Verse 28 is followed by a warning of two problems the church of the future will face: ‘ savage wolves ’ from outside and ‘ perverse ’ people from inside.
Render the listed sentences in English from their original Russian form, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
28-й стих сопровождается предупреждением о двух проблемах, с которыми столкнется церковь в будущем: « лютые волки » извне и « порочные » люди изнутри.
Enjoyed first by the Etruscans and the Romans, and then by the Medici family, the Bagni di Pisa (Pisa Hot Springs) rose to fame in 1743 when the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Francis Stephen of Lorraine, built his summer spa residence there.
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements.
Излюбленное место отдыха этрусков, а в дальнейшем и семьи Медичи, термальные источники Bagni di Pisa стали особо известными в 1743 году, когда эрцгерцог Тосканы Франческо Стефано ди Лорена превратил их в свою летнюю термальную резиденцию.
2008年進行的另一項民意調查發現,25%的丹麥人認為耶穌是上帝的兒子,18%的人認為他是世界的救世主。 滕州市大旋机械有限公司坐落在历史悠久、文化灿烂、风景秀丽的山东省滕州市。
god means 上帝.tengzhou means 滕州市 I'd appreciate it if you could present the Chinese translation for these sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Another poll, carried out in 2008, found that 25% of Danes believe Jesus is the son of God, and 18% believe he is the saviour of the world. Tengzhou Daxuan Machinery Ltd is located in Tengzhou city, Shandong province which is famous for long history, splendid culture and beautiful scene.
Комитет Госдумы по природным ресурсам, природопользованию и экологии одобрил законопроект о защите морей от нефтяного загрязнения, второе чтение документа запланировано на 18 декабря, сообщила РИА Новости координатор программы по экологическому праву WWF России Екатерина Хмелева. В период формирования ядра и коры, планета Фаэтон также как и Земля, подвергалась различным гравитационным, тектоническим и другим процессам, приводящим к образованию трещин в твердой коре и ледяной оболочке.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Russian language.
The State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Ecology approved a bill on the protection of marine oil pollution, the second reading of the document is scheduled for December 18, told RIA Novosti Coordinator on Environmental Law WWF Russia Ekaterina Khmeleva. During the formation of the core and crust, the planet Phaethon as well as the Earth was subjected to various gravitational, tectonic and other processes, leading to the formation of cracks in the solid crust and ice shell.
When Mr. Wu returned home in 2009, he was extremely dizzy and slept for more than ten days before he was able to get out of bed and eat. In contrast to the market at Chaindon (Canton Bern), where an emphasis on the commercial sale of horses has been kept, the market gathering at Saignelégier is no longer a place for horse trading.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Nachdem Herr Wu 2009 heimgekehrte, war ihm sehr schwindelig und er schlief über zehn Tage lang, bevor er aus dem Bett aufstehen und essen konnte. Im Gegensatz zum Markt in Chaindon (Kanton Bern), wo der kommerzielle Aspekt des An- und Verkaufs von Pferden noch immer im Vordergrund steht, ist der Markt von Saignelegier kein Ort des Pferdehandels mehr.
Aus den 1920 an Polen abgetretenen Gebieten wird im Oktober 1939 der Reichsgau Posen (ab 1940 umbenannt in Reichsgau Wartheland) gebildet. Wir kaufen und verarbeiten aus diesem Grund in der Regel nur die Färse, also das geschlechtsreife, weibliche Rind, das noch nicht gepaart hat und etwa anderthalb bis zwei Jahre alt ist. Der MAXQ1061 verfügt über 32 KB benutzerprogrammierbaren EEPROM zur sicheren Speicherung von Zertifikaten, öffentlichen Schlüsseln, privaten und geheimen Schlüsseln, monotonen Zählern und beliebigen Daten.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in German? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
The areas transferred to Poland in 1920 become the province Posen in October 1939 (in 1940 renamed as Reichsgau Wartheland). For this reason, we usually only buy and process the heifers, i.e. the sexually mature female cattle that have not yet mated and are around one and a half to two years old. The MAXQ1061 has 32 KB of user-programmable EEPROM to securely store certificates, public keys, private and secret keys, monotonic counters, and arbitrary data.
You can spend truly unforgettable holidays in the Salzburg province. A young, dynamic team is happy to welcome you with poised hospitality at Romantik Hotel GMACHL in Elixhausen.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
Im Salzburger Land verbringen Sie einen unvergesslichen Urlaub: Ein junges, dynamisches Team begrüßt Sie mit gelassener Gastlichkeit im Romantik Hotel GMACHL in Elixhausen.
《葡萄牙宪法》第13条第(2)款明确禁止任何基于性别的歧视,而且这得到现行法律和条例的遵守,包括在诸如法律行为能力、人员流动和选择住处和住所的自由等问题上。 然后他给威廉爵士写了一封措辞婉转的信,感谢他对我的恩惠和栽培,但是表示他还不能资助我开业,因为他觉得我年纪还太小,他不能信赖我经营管理这样一种需要巨额开办费的重大企业。
In Chinese, what do the given sentences convey?
Article 13 (2) of the Portuguese Constitution specifically prohibits any discrimination based on sex and this is respected by the laws and regulations presently in force, including on subjects such as legal capacity, movement of persons and freedom to choose one's residence and domicile. Then he wrote a civil letter to Sir William, thanking him for the patronage he had so kindly offered me, but declining to assist me as yet in setting up, I being, in his opinion, too young to be trusted with the management of a business so important, and for which the preparation must be so expensive.
Der Verkauf erfolgt in der Regel am Zahltag und dauert 3 Tage und auch während der Weihnachtszeit (in den Philippinen erstreckt sich die Weihnachtszeit von September bis zur ersten Januarwoche) in Kaufhäusern wie dem SM Store.
In German, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Sales tend to happen during pay day and lasts for 3 days and also during the Christmas season (in the Philippines Christmas season extends from September to the first week of January) in department stores like thr SM Store.
Dramatischer Schauplatz im Japan des 19. Jahrhunderts Vor dem Hintergrund des Boshin-Krieges beginnt die neue Kampagne im Jahre 1864, einer Zeit wachsender Feindseligkeiten gegenüber den westlichen Kolonialmächten und deren Einfluss. Du hast dein erstes Gedicht geschrieben, bevor du „Mama“ sagen konntest, fügst seit jeher Wörter so flink zusammen wie Legosteine, selbst im Schlaf schreibst du Blogs und Storys, und dein Leibgericht ist Buchstabensuppe.
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to German form, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Dramatic 19th century Japan setting Based on the backdrop of the Boshin War period, the new campaign starts in 1864, a time of growing resentment against Western colonial power and influence. You wrote your first poem before you could say “mama, ” you ’ ve always put words together as nimbly as Lego blocks, even in your sleep you write blogs and stories, and your favorite dish is alphabet soup.
Hierbei gelangen durch die Verwendung von Kaliumpermanganat rund 5 Tonnen des „Wassergifts“ ins Abwasser und beeinträchtigen, ebenso wie die Verwendung von Chlor, nachhaltig die Gesundheit von Mensch und Tier sowie die Umwelt. Es handelt sich um ein experimentelles neues Schiff mit zwei Reaktoren, das an seinem endgültigen Bestimmungsort Pewek in Tschukotka (russischer Föderationskreis Ferner Osten) betrieben werden soll.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in German? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
By using potassium permanganate about 5 tons of this "water poison" enter the wastewater and, like chlorine, have a lasting effect on human and animal health and the environment. It is a new experimental vessel with two reactors supposed to be in operation at its final destination in Pevek in Chukotka in the Russian Far East.
