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"Steve was like a hero to me, and heroes are not supposed to die," Titans quarterback Vince Young said. | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | "Steve war wie ein Held für mich und Helden sollten nicht sterben", so der Quarterback der Tennessee Titans, Vince Young. |
由于对一些更加异乎寻常的金融手段的全面后果还没有完全理解,所以,在确定资本充足标准时最好是偏向谨慎。 | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Chinese language. | For example, automatic termination and acceleration clauses contained in intellectual property licence agreements may be upheld as the insolvency of the licensee may have a negative impact not only on the licensor's rights but also on the intellectual property right itself.
Since the full ramifications of some of the more exotic financial instruments were not yet fully understood, it would be right to err on the side of caution in setting capital adequacy standards. |
Primark shopper outraged at woman who brazenly tried on underwear in the middle of the shop | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | Покупатель Primark оскорбил женщину, которая беззастенчиво примеряла нижнее белье посреди магазина |
健康和均衡的饮食可有助于预防肺癌,包括规律进食富含类胡萝卜素的水果和蔬菜,如西红柿、胡萝卜、甜椒和辣椒、南瓜、杏和香草。 | Please make available the Chinese translation for the listed sentences. | To prevent lung cancer, it is helpful to follow a healthy and balanced diet that includes regular consumption of fruit and vegetables rich in carotenoids such as tomatoes, carrots, sweet and spicy peppers, pumpkin, apricots, aromatic herbs. |
The culpeo (Lycalopex culpaeus), sometimes known as the zorro culpeo or Andean fox, is a South American fox species. | 山狐 means culpeo
Change the given sentences from Chinese to English format, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | 山狐(Lycalopexculpaeus),又名寇巴俄狐或厄瓜多爾胡狼,是南美洲的野生犬科動物。 |
The leader of the mob - a middle aged man in a pinstriped suit - took a long drag on his cigar and peered through the windshield. | Transform the upcoming sentences from Chinese language to English language. | 这帮暴徒的头儿 - 一名穿着细条纹西装的中年男子 – 深吸一口雪茄,眼睛瞥进挡风玻璃。 |
(i) Judges and prosecutors should routinely inquire of persons brought from police custody how they have been treated and in any case of doubt (and even in the absence of a formal complaint from the defendant), order an independent medical examination.
Classified as semi-precious and being a member of the beryl family, Aquamarine can be mainly found in South American countries. | 绿柱石 means beryl
Adapt the mentioned sentences from Chinese to the English language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | (i)法官和检察官应当定期询问被警察羁押的人,了解他们所受到的待遇情况,如有任何疑问(即使被告没有提出正式申诉),亦应下令进行独立的体格检查。
属于半宝石,是绿柱石家族中的一员,蓝宝石主要出产于南美国家。 |
Lincoln is a national hero of the United States, but shaking hands with "the number one terrorist" would mean outrage upon the memory of the victims of September 11 for the chief of state. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | Линкольн - национальный герой США, но для главы этого государства пожать руку "террористу N 1" значило бы надругаться над памятью жертв 11 сентября. |
Сегодня, в условиях глобализации и либерализации мировой экономики, растущего влияния транснационального капитала, китайские профсоюзы, как и все профсоюзы мира, всё чаще сталкиваются с новыми, непростыми задачами, требующими нетривиальных подходов и свежих решений. | In the context of Russian, what do the upcoming sentences signify? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Today, in the context of globalisation and liberalisation of the world economy and the growing influence of transnational capital, the Chinese trade unions, like all unions in the world, are increasingly often faced with new and difficult tasks that call for non-trivial approaches and fresh solutions. |
Анна-Луиза, милая барышня, которой не исполнилось еще и 21 года, и ее отец-миллионер жили в большом белом дворце на берегу живописного озера, в окрестностях Женевы....
Финляндия стала членом Европейского союза в январе 1995 года. 1 января 1999 года Финляндия, наряду с десятью другими европейскими странами, приняла евро в качестве своей валюты. В 2000 году Тарья Халонен, которая была министром иностранных дел Финляндии, стала ее первой женщиной-президентом. | Kindly submit the Russian interpretation for the next sentences. | Anna-Louise, a sweet young lady who was not yet 21 years old, and her millionaire father lived in a large white palace on the banks of a picturesque lake, in the vicinity of Geneva.
Finland became a member of the European Union in Jan. 1995. On Jan. 1, 1999, Finland, along with ten other European countries, adopted the euro as its currency. In 2000, Tarja Halonen, who had been Finland's foreign minister, became its first woman president. |
美源伯根是药品分销领域的市场领导者,销售和分销的所有药品占全美总量约20%,并在2017年财富美国500强名单中排名第11位,年收入超过1000亿美元。 | It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences. | AmerisourceBergen is a market leader in pharmaceutical distribution handling about 20% of all of the pharmaceuticals sold and distributed throughout the country and ranked 12th on the Fortune 500 list for 2018 with over $153 billion in annual revenue. |
The criminal investigation TV series “Hunting”, which covers the transnational pursuit of fugitives, was recently filmed at Tianjin Airport, in which actors such as Wang Kai, Wang Ou, and others performed key scenes such as escorting fugitive economic suspects back to China, and the production of which was supported by China Southern Airlines. | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | 跨国追逃经侦题材剧集《猎狐》近日在天津机场实地取景,王凯、王鸥等演员现场拍摄押送在逃经济犯罪嫌疑人回国归案等重要戏份,拍摄过程获中国南方航空公司支持。 |
In negotiations held during a visit of Akylbek Zhaparov to Iran in July 2012, Iran expressed a wish to pour more than $1 billion into short-term projects in Kyrgyzstan and more than $10 billion into long-term projects. | Convert the subsequent sentences from Russian into English. | В июле 2012 года депутат Жогорку Кенеш Акылбек Жапаров прибыл в Иран для ведения переговоров, в ходе которых иранская сторона выразила желание вложить более 1 миллиарда долларов США в краткосрочные проекты и более 10 миллиардов долларов США в долгосрочные проекты в Киргизии [6]. |
На протяжении девятнадцатого и двадцатого веков долгое время считалось, что первыми обитателями Новой Зеландии были представители народа маори, которые охотились на гигантских птиц моа. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Russian language. | For a long time during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, it was believed the first inhabitants of New Zealand were the Maori people, who hunted giant birds called moas. |
С этой целью Комитет рекомендует государству-участнику расследовать такие акты и привлекать к ответственности лиц, виновных в их совершении, независимо от их должностного положения, и продолжать расширять подготовку в области прав человека для сотрудников Министерства внутренних дел, Государственной миграционной службы, Государственной пограничной службы и милиции.
