93.增进移民作出的积极贡献:超过10亿人依赖国际和国内移徙来改善他们的家庭收入、保健和教育,摆脱贫困和冲突,适应环境和经济冲击。 根据《霍尼亚拉承诺》,巴布亚新几内亚政府与布干维尔革命军于1994年9月8日签署了停火协定,并于1994年10月举行了由各政治派别代表出席的和平会议。
Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences.
93. Enhance the positive contribution of migrants. More than a billion people rely on international and domestic migration to improve the income, health and education of their families, escape poverty and conflict and adapt to environmental and economic shocks. Pursuant to the Honiara commitments, a ceasefire agreement between the Government of Papua New Guinea and the Bougainville Revolutionary Army was signed on 8 September 1994, and in October 1994 a peace conference, attended by representatives of the various political factions, was held.
Islam is grounded in the past and reaches out to the future and one of its central guiding principles is the reason we engage here today.
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Thanks to its attractive location on the banks of the Lake of Zurich and the Limmat River, as well as, its proximity to recreation areas like the Uetliberg and the Swiss Alps, Zurich offers a very high quality of life. It's best to choose a location in the Paulista neighborhood, close to the São Paulo Museum of Art or south of it, near Ibirapuera Park, where several other attractions are located.
Switch the specified sentences from their Russian form to English form, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Благодаря привлекательному расположению на берегу Цюрихского озера и реке Лиммат, а также близости к зонам отдыха, таким как Уетлиберг и Швейцарские Альпы, Цюрих предлагает очень высокое качество жизни. Лучше всего выбрать месторасположение в районе Паулиста, недалеко от Музея искусств Сан-Паулу или к югу от него, рядом с парком Ибирапуэра, где расположено несколько других достопримечательностей.
That is why I suggested that we hold an international conference in Dakar on an Islamic-Christian dialogue, whose objectives would be to help us better understand one another, to strengthen peaceful coexistence between Muslims and Christians and to promote a dialogue among cultures.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Die persönliche Erfahrung aus dem Konzentrationslager Buchenwald drückte sich stark in seinem Schaffen aus.Das wohl beste kubistische Stillleben schuf er während seines Aufenthalts in Holland in den Jahren 1914 – 1918, wo die holländische Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts ihn stark beeinflusste.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
He had his own experience in the Buchenwald concentration camp, which affected him deeply. He produced what is perhaps his best cubist still life during his stay in Holland in the years 1914-18, where Dutch painting of the 17th century made a big impression on him.
宁波市镇海昊天轴承有限公司坐落于历史悠久的“浙东门户”宁波市镇海区庄市街道万市徐工业区。 11.在此期间,有过两次总统选举和国会选举(2006年和2011年),以及两次区域和市政选举(2006年和2010年)。
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Chinese?
Ningbo Zhenhai Haotian Bearing Co., Ltd. is located in the historic "gateway to eastern Zhejiang" Chuang City, Zhenhai District, Ningbo City streets Wan Xu Industrial Area. 11. During this period, there have been two presidential and congressional elections (2006 and 2011) and two regional and municipal elections (2006 and 2010).
In 2007, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the EU's food safety regulatory body, stated its scientific panel on food additives and flavourings (AFC) was evaluating diacetyl along with other flavourings as part of a larger study.
Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format, and must use the given word translations.
Ursprünglich lag es jedoch auf dem Hügel „Su Pizzu“, wo bis vor wenigen Jahren die Ruinen einer alten Kirche sichtbar waren, die dem Heiligen Stephanus geweiht war.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to German language using the given reference word translations.
Its original location was, however, on the Su Pizzu hill, where the remains of an ancient church, dedicated to Saint Stephen, were still visible up to some years ago.
Euro West B.V. verarbeitet Ihre persönlichen Daten, um Sie auf Wunsch per Telefon kontaktieren zu können, und / oder um Sie schriftlich (per E-Mail) kontaktieren zu können, wenn Sie telefonisch nicht erreichbar sind.
Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences? The given word translations should be used.
Euro West B.V. process your personal data to be able to contact you by telephone on your request and / or to be able to contact you in writing (by e-mail) if you cannot be reached by telephone.
Geht der Gläubiger gegen mehrere solidarische Schuldner mit unterschiedlichen Adressen vor, muss er für jeden Schuldner einen getrennten Antrag (einschließlich der Belege) einreichen. Vielen mag noch in Erinnerung sein, wie im Jahr 1993 der israelische Botschafter Avi Primor die Ausstellung zu den Münzen und Siegeln des Heiligen Landes besuchte, an deren Entstehen auch Yaakov Meshorer, der bedeutende Experte der jüdischen Numismatik, mitgewirkt hatte.
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
If the creditor is making a claim against several jointly and severally liable debtors domiciled at different addresses, he must submit a separate request (including supporting documents) for each debtor. Many will remember the Israeli ambassador Avi Primor coming to visit the exhibition about the Coins and Seals from the Holy Land in 1993, in the creation of which the prominent expert in Jewish numismatics, Yaakov Meshorer, had also played a part.
Although Egypt participated actively in the long and arduous negotiations which took place in the Conference on Disarmament and which led to the elaboration of the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention, its position has been voiced since day one, at the time of the Convention's opening for signature in January 1993 at the Paris Conference.
Turn the following sentences from their Russian version to the English version.
Хотя Египет и принимал активное участие в продолжительных и изнурительных переговорах, которые проводились в Конференции по разоружению и в результате которых были выработаны положения Конвенции по химическому оружию, он высказывает свою позицию в ее отношении с первого же дня, с момента открытия в январе 1993 года на Парижской конференции этой Конвенции для подписания.
Students can select from a variety of special elective classes such as TOEFL Preparation, American Culture & Conversation, Pronunciation, Listening, Idioms & Slang, English through Music.
Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
In Asia, Africa and parts of Latin America, it is common for half a city's population to live in informal settlements, lacking piped water supplies, paved roads, sewers, storm drains and household waste collection.
More needs to be done, but this positive step shows that those involved can find ways to fulfil their obligations under international humanitarian law.The ICRC has also deployed specialized medical surgical teams in two hospitals on opposite sides of the front line, in Aden and Sa'ada, to provide life-saving services to weapon-wounded and trauma patients.
In English, what do the given sentences convey? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Bruno Kolmann, Channel Sales Manager, ALE Switzerland GmbH: “Germany and Switzerland are accelerating towards ‘ All-IP ’ adoption, so Hotel Waldhaus Flims has placed itself firmly in the IP-based future with its new network.
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements.