If you do not want to read brochures every time concerning a Telex Q II - FOH or other products, it is enough to read them once only - just after buying the device.
Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format.
Wenn Sie nicht jedes Mal Informationsbroschüren über Telex Q II - FOH oder andere Produkte lesen möchten, reicht es aus, dass Sie diese nur einmal lesen – gleich nach dem Kauf des Geräts.
There are presently ongoing consultations between the Government and the private-sector insurance companies to put in place a system of national health insurance so that every Bahamian will have insurance coverage for major surgery and other medical services. In one case, a Spanish teacher was terminated after he was accused of molesting a 15-year-old female student and raping a 17-year-old girl in a swimming pool during a school trip to Costa Rica in 1999.
Transpose the next sentences from the Russian format to the English format.
В настоящее время проводятся консультации между правительством и страховыми компаниями частного сектора, направленные на создание системы национального медицинского страхования, с тем чтобы каждый багамец получил страховое покрытие в случае необходимости проведения серьезной хирургической операции или получения другого медицинского обслуживания. В одном случае учитель испанского языка был уволен после того, как его обвинили в растлении 15-летней студентки и изнасиловании 17-летней девочки в бассейне во время школьной поездки в Коста-Рику в 1999 году.
Der Ausstellungstitel Passions bezieht sich nicht nur auf die Passionszeit, in die die Eröffnung der Ausstellung fällt, sondern auch auf die Passion als urchristliche Erfahrung und auf den Umstand, dass sich Menschlichkeit vor allem im Umgang mit Schmerz und Unglück artikuliert.
Please provide the German translation for the following sentences using the given reference word translations.
The exhibition title Passions refers not only to the time of the Passiontide, when the exhibition will be opening its doors to the public, but also to the Passion as the prototypical Christian experience and the fact that above all humanity finds its expression in dealing with suffering and misfortune.
Als Jesus zum ersten Mal eine Gruppe seiner Jünger mit dem Befehl aussandte, das Evangelium zu predigen und die Kranken zu heilen, bat er sie, keine Bezahlung für ihre Dienste anzunehmen. Die Cotai Arena, die ursprünglich als Venetian Arena bekannt war, ist eine Halle mit Plätzen für rund 15.000 Zuschauer bei ganz verschiedenen Veranstaltungen: Basketball, Tennis, Boxen, Live-Konzerte oder Preisverleihungen sind dafür nur einige Beispiele.
Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
When Jesus first sent out a band of his disciples with the command to preach the gospel and to heal the sick, he bade them not to accept pay for their services. The Cotai Arena was originally known as the Venetian Arena. It ’ s an indoor area that seats 15,000 spectators at various entertainment and sports events, including basketball games, tennis matches, boxing matches, live concerts and awards shows.
Riots in Jérémie (Grand-Anse Department) late in November 2012 and in January 2013, however, underscored the need for MINUSTAH to continue to be able to airlift a quick reaction force to remote areas in support of the national police. In probability theory and statistics, a Gaussian process is a stochastic process (a collection of random variables indexed by time or space), such that every finite collection of those random variables has a multivariate normal distribution, i.e. every finite linear combination of them is normally distributed.
Please provide the English translation for the following sentences.
Вместе с тем беспорядки в Жереми (департамент Гранд-Анс), вспыхнувшие в конце ноября 2012 года и январе 2013 года, подчеркнули необходимость того, чтобы МООНСГ сохраняла способность перебрасывать по воздуху в отдаленные районы силы быстрого реагирования для оказания поддержки национальной полиции. В теории вероятностей и статистике Гауссовский процесс - это стохастический процесс (набор случайных величин, индексированных временем или координатами), такой что каждый конечный набор этих случайных величин имеет многомерное нормальное распределение, то есть каждая конечная линейная комбинация из них нормально распределена.
« Forschung, langfristiges Engagement und produktive Partnerschaften zeigen, dass das Swiss TPH einen wichtigen Beitrag zu einem tieferen Verständnis der Epidemiologie und Kontrolle des Buruli-Ulkus und anderer NTDs leisten kann », sagt Jürg Utzinger, Direktor des Swiss TPH. Diese Ruinen scheinen auf die Legenda aurea des Dominikaners Jacobus de Voragine (13. Jahrhundert) zurückzugehen. Diese berichtet von einer heidnischen Legende, wonach der Friedenstempel in Rom einstürzen würde, wenn eine Jungfrau ein Kind zur Welt brächte.
Please offer the German rendition for the following statements, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
"Research, long-term commitment and productive partnerships demonstrate that Swiss TPH can make a meansingful contribution to a deeper understanding of the epidemiology and control of Buruli ulcer and other NTDs," said Jürg Utzinger, Director of Swiss TPH. These ruins appear to be inspired by the thirteenth-century Golden Legend of the Dominican Jacobus de Varagine, which relates a pagan belief that the Temple of Peace in Rome would collapse when a Virgin gave birth.
In 1896, the first polytechnic university in Siberia was established in Tomsk, and by the 1940s the city gained a reputation of a Russian centre of science and education.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry?
With 63.000 inhabitants, Zalău is one of the larger towns in the region of Transsylvania, which achieved international fame above all through the novel “Dracula ” Test your bravery with adrenaline-inducing tours, or sit back on the white sand of Australia ’ s most beautiful beaches.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English?
Mit 63.000 Einwohnern ist Zalău eine der größeren Städte in der Region Transsylvanien, welche vor allem durch den Roman “Dracula ” weltweite Berühmtheit erlangte Teste deinen Mut bei Touren mit Adrenalinkick oder entspanne dich an einem der paradiesisch schönen, weißen australischen Sandstrände.
Provision is made for miscellaneous equipment, such as air-conditioners, photographic equipment, engineering equipment, fire-fighting equipment, replacement tools and other equipment ($68,000, inclusive of freight costs). The Government sent the Special Rapporteur the results of the autopsy showing that Samb had died of a heart attack which a hereditary condition - but one that would not normally have had such consequences - had helped to bring on.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? The given word translations should be used.
已编列经费购置杂项设备,例如空调机、照相器材、工程设备、灭火设备、替换工具和其他设备(68000美元,包括运费)。 政府向特别报告员提供的验尸结果表明,Samb死于心脏病,虽然具有遗传病史,但通常情况下不会有这种后果。
Generally speaking, deltamethrin and zeta-cypermethrin are chemically quite persistent substances, and if sunlight does not reach the surface, the effect of insecticides will last more than 2 months - the same is said in the instructions for the pencil.
In English, what do the given sentences convey?
Вообще говоря, дельтаметрин и зета-циперметрин являются веществами химически довольно стойкими, и если на поверхность не попадает солнечный свет, то действие инсектицидов будет сохраняться более 2 месяцев – об этом же сказано и в инструкции к карандашу.
On days when ozone levels are high, you have a greater likelihood of being harmed by smog if you stay outdoors for longer periods and if you perform strenuous activity.
Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form.
An Tagen, an denen die Ozonwerte hoch sind, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit größer, dass Sie durch Smog geschädigt werden, wenn Sie länger im Freien bleiben und anstrengende Tätigkeiten ausüben.
His father was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Spain, his mother died of cancer when Pozuelo was 7 years old. In the 20s of the last century, King Rama VII built a summer palace here, and since then the resort has been a favorite holiday destination for the royal family.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from Russian to the English language.
Отец был членом центрального комитета коммунистической партии Испании, мать скончалась от рака, когда Посуэло было 7 лет. В 20-е годы прошлого столетия король Рама VII построил здесь летний дворец и, с тех пор, курорт является излюбленным местом отдыха королевской семьи.
“We will keep extremely low rates for a long period of time ”, said the Head of the Bank of Japan Kuroda, adding that“ it is necessary to continue patiently the easing of monetary and credit policy ”. Parents of children being taught similar ideas at a school in Birmingham, almost all of them Muslim, were recently banned from protesting outside Anderton Park school against the LGBT indoctrination of their children.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from Russian to the English language, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
« Будем сохранять чрезвычайно низкие ставки в течение длительного периода времени », - заявил Глава Банка Японии Курода, добавив, что « необходимо терпеливо продолжать смягчение денежно-кредитной политики ». Родителям детей, которых обучают схожим идеям в школе в Бирмингеме – причем почти все они мусульмане — недавно запретили протестовать против привития их детям ЛГБТ-ценностей за пределами школы в Андертон-Парке.
Большинство существующих мер по ликвидации нищеты носят краткосрочный характер и направлены на облегчение тяжелого положения бедных путем предоставления материальной или натуральной помощи, включая выплату пособий, бесплатное продовольствие, субсидирование школьных учебников и т.п.
Could you supply the Russian translation for the upcoming sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Most existing anti-poverty measures were short term and aimed at relieving the plight of the poor through assistance in cash or in kind, including allowances, free food, subsidies for schoolbooks and the like.
Поэтому, с тем чтобы успешно вести борьбу с преступностью, настоятельно необходимо усилить безопасность и взаимодействие между различными правоприменительными учреждениями на уровне арабских государств и государств района Средиземноморья, а также на международном уровне.
What do the following sentences mean in Russian?
In order to be successful in combating crime, it is therefore imperative to strengthen security and cooperation between the various law enforcement agencies at the level of the Arab States and the States of the Mediterranean basin and at the international level.
216. In countries with economies in transition, the disintegration of social security and the dismantling of the welfare state have produced a subclass of impoverished older widows.
подкласс means subclass Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Russian to English language, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
216. В странах с переходной экономикой развал системы социального обеспечения и ликвидация государственной системы социальной защиты привели к появлению подкласса обнищавших престарелых вдов.
Здание перешло к чёрному приходу, который молился по соседству.
What do the following sentences mean in Russian?
A black congregation that had been worshiping nearby took title to the building.
Рустамжон Уринбоев (Лундский университет) исследует транснациональность мигрантов из Центральной Азии в России в связи с растущим использованием повседневных технологий транснационализма (смартфонов и социальных медиа) среди центральноазиатских мигрантов в России, что может спровоцировать социальные изменения как в отправляющих, так и принимающих обществах: Карония — небольшой город на северо-западном побережье Сицилии, расположенный между железной дорогой и морем.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Russian? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Rustamjon Urinboyev (Lund University) explores migrant transnationalism with regard to Central Asian migrants in Russia in view of the growing use of everyday technologies of transnationalism (smartphones and social media) among Central Asian migrants in Russia, which may trigger social changes in both migrant-sending and -receiving societies: Caronia is a small town on the northwest coast of Sicily, situated between a railroad and the sea.
becquerel means 贝克勒尔 In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
In 1896, Henri Becquerel discovered that uranium salts emitted rays that resembled X-rays in their penetrating power.
Since Monday, Wang's family has been placed under house arrest, according to CHRD. He has two young children. Others connected to his case have also come under pressure. Late on Wednesday, six armed police detained Xie Yang, a rights lawyer, and Chen Yanhui, an activist, who had met at a hotel to discuss Wang's case. They were released on Thursday.
Transform the upcoming sentences from Chinese language to English language.
据 CHRD 称,当局自周一起即软禁了王美余的家属。王美余留下了两个年纪尚幼的孩子。受到该案牵连的其他人士也受到了当局施加的压力。周三,人权律师谢阳和维权活动人士陈燕慧在酒店客房内商讨王美余一案时,被六名荷枪实弹的特警控制。警方于周四将二人释放。
Please offer the Chinese rendition for the following statements, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
November 18,1992 at 3 pm, the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee, NPC chairman Qiao Shi in the vice secretary of Hunan provincial Party committee Yang Zhengwu inspected the factory.
Люди-охотники, дикие собаки и крокодилы являются основными хищниками фламинго, наряду с орлами, которые охотятся на яйца фламинго и их уязвимых птенцов. Наивысшая в этот день температура - 46,8 градуса - зафиксирована в городе Алвега в центре Португалии.
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Russian.
Human hunters, wild dogs and crocodiles are the main predators of the flamingo, along with eagles that prey upon the flamingo eggs and vulnerable flamingo chicks. The day ’ s hottest temperature of 46.8 C was recorded at Alvega in the center of Portugal.
It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences.
No effects were observed on nitrogenase activity, ammonification, nitrification processes and soil respiration at application rates 5-10 times higher than the maximum intended rate, thus the risk to soil micro-organisms is relatively low (E.C., 2005).
The sweetness of wines is determined by the amount of residual sugar left in the wine after the fermentation process. Compared with products from competitors, particularly polymer membranes, our ceramic membranes stand out due to their high chemical, thermal and mechanical strength, so that we can guarantee a long service life. Tungsten hexafluoride is a colorless, transparent liquid or gas odorless at different temperatures, the molecule has a symmetrical octahedron structure at room temperature.
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
葡萄酒的甜味由发酵后留下的残糖决定。 与其他制造商的产品、特别是有机膜产品相比,我们的陶瓷膜产品具备杰出的化学、热及机械稳定性,这恰恰是我们产品长寿命的保证。 六氟化钨在不同的温度下为一种无色、无嗅的气体或透明的液体,其分子在常温下具有对称的正八面体结构。
In den 1970er-Jahren rechneten viele Tschechoslowaken mit dem Schlimmsten, der Wiederkehr der stalinistischen 1950er sowie Massenverhaftungen politischer Widersacher.
Render the listed sentences in German from their original English form, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
With the arrival of the seventh decade, many Czechoslovak citizens were expecting the worst, the return of the Stalinist 1950s and massive imprisonments of political opponents.
After a two-year contract in Buenos Aires and meeting in 1951 the actress and singer Rosita Londner, who was to become his wife in 1953, he settled in Argentina.
Translate the following sentences from Russian to English.
После двухлетнего контракта в Буэнос-Айресе и встречи в 1951 году актрисы и певицы Розиты Лонднер, которая стала его женой в 1953 году, он поселился в Аргентине.
The decision of Cuba to accede to the NPT and to ratify the Treaty of Tlatelolco reflected Cuba's strong commitment to the disarmament issue and deserves our warmest felicitations.