Как отмечает Гессен, опросы показали, что аннексию Крыма сразу после этого события поддержали 88% россиян, хотя, по ее словам, эта цифра вызывает сомнения. | In terms of Russian, what do the next sentences imply? The given word translations should be used. | To that end, the Committee recommends that the State party investigate and bring to justice perpetrators of such acts regardless of their official status, and continue to expand training on human rights issues for staff of the Ministry of the Interior, State Migration Service, State Border Guard Service and the police.
As Gessen notes, polls showed that 88 percent of Russians supported the annexation of Crimea immediately after it took place, although, as she says, that is a questionable number. |
是的。 | Please offer the Chinese rendition for the following statements. | Yep. |
The belief bias study by Evans / Barston / Pollard (1983) shall serve as an example for the analysis, because other suggestions like for example the confirmation bias, although at first sight emphasizing other analytical focal points, upon further investigation show very strong structural similarities to the belief bias [2]. | Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? | Beispielhaft für die Analyse soll hier die Studie von Evans et al. (1983) zum Belief-Bias herangezogen worden, weil andere Vorschläge wie etwa der Confirmation-Bias auf den ersten Blick zwar andere analytische Schwerpunkte setzen, aber bei näherem Hinsehen doch sehr starke strukturelle Ähnlichkeiten zum Belief-Bias zeigen2. |
While there had been increasing attention to hunger relief from the late 19th century, Dr David Grigg has summarised that prior to the end of World war II, world hunger still received relatively little academic or political attention; whereas after 1945 there was an explosion of interest in the topic. [20] | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? | Хотя в конце 19-го века все больше внимания уделялось облегчению голода, д-р Дэвид Григг резюмировал, что до конца Второй мировой войны голод в мире все ещё оставался относительно неважным для научных или политических кругов, тогда как после 1945 года интерес к этой теме резко возрос [16]. |
Она сыграла мать Супермена Лару на обречённой планете Криптон в фильме « Супермен » (1978) и в сиквелах: « Супермен 2 » (1980) and « Супермен 4: Борьба за мир » (1987).
Стандартная одежда для детей в детском саду – это: красная юбка и белая блузка для девочек, и красные короткие брюки и белая рубашка для мальчиков. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Russian. | She played Superman's mother Lara on the doomed planet Krypton in Superman (1978) and its sequels, Superman II (1980) and Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987).
The standard dress for children in kindergarten is a red skirt and white blouse for girls, and red short trousers and a white shirt for boys. |
Stalingrad, 1942, Mikhail Baranov - one of the best fighter pilots of World War II, the most effective at the time of his death, with many of his victories were gained in the initial, most difficult period of war.
In 2008 researchers from the University of Southern Denmark showed that the drug thioridazine, which has previously been used to treat schizophrenia, is also a powerful weapon against antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus). | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences. | Сталинград, 1942 г. Михаил Баранов — один из лучших летчиков-истребителей Второй мировой войны, самый результативный на момент своей гибели, причем множество его побед было одержано в начальный, самый трудный период войны.
Еще в 2008 г. ученые из Университета Южной Дании (University of Southern Denmark) выявили, что препарат тиоридазин, ранее применявшийся для лечения шизофрении, обладает мощным воздействием на антибиотикорезистентные стафилококки (Staphylococcus aureus). |
107. In Skopje, the Special Representative held discussions with Vice-Prime Minister, Minister for Labour and Social Policy, Bedredin Ibrahimi, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Commander, General Sir Michael Jackson. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from Russian to the English language. | 107. В Скопье Специальный представитель провел беседы с заместителем премьер-министра, министром труда и социальной политики Бедредином Ибрагими и Командующим силами Организации Североатлантического договора (НАТО) генералом сэром Майклом Джексоном. |
Он получил степень магистра искусств в 1978 году и прожил в Новом Орлеане до 1980 года (в это время также путешествовал по Мексике, Центральной Америке, Европе и Северной Америке). [6] [7]
Ученые утверждают, что связанные с болезнью Альцгеймера бляшки могут накапливаться в мозге за два десятилетия до появления симптомов, поэтому исследователи искали способы быстрее обнаружить болезнь. | Kindly submit the Russian interpretation for the next sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | He received his MFA in 1978 and lived in New Orleans until 1980 (also traveling to Mexico, Central America, Europe, and North Africa during this time). [6] [7]
Scientists estimate that Alzheimer's-related plaques can build up in the brain two decades before the onset of symptoms, so researchers have been looking for ways to detect the disease sooner. |
Archäologie und Ethnographie “– das ist eine Ausstellung, die uns die Ergebnisse von jahrelangen archäologischen Forschungen präsentiert, welche im Niltal – Sudan durchgeführt wurden.
Eine weitere Situation, in der Gott durch einfache Mittel Großes tat, war Davids Kampf mit Goliat (1. Samuel 17). | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Archaeology and Ethnography "is an exhibition presenting the results of long-term archaeologic survey conducted in the Nile Valley, Sudan.
Another situation when God chose to do great things through simple means was David ’ s fight with Goliath (1 Samuel 17). |
I am confident that the authorities in Pristina and Belgrade, as well as the people of Kosovo, will continue to work with the United Nations in safeguarding and consolidating peace and stability in order to move Kosovo and the rest of the Balkans region forward towards a more stable and prosperous future in Europe.
Film Me started out in Dubai 5 years ago, and now has bases in Sydney, Vancouver, Buenos Aires and San Francisco. | Turn the following sentences from their Chinese version to the English version. | 我相信,普里什蒂纳和贝尔格莱德当局以及科索沃人民将继续与联合国合作,维护和巩固和平与稳定,把科索沃和巴尔干区域其他地区推向前进,推向欧洲更加稳定、更加繁荣的未来。
FilmMe五年前在迪拜设立公司,现今已在悉尼,温哥华,布宜诺斯艾利斯,和三藩市设有分公司。 |
111.一位非政府代表说,伊拉克1988年的生化武器袭击造成了250,000名库尔德人死亡,250,000多名库尔德人目前仍存在严重的健康问题。 | In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | Once a prince in his Scottish court told a friend, "If you want to see how the Angels in Heaven pray, go to church and watch how Queen Margaret prays with her children before the altar."