Bruno Kolmann, Channel Sales Manager, ALE Switzerland GmbH „Deutschland und die Schweiz streben einen schnellen Umstieg auf All-IP an, sodass das Hotel Waldhaus Flims mit seinem neuen Netzwerk hervorragend für die Zukunft aufgestellt ist.
Секнидазол быстро и полностью всасывается после приема внутрь и имеет более длительный период полувыведения (примерно от 17 до 29 часов), чем обычно используемые препараты этого класса. С одной стороны, некоторые исследователи считают, что клептомания является обычным воровством и оспаривают предположение о том, что в её основе лежат психологические механизмы, в то время как другие отмечают, что клептомания является частью зависимости от употребления каких-либо веществ. Многие люди до сих пор убеждены, что Вендиго бродит по лесам и прериям северной Миннесоты и Канаде.
kleptomania means клептомания In the context of Russian, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The given word translations should be used.
Secnidazole is rapidly and completely absorbed after oral administration and has a longer terminal elimination half-life (approximately 17 to 29 hours) than commonly used drugs in this class. On one hand, some researchers believe that kleptomania is merely theft and dispute the suggestion that there are psychological mechanisms involved, while others observe kleptomania as part of a substance-related addiction. There are many who still believe that the Wendigo roams the woods and the prairies of northern Minnesota and Canada.
Zusätzlich berechnet die Software automatisch verschiedene geometrische Parameter der Probe, wie z.B. Höhe, Breite, Fläche, Eckwinkel, Kontaktwinkel oder ein Maß für die Rundheit der Probe. Die Verkehrsanbindungen sind hervorragend. Der U-Bahnhof Schwanthalerhöhe liegt nur 600 Meter und der Hauptbahnhof 2 km vom Business Center entfernt, sodass Kunden und Zulieferer leicht zu erreichen sind.
Render the listed sentences in German from their original English form, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
In addition, the software automatically calculates various geometric parameters for the specimen, such as the height, width, area, corner angle, and contact angle, or a measure of the specimen's roundness. Transportation is excellent with two subway stations including the Schwanthalerhöhe just 600 metres away and the railway station 2km from the business centre, making it easy for businesses to reach customers and suppliers.
The other kind of security thread is the single or multicolor sewing thread made from cotton or synthetic fibers, mostly UV fluorescent, for the bookbinding of passport booklets. Third, the bride of the relatively short stature can try a short section of the cheongsam, knee length styles classical beauty and is the bride more lively and beautiful.
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
另一种安全线是一种单一或多种颜色的由棉纤维或者合成纤维制成的缝纫线,通常含有荧光物质,用于装订护照册。 第三点,身材比较矮小的新娘可以试试短款的旗袍,及膝的款式不失古典美,而且能显得新娘更加的活泼靓丽。
It supplies Munich with energy (power, gas, district heating, district cooling) and with fresh spring drinking water from the Bavarian Alpine foothills.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Sie versorgen München mit Energie (Strom, Erdgas, Fernwärme, Fernkälte) und mit quellfrischem Trinkwasser aus dem bayerischen Voralpenland.
Tatsächlich lagen die direkten Kosten der an Transaktionen beteiligten Nutzer im Verlauf der vergangenen zwölf Monate im Schnitt bei lediglich 0,013 Prozent des täglichen Transaktionsvolumens, während die Kosten für Miner, die tatsächlich Bitcoin-Software nutzten und das Hauptbuch pflegen, 1,3 Prozent des täglichen Transaktionsvolumens betragen.
Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to German language, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Indeed, while the direct costs to those taking part in transactions have averaged just 0.013 percent of daily transaction volume over the last 12 months, the costs to the miners who actually run bitcoin software and maintain the ledger are 1.3 percent of daily transaction value.
Die unruhige Situation in Zypern hat nie aufgehört: Stacheldraht, Mauern, Barrieren und eine vom UN-Militär besetzte Pufferzone trennen die Republik Zypern vom Rest des Nordteils der Insel, der seit 1974 unter türkischer Kontrolle steht. Seine heutige Arbeit sieht Oberdorfer als logische Fortsetzung: „Strukturbiologie und Proteindesign sind zwei Seiten derselben Münze.“
Please offer the German rendition for the following statements, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
The troubled situation in Cyprus has yet to change. Barbed wire, walls, barriers and a buffer zone manned by UN soldiers separate the Republic of Cyprus from the remaining territory in the northern part of the island, which has been controlled by Turkey since 1974. Oberdorfer sees his current work as the logical next step: “Structural biology and protein design are two sides of the same coin. ”
На границе 14 и 15 века монастырь постигли два трагических события – в 1392 году скончался Сергий Радонежский, а в 1408 году монастырь был разграблен ханом Едигеем.
Can you reveal the Russian translation of the forthcoming sentences using the given reference word translations?
On the border of the 14th and 15th centuries the monastery experienced two tragic events: in 1392 Sergius of Radonezh died, and in 1408 the monastery was looted by Khan Yedigei.
Darüber hinaus verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten für Zwecke, an denen wir ein berechtigtes Interesse haben, wie z.B. für die Weiterentwicklung unserer Angebote, Dienstleistungen, Websites, Apps und weiteren Plattformen, auf welchen Sie aktiv sind, für Werbung und Marketing und für die Prüfung und Optimierung von Verfahren zur Bedarfsanalyse. Unsere Partei unterstützte die Kulturrevolution auf persönliche Bitte Mao Tse-tungs selbst, der unserer Partei gegenüber erklärte, China befände sich vor einer ungeheuren Gefahr, und es sei nicht bekannt, wer in China siegen würde, die sozialistischen oder die revisionistischen Kräfte (Aus dem Protokoll des Gespräches mit der albanischen Partei- und Regierungsdelegation im Mai 1966).
In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply using the given reference word translations?
Furthermore, we process your data for purposes in which we have a legitimate interest, such as for the further development of our offers, services, websites, apps and other platforms where you are active, for advertising and marketing and for the testing and optimization of needs analysis procedures. Our Party supported the Cultural Revolution at the personal request of Mao Tsetung, who declared to our Party that China was facing a colossal danger, and that no one knew who would win in China, the socialist forces or the revisionists (From minutes of the talk with the delegation of the Albanian Party and Government, May 1966).
当分解产生的气体在躯体内聚集时,尸体就会膨胀,不断加剧的压力致使血液从嘴和鼻子里渗出。 例如,2005年巴基斯坦地震之后,一些非政府组织报告说,政府限制在某些地区使用手机,阻碍了信息的协调和交流。
In Chinese, what do the given sentences convey? The given word translations should be used.
