[ "This course will be offered again in 2013 for younger Dunghutti adults , and a Certificate 2 course will be designed for a test run in 2014 .", "This course will be offered for younger Dunghutti adults in 2013 , and a certificate 2 course will be conceived for a test run in 2014 ." ]
[ "Kursus ini akan ditawarkan sekali lagi pada tahun 2013 untuk orang dewasa Dunghutti yang lebih muda, dan kursus Sijil 2 akan direka untuk ujian yang dijalankan pada tahun 2014.", "Kursus ini akan ditawarkan untuk orang dewasa Dunghutti yang lebih muda pada tahun 2013, dan kursus sijil 2 akan dikandung untuk ujian dijalankan pada tahun 2014." ]
[ "The Rockox House is a Belgian private residence of the Rockox family and former museum of KBC Bank in the city of Antwerp , Belgium .", "Rockox House is a Belgian private residence of the Rockox family and a former museum of the KBC Bank in the city of Antwerp , Belgium ." ]
[ "The Rockox House adalah kediaman peribadi Belgium keluarga Rockox dan bekas muzium KBC Bank di bandar Antwerp, Belgium.", "Rockox House adalah kediaman peribadi keluarga Rockox di Belgium dan bekas muzium KBC Bank di bandar Antwerp, Belgium." ]
[ "From there it flows through a minimally developed series of swamps and ponds to the south into the valley , downwards , but further west .", "From there it flows south into the valley through a minimally developed series of swamps and ponds , downward but trending further to the west ." ]
[ "Dari situ ia mengalir melalui siri rawa dan kolam yang dibangunkan secara minimum ke selatan ke lembah, ke bawah, tetapi lebih jauh ke barat.", "Dari situ ia mengalir ke selatan ke lembah melalui siri rawa dan kolam yang dibangunkan secara minimum, ke bawah tetapi bergerak lebih jauh ke barat." ]
[ "The station , licensed to Sebring , serves the area of Wauchula , Florida , USA .", "Licensed to Sebring , the station serves the Wauchula , Florida , USA area ." ]
[ "Stesen ini, yang dilesenkan kepada Sebring, berkhidmat di kawasan Wauchula, Florida, Amerika Syarikat.", "Berlesen untuk Sebring, stesen ini berkhidmat Wauchula, Florida, Amerika Syarikat kawasan." ]
[ "The 2014 offer is more compact than the 2010 project due to the disappearance of the venues Kitzbühel , St. Johann and Ramsau .", "The 2014 bid is more compact than the 2010 project due to the elimination of the Kitzbühel , St. Johann and Ramsau venues ." ]
[ "Tawaran 2014 lebih padat daripada projek 2010 kerana kehilangan tempat Kitzbhel, St. Johann dan Ramsau.", "Tawaran 2014 lebih padat daripada projek 2010 kerana penghapusan tempat Kitzbhel, St. Johann dan Ramsau." ]
[ "Cardiff Castle was then owned by Philip Herbert , a moderate Parliamentarian , and the castle was initially held by a pro-Royalist garrison .", "Cardiff Castle was owned at the time by Philip Herbert , a moderate parliamentarian , and the castle was initially held by a pro-royalist garrison ." ]
[ "Istana Cardiff kemudiannya dimiliki oleh Philip Herbert, seorang Ahli Parlimen yang sederhana, dan istana ini pada mulanya dipegang oleh seorang pengawal pro-Royalis.", "Istana Cardiff dimiliki pada masa itu oleh Philip Herbert, seorang ahli parlimen yang sederhana, dan istana ini pada mulanya dipegang oleh seorang garrison pro-royalist." ]
[ "The flat functions are , in some sense , the antitheses of the analytic functions .", "In some sense , the flat functions are the antitheses of the analytical functions ." ]
[ "Fungsi rata adalah, dalam erti kata lain, antitesis fungsi analitik.", "Dalam sesetengah pengertian, fungsi rata adalah antitesis fungsi analitik." ]
[ "He had gained CFL - Coaching - experience as a guest - Coach at the Lions in 1984 and with the Saskatchewan Roughriders in 1985 and 1986 .", "He had gained CFL coaching experience as a guest coach with the Lions in 1984 and with the Saskatchewan Roughriders in 1985 and 1986 ." ]
[ "Beliau telah mendapat CFL - Coaching - pengalaman sebagai tetamu - Coach di Lions pada tahun 1984 dan dengan Saskatchewan Roughriders pada tahun 1985 dan 1986.", "Beliau telah mendapat pengalaman kejurulatihan CFL sebagai jurulatih tetamu dengan Lions pada tahun 1984 dan dengan Saskatchewan Roughriders pada tahun 1985 dan 1986." ]
[ "The tournament was hosted again in 2006 in San Francisco , where it was resumed for two years .", "The tournament was hosted again in San Francisco in 2006 , where it was continued for two years ." ]
[ "Kejohanan ini dihoskan sekali lagi pada tahun 2006 di San Francisco, di mana ia telah disambung semula selama dua tahun.", "Kejohanan ini dihoskan sekali lagi di San Francisco pada tahun 2006, di mana ia diteruskan selama dua tahun." ]
[ "The Sântinica River is a tributary of the Dâmboviţa River in Romania .", "The river Sântinica is a tributary of the river Dâmboviţa in Romania ." ]
[ "Sungai Sntinica merupakan anak sungai Sungai Dmbovia di Romania.", "Sungai Sntinica merupakan anak sungai Dmbovia di Romania." ]
[ "There are almost 2,000 islands along the coastline , about three quarters of which are uninhabited .", "Along the coast there are almost 2,000 islands , about three quarters of which are uninhabited ." ]
[ "Terdapat hampir 2,000 pulau di sepanjang garis pantai, kira-kira tiga perempat daripadanya tidak berpenghuni.", "Di sepanjang pantai terdapat hampir 2,000 pulau, kira-kira tiga perempat daripadanya tidak berpenghuni." ]
[ "The Greek census of 1951 counted a total of 127 Albanian Muslim chams in Epirus .", "The Greek census of 1951 counted a total of 127 Muslim Albanian Chams in Epirus ." ]
[ "Banci Yunani 1951 mengira sejumlah 127 cham Muslim Albania di Epirus.", "Banci Yunani 1951 mengira sejumlah 127 orang Muslim Albania Chams di Epirus." ]
[ "Hugh was father of Walter Giffard , the Archbishop of York and Chancellor of England .", "Hugh was father of the Walter Giffard who became Archbishop of York and Chancellor of England ." ]
[ "Hugh adalah bapa kepada Walter Giffard, Uskup Agung York dan Canselor England.", "Hugh adalah bapa kepada Walter Giffard yang menjadi Uskup Agung York dan Canselor England." ]
