The world at the beginning of the twenty-first century is profoundly different from the one in which the Berlin wall started to crumble. FUJIFILM will not sell, rent, or lease your personal information to any other party such as a business partner or a related third party company unless you have given permission to do so.
Turn the following sentences from their Chinese version to the English version, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
21世纪初的世界完全不同于柏林墙开始倒塌的时期。 在未经您的许可的情况下,富士胶片不会向任何第三方(如:商业合作伙伴或相关的第三方公司)出售或出租您的个人信息。
The origin of hydraulic jacks can be dated several years ago when Richard Dudgeon, the owner and inventor of hydraulic jacks, started a machine shop. As in many primitive religions, some at least of the Greek gods are nothing but idealized tribal primogenitors and heroes — personifications of the'virtue' or'perfection' of the tribe.
Render the listed sentences in English from their original Russian form.
Происхождение гидравлических домкратов может быть датировано несколько лет назад, когда Ричард Даджен, владелец и изобретатель гидравлических домкратов, открыл механический цех. Как и во многих первобытных религиях, по крайней мере некоторые из греческих богов представляли собой не что иное, как идеализированных племенных предков или героев — они являлись олицетворением « добродетели » или « совершенства » данного племени.
Высказывались гипотезы о том, что взрыв устроило не небесное тело, а вырвавшийся из недр Земли болотный газ (правда следов его присутствия в этом месте тоже не обнаружили), или о том, что причиной катастрофы были тайные эксперименты Николы Теслы с электричеством.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences.
There were hypotheses that the explosion was not made by a celestial body, but by Earth ’ s marsh gas that escaped from within (though the traces of its presence in this place were also not found), or that the cause of the accident was secret experiments of Nikola Tesla with electricity.
In terms of Chinese, what do the next sentences imply? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Add to that a requirement that firms must offer a long-term contract to any individual after two consecutive short-term contracts and pay a hefty severance package if they need to downsize the workforce.
In order to reach this part of the coast you have to take the road to Pula and turn right at the locality Kokuletovica, which is 4km away from the town center.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Um zu diesem Teil der Küste zu gelangen, müssen Sie die Straße nach Pula nehmen und an der Ortschaft Kokuletovica, die etwa 4 Kilometer vom Stadtzentrum entfernt liegt, rechts abbiegen.
《联邦宪法》第9条禁止放逐,规定行动自由,任何公民均不得被放逐出联邦或排拒于联邦之外。 政府预算陷入严重赤字,从而造成通货膨胀急剧上扬和国家货币的平行市场汇率迅速贬值。
What do the following sentences mean in Chinese?
Article 9 of the Federal Constitution makes provision for the prohibition of banishment and freedom of movement, where no citizen shall be banished or excluded from the Federation. The state budget ran into serious deficits, which in turn led to a sharp rise in inflation and a rapid depreciation in the parallel market rate of the national currency.
Durch die Ausstellung werden die Besucher die Gelegenheit haben, die Geschichte der Insel mit den Augen europäischer Maler, Kartografen, Schriftsteller und Fotografen zu entdecken und gleichzeitig Zeugen des kulturellen Austauschs zu sein, der mit der byzantinischen Kultur erfolgte und die einheimische Bevölkerung geprägt hat. Schaut man frontal auf das Notebook, kann man auch mit mehreren Personen vor dem Display stehen und jeder erkennt das Bild fehlerfrei.
Render the listed sentences in German from their original English form, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Through the exhibition, the public will have the opportunity to explore the history of the island through the eyes of European painters, cartographers, writers and photographers and at the same time witness the cultural interchange that took place with the byzantine culture which characterised the local population. When looking at the laptop from the front, you can even stand in front of the display with several people and see the picture perfectly.
Through the course of the evening, the city was ravaged by seven tornadoes, the worst of which was rated F4 on the Fujita Scale. The hardest hit area of town was the South Locust business district.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from German to English language using the given reference word translations.
Im Laufe des Abends wurde die Stadt von insgesamt sieben Tornados verwüstet, von denen der stärkste die Stufe F4 auf der Fujita-Skala erreicht, wobei das Gewerbegebiet South Locust zur am stärksten betroffenen Region gehörte.
Агентство помогает иностранным инвесторам и предприятиям вести бизнес с Грецией, устраняет проблемы, связанные с государственным регулированием, предоставляет ключевую информацию о Греции и помогает греческим предприятиям выйти на новые рынки, найти новых деловых партнеров и стать более конкурентоспособными и привлекательными.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in Russian?
The agency helps foreign investors and businesses to do business with Greece, eliminates the problems associated with government regulation, provides key information about Greece and helps Greek enterprises to enter new markets, find new business partners and become more competitive and attractive.
That debate has pushed out of the spotlight a number of essential questions regarding the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) during the Second World War. 91. Mr. Mladenov (Bulgaria) said that halting the spread of nuclear weapons was a mission that transcended politics and diplomacy, national ambitions and personal egos.
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences.
这场争论把红十字国际委员会在二战期间工作中的一些重要问题推到了聚光灯之外。 91.Mladenov先生(保加利亚)说,阻止核武器扩散是一项超越政治和外交、国家的雄心壮志和个人自我的任务。
A proof of concept also offers a further range of important benefits: Not only does it allow you to reliably validate critical requirements of technical applications and software, it also facilitates functional and acceptance testing of products or services with manufacturers, business partners, and customers.
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences.
Darüber hinaus bietet ein Proof-of-Concept weitere wertvolle Vorteile: Sie können nicht nur kritische Anforderungen an technische Applikationen oder Softwarelösungen zuverlässig validieren, sondern auch Funktions- und Akzeptanztests von Produkten oder Dienstleistungen mit Herstellern, Geschäftspartnern und Kunden vornehmen.
Пульс этой жизни особенно был заметен на многолюдных и многоязычных базарах, где горожане и приезжие узнавали новости, цены на товары, слушали выступления артистов, музыкантов, певцов, сказителей, восторгались искусством канатоходцев и танцоров.
Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences?
Pulse of life was especially noticeable in crowded and multilingual bazaars, where citizens and visitors learned the news, commodity prices, listened to speeches by actors, musicians, singers, storytellers, admired the art of tightrope walkers and dancers.
“Many politicians in Europe believe that TANAP will become a real competitor to Russian Gazprom to supply fuel to Europe and Turkey, ” says Mikhail Kogan, head of the analytical research department at the Higher School of Financial Management.
Change the given sentences from Russian to English format, and must use the given word translations.
Многие политики в Европе считают, что TANAP станет реальным конкурентом российского « Газпрома » по поставке топлива в Европу и Турцию, говорит руководитель отдела аналитических исследований Высшей школы управления финансами Михаил Коган.
At the same time the company set up to protect the former investigation, security review, after security management as the main content of the internal control system and separate procedures, compensation and recoveryprogram, project examination and approval of collective decision-making procedures, the establishment of guarantee approval center and after security management center in the mechanism, clear responsibility and standardize various departments, positions, internal effectively strengthen control.
Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format.
'She didn't seem to care who was watching - or think about the person who would eventually buy the knickers she'd been trying on.'
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
"Не похоже, что её заботило, кто за ней наблюдал, или что она подумала о человеке, который в итоге купит эти трусы, которые она примеряла".
Поэтому рассмотренный арбитражем конфликт выходит за рамки частных отношений и является несовместимым с принципами экономической системы Российского государства, ввиду чего принятое по нему решение не может быть приведено к исполнению на территории Российской Федерации.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Russian?
The dispute examined by the court of arbitration was therefore beyond the scope of private relations and was incompatible with the principles of the economic system of the Russian Federation. Consequently, the award made by that court could not be enforced within the territory of the Russian Federation.
Secondly, exacting accountability from the perpetrators of violence against civilians is now even more difficult, with many violators being non-State actors, who are not bound by relevant international legal instruments.
Please provide the English translation for the following sentences.
Во-вторых, в настоящее время становится все более сложным требовать ответа от лиц, совершивших насилие в отношении гражданских лиц, поскольку многие виновные в подобных действиях являются негосударственными субъектами, на которых не распространяются соответствующие международные правовые документы.
With ancient Kibi rivaling the Yamato region as an origin of culture, the area has since olden times, through to the current day, made various large contributions to the promotion of industry, economy and culture. Today, in addition to the monastery with its church, there is a lighthouse situated on the island, as well as a museum, a restaurant, a small quay, a conference hall and two guesthouses with a total of five rooms available to tourists.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from Chinese to the English language, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
历史上,该地区作为与大和地方匹敌的古代吉备文化发祥地而繁荣。从古至今,为地方的多样化产业、经济、文化的繁荣发展作出了巨大贡献。 今天,除了教堂的修道院,还有一个位于岛上的灯塔,还有博物馆,餐厅,小码头,会议厅和两个宾馆,共有五间客房可供游客使用。
André-Marie Ampère (20 January 1775 – 10 June 1836) was a French physicist and mathematician who is generally regarded as one of the main founders of the science of classical electromagnetism, which he referred to as "electrodynamics". The depth of the unique cave in the Boysun mountains is estimated by the scientists to be 2650 m, however, no one yet managed to reach the bottom of the cave, thus its true depth is still indefinite.
Translate the following sentences from Russian to English.
Андре Мари Ампер (20 января 1775 года - 10 июня 1836 года) - французский физик и математик, известный как один из главных основоположников науки классического электромагнетизма, которую он назвал электродинамикой. Глубина уникальной пещеры в горах Байсуна, по предположению ученых, составляет 2 650 метров, однако, поскольку до дна пещеры добраться ещё никому не удалось, истинная её глубина по-прежнему остается неизвестной.
After just under an hour Rebic started a solo and then crossed to De Guzmán, who just tapped the ball into the empty goal.
Please provide the English translation for the following sentences.
Nach einer knappen Stunde startete Rebic ein Solo und legte dann quer auf De Guzmán, der den Ball nur noch ins leere Tor schieben musste.
[22] Der italienische Humanist Angelo Poliziano etwa schließt 1492 in seiner Vorlesung über die „Analytica priora“ des Aristoteles an die antike Terminologie an, er weist den critici das alleinige Recht zu, Schriften zu beurteilen und zu verbessern.
When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry using the given reference word translations?
[23] The Italian humanist Angelo Poliziano, in his lecture about Aristotle ’ s “Analytica priora ” in 1492, ties into the terminology from antiquity, ascribing to the critici the sole right to judge and improve writings.
Statistics for the year 2009, gathered by the Child Protection Unit show that out of a total of 164 reported cases, 61 per cent were reported cases of sexual abuse, in which 80 per cent of the victims were females. 66. Mr. Al-Muntasser (Yemen) said that the report showed that, despite the agreements reached with the Palestinians, Israel was continuing to build settlements, to annex land and to displace the Palestinian inhabitants and demolish their homes.
Transform the upcoming sentences from Chinese language to English language using the given reference word translations.
儿童保护股收集的2009年的统计数据显示,在所报告的总计164起案件中,61%为性虐待案件,其中80%的受害者是女性。 66.Al-Muntasser先生(也门)说,报告显示,尽管与巴勒斯坦人达成了协议,但以色列却在继续建筑定居点,兼并土地并驱逐巴勒斯坦居民,拆毁他们的房屋。
“But when Vice Admiral Ōnishi [...] summoned me to his deathbed and asked me to look after his affairs, and I saw him die with a smile on his face, I became convinced that in some circumstances a man can embrace death with joy. It is there even when it is not active on the surface, but silent and immobile; it is there even when it is invisible on the surface, not reacting on outward things or sensible to them, but withdrawn and either active or inactive within; it is there even when it seems to us to be quite absent and the being to our view unconscious and inanimate.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences.
„Aber als Vizeadmiral Ōnishi [...] mich an sein Totenbett rief und mich darum bat, seine Angelegenheiten zu regeln und ich ihn mit einem Lächeln auf seinem Gesicht sterben sah, wurde ich davon überzeugt, dass ein Mann unter bestimmten Umständen den Tod mit Freude umarmen kann. Es ist vorhanden, auch wenn es nicht an der Oberfläche tätig, sondern still und reglos ist; es ist sogar vorhanden, wenn es an der Oberfläche unsichtbar ist und nicht auf äußere Dinge reagiert, sie nicht wahrnimmt, sondern zurückgezogen und innerlich tätig oder untätig ist; es ist selbst dann vorhanden, wenn es uns gänzlich abwesend zu sein scheint und das Wesen unserem Auge unbewusst und unbelebt vorkommt.
The burgomaster, the former lieutenant-colonel in the Red Army, clapped his hands in horror. "If we cut down the forests, in five years our nourishing land of Saxony will be a desert!" he exclaimed. Fight local fires with the fire extinguisher and fog nozzle, squeeze your way through narrow ventilation shafts, and destroy obstacles with your ax to pave your way to freedom.
Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language.
Der Bürgermeister und ehemalige Oberstleutnant der Roten Armee schlägt entsetzt die Hände zusammen: „Wenn wir die Wälder abholzen, wird unser blühendes Sachsenland in fünf Jahren zu einer Wüste!" Bekämpfe lokale Feuer mit Feuerlöscher und Hohlstrahlrohr, zwänge dich durch enge Lüftungsschächte, und zerstöre Hindernisse mit der Axt, um dir den Weg in die Freiheit zu bahnen.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Chinese version.
Not only are they heavily exposed to such adverse effects due to their geography and mono-cultural economic structure, but they also have a very low level of socio-economic infrastructure, a high rate of environmental depletion, a high rate of human capital resource depletion arising from the prevalence of diseases such as AIDS, and a heavy reliance on official development assistance.