Corpses swell as gases from decomposition accumulate in the torso and the increased pressure forces blood to ooze from the nose and mouth. For example, following the 2005 Pakistan earthquake, some non-governmental organizations reported that the Government restricted the use of cellphones in certain areas, hampering the coordination and exchange of information.
The Working Group noted that approaches to the development of a legal definition and delimitation of outer space could be classified in two broad categories: a conceptual approach, which favoured the identification of a demarcation line between airspace and outer space, and a functional approach, which looked at the nature or purpose of the activity (i.e. space activity), not the location of the activity.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
7. Рабочая группа отметила, что подходы к разработке юридического определения и делимитации космического пространства можно отнести к двум широким категориям: концептуальный подход, при котором предпочтение отдается установлению линии разделения между воздушным пространством и космическим пространством, и функциональный подход, при котором обращается внимание на характер и цель деятельности (т.е. космическая деятельность), а не на место ее проведения.
За первые пять месяцев 2007 года число рабочих мест в промышленности незначительно увеличилось на 1 процент по сравнению с соответствующим периодом 2006 года, в основном ввиду хороших показателей в секторе переработки нефти и производства местного рома, что позволило компенсировать сокращение числа рабочих мест в других секторах16.
Please share the Russian version of the given sentences.
The number of manufacturing jobs grew slightly, by 1 per cent in the first five months of 2007 compared to the corresponding period in 2006, mainly owing to a good performance in the production of refined petroleum and local rum, offsetting downturns in other sectors.16
Летом 1818 г. я поступил в большую школу д-ра Батлера в Шрусбери, в которой пробыл семь лет, до середины лета 1825 г., когда мне исполнилось шестнадцать лет. Карфаген был столицей древней карфагенской цивилизации, а Дидона, согласно древним источникам, была основательницей и первой царицей Карфагена.
Please provide the Russian translation for the following sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
“In the summer of 1818 I went to Dr. Butler ’ s great school in Shrewsbury, and remained there for seven years till mid-summer 1825, when I was sixteen years old. Carthage was the capital city of the ancient Carthaginian civilization while Dido, according to ancient sources, was the founder and first queen of Carthage.
Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Chinese language.
The Government paid social security contributions on behalf of women who needed to look after dependants. It also paid for the medical care of elderly dependants, and for accommodation costs of dependants living in retirement homes.
As its “hard power ” ebbs, its“ soft power, ” as illustrated by the Copenhagen summit, seems to be very weak. 618. Drug control is a prioritized activity in the Rectangular Strategy of the Royal Government of Cambodia, in which the National Authority for Combating Drugs consisting of ten ministry members and one secretariat is responsible for implementing the policy and ensuring permanent coordination of the Royal Government's measures.
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
它的“硬实力”正逐渐衰落,此外在哥本哈根峰会上展现的“软实力”似乎也赢弱不堪。 618.药物管制是柬埔寨王国政府矩形战略中的优先活动,其中国家禁毒局由10个部委成员和一个秘书处组成,负责执行政策并确保王国政府的各项措施永久协调。
Было подчеркнуто, что терроризм представляет опасность для продолжения существования открытых и демократических обществ и создает серьезную угрозу национальной и международной безопасности и ценностям Организации Объединенных Наций, а именно мирному урегулированию споров, терпимости между народами и нациями, соблюдению законности, защите гражданского населения и осуществлению прав человека, включая право на жизнь.
Change the given sentences from English to Russian format.
It was stressed that terrorism endangered the continued existence of open and democratic societies, posed a grave threat to national and international security and to the values of the United Nations, namely the peaceful settlement of disputes, tolerance among peoples and nations, respect for the rule of law, protection of civilians and enjoyment of human rights, including the right to life.
Средневековое селение Анаватос или "Мистрас Эгейского моря" расположено в центральной части острова всего лишь в 16 км от города Хиос. Сердце полуострова Карабурун находится всего в 37,5 километрах к югу от города Влёра, куда легко добраться на автомобиле по автомагистралям SH8 и SH95.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Russian language, and must use the given word translations.
The medieval village Anavatos or "Mystras of the Aegean", located in the central part of the island just 16 km from the town of Chios. The heart of the Karaburun Peninsula lies only 37.5 kilometers south of the city of Vlore, easily reached by car via the SH8 and SH95 highways.
Please offer the Chinese rendition for the following statements.
You don't need our permission when you want to use a standard, unaltered Google screenshot (an image of our homepage, a main product page or search results page) in print or digital formats for an instructive or illustrative purpose provided that you are in compliance with our usage guidelines.
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Chinese.
47. According to the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (article 27), all migrant workers and members of their families shall enjoy in the State of employment the same treatment as nationals regarding social security, insofar as they fulfil the requirements provided for by the applicable legislation of that State and the applicable bilateral and multilateral treaties.
提交人称,所有官员都拿着枪;这些官员一发现他们是车臣人,就立刻逮捕了他们。 237.联合国空间应用方案正计划举办第七期联合国/欧空局基础空间科学:教育和研究小型天文望远镜和卫星讲习班,该讲习班将在洪都拉斯政府的合作下1997年6月16日至20日在特古西加尔巴举行。
Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese.
The author claims that all the officers carried guns and once the officers found out that they were of Chechen origin, they arrested them. D. Basic space science The United Nations Programme on Space Applications is planning to hold the Seventh United Nations / ESA Workshop on Basic Space Science: Small Astronomical Telescopes and Satellites in Education and Research, which is being organized in cooperation with the Government of Honduras, at Tegucigalpa from 16 to 20 June 1997.
Было решено провести ретрит в курортном городе Юрмале на морском побережье, на пляже Балтийского моря в бывшем военном санатории. Сессии проходили в так называемом Зимнем саду. Исследователи проанализировали и радиометрически датировали образцы горных пород вокруг шахты в течение семи лет, чтобы выяснить, как изменилась территория с момента ее образования сотни миллионов лет назад.
Kindly submit the Russian interpretation for the next sentences.
It was decided to hold a retreat in a coastal resort town called Jurmala, on the Baltic Sea beach, in a former military sanatorium. The sessions took place in the so-called Winter Garden. The researchers analyzed and radiometrically dated rock samples around the mine for seven years to figure out how the area had changed since its formation hundreds of millions of years ago.
One of the world's greatest recorded natural disasters was the Kanto earthquake of 1923, when the Tokyo-Yokohama area was devastated and upward of 99,000 persons died. The Cisco Unified Communications system is expected to help Suffolk NHS organisations, which serve around 600,000 people, improve healthcare provision by allowing health workers to be more mobile and by bringing services closer to patients.
