Get some fresh air and all that.
De l'air frais et tout ça.
Prendre l'air, et caetera.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-01T18:05:16.251801", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are feeding the ducks by the pond.", "Vous nourrissez les canards au bord d'un étang." ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Tu as pensé à prendre le pain pour les canards?", "norm": "", "mt": "Have you thought about taking bread for the ducks?", "ref": "Did you remember to bring the bread for the ducks?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I would have expected \"Did you think\". \"Taking\" should be \"bringing\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Damn.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merde.", "ref": "Aïe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "No, I ate it on the way here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, je l'ai mangé en venant ici.", "ref": "Non, je l'ai mangé en chemin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "plutôt \"sur le chemin\" que \"en venant ici\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "Have you got anything on you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as quelque chose sur toi ?", "ref": "Tu as quelque chose sur toi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "J'ai juste un paquet de cigarettes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I just got a pack of cigarettes.", "ref": "I've just got a pack of cigarettes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"I have just got\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Tu crois que ça mangerait des petits morceaux de feuille de tabac?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you think it would eat little pieces of tobacco?", "ref": "Do you think they would eat little pieces of tobacco leaves?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "Erm, probably not.", "norm": "", "mt": "Probablement pas.", "ref": "Hmm, probablement pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "I'm a bit worried.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis un peu inquiet.", "ref": "Je suis un peu inquiete.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Didn't you say you had pets at home?", "norm": "", "mt": "N'avez-vous pas dit que vous aviez des animaux à la maison ?", "ref": "Tu n'as pas dit que tu avais des animaux de compagnie chez toi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Si, bien sûr!", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, of course.", "ref": "Yes, of course!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Un chat et deux perruches.", "norm": "", "mt": "A cat and two parakeets.", "ref": "A cat and two budgies.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Quel rapport?", "norm": "", "mt": "What's that got to do with it?", "ref": "What does that have to do with anything?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "And what do you feed them?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et qu'est-ce que tu leur donnes à manger ?", "ref": "Et tu les nourris comment ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Tobacco too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Du tabac aussi ?", "ref": "Avec du tabac aussi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Bien sûr que non!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course not!", "ref": "Of course not!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Je ne suis pas débile, ce sont mes animaux, je les nourris correctement!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not stupid, they're my animals, I feed them properly!", "ref": "I'm not stupid - they're my pets. I feed them correctly!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Mais là ce sont juste des canards.", "norm": "", "mt": "But they're just ducks.", "ref": "But those are just ducks.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Bon, je vois que tu ne veux pas tenter l'expérience.", "norm": "", "mt": "Well, I see you don't want to try the experiment.", "ref": "Well, I can tell that you don't want to try it out.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Ce n'est pas grave, on se promène dans le parc?", "norm": "", "mt": "It doesn't matter, we walk in the park?", "ref": "No worries. We could take a walk in the park?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"we walk in the park\" is a strange way to propose a walk.", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Ok.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ok.", "ref": "OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Let's leave the ducks alone.", "norm": "", "mt": "Laissons les canards tranquilles.", "ref": "Laissons les canards tranquilles.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "We could go see what that squirrel's doing over there.", "norm": "", "mt": "On pourrait aller voir ce que cet écureuil fait là-bas.", "ref": "On pourrait aller voir ce que fait cet écurueil là-bas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "As long as you don't try to feed it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tant que tu n'essaies pas de le nourrir.", "ref": "À condition que tu ne lui donnes rien à manger.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Ne t'inquiète pas!", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't worry!", "ref": "Don't worry!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "C'est agréable, ce parc, quand il fait beau comme ça.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's nice, this park, when it looks good like that.", "ref": "This park's nice, when the weather's good like this.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "On devrait s'y promener plus souvent, ça fait du bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "We should walk around more often, it feels good.", "ref": "We should go for walks here more often. It feels good.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Yeah, it's good to do something other than watching TV.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ouais, c'est bien de faire autre chose que de regarder la télé.", "ref": "Ouais, c'est bien de faire autre chose que de regarder la télé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
C'est vrai qu'on passe trop de temps devant la télé.
It's true that we spend too much time watching TV.
Yes, we do spend too much time in front of the TV.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-01T18:05:16.251801", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are feeding the ducks by the pond.", "Vous nourrissez les canards au bord d'un étang." ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Tu as pensé à prendre le pain pour les canards?", "norm": "", "mt": "Have you thought about taking bread for the ducks?", "ref": "Did you remember to bring the bread for the ducks?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I would have expected \"Did you think\". \"Taking\" should be \"bringing\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Damn.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merde.", "ref": "Aïe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "No, I ate it on the way here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, je l'ai mangé en venant ici.", "ref": "Non, je l'ai mangé en chemin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "plutôt \"sur le chemin\" que \"en venant ici\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "Have you got anything on you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as quelque chose sur toi ?", "ref": "Tu as quelque chose sur toi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "J'ai juste un paquet de cigarettes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I just got a pack of cigarettes.", "ref": "I've just got a pack of cigarettes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"I have just got\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Tu crois que ça mangerait des petits morceaux de feuille de tabac?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you think it would eat little pieces of tobacco?", "ref": "Do you think they would eat little pieces of tobacco leaves?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "Erm, probably not.", "norm": "", "mt": "Probablement pas.", "ref": "Hmm, probablement pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "I'm a bit worried.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis un peu inquiet.", "ref": "Je suis un peu inquiete.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Didn't you say you had pets at home?", "norm": "", "mt": "N'avez-vous pas dit que vous aviez des animaux à la maison ?", "ref": "Tu n'as pas dit que tu avais des animaux de compagnie chez toi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Si, bien sûr!", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, of course.", "ref": "Yes, of course!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Un chat et deux perruches.", "norm": "", "mt": "A cat and two parakeets.", "ref": "A cat and two budgies.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Quel rapport?", "norm": "", "mt": "What's that got to do with it?", "ref": "What does that have to do with anything?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "And what do you feed them?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et qu'est-ce que tu leur donnes à manger ?", "ref": "Et tu les nourris comment ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Tobacco too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Du tabac aussi ?", "ref": "Avec du tabac aussi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Bien sûr que non!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course not!", "ref": "Of course not!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Je ne suis pas débile, ce sont mes animaux, je les nourris correctement!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not stupid, they're my animals, I feed them properly!", "ref": "I'm not stupid - they're my pets. I feed them correctly!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Mais là ce sont juste des canards.", "norm": "", "mt": "But they're just ducks.", "ref": "But those are just ducks.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Bon, je vois que tu ne veux pas tenter l'expérience.", "norm": "", "mt": "Well, I see you don't want to try the experiment.", "ref": "Well, I can tell that you don't want to try it out.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Ce n'est pas grave, on se promène dans le parc?", "norm": "", "mt": "It doesn't matter, we walk in the park?", "ref": "No worries. We could take a walk in the park?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"we walk in the park\" is a strange way to propose a walk.", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Ok.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ok.", "ref": "OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Let's leave the ducks alone.", "norm": "", "mt": "Laissons les canards tranquilles.", "ref": "Laissons les canards tranquilles.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "We could go see what that squirrel's doing over there.", "norm": "", "mt": "On pourrait aller voir ce que cet écureuil fait là-bas.", "ref": "On pourrait aller voir ce que fait cet écurueil là-bas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "As long as you don't try to feed it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tant que tu n'essaies pas de le nourrir.", "ref": "À condition que tu ne lui donnes rien à manger.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Ne t'inquiète pas!", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't worry!", "ref": "Don't worry!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "C'est agréable, ce parc, quand il fait beau comme ça.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's nice, this park, when it looks good like that.", "ref": "This park's nice, when the weather's good like this.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "On devrait s'y promener plus souvent, ça fait du bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "We should walk around more often, it feels good.", "ref": "We should go for walks here more often. It feels good.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Yeah, it's good to do something other than watching TV.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ouais, c'est bien de faire autre chose que de regarder la télé.", "ref": "Ouais, c'est bien de faire autre chose que de regarder la télé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "Get some fresh air and all that.", "norm": "", "mt": "De l'air frais et tout ça.", "ref": "Prendre l'air, et caetera.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
On le sait, mais on continue.
We know, but we keep going.
We know it, but keep doing it.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-01T18:05:16.251801", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are feeding the ducks by the pond.", "Vous nourrissez les canards au bord d'un étang." ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Tu as pensé à prendre le pain pour les canards?", "norm": "", "mt": "Have you thought about taking bread for the ducks?", "ref": "Did you remember to bring the bread for the ducks?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I would have expected \"Did you think\". \"Taking\" should be \"bringing\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Damn.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merde.", "ref": "Aïe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "No, I ate it on the way here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, je l'ai mangé en venant ici.", "ref": "Non, je l'ai mangé en chemin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "plutôt \"sur le chemin\" que \"en venant ici\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "Have you got anything on you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as quelque chose sur toi ?", "ref": "Tu as quelque chose sur toi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "J'ai juste un paquet de cigarettes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I just got a pack of cigarettes.", "ref": "I've just got a pack of cigarettes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"I have just got\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Tu crois que ça mangerait des petits morceaux de feuille de tabac?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you think it would eat little pieces of tobacco?", "ref": "Do you think they would eat little pieces of tobacco leaves?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "Erm, probably not.", "norm": "", "mt": "Probablement pas.", "ref": "Hmm, probablement pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "I'm a bit worried.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis un peu inquiet.", "ref": "Je suis un peu inquiete.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Didn't you say you had pets at home?", "norm": "", "mt": "N'avez-vous pas dit que vous aviez des animaux à la maison ?", "ref": "Tu n'as pas dit que tu avais des animaux de compagnie chez toi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Si, bien sûr!", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, of course.", "ref": "Yes, of course!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Un chat et deux perruches.", "norm": "", "mt": "A cat and two parakeets.", "ref": "A cat and two budgies.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Quel rapport?", "norm": "", "mt": "What's that got to do with it?", "ref": "What does that have to do with anything?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "And what do you feed them?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et qu'est-ce que tu leur donnes à manger ?", "ref": "Et tu les nourris comment ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Tobacco too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Du tabac aussi ?", "ref": "Avec du tabac aussi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Bien sûr que non!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course not!", "ref": "Of course not!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Je ne suis pas débile, ce sont mes animaux, je les nourris correctement!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not stupid, they're my animals, I feed them properly!", "ref": "I'm not stupid - they're my pets. I feed them correctly!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Mais là ce sont juste des canards.", "norm": "", "mt": "But they're just ducks.", "ref": "But those are just ducks.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Bon, je vois que tu ne veux pas tenter l'expérience.", "norm": "", "mt": "Well, I see you don't want to try the experiment.", "ref": "Well, I can tell that you don't want to try it out.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Ce n'est pas grave, on se promène dans le parc?", "norm": "", "mt": "It doesn't matter, we walk in the park?", "ref": "No worries. We could take a walk in the park?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"we walk in the park\" is a strange way to propose a walk.", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Ok.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ok.", "ref": "OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Let's leave the ducks alone.", "norm": "", "mt": "Laissons les canards tranquilles.", "ref": "Laissons les canards tranquilles.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "We could go see what that squirrel's doing over there.", "norm": "", "mt": "On pourrait aller voir ce que cet écureuil fait là-bas.", "ref": "On pourrait aller voir ce que fait cet écurueil là-bas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "As long as you don't try to feed it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tant que tu n'essaies pas de le nourrir.", "ref": "À condition que tu ne lui donnes rien à manger.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Ne t'inquiète pas!", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't worry!", "ref": "Don't worry!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "C'est agréable, ce parc, quand il fait beau comme ça.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's nice, this park, when it looks good like that.", "ref": "This park's nice, when the weather's good like this.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "On devrait s'y promener plus souvent, ça fait du bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "We should walk around more often, it feels good.", "ref": "We should go for walks here more often. It feels good.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Yeah, it's good to do something other than watching TV.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ouais, c'est bien de faire autre chose que de regarder la télé.", "ref": "Ouais, c'est bien de faire autre chose que de regarder la télé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "Get some fresh air and all that.", "norm": "", "mt": "De l'air frais et tout ça.", "ref": "Prendre l'air, et caetera.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "C'est vrai qu'on passe trop de temps devant la télé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's true that we spend too much time watching TV.", "ref": "Yes, we do spend too much time in front of the TV.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
C'est un peu con.
