stringlengths 0
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stringlengths 0
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stringlengths 9
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stringlengths 0
CCTV has broadcast the targeted poverty alleviation advertisement for Ludian pepper, which strongly promotes the sales. | CCTV broadcasts the precise poverty alleviation advertisement of Ru Dandan Mice, which is effective in promoting the sales of Mice. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 中央电视台播出了鲁甸花椒的精准扶贫广告, 有力推动了花椒销售。 |
([A-Z][a-z]+) ([A-Z][a-z]+) | John, Sarah, and Mark are all names. | Construct a regular expression to extract names from the given text. | John Jones, Sarah Smith, and Mark Miller |
United States' Simone Biles, left, and Aly Raisman embrace after winning gold and silver respectively for the artistic gymnastics women's individual all-around final at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Thursday, Aug. | From the United States, Simon Biles (left) and Lessenman hug each other, and they won gold and silver in the artistic gymnastics women's individual all-around final at the 2016 Summer Olympic Games held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Thursday (Thursday). | Translate from Chinese to English. | 来自美国的西蒙·拜尔斯(左)与莱斯曼相互拥抱,她们在8月份(周四)巴西里约热内卢举办的2016年夏季奥运会的艺术体操女子个人全能决赛上分别获得金牌与银牌。 |
So I think these projects I've showed here are just a tiny step towards this future, if we implement these new technologies for a new self-assembling world. | I think these projects that I show to you are just a small step towards the future, if we achieve these new technologies for a new self-assembly world. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 我认为这些我向各位展示的项目 仅仅是迈向未来的一小步, 如果我们为一个新的自我组装的世界 实现了这些新技术的话。 |
If the connection is much slower than agreed upon, customers can set the provider a reasonable deadline, which is usually 14 days, to provide the service as promised. The customers can do this per post, via a registered letter. | If the connection is much slower than announced, customers can set the provider a reasonable period of 14 days to provide the promised service. This is best done in writing by mail. | Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version. | Ist der Anschluss wesentlich langsamer als angekündigt, können Kunden dem Anbieter eine angemessene Frist von in der Regel 14 Tagen setzen, um die versprochene Leistung herzustellen. Das tun Betroffene am besten schriftlich per Einwurfeinschreiben.
### Note: A translation displaying no errors can be |
The woman was eventually freed from the narrow cabin during an unscheduled stopover in Denver on Wednesday night (local time). She was locked in for about an hour, US media wrote, citing other passengers. Passengers had to change the aircraft to continue their flight to San Francisco. | In the US, the woman was finally freed from the narrow cabin after an overnight flight on Wednesday evening (local time). She was locked in the cabin for about an hour, according to US media, citing other passengers. Passengers had to change planes for the next flight to San Francisco. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? | Bei einer außerplanmäßigen Zwischenlandung am Mittwochabend (Ortszeit) in Denver konnte die Frau schließlich aus der engen Kabine befreit werden. Etwa eine Stunde sei sie darin eingesperrt gewesen, schrieben US-Medien unter Berufung auf andere Passagiere. Zum Weiterflug in Richtung San Francisco mussten die Fluggäste die Maschine wechseln.
### Note: A translation displaying minor errors can be |
一个相互竞争的模型,称为重力不稳定性模型,可以解释这个不寻常的系统。 | 一个称为引力不稳定性的模型, 可以解释这个不寻常的系统. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Chinese? | A competing model, called the gravitational instability model, may explain this unusual system.
### Note: A translation showing major mistakes is possible |
The interface for ordering sandwiches from a deli should be intuitive, easy to use and should provide visual cues to guide users throughout the process. The main page should list all sandwich options and include appropriate images to give users an idea of what they are ordering. A selection bar should be provided that allows users to customize the size, toppings and condiments on their sandwiches. The user should be able to track the progress of the order, and when the sandwich is ready for pickup, a confirmation page should be displayed with order details and a notification. Payment options should also be provided that include the option to pay cash or with a credit card. Lastly, the interface should include a “favorites” or “custom orders” option so users can save their preferences and quickly order their favorite combos. | The interface should allow users to select a deli, select a type of sandwich, and specify the quantity of sandwiches they want. The interface should also allow users to add items to their cart, and should also allow them to view their cart and check out. | Design an interface that allows users to order sandwiches from a deli. | |
" <v>""</v> Oregon hat eine wirklich starke Arbeiterbewegung, die sich wirklich von Grund auf aufbaut"", erklärt Burley. ""Dies ist ein Teil der nationalen Welle des Arbeitswachstums. Die Menschen sehen eine prekäre Wirtschaft, in der die Reallöhne sinken und die Lösung kollektives Handeln am Arbeitsplatz ist.""" | """Oregon hat eine wirklich starke Arbeiterbewegung, die sich wirklich von Grund auf aufbaut"", erklärt Burley. ""Dies ist ein Teil der nationalen Welle des Arbeitswachstums. Die Menschen sehen eine prekäre Wirtschaft, in der die Reallöhne sinken und die Lösung kollektives Handeln am Arbeitsplatz ist. <v>""</v> " | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German? | ""Oregon has a really strong labor movement that is really building from the ground up,"" Burley explains. ""This is a part of the national wave of labor growth. People are seeing a precarious economy where real wages are falling and the solution is collective action in the workplace.""
