but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress
but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress.
Mais je n'aime toujours pas voler, bien que quand je vois leurs visages souriants, ça vaut le coup.
Mais malgré ça je n'aime pas prendre l'avion, même si quand je vois leurs visages souriants ça vaut bien un peu de stress.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T13:38:46.446826", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in an aeroplane.", "Vous êtes dans un avion." ], [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_0", "orig": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air", "norm": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air.", "mt": "Salut, je me sens mieux quand on est dans l'air.", "ref": "Bonjour, je me sens mieux une fois qu'on est à l'altitude de croisière.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_1", "orig": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décolage ?", "norm": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décollage ?", "mt": "Why, are you afraid at the time of decolation?", "ref": "Why, do you get scared during takeoff?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "no idea what the translation meant", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_2", "orig": "i really dont like flying at all, but needs must", "norm": "I really dont like flying at all, but needs must.", "mt": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler du tout, mais il faut...", "ref": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler, mais nécessité fait loi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_3", "orig": "C'est la première fois que vous prenez l'avion ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is this the first time you've been on a plane?", "ref": "Is it your first time taking the plane?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_4", "orig": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer", "norm": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer.", "mt": "It's an extremely safe transport, you don't need to panic.", "ref": "It's a very safe means of transport. There's no need to panic.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_5", "orig": "i ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulance", "norm": "I’ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulence.", "mt": "J'ai volé plusieurs fois, mais je me sens juste stressé au départ, et de toute évidence s'il y a une Turbulance.", "ref": "J'ai déjà pris l'avion un certain nombre de fois, mais je suis quand même stressée pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage, et bien sûr quand il y a des turbulences.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_6", "orig": "Les avions sont construits de telle manière qu'ils peuvent résister à des turbulences très fortes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Planes are built so that they can resist very strong turbulence.", "ref": "Planes are built to resist strong turbulence.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_7", "orig": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure", "norm": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure.", "mt": "There's nothing to worry about.", "ref": "Don't worry too much.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_8", "orig": "i know the theory but anxiety is not always rational", "norm": "I know the theory but anxiety is not always rational.", "mt": "Je connais la théorie, mais l'anxiété n'est pas toujours rationnelle.", "ref": "Je sais ce qu'il en est en théorie, mais l'angoisse n'est pas toujours quelque chose de rationnel.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_9", "orig": "i ll try to switch off and not think about it", "norm": "I’ll try to switch off and not think about it.", "mt": "Je vais essayer d'éteindre et de ne pas y penser.", "ref": "J'essaye de la mettre de côté et de ne pas y penser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_10", "orig": "ignore me if I start over breathing", "norm": "Ignore me if I start over-breathing.", "mt": "Ignore-moi si je commence à respirer.", "ref": "Ne faites pas attention à moi si je commence à hyperventiler.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_11", "orig": "Vous devriez essayer de somnoler un peu, cela calmera votre stress.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should try to sleep a little, it'll calm your stress.", "ref": "You should try to doze a little. It'll help calm you down.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_12", "orig": "Où prendre une flûte de champagne !", "norm": "Ou prendre une flûte de champagne !", "mt": "Where would you like a glass of champagne?", "ref": "Or have a glass of champagne!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "? typing error maybe", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_13", "orig": "C'est efficace aussi", "norm": "C'est efficace aussi.", "mt": "It works, too.", "ref": "That works well too.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_14", "orig": "i think the champagne sounds more fun", "norm": "I think the champagne sounds more fun.", "mt": "Je pense que le champagne semble plus amusant.", "ref": "Le champagne m'a l'air plus sympa.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_15", "orig": "I m not one for sleeping in odd places", "norm": "I’m not one for sleeping in odd places.", "mt": "Je ne dors pas dans des endroits étranges.", "ref": "Je ne suis pas du genre à dormir dans des endroits bizarres.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_16", "orig": "do you fly often?", "norm": "Do you fly often?", "mt": "Vous volez souvent ?", "ref": "Vous prenez souvent l'avion ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_17", "orig": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et doit visiter beaucoup de pays.", "norm": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et dois visiter beaucoup de pays.", "mt": "Yes, very often for my work because I'm in charge of business and should visit a lot of countries.", "ref": "Yes, regularly for work - I'm a business manager and have to visit lots of countries.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_18", "orig": "Et vous, pour quelles raisons voyagez-vous ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And you, for what reason do you travel?", "ref": "How about you? Why are you travelling?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_19", "orig": "family stuff, my son lives in Paris", "norm": "Family stuff, my son lives in Paris.", "mt": "Des affaires familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "ref": "Raisons familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_20", "orig": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much", "norm": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much.", "mt": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni, mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager.", "ref": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager souvent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_21", "orig": "Ah très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, right.", "ref": "Ah, nice.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_22", "orig": "Et vous, vous allez souvent les voir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How often do you get to see them?", "ref": "And do you often go to visit them?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_23", "orig": "Quels âges ont vos petits enfants si ce n'est pas indiscret ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What ages have your grandchildren if it's not indiscreet?", "ref": "How old are your grandchildren if it's not too indiscreet?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_24", "orig": "You re meant to say I dont look old enough to be a grandma!", "norm": "You’re meant to say I don’t look old enough to be a grandma!", "mt": "Tu veux dire que je n'ai pas l'âge d'être grand-mère !", "ref": "Vous devriez me dire que je n'ai pas l'air assez vieille pour être une grand-mère !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_25", "orig": "I see them about every 3 months", "norm": "", "mt": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois.", "ref": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois environ.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
they are 3 and 5
They are 3 and 5.
Ils sont 3 et 5.
Ils ont 3 et 5 ans.
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "style" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T13:38:46.446826", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in an aeroplane.", "Vous êtes dans un avion." ], [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_0", "orig": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air", "norm": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air.", "mt": "Salut, je me sens mieux quand on est dans l'air.", "ref": "Bonjour, je me sens mieux une fois qu'on est à l'altitude de croisière.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_1", "orig": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décolage ?", "norm": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décollage ?", "mt": "Why, are you afraid at the time of decolation?", "ref": "Why, do you get scared during takeoff?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "no idea what the translation meant", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_2", "orig": "i really dont like flying at all, but needs must", "norm": "I really dont like flying at all, but needs must.", "mt": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler du tout, mais il faut...", "ref": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler, mais nécessité fait loi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_3", "orig": "C'est la première fois que vous prenez l'avion ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is this the first time you've been on a plane?", "ref": "Is it your first time taking the plane?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_4", "orig": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer", "norm": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer.", "mt": "It's an extremely safe transport, you don't need to panic.", "ref": "It's a very safe means of transport. There's no need to panic.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_5", "orig": "i ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulance", "norm": "I’ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulence.", "mt": "J'ai volé plusieurs fois, mais je me sens juste stressé au départ, et de toute évidence s'il y a une Turbulance.", "ref": "J'ai déjà pris l'avion un certain nombre de fois, mais je suis quand même stressée pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage, et bien sûr quand il y a des turbulences.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_6", "orig": "Les avions sont construits de telle manière qu'ils peuvent résister à des turbulences très fortes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Planes are built so that they can resist very strong turbulence.", "ref": "Planes are built to resist strong turbulence.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_7", "orig": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure", "norm": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure.", "mt": "There's nothing to worry about.", "ref": "Don't worry too much.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_8", "orig": "i know the theory but anxiety is not always rational", "norm": "I know the theory but anxiety is not always rational.", "mt": "Je connais la théorie, mais l'anxiété n'est pas toujours rationnelle.", "ref": "Je sais ce qu'il en est en théorie, mais l'angoisse n'est pas toujours quelque chose de rationnel.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_9", "orig": "i ll try to switch off and not think about it", "norm": "I’ll try to switch off and not think about it.", "mt": "Je vais essayer d'éteindre et de ne pas y penser.", "ref": "J'essaye de la mettre de côté et de ne pas y penser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_10", "orig": "ignore me if I start over breathing", "norm": "Ignore me if I start over-breathing.", "mt": "Ignore-moi si je commence à respirer.", "ref": "Ne faites pas attention à moi si je commence à hyperventiler.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_11", "orig": "Vous devriez essayer de somnoler un peu, cela calmera votre stress.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should try to sleep a little, it'll calm your stress.", "ref": "You should try to doze a little. It'll help calm you down.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_12", "orig": "Où prendre une flûte de champagne !", "norm": "Ou prendre une flûte de champagne !", "mt": "Where would you like a glass of champagne?", "ref": "Or have a glass of champagne!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "? typing error maybe", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_13", "orig": "C'est efficace aussi", "norm": "C'est efficace aussi.", "mt": "It works, too.", "ref": "That works well too.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_14", "orig": "i think the champagne sounds more fun", "norm": "I think the champagne sounds more fun.", "mt": "Je pense que le champagne semble plus amusant.", "ref": "Le champagne m'a l'air plus sympa.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_15", "orig": "I m not one for sleeping in odd places", "norm": "I’m not one for sleeping in odd places.", "mt": "Je ne dors pas dans des endroits étranges.", "ref": "Je ne suis pas du genre à dormir dans des endroits bizarres.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_16", "orig": "do you fly often?", "norm": "Do you fly often?", "mt": "Vous volez souvent ?", "ref": "Vous prenez souvent l'avion ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_17", "orig": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et doit visiter beaucoup de pays.", "norm": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et dois visiter beaucoup de pays.", "mt": "Yes, very often for my work because I'm in charge of business and should visit a lot of countries.", "ref": "Yes, regularly for work - I'm a business manager and have to visit lots of countries.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_18", "orig": "Et vous, pour quelles raisons voyagez-vous ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And you, for what reason do you travel?", "ref": "How about you? Why are you travelling?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_19", "orig": "family stuff, my son lives in Paris", "norm": "Family stuff, my son lives in Paris.", "mt": "Des affaires familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "ref": "Raisons familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_20", "orig": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much", "norm": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much.", "mt": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni, mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager.", "ref": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager souvent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_21", "orig": "Ah très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, right.", "ref": "Ah, nice.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_22", "orig": "Et vous, vous allez souvent les voir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How often do you get to see them?", "ref": "And do you often go to visit them?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_23", "orig": "Quels âges ont vos petits enfants si ce n'est pas indiscret ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What ages have your grandchildren if it's not indiscreet?", "ref": "How old are your grandchildren if it's not too indiscreet?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_24", "orig": "You re meant to say I dont look old enough to be a grandma!", "norm": "You’re meant to say I don’t look old enough to be a grandma!", "mt": "Tu veux dire que je n'ai pas l'âge d'être grand-mère !", "ref": "Vous devriez me dire que je n'ai pas l'air assez vieille pour être une grand-mère !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_25", "orig": "I see them about every 3 months", "norm": "", "mt": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois.", "ref": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois environ.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_26", "orig": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress", "norm": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress.", "mt": "Mais je n'aime toujours pas voler, bien que quand je vois leurs visages souriants, ça vaut le coup.", "ref": "Mais malgré ça je n'aime pas prendre l'avion, même si quand je vois leurs visages souriants ça vaut bien un peu de stress.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Je comprends très bien.
I understand perfectly.
I understand.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T13:38:46.446826", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in an aeroplane.", "Vous êtes dans un avion." ], [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_0", "orig": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air", "norm": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air.", "mt": "Salut, je me sens mieux quand on est dans l'air.", "ref": "Bonjour, je me sens mieux une fois qu'on est à l'altitude de croisière.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_1", "orig": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décolage ?", "norm": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décollage ?", "mt": "Why, are you afraid at the time of decolation?", "ref": "Why, do you get scared during takeoff?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "no idea what the translation meant", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_2", "orig": "i really dont like flying at all, but needs must", "norm": "I really dont like flying at all, but needs must.", "mt": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler du tout, mais il faut...", "ref": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler, mais nécessité fait loi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_3", "orig": "C'est la première fois que vous prenez l'avion ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is this the first time you've been on a plane?", "ref": "Is it your first time taking the plane?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_4", "orig": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer", "norm": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer.", "mt": "It's an extremely safe transport, you don't need to panic.", "ref": "It's a very safe means of transport. There's no need to panic.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_5", "orig": "i ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulance", "norm": "I’ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulence.", "mt": "J'ai volé plusieurs fois, mais je me sens juste stressé au départ, et de toute évidence s'il y a une Turbulance.", "ref": "J'ai déjà pris l'avion un certain nombre de fois, mais je suis quand même stressée pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage, et bien sûr quand il y a des turbulences.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_6", "orig": "Les avions sont construits de telle manière qu'ils peuvent résister à des turbulences très fortes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Planes are built so that they can resist very strong turbulence.", "ref": "Planes are built to resist strong turbulence.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_7", "orig": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure", "norm": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure.", "mt": "There's nothing to worry about.", "ref": "Don't worry too much.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_8", "orig": "i know the theory but anxiety is not always rational", "norm": "I know the theory but anxiety is not always rational.", "mt": "Je connais la théorie, mais l'anxiété n'est pas toujours rationnelle.", "ref": "Je sais ce qu'il en est en théorie, mais l'angoisse n'est pas toujours quelque chose de rationnel.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_9", "orig": "i ll try to switch off and not think about it", "norm": "I’ll try to switch off and not think about it.", "mt": "Je vais essayer d'éteindre et de ne pas y penser.", "ref": "J'essaye de la mettre de côté et de ne pas y penser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_10", "orig": "ignore me if I start over breathing", "norm": "Ignore me if I start over-breathing.", "mt": "Ignore-moi si je commence à respirer.", "ref": "Ne faites pas attention à moi si je commence à hyperventiler.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_11", "orig": "Vous devriez essayer de somnoler un peu, cela calmera votre stress.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should try to sleep a little, it'll calm your stress.", "ref": "You should try to doze a little. It'll help calm you down.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_12", "orig": "Où prendre une flûte de champagne !", "norm": "Ou prendre une flûte de champagne !", "mt": "Where would you like a glass of champagne?", "ref": "Or have a glass of champagne!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "? typing error maybe", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_13", "orig": "C'est efficace aussi", "norm": "C'est efficace aussi.", "mt": "It works, too.", "ref": "That works well too.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_14", "orig": "i think the champagne sounds more fun", "norm": "I think the champagne sounds more fun.", "mt": "Je pense que le champagne semble plus amusant.", "ref": "Le champagne m'a l'air plus sympa.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_15", "orig": "I m not one for sleeping in odd places", "norm": "I’m not one for sleeping in odd places.", "mt": "Je ne dors pas dans des endroits étranges.", "ref": "Je ne suis pas du genre à dormir dans des endroits bizarres.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_16", "orig": "do you fly often?", "norm": "Do you fly often?", "mt": "Vous volez souvent ?", "ref": "Vous prenez souvent l'avion ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_17", "orig": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et doit visiter beaucoup de pays.", "norm": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et dois visiter beaucoup de pays.", "mt": "Yes, very often for my work because I'm in charge of business and should visit a lot of countries.", "ref": "Yes, regularly for work - I'm a business manager and have to visit lots of countries.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_18", "orig": "Et vous, pour quelles raisons voyagez-vous ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And you, for what reason do you travel?", "ref": "How about you? Why are you travelling?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_19", "orig": "family stuff, my son lives in Paris", "norm": "Family stuff, my son lives in Paris.", "mt": "Des affaires familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "ref": "Raisons familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_20", "orig": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much", "norm": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much.", "mt": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni, mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager.", "ref": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager souvent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_21", "orig": "Ah très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, right.", "ref": "Ah, nice.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_22", "orig": "Et vous, vous allez souvent les voir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How often do you get to see them?", "ref": "And do you often go to visit them?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_23", "orig": "Quels âges ont vos petits enfants si ce n'est pas indiscret ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What ages have your grandchildren if it's not indiscreet?", "ref": "How old are your grandchildren if it's not too indiscreet?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_24", "orig": "You re meant to say I dont look old enough to be a grandma!", "norm": "You’re meant to say I don’t look old enough to be a grandma!", "mt": "Tu veux dire que je n'ai pas l'âge d'être grand-mère !", "ref": "Vous devriez me dire que je n'ai pas l'air assez vieille pour être une grand-mère !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_25", "orig": "I see them about every 3 months", "norm": "", "mt": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois.", "ref": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois environ.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_26", "orig": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress", "norm": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress.", "mt": "Mais je n'aime toujours pas voler, bien que quand je vois leurs visages souriants, ça vaut le coup.", "ref": "Mais malgré ça je n'aime pas prendre l'avion, même si quand je vois leurs visages souriants ça vaut bien un peu de stress.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_27", "orig": "they are 3 and 5", "norm": "They are 3 and 5.", "mt": "Ils sont 3 et 5.", "ref": "Ils ont 3 et 5 ans.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "style" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Moi aussi j'ai des petits enfants Et que comptez-vous faire avec eux à Paris ?