It's a bit stupid.
It's a bit stupid.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-01T18:05:16.251801", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are feeding the ducks by the pond.", "Vous nourrissez les canards au bord d'un étang." ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Tu as pensé à prendre le pain pour les canards?", "norm": "", "mt": "Have you thought about taking bread for the ducks?", "ref": "Did you remember to bring the bread for the ducks?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I would have expected \"Did you think\". \"Taking\" should be \"bringing\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Damn.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merde.", "ref": "Aïe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "No, I ate it on the way here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, je l'ai mangé en venant ici.", "ref": "Non, je l'ai mangé en chemin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "plutôt \"sur le chemin\" que \"en venant ici\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "Have you got anything on you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as quelque chose sur toi ?", "ref": "Tu as quelque chose sur toi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "J'ai juste un paquet de cigarettes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I just got a pack of cigarettes.", "ref": "I've just got a pack of cigarettes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"I have just got\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Tu crois que ça mangerait des petits morceaux de feuille de tabac?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you think it would eat little pieces of tobacco?", "ref": "Do you think they would eat little pieces of tobacco leaves?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "Erm, probably not.", "norm": "", "mt": "Probablement pas.", "ref": "Hmm, probablement pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "I'm a bit worried.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis un peu inquiet.", "ref": "Je suis un peu inquiete.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Didn't you say you had pets at home?", "norm": "", "mt": "N'avez-vous pas dit que vous aviez des animaux à la maison ?", "ref": "Tu n'as pas dit que tu avais des animaux de compagnie chez toi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Si, bien sûr!", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, of course.", "ref": "Yes, of course!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Un chat et deux perruches.", "norm": "", "mt": "A cat and two parakeets.", "ref": "A cat and two budgies.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Quel rapport?", "norm": "", "mt": "What's that got to do with it?", "ref": "What does that have to do with anything?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "And what do you feed them?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et qu'est-ce que tu leur donnes à manger ?", "ref": "Et tu les nourris comment ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Tobacco too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Du tabac aussi ?", "ref": "Avec du tabac aussi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Bien sûr que non!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course not!", "ref": "Of course not!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Je ne suis pas débile, ce sont mes animaux, je les nourris correctement!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not stupid, they're my animals, I feed them properly!", "ref": "I'm not stupid - they're my pets. I feed them correctly!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Mais là ce sont juste des canards.", "norm": "", "mt": "But they're just ducks.", "ref": "But those are just ducks.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Bon, je vois que tu ne veux pas tenter l'expérience.", "norm": "", "mt": "Well, I see you don't want to try the experiment.", "ref": "Well, I can tell that you don't want to try it out.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Ce n'est pas grave, on se promène dans le parc?", "norm": "", "mt": "It doesn't matter, we walk in the park?", "ref": "No worries. We could take a walk in the park?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"we walk in the park\" is a strange way to propose a walk.", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Ok.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ok.", "ref": "OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Let's leave the ducks alone.", "norm": "", "mt": "Laissons les canards tranquilles.", "ref": "Laissons les canards tranquilles.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "We could go see what that squirrel's doing over there.", "norm": "", "mt": "On pourrait aller voir ce que cet écureuil fait là-bas.", "ref": "On pourrait aller voir ce que fait cet écurueil là-bas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "As long as you don't try to feed it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tant que tu n'essaies pas de le nourrir.", "ref": "À condition que tu ne lui donnes rien à manger.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Ne t'inquiète pas!", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't worry!", "ref": "Don't worry!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "C'est agréable, ce parc, quand il fait beau comme ça.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's nice, this park, when it looks good like that.", "ref": "This park's nice, when the weather's good like this.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "On devrait s'y promener plus souvent, ça fait du bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "We should walk around more often, it feels good.", "ref": "We should go for walks here more often. It feels good.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Yeah, it's good to do something other than watching TV.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ouais, c'est bien de faire autre chose que de regarder la télé.", "ref": "Ouais, c'est bien de faire autre chose que de regarder la télé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "Get some fresh air and all that.", "norm": "", "mt": "De l'air frais et tout ça.", "ref": "Prendre l'air, et caetera.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "C'est vrai qu'on passe trop de temps devant la télé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's true that we spend too much time watching TV.", "ref": "Yes, we do spend too much time in front of the TV.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "On le sait, mais on continue.", "norm": "", "mt": "We know, but we keep going.", "ref": "We know it, but keep doing it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
What do you mean we keep going?
Comment ça, on continue ?
Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par « on continue » ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-01T18:05:16.251801", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are feeding the ducks by the pond.", "Vous nourrissez les canards au bord d'un étang." ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Tu as pensé à prendre le pain pour les canards?", "norm": "", "mt": "Have you thought about taking bread for the ducks?", "ref": "Did you remember to bring the bread for the ducks?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I would have expected \"Did you think\". \"Taking\" should be \"bringing\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Damn.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merde.", "ref": "Aïe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "No, I ate it on the way here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, je l'ai mangé en venant ici.", "ref": "Non, je l'ai mangé en chemin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "plutôt \"sur le chemin\" que \"en venant ici\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "Have you got anything on you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as quelque chose sur toi ?", "ref": "Tu as quelque chose sur toi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "J'ai juste un paquet de cigarettes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I just got a pack of cigarettes.", "ref": "I've just got a pack of cigarettes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"I have just got\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Tu crois que ça mangerait des petits morceaux de feuille de tabac?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you think it would eat little pieces of tobacco?", "ref": "Do you think they would eat little pieces of tobacco leaves?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "Erm, probably not.", "norm": "", "mt": "Probablement pas.", "ref": "Hmm, probablement pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "I'm a bit worried.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis un peu inquiet.", "ref": "Je suis un peu inquiete.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Didn't you say you had pets at home?", "norm": "", "mt": "N'avez-vous pas dit que vous aviez des animaux à la maison ?", "ref": "Tu n'as pas dit que tu avais des animaux de compagnie chez toi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Si, bien sûr!", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, of course.", "ref": "Yes, of course!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Un chat et deux perruches.", "norm": "", "mt": "A cat and two parakeets.", "ref": "A cat and two budgies.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Quel rapport?", "norm": "", "mt": "What's that got to do with it?", "ref": "What does that have to do with anything?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "And what do you feed them?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et qu'est-ce que tu leur donnes à manger ?", "ref": "Et tu les nourris comment ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Tobacco too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Du tabac aussi ?", "ref": "Avec du tabac aussi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Bien sûr que non!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course not!", "ref": "Of course not!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Je ne suis pas débile, ce sont mes animaux, je les nourris correctement!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not stupid, they're my animals, I feed them properly!", "ref": "I'm not stupid - they're my pets. I feed them correctly!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Mais là ce sont juste des canards.", "norm": "", "mt": "But they're just ducks.", "ref": "But those are just ducks.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Bon, je vois que tu ne veux pas tenter l'expérience.", "norm": "", "mt": "Well, I see you don't want to try the experiment.", "ref": "Well, I can tell that you don't want to try it out.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Ce n'est pas grave, on se promène dans le parc?", "norm": "", "mt": "It doesn't matter, we walk in the park?", "ref": "No worries. We could take a walk in the park?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"we walk in the park\" is a strange way to propose a walk.", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Ok.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ok.", "ref": "OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Let's leave the ducks alone.", "norm": "", "mt": "Laissons les canards tranquilles.", "ref": "Laissons les canards tranquilles.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "We could go see what that squirrel's doing over there.", "norm": "", "mt": "On pourrait aller voir ce que cet écureuil fait là-bas.", "ref": "On pourrait aller voir ce que fait cet écurueil là-bas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "As long as you don't try to feed it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tant que tu n'essaies pas de le nourrir.", "ref": "À condition que tu ne lui donnes rien à manger.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Ne t'inquiète pas!", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't worry!", "ref": "Don't worry!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "C'est agréable, ce parc, quand il fait beau comme ça.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's nice, this park, when it looks good like that.", "ref": "This park's nice, when the weather's good like this.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "On devrait s'y promener plus souvent, ça fait du bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "We should walk around more often, it feels good.", "ref": "We should go for walks here more often. It feels good.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Yeah, it's good to do something other than watching TV.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ouais, c'est bien de faire autre chose que de regarder la télé.", "ref": "Ouais, c'est bien de faire autre chose que de regarder la télé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "Get some fresh air and all that.", "norm": "", "mt": "De l'air frais et tout ça.", "ref": "Prendre l'air, et caetera.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "C'est vrai qu'on passe trop de temps devant la télé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's true that we spend too much time watching TV.", "ref": "Yes, we do spend too much time in front of the TV.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "On le sait, mais on continue.", "norm": "", "mt": "We know, but we keep going.", "ref": "We know it, but keep doing it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "C'est un peu con.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a bit stupid.", "ref": "It's a bit stupid.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Ben on continue à regarder la télé, même si on sait qu'on y passe trop de temps.
Well, we keep watching TV, even if we know we're spending too much time there.
