stringlengths 1
| user
dict | assistant
dict |
22769 | {
"content": "Al poco tiempo de mi llegada, el capitán me encomendó a un hombre bueno y honesto, como él, que tenía un ingenio (es decir, una plantación y hacienda azucarera).",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I had not been long here before I was recommended to the house of a good honest man like himself, who had an _ingenio_, as they call it (that is, a plantation and a sugar-house).",
"role": "assistant"
} |
68327 | {
"content": "Planeó el ataque con cuidado.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He planned the attack carefully.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
85724 | {
"content": "Y con esto la conversación se enfrió de nuevo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The conversation fell again.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
76168 | {
"content": "Tengo ganas de bailar en medio del campo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I feel like dancing in the fields.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
85518 | {
"content": "Te recomiendo que leas esa novela.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I recommend that you read that novel.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
102263 | {
"content": "Encontré el libro en esa librería por casualidad.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I found the book at that bookstore by chance.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
37165 | {
"content": "Rosa Parks fue arrestada.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Rosa Parks was arrested.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
72035 | {
"content": "Observé que el agua del mar Rojo iba haciéndose menos salada a medida que nos aproximábamos a Suez.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I observed that the Red Sea's water was becoming less salty the closer we got to Suez.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
15476 | {
"content": "Y va siempre pensativo y triste, porque los demás ladrones que allá quedan y aquí van le maltratan y aniquilan, y escarnecen y tienen en poco, porque confesó y no tuvo ánimo de decir nones. Porque dicen ellos que tantas letras tiene un no como un sí, y que harta ventura tiene un delincuente, que está en su lengua su vida o su muerte, y no en la de los testigos y probanzas; y para mí tengo que no van muy fuera de camino.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"I do not understand it,\" said Don Quixote; but one of the guards said to him, \"Sir, to sing under suffering means with the non sancta fraternity to confess under torture; they put this sinner to the torture and he confessed his crime, which was being a cuatrero, that is a cattle-stealer, and on his confession they sentenced him to six years in the galleys, besides two bundred lashes that he has already had on the back; and he is always dejected and downcast because the other thieves that were left behind and that march here ill-treat, and snub, and jeer, and despise him for confessing and not having spirit enough to say nay; for, say they, 'nay' has no more letters in it than 'yea,' and a culprit is well off when life or death with him depends on his own tongue and not on that of witnesses or evidence; and to my thinking they are not very far out.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
71360 | {
"content": "¿Cuál película viste hoy?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Which movie did you watch today?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
74225 | {
"content": "Nuestras reservas habrán quedado agotadas dentro de cuarenta y ocho horas.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "In another forty-eight hours, our reserve air will be used up.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
4369 | {
"content": "Sin ninguna duda le puedo decir que no le guardo rencor alguno, y estoy segura de que será demasiado generoso para hacer nada que nos perjudique.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I can safely say I owe you no ill-will, and am sure you will be too generous to do us any ill offices.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
100552 | {
"content": "Me inquieta tu actitud irresponsable.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I am alarmed by your irresponsible attitude.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
90397 | {
"content": "Les apuesto un dólar a que Tom no se presenta.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I bet you a dollar Tom doesn't show up.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
106954 | {
"content": "En cuanto me vio palideció y se fue corriendo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The moment he saw me, he grew pale and ran away.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
3552 | {
"content": "Tengo algo importante que comunicarle, que estaba a punto de informarle por escrito.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I have something of consequence to inform you of, which I was on the point of communicating by paper.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
50281 | {
"content": "–Naturalmente –repuso su amigo–.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "'Well, of course,' said Oblonsky.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
88159 | {
"content": "Me topé con tu hermano en la calle.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I ran into your brother on the street.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
11705 | {
"content": "-¿Mi capacidad? ¿Dónde está mi capacidad para tal empresa?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"But my powers--where are they for this undertaking? I do not feel them.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
111176 | {
"content": "¿Cómo pudo Tom perder tanto peso tan rápidamente?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "How did Tom manage to lose so much weight so quickly?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
38401 | {
"content": "La señora Bonacieux tenía la sonrisa más encantadora del mundo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Mme. Bonacieux had the sweetest smile in the world.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
37990 | {
"content": "Cuando el viento de la adversidad comenzó a soplar sobre la pareja de la calle des Fossayeurs, es decir, cuándo las cuarenta pistolas del rey Luis XIII fueron comidas o casi, comenzó con quejas que Athos encontró nauseabundas Porthos indecentes y Aramis ridículas.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "When the wind of adversity began to blow upon the housekeeping of the Rue des Fossoyeurs--that is to say, when the forty pistoles of King Louis XIII were consumed or nearly so--he commenced complaints which Athos thought nauseous, Porthos indecent, and Aramis ridiculous.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
8808 | {
"content": "-A usted, Jane. Quiero que sea mía, únicamente mía.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"You, Jane, I must have you for my own--entirely my own.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
81355 | {
"content": "Y, en efecto, por un error providencial del geografo francés que la había redactado, era la costa este de Nueva Zelanda y no la de Australia la designada como nuevo destino del buque.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "And indeed, by a providential error of the French geographer, who had written the letter, the east coast of New Zealand was mentioned as the place of destination.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
16034 | {
"content": "Él tiene otro hijo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He has another son.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
86177 | {
"content": "¡Mis zapatos! exclamó Picaporte, quien altamente sorprendido no pudo contener esa involuntaria exclamación.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"My shoes!\" cried Passepartout, in his surprise permitting this imprudent exclamation to escape him.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
19799 | {
"content": "¿Qué tal un poco de leche?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "How about some milk?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
60389 | {
"content": "Se enfadó con su hermano.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He got angry with his brother.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
48876 | {
"content": "Quiero estar en este grupo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I want to be in this group.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
79095 | {
"content": "Él atrapó a un chico robando su reloj.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He caught a boy stealing his watch.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
45363 | {
"content": "Mary me mostró la carta.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Mary showed me the letter.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
76950 | {
"content": "Si, al contrario, esta costa pertenece a alguna isla desierta de un archipiélago micronesio, quizá podremos reconocerlo desde lo alto del cono que domina este país, y entonces tendremos que establecernos aquí como si no debiéramos salir nunca.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "If, on the contrary, this is the coast of a desert island in some tiny archipelago, perhaps we shall be able to reconnoiter it from the summit of that peak which overlooks the country, and then we shall see how best to establish ourselves here as if we are never to go away.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
22083 | {
"content": "Tom casi nunca sale.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom rarely goes out.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
12151 | {
"content": "Girad a la izquierda.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Turn to the left.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
113675 | {
"content": "Se puso celosa al verle andando con otra chica.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "It made her jealous to see him walking with another girl.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
22040 | {
"content": "Tom me hizo galletas.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom made me cookies.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
28968 | {
"content": "––Ya he oído hablar de ese tipo ––respondió mi visitante––, y me gustaría mucho que se ocupase del asunto, aunque desde luego tendré que ir también a la policía.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"Oh, I have heard of that fellow,\" answered my visitor, \"and I should be very glad if he would take the matter up, though of course I must use the official police as well.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
51298 | {
"content": "Podéis elegir uno.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "You can choose one of them.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
102771 | {
"content": "Toma este medicamento, y te sentirás mejor.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Take this medicine, and you will feel better.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
75304 | {
"content": "Los obuses se multiplicaban en torno nuestro.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Meanwhile shells fell around us in increasing numbers.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
97710 | {
"content": "Estrictamente hablando, la Tierra no es redonda.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Strictly speaking, the earth is not round.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
79385 | {
"content": "Estoy intentando evitar cualquier discusión.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I am trying to avoid any arguments.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
20162 | {
"content": "A fe que si me fuera dado, y el tiempo lo pidiera, que yo diera a entender, no sólo a los presentes, sino a todo el mundo, cómo no hay virtud que no se encierre en una dueña.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "By my faith, if it were permitted me and time allowed, I could prove, not only to those here present, but to all the world, that there is no virtue that is not to be found in a duenna.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
49731 | {
"content": "Ella habló con el presidente.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "She talked to the chairman.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
20647 | {
"content": "-Señores, yo soy un pobre ganadero de ganado de cerda, y esta mañana salía deste lugar de vender, con perdón sea dicho, cuatro puercos, que me llevaron de alcabalas y socaliñas poco menos de lo que ellos valían; volvíame a mi aldea, topé en el camino a esta buena dueña, y el diablo, que todo lo añasca y todo lo cuece, hizo que yogásemos juntos; paguéle lo soficiente, y ella, mal contenta, asió de mí, y no me ha dejado hasta traerme a este puesto.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He all in confusion made answer, \"Sirs, I am a poor pig dealer, and this morning I left the village to sell (saving your presence) four pigs, and between dues and cribbings they got out of me little less than the worth of them. As I was returning to my village I fell in on the road with this good dame, and the devil who makes a coil and a mess out of everything, yoked us together.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
53827 | {
"content": "Ella es la hermana mayor de Tom.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "She is Tom’s older sister.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
88647 | {
"content": "El profesor Lidenbrock parecía en extremo preocupado.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Professor Liedenbrock seemed to be greatly abstracted.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
75967 | {
"content": "Me estoy quejando con el director.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I am complaining to the principal.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
83488 | {
"content": "Al día siguiente, al amanecer, Ciro Smith tomó las medidas necesarias para poner el Palacio de granito al abrigo de toda invasión.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The next morning, at daybreak, Cyrus Harding took the necessary measures to protect Granite House from any invasion.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
68755 | {
"content": "-Sin duda ha debido parecerle, señor, que he tardado demasiado en hacerles esta segunda visita.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"No doubt, sir, you've felt that I waited rather too long before paying you this second visit.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
3233 | {
"content": "Ya vale de tanto lamento.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Stop whining.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
28160 | {
"content": "Te enseñaré francés.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I'll teach you French.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
14722 | {
"content": "Tom puede ser burdo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom can be clumsy.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
41248 | {
"content": "Mi padre construye puentes.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "My father builds bridges.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
34361 | {
"content": "Una simple mirada a nuestro amigo permite apreciar de inmediato la cabeza redonda de los celtas, que se traduce en el entusiasmo céltico y en la capacidad de afecto.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"A glance at our friend here reveals the rounded head of the Celt, which carries inside it the Celtic enthusiasm and power of attachment.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
1455 | {
"content": "Debemos buscar ese cambio en otro lugar.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "We must look for the change elsewhere.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
18467 | {
"content": "¿Estamos aquí, o en Francia?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Are we here or in France?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
67075 | {
"content": "Tom debería haber bailado con Mary.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom should've danced with Mary.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
95345 | {
"content": "Ella se encontró con dos extraños en el bosque.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "In the woods, she met with two strangers.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
51005 | {
"content": "Y se entregó a su labor de nuevo. Hacía mucho tiempo que la había iniciado y sólo se ocupaba de ella en momentos de disgusto.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "'Keep your hands quiet, Grisha,' she said, and again took up the rug she was knitting, a piece of work begun long ago, to which she always returned in times of trouble, and which she was now knitting, nervously throwing the stitches over with her fingers and counting them.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
52379 | {
"content": "Compré el libro ayer.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I bought the book yesterday.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
94279 | {
"content": "¿Cuándo fue la última vez que fueron a cazar?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "When was the last time you went hunting?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
10561 | {
"content": "-No debe juzgarme mal -dijo Hannah.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"You munnut think too hardly of me,\" she again remarked.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
30546 | {
"content": "Si le pidiéramos que se pusiera un vestido que nosotros le proporcionáramos, no se opondría usted a nuestro capricho, ¿verdad?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "If you were asked to wear any dress which we might give you, you would not object to our little whim. Heh?'",
"role": "assistant"
} |
50273 | {
"content": "–Ya vi que las uñas del pobre Grinevich te impresionaron mucho –dijo Oblonsky, riendo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "'Yes, I noticed that poor Grinevich's nails interested you greatly,' said Oblonsky.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
58846 | {
"content": "A Tom no le gusta estar solo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom doesn't like to be alone.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
78856 | {
"content": "¿Puede pasarme la sal, por favor?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Could you pass me the salt, please?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
90106 | {
"content": "Las profundas tinieblas que a veinte pasos reinaban no permitían apreciar la longitud de la galería, y ya empezaba yo a creer que era interminable, cuando, de repente, a las seis, tropezamos con un muro que nos cerraba el camino.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The darkness, always deep twenty yards before us, prevented us from estimating the length of the gallery; and I was beginning to think it must be endless, when suddenly at six o'clock a wall very unexpectedly stood before us. Right or left, top or bottom, there was no road farther; we were at the end of a blind alley.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
42586 | {
"content": "Tom nunca golpearía a Mary.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom would never hit Mary.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
71887 | {
"content": "No hagas algo de lo que vayas a arrepentirte.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Don't do something you'll regret.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
107727 | {
"content": "Yo fui el único que no cayó en la trampa.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I was the only one who didn't fall into the trap.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
53902 | {
"content": "Bonne chance! –añadió, sonriendo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Bonne chance!' he added smiling and went away.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
54475 | {
"content": "Esos niños son felices.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Those children are cheerful.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
67660 | {
"content": "No deberías llevar un abrigo de piel.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "You should not wear a fur coat.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
15189 | {
"content": "-¿Que te faltan las alforjas, Sancho? -dijo don Quijote.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"What! are the alforjas missing, Sancho?\" said Don Quixote.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
117467 | {
"content": "Quiero estudiar con el mismo profesor de francés con el que Tom está estudiando.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I want to study with the same French teacher that Tom is studying with.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
19332 | {
"content": "Diréisle también que, cuando menos se lo piense, oirá decir como yo he hecho un juramento y voto, a modo de aquel que hizo el marqués de Mantua, de vengar a su sobrino Baldovinos, cuando le halló para espirar en mitad de la montiña, que fue de no comer pan a manteles, con las otras zarandajas que allí añadió, hasta vengarle; y así le haré yo de no sosegar, y de andar las siete partidas del mundo, con más puntualidad que las anduvo el infante don Pedro de Portugal, hasta desencantarla''. ''Todo eso, y más, debe vuestra merced a mi señora'', me respondió la doncella.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tell her, too, that when she least expects it she will hear it announced that I have made an oath and vow after the fashion of that which the Marquis of Mantua made to avenge his nephew Baldwin, when he found him at the point of death in the heart of the mountains, which was, not to eat bread off a tablecloth, and other trifling matters which he added, until he had avenged him; and I will make the same to take no rest, and to roam the seven regions of the earth more thoroughly than the Infante Don Pedro of Portugal ever roamed them, until I have disenchanted her.'",
"role": "assistant"
} |
27209 | {
"content": "Él inventó esa historia.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He made up that story.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
55744 | {
"content": "¿Y qué pasaría entonces?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "What, then, would happen?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
15105 | {
"content": "-Luego, ¿venta es ésta? -replicó don Quijote.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"Then this is an inn?\" said Don Quixote.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
34324 | {
"content": "Tenemos todavía una hora.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "We've got an hour left.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
63470 | {
"content": "–El doctor me dijo, después de mi enfermedad...",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "'After my illness the doctor told me...'",
"role": "assistant"
} |
48001 | {
"content": "Él es un jugador compulsivo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He is a compulsive gambler.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
103441 | {
"content": "Una hormiga puede levantar más de 50 veces su propio peso.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "An ant can lift more than 50 times its weight.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
47878 | {
"content": "¿Ha visto alguien mi cartera?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Has anybody seen my wallet?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
90314 | {
"content": "Aplicó el oído a la piedra seca y lo paseó por ella lentamente, escuchando con suma atención.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He applied his ear against the dry stone, and moved it slowly to and fro, listening intently.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
13253 | {
"content": "Compré ese carro.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I bought that car.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
71303 | {
"content": "¿Cuál fue la causa de su retraso?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "What was the cause of his delay?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
117743 | {
"content": "Tom siempre insiste en que él tiene razón, incluso cuando todos sabemos que está equivocado.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom always insists that he's right even when we all know that he's wrong.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
91306 | {
"content": "¿Qué monstruo puede tragar tan gran cantidad de agua y arrojarla de este modo sin interrupción alguna?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "What monster can possibly fill itself with such a quantity of water, and spurt it up so continuously?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
4869 | {
"content": "¿Se ha lavado las manos y la cara?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Have you washed your hands and face this morning?\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
31817 | {
"content": "Sí, me río porque adivino que a la larga me saldré con la mía.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Mais moi, je puis en rire, car je suis bien certain d’etre toujours au moins a leur hauteur.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
36786 | {
"content": "¡Continuad la danza, pues que lo quiere!",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Keep up the dance, then, since he will have it so.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
43755 | {
"content": "Se conduce con mucha naturalidad.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He behaves very naturally.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
90627 | {
"content": "Yo busqué a alguien que la sustituyera.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I looked for someone to take her place.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
25081 | {
"content": "––Sí.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"Yes.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
60503 | {
"content": "Tenía, es verdad, un íntimo amigo de la universidad con el que conservó amistad a través del tiempo y con el que habría podido hablar de sus amarguras personales, pero ese amigo era inspector de Enseñanza de un distrito universitario lejano de la capital. De modo que las personas más allegadas y con quienes parecía más posible desahogar su tristeza eran su médico y el jefe de su departamento.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Slyudin was an unaffected, intelligent, kindly and moral man, who, Karenin felt, had a personal liking for himself; but their five years' official activity together had built a barrier in the way of any intimate talk between them.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
101777 | {
"content": "Digas lo que digas, no te creerán.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Whatever you may say, you won't be believed.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
6661 | {
"content": "De todos modos, mis tiernos sentimientos están a punto de experimentar una conmoción. Aguarde, pues, un momento y veremos si mis palabras se confirman.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "However, my tenderest feelings are about to receive a shock: such is my presentiment; stay now, to see whether it will be realised.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
72549 | {
"content": "No entiendo vuestra pregunta.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I don't understand your question.",
"role": "assistant"
} |