### Note: A translation showing minor fluency/punctuation mistakes is possible |
The news and the outrage went wide on Wednesday, with reports by The Verge and Motherboard, a day after Snapchat said it had dismantled the feature. | On Wednesday, The Verge and Motherboard reported that after Snapchat said it would delete the feature, the anger was triggered. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 在Snapchat表示其删除该功能后,周三The Verge and Motherboard的报道引发众怒。 |
Deputy Prime Minister Igor Liashenko thanked Xing'an <v>Xing'an</v> for providing convenient conditions for Belarusian enterprises to carry out production and business activities recently. | Deputy Prime Minister Igor Liashenko expressed his gratitude to <v>Xing'an</v> for providing convenient conditions for Belarusian enterprises to carry out production and business activities recently. | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? | 伊戈尔•利亚申科副总理对兴安省近期为白俄罗斯企业开展生产经营活动提供便利条件表示感谢。
### Note: A translation with major fluency/inconsistency errors could be |
Als die beiden die Masken abnahmen, um zu essen, näherte sich „irgendeine alte Frau“, bezeichnete sie als „Idioten“, weil sie keine Masken trugen, obwohl man „nicht gleichzeitig eine Maske tragen und essen kann“. | Die beiden hatten ihre Masken ab, als ein „außerordentliche alte Frau“ vorher, und sie nannte sie „Idiote“, weil sie nicht die Masken überschützt hatten, auch wenn „du kannst nicht eine Maske tragen und am gleichen Zeitpunkt essen“. | Translate from English to German. | The pair had their masks off to eat, when a "random old lady" approached, calling them "idiots" for not masking up, even though "you can't wear a mask and eat at the same time." |
Die Festsetzung des Schiffs wurde jedoch allgemein als Vergeltung gegenüber der britischen Streitkräfte gesehen, da diese einen Tanker vor Gibraltar unter ihre Kontrolle brachten, der unter dem Verdacht stand, entgegen internationaler Sanktionen persisches Öl nach Syrien zu transportieren. Das Schiff wurde Mitte August freigegeben, obwohl die US-Regierung in letzter Minute versuchte, eine Verlängerung der Festsetzung zu erreichen. | Die Beschlagnahme des Schiffes wurde jedoch weithin als Vergeltung für die britischen Streitkräfte angesehen, die einen Tanker vor Gibraltar gefangen nahmen, weil sie überzeugt waren, dass es Persische Öl unter Verstoß gegen internationale Sanktionen nach Syrien transportiert habe. Das Schiff wurde Mitte August freigegeben, obwohl die Trump-Regierung einen letzten Versuch unternahm, die Haft zu verlängern. | Please offer the German rendition for the following statements. | The vessel's seizure, however, was widely seen as retaliatory for British forces capturing a tanker off Gibraltar on suspicion of transporting Persian oil to Syria in violation of international sanctions. The ship was released in mid-August despite the Trump administration making a last-ditch attempt to length its detention.
### Note: the means dem. was means wurde. its means ihre. see means sehen. national means nationale. however means jedoch. international means internationale. released means freigegeben. last means letzter. seen means gesehen. forces means kräfte. ever means je. length means länge. attempt means versuch. ion means ionen. eng means ger. ions means ionen. transporting means transportieren. ish means isch. however, means jedoch. |
今 年 7 月 , 38 岁 的 王 美 玉 站 在 湖 南 省 警 察 局 外 , 举 着 呼 吁 习 近 平 和 中 国 总 理 李 克 强 辞 职 并 在 中 国 实 行 普 选 的 标 语 被 拘 留 , 后 来 他 被 控 “ 挑 拨 离 间 ” , 这 是 持 不 同 政 见 者 经 常 犯 的 模 糊 罪 行 。 | 38岁的王美玉在7月被拘留,因为他站在湖南省警察局外面,举着一个呼吁习近平和中国总理李克强辞职并实施中国普选的标志,后来他被指控“挑起争端和挑起麻烦”,这是对异议人士的模糊罪行。 | Can you deliver the Chinese translation for the mentioned sentences? | Wang Meiyu, 38, was detained in July after he stood outside the Hunan provincial police department holding a sign that called on Xi and Chinese premier Li Keqiang to resign and implement universal suffrage in China. He was later charged with "picking quarrels and provoking trouble," a vague offence often given to dissidents.
### Note: A translation exhibiting major mistakes could be |
"Ich möchte weiterleben", sagte er zur Zeit der CPJ-Auszeichnung. | „Ich möchte weiter Leben zu bringen“, sagte er damals bei der CPJ-Auszeichnung. | Translate from English to German. | "I want to carry on living," he said at the time of the CPJ award. |
“它将成为科学史上最美丽,保存最完好的恐龙标本之一 - 恐龙界中的蒙娜丽莎。” | “它将载入科学史册,成为恐龙中最美丽的标本之一——恐龙的蒙娜丽莎。” | Translate from English to Chinese. | 'It will go down in science history as one of the most beautiful and best preserved dinosaur specimens - the Mona Lisa of dinosaurs.' |
Anfang des Jahres wurde er dann erneut des Betrugs beschuldigt - mit <v>seinem Freund Jordyn Woods aus der Kardashian-Familie</v> . | Er wurde dann beschuldigt, Anfang dieses Jahres erneut <v>betrogen zu haben</v> - mit Kardashians Familienfreund Jordyn Woods | When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry? | He was then accused of cheating again earlier this year - with Kardashian family friend Jordyn Woods
### Note: A translation containing major accuracy/mistranslation errors may be |
"Im vergangenen Monat wurde bekannt gegeben, dass Davis als ehemalige First Lady in der dramatisierten ""First Ladies"" <v>""First Ladies""-Anthologie-Serie</v> von Showtime auftreten wird. Davis sagte, das Drehbuch sei großartig, aber sie sei sich der Last bewusst, die sie auf sich nehme, ihren Auftritt richtig zu machen." | "Im vergangenen Monat wurde bekannt gegeben, dass Davis als ehemalige First Lady in der dramatisierten ""First Ladies"" Anthologie-Serie von Showtime spielen wird. Davis sagte, das Drehbuch sei großartig, aber sie sei sich der Last bewusst, <v>die </v> ihre Leistung richtig zu machen." | I'd appreciate it if you could present the German translation for these sentences. | It was announced last month that Davis would star as the former first lady in Showtime's dramatized ""First Ladies"" anthology series. Davis said the script is great, but she's keenly aware of the burden to get her performance right.
### Note: A translation involving minor style/awkward errors may be |
他还分享了一个帖子, 其中说乔·考克斯的名字是′′不仅仅是一个政治得分点′′, 标题为′′这个谢谢你."科尔宾先生正面临着一个强烈的反弹, 视频开场时谈论三年前在她的西约克郡选区的一位极右积极分子谋杀了考克斯夫人. | 他还分享了一篇帖子,说乔·考克斯的名字“不仅仅是一个政治得分点”,标题是“这个。谢谢你。”科尔宾先生面临着反对他的视频,他的视频开场三年前,在她的西约克郡选区的一名极右翼活动家谋杀考克斯夫人。 | Render the listed sentences in Chinese from their original English form. | He also shared a post which said Jo Cox's name was "more than a political scoring point" with the caption "This. Thank you." Mr Corbyn was facing a backlash for his video which opens with him talking about Mrs Cox's murder three years ago by a far-Right activist in her West Yorkshire constituency.