Well we keep watching TV, even if we know that we spend too long doing it.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"there\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-01T18:05:16.251801", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are feeding the ducks by the pond.", "Vous nourrissez les canards au bord d'un étang." ], [ "", "" ], [ "", "" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "", "" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Tu as pensé à prendre le pain pour les canards?", "norm": "", "mt": "Have you thought about taking bread for the ducks?", "ref": "Did you remember to bring the bread for the ducks?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I would have expected \"Did you think\". \"Taking\" should be \"bringing\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Damn.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merde.", "ref": "Aïe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "No, I ate it on the way here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, je l'ai mangé en venant ici.", "ref": "Non, je l'ai mangé en chemin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "plutôt \"sur le chemin\" que \"en venant ici\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "Have you got anything on you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as quelque chose sur toi ?", "ref": "Tu as quelque chose sur toi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "J'ai juste un paquet de cigarettes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I just got a pack of cigarettes.", "ref": "I've just got a pack of cigarettes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"I have just got\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Tu crois que ça mangerait des petits morceaux de feuille de tabac?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you think it would eat little pieces of tobacco?", "ref": "Do you think they would eat little pieces of tobacco leaves?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "Erm, probably not.", "norm": "", "mt": "Probablement pas.", "ref": "Hmm, probablement pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "I'm a bit worried.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis un peu inquiet.", "ref": "Je suis un peu inquiete.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Didn't you say you had pets at home?", "norm": "", "mt": "N'avez-vous pas dit que vous aviez des animaux à la maison ?", "ref": "Tu n'as pas dit que tu avais des animaux de compagnie chez toi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Si, bien sûr!", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, of course.", "ref": "Yes, of course!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Un chat et deux perruches.", "norm": "", "mt": "A cat and two parakeets.", "ref": "A cat and two budgies.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Quel rapport?", "norm": "", "mt": "What's that got to do with it?", "ref": "What does that have to do with anything?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "And what do you feed them?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et qu'est-ce que tu leur donnes à manger ?", "ref": "Et tu les nourris comment ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Tobacco too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Du tabac aussi ?", "ref": "Avec du tabac aussi ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Bien sûr que non!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course not!", "ref": "Of course not!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Je ne suis pas débile, ce sont mes animaux, je les nourris correctement!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not stupid, they're my animals, I feed them properly!", "ref": "I'm not stupid - they're my pets. I feed them correctly!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Mais là ce sont juste des canards.", "norm": "", "mt": "But they're just ducks.", "ref": "But those are just ducks.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Bon, je vois que tu ne veux pas tenter l'expérience.", "norm": "", "mt": "Well, I see you don't want to try the experiment.", "ref": "Well, I can tell that you don't want to try it out.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Ce n'est pas grave, on se promène dans le parc?", "norm": "", "mt": "It doesn't matter, we walk in the park?", "ref": "No worries. We could take a walk in the park?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"we walk in the park\" is a strange way to propose a walk.", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Ok.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ok.", "ref": "OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Let's leave the ducks alone.", "norm": "", "mt": "Laissons les canards tranquilles.", "ref": "Laissons les canards tranquilles.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "We could go see what that squirrel's doing over there.", "norm": "", "mt": "On pourrait aller voir ce que cet écureuil fait là-bas.", "ref": "On pourrait aller voir ce que fait cet écurueil là-bas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "As long as you don't try to feed it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tant que tu n'essaies pas de le nourrir.", "ref": "À condition que tu ne lui donnes rien à manger.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Ne t'inquiète pas!", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't worry!", "ref": "Don't worry!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "C'est agréable, ce parc, quand il fait beau comme ça.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's nice, this park, when it looks good like that.", "ref": "This park's nice, when the weather's good like this.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "On devrait s'y promener plus souvent, ça fait du bien.", "norm": "", "mt": "We should walk around more often, it feels good.", "ref": "We should go for walks here more often. It feels good.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Yeah, it's good to do something other than watching TV.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ouais, c'est bien de faire autre chose que de regarder la télé.", "ref": "Ouais, c'est bien de faire autre chose que de regarder la télé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "Get some fresh air and all that.", "norm": "", "mt": "De l'air frais et tout ça.", "ref": "Prendre l'air, et caetera.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "C'est vrai qu'on passe trop de temps devant la télé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's true that we spend too much time watching TV.", "ref": "Yes, we do spend too much time in front of the TV.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "On le sait, mais on continue.", "norm": "", "mt": "We know, but we keep going.", "ref": "We know it, but keep doing it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "C'est un peu con.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a bit stupid.", "ref": "It's a bit stupid.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-01T18-05-16.251801_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "What do you mean we keep going?", "norm": "", "mt": "Comment ça, on continue ?", "ref": "Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par « on continue » ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Hi, planning this party will be fun.
Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.
Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
What kind of party do you think it should be?
Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?
Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
C'est pour ton anniversaire.
It's for your birthday.
It's your birthday.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?
What would you like?
What would you like to do?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?
I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?
Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?
Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
sorry, I meant 'theme'
Sorry, I meant “theme”.
Désolé, je le pensais.
Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
1980's theme would be good
1980's theme would be good.
Le thème de 1980 serait bien.
Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes
We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.
Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.
On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!
Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!
Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!
Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!
We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.
We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...
I should still have tapes somewhere...
I should still have my cassettes somewhere...
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Have you heard of Spotify?
Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?
Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era
It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.
C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.
C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
C'est pas bête.
It's not stupid.
That's not a bad idea.
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.
There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.
There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.
I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.
I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.
He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.
He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.
Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.
Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Je vais lui demander!
I'll ask him!
I'll ask him.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Great, thank you.
Super, merci.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese
Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.
Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
and of course a cake!
Et bien sûr, un gâteau !
et bien sûr un gâteau !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?
Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait une sorte de nourriture particulière pour les années 80 ?
Je ne sais pas trop s'il y a des nourritures typiques des années 80.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "une sorte de/un type de", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_21", "orig": "and of course a cake!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et bien sûr, un gâteau !", "ref": "et bien sûr un gâteau !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Évidemment un gâteau!
Of course a cake!
Obviously a cake!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_21", "orig": "and of course a cake!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et bien sûr, un gâteau !", "ref": "et bien sûr un gâteau !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_22", "orig": "I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait une sorte de nourriture particulière pour les années 80 ?", "ref": "Je ne sais pas trop s'il y a des nourritures typiques des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "une sorte de/un type de", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
C'est essentiel!
It's essential!
That's a must!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_21", "orig": "and of course a cake!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et bien sûr, un gâteau !", "ref": "et bien sûr un gâteau !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_22", "orig": "I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait une sorte de nourriture particulière pour les années 80 ?", "ref": "Je ne sais pas trop s'il y a des nourritures typiques des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "une sorte de/un type de", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_23", "orig": "Évidemment un gâteau!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course a cake!", "ref": "Obviously a cake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Je peux en faire un si tu veux.
I can make one if you want.
I could make you one if you want.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_21", "orig": "and of course a cake!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et bien sûr, un gâteau !", "ref": "et bien sûr un gâteau !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_22", "orig": "I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait une sorte de nourriture particulière pour les années 80 ?", "ref": "Je ne sais pas trop s'il y a des nourritures typiques des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "une sorte de/un type de", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_23", "orig": "Évidemment un gâteau!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course a cake!", "ref": "Obviously a cake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_24", "orig": "C'est essentiel!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's essential!", "ref": "That's a must!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
J'adore faire de la pâtisserie.
I love baking.
I love baking.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_21", "orig": "and of course a cake!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et bien sûr, un gâteau !", "ref": "et bien sûr un gâteau !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_22", "orig": "I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait une sorte de nourriture particulière pour les années 80 ?", "ref": "Je ne sais pas trop s'il y a des nourritures typiques des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "une sorte de/un type de", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_23", "orig": "Évidemment un gâteau!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course a cake!", "ref": "Obviously a cake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_24", "orig": "C'est essentiel!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's essential!", "ref": "That's a must!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_25", "orig": "Je peux en faire un si tu veux.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can make one if you want.", "ref": "I could make you one if you want.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
On pourrait faire un gâteau avec un glaçage à paillettes, ça fera disco style années 80!
We could bake a cake with glitter frosting, it'll be 80-year-olds!
We could make a cake with glittery icing - like a 80's style disco!
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I hope the cake won't be 80 years old!", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_21", "orig": "and of course a cake!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et bien sûr, un gâteau !", "ref": "et bien sûr un gâteau !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_22", "orig": "I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait une sorte de nourriture particulière pour les années 80 ?", "ref": "Je ne sais pas trop s'il y a des nourritures typiques des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "une sorte de/un type de", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_23", "orig": "Évidemment un gâteau!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course a cake!", "ref": "Obviously a cake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_24", "orig": "C'est essentiel!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's essential!", "ref": "That's a must!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_25", "orig": "Je peux en faire un si tu veux.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can make one if you want.", "ref": "I could make you one if you want.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_26", "orig": "J'adore faire de la pâtisserie.", "norm": "", "mt": "I love baking.", "ref": "I love baking.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
D'ailleurs, il faudra absolument qu'on danse!!
By the way, we're gonna have to dance!
For that matter, we definitely need dancing!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_21", "orig": "and of course a cake!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et bien sûr, un gâteau !", "ref": "et bien sûr un gâteau !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_22", "orig": "I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait une sorte de nourriture particulière pour les années 80 ?", "ref": "Je ne sais pas trop s'il y a des nourritures typiques des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "une sorte de/un type de", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_23", "orig": "Évidemment un gâteau!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course a cake!", "ref": "Obviously a cake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_24", "orig": "C'est essentiel!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's essential!", "ref": "That's a must!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_25", "orig": "Je peux en faire un si tu veux.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can make one if you want.", "ref": "I could make you one if you want.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_26", "orig": "J'adore faire de la pâtisserie.", "norm": "", "mt": "I love baking.", "ref": "I love baking.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_27", "orig": "On pourrait faire un gâteau avec un glaçage à paillettes, ça fera disco style années 80!", "norm": "", "mt": "We could bake a cake with glitter frosting, it'll be 80-year-olds!", "ref": "We could make a cake with glittery icing - like a 80's style disco!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I hope the cake won't be 80 years old!", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
I'm up for dancing disco style!
Je suis prêt pour la danse du disco !
Je suis prête pour danser en mode disco !