Switch the specified sentences from their Chinese form to English form.
UNEP is implementing a project to evaluate the role of ecosystems in flow regulation in the Zambezi basin, and has developed a simple methodology for quantifying ecosystems' natural flow-regulating functions. In case of violation of the generally accepted rules of behaviour, the administration has the right to delete comments, photos and video materials of users without prior notice. In case of repeated violation of the aforementioned rules, the administration has the right to delete the user profile.
профиль means profile In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
ЮНЕП осуществляет проект по оценке роли экосистем в регулировании водостока в бассейне реки Замбези и разработала простую методологию количественной оценки естественных функций экосистем по регулированию водостока. В случае нарушения общепринятых норм поведения администрация имеет право без предварительного уведомления удалять комментарии, фото- и видеоматериалы пользователей. В случае неоднократного нарушения вышеупомянутых норм, администрация имеет право удалить профиль пользователя.
When Yellowstone does erupt, much of its destructive power will come from a type of silica-rich volcanic rock, known as rhyolite, which breaks through the Earth ’ s crust and is ejected by the volcano. The Special Committee noted with concern the information submitted to it by the Government of Jordan regarding the demolition by the Israeli authorities in January 1996 of a mosque located in the Nabi Yacoub quarter of Jerusalem.
риолит means rhyolite What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? The given word translations should be used.
Когда Йеллоустоун извергнется снова, большая часть его разрушительной силы будет исходить от вулканической породы, богатой диоксидом кремния, известной как риолит, которая прорывается сквозь земную кору и выбрасывается вулканом. Специальный комитет с озабоченностью отметил представленные ему правительством Иордании сведения о разрушении в январе 1996 года израильскими властями мечети, расположенной в квартале Наби-Якуб Иерусалима.
В течение последних двух месяцев в районе Бала-Мургаб повторялись боевые действия, и официальные лица ранее предупреждали, что данная территория может попасть в руки талибов, если не будет подкрепления. Например, в Бенгальском заливе живет самый загадочный народ на планете – сентинельцы.
Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences.
The district of Bala Murghab has been a recurring hotspot of fighting in the past two months, and officials have previously warned that it could fall to the Taliban without reinforcements. In the Bay of Bengal, for example, there is the most mysterious tribe living in the world — the Sentinelese.
Descriere sumară This guesthouse is located in a lush environment, just 3.3 km from Wavre centre. According to the 2011 UK census, Withernsea parish had a population of 6,159, an increase on the 2001 UK census figure of 5,980. "Nightswimming" is the eighth episode of the American television police procedural fantasy drama Awake, which originally aired on NBC on April 19, 2012.
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements.
这家旅馆坐落在郁郁葱葱的环境中,距离瓦夫尔市中心仅有3.3公里。 據2011年英國人口普查,威瑟恩西有人口6,159人,比2001年的5,980人略有增加。 《夜泳》(英语:Nightswimming)是美国奇幻电视剧《异度觉醒》的第8集,于2012年4月19日通过全国广播公司在美国首播。
The development planned for 2007 / 08 will allow the Field Personnel Division to implement the human resource action plans in the field and include improvements to the skills inventory module of Nucleus. 7. Israeli forces forced the inhabitants of the southern town of Aita al-Sha'ab, which is located close to the international border, to evacuate their homes after threatening them with loud speakers.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry using the given reference word translations?
Меры по разработке, запланированные на 2007-2008 годы, позволят Отделу полевого персонала внедрить планы действий в области людских ресурсов на местах, а также улучшить модуль системы « Нуклеус », содержащий перечень навыков. 7. Израильские силы вынудили жителей города Аита эшШааб в южной части страны, который расположен рядом с международной границей, покинуть свои дома после того, как в их адрес прозвучали угрозы из громкоговорителей.
About 25 km from Venice and 37 km from Padua, Treviso airport, with its almost 3 million passengers per year, enjoys the advantages of being within the Venice airport system. Yoni massage (massage of a woman's vagina) and Lingam massage (massage of a penis) are a respectful and observant way of touching a person's private parts.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
Fast 25 km von Venedig und 37 km von Padua entfernt, genießt der Flughafen Treviso mit seinen fast 3 Millionen Passagieren pro Jahr die Vorteile, Teil des Venedig-Flughafensystems zu sein. Die Yoni-Massage (Intimmassage der Frau) und die Lingam-Massage (Intimmassage des Mannes) sind eine respektvolle und achtsame Art, Menschen in ihren Intimregionen zu berühren.
Dabei ist die Softwarequalität ein wichtiger Faktor. Denn instabile Anwendungen und eine fehlerhafte Softwarearchitektur bedrohen nicht nur unternehmensinterne Workflows, sondern führen oftmals auch zu Mehrkosten und Imageschäden. Die so eingesparte Zeit kann u.a. für die konsequente Reparatur von kleinen Rissen, Spalten oder Löchern genutzt werden, um Kontaminationsherden für Bakterien und Viren vorzubeugen.
Translate the following sentences from English to German, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
This means that software quality is an important factor, because unstable applications and faulty software architecture not only jeopardize internal workflows but often lead to additional costs and could potentially harm the company ’ s image. The time thus saved can be used, among other things, for the consistent repair of small cracks, gaps or holes in order to eliminate sources of contamination for bacteria and viruses.
Sony Music Indonesia is the prominent music label in Indonesia and Managing Director Alexander Sancaya said, “This is a great new partnership for Sony Music and we look forward to introducing great artists and entertainers to migme ’ s users in the coming months. ” Total financial liabilities of the CHRIST Group as at December 31st, 2008 amounted to €73.9 million, whereof €50 million stem from a corporate bond with duration until 2013 and a coupon of 5.25%.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Sony Music Indonesia ist das renommierteste Musik-Label in Indonesien. Managing Director Alexander Sancaya sagte: „Das ist eine großartige neue Partnerschaft für Sony Music. Wir freuen uns bereits darauf, den Nutzern von migme in den kommenden Monaten großartige Künstler und Entertainer zu vermitteln.“ Die Finanzverbindlichkeiten der CHRIST-Gruppe lagen per 31. Dezember 2008 bei 73,9 Mio. €, wovon 50 Mio. €aus einer Unternehmensanleihe mit einer Laufzeit bis 2013 und einem Kupon von 5,25% stammen.
Глава регионального совета Голан Эли Малка, который инициировал сбор пожертвований, сказал: « В течение шести лет в Сирии идет жестокая война, которая уносит жизнь сотен тысяч людей, а мир хранит спокойствие перед лицом этого ужаса ».
It would be helpful if you could provide the Russian translation of the ensuing sentences, and must use the given word translations.
Golan Regional Council Head Eli Malka, who initiated the collection, said, "For six years, a cruel war that claims the lives of hundreds of thousands of people has been taking place in Syria, and the world remains quiet in the face of this horror."
The best museums in Kyrenia include the Museum of Decorative Arts, the seventh century Byzantine Kyrenia Castle and the Shipwreck Museum, where some artifacts date back 2,300 years.
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
В список лучших музеев Кирении входят Музей изобразительных искусств, византийский Киренийский замок VII века и Музей кораблекрушений, отдельным артефактам которого 2300 лет.
