According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is no evidence to date that ingestion of <v>plastic particles</v> poses a threat to humans.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is no evidence to show that the <v>ingestion</v> of plastic particles poses a threat to humans.
Switch the specified sentences from their Chinese form to English form.
根据世界卫生组织(WHO)说法,迄今没有证据显示摄取塑料微粒会对人类构成威胁。 ### Note: A translation involving minor terminology/inappropriate for context errors might be
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Chinese?
"Obviously, this is a huge deal for us." Stein said. "We're reaching out directly to every single family in person to make sure that all their questions are answered." ### Note: A translation exhibiting no mistakes could be
Besides fighting desertification and environmental protection, they are also exploring ways to help farmers create more income from green mountains and rivers.
In addition to fighting desertification and protecting the environment, they are also exploring ways to make farmer's income more from green mountains and green waters.
In English, what do the given sentences convey?
在防治荒漠化、保护环境的同时,他们也在探索如何让农民的收入更多来源于青山绿水。 ### Note: 也 means also. 他们 means they. 多 means more. 更多 means more. 更 means more. 绿 means green. 山 means mountains. 收入 means income. 保护 means protect. 环境 means environment. 环 means ring. 荒漠 means desert. 农民 means farmer. 探索 means exploring.
Seth Dunlap Louisiana: WWL Radio-Moderator droht, über Anti-Schwulen-Tweet zu verklagen schickte den Tweet selbst, <v>Sender behauptet</v> , ähnlich wie Jussie Smollett Fall
Seth Dunlap Louisiana: WWL Radio-Moderator droht, über Anti-Schwulen-Tweet zu klagen schickte den Tweet selbst, <v>station</v> behauptet, ähnlich wie Jussie Smollett Fall
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in German?
Seth Dunlap Louisiana: WWL Radio host threatening to sue over anti-gay tweet sent the tweet himself, station claims, similar to Jussie Smollett case ### Note: A rendition having minor accuracy/mistranslation errors is possible
Amy Pascal wird, so in der Pressemitteilung, den Film ebenfalls über Pascal Pictures produzieren, wie sie es bereits bei den ersten zwei Filmen mit Holland in der Hauptrolle gemacht hat.
Amy Pascal wird auch über Pascal Pictures produzieren, wie sie es bei den ersten beiden Holland-geführten Filmen getan hat, hieß es in der Veröffentlichung.
In German, what do the given sentences convey?
Amy Pascal will also produce through Pascal Pictures, as she has on the first two Holland-led films, the release said. ### Note: A translation displaying no errors can be
特朗普官员说 , 律师们已经将乌克兰的电话记录转移到了安全系统
What do the following sentences mean in Chinese?
Trump official says lawyers had Ukraine call transcript moved to secure system ### Note: A translation containing no mistakes might be
Please make available the Chinese translation for the listed sentences.
Although the heat is less of a threat to the athletes competing inside the Khalifa International Stadium, where temperatures are kept at around 21 degrees with the help of a cooling system, they have still had to adjust their training because they practise at an outdoor facility. ### Note: A translation showing minor mistakes is possible
There have been several press reports recently referring to insiders and talking of rapid progress by the state-owned oil company Saudi Aramco in carrying out the repairs. But commodities experts claimed that Saudi Aramco is currently planning a stock market flotation and wants to avoid negative headlines.
Recently, there have been several press reports citing insiders who report rapid progress by the state-owned oil company Saudi Aramco in the repair work. However, commodity experts pointed out that Saudi Aramco is currently planning a share sale and wants to avoid negative headlines.
In English, what do the given sentences convey?
Zuletzt gab es mehrfach Pressemeldungen unter Berufung auf Insider, die von schnellen Fortschritten des staatlichen Ölkonzerns Saudi Aramco bei den Reparaturarbeiten berichten. Rohstoffexperten verwiesen aber darauf, dass Saudi Aramco derzeit einen Börsengang plane und negative Schlagzeilen vermeiden wolle. ### Note: A translation displaying no errors can be
He added that the police would also decide according to the course of the investigation whether to again summon people whose statement had previously been recorded.
He added that the police would also decide whether to summon the people who had previously been recorded for questioning again.
Translate from Chinese to English.
Bildungsminister Chatterjee sagte dies bei einer Veranstaltung nach der Eröffnung der „Vidyasagar-Akademie“ in der Residenz von Badur Bagan anlässlich der Feierlichkeiten zum 200. Geburtstag des Bildungs- und Sozialreformers.
Herr Chatterjee, der Bildungsminister ist, sagte dies bei einer Veranstaltung nach der Einweihung der „Vidyasagar Academy“ in der Residenz Badur Bagan anlässlich der Feierlichkeiten zum 200. Geburtstag des Bildungs- und Sozialreformers.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in German?
Mr Chatterjee, who is the education minister, said this at a function after inaugurating ""Vidyasagar Academy"" at the Badur Bagan residence on the 200th birth anniversary celebrations of the educational and social reformer. ### Note: the means den. and means und. after means nach. said means sagt.
Recently, due to continuous rainfall in southern China, the situation of flood prevention and flood fighting is severe, causing 26 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) including Guizhou, Sichuan, Hunan, Guangxi, Guangdong, and Hubei to suffer disasters.
Recently, China's southern region has been affected by continuous rainfall, and the situation of flood control and flood control is very serious, resulting in 26 provinces (prefectures) including Guizhou, Sichuan, Hunan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hubei and other provinces (prefectures) being affected.
Translate from Chinese to English.
The surface area of a triangular prism with bases of 5 cm by 6 cm and a height of 7 cm is 173 square centimeters.
The surface area of the triangular prism is approximately 1,200 cm2.
Calculate the surface area of a triangular prism with bases of 5 cm by 6 cm and a height of 7 cm.
“从事故中逃脱后,是上帝赐予了我第二次生命,然后借钱让我做善事”,Hedar 说。
Translate from English to Chinese.
"After escaping from the crash, it is god who gave me the second life and then lent me the money to let me do the good", said Hedar.
Only when all parties act in the same direction can an open, inclusive, universally beneficial, <v>balanced</v> and win-win development environment be created, and the "cake" of development will be made bigger and bigger to form a mutually beneficial community of interests.