111. A non-governmental representative stated that 25,000 Kurdish people had died and more than 250,000 people still suffered from severe health problems as a result of chemical and biological weapons attacks in Iraq in 1988. |
Lake Van is the deepest (maximum water depth more than 450 m) and largest lake in Turkey (~ 650 km3). | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | Der Vansee ist der tiefste (maximale Wassertiefe mehr als 450 m) und größte See der Türkei (~ 650 km3). |
Die Kosten beinhalten Versandkosten und jegliche Zollgebühren und Steuern. Diese Kosten werden von etwaigen Rückerstattungen abgezogen. WARNUNG FÜR LIEFERUNGEN IN DIE RUSSISCHE FÖDERATION (RUSSLAND)
Gute oder schlechte klimatische Bedingungen haben daher Folgen für das Gesamtangebot an Calciumtartrat, was sich wiederum auf die durchschnittlichen jährlichen Verkaufspreise auswirkt. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the German language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | The expense includes shipping costs and any duty and tax fees; the amount will be deducted from the total amount of the order to be refunded. WARNING FOR SHIPMENTS TO THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (RUSSIA)
Therefore, favourable or poor climatic conditions have an effect on the overall supply of calcium tartrate, which in turn has an impact on the annual averages sales prices. |
In 1139 that issue was the subject of an international conference convened by Pope Innocent II. However, the technological process achieved since then have multiplied our concerns with regard to the capacity for harm of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery and in particular with regard to the illicit trade in conventional weapons, especially small arms and light weapons. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | В 1139 году этот вопрос обсуждался на международной конференции, созванной папой Иннокентием II. Однако достигнутый за это время технический прогресс многократно повысил нашу обеспокоенность в отношении пагубного потенциала оружия массового уничтожения и средств его доставки, и в особенности незаконной торговли обычными вооружениями, особенно стрелковым оружием и легкими вооружениями. |
She said, "There is no intelligence to suggest that an attack is expected imminently. | Change the given sentences from German to English format. | Sie sagte: „Es gibt keine Hinweise auf einen unmittelbar bevorstehenden Angriff. |
(479.1) 42: 8.3 Заряженные протоны и незаряженные нейтроны атомного ядра удерживаются вместе благодаря встречному действию мезона – частицы вещества, которая в 180 раз тяжелее электрона. | Could you supply the Russian translation for the upcoming sentences? | (479.1) 42: 8.3 The charged protons and the uncharged neutrons of the nucleus of the atom are held together by the reciprocating function of the mesotron, a particle of matter 180 times as heavy as the electron. |
Als Reaktion auf die Ergebnisse des Berichts kommentierte die UK Secular Society: „Die Gruppe strebt ein Verbot der gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe, Scheidung, Homosexuellenadoption, des pharmazeutischen Verkaufs von Verhütungsmitteln, der pränatalen Diagnostik und IVF an. | Render the listed sentences in German from their original English form, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | In response to the report ’ s findings, the UK Secular Society commented: ‘ The group is aiming to ban same-sex marriage, divorce, gay adoption, the pharmaceutical sale of contraceptives, antenatal diagnostics and IVF. |
By the end of 2014, China's vehicle number has reached 264 million, including 154 million automobiles, and the number of drivers has topped 300 million.
Aortic stenosis is estimated to be prevalent with 12.4% of the population over the age of 75. 2 | In English, what do the given sentences convey using the given reference word translations? | 到2014年底,中国机动车保有量已达到2.64亿辆;其中汽车1.54亿辆,汽车驾驶人突破3亿。
据估计,主动脉瓣狭窄的患病率在75岁以上的人口中为12.4%2 |
Although he left his home in Teboulba very early on in order to find artistic fulfilment in Vienna, Barcelona, Berlin, New York, Dakar and Paris, his music and singing also contains echoes of the past. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from German to the English language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Doch obwohl er seinen Heimatort Teboulba früh verließ, um in Wien, Barcelona, Berlin, New York, Dakar und Paris künstlerische Verwirklichung zu finden, hallt in seiner Musik und seinem Gesang auch die Vergangenheit nach. |
岛上没有城区或汽车,游客不经意间就能嗅到野生百里香和其他草本植物的香气。 | Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Chinese format using the given reference word translations. | With no urban areas or cars on the island, one can easily smell the scent of wild thyme and other herbs. |
"Невидимая команда" — это команда руководителей, перед которой отчитывается каждый участник. Невидимая команда устанавливает нормы для каждого участника. | Can you reveal the Russian translation of the forthcoming sentences? | The “invisible team” is the management team to which each of the members report. The invisible team sets the standards for each member. |
国阵是否有足够的爱国国会议员,愿意与爱国的在野党国会议员携手拯救马来西亚免于被冠以国际上臭名昭著的“盗贼统治国家”? | How should the following sentences be comprehended in Chinese? | 2.3 The author states that the date of delivery of the application to the porter of the Court indicated in the postal acknowledgement of receipt is Friday, 24 June 1994, the last day on which to file an application.
Are there enough patriotic BN MPs to come forward to join hands with patriotic Opposition MPs to save Malaysia from the infamy and ignominy of being regarded worldwide as a “global kleptocracy ”? |
6. Urges Belarus, the only country in Europe still applying capital punishment, to join a global moratorium on execution of the death penalty as a first step towards its permanent abolition; recalls that the death penalty constitutes inhumane and degrading treatment, has no proven deterrent effect and makes judicial errors irreversible; | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | 6. fordert Belarus – das einzige Land in Europa, das nach wie vor die Todesstrafe anwendet – nachdrücklich auf, sich in einem ersten Schritt zur dauerhaften Abschaffung der Todesstrafe einem weltweiten Moratorium für deren Vollstreckung anzuschließen; weist erneut darauf hin, dass die Todesstrafe unmenschlich und entwürdigend ist, keine nachweislich abschreckende Wirkung hat und Justizirrtümer im Fall der Vollstreckung unumkehrbar sind; |
在塔利埃辛的教导下,埃尔芬用烧过的冬青枝条将国王的24匹马的臀部都鞭打了。 | holly means 冬青
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Chinese format using the given reference word translations. | Our software engineers are intimately familiar with all standard programming systems and can also develop custom software with standardised interfaces.
Most commercial products are mixtures of substances, the composition of which are determined by the production process and conditions.
Under Taliesin's instruction, Elphin whipped each of the king's 24 horses on the rump with a burnt holly stick. |
中场休息时,比分已经是29比0。 | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Chinese. | The conversion made it 29-0 at the break. |
A binary number can have only one of two values, i.e. 0 or 1, and these numbers are referred to as binary digits - or bits, to use computer jargon. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? | Eine binäre Zahl kann nur einen von zwei Werten haben, nämlich 0 oder 1, und diese Zahlen werden als Binärziffern bezeichnet - oder als Bits, um den Computerjargon zu gebrauchen. |
The Black Walnut Hull contains a number of active ingredients, of which the most important are juglone, tannins and iodine.
This means that the so-called emission intensity, i.e. the amount of carbon released for each kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity generated, is much lower in the EU than in other regions: In the USA it was 400 grams per kWh, in Japan more than 500 and about 600 to 700 grams in China and India. | Convert the subsequent sentences from German into English. | Die Schale der schwarzen Walnuss beinhaltet eine Anzahl aktiver Substanzen. Die wichtigsten sind das Juglon, Tannine und Iod.
