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500 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Panggil suamiku." | Nyaru narai ken. | bhinneka_korpus |
501 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Boleh aku mengajak Tom?" | Boleh kah ken ngajak Tom? | bhinneka_korpus |
502 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apa bisa dibetulkan?" | Ani hak panai nak mait? | bhinneka_korpus |
503 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tutup pintu itu." | Tutup pintu ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
504 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Selamat!" | Selamat! | bhinneka_korpus |
505 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apa kamu punya satu?" | Ani ko ade inye? | bhinneka_korpus |
506 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apa kamu melihatnya?" | Ani ko ninget ngen? | bhinneka_korpus |
507 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apa kamu melihat ini?" | Ani ko ninget hak? | bhinneka_korpus |
508 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apa kamu pikir begitu?" | Ani ko meken jengen? | bhinneka_korpus |
509 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Jangan takut." | Usah bot. | bhinneka_korpus |
510 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Jangan ganggu aku." | Usah nganggo ken. | bhinneka_korpus |
511 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Jangan lupakan kami." | Usah lupa ka kadi. | bhinneka_korpus |
512 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Jangan marah." | Usah gente. | bhinneka_korpus |
513 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Jangan mabuk!" | Usah abok! | bhinneka_korpus |
514 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Jangan menetap di sini." | Usah diam ka hak. | bhinneka_korpus |
515 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Gandakan dosisnya." | Mada udah dosis ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
516 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Nikmati makananmu." | Nikmati man ko ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
517 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ambil barang-barangmu." | Di ngao barang-barang ko. | bhinneka_korpus |
518 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ambil barangmu!" | Ngao barang ko! | bhinneka_korpus |
519 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia punya dua kucing." | Ye'e ade due kucing. | bhinneka_korpus |
520 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia suka macan." | Ye'e suka macan. | bhinneka_korpus |
521 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia terlihat suram." | Ye'e tinget suram. | bhinneka_korpus |
522 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia suka kereta api." | Ye'e suka kereta api. | bhinneka_korpus |
523 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia sepertinya sedang lapar." | Ye'e mungkin gik berek. | bhinneka_korpus |
524 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia berselingkuh." | Ye'e selingkuh. | bhinneka_korpus |
525 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia menolongku." | Ye'e nolong ken. | bhinneka_korpus |
526 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia kakak laki-lakiku." | Ye'e omo'k narai ken. | bhinneka_korpus |
527 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia kakakku." | Ye'e omo'k ken. | bhinneka_korpus |
528 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia adikku." | Ye'e adeg ken. | bhinneka_korpus |
529 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia masih belum ada." | Ye'e gik jak. | bhinneka_korpus |
530 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Hai! Bagaimana kabarmu?" | Hai! Ani kabar ko? | bhinneka_korpus |
531 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Hai! Apa kabar?" | Hai! Ani kabar ? | bhinneka_korpus |
532 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Namanya Tom." | Ginan ye'e Tom. | bhinneka_korpus |
533 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tolong tunggu sebentar." | Tolong nunggu lu beh. | bhinneka_korpus |
534 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Pegang lilinnya!" | Pigeng lilin ngen! | bhinneka_korpus |
535 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Bagaimana kakimu?" | Kuna kaja ko? | bhinneka_korpus |
536 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya sepenuhnya setuju." | Ken sepenuhnya setuju. | bhinneka_korpus |
537 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya berasal dari Spanyol." | Ken berasal teng Spanyol. | bhinneka_korpus |
538 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku mengapresiasinya." | Ken mengapresiasinya. | bhinneka_korpus |
539 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku bisa memercayai Tom." | Ken panai pecaya ka Tom. | bhinneka_korpus |
540 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku tidak melihat Tom." | Ken aja ninget Tom. | bhinneka_korpus |
541 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku mengerti maksudmu." | Ko panai maksud ken. | bhinneka_korpus |
542 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku harus belajar." | Ken harus belajer. | bhinneka_korpus |
543 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku memiliki dua buah mobil." | Ken ade due buah oto. | bhinneka_korpus |
544 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya punya dua ekor kucing." | Ken ade due iko kucing. | bhinneka_korpus |
545 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya belum tidur." | Ken yem bes. | bhinneka_korpus |
546 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku mendengar suara teriakan." | Ken dingah ade na ngampak. | bhinneka_korpus |
547 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku tahu perempuan itu." | Ken taman nana ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
548 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku suka mobilmu." | Ken suka oto ko. | bhinneka_korpus |
549 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku suka terung." | Ken suka terong. | bhinneka_korpus |
550 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku berutang banyak padamu." | Ken be utang udah ka ko. | bhinneka_korpus |
551 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya berbicara bahasa Inggris." | Ken ngomong bahasa Inggris. | bhinneka_korpus |
552 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku mengangetkan Tom." | Ken ngajet Tom. | bhinneka_korpus |
553 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku akan di rumah." | Ken jak ka dio. | bhinneka_korpus |
554 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku akan menghancurkannya." | Ken jak ngancur ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
555 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku hampir selesai." | Ken hampir selesai. | bhinneka_korpus |
556 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku akan pergi." | Ken ya bo. | bhinneka_korpus |
557 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya akan pergi." | Ken ya bo. | bhinneka_korpus |
558 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku cuma bercanda." | Ken beh cuman begael. | bhinneka_korpus |
559 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku tidak akan pergi." | Ken aye bakal bo. | bhinneka_korpus |
560 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku lelah dengan hal itu." | Ken lateh ngan laba ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
561 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku temanmu." | Ken pegei ko. | bhinneka_korpus |
562 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku sudah muak." | Ken dah muak. | bhinneka_korpus |
563 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Itu penting?" | Ngen penting? | bhinneka_korpus |
564 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ini tidak cukup." | Hak aye cukup. | bhinneka_korpus |
565 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Itu tidak cukup." | Ngen aye cukup. | bhinneka_korpus |
566 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kelihatannya itu murah." | Ken ninget ngen murah. | bhinneka_korpus |
567 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tadi itu seru sekali." | Tadi ngen seru beh. | bhinneka_korpus |
568 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ini tidak lucu." | Hak aye lucu. | bhinneka_korpus |
569 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Itu tidak akan menyenangkan." | Hak aye seru. | bhinneka_korpus |
570 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tidak masalah." | Aye masalah. | bhinneka_korpus |
571 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ini tidak rusak." | Hak aye rusak. | bhinneka_korpus |
572 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ini konyol." | Hak konyol. | bhinneka_korpus |
573 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Itu konyol." | Ngen konyol. | bhinneka_korpus |
574 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Sudah waktunya untuk pergi." | Dah waktunya adep bo. | bhinneka_korpus |
575 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Biarkan aku memeriksanya." | Biar ken priksa ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
576 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ayo menerbangkan layang-layang." | Yok ngerebeng kelayang. | bhinneka_korpus |
577 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ayo kita bermain layang-layang." | Yok adep madai kelayang. | bhinneka_korpus |
578 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kesalahan bisa terjadi." | Kesalahan panai terjadi. | bhinneka_korpus |
579 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Mama, aku lapar." | Ma, ken berek. | bhinneka_korpus |
580 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Rumahku besar." | Dio ken ayu. | bhinneka_korpus |
581 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Alam itu kejam." | Alat ngen rija. | bhinneka_korpus |
582 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Jangan lupakan itu!" | Usah lupa laba ngen! | bhinneka_korpus |
583 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Jangan pernah berbohong." | Usah kuat dabol. | bhinneka_korpus |
584 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Sekarang Anda sudah aman." | Sekarang ko dah aman. | bhinneka_korpus |
585 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tolong betulkan itu." | Tolong mait ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
586 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tolong betulkan ini." | Tolong mait hak. | bhinneka_korpus |
587 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Angkat tanganmu." | Ngangket bareng ko. | bhinneka_korpus |
588 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Baca ini dulu." | Maca hak dulu. | bhinneka_korpus |
589 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Penolakan itu menyakitkan." | Nak nolak ngen anam. | bhinneka_korpus |
590 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ia menikahinya." | Ye'e kawen. | bhinneka_korpus |
591 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia menanggalkannya." | Ye'e nangel ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
592 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia masuk ke dalam." | Ye'e mereh ka derem. | bhinneka_korpus |
593 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia masuk." | Ye'e mereh. | bhinneka_korpus |
594 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia tegas." | Ye'e tegas. | bhinneka_korpus |
595 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia cantik." | Ye'e cante. | bhinneka_korpus |
596 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Maaf, saya melupakannya." | Maaf, ken lupan ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
597 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Terima kasih untuk ini." | Terima kasih nyah hak. | bhinneka_korpus |
598 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Anjing itu lompat." | Kisu ngen lompat. | bhinneka_korpus |
599 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Itu tidak adil." | Ngen aye adil. | bhinneka_korpus |
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