Switch the specified sentences from their Russian form to English form, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Одним из величайших зарегистрированных стихийных бедствий в мире было землетрясение в Канто 1923 года, когда район Токио-Йокогама был опустошен, а более 99 000 человек погибли. Ожидается, что решение Cisco Unified Communications поможет системе здравоохранения в графстве Суффолк (которая обслуживает около 600 тыс. человек) повысить качество услуг и мобильность медицинских работников, приблизив их к пациентам.
(ii) Terrorist events, which have been on the increase throughout the world and which reached their acme in the United States of America on 11 September 2001, have forced the Sudan to place on its list of priorities the question of bilateral cooperation with neighbouring countries with a view to the elimination of terrorism and the adoption of safety procedures for preventing the perpetration or planning of such events.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
ii) террористические акты, число которых в мире все увеличивалось и которые достигли кульминационной точки 11 сентября 2001 года в Соединенных Штатах Америки, побудили Судан включить в число своих приоритетов вопрос о двустороннем сотрудничестве с соседними странами в целях ликвидации терроризма и внедрении процедур обеспечения безопасности в целях предотвращения совершения или пресечения планирования таких действий.
МОЛОДЫЕ ЛЮДИ И ПСИХИЧЕСКОЕ ЗДОРОВЬЕ В ИЗМЕНЯЮЩЕМСЯ МИРЕ - Тема Всемирного дня психического здоровья в 2018 году. 7 ноября Академией наук Узбекистана совместно с Союзом писателей Узбекистана, Республиканским центром духовности и просветительства будет проведена научная конференция на тему « Роль Шарафа Рашидова в истории Узбекистана ».
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Russian form, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Young people and mental health in a changing world is the theme of World Mental Health Day 2018. On November 7, the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, the Republican Center of Spirituality and Enlightenment, will hold a scientific conference on “The role of Sharaf Rashidov in the history of Uzbekistan ”.
Ein Auto kam, ein Schäferhund fletschte seine Zähne in einem Zwinger, wir hoben ein paar Steine vom Weg auf und packten sie uns in die Jackentaschen, nur zur Sicherheit. Wir bieten Ihnen nicht nur Wörterbuch 'Auhelawa - Jicarilla Apache, sondern Wörterbücher für jedes existierende Paar von Sprachen - online und kostenlos.
Translate the following sentences from English to German, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
A car passed, a German shepherd snarled in a kennel. We picked up some rocks from the path and put them in our jacket pockets, just to be safe. We provide not only dictionary 'Auhelawa-Jicarilla Apache, but dictionaries for every existing pairs of languages - online and free.
Water-cleaning projects on Kährs site in Nybro have given rise to five international PhD's at the Linnaeus University - and a new water cleaning plant, taken into operation in 2016. In animal studies, it has been shown that when used in high doses, amisulpride blocks dopaminergic neurons of the mesolimbic system to a greater extent than similar neurons in the striatum system.
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
- Проекты по водоочистке на заводе Kährs в Нюбру уже стали темой для пяти международных диссертаций в университете Линнеус, а также послужили основанием для создания нового водоочистного завода, который был введен в эксплуатацию в 2016 году. Исследования на животных позволили сделать вывод, что при приеме в высоких дозах амисульприд блокирует дофаминергические нейроны мезолимбической системы в большей степени, чем аналогичные нейроны в системе стриатума.
В реальности женщины, подвергающиеся насилию, боятся подать жалобу либо же из соображений стыдливости не хотят выставлять напоказ свою жизнь, особенно интимную.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Russian?
As a practical matter, women who are victims of violence tend to be afraid to lodge a complaint, or are unwilling, out of modesty, to reveal details, especially personal details, of their private lives.
Als Wissenschaftlerin gehe ich davon aus, dass mindestens 30 Prozent einer jeden Ökoregion geschützt werden müssen, um das Überleben bedrohter Tiere und Pflanzen zu sichern – aber auch damit sie ihre Funktionen wie zum Beispiel die Reinhaltung von Luft und Wasser langfristig erfüllen kann. Snekkersten Snekkersten Der Name der Stadt stammt vom Wort „Snekke“, einem langen, schmalen Wikingerschiff, das einem Wurm oder einer Schlange ähnelt.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the German language, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
As a scientist, I would have to say that at least 30 percent of any given ecoregion has to be protected in order to ensure that endangered animals and plants survive – and to ensure they can continue performing important functions, like filtering the air and water, in the long term. Snekkersten Snekkersten The town's name comes from Snekke, a type of Viking ship, long and narrow like a worm or snake.
В далеком 1920 году советский изобретатель Фридрих Цандер осознал, что для полетов в космосе можно использовать подобие парусов, используемых в кораблях.
In the context of Russian, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
In the distant 1920, the Soviet inventor Friedrich Zander realized that for flying in space you can use a kind of sail used in boats.
Purifying your home ’ s air is also a wise step, but no one filter can remove all pollutants, so be sure to do your research on the different types of air filters to meet your specific needs. © cellasys In medical research, experiments are still being carried out on millions of mice, rabbits, rats, dogs and monkeys worldwide, even though it has recently become increasingly difficult to obtain approval for animal experiments.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
Auch die Reinigung der Luft zu Hause ist ein kluger Schritt, aber kein einziger Filter kann alle Schadstoffe entfernen, also stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Nachforschungen über die verschiedenen Arten von Luftfiltern anstellen, damit Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse erfüllt werden. © cellasys In der medizinischen Forschung werden Versuche weltweit immer noch an Millionen von Mäusen, Kaninchen, Ratten, Hunden und Affen durchgeführt, auch wenn es in letzter Zeit immer schwieriger wird, Tierversuche genehmigen zu lassen.
Pink rubies may be in higher demand in Asia than in Western countries, and therefore worth more on that continent.
Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format using the given reference word translations.
Pinke Rubine könnten in Asien gefragter sein als in westlichen Ländern und auf dem Kontinent daher auch mehr wert sein.
The Tobacco Control Act and Legal Notice 414 of 2004 (Smoking in Premises Open to the Public Regulations, 2004) stipulates that smoking is banned in any enclosed private or public premises which are open to the public except in designated smoking room.
Turn the following sentences from their Chinese version to the English version.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the Chinese translation for these sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Dolohov, with a cold smile and a gleam in his handsome impudent eyes, looked at him, obviously disposed to get a little more amusement out of him.
In Chinese, what do the given sentences convey?
In order to dispel impressions that they see human rights activity as a criminal activity in itself, the trend is to charge human rights defenders for crimes such as "sedition", "incitement to revolt", "attempt to undermine institutions" and offences against the security of the State.
Description This World War I recruiting poster from Canada shows two soldiers, one presumably Canadian, the other Irish, shaking hands, as one points to the motto, "Small nations must be free."
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Chinese to English language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Since arriving in Istanbul in 2010 at the age of 17 to study chemical engineering at Koch University, he started working at SOCAR Trading, which was established by SOCAR to organize sales of Azerbaijani oil in international markets.
Please provide the English translation for the following sentences.
В 2010 году в возрасте 17 лет он приехал в Стамбул, чтобы изучать химические технологии в Университете Коч, и с того времени начал работать в SOCAR Trading — структуре, основанной SOCAR для осуществления продаж азербайджанской нефти на международных рынках.
8:15大卫作以色列众人的王,又向众民秉公行义。8:16洗鲁雅的儿子约押作元帅。亚希律的儿子约沙法作史官。 除了巴库以外,成千上万的阿塞拜疆人仅仅因为他们的族裔惨遭杀害,包括沙马希和库巴地区,以及卡拉巴赫、赞格左、纳克沁万、连科兰和阿塞拜疆其他地区。
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Chinese version.
8: 15 And David reigned over all Israel; and David executed judgment and justice unto all his people. 8: 16 And Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the host; and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder; Apart from Baku, solely because of their ethnic affiliation, thousands of Azerbaijanis were annihilated also in the Shamakhy and Guba districts, as well as in Karabakh, Zangazur, Nakhchyvan, Lankaran and other regions of Azerbaijan.
As has been previously reported, one death occurred in a patient receiving ocrelizumab 2 x 1000mg, at week 14, secondary to a complicated course of systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
Как сообщалось ранее, один пациент, получавший окрелизумаб в дозе 2 х 1000 мг, умер на 14-й неделе лечения в результате осложненного течения синдрома системного воспалительного ответа.
SENSIBLE DATEN Wir bitten Sie, keine sensiblen Daten (z. B. Daten im Zusammenhang mit rassischer oder ethnischer Herkunft, politischen Ansichten, religiösem oder sonstigem Glauben, Gesundheit, krimineller Hintergrund, Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft oder von Regierungen ausgegebene Identifikationsnummern) zu senden oder auf dieser Website zu posten.
What do the following sentences mean in German? The given word translations should be used.
SENSITIVE DATA We ask that you not send or post on this Site any sensitive personal data (e.g., information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or other beliefs, health, criminal background, trade union membership, or government-issued identification numbers).
43. Incident levels remained relatively low across southern Iraq, as the security forces, through interdiction operations, continued to discover weapons and ammunition caches in areas of Kut, Nasiriyah and Amarah. 1984 is a 1956 British black-and-white science fiction film, based on the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, depicting a totalitarian future society. As the wave of labor radicalism was pushed back by the ascending prosperity, the party began to run into difficulties on all fronts.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? The given word translations should be used.
43.伊拉克南部地区事件较少,因为伊拉克安全部队通过阻截行动在库特、纳西里耶和阿马拉地区不断发现武器和弹药贮藏。 《一九八四》(1984)是一部1956年英國黑白科幻電影,改編自喬治·歐威爾的小說《一九八四》,描繪了一個極權主義的未來社會。 随着劳工激进运动浪潮由于日益繁荣的景气而退落,党开始在各方面遇到了困难。
The origins of the policy can be traced to a 1997 article in Foreign Policy magazine by Zbigniew Brzezinski, titled “A Geostrategy for Eurasia. ”
Render the listed sentences in English from their original Russian form, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Истоки политики можно проследить в статье Збигнева Бжезинского 1997 года в журнале "Foreign Policy" под названием "Евразийская геостратегия".
Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Chinese language.
The member States of the Organization of American States (OAS) adopted the Inter-American Convention against Terrorism at the thirty-second session of the OAS General Assembly in Bridgetown, Barbados, on 3 June 2002.
Недаром грузинские скульпторы Зураб Церетели, Элгуджа Амашукели и Очиаури Ираклий внесли значительный вклад не только в культуру Грузии, но и в мировое наследие.
When translated to Russian, what message do these sentences carry?
No wonder that the Georgian sculptor Zurab Tsereteli, Irakli Elguja Amashukeli Ochiauri made ​ ​ a significant contribution not only to the culture of Georgia, but also in world heritage.
In order to simply maintain the current level of per capita supply of fish in sub-Saharan Africa (6.6 kg / year) up to 2015, fish production (capture fisheries and aquaculture) has to increase by 27.7 per cent over this period.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Auch wenn wir unsere Aktivitätszyklen heute mithilfe von elektrischem Licht verändern können, zeigen Forschungsergebnisse jedoch, dass Nachtarbeit immer noch problematisch ist und häufig zu Schläfrigkeit, Schlafstörungen, Stimmungsschwankungen und zunehmenden kognitiven Störungen am Arbeitsplatz führt (Golden et al, 2005). Ihre Blütezeit erreichte sie während der „Fünf Dynastien“ (907 – 960 n. Chr.) und der Song- Dynastie (960 – 1280 n. Chr.).
disturbance means störung Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences, and must use the given word translations.
Although we can now alter our activity cycle with the use of electric light, research evidence nonetheless shows that night work is still difficult and often results in drowsiness, difficulty sleeping, mood disturbances and increased cognitive difficulties at work (Golden et al, 2005). It ’ s prime time was during the “Five Dynasties ” (907 – 960 AD) and the Song- Dynasty (960 – 1280 AD).
Arabellapark Underground Station is a 5-minute walk from The Westin Grand, which is just 6 stops from the famous Karlsplatz Square.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English?
Der U-Bahnhof Arabellapark liegt 5 Gehminuten vom The Westin Grand entfernt und nach 6 Stationen erreichen Sie von dort den berühmten Karlsplatz.
Obwohl geometrische Muster schon seit Jahrhunderten in Architektur und Innenarchitektur verwendet werden, haben sie erst in den letzten Jahren begonnen, besonders beliebt zu werden, bis sie 2015 zu einem der wichtigsten Trends in allen Bereichen der Mode geworden sind. Der Sohn des zu seiner Zeit gefeierten Opern-Bariton Bernhard Köhler ging dann in Köln bei dem angesehenen Briefmarkenhändler August Drahn in die Lehre und führte für ihn bald zeitweise die Geschäfte.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Although geometric patterns have been used in architecture and interior design for many centuries, but only in recent years they have begun to become especially popular, until in 2015 they have become one of the main trends in all areas of fashion. The son of the then celebrated opera baritone singer Bernhard Koehler, he went to Cologne to learn from the well-known stamp dealer August Drahn and occasionally to do business for him.
艾力克•林伯格2013年长距离赛季像一列柴油火车:起步艰难,精彩收场。 东道国代表转达了纽约市的保证,即如果非外交车辆泊在专为代表团保留的泊车位上,将对其开出罚单并第一时间派出吊拖车将其拖走。
Kindly submit the Chinese interpretation for the next sentences.
The 2013 long distance season of Erik Limbourg looked a lot like a diesel train: he had a difficult start and a wonderful ending. The representative of the host country conveyed the City's assurances that if non-diplomatic vehicles were to park in the spaces reserved for the missions, they would be ticketed and the first available tow truck would be dispatched to remove them.
Walter Stephan from FACC AG and Alf Netek from Kapsch AG described their views about the success driver of quality. Experience southern flair in the island town of Lindau, pulsating life in the Zeppelin city of Friedrichshafen or a romantic mediaeval feeling in Meersburg.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Walter Stephan von der FACC AG und Alf Netek von der Kapsch AG schilderten ihre Sicht vom Erfolgstreiber Qualität. Erleben Sie südliches Flair in der Inselstadt Lindau, pulsierendes Leben in der Zeppelinstadt Friedrichshafen oder romantisches Mittelaltergefühl in Meersburg.
Some time the actress lived in Dublin, but has grown up in the county of Carlow, in the southeast of Ireland, in the village. Marcelin and Francine Dumoulin, the parents of seven children, went to milk their cows in a meadow in the Valais canton on Aug. 15, 1942, then disappeared without a trace.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Некоторое время актриса жила в Дублине, но выросла в графстве Карлоу, на юго-востоке Ирландии, в деревне. Марселин и Франсин Дюмулен, родители семерых детей, вышли доить своих коров на лугу в Кантон Вале 15 августа 1942, а затем исчезли без следа.
Die Unfähigkeit, die Bauernmassen in den Produktionsprozess zu integrieren, ist der deutlichste Ausdruck des Bankrotts des Weltkapitalismus, dessen Wesen in der Generalisierung der Lohnarbeit durch die Vertreibung der Bauern und Handwerker aus den alten vorkapitalistischen Arbeitsformen und ihre Umwandlung zu Proletariern bestand. Zwei Monate nachdem die letzten Fällungen und die Extraktionsarbeiten abgeschlossen waren - Anfang Juni jenen Jahres - kehrten Graham Hayes und ich zusammen mit Peter Tadd nach Hatch Copse zurück.
What do the following sentences mean in German? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
This incapacity to integrate the peasant masses into productive work is the clearest demonstration of the bankruptcy of world capitalism, whose essence is the generalisation of wage labour by uprooting the peasants and artisans from the old pre-capitalist forms of labour and transforming them into proletarians. Two months after the last of the felling and extraction work had been completed, in early June of that year, Graham Hayes and I returned to Hatch Copse with Peter Tadd.
Written on the back of the Declaration of Independence were the words "Original Declaration of Independence dated 4th July 1776". The text appears on the bottom of the document, upside down.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry?
Auf die Rückseite der Unabhängigkeitserklärung waren die Worte „ursprüngliche Unabhängigkeitserklärung, datiert auf den 4. Juli 1776“ geschrieben. Der Text befindet sich kopfüber an der Unterseite des Dokuments.
Moving north from Nyandoma, the rail line ends at the city of Arkhangelsk, a once major port that managed during the Soviet period to destroy most of its historic architectural legacy -including the monastery from which the city derived its name.
In English, what do the given sentences convey?
На севере от Няндомы железная дорога кончается в Архангельске, когда-то главном порте, где в советское время была разрушена большая часть историко-архитектурного наследия, включая монастырь, от которого город получил свое имя.
Most people are familiar with the basics of how a woman gets pregnant: an egg is released from an ovary; sperm fertilizes the egg; the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining, where it eventually becomes a fetus.
Turn the following sentences from their Russian version to the English version, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Большинство людей знакомы с основами того, как женщина беременеет: сперматозоид оплодотворяет яйцеклетку, оплодотворенная яйцеклетка прикрепляется к стенке матки, где он в конечном итоге превращается в плод.
Here it took about four minutes.
Translate the following sentences from German to English.
Hier dauerte es ca. vier Minuten.
Nach den Protesten kündigte die Bundespolizei an, die Ausweisung der Bergleute, die in den kommenden Monaten durchgeführt werden soll, bei einem Treffen in Brasília in dieser Woche zu thematisieren. Neben der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, der größten Organisation für anwendungsorientierte Forschung in Europa, und der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, einer der führenden Organisationen für Grundlagenforschung in Deutschland und Europa, die beide ihren Sitz in München haben, sind zahlreiche weitere renommierte Forschungseinrichtungen wie die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, die Leibniz-Gemeinschaft sowie eine Vielzahl weiterer Einrichtungen und Institute in Bayern beheimatet.
Please share the German version of the given sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
After the protest, the Federal Police announced that it will hold meetings in Brasília next week to discuss the eviction of the miners, which will be implemented in the coming months. In addition to the Fraunhofer Society, the largest organisation for applied research in Europe, and the Max-Planck Society, one of the leading organisations for basic research in Germany and Europe, both of which are based in Munich, Bavaria is also home to numerous other renowned research facilities such as the Helmholtz Association, the Leibniz Association as well as various other facilities and institutes.
Город Петрополис был основан постановлением правительства 16 марта 1843 г. и назван в честь императора Педру II (1825 – 1891 гг., годы правления 1831 – 1889 гг.). В ходе раскопок, неподалеку от палестинского города Рамалла, археологам удалось обнаружить величайшую христианскую святыню – место погребения святого архидиакона Стефана, первого мученика за Христа, сообщает информационный портал « Линга «.
Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Petrópolis was founded by government decree on March 16, 1843, and named after Emperor Pedro II (1825 – 91, reigned 1831 – 89). During excavations near the Palestinian town of Ramallah archaeologists have discovered a greatest Christian relic – the burial place of Holy Archdeacon Stephen, the First Martyr for Christ, reports the Linga news portal.
Die Europäische Wildkatze (Felis silvestris) hat ihren Verbreitungsschwerpunkt in Deutschland und zählt aufgrund ihrer Gefährdung zu den Arten, für die Deutschland international eine besondere Verantwortlichkeit trägt. Das Konferenzzentrum mit eigenem Eingang (direkter Zugang von der Lobby und der Garage mit Treppe und Aufzug) und geräumigem Foyer bietet Platz für bis zu 100 Personen.
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the German format using the given reference word translations.
The European wildcat (Felis silvestris) has its centre of distribution in Germany and on account of its endangerment is one of the species for which Germany bears international responsibility. The conference center, with a private entrance (direct access from the lobby and the garage with stairs and an elevator) and spacious foyer, can accommodate up to 100 persons.
The themes of these resolutions included sustainable development, resilience, humanitarian action and disaster risk reduction and specifically note the need to continue to improve attention to gender equality in humanitarian action, reflecting that, despite progress made, there is still much room for improvement. Upstairs there are two rooms (one room with a comfortable double bed and a double sofa bed, and another with a sofa bed and a single bed).
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences.
这些决议的主题包括可持续发展、抗灾能力、人道主义行动和减少灾害风险,并具体注意到,有必要继续进一步关注人道主义行动中的两性平等,这反映了尽管取得了进展,但仍有很大的改进余地。 楼上有两间房(一室与舒适的大床和一张双人沙发床),另一个与一张沙发床和一张单人床.
Недалеко от западной границы Австрии со Швейцарией находится великолепный город Фельдкирх, который считается столицей живописного района Форарльберг. Он не только отличный певец, но и лучший гитарист, чем Кирк Хэммет, и лучший барабанщик, чем Ларс Ульрих.
Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences?
Near Austria ’ s western border with Switzerland lies the magnificent city of Feldkirch, considered the capital of the picturesque district of Vorarlberg. Not only he is a great singer, but he is also a better guitarist than Kirk Hammett, and a better drummer than Lars Ulrich.
Nach einigen Monaten ging die Reise noch weiter ins Innere von Sibirien – in das Arbeitslager Kopeisk mit etwa 2000 Gefangenen bzw. Zwangsarbeiterinnen – vor allem Frauen und etwa 100 jugendlichen Kriegsgefangenen.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
After a few months, the journey continued to the interior of Siberia, to the Kopeysk labour camp with about 2,000 prisoners or forced labourers – mainly women and about 100 young prisoners of war.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Chinese?
A crime against humanity was committed in my country in October 2003, under the Government of former President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, in which 67 civilians died and more than 400 were wounded by firearms in the city of El Alto.
Die koreanische Halbinsel ist aufgrund ihrer strategischen Lage im Nordosten Asiens seit mehr als hundert Jahren ein Brennpunkt von Invasionen und Kriegen, an denen nicht nur die USA und China, sondern auch Japan und Russland beteiligt waren. 1963 änderte sich der Name nochmals, diesmal in Kaiser Jeep Corporation und 1970, als sich Kaiser endgültig vom Automobilgeschäft verabschiedete, wurde das Unternehmen an AMC verkauft.
Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences using the given reference word translations?
The strategic position of the Korean Peninsula in North East Asia has made it a focus for invasions and wars for more than a century — involving not only the United States and China, but also Japan and Russia. The company changed its name to Kaiser Jeep in 1963. By 1969, Kaiser Industries decided to leave the auto business, which was sold to American Motors Corporation (AMC) in 1970.
Я не китаянка. Я азиатка и родилась в России. Мне 23. Я довольно стеснительна. Хочу продать свою девственность, так как нужны деньги.
It would be helpful if you could provide the Russian translation of the ensuing sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
I am not a Chinese woman. I am Asian and was born in Russia. I'm 23. I'm pretty shy. I want to sell my virginity because I need money.
Starting from the first day of the month, the central propaganda team will prepare lessons collectively.
Please share the English version of the given sentences.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Chinese language.
More than 99.7 per cent of Yemenis are Muslims, divided into two main confessional groups, the larger of which adheres to the Shafi'i school of law (one of the four Sunnite schools) while the smaller group, living in some of the northern areas, adheres to the Zeidi school of law (one of the Shi'ite schools).
See, the Whitenose shark differs from any other requiem sharks in matters of cranial and rostral characteristics so much that is has got its own genus, but all other characteristics are so much like that of the Blacknose shark that scientists began to speculate.
Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Schau, der Weißnasenhai unterscheidet sich von den anderen Requiemhaien in Bezug auf Schädel- und Nasenmerkmale so sehr, dass er seine eigene Gattung hat, aber alle anderen Eigenschaften sind so sehr wie die des Schwarznasenhaies, dass die Wissenschaftler anfingen zu spekulieren.
Творческое наследие Томаса Гейнсборо (1727-1788) уникально благодаря не только своим художественным качествам, но и сравнительно немногочисленному количеству картин, сохранившихся в европейских коллекциях.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Russian? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Thomas Gainsborough ’ s (1727-1788) creative heritage is unique not only because of its artistic qualities but also because of the relatively small number of paintings that have survived in European collections.
Другие мифы, которые СМИ часто использовали в 2010 году, включали информацию о том, что мефедрон привел к гибели более 20 человек, что учителя не смогли конфисковать наркотик у учеников и что правительство опоздало с запретом препарата.
Could you supply the Russian translation for the upcoming sentences?
Other myths that the media often repeated during 2010 were that mephedrone had led to the deaths of over 20 people, that teachers were unable to confiscate the drug off pupils and that the government was too slow to ban the drug.
It also recommends that the State party take the necessary steps to make public officials at both the national and local levels aware of the economic and social costs of corruption and to make judges, prosecutors and members of the security forces aware of the importance of strictly enforcing anti-corruption laws.
Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences.
Он также рекомендует государству-участнику принять необходимые меры для повышения осведомленности сотрудников национальных и местных органов власти об экономических и социальных издержках коррупции, а также осведомленности судей, прокуроров и сотрудников сил безопасности о необходимости строгого соблюдения антикоррупционного законодательства.
Chinese scientists from the Beijing, South China and Hefei universities found damage on the surface of the North Korean mountain Mantapsan, located about 100 kilometers from the border with China. Schubert: Sonata no 19 in C minor D 958 - one of Schubert's last three sonatas, written during the last few months of the composer's life, in 1828.
Transform the upcoming sentences from Russian language to English language.
Китайские учёные из Пекинского, Южнокитайского и Хефейского университетов обнаружили повреждения на поверхности северокорейской горы Мантапсан, расположенной примерно в 100 километрах от границы с Китаем. Шуберт: Соната № 19 до минор D 958 — одна из последних трех сонат Шуберта, написанная в последние несколько месяцев жизни композитора в 1828 году.
Tahina is added to salads, spread on bread, sauces are made from it, and, of course, the famous hummus, which also includes chickpea paste, lemon juice, garlic and sometimes some other ingredients.
Transform the upcoming sentences from Russian language to English language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Тахину добавляют в салаты, намазывают на хлеб, из нее делают соусы и, конечно, знаменитый хумус, в состав которого также входят нутовая паста, лимонный сок, чеснок и иногда некоторые другие ингредиенты.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Chinese language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
In 1999, there were over 1.25 billion smokers in the world, representing one third of the world's population aged 15 and over, the vast majority of whom are in developing countries.