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_21", "orig": "and of course a cake!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et bien sûr, un gâteau !", "ref": "et bien sûr un gâteau !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_22", "orig": "I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait une sorte de nourriture particulière pour les années 80 ?", "ref": "Je ne sais pas trop s'il y a des nourritures typiques des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "une sorte de/un type de", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_23", "orig": "Évidemment un gâteau!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course a cake!", "ref": "Obviously a cake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_24", "orig": "C'est essentiel!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's essential!", "ref": "That's a must!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_25", "orig": "Je peux en faire un si tu veux.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can make one if you want.", "ref": "I could make you one if you want.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_26", "orig": "J'adore faire de la pâtisserie.", "norm": "", "mt": "I love baking.", "ref": "I love baking.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_27", "orig": "On pourrait faire un gâteau avec un glaçage à paillettes, ça fera disco style années 80!", "norm": "", "mt": "We could bake a cake with glitter frosting, it'll be 80-year-olds!", "ref": "We could make a cake with glittery icing - like a 80's style disco!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I hope the cake won't be 80 years old!", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_28", "orig": "D'ailleurs, il faudra absolument qu'on danse!!", "norm": "", "mt": "By the way, we're gonna have to dance!", "ref": "For that matter, we definitely need dancing!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Talking of glitter, we could get a glitter ball
En parlant de paillettes, on pourrait avoir une boule de paillettes.
À propos de paillettes, on pourrait avoir une boule à facettes.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "boule \"de\" paillettes", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_21", "orig": "and of course a cake!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et bien sûr, un gâteau !", "ref": "et bien sûr un gâteau !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_22", "orig": "I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait une sorte de nourriture particulière pour les années 80 ?", "ref": "Je ne sais pas trop s'il y a des nourritures typiques des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "une sorte de/un type de", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_23", "orig": "Évidemment un gâteau!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course a cake!", "ref": "Obviously a cake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_24", "orig": "C'est essentiel!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's essential!", "ref": "That's a must!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_25", "orig": "Je peux en faire un si tu veux.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can make one if you want.", "ref": "I could make you one if you want.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_26", "orig": "J'adore faire de la pâtisserie.", "norm": "", "mt": "I love baking.", "ref": "I love baking.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_27", "orig": "On pourrait faire un gâteau avec un glaçage à paillettes, ça fera disco style années 80!", "norm": "", "mt": "We could bake a cake with glitter frosting, it'll be 80-year-olds!", "ref": "We could make a cake with glittery icing - like a 80's style disco!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I hope the cake won't be 80 years old!", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_28", "orig": "D'ailleurs, il faudra absolument qu'on danse!!", "norm": "", "mt": "By the way, we're gonna have to dance!", "ref": "For that matter, we definitely need dancing!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_29", "orig": "I'm up for dancing disco style!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis prêt pour la danse du disco !", "ref": "Je suis prête pour danser en mode disco !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
and thank you for offering to bake a cake, I'm sure it will look wonderful
and thank you for offering to bake a cake, I'm sure it will look wonderful.
Et merci d'avoir proposé de faire un gâteau, je suis sûr que ça ira très bien.
Et merci d'avoir proposé de faire un gâteau, je suis sûre qu'il sera magnifique.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_21", "orig": "and of course a cake!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et bien sûr, un gâteau !", "ref": "et bien sûr un gâteau !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_22", "orig": "I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait une sorte de nourriture particulière pour les années 80 ?", "ref": "Je ne sais pas trop s'il y a des nourritures typiques des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "une sorte de/un type de", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_23", "orig": "Évidemment un gâteau!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course a cake!", "ref": "Obviously a cake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_24", "orig": "C'est essentiel!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's essential!", "ref": "That's a must!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_25", "orig": "Je peux en faire un si tu veux.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can make one if you want.", "ref": "I could make you one if you want.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_26", "orig": "J'adore faire de la pâtisserie.", "norm": "", "mt": "I love baking.", "ref": "I love baking.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_27", "orig": "On pourrait faire un gâteau avec un glaçage à paillettes, ça fera disco style années 80!", "norm": "", "mt": "We could bake a cake with glitter frosting, it'll be 80-year-olds!", "ref": "We could make a cake with glittery icing - like a 80's style disco!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I hope the cake won't be 80 years old!", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_28", "orig": "D'ailleurs, il faudra absolument qu'on danse!!", "norm": "", "mt": "By the way, we're gonna have to dance!", "ref": "For that matter, we definitely need dancing!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_29", "orig": "I'm up for dancing disco style!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis prêt pour la danse du disco !", "ref": "Je suis prête pour danser en mode disco !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_30", "orig": "Talking of glitter, we could get a glitter ball", "norm": "", "mt": "En parlant de paillettes, on pourrait avoir une boule de paillettes.", "ref": "À propos de paillettes, on pourrait avoir une boule à facettes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "boule \"de\" paillettes", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Ah oui!
Oh, yeah.
Oh yes!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_21", "orig": "and of course a cake!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et bien sûr, un gâteau !", "ref": "et bien sûr un gâteau !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_22", "orig": "I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait une sorte de nourriture particulière pour les années 80 ?", "ref": "Je ne sais pas trop s'il y a des nourritures typiques des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "une sorte de/un type de", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_23", "orig": "Évidemment un gâteau!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course a cake!", "ref": "Obviously a cake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_24", "orig": "C'est essentiel!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's essential!", "ref": "That's a must!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_25", "orig": "Je peux en faire un si tu veux.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can make one if you want.", "ref": "I could make you one if you want.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_26", "orig": "J'adore faire de la pâtisserie.", "norm": "", "mt": "I love baking.", "ref": "I love baking.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_27", "orig": "On pourrait faire un gâteau avec un glaçage à paillettes, ça fera disco style années 80!", "norm": "", "mt": "We could bake a cake with glitter frosting, it'll be 80-year-olds!", "ref": "We could make a cake with glittery icing - like a 80's style disco!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I hope the cake won't be 80 years old!", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_28", "orig": "D'ailleurs, il faudra absolument qu'on danse!!", "norm": "", "mt": "By the way, we're gonna have to dance!", "ref": "For that matter, we definitely need dancing!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_29", "orig": "I'm up for dancing disco style!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis prêt pour la danse du disco !", "ref": "Je suis prête pour danser en mode disco !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_30", "orig": "Talking of glitter, we could get a glitter ball", "norm": "", "mt": "En parlant de paillettes, on pourrait avoir une boule de paillettes.", "ref": "À propos de paillettes, on pourrait avoir une boule à facettes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "boule \"de\" paillettes", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_31", "orig": "and thank you for offering to bake a cake, I'm sure it will look wonderful", "norm": "and thank you for offering to bake a cake, I'm sure it will look wonderful.", "mt": "Et merci d'avoir proposé de faire un gâteau, je suis sûr que ça ira très bien.", "ref": "Et merci d'avoir proposé de faire un gâteau, je suis sûre qu'il sera magnifique.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Je me souviens qu'à l'époque on en avait fabriqué une avec du polystyrène et des bouts de miroirs cassés.
I remember that at the time we made one with polystyrene and broken mirrors.
I remember back in the day that we made one out of polystyrene and pieces of broken mirror.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_21", "orig": "and of course a cake!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et bien sûr, un gâteau !", "ref": "et bien sûr un gâteau !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_22", "orig": "I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait une sorte de nourriture particulière pour les années 80 ?", "ref": "Je ne sais pas trop s'il y a des nourritures typiques des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "une sorte de/un type de", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_23", "orig": "Évidemment un gâteau!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course a cake!", "ref": "Obviously a cake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_24", "orig": "C'est essentiel!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's essential!", "ref": "That's a must!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_25", "orig": "Je peux en faire un si tu veux.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can make one if you want.", "ref": "I could make you one if you want.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_26", "orig": "J'adore faire de la pâtisserie.", "norm": "", "mt": "I love baking.", "ref": "I love baking.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_27", "orig": "On pourrait faire un gâteau avec un glaçage à paillettes, ça fera disco style années 80!", "norm": "", "mt": "We could bake a cake with glitter frosting, it'll be 80-year-olds!", "ref": "We could make a cake with glittery icing - like a 80's style disco!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I hope the cake won't be 80 years old!", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_28", "orig": "D'ailleurs, il faudra absolument qu'on danse!!", "norm": "", "mt": "By the way, we're gonna have to dance!", "ref": "For that matter, we definitely need dancing!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_29", "orig": "I'm up for dancing disco style!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis prêt pour la danse du disco !", "ref": "Je suis prête pour danser en mode disco !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_30", "orig": "Talking of glitter, we could get a glitter ball", "norm": "", "mt": "En parlant de paillettes, on pourrait avoir une boule de paillettes.", "ref": "À propos de paillettes, on pourrait avoir une boule à facettes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "boule \"de\" paillettes", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_31", "orig": "and thank you for offering to bake a cake, I'm sure it will look wonderful", "norm": "and thank you for offering to bake a cake, I'm sure it will look wonderful.", "mt": "Et merci d'avoir proposé de faire un gâteau, je suis sûr que ça ira très bien.", "ref": "Et merci d'avoir proposé de faire un gâteau, je suis sûre qu'il sera magnifique.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_32", "orig": "Ah oui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, yeah.", "ref": "Oh yes!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
On pourrait faire un petit atelier décoration dimanche matin, comme ça tout sera prêt pour la fête le samedi d'après.
We could do a little workshop on Sunday morning, and then everything will be ready for the party on Saturday.
We could do a decoration workshop on Sunday morning. That way everything will be ready for the party the following Saturday.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_21", "orig": "and of course a cake!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et bien sûr, un gâteau !", "ref": "et bien sûr un gâteau !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_22", "orig": "I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait une sorte de nourriture particulière pour les années 80 ?", "ref": "Je ne sais pas trop s'il y a des nourritures typiques des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "une sorte de/un type de", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_23", "orig": "Évidemment un gâteau!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course a cake!", "ref": "Obviously a cake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_24", "orig": "C'est essentiel!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's essential!", "ref": "That's a must!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_25", "orig": "Je peux en faire un si tu veux.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can make one if you want.", "ref": "I could make you one if you want.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_26", "orig": "J'adore faire de la pâtisserie.", "norm": "", "mt": "I love baking.", "ref": "I love baking.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_27", "orig": "On pourrait faire un gâteau avec un glaçage à paillettes, ça fera disco style années 80!", "norm": "", "mt": "We could bake a cake with glitter frosting, it'll be 80-year-olds!", "ref": "We could make a cake with glittery icing - like a 80's style disco!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I hope the cake won't be 80 years old!", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_28", "orig": "D'ailleurs, il faudra absolument qu'on danse!!", "norm": "", "mt": "By the way, we're gonna have to dance!", "ref": "For that matter, we definitely need dancing!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_29", "orig": "I'm up for dancing disco style!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis prêt pour la danse du disco !", "ref": "Je suis prête pour danser en mode disco !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_30", "orig": "Talking of glitter, we could get a glitter ball", "norm": "", "mt": "En parlant de paillettes, on pourrait avoir une boule de paillettes.", "ref": "À propos de paillettes, on pourrait avoir une boule à facettes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "boule \"de\" paillettes", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_31", "orig": "and thank you for offering to bake a cake, I'm sure it will look wonderful", "norm": "and thank you for offering to bake a cake, I'm sure it will look wonderful.", "mt": "Et merci d'avoir proposé de faire un gâteau, je suis sûr que ça ira très bien.", "ref": "Et merci d'avoir proposé de faire un gâteau, je suis sûre qu'il sera magnifique.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_32", "orig": "Ah oui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, yeah.", "ref": "Oh yes!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_33", "orig": "Je me souviens qu'à l'époque on en avait fabriqué une avec du polystyrène et des bouts de miroirs cassés.", "norm": "", "mt": "I remember that at the time we made one with polystyrene and broken mirrors.", "ref": "I remember back in the day that we made one out of polystyrene and pieces of broken mirror.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
That's a good plan!
C'est un bon plan !
Bonne idée !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T12:17:47.118853", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "poor", "word_choice": "poor" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_0", "orig": "Hi, planning this party will be fun.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça va être sympa de préparer la fête.", "ref": "Salut, ça va être sympa d'organiser cette fête.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_1", "orig": "What kind of party do you think it should be?", "norm": "", "mt": "Quel genre de fête pensez-vous que ça devrait être ?", "ref": "Quel type de fête tu penses que ça devrait être ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_2", "orig": "C'est pour ton anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's for your birthday.", "ref": "It's your birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_3", "orig": "Qu'est-ce qui te ferait plaisir?", "norm": "", "mt": "What would you like?", "ref": "What would you like to do?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_4", "orig": "I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?", "norm": "I was thinking along the lines of a theme maybe?", "mt": "Je pensais le long des lignes d'eux, peut-être ?", "ref": "Je pensais à quelque chose autour d'un thème, peut-être.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_5", "orig": "sorry, I meant 'theme'", "norm": "Sorry, I meant “theme”.", "mt": "Désolé, je le pensais.", "ref": "Désolée, je voulais dire « thème »", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_6", "orig": "1980's theme would be good", "norm": "1980's theme would be good.", "mt": "Le thème de 1980 serait bien.", "ref": "Un thème années 80 serait pas mal.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_7", "orig": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes", "norm": "We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes.", "mt": "Tout le monde pourrait s'habiller en 1980.", "ref": "On pourrait demander à tout le monde de venir avec des habits des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_8", "orig": "Ah oui, les années 80, c'est super comme idée!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!", "ref": "Ah yeah, the 80's, what a great idea!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_9", "orig": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutais à l'époque!", "norm": "Il faudrait retrouver tous les tubes qu'on écoutait à l'époque!", "mt": "We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.", "ref": "We need to find all the hits we listened to back in the day!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure what cannisters means", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_10", "orig": "Je devrais encore avoir des cassettes quelque part...", "norm": "", "mt": "I should still have tapes somewhere...", "ref": "I should still have my cassettes somewhere...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_11", "orig": "Have you heard of Spotify?", "norm": "", "mt": "Avez-vous entendu parler de Spotify ?", "ref": "Tu as entendu parler de Spotify ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_12", "orig": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era", "norm": "It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era.", "mt": "C'est une application de musique en ligne qui n'a que de la musique de n'importe quelle époque.", "ref": "C'est une app de musique en ligne qui a à peu près toute la musique de n'importe quelle période.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_13", "orig": "C'est pas bête.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not stupid.", "ref": "That's not a bad idea.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_14", "orig": "Il doit y avoir des playlists... je peux chercher de la musique ce soir.", "norm": "", "mt": "There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.", "ref": "There must be playlists... I can look for music this evening.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_15", "orig": "Je crois que Marc utilise beaucoup Spotify.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.", "ref": "I think that Marc uses Spotify a lot.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_16", "orig": "Il adore les tubes des années 80 et 90.", "norm": "", "mt": "He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.", "ref": "He loves hits from the 80's and 90's.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_17", "orig": "Il a peut-être des playlists qu'il a composées lui-même.", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.", "ref": "Perhaps he's got some playlists he compiled himself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_18", "orig": "Je vais lui demander!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'll ask him!", "ref": "I'll ask him.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_19", "orig": "Great, thank you.", "norm": "", "mt": "Merci.", "ref": "Super, merci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_20", "orig": "Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese", "norm": "", "mt": "Foodsages, nous pourrions avoir une sélection de nourriture, de la viande froide, de la viande, du pain et du fromage.", "ref": "Pour la nourriture, on pourrait avoir des choses variées — de la viande froide, des currys, du pain et du fromage", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "mots proches non différenciés? néologisme non reconnu?", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice", "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_21", "orig": "and of course a cake!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et bien sûr, un gâteau !", "ref": "et bien sûr un gâteau !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_22", "orig": "I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait une sorte de nourriture particulière pour les années 80 ?", "ref": "Je ne sais pas trop s'il y a des nourritures typiques des années 80.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "une sorte de/un type de", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_23", "orig": "Évidemment un gâteau!", "norm": "", "mt": "Of course a cake!", "ref": "Obviously a cake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_24", "orig": "C'est essentiel!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's essential!", "ref": "That's a must!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_25", "orig": "Je peux en faire un si tu veux.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can make one if you want.", "ref": "I could make you one if you want.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_26", "orig": "J'adore faire de la pâtisserie.", "norm": "", "mt": "I love baking.", "ref": "I love baking.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_27", "orig": "On pourrait faire un gâteau avec un glaçage à paillettes, ça fera disco style années 80!", "norm": "", "mt": "We could bake a cake with glitter frosting, it'll be 80-year-olds!", "ref": "We could make a cake with glittery icing - like a 80's style disco!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I hope the cake won't be 80 years old!", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_28", "orig": "D'ailleurs, il faudra absolument qu'on danse!!", "norm": "", "mt": "By the way, we're gonna have to dance!", "ref": "For that matter, we definitely need dancing!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_29", "orig": "I'm up for dancing disco style!", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis prêt pour la danse du disco !", "ref": "Je suis prête pour danser en mode disco !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_30", "orig": "Talking of glitter, we could get a glitter ball", "norm": "", "mt": "En parlant de paillettes, on pourrait avoir une boule de paillettes.", "ref": "À propos de paillettes, on pourrait avoir une boule à facettes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "boule \"de\" paillettes", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_31", "orig": "and thank you for offering to bake a cake, I'm sure it will look wonderful", "norm": "and thank you for offering to bake a cake, I'm sure it will look wonderful.", "mt": "Et merci d'avoir proposé de faire un gâteau, je suis sûr que ça ira très bien.", "ref": "Et merci d'avoir proposé de faire un gâteau, je suis sûre qu'il sera magnifique.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_32", "orig": "Ah oui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, yeah.", "ref": "Oh yes!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_33", "orig": "Je me souviens qu'à l'époque on en avait fabriqué une avec du polystyrène et des bouts de miroirs cassés.", "norm": "", "mt": "I remember that at the time we made one with polystyrene and broken mirrors.", "ref": "I remember back in the day that we made one out of polystyrene and pieces of broken mirror.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T12-17-47.118853_french_english_4_6_34", "orig": "On pourrait faire un petit atelier décoration dimanche matin, comme ça tout sera prêt pour la fête le samedi d'après.", "norm": "", "mt": "We could do a little workshop on Sunday morning, and then everything will be ready for the party on Saturday.", "ref": "We could do a decoration workshop on Sunday morning. That way everything will be ready for the party the following Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?
What the hell is going on?
Oh what's going on now?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
It's stopped between floors.
Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.
Il est arrêté entre deux étages.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
I'll press the button to floor two again.
Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.
Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.
Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.
Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Ça marche?
Is it working?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Ok OK.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
I've pressed it but we are still not moving.
Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.
J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Is there an emergency button?
Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?
Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!
Look, you're in front!
Well look, you're just in front of it.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!
There's really no one else we can count on in this building!
You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!
I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!
I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
C'est un scandale!
It's a scandal!
It's outrageous!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
calm down, shouting won't help.
Calm down, shouting won't help.
Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.
Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
We need to work out what to do.
On doit trouver quoi faire.
Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Perhaps there is a signal here.
Il y a peut-être un signal ici.
Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Have yo got you
Have you got your…
Have you got you
Vous, vous en avez ?
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Have you got your phone with you?
Tu as ton téléphone ?
Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Je ne vais pas me calmer!
I'm not going to calm down!
I won't calm down!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.
I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.
I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Je ne peux pas la rater.
I can't miss it.
I can't miss it.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
La boite en dépend.
La boîte en dépend.
The box depends on it.
The company's depending on it.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Votre salaire en dépend.
Your salary depends on it.
Your salary depends on it.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Appelez donc les secours!
Call for help!
So call for help!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Là le gros bouton rouge!
There's the big red button!
There - the big red button!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Appuyez nom de Dieu!
In the name of God!
Push it for God's sake!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Why is it my fault?
Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?
Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help
If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.
Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.
Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
What if I sing you a song to calm you down?
Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?
Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.
J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.
Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!
Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!
Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!
RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
You need to get a better phone
You need to get a better phone.
Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone
Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Ah non, vous n'allez pas chanter!
No, you're not going to sing!
Oh no, you're not going to sing, are you?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_30", "orig": "You need to get a better phone", "norm": "You need to get a better phone.", "mt": "Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone", "ref": "Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Je déteste les chanteurs!
I hate singers!
I hate singers.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_30", "orig": "You need to get a better phone", "norm": "You need to get a better phone.", "mt": "Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone", "ref": "Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_31", "orig": "Ah non, vous n'allez pas chanter!", "norm": "", "mt": "No, you're not going to sing!", "ref": "Oh no, you're not going to sing, are you?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Mon ex-mari était chanteur.
My ex-husband was a singer.
My ex-husband was a singer.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_30", "orig": "You need to get a better phone", "norm": "You need to get a better phone.", "mt": "Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone", "ref": "Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_31", "orig": "Ah non, vous n'allez pas chanter!", "norm": "", "mt": "No, you're not going to sing!", "ref": "Oh no, you're not going to sing, are you?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_32", "orig": "Je déteste les chanteurs!", "norm": "", "mt": "I hate singers!", "ref": "I hate singers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Il chantait tout le temps.
He used to sing all the time.
He used to sing all the time.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_30", "orig": "You need to get a better phone", "norm": "You need to get a better phone.", "mt": "Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone", "ref": "Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_31", "orig": "Ah non, vous n'allez pas chanter!", "norm": "", "mt": "No, you're not going to sing!", "ref": "Oh no, you're not going to sing, are you?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_32", "orig": "Je déteste les chanteurs!", "norm": "", "mt": "I hate singers!", "ref": "I hate singers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_33", "orig": "Mon ex-mari était chanteur.", "norm": "", "mt": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "ref": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
On ne pouvait jamais se concentrer à la maison.