[ "When Zac and Hannah stopped communicating , Hannah looked through her phone and Zac caught him .", "When Zac and Hannah stopped communicating , Hannah looked through her cell phone and Zac began him ." ]
[ "Apabila Zac dan Hannah berhenti berkomunikasi, Hannah melihat melalui telefonnya dan Zac menangkapnya.", "Apabila Zac dan Hannah berhenti berkomunikasi, Hannah melihat melalui telefon bimbitnya dan Zac memulakannya." ]
[ "The soundtrack was composed by the musician Wajahat Attre , with lyrics by Hazin Qadri and sung by Noor Jehan , and Mehnaz .", "The soundtrack was composed by musician Wajahat Attre , with texts by Hazin Qadri , sung by Noor Jehan and Mehnaz ." ]
[ "Runut bunyi ini digubah oleh pemuzik Wajahat Attre, dengan lirik oleh Hazin Qadri dan dinyanyikan oleh Noor Jehan, dan Mehnaz.", "Runut bunyi ini digubah oleh pemuzik Wajahat Attre, dengan teks oleh Hazin Qadri, dinyanyikan oleh Noor Jehan dan Mehnaz." ]
[ "The Austrian school assumes that the subjective choices of individuals , including subjective knowledge , time , expectation , and other individual factors , cause all economic phenomena .", "The Austrian School theorizes that the subjective choices of individuals including subjective knowledge , time , expectation , and other individual factors , cause all economic phenomena ." ]
[ "Sekolah Austria mengandaikan bahawa pilihan subjektif individu, termasuk pengetahuan subjektif, masa, jangkaan, dan faktor individu lain, menyebabkan semua fenomena ekonomi.", "Sekolah Austria berteori bahawa pilihan subjektif individu termasuk pengetahuan subjektif, masa, jangkaan, dan faktor individu lain, menyebabkan semua fenomena ekonomi." ]
[ "David Stillman is the Head Sales Trainer at Vorsight and Steve Richard is President and CEO of the company .", "David Stillman is the head sales trainer at Vorsight . Steve Richard is the President and CEO of the company ." ]
[ "David Stillman adalah Ketua Jurulatih Jualan di Vorsight dan Steve Richard adalah Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif syarikat.", "David Stillman adalah ketua pelatih penjualan di Vorsight. Steve Richard adalah Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif syarikat." ]
[ "Local farmers preferred to market products in Liverpool and avoid the sludge of the lower salina .", "Local farmers preferred to market products in Liverpool and avoid the mud of lower Salina ." ]
[ "Petani tempatan lebih suka memasarkan produk di Liverpool dan mengelakkan enapcemar salina yang lebih rendah.", "Petani tempatan lebih suka memasarkan produk di Liverpool dan mengelakkan lumpur Salina yang lebih rendah." ]
[ "The river , sometimes known as the `` Mauritius '' was also named after the Count .", "The river , sometimes also known as the `` Mauritius '' , was also named after the Count ." ]
[ "Sungai ini, kadang-kadang dikenali sebagai \"Maharaja\"' juga dinamakan sempena Count.", "Sungai ini, kadang-kadang juga dikenali sebagai \"Mahatritius\"', juga dinamakan sempena Count." ]
[ "Djan Faridz ( born in Jakarta on 5 August 1950 ) is once a Minister of Public Housing of Indonesia and owner of PT Dizamatra Powerindo .", "Djan Faridz ( born August 5 , 1950 in Jakarta ) is a former public housing minister of Indonesia and owner of PT Dizamatra Powerindo ." ]
[ "Djan Faridz (lahir di Jakarta pada 5 Ogos 1950) pernah menjadi Menteri Perumahan Awam Indonesia dan pemilik PT Dizamatra Powerindo.", "Djan Faridz (lahir 5 Ogos 1950 di Jakarta) merupakan bekas menteri perumahan awam Indonesia dan pemilik PT Dizamatra Powerindo." ]
[ "When Ortona was assigned to Lanciano in 1818 , Campli was connected to the Teramo Diocese .", "When , in 1818 , Ortona was assigned to Lanciano , Campli was joined to the diocese of Teramo ." ]
[ "Apabila Ortona ditugaskan ke Lanciano pada tahun 1818, Campli dihubungkan dengan Teramo Diocese.", "Apabila, pada tahun 1818, Ortona ditugaskan ke Lanciano, Campli telah bergabung dengan keuskupan Teramo." ]
[ "Hardie became Secretary of the Party , while Cunninghame Graham was the first treasurer and George Mitchell was the president .", "Hardie became the party 's Secretary , while Cunninghame Graham was the first Treasurer and George Mitchell was the President ." ]
[ "Hardie menjadi Setiausaha Parti, manakala Cunninghame Graham adalah bendahari pertama dan George Mitchell adalah presiden.", "Hardie menjadi Setiausaha parti, manakala Cunninghame Graham adalah Bendahari pertama dan George Mitchell adalah Presiden." ]
[ "The Sm ring permanently binds to the snRNAs U1 , U2 , U4 and U5 , which form four of the five snRNPs that form the main spliceosome .", "The Sm ring permanently binds to the U1 , U2 , U4 and U5 snRNAs which constitute four of the five snRNPs that form the major spliceosome ." ]
[ "Cincin Sm secara kekal mengikat kepada snRNA U1, U2, U4 dan U5, yang membentuk empat daripada lima snRNP yang membentuk spliceosome utama.", "Cincin Sm secara kekal mengikat kepada U1, U2, U4 dan U5 snRNA yang membentuk empat daripada lima snRNP yang membentuk spliceosome utama." ]
[ "The underground library is housed in the main building of the college on the ground floor .", "The underground library is housed in the central building of the college on the main floor ." ]
[ "Perpustakaan bawah tanah terletak di bangunan utama kolej di tingkat bawah.", "Perpustakaan bawah tanah terletak di bangunan pusat kolej di tingkat utama." ]
[ "Johnny Triumph frequently collaborates with the singer Björk and has performed with The Sugarcubes as Sjón .", "Johnny Triumph often collaborates with the singer Björk and has performed as Sjón with The Sugarcubes ." ]
[ "Johnny Triumph sering bekerjasama dengan penyanyi Bjrk dan telah membuat persembahan dengan The Sugarcubes sebagai Sjn.", "Johnny Triumph sering bekerjasama dengan penyanyi Bjrk dan telah membuat persembahan sebagai Sjn dengan The Sugarcubes." ]
[ "In 1989 , Roxus supported Australian bands Poison and Bon Jovi on their international tours .", "In 1989 Roxus supported respective Australian bands , Poison and Bon Jovi , on their international tours ." ]
[ "Pada tahun 1989, Roxus menyokong kumpulan Australia Poison dan Bon Jovi dalam lawatan antarabangsa mereka.", "Pada tahun 1989 Roxus menyokong kumpulan Australia masing-masing, Racun dan Bon Jovi, dalam lawatan antarabangsa mereka." ]
[ "Guitar played Gordon , Danny Kortchmar Bass and Lou Adler drums producing with Charles Larkey .", "Gordon played guitar , Danny Kortchmar played bass and Lou Adler played drums with Charles Larkey producing ." ]
[ "Gitar memainkan Gordon, Danny Kortchmar Bass dan Lou Adler drum menghasilkan dengan Charles Larkey.", "Gordon bermain gitar, Danny Kortchmar bermain bass dan Lou Adler bermain drum dengan Charles Larkey menghasilkan." ]
[ "The empennage of the W.Z.XII was vertical and the conventional surfaces were similar to those of the W.Z.XI .", "The surface of the W.Z.XII was vertical and the conventional surfaces were similar to those of the W.Z.XI ." ]
[ "Penekanan W.Z.XII adalah menegak dan permukaan konvensional adalah sama dengan W.Z.XI.", "Permukaan W.Z.XII adalah menegak dan permukaan konvensional adalah serupa dengan W.Z.XI." ]
[ "Since 1977 , LAGOS has made more than two million pieces . Steven Lagos estimates that he has created 10,000 pieces and 400 to 500 new designs each year .", "Since 1977 LAGOS has created more than two million pieces , and Steven Lagos estimates that every year he has produced 10,000 pieces and 400 to 500 new designs ." ]
[ "Sejak tahun 1977, LAGOS telah membuat lebih dari dua juta keping. Steven Lagos menganggarkan bahawa dia telah mencipta 10,000 keping dan 400 hingga 500 reka bentuk baru setiap tahun.", "Sejak 1977 LAGOS telah mencipta lebih daripada dua juta keping, dan Steven Lagos menganggarkan bahawa setiap tahun dia telah menghasilkan 10,000 keping dan 400 hingga 500 reka bentuk baru." ]
[ "The 1879 - 80 Home Nations rugby union matches were a series of national rugby union friendlies held between the England , Ireland and Scotland international rugby union teams .", "The 1879-80 Home Nations Rugby Union games were held a series of national rugby union friendship games between the international Rugby Union teams England , Ireland and Scotland ." ]
[ "Perlawanan kesatuan ragbi 1879-80 Home Nations adalah satu siri persahabatan kesatuan ragbi kebangsaan yang diadakan antara England, Ireland dan Scotland pasukan kesatuan ragbi antarabangsa.", "Perlawanan Rugby Union Home Nations 1879-80 telah diadakan satu siri permainan persahabatan kesatuan ragbi kebangsaan antara pasukan Rugby Union antarabangsa England, Ireland dan Scotland." ]
[ "Born in Birmingham in 1783 as the second son of Isabella and Thomas Beilby , the family moved to Sheffield in 1783 .", "Born in 1783 in Birmingham , the second son of Isabella and Thomas Beilby . In 1783 the family moved to Sheffield ." ]
[ "Dilahirkan di Birmingham pada tahun 1783 sebagai anak kedua Isabella dan Thomas Beilby, keluarga ini berpindah ke Sheffield pada tahun 1783.", "Dilahirkan pada tahun 1783 di Birmingham, anak kedua Isabella dan Thomas Beilby. Pada tahun 1783 keluarga berpindah ke Sheffield." ]
[ "Goolagong Cawley won five finals between 1971 and 1980 but reached only her first and last finals .", "Goolagong Cawley won five finals between 1971 and 1980 , but only reached her first and last endgame ." ]
[ "Goolagong Cawley memenangi lima perlawanan akhir antara 1971 dan 1980 tetapi hanya mencapai final pertama dan terakhir.", "Goolagong Cawley memenangi lima perlawanan akhir antara 1971 dan 1980, tetapi hanya mencapai perlawanan akhir pertamanya dan terakhir." ]
[ "The Phoenix Building , also known as the Manhattan Building or the Phoenix-Manhattan Building , is a historic skyscraper in Muskogee , Oklahoma .", "The Manhattan Building , also known as the Phoenix Building or the Phoenix Manhattan Building , is a historic skyscraper in Muskogee , Oklahoma ." ]
[ "Bangunan Phoenix, juga dikenali sebagai Bangunan Manhattan atau Bangunan Phoenix-Manhattan, adalah pencakar langit bersejarah di Muskogee, Oklahoma.", "Bangunan Manhattan, juga dikenali sebagai Bangunan Phoenix atau Bangunan Phoenix Manhattan, adalah pencakar langit bersejarah di Muskogee, Oklahoma." ]
[ "The river Amaradia or the river Negreni is a tributary of the river Valea Negrenilor .", "The Amaradia River or Negreni River is a tributary of the Valea Negrenilor River ." ]
[ "Sungai Amaradia atau sungai Negreni merupakan anak sungai dari sungai Valea Negrenilor.", "Sungai Amaradia atau Sungai Negreni merupakan anak sungai Sungai Valea Negrenilor." ]
[ "The Gill family closed the mill in 1968 and sold it to its new owners in 1980 .", "The Gill family closed the mill in 1968 , and the new owners sold it in 1980 ." ]
[ "Keluarga Gill menutup kilang pada tahun 1968 dan menjualnya kepada pemilik barunya pada tahun 1980.", "Keluarga Gill menutup kilang pada tahun 1968, dan pemilik baru menjualnya pada tahun 1980." ]
[ "Valley Downs is a district of Louisville , Kentucky , USA , along Omar Khayyam Boulevard , south of Johnsontown Road .", "Valley Downs is a neighborhood of Louisville , Kentucky , USA located along Omar Khayyam Boulevard south of Johnsontown Road ." ]
[ "Valley Downs adalah sebuah daerah Louisville, Kentucky, Amerika Syarikat, di sepanjang Omar Khayyam Boulevard, selatan Johnsontown Road.", "Valley Downs adalah sebuah kejiranan Louisville, Kentucky, Amerika Syarikat yang terletak di sepanjang Omar Khayyam Boulevard di selatan Johnsontown Road." ]
[ "Stenolechia zelosaris is a moth of the family Gelechiidae . It is found in India ( Assam ) .", "Stenolechia zelosaris is a moth from the family of gelechiidae , which is found in India ( Assam ) ." ]
[ "Stenolechia zelosaris adalah rama-rama keluarga Gelechiidae. Ia terdapat di India (Assam).", "Stenolechia zelosaris adalah rama-rama dari keluarga gelechiidae, yang terdapat di India (Assam)." ]
[ "The Nordiques signed free agent Tony Currie from the Toronto Maple Leafs , while they lost Blake Wesley , who signed with the Edmonton Oilers .", "The Nordiques signed the Toronto Maple Leafs Free Agent Tony Currie while they lost Blake Wesley , who signed with Edmonton Oilers ." ]
[ "Nordiques menandatangani ejen bebas Tony Currie dari Toronto Maple Leafs, manakala mereka kehilangan Blake Wesley, yang menandatangani dengan Edmonton Oilers.", "The Nordiques menandatangani Toronto Maple Leafs Free Agent Tony Currie manakala mereka kehilangan Blake Wesley, yang menandatangani dengan Edmonton Oilers." ]
[ "In Mexico and in Sweden , he had to compose with a superior status compared to the other S2000 drivers and therefore had to sweep the roads for them .", "He had to compose in Mexico and Sweden compared to the other S2000 drivers with superior status and therefore had to sweep the streets for them ." ]
[ "Di Mexico dan Sweden, beliau terpaksa mengarang dengan status yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan pemandu S2000 yang lain dan oleh itu terpaksa menyapu jalan untuk mereka.", "Beliau terpaksa mengarang di Mexico dan Sweden berbanding pemandu S2000 yang lain dengan status yang unggul dan oleh itu terpaksa menyapu jalan-jalan untuk mereka." ]
[ "Adam Helmer died on April 9 , 1830 , in the town of Brutus in Cayuga County , New York .", "Adam Helmer died on 9 April 1830 in the city of Brutus at Cayuga County in New York ." ]
[ "Adam Helmer meninggal dunia pada 9 April 1830, di bandar Brutus di Cayuga County, New York.", "Adam Helmer meninggal dunia pada 9 April 1830 di bandar Brutus di Cayuga County di New York." ]
[ "Louisa Barnett married Lorenzo Giuntini in Frome , Somerset on September 11 , 1866 and got 8 children .", "Lorenzo Giuntini married Susannah Louisa Barnett in Frome , Somerset on 11 September 1866 and got 8 children ." ]
[ "Louisa Barnett berkahwin dengan Lorenzo Giuntini di Frome, Somerset pada 11 September 1866 dan mendapat 8 orang anak.", "Lorenzo Giuntini berkahwin dengan Susannah Louisa Barnett di Frome, Somerset pada 11 September 1866 dan mendapat 8 orang anak." ]
[ "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more stereotypical stable , but Hernandez refused to use Mexican jargon , so gave TNA the promos to Anarquia .", "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more stereotypical stable , but Hernandez refused to use Mexican jargon , so TNA gave the promos to Anarquia ." ]
[ "Menurut Hernandez, TNA ingin mewujudkan stabil yang lebih stereotaip, tetapi Hernandez enggan menggunakan jargon Mexico, jadi memberi TNA promo kepada Anarquia.", "Menurut Hernandez, TNA ingin mewujudkan stabil yang lebih stereotaip, tetapi Hernandez enggan menggunakan jargon Mexico, jadi TNA memberikan promo kepada Anarquia." ]
[ "The theme music was composed by Ronnie Hazlehurst and Hugh Wisdom , conducted by Gaynor Colbourn and arranged by Gaynor Colbourn .", "The theme music was composed by Ronnie Hazlehurst and Hugh Wisdom , headed by Gaynor Colbourn and arranged by Gaynor Colbourn ." ]
[ "Muzik tema ini digubah oleh Ronnie Hazlehurst dan Hugh Wisdom, yang dikendalikan oleh Gaynor Colbourn dan disusun oleh Gaynor Colbourn.", "Muzik tema ini digubah oleh Ronnie Hazlehurst dan Hugh Wisdom, diketuai oleh Gaynor Colbourn dan disusun oleh Gaynor Colbourn." ]
[ "Peter declares that Jesus is `` the Christ '' , the Anointed One .", "Peter declares that Jesus '' is the Christ `` , the Anointed ." ]
[ "Petrus menyatakan bahawa Yesus adalah \"Kristus\"', Yang Dikenali.", "Petrus menyatakan bahawa Yesus '' adalah Kristus `, yang Diikat." ]
[ "Tătaru river is a tributary of the river Buzăiel in Romania .", "The Tătaru River is a tributary of the Buzăiel River in Romania ." ]
[ "Sungai Ttaru merupakan anak sungai Buziel di Romania.", "Sungai Ttaru merupakan anak sungai Sungai Buziel di Romania." ]
[ "A fourth series of the revival , and the second series overall , started on 11 September 2017 .", "On September 11 , 2017 , a fourth series of revival began , and the second series overall ." ]
[ "Siri keempat kebangkitan semula, dan siri kedua keseluruhan, bermula pada 11 September 2017.", "Pada 11 September 2017, siri keempat kebangkitan bermula, dan siri kedua keseluruhan." ]
[ "This room is built with a barometer and a presented-in scale .", "This room is built with a barometer and a presented scale ." ]
[ "Bilik ini dibina dengan barometer dan skala yang dibentangkan.", "Bilik ini dibina dengan barometer dan skala yang dibentangkan." ]
[ "When the German invasion began the national gold holding was evacuated from Oslo through Romsdalen to Åndalsnes and Molde , and then by ship to Tromsø .", "When the German invasion began , the national gold ownership was evacuated from Oslo via Romsdalen to Åndalsnes and Molde and then by ship to Tromsø ." ]
[ "Apabila pencerobohan Jerman bermula pegangan emas kebangsaan telah dipindahkan dari Oslo melalui Romsdalen ke ndalsnes dan Molde, dan kemudian dengan kapal ke Troms.", "Apabila pencerobohan Jerman bermula, pemilikan emas negara telah dipindahkan dari Oslo melalui Romsdalen ke ndalsnes dan Molde dan kemudian dengan kapal ke Troms." ]
[ "Often , warm packs are prepared ; the heat opens up the pores of the skin , and helps the interaction of the clay with the body .", "Warm packs are often prepared , the heat opens the pores of the skin and helps in the interaction of clay with the body ." ]
[ "Selalunya, pek hangat disediakan; haba membuka liang kulit, dan membantu interaksi tanah liat dengan badan.", "Pek panas sering disediakan, haba membuka liang kulit dan membantu dalam interaksi tanah liat dengan badan." ]
[ "In November , the Royals acquired CF Ramón Ramírez from the Boston Red Sox in exchange for RP Coco Crisp .", "In November , the Royals CF Ramón Ramírez purchased from Boston Red Sox in exchange for the RP Coco Crisp ." ]
[ "Pada bulan November, Royals memperoleh CF Ramn Ramrez dari Boston Red Sox sebagai pertukaran untuk RP Coco Crisp.", "Pada bulan November, Royals CF Ramn Ramrez dibeli dari Boston Red Sox sebagai pertukaran untuk RP Coco Crisp." ]
[ "Two of these four hostels are located in Delhi , one each in Pune and Pimpri near Mumbai .", "Two of these four hostels are located in Delhi , one of them in Pune and Pimpri near Mumbai ." ]
[ "Dua daripada empat asrama ini terletak di Delhi, satu di Pune dan Pimpri berhampiran Mumbai.", "Dua daripada empat asrama ini terletak di Delhi, salah satunya di Pune dan Pimpri berhampiran Mumbai." ]
[ "The park is situated 65 km northeast of Fianarantsoa and 139 km west of Mananjary in the regions Haute Matsiatra and Vatovavy-Fitovinany .", "The park is 65 km northeast of Fianarantsoa and 139 km west of Mananjary in the regions of Haute Matsiatra and Vatovavy-Fitovinany ." ]
[ "Taman ini terletak 65 km timur laut Fianarantsoa dan 139 km barat Mananjary di kawasan Haute Matsiatra dan Vatovavy-Fitovinany.", "Taman ini terletak 65 km timur laut Fianarantsoa dan 139 km barat Mananjary di kawasan Haute Matsiatra dan Vatovavy-Fitovinany." ]
[ "Also Shikigami No Shiro II has been released and translated for the PlayStation 2 under its own name , Castle Shikigami 2 .", "XS also released Shikigami No Shiro II , and translated it for the PlayStation 2 under its own name , Castle Shikigami 2 ." ]
[ "Shikigami No Shiro II telah dikeluarkan dan diterjemahkan untuk PlayStation 2 dengan nama sendiri, Castle Shikigami 2.", "XS juga mengeluarkan Shikigami No Shiro II, dan menterjemahkannya untuk PlayStation 2 dengan nama sendiri, Castle Shikigami 2." ]
[ "He first appeared in `` ASAP 09 '' in the D-Lite segment where he performed with Karylle , Toni Gonzaga and Nikki Gil .", "He first appeared in `` ASAP 09 '' in the D -Lite segment , where he performed with Nikki Gil , Toni Gonzaga and Karylle ." ]
[ "Beliau pertama kali muncul dalam \"ASAP 09\" dalam segmen D-Lite di mana beliau membuat persembahan bersama Karylle, Toni Gonzaga dan Nikki Gil.", "Beliau pertama kali muncul dalam \"ASAP 09\" dalam segmen D-Lite, di mana beliau membuat persembahan bersama Nikki Gil, Toni Gonzaga dan Karylle." ]
[ "The music was composed by ONV Kurup and Vayalar Ramavarma and lyrics was written by G. Devarajan .", "The music was composed by ONV Kurup and Vayalar Ramavarma and the lyrics by G. Devarajan were written ." ]
[ "Muzik ini digubah oleh ONV Kurup dan Vayalar Ramavarma dan lirik ditulis oleh G. Devarajan.", "Muzik ini digubah oleh ONV Kurup dan Vayalar Ramavarma dan lirik oleh G. Devarajan ditulis." ]
[ "Ross - Bridge is a historic bridge in the city of Ross in central Tasmania , Australia , completed in July 1836 . It crosses the Macquarie river .", "Ross Bridge is an historic bridge in the town of Ross in central Tasmania , Australia , completed in July 1836 . It crosses the Macquarie River ." ]
[ "Ross - Jambatan adalah jambatan bersejarah di bandar Ross di Tasmania tengah, Australia, yang siap pada bulan Julai 1836. Ia melintasi sungai Macquarie.", "Jambatan Ross adalah jambatan bersejarah di bandar Ross di Tasmania tengah, Australia, yang siap pada bulan Julai 1836. Ia melintasi Sungai Macquarie." ]
[ "On October 7 , 2009 , David Caplan was named Minister of Health and Long-Term Care to replace Matthews .", "On 7 October 2009 , David Caplan was appointed Minister of Health and Long-term Care to replace Matthews ." ]
[ "Pada 7 Oktober 2009, David Caplan dinamakan sebagai Menteri Kesihatan dan Penjagaan Jangka Panjang untuk menggantikan Matthews.", "Pada 7 Oktober 2009, David Caplan dilantik sebagai Menteri Kesihatan dan Penjagaan Jangka Panjang untuk menggantikan Matthews." ]
[ "He was subsequently imprisoned for gambling and once enjoyed the affair with pride .", "He was subsequently imprisoned for gambling and once relished the affair with pride ." ]
[ "Dia kemudiannya dipenjarakan kerana berjudi dan pernah menikmati urusan itu dengan bangga.", "Dia kemudiannya dipenjarakan kerana berjudi dan pernah menikmati urusan itu dengan bangga." ]
[ "Residing in New York , he currently is a member of MJ12 , an instrumental group based in NYC .", "Currently he lives in New York and is a member of MJ12 , an instrumental group based in NYC ." ]
[ "Berada di New York, beliau kini merupakan ahli MJ12, sebuah kumpulan instrumental yang berpangkalan di NYC.", "Pada masa ini dia tinggal di New York dan merupakan ahli MJ12, sebuah kumpulan instrumental yang berpusat di NYC." ]
[ "When Mohamad Elzahabi was injured in a battle in Kabul in 1995 , Khadr visited him in Peshawar hospital .", "When Mohamad Elzahabi was injured in a 1995 battle in Kabul , Khadr visited him the Peshawar hospital ." ]
[ "Apabila Mohamad Elzahabi cedera dalam pertempuran di Kabul pada tahun 1995, Khadr melawatnya di hospital Peshawar.", "Apabila Mohamad Elzahabi cedera dalam pertempuran 1995 di Kabul, Khadr melawatnya di hospital Peshawar." ]
[ "Some Native Americans and European-American settlers began to create a community around the post .", "Some native Americans and European-American settlers started to create a community around the post ." ]
[ "Sesetengah penduduk asli Amerika dan peneroka Eropah-Amerika mula mewujudkan komuniti di sekitar jawatan itu.", "Sesetengah penduduk asli Amerika dan peneroka Eropah-Amerika mula mewujudkan komuniti di sekitar jawatan itu." ]
[ "`` Chuck Versus the Wedding Planner '' was directed by Anton Cropper and is written by Rafe Judkins and Lauren LeFranc .", "`` Chuck Versus the Wedding Planner '' was written by Rafe Judkins and Lauren LeFranc and directed by Anton Cropper ." ]
[ "\"Chuck Versus the Wedding Planner\" diarahkan oleh Anton Cropper dan ditulis oleh Rafe Judkins dan Lauren LeFranc.", "\"Chuck Versus the Wedding Planner\" ditulis oleh Rafe Judkins dan Lauren LeFranc dan diarahkan oleh Anton Cropper." ]
[ "Each week , Arnie , Usidore , and Chunt interview magical creatures to introduce the listener to new aspects of the world of Foon .", "Every week , Chunt , Usidore , and Arnie interview magical creatures to present new aspects of the world of Foon to the listener ." ]
[ "Setiap minggu, Arnie, Usidore, dan Chunt menemubual makhluk ajaib untuk memperkenalkan pendengar kepada aspek baru dunia Foon.", "Setiap minggu, Chunt, Usidore, dan Arnie menemu bual makhluk ajaib untuk membentangkan aspek baru dunia Foon kepada pendengar." ]
[ "A multi-region DVD of the entire series was released on February 4 , 2015 by Warner Archive and was announced on February 10 , 2015 .", "A multi-region - DVD of the entire series was published by Warner Archive on February 4 , 2015 and announced on February 10 , 2015 ." ]
[ "Sebuah DVD pelbagai wilayah dari keseluruhan siri ini dikeluarkan pada 4 Februari 2015 oleh Warner Archive dan diumumkan pada 10 Februari 2015.", "Sebuah pelbagai-rantau-DVD dari seluruh siri ini telah diterbitkan oleh Warner Archive pada 4 Februari 2015 dan diumumkan pada 10 Februari 2015." ]
[ "The original algorithm , however , would divide the new interval into a smaller and a larger subinterval in Step 4 .", "However , the original algorithm would divide the new interval in step 4 into a smaller and a larger partial interval ." ]
[ "Algoritma asal, bagaimanapun, akan membahagikan selang baru kepada subinterval yang lebih kecil dan lebih besar dalam Langkah 4.", "Walau bagaimanapun, algoritma asal akan membahagikan selang baru dalam langkah 4 kepada selang separa yang lebih kecil dan lebih besar." ]
[ "Petra Keppeler ( born March 22 , 1965 ) , born Petra Feucht , is a former professional tennis player from Germany .", "Petra Keppeler ( born 22 March 1965 ) , born Petra Feucht , is a former professional tennis player from Germany ." ]
[ "Petra Keppeler (lahir 22 Mac 1965), dilahirkan Petra Feucht, adalah bekas pemain tenis profesional dari Jerman.", "Petra Keppeler (lahir 22 Mac 1965), dilahirkan Petra Feucht, adalah bekas pemain tenis profesional dari Jerman." ]
[ "Paul Cirja # 7 passed 2 TD scramble and also scored 2 TD one to Florin Oltean # 85 and one to Dan Crasnic # 93 .", "Cirja # 7 passed 2 TD Scramble and also achieved 2 TD one to Florin Oltean # 85 and one to Dan Crasnic # 93 ." ]
[ "Paul Cirja #7 passed 2 TD scramble and also scored 2 TD one to Florin Oltean #85 and one to Dan Crasnic #93.", "Cirja #7 melepasi 2 TD Scramble dan juga mencapai 2 TD satu kepada Florin Oltean #85 dan satu kepada Dan Crasnic #93." ]
[ "Grose Wold is a suburb of New South Wales , Australia , in the state of Sydney , in the city of Hawkesbury .", "Grose Wold is a suburb of New South Wales , Australia , in the state of Sydney . It is in the City of Hawkesbury ." ]
[ "Grose Wold adalah sebuah subbandar New South Wales, Australia, di negeri Sydney, di bandar Hawkesbury.", "Grose Wold adalah pinggir bandar New South Wales, Australia, di negeri Sydney. Ia berada di City of Hawkesbury." ]
[ "The Much Wenlock Kalkstein - formation is a series of silurian limestone beds that date back to the Homerian age , the early part of the Wenlock - Epoch .", "The Much Wenlock Limestone Formation is a series of Silurian limestone beds that date back to the Homerian age , the early part of the Wenlock epoch ." ]
[ "Kalkstein - pembentukan Much Wenlock adalah satu siri katil batu kapur silurian yang bermula pada zaman Homerian, bahagian awal Wenlock - Epoch.", "Formasi Batu Kapur Much Wenlock adalah satu siri katil batu kapur Silurian yang bermula pada zaman Homerian, bahagian awal zaman Wenlock." ]
[ "1946 -- After the Second World War the state of Prussia is abolished , Meppen will become part of the newly created `` Land '' Lower Saxony .", "1946 -- The state of Prussia is abolished after the Second World War . Meppen becomes part of the newly created `` Land '' of Lower Saxony ." ]
[ "1946 - Selepas Perang Dunia Kedua negeri Prusia dimansuhkan, Meppen akan menjadi sebahagian daripada \"Tanah\" yang baru diwujudkan Lower Saxony.", "1946 - Negeri Prusia dimansuhkan selepas Perang Dunia Kedua. Meppen menjadi sebahagian daripada \"Tanah\" yang baru diwujudkan di Lower Saxony." ]
[ "History attracted widespread attention from the mainstream - media and social media .", "The story attracted widespread attention from social media and mainstream media ." ]
[ "Sejarah menarik perhatian meluas dari arus perdana - media dan media sosial.", "Cerita ini menarik perhatian meluas dari media sosial dan media arus perdana." ]
[ "Brayshaw ended his career and began his with Claremont Football Club in the West Australian Football League .", "Brayshaw finished his career and began with his Club Claremont in the West Australian Football League ." ]
[ "Brayshaw menamatkan kerjayanya dan memulakan kerjayanya bersama Claremont Football Club di Liga Bola Sepak Australia Barat.", "Brayshaw menamatkan kerjayanya dan bermula dengan kelab Claremont di Liga Bola Sepak Australia Barat." ]
[ "Some remarkable performers to have shows at Echoplex include The Mars Volta , Beck , NIN , Lorde , the Rolling Stones and Thom Yorke .", "Some notable performers to have shows at Echoplex include The Mars Volta , Thom Yorke , NIN , Beck , The Rolling Stones and Lorde ." ]
[ "Beberapa pelakon yang luar biasa untuk mempunyai pertunjukan di Echoplex termasuk The Mars Volta, Beck, NIN, Lorde, Rolling Stones dan Thom Yorke.", "Beberapa pelakon terkenal yang mempunyai pertunjukan di Echoplex termasuk The Mars Volta, Thom Yorke, NIN, Beck, The Rolling Stones dan Lorde." ]
[ "Dan Ali was confirmed as a Cabinet Minister by the Nigerian Senate in October 2015 and was appointed Minister of Defence by President Muhammadu Buhari in November 2015 .", "In October 2015 , it was confirmed by the Nigerian Senate as Cabinet Minister , and in November 2015 it was appointed Minister of Defence by President Muhammadu Buhari ." ]
[ "Dan Ali disahkan sebagai Menteri Kabinet oleh Senat Nigeria pada Oktober 2015 dan dilantik sebagai Menteri Pertahanan oleh Presiden Muhammadu Buhari pada November 2015.", "Pada Oktober 2015, ia disahkan oleh Senat Nigeria sebagai Menteri Kabinet, dan pada November 2015 ia dilantik sebagai Menteri Pertahanan oleh Presiden Muhammadu Buhari." ]
[ "In 1958 and 1967 he won first place at his table , but was the third in 1962 .", "He won 1st place at his table in 1958 and 1967 but in 1962 he was the third ." ]
[ "Pada tahun 1958 dan 1967 beliau memenangi tempat pertama di mejanya, tetapi merupakan yang ketiga pada tahun 1962.", "Beliau memenangi tempat pertama di mejanya pada tahun 1958 dan 1967 tetapi pada tahun 1962 beliau merupakan tempat ketiga." ]
[ "The constant power density is determined by the product resulting from the continuous torque density and the continuous torque - speed range of the electric machine .", "The constant power density is determined by the product of the continuous torque density and the continuous torque speed range of the electric machine ." ]
[ "Ketumpatan kuasa malar ditentukan oleh produk yang dihasilkan daripada ketumpatan tork berterusan dan tork berterusan - julat kelajuan mesin elektrik.", "Ketumpatan kuasa malar ditentukan oleh produk ketumpatan tork berterusan dan julat kelajuan tork berterusan mesin elektrik." ]
[ "The team , founded in 1906 , won the first American `` double '' when it brought the National Association Football League and American Cup titles in 1912 .", "Founded in 1906 , the team won the first American `` double '' when it took the 1912 National Association Football League and American Cup titles ." ]
[ "Pasukan ini, yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 1906, memenangi \"double\" Amerika pertama apabila ia membawa Liga Bola Sepak Persatuan Kebangsaan dan Piala Amerika pada tahun 1912.", "Ditubuhkan pada tahun 1906, pasukan ini memenangi \"double\" Amerika pertama apabila ia mengambil 1912 National Association Football League dan Piala Amerika gelaran." ]
[ "Coxeter defines anti-unitary groups with other constructions , for example these three . The first was discovered and drawn by Peter McMullen in 1966 .", "Coxeter defines anti-unitary groups with other constructions , eg these three : the first was discovered and drawn by Peter McMullen in 1966 ." ]
[ "Coxeter mentakrifkan kumpulan anti-persatuan dengan pembinaan lain, contohnya ketiga-tiga ini. Yang pertama ditemui dan dilukis oleh Peter McMullen pada tahun 1966.", "Coxeter mentakrifkan kumpulan anti-persatuan dengan pembinaan lain, contohnya tiga ini: yang pertama ditemui dan ditarik oleh Peter McMullen pada tahun 1966." ]
[ "In 1993 , at Kuban State University , he graduated as a philologist and teacher of the same language , and in 1995 he graduated from the Russian University as a lawyer .", "In 1993 he graduated from the Kuban State University as a philologist and teacher of the same language , in 1995 , the Russian University as a lawyer ." ]
[ "Pada tahun 1993, di Universiti Negeri Kuban, beliau lulus sebagai ahli filologi dan guru bahasa yang sama, dan pada tahun 1995 beliau lulus dari Universiti Rusia sebagai peguam.", "Pada tahun 1993 beliau lulus dari Universiti Negeri Kuban sebagai ahli filologi dan guru bahasa yang sama, pada tahun 1995, Universiti Rusia sebagai peguam." ]
[ "Field is the second largest shopping centre in Denmark and one of the largest in Scandinavia .", "Field is the second largest shopping centre in Denmark and one of the biggest in Scandinavia ." ]
[ "Field adalah pusat membeli-belah kedua terbesar di Denmark dan salah satu yang terbesar di Scandinavia.", "Field adalah pusat membeli-belah kedua terbesar di Denmark dan salah satu yang terbesar di Scandinavia." ]
[ "In 1982 , SGA moved its executive bureau from Nashville to New York City .", "In 1982 , SGA moved its executive office from Nashville to New York City ." ]
[ "Pada tahun 1982, SGA memindahkan biro eksekutifnya dari Nashville ke New York City.", "Pada tahun 1982, SGA memindahkan pejabat eksekutifnya dari Nashville ke New York City." ]
[ "Rockhampton was also the junction of the Central Western line and Emu Park line .", "Rockhampton was also the intersection of the Central Western Line and Emu Park Line ." ]
[ "Rockhampton juga merupakan persimpangan garis Barat Tengah dan garis Emu Park.", "Rockhampton juga merupakan persimpangan Central Western Line dan Emu Park Line." ]
[ "Pinneberg is a town in the district of Elmshorn in Schleswig-Holstein , Germany .", "Pinneberg is a town in the district of Elmshorn in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany ." ]
[ "Pinneberg merupakan sebuah bandar terletak di daerah Elmshorn, Schleswig-Holstein, Jerman.", "Pinneberg merupakan sebuah bandar terletak di daerah Elmshorn, Schleswig-Holstein, Jerman." ]
[ "The seeds are white , with a thin shell , a long endosperm and a wing wing .", "The seeds are white , with a thin shell , a long endosperm , and a vestigial wing ." ]
[ "Benihnya berwarna putih, dengan cangkerang nipis, endosperma panjang dan sayap sayap.", "Benihnya berwarna putih, dengan cangkerang nipis, endosperma panjang, dan sayap vestigial." ]
[ "However , Aramaic remains a spoken , literary , and liturgical language for local Christians and also some Jews .", "Aramaic remains , however , a spoken , literary and liturgical language for local Christians and also for some Jews ." ]
[ "Walau bagaimanapun, Aramia kekal sebagai bahasa yang dituturkan, sastera, dan liturgi untuk orang Kristian tempatan dan juga sesetengah orang Yahudi.", "Aramia kekal, bagaimanapun, bahasa lisan, sastera dan liturgi untuk Kristian tempatan dan juga untuk sesetengah orang Yahudi." ]
[ "Its organic elements were simultaneously reconstituted , and the battalion was activated on 1 June 1959 with headquarters at Clearfield , Pennsylvania .", "Its organic elements were reconstituted simultaneously and the battalion was activated on 1 June 1959 , with its headquarters in Clearfield , Pennsylvania ." ]
[ "Unsur organiknya secara serentak disusun semula, dan batalion ini diaktifkan pada 1 Jun 1959 dengan ibu pejabat di Clearfield, Pennsylvania.", "Unsur organiknya disusun semula secara serentak dan batalion ini diaktifkan pada 1 Jun 1959, dengan ibu pejabatnya di Clearfield, Pennsylvania." ]
[ "Andy Pettitte opened the top of the fifth inning with a double and scored on a single to center field by Nick Swisher .", "Andy Pettitte opened the top of the fifth inning with a double and achieved in a single to center field by Nick Swisher ." ]
[ "Andy Pettitte membuka bahagian atas inning kelima dengan double dan menjaringkan gol pada satu padang ke tengah oleh Nick Swisher.", "Andy Pettitte membuka bahagian atas inning kelima dengan double dan dicapai dalam satu padang ke tengah oleh Nick Swisher." ]
[ "Towradgi is located at Pioneer Rd , North Dalton Park , in the northern suburbs of Wollongong , New South Wales , Australia .", "Towradgi is located on Pioneer Rd , North Dalton Park , in the northern suburbs of Wollongong , New South Wales , Australia ." ]
