萨尔特科夫下了一道圣谕,他要求在命令中一定要加入"只要还有一个武装的法国人还留在俄罗斯土地上,他就决不讲和"这句话。 |
76. ЮНИСЕФ также отметил, что некоторые социальные нормы, такие как ранние браки и беременность или отказ сотрудничать с медицинским персоналом противоположного пола, продолжают оказывать негативное влияние на здоровье матери и ребенка, уязвимость которых возросла вследствие эпидемии ВИЧ / СПИДа.
Кроме двигателей, работающих согласно принципу цикла Отто, в мире нынешней автопромышленности применяют и прочие технологии. | Can you reveal the Russian translation of the forthcoming sentences? | 76. UNICEF also noted that certain societal norms, such as early marriage and pregnancy and refusal to consult medical professionals of the opposite sex, continued to have a negative impact on the health of mothers and children, whose vulnerability was exacerbated by the HIV / AIDS pandemic.
In addition to engines operating on the principle of the Otto cycle, in the world of modern automotive industry are used and other technologies. |
We strive to use materials that are as environmentally friendly as possible, have no negative impact on the people who work with them and do not come from areas where human rights are violated.
We have in the Jewish Bible good examples of how man forgot, and had to be patiently and persistently "prodded" again and again by the Tribal God. | Switch the specified sentences from their German form to English form, and must use the given word translations. | Es ist unser Bestreben, möglichst umweltfreundliche Materialien zu verwenden, die keine negativen Auswirkungen auf die Menschen haben, die mit ihnen arbeiten. Die Materialien sollten auch nicht aus Gebieten stammen, in denen die Menschenrechte geschändet werden.
Das Alte Testament (the Jewish Bible) gibt uns gute Beispiele, wie der Mensch Gottes Gebote vergaß und vom Stammesgott geduldig und beharrlich immer und immer wieder "angestachelt" werden musste. |
The University and Media didactics Department informs and advises university teachers on issues relating to university and media didactics in teaching, such as for the didactically designed use of information and communication technologies or the use of new or alternative teaching and learning methodologies. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | Der Arbeitsbereich Hochschul- und Mediendidaktik informiert und berät Hochschullehrende zu hochschul- und mediendidaktischen Fragestellungen in der Lehre, wie beispielsweise zum didaktisch gestalteten Einsatz von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien oder zum Einsatz neuer oder alternativer Lehr- und Lernmethoden. |
"I still remember that day very clearly," says Witt-Brattström, whose marriage with Engdahl, with whom she has three grown sons, came to an end in 2014. "I came home from a lecture on the history of female resistance. | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | "Ich erinnere mich noch genau an diesen Tag", sagt Witt-Brattström, deren Ehe mit Engdahl, mit dem sie drei erwachsene Söhne hat, 2014 geschieden wurde: "Ich kam nach Hause von einem Vortrag über die Geschichte des weiblichen Widerstands. |
This new environment has different resources and different competitors, so the new population will need different features or adaptations to be a strong competitor than what they had needed before. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | У этой новой среды есть другие ресурсы и другие конкуренты, поэтому новой популяции будут необходимы другие характеристики или изменения, по сравнению с теми, которые у неё были раньше, чтобы стать сильным соперником. |
Hunan Province is the top rice producer in China. The province is also rich in mineral resources. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy industries develop well over there. Hunan Province is home to 73 million people. In 2017 Hunan Province's gross regional product reached ¥3.46 trillion, 8% up from 2016. | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? | Хунань является лидером по производству риса в Китае. Провинция богата полезными ископаемыми - здесь успешно развивается черная и цветная металлургия. Население провинции составляет 73 млн человек. Валовой региональный продукт в 2017 году достиг 3,46 трлн юаней, что на 8% больше по сравнению с предыдущим годом. |
We have thus provided the fundamental proof that therapeutic oligonucleotides can act selectively and efficiently in the organism without significant undesirable side effects.
In the 1840s the lithographic printing method was introduced as well in Tabriz, Isfahan and Tehran, and only a few years later this method dominated the complete Iranian book market. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from German to English. | Wir haben damit den grundsätzlichen Beweis erbracht, dass therapeutische Oligonukleotide im Organismus selektiv und effizient wirken können, ohne signifikante unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen.
In den 40er Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts wurde auch das lithographische Druckverfahren in Täbris, Isfahan und Teheran eingeführt und schon nach wenigen Jahren dominierte es den gesamten iranischen Buchmarkt. |
Verordnung (EG) Nr. 798 / 2008 der Kommission vom 8. August 2008 zur Erstellung einer Liste von Drittländern, Gebieten, Zonen und Kompartimenten, aus denen die Einfuhr von Geflügel und Geflügelerzeugnissen in die Gemeinschaft und ihre Durchfuhr durch die Gemeinschaft zugelassen ist, und zur Festlegung der diesbezüglichen Veterinärbescheinigungen [Amtsblatt L 226 vom 23.8.2008].
Die Länge des Spießes wird von der Fleischmenge bestimmt, die das jeweilige Modell grillen kann. Der Spieß des kleinsten Maxima Döner Kebab Grills ist somit 300 mm lang, während der größte Grill einen 890 mm langen Spieß besitzt. | In German, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Commission Regulation (EC) No 798 / 2008 of 8 August 2008 laying down a list of third countries, territories, zones or compartments from which poultry and poultry products may be imported into and transit through the Community and the veterinary certification requirements (OJ L 226 of 23.8.2008).
The length of the skewer is determined by the amount of meat that a particular model can roast and, as a result, the skewer in the smallest Maxima doner kebab grill is 300 mm long, while the largest model has an 890 mm long skewer. |
The aim of the approach, which is aligned with the Comprehensive Framework for Action established by the High-level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis, led by the Secretary-General, and with the principles agreed at the World Summit on Food Security, held in Rome in November 2009, is to help communities make the transition from aid dependency to resiliency. | What do the following sentences mean in English? | 该办法符合秘书长领导的全球粮食安全危机高级别工作队制订的综合行动框架,也符合2009年11月在罗马召开的世界粮食安全首脑会议商定的各项原则,其目的是帮助社区实现从依赖援助到具备复原力的过渡。 |
Es sei außerdem daran erinnert, dass jene Verordnung weiterhin für öffentliche Dienstleistungsaufträge sowie für Dienstleistungskonzessionen für öffentliche Personenverkehrsdienste auf der Schiene und per Untergrundbahn gilt.
Zu den am meisten aufgesuchten Lokalitäten zählt diesbezüglich das Kurbad Jeseník, das unwegdenkbar mit der Figur des Vincent Prießnitz verbunden ist. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in German? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | It should furthermore be recalled that that Regulation continues to apply to public service contracts as well as to service concessions for public passenger transport by rail or metro.
Jeseník Spa, which is inextricably linked with the figure of Vincent Priessnitz, ranks as one of the most popular sites in this area. |
一项研究依据实地调查以及与政府官员以及100多名走私分子的谈话,描述了把非法入境者送入西方国家的"蛇头",得出的结论是小规模企业组织而非教父级人物是主要的行动者,尽管需要更加关注黑社会与合法企业之间的联系。 | Please provide the Chinese translation for the following sentences. | Based on fieldwork and interviews with government officials and more than 100 smugglers, a study described the "snakeheads" who transport illegal immigrants into Western countries, concluding that smaller entrepreneurial groups, rather than godfathers, were the primary actors involved, although the connections between the criminal underworld and legitimate businesses required more attention. |
This section features extended interviews with whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, whose leaking of the Pentagon Papers exposed the war plans of the US government, and Henri Alleg, whose book La Question described his torture at the hands of the French armed forces in Algeria. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? | Dieser Teil präsentiert ausführliche Interviews mit dem Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, der die Pentagon-Papiere an die Öffentlichkeit brachte und die Kriegspläne der amerikanischen Regierung aufdeckte, sowie Interviews mit Henri Alleg, der in seinem Buch La Question beschrieb, wie er von der französischen Armee in Algerien gefoltert wurde. |
Der Verband „Women in Film“ ermittelte, dass bei den 100 erfolgreichsten Hollywood-Produktionen des Jahres 2017 nur acht Prozent Frauen auf dem Regiestuhl saßen und nur zehn Prozent die Drehbücher verfassten.
Bei ihrer Recherche, die sie unter anderem in die Fertigungshallen der Firma Tag Heuer führte, stiessen sie auch auf die Geschichte der Juraföderation. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the German translation for these sentences, and must use the given word translations. | The organization “Women in Film ” showed that out of the 100 most successful Hollywood productions in 2017, only eight percent had women sitting in the director ’ s chair and only ten percent had written the screenplays.
Their research took them to the production halls of the watch company Tag Heuer, among others, where they stumbled on the history of the Jura Federation. |
A prison locksmith has been arrested amid fears keys to a jail's cells have been copied resulting in taxpayers footing a £500,000 bill to replace all its locks. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | Der Schlosser eines Gefängnisses wurde verhaftet, da befürchtet wird, dass die Schlüssel für Zellentüren vervielfältigt wurden, was für den Steuerzahler eine Rechnung über 500.000 £ bedeutet, um alle Schlösser auszutauschen. |
Mubi hat heute zwei Märkte, ein staatliches Krankenhaus, ein Polytechnikum und beherbergt seit einigen Jahren auch vier Fakultäten der Adamawa State University.
Es erklingen zwei der vier zwischen Februar und April 1784 entstandenen Klavierkonzerte Mozarts sowie eine Sinfonie aus seinen letzten Lebensjahren: Die Nummer 39 seiner 41 Sinfonien ist nicht ganz so berühmt wie die letzten, die „Große g-Moll“ und die sogenannte „Jupiter-Sinfonie“. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Mubi now has two markets, a state hospital and a polytechnic and has for some years also been the location of four faculties of Adamawa State University.
Two of Mozart's four piano concertos written between February and April 1784 and a symphony from the last years of his life will be performed: Number 39 of his 41 symphonies is not quite as famous as the last, the "Great G minor" and the so-called "Jupiter Symphony". |
The subtitle tells the real story: just as Israel could not exist without the land of Palestine, so the country could not be built without the steady toil, skills, and dependability of Palestinian stonemasons. | Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Der Untertitel erzählt die wahre Geschichte: So wie Israel ohne das Land Palästina nicht existieren könnte, so könnte das Land nicht ohne die ständige Mühe, die Fähigkeiten und die Zuverlässigkeit der palästinensischen Maurer aufgebaut werden. |
However, the performance characteristics of the Hawker Siddeley HS 121 Trident 3B aircraft did not change for the better — the cruising flight speed dropped to 917 km / h, and the flight range did not exceed 3600 km.
The hypothesis of secret cooperation between Molière and P. Corneille was proven by the results of research by F. Vidal, who made an analysis on the basis of biographical data of the two playwrights (Vidal, 2001). | In English, what do the given sentences convey? The given word translations should be used. | Однако, лётно-технические характеристики самолёта Hawker Siddeley HS 121 Trident 3B изменились далеко не в лучшую сторону – крейсерская скорость полёта снизилась до 917 км\ ч, а дальность полёта не превышала 3600 км.
Гипотеза тайного сотрудничества Мольера и П. Корнеля была подтверждена результатами расследования Ф. Видаля, проведенного на основе анализа биографических данных двух драматургов [Vidal, 2001]. |
From this year's recent exam results, we can see that languages are topping the league tables with the highest pass rates within independent schools. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Chinese to English language. | 从今年最新的考试结果来看,私立学校的语言通过率稳居榜首。 |
5. Recent events in the Middle East, including the war in Lebanon, the continuation of the conflict and the suffering of the Palestinian and Syrian populations under occupation, underscored how interconnected the region's problems were and how military solutions only complicated, as well as further destabilized, an already precarious situation. | Turn the following sentences from their Chinese version to the English version. | 中东最近的事件,包括黎巴嫩战争、持续不断的冲突以及占领下的巴勒斯坦人和叙利亚人所遭受的痛苦,突出表明了该地区的问题是如何交织在一起的,以及军事解决办法如何只会使已经不稳的局势更加复杂和进一步动荡。 |
Von dort durch die archäologische Stadt Viminacium, den Silbersee und weiter entlang der Donau erreichen wir die Festung Golubac und dann durch den Nationalpark Djerdap nach Donji Milanovac.
Die Kunsttherapie hilft Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen ihre Emotionen zu erforschen, das Selbstwertgefühl zu verbessern, Sucht zu lindern, Stress abzubauen, Symptome von Angstzuständen und Depressionen zu lindern und mit körperlichen Erkrankungen oder Behinderungen umzugehen. | Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | From there, through the archaeological site Viminacium, the Silver Lake and further along the Danube River, we reach the Golubac fortress, and then through the Đerdap National Park to Donji Milanovac.
Art therapy helps children, adolescents, and adults explore their emotions, improve self-esteem, manage addictions, relieve stress, improve symptoms of anxiety and depression, and cope with a physical illness or disability. |
75. A second direction is to improve the basic building blocks of governance required for extractive industries to contribute effectively to sustainable development, including: promoting transparency in revenue flows; promoting disclosure of mining projects; developing the capacity of Governments to manage fluctuating revenues; helping Governments develop modern policy and regulatory frameworks; and integrating the public in decision-making processes at the local and national levels. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences. | 75.第二个方向是改善采掘业对可持续发展作出有效贡献所需的基本施政方法,包括:促进收入流动的透明性;促使公布矿业项目;培养政府管理波动性收入的能力;帮助政府制定现代化政策和管理框架;并让公众参与地方和国家两级的决策。 |
Практика показывает, что реализация тщательно продуманных политических мер на рынке труда и в социальной сфере крайне важна для стимулирования экономического роста и борьбы с кризисом в сфере занятости, а сейчас, спустя почти восемь лет с начала глобального кризиса, необходимо немедленно укреплять этот политический подход ", - добавил Торрес.
Отель идеально подойдет для туристов и деловых путешественников, поскольку он расположен недалеко от финансового квартала Стамбула, а также многих известных исторических достопримечательностей, включая Дворец Долмабахче и Мавзолей Барбароссы. | Please offer the Russian rendition for the following statements, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | “There is much evidence that well-designed labour market and social policies are essential for boosting economic growth and addressing the jobs crisis, and almost eight years after the start of the global crisis, a strengthening of that policy approach is urgently needed, ” Torres added.
Ideally located for leisure and business travellers, the hotel will be situated close to Istanbul ’ s financial district as well as many of the city ’ s famous historical sites such as the Dolmabahçe Palace and Barbarossa ’ s mausoleum. |
Die IBM Series / 1 Computer waren 16-bit Minirechner, welche 1976 vorgestellt wurden als Konkurrent zur PDP-11 von Digital Equipment Corporation und ähnlichen Geräten von Data General und HP.
Genießen Sie diese wunderschöne Stadt, die zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt wurde, und besuchen Sie die herausragendsten Orte, wie das Mausoleum von Mohammed V und den Hassan-Turm des 12. Jahrhunderts. | Please offer the German rendition for the following statements, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | The IBM Series / 1 is a 16-bit minicomputer, introduced in 1976, that in many respects competed with other minicomputers of the time, such as the PDP-11 from Digital Equipment Corporation and similar offerings from Data General and HP.
Enjoy these magnificent cities declared World Heritage sites visiting the most prominent places, such as the Mausoleum of Mohammed V and the Hassan Tower of the twelfth century. |
They were all taken on board the inshore lifeboat and brought back to the lifeboat station | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | Все они были были подняты на борт береговой спасательной шлюпки и доставлены на спасательную станцию |
4. On 14 November 2011, the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic regretted to note that, despite the repeated requests from the international community for the complete withdrawal of Israel from the Syrian Golan, Israel continued to occupy the Golan, pursued daily repressive practices against the population of the Golan and persisted in its flagrant violations of international law and norms with impunity. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | 4.2011年11月14日,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府遗憾地指出,尽管国际社会反复要求以色列完全撤出叙利亚戈兰,以色列却继续占领戈兰,奉行每日压迫戈兰人口的做法,并坚持悍然违反国际法和国际准则而不受惩罚。 |
Gesichtsveränderungen [Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Ein charakteristisches Merkmal des Stickler-Syndroms sind etwas abgeflachte Gesichtszüge, die durch unterentwickelte Mittelgesichtsknochen einschließlich der Wangen und des Nasenrückens verursacht sind. | Translate the following sentences from English to German, and must use the given word translations. | A characteristic feature of Stickler syndrome is a somewhat flattened facial appearance. This is caused by underdeveloped bones in the middle of the face, including the cheekbones and the bridge of the nose. |
The Court does not consider that Ireland can be said to have "interfered" with Mrs Airey's private or family life: the substance of her complaint is not that the State has acted but that it has failed to act. | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Суд не считает, что можно говорить о "вмешательстве" Ирландии в частную или семейную жизнь г-жи Эйри, которая жалуется по существу не на действия государства, а на его бездействие. |
Und obendrein enthält das „Chinesische Mythologie ” -Mash-up-Paket außerdem eine ganz besondere Karte für das Kampf-Minispiel, das wir im Juni veröffentlicht haben. | Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences, and must use the given word translations. | On top of all that, the Chinese Mythology Mash-up also includes a very special map for the Battle minigame which we released back in June. |
3.鼓励画家、雕塑家和其他塑造工作者创作关于人与自然关系的作品并举办展览,尤其涉及水、大地和森林,以便努力保护对地球生命至关重要的这三项要素。 | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Chinese language. | 3. Encourage painters, sculptors and others working in the plastic arts to create works and hold exhibitions dealing with the relationship between human beings and nature, particularly with regard to water, earth and forests, as part of efforts to preserve these three elements, which are essential for life on Earth. |
Some women have said that they did not dare to speak of the violence even to the rapist's wife or mother for fear of not being believed or in case they might be angry with them. | Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 一些妇女说她们甚至不敢向强奸者的妻子或母亲谈论暴力问题,因为害怕不被相信,或者她们可能对其发怒。 |
Аналитики утверждают, что он особенно искусно распознавал первые сигналы недовольства и использовал разведчиков для получения данных и обезвреживания противников. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Russian language. | Analysts say he was especially adept at detecting early signals of discontent and using emissaries to massage and defang opponents. |
Based on this information, manufacturers can decide if they want to focus on finding new customers and increasing their market share, or if they want to focus on their existing target audience and strengthen customer loyalty. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? | Auf Grundlage dieser Informationen können Hersteller entscheiden, ob sie sich darauf konzentrieren wollen, neue Kunden zu gewinnen und ihren Marktanteil zu erhöhen oder, ob sie den Fokus auf die vorhandene Zielgruppe legen und die Kundenloyalität stärken möchten. |
Kuratoren Patrizia Crivelli und Michel Hueter präsentieren eine multidisziplinäre Selektion aus den beiden führenden Schweizer Designwettbewerben: die Schweizer Designpreise, ausgelobt durch die Eidgenossenschaft, und den Design Preis Schweiz, eine private Initiative. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German? The given word translations should be used. | Curators Patrizia Crivelli and Michel Hueter will present a cross-disciplinary selection from the two leading Swiss design competitions: the Swiss Design Awards, hold by the Swiss Confederation, and the Design Prize Switzerland, a private initiative. |