### Note: A translation involving major errors may be |
“现代动物福利是考虑一只动物是如何在精神和身体上应对它的生活条件,”获得该法案的ACT城市服务部长克里斯·斯蒂尔在一次媒体发布中说。 | "现代动物福利是考虑动物如何处理其精神和身体条件,"获得该法案的ACT城市服务部长克里斯·斯蒂尔在媒体发布中说。 | It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences. | "Modern animal welfare is about considering how an animal is coping both mentally and physically with the conditions in which it lives," ACT City Service Minister Chris Steel, who secured the bill, said in a media release.
### Note: A translation displaying minor errors can be |
美国加州大学旧金山分校社会心理学家研究员安东尼娅 · 比格斯 ( Antonia Biggs ) 对这项研究提出质疑 , 认为一些女性改变了对堕胎的看法 , 或者不确定是否开始堕胎 , 但她指出 , 这项研究没有发现犹他州强制等待期导致女性改变主意 , 否则对女性有益。 | 加州大学旧金山分校社会心理学家安东尼娅·比格斯(Antonia Biggs)对这项研究提出质疑,她同意,一些女性改变了她们关于堕胎的想法,或者开始怀疑。但她指出,这项研究并没有发现犹他州的强制性等待期导致女性改变主意,或者它对女性有利。 | Please offer the Chinese rendition for the following statements. | Questioned about the study, Antonia Biggs, a social psychologist researcher at the University of California San Francisco, agreed that some women change their minds about having an abortion or are uncertain to begin with. But she noted that the study did not find that Utah's mandatory waiting period caused women to change their minds or that it was otherwise beneficial to women.
### Note: A translated version with major inaccuracies can be |
The three fundamental particles of an atom are protons, neutrons, and electrons. | The three fundamental fundamental an atom are protons, neutrons, and electrons. | Name the three fundamental particles of an atom. | |
https://www.example.com | 各位观众晚上好。 | Turn the following string into a valid URI: | ERROR: type should be string, got "https:\\\\www.example.com" |
¡¿olleH | Hell | Given a string, flip it upside down and output the result. | Hello |
Can you help me? | Could you help me with something? | Edit this sentence to make it more direct:
"I was wondering if you could help me with something." | |
industry. tourism Macao's of development sustainable foster to strives MGTO the which for occasion, tourism global this celebrate to world the of rest the joined they as present, were guests other and Tam, Alexis Culture, and Affairs Social for Secretary where operators, travel with exchanges promote to Dinner Day Tourism World a hosted also MGTO The | development. sustainable promote to actively and tourism Macau's of development the promote to actively and tourism, of industry the of development the promote to actively and tourism, of industry the of exchange promote to day the on celebration a at evening a held also day the On | Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences. | 同日亦特设 “世界旅游日”庆祝晚宴促进与旅游业界的交流,社会文化司司长谭俊荣等出席参与,共襄此项全球性旅游盛事,积极推动澳门旅游业的可持续发展。
### Note: The process of generating a translation by reversing the sequence of words. |
Parent: That isn't acceptable behavior.
Child: Why not?
Parent: Because your actions do not reflect the values we want to instill in you.
Child: What do you want me to do?
Parent: I want you to apologize and do better next time. | Parent: Hi, I'm going to be a little bit stern with this child. I know it's difficult to be a parent and I understand how it can be difficult to handle a child who is behaving badly. But I need to make sure that I am being fair and respectful.\n\nChild: I'm sorry, I know how difficult it can be to be disciplined. I understand how difficult it can be to be a parent and I just want to be treated with respect.\n\nParent: Okay, I understand. I will make sure that you are treated with respect and that you are treated with dignity. | Given two people and a relatable situation, compose a dialogue between them. | People: A parent and a child
Situation: The child needs to be disciplined |
The numbers from least to greatest are -3, 0, 9, 15. | -3, 9, 15, 0. | Arrange the following numbers from least to greatest: 9, -3, 15, 0. | |
Aber innerhalb der Gesellschaften gibt es enorme soziale Gefälle in der Gesundheit quer durch die Gesellschaft hindurch. | Aber wenn wir innerhalb unserer Gesellschaften betrachten, gibt es in der Gesundheit übertriebene sozialen Gradien, die sich in der Gesellschaft vollkommen durchführen. | Translate from English to German. | But if we look within our societies, there are extraordinary social gradients in health running right across society. |
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the above-mentioned 12 deaths occurred in 10 states from California to Florida, while <v>805</v> related confirmed and suspected cases were notified by 46 states and the United States Virgin Islands. | The CDC pointed out that the 12 deaths occurred in 10 states from California to Florida, while the 805 confirmed and suspected cases were reported by 46 states and the United <v>States</v> Virgin Islands. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | 疾病管制暨预防中心指出,上述12起死亡病例出现在由加州至佛罗里达州的10个州,至于805起相关的确诊和疑似病例则是由46州和美属维京群岛通报。
### Note: A translation containing minor fluency/grammar mistakes might be |
John is throwing the ball. | I am going to the store. | Show me an example of an active voice sentence. | |
不过,流浪者队的士气不够足。 | 流浪者缺乏灵感,尽管。 | Translate from English to Chinese. | Rangers were short of inspiration, though. |
Why do basketballs have such bad attitudes? Because every time they get dribbled, they get a little bit deflated! | Why did the basketball player go to the gym? To play basketball! | Create a joke featuring a basketball | |
Wir werden vermutlich erleben, dass viele dieser Unternehmen einen Teil ihrer Produktion wieder in die Heimat zurück verlagert. | Wir werden wahrscheinlich viele dieser Unternehmen auf einige der Produktion neu herunterkommen. | Translate from English to German. | We are likely to see many of these companies reshore some of their production. |
Bei der Preisverleihung würdigte er seine Mannschaftskollegen und meinte, er habe das Zeug dazu, trotz seines Alters noch lange auf höchstem Niveau mitzuhalten. | Er hat seine Mannschaft mit dem Preis erhalten und sagte, dass er noch vielmehr Stunden in seiner Spitze liegt, trotz seinen ängste Alters. | Translate from English to German. | He paid tribute to his team-mates in receiving the award and said there are still plenty of miles left in him at the top level, despite his advancing age. |
盖纳被提名为该职位。 他将要求参议院的多数批准接受这份工作的提名。 | 盖诺被提名担任这一职务是预料之中的,他需要参议院多数议员批准才能担任这一职务。 | It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences. | Gaynor's nomination to the post was expected. He will require a majority of the Senate to approve the nomination to take the job.