At the You @ Work Roadshow, which is being held for the second time this year, you'll find professionals from various sectors; HR specialists from Randstad will offer career advice, check CVs and give tips on how to make the perfect first impression. Of course there are earlier works, such as the magnificent ponte da Cigarrosa, in A Rua, which joins this municipality with that of Petín and used to be part of the 18th Via of the Antonine Itinerary.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
An der You @ Work Roadshow, welche dieses Jahr bereits zum zweiten Mal stattfindet, sind Profis aus verschiedenen Bereichen dabei: HR-Spezialisten von Randstad bieten Karriereberatungen an, überprüfen Lebensläufe und geben Tipps für einen perfekten ersten Eindruck. Es existieren zwar frühere Bauwerke wie die prächtige Ponte da Cigarrosa in A Rúa, eine Brücke, die diese Gemeinde mit Petín verbindet und zur Vía XVIII. des Itinerarium Antonini gehörte.
So John humbled himself and took the lowest position in the Old Testament, claiming that he was nothing but a voice crying in the wilderness.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
Также в 13: 00 в День России в этом парке пройдёт забег с участием членов Олимпийской сборной, а в 19: 00 выступит группа « Мегаполис ».
Could you supply the Russian translation for the upcoming sentences using the given reference word translations?
Also at 13: 00 on the Day of Russia in this park there will be a race with the participation of members of the Olympic team, and at 19: 00 the group "Megapolis" will perform.
But precious little has changed in Papua, and today local people feel betrayed.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English?
By letter dated 12 August 1998, the Chairman of the fifty-fourth session of the Commission appointed Mr. Leonardo Franco (Argentina) as the new Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Sudan.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Chinese to English language using the given reference word translations.
32. Конституция предусматривает президентскую систему правления с президентом, которым должен быть грек, и вице-президентом, которым должен быть турок, избираемыми соответственно греческой и турецкой общинами Кипра сроком на пять лет (статья 1).
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Russian? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
32. The Constitution provides for a presidential system of government with a President who has to be Greek and a Vice-President who has to be a Turk, elected by the Greek and Turkish communities of Cyprus respectively for a fixed five-year term (art. 1).
Also recognizing that reductions in deployments and the lowering of operational status contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, as well as to the process of nuclear disarmament, through the enhancement of confidence-building and transparency measures and a diminishing role for nuclear weapons in security policies, While the Government of Rwanda wishes to reiterate its position that the Lusaka Agreement is the only viable framework for a sustainable solution to the conflict in the DRC, the Government wishes to call upon the international community to prevail on the Government in Kinshasa to put an end to these violations.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
又认识到,通过加强建立信任和增加透明度措施以及不断缩小核武器在安全政策中的作用,减少部署和降低作战状态有助于维护国际和平与安全,也有助于推动核裁军进程, 卢旺达政府希望重申其立场,即《卢萨卡协定》是持久解决刚果民主共和国冲突的唯一可行框架,但同时呼吁国际社会说服金沙萨政府停止这些违反行为。
江西铜业股份有限公司还采用自己研制的新技术,改善废水的再利用,并使用气体和残留物提取稀有金属和贵金属。 位置9.1GoodmorningbyTamarind旅舍提供免费无线网络连接和1间共用休息室,距离玛哈泰寺(WatMahathat)仅有600米,提供带私人浴室的装饰简单的空调客房。
When translated to Chinese, what message do these sentences carry?
Simultaneously, the Jiangxi Copper Corporation introduced technological innovations developed in-house to advance the reuse of waste water and the use of gas and residues to extract rare and noble metals. Location 9.1 Offering free WiFi and a shared guest lounge, Goodmorning by Tamarind is just 600 metres from Wat Mahathat.
To resolve an endless cycle of vendettas between two clans, Hanpu managed to make both parties accept a new rule: from then on, the family of a killer would compensate the victim's relatives with a gift of horses, cattle, and money.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences.
舞台组工作人员不辞辛劳地搭建了精美的舞台布景。 电影的舞台布景经过精心设计,以再现19世纪巴黎的街景。 这部歌剧的舞台布景如此逼真,让观众仿佛置身于古罗马。
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Chinese.
The stage crew worked tirelessly to set up the elaborate set for the play. The set for the movie was meticulously designed to recreate a 19th-century Parisian street. The set of the opera was so realistic that it transported the audience to ancient Rome.
Der weltberühmte botanische Garten (’ s lands plantentuin), welcher im Jahre 1818 unter Generalgouverneur Baron van der Capellen von einem Deutschen, dem Landbaudirektor Professor Reinwardt, geschaffen ward, dient zur Kultur von Pflanzen für wissenschaftliche und Unterrichtszwecke und enthält selbstverständlich nur solche Gewächse, welche in dem tropischen Klima Buitenzorgs gedeihen. Lernziele und Kompetenzen: Nach der erfolgreichen Teilnahme an diesem Modul verfügen die Studierenden über Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Vorhersage von RNA-Strukturen, Hidden-Markov-Modelle, und Genvorhersage bei Prokaryoten und Eukaryoten.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version, and must use the given word translations.
The world famous botanical garden (’ s lands plantentuin), that was created in 1818 under governor general Baron van der Capellen by a German, agricultural director professor Reinwardt, is dedicated to the cultivation of plants for scientific and educational purposes and of course only contains plants that grow in the tropical climate of Buitenzorg. Learning outcome, core skills: The students acquire knowledge in the bioinformatical fields prediction of RNA structures, Hidden-Markov-Models and gene prediction in pro- and eukaryotes.
Ich glaube, dass die Vereinigten Staaten in sich die Wahrheit tragen, dass wir alle, unabhängig von der Hautfarbe, der Religion oder der Lebensphase, gemeinsame Ambitionen haben – in Frieden und Sicherheit zu leben, Bildung zu erhalten, und in Würde zu arbeiten und unsere Familien, Gemeinden und Gott zu lieben.
Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
And I believe that America holds within her the truth that regardless of race, religion, or station in life, all of us share common aspirations to live in peace and security; to get an education and to work with dignity; to love our families, our communities, and our God.
Am 24 September 1759 unterzeichnete Arthur Guinness einen 9000-jährigen Pachtvertrag für die St. James' Gate Brewery in Dublin, Irland.
Please share the German version of the given sentences.
On September 24, 1759, Arthur Guinness signed a 9,000 year lease for the St James' Gate Brewery in Dublin, Ireland.
12. März 2018 Als Gründungsvorsitzender der Kommunistischen Partei der Philippinen und Politischer Chef-Berater der Nationaldemokratischen Front, übermittle ich die wärmsten Grüße der Solidarität an den Jugendwiderstand und würdige die Einleitung eines Monats der Solidarität mit dem Volkskrieg auf den Philippinen in Deutschland in diesem März 2018.
Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
As Founding Chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines and Chief Political Consultant of the National Democratic Front, I convey the warmest greetings of solidarity to Jugendwiderstand (Youth Resistance) and appreciation for launching a Month of Solidarity with the People ’ s War in the Philippines in Germany in this month of March 2018.
警察当场抓住了商店小偷正在偷窃。 商店安装了监控摄像头以防止商店小偷偷窃。 这名商店小偷因为多次盗窃被判处两年监禁。
I'd appreciate it if you could present the Chinese translation for these sentences.
The police caught the booster red-handed stealing from the store. The store installed security cameras to prevent boosters from stealing. The booster was sentenced to two years in prison for his repeated thefts.
最终的谈判带来了和平,由于罗马提出的条款,阿尔戈斯和拉科尼亚的沿海城镇被从斯巴达的统治中解放出来,而斯巴达人在随后的八年中被迫付给罗马人战争赔偿。 法案第8条规定,任何个人,不分民族或种族归属、公民身份、居住地、性别、年龄、政治或其他观点以及法律行为能力,均可向人权卫士求助。
Could you supply the Chinese translation for the upcoming sentences?
Eventually, negotiations led to peace on Rome's terms, under which Argos and the coastal towns of Laconia were separated from Sparta and the Spartans were compelled to pay a war indemnity to Rome over the next eight years. Article 8 of the act specifies that any individual, regardless of ethnic or racial affiliation, citizenship, place of residence, gender, age, political or other views and legal capacity, may have recourse to the human rights defender.
Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences?
And, in like manner, the things that seem so grand, so powerful, so overwhelming, so magnificent and so dominating are the very small things of life.
В ноябре 2017 года Международный олимпийский комитет лишил Зубкова двух золотых медалей зимней Олимпиады 2014 года в Сочи и пожизненно отстранил его от участия в Играх. В домашних условиях экономия энергии благодаря эффективному освещению и приборам была полностью уничтожена за счет более широкого использования компьютеров и гаджетов, и к 2025 году « цунами данных », как ожидается, будет потреблять пятую часть мирового электричества.
In terms of Russian, what do the next sentences imply?
In November 2017, the International Olympic Committee deprived Zubkov of two gold medals of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi and suspended him from participating in the Games for life. In the home, energy savings from efficient lighting and appliances have been completely wiped out by increased use of computers and gadgets, and by 2025 a ‘ tsunami of data ’ is expected to consume a fifth of global electricity.
With a view to the event on the plaza forecourt he says: "It's the people's right. The main this is that it stays peaceful".
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
Mit Blick auf die Veranstaltung auf dem Rondellvorplatz sagt er: "Das ist das gute Recht der Leute, Hauptsache, es bleibt friedlich".
在零关税政策推动下,中国自非洲进口芝麻快速增长,进口额从2005年的0.97亿美元增加到2011年的4.41亿美元,年均增长率高达28.7%,高于同期中国自非洲进口全部商品的年均增速。 ScandicGardermoen酒店装饰明亮的客房内设有一间带淋浴的私人浴室,并均配备了迷你吧、办公桌和扶手椅。酒店的餐厅设有开放式壁炉并拥有精致的设计,供应包括丰盛的自助早餐在内的各式餐点。
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Chinese.
After the zero-tariff policy was adopted, sesame imports grew rapidly, from US $97 million in 2005 to US $441 million in 2011, an annual increase of 28.7%. This rate of import increase is higher than the average growth rate of all products imported from Africa during the same period. The brightly decorated rooms at Scandic Gardermoen have private bathrooms with a shower. All have a minibar, work desk and armchair. Meals, including a large breakfast buffet, are available in the hotel restaurant with its open fireplace and chic design.
Provision under this heading is based on the estimated monthly cost of $24,200 and covers catering services, garbage collection and removal, liquid waste disposal, cleaning of premises, rodent and pest control, anti-termite treatment, mosquito eradication and grounds maintenance.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Chinese to English language.
This spectacular relic of Tallinn ’ s past belonged to the Great Guild, whose members controlled the Town Council, and in the cellar rooms we learned the history of the building in an exhibit called ‘ Power of the Elite ’. The secret of Novigrad's sporting popularity is a simple combination of the important ingredients for athletes: a pleasant climate, excellent infrastructure, accommodation which is fully adapted to the needs of athletes, and friendly but unobtrusive staff who is on call to attend every need.
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences?
Dieses spektakuläre Relikt aus Tallinns Vergangenheit gehörte der Großen Gilde, deren Mitglieder den Stadtrat kontrollierten. In den Kellerräumen erfuhren wir mehr über die Geschichte des Gebäudes, in einer Ausstellung namens „Macht der Elite“. Das Geheimnis der Beliebtheit von Sport in Novigrad ist die einfache Kombination der wichtigsten Bestandteile für Sportler: ein angenehmes Klima, hervorragende Infrastruktur, eine vollkommen an die Bedürfnisse der Sportler angepasste Unterkunft, sowie freundliche, aber unaufdringliche Mitarbeiter, die bereit sind, alle Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen.
Dieser Schritt in der Entwicklung der Projektiven Geometrie, der auf der Idee von Elementen in der Unendlichkeit beruhte, brachte Bewegung und Perspektive in den euklidischen Gedanken von starren, festen Formen. Als ich erkannte dass ich im Dunkeln war, füllte sich diese Leere an Emotionen mit einer unglaublichen Furcht.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to German language using the given reference word translations.
This step in the development of Projective Geometry, based on the idea of elements in infinity, brought movement and perspective to the Euclidian concept of rigid, fixed forms. When I realized that I was in the dark, that void of emotion was filled with incredible dread.
Die Verwendung von nicht brennbaren Materialien für die Fassadenverkleidung sorgt für maximale Sicherheit, wenn ein Brand entweder in einem Gebäude oder über eine externe Quelle wie einen Mülleimer oder einen Fahrzeugbrand ausbricht.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in German? The given word translations should be used.
The use of non-combustible materials for facade cladding ensures maximum safety in case a fire starts either in a building or via an external source such as a rubbish bin or vehicle fire.
Вышеупомянутые факты являются не единственным примером преднамеренных нападений на азербайджанское мирное население, совершенных армянскими вооруженными силами, террористическими бандами и группами наемников во время агрессии Армении против Азербайджана. Английская компания Jaguar Cars принадлежит концерну Ford и благодаря его финансовой помощи разрабатывает и производит высококлассные автомобили, сочетающие спортивные характеристики с комфортабельностью езды.
Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences.
The above-mentioned facts are not the only instances of deliberate attacks on Azerbaijani civilians committed by the Armenian armed forces, terrorist bands and mercenary units during the aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan. British company Jaguar Cars belongs to Ford, and thanks to his financial assistance develops and manufactures high-quality cars, combining sporty performance with ride comfort.