[ "Towradgi terletak di Pioneer Rd, North Dalton Park, di pinggir bandar utara Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia.", "Towradgi terletak di Pioneer Rd, North Dalton Park, di pinggir bandar utara Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia." ]
[ "Lemoa is a town and municipality located in the province of Biscay , in the autonomous community of Basque Country , northern Spain .", "Lemoa is a town and municipality in the province of Bizkaia , in the Autonomous Community of Basque Country , in northern Spain ." ]
[ "Lemoa merupakan sebuah kawasan perbandaran dan kawasan perbandaran yang terletak di wilayah Biscay, di komuniti autonomi Negara Basque, utara Sepanyol.", "Lemoa merupakan sebuah bandar dan kawasan perbandaran yang terletak di wilayah Bizkaia, dalam Komuniti Autonomi Negara Basque, di utara Sepanyol." ]
[ "The static component is the total resistance of the soil minus the dynamic component .", "The static component is the total soil resistance minus the dynamic component ) ." ]
[ "Komponen statik adalah jumlah rintangan tanah tolak komponen dinamik.", "Komponen statik ialah jumlah rintangan tanah tolak komponen dinamik)." ]
[ "He also asked Krishna Reddy to come from Chennai to Hyderabad to help him in the shop .", "He also asked Krishna Reddy to come from Chennai to Hyderabad to help him in the business ." ]
[ "Beliau juga meminta Krishna Reddy datang dari Chennai ke Hyderabad untuk membantunya di kedai.", "Beliau juga meminta Krishna Reddy datang dari Chennai ke Hyderabad untuk membantunya dalam perniagaan." ]
[ "His recorded work with this orchestra was represented on the RCA Victor Red Seal , EMI , Vox Records and Telarc .", "His recorded work with that orchestra was represented on RCA Victor Red Seal , EMI , Vox Records , and Telarc ." ]
[ "Karya rakaman beliau bersama orkestra ini telah diwakili di RCA Victor Red Seal, EMI, Vox Records dan Telarc.", "Karya rakamannya dengan orkestra itu diwakili di RCA Victor Red Seal, EMI, Vox Records, dan Telarc." ]
[ "It was designed by Philip Oliver Ellard Hawkes and produced by local monumental masonry firm Frederick William Webb .", "It was designed by Philip Oliver Ellard Hawkes and produced by the local monumental masonry company Frederick William Webb ." ]
[ "Ia direka oleh Philip Oliver Ellard Hawkes dan dihasilkan oleh firma batu monumental tempatan Frederick William Webb.", "Ia direka oleh Philip Oliver Ellard Hawkes dan dihasilkan oleh syarikat batu monumental tempatan Frederick William Webb." ]
[ "Sir Roger Martyn ( or Martin ) was a mercer and Lord Mayor of London in 1567 ; he was also Sheriff of London in 1559 .", "Sir Martin ( or Roger Martyn ) was a Mercer and Lord Mayor of London in 1567 , and in 1559 he was Sheriff of London ." ]
[ "Sir Roger Martyn (atau Martin) adalah seorang mercer dan Lord Mayor London pada tahun 1567; beliau juga Sheriff London pada tahun 1559.", "Sir Martin (atau Roger Martyn) adalah Mercer dan Lord Mayor London pada tahun 1567, dan pada tahun 1559 beliau adalah Sheriff London." ]
[ "The diocese consists of the counties of Lambton , Huron , Middlesex , Elgin , Norfolk , Oxford , Perth , Kent and Essex .", "The Diocese covers the counties of Lambton , Huron , Middlesex , Elgin , Norfolk , Oxford , Perth , Kent and Essex ." ]
[ "Keuskupan ini terdiri daripada daerah Lambton, Huron, Middlesex, Elgin, Norfolk, Oxford, Perth, Kent dan Essex.", "The Diocese meliputi daerah-daerah Lambton, Huron, Middlesex, Elgin, Norfolk, Oxford, Perth, Kent dan Essex." ]
[ "This version was released on August 18 , 2016 in North America and on January 5th , 2017 in Europe and Australia .", "This version was released in North America on August 18 , 2016 , and Europe and Australia on January 5 , 2017 ." ]
[ "Versi ini dikeluarkan pada 18 Ogos 2016 di Amerika Utara dan pada 5 Januari 2017 di Eropah dan Australia.", "Versi ini dikeluarkan di Amerika Utara pada 18 Ogos 2016, dan Eropah dan Australia pada 5 Januari 2017." ]
[ "In August 2009 , they published a special collection of eight DVDs of their tours throughout Europe and Los Angeles and published on their official MySpace .", "In August 2009 they edited a special collection of eight DVDs of their tours around Europe and Los Angeles and published them on their official MySpace ." ]
[ "Pada Ogos 2009, mereka menerbitkan koleksi khas lapan DVD lawatan mereka di seluruh Eropah dan Los Angeles dan diterbitkan di MySpace rasmi mereka.", "Pada bulan Ogos 2009 mereka menyunting koleksi khas lapan DVD lawatan mereka di seluruh Eropah dan Los Angeles dan menerbitkannya di MySpace rasmi mereka." ]
[ "Also , all completely regular spaces are regular ( even if not normal ) Sierpinski - space is an example of a normal space that is not normal .", "Also , all fully regular spaces are regular ( even if not normal ) . Sierpinski space is an example of a normal space that is not normal ." ]
[ "Juga, semua ruang yang sepenuhnya tetap adalah tetap (walaupun tidak normal) Sierpinski-ruang adalah contoh ruang yang normal yang tidak normal.", "Juga, semua ruang biasa sepenuhnya adalah biasa (walaupun tidak normal). Ruang Sierpinski adalah contoh ruang biasa yang tidak normal." ]
[ "The company was registered as Spacetec , which was re-established on December 11 , 1984 .", "The company was registered as Spacetec , which was re-established on 11 December 1984 ." ]
[ "Syarikat itu didaftarkan sebagai Spacetec, yang ditubuhkan semula pada 11 Disember 1984.", "Syarikat itu didaftarkan sebagai Spacetec, yang ditubuhkan semula pada 11 Disember 1984." ]
[ "Nora Navarro was born as the second of six children of the physician Winifredo Santos and María Rosario Santos y Navarro .", "Nora Navarro was born the second of six children of Winifredo Santos , a physician , and María Rosario Santos y Navarro ." ]
[ "Nora Navarro dilahirkan sebagai anak kedua daripada enam anak doktor Winifredo Santos dan Mara Rosario Santos dan Navarro.", "Nora Navarro dilahirkan kedua daripada enam anak Winifredo Santos, seorang doktor, dan Mara Rosario Santos dan Navarro." ]