Yet even with all the whisperings of the devil, Joseph knew it was wrong and refused to even consider the evil deed. Let me first mention the Declaration on Non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction adopted by the European Union heads of State and Government at the Thessaloniki European Council meeting on 20 June, which stresses that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and means of delivery, such as ballistic missiles, is a growing threat to international peace and security.
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
尽管魔鬼不住地耳语、蛊惑,但约瑟清楚这是恶事,他断然拒绝了。 首先我要提及欧洲联盟国家元首和政府首脑6月20日在欧洲委员会塞萨洛尼基会议上通过的《不扩散大规模毁灭性武器的宣言》,该宣言强调大规模毁灭性武器及其运载工具如弹道导弹的扩散,是对国际和平与安全日益严重的威胁。
Von Opi und Martina Karten für das Musical Mama Mia in Stuttgart und von meinen Eltern noch Karten für Zauberflöte bei den Bregenzer Seefestspielen. So war es ein natürlicher Schritt, aus natürlichen Materialien ein Babytragetuch im eleganten Design zu entwickeln – vollkommen inspiriert von der Natur.
Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
From Grandpa and Martina tickets for the musical Mama Mia in Stuttgart and from my parents tickets for The Magic Flute at the Bregenz Seefestspiele. So it was a natural step to develop a baby sling made of natural materials in elegant design – entirely inspired by nature.
Die Auslöser können Nahrungsmittel oder chemische Nahrungsmittelzusätze sein oder der Körper reagiert sensibel auf äußere Einflüsse wie Druck, Temperatur, Sonnenlicht, Bienen- und Wespenstiche, Medikamente usw.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in German? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
The triggers can be food or chemical food additives, or the body is very sensitive to external factors such as pressure, temperature, sunlight, bee- and wasp stings, medicines, etc.
In 1621, during the Thirty Years' War, a Bavarian corps of 2,000 men and imperial and Spanish troops camped in the area of Otzberg-Umstadt and besiged Otzberg Castle. The Polish vocational, business and skilled trades colleges as well as the agricultural colleges have received special support through this function of the County Administrators' authority, since these schools serve to educate and train competent and qualified experts for whom there is always a demand, as well as able farmers.
Switch the specified sentences from their German form to English form.
1621, während des Dreißigjährigen Krieges, quartierte sich ein bayerisches Corps mit 2000 Mann sowie kaiserliche und spanische Truppen im Raum Otzberg-Umstadt ein und belagerten die Veste Otzberg. Eine besondere Förderung haben durch die Kreishauptleute die polnischen Fachschulen, Handelsschulen und Handwerksschulen sowie die landwirtschaftlichen Berufsschulen erfahren, da diese Schulen dazu dienen, tüchtige Fachkräfte, an denen laufend Bedarf ist, und gute Landwirte heranzubilden.
“On behalf of the Sovereign Order of Malta ’ s government, and me personally, I want to express to your people and to the victims ’ families my most sincere condolences and my profound sorrow for the catastrophic floods that have struck the Balkans, causing death and destruction ”.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
« От имени правительства Суверенного Мальтийского Ордена и от себя лично хочу выразить вашему народу и семьям погибших мои искренние соболезнования и мою глубокую печаль в связи с сильнейшими наводнениями, обрушившимися на Балканы и ставшими причиной смертей и разрушений ».
So, the Palestinians believed their leader that they should leave their homes temporarily, and that soon they would return to their cities and villages « cleansed of Jewish filth ».
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
Таким образом, палестинцы поверили своему лидеру, что они должны временно покинуть свои дома, и что вскоре они вернутся в свои города и сёла, « очищенные от еврейской грязи ».
Kindergarten children in the Israeli city of Givatayim, aged 4 to 6, began to learn the Chinese language and culture as part of a special program.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Дети из детского сада в израильском городе Гиватаим в возрасте от 4 до 6 лет начали изучать китайские язык и культуру в рамках специальной программы.
They had been sent on a risky venture to raid Spanish and Portuguese settlements in Africa and Asia and to return with pepper and other spices from Asia.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Sie waren zu einem riskanten Abenteuer ausgelaufen mit dem Ziel, spanische und portugiesische Siedlungen in Afrika und Asien zu überfallen und mit Pfeffer und anderen Gewürzen aus Asien zurück zu kehren.
Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences?
(a) The term "remote sensing" means the sensing of the Earth's surface from space by making use of the properties of electromagnetic waves emitted, reflected or diffracted by the sensed objects, for the purpose of improving natural resources management, land use and the protection of the environment;
Мы должны отметить, что Ирак ратифицировал Конвенцию Организации Объединенных Наций против коррупции, и в марте 2008 года в Багдаде прошел под эгидой Организации Объединенных Наций антикоррупционный съезд, на котором иракское правительство заявило, что коррупция представляет для перспектив восстановления Ирака ничуть не меньшую опасность, чем терроризм. Среди других победителей премии « Человек года – 2014 » Даля Грибаускайте, президент Литовской Республики, Вахтанг Кикабидзе, народный артист Грузии, Ольга Харлан, чемпионка мира 2014 года по фехтованию.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Russian?
We must point out that Iraq has ratified the United Nations Convention against Corruption, and, under the auspices of the United Nations, an anti-corruption convention was held in Baghdad in March 2008, where the Iraqi Government said that the danger of corruption is no less than that of terrorism to the reconstruction of Iraq. Among other winners of the award “Person of the Year – 2014 ” are Dalia Grybauskaite, President of Lithuania, Vakhtang Kikabidze, national artist of Georgia, Olga Harlan, world champion in fencing in 2014.
Mapping and interpretation of satellite imagery defined areas within the concessions that are believed to be underlain by the Los Adobes Formation which, approximately 30 kilometers to the east, hosts the Cerro Solo deposit owned by Compania Nacional de Energia Atomica (CNEA).
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements.
Durch die Kartierung und die Interpretation von Satellitenbildern wurden Gebiete in den Konzessionen definiert, unter denen die Formation Los Adobes liegen dürfte, die ca. 30 km östlich das Vorkommen Cerro Solo der Compania Nacional de Energia Atomica (CNEA) enthält.
And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
The arcaded balconies, the unique frescoes – a work of one of the most famous Bulgarian Revival Period painters, the gilded iconostasis, the fabulous mountain views … and the unique combination of them all makes the visit to the monastery extraordinary and memorable one.
Switch the specified sentences from their German form to English form.
Die Arkadenbalkone, die einzigartigen Fresken – ein Werk eines der berühmtesten Maler der bulgarischen Wiedergeburtszeit, die vergoldete Ikonostase, die fabelhafte Aussicht auf die Berge … und die einzigartige Kombination all dieser Elemente machen den Besuch des Klosters zu einem außergewöhnlichen und unvergesslichen Erlebnis.
还可在电流强度过高或缺相时停止电机运行。 纪念堂周围堆着垃圾,外面凹进的地方成为吸毒者、流浪者和罪犯的藏身之所。
Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences?
It will also stop the motor at high amperage or if a phase is missing. Trash had heaped up around the monuments, its exterior recesses being used by drug users, the homeless and the criminals for hideouts.