Only when all parties act in the same direction can we create an open, inclusive, inclusive, balanced <v> and</v> win-win development environment, and jointly make the "cake" of development bigger and bigger, forming a mutually beneficial and win-win community of interests.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English?
只有各方相向而行,才能营造出开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的发展环境,共同把发展的“蛋糕”越做越大,形成互利共赢的利益共同体。 ### Note: A translation exhibiting minor fluency/punctuation mistakes could be
Please be aware that the upcoming meeting has been postponed, and it has been rescheduled for Wednesday, April 1st.
The meeting scheduled for April 1st has been postponed.
Create an alert in the given text.
The upcoming meeting has been postponed, and it has been rescheduled for Wednesday, April 1st.
"Er sagte: ""Es ist für niemanden von euch eine Neuigkeit, dass die Welt vor großen, großen Problemen steht und die sich dessen am meisten <v>bewusst sind die</v> jungen Menschen von heute, die diese Welt erben werden."
Er sagte: „Es ist für niemanden von <v>euch</v> eine Neuigkeit, dass die Welt vor großen, großen Problemen steht und deren bewussteste sind die jungen Menschen von heute, die diese Welt erben werden.
Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences.
He said: ""It's no news to any of you that the world is facing great, great problems and the most aware of that are the young people of today, who will inherit this world. ### Note: A translation containing minor fluency/grammar mistakes might be
维 奥 拉 · 戴 维 斯 说 , 她 “ 害 怕 ” 在 一 部 新 的 电 视 连 续 剧 中 扮 演 米 歇 尔 · 奥 巴 马 。
It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences.
Viola Davis says she's "terrified" to portray Michelle Obama in a new TV series. ### Note: A translation displaying minor errors can be
Chinese culture is very different from American culture in many ways. Chinese culture is focused more on family values, respect for elders, and the community, whereas American culture is centered more on the individual. Chinese culture also has a strong emphasis on tradition, whereas American culture is more dynamic and open to changes. Chinese culture also has a much longer history, which influences the cultural values and attitudes of its people. Additionally, the language and food of China are also vastly different from that of the United States. Thus, Chinese and American culture show many differences as well as many similarities.
Chinese culture is distinct from American culture in many ways. Chinese culture is more hierarchical and formal, with a focus on family and community, while American culture is more individualistic and more focused on the individual. Chinese culture is also more focused on the concept of merit, while American culture is more focused on the concept of luck. Chinese culture is also more focused on the concept of filial piety, while American culture is more focused on the concept of gratitude. Chinese culture is also more focused on the concept of harmony, while American culture is more focused on the concept of harmony. Chinese culture is also more focused on the concept of filial piety and gratitude, while American culture is more focused on the concept of gratitude. Chinese cultures are also more focused on the concept of harmony, while American cultures are more focused on the concept of harmony. Chinese cultures are also more focused on the concept of filial piety, while American cultures are more focused on the concept of gratitude. Chinese cultures are also more focused than
Describe how Chinese culture is different from American culture.
英国国家审计署在星期五发布的一篇报告中表示,政府额外租赁的跨英吉利海峡货运能力可能要到 11 月底(脱欧最后期限 10 月 31 日后一个月)才能就位。英国授权注册的药品约有 12,300 种,其中 7,000 种来自欧盟、或通过欧盟运输,多数要跨海峡运输。
In terms of Chinese, what do the next sentences imply?
In a report issued Friday, Britain's National Audit Office said additional shipping capacity chartered by the U.K. for sending goods across the English Channel might not be operational until the end of November - one month after the Oct. 31 deadline for Britain to leave the European Union. Of the more than 12,300 medicines licensed in the U.K., about 7,000 arrive from or via the EU, mostly across the Channel. ### Note: A translation with no errors could be
A glove.
A frog.
Guess the answer to the following riddle.
What has 4 fingers and a thumb, but is not alive?
It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences.
India's monsoon season has overrun by almost a month, with unprecedented rainfall causing deaths from collapsing buildings and many crops beginning to rot. ### Note: The act of rearranging words in the opposite order to create a translation.
Princess Beatrice is the granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II, the eldest daughter of Prince Andrew and his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York. She is ranked fifth in the order of heirs to the British throne and has been hailed as "the most beautiful unwed princess in the world".
Princess Beatrice is the granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II and the eldest daughter of Prince Andrew and his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York. She ranks fifth in the order of succession to the British throne and is known as "the most beautiful unmarried princess in the world".
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English?
比阿特丽斯公主是英国女王伊丽莎白二世的孙女、安德鲁王子和前妻约克公爵夫人莎拉·弗格森的长女,在英国王位继承人顺序中排名第五,被誉为“世界上最美丽的未嫁公主 ” 。 ### Note: 和 means and. 世界 means world. 顺序 means order. 王子 means prince. 第五 means fifth. 排名 means ranked. 公主 means princess. 美 means beautiful. 美丽 means beautiful. 王位 means throne. 继承人 means heirs. 孙女 means granddaughter.
Change the given sentences from English to Chinese format.
All five denied the charges before a Thessaloniki magistrate on Friday. The two Georgian nationals are accused of being the ringleaders. ### Note: A translation featuring no errors might be
The Thailand Immigration Bureau has arranged the man to return to China.
At present, the Thai Immigration Bureau has arranged the man to return to China.
Translate from Chinese to English.
A Blockchain engineer is responsible for developing and implementing distributed ledger technology solutions, such as those based on blockchain, to meet customer's needs. This involves analyzing and designing blockchain architecture, writing various smart contracts and programs, managing blockchain development and deployment, working with Blockchain application such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, researching and maintaining current knowledge of developments in blockchain technology, collaborating with other teams to ensure a quality outcome, and developing security solutions to prevent data breaches or manipulation of ledger data.
A blockchain engineer is responsible for developing and maintaining blockchain-based systems. They work with developers, designers, and other stakeholders to create and maintain blockchain-based systems. They are responsible for designing and implementing blockchain-based systems, as well as developing and maintaining the underlying infrastructure. They also work with other blockchain engineers to ensure the system is secure and reliable.
What does a blockchain engineer do?
Macron has been trying to take the middle way regarding the immigration issue in order to reduce the tension in the coming debate, according to the report.