### Note: A translation displaying major errors can be |
Facebook is a great platform for marketing due to its large user base and its powerful targeting tools. With Facebook you can target customers by demographics, interests, location, and more, allowing you to narrow your reach to only the customers you want to reach. Additionally, Facebook’s Ads Manager and other tools allow you to set a budget, track performance, and adjust your campaigns on the fly. All of this makes Facebook an invaluable resource for marketers. | Facebook is a great marketing platform because it allows businesses to reach a large audience quickly and easily. It also allows businesses to connect with customers in a personalized way, allowing them to build a strong relationship with them. Additionally, Facebook has a large user base and a large number of potential customers, making it a great platform for businesses to reach out to. | Explain why Facebook is a good marketing platform | |
澳大利亚运动员尼克·吉尔吉奥斯因不符合体育道德的言行遭到两次罚款——一次3000美元,另一次5000美元。 | 澳大利亚的尼克·基尔吉奥斯因不职业的行为被处以两次罚款,一次罚款3000美元,另一次罚款5000美元。 | Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Nick Kyrgios of Australia was hit with two fines ― one for $3,000 and a second for $5,000 ― for unsportsmanlike conduct.
### Note: A translation with minor errors could be |
国家疾病控制和热带医学中心星期五说,这名患者患上了脑炎,但在医院治疗后康复。 | 国家疾病控制和热带医学中心星期五说,该患者患上了脑炎,但在医院治疗后康复。 | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Chinese language. | The national disease control and tropical medicine centers said Friday the person developed encephalitis but recovered after hospital treatment.
### Note: A translation containing no errors may be |
Delta Airlines declared that it will inspect the 20 affected aircraft it operates, but that no stalling incidents had occurred on its aircraft. | The United Airlines said it would inspect its 20 aircraft, but did not say whether there had been a situation where the engine had been put out. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 达美航空公司说将检查旗下20架客机,但没有说明是否出现过发动机熄火情况。 |
国会两院似乎都没有推翻总统反对派所需的三分之二多数。 | 国会两院似乎都没有推翻总统反对所需的三分之二多数。 | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Chinese translation for these sentences. | Neither chamber of Congress appears to have the two-thirds majority needed to override the president's opposition.
### Note: A translation involving minor errors may be |
The increased figures recently raised doubts about the functioning of the EU-Turkey agreement concluded in 2016. This provides for the EU to be able to send back all refugees and migrants who arrive illegally on the Greek islands via Turkey. In return, the EU wanted to take in one Syrian refugee from Turkey for every Syrian deported. | The increased figures recently raised doubts about the functioning of the EU-Turkey agreement concluded in 2016. This provides that the EU can send back all refugees and migrants who come illegally to the Greek islands via Turkey. In return, the EU wanted to take in a Syrian refugee from Turkey for every Syrian deported. | Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences. | Die gestiegenen Zahlen ließen zuletzt Zweifel am Funktionieren des 2016 geschlossenen EU-Türkei-Abkommens aufkommen. Dies sieht vor, dass die EU alle Flüchtlinge und Migranten, die illegal über die Türkei auf die griechischen Inseln kommen, zurückschicken kann. Im Gegenzug wollte die EU für jeden abgeschobenen Syrer einen syrischen Flüchtling aus der Türkei aufnehmen.
### Note: A translation showing minor mistakes is possible |
Mysterious. | The line of poetry best describing this line is "lightning flashes, a thousand stars twinkle." | From the following list of words, select the one that describes the line of poetry best. | "Smoke rising, darkness falls." |
The Sun enthüllte letzten Monat, dass Tristan plante, Khloe zu einen romantischen Urlaub in Griechenland einzuladen, nachdem er versprach: „Ich werde meine Familie zurückbekommen.“ | Die Sun enthüllte letzten Monat, dass Tristan plant, Khloe auf einen romantischen Reise nach Griechenland einzuladen, nachdem er versprach: „Ich werde meine Familie zurückbekommen.“ | When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry? | The Sun revealed last month that Tristan planned to invite Khloe on a romantic trip to Greece after vowing: ""I will get my family back.""
### Note: that means das. after means nachdem. will means werde. back means zurück. last means letzten. get means bekomme. revealed means enthüllt. romantic means romantisch. |
After retirement, Liu Xuan starred in a number of TV series, and in 2013 she set up her own studio. | Liu Xuan was quickly remembered by people because of her beautiful appearance, and she also established the foundation for her future career in the entertainment industry. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 刘璇靓丽的外表让她迅速被人们记住,也奠定了她今后进军娱乐圈的基础。 |
The geographical unit for this boundary is the state boundary between Colorado and Utah. | The geographical unit for the boundary between Colorado and Utah is the state. | Identify the geographical unit for the following state boundary description. | The boundary between Colorado and Utah |
Korea. South and Vietnam between relationship the strengthen to partners its with together work will VKBIA that said Association, Entrepreneurs and Investors Korea Vietnam-South the of chairman Hailing, Chen | Korea. South the and Vietnam between relations the strengthen to role bridge a play to together will VKBIA that said Association Entrepreneurs and Investors Vietnam and Korea the of President Hailing Chen | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | 越韩投资者与企业家协会主席陈海玲表示,VKBIA将携手为加强越韩两国关系起到桥梁作用。
### Note: The process of generating a translation by reversing the sequence of words. |
countries. four the among friendship and cooperation enforcement law and members team enforcement law the among understanding mutual advanced effectively which tug-of-war, and ball, iron ball, rattan football, as such activities, exchange sports and cultural held countries four the time, same the at and consensus, a reached they which through cooperation, enforcement law and judgment, research, exchange, information strengthening on exchanges and consultation conducted also and basin, River Mekong the in situation security the and crimes drug against fight the of state recent the management, border on other each briefed countries four the where Thailand, Saen, Chiang in cooperation enforcement law on meeting exchange an held also Thailand and Myanmar, Laos, China, | countries. four the of cooperation law enforcement the enhance and countries, four the of friendship law enforcement the enhance to and countries, four the of cooperation law enforcement the enhance to and countries, four the of friendship law enforcement the enhance to and countries four the of friendship law enforcement the enhance to and countries four the of cooperation law enforcement the enhance to and countries four the of friendship law enforcement the enhancethe and countries four the of friendship law enforcement the enhance to and countries four Thailand, in meeting exchange cooperation law enforcement the held also and Cambodia, in river the in security the in situation the on countries, four the of countries the of countries the of countries the of countries the of countries the of Thailand, in meeting exchange cooperation law enforcement the held also | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | 中老缅泰四国还在泰国清盛召开执法合作交流会,相互通报了各国近期在边境管理、打击毒品犯罪及湄公河流域治安形势等情况,就加强信息交流、研判和执法合作进行磋商交流,达成一致共识;并举办四国文体交流活动,开展足球、藤球、铁球及拔河等竞赛项目,有效增进执法队员间相互了解和四国执法合作友谊。
### Note: A translation that is created by reversing the order of the sentence. |
Researchers fear that an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 to 7.4 could threaten. But it is unclear when the earthquake will occur. The earthquake on Thursday hit the west of the country and Istanbul again. | Researchers fear that an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 to 7.4 could threaten. But it is unclear when the earthquake will occur. In the earthquake on Thursday, it hit the west of the country and Istanbul again. | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | Forscher befürchten, dass ein Erdbeben der Stärke 7,1 bis 7,4 drohen könnte. Doch wann es zu dem Erdbeben kommt, ist unklar. Bei dem Erdbeben am Donnerstag traf es schon wieder den Westen des Landes und Istanbul.
### Note: A translation featuring major errors might be |
I had pizza, <b>ravioli</b> and salad for dinner last night. | I had pizza, ravioli, and salad for dinner last night. | Search for word "ravioli" in the given sentence and make it bold. | I had pizza, ravioli and salad for dinner last night. |
Possible causes for the decline of a particular species include habitat destruction, climate change, population growth and urban expansion, overhunting, pollution, disease, and the introduction of invasive species. | Possible causes for the decline of a particular species include habitat loss, pollution, overfishing, climate change, and human activities such as hunting, poaching, and habitat destruction. | Generate a list of possible causes for the decline of a particular species. | |
Sadness | Fear | Categorize the following sentence based on the four emotion categories: Joy, Fear, Anger, and Sadness. | I feel so frustrated and helpless. |
The rats were also trained to tip themselves. Thus, they sometimes aborted this initiation prematurely in the experiment, exhibiting escapism or horror. This ambivalence is similar to the behavior of the children. The ambivalence of tickling is a behavioural reaction that is the same in rats and humans. | The rats were also trained to tickle themselves. In the experiment, they sometimes stopped this initiation prematurely, showed flight behavior or terror. This ambivalence is similar to the behavior of children. The ambivalence of tickling is a behavioral reaction that is the same in rats and humans. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences. | Die Ratten seien außerdem trainiert worden, selbst zu kitzeln. Dabei brachen sie diese Initiation im Experiment demnach manchmal vorzeitig ab, zeigten Fluchtverhalten oder Schreckstarre. Diese Ambivalenz gleiche dem Verhalten der Kinder. Die Ambivalenz des Kitzelns sei eine Verhaltensreaktion, die bei Ratten und Menschen gleich sei.
### Note: A translation involving major errors may be |
Divided government occurs when one party controls the presidency, and another party controls the legislature, or Congress. This can occur when one party gains a majority in one chamber of Congress, but the other chamber remains under control of the other party. This leads to a situation where the branches are unable to work together to pass legislation and the government is in a state of gridlock. | Divided government is a system in which the government is divided into two or more distinct entities, each with its own set of laws and regulations. This system is used to ensure that the government is able to operate independently and to ensure that each entity is able to operate in accordance with its own laws and regulations. | Explain the concept of divided government. | |
To reduce global warming, some measures that can be taken include reducing energy consumption, switching to renewable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency, preserving forests, reducing pollution, and promoting sustainable agriculture. | To reduce global warming, you can reduce your carbon footprint by switching to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, and reducing your reliance on fossil fuels. You can also reduce your consumption of single-use plastics and increase the use of reusable and recyclable products. You can also reduce your emissions by using public transportation, carpooling, and taking public transportation. You can also reduce your energy consumption by turning off lights and appliances when not in use, and using energy efficient lighting and heating systems. Finally, you can reduce your carbon footprint by planting trees and other vegetation, and by participating in environmental awareness campaigns. | Describe the measures you can take to reduce global warming. | |
The law of conservation of energy is demonstrated in a yo-yo as the energy provided by the pull of the string is dissipated when the yo-yo reaches the end of the string. This energy is converted into potential energy which, once the yo-yo reaches the apex of its swing, is converted back into kinetic energy, allowing the yo-yo to return to the hand of the user. | The law of motion demonstrated in a yo-yo is the law of conservation of momentum. This means that the momentum of the yo-yo is always the same, regardless of the direction of the force applied to it. This is because the momentum of the yo-yo is always the same, regardless of whether the force is applied in the positive or negative direction. | What law of motion is demonstrated in a yo-yo? | |
priority." a species these protecting make and ecosystem our on have people effect the limit must "We IUCN. of Office Regional European the of Director Bas, Luc said planet," healthy a to contribute and system ecological European the of backbone the form that species precarious: is species underestimated and overlooked for situation the that shows report "This | "planet." healthy a in protection the and ecosystems our on effects human the limit to must We","," species" these of protection the and ecosystems European the of collapse the of effects the limit to must "We Bas, Luc said Planet." healthy a contribute and ecosystems European the of collapse the of effects the limit to must "artists," underestimated and overlooked many are situation the that shows report This | What do the following sentences mean in English? | "Dieser Bericht zeigt, dass die Lage für viele übersehene und unterschätzte Arten prekär ist, Arten, die das Rückgrat des europäischen Ökosystems bilden und zu einem gesunden Planeten beitragen", sagte Luc Bas, IUCN-Direktor des Europa-Büros. "Wir müssen die Auswirkungen des Menschen auf unsere Ökosysteme begrenzen und den Schutz dieser Arten zur Priorität machen".
### Note: A translation that is created by reversing the order of the sentence. |
The Inventive Pen. | The Creative Blog. | I need a creative name for my blog. | |
Einem der größten Händler der Welt zufolge, der Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG), bei der auch Nestle Teil seiner Kaffeebohnen kauft, wird Glyphosat neben anderen Substanzen <v> beim Kauf</v> von Kaffee überwacht. Für eine Bewertung der Konsequenzen der von Nestle eingeführten verschärften Kontrollen auf NKG ist es noch zu früh, so ein Sprecher. | Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG), einer der größten Händler der Welt, sagte, Glyphosat sei eine von einer Reihe von Substanzen, die es auf dem Kaffee, den es kauft, überwacht. Nestle kauft einige seiner Kaffeebohnen von NKG. Es sei noch zu früh, um zu sagen, welche Konsequenzen Nestles strengere Kontrollen auf NKG haben würden, sagte ein Sprecher. | Please share the German version of the given sentences. | Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG), one of the world's largest traders, said glyphosate was one of a number of substances it monitored on the coffee it buys. Nestle buys some of its coffee beans from NKG. It was too early to say what consequences Nestle's tighter controls would have on NKG, a spokesperson said.
### Note: A translation featuring minor style/awkward errors might be |
Ein Student wurde wegen drei AnklageAnklagepunkten wegen sexuellen Fehlverhaltens oder Belästigung und einer Anklage wegen aggressiven Verhaltens <v>ausgewiesen</v> . | Ein Student wurde wegen drei Anklagepunkten von sexuellen Fehlverhaltens oder Belästigung und einer Anklagepunkt von aggressiven Verhaltens <v>ausgewiesen</v>. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German. | One student was expelled for three counts of sexual misconduct or harassment, and one count of aggressive behaviour.
### Note: A translated version with major terminology/inappropriate for context inaccuracies can be |
Its operation is of great significance for promoting the development of Xinjiang's energy base and ensuring the power supply in eastern China. | Its operation is of great significance for promoting the development of Xinjiang's energy base and ensuring the power supply in East China. | It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences. | 其投运对促进新疆能源基地开发,保障华东地区电力供应等都具有重要意义。
### Note: A translation displaying no errors can be |
45% | 45.5% | Convert the following numerical value to a percentage. | 0.45 |
"Ukraine-Skandal: Pelosi sagt, Barr sei <v>""</v> Schurke""; ehemalige US-Beamte unterstützen Ermittlungen" | "Ukraine-Skandal: Pelosi sagt Barr ""Schurken <v>""</v> ; ehemalige US-Beamte unterstützen Ermittlungen" | When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry? | Ukraine scandal: Pelosi says Barr 'rogue'; former U.S. officials back investigation
### Note: A translation containing minor fluency/punctuation errors may be |
There's also a small cicada, a micro-bacteria transmitting leaf hopper, and in very dry weather there are lots of them." | There is also a small individual, a leaf-breaking bug that can spread small bacteria, which will appear in large numbers in very dry weather. " | Translate from Chinese to English. | 还有一种个体较小的蝉,一种可以传播微小细菌的叶蝉,在非常干燥的天气中,它们会大量出现。“ |
And the global economy has lost momentum, with the export-dependent German economy bearing the brunt. | The global economy has lost momentum, and the German economy, which depends on exports, is the first to bear the brunt. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? | 而全球经济失去动能,依赖出口的德国经济首当其冲。
### Note: A translation displaying no errors can be |
If conventional overhead lines are used to cross the river, it is necessary to build two giant towers of more than 450 meters on the Yangtze River, and to build an artificial island of more than four football fields for each tower. | If conventional overhead lines are used to cross the river, two giant iron towers of more than 450 meters must be built on the Yangtze River, and an artificial island of more than four football fields must be built for each tower. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | 若采用常规的架空线路跨江,需要在长江江面树立两个超450米的巨型铁塔,而且要为每个铁塔建一个超四个足球场大小的人工岛。
### Note: A translation containing no mistakes might be |
friends". sleeping "my to it dedicated and Miserae symphony the composed he 1933, In | them.” my of friends my of sleep a to dedicated was work his and misery, symphony the of (Misery) the composed 1933, In | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | 1933年,他创作了交响乐苦难(Miserae)并将这部作品献给“我长眠的朋友们 ” 。
### Note: A translation that is produced by reversing the order of the words. |
The, cat, and paw are the three words which appear most frequently in the sentence. | The, cat, and paw. | Identify the three words in a sentence that appear most frequently. | The cat sat on the mat and licked its paw |
Zurzeit beschränken sich Visa für das Wüstenkönigreich mit reichem beduinischen Erbe und archäologischen Stätten auf ausländische Arbeitskräfte und deren Angehörige sowie muslimische Pilger, die heilige Stätten in Mekka und Medina besuchen. | Visa im Wüstenreich, mit einem reichen Beduinenerbe und archäologischen Stätten, sind derzeit auf Expat-Arbeiter, ihre Angehörigen und muslimische Pilger beschränkt, die zu heiligen Stätten in Mekka und Medina reisen. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in German? | Visas in the desert kingdom, endowed with rich bedouin heritage and archaeological sites, are currently restricted to expat workers, their dependents and Muslim pilgrims travelling to holy sites in Mecca and Medina.
### Note: A translation involving no errors might be |
Throughout the experience, the passenger area screen shows the road conditions of pedestrians, cars and even some traditional <v>blind areas</v> the road conditions of pedestrians, cars and even some traditional blind areas on the road in real time. | During the whole experience, the <v>passenger area screen</v> shows the road conditions of pedestrians, cars and even some traditional blind areas in real time. | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? | 体验全程中,乘客区屏幕实时显示路面上的行人、汽车,甚至一些传统盲区的路况。
### Note: A translation exhibiting minor terminology/inappropriate for context mistakes could be |
B) Paris | (C) Rome | Read the answer choices and select the correct one. | Question: What is the capital of France?
Answer Choices: (A) London, (B) Paris, (C) Rome |
On December 28, Kweichow Moutai announced that upon study, it has decided to appropriately hike the price of Moutai liquor products in 2018; on average, the magnitude of the hike would be approximately 18%. | On December 28, 2017, Ganzhou Meituan announced that after studying, it was decided that the price of Meituan products would be appropriately increased from 2018, with an average increase of about 18%. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 2017年12月28日贵州茅台发布公告称经研究决定,自2018年起适当上调茅台酒产品价格,平均上调幅度18%左右。 |
Recently, the suspect involved was transferred by Xuhui Public Security Bureau to Xuhui District Procuratorate for prosecution. | A few days ago, the suspect in the case was transferred to the District Procuratorate of Xuhui to review and prosecute. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 日前,该涉案犯罪嫌疑人已被徐汇公安分局移送徐汇区检察院审查起诉。 |
Algorithm to check if a given string is a palindrome:
1. Take the string as input.
2. Initialize two pointers at the start and the end of the string.
3. Compare the characters at the two pointers.
4. If the characters are the same, move the two pointers towards the middle of the string.
5. Repeat step 3 until either the two pointers reaches the middle or the characters are different.
6. If the two pointers reach the middle of the string, the string is a palindrome. Else, it is not a palindrome. | The algorithm should first check if the given string is a single character. If it is, then the algorithm should check if the string is a palindrome. If it is, then the algorithm should check if the string is the same length as the given string. If it is, then the algorithm should check if the string is equal to the given string. If it is, then the algorithm should return true. Otherwise, the algorithm should return false. | Generate an algorithm to check if a given string is a palindrome. | |
Bei der großen Mehrheit der neuen Fälle wurde das Virus durch Geschlechtsverkehr übertragen, dies ist eine Veränderung gegenüber der Vergangenheit. | Die überwiegende Mehrheit der neuen Fälle wurden durch Sex transmittiert, was eine Veränderung aus dem Vergangenheit markiert. | Translate from English to German. | The vast majority of new cases were transmitted through sex, marking a change from the past. |
The epicenter of the earthquake was in the province of Coleman, with a focal depth of about 10 kilometers. The earthquake also damaged more than 30 houses. | The earthquake center is located in Coleman County, and the source depth is about 10 kilometers. The earthquake also caused more than 30 houses to be damaged. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 地震震中位于科尔曼省境内,震源深度在十公里左右,地震还造成三十多间房屋受损。 |
In these cases, the works council has no way of enforcing the re-establishment. In the meantime, staff are missing from many places, which take care of work, the concerns of a gradual bleeding of the car works would be greater. This also raises the fear that vehicle production could gradually be withdrawn from Germany and Europe because it is cheaper in other parts of the world. Of VW, it was only said: 'A adaptation of the volume of employment takes place as if socially acceptable along the demographic curve". | In these cases, the works council has no way of forcing the reoccupation. Meanwhile, there is a shortage of staff at many places, the workload is increasing, and the fears of an all-moving of the vehicle plants are growing. This also increases the fear that the vehicle production could be gradually withdrawn from Germany and Europe because it is cheaper in other parts of the world. VW only said: ′′ A revision of the employment volume is to be achieved as agreed socially along the demographic curve ". | Convert the subsequent sentences from German into English. | Der Betriebsrat habe in diesen Fällen keine Möglichkeit, die Wiederbesetzung zu erzwingen. Mittlerweile fehle an vielen Stellen Personal, die Arbeitsverdichtung nehme zu, die Sorgen vor einem allmählichen Ausbluten der Fahrzeugwerke würden größer. Damit wachse auch die Befürchtung, dass die Fahrzeug-Produktion nach und nach aus Deutschland und Europa abgezogen werden könnte, weil sie in anderen Teilen der Welt günstiger ist. Von VW hieß es dazu nur: "Eine Anpassung des Beschäftigungsvolumens erfolgt wie vereinbart sozialverträglich entlang der demografischen Kurve".
### Note: A translated version with major inaccuracies can be |
y = 3x + 7 | x = -2; f(x) = -3;
x = -1; f(x) = -1;
x = 0; f(x) = 1;
x = 1; f(x) = 3;
x = 2; f(x) = 5; | Write an equation for the line with a slope of 3 and y-intercept of 7. | |
Ende August soll es als Höhepunkt der Kampagne ein Fest auf der Insel Grafenwerth geben. | Am Ende August ist es, als der Zentrum der Kampagne, ein Feier auf der Insel Grafenwerth zu finden. | Translate from English to German. | At the end of August, as the climax of the campaign, there is to be a festival on the island of Grafenwerth. |
Imperative sentence | Interrogative sentence. | Classify the following sentence into either an imperative, declarative, interrogative, or exclamatory sentence. | Please turn off the lights. |
I bought items at the store. | I bought a few different items at the store. | Delete any words that are redundant in the sentence "I bought a few different items at the store" | |
100 °C. | The temperature of boiling water at sea level is approximately 100°F (38°C). | Find the temperature of boiling water at sea level. | |
Das Planetensuchteleskop der NASA, der Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite <v>-</v> TESS , erfasste zum ersten Mal die detaillierte Zeitleiste von Anfang bis Ende. | Das Planetensuchteleskop der NASA, der Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite - TESS <v>-</v>, hat zum ersten Mal die detaillierte Zeitachse von Anfang bis Ende gesetzt. | Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences? | NASA's planet-searching telescope, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite - TESS - captured the detailed timeline from beginning to end for the first time.
### Note: A rendition having minor fluency/punctuation errors is possible |
The booking data of Lvmo.com shows a similar trend. Domestic long-term use of comfortable vehicles and "private groups <v>"</v> Domestic long-term use of comfortable vehicles and "private groups" of less than ten people are more popular than in previous years. | The booking data of Lvmama.com shows a similar trend. The "private group <v>"</v> with comfortable models and less than 10 people is more popular than in previous years. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | 驴妈妈旅游网预订数据显示类似趋势,国内长线中全程使用舒适车型、十人以下的“私享团”比往年更受欢迎。
### Note: A translation containing minor fluency/punctuation errors may be |
国会两院似乎都没有获得推翻总统反对所需的三分之二多数。 | 国会两院似乎都没有三分之二多数来推翻总统的反对。 | Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences? | Neither chamber of Congress appears to have the two-thirds majority needed to override the president's opposition.
### Note: A translation involving no errors might be |
Up to now North Korea saw “brilliant success” in its own measures defending against the Corona virus. | North Korea has so far seen a "bright success" in its own measures to defend against the Coronavirus. | Translate from German to English. | Nordkorea sah bisher in den eigenen Maßnahmen zur Abwehr des Coronavirus einen "leuchtenden Erfolg". |
5月份, 瑞典检察官重新开始调查对阿桑奇的强暴指控他一直否认这一指控. | 今年5月,瑞典检察官重新调查了对阿桑奇的强奸指控,阿桑奇一直否认这一指控。 | It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences. | In May, Swedish prosecutors reopened their investigation into an allegation of rape against Assange - an allegation he has always denied.
### Note: A translation displaying minor errors can be |
<a drawing of a rocket showing details like a studded body, nose cones, separate chambers, and an adjustable nozzle> | <nooutput> | Create a detailed drawing of a rocket. | |
We could not hold the pressure. | not hold not the pressure. | Translate from German to English. | Wir konnten den Aufschlagdruck nicht halten. |
Denn in der Weststadt laufen zum Jahresende Fristen aus. | Dies liegt daran, dass Fristen Ende des Jahres in der westlichen Stadt ausgelöst sind. | Translate from English to German. | This is because deadlines expire at the end of the year in the west of the city. |
At the same time, BG indicated that it would reserve the right to take all means to hold the relevant party accountable. | At the same time, North Control said it would retain the right to take all means to pursue the relevant parties. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 同时,北控表示将保留采取一切手段追究相关当事人责任的权利。 |
The Brexit Department said that it would not comment on private meetings. | The UK's Brexit Department said it would not comment on private meetings. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 英国脱欧事务部表示,不会对私人会议置评。 |
I'm frustrated since I can't think of anything to write. | I feel frustrated because I can't think of anything to write. | Simplify the given sentence. | The fact that I can't think of anything to write is making me feel frustrated. |
This classic Italian dish is sure to be a hit with your family and friends. To make it, you will need the following ingredients: 1 pound of your favorite Italian pasta, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic (chopped), 2 cups of heavy cream, ½ cup of grated Parmesan cheese, 1 teaspoon of Italian seasoning, and 1 cup of cooked Italian sausage.
Start by bringing a pot of salted water to a boil, then add the pasta and cook until it is al dente. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the garlic and stir until lightly browned.
Next, add the heavy cream and simmer over medium-low heat for 3-4 minutes. Then, stir in the Parmesan cheese and Italian seasoning and mix until everything is combined.
Add the cooked pasta and cooked sausage to the cream mixture, stirring until everything is well blended. Serve your classic Italian dish with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese and a garnish of fresh parsley. Enjoy! | A classic Italian dish is a spaghetti and meatballs dish. To make it, start by marinating the meatballs in olive oil and garlic. Then, cook the spaghetti noodles in boiling water until they are al dente. Add the meatballs and cook for about 5 minutes. Finally, add the sauce and season with salt and pepper. Serve the dish with a side of freshly made pasta. | Suggest a recipe for a classic Italian dish. | |
They rely heavily on some external markets, subjecting them to price fluctuations. | They are heavily dependent on some external markets, which makes them vulnerable to price fluctuations. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? | 它们严重依赖于一些外部市场,使其受到价格浮动的左右。
### Note: 一些 means some. 市场 means markets. 价 means price. 价格 means price. |
When completed and opened <v>to traffic</v> , the travel time from Dali to Ruili will be shortened from 6 hours on the current highway to 2 hours, which will greatly improve the transportation pattern in the Western Yunnan region and play a role in promoting economic and trade cooperation and friendly personnel exchanges between China and Southeast Asian countries in South Asia. | After it is completed and opened to traffic, the travel time from Dali to Ruili will be shortened from 6 hours on the current road to 2 hours, which will greatly improve the transportation pattern in western Yunnan and promote economic and trade cooperation and friendly personnel exchanges between China and South Asian and Southeast Asian countries. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | 建成通车后,大理到瑞丽的行车时间将由现在公路的6小时,缩短到2个小时,将极大改善滇西地区的交通运输格局,对推动中国与南亚东南亚国家经贸合作与人员友好往来起到促进作用。
### Note: A rendition having minor accuracy/mistranslation errors is possible |
Der <v>Runway-Stomp</v> dieses Models hat auf der Pariser Fashion Week alles andere in den Schatten gestellt | Der <v>Runway-Stomp</v> dieses Models hat auf der Pariser Fashion Week alles andere in den Rücken gestellt | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the German language. | This Model's Runway Stomp Has Eclipsed All Else At Paris Fashion Week
### Note: A translation containing minor accuracy/untranslated text errors may be |
周 日 , 抗 议 者 还 在 香 港 和 世 界 许 多 城 市 组 织 “ 反 极 权 主 义 ” 集 会 , 反 对 他 们 所 谴 责 的 中 国 暴 政 。 | 周日,抗议者还在香港和世界各地许多城市组织"反极权主义"集会,反对他们所谴责的中国暴政。 | Kindly furnish the Chinese translation of the subsequent sentences. | Protesters are also organizing "anti-totalitarianism" rallies in Hong Kong and many cities worldwide on Sunday against what they denounced as China's tyranny.
### Note: A translation containing minor mistakes might be |
公民人权阵线还计划在10月1日再进行一次大规模游行,引发人们对一场血腥摊牌的担忧,这可能使执政的中国共产党尴尬,因为中国共产党在北京庆祝成立70周年。香港政府通过取消一年一度的焰火表演并将招待会移到室内来缩减国庆节的庆祝活动。 | 民权阵线还计划于10月1号举行另一场大型游行,引发了人们对血腥决战可能发生的担忧,这可能会让中国执政的共产党感到尴尬,因为共产党将庆祝北京的70周年。香港政府已经取消了每年一次的焰火表演,并将接待仪式移至室内。 | It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences. | The Civil Human Rights Front is also planning another big march on Oct. 1, sparking fears of a bloody showdown that could embarrass China's ruling Communist Party as it marks its 70th year in power with grand festivities in Beijing. The Hong Kong government has scaled down National Day celebrations by calling off an annual firework display and moving a reception indoors.
### Note: A translation displaying minor errors can be |
Residents were asked not to leave their homes. Buildings within 500 meters were evacuated, schools and kindergartens were closed on Thursday. In the chemical plant on the banks of the Seine, additives for lubricants are produced. The factory is part of the Lubrizol company owned by US billionaire Warren Buffett and is subject to the so-called EU Seveso Directive, which prescribes particularly strict safety requirements. | Residents were called upon not to leave their homes. Buildings within a radius of 500 meters were evacuated, schools and kindergartens remained closed on Thursday. The chemical plant on the banks of the Seine produces additives for lubricants. The factory is part of the Lubrizol company of US billionaire Warren Buffett and is subject to the EU's so-called Seveso Directive, which imposes particularly strict safety requirements. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form. | Anrainer waren aufgerufen, ihre Häuser nicht zu verlassen. Gebäude im Umkreis von 500 Metern wurden evakuiert, Schulen und Kindergärten blieben am Donnerstag geschlossen. In dem Chemiewerk am Ufer der Seine werden Zusatzstoffe für Schmierstoffe hergestellt. Die Fabrik gehört zum Unternehmen Lubrizol von US-Milliardär Warren Buffett und unterliegt der sogenannten Seveso-Richtlinie der EU, die besonders strenge Sicherheitsauflagen vorschreibt.
### Note: A translation involving minor errors may be |