Moi aussi j'ai des petits enfants. Et que comptez-vous faire avec eux à Paris ?
I also have grandchildren and what do you intend to do with them in Paris?
I have grandchildren too. And what are you planning to do with them in Paris?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T13:38:46.446826", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in an aeroplane.", "Vous êtes dans un avion." ], [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_0", "orig": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air", "norm": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air.", "mt": "Salut, je me sens mieux quand on est dans l'air.", "ref": "Bonjour, je me sens mieux une fois qu'on est à l'altitude de croisière.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_1", "orig": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décolage ?", "norm": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décollage ?", "mt": "Why, are you afraid at the time of decolation?", "ref": "Why, do you get scared during takeoff?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "no idea what the translation meant", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_2", "orig": "i really dont like flying at all, but needs must", "norm": "I really dont like flying at all, but needs must.", "mt": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler du tout, mais il faut...", "ref": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler, mais nécessité fait loi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_3", "orig": "C'est la première fois que vous prenez l'avion ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is this the first time you've been on a plane?", "ref": "Is it your first time taking the plane?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_4", "orig": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer", "norm": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer.", "mt": "It's an extremely safe transport, you don't need to panic.", "ref": "It's a very safe means of transport. There's no need to panic.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_5", "orig": "i ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulance", "norm": "I’ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulence.", "mt": "J'ai volé plusieurs fois, mais je me sens juste stressé au départ, et de toute évidence s'il y a une Turbulance.", "ref": "J'ai déjà pris l'avion un certain nombre de fois, mais je suis quand même stressée pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage, et bien sûr quand il y a des turbulences.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_6", "orig": "Les avions sont construits de telle manière qu'ils peuvent résister à des turbulences très fortes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Planes are built so that they can resist very strong turbulence.", "ref": "Planes are built to resist strong turbulence.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_7", "orig": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure", "norm": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure.", "mt": "There's nothing to worry about.", "ref": "Don't worry too much.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_8", "orig": "i know the theory but anxiety is not always rational", "norm": "I know the theory but anxiety is not always rational.", "mt": "Je connais la théorie, mais l'anxiété n'est pas toujours rationnelle.", "ref": "Je sais ce qu'il en est en théorie, mais l'angoisse n'est pas toujours quelque chose de rationnel.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_9", "orig": "i ll try to switch off and not think about it", "norm": "I’ll try to switch off and not think about it.", "mt": "Je vais essayer d'éteindre et de ne pas y penser.", "ref": "J'essaye de la mettre de côté et de ne pas y penser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_10", "orig": "ignore me if I start over breathing", "norm": "Ignore me if I start over-breathing.", "mt": "Ignore-moi si je commence à respirer.", "ref": "Ne faites pas attention à moi si je commence à hyperventiler.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_11", "orig": "Vous devriez essayer de somnoler un peu, cela calmera votre stress.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should try to sleep a little, it'll calm your stress.", "ref": "You should try to doze a little. It'll help calm you down.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_12", "orig": "Où prendre une flûte de champagne !", "norm": "Ou prendre une flûte de champagne !", "mt": "Where would you like a glass of champagne?", "ref": "Or have a glass of champagne!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "? typing error maybe", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_13", "orig": "C'est efficace aussi", "norm": "C'est efficace aussi.", "mt": "It works, too.", "ref": "That works well too.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_14", "orig": "i think the champagne sounds more fun", "norm": "I think the champagne sounds more fun.", "mt": "Je pense que le champagne semble plus amusant.", "ref": "Le champagne m'a l'air plus sympa.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_15", "orig": "I m not one for sleeping in odd places", "norm": "I’m not one for sleeping in odd places.", "mt": "Je ne dors pas dans des endroits étranges.", "ref": "Je ne suis pas du genre à dormir dans des endroits bizarres.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_16", "orig": "do you fly often?", "norm": "Do you fly often?", "mt": "Vous volez souvent ?", "ref": "Vous prenez souvent l'avion ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_17", "orig": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et doit visiter beaucoup de pays.", "norm": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et dois visiter beaucoup de pays.", "mt": "Yes, very often for my work because I'm in charge of business and should visit a lot of countries.", "ref": "Yes, regularly for work - I'm a business manager and have to visit lots of countries.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_18", "orig": "Et vous, pour quelles raisons voyagez-vous ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And you, for what reason do you travel?", "ref": "How about you? Why are you travelling?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_19", "orig": "family stuff, my son lives in Paris", "norm": "Family stuff, my son lives in Paris.", "mt": "Des affaires familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "ref": "Raisons familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_20", "orig": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much", "norm": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much.", "mt": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni, mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager.", "ref": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager souvent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_21", "orig": "Ah très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, right.", "ref": "Ah, nice.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_22", "orig": "Et vous, vous allez souvent les voir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How often do you get to see them?", "ref": "And do you often go to visit them?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_23", "orig": "Quels âges ont vos petits enfants si ce n'est pas indiscret ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What ages have your grandchildren if it's not indiscreet?", "ref": "How old are your grandchildren if it's not too indiscreet?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_24", "orig": "You re meant to say I dont look old enough to be a grandma!", "norm": "You’re meant to say I don’t look old enough to be a grandma!", "mt": "Tu veux dire que je n'ai pas l'âge d'être grand-mère !", "ref": "Vous devriez me dire que je n'ai pas l'air assez vieille pour être une grand-mère !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_25", "orig": "I see them about every 3 months", "norm": "", "mt": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois.", "ref": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois environ.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_26", "orig": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress", "norm": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress.", "mt": "Mais je n'aime toujours pas voler, bien que quand je vois leurs visages souriants, ça vaut le coup.", "ref": "Mais malgré ça je n'aime pas prendre l'avion, même si quand je vois leurs visages souriants ça vaut bien un peu de stress.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_27", "orig": "they are 3 and 5", "norm": "They are 3 and 5.", "mt": "Ils sont 3 et 5.", "ref": "Ils ont 3 et 5 ans.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_28", "orig": "Je comprends très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "I understand perfectly.", "ref": "I understand.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Les emmener au cirque ?
Take them to the circus?
Take them to the circus?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T13:38:46.446826", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in an aeroplane.", "Vous êtes dans un avion." ], [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_0", "orig": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air", "norm": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air.", "mt": "Salut, je me sens mieux quand on est dans l'air.", "ref": "Bonjour, je me sens mieux une fois qu'on est à l'altitude de croisière.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_1", "orig": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décolage ?", "norm": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décollage ?", "mt": "Why, are you afraid at the time of decolation?", "ref": "Why, do you get scared during takeoff?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "no idea what the translation meant", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_2", "orig": "i really dont like flying at all, but needs must", "norm": "I really dont like flying at all, but needs must.", "mt": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler du tout, mais il faut...", "ref": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler, mais nécessité fait loi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_3", "orig": "C'est la première fois que vous prenez l'avion ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is this the first time you've been on a plane?", "ref": "Is it your first time taking the plane?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_4", "orig": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer", "norm": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer.", "mt": "It's an extremely safe transport, you don't need to panic.", "ref": "It's a very safe means of transport. There's no need to panic.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_5", "orig": "i ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulance", "norm": "I’ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulence.", "mt": "J'ai volé plusieurs fois, mais je me sens juste stressé au départ, et de toute évidence s'il y a une Turbulance.", "ref": "J'ai déjà pris l'avion un certain nombre de fois, mais je suis quand même stressée pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage, et bien sûr quand il y a des turbulences.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_6", "orig": "Les avions sont construits de telle manière qu'ils peuvent résister à des turbulences très fortes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Planes are built so that they can resist very strong turbulence.", "ref": "Planes are built to resist strong turbulence.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_7", "orig": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure", "norm": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure.", "mt": "There's nothing to worry about.", "ref": "Don't worry too much.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_8", "orig": "i know the theory but anxiety is not always rational", "norm": "I know the theory but anxiety is not always rational.", "mt": "Je connais la théorie, mais l'anxiété n'est pas toujours rationnelle.", "ref": "Je sais ce qu'il en est en théorie, mais l'angoisse n'est pas toujours quelque chose de rationnel.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_9", "orig": "i ll try to switch off and not think about it", "norm": "I’ll try to switch off and not think about it.", "mt": "Je vais essayer d'éteindre et de ne pas y penser.", "ref": "J'essaye de la mettre de côté et de ne pas y penser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_10", "orig": "ignore me if I start over breathing", "norm": "Ignore me if I start over-breathing.", "mt": "Ignore-moi si je commence à respirer.", "ref": "Ne faites pas attention à moi si je commence à hyperventiler.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_11", "orig": "Vous devriez essayer de somnoler un peu, cela calmera votre stress.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should try to sleep a little, it'll calm your stress.", "ref": "You should try to doze a little. It'll help calm you down.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_12", "orig": "Où prendre une flûte de champagne !", "norm": "Ou prendre une flûte de champagne !", "mt": "Where would you like a glass of champagne?", "ref": "Or have a glass of champagne!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "? typing error maybe", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_13", "orig": "C'est efficace aussi", "norm": "C'est efficace aussi.", "mt": "It works, too.", "ref": "That works well too.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_14", "orig": "i think the champagne sounds more fun", "norm": "I think the champagne sounds more fun.", "mt": "Je pense que le champagne semble plus amusant.", "ref": "Le champagne m'a l'air plus sympa.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_15", "orig": "I m not one for sleeping in odd places", "norm": "I’m not one for sleeping in odd places.", "mt": "Je ne dors pas dans des endroits étranges.", "ref": "Je ne suis pas du genre à dormir dans des endroits bizarres.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_16", "orig": "do you fly often?", "norm": "Do you fly often?", "mt": "Vous volez souvent ?", "ref": "Vous prenez souvent l'avion ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_17", "orig": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et doit visiter beaucoup de pays.", "norm": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et dois visiter beaucoup de pays.", "mt": "Yes, very often for my work because I'm in charge of business and should visit a lot of countries.", "ref": "Yes, regularly for work - I'm a business manager and have to visit lots of countries.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_18", "orig": "Et vous, pour quelles raisons voyagez-vous ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And you, for what reason do you travel?", "ref": "How about you? Why are you travelling?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_19", "orig": "family stuff, my son lives in Paris", "norm": "Family stuff, my son lives in Paris.", "mt": "Des affaires familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "ref": "Raisons familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_20", "orig": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much", "norm": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much.", "mt": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni, mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager.", "ref": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager souvent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_21", "orig": "Ah très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, right.", "ref": "Ah, nice.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_22", "orig": "Et vous, vous allez souvent les voir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How often do you get to see them?", "ref": "And do you often go to visit them?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_23", "orig": "Quels âges ont vos petits enfants si ce n'est pas indiscret ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What ages have your grandchildren if it's not indiscreet?", "ref": "How old are your grandchildren if it's not too indiscreet?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_24", "orig": "You re meant to say I dont look old enough to be a grandma!", "norm": "You’re meant to say I don’t look old enough to be a grandma!", "mt": "Tu veux dire que je n'ai pas l'âge d'être grand-mère !", "ref": "Vous devriez me dire que je n'ai pas l'air assez vieille pour être une grand-mère !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_25", "orig": "I see them about every 3 months", "norm": "", "mt": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois.", "ref": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois environ.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_26", "orig": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress", "norm": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress.", "mt": "Mais je n'aime toujours pas voler, bien que quand je vois leurs visages souriants, ça vaut le coup.", "ref": "Mais malgré ça je n'aime pas prendre l'avion, même si quand je vois leurs visages souriants ça vaut bien un peu de stress.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_27", "orig": "they are 3 and 5", "norm": "They are 3 and 5.", "mt": "Ils sont 3 et 5.", "ref": "Ils ont 3 et 5 ans.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_28", "orig": "Je comprends très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "I understand perfectly.", "ref": "I understand.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_29", "orig": "Moi aussi j'ai des petits enfants Et que comptez-vous faire avec eux à Paris ?", "norm": "Moi aussi j'ai des petits enfants. Et que comptez-vous faire avec eux à Paris ?", "mt": "I also have grandchildren and what do you intend to do with them in Paris?", "ref": "I have grandchildren too. And what are you planning to do with them in Paris?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
That is a good idea
C'est une bonne idée.