Damit liegt die sogenannte Emissionsintensität, also die Menge an Kohlenstoff, die für jede Kilowattstunde (kWh) erzeugten Stroms freigesetzt wird, in der EU sehr viel niedriger als in anderen Regionen: In den USA waren es 400 Gramm pro kWh, in Japan mehr als 500 und etwa 600 bis 700 Gramm in China und Indien. |
Computers today are used to manipulate pictures and videos. | When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? | 今天,我们使用计算机处理图片和视频。 |
19. Комитет обеспокоен сообщениями об угрозах, преследованиях и запугиваниях в отношении правозащитников, журналистов и представителей оппозиции со стороны полиции, сил безопасности и политических властей, а также отсутствием защиты, предоставляемой государством-участником в этой связи (статьи 19, 21 и 22).
Сердце Америки разбилось, когда на следующий день после Рождества только что перебравшийся через границу нелегальный иммигрант хладнокровно убил молодого полицейского в Калифорнии. | journalist means журналист
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Russian form, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | 19. The Committee is concerned about allegations of threats, harassment and intimidation by the police, security forces and political authorities against human rights defenders, journalists and members of the opposition and the lack of protection provided by the State party in this connection (arts. 19, 21 and 22).
“America ’ s heart broke the day after Christmas when a young police officer in California was savagely murdered in cold blood by an illegal alien, who just came across the border. |
The main supplier of butter to the territory of the Russian Federation is the Republic of Belarus (30% of imports in 2013 and 39% in 2014, about 78% – in 2015, in absolute terms, 80% in the first 9 months of 2016).
Highly qualified staff of the Center regularly exchange experience with specialists of the cynology services of different countries such as Austria, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Korea, Russia, Belgium, USA, Italy and others. | кинология means cynology
Adapt the mentioned sentences from Russian to the English language, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Основным поставщиком сливочного масла на территорию Российской Федерации является Республика Беларусь (30% импорта в 2013 году, 39% – в 2014 году, около 78% – в 2015 году в абсолютном выражении, 80% – по итогам 10 месяцев 2016 года).
Высококвалифицированные специалисты Центра регулярно обмениваются опытом и практикой со специалистами в области кинологии разных стран, таких как Австрия, Франция, Латвия, Литва, Корея, Россия, Бельгия, США, Италия и другие. |
鉴于哈马斯继续煽动和搅起暴力并制造恐怖,以色列随时准备采取一切必要措施,阻止这种行为并保障和捍卫其公民的生命。 | When translated to Chinese, what message do these sentences carry? | As Hamas continues to provoke, stir violence, and perpetrate terror, Israel is ready to take whatever measures are necessary to prevent them and safeguard and defend the lives of its citizens. |
The so-called ‘ Tobin tax ’ was projected to generate between €30 and 35 billion annually in the original proposal tabled by the European Commission in 2013.
The principal aim of the EU's regional policy, also known as cohesion policy, is to address the territorial, social and economic imbalances that exist between the different regions of the EU. | Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? | Die sogenannte Tobin-Steuer hätte nach dem ursprünglichen Vorschlag der Europäischen Kommission aus dem Jahr 2013 eigentlich zwischen 30 und 35 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr einbringen sollen.
Das Hauptziel der Regionalpolitik der EU, die auch als Kohäsionspolitik bezeichnet wird, besteht darin, die territorialen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Ungleichgewichte zwischen den verschiedenen Regionen der EU zu beseitigen. |
It is their job to analyse macro and market trends as well as new developments in nanoscience, bioscience and neuroscience. They then make use of these findings in order to develop innovative ID documents and, in doing so, anticipate the future needs of customers. | makro means macro
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Ihre Aufgabe ist es, Makro- und Markttrends sowie neue Entwicklungen in den Nano-, Bio- und Neurowissenschaften zu analysieren, diese für die Entwicklung innovativer ID-Dokumente nutzbar zu machen und auf diese Weise zukünftige Kundenbedürfnisse zu antizipieren. |
传统的安全网关、网络防火墙和入侵预防系统(IPS)设备都拥有SSL解密功能,但许多组织并不启用该功能,害怕它会拖慢网络流量和破坏业务。 | When translated to Chinese, what message do these sentences carry? | Traditional security gateways, network firewalls, and intrusion prevention system (IPS) appliances have SSL decryption capabilities, but many organizations don ’ t enable it out of fear that it could slow down network traffic and potentially disrupt business. |
Der erste dieser einmaligen Serie war Wolfgang Staudtes Anti-Nazifilm "Die Mörder sind unter uns", dessen Dreharbeiten im Althoff-Atelier bereits am 16. März 1946 begonnen hatten, noch vor der offiziellen Gründung der DEFA. | Change the given sentences from English to German format, and must use the given word translations. | The first in this unique series of films was Wolfgang Staudte's anti-Nazi work "Die Mörder sind unter uns" (Murderers Among Us / The Murderers Are Among Us), which started shooting in the Althoff Studios on March 16, 1946, even before the DEFA was officially founded. |
The tradition of lighting lights on the Christmas tree at the White house dates back to 1923, when President Calvin Coolidge lit a garland of 2.5 thousand red, white and green lights. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original Russian form. | Традиция зажигания огней на рождественской елке у Белого дома берет свое начало с 1923 года, когда президент Калвин Кулидж зажег гирлянду из 2,5 тысячи красных, белых и зеленых огней. |
Classification black metal has its meaning, because these three metals are the main raw material for steel smelting, and steel occupies an extremely important position in the national economy, is also an important indicator to measure the strength of a country. | Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format. | 黑色金属的分类也有其意义,因为这三种金属都是冶炼钢铁的主要原料,而钢铁在国民经济中占有极其重要的地位,亦是衡量一国家国力的重要标志。 |
Only 20 of 5,009 clean development mechanism projects had been validated in small island developing States and only 5 of these had been carried out in four of the lower-income ones (Cape Verde, Fiji, Jamaica and Papua New Guinea), accounting for only 0.14 per cent of the total number of certified emissions reduction validated until 2010. | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements. | 清洁发展机制5009个项目中仅有20个在小岛屿发展中国家得到论证,其中又只有5个项目在4个收入较低的国家(佛得角、斐济、牙买加及巴布亚新几内亚)得到实施,仅占截至2010年经证明的排放削减总数的0.14%。 |
The Revolution of 1848 had major consequences for all of Europe: popular democratic revolts against authoritarian regimes broke out in Austria and Hungary, in the German Confederation and Prussia, and in the Italian States of Milan, Venice, Turin and Rome. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? | Французская революция 1848 года имела значительные последствия для всей Европы в целом: силы народных демократий восстали против авторитарных режимов в Австрии и Венгрии, в Германском союзе и Пруссии, а также в Итальянских государствах Милане, Венеции, Турине и Риме. |
Даже кельтский Пантеон разделен на три части: Боги Верхнего Царства (небо), Боги Среднего Царства (земля) и Боги Нижнего Царства или Подземного мира (связанного с морем).