We could never concentrate at home.
You could never concentrate at home.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_30", "orig": "You need to get a better phone", "norm": "You need to get a better phone.", "mt": "Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone", "ref": "Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_31", "orig": "Ah non, vous n'allez pas chanter!", "norm": "", "mt": "No, you're not going to sing!", "ref": "Oh no, you're not going to sing, are you?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_32", "orig": "Je déteste les chanteurs!", "norm": "", "mt": "I hate singers!", "ref": "I hate singers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_33", "orig": "Mon ex-mari était chanteur.", "norm": "", "mt": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "ref": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_34", "orig": "Il chantait tout le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "He used to sing all the time.", "ref": "He used to sing all the time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Ni dormir.
Or sleep.
Nor sleep.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_30", "orig": "You need to get a better phone", "norm": "You need to get a better phone.", "mt": "Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone", "ref": "Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_31", "orig": "Ah non, vous n'allez pas chanter!", "norm": "", "mt": "No, you're not going to sing!", "ref": "Oh no, you're not going to sing, are you?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_32", "orig": "Je déteste les chanteurs!", "norm": "", "mt": "I hate singers!", "ref": "I hate singers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_33", "orig": "Mon ex-mari était chanteur.", "norm": "", "mt": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "ref": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_34", "orig": "Il chantait tout le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "He used to sing all the time.", "ref": "He used to sing all the time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_35", "orig": "On ne pouvait jamais se concentrer à la maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "We could never concentrate at home.", "ref": "You could never concentrate at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Il chantait même en dormant.
He even sang in his sleep.
He even used to sing in his sleep.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_30", "orig": "You need to get a better phone", "norm": "You need to get a better phone.", "mt": "Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone", "ref": "Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_31", "orig": "Ah non, vous n'allez pas chanter!", "norm": "", "mt": "No, you're not going to sing!", "ref": "Oh no, you're not going to sing, are you?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_32", "orig": "Je déteste les chanteurs!", "norm": "", "mt": "I hate singers!", "ref": "I hate singers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_33", "orig": "Mon ex-mari était chanteur.", "norm": "", "mt": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "ref": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_34", "orig": "Il chantait tout le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "He used to sing all the time.", "ref": "He used to sing all the time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_35", "orig": "On ne pouvait jamais se concentrer à la maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "We could never concentrate at home.", "ref": "You could never concentrate at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_36", "orig": "Ni dormir.", "norm": "", "mt": "Or sleep.", "ref": "Nor sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous dit ça.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous dis ça.
I don't know why I'm telling you this.
I don't know why I'm telling you that.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_30", "orig": "You need to get a better phone", "norm": "You need to get a better phone.", "mt": "Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone", "ref": "Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_31", "orig": "Ah non, vous n'allez pas chanter!", "norm": "", "mt": "No, you're not going to sing!", "ref": "Oh no, you're not going to sing, are you?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_32", "orig": "Je déteste les chanteurs!", "norm": "", "mt": "I hate singers!", "ref": "I hate singers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_33", "orig": "Mon ex-mari était chanteur.", "norm": "", "mt": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "ref": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_34", "orig": "Il chantait tout le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "He used to sing all the time.", "ref": "He used to sing all the time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_35", "orig": "On ne pouvait jamais se concentrer à la maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "We could never concentrate at home.", "ref": "You could never concentrate at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_36", "orig": "Ni dormir.", "norm": "", "mt": "Or sleep.", "ref": "Nor sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_37", "orig": "Il chantait même en dormant.", "norm": "", "mt": "He even sang in his sleep.", "ref": "He even used to sing in his sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Sortez-nous d'ici!
Get us out of here!
Get us out of here!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_30", "orig": "You need to get a better phone", "norm": "You need to get a better phone.", "mt": "Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone", "ref": "Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_31", "orig": "Ah non, vous n'allez pas chanter!", "norm": "", "mt": "No, you're not going to sing!", "ref": "Oh no, you're not going to sing, are you?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_32", "orig": "Je déteste les chanteurs!", "norm": "", "mt": "I hate singers!", "ref": "I hate singers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_33", "orig": "Mon ex-mari était chanteur.", "norm": "", "mt": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "ref": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_34", "orig": "Il chantait tout le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "He used to sing all the time.", "ref": "He used to sing all the time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_35", "orig": "On ne pouvait jamais se concentrer à la maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "We could never concentrate at home.", "ref": "You could never concentrate at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_36", "orig": "Ni dormir.", "norm": "", "mt": "Or sleep.", "ref": "Nor sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_37", "orig": "Il chantait même en dormant.", "norm": "", "mt": "He even sang in his sleep.", "ref": "He even used to sing in his sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_38", "orig": "Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous dit ça.", "norm": "Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous dis ça.", "mt": "I don't know why I'm telling you this.", "ref": "I don't know why I'm telling you that.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_30", "orig": "You need to get a better phone", "norm": "You need to get a better phone.", "mt": "Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone", "ref": "Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_31", "orig": "Ah non, vous n'allez pas chanter!", "norm": "", "mt": "No, you're not going to sing!", "ref": "Oh no, you're not going to sing, are you?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_32", "orig": "Je déteste les chanteurs!", "norm": "", "mt": "I hate singers!", "ref": "I hate singers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_33", "orig": "Mon ex-mari était chanteur.", "norm": "", "mt": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "ref": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_34", "orig": "Il chantait tout le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "He used to sing all the time.", "ref": "He used to sing all the time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_35", "orig": "On ne pouvait jamais se concentrer à la maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "We could never concentrate at home.", "ref": "You could never concentrate at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_36", "orig": "Ni dormir.", "norm": "", "mt": "Or sleep.", "ref": "Nor sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_37", "orig": "Il chantait même en dormant.", "norm": "", "mt": "He even sang in his sleep.", "ref": "He even used to sing in his sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_38", "orig": "Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous dit ça.", "norm": "Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous dis ça.", "mt": "I don't know why I'm telling you this.", "ref": "I don't know why I'm telling you that.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_39", "orig": "Sortez-nous d'ici!", "norm": "", "mt": "Get us out of here!", "ref": "Get us out of here!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
It is moving now and here is floor two.
Il bouge maintenant et voici le 2e étage.
Ça bouge, maintenant, et voilà le deuxième étage.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_30", "orig": "You need to get a better phone", "norm": "You need to get a better phone.", "mt": "Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone", "ref": "Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_31", "orig": "Ah non, vous n'allez pas chanter!", "norm": "", "mt": "No, you're not going to sing!", "ref": "Oh no, you're not going to sing, are you?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_32", "orig": "Je déteste les chanteurs!", "norm": "", "mt": "I hate singers!", "ref": "I hate singers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_33", "orig": "Mon ex-mari était chanteur.", "norm": "", "mt": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "ref": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_34", "orig": "Il chantait tout le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "He used to sing all the time.", "ref": "He used to sing all the time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_35", "orig": "On ne pouvait jamais se concentrer à la maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "We could never concentrate at home.", "ref": "You could never concentrate at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_36", "orig": "Ni dormir.", "norm": "", "mt": "Or sleep.", "ref": "Nor sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_37", "orig": "Il chantait même en dormant.", "norm": "", "mt": "He even sang in his sleep.", "ref": "He even used to sing in his sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_38", "orig": "Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous dit ça.", "norm": "Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous dis ça.", "mt": "I don't know why I'm telling you this.", "ref": "I don't know why I'm telling you that.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_39", "orig": "Sortez-nous d'ici!", "norm": "", "mt": "Get us out of here!", "ref": "Get us out of here!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_40", "orig": "OK OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
You will get to your meeting on time, but not with me.
Tu vas aller à ton rendez-vous à l'heure, mais pas avec moi.
Vous allez arriver à l'heure à votre réunion, mais ce sera sans moi.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_30", "orig": "You need to get a better phone", "norm": "You need to get a better phone.", "mt": "Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone", "ref": "Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_31", "orig": "Ah non, vous n'allez pas chanter!", "norm": "", "mt": "No, you're not going to sing!", "ref": "Oh no, you're not going to sing, are you?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_32", "orig": "Je déteste les chanteurs!", "norm": "", "mt": "I hate singers!", "ref": "I hate singers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_33", "orig": "Mon ex-mari était chanteur.", "norm": "", "mt": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "ref": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_34", "orig": "Il chantait tout le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "He used to sing all the time.", "ref": "He used to sing all the time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_35", "orig": "On ne pouvait jamais se concentrer à la maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "We could never concentrate at home.", "ref": "You could never concentrate at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_36", "orig": "Ni dormir.", "norm": "", "mt": "Or sleep.", "ref": "Nor sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_37", "orig": "Il chantait même en dormant.", "norm": "", "mt": "He even sang in his sleep.", "ref": "He even used to sing in his sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_38", "orig": "Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous dit ça.", "norm": "Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous dis ça.", "mt": "I don't know why I'm telling you this.", "ref": "I don't know why I'm telling you that.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_39", "orig": "Sortez-nous d'ici!", "norm": "", "mt": "Get us out of here!", "ref": "Get us out of here!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_40", "orig": "OK OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_41", "orig": "It is moving now and here is floor two.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il bouge maintenant et voici le 2e étage.", "ref": "Ça bouge, maintenant, et voilà le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
I've had enough of you.
J'en ai assez de toi.
J'en ai assez de vous.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_30", "orig": "You need to get a better phone", "norm": "You need to get a better phone.", "mt": "Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone", "ref": "Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_31", "orig": "Ah non, vous n'allez pas chanter!", "norm": "", "mt": "No, you're not going to sing!", "ref": "Oh no, you're not going to sing, are you?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_32", "orig": "Je déteste les chanteurs!", "norm": "", "mt": "I hate singers!", "ref": "I hate singers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_33", "orig": "Mon ex-mari était chanteur.", "norm": "", "mt": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "ref": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_34", "orig": "Il chantait tout le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "He used to sing all the time.", "ref": "He used to sing all the time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_35", "orig": "On ne pouvait jamais se concentrer à la maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "We could never concentrate at home.", "ref": "You could never concentrate at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_36", "orig": "Ni dormir.", "norm": "", "mt": "Or sleep.", "ref": "Nor sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_37", "orig": "Il chantait même en dormant.", "norm": "", "mt": "He even sang in his sleep.", "ref": "He even used to sing in his sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_38", "orig": "Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous dit ça.", "norm": "Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous dis ça.", "mt": "I don't know why I'm telling you this.", "ref": "I don't know why I'm telling you that.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_39", "orig": "Sortez-nous d'ici!", "norm": "", "mt": "Get us out of here!", "ref": "Get us out of here!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_40", "orig": "OK OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_41", "orig": "It is moving now and here is floor two.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il bouge maintenant et voici le 2e étage.", "ref": "Ça bouge, maintenant, et voilà le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_42", "orig": "You will get to your meeting on time, but not with me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas aller à ton rendez-vous à l'heure, mais pas avec moi.", "ref": "Vous allez arriver à l'heure à votre réunion, mais ce sera sans moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
I quit!