C'est une bonne idée.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T13:38:46.446826", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in an aeroplane.", "Vous êtes dans un avion." ], [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_0", "orig": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air", "norm": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air.", "mt": "Salut, je me sens mieux quand on est dans l'air.", "ref": "Bonjour, je me sens mieux une fois qu'on est à l'altitude de croisière.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_1", "orig": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décolage ?", "norm": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décollage ?", "mt": "Why, are you afraid at the time of decolation?", "ref": "Why, do you get scared during takeoff?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "no idea what the translation meant", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_2", "orig": "i really dont like flying at all, but needs must", "norm": "I really dont like flying at all, but needs must.", "mt": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler du tout, mais il faut...", "ref": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler, mais nécessité fait loi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_3", "orig": "C'est la première fois que vous prenez l'avion ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is this the first time you've been on a plane?", "ref": "Is it your first time taking the plane?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_4", "orig": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer", "norm": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer.", "mt": "It's an extremely safe transport, you don't need to panic.", "ref": "It's a very safe means of transport. There's no need to panic.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_5", "orig": "i ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulance", "norm": "I’ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulence.", "mt": "J'ai volé plusieurs fois, mais je me sens juste stressé au départ, et de toute évidence s'il y a une Turbulance.", "ref": "J'ai déjà pris l'avion un certain nombre de fois, mais je suis quand même stressée pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage, et bien sûr quand il y a des turbulences.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_6", "orig": "Les avions sont construits de telle manière qu'ils peuvent résister à des turbulences très fortes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Planes are built so that they can resist very strong turbulence.", "ref": "Planes are built to resist strong turbulence.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_7", "orig": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure", "norm": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure.", "mt": "There's nothing to worry about.", "ref": "Don't worry too much.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_8", "orig": "i know the theory but anxiety is not always rational", "norm": "I know the theory but anxiety is not always rational.", "mt": "Je connais la théorie, mais l'anxiété n'est pas toujours rationnelle.", "ref": "Je sais ce qu'il en est en théorie, mais l'angoisse n'est pas toujours quelque chose de rationnel.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_9", "orig": "i ll try to switch off and not think about it", "norm": "I’ll try to switch off and not think about it.", "mt": "Je vais essayer d'éteindre et de ne pas y penser.", "ref": "J'essaye de la mettre de côté et de ne pas y penser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_10", "orig": "ignore me if I start over breathing", "norm": "Ignore me if I start over-breathing.", "mt": "Ignore-moi si je commence à respirer.", "ref": "Ne faites pas attention à moi si je commence à hyperventiler.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_11", "orig": "Vous devriez essayer de somnoler un peu, cela calmera votre stress.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should try to sleep a little, it'll calm your stress.", "ref": "You should try to doze a little. It'll help calm you down.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_12", "orig": "Où prendre une flûte de champagne !", "norm": "Ou prendre une flûte de champagne !", "mt": "Where would you like a glass of champagne?", "ref": "Or have a glass of champagne!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "? typing error maybe", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_13", "orig": "C'est efficace aussi", "norm": "C'est efficace aussi.", "mt": "It works, too.", "ref": "That works well too.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_14", "orig": "i think the champagne sounds more fun", "norm": "I think the champagne sounds more fun.", "mt": "Je pense que le champagne semble plus amusant.", "ref": "Le champagne m'a l'air plus sympa.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_15", "orig": "I m not one for sleeping in odd places", "norm": "I’m not one for sleeping in odd places.", "mt": "Je ne dors pas dans des endroits étranges.", "ref": "Je ne suis pas du genre à dormir dans des endroits bizarres.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_16", "orig": "do you fly often?", "norm": "Do you fly often?", "mt": "Vous volez souvent ?", "ref": "Vous prenez souvent l'avion ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_17", "orig": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et doit visiter beaucoup de pays.", "norm": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et dois visiter beaucoup de pays.", "mt": "Yes, very often for my work because I'm in charge of business and should visit a lot of countries.", "ref": "Yes, regularly for work - I'm a business manager and have to visit lots of countries.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_18", "orig": "Et vous, pour quelles raisons voyagez-vous ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And you, for what reason do you travel?", "ref": "How about you? Why are you travelling?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_19", "orig": "family stuff, my son lives in Paris", "norm": "Family stuff, my son lives in Paris.", "mt": "Des affaires familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "ref": "Raisons familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_20", "orig": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much", "norm": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much.", "mt": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni, mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager.", "ref": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager souvent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_21", "orig": "Ah très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, right.", "ref": "Ah, nice.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_22", "orig": "Et vous, vous allez souvent les voir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How often do you get to see them?", "ref": "And do you often go to visit them?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_23", "orig": "Quels âges ont vos petits enfants si ce n'est pas indiscret ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What ages have your grandchildren if it's not indiscreet?", "ref": "How old are your grandchildren if it's not too indiscreet?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_24", "orig": "You re meant to say I dont look old enough to be a grandma!", "norm": "You’re meant to say I don’t look old enough to be a grandma!", "mt": "Tu veux dire que je n'ai pas l'âge d'être grand-mère !", "ref": "Vous devriez me dire que je n'ai pas l'air assez vieille pour être une grand-mère !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_25", "orig": "I see them about every 3 months", "norm": "", "mt": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois.", "ref": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois environ.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_26", "orig": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress", "norm": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress.", "mt": "Mais je n'aime toujours pas voler, bien que quand je vois leurs visages souriants, ça vaut le coup.", "ref": "Mais malgré ça je n'aime pas prendre l'avion, même si quand je vois leurs visages souriants ça vaut bien un peu de stress.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_27", "orig": "they are 3 and 5", "norm": "They are 3 and 5.", "mt": "Ils sont 3 et 5.", "ref": "Ils ont 3 et 5 ans.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_28", "orig": "Je comprends très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "I understand perfectly.", "ref": "I understand.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_29", "orig": "Moi aussi j'ai des petits enfants Et que comptez-vous faire avec eux à Paris ?", "norm": "Moi aussi j'ai des petits enfants. Et que comptez-vous faire avec eux à Paris ?", "mt": "I also have grandchildren and what do you intend to do with them in Paris?", "ref": "I have grandchildren too. And what are you planning to do with them in Paris?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_30", "orig": "Les emmener au cirque ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Take them to the circus?", "ref": "Take them to the circus?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
I think I may try and sleep now after the champagne
I think I may try and sleep now after the champagne.
Je pense que je vais essayer de dormir maintenant après le champagne.
Je crois que je vais essayer de dormir maintenant, après le champagne.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T13:38:46.446826", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in an aeroplane.", "Vous êtes dans un avion." ], [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_0", "orig": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air", "norm": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air.", "mt": "Salut, je me sens mieux quand on est dans l'air.", "ref": "Bonjour, je me sens mieux une fois qu'on est à l'altitude de croisière.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_1", "orig": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décolage ?", "norm": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décollage ?", "mt": "Why, are you afraid at the time of decolation?", "ref": "Why, do you get scared during takeoff?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "no idea what the translation meant", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_2", "orig": "i really dont like flying at all, but needs must", "norm": "I really dont like flying at all, but needs must.", "mt": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler du tout, mais il faut...", "ref": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler, mais nécessité fait loi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_3", "orig": "C'est la première fois que vous prenez l'avion ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is this the first time you've been on a plane?", "ref": "Is it your first time taking the plane?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_4", "orig": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer", "norm": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer.", "mt": "It's an extremely safe transport, you don't need to panic.", "ref": "It's a very safe means of transport. There's no need to panic.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_5", "orig": "i ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulance", "norm": "I’ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulence.", "mt": "J'ai volé plusieurs fois, mais je me sens juste stressé au départ, et de toute évidence s'il y a une Turbulance.", "ref": "J'ai déjà pris l'avion un certain nombre de fois, mais je suis quand même stressée pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage, et bien sûr quand il y a des turbulences.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_6", "orig": "Les avions sont construits de telle manière qu'ils peuvent résister à des turbulences très fortes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Planes are built so that they can resist very strong turbulence.", "ref": "Planes are built to resist strong turbulence.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_7", "orig": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure", "norm": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure.", "mt": "There's nothing to worry about.", "ref": "Don't worry too much.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_8", "orig": "i know the theory but anxiety is not always rational", "norm": "I know the theory but anxiety is not always rational.", "mt": "Je connais la théorie, mais l'anxiété n'est pas toujours rationnelle.", "ref": "Je sais ce qu'il en est en théorie, mais l'angoisse n'est pas toujours quelque chose de rationnel.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_9", "orig": "i ll try to switch off and not think about it", "norm": "I’ll try to switch off and not think about it.", "mt": "Je vais essayer d'éteindre et de ne pas y penser.", "ref": "J'essaye de la mettre de côté et de ne pas y penser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_10", "orig": "ignore me if I start over breathing", "norm": "Ignore me if I start over-breathing.", "mt": "Ignore-moi si je commence à respirer.", "ref": "Ne faites pas attention à moi si je commence à hyperventiler.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_11", "orig": "Vous devriez essayer de somnoler un peu, cela calmera votre stress.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should try to sleep a little, it'll calm your stress.", "ref": "You should try to doze a little. It'll help calm you down.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_12", "orig": "Où prendre une flûte de champagne !", "norm": "Ou prendre une flûte de champagne !", "mt": "Where would you like a glass of champagne?", "ref": "Or have a glass of champagne!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "? typing error maybe", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_13", "orig": "C'est efficace aussi", "norm": "C'est efficace aussi.", "mt": "It works, too.", "ref": "That works well too.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_14", "orig": "i think the champagne sounds more fun", "norm": "I think the champagne sounds more fun.", "mt": "Je pense que le champagne semble plus amusant.", "ref": "Le champagne m'a l'air plus sympa.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_15", "orig": "I m not one for sleeping in odd places", "norm": "I’m not one for sleeping in odd places.", "mt": "Je ne dors pas dans des endroits étranges.", "ref": "Je ne suis pas du genre à dormir dans des endroits bizarres.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_16", "orig": "do you fly often?", "norm": "Do you fly often?", "mt": "Vous volez souvent ?", "ref": "Vous prenez souvent l'avion ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_17", "orig": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et doit visiter beaucoup de pays.", "norm": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et dois visiter beaucoup de pays.", "mt": "Yes, very often for my work because I'm in charge of business and should visit a lot of countries.", "ref": "Yes, regularly for work - I'm a business manager and have to visit lots of countries.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_18", "orig": "Et vous, pour quelles raisons voyagez-vous ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And you, for what reason do you travel?", "ref": "How about you? Why are you travelling?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_19", "orig": "family stuff, my son lives in Paris", "norm": "Family stuff, my son lives in Paris.", "mt": "Des affaires familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "ref": "Raisons familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_20", "orig": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much", "norm": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much.", "mt": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni, mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager.", "ref": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager souvent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_21", "orig": "Ah très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, right.", "ref": "Ah, nice.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_22", "orig": "Et vous, vous allez souvent les voir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How often do you get to see them?", "ref": "And do you often go to visit them?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_23", "orig": "Quels âges ont vos petits enfants si ce n'est pas indiscret ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What ages have your grandchildren if it's not indiscreet?", "ref": "How old are your grandchildren if it's not too indiscreet?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_24", "orig": "You re meant to say I dont look old enough to be a grandma!", "norm": "You’re meant to say I don’t look old enough to be a grandma!", "mt": "Tu veux dire que je n'ai pas l'âge d'être grand-mère !", "ref": "Vous devriez me dire que je n'ai pas l'air assez vieille pour être une grand-mère !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_25", "orig": "I see them about every 3 months", "norm": "", "mt": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois.", "ref": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois environ.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_26", "orig": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress", "norm": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress.", "mt": "Mais je n'aime toujours pas voler, bien que quand je vois leurs visages souriants, ça vaut le coup.", "ref": "Mais malgré ça je n'aime pas prendre l'avion, même si quand je vois leurs visages souriants ça vaut bien un peu de stress.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_27", "orig": "they are 3 and 5", "norm": "They are 3 and 5.", "mt": "Ils sont 3 et 5.", "ref": "Ils ont 3 et 5 ans.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_28", "orig": "Je comprends très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "I understand perfectly.", "ref": "I understand.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_29", "orig": "Moi aussi j'ai des petits enfants Et que comptez-vous faire avec eux à Paris ?", "norm": "Moi aussi j'ai des petits enfants. Et que comptez-vous faire avec eux à Paris ?", "mt": "I also have grandchildren and what do you intend to do with them in Paris?", "ref": "I have grandchildren too. And what are you planning to do with them in Paris?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_30", "orig": "Les emmener au cirque ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Take them to the circus?", "ref": "Take them to the circus?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_31", "orig": "That is a good idea", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est une bonne idée.", "ref": "C'est une bonne idée.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
thanks for helping me calm down
Thanks for helping me calm down.
Merci de m'aider à me calmer.
Merci de m'avoir aidé à me calmer.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T13:38:46.446826", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in an aeroplane.", "Vous êtes dans un avion." ], [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_0", "orig": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air", "norm": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air.", "mt": "Salut, je me sens mieux quand on est dans l'air.", "ref": "Bonjour, je me sens mieux une fois qu'on est à l'altitude de croisière.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_1", "orig": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décolage ?", "norm": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décollage ?", "mt": "Why, are you afraid at the time of decolation?", "ref": "Why, do you get scared during takeoff?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "no idea what the translation meant", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_2", "orig": "i really dont like flying at all, but needs must", "norm": "I really dont like flying at all, but needs must.", "mt": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler du tout, mais il faut...", "ref": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler, mais nécessité fait loi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_3", "orig": "C'est la première fois que vous prenez l'avion ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is this the first time you've been on a plane?", "ref": "Is it your first time taking the plane?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_4", "orig": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer", "norm": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer.", "mt": "It's an extremely safe transport, you don't need to panic.", "ref": "It's a very safe means of transport. There's no need to panic.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_5", "orig": "i ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulance", "norm": "I’ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulence.", "mt": "J'ai volé plusieurs fois, mais je me sens juste stressé au départ, et de toute évidence s'il y a une Turbulance.", "ref": "J'ai déjà pris l'avion un certain nombre de fois, mais je suis quand même stressée pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage, et bien sûr quand il y a des turbulences.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_6", "orig": "Les avions sont construits de telle manière qu'ils peuvent résister à des turbulences très fortes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Planes are built so that they can resist very strong turbulence.", "ref": "Planes are built to resist strong turbulence.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_7", "orig": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure", "norm": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure.", "mt": "There's nothing to worry about.", "ref": "Don't worry too much.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_8", "orig": "i know the theory but anxiety is not always rational", "norm": "I know the theory but anxiety is not always rational.", "mt": "Je connais la théorie, mais l'anxiété n'est pas toujours rationnelle.", "ref": "Je sais ce qu'il en est en théorie, mais l'angoisse n'est pas toujours quelque chose de rationnel.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_9", "orig": "i ll try to switch off and not think about it", "norm": "I’ll try to switch off and not think about it.", "mt": "Je vais essayer d'éteindre et de ne pas y penser.", "ref": "J'essaye de la mettre de côté et de ne pas y penser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_10", "orig": "ignore me if I start over breathing", "norm": "Ignore me if I start over-breathing.", "mt": "Ignore-moi si je commence à respirer.", "ref": "Ne faites pas attention à moi si je commence à hyperventiler.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_11", "orig": "Vous devriez essayer de somnoler un peu, cela calmera votre stress.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should try to sleep a little, it'll calm your stress.", "ref": "You should try to doze a little. It'll help calm you down.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_12", "orig": "Où prendre une flûte de champagne !", "norm": "Ou prendre une flûte de champagne !", "mt": "Where would you like a glass of champagne?", "ref": "Or have a glass of champagne!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "? typing error maybe", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_13", "orig": "C'est efficace aussi", "norm": "C'est efficace aussi.", "mt": "It works, too.", "ref": "That works well too.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_14", "orig": "i think the champagne sounds more fun", "norm": "I think the champagne sounds more fun.", "mt": "Je pense que le champagne semble plus amusant.", "ref": "Le champagne m'a l'air plus sympa.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_15", "orig": "I m not one for sleeping in odd places", "norm": "I’m not one for sleeping in odd places.", "mt": "Je ne dors pas dans des endroits étranges.", "ref": "Je ne suis pas du genre à dormir dans des endroits bizarres.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_16", "orig": "do you fly often?", "norm": "Do you fly often?", "mt": "Vous volez souvent ?", "ref": "Vous prenez souvent l'avion ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_17", "orig": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et doit visiter beaucoup de pays.", "norm": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et dois visiter beaucoup de pays.", "mt": "Yes, very often for my work because I'm in charge of business and should visit a lot of countries.", "ref": "Yes, regularly for work - I'm a business manager and have to visit lots of countries.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_18", "orig": "Et vous, pour quelles raisons voyagez-vous ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And you, for what reason do you travel?", "ref": "How about you? Why are you travelling?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_19", "orig": "family stuff, my son lives in Paris", "norm": "Family stuff, my son lives in Paris.", "mt": "Des affaires familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "ref": "Raisons familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_20", "orig": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much", "norm": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much.", "mt": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni, mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager.", "ref": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager souvent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_21", "orig": "Ah très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, right.", "ref": "Ah, nice.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_22", "orig": "Et vous, vous allez souvent les voir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How often do you get to see them?", "ref": "And do you often go to visit them?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_23", "orig": "Quels âges ont vos petits enfants si ce n'est pas indiscret ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What ages have your grandchildren if it's not indiscreet?", "ref": "How old are your grandchildren if it's not too indiscreet?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_24", "orig": "You re meant to say I dont look old enough to be a grandma!", "norm": "You’re meant to say I don’t look old enough to be a grandma!", "mt": "Tu veux dire que je n'ai pas l'âge d'être grand-mère !", "ref": "Vous devriez me dire que je n'ai pas l'air assez vieille pour être une grand-mère !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_25", "orig": "I see them about every 3 months", "norm": "", "mt": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois.", "ref": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois environ.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_26", "orig": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress", "norm": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress.", "mt": "Mais je n'aime toujours pas voler, bien que quand je vois leurs visages souriants, ça vaut le coup.", "ref": "Mais malgré ça je n'aime pas prendre l'avion, même si quand je vois leurs visages souriants ça vaut bien un peu de stress.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_27", "orig": "they are 3 and 5", "norm": "They are 3 and 5.", "mt": "Ils sont 3 et 5.", "ref": "Ils ont 3 et 5 ans.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_28", "orig": "Je comprends très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "I understand perfectly.", "ref": "I understand.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_29", "orig": "Moi aussi j'ai des petits enfants Et que comptez-vous faire avec eux à Paris ?", "norm": "Moi aussi j'ai des petits enfants. Et que comptez-vous faire avec eux à Paris ?", "mt": "I also have grandchildren and what do you intend to do with them in Paris?", "ref": "I have grandchildren too. And what are you planning to do with them in Paris?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_30", "orig": "Les emmener au cirque ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Take them to the circus?", "ref": "Take them to the circus?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_31", "orig": "That is a good idea", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est une bonne idée.", "ref": "C'est une bonne idée.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_32", "orig": "I think I may try and sleep now after the champagne", "norm": "I think I may try and sleep now after the champagne.", "mt": "Je pense que je vais essayer de dormir maintenant après le champagne.", "ref": "Je crois que je vais essayer de dormir maintenant, après le champagne.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Il n'y as pas de quoi.