« Мы сегодня даже не находимся в одной лиге с Россией », — отметил командующий Береговой охраны Пол Цукунфт (Paul F. Zukunft) в 2015 году в интервью еженедельнику Newsweek. | Translate the following sentences from English to Russian. | Even the Celtic Pantheon is divided into three: the Gods of the Upper Realm (sky), the Gods of the Middle Realm (land) and the Gods of the Lower Realm or Underworld (related to the sea).
“We ’ re not even in the same league as Russia right now, ” Coast Guard Commandant Paul F. Zukunft told Newsweek in 2015. |
Наиболее крупный кристалл изумруда найден на руднике « Чивор » в 1920 г.; он носит название « Патриция », весит 632 карата и демонстрируется в Американском музее естественной истории в Нью-Йорке.
Во время бомбардировок Второй мировой войны его библиотека была разрушена, но собор не получил значительных повреждений от бомб; местные пожарные охранники гасили пламя на деревянной крыше. | Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Russian version. | The largest emerald crystal was found in the mine “Chivor ” in 1920, it is known as“ Patricia ”, weighs 632 carats, it is on display at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
During the bombing raids of the Second World War its library was destroyed, [45] but the cathedral did not sustain extensive bomb damage; the local Fire Wardens doused any flames on the wooden roof. [46] |
"The practice... is anticipated by a number of resolutions of the Economic and Social Council. In particular, Economic and Social Council resolution 1983 / 27, entitled `Communications concerning the status of women ', anticipates that both confidential and non-confidential communications on the status of women will be forwarded to the Commission on the Status of Women from other United Nations bodies. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? | "经济及社会理事会的许多决议都预示了这种做法.尤其是经济及社会理事会题为`关于妇女地位的来文'的第1983/27号决议预期,关于妇女地位的机密性和非机密性来文均将从联合国其他机关转交给妇女地位委员会。 |
骑自行车的人失去控制,撞向了栏杆。 | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Chinese. | The boat banked sharply as it turned the corner.
The pilot skillfully banked the airplane to avoid the obstacle.
The cyclist lost control and banked into the railing. |
The sides noted the importance of the development of border and custom infrastructure for the increment of trade turnover volumes between the countries, the necessity of exchange of information about the smuggling and illegal drug trafficking as well as challenges and threats of modern time. | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? | Стороны отметили важность развития пограничной и таможенной инфраструктуры с целью увеличения объёмов товарооборота между обеими странами, необходимость обмена информацией по вопросам борьбы с контрабандой и незаконным оборотом наркотических средств, а также угрозами и вызовами современности. |
除了丰盛菜肴之外,LeClub俱乐部每天(周一除外)都会推出美味巧克力自助餐和爵士乐表演。 | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Chinese? | In addition to the scrumptious menu, Le Club features a delectable chocolate buffet and jazz performance everyday (except Monday). |
The criminal act of terrorism referred to in Article 125 is a form of internal, anti-State terrorism, while criminal acts referred to in Articles 155a, 155b and 155v represent a form of international terrorism which comprises elements of foreign nature. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Chinese to English using the given reference word translations. | 第125条所述恐怖主义犯罪行为是一种国内的反国家恐怖主义,而第155a、155b和155v条所述犯罪行为则是一种包含外国性质要素的国际恐怖主义。 |
Через два месяца с помощью Специального Олимпийского Комитета 9 человек отправятся в Японию для участия в соревнованиях по хоккею на траве. Мы всегда будем признательны Вам и нашему уважаемому Президенту.
В китайской медицине цветы и плоды гардении используются для лечения инфекций мочевых путей, раздражительности, головных болей и перепадов давления уже в течение 2000 лет. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Russian language, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | After 2 months, due to help of Special Olympic Committee, 9 people will go to Japan to take part in competitions on field hockey. We will be always grateful to You and our dear President.
In Chinese medicine, Gardenia flowers and fruit have been used to treat irritability, urinary tract infections, headaches and tension for 2,000 years. |
5. swimming possibilities; These must be guarded if the location at a bathing lake is designated for the health resort.
The following words of a study colleague in tourism recently reached me concerning the “Relevance of Blogs in Tourism“: Dear Elena, I ’ m studying tourism management in Vienna and am currently writing my final Bachelor thesis. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form. | 5. Bademöglichkeit; diese muss bewacht sein, wenn die Lage an einem Badegewässer kennzeichnend für den Erholungsort ist.
Zum Thema „Relevanz von Blogs im Tourismus“ erreichten mich vor kurzem nachstehende Worte einer Studienkollegin im Tourismus: Liebe Elena, ich studiere Tourismusmanagement in Wien und schreibe gerade an meiner abschließenden Bachelor-Arbeit. |
Три крупнейших мировых производителя кокосов находятся в странах Южной и Юго-Восточной Азии - Индонезии, Индии и Филиппинах; по данным Продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной организации ООН, на эти страны приходится свыше 75% общемирового производства данного продукта. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Russian. | Three of the world ’ s largest producers of coconuts are located in South and Southeast Asia – Indonesia, India and the Philippines – accounting for over 75 per cent of total world production, according to the UN ’ s Food and Agriculture Organisation. |
78. The Cultural Inclusion Framework for South Australia, which was released in December 2006, is a guide to assist agencies in the South Australian public sector to deliver culturally inclusive programmes to Indigenous people and communities, and to eliminate discrimination and racism in the workplace and in the programmes and services offered by government. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from Chinese to the English language. | 78.《南澳大利亚州文化包容框架》于2006年12月发布,它是一个指南,用于帮助南澳大利亚州公共部门各个机构向土著人和社区提供文化包容方案,消除工作场所和政府提供的方案及服务中的歧视和种族主义。 |
玻利维亚驻海牙代表,前总统爱德华多·罗德里格斯·韦尔泽 (Eduardo Rodríguez Veltzé) 否定了法院决策异常迅速的这一说法。 | In terms of Chinese, what do the next sentences imply? | Former president Eduardo Rodríguez Veltzé, Bolivia's representative at The Hague, rejected the idea that the court's decision-making was unusually speedy. |
Dadurch, dass wir Cloudflare als einzigen Benutzer unserer privaten Cloud zugelassen haben, konnten wir ganze Klassen von Angriffsvektoren eliminieren. Dadurch ist unsere Sicherheit jetzt deutlich leichter nachzuweisen. “ | Please share the German version of the given sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | By allowing Cloudflare as the single user of our private cloud, we ’ ve eliminated entire classes of threat vectors and made our security that much simpler to prove. ” |
Как пишет Перкинс, планы основаны на « сознательно искаженном финансовом анализе, завышенных прогнозах прибыли и фальсификации бухгалтерских подсчетов » и, если этот обман не срабатывает, в ход идут « угрозы и взятки » для того, чтобы заключить сделку.
Согласно вышеупомянутой поправке, именно региональный суд местной юрисдикции принимает решение об экстрадиции на основе результатов предварительного расследования, проводимого государственным прокурором. | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Russian language. | As Perkins ’ puts it, the plans are based on “distorted financial analyses, inflated projections, and rigged accounting, ” and if the deception doesn ’ t work,“ threats and bribes ” are used to close the deal.
Pursuant to this amendment, it is the regional court with the local jurisdiction that decides on extradition on the basis of preliminary investigations performed by a State Prosecuting Attorney. |
In addition, it is one of the 2 official languages of Sri Lanka (along with Sinhalese) and one of the 4 languages of Singapore (with Malay, Chinese and English).
In those situations where treatment was not started on time, chlamydia penetrates virtually all organs of cats and the brain, which ultimately leads to the death of the animal. | Please share the English version of the given sentences, and must use the given word translations. | Кроме того, это один из 2-х официальных языков Шри-Ланки (вместе с сингальским) и один из 4-х языков Сингапура (вместе с малайским, путунхуа и английским).
В тех ситуациях, когда лечение не было начато вовремя, хламидия проникает фактически во все органы кошек и головной мозг, что в конечном счете приводит к гибели животного. |
Mit dem Fotoeditor können Sie Ihre Fotos verbessern, Effekte, Rahmen oder Sticker einfügen, das Bild ausschneiden, drehen oder schärfen sowie Helligkeit und Kontrast bearbeiten.
Zusammenfassung: Es wird gemeinhin angenommen, dass direkte Suggestibilität, welche sich auf offene Einflussnahme bezieht, und indirekte Suggestibilität, bei der die Beeinflussungsabsicht verborgen bleibt, nur schwach korrelieren. | In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | You can use the photo editor to enhance your photos, add effects, frames or stickers, crop, rotate or sharpen the image, and edit brightness and contrast.
Abstract: It is commonly believed that direct suggestibility, referring to overt influence, and indirect suggestibility, in which the intention to influence is hidden, correlate poorly. |
“What girl wouldn ’ t want to go into a field where there is a clear need for the skills, where the salaries are among the best in the jobs market, and where she can make a real difference in advancing social and economic development? ” | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | "Какая девушка не хотела бы работать в области, где ее знания явно будут востребованы, где зарплаты являются одними из лучших на рынке труда и где она может вносить реальный вклад в социальноэкономическое развитие?" |
Zwei Tage nach der Verehrung des Küchengottes bereiten die Bewohner mancher Gegenden traditionell Sojaquark oder Tofu zu und essen die unangenehmen Rückstände, um ihre Sparsamkeit zu demonstrieren, wenn der Jadekaiser kommt, um die Berichte des Küchengottes zu überprüfen. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | In some areas, people traditionally prepare bean curd or tofu two days after honoring the kitchen god and eat the unpleasant residue to demonstrate thrift when the Jade Emperor comes to check up on the Kitchen God's report. |
"Opening Saudi Arabia to international tourists is a historic moment for our country," tourism chief Ahmed al-Khateeb said in a statement. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from German to English. | „Die Öffnung Saudi-Arabiens für den internationalen Tourismus ist ein historischer Moment für unser Land“, sagte Tourismus-Chef Ahmed al-Khateeb in einer Erklärung. |
Более того, даже вдоль основной оси вследствие небольшой площади поверхности фактического контакта между кабелем и океаническим дном сцепление может быть подвергнуто риску вследствие неровного дна океана или других преград на или около дна океана.
Именно в такой ситуации оказался Чарльз Дарвин в конце 1830-ых и в начале 1840-ых годов, когда он разработал принцип естественного выбора и его революционную сущность: все формы жизни на Земли, возможно, произошли от одного общего предка. | Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Furthermore, even along the major axis, because of the small surface area of actual contact between the cable and the ocean floor, coupling can be compromised due to a rugged ocean bottom or other obstacles on or near the ocean floor.
These were the circumstances in which Charles Darwin found himself in the late 1830 ’ s and early 1840 ’ s, when he developed the principle of natural selection and its revolutionary implication: all the Earth ’ s life forms could have evolved from a single common ancestor. |
尽管我们争取在联合国内部加强民主原则和做法,尽管民主的全面扩张把独裁和权威政权抛在一旁,但我们不幸却看到一些倒退的情况。 | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Chinese language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | All these incidents proved to be hoaxes, but resulted in serious disruption to the work of the offices and mental anguish on the part of staff members involved.
Even as we week to strengthen democratic principles and practices in the United Nations, and even as the spreading sweep of democracy casts aside dictatorships and authoritarian regimes, we have unfortunately witnessed some instances of regression as well. |
Его высшей точкой является 346-метровая гора Дзержинская, названная в честь Феликса Дзержинского, руководителя аппарата безопасности России при Сталине.
Имейте в виду, что успех зависит не только от удачи, но в основном от настойчивости в изучении теории и стратегии игры. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Russian language. | Its highest point is the 346-meter Mount Dzyarzhynskaya, named for Feliks Dzerzhinskiy, head of Russia's security apparatus under Stalin.
Keep in mind that success depends not only on luck but mostly on persistency in the study of theory and game strategy. |
救世主预言认为将有一场善恶二元的天启战争、随后出现黄金时代、其次是世界末日,继之以最后审判。这种说法最早出自古代伊朗的琐罗亚斯德教,时间大约在前4世纪。 | Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | The prediction of a messiah leading an apocalyptic battle of good against evil, followed by a golden age, the end of time, and a Last Judgment, first appeared in Zoroastrianism in ancient Iran. This occurred in approximately the fourth century BCE. |
Cats should never have onion, garlic, kelp, grapes or raisins, sugary treats, chocolate, and alcoholic or caffeinated drinks, even in small doses.
This Treaty, which entered into force on 2 March 1997, is not only aimed at keeping the Southeast Asia region free from nuclear weapons, but also at protecting the region from environmental pollution and the hazards posed by radioactive waste and other toxic materials. | Transform the upcoming sentences from Chinese language to English language. | 像洋葱、蒜头、海带、葡萄、甜食、巧克力以及那些含酒精或咖啡因的饮料就不能给猫吃,即便是一点点也不行。
这项《条约》于1997年3月2日开始生效,不仅旨在使东南亚地区没有核武器,而且还要保护该地区免遭放射性废物和其他有毒物质造成的环境污染和危害。 |
环境署世界养护监测中心制作的一个新的世界珊瑚礁地图集将于2001年2月出版,这将提供机会宣传影响到珊瑚礁生境的共同问题并动员环境署、其他国际组织、国家机构和非政府组织进行全球努力。 | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Chinese language. | A new UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) world atlas on coral reefs will be published in February 2001, providing an opportunity to publicize common problems affecting coral reef habitats and to mobilize a global effort by UNEP, other international organizations, national bodies and non-governmental organizations. |
Даже маленькие дети лгут и проявляют жестокость по отношению друг к другу, и взрослые люди с аутизмом вовсе не похожи на какого-то современного Питера Пэна, который отказался становиться взрослым и предпочитал играть в детские игры.
Ранним утром 7 июля 1993 года Миа Сапата, певица панк-группы The Gits, была избита, изнасилована, задушена и оставлена мертвой на улице Сиэтла, в квартале от закусочной, где ее в последний раз видели живой. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Russian, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Even young children lie and are cruel to each other, and an adult with autism is not like some modern-day Peter Pan who refuses to grow up and who loves to play children ’ s games instead.
In the early morning hours of July 7, 1993, Mia Zapata, the singer of punk band The Gits, was beaten, raped, strangled and left dead on the streets of Seattle blocks from tavern where she was last seen alive. |
« Использование аспирина остается привлекательным вариантом профилактики рака, потому что большинство людей с большей вероятностью примут таблетку, чем будут вносить серьезные изменения в образ жизни, такие как отказ от курения, здоровое питание и физическая активность.
Благодаря нашему партнеру - российской фирме « Континент », имеющей свое представительство в Осаке, - был организован ряд встреч с представителями японского бизнеса. | Translate the following sentences from English to Russian using the given reference word translations. | “Aspirin use remains an attractive cancer prevention option, due to the fact that most people will be more likely to take a pill rather than make major lifestyle modifications such as quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in physical activity.
Thanks to our partner - Russian company "Kontinent", which has its representative office in Osaka, - a number of meetings with Japanese business representatives were scheduled. |
专家组还在调查外国军事人员在科特迪瓦的训练营(位于泰森林和圣佩德罗达布地区)的存在。 | Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences. | The new agreement resolved an impasse between the governor, who wanted Uganda to develop as a unitary state, and the kabaka (king), who had wanted Buganda to become a separate entity to protect its identity.
The Group is also investigating the presence of foreign military personnel in training camps in Côte d ’ Ivoire (located in Tai forest and in the San Pedro-Dabou area). |
俄罗斯国土覆盖整个亚洲北部及东欧大部,横跨11个时区,涵盖广泛的环境和地形。 | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Chinese translation for these sentences. | Some suggested that responsibility for storage and disposal should be borne by producers; some that it should be shared between producers and users; others that producers should help developing countries to tackle mercury waste; and still others that the public and private sector should work together to manage mercury waste more effectively.
Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a wide range of environments and landforms. |
根据美国宪法第十修正案,“宪法未授予合众国、也未禁止各州行使的权力,由各州各自保留,或由人民保留。 | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Chinese, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | The Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution provides that "all powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." |
Stellen Sie sicher, dass weder das Touchpad noch Ihre Finger mit Schmutz, Schmierfett, Flüssigkeiten oder Essensresten verschmutzt sind (zwischen dem Touchpad und Ihrem Finger muss ein einwandfreier Kontakt bestehen, damit es richtig funktioniert). | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German? The given word translations should be used. | Make sure the touchpad or your finger has no dirt, grease, liquids or food on it (the touchpad has to make a good contact with your finger to work correctly). |
They added: "We also work closely with the NSW Police Transport Command, which is responsible for crime prevention across the rail network." | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | Он добавил: “Мы также плотно работаем с командой транспортной полиции NSW, которая отвечает за предотвращение преступлений на железной дороге”. |
另外,由于没有采购摄影设备,如电影摄影机、支持包、剪辑设备和用品,在设备和材料及用品项下均出现节余。 | When translated to Chinese, what message do these sentences carry? | It also remains essential to address the sense of abandonment felt by the population closer to border areas, who often regard themselves as forgotten outcasts.
In addition, the non-procurement of photographic equipment such as a movie camera, support kit, editing materials and supplies resulted to the savings recorded under the headings of equipment and materials and supplies respectively. |
The main purpose of the cooperation agreement, which was entered into in 2004 with the port of Le Havre, is to promote the information exchange regarding the port development and environment protection issues.
The Crab Nebula, the result of a bright supernova explosion seen by Chinese and other astronomers in the year 1054, is some 6,500 light-years from Earth. | Transpose the next sentences from the Russian format to the English format. | Основная цель договора о сотрудничестве, заключенного с портом Гавр в 2004 году, – содействовать обмену информацией о развитии порта и вопросах защиты окружающей среды.
Крабовидная туманность, результат яркого взрыва сверхновой, увиденного китайцами и другими астрономами еще в 1054 году, расположена в 6500 световых годах от Земли. |
7.1 Although the authors do not cite article 26 of the Covenant, the Committee is of the view that it must consider, in light of the submissions of the authors, whether that article has been breached.
The largest beneficiary is Germany.The head of the US National Trade Council, Peter Navarro, even said that the current Euro is a disguised Deutsche mark. | When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? The given word translations should be used. | 7.1 Хотя авторы не цитируют статью 26 Пакта, Комитет считает, что в свете представлений авторов, он должен установить, была ли нарушена эта статья.
Самым большим выгодополучателем стала Германия. Глава Национального торгового совета США Питер Наварро даже заявил, что нынешний евро – это замаскированная дойчмарка. |
I was most influenced during my early years by certain writers who appealed to my adolescent soul with talk of rebellion and adventure: Sinclair Lewis, Jack London, and Philip Wylie. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Russian to English, and must use the given word translations. | На меня больше всего повлияли в мои ранние годы писатели, которые обратились к моей юной душе с разговором о мятежном духе и приключениях: Синклер Льюис, Джек Лондон и Филип Вили. |
Despite that, or perhaps precisely because of that, Weil has been attempting ever more strongly in the last few weeks to make a mark in the federal government. | It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences. | Trotzdem, oder vielleicht gerade deshalb, versuchte Weil in den vergangenen Wochen immer stärker, im Bund Akzente zu setzen. |
В 1701 г. по указу Петра I для крепости были построены дополнительные укрепления: стены обнесены земляным валом и рвом, а перед пятью башнями сооружены бастионы.
“Некрофобия или боязнь мертвецов – понятие, которое присутствует в греческой культуре от эпохи неолита до сегодняшнего дня", - сказал археолог Кэрри Сулоски Уивер. | rampart means бастион
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Russian language, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | In 1701, according to the decree of Peter the Great, additional fortifications were built for the fortress: the walls were surrounded by an earthen rampart and a moat, bastions were built in front of the five towers.
"Necrophobia, or the fear of the dead, is a concept that has been present in Greek culture from the Neolithic period to the present," said archaeologist Carrie Sulosky Weaver. |
General Trust Fund for the Conservation of the European Bats Agreement, established in 2001 with an expiry date of 31 December 2003;
1. At 0900 hours on 6 May 1999, two khaki-coloured, wheeled personnel carriers were observed travelling close to the Iraq-Kuwait boundary line, coming from the Sumud Kuwaiti guard post at coordinates 994946 and heading towards the Jarayshan Kuwaiti guard post at coordinates 070187. | 卡其色 means khaki
Adapt the mentioned sentences from Chinese to the English language, and must use the given word translations. | ㈤养护欧洲蝙蝠协定的一般信托基金,2001年设立,终止日期2003年12月31日;
1.1999年5月6日0900时,观察到两辆卡其色轮式运兵车来自座标994946处的科威特Sumud警卫哨,靠近伊拉克-科威特交界线行驶,目标朝向座标070187的科威特Jarayshan警卫哨。 |
Первоначально прогнозы будут основываться на прогнозах землетрясений в районах вдоль Нанкайского желоба, Японского желоба, Курило-Камчатского желоба и Сагами-впадины, которые расположены вдоль побережья Тихого океана.
Однако вскоре стало ясно, что « Магдебург » потерял свои позиции среди лучших клубов Восточной Германии, их место заняли берлинское и дрезденское « Динамо », а также лейпцигский « Локомотив ». | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Russian? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Initially, the forecasts will be based on earthquake predictions for areas along the Nankai Trough, Japan Trench, Kuril-Kamchatka Trench and Sagami Trough, which are all located along the Pacific coast.
However, it soon became clear that Magdeburg had lost its position among the best clubs in East Germany, those were now BFC Dynamo, Dynamo Dresden and Lok Leipzig. |
The clinical pictures in humans caused by Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica are referred to as yersiniosis and can cause a broad range of clinical symptoms which depend on the age and resistance of the patients.
In addition, this chapter also explains a thermal relaxation rate constant of EGFP which is accompanied by the transition between the bright state and the dark state. | yersiniose means yersiniosis
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Die durch Y. pseudotuberculosis und Y. enterocolitica verursachten Krankheitsbilder beim Menschen werden als Yersiniosen bezeichnet und können ein weites Spektrum von klinischen Symptomen hervorrufen, die vom Alter und Abwehrzustand der Patienten abhängen.
Dieses Kapitel erklärt außerdem eine Ratenkonstante der thermalen Relaxation von EGFP; diese Relaxation wird begleitet vom Übergang zwischen Hell- und Dunkelzustand. |
Step into a world redolent with the aroma of fine malts and exceptional cigars; where polished wooden floors and a flame-lit back wall are softened by a choice of comfy leather sofas, and our resident cigar sommelier is on hand for perfect pairing. | Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? | 走进弥漫着香醇麦芽香气和优质雪茄芬芳的世界;这里设有大量舒适的皮沙发,将抛光的木地板和火光照亮的后墙映衬得更加柔和细腻,同时,我们的常驻雪茄侍者随时为您提供完美的搭配服务。 |
In den ersten drei Monaten des laufenden Geschäftsjahres 2018 hat die Schaltbau Holding AG sehr gute operative Erfolge erzielt, ihre Finanzkraft erheblich gestärkt und weitere Fortschritte bei der laufenden Restrukturierung der Schaltbau-Gruppe erreicht. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German using the given reference word translations? | Schaltbau Holding AG recorded notable operating performance in the first three months of fiscal year 2018, considerably bolstered its financial capacity and made further progress in the ongoing restructuring of the Schaltbau Group. |
文件系统损坏:由于不正确的数据传输或不正确的文件类型修改,内存芯片上的文件系统可能会损坏,使您的文件无法访问。 | In Chinese, what do the given sentences convey? | It is noted that at the beginning of these events, homemade protective equipment was used -- sports and construction equipment, bicycle helmets, arm and shin guards.
File System corruption: File system on your memory chip might get corrupt as a result of improper data transfer or improper modification of file types, making your files inaccessible. |
(3) These changes in the character of work and the instruments of production change the attitude and the consciousness of the laborer, which become manifest in the widely discussed "social and cultural integration" of the laboring class with capitalist society. | Turn the following sentences from their Chinese version to the English version. | (3)劳动特点和生产工具的这些变化,改变了劳动者的态度和意识。这一点明显地表现在广泛讨论的劳动阶级同资本主义社会的"社会的和文化的一体化"上。 |
5. Комитет поздравляет государство-участник с признанием народности айну коренным народом (2008 год) и с интересом отмечает создание Совета по политике в интересах айну (2009 год).
Во многих культурах и религиях отцеубийство считается одним из самых страшных грехов, например, по свидетельствам Цицерона, в Римской республике отцеубийство было единственным преступлением, за которое гражданин подвергался смертной казни. | ainu means айну.patricide means отцеубийство
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Russian, and must use the given word translations. | 5. The Committee congratulates the State party for the recognition of the Ainu people as an indigenous people (2008) and notes with interest the creation of the Council for Ainu Policy (2009).
In many cultures and religions patricide considered one of the worst sins, for example, according to Marcus Tullius Cicero, in Roman Republic it was the only criminal act, a punishment for which was an execution. |
Поэт Арат, живший между 310 и 240 г. до н.э., упомянул их в своем каталоге Знаков Погоды, сказав, что они указывают на ветер, дождь или приближающийся шторм, в то время как Артемидор, предсказатель во 2 веке, включил “призрачные солнца ” в свой список небесных божеств.
ПРЕДСЕДАТЕЛЬ говорит, что пробелы в пунктах 15 и 22 будут восполнены секретариатом, который также обновит перечень документов в пункте 20, чтобы включить все документы, представленные после подготовки проекта доклада. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Russian. | The poet Aratus, who lived between 310 and 240 BC mentioned them in his catalogue of Weather Signs, saying that they indicated wind, rain or an approaching storm, while Artemidorus, a diviner in the second century, included the phantom suns in his list of celestial deities.
The CHAIR said that the blanks in paragraphs 15 and 22 would be filled by the secretariat, which would also update the list of documents in paragraph 20, to include all documents submitted after the preparation of the draft report. |