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At the gang ’ s trial in 1913 Victor denied ever having advocated illegalism; indeed he claimed to have opposed it.
Public transport and the commercial vehicle sector are also expected to play their part: the government ’ s long-term goal is to introduce a total of 40,000 hydrogen-powered buses, 80,000 taxis and 30,000 trucks, as well as to promote domestic production of suitable car parts. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | Bei dem Prozess gegen die Bande im Jahr 1913 leugnete Victor, den Illegalismus jemals befürwortet zu haben; tatsächlich behauptete er, ihn abgelehnt zu haben.
Auch der ÖPNV und der Nutzfahrzeugsektor sollen ihren Teil beitragen: Die Regierung strebt langfristig die Einführung von insgesamt 40.000 wasserstoffbetriebenen Bussen, 80.000 Taxis und 30.000 Lastkraftwagen sowie die Förderung der heimischen Herstellung geeigneter Autoteile an. |
Social conditions will be perfectly satisfactory when the government enforces minimum wage rates and provides everybody with adequate food and housing, or when the sale of margarine and the importation of foreign sugar are prohibited. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from Russian to the English language. | Социальные условия станут абсолютно удовлетворительными, когда государство установит минимальные ставки заработной платы и обеспечит каждого соответствующим питанием и жилищем или когда будут запрещены продажа маргарина и ввоз иностранного сахара. |
Родившись летом 1819 года в небольшом сельском городке Орнан, недалеко от французских Альп, Курбе рос в живописной местности, окруженный заботливой семьей.
Чистая прибыль Сбербанка по итогам января 2020 года по российским правилам бухгалтерского учета увеличилась на 8,9% по сравнению с показателем за 2019 год и составила 80,2 млрд рублей, сообщает пресс-служба кредитной организации. | What do the following sentences mean in Russian? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Born in the summer of 1819 in the small rural town of Ornans, near the French Alps, Courbet grew up in a picturesque environment with a supportive family.
Sberbank ’ s net profit at the end of January 2020 under Russian accounting rules increased by 8.9% compared to the figure for 2019 and amounted to 80.2 billion rubles, the press service of the credit organization reports. |
Доля женщин, занимавших руководящие должности в обеих палатах парламента (Лок сабха, Раджья сабха) в период между 1997 и 2004 годами, не превышала 9 процентов. | Please share the Russian version of the given sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Women's participation in positions of power in both houses (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) of the Parliament between 1997 and 2004 has not exceeded 9 per cent. |
Он отметил, что за период 2007 – 2012 гг. региональные бюджеты в целом были сбалансированы за исключением пика кризиса в 2009 г., когда общий дефицит составил 0,8% ВВП, и 2012 г., когда дефицит составил 0,5% ВВП. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Russian. | He noted that regional budgets were generally balanced during the period between 2007 and 2012, except at the height of the crisis in 2009 when the total budget deficit accounted for 0.8% of GDP, and 2012 when the budget deficit was 0.5% of GDP. |
Битва при Эль-Пла 15 января 1811 года была сражением между имперской французской колонной, состоящей из двух итальянских бригад, с одной стороны, и испанской дивизией под командованием Педро Сарсфельда с другой. | Please offer the Russian rendition for the following statements, and must use the given word translations. | The Battle of El Pla was a battle on 15 January 1811 between an Imperial French column made up of two Italian brigades on one side and a Spanish division under the command of Pedro Sarsfield on the other. |
日内瓦被称为全球商业组织的摇篮,此外还拥有神奇的中世纪历史中心、众多博物馆和文化场馆、豪华精品店、不计其数的花园和令人难忘的美食餐厅。... | It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences. | Description Juan Valverde was a Spanish medical anatomist who was born in Amusco, in the present-day province of Palencia, around 1525.
Geneva is known to be a cradle of global business organizations, it also houses an amazing medieval historic center, many museums and cultural sites, luxury boutiques, numerous gardens and unforgettable gastronomic addresses... |
Simple party members, soldiers who participated in the occupation, leaders of the Hitler Youth, and so forth, according to Kopelev, should be sent to various countries for three to four years to restore what the Nazis had destroyed. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from German to the English language. | Einfache Parteimitglieder, an der Besetzung beteiligte Soldaten, Führer der Hitlerjugend usw. sollten laut Kopelev für drei bis vier Jahre in verschiedene Länder geschickt werden, um das wiederherzustellen, was die Nazis zerstört hatten. |
不同经济体之间的相互依存和相互联系意味着,有利的国际经济环境是发展中国家、特别是非洲国家和最不发达国家实现包容性和持续增长并调集发展所需资源的前提。 | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Chinese language. | The interdependence and interconnectedness of economies mean that a favourable international economic climate is a precondition for developing countries, especially those in Africa and the least developed countries (LDCs), to achieve inclusive and sustained growth and to mobilize the resources necessary for their development. |
The bandits fired shots at the United Nations vehicle, which overturned, injuring the staff member.
Teachers, policemen and judges can only be properly remunerated if there is an established network of banks and governmental offices which, in turn, can only be built upon a productive industrial sector, able to organize the workforce and generate tax income. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? | 匪徒向联合国车辆开枪,车辆被打翻,造成该工作人员受伤。
1只有在有了现成的银行和政府部门网络之后,教师、警察和法官才能得到适当报酬,而银行和政府部门网络的建立只能依赖能够组织劳动力并创造税收的生产性工业部门。 |
It is likely that this is due to the fact that alcohol suppresses sensations, including fear.It also hinders a rational assessment of the situation, and people are even more likely to believe that offering money to officers will help solve the problem more quickly. | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | Вероятно, это связано с тем, что алкоголь подавляет чувства, в том числе и страх.Он также мешает рациональной оценке ситуации, поэтому люди более склонны верить, что предложенные должностным лицам деньги помогут быстрее решить проблему. |
20 июня 2013 г. | Женева - Физическое или сексуальное насилие является проблемой общественного здравоохранения, которая затрагивает более одной трети всех женщин в мире, как указывается в новом докладе, опубликованным ВОЗ в партнерстве с Лондонской школой гигиены и тропической медицины и Южноафриканским советом медицинских исследований.
Раньше его называли диабетом зрелого возраста, потому что он чаще встречался среди лиц старшего возраста, но с ростом ожирения и увеличением количества молодых людей, ведущих сидячий образ жизни, риск для молодых взрослых, подростков и детей вырос. | Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences. | 20 June 2013 | Geneva – Physical or sexual violence is a public health problem that affects more than one third of all women globally, according to a new report released by WHO in partnership with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the South African Medical Research Council.
It used to be called mature diabetes because it was more common among older people, but with an increase in obesity and an increase in the number of young people leading a sedentary lifestyle, the risk for young adults, adolescents, and children increased. |
The end result of the killings in which perhaps as many as a million Africans perished was that US and UK backed Paul Kagame — a ruthless military dictator trained at the US Army Command-General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth Kansas — was firmly in control as dictator of Rwanda. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Конечным результатом убийств, в которых, возможно, погиб миллион африканцев, стало то, что поддержанный США и Великобританией Пол Кагаме - безжалостный военный диктатор, прошедший подготовку в американском колледже Генерального штаба в Форт Ливенворт, Канзас – надежно утвердился как диктатор Руанды. |
Hämolytische Anämie, Sichelzellenanämie und Thalassämien sind genetisch bedingte Anämien, die bewirken, dass dein Immunsystem deine roten Blutkörperchen zerstört. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in German? The given word translations should be used. | Hemolytic anemia, sickle cell anemia, and thalassemias are genetic anemias that cause your immune system to destroy your RBCs. |
Die politische Lage hat sich nun so weit entspannt, dass Forscher aus Argentinien, Chile, den USA und Deutschland erstmals versuchen, ein Messnetz zu installieren, um Umweltveränderungen im Beagle-Kanal zu erfassen. | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to German language using the given reference word translations. | The political situation has now eased to such an extent that researchers from Argentina, Chile, the United States, and Germany are trying to install a monitoring network to record environmental changes in the Beagle Channel for the very first time. |
He used a clinch to hold the pieces of wood together.
The carpenter reached for his clinch to secure the joints.
She tightened the clinch to ensure the stability of the structure. | Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format. | 他用钳子将木块牢牢地固定在一起。
她紧紧地拧紧钳子,以确保结构的稳定性。 |
我的子民成了迷失的羊,他们的牧人使他们走错了路,使他们在山上徘徊;他们从大山走到小山,忘记了他们安歇之处。7 | Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Its oldest city -- Ribeira Grande, or the Cidade Velha -- was named a World Heritage by UNESCO in 2009.
"My people have been lost sheep; their shepherds have led them astray and caused them to roam on the mountains. They wandered over mountain and hill and forgot their own resting place. 7 |
"We see Russian intelligence operations in Sweden - we can ’ t interpret this in any other way - as preparation for military operations against Sweden," security police chief analyst Wilhelm Unge told a news conference.
The Russian population over the last 20 years has fallen from 148 mln to 142 mln, while the RTS Index surged from 100 to 1,800. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | « Мы видим российские разведывательные операции в Швеции, и мы не можем интерпретировать это иначе как подготовку к военным операциям против Швеции », – заявил на пресс-конференции главный аналитик Службы государственной безопасности Швеции Вильхельм Унге.
За последние 20 лет население страны сократилось со 148 млн до 142 млн человек, а Индекс РТС вырос со 100 до 1 800 пунктов. |
2003年初,威尔金森微波各向异性探测器(WMAP)给出了它的首次探测结果,其中包括了在当时人们所能获得的最精确的某些宇宙学参数。 | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Chinese. | In a more specific objection, Iraq alleges that the prices of ammonia and methanol rose abnormally from 2 August 1990 to February 1991 due to its invasion of Kuwait, and that the profits that GPIC earned from these increased prices exceeded the claim amount of GPIC's alleged losses.
In early 2003 the first results of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) were released, yielding what were at the time the most accurate values for some of the cosmological parameters. |
马达加斯加位于非洲和亚洲之间的印度洋上,它的丰富和地方性的生物多样性唤起了人们对发现和冒险的感觉。 | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Chinese form. | Double room no. 28 This double room with original vaulted ceilings is on the first floor of the hotel, furnished with a double bed and a bathroom with a shower unit.
Madagascar is located on the Indian Ocean between Africa and Asia, and evokes feelings of discovery and adventure because of its rich and endemic biodiversity. |
Wenn ich etwas in der Fremdsprache höre, kann ich meine Aufmerksamkeit besonders auf Aspekte richten, die mich interessieren (z. B. auf Aussprache, Intonation, Wortschatz und Redewendungen, auf die Struktur des Textes usw.).
Von den einen als Genie gefeiert, von anderen als Wahnsinniger abgestempelt, sieht sich der 64-jährige, der alles für seine Kunst geopfert hat, als Mann mit einer Bestimmung: den Bau eines Kulturzentrums, in dem er zukünftigen Generationen mehr hinterlassen will als Berge von Müll. | Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the German format, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | When I hear something in the foreign language I can focus my attention on aspects which interest me particularly (for example, accent, intonation, vocabulary and expressions, or the structure of the text).
Celebrated as a genius by some, labelled as a lunatic by others, the 64-year old has sacrificed everything for his art and considers himself a man with a destiny: creating an art centre, in which he can leave more to future generations then just piles of trash. |
During his term as Secretary-General of the Organization of American States, participated in the studies and deliberations that culminated in the reform of the Charter of the Organization on three occasions: Cartagena de Indias, Managua and Washington.
In hominidae, including humans, several biological factors that control copulation are modified. | 人科 means hominidae
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English using the given reference word translations? | 在担任美洲国家组织秘书长期间,曾三次参加在卡塔赫纳德印第亚斯、马纳瓜和华盛顿举行的研究和审议工作,最后修订了《美洲国家组织宪章》。
在人科(包括人類)此一分類之下,一些控制交配的生物性因子已在演化過程中遭到修改。 |
He holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Industrial Engineering from the University of Toronto, Canada, a Master of Science in Systems Engineering from the University of Singapore, and a Master of Business Administration from Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Many, indeed, tried to present to the outside world their own version of the Tibet story, rebutting the orthodox narrative – be it Chinese or Western – and posting comments and footage on YouTube and the BBC's bulletin board. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | 他拥有加拿大多伦多大学工业工程应用科学学士学位、新加坡大学系统工程科学硕士学位和设在马萨诸塞州堪布里奇的哈佛大学的工商管理硕士。
的确,有许多人试图把自己有关西藏骚乱事件的版本向外界展示,反驳无论是中国还是西方正统的说辞,并且在YouTube和英国广播公司的留言板上张贴评论和上载录像。 |
Enter the side lengths at the base and at the transition between frustum and pyramid, as well as two of the heights.
Albuquerque is centrally located in New Mexico, in the south of the United States, on the Rio Grande and north of the Chihuahuan Desert.
Just over a decade ago, for example, in China ’ s poorest regions, barely 40% of children were immunised against hepatitis B and approximately 10% were chronic carriers of the disease. | When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Geben Sie die Längen der Seiten an der Basis und am Übergang von Stumpf und Pyramide ein, sowie zwei der Höhen.
Albuquerque hat eine zentrale Lage in New Mexiko, im Süden der Vereinigten Staaten, am Rio Grande und nördlich der Chihuahua-Wüste.
So waren beispielsweise in den ärmsten Regionen Chinas vor zehn Jahren nur 40% der Kinder gegen Hepatitis B geimpft; etwa 10% waren dauerhafte Krankheitsträger. |
It was also reported that the work of two independent radio stations, Radio Jasenica and Radio Globus, was disrupted when their signals were jammed on 16 August and 22 August 2000 respectively. | Transform the upcoming sentences from Russian language to English language, and must use the given word translations. | Сообщалось также, что работа двух независимых радиостанций "Радио Ясеница" и "Радио глобус" была прервана в результате глушения их сигналов соответственно 16 и 22 августа 2000 года. |
(Dies fördert Solipsismus: wenn man nicht weiß, dass man anderen Menschen auf Twitter folgen kann und einem niemand folgt, kann man sich, wenn man sich dafür entscheidet, den ganzen Tag mit sich selbst unterhalten.) | Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the German format, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | (This encourages solipsism: if you don ’ t know that you can follow people on Twitter, and no one is following you, you can have conversations with yourself all day if you so choose.) |
Higher level layers recognize higher level features such as the body shape of a walking pedestrian or the configuration of windows in a car. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Chinese to English. | 高级别层识别高级特性,如行人移动时的体型或汽车车窗的构造。 |
The President and Government of Ukraine attach particular importance to efforts to simplify international trade procedures, electronic business, and measures to eliminate the informal economy and its manifestations in the Ukrainian economy, so as to create more favourable conditions for moving goods and vehicles across the border and across the country.
The objectives of the event are to promote sustainable socio-economic development and development of the Arctic, stimulate scientific, technical and innovative activities in the region, as well as create favorable conditions for attracting investment in development projects of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Russian to English. | Президентом и Правительством Украины уделяется значительное внимание работе по упрощению процедур международной торговли, электронному бизнесу, а также мерам по борьбе с теневой экономикой и ее проявлениями в экономике Украины, с целью создания более благоприятных условий для продвижения товаров и транспортных средств через границы и территорию страны.
Цель мероприятия – содействовать устойчивому социально-экономическому развитию и освоению Арктики, стимулировать научно-техническую и инновационную деятельность в регионе, а также создать благоприятные условия для привлечения инвестиций в проекты развития Арктической зоны Российской Федерации. |
Bagan, Borobudur and Angkor Wat are but a small testimony to the vast trading and cultural network that the region had in ancient times.
To do that, it wants China to eliminate subsidies, mandatory technology transfer, and other forms of "cheating"; level the playing field for foreign investors in the Chinese market; and even adopt more Western-style governance practices. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | 蒲甘、婆罗浮屠和吴哥窟只是本区域古代庞大的贸易和文化网络中的一小部分。
为此它希望中国取消补贴,强制性技术转让和其他形式的"作弊"行为;为外国投资者在中国市场提供公平的竞争环境;甚至采用更多的西式治理手段。 |
To counter the influence of Russian and English, government organizations have promoted the use of Latvian terms and linguistic purism. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Um dem Einfluss der russischen und englischen Sprache entgegenzuwirken, haben Regierungsorganisationen die Verwendung von lettischen Begriffen und den Sprachpurismus gefördert. |
“Today we sadly recall the victims of mass executions of intellectuals in the Sandarmokh forest massif, which has become a symbol of the Great Terror. | Translate the following sentences from Russian to English, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | « Сегодня мы с прискорбием вспоминаем жертв массовых расстрелов интеллигенции в урочище Сандармох, ставшем символом Большого террора. |
According to Antalya airport data, over the reporting period more than 12.5 million foreign arrivals were recorded (+ 30% growth compared to the same period in 2017).
On the basis of these passages in the Old Testament, some Christian churches and theologians argue that Judaism is a violent religion and that the god of Israel is a violent god. | Transpose the next sentences from the Russian format to the English format, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | По данным аэропорта Антальи, за отчетный период зафиксировано более 12,5 млн иностранных прибытий (прирост + 30% по сравнению с тем же периодом 2017 года).
На основании этих отрывков в Ветхом Завете, некоторые христианские церкви и богословы утверждают, что иудаизм является жестокой религией, и что бог Израиля является жестоким богом. |
还有什么神圣的东西? | In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | Is nothing sacred? |
However, the driver sustained serious injuries to the head. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? | Der Fahrer zog sich jedoch erhebliche Verletzungen am Kopf zu. |
The hackers added that “Obama is a traitor who wants to put your lives in danger to rescue Al-Qaeda insurgents … The Syrian army should be your ally not your enemy ”.
I would like to stress that the growth of religiously motivated extremism is a serious challenge to the entire world community ”, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia stated on May 28, 2014. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | « Обама — предатель, который хочет подвергнуть ваши жизни опасности ради спасения бунтарей из "Аль-Каиды", — говорится в сообщении. — Сирийская армия должна быть вашим союзником, а не врагом.
Хотел бы особо отметить, что рост религиозно мотивированного экстремизма является серьезным вызовом для всего мирового сообщества » — подчеркнул Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл 28 мая 2014 года. |
Für seine bahnbrechenden Arbeiten zur genetischen Regulation der Organentwicklung und dem programmierten Zelltod erhielt er zusammen mit H. Robert Horvitz und John E. Sulston in 2002 den Nobelpreis für Medizin / Physiologie.
Dieses Spiel folgt den Grundlagen des Video Pokers wobei dem Spieler 5 Karten zugeteilt werden und er entscheiden muss, welche Karten er behält und welche er abgibt. | Kindly submit the German interpretation for the next sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | With Sydney Brenner and John Sulston, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 2002 for discoveries concerning the genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death.
This game follows the basic rules of video poker whereby the player is dealt five cards and must choose what to keep and what to discard. |
Projections, photographs and personal and public archive records punctuate the tour route featuring a hundred and fifty items from the Verdun Memorial ’ s collection, the ICRC ’ s archives, partner museums and private collections.
Johny tells us: “Together with our teacher, we developed the idea of a helmet with integrated GPS receiver and various safety functions. ” For example, the helmet has a warning system for excessive speeds and even an engine immobiliser if the driver does not wear his protective headgear or if he had alcohol. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? | Filmvorführungen, Fotografien, private und öffentliche Archive begleiten den Rundgang, der 150 Exponate aus der Sammlung des Mémorial de Verdun, dem Archiv des IKRK, aus Partnermuseen und Privatsammlungen umfasst.
Johny berichtet: „Gemeinsam mit unserem Lehrer entwickelten wir die Idee eines Helms mit eingebautem GPS-Empfänger und verschiedenen Sicherheitsfunktionen.“ Der Helm hat zum Beispiel ein Warnsystem für überhöhte Geschwindigkeiten und sogar eine Wegfahrsperre, wenn der Fahrer seinen Kopfschutz nicht trägt oder Alkohol getrunken hat. |
The main points of interest are to be found in the neighbourhoods of Staré Mesto (Old Town), Malá Strana (Little Town) and Hradcany, popular for a wealth of architecture, museums and theatres, and the best hotels in Prague in terms of price / quality ratio.
In the Second World War prussic acid was used under the name cyclone B in gas chambers in different concentration camp, because it acts so fast. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from German to English language, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt befinden sich in den Stadtvierteln Staré Mesto (Altstadt), Malá Strana (Prager Kleinseite) und Hradcany. Diese sind bekannt für ihre herausragende Architektur, ihre Museen und Theater und die schönsten Hotels Prags mit dem besten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis.
Im Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde Blausäure unter dem Namen Zyklon B in Gaskammern verschiedener Konzentrationslager eingesetzt, da es sehr schnell wirkt. |
Das Transaktionsvolumen auf dem deutschen Gewerbeimmobilienmarkt hat mit rund 25,6 Mrd. Euro ein fast identisches Ergebnis wie im gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahres erzielt (minus 1%) und damit den Trend aus dem ersten Quartal bestätigt.
Der Munitionsgurt lässt sich durch entfernen der Patronen in unterschiedliche lange Stücke teilen und man kann sich somit auch ein Armband oder Gürtel daraus zusammenstellen. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in German using the given reference word translations? | The transaction volume on the German commercial real estate market of about €25.6 billion was almost identical to the volume recorded in the previous year ’ s period (minus 1%), and thus confirmed the trend from the previous quarter.
The ammunition belt can be divided by removing the cartridges into different long pieces and you can thus also put together a bracelet or belt. |
The EU calls on China to join the other nuclear-weapon States in declaring a moratorium on the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices and to abstain from any increase in its nuclear arsenal.
The villa is a two-story house including the following rooms: – Ground floor: a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom with a shower, a hall and a pantry. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | ЕС призывает Китай присоединиться к другим государствам, обладающим ядерным оружием, и объявить мораторий на производство расщепляющихся материалов для ядерного оружия или других ядерных взрывных устройств и воздержаться от любого увеличения своего ядерного арсенала.
Вилла представляет собой двухэтажный дом, включающий следующие комнаты: – Первый этаж: кухня, гостиная, ванная комната с душем, зал и кладовая. |
Компанией Hotelinvest владеет и управляет Жаклин Стюарт, гражданка Великобритании, которая выросла на севере Шотландии и жила в Англии, Испании, Швеции, Австрии, Ираке и Греции. Она живет в Словении с 2007 года. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Russian, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Hotelinvest is owned and operated by Jacqueline Stuart, a UK national who grew up in the north of Scotland and has lived in England, Spain, Sweden, Austria, Iraq and Greece. She has been living in Slovenia since 2007. |
The perpetrators of such acts should pay damages to their victims, including child support payments for the babies born as a result of their actions.
(e) Taking as a scope the metropolitan area of the United Nations Office at Geneva (all the departments and organizations connected through the Office's network) the number of programmes (software applications) that allow data-sharing grew from 15 to 17, thus indicating improved sharing of the Organization's institutional knowledge in information technology services. | Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? The given word translations should be used. | 此类行为的行为人应向受害人提供赔偿,包括为因其行为而出世的孩子提供赡养费。
(e)就联合国日内瓦办事处的大都会地区范围而言(即通过联合国日内瓦办事处网络联在一起的各部门和组织),可以进行数据分享的程序(应用软件)数目从15个增加到17个,显示本组织在信息技术服务方面的机构知识分享得到加强。 |
У них есть: набор некоторых специфических слов, отражающих специфические вкусы аристократии или верхних слоев буржуазии; некоторое количество выражений и оборотов речи, отличающихся изысканностью, галантностью и свободных от "грубых" выражений и оборотов национального языка; наконец, некоторое количество иностранных слов. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Russian language. | They have a collection of specific words reflecting the specific tastes of the aristocracy or the upper strata of the bourgeoisie; a certain number of expressions and turns of phrase distinguished by refinement and gallantry and free of the "coarse" expressions and turns of phrase of the national language; lastly, a certain number of foreign words. |
Тремя годами ранее их коллеги представили новые доводы в пользу того, что наблюдаемый мир прекратит свое существование через 22 миллиарда лет в результате Большого разрыва. | What do the following sentences mean in Russian? | Three years earlier their colleagues presented new conclusions supporting the view that the observed world will end its existence in 22 billion years as a result of the Big Rip. |
Key results Results from seven trials showed that patients on rivastigmine (6 to 12 mg / day by mouth, or 9.5 mg / day by skin patch) were better for three outcomes than those on placebo, after six months of treatment.
One of the photographs from the archive of Carl Bellingrodt shows the tank locomotive with the road number 86 004 with passenger train P 3320 in 1937. | rivastigmin means rivastigmine
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Die Ergebnisse von sieben Studien zeigten, dass nach einer Behandlungsphase von sechs Monaten Patienten mit Rivastigmin (6-12 mg / Tag oral oder 9,5 mg / Tag über ein Hautpflaster) bessere Resultate für drei Endpunkte aufwiesen als solche, die mit Placebo behandelt wurden.
Eine der Fotografien aus dem Archiv von Carl Bellingrodt zeigt die Tenderlokomotive 86 004 mit dem Personenzug P 3320 im Jahre 1937. |
Indeed the Maoists, who are seeking to remove the constitutional monarchy and who are undermining democratic values and institutions, have turned children into sacrificial lambs in their brutal pursuit of political power. | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | По сути, маоисты, которые стремятся свергнуть конституционную монархию и подрывают демократические ценности и институты, превратили детей в жертвенных агнцев в своем жестоком стремлении к политической власти. |
The treasures of the archive that have never been shown to date also include an extensive collection of beer coasters, cigarette packs, newspaper articles, and other memorabilia on which the word “Export ” can be read. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | Zu den bisher noch nie gezeigten Schätzen des Archivs zählt darüber hinaus eine umfangreiche Sammlung von Bierdeckeln, Zigarettenpackungen, Zeitungsartikeln und anderen Memorabilien, auf denen das Wort » Export « zu lesen ist. |
Я хотел довести до Вашего сведения, что сегодня сирийские вооруженные силы подвергли орудийному обстрелу город Акчакале, расположенный на турецко-сирийской границе, в результате чего погибли пять турецких граждан, все из которых -- женщины и дети, а также некоторое число человек получили серьезные ранения. | Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences. | I would like to bring to your kind attention that the Syrian armed forces today shelled the town of Akçakale, situated at the Turkish-Syrian border, which resulted in the deaths of five Turkish civilians, all of whom were women and children, as well as a number of serious injuries. |
HD197027,即HIP102152,是一顆位於摩羯座的恆星,距離地球約250光年。 | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Chinese? | The United States of America enquired about the status of security forces who were accused of physically abusing detainees arrested following the November 2006 riots, and asked if the security forces have been held accountable for these abuses.
HD 197027 (HIP 102152) is a star in the constellation Capricornus that is located about 250 light years from the Sun. |
没有加入欧洲联盟的一些西欧经济体的失业率仍然很低:2007年12月冰岛(经济合作与发展组织标准化)失业率为0.8%、瑞士为3.5%、挪威为2.4%。 | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Chinese? | Unemployment remains quite low in several of the non-European Union Western European economies: the December 2007 (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development standardized) rate was 0.8 per cent in Iceland, 3.5 per cent in Switzerland, and 2.4 per cent in Norway. |
但除非保罗说的"以色列全家都要得救",指的是属灵的以色列人;除非我们都明白,唯有通过选择才能成为"真犹太人",这一切才能说得通。 | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Chinese translation for these sentences. | But if when Paul says that "all Israel will be saved" he is speaking of spiritual Israel, and if we understand that we become a "true Jew" only by a choice, then it all makes sense. |
Für seine Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des Computers, insbesondere in Bezug auf die technische und theoretische Rekonstruktion bedeutender Rechenmaschinen, erhielt er 2005 den Wolfgang-von-Kempelen-Preis der Österreichischen Computer-Gesellschaft und 2014 den Tony-Sale-Award der British Computer Society.
Dafür müsse es der EU aber auch endlich gelingen, die Bürgerinnen und Bürger Bosnien und Herzegowinas aus der Zwangsjacke des Daytoner Abkommens zu befreien, das die ethnische Teilung des Landes zementiere und erlaube, dass politisch wichtige Entscheidungen von der Führung einzelner Volksgruppen blockiert werden. | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to German language using the given reference word translations. | For his investigations into the history of the computer, especially with regard to the technical and theoretical reconstruction of important computing machines, he was awarded the Wolfgang von Kempelen Prize from the Austrian Computer Society in 2005 and in 2014 the Tony Sale Award of the British Computer Society.
However, the EU will first have to liberate the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the straitjacket of the Dayton Agreement, which cemented the country ’ s ethnic division and allows the leaders of the various ethnic groups to veto politically important decisions. |
Израильское правительство продолжает проводить свою политику разрушения мечетей и важных исламских и арабских культурных объектов и центров во всех частях оккупированной Палестины, сносит дома, экспроприирует природные ресурсы, водные ресурсы и сельскохозяйственные земли, нарушает права палестинского населения, лишая их права проживания и изгоняя этих людей из собственных домов, с тем чтобы поселить в них тысячи иммигрантов-евреев из всех регионов мира.
Метеорит Фукан, возраст которого, как полагают ученые, составляет 4,5 миллиарда лет, был найден рядом с одноименным городом в Китае в 2000 году. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Russian? | The Israeli Government continued to pursue its policy of destroying mosques and important Islamic and Arab cultural sites and centres in all parts of occupied Palestine, demolishing houses, expropriating natural resources, water and agricultural land, disregarding the rights of the Palestinian population, revoking residency rights and driving that population out of their homes, to be replaced by thousands of Jewish immigrants from all parts of the world.
Fukang meteorite whose age, as scientists believe, is 4.5 billion years old, was found near the eponymous town in China in 2000. |
A new model developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge has shown that despite its apparent stability, the massive ice sheet covering most of Greenland is more sensitive to climate change than earlier estimates...
One of the most remote and lifeless planets in the known galaxy, Hoth was of no real interest to the Republic until it became the site of a devastating military defeat. | Convert the subsequent sentences from Russian into English. | Новая модель, разработанная исследователями Кембриджского университета, показывает, что, несмотря на кажущуюся устойчивость, ледниковый щит, покрывающий большую часть Гренландии, более чувствителен к температурным изменениям, чем ранее предполагалось.
Будучи одной из наиболее удаленных и безжизненных планет в известной галактике, Хот не представлял особого интереса для Республики, пока не стал местом сокрушительного военного поражения. |
Страна рассматривается как многонациональное государство, так как в нем проживают более 500 этнических групп, из которых тремя самыми большими являются Хауса, Игбо и Йоруба; эти этнические группы говорят на 500 разных языках и отождествляются с самыми разными культурами.
« Такая политика стоит в основе жестокой эксплуатации биосферы, от здоровья которой зависит существование миллиардов мужчин, женщин и детей сейчас и в будущем », — подчеркивает Нортон. | Can you reveal the Russian translation of the forthcoming sentences? The given word translations should be used. | The country is viewed as a multinational state as it is inhabited by over 500 ethnic groups, of which the three largest are the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba; these ethnic groups speak over 500 different languages and are identified with a wide variety of cultures.
“Such a policy is at the heart of the brutal exploitation of the biosphere, on whose health the existence of billions of men, women and children depends now and in the future, ” emphasizes Norton. |
The representatives of the development partners present at the event noted that all these investments will ensure the sustainability of Copceac village ’ s infrastructure and will serve as example for other rural localities.
10. Under the Constitution, the provisions of these treaties, once they have come into force, become part of the “constitutional bloc ” and acquire the same status as the provisions originally included in the text of the Constitution. | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | Представители партнеров по развитию, присутствовавшие на мероприятии, отметили, что все эти инвестиции обеспечат устойчивость инфраструктуры села Копчак и послужат примером для других сельских населенных пунктов.
10. В соответствии с Конституцией нормы этих договоров после их вступления в силу составляют часть "конституционного блока" и приобретают силу норм, первоначально включенных в текст Конституции. |
7月17日,外交部长穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉齐兹在安全理事会发言,呼吁设立一支联合国利比亚稳定和机构建设特派团,以作为增强利比亚政府权能和防止该国变成一个"失败国家"的手段。 | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Chinese language. | On 17 July, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Abdelaziz, addressed the Security Council and appealed for the establishment of a United Nations stabilization and institution-building mission for Libya as a means of empowering the Government of Libya and preventing the country from turning into a failed State. |
Cathedral of Saint Mary the Virgin and its Tower The Medieval church that stands at the centre of Toompea hill is one of the county ’ s most fascinating historic attractions. | Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format. | Domkirche zu St. Marien mit Turm Diese mittelalterliche Kirche steht mitten auf dem Domberg (Toompea) und ist eine der faszinierendsten historischen Attraktionen des Landes. |
Coulibaly先生(布基纳法索)说,由于对自然资源的依赖,生态系统脆弱,缺少基础设施和能力,以及经常性的干旱和饥荒影响着萨赫勒大部分地区,布基纳法索尤其容易受到荒漠化的影响。 | In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Mr. Coulibaly (Burkina Faso) said that Burkina Faso was particularly vulnerable to desertification, owing to its dependence on natural resources, its fragile ecosystem and its lack of infrastructure and capacity, as well as the regular droughts and famines afflicting much of the Sahel region. |
4 октября 2005 года был обнаружен труп Сарасвати Параджули; она была ранее похищена вместе с двумя другими лицами в округе Парбат; местонахождение последних остается неизвестным.
Помощник министра коммерции Китая Чжан Цзи сказал, что Китай сократил 90 миллионов тонн мощностей и планирует уменьшить их еще на 100-150 миллионов тонн. | Please provide the Russian translation for the following sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | On 4 October 2005, Saraswati Parajuli was found dead following her abduction with two other individuals from Parbat District whose whereabouts remain unknown.
China ’ s assistant commerce minister, Zhang Ji, said China had cut 90 million tonnes of capacity and had plans to reduce it by a further 100-150 million tonnes. |
And try to eat meat soups or broths as rarely as possible – no more often than one – two times a week, especially if you do not have the opportunity to buy for their cooking environmentally friendly meat or poultry. | бульон means broth
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | А мясные супы или бульоны старайтесь есть как можно реже - не чаще одного - двух раз в неделю, особенно если у вас нет возможности покупать для их приготовления экологически чистое мясо или птицу. |
The suppression of the Commune resulted in further extensive damage to the city, as the communards set fire to the Tuileries Palace, the Louvre, and other buildings, and as desperate fighting between the communards and counterrevolutionary forces destroyed or damaged many other structures. | Change the given sentences from Chinese to English format. | 对公社的镇压对这个城市带来了更大规模的破坏,因为公社民众放火焚毁杜伊勒里宫、罗浮宫和其它建筑,公社民众和反革命武力的激战也摧毁或损坏了许多其它建筑结构。 |
The chief superintendent of the West Yorkshire Police, Stuart Hyde, confirmed that 36 people had been arrested over the weekend.
If a soul lived up to seven years and did not go to heaven, a baby would turn into a mavka and would haunt people. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original Chinese form using the given reference word translations. | 西约克郡警察总监StuartHyde证实说,周末共逮捕了36人。
如果亡魂长达七年没到天堂,则该亡婴就会变成一条美人鱼或玛弗卡,并开始在人间作祟。 |
In the first six months of 2018, the group entered into new contracts worth altogether 67.5 mln euros, including construction works on Hundipea port, Tsirguliina substation and phase II of the Tallink office building.
Such topics as international security, regional threats, serious consequences of global economic challenges, climate change and energy policy: role of oil-producing countries, multiculturalism, interreligious dialogue and mutual integration will be discussed during the two-day event. | мультикультурализм means multiculturalism
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Russian to English, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | За шесть месяцев 2018 года концерн заключил новые договоры на общую сумму 67,5 млн. евро, в том числе на строительные работы в порту Хундипеа, обновление подстанции Тсиргулийна и строительство II этапа офисного здания Tallink.
В ходе двухдневного форума будут обсуждены такие темы, как международная безопасность; региональные угрозы; серьезные последствия глобальных экономических проблем; климатические изменения и энергетическая политика: роль нефтедобывающих стран; мультикультурализм; межрелигиозный диалог и взаимная интеграция. |
В его рамках 550 британских солдат передали свою укрепленную базу во Дворце Басра (бывшей резиденции Саддама Хусейна) в центре города иракским военным.
Канадская стратегия по борьбе с наркотиками была разработана в 1987 году с начальным бюджетом в сумме 210 млн. канадских долларов и была рассчитана вначале на пять лет; в 1992 году этот период был продлен еще на пять лет. | Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | During this operation, 550 British troops handed over its fortified base in the Basra Palace (former residence of Saddam Husain) in the downtown to the Iraqi troops.
The Canadian anti-drug strategy was established in 1987, with an initial budget of 210 million Canadian dollars, originally for five years; that period was extended for another five years in 1992. |
DNA It's a well-known fact that the discoverer of DNA's double-helix structure was under the influence of a little hallucinogenic drug called LSD. | Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 1.DNADNA双螺旋结构的发现者是在些许LSD致幻剂作用下完成其研究的。 |
Wir werden jede fehlerhaft ausgeführte Transaktion unverzüglich zurückerstatten, es sei denn, wir haben Grund zu der Annahme, dass der Vorfall durch eine Verletzung dieser Vereinbarung, grobe Fahrlässigkeit oder begründeten Verdacht auf betrügerische Aktivitäten verursacht wurde. | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to German language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | We will immediately refund any improperly executed transaction unless we have reason to believe that the incident was caused by a breach of this agreement or gross negligence or we have reason to suspect that the incident was caused by fraudulent activity. |
In order to better address youth unemployment in the Union, particular attention should be paid to transnational cooperation between higher and vocational education institutions and businesses, with a view to improving students' employability and developing entrepreneurial skills. | When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? | Um die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in der Union besser bekämpfen zu können, sollte der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit zwischen Hochschuleinrichtungen, Einrichtungen der beruflichen Bildung und Unternehmen besondere Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet werden, um die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Studierenden zu verbessern und ihre unternehmerischen Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln. |
95 In order to effectively combat money laundering and terrorist financing, an EEA State must be able to obtain the information necessary to enable it to identify and pursue possible infringements in that regard which take place in its territory or which involve persons established on that territory (see, for comparison, Jyske Bank, cited above, paragraph 69). | Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language. | 95 Um die Geldwäsche und die Terrorismusfinanzierung wirksam bekämpfen zu können, muss ein EWR-Staat die notwendigen Informationen erhalten können, um etwaige diesbezügliche Verstösse, die in seinem Hoheitsgebiet stattgefunden haben oder an denen dort ansässige Personen beteiligt sind, aufdecken und verfolgen zu können (vgl. entsprechend Jyske Bank, oben erwähnt, Randnr. 69). |
Dazu führte der Krajský súd Bratislava aus, dass die Národná banka Slovenska gegen Akcenta eine Geldbuße in Höhe von 35 000 Euro verhängt habe, weil diese von Januar 2008 bis Juni 2009 ohne Genehmigung Devisengeschäfte in der Slowakei getätigt habe.
Mandarin, Spanisch, Englisch und Arabisch mögen die „Supersprachen“ des modernen Zeitalters sein, doch Minderheitensprachen wie Katalanisch, Bretonisch und Kornisch sind äußerst wichtig für die Vielfalt unserer kulturellen DNA. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in German using the given reference word translations? | The Krajský súd Bratislava pointed out in that regard that the Národná banka Slovenska had imposed a fine of EUR 35 000 on Akcenta on the ground that, from January 2008 to June 2009, it had been carrying out foreign exchange transactions in Slovakia without a licence.
Mandarin, Spanish, English and Arabic may be the “super languages ” of the modern era, but minority languages like Catalan, Breton and Cornish are crucial for the diversity of our cultural DNA. |
70. At its 665th meeting, on 29 May, the Committee had before it a letter from the Government of Colombia informing the Chairman of the Committee that two non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Council had accredited several individuals known to belong to an armed revolutionary group in Colombia for participation in the fifty-fourth session of the Commission on Human Rights at Geneva. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | 70.委员会在5月29日第665次会议上收到哥伦比亚政府的一封信,通知委员会主席,两个具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的非政府组织已经委任若干名已知属于哥伦比亚境内一个武装革命团体的人士参加在日内瓦举行的人权委员会第五十四届会议。 |
Als die Römer erkannten, dass sie ihr Imperium nicht bis an die Nord- und Ostsee ausdehnen konnten, bauten sie ihre Grenzverteidigung – den sogenannten Limes – an der Donau aus, unterwarfen das keltische Königreich Noricum und machten Österreich zur römischen Provinz.
Der Bachelor-Studiengang selbst besteht aus Modulen, die wiederum mehrere Lehrveranstaltungen mit einem Lernziel zusammenfassen: z.B. besteht das Modul Lineare Algebra aus den Lehrveranstaltungen Lineare Algebra I und Lineare Algebra II. | Translate the following sentences from English to German, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | When the Romans realized they could not extend their empire to the North Sea and the Baltic, they built frontier fortifications known as the limes along the Danube. They then subjugated the Celtic Kingdom of Noricum and made present-day Austria a Roman province.
The bachelor degree programme consists of modules, that unite multiple courses having a common educational objective. The module linear algebra for instance is composed of the courses linear algebra I and linear algebra II. |
Paddington-Verlage fürchteten, Leser könnten sich nicht mit einem sprechenden Bären identifizieren, was ein neuer Brief enthüllt | Render the listed sentences in German from their original English form. | Paddington publishers feared readers wouldn't relate to a talking bear, new letter reveals |
7 Keiner jener jüdischen Hohenpriester konnte Gott ein vollkommenes Menschenopfer darbringen, um die Schuld zu tilgen, die die Menschheit Gott gegenüber hatte, weil all die jüdischen Priester als Nachkommen Adams und Evas, der ersten Sünder aus den Menschen, sündig und unvollkommen waren.
-- die Hyksos hätten sich im Delta in der Stadt Auaris (später Tell ed-Daba) niedergelassen und hätten eine Dynastie gegründet, die 500 Jahre lang grausam über Ägypten geherrscht habe (S.67-68) | In German, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | 7 None of those Jewish high priests could offer to God a perfect human sacrifice able to cancel mankind ’ s debt to God, because all the Jewish priests were sinful and imperfect, being descendants from the original human sinners Adam and Eve.
-- these hyksos are said having settled in the delta in the town of Avaris (later Tell ed-Daba) and had founded an own dynasty governing in a dreadful way over Egypt for 500 years (p.67-68) |
Bayram Tepeli left his hometown of Gemlik in northwestern Bursa province at the age of 26 due to "problems" with his family and arrived in Istanbul in 1991. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? | Байрам Тепели покинул родной город Гемлик в северо-западной части Бурсы в возрасте 26 лет из-за проблем с семьей и прибыл в Стамбул в 1991 году. |
Neben der Grundfliese gibt es auch Sockel (7,5 x 90 cm), Mosaik (5 x 5 cm) und Treppenfliesen (30 x 90 cm) – und damit einige Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten. | When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | As well as the base tiles, there are also plinths (7.5 x 90 cm), mosaic (5 x 5 cm) and stair tiles (30 x 90 cm) – and therefore several design options. |
200万名贝娜齐尔收入支助项目的受益人使用智能卡、贝娜齐尔借记卡或手机银行领取转账现金,智能卡和贝娜齐尔借记卡需要妇女前往银行并持有ATM卡,手机银行则让她们拥有手机。 | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Chinese form. | Two million beneficiaries of BISP are collecting their cash transfers through Smart Care, Benazir Debit Card or through mobile banking, Smart Cards and Benazir Debit Card require women to visit banks and get ATM cards while mobile banking gives them ownership of cell phones. |
It is important that consumer protection legislation is equally applied and enforced throughout the Union: not only to tackle actual infringements and avoid market fragmentation but also to provide a deterrent effect and prevent new infringements. | What do the following sentences mean in English? | Es ist wichtig, dass die Verbraucherschutzvorschriften unionsweit einheitlich angewandt und durchgesetzt werden – nicht nur, um gegen konkrete Verstöße vorzugehen und eine Fragmentierung des Markts zu verhindern, sondern auch um eine abschreckende Wirkung zu erzielen und neuen Verstößen vorzubeugen. |
Первый завод, находящийся в Рончелло (Милан), был построен в 1989 году и сегодня является крупнейшим в мире предприятием, выпускающим эластомерную изоляцию. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Russian? | The original manufacturing plant, located in Roncello (north of Milan), was founded in 1989 and today it is the largest in the world for the production of elastomeric insulation. |
Meine Schwerpunkte sind Landschafts / Architektur / Leveldesign, was alle Arbeiten umfaßt, die dafür erforderlich sind, inklusive Entwurf und Gestaltung, Ausführung in 3ds max, Texturierung und matte painting.
„Im Arbeitsalltag arbeiten viele von uns in hochspezialisierten Themenfeldern, was ungewollt zu einem„ Tunnelblick “auf die Gesellschaft und ihre Herausforderungen führen kann. | Kindly submit the German interpretation for the next sentences, and must use the given word translations. | My main focuses are landscape / Architecture / Leveldesign, which includes all necessary works - draft and design, creation in 3ds max, texturizing and matte painting.
“In our everyday working life, many of us work in highly specialized subject areas, which can inad-vertently lead to ‘ tunnel vision ‘ of society and its challenges. |
66. Ms. Singhateh (Gambia) said that, even before the introduction of the Children's Act, the Gambian Criminal Code had prohibited sexual intercourse with any person under the age of 15, providing a penalty of seven years imprisonment.
31 Leshan Seven Days Sunshine Student Apartment No. 1418, Gemini B, Raffles Royal View, No. 33, Tongyue Road, Shizhong District, Leshan, Leshan, China, 614000, show map | Convert the subsequent sentences from Chinese into English. | 66.Singhateh女士(冈比亚)说,即使在制订《儿童法案》之前,冈比亚《刑法典》就禁止与年龄在15岁以下的人发生性关系,违者要被判处7年监禁。
无空房31乐山七日阳光学生公寓乐山市市中区通悦路33号莱佛士帝景双子座b座1418号,乐山,中国,614000,显示地图 |
3.15 The author considers that the Constitutional Court's ruling of 5 September 2012 amounts to a refusal to execute the judgement of the European Court, which required the re-establishment of the author' s right to stand in parliamentary elections and violates article 25 of the Covenant.
The Ordinance addresses this problem by laying down regulations on schooling and training, giving this target group a second chance to attain a level of education that will allow them to succeed in the labour market. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | 3.15 Автор считает, что постановление Конституционного суда от 5 сентября 2012 года равносильно отказу исполнить решение Европейского суда, который потребовал восстановить право автора баллотироваться на парламентских выборах, и нарушает статью 25 Пакта.
Указ направлен на решение этой проблемы, и в нем содержится ряд положений относительно обучения и профессиональной подготовки, которые предоставляют этой целевой группе второй шанс получить уровень образования, необходимый для получения работы. |
The amendment, which was put forward by France ’ s former environment minister, Delphine Batho, will be debated next month.
Of the hundreds of obelisks that once stood in Egypt, only nine now stand; ten more lay broken, victims of conquerors, or of the religious fanaticism of competing cults. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences using the given reference word translations. | Поправка, предложенная бывшим министром окружающей среды Франции Дельфиной Бато, будет обсуждаться в следующем месяце.
Из сотен обелисков, которые когда-то стояли в Египте, только девять теперь стоят; еще десять лежат разбитыми, жертвами завоевателей или религиозного фанатизма конкурирующих культов. |
But in Pushkin ’ s fairy tale, the moral qualities of the heroes are manifested more brightly than in the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm: the loyalty of the princess to his chosen one, the desire of the prince to find his beloved and devotion to a sentinel dog dying from a poisoned apple. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | Но в сказке Пушкина ярче, чем в сказке братьев Гримм, проявляются моральные качества героев: верность царевны своему избраннику, стремление королевича отыскать свою любимую и преданность сторожевого пса, умирающего от отравленного яблока. |
High-Pressure Pumps for Water Hydraulics Danfoss offers high-pressure pumps and valves optimized for water hydraulics applications such as hydroelectric installations, fish farms, and oceanariums.
There are no data available on the rate of elimination or of bioaccumulation of octaBDE from human adipose tissue, but given the high lipophilicity of the compound and the adipose tissues accumulation observed in rats following oral or inhalation routes, it can be assumed that in humans octaBDE might bioaccumulate in these tissues as well. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? | 水压用高压泵丹佛斯提供专为水力发电、渔场、水族馆等水压应用优化设计的高压泵和阀件。
目前没有关于八溴二苯醚在人体脂肪组织中的排泄率或生物累积情况的数据,但是考虑到该化合物的高亲脂性以及大鼠口服或吸入后观测到的脂肪组织累积情况,可以推测八溴二苯醚在人体类似组织中也将生物累积。 |
An Internet point (free for the first 10 minutes then 14 CHF for 30 minutes) is also available in the hotel lobby and allows you to surf on the internet, scan documents or a USB key and print a document in black and white. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Chinese to English language. | 您也可以使用酒店大堂互联网接入点(前10分钟免费,此后每30分钟14瑞士法郎),访问互联网、浏览文件或者USB存储盘以及打印黑白文件。 |
Die Villa "Il Leccio" liegt in der hohen toskanischen Maremma, nur wenige Minuten von Castagneto Carducci und dem Meer entfernt, umgeben von Grün und mit Blick auf die wunderschönen Hügel des Val di Cornia. Sie ist Teil eines kleinen und alten toskanischen Dorfes in einem wunderschönen Privatgrundstück von 55 Hektar, das über eine kurze Privatstraße erreichbar ist. | In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Located in the high Tuscan Maremma, a few minutes from Castagneto Carducci and the sea, surrounded by greenery with views of the beautiful hills of Val di Cornia, the Villa "Il Leccio" is part of a small and old Tuscan village, within a beautiful private property of 55 hectares, which is accessed by a short stretch of private road. |
Um die Leistung des Rennwagens weiter zu steigern und diesen bei Rennen noch konkurrenzfähiger zu machen, wurde der neue Brennstoffzellen-Rennwagen Forze VIII um einige Neuerungen erweitert.
Bohm ist der Ansicht, das der Grund, warum subatomare Partikel in der Lage sind, in Kontakt mit einander zu bleiben – unabhängig von der Distanz zwischen ihnen – nicht der ist, weil sie eine Art mysteriöses Signal hin und her senden, sondern weil ihre Getrenntheit eine Illusion ist. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | In order to further increase the racing car ’ s performance and to make it more competitive in races, a number of new features were added to the new fuel cell racing car Forze VIII.
Böhm believes the reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact with one another regardless of the distance separating them is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion. |
Jeff Colgan of Brown University analyzed militarized interstate disputes in 170 countries between 1945 and 2001 and found that countries where net oil export revenues constitute over 10 percent of GDP were among the most violent states in the world. | It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences. | Джефф Колган (Jeff Colgan) из Брауновского университета проанализировал межгосударственные конфликты с применением военной силы в 170 странах за период с 1945 по 2001 годы и выяснил, что страны, в которых чистый доход от экспорта нефти составляет более 10% ВВП, являются самыми воинственными в мире. |
On the British airfield of RAF Gatow, the Prime Minister witnessed the smooth supply of blocked Berlin, even in bad weather.
Human Albumin Albumin is the most abundant protein in human blood plasma, making up more than half of total blood serum protein. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from German to the English language. | Auf dem britischen Flugplatz Gatow war der Ministerpräsident Zeuge der reibungslosen Versorgung des blockierten Berlin, auch bei schlechtem Wetter.
Albumin ist das am häufigsten vorkommende Protein im menschlichen Blutplasma und macht mehr als die Hälfte des Gesamteiweißes im Serum aus. |
18.委员会促请缔约国快速通过关于家庭暴力的法律草案,并确保这一法律中包括对犯罪人的起诉和惩处、受害者诉诸司法的充分途径以及保护和康复措施等方面的内容。 | Can you deliver the Chinese translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | 18. The Committee urges the State party to speedily enact the draft law on domestic violence and ensure that it encompasses provision for the prosecution and punishment of offenders, adequate access to justice for victims as well as protection and rehabilitation measures. |
In Australia, one in five children report experiencing cyberbullying, according to the country's eSafety commissioner. | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | Laut dem eSafety-Beauftragten von Australien gibt eines von fünf Kindern an, dass es Opfer von Cybermobbing sei. |
(a) Recognize the rights of children belonging to minority groups in line with article 30 of the Convention by which a child belonging to such a minority has the right to enjoy his or her own culture, to profess and practise his or her own religion, or to use his or her own language, and to consider adopting a comprehensive legal act providing protection of their rights; | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | а) признать права детей, принадлежащих к группам меньшинств, в соответствии с положениями статьи 30 Конвенции, согласно которой любой ребенок, принадлежащий к такому меньшинству, имеет право пользоваться своей культурой, исповедовать свою религию и исполнять ее обряды и пользоваться родным языком, а также рассмотреть возможность принятия всеобъемлющего законодательного акта, обеспечивающего защиту их прав; |
(20) Damit die Anbieter von Online-Inhaltediensten ihrer Verpflichtung zur Ermöglichung der grenzüberschreitenden Portabilität ihrer Dienste nachkommen können, ohne in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat die betreffenden Rechte zu erwerben, muss vorgesehen werden, dass die Diensteanbieter, die im Wohnsitzmitgliedstaat der Abonnenten portable Online-Inhaltedienste rechtmäßig bereitstellen, immer berechtigt sind, diese Dienste für diese Abonnenten auch während eines vorübergehenden Aufenthalts dieser Abonnenten in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat bereitzustellen. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | (20) In order to ensure that providers of online content services comply with the obligation to provide cross-border portability of their services without acquiring the relevant rights in another Member State, it is necessary to stipulate that those service providers which lawfully provide portable online content services in the Member State of residence of subscribers are always entitled to provide such services to those subscribers when they are temporarily present in another Member State. |
The reason that Hebrews seems a special case, is not that it is not written by an apostle but because we are not sure of the author of the book. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | Причина, по которой Послание к Евреям кажется особым случаем, заключается не в том, что оно не было написано апостолом, а потому, что мы не уверены в авторстве этой книги. |
По данным Государственного департамента США, в ноябре 2004 года после убийства венесуэльского государственного прокурора Данило Андерсона правительство использовало сатирические комментарии, сделанные журналистом Орландо Урданета, по американской телевизионной программе, чтобы намекнуть на возможное участие Израиля в убийстве Андерсона ».
В США, по оценкам, по меньшей мере, 11% женщин — или 6 миллионов — в возрасте 15-44 лет имеют эндометриоз, болезнь наиболее распространена в возрасте 30-40 лет. | endometriosis means эндометриоз
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Russian form, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | According to the U.S. State Department, in November 2004, after Venezuelan government prosecutor Danilo Anderson was assassinated, "the Government used satirical comments made by journalist Orlando Urdaneta on a U.S. television program to allude to possible Israeli participation in Anderson's killing".
In the US, it is estimated that a minimum of 11% of females – or 6 million – aged 15-44 have endometriosis, with the condition most common among those in their 30s and 40s. |
Im Komati River Chalets wohnen Sie am Rand des Krüger-Nationalparks und profitieren von kostenfreien Privatparkplätzen, einer Sicherheitsumzäunung und einer Nachtwache. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in German? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Located at the border of the Kruger National Park, Komati River Chalets provides free private parking and security fencing with night guard. |
"Infor's product development strategy is focused on ensuring software is flexible, agile and easy to use," comments Duncan Angove, president, Infor. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | „Unsere Produktentwicklungsstrategie ist darauf ausgelegt, dass unsere Software flexibel, wendig und einfach zu bedienen ist", sagt Duncan Angove, Präsident, Infor. |
В 1836 году Йозеф Пецваль был приглашен в Венский университет, где возглавил кафедру математики в 1837 году, и работал профессором до 1877 года.
По отцовской линии он происходил из уезда Пилис (фамилия отца изначально была Csévi). [2] Его отец был секретарем регента Яноша Хуньяди с 1446 по 1452 год. | Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | After being invited to the University of Vienna in 1836, Petzval accepted a position of the chair of mathematics there in 1837, and worked until 1877 as a professor of mathematics.
On his father's side he derived from Pilis county (his father's surname was originally Csévi). [2] His father was the secretary of the regent John Hunyadi, from 1446 to 1452. |
在卡萨布兰卡正在设立一个区域就业和培训观察处,准备于中期期间将此网络扩展至拉巴特、梅克内斯、非斯、乌季达、阿加迪尔、马拉喀什和丹吉尔; | Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences? | A Regional Employment and Training Observatory (OREF) is being set up at Casablanca, and the intention is to extend the network in the medium term to Rabat, Meknes, Fez, Oujda, Agadir, Marrakech and Tangier; |