You're welcome.
That's quite all right.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T13:38:46.446826", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in an aeroplane.", "Vous êtes dans un avion." ], [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are speaking to the person next to you, who is scared.", "Vous parlez à la personne à côté de vous, qui a peur de l'avion." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are scared and are speaking to the person sitting next to you.", "Vous avez peur de l'avion et parlez à la personne à côté de vous." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_0", "orig": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air", "norm": "Hi, I m better when we get in the air.", "mt": "Salut, je me sens mieux quand on est dans l'air.", "ref": "Bonjour, je me sens mieux une fois qu'on est à l'altitude de croisière.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_1", "orig": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décolage ?", "norm": "Pourquoi, vous avez peur au moment du décollage ?", "mt": "Why, are you afraid at the time of decolation?", "ref": "Why, do you get scared during takeoff?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "no idea what the translation meant", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_2", "orig": "i really dont like flying at all, but needs must", "norm": "I really dont like flying at all, but needs must.", "mt": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler du tout, mais il faut...", "ref": "Je n'aime vraiment pas voler, mais nécessité fait loi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_3", "orig": "C'est la première fois que vous prenez l'avion ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is this the first time you've been on a plane?", "ref": "Is it your first time taking the plane?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_4", "orig": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer", "norm": "C'est un moyen de transport extrêmement sûr, il ne faut pas paniquer.", "mt": "It's an extremely safe transport, you don't need to panic.", "ref": "It's a very safe means of transport. There's no need to panic.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_5", "orig": "i ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulance", "norm": "I’ve flown quite a few times but just feel stressed at the going up and down and obviously if there is turbulence.", "mt": "J'ai volé plusieurs fois, mais je me sens juste stressé au départ, et de toute évidence s'il y a une Turbulance.", "ref": "J'ai déjà pris l'avion un certain nombre de fois, mais je suis quand même stressée pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage, et bien sûr quand il y a des turbulences.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_6", "orig": "Les avions sont construits de telle manière qu'ils peuvent résister à des turbulences très fortes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Planes are built so that they can resist very strong turbulence.", "ref": "Planes are built to resist strong turbulence.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_7", "orig": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure", "norm": "Il ne faut pas vous inquiéter outre mesure.", "mt": "There's nothing to worry about.", "ref": "Don't worry too much.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_8", "orig": "i know the theory but anxiety is not always rational", "norm": "I know the theory but anxiety is not always rational.", "mt": "Je connais la théorie, mais l'anxiété n'est pas toujours rationnelle.", "ref": "Je sais ce qu'il en est en théorie, mais l'angoisse n'est pas toujours quelque chose de rationnel.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_9", "orig": "i ll try to switch off and not think about it", "norm": "I’ll try to switch off and not think about it.", "mt": "Je vais essayer d'éteindre et de ne pas y penser.", "ref": "J'essaye de la mettre de côté et de ne pas y penser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_10", "orig": "ignore me if I start over breathing", "norm": "Ignore me if I start over-breathing.", "mt": "Ignore-moi si je commence à respirer.", "ref": "Ne faites pas attention à moi si je commence à hyperventiler.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_11", "orig": "Vous devriez essayer de somnoler un peu, cela calmera votre stress.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should try to sleep a little, it'll calm your stress.", "ref": "You should try to doze a little. It'll help calm you down.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_12", "orig": "Où prendre une flûte de champagne !", "norm": "Ou prendre une flûte de champagne !", "mt": "Where would you like a glass of champagne?", "ref": "Or have a glass of champagne!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "? typing error maybe", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_13", "orig": "C'est efficace aussi", "norm": "C'est efficace aussi.", "mt": "It works, too.", "ref": "That works well too.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_14", "orig": "i think the champagne sounds more fun", "norm": "I think the champagne sounds more fun.", "mt": "Je pense que le champagne semble plus amusant.", "ref": "Le champagne m'a l'air plus sympa.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_15", "orig": "I m not one for sleeping in odd places", "norm": "I’m not one for sleeping in odd places.", "mt": "Je ne dors pas dans des endroits étranges.", "ref": "Je ne suis pas du genre à dormir dans des endroits bizarres.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_16", "orig": "do you fly often?", "norm": "Do you fly often?", "mt": "Vous volez souvent ?", "ref": "Vous prenez souvent l'avion ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_17", "orig": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et doit visiter beaucoup de pays.", "norm": "Oui très souvent pour mon travail car je suis responsable d'affaires et dois visiter beaucoup de pays.", "mt": "Yes, very often for my work because I'm in charge of business and should visit a lot of countries.", "ref": "Yes, regularly for work - I'm a business manager and have to visit lots of countries.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_18", "orig": "Et vous, pour quelles raisons voyagez-vous ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And you, for what reason do you travel?", "ref": "How about you? Why are you travelling?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_19", "orig": "family stuff, my son lives in Paris", "norm": "Family stuff, my son lives in Paris.", "mt": "Des affaires familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "ref": "Raisons familiales, mon fils vit à Paris.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_20", "orig": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much", "norm": "He comes to the UK often but his children are too little to travel much.", "mt": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni, mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager.", "ref": "Il vient souvent au Royaume-Uni mais ses enfants sont trop petits pour voyager souvent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_21", "orig": "Ah très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, right.", "ref": "Ah, nice.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_22", "orig": "Et vous, vous allez souvent les voir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How often do you get to see them?", "ref": "And do you often go to visit them?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_23", "orig": "Quels âges ont vos petits enfants si ce n'est pas indiscret ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What ages have your grandchildren if it's not indiscreet?", "ref": "How old are your grandchildren if it's not too indiscreet?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_24", "orig": "You re meant to say I dont look old enough to be a grandma!", "norm": "You’re meant to say I don’t look old enough to be a grandma!", "mt": "Tu veux dire que je n'ai pas l'âge d'être grand-mère !", "ref": "Vous devriez me dire que je n'ai pas l'air assez vieille pour être une grand-mère !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_25", "orig": "I see them about every 3 months", "norm": "", "mt": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois.", "ref": "Je les vois tous les 3 mois environ.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_26", "orig": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress", "norm": "but I still dont like flying, although when I see their smiling faces it is worth my stress.", "mt": "Mais je n'aime toujours pas voler, bien que quand je vois leurs visages souriants, ça vaut le coup.", "ref": "Mais malgré ça je n'aime pas prendre l'avion, même si quand je vois leurs visages souriants ça vaut bien un peu de stress.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_27", "orig": "they are 3 and 5", "norm": "They are 3 and 5.", "mt": "Ils sont 3 et 5.", "ref": "Ils ont 3 et 5 ans.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_28", "orig": "Je comprends très bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "I understand perfectly.", "ref": "I understand.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_29", "orig": "Moi aussi j'ai des petits enfants Et que comptez-vous faire avec eux à Paris ?", "norm": "Moi aussi j'ai des petits enfants. Et que comptez-vous faire avec eux à Paris ?", "mt": "I also have grandchildren and what do you intend to do with them in Paris?", "ref": "I have grandchildren too. And what are you planning to do with them in Paris?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_30", "orig": "Les emmener au cirque ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Take them to the circus?", "ref": "Take them to the circus?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_31", "orig": "That is a good idea", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est une bonne idée.", "ref": "C'est une bonne idée.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_32", "orig": "I think I may try and sleep now after the champagne", "norm": "I think I may try and sleep now after the champagne.", "mt": "Je pense que je vais essayer de dormir maintenant après le champagne.", "ref": "Je crois que je vais essayer de dormir maintenant, après le champagne.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T13-38-46.446826_french_english_16_17_33", "orig": "thanks for helping me calm down", "norm": "Thanks for helping me calm down.", "mt": "Merci de m'aider à me calmer.", "ref": "Merci de m'avoir aidé à me calmer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Well.... Good morning, Doctor.
Well... Good morning, Doctor.
Bonjour, docteur.
Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
Good morning.
Good morning.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?
How are you feeling today?
How do you feel today?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Great--I did it!
Great - I did it!
Je l'ai fait !
Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
I left him!
Je l'ai quitté !
Je l'ai quitté !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?
You finally split up with your friend?
You finally separated from your partner?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Et comment vous sentez-vous?
And how are you feeling?
And how do you feel?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?
Maybe a little worried, too?
Perhaps a little worried too?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
My 'friend'--hah!
Mon ami !
Mon 'ami'. Pfff !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
He was my husband, but my friend?
C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?
C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Not for years.
Pas depuis des années.
Pas depuis des années.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were "playing handball"...
Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient "en train de jouer"...
Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.
He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.
He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.
And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.
And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?
But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?
But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
As I said in the beginning: great!
Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !
Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.
Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.
Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!
Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!
Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Oh, come on... You know that's not true.
Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.
Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
I know that
I know that.
Je le sais.
Je le sais bien.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?
What do you think you know exactly?
What exactly do you think you know?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
I know that's not true.
Je sais que c'est faux.
Je sais que c'est pas vrai.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??
Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??
Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?
Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Why do you think I left him?
Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?
Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
It was so that WE could be together.
C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.
C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?
Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?
Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.
You're putting me in a difficult position.
You're putting me in a difficult position.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Je suis votre psychiatre.
I'm your psychiatrist.
I'm your psychiatrist.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Quand je vous écoute et que je dialogue avec vous, c'est pour votre équilibre psychologique, parce que c'est mon métier.
When I listen to you and I talk to you, it's for your psychological balance, because it's my job.
When I listen to you and talk to you, it's for your psychological well-being, because that's my job.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_29", "orig": "Je suis votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "ref": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Have you just been playing with me all this time?
Tu as joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?
Est-ce que vous avez joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_29", "orig": "Je suis votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "ref": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_30", "orig": "Quand je vous écoute et que je dialogue avec vous, c'est pour votre équilibre psychologique, parce que c'est mon métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "When I listen to you and I talk to you, it's for your psychological balance, because it's my job.", "ref": "When I listen to you and talk to you, it's for your psychological well-being, because that's my job.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
PRETENDING to want to know how my day was, how I felt about things, what I was looking for in life?
Prétendre vouloir savoir comment était ma journée, comment j'ai ressenti les choses, ce que je cherchais dans la vie ?
En PRÉTENDANT vouloir savoir comment s'était passée ma journée, comment je me sentais à propos de tout et n'importe quoi, qu'est-ce que je voulais dans ma vie ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"Prétendre\" > \"En Prétendant\" ; \"j'ai ressenti\" > \"je ressentais\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_29", "orig": "Je suis votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "ref": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_30", "orig": "Quand je vous écoute et que je dialogue avec vous, c'est pour votre équilibre psychologique, parce que c'est mon métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "When I listen to you and I talk to you, it's for your psychological balance, because it's my job.", "ref": "When I listen to you and talk to you, it's for your psychological well-being, because that's my job.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_31", "orig": "Have you just been playing with me all this time?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous avez joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Playing with me... you... you...
Jouer avec moi... tu... tu...
Jouer avec moi... vous... vous...
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_29", "orig": "Je suis votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "ref": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_30", "orig": "Quand je vous écoute et que je dialogue avec vous, c'est pour votre équilibre psychologique, parce que c'est mon métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "When I listen to you and I talk to you, it's for your psychological balance, because it's my job.", "ref": "When I listen to you and talk to you, it's for your psychological well-being, because that's my job.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_31", "orig": "Have you just been playing with me all this time?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous avez joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_32", "orig": "PRETENDING to want to know how my day was, how I felt about things, what I was looking for in life?", "norm": "", "mt": "Prétendre vouloir savoir comment était ma journée, comment j'ai ressenti les choses, ce que je cherchais dans la vie ?", "ref": "En PRÉTENDANT vouloir savoir comment s'était passée ma journée, comment je me sentais à propos de tout et n'importe quoi, qu'est-ce que je voulais dans ma vie ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"Prétendre\" > \"En Prétendant\" ; \"j'ai ressenti\" > \"je ressentais\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Ce n'est pas un jeu, c'est ainsi que se déroule une thérapie.
It's not a game, that's how therapy happens.
It's not a game. It's just how therapy works.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_29", "orig": "Je suis votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "ref": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_30", "orig": "Quand je vous écoute et que je dialogue avec vous, c'est pour votre équilibre psychologique, parce que c'est mon métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "When I listen to you and I talk to you, it's for your psychological balance, because it's my job.", "ref": "When I listen to you and talk to you, it's for your psychological well-being, because that's my job.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_31", "orig": "Have you just been playing with me all this time?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous avez joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_32", "orig": "PRETENDING to want to know how my day was, how I felt about things, what I was looking for in life?", "norm": "", "mt": "Prétendre vouloir savoir comment était ma journée, comment j'ai ressenti les choses, ce que je cherchais dans la vie ?", "ref": "En PRÉTENDANT vouloir savoir comment s'était passée ma journée, comment je me sentais à propos de tout et n'importe quoi, qu'est-ce que je voulais dans ma vie ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"Prétendre\" > \"En Prétendant\" ; \"j'ai ressenti\" > \"je ressentais\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_33", "orig": "Playing with me... you... you...", "norm": "", "mt": "Jouer avec moi... tu... tu...", "ref": "Jouer avec moi... vous... vous...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Écoutez, je pense que vous devriez réfléchir à ce que vous attendez de votre psychiatre.
Look, I think you should think about what you want from your psychiatrist.
Listen, I think you need to have a think about what you're expecting from your psychiatrist.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_29", "orig": "Je suis votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "ref": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_30", "orig": "Quand je vous écoute et que je dialogue avec vous, c'est pour votre équilibre psychologique, parce que c'est mon métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "When I listen to you and I talk to you, it's for your psychological balance, because it's my job.", "ref": "When I listen to you and talk to you, it's for your psychological well-being, because that's my job.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_31", "orig": "Have you just been playing with me all this time?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous avez joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_32", "orig": "PRETENDING to want to know how my day was, how I felt about things, what I was looking for in life?", "norm": "", "mt": "Prétendre vouloir savoir comment était ma journée, comment j'ai ressenti les choses, ce que je cherchais dans la vie ?", "ref": "En PRÉTENDANT vouloir savoir comment s'était passée ma journée, comment je me sentais à propos de tout et n'importe quoi, qu'est-ce que je voulais dans ma vie ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"Prétendre\" > \"En Prétendant\" ; \"j'ai ressenti\" > \"je ressentais\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_33", "orig": "Playing with me... you... you...", "norm": "", "mt": "Jouer avec moi... tu... tu...", "ref": "Jouer avec moi... vous... vous...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_34", "orig": "Ce n'est pas un jeu, c'est ainsi que se déroule une thérapie.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not a game, that's how therapy happens.", "ref": "It's not a game. It's just how therapy works.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Peut-être faudrait-il que vous poursuiviez cette thérapie avec un autre psychiatre.
Maybe you should go to therapy with another psychiatrist.
Maybe you need to continue therapy with another psychiatrist.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"go to therapy\" is weird.", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_29", "orig": "Je suis votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "ref": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_30", "orig": "Quand je vous écoute et que je dialogue avec vous, c'est pour votre équilibre psychologique, parce que c'est mon métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "When I listen to you and I talk to you, it's for your psychological balance, because it's my job.", "ref": "When I listen to you and talk to you, it's for your psychological well-being, because that's my job.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_31", "orig": "Have you just been playing with me all this time?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous avez joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_32", "orig": "PRETENDING to want to know how my day was, how I felt about things, what I was looking for in life?", "norm": "", "mt": "Prétendre vouloir savoir comment était ma journée, comment j'ai ressenti les choses, ce que je cherchais dans la vie ?", "ref": "En PRÉTENDANT vouloir savoir comment s'était passée ma journée, comment je me sentais à propos de tout et n'importe quoi, qu'est-ce que je voulais dans ma vie ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"Prétendre\" > \"En Prétendant\" ; \"j'ai ressenti\" > \"je ressentais\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_33", "orig": "Playing with me... you... you...", "norm": "", "mt": "Jouer avec moi... tu... tu...", "ref": "Jouer avec moi... vous... vous...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_34", "orig": "Ce n'est pas un jeu, c'est ainsi que se déroule une thérapie.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not a game, that's how therapy happens.", "ref": "It's not a game. It's just how therapy works.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_35", "orig": "Écoutez, je pense que vous devriez réfléchir à ce que vous attendez de votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, I think you should think about what you want from your psychiatrist.", "ref": "Listen, I think you need to have a think about what you're expecting from your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Car là je sens que, dans votre esprit, les choses sont différentes de ce qu'elles devraient être pour que cela se passe sereinement.
Because now I feel, in your mind, things are different from what they should be to make this happen.
Because I get the feeling that, in your mind, things are different from how they need to be for things to happen as they should.
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_29", "orig": "Je suis votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "ref": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_30", "orig": "Quand je vous écoute et que je dialogue avec vous, c'est pour votre équilibre psychologique, parce que c'est mon métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "When I listen to you and I talk to you, it's for your psychological balance, because it's my job.", "ref": "When I listen to you and talk to you, it's for your psychological well-being, because that's my job.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_31", "orig": "Have you just been playing with me all this time?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous avez joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_32", "orig": "PRETENDING to want to know how my day was, how I felt about things, what I was looking for in life?", "norm": "", "mt": "Prétendre vouloir savoir comment était ma journée, comment j'ai ressenti les choses, ce que je cherchais dans la vie ?", "ref": "En PRÉTENDANT vouloir savoir comment s'était passée ma journée, comment je me sentais à propos de tout et n'importe quoi, qu'est-ce que je voulais dans ma vie ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"Prétendre\" > \"En Prétendant\" ; \"j'ai ressenti\" > \"je ressentais\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_33", "orig": "Playing with me... you... you...", "norm": "", "mt": "Jouer avec moi... tu... tu...", "ref": "Jouer avec moi... vous... vous...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_34", "orig": "Ce n'est pas un jeu, c'est ainsi que se déroule une thérapie.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not a game, that's how therapy happens.", "ref": "It's not a game. It's just how therapy works.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_35", "orig": "Écoutez, je pense que vous devriez réfléchir à ce que vous attendez de votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, I think you should think about what you want from your psychiatrist.", "ref": "Listen, I think you need to have a think about what you're expecting from your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_36", "orig": "Peut-être faudrait-il que vous poursuiviez cette thérapie avec un autre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe you should go to therapy with another psychiatrist.", "ref": "Maybe you need to continue therapy with another psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"go to therapy\" is weird.", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Hah--I've BEEN seeing another psychiatrist!
Hah - I’ve BEEN seeing another psychiatrist!
Je vois un autre psychiatre !
Ha ! J'ai DÉJÀ vu un autre psychiatre.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_29", "orig": "Je suis votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "ref": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_30", "orig": "Quand je vous écoute et que je dialogue avec vous, c'est pour votre équilibre psychologique, parce que c'est mon métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "When I listen to you and I talk to you, it's for your psychological balance, because it's my job.", "ref": "When I listen to you and talk to you, it's for your psychological well-being, because that's my job.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_31", "orig": "Have you just been playing with me all this time?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous avez joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_32", "orig": "PRETENDING to want to know how my day was, how I felt about things, what I was looking for in life?", "norm": "", "mt": "Prétendre vouloir savoir comment était ma journée, comment j'ai ressenti les choses, ce que je cherchais dans la vie ?", "ref": "En PRÉTENDANT vouloir savoir comment s'était passée ma journée, comment je me sentais à propos de tout et n'importe quoi, qu'est-ce que je voulais dans ma vie ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"Prétendre\" > \"En Prétendant\" ; \"j'ai ressenti\" > \"je ressentais\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_33", "orig": "Playing with me... you... you...", "norm": "", "mt": "Jouer avec moi... tu... tu...", "ref": "Jouer avec moi... vous... vous...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_34", "orig": "Ce n'est pas un jeu, c'est ainsi que se déroule une thérapie.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not a game, that's how therapy happens.", "ref": "It's not a game. It's just how therapy works.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_35", "orig": "Écoutez, je pense que vous devriez réfléchir à ce que vous attendez de votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, I think you should think about what you want from your psychiatrist.", "ref": "Listen, I think you need to have a think about what you're expecting from your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_36", "orig": "Peut-être faudrait-il que vous poursuiviez cette thérapie avec un autre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe you should go to therapy with another psychiatrist.", "ref": "Maybe you need to continue therapy with another psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"go to therapy\" is weird.", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_37", "orig": "Car là je sens que, dans votre esprit, les choses sont différentes de ce qu'elles devraient être pour que cela se passe sereinement.", "norm": "", "mt": "Because now I feel, in your mind, things are different from what they should be to make this happen.", "ref": "Because I get the feeling that, in your mind, things are different from how they need to be for things to happen as they should.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
You didn't even know it!
Tu ne le savais même pas !
Vous ne le saviez même pas !
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/Vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_29", "orig": "Je suis votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "ref": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_30", "orig": "Quand je vous écoute et que je dialogue avec vous, c'est pour votre équilibre psychologique, parce que c'est mon métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "When I listen to you and I talk to you, it's for your psychological balance, because it's my job.", "ref": "When I listen to you and talk to you, it's for your psychological well-being, because that's my job.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_31", "orig": "Have you just been playing with me all this time?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous avez joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_32", "orig": "PRETENDING to want to know how my day was, how I felt about things, what I was looking for in life?", "norm": "", "mt": "Prétendre vouloir savoir comment était ma journée, comment j'ai ressenti les choses, ce que je cherchais dans la vie ?", "ref": "En PRÉTENDANT vouloir savoir comment s'était passée ma journée, comment je me sentais à propos de tout et n'importe quoi, qu'est-ce que je voulais dans ma vie ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"Prétendre\" > \"En Prétendant\" ; \"j'ai ressenti\" > \"je ressentais\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_33", "orig": "Playing with me... you... you...", "norm": "", "mt": "Jouer avec moi... tu... tu...", "ref": "Jouer avec moi... vous... vous...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_34", "orig": "Ce n'est pas un jeu, c'est ainsi que se déroule une thérapie.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not a game, that's how therapy happens.", "ref": "It's not a game. It's just how therapy works.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_35", "orig": "Écoutez, je pense que vous devriez réfléchir à ce que vous attendez de votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, I think you should think about what you want from your psychiatrist.", "ref": "Listen, I think you need to have a think about what you're expecting from your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_36", "orig": "Peut-être faudrait-il que vous poursuiviez cette thérapie avec un autre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe you should go to therapy with another psychiatrist.", "ref": "Maybe you need to continue therapy with another psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"go to therapy\" is weird.", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_37", "orig": "Car là je sens que, dans votre esprit, les choses sont différentes de ce qu'elles devraient être pour que cela se passe sereinement.", "norm": "", "mt": "Because now I feel, in your mind, things are different from what they should be to make this happen.", "ref": "Because I get the feeling that, in your mind, things are different from how they need to be for things to happen as they should.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_38", "orig": "Hah--I've BEEN seeing another psychiatrist!", "norm": "Hah - I’ve BEEN seeing another psychiatrist!", "mt": "Je vois un autre psychiatre !", "ref": "Ha ! J'ai DÉJÀ vu un autre psychiatre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
You think you're so smart... playing with me all this time... I HATE you...
Tu penses que tu es si intelligent... jouer avec moi tout ce temps... je te déteste...
Je pense que vous êtes malin... avoir joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps... je vous DÉTESTE...
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_29", "orig": "Je suis votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "ref": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_30", "orig": "Quand je vous écoute et que je dialogue avec vous, c'est pour votre équilibre psychologique, parce que c'est mon métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "When I listen to you and I talk to you, it's for your psychological balance, because it's my job.", "ref": "When I listen to you and talk to you, it's for your psychological well-being, because that's my job.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_31", "orig": "Have you just been playing with me all this time?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous avez joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_32", "orig": "PRETENDING to want to know how my day was, how I felt about things, what I was looking for in life?", "norm": "", "mt": "Prétendre vouloir savoir comment était ma journée, comment j'ai ressenti les choses, ce que je cherchais dans la vie ?", "ref": "En PRÉTENDANT vouloir savoir comment s'était passée ma journée, comment je me sentais à propos de tout et n'importe quoi, qu'est-ce que je voulais dans ma vie ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"Prétendre\" > \"En Prétendant\" ; \"j'ai ressenti\" > \"je ressentais\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_33", "orig": "Playing with me... you... you...", "norm": "", "mt": "Jouer avec moi... tu... tu...", "ref": "Jouer avec moi... vous... vous...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_34", "orig": "Ce n'est pas un jeu, c'est ainsi que se déroule une thérapie.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not a game, that's how therapy happens.", "ref": "It's not a game. It's just how therapy works.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_35", "orig": "Écoutez, je pense que vous devriez réfléchir à ce que vous attendez de votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, I think you should think about what you want from your psychiatrist.", "ref": "Listen, I think you need to have a think about what you're expecting from your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_36", "orig": "Peut-être faudrait-il que vous poursuiviez cette thérapie avec un autre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe you should go to therapy with another psychiatrist.", "ref": "Maybe you need to continue therapy with another psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"go to therapy\" is weird.", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_37", "orig": "Car là je sens que, dans votre esprit, les choses sont différentes de ce qu'elles devraient être pour que cela se passe sereinement.", "norm": "", "mt": "Because now I feel, in your mind, things are different from what they should be to make this happen.", "ref": "Because I get the feeling that, in your mind, things are different from how they need to be for things to happen as they should.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_38", "orig": "Hah--I've BEEN seeing another psychiatrist!", "norm": "Hah - I’ve BEEN seeing another psychiatrist!", "mt": "Je vois un autre psychiatre !", "ref": "Ha ! J'ai DÉJÀ vu un autre psychiatre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_39", "orig": "You didn't even know it!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu ne le savais même pas !", "ref": "Vous ne le saviez même pas !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/Vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Je crois que nous allons mettre un terme maintenant à ce rendez-vous.
I think we're going to end this meeting now.
I think we should finish this meeting now.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_29", "orig": "Je suis votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "ref": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_30", "orig": "Quand je vous écoute et que je dialogue avec vous, c'est pour votre équilibre psychologique, parce que c'est mon métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "When I listen to you and I talk to you, it's for your psychological balance, because it's my job.", "ref": "When I listen to you and talk to you, it's for your psychological well-being, because that's my job.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_31", "orig": "Have you just been playing with me all this time?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous avez joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_32", "orig": "PRETENDING to want to know how my day was, how I felt about things, what I was looking for in life?", "norm": "", "mt": "Prétendre vouloir savoir comment était ma journée, comment j'ai ressenti les choses, ce que je cherchais dans la vie ?", "ref": "En PRÉTENDANT vouloir savoir comment s'était passée ma journée, comment je me sentais à propos de tout et n'importe quoi, qu'est-ce que je voulais dans ma vie ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"Prétendre\" > \"En Prétendant\" ; \"j'ai ressenti\" > \"je ressentais\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_33", "orig": "Playing with me... you... you...", "norm": "", "mt": "Jouer avec moi... tu... tu...", "ref": "Jouer avec moi... vous... vous...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_34", "orig": "Ce n'est pas un jeu, c'est ainsi que se déroule une thérapie.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not a game, that's how therapy happens.", "ref": "It's not a game. It's just how therapy works.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_35", "orig": "Écoutez, je pense que vous devriez réfléchir à ce que vous attendez de votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, I think you should think about what you want from your psychiatrist.", "ref": "Listen, I think you need to have a think about what you're expecting from your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_36", "orig": "Peut-être faudrait-il que vous poursuiviez cette thérapie avec un autre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe you should go to therapy with another psychiatrist.", "ref": "Maybe you need to continue therapy with another psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"go to therapy\" is weird.", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_37", "orig": "Car là je sens que, dans votre esprit, les choses sont différentes de ce qu'elles devraient être pour que cela se passe sereinement.", "norm": "", "mt": "Because now I feel, in your mind, things are different from what they should be to make this happen.", "ref": "Because I get the feeling that, in your mind, things are different from how they need to be for things to happen as they should.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_38", "orig": "Hah--I've BEEN seeing another psychiatrist!", "norm": "Hah - I’ve BEEN seeing another psychiatrist!", "mt": "Je vois un autre psychiatre !", "ref": "Ha ! J'ai DÉJÀ vu un autre psychiatre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_39", "orig": "You didn't even know it!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu ne le savais même pas !", "ref": "Vous ne le saviez même pas !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/Vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_40", "orig": "You think you're so smart... playing with me all this time... I HATE you...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu penses que tu es si intelligent... jouer avec moi tout ce temps... je te déteste...", "ref": "Je pense que vous êtes malin... avoir joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps... je vous DÉTESTE...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
D'ailleurs, il est l'heure de mon patient suivant.
By the way, it's time for my next patient.
Besides, it's time for my next patient.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_29", "orig": "Je suis votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "ref": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_30", "orig": "Quand je vous écoute et que je dialogue avec vous, c'est pour votre équilibre psychologique, parce que c'est mon métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "When I listen to you and I talk to you, it's for your psychological balance, because it's my job.", "ref": "When I listen to you and talk to you, it's for your psychological well-being, because that's my job.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_31", "orig": "Have you just been playing with me all this time?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous avez joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_32", "orig": "PRETENDING to want to know how my day was, how I felt about things, what I was looking for in life?", "norm": "", "mt": "Prétendre vouloir savoir comment était ma journée, comment j'ai ressenti les choses, ce que je cherchais dans la vie ?", "ref": "En PRÉTENDANT vouloir savoir comment s'était passée ma journée, comment je me sentais à propos de tout et n'importe quoi, qu'est-ce que je voulais dans ma vie ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"Prétendre\" > \"En Prétendant\" ; \"j'ai ressenti\" > \"je ressentais\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_33", "orig": "Playing with me... you... you...", "norm": "", "mt": "Jouer avec moi... tu... tu...", "ref": "Jouer avec moi... vous... vous...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_34", "orig": "Ce n'est pas un jeu, c'est ainsi que se déroule une thérapie.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not a game, that's how therapy happens.", "ref": "It's not a game. It's just how therapy works.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_35", "orig": "Écoutez, je pense que vous devriez réfléchir à ce que vous attendez de votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, I think you should think about what you want from your psychiatrist.", "ref": "Listen, I think you need to have a think about what you're expecting from your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_36", "orig": "Peut-être faudrait-il que vous poursuiviez cette thérapie avec un autre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe you should go to therapy with another psychiatrist.", "ref": "Maybe you need to continue therapy with another psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"go to therapy\" is weird.", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_37", "orig": "Car là je sens que, dans votre esprit, les choses sont différentes de ce qu'elles devraient être pour que cela se passe sereinement.", "norm": "", "mt": "Because now I feel, in your mind, things are different from what they should be to make this happen.", "ref": "Because I get the feeling that, in your mind, things are different from how they need to be for things to happen as they should.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_38", "orig": "Hah--I've BEEN seeing another psychiatrist!", "norm": "Hah - I’ve BEEN seeing another psychiatrist!", "mt": "Je vois un autre psychiatre !", "ref": "Ha ! J'ai DÉJÀ vu un autre psychiatre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_39", "orig": "You didn't even know it!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu ne le savais même pas !", "ref": "Vous ne le saviez même pas !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/Vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_40", "orig": "You think you're so smart... playing with me all this time... I HATE you...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu penses que tu es si intelligent... jouer avec moi tout ce temps... je te déteste...", "ref": "Je pense que vous êtes malin... avoir joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps... je vous DÉTESTE...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_41", "orig": "Je crois que nous allons mettre un terme maintenant à ce rendez-vous.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think we're going to end this meeting now.", "ref": "I think we should finish this meeting now.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Ou plutôt, de ma patiente suivante, d'ailleurs.
Or rather, my next patient, by the way.
Or patient should I say.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T16:13:46.795147", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_0", "orig": "Well.... Good morning, Doctor.", "norm": "Well... Good morning, Doctor.", "mt": "Bonjour, docteur.", "ref": "Eh bien... Bonjour Docteur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_1", "orig": "Bonjour.", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning.", "ref": "Good morning.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_2", "orig": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you feeling today?", "ref": "How do you feel today?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_3", "orig": "Great--I did it!", "norm": "Great - I did it!", "mt": "Je l'ai fait !", "ref": "Très bien. J'y suis arrivé !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_4", "orig": "I left him!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai quitté !", "ref": "Je l'ai quitté !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_5", "orig": "Vous vous êtes enfin séparé de votre ami?", "norm": "", "mt": "You finally split up with your friend?", "ref": "You finally separated from your partner?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_6", "orig": "Et comment vous sentez-vous?", "norm": "", "mt": "And how are you feeling?", "ref": "And how do you feel?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_7", "orig": "Libéré?", "norm": "", "mt": "Free?", "ref": "Free?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_8", "orig": "Soulagé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Relieved?", "ref": "Relieved?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_9", "orig": "Un peu inquiet aussi peut-être?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a little worried, too?", "ref": "Perhaps a little worried too?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_10", "orig": "My 'friend'--hah!", "norm": "", "mt": "Mon ami !", "ref": "Mon 'ami'. Pfff !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_11", "orig": "He was my husband, but my friend?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "ref": "C'était mon mari, mais mon ami ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_12", "orig": "Not for years.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas depuis des années.", "ref": "Pas depuis des années.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_13", "orig": "You know, he thought I didn't know what him and Martin were doing when they said they were \"playing handball\"...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que lui et Martin faisaient quand ils ont dit qu'ils étaient \"en train de jouer\"...", "ref": "Vous savez, il pensait que je ne savais pas ce que faisaient lui et Martin pendant qu'il disaient « jouer au handball »...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_14", "orig": "Il est jeune, mais ça n'excuse pas son égoïsme.", "norm": "", "mt": "He's young, but that doesn't excuse his selfishness.", "ref": "He's young, but that's no excuse for his selfishness.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_15", "orig": "Et surtout, cette relation vous faisait du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "And most importantly, this relationship was hurting you.", "ref": "And most importantly, the relationship was hurting you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"this\" is a weird choice.", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_16", "orig": "Mais vous ne m'avez pas répondu: comment vous sentez-vous maintenant, après l'avoir quitté?", "norm": "", "mt": "But you didn't answer me, how do you feel now, after leaving him?", "ref": "But you didn't answer me: how do you feel now, having left him?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_17", "orig": "As I said in the beginning: great!", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme je l'ai dit au début, super !", "ref": "Comme je l'ai dit au début: très bien !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + \"super\" pas du bon niveau de langue", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_18", "orig": "You know, you don't really listen to me any more than he ever did... I think that's why I've always been so attached to you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais, tu ne m'écoutes pas plus que ce qu'il a fait... je pense que c'est pourquoi j'ai toujours été si attachée à toi.", "ref": "Vous savez, vous ne m'écoutez pas vraiment plus que lui depuis toujours... Je pense que c'est pour ça que j'ai toujours été si attaché à vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous + probable contre-sens", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_19", "orig": "Attention, je ne suis que votre psychiatre!", "norm": "", "mt": "Be careful, I'm only your psychiatrist!", "ref": "Careful, I'm just your psychiatrist!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_20", "orig": "Oh, come on... You know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, allez... tu sais que ce n'est pas vrai.", "ref": "Oh ça va... Vous savez que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_21", "orig": "I know that", "norm": "I know that.", "mt": "Je le sais.", "ref": "Je le sais bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_22", "orig": "Que croyez-vous savoir exactement?", "norm": "", "mt": "What do you think you know exactly?", "ref": "What exactly do you think you know?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_23", "orig": "I know that's not true.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que c'est faux.", "ref": "Je sais que c'est pas vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_24", "orig": "Frankly, the only he didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "norm": "Frankly, the only one who didn't know was HIM, and he would've, if he'd ever listened to me... Why do you think I did this??", "mt": "Franchement, le seul qu'il ne connaissait pas c'est lui, et il l'aurait fait, s'il m'avait jamais écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "ref": "Franchement, la seule personne qui ne savait pas était LUI-MÊME, et ça n'aurait pas été le cas s'il m'avait écouté... Pourquoi pensez-vous que j'ai fait ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_25", "orig": "Why do you think I left him?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pensez-vous que je l'ai quitté ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_26", "orig": "It was so that WE could be together.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était pour qu'on soit ensemble.", "ref": "C'était pour que NOUS puissions être ensemble.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_27", "orig": "Are you going to pretend that you haven't been doing what you've been doing these past three years that I've been in therapy with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas prétendre que tu n'as pas fait ce que tu as fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec toi ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous allez prétendre que vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez fait depuis trois ans que je suis en thérapie avec vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_28", "orig": "Vous me mettez dans une position difficile.", "norm": "", "mt": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "ref": "You're putting me in a difficult position.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_29", "orig": "Je suis votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "ref": "I'm your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_30", "orig": "Quand je vous écoute et que je dialogue avec vous, c'est pour votre équilibre psychologique, parce que c'est mon métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "When I listen to you and I talk to you, it's for your psychological balance, because it's my job.", "ref": "When I listen to you and talk to you, it's for your psychological well-being, because that's my job.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_31", "orig": "Have you just been playing with me all this time?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "ref": "Est-ce que vous avez joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_32", "orig": "PRETENDING to want to know how my day was, how I felt about things, what I was looking for in life?", "norm": "", "mt": "Prétendre vouloir savoir comment était ma journée, comment j'ai ressenti les choses, ce que je cherchais dans la vie ?", "ref": "En PRÉTENDANT vouloir savoir comment s'était passée ma journée, comment je me sentais à propos de tout et n'importe quoi, qu'est-ce que je voulais dans ma vie ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"Prétendre\" > \"En Prétendant\" ; \"j'ai ressenti\" > \"je ressentais\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_33", "orig": "Playing with me... you... you...", "norm": "", "mt": "Jouer avec moi... tu... tu...", "ref": "Jouer avec moi... vous... vous...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_34", "orig": "Ce n'est pas un jeu, c'est ainsi que se déroule une thérapie.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not a game, that's how therapy happens.", "ref": "It's not a game. It's just how therapy works.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_35", "orig": "Écoutez, je pense que vous devriez réfléchir à ce que vous attendez de votre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, I think you should think about what you want from your psychiatrist.", "ref": "Listen, I think you need to have a think about what you're expecting from your psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_36", "orig": "Peut-être faudrait-il que vous poursuiviez cette thérapie avec un autre psychiatre.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe you should go to therapy with another psychiatrist.", "ref": "Maybe you need to continue therapy with another psychiatrist.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"go to therapy\" is weird.", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_37", "orig": "Car là je sens que, dans votre esprit, les choses sont différentes de ce qu'elles devraient être pour que cela se passe sereinement.", "norm": "", "mt": "Because now I feel, in your mind, things are different from what they should be to make this happen.", "ref": "Because I get the feeling that, in your mind, things are different from how they need to be for things to happen as they should.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_38", "orig": "Hah--I've BEEN seeing another psychiatrist!", "norm": "Hah - I’ve BEEN seeing another psychiatrist!", "mt": "Je vois un autre psychiatre !", "ref": "Ha ! J'ai DÉJÀ vu un autre psychiatre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_39", "orig": "You didn't even know it!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu ne le savais même pas !", "ref": "Vous ne le saviez même pas !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/Vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_40", "orig": "You think you're so smart... playing with me all this time... I HATE you...", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu penses que tu es si intelligent... jouer avec moi tout ce temps... je te déteste...", "ref": "Je pense que vous êtes malin... avoir joué avec moi pendant tout ce temps... je vous DÉTESTE...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_41", "orig": "Je crois que nous allons mettre un terme maintenant à ce rendez-vous.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think we're going to end this meeting now.", "ref": "I think we should finish this meeting now.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T16-13-46.795147_french_english_1_18_42", "orig": "D'ailleurs, il est l'heure de mon patient suivant.", "norm": "", "mt": "By the way, it's time for my next patient.", "ref": "Besides, it's time for my next patient.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !
It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!
It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?
Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?
Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
You know full well why!
Tu sais très bien pourquoi !
Vous savez très bien pourquoi !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.
C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.
C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
And I thought they looked cute...
Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...
Et je les ai trouvés mignons...
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.
Hmm. You only think with your stomach.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
How about the presents they gave us?
Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?
Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Have you opened yours yet?
Tu as ouvert le tien ?
Tu as ouvert le tien ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.
With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.
With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Oh no!
Oh non !
Oh non !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Why were we so naive?
Pourquoi on était si naïf ?
Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Wait... what did they give me?
Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?
Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
A fork?
Une fourchette ?
Une fourchette ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
They're taunting us!
Ils se moquent de nous !
Ils se moquent de nous !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...
No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...
No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?
Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?
Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !
Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!
Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Patience... Victoire !
Wait for it... victory!
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
C'est un camembert de bonne facture !
This is a good bill!
It's a very good camembert!
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
What's a good bill?
C'est quoi une bonne facture ?
C'est quoi une bonne facture ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.
It means it was well manufactured.
It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Could it be that it has magic powers?
Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?
Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.
Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.
Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
And bent at that.
Et plié à ça.
Et tordue, en plus.
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Et plié à ça ?
And bent over that?
And bent at that?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Ça veut dire quoi ?
What does that mean?
What does it mean?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
They even managed to bend my fork.
Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.
Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
It's not even straight.
C'est même pas droit.
Elle n'est même pas droite.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Pour manger du camembert on se servir du manche de la fourchette, ça s'arranger.
Pour manger du camembert on se servira du manche de la fourchette, ça s’arrangera.
To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.
We'll eat the camembert using the fork's handle. It'll work.
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_27", "orig": "It's not even straight.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est même pas droit.", "ref": "Elle n'est même pas droite.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Pour les pouvoirs magiques de ce fromage normand comment savoir ?
For the magic powers of this cheese Norman, how do you know?
As for the magic powers of this Norman cheese, how can you tell?
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_27", "orig": "It's not even straight.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est même pas droit.", "ref": "Elle n'est même pas droite.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_28", "orig": "Pour manger du camembert on se servir du manche de la fourchette, ça s'arranger.", "norm": "Pour manger du camembert on se servira du manche de la fourchette, ça s’arrangera.", "mt": "To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.", "ref": "We'll eat the camembert using the fork's handle. It'll work.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
I know you're talking about cheese, but I have no idea what you're talking about.
Je sais que vous parlez de fromage, mais je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez.
Je sais que tu parles de fromage, mais je ne ne comprends rien à ce que tu dis.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_27", "orig": "It's not even straight.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est même pas droit.", "ref": "Elle n'est même pas droite.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_28", "orig": "Pour manger du camembert on se servir du manche de la fourchette, ça s'arranger.", "norm": "Pour manger du camembert on se servira du manche de la fourchette, ça s’arrangera.", "mt": "To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.", "ref": "We'll eat the camembert using the fork's handle. It'll work.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_29", "orig": "Pour les pouvoirs magiques de ce fromage normand comment savoir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "For the magic powers of this cheese Norman, how do you know?", "ref": "As for the magic powers of this Norman cheese, how can you tell?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
We could just phone for a taxi?
On peut appeler un taxi ?
On pourrait tout simplement appeler un taxi.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_27", "orig": "It's not even straight.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est même pas droit.", "ref": "Elle n'est même pas droite.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_28", "orig": "Pour manger du camembert on se servir du manche de la fourchette, ça s'arranger.", "norm": "Pour manger du camembert on se servira du manche de la fourchette, ça s’arrangera.", "mt": "To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.", "ref": "We'll eat the camembert using the fork's handle. It'll work.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_29", "orig": "Pour les pouvoirs magiques de ce fromage normand comment savoir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "For the magic powers of this cheese Norman, how do you know?", "ref": "As for the magic powers of this Norman cheese, how can you tell?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_30", "orig": "I know you're talking about cheese, but I have no idea what you're talking about.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que vous parlez de fromage, mais je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez.", "ref": "Je sais que tu parles de fromage, mais je ne ne comprends rien à ce que tu dis.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Je propose de manger le fromage avec le manche de la fourchette, ce qui fait que ce n'est grave qu'elle soit tordue.
I suggest we eat the cheese with the fork handle, which makes it bad that it's twisted.
I suggest we eat the cheese with the handle of the fork that it won't matter that it's bent.
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "the second part of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_27", "orig": "It's not even straight.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est même pas droit.", "ref": "Elle n'est même pas droite.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_28", "orig": "Pour manger du camembert on se servir du manche de la fourchette, ça s'arranger.", "norm": "Pour manger du camembert on se servira du manche de la fourchette, ça s’arrangera.", "mt": "To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.", "ref": "We'll eat the camembert using the fork's handle. It'll work.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_29", "orig": "Pour les pouvoirs magiques de ce fromage normand comment savoir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "For the magic powers of this cheese Norman, how do you know?", "ref": "As for the magic powers of this Norman cheese, how can you tell?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_30", "orig": "I know you're talking about cheese, but I have no idea what you're talking about.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que vous parlez de fromage, mais je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez.", "ref": "Je sais que tu parles de fromage, mais je ne ne comprends rien à ce que tu dis.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_31", "orig": "We could just phone for a taxi?", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut appeler un taxi ?", "ref": "On pourrait tout simplement appeler un taxi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Mais par ailleurs je ne sais pas comment provoquer ses pouvoirs magiques.
But by the way, I don't know how to provoke her magical powers.
Then again, I don't know how to bring out its magic powers.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"her\" probably refers to the fork", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_27", "orig": "It's not even straight.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est même pas droit.", "ref": "Elle n'est même pas droite.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_28", "orig": "Pour manger du camembert on se servir du manche de la fourchette, ça s'arranger.", "norm": "Pour manger du camembert on se servira du manche de la fourchette, ça s’arrangera.", "mt": "To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.", "ref": "We'll eat the camembert using the fork's handle. It'll work.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_29", "orig": "Pour les pouvoirs magiques de ce fromage normand comment savoir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "For the magic powers of this cheese Norman, how do you know?", "ref": "As for the magic powers of this Norman cheese, how can you tell?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_30", "orig": "I know you're talking about cheese, but I have no idea what you're talking about.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que vous parlez de fromage, mais je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez.", "ref": "Je sais que tu parles de fromage, mais je ne ne comprends rien à ce que tu dis.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_31", "orig": "We could just phone for a taxi?", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut appeler un taxi ?", "ref": "On pourrait tout simplement appeler un taxi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_32", "orig": "Je propose de manger le fromage avec le manche de la fourchette, ce qui fait que ce n'est grave qu'elle soit tordue.", "norm": "", "mt": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the fork handle, which makes it bad that it's twisted.", "ref": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the handle of the fork that it won't matter that it's bent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "the second part of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
As-tu du réseau pour appeler le taxi ou un de nos maris ?
Do you have a network to call the cab or one of our husbands?
Do you have any reception to call a taxi or one of our husbands?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "no \"a\" before network", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_27", "orig": "It's not even straight.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est même pas droit.", "ref": "Elle n'est même pas droite.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_28", "orig": "Pour manger du camembert on se servir du manche de la fourchette, ça s'arranger.", "norm": "Pour manger du camembert on se servira du manche de la fourchette, ça s’arrangera.", "mt": "To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.", "ref": "We'll eat the camembert using the fork's handle. It'll work.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_29", "orig": "Pour les pouvoirs magiques de ce fromage normand comment savoir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "For the magic powers of this cheese Norman, how do you know?", "ref": "As for the magic powers of this Norman cheese, how can you tell?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_30", "orig": "I know you're talking about cheese, but I have no idea what you're talking about.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que vous parlez de fromage, mais je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez.", "ref": "Je sais que tu parles de fromage, mais je ne ne comprends rien à ce que tu dis.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_31", "orig": "We could just phone for a taxi?", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut appeler un taxi ?", "ref": "On pourrait tout simplement appeler un taxi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_32", "orig": "Je propose de manger le fromage avec le manche de la fourchette, ce qui fait que ce n'est grave qu'elle soit tordue.", "norm": "", "mt": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the fork handle, which makes it bad that it's twisted.", "ref": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the handle of the fork that it won't matter that it's bent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "the second part of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_33", "orig": "Mais par ailleurs je ne sais pas comment provoquer ses pouvoirs magiques.", "norm": "", "mt": "But by the way, I don't know how to provoke her magical powers.", "ref": "Then again, I don't know how to bring out its magic powers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"her\" probably refers to the fork", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Oui !
Oui !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_27", "orig": "It's not even straight.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est même pas droit.", "ref": "Elle n'est même pas droite.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_28", "orig": "Pour manger du camembert on se servir du manche de la fourchette, ça s'arranger.", "norm": "Pour manger du camembert on se servira du manche de la fourchette, ça s’arrangera.", "mt": "To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.", "ref": "We'll eat the camembert using the fork's handle. It'll work.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_29", "orig": "Pour les pouvoirs magiques de ce fromage normand comment savoir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "For the magic powers of this cheese Norman, how do you know?", "ref": "As for the magic powers of this Norman cheese, how can you tell?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_30", "orig": "I know you're talking about cheese, but I have no idea what you're talking about.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que vous parlez de fromage, mais je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez.", "ref": "Je sais que tu parles de fromage, mais je ne ne comprends rien à ce que tu dis.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_31", "orig": "We could just phone for a taxi?", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut appeler un taxi ?", "ref": "On pourrait tout simplement appeler un taxi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_32", "orig": "Je propose de manger le fromage avec le manche de la fourchette, ce qui fait que ce n'est grave qu'elle soit tordue.", "norm": "", "mt": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the fork handle, which makes it bad that it's twisted.", "ref": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the handle of the fork that it won't matter that it's bent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "the second part of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_33", "orig": "Mais par ailleurs je ne sais pas comment provoquer ses pouvoirs magiques.", "norm": "", "mt": "But by the way, I don't know how to provoke her magical powers.", "ref": "Then again, I don't know how to bring out its magic powers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"her\" probably refers to the fork", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_34", "orig": "As-tu du réseau pour appeler le taxi ou un de nos maris ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you have a network to call the cab or one of our husbands?", "ref": "Do you have any reception to call a taxi or one of our husbands?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "no \"a\" before network", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
It's ringing....
Ça sonne...
Ça sonne...
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_27", "orig": "It's not even straight.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est même pas droit.", "ref": "Elle n'est même pas droite.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_28", "orig": "Pour manger du camembert on se servir du manche de la fourchette, ça s'arranger.", "norm": "Pour manger du camembert on se servira du manche de la fourchette, ça s’arrangera.", "mt": "To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.", "ref": "We'll eat the camembert using the fork's handle. It'll work.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_29", "orig": "Pour les pouvoirs magiques de ce fromage normand comment savoir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "For the magic powers of this cheese Norman, how do you know?", "ref": "As for the magic powers of this Norman cheese, how can you tell?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_30", "orig": "I know you're talking about cheese, but I have no idea what you're talking about.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que vous parlez de fromage, mais je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez.", "ref": "Je sais que tu parles de fromage, mais je ne ne comprends rien à ce que tu dis.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_31", "orig": "We could just phone for a taxi?", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut appeler un taxi ?", "ref": "On pourrait tout simplement appeler un taxi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_32", "orig": "Je propose de manger le fromage avec le manche de la fourchette, ce qui fait que ce n'est grave qu'elle soit tordue.", "norm": "", "mt": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the fork handle, which makes it bad that it's twisted.", "ref": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the handle of the fork that it won't matter that it's bent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "the second part of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_33", "orig": "Mais par ailleurs je ne sais pas comment provoquer ses pouvoirs magiques.", "norm": "", "mt": "But by the way, I don't know how to provoke her magical powers.", "ref": "Then again, I don't know how to bring out its magic powers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"her\" probably refers to the fork", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_34", "orig": "As-tu du réseau pour appeler le taxi ou un de nos maris ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you have a network to call the cab or one of our husbands?", "ref": "Do you have any reception to call a taxi or one of our husbands?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "no \"a\" before network", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_35", "orig": "Yes!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui !", "ref": "Oui !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Oh c'est cool car mon mari est un troll il casse tous ses portables !
Oh c'est cool car mon mari est un troll. Il casse tous ses portables !
Oh, that's cool 'cause my husband's a troll, he breaks all his phones!
Oh that's cool, because my husband's a troll and breaks all his phones.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_27", "orig": "It's not even straight.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est même pas droit.", "ref": "Elle n'est même pas droite.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_28", "orig": "Pour manger du camembert on se servir du manche de la fourchette, ça s'arranger.", "norm": "Pour manger du camembert on se servira du manche de la fourchette, ça s’arrangera.", "mt": "To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.", "ref": "We'll eat the camembert using the fork's handle. It'll work.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_29", "orig": "Pour les pouvoirs magiques de ce fromage normand comment savoir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "For the magic powers of this cheese Norman, how do you know?", "ref": "As for the magic powers of this Norman cheese, how can you tell?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_30", "orig": "I know you're talking about cheese, but I have no idea what you're talking about.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que vous parlez de fromage, mais je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez.", "ref": "Je sais que tu parles de fromage, mais je ne ne comprends rien à ce que tu dis.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_31", "orig": "We could just phone for a taxi?", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut appeler un taxi ?", "ref": "On pourrait tout simplement appeler un taxi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_32", "orig": "Je propose de manger le fromage avec le manche de la fourchette, ce qui fait que ce n'est grave qu'elle soit tordue.", "norm": "", "mt": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the fork handle, which makes it bad that it's twisted.", "ref": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the handle of the fork that it won't matter that it's bent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "the second part of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_33", "orig": "Mais par ailleurs je ne sais pas comment provoquer ses pouvoirs magiques.", "norm": "", "mt": "But by the way, I don't know how to provoke her magical powers.", "ref": "Then again, I don't know how to bring out its magic powers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"her\" probably refers to the fork", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_34", "orig": "As-tu du réseau pour appeler le taxi ou un de nos maris ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you have a network to call the cab or one of our husbands?", "ref": "Do you have any reception to call a taxi or one of our husbands?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "no \"a\" before network", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_35", "orig": "Yes!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui !", "ref": "Oui !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_36", "orig": "It's ringing....", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça sonne...", "ref": "Ça sonne...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Oui !
Super !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_27", "orig": "It's not even straight.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est même pas droit.", "ref": "Elle n'est même pas droite.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_28", "orig": "Pour manger du camembert on se servir du manche de la fourchette, ça s'arranger.", "norm": "Pour manger du camembert on se servira du manche de la fourchette, ça s’arrangera.", "mt": "To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.", "ref": "We'll eat the camembert using the fork's handle. It'll work.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_29", "orig": "Pour les pouvoirs magiques de ce fromage normand comment savoir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "For the magic powers of this cheese Norman, how do you know?", "ref": "As for the magic powers of this Norman cheese, how can you tell?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_30", "orig": "I know you're talking about cheese, but I have no idea what you're talking about.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que vous parlez de fromage, mais je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez.", "ref": "Je sais que tu parles de fromage, mais je ne ne comprends rien à ce que tu dis.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_31", "orig": "We could just phone for a taxi?", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut appeler un taxi ?", "ref": "On pourrait tout simplement appeler un taxi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_32", "orig": "Je propose de manger le fromage avec le manche de la fourchette, ce qui fait que ce n'est grave qu'elle soit tordue.", "norm": "", "mt": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the fork handle, which makes it bad that it's twisted.", "ref": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the handle of the fork that it won't matter that it's bent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "the second part of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_33", "orig": "Mais par ailleurs je ne sais pas comment provoquer ses pouvoirs magiques.", "norm": "", "mt": "But by the way, I don't know how to provoke her magical powers.", "ref": "Then again, I don't know how to bring out its magic powers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"her\" probably refers to the fork", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_34", "orig": "As-tu du réseau pour appeler le taxi ou un de nos maris ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you have a network to call the cab or one of our husbands?", "ref": "Do you have any reception to call a taxi or one of our husbands?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "no \"a\" before network", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_35", "orig": "Yes!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui !", "ref": "Oui !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_36", "orig": "It's ringing....", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça sonne...", "ref": "Ça sonne...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_37", "orig": "Oh c'est cool car mon mari est un troll il casse tous ses portables !", "norm": "Oh c'est cool car mon mari est un troll. Il casse tous ses portables !", "mt": "Oh, that's cool 'cause my husband's a troll, he breaks all his phones!", "ref": "Oh that's cool, because my husband's a troll and breaks all his phones.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
He's coming to get us now.
Il vient nous chercher.
Il vient nous chercher maintenant.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_27", "orig": "It's not even straight.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est même pas droit.", "ref": "Elle n'est même pas droite.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_28", "orig": "Pour manger du camembert on se servir du manche de la fourchette, ça s'arranger.", "norm": "Pour manger du camembert on se servira du manche de la fourchette, ça s’arrangera.", "mt": "To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.", "ref": "We'll eat the camembert using the fork's handle. It'll work.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_29", "orig": "Pour les pouvoirs magiques de ce fromage normand comment savoir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "For the magic powers of this cheese Norman, how do you know?", "ref": "As for the magic powers of this Norman cheese, how can you tell?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_30", "orig": "I know you're talking about cheese, but I have no idea what you're talking about.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que vous parlez de fromage, mais je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez.", "ref": "Je sais que tu parles de fromage, mais je ne ne comprends rien à ce que tu dis.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_31", "orig": "We could just phone for a taxi?", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut appeler un taxi ?", "ref": "On pourrait tout simplement appeler un taxi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_32", "orig": "Je propose de manger le fromage avec le manche de la fourchette, ce qui fait que ce n'est grave qu'elle soit tordue.", "norm": "", "mt": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the fork handle, which makes it bad that it's twisted.", "ref": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the handle of the fork that it won't matter that it's bent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "the second part of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_33", "orig": "Mais par ailleurs je ne sais pas comment provoquer ses pouvoirs magiques.", "norm": "", "mt": "But by the way, I don't know how to provoke her magical powers.", "ref": "Then again, I don't know how to bring out its magic powers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"her\" probably refers to the fork", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_34", "orig": "As-tu du réseau pour appeler le taxi ou un de nos maris ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you have a network to call the cab or one of our husbands?", "ref": "Do you have any reception to call a taxi or one of our husbands?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "no \"a\" before network", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_35", "orig": "Yes!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui !", "ref": "Oui !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_36", "orig": "It's ringing....", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça sonne...", "ref": "Ça sonne...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_37", "orig": "Oh c'est cool car mon mari est un troll il casse tous ses portables !", "norm": "Oh c'est cool car mon mari est un troll. Il casse tous ses portables !", "mt": "Oh, that's cool 'cause my husband's a troll, he breaks all his phones!", "ref": "Oh that's cool, because my husband's a troll and breaks all his phones.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_38", "orig": "Yes!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui !", "ref": "Super !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
We're safe!