The report said that Macron was trying to find a compromise on immigration to slow the impact of the upcoming debate.
Switch the specified sentences from their Chinese form to English form.
报道称,马克龙试图在移民事务上找到一条折中路线,减缓即将到来的辩论冲击。 ### Note: 辩论 means debate. 移民 means migration.
The Independent revealed this week that Mourinho still wanted another three signings but he insisted that the club had already done a "fantastic job" of delivering three of his four priority signings.
The Independent reported this week that Mourinho still hopes to bring in three new players, but he insisted that the club "worked well", he has four preferred players, and the club has already brought in three of them.
Translate from Chinese to English.
Program code to collect the data: import requests url = ‘https://www.example.com’ r = requests.get(url) data = r.text print(data)
The program should be able to collect data from the web page, such as the URL, the page title, the page content, the page image, the page's URL, the page's content type, the page's language, the page's date, the page's page number, the page's page size, the page's URL length, the page's page type, the page's page size, the page's URL length, the pages' URLs, and the pages' URLs. The program should also be able to store the data in a database.
Create a program to collect data from a web page.
URL of the web page: https://www.example.com
During the operation, the formation carried out joint patrols, anti-drug propagandapropaganda and other activities in key waters such as the Golden Triangle, Lao BanxiangguoBanxiangguo and <v>Meng Mo</v> .
During the operation, the formation carried out joint patrols, anti-drug propaganda and other activities in key waters such as the Golden Triangle, <v>Lao</v> Banxiangguo and Mengmo.
Transform the upcoming sentences from Chinese language to English language.
行动期间,编队在金三角、老挝班相果、孟莫等重点水域开展联合巡逻、禁毒宣传等活动。 ### Note: A translation exhibiting major locale convention/address format mistakes could be
„Eine Vertuschung Denken Sie einen Moment darüber nach“, sagte Sekulow am „Fox & Friends“ Freitag. „Das Weiße Haus sicherte sich einen Anruf mit dem Präsidenten der Ukraine <v>Es ist so geheim und so eine Vertuschung</v> , hier sind die Dokumente. Das ist Unsinn.“
„Eine Vertuschung? Denken Sie einen Moment darüber nach“, sagte Sekulow am Freitag bei „Fox & Friends“. „Das Weiße Haus <v>sicherte</v> einen Anruf mit dem Präsidenten der Ukraine? Es ist so geheim und so eine Vertuschung, hier sind die Dokumente. Das ist Unsinn.“
Please offer the German rendition for the following statements.
""A cover-up? Think about that for a moment,"" Sekulow said on ""Fox & Friends"" Friday. ""The White House secured a call with the president of Ukraine? It's so secret and such a cover-up, here's the documents. This is nonsense."" ### Note: A translated version with minor style/awkward inaccuracies can be
The long night is really showing on the 43-year-olds' face.
The alcohol consumption is really written on the 43-year-old's face.
Translate from German to English.
Der Alkoholkonsum steht dem 43-Jährigen wahrlich ins Gesicht geschrieben.
According to Chang Yin, the deputy director of the First Youth Games Organizing Committee and the deputy director of the Provincial Sports Bureau, by following the principle of "government-led, market operation, frugal race", all preparation work has been in place.
Jin Lei, deputy director of the First Youth Games Organizing Committee of Yunnan Province and deputy director of the Sports Bureau, said that in accordance with the principle of "government-led, market operation and fair play", all preparations are now complete.
Translate from Chinese to English.
Translate from English to Chinese.
In a veiled warning, the Beijing-controlled newspaper added that the lender, if proven to be guilty of this "collusion," could face "harsh punishment" in China, one of the major markets for HSBC.
Touristen am Strand von Aveiro waren in Panik versetzt, als das Flugzeug aus der Dunkelheit kam und unglaublich tief flog
Die Touristen an der Strand in Aveiro waren verrückt, als das Flugzeug aus der Mühe kam und auf eine unglaublich geringere Altitude flog###
Translate from English to German.
Tourists on the beach at Aveiro were terrified when the plane appeared out of the murk and flew at an incredibly low altitude
At present, the two countries need to continue to deepen cooperation between enterprises and "set up more Russian-Chinese joint ventures to jointly develop exports to third countries".
At present, the two countries need to continue to deepen the cooperation between enterprises, "create more Russian-Chinese joint ventures to jointly develop exports to third countries".
Convert the subsequent sentences from Chinese into English.
目前,两国需要继续深化企业之间的合作 , “ 成立更多的俄中合资企业,共同发展向第三国的出口 ” 。 ### Note: 两 means two. 多 means more. 更多 means more. 更 means more. 第三 means third. 需要 means need. 深 means deep. 企业 means enterprises. 合作 means cooperation. 出口 means exports. 深化 means deepen.
This conference is day event.
This conference is 5 day event.
Input a text and remove the number in it
This conference is 5 day event
上赛季, Pogba 两次被罚黄牌,根据规则,他将被自动禁赛。
Translate from English to Chinese.
Last season, Pogba was punished with two yellow cards. He will be banned automatically according to the rules.
A popular financial tool used to identify returns on an investment is the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The IRR is a metric that measures the rate of return of a project or an investment over its lifetime and is often used to compare alternative investments. It is calculated by finding the internal rate of return, which is the discount rate at which all the streams of cash flow of a project are equal to the initial investment. The higher the IRR, the greater the expected return on the investment.
One example of a financial tool used to identify returns on an investment is the Shark Tank. This is a popular investment show that pits two investors against each other in a contest to find the best investment. The contestants are given a set of investments and are asked to make a prediction about how much they will earn over the course of the show. The winner of the show is awarded a share of the investment.
Provide an example of a financial tool that is used to identify returns on an investment.
The police spokesman: "With the loot, he has apparently financed his beta st ä uungsmittelabha f ü hrngigkeit." Between August 20, 2018 and May 31, 2019, the bomber had blown up parking ticket machines on Bu rgerstra ß e four times.
The police spokesman: "With the loot, he apparently financed his drug addiction." The bomber had blown up parking ticket machines on Bürgerstraße four times between 20 August 2018 and 31 May 2019.
Translate the following sentences from German to English.
Der Polizeisprecher: "Mit der Beute hat er offenbar seine Betäubungsmittelabhängigkeit finanziert". Allein viermal hatte der Bomber zwischen 20. August 2018 und dem 31. Mai 2019 Parkscheinautomaten an der Bürgerstraße gesprengt. ### Note: A translation with major errors could be
Amelia Earhart is a bold and adventurous woman. Born and raised in Kansas, the daughter of a successful business owner and a teacher, Amelia was determined from a young age to make her mark in the world. She attended the prestigious School of World Exploration and graduated with honors. Her daring feats include long-distance solo flights with her faithful airplane, the Maverick. She is an advocate for women in aviation, a trailblazer in her field, and an inspiration to anyone who dreams of living life to its fullest.
Amelia Earhart was an American aviator and pioneering woman who was known for her daring and courageous spirit. She was a pioneering woman who set the record for the fastest solo flight, and was the first female to fly solo in the world. She was known for her daring and courageous spirit, and her pioneering efforts in aviation. She was a prolific writer and a prolific speaker, and her work has been immortalized in many books and films. She was a pioneering woman who set the record for the fastest single-engine solo flight, and was the first female to fly solo in the world, making her a legendary figure in aviation.
Generate a profile for a fictional character modeled after Amelia Earhart.
Die Bedeutung der Statue ist ganz und gar eine Frage des Standpunktes der Wahrnehmung.
Die Erklärung der Statue ist vollständig ein Problem der angelegten Perspektive.
Translate from English to German.
The meaning of the statue is entirely a matter of the angle of perception.
8.14 weeks
57 days
Convert a numerical value in days to its corresponding value in weeks.
Numerical Value: 57
NGOs and aid organizations now point out that they cannot know exactly who is coming on the ships. "We can't scan, who the people are. They come without passports, " Neugebauer said. Torture is one of the main reasons why people are fleeing Libya. It is therefore quite likely that there are also perpetrators on the ships. "It is therefore very important that this is investigated".
NGOs and aid organizations now point out that they cannot know exactly who is coming on the ships. "We cannot scan who the people are. They come without passports," said Neugebauer. Torture is one of the main reasons why people are fleeing Libya. It is therefore quite likely that perpetrators are also on the ships. "It is therefore very important that this is investigated."
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from German to English.
NGO und Hilfsorganisationen weisen jetzt darauf hin, dass sie nicht genau wissen können, wer auf die Schiffe kommt. "Wir können nicht scannen, wer die Leute sind. Die kommen ohne Pässe", sagte Neugebauer. Folter sei einer der Hauptgründe, warum die Menschen aus Libyen fliehen. Es sei daher durchaus wahrscheinlich, dass sich auch Täter auf den Schiffen befinden. "Es ist daher sehr wichtig, dass dem nachgegangen wird". ### Note: A translation containing minor mistakes might be
The EPA announced the decision to go ahead with the so-called "2015 Ozone Designations" late on Wednesday, saying it showed the agency's commitment to working with states.
The US Environmental Protection Agency announced on Wednesday that it would continue to implement the so-called "2015 Ozone Dedicated Zone" and promised the agency to cooperate with the states.
Translate from Chinese to English.
美国环保局周三宣布决定继续推行所谓的“2015 年臭氧达标区”,并承诺环保局将与各州合作。
<v>Und</v> Modis Regierung hat einen Aufruhr verursacht, indem sie ein nationales Bürgerregister einrichtete und im Grenzstaat Assam Internierungslager einrichtete, um angeblich Non-Citizens aus dem benachbarten mehrheitlich muslimischen Bangladesch zu fangen, ein Schritt, der zur Entrechtung und Inhaftierung von fast 2 Millionen Menschen führen könnte.
Und Modis Regierung hat einen Aufruhr verursacht, indem sie ein nationales Bürgerregister eingerichtet und Internierungslager im Grenzstaat Assam eingerichtet hat, um angeblich <v>non-Bürger</v> aus dem benachbarten mehrheitlich muslimischen Bangladesch zu fangen, ein Schritt, der am Ende fast 2 Millionen Menschen entworfen und festgenommen könnte.
When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry?
And Modi's government has created an uproar by instituting a national registry of citizens and setting up detention camps in the border state of Assam to ostensibly catch noncitizens from neighboring Muslim-majority Bangladesh, a step that may end up disenfranchising and imprisoning almost 2 million people. ### Note: A translation containing minor style/awkward errors may be
It could be more laborious getting an appointment.
Time changing could be a good thing.
Translate from German to English.
Zeitaufwändiger könne es sein, einen Termin zu bekommen.
“I’ve been bored sitting at home for a long time, so when I saw a group tour, I shared the news with my friends right away, and we all signed up, and I’ve never visited Lanxi, so I’ve been looking forward to this trip, “ said Mrs. Sun.
"Since I have been home for a long time, I have been sharing the news with my friends to join the team, and I have never been to Lanxiang before, so I am very eager to go on this trip.", said Ms. Sun.
Translate from Chinese to English.
An actor and Youtuber takes on Egypt's rulers: For the time being, however, Mohamed Ali prefers to stay abroad.
An actor and Youtuber is criticizing Egypt's ruler: For the time being, however, Mohamed Ali prefers to stay abroad.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry?
Ein Schauspieler und Youtuber setzt Ägyptens Herrscher zu: Vorerst bleibt Mohamed Ali aber lieber im Ausland. ### Note: A translation containing minor errors may be
Convert the following string into full lower case letters.
HelL o
Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) are infections that occur while under care in a hospital or healthcare setting. These infections are caused by bacteria, fungi, parasitic organisms, or viruses that a patient would not have been exposed to had they not been admitted. Examples of HAIs can include pneumonia, urinary tract infections, surgical site infections, and bloodstream infections.
Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) are infections that occur in a hospital setting. These infections can be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. They can be caused by a variety of factors, such as patient-to-patient transmission, environmental factors, and medical procedures. HAIs can be serious and can lead to serious complications, such as organ failure, sepsis, and meningitis.
Explain the given medical term.
Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs)
The projected effects of climate change on the farming industry in the next 5 years are expected to be wide-reaching and likely devastating. Temperatures are expected to rise in many parts of the world, leading to an increase in extreme weather events such as floods and droughts. These conditions will likely result in drastic decreases in crop yield, a decrease in livestock production, as well as an increase in soil erosion and contamination. In addition, rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere will lead to increased weed growth and more severe pest infestations. These changes will likely result in a decrease in agricultural productivity, resulting in higher food prices, decreased access to food and malnutrition in many parts of the world. Without significant adaptations and increased innovation, the effects of climate change on the farming industry in the next 5 years will likely be devastating.
The projected effects of climate change on the farming industry in the next 5 years include increased droughts, rising temperatures, and changes in precipitation patterns. These changes could have a significant impact on the farming industry, as they could lead to reduced crop yields, increased water usage, and increased costs for farmers. Additionally, the projected effects could have a negative impact on the environment, as they could lead to increased emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants.
Generate a report on the projected effects of climate change on the farming industry in the next 5 years.
A 20-year fixed subsidy expires in November.
A fixed subsidy for 20 years is running out in November.
Translate from German to English.
Eine für 20 Jahre festgelegte Subvention läuft im November aus.
Thomas Cook's management in criticism
Management of Thomas Cook in criticism
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English?
Management von Thomas Cook in der Kritik ### Note: A translation featuring no errors might be
- Meditation - Deep breathing exercises - Progressive muscle relaxation - Guided imagery - Mindfulness activities - Journaling - Physical exercise - Creative activities such as drawing or painting - Spending time with nature - Reading - Having a pet - Practicing self-care - Practicing active listening
1. Meditation\n2. Yoga\n3. Deep breathing\n4. Mindfulness exercises\n5. Visualization\n6. Journaling\n7. Art therapy\n8. Music therapy\n9. Art therapy\n10. Music therapy\n11. Art therapy\n12. Music therapy\n13. Music therapy\n14. Music therapy\n15. Music therapy\n16. Music therapy\n17. Music therapy\n18. Music therapy\n19. Music therapy\n20. Music therapy\n21. Music therapy\n22. Music therapy\n23. Music therapy\n24. Music therapy\n25. Music therapy\n26. Music therapy\n27. Music therapy\n28. Music therapy\n29. Music therapy\n30. Music therapy\n31. Music therapy\n32. Music therapy\n33. Music therapy\n34. Music therapy\n35. Music therapy\n36. Music therapy\n37. Music therapy\n38. Music therapy\n39. Music therapy\n40. Music therapy\n
Generate a list of therapeutic activities that can help with calming anxiety.
Data explorative analytics is the process of finding patterns and trends in data, while prescriptive analytics takes those patterns and trends and gives recommendations on how to act on them. Data explorative analytics collects, cleans and prepares data in order to analyze data and create visualizations, while prescriptive analytics uses predictive models and optimization algorithms to recommend decisions. Data explorative analytics provides an overview of the data, while prescriptive analytics helps to identify the best decision to take. Finally, data explorative analytics focuses on the present, while prescriptive analytics looks at the future and determines the most efficient way to reach the desired outcome.
Data explorative analytics is a type of analytics that focuses on understanding the data and its relationships, while prescriptive analytics is a type of analytics that focuses on providing recommendations or decisions based on the data. Data explorative analytics is used to identify patterns and trends in the data, while prescriptive analytics is used to make decisions or recommendations based on the data.
What are the differences between data explorative and prescriptive analytics?
”。谜的大最球全为成生一的己自望希他,说会他。效奏很法方种这,下况情的 %09 在,)做欢喜最他个这(上子鼻在粘带胶用者或,上手在粘带胶用者或,罩口上戴上脸“。道说斯德菲的镖保年 01 逊克杰了做”,闻新条头上登何如道知全完他。体媒纵操何如道知他“
Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences.
"He knew how to manipulate the media. He knew exactly how to get the front page," Fiddes, who was Jackson's bodyguard for 10 years, said. "90 per cent of the time it worked, by putting a mask on his face, or sticky tape on his hands - or tape on his nose was a favourite one. He would say he wanted his life to be the greatest mystery on Earth." ### Note: The act of creating a translation with the words in the opposite order.
John had gone on a trip.
John went on a trip. (Past perfect tense)
Change the sentence to reflect the given aspect.
John went on a trip. (Change aspect to past perfect tense)
Der Termin zum Austritt aus der EU ist der 31. Oktober, aber ein neues britisches Gesetz verbietet es dem Premierminister Boris Johnson, ohne Handelsabkommen oder die Zustimmung des Parlaments zu einem solchen bis zum 19. Oktober <v>,</v> die EU zu verlassen.
Die Frist für den Austritt aus der EU ist der 31. Oktober, aber ein neues britisches Gesetz verhindert Premierminister Boris Johnson, den Austritt ohne Handelsabkommen oder die Zustimmung des Parlaments zum Austritt ohne ein <v>Handelsabkommen oder die Zustimmung des Parlaments zum Abschluss</v> bis zum 19. Oktober ohne Handelsabkommen oder die Zustimmung des Parlamentos zum Abschluss bis zum 19. Oktober zu beenden.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to German.
The deadline to leave the EU is Oct. 31, but a new British law prevents Prime Minister Boris Johnson from completing the withdrawal without a trade agreement, or Parliament's approval to leave without one by Oct. 19. ### Note: A translation containing minor accuracy/addition mistakes might be
五角大楼部队复原力办公室主任伊丽莎白·范·温克尔(Elizabeth Van Winkle)表示:“我们的数字并没有朝着正确的方向发展。”她说,大多数军人的军衔与平民相当,但她补充道,“这不太令人感到安慰。”
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Chinese language.
"Our numbers are not moving in the right direction," said Elizabeth Van Winkle, director of the Pentagon's office of force resiliency. She said that most of the military rates are comparable to civilians, but added, "that's hardly comforting." ### Note: A translation with no errors could be
In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
"He was working three jobs," Michael Harvey, a friend, said. "As somebody who's 21, he was a year younger than me, anybody with that type of hustle and work ethic, you tend to look up to." ### Note: A translation involving major errors may be
Rouhanis Kommentar folgte einer Reihe von Drohnenangriffen auf Ölanlagen in Saudi-Arabien am 14. September, welche das Königreich gezwungen hatten, die Produktion zu halbieren. Die USA und einige europäische Länder sowie Saudi-Arabien beschuldigten <v>Iran</v> für den Angriff. Teheran hat jegliche Beteiligung an dem Vorfall dementiert. Die Trump-Regierung kündigte außerdem Pläne zur Entsendung von US-Streitkräften in die Region an.
Rouhanis Kommentar kam, nachdem eine Reihe von Drohnen am 14. September Ölanlagen in Saudi-Arabien angegriffen hatten, die das Königreich gezwungen hatten, die Produktion zu halbieren. Die USA und einige europäische Länder sowie Saudi-Arabien haben den Angriff auf den Iran verantwortlich gemacht. Teheran hat jegliche Rolle in dem Vorfall bestritten. Die Trump-Regierung kündigte auch Pläne an, US-Streitkräfte in die Region zu entsenden.
Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Rouhani's comment came after a series of drones attacked oil facilities in Saudi Arabia on Sept. 14, which had forced the kingdom to cut production in half. The U.S. and some European countries, as well as Saudi Arabia, have blamed the attack on Iran. Tehran has denied any role in the incident. The Trump administration also announced plans to deploy U.S. forces to the region. ### Note: A translation involving minor fluency/grammar errors might be
Translate from English to Chinese.
"This is all wrong. I shouldn't be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you?" she said, her voice quavering with emotion.
A. The Sun danced in the sky
B. The forest was angry
Pick which out of the following phrases is an example of personification.
A. The Sun danced in the sky B. The forest was angry
Glass bottles, aluminum cans, paper, plastic containers, batteries.
- Plastic bottles\n- Paper\n- Glass\n- Metal\n- Batteries
List five things that you can recycle.
In addition, the requirements of specific specialties for <v>college entrance examination</v> results are different.
In addition, the requirements of specific majors for <v>college entrance examination</v> results are different.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
此外,具体专业对高考成绩的要求不尽相同。 ### Note: A translation involving major locale convention/name format errors might be
In 1989, with the support of Wang Boxiang, 17 party members including Sanyuan Zhucun Wang Leyi and 17 winter warm vegetable greenhouses <v>,</v> 17 “double ten thousand households” appeared in the village.
In 1989, with the support of Wang Boxiang, 17 Party members including Wang Leyi of Sanyuanzhu Village started 17 winter warm vegetable greenhouses. That year, 17 " <v>double ten thousand yuan households</v> " emerged in the village.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English?
1989年,在王伯祥支持下,三元朱村王乐义等17名党员搞起了17个冬暖式蔬菜大棚,当年该村冒出17个“双万元户 ” 。 ### Note: A translation exhibiting minor fluency/grammar mistakes could be
Er erklärte, mit dem Aktionsplan Ghanas für Tollwut und Prävention (2018-2030) sei ein ganzheitlicher Plan für die stufenweise Eliminierung von Tollwut erarbeitet worden, mit dem Ziel der Eliminierung von Epidemien vernachlässigter Tropenkrankheiten bis 2030.
Er stellte fest, dass eine umfassende Fahrplan für die schrittweise Eliminierung der Tollwut durch den Ghana Tollwut- und Prävention-Plan (2018-2030) eingeführt worden sei, um Epidemien vernachlässigter Tropenkrankheiten bis 2030 zu beenden.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version.
A comprehensive roadmap for progressive elimination of rabies, he noted had been rolled out through the Ghana Rabies and Prevention Action Plan (2018-2030) to end epidemics of neglected tropical diseases by 2030. ### Note: the means den. and means und. for means für. disease means krankheit. diseases means krankheit. neglected means vernachlässigt. neglect means vernachlässigt.
<v>“</v> [Spider-Man] ist zufällig der einzige Held mit der Supermacht, der filmische Universen durchquert, also während Sony weiterhin seinen eigenen Spidey-Vers entwickelt, weiß man nie, welche Überraschungen die Zukunft bringen könnte“, sagte er.
"""[Spider-Man] ist zufällig der einzige Held mit der Supermacht, der filmische Universen durchquert, also, da Sony weiterhin seinen eigenen Spidey-Vers entwickelt, weiß man nie, welche Überraschungen die Zukunft bringen könnte <v>""</v>, sagte er."
Please provide the German translation for the following sentences.
""[Spider-Man] happens to be the only hero with the superpower to cross cinematic universes, so as Sony continues to develop their own Spidey-verse you never know what surprises the future might hold,"" he said. ### Note: A rendition having minor fluency/punctuation errors is possible
During Mr. Chirac's administration, Sino-France's bilateral trade volume grew rapidly, and cooperations in aviation, nuclear energy and railway transportation made breakthroughs.
During Chirac's administration, the bilateral trade volume between China and France increased rapidly, and the two countries have made breakthroughs in cooperation in many fields such as aviation, nuclear energy, and railway transportation.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Chinese to English.
希拉克执政期间,中法两国双边贸易额快速增长,两国在航空、核能、铁路运输等多个领域的合作都取得了突破性的进展。 ### Note: 铁路 means rail. 贸易 means trade. 运输 means transportation. 核 means nuclear. 航空 means aviation. 合作 means cooperation. 双边 means bilateral. 突破性 means breakthrough. 突破 means breakthrough.
Regierung <v>zieht</v> 15 weitere hochrangige Steuerbeamte für Transplantationsgebühren in den Ruhestand
Regierung <v>verbleibt</v> 15 weitere hochrangige Steuerbeamte wegen Graft-Kosten
In German, what do the given sentences convey?
Government Retires 15 More Senior Tax Officials On Graft Charges ### Note: A translation displaying major accuracy/mistranslation errors can be
Climate change has had a devastating effect on glaciers around the world, leading to their rapid melting and decreased volume. This is expected to have severe consequences on both ecosystems and humans, as glaciers act as a significant water source and their reduced volume could cause drastic changes in water availability in the years ahead. Therefore, it is essential to implement measures to reduce the causes of climate change and protect glaciers from further damage.
Climate change is having a significant impact on glaciers, leading to a decrease in their size and an increase in their melting.
Generate a thesis statement about the effects of climate change on glaciers.
Recently, tensions between China and the United States have been escalating. This was highlighted by the announcement that the US would be suspending its participation in the UN Human Rights Council.
A recent event that occurred in the news was the announcement of the US Supreme Court's decision to overturn a federal ban on the sale of certain types of marijuana. The decision was a major victory for the legalization of marijuana in the US, and the Supreme Court's ruling was a major victory for the legalization of marijuana in the US.
Describe a recent event that occurred in the news.
Most recently, the cases of the incarcerated journalists Meşale Tolu and Deniz Yücel caused a stir.
Recently, the cases of the imprisoned journalists Meşale Tolu and Deniz Yücel have been seen.
Translate from German to English.
Zuletzt hatten die Fälle der inhaftierten Journalisten Meşale Tolu und Deniz Yücel für Aufsehen gesorgt.
The sun sets in a blaze of orange and red, A sky alight with beauty overhead. The shadows cast by trees of deepest green, A perfect end to a perfect day seen. The beauty of the setting sun never ceases, No better sight can make my heart so at peace.
The sun sets in the sky,\nA beautiful sight to behold.\nThe colors of the sky change,\nThe sky is a beautiful sight.\nThe sun slowly fades away,\nA beautiful sight to behold.
Construct a poem with five lines that describes the sunset.
When that expression was coined, it was derisive -- like, "Oh, who would believe in a Big Bang?"
When the word was created, some people laughed at - "Oh, who would believe in the Big Bang?"
Translate from Chinese to English.
当这个词语被创造出来的时候,有些人嘲弄说 - “噢,谁会相信宇宙大爆炸?”
Der Kampagnenleiter, Earl Philip, " zog eine Pistole, legte seinen rechten Zeigefinger auf den Abzug, und rammte den Lauf in Vincents Kniekehle," gab Bordini in seiner Anklage an.
Der Leiter, Earl Phillip, hat „einen Pistol produziert, seinen Richtigen Index finger auf den Triggers hielt und den Racke in Vincents Knee Cap driviert“, sagte Bordini in der Beschwerde.
Translate from English to German.
The director, Earl Phillip, "produced a pistol, put his right index finger on the trigger, and drove the barrel into Vincent's knee cap," Bordini said in the complaint.
然而,她并没有把信寄给丈夫,而是两次寄给了 Maurice。
Translate from English to Chinese.
However, instead of sending it to her husband, she sent it to Ms. Maurice, twice.
Translate from English to Chinese.
Industry insiders believe that the sharing economy has already become an important component of China's economic growth. The sharing economy may help accelerate the structural transformation of the entire society.
In addition to living well, "little sheep" must also eat forage mixed with silage corn, wheat straw, alfalfa, etc., and have <v>a wide enough "playground</v> " to stretch the bones.
In addition to living well, the “little fat sheep” must also eat forage mixed with silage corn, wheat straw, alfalfa and other plants, and have a wide enough “playground” to stretch their muscles and bones.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English?
“小肥羊”除了住得好,还得吃上用青贮玉米、麦草、苜蓿等混合而成的草料,并有足够宽阔的“操场”舒展筋骨。 ### Note: A translated version with major fluency/grammar inaccuracies can be
The original feature, style and spirit were still kept after the restoration.
After the restoration, the style, spirit, spiritual and artistic style of the original murals were maintained.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
修复后,保持了原有壁画的风貌、灵性、精神和艺术风格 。 ### Note: A rendition having no errors is possible
从 来 没 有 公 布 过 的 安 全 录 像 显 示 , 当 第 二 辆 车 停 在 他 身 后 时 , 阿 尔 福 德 在 车 道 上 停 了 下 来 , 随 后 看 到 三 名 嫌 疑 人 从 那 辆 车 里 下 来 , 其 中 一 人 走 到 司 机 身 边 , 向 阿 尔 福 德 开 枪 , 阿 尔 福 德 车 里 的 四 个 人 跳 下 车 跑 , 然 后 看 到 嫌 疑 人 回 到 自 己 的 车 里 开 车 离 开 。
Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences.
Security video, which has never been released, showed Alford stopped in the drive-thru when a second car pulled up behind him. Three suspects were then seen getting out of that car. One of them walked up to the driver's side, and shot Alford. The four people in Alford's car jumped out and ran. The suspects were then seen getting back into their car and driving away. ### Note: A translation featuring major errors might be
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Chinese format.
The White House released an unclassified version of that transcript of the call on Wednesday. The memo, which does not reflect a "verbatim transcript" but is based on "notes and recollections" of those memorializing the call, shows Trump seeking assistance in investigating the Bidens. ### Note: A translation showing minor mistakes is possible
The owner of the courtyard is called Liang Yun, who used to be a carpenter.
The owner of the courtyard is called Liang Yun, who once was a carpenter.
Translate from Chinese to English.
We ought to find a solution soon.
We should find a solution soon, if possible.
Rewrite the following statement as a subjunctive phrase.
We should find a solution soon.
The horse says to the bartender: "Why the long face?"
Q: What do you do when you get a ride from a horse?\nA: I just walk into the bar!
Generate a funny joke with the following setup.
Setup: A horse walks into a bar
The global spree of frigates building If China does not build this type of warships, will it fall behind?
The global tide of frigates is up, and if China does not build this type of ship, will it be behind?
Translate from Chinese to English.
全球在掀护卫舰高潮 中国如果不建这型军舰是否会落后?
Rechtsanwältin Lakshmi Sarma Ramani von Bowie, Md., war nicht hasserfüllt, aber sie fragte nach Hassverbrechen.
Der Anwalt Lakshmi Sarma Ramani von Bowie, Md., war nicht hasserfüllt, aber sie fragen wollte über Hassverbrechen.
Translate from English to German.
Attorney Lakshmi Sarma Ramani of Bowie, Md., wasn't hateful, but she asked about hate crimes.
Die Anschuldigungen wurden von WWLs Senior Vice President Kevin Cassidy und Anwälten für die Muttergesellschaft Entercom erhoben. Die Polizeibehörde arbeitet immer noch daran, die Anschuldigungen zu bestätigen, stufte den Fall aber als mögliche Erpressung ein. Im Bundesstaat Louisiana wird Erpressung als „Kommunikation von Bedrohungen an einen anderen mit der <v>Absicht,</v> (um) etwas Wertvolles zu erhalten“ definiert.
Die Vorwürfe wurden von Kevin Cassidy, Senior Vice President von WWL, und Anwälten der Muttergesellschaft Entercom gemacht. Die Polizei arbeitet immer noch daran, die Vorwürfe zu bestätigen, hat den Fall aber als mögliche Erpressung eingestuft. In der Staat Louisiana wird Erpressung als „ <v>die Kommunikation</v> von Bedrohungen an einen anderen mit der Absicht, etwas von Wert zu erhalten“ definiert.
Translate the following sentences from English to German.
The allegations were made by WWL's senior vice president Kevin Cassidy and attorneys for the parent company, Entercom. The police department is still working to corroborate the allegations, but have classified the case as possible extortion. In the state of Louisiana, extortion is defined as ""the communication of threats to another with the intention (to) obtain anything of value."" ### Note: A translation with minor accuracy/omission errors could be
Die Staatsmacht erklärte, dass Pacora alias Luis Antonio Quintero früher Angehöriger der linksorientierten Umstürzler war und 440 Angehörige des Syndikats seiner Befehlsgewalt unterstanden.
Luis Antonio Quintero, bekannt unter seinem Alias Pacora, war ein ehemaliger linksrebel, der etwa 440 Bandenmitglieder kommandierte, teilte die Regierung mit.
When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry?
Luis Antonio Quintero, known by his alias Pacora, was a former leftist rebel who commanded some 440 gang members, the government said. ### Note: the means das. and means und. was means war. his means seiner. left means links.
- Mystic - Intuitive - All-knowing - Clairvoyant - Wise - Mystical - Insightful - Discreet - Sagacious - Perceptive - Enchanting - Inscrutable - Prescient - Seer - Imposing - Spellbinding - Visionary - Charismatic - Revealing
A fortune teller is a skilled medium who can predict the future by using their intuition and their knowledge of the past. They can use their knowledge of the past and present to predict the future, and can also use their intuition to predict the future. They can also use their knowledge of the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies to predict the future.
Generate a list of adjectives describing a fortune teller.
He showed up after the gathering had started.
He arrived late for the meeting.
Rewrite the following sentence using a different set of words: He arrived late for the meeting
In at least one case, a criminal complaint for property damage has been filed with the police.
At least one case has been made by the police for the destruction of evidence.
Translate from German to English.
In zumindest einem Fall ist bei der Polizei Strafanzeige wegen Sachbeschädigung gestellt worden.
Translate from English to Chinese.
By studying its skin, researchers found that this plant-eater, though covered in armor and resembling a walking tank, likely faced a significant threat from meat-eating dinosaurs.
7 月份,范斯坦收到了福特寄回的详细描述对卡瓦诺的指控的信件,而该信件于 9 月初遭到泄漏 - 但是范斯坦否认她的办公室导致了此次泄漏事件的发生。
Translate from English to Chinese.
Feinstein was sent the letter detailing the allegations against Kavanaugh by Ford back in July, and it was leaked earlier in September - but Feinstein denied that the leak came from her office.
1. Start by cleaning the Catfish; use a damp cloth to remove any dirt. 2. Next cut the Catfish fillets into cubes and season with salt, pepper and any other herbs or spices of your choice. 3. Heat oil in a skillet over medium high heat then add the Catfish cubes to the skillet and cook for 5-7 minutes 4. In another pan, heat a mixture of butter, garlic and any other desired seasonings. 5. Once the Catfish cubes are done, transfer them to the pan with the butter mixture and cook for a further 3 minutes. 6. Finally, serve the Catfish with any desired side dishes.
Preparing a Catfish meal involves several steps. First, you need to select the right type of fish. You can choose a variety of fish such as catfish, trout, and salmon. Next, you need to prepare the fish. You can boil the fish, fry it, or bake it. Finally, you can season the fish with salt and pepper, and serve it with your favorite side dishes.
Outline some ways to prepare a Catfish meal.
密切在上海合作组织等多边框架内的合作, 共同助力地区合作稳中求进
Translate from English to Chinese.
We will work closely for cooperation within multilateral frameworks such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to help seeking advancement while stabilizing cooperation in the region
Die Zahl der Selbstmorde im gesamten Militär stieg von 511 im Jahr 2017 auf 541 im Jahr 2018. Nach Angaben des Pentagon sind junge Männer die am stärksten gefährdete Bevölkerung, und in mindestens 60 Prozent der Fälle wählten sie eine Waffe als Selbstmordmethode. Die Selbstmorde der Armee <v>gingen</v> von 114 auf 139, während die Marines von 43 auf 58 und die Marine von 65 auf 68 gingen. Die Luftwaffe sank von 63 auf 60.
Die Zahl der Selbstmorde im gesamten Militär stieg von 511 im Jahr 2017 auf 541 im Jahr 2018. Nach Angaben des Pentagon sind junge Männer die am stärksten gefährdete Bevölkerung, und mindestens 60 Prozent der Zeit wählten sie eine Waffe als Selbstmordmethode. Die Selbstmorde der Armee stieg von 114 auf 139, die Marines von 43 auf 58 und die Marine von 65 auf 68. Die Luftwaffe sank von 63 auf 60.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to German language.
The number of suicides across the military increased from 511 in 2017 to 541 in 2018. According to the Pentagon, the most at-risk population is young enlisted men, and at least 60 percent of the time they chose a gun as their suicide method. Army suicides went from 114 to 139, while the Marines went from 43 to 58 and the Navy went from 65 to 68. The Air Force dipped from 63 to 60. ### Note: A translation with minor style/awkward errors could be
金边市法院还警告说, 任何支持柬埔寨国家救援党驱逐政府计划的人也将面临长期监禁的风险.
Kindly furnish the Chinese translation of the subsequent sentences.
The Phnom Penh Municipal Court also warned that anyone who supported the plans of the Cambodia National Rescue Party to oust the government would also be risking a long prison term. ### Note: A translation containing no mistakes might be
In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
She added that having Meghan present 'didn't feel hierarchical', as it was 'women gathered together and a talk about the struggles we have, as well as the things we need to do to move forward and grow and change our societies'. ### Note: A translation involving major errors may be
An example of the phrase "to have an axe to grind" is when someone has a strong personal agenda in a situation and will use any available means to get what they want.
To have an axe to grind is a phrase used to describe a situation where someone is feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
Provide an example of the phrase "to have an axe to grind".