When combined with oxygen and hydrogen, carbon can form many groups of important biological compounds including sugars, lignans, chitins, alcohols, fats, and aromatic esters, carotenoids and terpenes.
酯 means ester.醇 means alcohol.萜烯 means terpene How should the following sentences be comprehended in English using the given reference word translations?
Im vergangenen Jahr habe ich im Ausland in Indonesien studiert, wo ich im Dschungel lebte und die Wege der Mentawai kennen lernte.
In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
This past year I studied abroad in Indonesia, where I lived in the jungle and was able to learn the ways of the Mentawai people.
What do the following sentences mean in Chinese? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
The course is intended for professionals involved in humanitarian action, who have field experience and hold positions of responsibility in humanitarian operations, particularly the following: health professionals, such as doctors, nurses or nutritionists; public health officers and epidemiologists; water and environmental engineers; legal or policy advisers; and people with strategic and managerial duties.
Thunberg, 16, gave an impassioned address at the United Nations in New York this week, after millions of people worldwide joined a climate strike protest last Friday in the run-up to a U.N. climate summit.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from German to the English language.
Die 16-Jährige Thunberg gab diese Woche in New York eine emotionale Rede vor den Vereinten Nationen, nachdem im Vorfeld des UN-Klimagipfels Millionen von Menschen weltweit sich am Freitag zu Klimaprotesten versammelt hatten.
Er musste Freitag im Grab sein, er musste Samstag im Grab sein, er musste Sonntag im Grab sein … ein Teil von Freitag, ein Teil von Sonntag und der ganze Samstag würde hier den Anforderungen genügen; das bedeutet, dass Jesus vor Sonnenuntergang beerdigt werden musste, damit er einen Teil des Freitags dort wäre.
Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
He had to be in the grave Friday, had to be in the grave Saturday, had to be in the grave Sunday – a part of Friday, a part of Sunday and all of Saturday would qualify, which meant that Jesus needed to be buried before sundown, so that He would be there a portion of Friday.
The results do not only serve to complement historical records: “If we know the rate at which earthquakes repeat, we can evaluate probabilities more precisely, ” says the Head of the Department of Geodynamics and Sedimentology. Additionally, in a united effort with the priests of the Focolare Movement, we have taken the initiative to organize a great congress in Rome which will put into effect an international spiritual exchange among the priests.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry?
Ihre Ergebnisse ergänzen nicht nur historische Aufzeichnungen: „Kennen wir die Wiederholungsrate von Erdbeben, können wir auch genauere Aussagen über Wahrscheinlichkeiten treffen“, sagt der Leiter des Instituts für Geodynamik und Sedimentologie. Darüber hinaus haben wir in Zusammenarbeit mit den Priestern der Fokolarbewegung die Initiative zu einem großen Kongress in Rom ergriffen, der einen internationalen geistlichen Austausch unter Priestern in Gang bringen will.
Rebuilding real trust will be hard, perhaps impossible.
Convert the subsequent sentences from Chinese into English.
Zertifiziert gemäß IATF 16949 und mit langjähriger Erfahrung und Kenntnissen in den Bereichen Produktentwicklung, Werkzeugbau, Spritzguss, Vibrationsschweißen, Montage und Tampondruck ist Weland Plastic ein zuverlässiger und stabiler Geschäftspartner für die meisten Branchen. Der Artikel beschreibt einen ausgeklügelten Streich, den sich ein irischer Journalist und Fan des FC Arsenal ausgedacht hatte.
Render the listed sentences in German from their original English form, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Certified according to IATF 16949, and with many years of experience and knowledge of product development, tool production, injection moulding, vibration welding, assembly and pad printing, Weland Plastic is a reliable and stable partner for most industries. The article detailed an elaborate hoax, perpetrated by an Irish journalist who was also a huge Arsenal fan.
However, it is a conditional construction that has undoubtedly saved lives.
What do the following sentences mean in English?
Aber es ist eher eine Konditionalkonstruktion, und die hat gewiss schon Leben gerettet.
Язык обучения: в целях развития румынского языка и культуры Министерство национального образования приняло решение о том, что получатели стипендий должны учиться только на румынском языке. 18 декабря 2019 года Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет совместно с Исследовательским институтом « Диалог цивилизаций » проведет круглый стол « Новообращённые в религии: проблема фанатизма и методы работы с неофитами ».
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Russian format, and must use the given word translations.
Language of Study: In order to promote Romanian language and culture, the Ministry of National Education has decided that the beneficiaries of the scholarships should study only in the Romanian language. On December 18, 2019 the National Research Tomsk State University together with the Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute will hold a round table titled: “Converts in religion: the problem of fanaticism and methods of work with neophytes ”.
Dies trägt natürlich nur zu der bestehenden Mischung von Problemen bei – von regionalen Ungleichheiten in der Dienstleistungsqualität bis hin zu nationalen Ungleichheiten aufgrund der Tatsache, dass einige Länder in Europa – wie Belgien und Deutschland – über ein versicherungsbasiertes Gesundheitssystem verfügen, das es den Schwachen erlaubt, durch die Ritzen zu sickern.
In German, what do the given sentences convey using the given reference word translations?
This, of course, only adds to the existing mix of issues — from regional inequalities of service quality, to national inequalities due to the fact that some countries in Europe — such as Belgium and Germany — have an insurance-based health system that may allow the vulnerable seep through the cracks.
The article states that Riga terraces are filled with locals simply enjoying the long summer evenings; also the 800-year-old cobbled streets decorated in the Barocco style, the golden sand and the excellent spa and resorts in Jurmala are mentioned.
Transform the upcoming sentences from Russian language to English language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
В статье упомянуто, что местные жители с удовольствием проводят летние длинные вечера на рижских террасах; также упоминаются выложенные брусчаткой и украшенные в стиле барокко улицы, которым более 800 лет, золотой песок, великолепные СПА и курорты Юрмалы.
9.9 The approach of the Rhodesian Commission appears in particular to have led the UN Commission to underrate or marginalise the evidence of the sole first-hand witness of the disaster, Sgt. Julien. Beijing Fengtai Yongding disinfectant equipment factory is located in the southwest of Beijing Yongding River, as early as 1984 developed epoxy ethane sterilizer, has been nearly 30 years.
Switch the specified sentences from their Chinese form to English form using the given reference word translations.
9.9罗得西亚委员会的思路似乎尤其致使联合国委员会低估和忽视了朱利安警官这位唯一的灾难直接见证人的证词。 北京丰台永定消毒设备厂位于北京西南永定河畔,早在1984年开发研制了环氧乙烷灭菌器,至今已近30年之久。