Je démissionne !
Je démissionne !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:06:32.948261", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "average", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "excellent", "word_choice": "excellent" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both stuck in a lift at work.", "Vous êtes tous les deux bloqué(e)s dans un ascenseur au travail." ], [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the boss and are with an employee.", "Vous êtes le ou la patron(ne) et vous êtes avec un(e) employé(e)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are an employee and you are with your boss.", "Vous êtes un(e) employé(e) et vous êtes avec votre patron(ne)" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_0", "orig": "Ah mais qu'est-ce qui se passe encore?", "norm": "", "mt": "What the hell is going on?", "ref": "Oh what's going on now?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_1", "orig": "It's stopped between floors.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça s'est arrêté entre deux étages.", "ref": "Il est arrêté entre deux étages.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_2", "orig": "I'll press the button to floor two again.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je vais appuyer sur le bouton.", "ref": "Je vais appuyer à nouveau sur le bouton pour le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_3", "orig": "Oui, faites vite, j'ai une réunion dans 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yeah, make it quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "ref": "Yes, but be quick, I have a meeting in 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_4", "orig": "Ça marche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Is it working?", "ref": "Ok?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_5", "orig": "Ok OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_6", "orig": "I've pressed it but we are still not moving.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je l'ai appuyé, mais on ne bouge pas.", "ref": "J'ai appuyé mais on ne bouge toujours pas.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "clitique vs. syntagme prépositionnel", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_7", "orig": "Is there an emergency button?", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a un bouton d'urgence ?", "ref": "Est-ce qu'il y a un bouton en cas d'urgence ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_8", "orig": "Ben regardez, vous êtes devant!", "norm": "", "mt": "Look, you're in front!", "ref": "Well look, you're just in front of it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_9", "orig": "Il n'y a vraiment plus personne sur qui on peut compter dans ce bâtiment!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's really no one else we can count on in this building!", "ref": "You really can't count on anyone in this building anymore!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_10", "orig": "Je vais devoir me plaindre au service technique!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm gonna have to complain to the technical service!", "ref": "I'm going to have to complain to the technical department!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_11", "orig": "C'est un scandale!", "norm": "", "mt": "It's a scandal!", "ref": "It's outrageous!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_12", "orig": "calm down, shouting won't help.", "norm": "Calm down, shouting won't help.", "mt": "Calme-toi, ça ne sert à rien de crier.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, crier ne servira à rien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_13", "orig": "We need to work out what to do.", "norm": "", "mt": "On doit trouver quoi faire.", "ref": "Il faut qu'on réfléchisse à quoi faire.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_14", "orig": "Perhaps there is a signal here.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a peut-être un signal ici.", "ref": "Il y a peut-être du réseau ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "du signal", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_15", "orig": "Have yo got you", "norm": "Have you got your…", "mt": "Have you got you", "ref": "Vous, vous en avez ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "non traduit, faute de frappe?", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_16", "orig": "Have you got your phone with you?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as ton téléphone ?", "ref": "Vous avez votre téléphone sur vous ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_17", "orig": "Je ne vais pas me calmer!", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm not going to calm down!", "ref": "I won't calm down!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_18", "orig": "J'ai une réunion téléphonique avec le bureau de Tokyo dans moins de 15 minutes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "ref": "I have a conference call with the Tokyo office in less than 15 minutes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_19", "orig": "Je ne peux pas la rater.", "norm": "", "mt": "I can't miss it.", "ref": "I can't miss it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_20", "orig": "La boite en dépend.", "norm": "La boîte en dépend.", "mt": "The box depends on it.", "ref": "The company's depending on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_21", "orig": "Votre salaire en dépend.", "norm": "", "mt": "Your salary depends on it.", "ref": "Your salary depends on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_22", "orig": "Appelez donc les secours!", "norm": "", "mt": "Call for help!", "ref": "So call for help!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_23", "orig": "Là le gros bouton rouge!", "norm": "", "mt": "There's the big red button!", "ref": "There - the big red button!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_24", "orig": "Appuyez nom de Dieu!", "norm": "", "mt": "In the name of God!", "ref": "Push it for God's sake!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_25", "orig": "Why is it my fault?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi est-ce ma faute ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de ma faute ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_26", "orig": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help", "norm": "If you paid me more I would press more buttons for help.", "mt": "Si tu me payais plus, j'aurais plus de boutons pour aider.", "ref": "Si vous payiez mieux j'appuierais plus de boutons pour appeler à l'aide.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_27", "orig": "What if I sing you a song to calm you down?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et si je te chante une chanson pour te calmer ?", "ref": "Et si je vous chantais une chanson pour vous calmer ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_28", "orig": "Right, I've pressed the big red button and nothing has happened.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai appuyé sur le bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "ref": "Bon, j'ai appuyé sur le gros bouton rouge et rien ne s'est passé.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_29", "orig": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boite en métal!", "norm": "Bon, mon téléphone ne marche pas dans cette foutue boîte en métal!", "mt": "Well, my phone doesn't work in the damn metal box!", "ref": "RIght, my telephone isn't working in this bloody metal box.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_30", "orig": "You need to get a better phone", "norm": "You need to get a better phone.", "mt": "Tu as besoin d'un meilleur téléphone", "ref": "Vous devez vous acheter un meilleur téléphone.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_31", "orig": "Ah non, vous n'allez pas chanter!", "norm": "", "mt": "No, you're not going to sing!", "ref": "Oh no, you're not going to sing, are you?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_32", "orig": "Je déteste les chanteurs!", "norm": "", "mt": "I hate singers!", "ref": "I hate singers.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_33", "orig": "Mon ex-mari était chanteur.", "norm": "", "mt": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "ref": "My ex-husband was a singer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_34", "orig": "Il chantait tout le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "He used to sing all the time.", "ref": "He used to sing all the time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_35", "orig": "On ne pouvait jamais se concentrer à la maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "We could never concentrate at home.", "ref": "You could never concentrate at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_36", "orig": "Ni dormir.", "norm": "", "mt": "Or sleep.", "ref": "Nor sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_37", "orig": "Il chantait même en dormant.", "norm": "", "mt": "He even sang in his sleep.", "ref": "He even used to sing in his sleep.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_38", "orig": "Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous dit ça.", "norm": "Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous dis ça.", "mt": "I don't know why I'm telling you this.", "ref": "I don't know why I'm telling you that.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_39", "orig": "Sortez-nous d'ici!", "norm": "", "mt": "Get us out of here!", "ref": "Get us out of here!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_40", "orig": "OK OK.", "norm": "", "mt": "D'accord.", "ref": "OK OK.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_41", "orig": "It is moving now and here is floor two.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il bouge maintenant et voici le 2e étage.", "ref": "Ça bouge, maintenant, et voilà le deuxième étage.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_42", "orig": "You will get to your meeting on time, but not with me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu vas aller à ton rendez-vous à l'heure, mais pas avec moi.", "ref": "Vous allez arriver à l'heure à votre réunion, mais ce sera sans moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-06-32.948261_french_english_4_10_43", "orig": "I've had enough of you.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'en ai assez de toi.", "ref": "J'en ai assez de vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Bonjour Maria !
Good morning, Maria!
Hello Maria!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:54:48.531754", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a retirement home.", "Vous êtes dans une maison de retraite." ], [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
Comment vas-tu ?
How are you?
How are you doing?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:54:48.531754", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a retirement home.", "Vous êtes dans une maison de retraite." ], [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Maria !", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning, Maria!", "ref": "Hello Maria!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
So so.
Très bien.
Ça va ça va.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:54:48.531754", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a retirement home.", "Vous êtes dans une maison de retraite." ], [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Maria !", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning, Maria!", "ref": "Hello Maria!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_1", "orig": "Comment vas-tu ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you?", "ref": "How are you doing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
The leg's playing up a bit.
La jambe se joue un peu.
Ma jambe fait un peu des siennes.
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:54:48.531754", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a retirement home.", "Vous êtes dans une maison de retraite." ], [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Maria !", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning, Maria!", "ref": "Hello Maria!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_1", "orig": "Comment vas-tu ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you?", "ref": "How are you doing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_2", "orig": "So so.", "norm": "", "mt": "Très bien.", "ref": "Ça va ça va.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
And the nurses keep disturbing me every time I nod off.
Et les infirmières continuent de me déranger à chaque fois que je signe.
Et les infirmières n'arrêtent pas de me déranger à chaque fois que je pique du nez.
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:54:48.531754", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a retirement home.", "Vous êtes dans une maison de retraite." ], [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Maria !", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning, Maria!", "ref": "Hello Maria!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_1", "orig": "Comment vas-tu ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you?", "ref": "How are you doing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_2", "orig": "So so.", "norm": "", "mt": "Très bien.", "ref": "Ça va ça va.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_3", "orig": "The leg's playing up a bit.", "norm": "", "mt": "La jambe se joue un peu.", "ref": "Ma jambe fait un peu des siennes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
You can never get any peace around here!
On ne peut jamais avoir la paix ici !
On ne peut jamais être tranquille, ici !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:54:48.531754", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a retirement home.", "Vous êtes dans une maison de retraite." ], [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Maria !", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning, Maria!", "ref": "Hello Maria!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_1", "orig": "Comment vas-tu ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you?", "ref": "How are you doing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_2", "orig": "So so.", "norm": "", "mt": "Très bien.", "ref": "Ça va ça va.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_3", "orig": "The leg's playing up a bit.", "norm": "", "mt": "La jambe se joue un peu.", "ref": "Ma jambe fait un peu des siennes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_4", "orig": "And the nurses keep disturbing me every time I nod off.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les infirmières continuent de me déranger à chaque fois que je signe.", "ref": "Et les infirmières n'arrêtent pas de me déranger à chaque fois que je pique du nez.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
C'est bien vrai, elles passent leur temps à nous déranger.
It's true, they spend their time bothering us.
That's true - they spend their time bothering us.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:54:48.531754", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a retirement home.", "Vous êtes dans une maison de retraite." ], [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Maria !", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning, Maria!", "ref": "Hello Maria!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_1", "orig": "Comment vas-tu ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you?", "ref": "How are you doing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_2", "orig": "So so.", "norm": "", "mt": "Très bien.", "ref": "Ça va ça va.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_3", "orig": "The leg's playing up a bit.", "norm": "", "mt": "La jambe se joue un peu.", "ref": "Ma jambe fait un peu des siennes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_4", "orig": "And the nurses keep disturbing me every time I nod off.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les infirmières continuent de me déranger à chaque fois que je signe.", "ref": "Et les infirmières n'arrêtent pas de me déranger à chaque fois que je pique du nez.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_5", "orig": "You can never get any peace around here!", "norm": "", "mt": "On ne peut jamais avoir la paix ici !", "ref": "On ne peut jamais être tranquille, ici !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Elle déplacent des objets dans les chambres.
She's moving objects in the rooms.
They move objects around the rooms.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "who is \"she\"?", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:54:48.531754", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a retirement home.", "Vous êtes dans une maison de retraite." ], [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Maria !", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning, Maria!", "ref": "Hello Maria!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_1", "orig": "Comment vas-tu ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you?", "ref": "How are you doing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_2", "orig": "So so.", "norm": "", "mt": "Très bien.", "ref": "Ça va ça va.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_3", "orig": "The leg's playing up a bit.", "norm": "", "mt": "La jambe se joue un peu.", "ref": "Ma jambe fait un peu des siennes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_4", "orig": "And the nurses keep disturbing me every time I nod off.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les infirmières continuent de me déranger à chaque fois que je signe.", "ref": "Et les infirmières n'arrêtent pas de me déranger à chaque fois que je pique du nez.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_5", "orig": "You can never get any peace around here!", "norm": "", "mt": "On ne peut jamais avoir la paix ici !", "ref": "On ne peut jamais être tranquille, ici !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_6", "orig": "C'est bien vrai, elles passent leur temps à nous déranger.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's true, they spend their time bothering us.", "ref": "That's true - they spend their time bothering us.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Elle nous disent d'aller ici, de faire ça, pfff.
She tells us to go here, do that, pfft.
They tell us to go there, do that, huh.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:54:48.531754", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a retirement home.", "Vous êtes dans une maison de retraite." ], [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Maria !", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning, Maria!", "ref": "Hello Maria!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_1", "orig": "Comment vas-tu ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you?", "ref": "How are you doing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_2", "orig": "So so.", "norm": "", "mt": "Très bien.", "ref": "Ça va ça va.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_3", "orig": "The leg's playing up a bit.", "norm": "", "mt": "La jambe se joue un peu.", "ref": "Ma jambe fait un peu des siennes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_4", "orig": "And the nurses keep disturbing me every time I nod off.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les infirmières continuent de me déranger à chaque fois que je signe.", "ref": "Et les infirmières n'arrêtent pas de me déranger à chaque fois que je pique du nez.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_5", "orig": "You can never get any peace around here!", "norm": "", "mt": "On ne peut jamais avoir la paix ici !", "ref": "On ne peut jamais être tranquille, ici !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_6", "orig": "C'est bien vrai, elles passent leur temps à nous déranger.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's true, they spend their time bothering us.", "ref": "That's true - they spend their time bothering us.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_7", "orig": "Elle déplacent des objets dans les chambres.", "norm": "", "mt": "She's moving objects in the rooms.", "ref": "They move objects around the rooms.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "who is \"she\"?", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Who's that?
Qui est-ce ?
Qui donc ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:54:48.531754", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a retirement home.", "Vous êtes dans une maison de retraite." ], [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Maria !", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning, Maria!", "ref": "Hello Maria!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_1", "orig": "Comment vas-tu ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you?", "ref": "How are you doing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_2", "orig": "So so.", "norm": "", "mt": "Très bien.", "ref": "Ça va ça va.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_3", "orig": "The leg's playing up a bit.", "norm": "", "mt": "La jambe se joue un peu.", "ref": "Ma jambe fait un peu des siennes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_4", "orig": "And the nurses keep disturbing me every time I nod off.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les infirmières continuent de me déranger à chaque fois que je signe.", "ref": "Et les infirmières n'arrêtent pas de me déranger à chaque fois que je pique du nez.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_5", "orig": "You can never get any peace around here!", "norm": "", "mt": "On ne peut jamais avoir la paix ici !", "ref": "On ne peut jamais être tranquille, ici !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_6", "orig": "C'est bien vrai, elles passent leur temps à nous déranger.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's true, they spend their time bothering us.", "ref": "That's true - they spend their time bothering us.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_7", "orig": "Elle déplacent des objets dans les chambres.", "norm": "", "mt": "She's moving objects in the rooms.", "ref": "They move objects around the rooms.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "who is \"she\"?", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_8", "orig": "Elle nous disent d'aller ici, de faire ça, pfff.", "norm": "", "mt": "She tells us to go here, do that, pfft.", "ref": "They tell us to go there, do that, huh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
I can't see very well anymore.
Je ne vois plus très bien.
Je n'y vois plus très bien.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:54:48.531754", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a retirement home.", "Vous êtes dans une maison de retraite." ], [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Maria !", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning, Maria!", "ref": "Hello Maria!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_1", "orig": "Comment vas-tu ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you?", "ref": "How are you doing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_2", "orig": "So so.", "norm": "", "mt": "Très bien.", "ref": "Ça va ça va.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_3", "orig": "The leg's playing up a bit.", "norm": "", "mt": "La jambe se joue un peu.", "ref": "Ma jambe fait un peu des siennes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_4", "orig": "And the nurses keep disturbing me every time I nod off.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les infirmières continuent de me déranger à chaque fois que je signe.", "ref": "Et les infirmières n'arrêtent pas de me déranger à chaque fois que je pique du nez.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_5", "orig": "You can never get any peace around here!", "norm": "", "mt": "On ne peut jamais avoir la paix ici !", "ref": "On ne peut jamais être tranquille, ici !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_6", "orig": "C'est bien vrai, elles passent leur temps à nous déranger.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's true, they spend their time bothering us.", "ref": "That's true - they spend their time bothering us.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_7", "orig": "Elle déplacent des objets dans les chambres.", "norm": "", "mt": "She's moving objects in the rooms.", "ref": "They move objects around the rooms.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "who is \"she\"?", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_8", "orig": "Elle nous disent d'aller ici, de faire ça, pfff.", "norm": "", "mt": "She tells us to go here, do that, pfft.", "ref": "They tell us to go there, do that, huh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_9", "orig": "Who's that?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qui est-ce ?", "ref": "Qui donc ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Why is there a woman in my room?
Pourquoi y a-t-il une femme dans ma chambre ?
Pourquoi y a-t-il une femme dans ma chambre ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:54:48.531754", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a retirement home.", "Vous êtes dans une maison de retraite." ], [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Maria !", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning, Maria!", "ref": "Hello Maria!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_1", "orig": "Comment vas-tu ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you?", "ref": "How are you doing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_2", "orig": "So so.", "norm": "", "mt": "Très bien.", "ref": "Ça va ça va.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_3", "orig": "The leg's playing up a bit.", "norm": "", "mt": "La jambe se joue un peu.", "ref": "Ma jambe fait un peu des siennes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_4", "orig": "And the nurses keep disturbing me every time I nod off.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les infirmières continuent de me déranger à chaque fois que je signe.", "ref": "Et les infirmières n'arrêtent pas de me déranger à chaque fois que je pique du nez.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_5", "orig": "You can never get any peace around here!", "norm": "", "mt": "On ne peut jamais avoir la paix ici !", "ref": "On ne peut jamais être tranquille, ici !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_6", "orig": "C'est bien vrai, elles passent leur temps à nous déranger.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's true, they spend their time bothering us.", "ref": "That's true - they spend their time bothering us.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_7", "orig": "Elle déplacent des objets dans les chambres.", "norm": "", "mt": "She's moving objects in the rooms.", "ref": "They move objects around the rooms.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "who is \"she\"?", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_8", "orig": "Elle nous disent d'aller ici, de faire ça, pfff.", "norm": "", "mt": "She tells us to go here, do that, pfft.", "ref": "They tell us to go there, do that, huh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_9", "orig": "Who's that?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qui est-ce ?", "ref": "Qui donc ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_10", "orig": "I can't see very well anymore.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne vois plus très bien.", "ref": "Je n'y vois plus très bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
And you shouldn't be complaining!
Et tu ne devrais pas te plaindre !
Et tu ne devrais pas te plaindre !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-05-02T18:54:48.531754", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a retirement home.", "Vous êtes dans une maison de retraite." ], [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are visiting and talking to an old friend.", "Vous rendez visite et discutez avec un(e) vieil(le) ami(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a resident and you are talking with an old friend who is visiting you.", "Vous êtes un résident(e). Vous discutez avec un vieil ami qui est venu vous rendre visite" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Maria !", "norm": "", "mt": "Good morning, Maria!", "ref": "Hello Maria!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_1", "orig": "Comment vas-tu ?", "norm": "", "mt": "How are you?", "ref": "How are you doing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_2", "orig": "So so.", "norm": "", "mt": "Très bien.", "ref": "Ça va ça va.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_3", "orig": "The leg's playing up a bit.", "norm": "", "mt": "La jambe se joue un peu.", "ref": "Ma jambe fait un peu des siennes.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_4", "orig": "And the nurses keep disturbing me every time I nod off.", "norm": "", "mt": "Et les infirmières continuent de me déranger à chaque fois que je signe.", "ref": "Et les infirmières n'arrêtent pas de me déranger à chaque fois que je pique du nez.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_5", "orig": "You can never get any peace around here!", "norm": "", "mt": "On ne peut jamais avoir la paix ici !", "ref": "On ne peut jamais être tranquille, ici !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_6", "orig": "C'est bien vrai, elles passent leur temps à nous déranger.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's true, they spend their time bothering us.", "ref": "That's true - they spend their time bothering us.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_7", "orig": "Elle déplacent des objets dans les chambres.", "norm": "", "mt": "She's moving objects in the rooms.", "ref": "They move objects around the rooms.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "who is \"she\"?", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_8", "orig": "Elle nous disent d'aller ici, de faire ça, pfff.", "norm": "", "mt": "She tells us to go here, do that, pfft.", "ref": "They tell us to go there, do that, huh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_9", "orig": "Who's that?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qui est-ce ?", "ref": "Qui donc ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_10", "orig": "I can't see very well anymore.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je ne vois plus très bien.", "ref": "Je n'y vois plus très bien.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-05-02T18-54-48.531754_french_english_22_3_11", "orig": "Why is there a woman in my room?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi y a-t-il une femme dans ma chambre ?", "ref": "Pourquoi y a-t-il une femme dans ma chambre ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } } ]