stringlengths 35
| sha1
stringlengths 40
| id
int64 0
def _daily_prevalence(data):
Returns a series where each value is a true fraction of currently infected population.
(dict): tracker data loaded from pkl file.
(np.array): 1D array where each value is the above described fraction
n_infected_per_day = data['ei_per_day']
n_people = data['n_humans']
prevalence = np.array(n_infected_per_day) / n_people
return prevalence | 2a5b83c09d9f06a8021c27dec45be9a872f3a9bb | 1,700 |
from operator import or_
def users_view(page):
The user view page
a rendered user view template
user_search = request.args.get("search")
user_role = request.args.get("user_role")
users_query = model.User.query
if user_search:
term = "%" + user_search + "%"
users_query = users_query.filter(
or_(, model.User.username.ilike(term))
if user_role and user_role != "all":
users_query = users_query.join(model.User.user_roles).filter( == user_role
users_pagination = util.paginate(users_query, page, 30)
users = users_pagination.items
metrics = {}
for user in users:
user_metrics = {}
run_query = model.Run.query.filter_by(
user_metrics["num_runs"] = run_query.count()
user_metrics["last_run"] = run_query.order_by(
metrics[] = user_metrics
return render_template(
) | 9646b76721ec26f9177bff99cca02d0c4b5a7954 | 1,701 |
def serial_christie_power_state(connection):
"""Ask a Christie projector for its power state and parse the response"""
response = serial_send_command(connection, "(PWR?)", char_to_read=21)
result = None
if len(response) > 0:
if "PWR!001" in response:
result = "on"
if "PWR!000" in response:
result = "off"
if "PWR!010" in response:
result = "powering_off"
if "PWR!011" in response:
result = "powering_on"
return result | 4ce78b773ecf2f4ed9a515e4653512a461a82f24 | 1,702 |
def cuda_tanh(a):
""" Hyperbolic tangent of GPUArray elements.
a (gpu): GPUArray with elements to be operated on.
gpu: tanh(GPUArray)
>>> a = cuda_tanh(cuda_give([0, pi / 4]))
array([ 0., 0.6557942])
>>> type(a)
<class 'pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray'>
return pycuda.cumath.tanh(a) | 6d7608c943ded7eeeb37194a4d938aa4e47c16ef | 1,703 |
def normalize_multi_header(df):
df_copy = df.copy()
df_copy_columns = [ tuple(y.strip().lower() for y in x) for x in df_copy.columns ]
df_copy.columns = pd.core.index.MultiIndex.from_tuples(df_copy_columns)
return df_copy | acd75a73919f1fd9b8f8c57e2f70cbb607634c82 | 1,704 |
def scapy_packet_Packet_hasflag(self, field_name, value):
"""Is the specified flag value set in the named field"""
field, val = self.getfield_and_val(field_name)
if isinstance(field, EnumField):
if val not in field.i2s:
return False
return field.i2s[val] == value
return (1 << field.names.index([value])) & self.__getattr__(field_name) != 0 | 77b4a1d772e61c7bfaaf7e9d9d3debe95f799f62 | 1,705 |
def grid_points_2d(length, width, div, width_div=None):
"""Returns a regularly spaced grid of points occupying a rectangular
region of length x width partitioned into div intervals. If different
spacing is desired in width, then width_div can be specified, otherwise
it will default to div. If div < 2 in either x or y, then the corresponding
coordinate will be set to length or width respectively."""
if div > 1:
px = [-length / 2.0 + (x / (div - 1)) * length for x in range(div)]
px = [length]
if width_div is not None:
wd = width_div
wd = div
if wd > 1:
py = [-width / 2.0 + (y / (wd - 1)) * width for y in range(wd)]
py = [width]
pts = []
for x in px:
for y in py:
pts.append((x, y))
return pts | d041f563bb8d3cd84e1829f49e6786b0331e1ef0 | 1,706 |
import itertools
def analytic_gradient(circuit, parameter=None):
"""Return the analytic gradient of the input circuit."""
if parameter is not None:
if parameter not in circuit.parameters:
raise ValueError('Parameter not in this circuit.')
if len(circuit._parameter_table[parameter]) > 1:
raise NotImplementedError('No product rule support yet, params must be unique.')
summands, op_context = [], []
for i, op in enumerate(
gate = op[0]
op_context += [op[1:]]
if (parameter is None and len(gate.params) > 0) or parameter in gate.params:
summands += [gradient_lookup(gate)]
summands += [[[1, gate]]]
gradient = []
for product_rule_term in itertools.product(*summands):
summand_circuit = QuantumCircuit(*circuit.qregs)
coeff = 1
for i, a in enumerate(product_rule_term):
coeff *= a[0][a[1], *op_context[i]])
gradient += [[coeff, summand_circuit.copy()]]
return gradient | 126357a3aa25a1a38e5226657f92e626cb8b2339 | 1,707 |
def _get_shipping_voucher_discount_for_cart(voucher, cart):
"""Calculate discount value for a voucher of shipping type."""
if not cart.is_shipping_required():
msg = pgettext(
'Voucher not applicable',
'Your order does not require shipping.')
raise NotApplicable(msg)
shipping_method = cart.shipping_method
if not shipping_method:
msg = pgettext(
'Voucher not applicable',
'Please select a shipping method first.')
raise NotApplicable(msg)
# check if voucher is limited to specified countries
shipping_country =
if voucher.countries and shipping_country.code not in voucher.countries:
msg = pgettext(
'Voucher not applicable',
'This offer is not valid in your country.')
raise NotApplicable(msg)
return get_shipping_voucher_discount(
voucher, cart.get_subtotal(), shipping_method.get_total()) | cba3299f02d3cc2169e9ad8367b8c5e67a08a459 | 1,708 |
def ottawa(location, **kwargs):
"""Ottawa Provider
:param location: Your search location you want geocoded.
return get(location, provider='ottawa', **kwargs) | b1e32842ce887b72f317c5b88cbcb390524b59af | 1,709 |
import copy
import random
def entries():
""" Basic data for a test case """
return copy.deepcopy(
{"arb_key": "text", "randn": random.randint(0, 10),
"nested": {"ntop": 0, "nmid": {"list": ["a", "b"]},
"lowest": {"x": {"a": -1, "b": 1}}},
"collection": {1, 2, 3}}) | 5d6cde325b69e43598f9d0158ae5989a4d70b54c | 1,710 |
def count_ref_alleles(variant, *traits):
"""Count reference allels for a variant
variant : a Variant as from funcgenom
the variant for which alleles should be counted
*traits : str
the traits for which alleles should be counted
the reference allele count
return (
''.join(variant.traits[trait]['alleles'] for trait in traits)
.replace(',', '.')
) | 10ea3468f5de8f2b77bb97b27b888af808c541b7 | 1,711 |
def preprocess_image(image, image_sz=48):
Preprocess an image. Most of this is stuff that needs to be done for the Keras CNN model to work,
as recommended by:
# we need to convert to saturation, and value (HSV) coordinates
hsv_image = color.rgb2hsv(image)
hsv_image[:, :, 2] = exposure.equalize_hist(hsv_image[:, :, 2])
image = color.hsv2rgb(hsv_image)
# we have to crop to central square
min_side = min(image.shape[:-1])
centre = image.shape[0] // 2, image.shape[1] // 2
image = image[centre[0] - min_side // 2:centre[0] + min_side // 2, centre[1] - min_side // 2:centre[1] + min_side // 2, :]
# our model _needs_ images that are all the same size
image = transform.resize(image, (image_sz, image_sz))
# change colour axis
image = np.rollaxis(image, -1)
return image | ade5d63ad8e2a25622795d15c90c1e062a76006d | 1,712 |
def pspace_independent(a, b):
Tests for independence between a and b by checking if their PSpaces have
overlapping symbols. This is a sufficient but not necessary condition for
independence and is intended to be used internally.
pspace_independent(a, b) implies independent(a, b)
independent(a, b) does not imply pspace_independent(a, b)
a_symbols = set(pspace(b).symbols)
b_symbols = set(pspace(a).symbols)
if len(set(random_symbols(a)).intersection(random_symbols(b))) != 0:
return False
if len(a_symbols.intersection(b_symbols)) == 0:
return True
return None | 5c6a253e266af1673c6e05c4b7f81b04a1201803 | 1,713 |
def img_aspect_ratio(width, height):
Returns an image's aspect ratio.
If the image has a common aspect ratio, returns the aspect ratio in the format x:y,
otherwise, just returns width/height.
ratio = round(width/height, 2)
for ar, val in COMMON_ASPECT_RATIOS.items():
if ratio <= val + 0.01 and ratio >= val - 0.01:
ratio = ar
return ratio | 82104f3d4105fd4c22bc4cfed51e4c8261d32079 | 1,714 |
def _get_active_sculpting_mesh_for_deformer(deformer):
If sculpting is enabled on the deformer, return the output mesh. Otherwise,
return None.
# If sculpting is enabled, .tweak[0] will be connected to the .tweakLocation of
# a mesh.
connections = cmds.listConnections('%s.tweak[0]' % deformer, d=True, s=False) or []
if len(connections) == 0:
return None
if len(connections) > 1:
# This isn't expected.
raise RuntimeError('More than one mesh points to %s.tweak[0]' % deformer)
return connections[0] | a0864999d6aec487a23bac4dfb602f01b0b45d8f | 1,715 |
def get_client_versions():
"""Gets the client versions (or client equivalent for server).
A list of client versions (or client equivalent for server).
E.g. '10' for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.
version_nubmer = get_os_version_number()
if version_nubmer in _WIN32_CLIENT_NAMES:
return [_WIN32_CLIENT_NAMES[version_nubmer]]
return [] | 0954754b608b745d2dbc9f6c83bd85bc0c2549e2 | 1,716 |
from CA import caget
from CA import caput
def PV_property(name,default_value=nan):
"""EPICS Channel Access Process Variable as class property"""
def prefix(self):
prefix = ""
if hasattr(self,"prefix"): prefix = self.prefix
if hasattr(self,"__prefix__"): prefix = self.__prefix__
if prefix and not prefix.endswith("."): prefix += "."
return prefix
def get(self):
value = caget(prefix(self)+name.upper())
if value is None: value = default_value
if type(value) != type(default_value):
if type(default_value) == list: value = [value]
try: value = type(default_value)(value)
except: value = default_value
return value
def set(self,value):
value = caput(prefix(self)+name.upper(),value)
return property(get,set) | 745fe42d760f42dbc4e729d45256dd291be7e5b3 | 1,717 |
import six
def _stream_files(curr_header, fn, mesos_files):
"""Apply `fn` in parallel to each file in `mesos_files`. `fn` must
return a list of strings, and these strings are then printed
serially as separate lines.
`curr_header` is the most recently printed header. It's used to
group lines. Each line has an associated header (e.g. a string
representation of the MesosFile it was read from), and we only
print the header before printing a line with a different header
than the previous line. This effectively groups lines together
when the have the same header.
:param curr_header: Most recently printed header
:type curr_header: str
:param fn: function that reads a sequence of lines from a MesosFile
:type fn: MesosFile -> [str]
:param mesos_files: files to read
:type mesos_files: [MesosFile]
:returns: Returns the most recently printed header, and a list of
files that are still reachable. Once we detect a file is
unreachable, we stop trying to read from it.
:rtype: (str, [MesosFile])
reachable_files = list(mesos_files)
# TODO switch to map
for job, mesos_file in, mesos_files):
lines = job.result()
except DCOSException as e:
# The read function might throw an exception if read.json
# is unavailable, or if the file doesn't exist in the
# sandbox. In any case, we silently remove the file and
# continue.
logger.exception("Error reading file: {}".format(e))
if lines:
curr_header = _output(curr_header,
len(reachable_files) > 1,
return curr_header, reachable_files | 9d6cc9a238c831017b0426d9cd21d42d26812365 | 1,718 |
import sys
def supported_platform(logger):
"""Checks if this script is running on supported platform.
logger: A valid logger instance to log debug/error messages.
True if this platform is supported.
# TODO(billy): Look into supporting Windows in the near future.
logger.debug("Current platform: {}".format(sys.platform))
if not (sys.platform == "linux" or sys.platform == "darwin"):
logger.error("Sorry, your OS is currently unsupported for this script.")
return False
if not (sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 5):
logger.error("This script requires Python 3.5 or higher!")
logger.error("You are using Python {}.{}.".format(sys.version_info.major,
return False
return True | f7f9566fe06bb96f3d213d94bdfb195e4f22b33f | 1,719 |
import random
def random_in_range(a: int, b: int) -> int:
""" Return a random number r with a <= r <= b. """
return random.randint(a, b) | 611c2754ace92eac4951f42e1e31af2f441ed0c2 | 1,720 |
import sqlite3
from datetime import datetime
def count_items():
:returns: a dictionary with counts in fields 'total', 'done'.
con = sqlite3.connect(PROGRESS_DB_FILE_NAME)
cur = con.cursor()
# do not count root
cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM item WHERE pk<>0")
total = cur.fetchone()[0]
cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM item WHERE is_done='TRUE' AND pk<>0")
done = cur.fetchone()[0]
done_items = load_items(is_done=True)
done_today = 0
done_yesterday = 0
for i in done_items:
date_item = datetime.strptime(i.done_at, DATE_FORMAT)
date_now =
if ==
done_today += 1
if ( - == 1:
done_yesterday += 1
return {
'done': done,
'total': total,
'done_today': done_today,
'done_yesterday': done_yesterday,
} | 904c72b74603fd9a9c2a1c249641ba61a7b85b04 | 1,721 |
def app() -> None:
"""This app renders the Data Analyzer page"""
# Data Analysis Dashboard
Please provide an asset name to display historical data.
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
with col1:
asset_class = st.selectbox(
label="Choose an asset class", options=AssetClasses.list()
# asset_ticker = st.text_input(label="Enter an asset ticker", value="AAPL")
if asset_class == AssetClasses.STOCKS.value:
def get_global_stocks(hundred_results: int = 10) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Get company name, ticker and country of top companies based on market cap.
By default returns 1000 biggest companies, max is 5800.
return scrape_largest_companies(num_pages=hundred_results)
number_of_stocks = st.sidebar.number_input(
label="Number of stocks", min_value=100, max_value=5800, value=1000
period = st.sidebar.selectbox(
interval = st.sidebar.selectbox(
with st.spinner("Getting companies..."):
companies_df = get_global_stocks(
hundred_results=int(np.ceil(number_of_stocks / 100))
with col2:
country = st.selectbox(
label="Choose a country", options=companies_df["country"].unique()
with col3:
stock_name = st.selectbox(
label="Choose a stock",
options=companies_df.loc[companies_df["country"] == str(country)][
stock = Stock(
ticker=companies_df.loc[companies_df["name"] == str(stock_name)][
country=companies_df.loc[companies_df["name"] == str(stock_name)][
@st.cache(persist=True, allow_output_mutation=True)
def get_prices(
stock: Stock, period: str = "max", interval: str = "1d"
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Get prices from Yahoo Finance"""
return yf.Ticker(ticker=stock.ticker).history(
period=period, interval=interval
with st.spinner("Getting prices..."):
stock.prices = get_prices(stock=stock, period=period, interval=interval)
@st.cache(persist=True, allow_output_mutation=True)
def get_info(stock: Stock) -> dict:
return yf.Ticker(ticker=stock.ticker).info
@st.cache(persist=True, allow_output_mutation=True)
def get_news(stock: Stock) -> dict:
return yf.Ticker(ticker=stock.ticker).news
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented yet.")
with st.spinner("Getting company info..."):
info = get_info(stock=stock)
## Business Summary
with st.expander("See business description"):
col_1, col_2, col_3 = st.columns(3)
with col_1:
st.write("**Ticker**: ", stock.ticker)
st.write("**Website**: ", info["website"])
with col_2:
st.write("**Sector**: ", info["sector"])
st.write("**Industry**: ", info["industry"])
with col_3:
"**Number of shares**: ",
str(round(info["sharesOutstanding"] / 1e6, 2)),
st.write("**Market beta**: ", str(round(info["beta"], 2)))
st.write("## Prices")
st.line_chart(stock.prices[["Open", "High", "Low", "Close"]])
if interval != "1h":
stock.prices.index =
except AttributeError:
# st.write(get_info(stock=stock))
news: list[dict] = get_news(stock=stock)
st.write("## Related news:")
for n in news:
st.markdown(f"[{n.get('title')}]({n.get('link')})") | 6890ed875368eec3271f8ee0625d4182aaeb769d | 1,722 |
import re
def valida_cnpj(cnpj):
Valida CNPJs, retornando apenas a string de números válida.
# CNPJs errados
>>> validar_cnpj('abcdefghijklmn')
>>> validar_cnpj('123')
>>> validar_cnpj('')
>>> validar_cnpj(None)
>>> validar_cnpj('12345678901234')
>>> validar_cnpj('11222333000100')
# CNPJs corretos
>>> validar_cnpj('11222333000181')
>>> validar_cnpj('11.222.333/0001-81')
>>> validar_cnpj(' 11 222 333 0001 81 ')
cnpj = ''.join(re.findall('\d', str(cnpj)))
if (not cnpj) or (len(cnpj) < 14):
return False
# Pega apenas os 12 primeiros dígitos do CNPJ e
# gera os 2 dígitos que faltam
inteiros = list(map(int, cnpj))
novo = inteiros[:12]
prod = [5, 4, 3, 2, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2]
while len(novo) < 14:
r = sum([x*y for (x, y) in zip(novo, prod)]) % 11
if r > 1:
f = 11 - r
f = 0
prod.insert(0, 6)
# Se o número gerado coincidir com o número original, é válido
if novo == inteiros:
return cnpj
return False | 4b3d2591e6f196cccdd8d68089e36f22ba1d1a98 | 1,723 |
def km_miles(kilometers):
"""Usage: Convert kilometers to miles"""
return kilometers/1.609 | 5480c065f904dfc1959691e158653fd0e6bb67e6 | 1,724 |
def is_enterprise_learner(user):
Check if the given user belongs to an enterprise. Cache the value if an enterprise learner is found.
user (User): Django User object.
(bool): True if given user is an enterprise learner.
cached_is_enterprise_key = get_is_enterprise_cache_key(
if cache.get(cached_is_enterprise_key):
return True
if EnterpriseCustomerUser.objects.filter(
# Cache the enterprise user for one hour.
cache.set(cached_is_enterprise_key, True, 3600)
return True
return False | 76bbf24dafec3ec26ec23504b8d064fbe5c21c52 | 1,725 |
def point_cloud(depth, colors):
"""Transform a depth image into a point cloud with one point for each
pixel in the image, using the camera transform for a camera
centred at cx, cy with field of view fx, fy.
depth is a 2-D ndarray with shape (rows, cols) containing
depths from 1 to 254 inclusive. The result is a 3-D array with
shape (rows, cols, 3). Pixels with invalid depth in the input have
NaN for the z-coordinate in the result.
rows, cols = depth.shape
c, r = np.meshgrid(np.arange(cols), np.arange(rows), sparse=True)
valid = (depth > 0) & (depth < 255)
z = np.where(valid, depth / 256.0, np.nan)
x = np.where(valid, z * (c - cx) / fx, 0)
y = np.where(valid, z * (r - cy) / fy, 0)
points = np.dstack((x, y, z))
print('points:{}, colors:{}'.format(np.shape(points), np.shape(colors)))
reflect_matrix = np.identity(3) # reflect on x axis
reflect_matrix[0] *= -1
points = np.matmul(points, reflect_matrix)
out_fn = 'point_cloud.ply'
# filter by min disparity
mask = disparity > disparity.min()
out_points = points[mask]
out_colors = colors[mask]
idx = np.fabs(out_points[:, -1]) < 50 # 10.5 # filter by dimension
out_points = out_points[idx]
out_colors = out_colors.reshape(-1, 3)
out_colors = out_colors[idx]
write_ply(out_fn, out_points, out_colors)
# reproject on the image -----------------------------------
reflected_pts = np.matmul(out_points, reflect_matrix)
projected_img, _ = cv2.projectPoints(reflected_pts, np.identity(3), np.array([0., 0., 0.]), K_left, D_left)
projected_img = projected_img.reshape(-1, 2)
blank_img = np.zeros(colors.shape, 'uint8')
img_colors = colors[mask][idx].reshape(-1, 3)
for i, pt in enumerate(projected_img):
pt_x = int(pt[0])
pt_y = int(pt[1])
if pt_x > 0 and pt_y > 0:
# use the BGR format to match the original image type
col = (int(img_colors[i, 2]), int(img_colors[i, 1]), int(img_colors[i, 0])), (pt_x, pt_y), 1, col)
return blank_img, out_points | 75aa681fa817b29e23ed76beb8504ef1bbaa5d67 | 1,726 |
import tqdm
def structural_email(data, pos_parser=True, bytedata_parser_threshold=50, reference_parser_match_type=2):
This is a parser pipeline, parser order matters.
1. string => structure email to separate => header, body, others
2. body => remove typo and some irrelevant words => body
3. body => parse and remove email from body => body_no_email
4. body_no_email => parse and remove binary data like BMP or picture from body => body_no_binary_no_email
5. body_no_binary_no_email => separate email reference and reply => reply, previous_one, previous_two
@param data: data text series including all the training set or test set
@return: structural information
print("Preprocessing for unstructure email...")
header_info = []
body_info = []
others_info = []
tag_info = []
for string in tqdm(data):
# structure parsers
header, body, others = structure_parser(string)
body = typo_parser(body)
body_no_email, emails = email_address_parser(body)
body_no_binary_no_email, bytedata = bytedata_parser(body_no_email, threshold=bytedata_parser_threshold)
# main parser
reply, previous_one, previous_two = reference_parser(body_no_binary_no_email, match_type=reference_parser_match_type)
if pos_parser:
target_tag = set(['NN', 'NNS', 'NNPS'])
tag_reply = pos_tag_parser(reply, target_tag)
tag_previous_one = pos_tag_parser(previous_one, target_tag)
tag_previous_two = pos_tag_parser(previous_two, target_tag)
tag_info.append([tag_reply, tag_previous_one, tag_previous_two])
# append data in loops
body_info.append([reply, previous_one, previous_two])
others_info.append(others + [emails] + [bytedata])
a1 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(header_info)
a2 = pd.DataFrame(body_info, columns=["reply", "reference_one", "reference_two"])
a3 = pd.DataFrame(others_info, columns=["date", "delivered_to", "to_domains", "error_message", "contained_emails", "long_string"])
if pos_parser:
a4 = pd.DataFrame(tag_info, columns=["tag_reply", "tag_reference_one", "tag_reference_two"])
structure_email = pd.concat([a1, a2, a3, a4], axis=1)
structure_email = pd.concat([a1, a2, a3], axis=1)
return structure_email | b68227f10ae6e78f6e12ab174e2360c0828e2038 | 1,727 |
import six
def build_batches(data, conf, turn_cut_type='tail', term_cut_type='tail'):
Build batches
_turns_batches = []
_tt_turns_len_batches = []
_every_turn_len_batches = []
_response_batches = []
_response_len_batches = []
_label_batches = []
batch_len = len(data[six.b('y')]) // conf['batch_size']
for batch_index in six.moves.range(batch_len):
_turns, _tt_turns_len, _every_turn_len, _response, _response_len, _label = build_one_batch(
data, batch_index, conf, turn_cut_type='tail', term_cut_type='tail')
ans = {
"turns": _turns_batches,
"tt_turns_len": _tt_turns_len_batches,
"every_turn_len": _every_turn_len_batches,
"response": _response_batches,
"response_len": _response_len_batches,
"label": _label_batches
return ans | e82411d5b51171c9590bd5f150dfeca666b3a3a6 | 1,728 |
def is_notebook():
"""Check if pyaedt is running in Jupyter or not.
shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__
if shell == "ZMQInteractiveShell":
return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole
return False
except NameError:
return False | 51c0806ba17cbaef5732379a5e9c68d8eb171d31 | 1,729 |
def strategy(history, memory):
Tit-for-tat, except we punish them N times in a row if this is the Nth time they've
initiated a defection.
memory: (initiatedDefections, remainingPunitiveDefections)
if memory is not None and memory[1] > 0:
choice = 0
memory = (memory[0], memory[1] - 1)
return choice, memory
num_rounds = history.shape[1]
opponents_last_move = history[1, -1] if num_rounds >= 1 else 1
our_last_move = history[0, -1] if num_rounds >= 1 else 1
our_second_last_move = history[0, -2] if num_rounds >= 2 else 1
opponent_initiated_defection = (
opponents_last_move == 0 and our_last_move == 1 and our_second_last_move == 1
choice = 0 if opponent_initiated_defection else 1
if choice == 0:
memory = (1, 0) if memory is None else (memory[0] + 1, memory[0])
return choice, memory | bf8d09417c246f9f88a721dfcc4408f49195fd1a | 1,730 |
def get_primitives(name=None, primitive_type=None, primitive_subtype=None):
"""Get a list of the available primitives.
Optionally filter by primitive type: ``transformation`` or ``aggregation``.
primitive_type (str):
Filter by primitive type. ``transformation`` or ``aggregation``.
List of the names of the available primitives.
filters = {}
if primitive_type:
if primitive_type not in ('transformation', 'aggregation'):
raise ValueError('primitive_type must be `transformation` or `aggregation`.')
filters['classifiers.type'] = primitive_type
if primitive_subtype:
if primitive_subtype not in ('amplitude', 'frequency', 'frequency_time'):
raise ValueError(
'primitive_subtype must be `amplitude`, `frequency` or `frequency_time`.')
filters['classifiers.subtype'] = primitive_subtype
return discovery.find_primitives(name or 'sigpro', filters) | c833a2b1d52dc135a4518aa6fa7147ae58b73b9a | 1,731 |
def _unpack_batch_channel(data, old_shape):
"""Unpack the data channel dimension.
data = nnvm.sym.transpose(data, axes=(0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 3))
data = nnvm.sym.reshape(data, shape=old_shape)
return data | 1b59f6fbceabef3a28b4180a5bc808621e11c6b7 | 1,732 |
def get_branch_user(branch):
"""Get user name for given branch."""
with Command('git', 'log', '--pretty=tformat:%an', '-1', branch) as cmd:
for line in cmd:
return line | 0845dc69cbd949c1f739ca877c0b182740fa7bdb | 1,733 |
from .qtmultimedia import find_system_cameras
from electrum_cintamani import qrscanner
def find_system_cameras() -> Mapping[str, str]:
"""Returns a camera_description -> camera_path map."""
if sys.platform == 'darwin' or sys.platform in ('windows', 'win32'):
except ImportError as e:
return {}
return find_system_cameras()
else: # desktop Linux and similar
return qrscanner.find_system_cameras() | adefb85f99494f71e1c55e74f8b4e589d96daacf | 1,734 |
def _shape_list(x):
"""Return list of dims, statically where possible."""
static = x.get_shape().as_list()
shape = tf.shape(x)
ret = []
for i, static_dim in enumerate(static):
dim = static_dim or shape[i]
return ret | 0add2ba771dd99817654ce48c745db5c5f09d3aa | 1,735 |
import packaging
def upgrade_common(ctx, config, deploy_style):
Common code for upgrading
remotes = upgrade_remote_to_config(ctx, config)
project = config.get('project', 'ceph')
extra_pkgs = config.get('extra_packages', [])'extra packages: {packages}'.format(packages=extra_pkgs))
for remote, node in remotes.items():
system_type = teuthology.get_system_type(remote)
assert system_type in ('deb', 'rpm')
pkgs = get_package_list(ctx, config)[system_type]"Upgrading {proj} {system_type} packages: {pkgs}".format(
proj=project, system_type=system_type, pkgs=', '.join(pkgs)))
if isinstance(extra_pkgs, dict):
pkgs += extra_pkgs.get(system_type, [])
pkgs += extra_pkgs
installed_version = packaging.get_package_version(remote, 'ceph-common')
upgrade_version = get_upgrade_version(ctx, node, remote)"Ceph {s} upgrade from {i} to {u}".format(
if _upgrade_is_downgrade(installed_version, upgrade_version):
raise RuntimeError(
"An attempt to upgrade from a higher version to a lower one "
"will always fail. Hint: check tags in the target git branch."
deploy_style(ctx, node, remote, pkgs, system_type)
verify_package_version(ctx, node, remote)
return len(remotes) | 13840203bceb6b6ae069d47fa03a278dac3b0bc6 | 1,736 |
def convert2define(name):
returns the name of the define used according to 'name' which is the name of the file
header = toupper(toalphanum(name))
return "__" + header + "__" | 9f48181310db2732a26b846cb8270eb44bd06004 | 1,737 |
def url_exists(url):
Checks if a url exists
:param url:
p = urlparse(url)
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(p.netloc)
conn.request('HEAD', p.path)
resp = conn.getresponse()
return resp.status == 301 or resp.status == 200 | 3ef7d71fed0c85d4e75e910e5354b817c656c0d7 | 1,738 |
def add_header(cmd):
:param cmd: the command with its values
:return: adds a header and returns it, ready to be send
# get the length of the length of the cmd (for how many spaces needed)
header = str(len(cmd))
for i in range(get_digits(len(cmd)), HEADERSIZE):
header = header + " "
return header + cmd | 91a23eaee6ddd01ce5b5d62b3d43221b25bcd541 | 1,739 |
def stat_selector(player, stat, in_path, year):
Selects stat for player in game year selected
The player being assessed (str)
The stat being assessed (str)
The path to the folder containing player data (str)
The year of game to look at (int)
A number indicating the selected stat value (int)
df = fifa_file_opener(in_path, year)
player_row = df.loc[df["short_name"] == player]
stat_selected = int(player_row[stat])
return stat_selected | 7f04086e4e3baee273baa1b90e1e0735856091d5 | 1,740 |
import torch
def get_cali_samples(train_data_loader, num_samples, no_label=True):
"""Generate sub-dataset for calibration.
train_data_loader (
num_samples (int):
no_label (bool, optional): If the dataloader has no labels. Defaults to True.
torch.Tensor: Concatenated data matrix.
cali_data_list = []
if no_label:
for batch_data in train_data_loader:
if len(cali_data_list) >= num_samples:
for batch_data, _ in train_data_loader:
if len(cali_data_list) >= num_samples:
return, dim=0)[:num_samples].cpu() | 297ea0384b1e7f0a6ea51fc37325e57eb1cb8afa | 1,741 |
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
import requests
import json
def fetch_available_litteraturbanken_books() -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
"""Fetch available books from Litteraturbanken."""
url = ",parts,sourcedesc,pages,errata&,2020%22,%22export%3Etype%22:%5B%22xml%22,%22txt%22,%22workdb%22%5D%7D&filter_or=%7B%7D&filter_string=&from=0&include=lbworkid,titlepath,title,titleid,work_titleid,shorttitle,mediatype,searchable,imported,sortfield,sort_date_imprint.plain,main_author.authorid,main_author.surname,main_author.type,work_authors.authorid,work_authors.surname,startpagename,has_epub,sort_date.plain,export&partial_string=true&sort_field=popularity%7Cdesc&suggest=true&to=1000"
response = requests.get(url)
response = json.loads(response.text)
books = []
for book in response["data"]:
has_text = False
for export in book["export"]:
if export["type"] == "txt":
has_text = True
if not has_text:
filename = "LB_{}_{}_{}_etext.txt".format(book["main_author"]["authorid"], book["titleid"], book["sort_date_imprint"]["plain"])
if filename in blacklist:
books.append((filename, book["lbworkid"]))
return books | ff14af499335c6229d1f8d995c343c62fff7db74 | 1,742 |
def soup_from_psf(psf):
Returns a Soup from a .psf file
soup = pdbatoms.Soup()
curr_res_num = None
is_header = True
for line in open(psf):
if is_header:
if "NATOM" in line:
n_atom = int(line.split()[0])
is_header = False
words = line.split()
atom_num = int(words[0])
chain_id = words[1]
res_num = int(words[2])
res_type = words[3]
atom_type = words[4]
charge = float(words[6])
mass = float(words[7])
if chain_id.startswith('WT') or chain_id.startswith('ION'):
is_hetatm = True
chain_id = " "
is_hetatm = False
chain_id = chain_id[0]
if curr_res_num != res_num:
res = pdbatoms.Residue(res_type, chain_id, res_num)
curr_res_num = res_num
atom = pdbatoms.Atom()
atom.vel = v3.vector()
atom.chain_id = chain_id
atom.is_hetatm = is_hetatm
atom.num = atom_num
atom.res_num = res_num
atom.res_type = res_type
atom.type = atom_type
atom.mass = mass
atom.charge = charge
atom.element = data.guess_element(res_type, atom_type)
soup.insert_atom(-1, atom)
if len(soup.atoms()) == n_atom:
return soup | 6b84e9428bec66e65b0d06dd81b238370f1602a8 | 1,743 |
def check_api():
post req: withlock
lines: [{
barcode, location, lpn, qty
w_user_code = request.json.pop('w_user_code', None)
w_user_name = request.json.pop('w_user_name', None)
order = Stockin.query.t_query.filter_by(erp_order_code=request.json.pop('erp_order_code')) \
if order.state == 'create' or order.state == 'part':
lines = request.json['lines']
action = StockinAction(order)
for line in lines:
line['qty'] = int(line.get('qty', 0) or 0)
if line.get('qty', 0) <= 0:
action.check(order=order, w_user_code=w_user_code, w_user_name=w_user_name, **line)
order.state = 'part'
# 不允许超收时,收完一次后,判断单子是否入库完成; 允许超收的话,单子只能手动关闭
if not g.owner.is_overcharge:
finish = True
for line in order.lines:
if not (line.qty_real >= line.qty):
finish = False
order.state = 'all' if finish else 'part'
if order.state == 'all':
return json_response({'status': 'success', 'msg': u'ok', 'data': order.as_dict})
return json_response({'status': 'fail', 'msg': u'订单在(%s)状态中,不能再收货'%(order.state), 'data': order.as_dict}) | 7c91f2c9068f762cb6681210f52ffe7d1a6ca259 | 1,744 |
def quadratic_form(u, Q, v, workers=1, **kwargs):
Compute the quadratic form uQv, with broadcasting
u : (..., M) array
The u vectors of the quadratic form uQv
Q : (..., M, N) array
The Q matrices of the quadratic form uQv
v : (..., N) array
The v vectors of the quadratic form uQv
workers : int, optional
The number of parallel threads to use along gufunc loop dimension(s).
If set to -1, the maximum number of threads (as returned by
``multiprocessing.cpu_count()``) are used.
qf : (...) array
The result of the quadratic forms
Numpy broadcasting rules apply.
Implemented for types single, double, csingle and cdouble. Numpy
conversion rules apply.
This is similar to PDL inner2
The result in absence of broadcasting is just as,Q),v)
>>> u = np.array([2., 3.])
>>> Q = np.array([[1.,1.], [0.,1.]])
>>> v = np.array([1.,2.])
>>> quadratic_form(u,Q,v)
with _setup_gulinalg_threads(workers):
out = _impl.quadratic_form(u, Q, v, **kwargs)
return out | 6cd0abdf3d49ce38ba61ba6da9ee107663b1a8b9 | 1,745 |
def reorg(dat):
"""This function grabs the data from the dictionary of data types
(organized by ID), and combines them into the
:class:`dolfyn.ADPdata` object.
outdat = apb.ADPdata()
cfg = outdat['config'] = db.config(_type='Nortek AD2CP')
cfh = cfg['filehead config'] = dat['filehead config']
cfg['model'] = (cfh['ID'].split(',')[0][5:-1])
outdat['props'] = {}
outdat['props']['inst_make'] = 'Nortek'
outdat['props']['inst_model'] = cfg['model']
outdat['props']['inst_type'] = 'ADP'
for id, tag in [(21, ''), (24, '_b5'), (26, '_ar')]:
if id == 26:
collapse_exclude = [0]
collapse_exclude = []
if id not in dat:
dnow = dat[id]
cfg['burst_config' + tag] = lib.headconfig_int2dict(
lib.collapse(dnow['config'], exclude=collapse_exclude,
outdat['mpltime' + tag] = lib.calc_time(
dnow['year'] + 1900,
dnow['usec100'].astype('uint32') * 100)
tmp = lib.beams_cy_int2dict(
lib.collapse(dnow['beam_config'], exclude=collapse_exclude,
name='beam_config'), 21)
cfg['ncells' + tag] = tmp['ncells']
cfg['coord_sys' + tag] = tmp['cy']
cfg['nbeams' + tag] = tmp['nbeams']
for ky in ['SerialNum', 'cell_size', 'blanking',
'nom_corr', 'data_desc',
'vel_scale', 'power_level']:
# These ones should 'collapse'
# (i.e., all values should be the same)
# So we only need that one value.
cfg[ky + tag] = lib.collapse(dnow[ky], exclude=collapse_exclude,
for ky in ['c_sound', 'temp', 'press',
'heading', 'pitch', 'roll',
'temp_press', 'batt_V',
'temp_mag', 'temp_clock',
'mag', 'accel',
'ambig_vel', 'xmit_energy',
'error', 'status0', 'status',
'_ensemble', 'ensemble']:
# No if statement here
outdat[ky + tag] = dnow[ky]
for ky in [
'vel', 'amp', 'corr',
'alt_dist', 'alt_quality', 'alt_status',
'ast_dist', 'ast_quality', 'ast_offset_time',
'altraw_nsamp', 'altraw_dist', 'altraw_samp',
'orientmat', 'angrt',
'std_pitch', 'std_roll', 'std_heading', 'std_press'
if ky in dnow:
outdat[ky + tag] = dnow[ky]
for grp, keys in defs._burst_group_org.items():
if grp not in outdat and \
outdat[grp] = db.TimeData()
for ky in keys:
if ky == grp and ky in outdat and \
not isinstance(outdat[grp], db.TimeData):
tmp = outdat.pop(grp)
outdat[grp] = db.TimeData()
outdat[grp][ky] = tmp
#print(ky, tmp)
if ky + tag in outdat and not \
isinstance(outdat[ky + tag], db.TimeData):
outdat[grp][ky + tag] = outdat.pop(ky + tag)
# Move 'altimeter raw' data to it's own down-sampled structure
if 26 in dat:
ard = outdat['altraw'] = db.MappedTime()
for ky in list(outdat.iter_data(include_hidden=True)):
if ky.endswith('_ar'):
grp = ky.split('.')[0]
if '.' in ky and grp not in ard:
ard[grp] = db.TimeData()
ard[ky.rstrip('_ar')] = outdat.pop(ky)
N = ard['_map_N'] = len(outdat['mpltime'])
parent_map = np.arange(N)
ard['_map'] = parent_map[np.in1d(outdat.sys.ensemble, ard.sys.ensemble)]
outdat['config']['altraw'] = db.config(_type='ALTRAW', **ard.pop('config'))
outdat.props['coord_sys'] = {'XYZ': 'inst',
'ENU': 'earth',
'BEAM': 'beam'}[cfg['coord_sys'].upper()]
tmp = lib.status2data(outdat.sys.status) # returns a dict
outdat.orient['orient_up'] = tmp['orient_up']
# 0: XUP, 1: XDOWN, 4: ZUP, 5: ZDOWN
# Heding is: 0,1: Z; 4,5: X
return outdat | 2389be25e7052016a6a710803b7b661a7eb1606c | 1,746 |
import os
def human2pickett(name: str, reduction="A", linear=True, nuclei=0):
""" Function for translating a Hamiltonian parameter to a Pickett
An alternative way of doing this is to programmatically
generate the Pickett identifiers, and just use format string
to output the identifier.
pickett_parameters = read_yaml(
os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.pyspectools/pickett_terms.yml"
if name is "B" and linear is True:
# Haven't thought of a clever way of doing this yet...
identifier = 100
elif name is "B" and linear is False:
identifier = 20000
# Hyperfine terms
if name in ["eQq", "eQq/2"]:
identifier = str(pickett_parameters[name]).format(nuclei)
elif "D_" in name or "del" in name:
identifier = str(pickett_parameters[name][reduction])
identifier = pickett_parameters[name]
except KeyError:
print("Parameter name unknown!")
return identifier | 683713e660e6e65846d32c7d018024674c4732f8 | 1,747 |
def get_oauth2_service_account_keys():
"""A getter that returns the required OAuth2 service account keys.
A tuple containing the required keys as strs.
return _OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEYS | bcded81a6884dc40b9f2ccb32e8b14df450b6fd6 | 1,748 |
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
import sys
import toml
def read_conf_file(
toml_path: Path,
file_desc: str,
schema_type: str,
) -> Any:
"""Read TOML configuration and verify against schema."""
if not toml_path.exists():
logger.error(f'{file_desc} file "{toml_path}" does not exist')
toml_dict = toml.load(toml_path)
except TypeError:
logger.error(f'Error in {file_desc} filename "{toml_path}"')
except toml.TomlDecodeError as e:
logger.error(f"File {toml_path} is not valid TOML:")
if schema_type == "combine":
file_schema = COMBINE_SCHEMA
elif schema_type == "plot":
file_schema = PLOTTING_SCHEMA
logger.error(f"unknown schema type {schema_type}")
validated = file_schema.validate(toml_dict)
except SchemaError as e:
return validated | 0004c188d3bce92399a3b3e72cc0ce6225d1e4d6 | 1,749 |
import json
import os
def mocked_requests_post(*args, **kwargs):
"""Mock to replace"""
class MockResponse:
"""Mock class for KustoResponse."""
def __init__(self, json_data, status_code):
self.json_data = json_data
self.text = text_type(json_data)
self.status_code = status_code
self.headers = None
def json(self):
"""Get json data from response."""
return self.json_data
if args[0] == "":
if "truncationmaxrecords" in kwargs["json"]["csl"]:
if json.loads(kwargs["json"]["properties"])["Options"]["deferpartialqueryfailures"]:
file_name = "query_partial_results_defer_is_true.json"
file_name = "query_partial_results_defer_is_false.json"
elif "Deft" in kwargs["json"]["csl"]:
file_name = "deft.json"
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "input", file_name), "r") as response_file:
data =
return MockResponse(json.loads(data), 200)
elif args[0] == "":
if kwargs["json"]["csl"] == ".show version":
file_name = "versionshowcommandresult.json"
file_name = "adminthenquery.json"
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "input", file_name), "r") as response_file:
data =
return MockResponse(json.loads(data), 200)
return MockResponse(None, 404) | 017cf98285e77b7684cb37b3d65f9dd292f505b1 | 1,750 |
def grammar_info(df, col):
"""return three separate attributes with
clean abstract, flesh score and sentence count"""
df['clean_abstract'] = clean_text(df[col])
df['flesch_score'] = df[col].apply(flesch_score)
df['sentence_count'] = sentence_count(df[col])
return df | 7606121f68434a760255cca10e75840ca058c50c | 1,751 |
import os
import re
def read_file_list(bld, file):
Read and process a file list file (.waf_file) and manage duplicate files and possible globbing patterns to prepare
the list for injestion by the project
:param bld: The build context
:param file: The .waf_file file list to process
:return: The processed list file
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bld.path.abspath(), file)):
raise Errors.WafError("Invalid waf file list file: {}. File not found.".format(file))
def _invalid_alias_callback(alias_key):
error_message = "Invalid alias '{}' specified in {}".format(alias_key, file)
raise Errors.WafError(error_message)
def _alias_not_enabled_callback(alias_key, roles):
error_message = "3rd Party alias '{}' specified in {} is not enabled. Make sure that at least one of the " \
"following roles is enabled: [{}]".format(alias_key, file, ', '.join(roles))
raise Errors.WafError(error_message)
# Manage duplicate files and glob hits
dup_set = set()
glob_hits = 0
waf_file_node = bld.path.make_node(file)
waf_file_node_abs = waf_file_node.abspath()
base_path_abs = waf_file_node.parent.abspath()
if not os.path.exists(waf_file_node_abs):
raise Errors.WafError('Invalid WAF file list: {}'.format(waf_file_node_abs))
def _determine_vs_filter(input_rel_folder_path, input_filter_name, input_filter_pattern):
Calculate the vvs filter based on the resulting relative path, the input filter name,
and the pattern used to derive the input relative path
vs_filter = input_filter_name
if len(input_rel_folder_path) > 0:
# If the resulting relative path has a subfolder, the base the filter on the following conditions
if input_filter_name.lower()=='root':
# This is the root folder, use the relative folder subpath as the filter
vs_filter = input_rel_folder_path
# This is a named filter, the filter will place all results under this filter
pattern_dirname = os.path.dirname(input_filter_pattern)
if len(pattern_dirname) > 0:
if input_rel_folder_path != pattern_dirname:
# Strip out the base of the filter name
vs_filter = input_filter_name + '/' + input_rel_folder_path.replace(pattern_dirname, '')
vs_filter = input_filter_name
vs_filter = input_filter_name + '/' + input_rel_folder_path
return vs_filter
def _process_glob_entry(glob_content, filter_name, current_uber_dict):
Process a glob content from the input file list
if 'pattern' not in glob_content:
raise Errors.WafError('Missing keyword "pattern" from the glob entry"')
original_pattern = glob_content.pop('pattern').replace('\\', '/')
if original_pattern.startswith('@'):
ALIAS_PATTERN = re.compile('@.*@')
alias_match =
if alias_match:
alias =[1:-1]
pattern = original_pattern[len(alias)+2:]
if alias=='ENGINE':
search_node = bld.path
search_node = bld.root.make_node(bld.ThirdPartyPath(alias))
pattern = original_pattern
search_node = waf_file_node.parent
pattern = original_pattern
search_node = waf_file_node.parent
while pattern.startswith('../'):
pattern = pattern[3:]
search_node = search_node.parent
glob_results = search_node.ant_glob(pattern, **glob_content)
for globbed_file in glob_results:
rel_path = globbed_file.path_from(waf_file_node.parent).replace('\\', '/')
abs_path = globbed_file.abspath().replace('\\', '/')
rel_folder_path = os.path.dirname(rel_path)
vs_filter = _determine_vs_filter(rel_folder_path, filter_name, original_pattern)
if vs_filter not in current_uber_dict:
current_uber_dict[vs_filter] = []
if abs_path in dup_set:
Logs.warn("[WARN] File '{}' specified by the pattern '{}' in waf file '{}' is a duplicate. It will be ignored"
.format(abs_path, original_pattern, waf_file_node_abs))
def _clear_empty_uber_dict(current_uber_dict):
Perform house clean in case glob pattern overrides move all files out of a 'root' group.
empty_filters = []
for filter_name, filter_contents in current_uber_dict.items():
if len(filter_contents)==0:
for empty_filter in empty_filters:
return current_uber_dict
def _process_uber_dict(uber_section, uber_dict):
Process each uber dictionary value
processed_uber_dict = {}
for filter_name, filter_contents in uber_dict.items():
for filter_content in filter_contents:
if isinstance(filter_content, str):
if '*' in filter_content or '?' in filter_content:
# If this is a raw glob pattern, stuff it into the expected glob dictionary
_process_glob_entry(dict(pattern=filter_content), filter_name, processed_uber_dict)
elif filter_content.startswith('@ENGINE@'):
file_path = os.path.normpath(filter_content.replace('@ENGINE@', bld.engine_path))
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
Logs.warn("[WARN] File '{}' specified in '{}' does not exist. It will be ignored"
.format(file_path, waf_file_node_abs))
if filter_name not in processed_uber_dict:
processed_uber_dict[filter_name] = []
# This is a straight up file reference.
# Do any processing on an aliased reference
if filter_content.startswith('@'):
processed_path = bld.PreprocessFilePath(filter_content, _invalid_alias_callback,
processed_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base_path_abs, filter_content))
if not os.path.exists(processed_path):
Logs.warn("[WARN] File '{}' specified in '{}' does not exist. It will be ignored"
.format(processed_path, waf_file_node_abs))
elif not os.path.isfile(processed_path):
Logs.warn("[WARN] Path '{}' specified in '{}' is a folder, only files or glob patterns are "
"allowed. It will be ignored"
.format(processed_path, waf_file_node_abs))
elif processed_path in dup_set:
Logs.warn("[WARN] File '{}' specified in '{}' is a duplicate. It will be ignored"
.format(processed_path, waf_file_node_abs))
if filter_name not in processed_uber_dict:
processed_uber_dict[filter_name] = []
elif isinstance(filter_content, dict):
# Dictionaries automatically go through the glob pattern working
_process_glob_entry(filter_content, filter_name, processed_uber_dict)
raise Errors.WafError("Invalid entry '{}' in file '{}', section '{}/{}'"
.format(filter_content, file, uber_section, filter_name))
return _clear_empty_uber_dict(processed_uber_dict)
def _get_cached_file_list():
Calculate the location of the cached waf_files path
bintemp_path = os.path.join(bld.srcnode.abspath(), BINTEMP_FOLDER)
src_relative_path = file_node.path_from(bld.srcnode)
cached_waf_files_abs_path = os.path.join(bintemp_path, src_relative_path)
return cached_waf_files_abs_path
file_node = bld.path.make_node(file)
# Read the source waf_file list
source_file_list = bld.parse_json_file(file_node)
# Prepare a processed waf_file list
processed_file_list = {}
for uber_file_entry, uber_file_dict in source_file_list.items():
processed_file_list[uber_file_entry] = _process_uber_dict(uber_file_entry, uber_file_dict)
return processed_file_list | 28fa2d07085a572b9e3e33ef508c82b8c4f1bf42 | 1,752 |
def landing():
"""Landing page"""
return render_template('public/index.html') | 462b8f4451008832c6883be64dc23712bc76c907 | 1,753 |
def uniform_decay(distance_array, scale):
Transform a measurement array using a uniform distribution.
The output is 1 below the scale parameter and 0 above it.
Some sample values. Measurements are in multiple of ``scale``; decay value are in fractions of
the maximum value:
| measurement | decay value |
| 0.0 | 1.0 |
| 0.25 | 1.0 |
| 0.5 | 1.0 |
| 0.75 | 1.0 |
| 1.0 | 1.0 |
return (distance_array <= scale).astype(np.float64) | e643e7e962d3b6e29c2c23c0aa682e77a539d04b | 1,754 |
def pid_to_service(pid):
Check if a PID belongs to a systemd service and return its name.
Return None if the PID does not belong to a service.
Uses DBUS if available.
if dbus:
return _pid_to_service_dbus(pid)
return _pid_to_service_systemctl(pid) | 925f67611d83b3304db673e5e3d0c0a7dafd8211 | 1,755 |
def Frequencies(bands, src):
Count the number of scalars in each band.
:param: bands - the bands.
:param: src - the vtkPolyData source.
:return: The frequencies of the scalars in each band.
freq = dict()
for i in range(len(bands)):
freq[i] = 0;
tuples = src.GetPointData().GetScalars().GetNumberOfTuples()
for i in range(tuples):
x = src.GetPointData().GetScalars().GetTuple1(i)
for j in range(len(bands)):
if x <= bands[j][2]:
freq[j] = freq[j] + 1
return freq | 081e37f0d2d9d5a70266b24372d75d94d86fcbb0 | 1,756 |
from typing import Callable
import torch
from typing import Dict
def get_loss_fn(loss: str) -> Callable[..., torch.Tensor]:
Get loss function as a PyTorch functional loss based on the name of the loss function.
Choices include 'cross_entropy', 'nll_loss', and 'kl_div'.
loss: a string indicating the loss function to return.
loss_fn_mapping: Dict[str, Callable[..., torch.Tensor]] = {
'cross_entropy': F.cross_entropy,
'nll_loss': F.nll_loss,
'kl_div': F.kl_div,
loss_fn: Callable[..., torch.Tensor] = loss_fn_mapping[loss]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f'Loss function {loss} is not supported.')
return loss_fn | ebbb20dba1b7573c615c35d683a59c9a5151b0e9 | 1,757 |
def FormatAddress(chainIDAlias: str, hrp: str, addr: bytes) -> str:
"""FormatAddress takes in a chain prefix, HRP, and byte slice to produce a string for an address."""
addr_str = FormatBech32(hrp, addr)
return f"{chainIDAlias}{addressSep}{addr_str}" | 4004e2367e13abb890d22b653b4ac849bf615d1a | 1,758 |
from typing import List
from operator import or_
async def get_journal_scopes(
db_session: Session, user_id: str, user_group_id_list: List[str], journal_id: UUID
) -> List[JournalPermissions]:
Returns list of all permissions (group user belongs to and user) for provided user and journal.
journal_spec = JournalSpec(id=journal_id)
await find_journal(db_session, journal_spec)
if journal_id is None:
raise JournalNotFound(
"In order to get journal permissions, journal_id must be specified"
query = db_session.query(JournalPermissions).filter(
JournalPermissions.journal_id == journal_id
if user_id is None and user_group_id_list is None:
raise InvalidParameters(
"In order to get journal permissions, at least one of user_id, or user_group_id_list must be specified"
query = query.filter(
JournalPermissions.holder_id == user_id,
journal_permissions = query.all()
if not journal_permissions:
raise PermissionsNotFound(f"No permissions for journal_id={journal_id}")
return journal_permissions | 2f3fcc3cbfdc124a10ee04a716c76f7e2144e0de | 1,759 |
import re
def clean_script_title(script_title):
"""Cleans up a TV/movie title to save it as a file name.
clean_title = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', script_title).strip()
clean_title = clean_title.replace('\\', BACKSLASH)
clean_title = clean_title.replace('/', SLASH)
clean_title = clean_title.replace(':', COLON)
clean_title = clean_title.replace('*', STAR)
clean_title = clean_title.replace('<', LESS_THAN)
clean_title = clean_title.replace('>', GREATER_THAN)
clean_title = clean_title.replace('?', QUESTION_MARK)
clean_title = clean_title.replace('|', PIPE)
return clean_title | 6dcee3b05e9654e65e0f8eb78be9383d349adff2 | 1,760 |
import time
import os
import subprocess
import threading
import signal
def runCmd(cmd, timeout=42, sh=False, env=None, retry=0):
Execute an external command, read the output and return it.
@param cmd (str|list of str): command to be executed
@param timeout (int): timeout in sec, after which the command is forcefully terminated
@param sh (bool): True if the command is to be run in a shell and False if directly
@param env (dict): environment variables for the new process (instead of inheriting from the current process)
@param retry (int): number of retries on command timeout
@return: (stdout, stderr, rc) (str, str, int): the output of the command
trace = ""
logger = get_logger()
if isinstance(cmd, str):
log_cmd = cmd
log_cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
if log_cmd.startswith("/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmccr fget"): # drop temp file name
log_cmd = ' '.join(log_cmd.split()[:-1])
t_start = time.time()
if env is not None:
fullenv = dict(os.environ)
env = fullenv
# create the subprocess, ensuring a new process group is spawned
# so we can later kill the process and all its child processes
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=sh,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
close_fds=False, env=env)
timer = threading.Timer(timeout, _stop_process, [proc, logger, log_cmd, timeout])
(sout, serr) = proc.communicate()
timer.cancel() # stop the timer when we got data from process
ret = proc.poll()
except OSError as e:
sout = ""
serr = str(e)
ret = 127 if "No such file" in serr else 255
except: #pylint: disable=bare-except
t_run = time.time() - t_start
cmd_timeout = ret in (-signal.SIGTERM, -signal.SIGKILL) # 143,137
if ret == -6 and retry >= 0 : # special handling for sigAbrt
logger.warning("retry abrt %s with subprocess %s", cmd, s32)
(sout, serr, ret) = runCmd(cmd, timeout, sh, env, -1)
if cmd_timeout and retry > 0:
retry -= 1
logger.warning("Retry command %s counter: %s", cmd, retry)
(sout, serr, ret) = runCmd(cmd, timeout, sh, env, retry)
elif cmd_timeout:
logger.warning("runCMD: %s Timeout:%d ret:%s", cmd, timeout, ret)
elif trace:
logger.debug("runCMD: %s :(%d) ret:%s \n%s \n%s", cmd, timeout, ret, serr, sout)
return (sout, serr, ret) | d7a7054589af1f9cf30a2048eecacc4bc9d4044b | 1,761 |
def _calc_cumsum_matrix_jit(X, w_list, p_ar, open_begin):
"""Fast implementation by numba.jit."""
len_x, len_y = X.shape
# cumsum matrix
D = np.ones((len_x, len_y), dtype=np.float64) * np.inf
if open_begin:
X = np.vstack((np.zeros((1, X.shape[1])), X))
D = np.vstack((np.zeros((1, D.shape[1])), D))
w_list[:, 0] += 1
# number of patterns
num_pattern = p_ar.shape[0]
# max pattern length
max_pattern_len = p_ar.shape[1]
# pattern cost
pattern_cost = np.zeros(num_pattern, dtype=np.float64)
# step cost
step_cost = np.zeros(max_pattern_len, dtype=np.float64)
# number of cells
num_cells = w_list.shape[0]
for cell_idx in range(num_cells):
i = w_list[cell_idx, 0]
j = w_list[cell_idx, 1]
if i == j == 0:
D[i, j] = X[0, 0]
for pidx in range(num_pattern):
# calculate local cost for each pattern
for sidx in range(1, max_pattern_len):
# calculate step cost of pair-wise cost matrix
pattern_index = p_ar[pidx, sidx, 0:2]
ii = int(i + pattern_index[0])
jj = int(j + pattern_index[1])
if ii < 0 or jj < 0:
step_cost[sidx] = np.inf
step_cost[sidx] = X[ii, jj] \
* p_ar[pidx, sidx, 2]
pattern_index = p_ar[pidx, 0, 0:2]
ii = int(i + pattern_index[0])
jj = int(j + pattern_index[1])
if ii < 0 or jj < 0:
pattern_cost[pidx] = np.inf
pattern_cost[pidx] = D[ii, jj] \
+ step_cost.sum()
min_cost = pattern_cost.min()
if min_cost != np.inf:
D[i, j] = min_cost
return D | a282f68ca5789c97582f9535b5a255066bba44d9 | 1,762 |
def create_field_texture_coordinates(fieldmodule: Fieldmodule, name="texture coordinates", components_count=3,
managed=False) -> FieldFiniteElement:
Create texture coordinates finite element field of supplied name with
number of components 1, 2, or 3 and the components named "u", "v" and "w" if used.
New field is not managed by default.
return create_field_finite_element(fieldmodule, name, components_count,
component_names=("u", "v", "w"), managed=managed, type_coordinate=True) | e19e964e0828006beae3c9e71f30fb0c846de1de | 1,763 |
import uuid
def get_cert_sha1_by_openssl(certraw: str) -> str:
"""calc the sha1 of a certificate, return openssl result str"""
res: str = None
tmpname = None
tmpname = tmppath / f"{uuid.uuid1()}.crt"
while tmpname.exists():
tmpname = tmppath / f"{uuid.uuid1()}.crt"
tmpname.write_text(certraw, encoding="utf-8")
cmd = f"openssl x509 -in {tmpname} -fingerprint -noout -sha1"
res = exec_openssl(cmd)
except Exception as ex:
raise Exception(f"Parse ssl data error, err:{ex}")
if tmpname is not None:
return res | 4b92531473e8488a87d14c8ecc8c88d4d0adef0d | 1,764 |
import os
import glob
def get_files(root_path, extension='*.*'):
- root_path: Path raiz a partir de onde serão realizadas a busca
- extension: Extensão de arquivo usado para filtrar o retorno
- retorna: Retorna todos os arquivos recursivamente a partir de um path raiz
return [y for x in os.walk(root_path) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], extension))] | a5ed8a24eb20ad86fe1c4dba2a9028bd639f4f57 | 1,765 |
from typing import Union
def get_dderivative_skewness(uni_ts: Union[pd.Series, np.ndarray], step_size: int = 1) -> np.float64:
:return: The skewness of the difference derivative of univariate time series within the
function we use step_size to find derivative (default value of step_size is 1).
return get_skewness(_difference_derivative(uni_ts, step_size)) | 11688b0cbd5dde2539cc3d5cfa8c5dccb9432f55 | 1,766 |
def extract_query(e: Event, f, woi, data):
create a query array from the the event
:param data:
:param e:
:param doi:
assert woi[0] > 0 and woi[1] > 0
e_start_index = resolve_esi(e, data)
st = int(e_start_index - woi[0] * f)
ed = int(e_start_index + woi[0] * f)
return Event(, e.startT - woi[0], e.endT + woi[1], data[st:ed]), st, ed | 7109e28a265ff49054036e4e4c16ace0fc5eebda | 1,767 |
import ctypes
def getForegroundClassNameUnicode(hwnd=None):
Returns a unicode string containing the class name of the specified
application window.
If hwnd parameter is None, frontmost window will be queried.
if hwnd is None:
hwnd = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
# Maximum number of chars we'll accept for the class name; the
# rest will be truncated if it's longer than this.
classNameBuf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer( MAX_LENGTH )
retval = ctypes.windll.User32.GetClassNameW(
len( classNameBuf )
if retval == 0:
raise ctypes.WinError()
return classNameBuf.value | 82147d3da4c9374078bbeba64ef6968982dc2550 | 1,768 |
def read_mapping_from_csv(bind):
Calls read_csv() and parses the loaded array into a dictionary. The dictionary is defined as follows:
"teams": {
*team-name*: {
"ldap": []
"folders: {
*folder-id*: {
"name": *folder-name*,
"permissions": [
"teamId": *team-name*,
"permission0: *permission*"
:return: The csv's contents parsed into a dictionary as described above.
result = {"teams": {}, "folders": {}}
csv_content = read_csv(bind)
is_header = True
for line in csv_content:
if not is_header:
ldap = line[0]
team = line[1]
folder_name = line[3]
folder_uuid = line[4]
permission = line[5]
if not team in result["teams"]:
result["teams"][team] = {"ldap": []}
if not ldap in result["teams"][team]["ldap"]:
if not folder_uuid in result["folders"]:
result["folders"][folder_uuid] = {"name": folder_name, "permissions": []}
access = {"teamId": team, "permission": permission}
if not access in result["folders"][folder_uuid]["permissions"]:
is_header = False
return result | 8ffe1b5f489bb3428cb0b2dd3cc7f9eafe9ecf27 | 1,769 |
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
def primal_update(
agent_id: int,
A: np.ndarray,
W: np.ndarray,
x: np.ndarray,
z: np.ndarray,
lam: np.ndarray,
prev_x: np.ndarray,
prev_z: np.ndarray,
objective_grad: np.ndarray,
feasible_set: CCS,
alpha: float,
tau: float,
nu: float,
others_agent_id: Sequence[int],
others_lam: Sequence[np.ndarray],
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
""" """
x = feasible_set.projection(
x + alpha * (x - prev_x) - tau * objective_grad - np.matmul(A.T, lam)
z = (
+ alpha * (z - prev_z)
+ nu
* sum(
W[agent_id, oai] * (lam - ol)
for oai, ol in zip(others_agent_id, others_lam)
return x, z | 6a13bb9147b74c3803482f53273ebc831ca1662b | 1,770 |
def norm_cmap(values, cmap, normalize, cm, mn, mx):
""" Normalize and set colormap
Series or array to be normalized
matplotlib Colormap
mapping of normalized values to colormap (cmap)
if (mn is None) and (mx is None):
mn, mx = min(values), max(values)
norm = normalize(vmin=mn, vmax=mx)
n_cmap = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap)
return n_cmap, norm | 25515df37fe6b7060acf681287156af2c58d4c03 | 1,771 |
def _cpx(odss_tuple, nterm, ncond):
This function transforms the raw data for electric parameters (voltage, current...) in a suitable complex array
:param odss_tuple: tuple of nphases*2 floats (returned by odsswr as couples of real, imag components, for each phase
of each terminal)
:type odss_tuple: tuple or list
:param nterm: number of terminals of the underlying electric object
:type nterm: int
:param ncond: number of conductors per terminal of the underlying electric object
:type ncond: int
:returns: a [nterm x ncond] numpy array of complex floats
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
assert len(odss_tuple) == nterm * ncond * 2
cpxr = np.zeros([nterm, ncond], 'complex')
def pairwise(iterable):
# "s -> (s0, s1), (s2, s3), (s4, s5), ..."
a = iter(iterable)
return zip(a, a)
for idx, couple in enumerate(pairwise(odss_tuple)):
real = couple[0]
imag = couple[1]
cpxr[int(idx / ncond), (idx % ncond)] = np.sum([np.multiply(1j, imag), real], axis=0)
cpxr[int(idx / ncond), (idx % ncond)] = np.sum([np.multiply(1j, imag), real], axis=0)
return cpxr | f5931915550bb7ec9e713689c3d79997973eb252 | 1,772 |
def get_l2_distance_arad(X1, X2, Z1, Z2, \
width=0.2, cut_distance=6.0, r_width=1.0, c_width=0.5):
""" Calculates the Gaussian distance matrix D for atomic ARAD for two
sets of molecules
K is calculated using an OpenMP parallel Fortran routine.
X1 -- np.array of ARAD descriptors for molecules in set 1.
X2 -- np.array of ARAD descriptors for molecules in set 2.
Z1 -- List of lists of nuclear charges for molecules in set 1.
Z2 -- List of lists of nuclear charges for molecules in set 2.
Keyword arguments:
width --
cut_distance --
r_width --
c_width --
D -- The distance matrices for each sigma (4D-array, Nmol1 x Nmol2 x Natom1 x Natoms2)
amax = X1.shape[1]
assert X1.shape[3] == amax, "ERROR: Check ARAD decriptor sizes! code = 1"
assert X2.shape[1] == amax, "ERROR: Check ARAD decriptor sizes! code = 2"
assert X2.shape[3] == amax, "ERROR: Check ARAD decriptor sizes! code = 3"
nm1 = len(Z1)
nm2 = len(Z2)
assert X1.shape[0] == nm1, "ERROR: Check ARAD decriptor sizes! code = 4"
assert X2.shape[0] == nm2, "ERROR: Check ARAD decriptor sizes! code = 5"
N1 = []
for Z in Z1:
N2 = []
for Z in Z2:
N1 = np.array(N1,dtype=np.int32)
N2 = np.array(N2,dtype=np.int32)
c1 = []
for charges in Z1:
c1.append(np.array([PTP[int(q)] for q in charges], dtype=np.int32))
Z1_arad = np.zeros((nm1,amax,2))
for i in range(nm1):
for j, z in enumerate(c1[i]):
Z1_arad[i,j] = z
c2 = []
for charges in Z2:
c2.append(np.array([PTP[int(q)] for q in charges], dtype=np.int32))
Z2_arad = np.zeros((nm2,amax,2))
for i in range(nm2):
for j, z in enumerate(c2[i]):
Z2_arad[i,j] = z
return atomic_arad_l2_distance_all(X1, X2, Z1_arad, Z2_arad, N1, N2, \
nm1, nm2, width, cut_distance, r_width, c_width, amax) | 77a4656a6f0014453991b8619ea4c53c6eec2c78 | 1,773 |
def _swap_endian(val, length):
Swap the endianness of a number
if length <= 8:
return val
if length <= 16:
return (val & 0xFF00) >> 8 | (val & 0xFF) << 8
if length <= 32:
return ((val & 0xFF000000) >> 24 |
(val & 0x00FF0000) >> 8 |
(val & 0x0000FF00) << 8 |
(val & 0x000000FF) << 24)
raise Exception('Cannot swap endianness for length ' + length) | 4b3b879ad04e43e9454b904ba65420a8d477b629 | 1,774 |
def get_analysis(output, topology, traj):
Calls analysis fixture with the right arguments depending on the trajectory type.
output : str
Path to simulation 'output' folder.
topology : str
Path to the topology file.
traj : str
Trajectory type: xtc or pdb.
traj = traj if traj else "pdb"
trajectory = f"trajectory.{traj}"
analysis = Analysis(
water_ids_to_track=[("A", 2109), ("A", 2124)],
return analysis | 0382f4e672aba3ab754de7d26d27c7921239951f | 1,775 |
def get_callback_class(module_name, subtype):
""" Can return None. If no class implementation exists for the given subtype, the module is
searched for a BASE_CALLBACKS_CLASS implemention which is used if found. """
module = _get_module_from_name(module_name)
if subtype is None:
return _get_callback_base_class(module)
return getattr(module, subtype + CALLBACK_PREFIX)
# If the callback implementation for this subtype doesn't exist,
# attempt to load the BASE_CALLBACKS_CLASS class.
except AttributeError:
return _get_callback_base_class(module) | cf04ddcc28c43b82db44d8be96419efbc166330f | 1,776 |
def index():
"""Toon de metingen"""
return render_template('index.html', metingen=Meting.query.all()) | 3d92b912c0af513b6d20a094799f7dfb60220a75 | 1,777 |
def about(template):
Attach a template to a step which can be used to generate
documentation about the step.
def decorator(step_function):
step_function._about_template = template
return step_function
return decorator | 7c00256e39481247857b34dcd5b7783a39b0a8bd | 1,778 |
import torch
def _extend_batch_dim(t: torch.Tensor, new_batch_dim: int) -> torch.Tensor:
Given a tensor `t` of shape [B x D1 x D2 x ...] we output the same tensor repeated
along the batch dimension ([new_batch_dim x D1 x D2 x ...]).
num_non_batch_dims = len(t.shape[1:])
repeat_shape = (new_batch_dim, *(1 for _ in range(num_non_batch_dims)))
return t.repeat(repeat_shape) | 7ee1d0930f843a9d31bcc4934d675109f3b2df9b | 1,779 |
import os
import csv
import random
def read_GTSRB_train(directory, shuffle = True):
Read the training portion of GTSRB database.
Each class has an own index file.
print('Reading trainset index...')
entries = []
for class_id in range(num_classes):
# each class is in a separate folder
print('\r%i%%'%(int((class_id/num_classes) * 100)), end='')
class_str = str(class_id).zfill(5)
class_directory = os.path.join(directory, class_str)
# each class has an own indes file
index_filename = os.path.join(class_directory, 'GT-%s.csv'%class_str)
index = csv.DictReader(open(index_filename, 'r'), delimiter=';')
for line in index:
filename = os.path.join(class_directory, line['Filename'])
x1 = int(line['Roi.X1'])
y1 = int(line['Roi.Y1'])
x2 = int(line['Roi.X2'])
y2 = int(line['Roi.Y2'])
# there is no need to use the class_id from the csv file
# we can be sure that it corresponds to the folder
entries.append(DatasetEntry(filename, x1, y1, x2, y2, class_id))
if shuffle: random.shuffle(entries)
return entries | 278813bf2aabc1f721f23d5ee466fb1444b8ca84 | 1,780 |
def get_client(config):
get_client returns a feature client configured using data found in the
settings of the current application.
storage = _features_from_settings(config.registry.settings)
return Client(storage) | 650f0d294514a4d13afd9ab010d6d4bdd4045c43 | 1,781 |
import copy
from ibeis.init import filter_annots
from ibeis.expt import experiment_helpers
import six
def print_results(ibs, testres):
Prints results from an experiment harness run.
Rows store different qaids (query annotation ids)
Cols store different configurations (algorithm parameters)
ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object
testres (test_result.TestResult):
python -e print --db PZ_MTEST -a default:dpername=1,qpername=[1,2] -t default:fg_on=False
python -e print -t best --db seals2 --allgt --vz
python -e print --db PZ_MTEST --allgt -t custom --print-confusion-stats
python -e print --db PZ_MTEST --allgt --noqcache --index 0:10:2 -t custom:rrvsone_on=True --print-confusion-stats
python -e print --db PZ_MTEST --allgt --noqcache --qaid4 -t custom:rrvsone_on=True --print-confusion-stats
python -m ibeis --tf print_results -t default --db PZ_MTEST -a ctrl
python -m ibeis --tf print_results -t default --db PZ_MTEST -a ctrl
python -m ibeis --tf print_results --db PZ_MTEST -a default -t default:lnbnn_on=True default:lnbnn_on=False,bar_l2_on=True default:lnbnn_on=False,normonly_on=True
python -m ibeis.expt.experiment_printres --test-print_results -m ibeis.expt.experiment_printres --test-print_results
>>> from ibeis.expt.experiment_printres import * # NOQA
>>> from ibeis.init import main_helpers
>>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts(
>>> 'PZ_MTEST', a='default:dpername=1,qpername=[1,2]', t='default:fg_on=False')
>>> result = print_results(ibs, testres)
>>> print(result)
(cfg_list, cfgx2_cfgresinfo, testnameid, cfgx2_lbl, cfgx2_qreq_) = ut.dict_take(
testres.__dict__, ['cfg_list', 'cfgx2_cfgresinfo', 'testnameid', 'cfgx2_lbl', 'cfgx2_qreq_'])
# cfgx2_cfgresinfo is a list of dicts of lists
# Parse result info out of the lists
cfgx2_nextbestranks = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_next_bestranks')
cfgx2_gt_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_raw_score')
cfgx2_gf_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gf_raw_score')
#cfgx2_aveprecs = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_avepercision')
cfgx2_scorediffs = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_scorediff')
#cfgx2_gt_raw_score = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_raw_score')
column_lbls = [ut.remove_chars(ut.remove_vowels(lbl), [' ', ','])
for lbl in cfgx2_lbl]
scorediffs_mat = np.array(ut.replace_nones(cfgx2_scorediffs, np.nan))
print(' --- PRINT RESULTS ---')
print(' use --rank-lt-list=1,5 to specify X_LIST')
if True:
# Num of ranks less than to score
X_LIST = testres.get_X_LIST()
#X_LIST = [1, 5]
#nConfig = len(cfg_list)
#nQuery = len(testres.qaids)
cfgx2_nQuery = list(map(len, testres.cfgx2_qaids))
#cfgx2_qx2_ranks = testres.get_infoprop_list('qx2_bestranks')
# A positive scorediff indicates the groundtruth was better than the
# groundfalse scores
istrue_list = [scorediff > 0 for scorediff in scorediffs_mat]
isfalse_list = [~istrue for istrue in istrue_list]
# Build Colscore
nLessX_dict = testres.get_nLessX_dict()
best_rankscore_summary = []
#to_intersect_list = []
# print each configs scores less than X=thresh
for X, cfgx2_nLessX in six.iteritems(nLessX_dict):
max_nLessX = cfgx2_nLessX.max()
bestX_cfgx_list = np.where(cfgx2_nLessX == max_nLessX)[0]
best_rankscore = '[cfg*] %d cfg(s) scored ' % len(bestX_cfgx_list)
best_rankscore += rankscore_str(X, max_nLessX, cfgx2_nQuery[bestX_cfgx_list[0]])
best_rankscore_summary += [best_rankscore]
#to_intersect_list.append(ut.take(cfgx2_lbl, max_nLessX))
#intersected = to_intersect_list[0] if len(to_intersect_list) > 0 else []
#for ix in range(1, len(to_intersect_list)):
# intersected = np.intersect1d(intersected, to_intersect_list[ix])
#if False:
# #gt_raw_score_mat = np.vstack(cfgx2_gt_raw_score).T
# #rank_mat = testres.get_rank_mat()
# #------------
# # Build row lbls
# if False:
# qx2_lbl = np.array([
# 'qx=%d) q%s ' % (qx, ibsfuncs.aidstr(testres.qaids[qx], ibs=ibs, notes=True))
# for qx in range(nQuery)])
# #------------
# # Build Colscore and hard cases
# if False:
# qx2_min_rank = []
# qx2_argmin_rank = []
# new_hard_qaids = []
# new_hardtup_list = []
# for qx in range(nQuery):
# ranks = rank_mat[qx]
# valid_ranks = ranks[ranks >= 0]
# min_rank = ranks.min() if len(valid_ranks) > 0 else -3
# bestCFG_X = np.where(ranks == min_rank)[0]
# qx2_min_rank.append(min_rank)
# # Find the best rank over all configurations
# qx2_argmin_rank.append(bestCFG_X)
#def get_new_hard_qx_list(testres):
# """ Mark any query as hard if it didnt get everything correct """
# rank_mat = testres.get_rank_mat()
# is_new_hard_list = rank_mat.max(axis=1) > 0
# new_hard_qx_list = np.where(is_new_hard_list)[0]
# return new_hard_qx_list
# new_hard_qx_list = testres.get_new_hard_qx_list()
# for qx in new_hard_qx_list:
# # New list is in aid format instead of cx format
# # because you should be copying and pasting it
# notes = ' ranks = ' + str(rank_mat[qx])
# qaid = testres.qaids[qx]
# name = ibs.get_annot_names(qaid)
# new_hardtup_list += [(qaid, name + " - " + notes)]
# new_hard_qaids += [qaid]
def intersect_hack():
failed = testres.rank_mat > 0
colx2_failed = [np.nonzero(failed_col)[0] for failed_col in failed.T]
#failed_col2_only = np.setdiff1d(colx2_failed[1], colx2_failed[0])
#failed_col2_only_aids = ut.take(testres.qaids, failed_col2_only)
failed_col1_only = np.setdiff1d(colx2_failed[0], colx2_failed[1])
failed_col1_only_aids = ut.take(testres.qaids, failed_col1_only)
gt_aids1 = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(failed_col1_only_aids, daid_list=testres.cfgx2_qreq_[0].daids)
gt_aids2 = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(failed_col1_only_aids, daid_list=testres.cfgx2_qreq_[1].daids)
qaids_expt = failed_col1_only_aids
gt_avl_aids1 = ut.flatten(gt_aids1)
gt_avl_aids2 = list(set(ut.flatten(gt_aids2)).difference(gt_avl_aids1))
ibs.print_annotconfig_stats(qaids_expt, gt_avl_aids1)
ibs.print_annotconfig_stats(qaids_expt, gt_avl_aids2)
#jsontext = ut.to_json({
# 'qaids': list(qaids_expt),
# 'dinclude_aids1': list(gt_aids_expt1),
# 'dinclude_aids2': list(gt_aids_expt2),
#from ibeis.expt import annotation_configs
acfg = testres.acfg_list[0]
acfg1 = copy.deepcopy(acfg)
acfg2 = copy.deepcopy(acfg)
acfg1['qcfg']['min_pername'] = None
acfg2['qcfg']['min_pername'] = None
acfg1['dcfg']['min_pername'] = None
acfg2['dcfg']['min_gt_per_name'] = None
acfg1['qcfg']['default_aids'] = qaids_expt
acfg1['dcfg']['gt_avl_aids'] = gt_avl_aids1
acfg2['qcfg']['default_aids'] = qaids_expt
acfg2['dcfg']['gt_avl_aids'] = gt_avl_aids2
annots1 = filter_annots.expand_acfgs(ibs, acfg1, verbose=True)
annots2 = filter_annots.expand_acfgs(ibs, acfg2, verbose=True)
acfg_name_list = dict( # NOQA
acfg_list=[acfg1, acfg2],
expanded_aids_list=[annots1, annots2],
test_cfg_name_list = ['candidacy_k']
cfgdict_list, pipecfg_list = experiment_helpers.get_pipecfg_list(test_cfg_name_list, ibs=ibs)
t1, t2 = testres_list # NOQA
#def print_rowlbl():
# print('=====================')
# print('[harn] Row/Query Labels: %s' % testnameid)
# print('=====================')
# print('[harn] queries:\n%s' % '\n'.join(qx2_lbl))
def print_collbl():
print('[harn] Col/Config Labels: %s' % testnameid)
enum_cfgx2_lbl = ['%2d) %s' % (count, cfglbl)
for count, cfglbl in enumerate(cfgx2_lbl)]
print('[harn] cfglbl:\n%s' % '\n'.join(enum_cfgx2_lbl))
def print_cfgstr():
print('[harn] Config Strings: %s' % testnameid)
cfgstr_list = [query_cfg.get_cfgstr() for query_cfg in cfg_list]
enum_cfgstr_list = ['%2d) %s' % (count, cfgstr)
for count, cfgstr in enumerate(cfgstr_list)]
print('\n[harn] cfgstr:\n%s' % '\n'.join(enum_cfgstr_list))
#def print_rowscore():
# print('=======================')
# print('[harn] Scores per Query: %s' % testnameid)
# print('=======================')
# for qx in range(nQuery):
# bestCFG_X = qx2_argmin_rank[qx]
# min_rank = qx2_min_rank[qx]
# minimizing_cfg_str = ut.indentjoin(cfgx2_lbl[bestCFG_X], '\n * ')
# #minimizing_cfg_str = str(bestCFG_X)
# print('-------')
# print(qx2_lbl[qx])
# print(' best_rank = %d ' % min_rank)
# if len(cfgx2_lbl) != 1:
# print(' minimizing_cfg_x\'s = %s ' % minimizing_cfg_str)
#def print_row_ave_precision():
# print('=======================')
# print('[harn] Scores per Query: %s' % testnameid)
# print('=======================')
# for qx in range(nQuery):
# aveprecs = ', '.join(['%.2f' % (aveprecs[qx],) for aveprecs in cfgx2_aveprecs])
# print('-------')
# print(qx2_lbl[qx])
# print(' aveprecs = %s ' % aveprecs)
#def print_hardcase():
# print('--- hard new_hardtup_list (w.r.t these configs): %s' % testnameid)
# print('\n'.join(map(repr, new_hardtup_list)))
# print('There are %d hard cases ' % len(new_hardtup_list))
# aid_list = [aid_notes[0] for aid_notes in new_hardtup_list]
# name_list = ibs.get_annot_names(aid_list)
# name_set = set(name_list)
# print(sorted(aid_list))
# print('Names: %r' % (name_set,))
#default=not ut.get_argflag('--allhard'))
#def echo_hardcase():
# print('--- hardcase commandline: %s' % testnameid)
# # Show index for current query where hardids reside
# #print('--index ' + (' '.join(map(str, new_hard_qx_list))))
# #print('--take new_hard_qx_list')
# #hardaids_str = ' '.join(map(str, [' ', '--qaid'] + new_hard_qaids))
# hardaids_str = ' '.join(map(str, [' ', '--set-aids-as-hard'] + new_hard_qaids))
# print(hardaids_str)
##echo_hardcase(default=not ut.get_argflag('--allhard'))
#def print_bestcfg():
# print('==========================')
# print('[harn] Best Configurations: %s' % testnameid)
# print('==========================')
# # print each configs scores less than X=thresh
# for X, cfgx2_nLessX in six.iteritems(nLessX_dict):
# max_LessX = cfgx2_nLessX.max()
# bestCFG_X = np.where(cfgx2_nLessX == max_LessX)[0]
# best_rankscore = '[cfg*] %d cfg(s) scored ' % len(bestCFG_X)
# best_rankscore += rankscore_str(X, max_LessX, nQuery)
# cfglbl_list = cfgx2_lbl[bestCFG_X]
# best_rankcfg = format_cfgstr_list(cfglbl_list)
# #indent('\n'.join(cfgstr_list), ' ')
# print(best_rankscore)
# print(best_rankcfg)
# print('[cfg*] %d cfg(s) are the best of %d total cfgs' % (len(intersected), nConfig))
# print(format_cfgstr_list(intersected))
#def print_gtscore():
# # Prints best ranks
# print('gtscore_mat: %s' % testnameid)
# print(' nRows=%r, nCols=%r' % (nQuery, nConfig))
# header = (' labled rank matrix: rows=queries, cols=cfgs:')
# print('\n'.join(cfgx2_lbl))
# column_list = gt_raw_score_mat.T
# print(ut.make_csv_table(column_list, row_lbls=testres.qaids,
# column_lbls=column_lbls, header=header,
# transpose=False,
# use_lbl_width=len(cfgx2_lbl) < 5))
#def print_best_rankmat():
# # Prints best ranks
# print('-------------')
# print('RankMat: %s' % testnameid)
# print(' nRows=%r, nCols=%r' % (nQuery, nConfig))
# header = (' labled rank matrix: rows=queries, cols=cfgs:')
# print('\n'.join(cfgx2_lbl))
# column_list = rank_mat.T
# print(ut.make_csv_table(column_list, row_lbls=testres.qaids,
# column_lbls=column_lbls, header=header,
# transpose=False,
# use_lbl_width=len(cfgx2_lbl) < 5))
#def print_diffmat():
# # score differences over configs
# print('-------------')
# print('Diffmat: %s' % testnameid)
# diff_matstr = get_diffmat_str(rank_mat, testres.qaids, nConfig)
# print(diff_matstr)
#def print_rankhist_time():
# print('A rank histogram is a dictionary. '
# 'The keys denote the range of the ranks that the values fall in')
# # TODO: rectify this code with other hist code
# config_gt_aids = ut.get_list_column(testres.cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_aid')
# config_rand_bin_qxs = testres.get_rank_histogram_qx_binxs()
# _iter = enumerate(zip(rank_mat.T, agg_hist_dict, config_gt_aids, config_rand_bin_qxs))
# for cfgx, (ranks, agg_hist_dict, qx2_gt_aid, config_binxs) in _iter:
# #full_cfgstr = testres.cfgx2_qreq_[cfgx].get_full_cfgstr()
# #ut.print_dict(ut.dict_hist(ranks), 'rank histogram', sorted_=True)
# # find the qxs that belong to each bin
# aid_list1 = testres.qaids
# aid_list2 = qx2_gt_aid
# ibs.assert_valid_aids(aid_list1)
# ibs.assert_valid_aids(aid_list2)
# timedelta_list = ibs.get_annot_pair_timdelta(aid_list1, aid_list2)
# #timedelta_str_list = [ut.get_posix_timedelta_str2(delta)
# # for delta in timedelta_list]
# bin_edges = testres.get_rank_histogram_bin_edges()
# timedelta_groups = ut.dict_take(ut.group_items(timedelta_list, config_binxs), np.arange(len(bin_edges)), [])
# timedelta_stats = [ut.get_stats(deltas, use_nan=True, datacast=ut.get_posix_timedelta_str2) for deltas in timedelta_groups]
# print('Time statistics for each rank range:')
# print(ut.dict_str(dict(zip(bin_edges, timedelta_stats)), sorted_=True))
#def print_rankhist():
# print('A rank histogram is a dictionary. '
# 'The keys denote the range of the ranks that the values fall in')
# # TODO: rectify this code with other hist code
# config_gt_aids = ut.get_list_column(testres.cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_aid')
# config_rand_bin_qxs = testres.get_rank_histogram_qx_binxs()
# _iter = enumerate(zip(rank_mat.T, agg_hist_dict, config_gt_aids, config_rand_bin_qxs))
# for cfgx, (ranks, agg_hist_dict, qx2_gt_aid, config_binxs) in _iter:
# print('Frequency of rank ranges:')
# ut.print_dict(agg_hist_dict, 'agg rank histogram', sorted_=True)
# Print summary
#print(' --- SUMMARY ---')
#def print_colmap():
# print('==================')
# print('[harn] mAP per Config: %s (sorted by mAP)' % testnameid)
# print('==================')
# cfgx2_mAP = np.array([aveprec_list.mean() for aveprec_list in cfgx2_aveprecs])
# sortx = cfgx2_mAP.argsort()
# for cfgx in sortx:
# print('[mAP] cfgx=%r) mAP=%.3f -- %s' % (cfgx, cfgx2_mAP[cfgx], cfgx2_lbl[cfgx]))
# #print('L___ Scores per Config ___')
def print_colscore():
print('[harn] Scores per Config: %s' % testnameid)
#for cfgx in range(nConfig):
# print('[score] %s' % (cfgx2_lbl[cfgx]))
# for X in X_LIST:
# nLessX_ = nLessX_dict[int(X)][cfgx]
# print(' ' + rankscore_str(X, nLessX_, nQuery))
print('\n[harn] ... sorted scores')
for X in X_LIST:
print('\n[harn] Sorted #ranks < %r scores' % (X))
sortx = np.array(nLessX_dict[int(X)]).argsort()
#frac_list = (nLessX_dict[int(X)] / cfgx2_nQuery)[:, None]
#print('cfgx2_nQuery = %r' % (cfgx2_nQuery,))
#print('frac_list = %r' % (frac_list,))
#print('Pairwise Difference: ' + str(ut.safe_pdist(frac_list, metric=ut.absdiff)))
for cfgx in sortx:
nLessX_ = nLessX_dict[int(X)][cfgx]
rankstr = rankscore_str(X, nLessX_, cfgx2_nQuery[cfgx], withlbl=False)
print('[score] %s --- %s' % (rankstr, cfgx2_lbl[cfgx]))
ut.argv_flag_dec(print_latexsum)(ibs, testres)
def print_next_rankmat():
# Prints nextbest ranks
print('NextRankMat: %s' % testnameid)
header = (' top false rank matrix: rows=queries, cols=cfgs:')
column_list = cfgx2_nextbestranks
print(ut.make_csv_table(column_list, row_lbls=testres.qaids,
column_lbls=column_lbls, header=header,
use_lbl_width=len(cfgx2_lbl) < 5))
def print_scorediff_mat():
# Prints nextbest ranks
print('ScoreDiffMat: %s' % testnameid)
header = (' score difference between top true and top false: rows=queries, cols=cfgs:')
column_list = cfgx2_scorediffs
column_type = [float] * len(column_list)
print(ut.make_csv_table(column_list, row_lbls=testres.qaids,
use_lbl_width=len(cfgx2_lbl) < 5))
def jagged_stats_info(arr_, lbl, col_lbls):
arr = ut.recursive_replace(arr_, np.inf, np.nan)
# Treat infinite as nan
stat_dict = ut.get_jagged_stats(arr, use_nan=True, use_sum=True)
sel_stat_dict, sel_indices = ut.find_interesting_stats(stat_dict, col_lbls)
sel_col_lbls = ut.take(col_lbls, sel_indices)
statstr_kw = dict(precision=3, newlines=True, lbl=lbl, align=True)
stat_str = ut.get_stats_str(stat_dict=stat_dict, **statstr_kw)
sel_stat_str = ut.get_stats_str(stat_dict=sel_stat_dict, **statstr_kw)
sel_stat_str = 'sel_col_lbls = %s' % (ut.list_str(sel_col_lbls),) + '\n' + sel_stat_str
return stat_str, sel_stat_str
def print_confusion_stats():
python --allgt --print-scorediff-mat-stats --print-confusion-stats -t rrvsone_grid
# Prints nextbest ranks
print('ScoreDiffMatStats: %s' % testnameid)
print('column_lbls = %r' % (column_lbls,))
#cfgx2_gt_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_raw_score')
#cfgx2_gf_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gf_raw_score')
gt_rawscores_mat = ut.replace_nones(cfgx2_gt_rawscores, np.nan)
gf_rawscores_mat = ut.replace_nones(cfgx2_gf_rawscores, np.nan)
tp_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gt_rawscores_mat, istrue_list)
fp_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gt_rawscores_mat, isfalse_list)
tn_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gf_rawscores_mat, istrue_list)
fn_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gf_rawscores_mat, isfalse_list)
tp_rawscores_str, tp_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info(tp_rawscores, 'tp_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl)
fp_rawscores_str, fp_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info(fp_rawscores, 'fp_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl)
tn_rawscores_str, tn_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info(tn_rawscores, 'tn_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl)
fn_rawscores_str, fn_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info(fn_rawscores, 'fn_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl)
sumstrs = []
sumstrs.append('|| [cfg*] SUMMARY: %s' % testnameid)
sumstrs.append(ut.joins('\n|| ', best_rankscore_summary))
summary_str = '\n' + '\n'.join(sumstrs) + '\n'
ut.colorprint(summary_str, 'blue')
print('To enable all printouts add --print-all to the commandline') | 265a3ae3e44b3816ed541521e24fb2aa52d1989b | 1,782 |
from datetime import datetime
def fra_months(z): # Apologies, this function is verbose--function modeled after SSA regulations
"""A function that returns the number of months from date of birth to FRA based on SSA chart"""
# Declare global variable
global months_to_fra
# If date of birth is 1/1/1938 or earlier, full retirement age (FRA) is 65
if z <, 1, 2):
months_to_fra = 780
# If date of birth is between 1/2/1938 and 1/1/1939, then (FRA) is age 65 + 2 months
elif z <, 1, 2):
months_to_fra = 782
# If date of birth is between 1/2/1939 and 1/1/1940, then (FRA) is age 65 + 4 months
elif z <, 1, 2):
months_to_fra = 784
# If date of birth is between 1/2/1940 and 1/1/1941, then (FRA) is age 65 + 6 months
elif z <, 1, 2):
months_to_fra = 786
# If date of birth is between 1/2/1941 and 1/1/1942, then (FRA) is age 65 + 8 months
elif z <, 1, 2):
months_to_fra = 788
# If date of birth is between 1/2/1942 and 1/1/1943, then (FRA) is age 65 + 10 months
elif z <, 1, 2):
months_to_fra = 790
# If date of birth is between 1/2/1943 and 1/1/1955, then (FRA) is age 66
elif z <, 1, 2):
months_to_fra = 792
# If date of birth is between 1/2/1955 and 1/1/1956, then (FRA) is age 66 + 2 months
elif z <, 1, 2):
months_to_fra = 794
# If date of birth is between 1/2/1956 and 1/1/1957, then (FRA) is age 66 + 4 months
elif z <, 1, 2):
months_to_fra = 796
# If date of birth is between 1/2/1957 and 1/1/1958, then (FRA) is age 66 + 6 months
elif z <, 1, 2):
months_to_fra = 798
# If date of birth is between 1/2/1958 and 1/1/1959, then (FRA) is age 66 + 8 months
elif z <, 1, 2):
months_to_fra = 800
# If date of birth is between 1/2/1959 and 1/1/1960, then (FRA) is age 66 + 10 months
elif z <, 1, 2):
months_to_fra = 802
# If date of birth is 1/2/1960 or later, then (FRA) is age 67
months_to_fra = 804
return months_to_fra | 70ba416f6415fd5db08244ae7543db0573f74b2d | 1,783 |
def set_global_format_spec(formats: SpecDict):
"""Set the global default format specifiers.
formats: dict[type, str]
Class-based format identifiers.
old_spec : MultiFormatSpec
The previous globally-set formatters.
>>> s = section.Elastic2D(1, 29000, 10, 144)
>>> print(s)
section Elastic 1 29000 10 144
>>> set_global_format_spec({float: '#.3g'})
MultiFormatSpec(int='d', float='g')
>>> print(s)
section Elastic 1 2.90e+04 10.0 144.
old_spec = _GLOBAL_FORMAT_SPEC.copy()
return old_spec | 1494a6ff2ad71aa9ed0d20bc0620a124d404e5da | 1,784 |
def gen_base_pass(length=15):
Generate base password.
- A new password will be generated on each call.
:param length: <int> password length.
:return: <str> base password.
generator = PassGen()
return generator.make_password(length=length) | 571683589e13b8dcbd74573b31e5fc7644360bfe | 1,785 |
def split_component_chars(address_parts):
:param address_parts: list of the form [(<address_part_1>, <address_part_1_label>), .... ]
returns [(<char_0>, <address_comp_for_char_0), (<char_1>, <address_comp_for_char_1),.., (<char_n-1>, <address_comp_for_char_n-1)]
char_arr = []
for address_part, address_part_label in address_parts:
# The address part of the tuple (address_part, address_part_label)
for c in address_part:
char_arr.append((c, address_part_label))
return char_arr | f4f3dd59378a689e9048cee96b8d6f12e9d8fe21 | 1,786 |
import json
def report_metrics(topic, message):
:param topic: 需要上报的topic
:param message: 需要上报的打点数据
:return: 上报结果
res ={"kafka_topic": topic, MESSAGE: message, TAGS: [DEFAULT_GEOG_AREA_TAG]})"report capacity metric {json.dumps(message)}")
if res.is_success():
return True
logger.warning(f"report metric failed. {json.dumps(message)} {res.message}")
return False
except Exception:
logger.error("query metric failed, encounter some exception", exc_info=True)
return False | 28f0bf1671b4116b26b8dba3f0c0a34174a0597a | 1,787 |
def wg_completion_scripts_cb(data, completion_item, buffer, completion):
""" Complete with known script names, for command '/weeget'. """
global wg_scripts
if len(wg_scripts) > 0:
for id, script in wg_scripts.items():
weechat.hook_completion_list_add(completion, script["full_name"],
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK | b9dc0d5e736cfeb1dc98d09b8e12c6a52696d89d | 1,788 |
def getG(source):
""" Read the Graph from a textfile """
G = {}
Grev = {}
for i in range(1,N+1):
G[i] = []
Grev[i] = []
fin = open(source)
for line in fin:
v1 = int(line.split()[0])
v2 = int(line.split()[1])
return G, Grev | 6e9a8a5c69267403ee3c624670c60af547d37a46 | 1,789 |
import re
def remove_version(code):
""" Remove any version directive """
pattern = '\#\s*version[^\r\n]*\n'
regex = re.compile(pattern, re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
return regex.sub('\n', code) | 101ada9490137a879ea287076989a732942368f8 | 1,790 |
def unlabeled_balls_in_labeled_boxes(balls, box_sizes):
This function returns a generator that produces all distinct distributions of
indistinguishable balls among labeled boxes with specified box sizes
(capacities). This is a generalization of the most common formulation of the
problem, where each box is sufficiently large to accommodate all of the
balls, and is an important example of a class of combinatorics problems
called 'weak composition' problems.
n: the number of balls
box_sizes: This argument is a list of length 1 or greater. The length of
the list corresponds to the number of boxes. `box_sizes[i]` is a positive
integer that specifies the maximum capacity of the ith box. If
`box_sizes[i]` equals `n` (or greater), the ith box can accommodate all `n`
balls and thus effectively has unlimited capacity.
I'd like to thank Chris Rebert for helping me to convert my prototype
class-based code into a generator function.
if not isinstance(balls, int):
raise TypeError("balls must be a non-negative integer.")
if balls < 0:
raise ValueError("balls must be a non-negative integer.")
if not isinstance(box_sizes,list):
raise ValueError("box_sizes must be a non-empty list.")
capacity= 0
for size in box_sizes:
if not isinstance(size, int):
raise TypeError("box_sizes must contain only positive integers.")
if size < 1:
raise ValueError("box_sizes must contain only positive integers.")
capacity+= size
if capacity < balls:
raise ValueError("The total capacity of the boxes is less than the "
"number of balls to be distributed.")
return _unlabeled_balls_in_labeled_boxes(balls, box_sizes) | 6390226744c2d4b756b43e880707accc333893d5 | 1,791 |
def beginning_next_non_empty_line(bdata, i):
""" doc
while bdata[i] not in EOL:
i += 1
while bdata[i] in EOL:
i += 1
return i | 0a372729a7ad794a9385d87be39d62b1e6831b71 | 1,792 |
import collections
def VisualizeBoxes(image,
"""Visualize boxes on top down image."""
box_to_display_str_map = collections.defaultdict(str)
box_to_color_map = collections.defaultdict(str)
num_boxes = boxes.shape[0]
for i in range(num_boxes):
if scores is not None and scores[i] < min_score_thresh:
box = tuple(boxes[i].tolist())
display_str = ''
if not skip_labels:
if classes[i] in class_id_to_name:
class_name = class_id_to_name[classes[i]]
display_str = str(class_name)
display_str = 'N/A'
if not skip_scores:
if not display_str:
display_str = '{}%'.format(int(100 * scores[i]))
display_str = '{}: {}%'.format(display_str, int(100 * scores[i]))
box_to_display_str_map[box] = display_str
if scores is None:
box_to_color_map[box] = groundtruth_box_visualization_color
box_to_color_map[box] = PIL_COLOR_LIST[classes[i] % len(PIL_COLOR_LIST)]
# Draw all boxes onto image.
for box, color in box_to_color_map.items():
return image | b02216a5a2e7fa7029dd0fea298efd1d593bab88 | 1,793 |
from datetime import datetime
import sys
def tagDataskp(dList, start, end, name):
Toma una posición para obtener de la lista dList.
#if end is not None:
if end:
#tagdata = ",".join(dList[start:end + 1])
tagdata = dList[start:end + 1]
tagdata = dList[start]
sys.stderr.write("Error al obtener el Tag Data: %s, %s. Evento: %s [%s].\n" % (name, dList[2], dList[1], str( # dList[2] el 'id'
return tagdata or None | 13d611b92dcd61377a68b53b47331260a9936f09 | 1,794 |
def cal_softplus(x):
"""Calculate softplus."""
return np.log(np.exp(x) + 1) | a966826f1e508ca1a197e63396ae9e2f779bcf96 | 1,795 |
import os
import pickle
def load_list_from_disk_with_pickle(path_to_list: str) -> list:
"""This function loads a list from disk
path_to_list (str): path to where the list is saved
loaded_list (list): loaded list
AssertionError: if list path does not exist
assert os.path.exists(path_to_list), "Path {} does not exist".format(path_to_list)
open_file = open(path_to_list, "rb")
loaded_list = pickle.load(open_file) # load from disk
return loaded_list | abaf968c1b71bba83edac0e6d91b8eeb0dddc517 | 1,796 |
def prepare_spark_conversion(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Pandas does not distinguish NULL and NaN values. Everything null-like
is converted to NaN. However, spark does distinguish NULL and NaN for
example. To enable correct spark dataframe creation with NULL and NaN
values, the `PANDAS_NULL` constant is used as a workaround to enforce NULL
values in pyspark dataframes. Pyspark treats `None` values as NULL.
df: pd.DataFrame
Input dataframe to be prepared.
df_prepared: pd.DataFrame
Prepared dataframe for spark conversion.
return df.where(, None) | f18ddfc3e77809908bf8fa365c1acf8a8d5069c6 | 1,797 |
import requests
import token
from sys import api_version
def get_user_vk_id(id):
:param id: Числовой ID пользователя VK
:return: Ссылка на пользователя
response = requests.get('{}users.get?user_ids={}&fields=domain&access_token={}&v={}'
.format(api_address, id, token, api_version))
dict = get_dictionary(response)
return '{}'.format(dict['response'][0]['domain']) | bc82fc4e3a72adb3c8c1cdf4838351ee7aa608ad | 1,798 |
import scipy
def controllable_staircase(
Implementation of
using givens rotations.
it is very slow, but numerically stable
TODO, add pivoting,
TODO, make it use the U-T property on E better for speed
TODO, make it output Q and Z to apply to aux matrices, perhaps use them on C
# from icecream import ic
# import tabulate
Ninputs = B.shape[1]
Nstates = A.shape[0]
Nconstr = A.shape[1]
Noutput = C.shape[0]
BA, E = scipy.linalg.qr_multiply(E, np.hstack([B, A]), pivoting=False, mode="left")
Nmin = min(Nconstr, Nstates)
for CidxBA in range(0, Nmin - 1):
for RidxBA in range(Nconstr - 1, CidxBA, -1):
# create a givens rotation for Q reduction on BA
BAv0 = BA[RidxBA - 1, CidxBA]
BAv1 = BA[RidxBA, CidxBA]
BAvSq = BAv0 ** 2 + BAv1 ** 2
if BAvSq < tol:
BAvAbs = BAvSq ** 0.5
c = BAv1 / BAvAbs
s = BAv0 / BAvAbs
M = np.array([[s, +c], [-c, s]])
BA[RidxBA - 1 : RidxBA + 1, :] = M @ BA[RidxBA - 1 : RidxBA + 1, :]
# TODO, use the U-T to be more efficient
E[RidxBA - 1 : RidxBA + 1, :] = M @ E[RidxBA - 1 : RidxBA + 1, :]
Cidx = RidxBA
Ridx = RidxBA
# row and col swap
Ev0 = E[Ridx, Cidx - 1]
Ev1 = E[Ridx, Cidx]
EvSq = Ev0 ** 2 + Ev1 ** 2
if EvSq < tol:
EvAbs = EvSq ** 0.5
c = Ev0 / EvAbs
s = Ev1 / EvAbs
MT = np.array([[s, +c], [-c, s]])
BA[:, Ninputs:][:, Cidx - 1 : Cidx + 1] = (
BA[:, Ninputs:][:, Cidx - 1 : Cidx + 1] @ MT
C[:, Cidx - 1 : Cidx + 1] = C[:, Cidx - 1 : Cidx + 1] @ MT
# TODO, use the U-T to be more efficient
E[:, Cidx - 1 : Cidx + 1] = E[:, Cidx - 1 : Cidx + 1] @ MT
B = BA[:, :Ninputs]
A = BA[:, Ninputs:]
return A, B, C, D, E | fb2e2f162aad45a1bdbb21a67207576539700b0e | 1,799 |