The White Sea–Baltic Canal connects the Arctic Ocean to the Baltic Sea, via Lake Onega, Lake Ladoga and Saint Petersburg, mostly by rivers and lakes.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Беломорско-балтийский канал соединяет Северный Ледовитый океан с Балтийским морем в основном реками и озерами через Онежское озеро, Ладожское озеро и Санкт-Петербург.
Wenn Sie den Newsletter empfangen möchten, benötigen wir von Ihnen eine valide Email-Adresse sowie Informationen, die uns die Überprüfung gestatten, dass Sie der Inhaber der angegebenen Email-Adresse sind bzw. deren Inhaber mit dem Empfang des Newsletters einverstanden ist.
In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
If you want to receive the newsletter, we need from you a valid e-mail address as well as information that enable us to check that you are the owner of the e-mail address given, or its owner agrees to the reception of the newsletter.
The reaction, the mechanics of which are not completely clear, but which in any case involve an oxidation of alcohol, etc. into carboxylic acid, was previously used for the structural determination of organic molecules. Photos Our partner RGU.CZ in Brno (Brunn) is our distributor in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, RGU OPTI is market leader there with over 21 installations.
Convert the subsequent sentences from German into English.
Die Reaktion, deren Mechanismus nicht ganz eindeutig ist, aber auf jeden Fall aber eine Oxidation des Alkohols, etc. zur Carbonsäure beinhaltet, wurde früher bei der Strukturbestimmung organischer Moleküle eingesetzt. Fotos Der Parter RGU.CZ in Brno (Brünn) ist unser Distributor in Tschechien und der Slowakei. Dort ist RGU.OPTI mit über 21 Installationen Marktführer.
Das Ehrenamt variiert in verschiedenen Kulturen in vielen Aspekten, aber eines bleibt immer gleich, Kultur zu Kultur, Land zu Land: Freiwillige wollen merken, dass ihre Arbeit wichtig ist, nicht nur nett, sondern notwendig. Erst in jüngster Vergangenheit habe er sich mit einer weiteren kleinen Gruppe, Együtt (Gemeinsam), zusammengetan, aber seine Verbündeten sofort im Stich gelassen, als ihm der Posten des MSZP-Spitzenkandidaten angeboten worden sei.
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German using the given reference word translations.
Volunteering varies across cultures in many aspects, but one thing that is always the same, culture-to-culture, country-to-country: volunteers want to feel like the work they are doing is critical, not just nice, but necessary. More recently, he has allied himself with another small grouping, Together, but abandoned his allies as soon as he was offered the post of front-runner on the MSZP list.
Анализируя десятилетие после финансового кризиса 2008 года (этот период отличает резкое снижение темпов роста производительности во многих развитых странах), мы выявили три главных особенности – исторически низкие темпы роста капиталоёмкости, дигитализация, слабое восстановление спроса.
Please share the Russian version of the given sentences using the given reference word translations.
Examining the decade since the 2008 financial crisis – a period remarkable for the sharp deterioration in productivity growth across many advanced economies – we identify three outstanding features: historically low growth in capital intensity, digitization, and a weak demand recovery.
许多发言者同意,合并是汇集资源和统一联合国形象的积极办法,但他们强调应该逐个进行,并与东道国协商。 在JOOX的建立之前,腾讯已在运营一款中国最大的音乐串流与下载软件——QQ音乐。
streaming means 串流 Please provide the Chinese translation for the following sentences, and must use the given word translations.
Many speakers agreed that integration was a positive process to pool resources and unify the Organization's image; however, they stressed that it should be done on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with the host country. Before the emergence of JOOX, Tencent had been owning QQ Music, one of the largest music streaming and download service in China.
Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences.
(c) The Global Zero campaign held meetings in 2011 in Washington, D.C. and London, bringing together high-level Government officials with prominent political, military and civil society leaders to discuss the elimination of nuclear weapons;
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Chinese?
These energy levels depend on the type of atom and the chemical environment in which the atom was located.
В этом году многие сотрудники компании « Эппл » (Apple) переехали в новую штаб-квартиру в Купертино (штат Калифорния) — в сверкающее стеклянное здание, строительство которого обошлось в пять миллиардов долларов.
Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences using the given reference word translations?
This year many employees of the company "Apple" (Apple) have moved to a new headquarters in Cupertino (California) — in the gleaming glass building, which cost about five billion dollars.
The construction of the separation wall constituted another crime against the Palestinian people, depriving thousands of civilians of their livelihood and illegally annexing vast areas of Occupied Palestinian Territory, further impoverishing and isolating the population and affecting the territorial integrity of the Palestinian Territory.
Change the given sentences from Russian to English format, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Строительство разделительной стены представляет собой еще одно преступление против палестинского народа, которое лишает тысячи гражданских лиц средств к существованию и является незаконной аннексией обширных районов оккупированных палестинских территорий, что еще сильнее изолирует население и затрагивает территориальную целостность палестинской территории.
But many of the most popular condiments don ’ t have much — if any — health benefits and are actually bad for you, contributing to or worsening medical conditions like high blood pressure and obesity.
würzmittel means condiment Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Aber die meisten der beliebtesten Würzmittel haben nicht viele – wenn überhaupt – Gesundheitsnutzen, sind in Wahrheit ungesund und tragen zur Verschlimmerung von Erkrankungen wie Bluthochdruck und Fettleibigkeit bei.
Die Einkommenssteuer ist in verschiedenen Ländern unterschiedlich strukturiert und die Steuersätze und -klassen variieren sehr von einem Land zum anderen.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German?
Income tax is structured differently in different countries, and the tax rates and brackets vary widely from one country to another.
Pursuant to the special legislative regime, the validity of which was prolonged until 1 July 2018 in 2015, the access of Croatian citizens to the Slovene labour market has been significantly more restricted than for the citizens of other EEA Member States and Switzerland. With Detective Pikachu by your side, you ’ ll need to gather evidence, talk to passers-by and solve a variety of puzzles to crack the case.
Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version.
Aufgrund eines besonderen Gesetzgebungsverfahrens, dessen Gültigkeit 2015 bis zum 1. 7. 2018 verlängert wurde, war der Zugang kroatischer Staatsangehörigen zum slowenischen Arbeitsmarkt wesentlich enger begrenzt als für die Staatsangehörigen anderer EWR-Mitgliedstaaten und der Schweiz. Gemeinsam mit Meisterdetektiv Pikachu sammelst du Beweisstücke, befragst Augenzeugen und löst eine Reihe von Puzzlen, um den Fällen auf den Grund zu gehen.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Chinese?
They often cause significant disruption in the distribution of food, pharmaceuticals and sanitation supplies, jeopardize the quality of food and the availability of clean drinking water, severely interfere with the functioning of basic health and education systems, and undermine the right to work, and they are serious obstacles to development of the targeted States;
High reliability, low cost and better security are among some of the attractive features of OSS that have prompted Governments, both from developed and developing countries, to adopt new policies promoting and even to mandate its use by their respective public administrations. Answer: From these testimonies of the adversaries it is sufficiently obvious that their god must be a profane, lecherous, unchaste, devious, evil, deceptive, and bloodthirsty Moloch.
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
可靠性高、成本低和安全性能好是公开源码软件最吸引人的特点,也是促使发达国家和发展中国家政府采取新政策推动和甚至规定本国公共行政部门使用公开源码软件的理由。 答:从对手的这些证词可以十分明显地看到他们的神一定是一个亵渎、好色、不贞、狡猾、邪恶、和嗜血的摩洛。
Am Abend kommen die Spitzen der Regierungsparteien zum Koalitionsausschuss zusammen.
Kindly submit the German interpretation for the next sentences.
The leaders of the governing parties will come together for the coalition committee in the evening.
Her husband announced that he wanted to investigate our beliefs, and shortly afterward he informed me that he had invited a certain Mr. Sakkos, a Greek Orthodox theologian, for a debate. “The world ’ s ecological capacity is simply insufficient to satisfy the ambitions of China, India, Japan, Europe and the United States as well as the aspirations of the rest of the world in a sustainable way. ”
What do the following sentences mean in English?
Ее муж заявил, что хочет разобраться, во что мы верим; вскоре он сказал мне, что пригласил для беседы некоего господина Саккоса, теолога греческого православия. Экологический потенциал в мире просто недостаточен для удовлетворения амбиций Китая, Индии, Японии, Европы и Соединенных Штатов, а также чаяний остального мира на устойчивой основе.
They were between 18 and 35 years old and have not had any access to schools or other educational institutions so far on grounds of their race, caste or financial reasons. Route to get here is the same as getting to the fort Lovrijenac but instead of climbing on the hill where Lovrijenac is, just follow the street that goes straight for 50 meters and you will see a stone entrance.
Please provide the English translation for the following sentences.
Diese waren zwischen 18 und 35 Jahre alt und hatten aufgrund ihrer Rasse, ihrer Kaste oder aus finanziellen Gründen bisher keinerlei Zugang zu Schulen oder anderen Bildungseinrichtungen. Der Weg dorthin ist der gleiche wie auch zur Festung Lovrijenac. Sie müssen nur, anstatt den Hügel hinauf zu gehen, auf dem die Festung steht, der geradeaus führenden Straße folgen und Sie werden nach etwa 50 Metern einen Steineingang sehen.
Of course, Stolypin was eventually murdered by a Jewish revolutionary, Mordechai Gershkovich Bogrov, and Russia was forced to enter WWI. In the same Edinburgh, you can get on a tour of the factory producing tartan, where you will be told about the old and modern methods of producing Scottish fabric.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English?
Естественно, Столыпин был в конечном счете убит евреем-революционером Мордехаем Гершковичем Богровым, а Россия была вынуждена вступить в Первую мировую войну. В том же Эдинбурге можно попасть на экскурсию по фабрике, производящей тартан, где вам расскажут о старинных и современных способах производства шотландской ткани.
« Gruppo Italiano Vini » (« Группо Итальяно Вини ») — крупнейшая винная компания в Италии, и один из мировых лидеров по производству и продаже качественных вин. Небольшой городок Миттенвальде в восточной части Германии мог бы стать одним из самых богатых городов в мире, если бы Берлин выплатил свой долг, датированный 1562 годом.
Translate the following sentences from English to Russian, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Gruppo Italiano Vini is the first Italian winery company and amongst the world leaders in production and sale of fine wines. BERLIN (Reuters) - The sleepy hamlet of Mittenwalde in eastern Germany could become one of the richest towns in the world if Berlin were to repay it an outstanding debt that dates back to 1562.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Chinese?
Application of medicine should begin as early as possible, preferably during the prodromal phase, and should be continued every two hours during waking hours for four days (Table 7).
These efforts mean that more children in the poorest countries are being immunised against deadly diseases; more patients can receive the HIV and asthma medicines they need; and essential healthcare is reaching the remotest communities.
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences?
Unsere Anstrengungen haben zur Folge, dass mehr Kinder in den ärmsten Ländern gegen tödliche Krankheiten immunisiert werden, dass mehr Patienten die HIV- und Asthma-Medikamente erhalten, die sie benötigen, und dass lebenswichtige Impfstoffe und Medikamente die entlegensten Regionen erreichen. “
978, after the death of his first wife, Mieszko tried a different way to gain power in the Northern March. He discussed a variety of topics, but never mentioned foreign policy — until a questioner asked him for a progressive foreign policy, and Senator Sanders gave a 2-minute response focused on Yemen, for which he received possibly the loudest applause of the evening.
Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form.
978, nach dem Tode seiner ersten Ehefrau, schlug Mieszko eine neue Strategie ein, um Einfluß auf die Nordmark zu gewinnen. Er diskutierte über verschiedene Themen, erwähnte jedoch nie die Außenpolitik – bis er von einem Fragesteller nach einer progressiven Außenpolitik gefragt wurde und die 2-minütige Antwort von US-Senator Sanders konzentrierte sich auf den Jemen, wofür er den möglicherweise lautesten Applaus des Abends erhielt.
Um das Dateisystem des Standorts Ihres Dropbox-Ordners zu überprüfen, verwenden Sie unter Windows das Datenträgerverwaltungstool oder unter Mac das Festplattendienstprogramm. Shakura S ’ Aida ist seit 30 Jahren in der kanadischen Musikszene aktiv, wo sie bei Fans von Blues, Jazz und klassischem R & B mit souliger Stimme und starker Bühnenspräsenz für Furore sorgt. Ihre bedingungslose Hingabe an Musik als Kunstform ist beeindruckend.
When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
To check the file system of the location of the Dropbox folder, you can use the Disk Management tool (Windows) or the Disk Utility tool (Mac). Meet Shakura S ’ Aida, an international artist whose involvement in the Canadian music scene has been ongoing for the past 30 years, enriching the jazz, blues and classic R & B communities with her soulful voice, enthusiastic personality and commitment to music as an art form.
Gramsci, speaking of the period between the Russian revolution of 1917 and the seizure of power by Mussolini in 1921, wrote: "The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear". The band has no leader or rather, each member is the leader; they ’ ve developed their own musical language, inventing a unique cueing system that allows them each to change the tempo, key, style, and more in an instant.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English?
Gramsci bezog sich auf den Zeitraum zwischen der russischen Revolution von 1917 und der Machtübernahme von Mussolini im Jahre 1921 mit den Worten: „Die Krise besteht gerade in der Tatsache, dass das Alte stirbt und das Neue nicht zur Welt kommen kann: in diesem Interregnum kommt es zu den unterschiedlichsten Krankheitserscheinungen.“ Die Band hat keinen Anführer, oder besser gesagt, jedes Mitglied ist der Anführer; sie haben ihre eigene musikalische Sprache entwickelt und ein einzigartiges Cueing-System erfunden, das es ihnen ermöglicht, Tempo, Tonart, Stil und mehr in einem Augenblick zu ändern.
65.应海地政府的邀请,地球研究所主任兼我的千年发展目标问题特别顾问杰弗里·萨克斯教授于7月14日至17日访问了海地,以审查该国的发展重点并探讨如何推动其实施。 日本环境省(2006年)对全国的6个底层沉积物样本中的短链氯化石蜡进行了监测,并没有发现高于探测限度的任何浓度(根据碳链长度的不同而介于0.34至3.0纳克/克之间)。
How should the following sentences be comprehended in Chinese?
65. Upon the invitation of the Government of Haiti, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute and my Special Adviser on the Millennium Development Goals, visited Haiti from 14 to 17 July to review the development priorities of the country and explore ways to advance their implementation. The Ministry of the Environment (2006) in Japan monitored SCCPs in six bottom sediment samples from across the country and did not find any concentrations above the detection limits (which varied from 0.34 to 3.0 ng / g among carbon lengths).
Among the 10 most populous metropolitan areas in the U.S., Houston ranked first in employment growth rate and second in nominal employment growth. [26] In 2006, the Houston metropolitan area ranked first in Texas and third in the U.S. within the category of "Best Places for Business and Careers" by Forbes. [27]
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements.
Среди 10 самых густонаселенных мегаполисов в США Хьюстон занял первое место по темпам роста занятости и второе по номинальному росту занятости. [7] В 2006 году мегаполис Хьюстон занял первое место в Техасе и третье в США в категории « Лучшие места для бизнеса и карьеры » от Forbes [8].
In addition, she works as trainer for theatre pedagogy, in the area of further education for teachers. For years, she has been giving workshops for students and taught theatre at different schools. With the help of ethnobotanists, specialists of the Guyana forest, Clarins Laboratories unveiled the medicinal use of bocoa.
ethnobotaniker means ethnobotanists In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Auch arbeitet sie als Dozentin für Theaterpädagogik, in der Lehrerfortbildung und hat jahrelang für Schüler Theaterworkshops gegeben und an Schulen Theater unterrichtet. Mit Hilfe von Ethnobotanikern, Experten für die Wälder Guyanas, enthüllten die Laboratoires Clarins den medizinischen Nutzen von Bocoa.
Бывший президент ЮАР Нельсон Мандела машет публике на церемонии закрытия чемпионата мира по футболу 2010 на стадионе « Soccer City » в Йоханнесбурге, 11 июля 2010 года.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Russian? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Former South African President Nelson Mandela waves to the crowd at Soccer City stadium during the closing ceremony for the 2010 World Cup in Johannesburg, on July 11, 2010.
Habitatverlust, -fragmentierung und -verschlechterung im Zusammenhang mit der veränderten Landnutzung oder forstwirtschaftlichen Praktiken stellen für das Haselhuhn die größte Bedrohung dar. Maria, die älteste Tochter von Irena und Zygmunt Imiłkowski, lebte mit ihren Eltern und den Geschwistern Halina, Zofia und Zbigniew in Plewno, einem Dorf in Pommern.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation related to changes in human land use or silvicultural practices are the most important threats to the hazel grouse. Maria, the oldest daughter of Irena and Zygmunt Imiłkowski, lived with her parents and siblings – Halina, Zofia and Zbigniew – in Plewno, a village in Pomerania.
Прогнозируется, что государственный долг Ирландии вырастет к 2010 г. почти до 80% ВВП, хотя лишь год назад Европейская Комиссия предсказывала, что её государственный долг будет ниже 30% ВВП.
Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form.
Ireland ’ s government debt is expected to rise to almost 80% of GDP by 2010, whereas just a year ago the European Commission projected that Ireland ’ s government debt would be below 30% of GDP.
Der erneuerte Globale Ansatz für Migration und Asyl konzentriert sich auf vier operative Prioritäten: i) bessere Organisation der legalen Migration und Förderung der gut gesteuerten Mobilität ii) Verhütung und Bekämpfung der illegalen Einwanderung sowie Beseitigung des Menschenhandels iii) Maximierung der positiven Auswirkungen der Einwanderung und der Mobilität iv) Förderung des internationalen Schutzes sowie Stärkung der internationalen Dimension des Asyls.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in German using the given reference word translations?
The renewed Global Approach on Migration and Mobility focuses on four operational priorities: i) better organizing legal migration and fostering well managed mobility ii) preventing and combating illegal migration and eradicating trafficking in human beings iii) maximizing the development impact of migration and mobility iv) promoting international protection and enhancing the external dimension of asylum.
Этот парк находится в Форио д 'Искья и был собственностью английского композитора Уильяма Уолтона, который жил на соседней вилле со своей аргентинской женой Сюзанной. 21 сентября ряд источников проинформировали ЮНЕСКО, что военные действия активизируются на территории и в окрестностях археологического объекта Сабрата в Ливии, внесенного в Список Всемирного наследия в 1982 году.
It would be helpful if you could provide the Russian translation of the ensuing sentences using the given reference word translations.
This park is at Forio d ’ Ischia and used to be the property of the English composer William Walton, who lived in the Villa next door with his Argentinian wife, Susanna. On 21 September, UNESCO was informed by several sources that military action is intensifying within and around the Archaeological Site of Sabratha in Libya, inscribed on the World Heritage List since 1982.
Zwar haben rund 80 Prozent der befragten Non-Profits in den vergangenen zwei Jahren in klassische IT-Anwendungen und Infrastruktur wie Netzwerke, Sicherheit und Hardware investiert, aber nur 26 Prozent fühlen sich gut darauf vorbereitet, digitale Tools für die effizientere Abwicklung administrativer Aufgaben sowie zur Projektentwicklung und -steuerung zu nutzen.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
While some 80 percent of non-profits surveyed have invested in classic IT applications and infrastructure such as networking, security, and hardware over the past two years, only 26 percent feel well-prepared to use digital tools to more efficiently handle administrative tasks as well as project development and control.
Some details about this brawl have been revealed already.
Convert the subsequent sentences from Russian into English.
Уже стали известны некоторые подробности этого побоища.
Today, many professionals feel that transsexuals should be helped to achieve, or at least approach, their goal. Over the past decade alone, Professor Lüth has single-handedly pioneered the development of surgical robots and navigating systems for facial and dental operations. Make a goal of listening to talk radio when you get in the car next time and see how much you learn.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from German to English language.
Viele Fachleute sind heute der Auffassung, dass man Transsexuellen helfen sollte, ihr Ziel zu erreichen oder ihm zumindest näher zu kommen. Allein in den letzten zehn Jahren hat Professor Lüth als Pionier im Alleingang Chirurgie-Roboter und Navigationssysteme für gesichts- und zahnchirurgische Eingriffe entwickelt. Mache es dir zum Ziel, dir das nächste Mal Talkradio anzuhören, wenn du mit dem Auto fährst und du wirst sehen, wie viel du dadurch lernen kannst.
Проправительственные силы захватили крупнейший подрайон округа Идлиб провинции — Саракиб Нахия (население около 88 000 человек) и взяли под контроль перекресток автомагистралей М4 и М5.
Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Pro-government forces captured the largest subdistrict of the Idlib district of the province – Saraqib Nahiyah (population about 88,000), and took control of the crossroad of the M4 and M5 highways.
Operation Crossroads was a series of nuclear weapon tests conducted by the United States at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean in the summer of 1946. Sergey Lyapin, a Jewish social activist, said in a recent statement that “the local authorities and state-controlled media are waging an information war against ” Jews opposed to the construction.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English using the given reference word translations?
Операция « Перекрёстки » — серия тестов атомной бомбы, проведённая США на атолле Бикини летом 1946 года. Еврейский общественный деятель Сергей Ляпин ранее заявил, что « местные власти и контролируемые государством СМИ ведут информационную войну против евреев, которые выступают против строительства ».