Tourism accounts for more than 11 per cent of the region's GDP and is expected to grow by more than 5 per cent a year in real terms through 2010. The export involved fake diamonds and the use of forged official documents, stamps and signatures, by means of which the criminals were able to claim that they had diamonds for sale and to swindle unsuspecting foreign buyers out of thousands of dollars.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
旅游占区域国内生产总值11%,按实数计算,预期至2010年将每年增长5%以上。 所涉的出口钻石是假的,并且使用假冒官方文件、印花和签名,从而罪犯能够吹嘘有钻石出售,骗取不察外国买家数以千计美元。
Группа ученых наблюдала за мужчинами в возрасте от 18 до 25 лет и нашла доказательство тому, что изменение громкости музыки влияет на скорость употребления алкоголя. Усти расположен в горном районе на слиянии рек Билина и Эльба (Лаба), и, помимо того, что он имеет активный речной порт, он является важным железнодорожным узлом.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Russian? The given word translations should be used.
A group of scientists watched men between the ages of 18 and 25 and found evidence that changing the volume of the music affects the rate of alcohol consumption. Ústí is situated in a mountainous district at the confluence of the Bílina and the Elbe (Labe) Rivers, and, besides being an active river port, is an important railway junction.
Словакия также планирует обеспечить развитие других внутренних водных путей, находящихся в восточной части страны, т.е. проходящих по рекам Лаборец, Латрица и Бодрог.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Russian language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Slovakia is also planning the development of other inland waterways, located in the East of the country, i.e. rivers Laborec, Latorica and Bodrog.
German arrest warrants were issued against the two suspected Italians.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
Gegen die beiden Verdächtigen Italiener gab es deutsche Haftbefehle.
To examine the phenomena, Earth scientists would have to set up a lab in space, far enough away from any planetary body so that free movement is possible. Moreover, the Lumiere table lamp from the Italian light manufacturer Foscarini rests on an organically looking tripod made of chrome-plated or polished aluminium which gives it a secure standing.
Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format.
Um das Phänomen zu untersuchen, müßten Erdwissenschaftler ein Laboratorium im Weltall einrichten, weit genug weg von irgendeinem planetarischen Körper, so daß freie Bewegung möglich ist. Dazu ruht die Lumiere Tischleuchte des italienischen Leuchtenherstellers Foscarini auf einem organisch wirkenden Dreifuß aus verchromtem oder poliertem Aluminium, der ihr einen sicheren Stand verleiht.
Nickel is a hard, silvery-white metal whose strength, ductility and resistance to heat and corrosion make it extremely useful for the development of a wide variety of materials - from wires to coins to military equipment. River Kymi and Leininselkä are about 10 meters deep, the maximum depth being 24 meters. They are connected to Lake Urajärvi which is covered in the same fishing permit.
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
Nickel ist ein hartes, silbrig-weißes Metall, dessen Stärke, Duktilität und Wärme- und Korrosionsbeständigkeit es für die Entwicklung einer Vielzahl von Materialien äußerst nützlich macht - von Drähten über Münzen bis hin zu militärischen Geräten. Kymijoki, Leininselkä: Tiefe über 10 m, tiefste Stelle 24 m. Verbunden mit dem See Urajärvi (für diesen gilt dieselbe Angelerlaubnis).
5 x test kits each containing: sample container bottle with dropper in lid, titration tube, titration tube snapper and operating instructions 5. Reiterates its call upon the parties to collaborate with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the implementation of confidence-building measures and continues to urge the international community to provide generous support to UNHCR and the World Food Programme in order to help them overcome the deteriorating food situation among the refugees;
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
5次测试套,每次测试包含:采样瓶,瓶盖带点滴器,滴定管,滴定管揿钮和操作手册 5.重申吁请各方配合联合国难民事务高级专员(难民专员办事处)执行建立信任措施,并继续促请国际社会向难民专员办事处和世界粮食计划署提供慷慨援助,以协助它们克服难民粮食状况的恶化;
Когда мы вернулись в Россию и поговорили с крестьянами и рабочими, мы увидели, что они все стоят за защиту отечества, но, конечно, совсем в другом смысле, чем меньшевики, и мы не могли этих простых рабочих и крестьян называть негодяями и предателями.
What do the following sentences mean in Russian?
When we returned to Russia and spoke with the peasants and workers, we saw that all of them stood for the defense of the Motherland, naturally, in a quite different way than the Mensheviks, and we could not call all these ordinary workers and peasants rascals and traitors.
There are a lot of hotels and hostels in central Stockholm – actually more than 8,500 hotel rooms within a ten minute walk of the Central Station – but the price may vary a lot. Increasing blood viscosity with a combination of alcohol and antibiotics can lead to the development of stroke or myocardial infarction, as well as problems in the work of the heart and blood vessels.
вязкость means viscosity It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
В центре Стокгольма есть много гостиниц и общежитий — фактически, в пределах десяти минут ходьбы от Центрального вокзала доступно более 8 500 гостиничных номеров — но цена может сильно варьироваться. Повышение вязкости крови при сочетании алкоголя и антибиотиков может привести к развитию инсульта или инфаркта миокарда, а также проблемам в работе сердца и сосудов.
Representatives of the European Investment Bank and the City of Prague signed today a EUR 75 million loan for construction of the extension of Prague's metro line C. Because of its estrogenic properties, zearalenone may induce fertility disorders in animals with clinical signs of hyperestrogenism – an aspect of a disease which although reported mainly in hogs, is described in other species such as cows, horses and sheep.
hyperöstrogenismus means hyperestrogenism Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Vertreter der Europäischen Investitionsbank und der Stadt Prag haben heute einen Vertrag über ein Darlehen von 75 Mio EUR für den Ausbau der Prager U-Bahn-Linie C unterzeichnet. Als östrogenwirkende Substanz kann Zearalenon bei Tieren zu Fertilitätsstörungen und zum klinischen Erscheinungsbild des Hyperöstrogenismus führen. Ein Krankheitsbild, das vor allem bei weiblichen Schweinen häufig beschrieben ist, aber auch bei anderen Tierspezies wie Kühen, Pferden und Schafen auftreten kann.
Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Its plans include high-speed rail, a third bridge over the Bosphorus, tunnels, as well as plans to build what could be the largest airport in the world.
Some believe it was named for a local Native American girl named Anamosa, meaning "white fawn", while others say it means "You walk with me." During the reporting period, the Republic of Moldova acceded to both instruments, Saint Kitts and Nevis to the 1951 Convention, and Ukraine to the 1967 Protocol.
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences?
有人认为这是一个名叫阿纳莫萨(Anamosa)的当地美国原住民女孩的名字,意思是“白色的小鹿”,而另一些人则说这意味着“你跟我一起走”。 在报告所涉期间,摩尔多瓦共和国加入了这两项文书;圣基茨和尼维斯岛加入了1951年《公约》;乌克兰加入了1967年《议定书》。
130. По данным правительства Китая число беженцев в этой стране увеличилось с 287 086 человек в начале 1995 года до 288 411 человек в конце марта 1996 года, включая 286 900 вьетнамцев, 1452 лаосца и 40 камбоджийцев.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Russian? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
130. The refugee population in China, as reported by the Government increased from 287,086 at the beginning of 1995 to 288,411 at the end of March 1996, comprising 286,900 Vietnamese, 1,452 Lao and 40 Cambodians.
He released a Twitter post on Monday, May 7 saying: “I will be announcing my decision on the Iran Deal tomorrow from the White House at 2: 00 pm. ” – i.e. four days before the May 12 deadline. We know from historical sources that in the first half of the 18th century, certainly before 1735, the brewery has already been standing on our piece of land.
Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Er veröffentlichte am Montag, dem 7. Mai, einen Twitter-Post mit den Worten: “Ich werde morgen um 14 Uhr meine Entscheidung über den Iran-Deal aus dem Weißen Haus bekannt geben. ” – also vier Tage vor dem Stichtag am 12. Mai. Aus historischen Quellen wissen wir, dass in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts, sicherlich vor 1735, die Bierbrauerei bereits auf unserem Grundstück lag.
This archaeological site is situated among the Peloponnese ’ s lush verdure, healing sunlight, and thermal springs, and is believed to have been a healing temple and the place of origin of medicinal practice and research in Greece.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from Russian to the English language.
Этот археологический памятник расположен среди пышной зелени Пелопоннеса, целебного солнечного света и термальных источников, и, как полагают, был целительным храмом и местом происхождения лекарственных практик и исследований в Греции.
In one of the most egregious violations, in April the Russian-backed Syrian regime is accused of using chemical weapons on civilians in Douma, close to Damascus, killing at least 40 people and hospitalising more than 500. Anyone who has spent time at a beach, swimming pool, or gym locker room can attest to the fact that human beings are born with a variety of different physical characteristics.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English?
Один из самых вопиющих случаев произошел в апреле, когда поддерживаемый Россией сирийский режим был обвинен в использовании химического оружия против мирных жителей в городе Дума, неподалеку от Дамаска, в результате чего погибло по меньшей мере 40 и было госпитализировано более 500 человек. Каждый, кто бывал на пляже, в плавательном бассейне или раздевалке гимнастического зала, мог лично убедиться в том, что люди от рождения обладают различными физическими характеристиками.
Influencerin will Gratis-Upgrade: Lebenslanges Flugverbot bei Cathay
Please share the German version of the given sentences.
Influencer wants free upgrade: Life-long ban from Cathay
Some of the early foreign elements found in Japanese painting were horizontal picture planes and usage of synthetic pigments, such as the famous Berlin blue, officially known as Prussian blue.
Please provide the English translation for the following sentences.
Einige der frühen fremden Elemente, die in die japanische Malerei einflossen, waren horizontale Bildebenen und die Verwendung von synthetischen Pigmenten, wie die des berühmten Berliner Blaus, welches auch als Preußischblau bekannt ist.
Japan is committed to continue the cooperation with Russia in this field, "said Ken Ono, Counsellor at the Embassy of Japan to the Russian Federation. In Bosnia, for example, 46% of Orthodox Christians say religion is very important in their lives, while 10% say they attend church weekly or more often, and 28% report that they pray daily.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Япония намерена продолжать сотрудничество с Россией в этой области, » - сказал советник посольства Японии в России Кен Оно. Например, в Боснии 46% православных христиан заявляют, что религия очень важна в их жизни, в то время как 10% говорят, что они посещают церковь еженедельно или чаще, и 28% сообщают, что они молятся ежедневно.
6.6.4 Personal Data may be disclosed by MONT BLANC to comply with legal requirements or other requirements from official authorities, in order to safeguard MONT BLANC ’ s legal interests or to detect, prevent, or draw attention to frauds or other safety or technical problems. It offers advanced possibilities to maximise energy savings (e.g. through stepped dimming or differentiated lighting areas) and to create interactive scenarios with external sensors to entertain the audience with special lighting effects such as light waves, strobe light or flashing light and synchronised music.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
6.6.4 MONT BLANC gibt u. U. personenbezogene Daten zur Einhaltung rechtlicher Vorgaben oder anderen behördlichen Bestimmungen weiter, um die rechtlichen Interessen von MONT BLANC zu wahren oder um Betrug oder andere sicherheitsrelevante oder technische Probleme aufzudecken, zu verhindern oder aufzuzeigen. Er bietet erweiterte Möglichkeiten für die Maximierung der Energieeinsparnis (z.B. durch abgestuftes Dimmen oder differenzierte Beleuchtungsbereiche) und die Schaffung interaktiver Szenarios mit externen Sensoren, um das Publikum mit besonderen Beleuchtungseffekten, wie Lichtwellen, Stroboskop oder blinkenden Lichtern und synchronisierter Musik zu unterhalten.
Vergessen Sie nicht die Extrakosten für weitere Visa, Abfluggebühren, Transportmittel an Land etc. für all die Orte außerhalb von Afrika mit einzuberechnen.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in German?
Don't forget to add in the extra costs of additional visas, departure taxes, ground transportation, etc. for all those places outside of Africa.
The exhibition will show that Spain — which during the war was led by Francisco Franco, a dictator and ally of Adolf Hitler — was not home to large Jewish communities and did not have extensive connections with the Holocaust; yet there were notable exceptions, like Ángel Sanz Briz, a Spanish diplomat who saved more than 5,000 Jews in Hungary from deportation to Auschwitz.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English?
Выставка покажет посетителям, что в Испании, которая во время войны находилась под управлением диктатора Франсиско Франко, союзника Адольфа Гитлера, не было обширных еврейских общин и потому страна не имеет тесной связи с Холокостом; однако случались достойные исключения: испанский дипломат Анхель Санс Брис спас более 5000 евреев Венгрии от депортации в Освенцим.
– June 26: Frenchman Yassin Salhi, 35, kills and beheads his boss Herve Cornara and displays the severed head on the fence of a gas plant surrounded by Islamic flags. Many commercial and residential towers built in the past two decades are among the tallest in the world, including Highcliff, The Arch, and The Harbourside.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from Russian to the English language.
– 26 июня: француз Ясин Салхи, 35 лет, убивает и обезглавливает своего начальника Эрве Корнара, а отрезанную голову размещает на заборе газового завода в окружении флагов ИГ. Многие коммерческие и жилые башни, построенные в последние два десятилетия, являются одними из самых высоких в мире, в их числе Хайклифф, The Arch и Харборсайд.
On 31 May 2010, Li was abducted and interrogated by security forces while attempting to visit fellow lawyer Tang Jitian. Simulating an electric-drive vehicle, energy storage system, and serial regenerative brake system that consists of a hydraulic brake and an electric motor that works as a brake actuator. In the process of using the sulfide catalyst will show deactivation phenomenon and carbon deposition is considered to be the main reason for inactivation.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
2010年5月31日,李和平在试图和唐吉田接触时,遭到安全部队羁押和审讯。 挑战仿真电驱动车辆、储能系统和串联再生制动系统(由液压制动器和作为制动执行器的电机组成)。 在使用的过程中硫化物催化剂会出现失活现象,积碳被认为是其失活的主要原因。
The highlight of the year are the Handicrafts Days in August during which you will see masters and journeymen of different professions gathered at the museum.
What do the following sentences mean in English? The given word translations should be used.
Their size gives them access to cheaper insurance, finance and freight, better information, more risk-taking capacity, and more possibilities for arbitrage between their various transactions.
Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences, and must use the given word translations.
Sekisui Eslon BV is a specialised producer of PVC building products for DIY and professional use. We are located near Roermond in the Netherlands from where we deliver our products to our dealers in many European countries. In addition, we export some products to countries outside Europe. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said he is confident that Ukraine has become stronger and more stable over the past four years, but Ukrainians are fairly dissatisfied with the fact that the war did not end and the territorial integrity of the state was not restored.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English?
Компания Эслон БиВи (Sekisui Eslon BV) является производителем, специализирующемся на строительных изделиях из ПВХ для самостоятельного и профессионального использования. Мы находимся недалеко от города Рурмонд (Roermond) в Нидерландах, откуда и доставляем наши изделия дилерам во многие европейские страны. Помимо этого, мы экспортируем некоторые изделия и за пределы Европы. Президент Петр Порошенко убежден, что Украина за последние четыре года стала сильнее и устойчивее, однако украинцы справедливо недовольны тем, что не удалось завершить войну и восстановить территориальную целостность государства.
Küsten und Strände | Küsten … Die Kanarischen Inseln im Süden der Iberischen Halbinsel sind vulkanischen Ursprungs. Sie bieten eine Vielzahl von Stränden, wo Sie Sonne und Wassersport genießen und eine überraschende Natur entdecken können.
Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Coasts and beaches | Coasts … Located to the south of the Iberian Peninsula and with volcanic origins, the Canary Islands are home to many beaches where you can sunbathe, do water sports and discover surprising nature.
"Without any doubt the deceased knew a lot about who and in what way financed anti-Maidan, which cost Yanukovich and his camarilla several million hryvnias per day. Zhadan Iuliya V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of the Organization of Production and Personnel Management, National Technical University « Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute » (21 Bahaliia Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine) All the area from Cavarzere to Grado remained outside the Lombard kingdom and considered itself an unconquered part of the Roman Empire.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry?
"Без сомнения покойный очень много знал о том, кто и как финансировал Антимайдан, который стоил Януковичу и его камарильи несколько миллионов гривен в день. Жадан Юлия Владимировна – аспирант, кафедра организации производства и управления персоналом, Национальный технический университет « Харьковский политехнический институт » (ул. Багалея, 21, Харьков, 61002, Украина) Вся область от Кавардзере до Градо оставалась за пределами Лангобардского королевства и считалась непокоренной частью Римской империи.
Zu den Aufgaben des Internationalen Studien- und Sprachenkollegs gehören die Organisation und Durchführung von Sprachlehrveranstaltungen in Fremdsprachen und in Deutsch als Fremdsprache für ausländische Studierende sowie von propädeutischen Kursen für ausländische und deutsche Studierende mit ausländischer Hochschulzugangsberechtigung. Das macht es aber nicht weniger heilig, denn alles Leben kommt aus Mir und wird erhalten durch Mich und das macht es heilig, bis der Feind es verdreht und für unheilige Zwecke benutzt. ”
In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
The International Preparatory and Language Center organizes and conducts classes in foreign languages and German as a foreign language for international students. It also offers preparatory courses for foreign and German students with foreign university entrance certificates. That does not make it any less holy, for all life comes from Me and is sustained by Me and that makes it holy. Until the enemy perverts it and uses it for unholy purposes. ”
He has been nominated six times for Gemini Awards for directing, and in 2004 he won one for his work in the CBC mini series Human Cargo.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English?
Он шесть раз был номинирован на премию « Джемини » за режиссуру, и в 2004 году выиграл премию за свою работу над мини-сериалом CBC « Живой груз ».
Das Denkmal der Heiligen Mutter ist offen für Besucher täglich von 8.00 bis 21.30 h. Andere interessante Sehenswürdigkeiten in Haskovo sind die thrakische Grabstätte in der Nähe des Dorfes Aleksandrovo, entdeckt im Jahre 2000 von dem berühmten Archäologen Georgi Kitov (1943-2008).
Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
The monument of the Holy Mother is open for visitors every day from 8: 00 - 21: 30 h. Other interesting sites of interest in Haskovo are the Thracian tomb near the village of Aleksandrovo discovered in 2000 by the famous archeologist Georgi Kitov (1943-2008).
Вот потому и существует в шведском городе Буден аквапарк NordPoolen, имеющий почетное звание самого северного аквапарка в мире. Известно, однако, что уже в начале XX столетия Германия и Япония скакнули так далеко, что первая успела обогнать Францию и стала теснить Англию на мировом рынке, а вторая — Россию.
In the context of Russian, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
That is why there is in the Swedish city of Boden waterpark NordPoolen, has the honorary title of the northernmost water park in the world. It is well known, however, that by the beginning of the twentieth century Germany and Japan had leapt so far ahead that Germany had succeeded in overtaking France and had begun to press Britain hard on the world market, while Japan was pressing Russia.
Indeed, Turkey has been offering logistical support to the Islamic State, even as it has enabled the group ’ s murderous members to massacre thousands of civilian Kurds and Yazidis in the Syrian town of Kobani on Turkey ’ s doorstep. Parathion is metabolised mainly in the liver where its major metabolite (paraoxon) is formed.
Render the listed sentences in English from their original Chinese form.
事实上,土耳其一直在为伊斯兰国提供物流支持,即使这导致后者的残忍成员在毗邻土耳其的叙利亚小城柯巴尼(Kobani)屠杀了数千库尔德和雅兹迪平民。 对硫磷主要在肝脏内代谢并在其中生成其主要代谢产物(对氧磷)。
He drew inspiration from literature, cinema, and art history, inspired by the work of surrealists Man Ray and René Magritte, photographs of Edward Weston, and the films of Luis Buñuel and Alfred Hitchcock. There were, in fact, reports in the Western press of the attack on Haeju which made no mention of the South Korean government ’ s announcement, and which appear to be independent confirmations of the event.
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Он черпал вдохновение в литературе, кино и истории искусства, вдохновляясь работами сюрреалистов Ман Рэя и Рене Магритта, фотографиями Эдварда Уэстона, киноработами Луиса Бунюэля и Альфреда Хичкока. В западной прессе появилось несколько сообщений о нападении на Хэджу, в которых не упоминается о заявлении южнокорейского правительства и которые могут рассматриваться в качестве независимых подтверждений этого события.
Das Schloss Nääs Slott zählt zu den am besten erhaltenen Schlössern Skandinaviens aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. Erfahren Sie mehr auf einer Schlossführung, genießen Sie westschwedische Delikatessen, komfortable Übernachtung, gemütliche Boutiquen, Reiten, eine Kunsthandwerksgallerie sowie ein Zentrum für ökologische Baustoff- und Bauberatung. Auch da mein Vater von einem Araber ermordet wurde, habe ich mir die Mühe gemacht, die Auswirkungen der US-Politik im Nahen Osten und insbesondere die Faktoren zu verstehen, die zu manchmal blutrünstigen Reaktionen der islamischen Welt gegen unser Land führen.
Please share the German version of the given sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Nääs Castle is one of the best preserved 19th century buildings in Scandinavia, with guided tours of the castle, food, accommodation, nice shops, horse riding, a craft gallery and a building conservation centre. In part because my father was murdered by an Arab, I ’ ve made an effort to understand the impact of U.S. policy in the Mideast and particularly the factors that sometimes motivate bloodthirsty responses from the Islamic world against our country.
Each expert provided a stocktaking of the particular negotiating or implementation process concerned, as well as an analysis of the most distinctive technical aspects of the arrangement concerned.
Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences.
The community of nations must intensify its efforts to counteract the instigation of acts of terror, the spread of terrorism ideology, extremism and separatism, religious and ethnic intolerance and hostility, and the financing of terrorism. Lorde performed "Tennis Court" at the 2014 Billboard Music Awards in May.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
国际社会必须加紧努力,反击煽动恐怖行为,传播恐怖主义意识形态、极端主义和分裂主义、宗教和族裔不容忍和敌视行为以及资助恐怖主义行为。 2014年5月,洛德在当年的公告牌音乐奖颁奖典礼中现场演唱了《网球场》。
По мнению ученых, к моменту прибытия Первого флота (1788) коренные народы (аборигены и жители островов пролива Торреса) населяли австралийский континент и прилегающие к нему острова около 70 000 лет. На время реконструкции авиабазы Хотилово в 2006 — 2008 годах авиаполк был временно перебазирован на авиабазу в Дорохово.
Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
According to scientists, the time of arrival of the First fleet (1788) indigenous peoples (aborigines and islanders of the Torres Strait) have inhabited the Australian continent and adjacent Islands about 70 000 years. During the reconstruction of the Khotilovo airbase in 2006-2008, the air regiment was temporarily relocated to the air base in Dorokhovo.
When the match went on for 10 minutes, Lifan made continued hit and gained a chance for corner. Fernando made small-angle volley and was fended off the base line by Guoan.
Switch the specified sentences from their Chinese form to English form.
The risk increased in June, when federal authorities announced that potential sponsors and other adult members of their households would have to submit fingerprints, and that the data would be shared with immigration authorities.
Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences.
Риск увеличился в июне, когда федеральные власти объявили, что потенциальные спонсоры и остальные взрослые члены их семей должны будут предоставить отпечатки пальцев, и данные будут переданы миграционным органам.
They've fallen out over issues including human rights, press freedom and Turkey's accession to the EU.
Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English.
Kindly submit the Chinese interpretation for the next sentences.
He was the first Army officer to be designated "Master of the Sword", a title denoting the school's top instructor in swordsmanship.
Lower thigh: Slightly shorter than the upper thigh, strong and with similarly developed muscles. The Committee is therefore of the view that the State party has failed to observe its obligations under article 16 of the Convention by failing to provide the complainant with redress and with fair and adequate compensation.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
下股:略短于上股,强壮有同样发达的肌肉。 因此,委员会认为,由于缔约国未能向申诉人提供补救和公平、充分的赔偿,因此没有履行《公约》第16条规定的义务。
She let out a wail that could have be heard on the other side of the planet ”, she continued, “that was the last time I ever saw my father ”. As to the international status of Japan ’ s universities, 54.1% of respondents believe that the research productivity of universities in Japan is in compliance with the international standards, but local public universities are not so sure about it (just 41.7%).
Transform the upcoming sentences from Russian language to English language, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Она издала вопль, который можно было услышать на другой стороне планеты, — продолжила она, — это был последний раз, когда я видела своего отца ». Что касается международного статуса японских университетов, 54,1% респондентов полагают, что эффективность научного труда университетов Японии соответствует международным стандартам, но местные общественные университеты выражают меньшую уверенность по этому поводу (41,7%).
Гренландия была слабо заселена. В скандинавских сагах повествуется о том, что Эрика Рыжего изгнали из Исландии за убийство, и, продвигаясь дальше на запад, он открыл Гренландию и дал ей название.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Russian?
Greenland was settled sparsely. In the Norse sagas they say that Erik the Red was exiled from Iceland for murder, and when travelling further west, found Greenland and named it Greenland.
Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary (Matt 1: 23; Gal 4: 4) in fulfillment of Isaiah ’ s prediction (Isa 7: 14). THE Sharknado star and her small dog were reportedly kicked off a plane after she complained about not getting a pillow.
Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format.
Jesus Christus wurde in Erfüllung der Prophezeiung Jesajas (Jes 7: 14) von der Jungfrau Maria geboren (Mat 1: 23; Gal 4: 4). Der Sharknado-Star und ihr kleiner Hund wurden Berichten zufolge aus dem Flugzeug geworfen, nachdem sie sich darüber beschwert hatte, kein Kissen zu bekommen.
Domestic listing Corporation in Tengda Qi Xiang (002408) by the end of 2010 announcement, to be invested 143000000 yuan of money, set up 50000 tons of rare earth polybutadiene rubber sponge project. A white dwarf is very hot when it first forms, more than 100,000 K at the surface and even hotter in its interior.
顺丁橡胶 means polybutadiene How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? The given word translations should be used.
国内上市公司中齐翔腾达(002408)2010年年底公告,拟出资1.43亿元钱,建立5万吨稀土顺丁橡胶海绵项目。 白矮星在剛形成時有著非常高的溫度,表面的溫度可以超過100,000K,它的內部則更為炙熱。
From 2017, the award will be known as Best Rap / Sung Performance.
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences.
The idealist Chancellor, Fan Zhongyan (989 – 1052), was the first to receive a heated political backlash when he attempted to institute the Qingli Reforms, which included measures such as improving the recruitment system of officials, increasing the salaries for minor officials, and establishing sponsorship programs to allow a wider range of people to be well educated and eligible for state service. [23]
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Russian to English language.
Канцлер-идеалист Фань Чжунъянь (989-1052) был первым, кто получил жаркую политическую реакцию, когда он попытался провести реформы Цинли, которые включали такие меры, как улучшение системы набора чиновников, повышение заработной платы для мелких чиновников и создание финансовых программ, позволяющих более широкому кругу людей быть хорошо образованными и иметь право на государственную службу. [23]