On est en sécurité !
Nous sommes sauvées !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_27", "orig": "It's not even straight.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est même pas droit.", "ref": "Elle n'est même pas droite.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_28", "orig": "Pour manger du camembert on se servir du manche de la fourchette, ça s'arranger.", "norm": "Pour manger du camembert on se servira du manche de la fourchette, ça s’arrangera.", "mt": "To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.", "ref": "We'll eat the camembert using the fork's handle. It'll work.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_29", "orig": "Pour les pouvoirs magiques de ce fromage normand comment savoir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "For the magic powers of this cheese Norman, how do you know?", "ref": "As for the magic powers of this Norman cheese, how can you tell?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_30", "orig": "I know you're talking about cheese, but I have no idea what you're talking about.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que vous parlez de fromage, mais je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez.", "ref": "Je sais que tu parles de fromage, mais je ne ne comprends rien à ce que tu dis.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_31", "orig": "We could just phone for a taxi?", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut appeler un taxi ?", "ref": "On pourrait tout simplement appeler un taxi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_32", "orig": "Je propose de manger le fromage avec le manche de la fourchette, ce qui fait que ce n'est grave qu'elle soit tordue.", "norm": "", "mt": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the fork handle, which makes it bad that it's twisted.", "ref": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the handle of the fork that it won't matter that it's bent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "the second part of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_33", "orig": "Mais par ailleurs je ne sais pas comment provoquer ses pouvoirs magiques.", "norm": "", "mt": "But by the way, I don't know how to provoke her magical powers.", "ref": "Then again, I don't know how to bring out its magic powers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"her\" probably refers to the fork", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_34", "orig": "As-tu du réseau pour appeler le taxi ou un de nos maris ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you have a network to call the cab or one of our husbands?", "ref": "Do you have any reception to call a taxi or one of our husbands?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "no \"a\" before network", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_35", "orig": "Yes!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui !", "ref": "Oui !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_36", "orig": "It's ringing....", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça sonne...", "ref": "Ça sonne...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_37", "orig": "Oh c'est cool car mon mari est un troll il casse tous ses portables !", "norm": "Oh c'est cool car mon mari est un troll. Il casse tous ses portables !", "mt": "Oh, that's cool 'cause my husband's a troll, he breaks all his phones!", "ref": "Oh that's cool, because my husband's a troll and breaks all his phones.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_38", "orig": "Yes!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui !", "ref": "Super !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_39", "orig": "He's coming to get us now.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il vient nous chercher.", "ref": "Il vient nous chercher maintenant.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
I'm quite glad it's mine coming and not yours because I've had enough of fairytale creatures today!
Je suis plutôt content que ce soit le mien qui vienne et pas le tien parce que j'ai eu assez de créatures de conte de fées aujourd'hui !
Je suis bien contente que ce soit le mien qui vienne et pas le tien, parce que j'en ai assez des créatures de contes de fées pour aujourd'hui !
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Content doit être au féminin car c'est une femme qui écrit", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-30T17:13:46.601846", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "very poor", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both lost in a forest.", "Vous êtes tous les deux perdus dans une forêt" ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_0", "orig": "C'est stupide de s'être égarées alors que nous avions une bonne carte !", "norm": "", "mt": "It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!", "ref": "It's stupid of us to have got lost when we had a good map!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"have\" probably should be \"had\". \"Card\" should probably be \"map\" in the context of this scenario.", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_1", "orig": "Pourquoi l'avoir donnée à cette famille de lutins tout à l'heure ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?", "ref": "Why did you give it to that family of goblins earlier?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_2", "orig": "You know full well why!", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu sais très bien pourquoi !", "ref": "Vous savez très bien pourquoi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_3", "orig": "It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "ref": "C'était le seul moyen pour qu'ils nous rendent notre nourriture.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_4", "orig": "And I thought they looked cute...", "norm": "", "mt": "Et j'ai trouvé qu'ils étaient mignons...", "ref": "Et je les ai trouvés mignons...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_5", "orig": "Hum. Tu ne penses qu'avec ton estomac.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hmm.", "ref": "Hmm. You only think with your stomach.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_6", "orig": "How about the presents they gave us?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "ref": "Et que fais-tu des cadeaux qu'ils nous ont donnés ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_7", "orig": "Have you opened yours yet?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "ref": "Tu as ouvert le tien ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_8", "orig": "Avec la carte nous aurions rapidement trouvé le chemin le plus court pour le meilleur restaurant du coin.", "norm": "", "mt": "With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.", "ref": "With the map we would have quickly found the shortest path to the best restaurant in the area.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_9", "orig": "Oh no!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh non !", "ref": "Oh non !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_10", "orig": "Why were we so naive?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi on était si naïf ?", "ref": "Pourquoi es-tu si naïve ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Pourquoi a-t-on été si naïfs ? serait plus correct", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_11", "orig": "Wait... what did they give me?", "norm": "", "mt": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "ref": "Attends... qu'est-ce qu'ils m'ont donné ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_12", "orig": "A fork?", "norm": "", "mt": "Une fourchette ?", "ref": "Une fourchette ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_13", "orig": "They're taunting us!", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "ref": "Ils se moquent de nous !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_14", "orig": "Non, je ne l'ai pas encore ouvert, je me méfie à cause du papier cadeau en peau de lapin et cette odeur si particulière qu'il s'en dégage...", "norm": "", "mt": "No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...", "ref": "No, I haven't opened it yet. I'm a bit wary of it because of the rabbit skin wrapping paper and the really odd smell it's giving off...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"gift-skin\" and the end of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_15", "orig": "Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?", "norm": "", "mt": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "ref": "Laisse-moi regarder... Tu veux dire que cette odeur vient de ton cadeau ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_16", "orig": "Oh peut-être ai-je le complément de la fourchette !", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!", "ref": "Oh, perhaps I've got the accompaniment to the fork!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "why \"extra\" fork?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_17", "orig": "Patience... Victoire !", "norm": "", "mt": "Patience...", "ref": "Wait for it... victory!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_18", "orig": "C'est un camembert de bonne facture !", "norm": "", "mt": "This is a good bill!", "ref": "It's a very good camembert!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_19", "orig": "What's a good bill?", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "ref": "C'est quoi une bonne facture ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_20", "orig": "Cela veut dire qu'il a été bien fabriqué (facture du verbe faire) et que nous devrions nous régaler même sans pain.", "norm": "", "mt": "It means it was well manufactured.", "ref": "It means it's been well made (from the verb “to do”) and that we'll enjoy it even without bread.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_21", "orig": "Could it be that it has magic powers?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce qu'il a des pouvoirs magiques ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il pourrait avoir des pouvoirs magiques ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_22", "orig": "Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Malheureusement, le mien est juste une fourchette normale.", "ref": "Malheureusement, le mien n'est qu'une fourchette normale.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_23", "orig": "And bent at that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et plié à ça.", "ref": "Et tordue, en plus.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_24", "orig": "Et plié à ça ?", "norm": "", "mt": "And bent over that?", "ref": "And bent at that?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_25", "orig": "Ça veut dire quoi ?", "norm": "", "mt": "What does that mean?", "ref": "What does it mean?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_26", "orig": "They even managed to bend my fork.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ils ont même réussi à plier ma fourchette.", "ref": "Ils ont même réussi à tordre ma fourchette.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_27", "orig": "It's not even straight.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est même pas droit.", "ref": "Elle n'est même pas droite.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_28", "orig": "Pour manger du camembert on se servir du manche de la fourchette, ça s'arranger.", "norm": "Pour manger du camembert on se servira du manche de la fourchette, ça s’arrangera.", "mt": "To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.", "ref": "We'll eat the camembert using the fork's handle. It'll work.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_29", "orig": "Pour les pouvoirs magiques de ce fromage normand comment savoir ?", "norm": "", "mt": "For the magic powers of this cheese Norman, how do you know?", "ref": "As for the magic powers of this Norman cheese, how can you tell?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_30", "orig": "I know you're talking about cheese, but I have no idea what you're talking about.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je sais que vous parlez de fromage, mais je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez.", "ref": "Je sais que tu parles de fromage, mais je ne ne comprends rien à ce que tu dis.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_31", "orig": "We could just phone for a taxi?", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut appeler un taxi ?", "ref": "On pourrait tout simplement appeler un taxi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_32", "orig": "Je propose de manger le fromage avec le manche de la fourchette, ce qui fait que ce n'est grave qu'elle soit tordue.", "norm": "", "mt": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the fork handle, which makes it bad that it's twisted.", "ref": "I suggest we eat the cheese with the handle of the fork that it won't matter that it's bent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "the second part of the sentence does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_33", "orig": "Mais par ailleurs je ne sais pas comment provoquer ses pouvoirs magiques.", "norm": "", "mt": "But by the way, I don't know how to provoke her magical powers.", "ref": "Then again, I don't know how to bring out its magic powers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"her\" probably refers to the fork", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_34", "orig": "As-tu du réseau pour appeler le taxi ou un de nos maris ?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you have a network to call the cab or one of our husbands?", "ref": "Do you have any reception to call a taxi or one of our husbands?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "no \"a\" before network", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_35", "orig": "Yes!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui !", "ref": "Oui !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_36", "orig": "It's ringing....", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça sonne...", "ref": "Ça sonne...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_37", "orig": "Oh c'est cool car mon mari est un troll il casse tous ses portables !", "norm": "Oh c'est cool car mon mari est un troll. Il casse tous ses portables !", "mt": "Oh, that's cool 'cause my husband's a troll, he breaks all his phones!", "ref": "Oh that's cool, because my husband's a troll and breaks all his phones.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_38", "orig": "Yes!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui !", "ref": "Super !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_39", "orig": "He's coming to get us now.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il vient nous chercher.", "ref": "Il vient nous chercher maintenant.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-30T17-13-46.601846_french_english_19_3_40", "orig": "We're safe!", "norm": "", "mt": "On est en sécurité !", "ref": "Nous sommes sauvées !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Où sont les oignons?
Where are the onions?
Where are the onions?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-01T11:16:37.325113", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are chefs preparing a meal.", "Vous êtes deux cuisiners/cuisinières en train de préparer un repas." ], [ "You are the head chef and you are talking to your subordinate.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) et vous discutez avec votre chef(fe) adjoint." ], [ "You are the subordinate chef and you are talking to the head chef.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) adjoint(e) et vous discutez avec le/la chef(fe)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the head chef and you are talking to your subordinate.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) et vous discutez avec votre chef(fe) adjoint." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the subordinate chef and you are talking to the head chef.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) adjoint(e) et vous discutez avec le/la chef(fe)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
J'attends les oignons.
I'm waiting for the onions.
I'm waiting for the onions.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-01T11:16:37.325113", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are chefs preparing a meal.", "Vous êtes deux cuisiners/cuisinières en train de préparer un repas." ], [ "You are the head chef and you are talking to your subordinate.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) et vous discutez avec votre chef(fe) adjoint." ], [ "You are the subordinate chef and you are talking to the head chef.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) adjoint(e) et vous discutez avec le/la chef(fe)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the head chef and you are talking to your subordinate.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) et vous discutez avec votre chef(fe) adjoint." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the subordinate chef and you are talking to the head chef.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) adjoint(e) et vous discutez avec le/la chef(fe)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T11-16-37.325113_french_english_1_20_0", "orig": "Où sont les oignons?", "norm": "", "mt": "Where are the onions?", "ref": "Where are the onions?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Je ne devrais pas attendre!
I shouldn't wait!
I shouldn't have to wait!
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-01T11:16:37.325113", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are chefs preparing a meal.", "Vous êtes deux cuisiners/cuisinières en train de préparer un repas." ], [ "You are the head chef and you are talking to your subordinate.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) et vous discutez avec votre chef(fe) adjoint." ], [ "You are the subordinate chef and you are talking to the head chef.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) adjoint(e) et vous discutez avec le/la chef(fe)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the head chef and you are talking to your subordinate.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) et vous discutez avec votre chef(fe) adjoint." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the subordinate chef and you are talking to the head chef.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) adjoint(e) et vous discutez avec le/la chef(fe)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T11-16-37.325113_french_english_1_20_0", "orig": "Où sont les oignons?", "norm": "", "mt": "Where are the onions?", "ref": "Where are the onions?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T11-16-37.325113_french_english_1_20_1", "orig": "J'attends les oignons.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm waiting for the onions.", "ref": "I'm waiting for the onions.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Inside the basket that is sitting on top of the fridge
Inside the basket that is sitting on top of the fridge.
À l'intérieur du panier qui est assis sur le frigo
Dans le panier qui est au-dessus du réfrigérateur.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"assis\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-01T11:16:37.325113", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are chefs preparing a meal.", "Vous êtes deux cuisiners/cuisinières en train de préparer un repas." ], [ "You are the head chef and you are talking to your subordinate.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) et vous discutez avec votre chef(fe) adjoint." ], [ "You are the subordinate chef and you are talking to the head chef.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) adjoint(e) et vous discutez avec le/la chef(fe)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the head chef and you are talking to your subordinate.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) et vous discutez avec votre chef(fe) adjoint." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the subordinate chef and you are talking to the head chef.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) adjoint(e) et vous discutez avec le/la chef(fe)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T11-16-37.325113_french_english_1_20_0", "orig": "Où sont les oignons?", "norm": "", "mt": "Where are the onions?", "ref": "Where are the onions?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T11-16-37.325113_french_english_1_20_1", "orig": "J'attends les oignons.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm waiting for the onions.", "ref": "I'm waiting for the onions.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T11-16-37.325113_french_english_1_20_2", "orig": "Je ne devrais pas attendre!", "norm": "", "mt": "I shouldn't wait!", "ref": "I shouldn't have to wait!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
I will go and grab them for you
I will go and grab them for you.
Je vais aller les chercher pour toi
Je vais aller vous le chercher.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-01T11:16:37.325113", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are chefs preparing a meal.", "Vous êtes deux cuisiners/cuisinières en train de préparer un repas." ], [ "You are the head chef and you are talking to your subordinate.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) et vous discutez avec votre chef(fe) adjoint." ], [ "You are the subordinate chef and you are talking to the head chef.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) adjoint(e) et vous discutez avec le/la chef(fe)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the head chef and you are talking to your subordinate.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) et vous discutez avec votre chef(fe) adjoint." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the subordinate chef and you are talking to the head chef.", "Vous êtes le ou la chef(fe) adjoint(e) et vous discutez avec le/la chef(fe)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T11-16-37.325113_french_english_1_20_0", "orig": "Où sont les oignons?", "norm": "", "mt": "Where are the onions?", "ref": "Where are the onions?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T11-16-37.325113_french_english_1_20_1", "orig": "J'attends les oignons.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm waiting for the onions.", "ref": "I'm waiting for the onions.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T11-16-37.325113_french_english_1_20_2", "orig": "Je ne devrais pas attendre!", "norm": "", "mt": "I shouldn't wait!", "ref": "I shouldn't have to wait!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T11-16-37.325113_french_english_1_20_3", "orig": "Inside the basket that is sitting on top of the fridge", "norm": "Inside the basket that is sitting on top of the fridge.", "mt": "À l'intérieur du panier qui est assis sur le frigo", "ref": "Dans le panier qui est au-dessus du réfrigérateur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"assis\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } } ]