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486,015 | Tannin - what's going on? Why have you blanked your talk and user page? I hope you're not leaving us. →Raul654 16:21, May 1, 2004 (UTC)
Ok, I guess this would explain it... Grauw
That was almost a month ago - I doubt it's relavant anymore. It's probably something else. →Raul654 14:28, May 2, 2004 (UTC)
Thanks for your eloquent final message. Just one thought: why not work on pictures only, as I have done since January 2003? I've never had an edit war or any serious trouble with any contributor. Life is peaceful in the world of pics! I know you don't accept the auto thumbnail quality so maybe pics are not of interest either. Very best wishes, Adrian
Adrian Pingstone
Hi Tannin... I'm sorry to see you leave us. :( Perhaps you'll look in on us again in the future. I hope you have fun in whatever new projects you find yourself sucked into, it's been nice working with you. fabiform | talk
I want to echo what Fabiform said
Another one bites the dust. :( Maybe someday we'll start banning trolls instead of letting them run off people who actually contribute something useful.
I'm so sorry to see you go. Angela. 19:15, May 4, 2004 (UTC)
I'm also sorry to see you leave, and I hope any disputes we may have had over the whole Papua thing didn't contribute to your decision. Hopefully, you'll come back some time. john
That's depressing. The sensible/lunatic ratio drops still further. Could a sysop please protect Tannin's user page, though. What he said was worth saying. Thanks.
This is very sad. Thank you for all your efforts. And thanks for your important message on your user page. Hopefully you can be welcomed back some day in a troll-free Wikipedia.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
Tannin, I hope you reconsider this. It's no coincidence that many of your articles got featured - you're on of the most knowledgeable contributors we have around here. Regardless of where the future takes you, you have built a legacy here which I am sure will stand the test of time. They will be distributed to people across this planet.
Perhaps you just need a wiki vacation? Enjoy the outside world for a while, the weather's great, at least here in Berlin.
Wik is currently in arbitration again and the people in the AC are smart enough to realize that he can't go on like this, they're just very slow. RK is only editing sporadically and he's walking on very thin ice. In my experience, the wiki always wins out in the long run. Our principles are good, it's just the enforcement that is lacking. Everyone knows that, and we are constantly evolving. Don't give up on us yet, please.
Even if you do, there's one thing you could do for us: Could you add a list of the most problematic articles that you've worked on to your user page, i.e. those which were subject to the most intense controversies? That would make it easier for others to keep an eye on them.
Best wishes,
== don't go ==
Please do not leave, the more good contributors that go the worse the situation gets. If you think its bad now wait till you and others like you go. You should not let your contributions be undermined by the trolls and vandals who frequent here, because after you go, they remain. Eitherway good luck. GrazingshipIV 02:56, May 5, 2004 (UTC)
I've always enjoyed your work here, and am very sorry to see you go, Tannin. I hope things will improve enough in the future that you'll feel able to come back - I think it'll get better, but then I'm a hopeless optimist. Good luck in whatever else you're doing. All the best
I can only echo what everyone else is saying. I am very sorry to see you go and hope you will reconsider, or, at least, come back after a while. Hopefully things will be much better then. Best of Luck. Danny
I understand your decision, and the endless unresolved controversies are one reason I dropped off the mailing list, and now write new articles only on bird-related topics. I'm sorry to see you go, you have been a good mate, and i hope you return one day. Jim
Always sad to see a good contributor leave. Hope you reconsider and come back. Dori | Talk 06:00, May 5, 2004 (UTC)
You're right, Tannin. You're absolutely right. Good luck. Cribcage
Please please pleeeeeeeeeeeassssssssse don't go. Come back and fight to get the system changed. We cannot afford to lose good people like you. theresa knott
I've already e-mailed you, so I'll just settle for joining in with all of these other folks here in urging you to return after a wikivacation. Arno
== Take a Wikiholiday - but do come back ==
Hey Tannin - I'm very sorry to see you leave. You have added so much useful content to this project and have been so cooperative that it saddens me greatly to see you leave. Yeah I know that there are a handful of problem users but there are many more who are here to improve the project and work with great people like you. Right now the AC is working on a second case for Wik. I know this seems to be working slowly but we are all trying to find a balance between openness and locking things down - both extremes have their evils. But do take a nice Wikiholiday - go birding or do something else you enjoy. Then re-join us and share your photos and notes. I try to do stuff like that several times a year and it really helps. Either way, please take care and understand that you are very much appreciated around here.
Fuck, why is it that it is so easy to neglect to say thanks to someone til it is too late. Your readiness to research a topic in depth seemed to be second to none. From a selfish perspective, I would be delighted if you would reconsider your decision to leave Wikipedia. Otherwise, thanks for all the great contributions and enjoy your new found free time! Pete/Pcb21 (talk)
As many others have said, your leaving is Wikipedia's loss. Good luck
I am gutted, you were so polite when I'd just arrived and was being silly. Why not pick a group of mates, go together and start a new version? You can copy all the articles here you want but act as editor. It has reached the point where editing is the rare skill.
I award a posthumous barn star. Seems inadequate really.
A tragedy!! Don't let the bastards get you down mate. Go look at life though your viewfinder for a while and come back to us with some more brilliant photos. Gaz
I take a week off and come back to find you gone....a sad re-entry for me. I hope (and trust) you will find meaning and fulfillment in your pursuits, and want to believe those endeavors will lead you back here someday (soon or in the distant future), a day I look forward to. All my best wishes and thanks for your quality and energetic work, Jwrosenzweig
We didn't talk much, and we did have some controversy, but you seemed very principled and honorable. It's sad to see you go.
Sometimes I feel the same way about Wikipedia; a lot of people have huge egos (including myself) and sometimes it makes things explosive. I sometimes wonder if people care too much.
I wish you the best with life outside of Wikipedia. And if you ever do get around to Ambition (as discussed on my user page) let me know how it plays. Feel free to be brutally honest. :)
Mike Church
Sorry to see you go. Hope you'll return some day to a better-organized Wikipedia. Isomorphic
Tannin, I know whomof you speak. I'm wasting a bunch of time right now in mediation with one of those tinfoil hat clowns. I will also admit to frustration when yet another poekmon page makes it past a VfD, but if there's even a hint of humor in an article, OHMYGOD! That said, I hope you plan at least to come back and visit once in a while, and perhaps even to contribute again. There are so many here who are worth working with that I can live with the idiots, at least for now. (And the Webby publicity has brought us, for better or worse, a big crop of newbies. Some of them are showing potential already; others will be fodder for Wik et al, who, having someone less able to defend themselves than those of us who have been around a while, may stay out of our faces for awhile. I must also mention that the admins are becoming more responsive to complaints from users like you and me. The mediation dispute I'm presently in is being handled by Angela, and involves this particular meathead and another user he's reduced to total frustration. The defendant has already been cut down a notch, from what Angela has told me, and once I get my chance for input, I'll be discussing banning for acts such as he pulled on me. To make what's becoming a long story short, there is hope here yet - please don't resolve to pack it in permanently.
But I came here for another reason - to thank you for the pic you added to Eureka Stockade. I did an extensive edit of that article to try and get it through to Featuured Article status. It had been nominated once before, but was not quite ready. Fingers crossed. I do have a request. Though Wiki's policy is "edit boldly", I have a personal issue with photos. I've edited pix in the past, but where I can, I like to clear it with the photographer first. What I would like to do with the image you contributed is to straighten the horizon line and bring up the color saturation just a bit. Any objections? You can check my image file (Dwindrim/images) and also Images of Mumbai, which is a complete photo edit, to help you decide if you trust me with your image.
Don't be gone long now, y'hear? Denni 18:48, 2004 May 11 (UTC)
Well. If you had been checking the messages here, you might have thought the come-back calls were over. Not quite. I'm one of those infrequent visitors of wikipedia and its mailing lists. But even an obscure user like me recognizes and respects your works. Hope your mind will change some day.
==Caps or not, again, and again...==
Hey... can you stop in at WikiProject Tree of Life... we're going around and around about capitalizing again..... Or email me. - UtherSRG
Reading the comments above, I feel very humbled. I was almost persuaded to stay by two or three of them. Thankyou all. Thankyou especially to ... no. I won't mention any individuals. All of you.
Glancing over recent changes, I see that Wik has finally been banned. Well, on its own that's hardly convincing evidence that the AC is finally starting to pull its weight and turn this madhouse back into a working encyclopedia, but it is a positive step. I'll do a few little edits over the next day or two and see if the place has improved. I don't know if I'll stay or not.
Best wishes to all, and especially to those of you who left messages above.
Does this mean your back? I sure hope so. You are much needed around here. Danny
I'm not sure, Danny. I'm back tonight. Probably tommorow too. After that .... I guess it depends of if the Wikipedia experience seems positive or not. I almost logged on as an anon so that I could just slip in without fuss, edit a few articles, and slip out again, but I didn't feel comfortable with doing that. Tannin
The AC is not a police force. If our ruling is subverted, then it is up to the Admins to enforce it. With that said, I'm very glad to see you back - at least temporarily.
==Welcome back!==
I totally concur with Danny's comments. Welcome back and please stay! 172
Good to see your name active again, welcome back!
Good to see you 'round the wiki again. Do what you can when you can! It's very much appreciated
Hear, hear. Please stick around. seglea
Oh! You're back! After reading your user page a while back, I was so surprised to see your username pop up. I'm glad you came back. You do good work. Elf | Talk
Welcome back Jim
Me too, I really hope you decide to stay. theresa knott
Ditto to all the above messages. It's great to see you back. I hope your return is not too temporary. Angela.
==John Howard==
Tannin, re your edit to John Howard. The tax cuts in the budget take effect at $52,000, which is approximately average male weekly earnings. It is true that only 20% earn more than this, but I don't think it is true to say that the tax cuts are only for the wealthy. I don't think a family with kids and an income of $52,000 could be called wealthy. Adam
== Noah's Ark ==
I note you were another reverter in the Yeti controversy in Jan.; i solicit your attention to the recent edits w/ an IP changing "illegible" and (my own version) "undecipherable" to "clear" on Noah's Ark. Thanks for your attention.
== A nice easy one for you ==
Welcome back! Thought you might like a nice easy uncontroversial science-and-nature article to look at whilst we try to restore your faith in the project so you'll stay longer. As such please feel very free to comment on, copyedit, etc etc, whale song, which I've made a start at today. Pete/Pcb21 (talk)
Sorry all. Though it seems to be sprightly right now (on a day when I don't have time) the 'pedia was hopelessly slow last night and I couldn't contribute anything. I was getting >5 minute page load times for a stretch of maybe 8 hours. Even reading wasn't possible, never mind writing. I gave up. Tannin
Welcome back and nice to meet you. Wikipedia is changing now drastically we will go better after a few days. Today I have a question to you. You posted a lot of nice pics of animals. I would like to upload them to the Japanese Wikipedia, but after assurance you released them clearly under GFDL. Your reply to my notepage will be appliciated. Cheers. KIZU
==In need of community support==
I'm in need of community support.
Right now, I am on the verge of being driven away from Wikipedia through the relentless efforts of a single problem user on Requests for comment/172, Requests for arbitration, and Requests for arbitration/172 vs VeryVerily.
The same user who refuses to accept the results of the Augusto Pinochet poll (see also goes through my user history every time he logs on and then starts reverting things that I've written arbitrary. He manages to divert attention away from the articles onto ad hominem attacks, thus poisoning the well against me. [
He has been doing nothing else for the past couple of months, other than making some minor changes to pages that he finds through the random page feature. Meanwhile, I've been working on articles such as Empire of Brazil, Dollar Diplomacy, and Franco-U.S. relations. I'm tired of letting a problem user define my contributions to the encyclopedia, as opposed to my work.
I may have said some regrettable things in the past, but my editing practices are scholarly and methodical. When I make an edit, my choice is based on a consideration of the quality of the encyclopedia. Unlike the user who avowedly admits to trying to escalate a personal feud (see, e.g., ), I do not decide which pages to edit and what changes to make on the basis of personality feuds, emotional POV whims, or a desire to get attention.
Although this user shows little evidence that he understands the content of the articles, I have shown considerable restraint, given my professional expertise. . Only through community support (i.e. lobbying the arbitration committee)will this user be stopped. Otherwise, Wikipedia will die unless we stop vandals and clueless POV-pushers from running rampant and driving away valued contributors.
Please feel free to direct questions and comments to my talk page or e-mail at sokolov47@.
==ToL and Categories==
Please weigh in: WikiProject_Tree_of_Life#MW_1.3_categories
==Wikipedia:Naming conventions==
I'm just curious how you determined that the April 16 changes I reverted at Naming conventions are "right", since they are in direct conflict with the pages I linked to. As far as I can tell, the only agreed policy is at Naming conventions (fauna) and even this is strictly for animals. (I'll put this on watch, so you can reply below). Mackerm ??
Hi, I'm from the french wikipedia and would like to know the license of the picture : as we use it on french wikipedia. Thanks in advance. Tipiac
No I don't still have the code, but it was only two lines:
$text = str_replace( "
$text = str_replace( "
Inserted somewhere around the top of what is now Parser::internalParse(), IIRC. The biggest problem was that it broke links to titles containing "
== Diprotodontia thumbnails ==
Hi, I see at Diprotodontia that you have reverted the thumbnails to the prior state. Now the heading lines run straight through the captions, at least on my (wide) screen. What exactly was wrong with the thumbnails?
Well, I guess we're on different sides of the thumbnail issue then (though I hope neither of is going to start an edit war about them;-). I agree that (automatic) thumbnails are sometimes (meaning: on rare occasions) significantly worse than manually generated ones. But:
Thumbnails give the whole project a more unified look
Thumbnails are usually *not* that bad. Exceptions are usually drawings (most PNG images). But, most thumbnails are smaller than the small images that were uploaded manually, which might explain the bad impression *on direct comparison*.
Thumbnails are only there to give a brief impression. Those who are interested in the image can click on it and get a much better (larger) one.
Thumbnails are generated automatically. That will become important
when the rendering software improves, so we can batch-thumbnail all thumbnailed images again, improving quality all over the site
when we decide the caption font needs to be improved
when generating a CD/DVD-version. Access to these media is fast, so thumbnails do *not* need to be generated for offline use; they can be shown just by adding parameters to the img tag
when generating a print version. When generating the hi-res printer data, the full-size image can be used as a data source. Manual thumbnails will be printed in their low resolution.
when adding an image or changing an image to a new version. No manual generation/upload of thumbnails is needed = less work
when trying to manage our image collection (50% less images to wade through!)
Also, as mentioned, the div style doesn't really work with the headings of the MonoBook skin; the heading lines go right through the caption. Alas, that's a technicality...
I think I now see the point here. It is that I don't see, and you see too well. I looked at the page you linked in your PS, and had a look at the bird pictures. I noticed that they differed a little in size, but not much else. After staring at them for a minute or so, I think I made out some fuzzyness at the plats in the background, but otherwise they seem more or less identical to me.
Maybe I am wrong, but I don't think I'm alone there. I think most people coming to wikipedia will see a thumbnail, think "oh, an image, and it has pretty colors" ;-) and probably try to click on it (and get the great original). They will not think "oh, the image is fuzzy at this detail, and the contrast is poor, and it was obviously resized by some not-even-factor". IMHO your professional photographer eye might be a little too critical here.
Also, I think it *is* possible to automatically improve thumbnails, compared to the current ones:
Make a difference between jpg/jpeg and gif/png files (photo/drawing)
Run a little auto-sharpen/auto-contrast
Treat color/grey images differently (not sure how yet)
There could also be this rule: If for an image (e.g., 640x480) the wanted image size (e.g., width=200) is close to an "exact even number" (33.3%, or 213px), the thumbnail will be generated with the latter size. Threshold could be 10%, which would nicely fit the example.
One of my points is, we can do this for *all* thumbnailed images, when we find a way to improve thumbnails. Remember, this is the first version of the thumbnail function. As you probably saw in my first long answer, I try to plan ahead here. Sure, a carefully manually generated thumbnail is of better quality that a "mass rendering". But IMHO, for most people (I'm talking blind thugs like me here;-) visiting wikipedia, the difference is not great or even noticable, and the technical (yes, here's my perspective:-) advantages outweigh the problems.
The format of the caption, or if we should have a border around thumbnails, is an entirely different matter. I don't have much of a preference there.
I agree that, subconciously, people will notice the lesser quality of automatic thumbnails. So, I have a (technical) suggestion that should leave both you and me (and everyone else concerned with the "thumbnails problem", AFAIK) happy! Here goes:
generates a normal, fuzzy thumbnail :-)
uses "bla_small.jpg" as the thumbnail
This associates the manually created thumbnail with the larger image in a machine-readable fashion. It should only be used if
the manual thumbnail is of significant better quality than the automatic one ("significant" being up to you:-)
or the manual thumbnail shows an alternate view (e.g., only a part) of the larger image
It will have the "unified look" I enjoy so much, the simple syntax of thumbnailed images, the automatic rendering on different media (high-quality instead of thumbnails in printouts etc.), and the ability to use manually optimized thumbnails.
I would like to suggest this on wikipedia-l, or you can suggest it. Implementing could be done in no time (as soon as I get a Linux up and runnig again...).
== Windows XP ==
"let's stay somewhere near the real world, shall we? Removing cruical stuff just doesn't cut it, especially when it is so easy to verify for yourself" Excuse me? The original statement wasn't backed up with any facts. Also, I have quite a few friends who think that the new XP interface is actually an improvement on the old interface. Regrettably, your "facts" are matters of opinion.
So don't tell me to stay somewhere in the real world. I live in it every day supporting the damn thing. I don't like the interface, but I also know others who love it and actually have become very productive using it. Though I think the new sentence is an improvement, it's still someone's point of view.
Tannin, I've given the XP page another shot after talking to Ambivalenthysteria. Can you tell us if it's OK to remove the tags now? Thanks - Ta bu shi da yu
==List of New Zealand birds==
Thanks for improving this - I rather feel that I've dumped this on you, having flagged it up and then pleaded incompetence to do it myself!. Jim
Kia ora! I've taken a bit of an interest in the above subject since someone very kindly added what may be some of the English version to the Maori version . I noticed lots of Tannin contributions and was pleased to see that the Tannin holiday wasn't too, too long! However, the article still has the "please improve" indication at the top. Still justified. Headings would improve the first part, and as I'm a braver heading-creator than many WPns I thought I might have a go. But there's no obvious guide to tree-of-life LISTS (as distinct from discursive articles). Any pointers? Robin Patterson
== Mount Buffalo shot... ==
Are you familiar with this painting by Arthur Streeton at the Castlemaine art gallery? It's very like your photograph of The Australian Alps. Great minds think alike :)
==Windows XP again==
If you get a chance, would you be able to point out some of your NPOV gripes with the article as it stands? If you can point me in the right direction, I'll have a shot at fixing it up. Ambivalenthysteria
==Windows XP mediation request update==
Hello Tannin. In my "official capacity" I've removed the request by Ta bu shi da yu from Requests for mediation and the issue has been listed at Requests for comment, because according to Dispute resolution, this should be done before mediation is attempted, and I do think that involving more people in the discussion will help move the issue forward.
Thanks, BCorr|Брайен, Co-chair of the Mediation Committee
Hi Tannin. I have added my gallery to the list of photographers. I understand, that you on the english Wikipedia are strict about stating the license under the contributed pictures. I think that is a very good idea and would like to do so on the danish Wikipedia with my own contributions. I se you have contributed photos under the cc-by-nd-nc, I would like to use that license for some of my photos too, but can I add that text to photos I have uploadet a while ago?
(Help I forgot my password here and I dont get any email when I try to send the password to )
Hi again :-) Thanks for a very fast reply :-) I have exactly the same problem as you describe - I uploaded my photos without realizing they could be "improved" in horrible ugly ways, or resized automatically so they look like fuzzy fog, - things that I had no control over (not that it has :-|) The cc-by-nd-nc would suit me fine, so I'll start putting it on my photos like you did on your photos.
I hope my english is understandable - I feel kind of cribbled writing in a foreign language, though it is easy for me to read english it is a very different matter to write it :-) Best -Malene (from danish Wikipedia)
== Welcome back ==
Hi Tannin - happy to see the rumours of your leaving are untrue. Loved your double-barred finch photo. Those pesky things were too small, too fast, and too far away for me.
Hi ?alabio. If you are interested in continents, given that Australia is mainly concerned with the country, you might like to pay some attention to Australia-New Guinea instead. Just a thought.
Best Tannin
I shall consider editing Australia-New Guinea, but I learned a valuable lesson:
People live on modern continents.
For now, I shall stay with ancient continents such as Nena (not to be confused with Nena of 99 Luftballons) needing love and articles. Since these ancient continents no longer exist, I do not have to worry about upsetting the inhabitants.
About your rant, I feel that getting rid anonymous edits would help.
Ŭalabio 23:39, 2004 Jul 19 (UTC)
== Hard disk ==
"have a brain" is really an unnecessary comment in this case.
If you look closely you'll see that the images have different names, the 's' image is for the thumbnail image, which is obsolete because of the new image markup. There's no need to have -s and -l images anymore, and the standardized image markup is easier to read.
My concern was primarily the non-standard image markup, so I have fixed the image markup while keeping the -s image, and I think that this solution will solve both of our concerns. I personally don't care if there are two separate images, but it did seem unnecessary for a stock photo like that. Nevertheless, I will remove the thumbnail from Images for deletion. In the future, I hope that you keep the vitriol out of your comments as much as possible, as it is unnecessarily hostile and rather irritating. No hard feelings, DropDeadGorgias (talk) 22:28, Jul 23, 2004 (UTC)
== Poll about whether we should keep either Euramerica or Laurussia ==
I accidently duplicated Laurussia in Euramerica. Since you contributed to these articles, I invite you to a pool on my TalkPage about how to remedy this.
Ŭalabio 19:31, 2004 Jul 24 (UTC)
Hello again! It's great to see that you've been contributing as actively as you used to over the past few days. Are you going to restore your user page any time soon? You used to post such great photographs on it. 172
==Citron-crested Cockatoo==
I think you should take alook at this... I did a quick cleanup, but I'm sure it needs more work and someone who knows birds should do it. (It's good to see you back!) - UtherSRG
== ==
Could you give copyright and/or source information for , thanks. ed g2s • talk
Please ignore me. ed g2s • talk
== Journal/periodical summaries ==
Hi Tannin, are there journals you read regularly? You might be interested in this project: Wikisummaries.
I think I will begin somewhere on en:, perhaps in my user space... +sj+
== race images ==
thanks for your support. If you care, see [(if you think I misrepresented anything feel free to correct it) | 521,484,497 | 2012-11-05T08:34:36 | Tannin/050220 | 2,019 |
55,642,701 | Mark Allen Klaassen (born April 17, 1973) is an American attorney who currently serves as the United States Attorney in the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming.
Klaassen was raised in Gillette, Wyoming. A graduate of Oral Roberts University and Notre Dame Law School, he clerked for Wade Brorby of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. Klaassen began his career as an associate at Latham & Watkins. From 2007 to 2009, Klaassen was chief of staff to the general counsel for the United States Department of Homeland Security, and he also served as general counsel for the United States House Committee on Homeland Security from 2003 to 2007. He was formerly an Assistant United States Attorney for the same district prior to his elevation to his current post.
==United States Attorney for the District of Wyoming==
On August 3, 2017, Donald Trump nominated Klaassen to be United States Attorney for the District of Wyoming. He was confirmed by the United States Senate by voice vote on November 9, 2017, and sworn into office on November 21, 2017.
==External links==
Biography at U.S. Department of Justice
1973 births
Living people
Assistant United States Attorneys
Notre Dame Law School alumni
Oral Roberts University alumni
People from Gillette, Wyoming
United States Attorneys for the District of Wyoming
Wyoming lawyers
21st-century American lawyers | 916,347,499 | 2019-09-18T12:50:42 | Mark Klaassen | 2,019 |
15,357,904 | == January 2008 ==
Welcome to Wikipedia. Although everyone is welcome to make constructive contributions to Wikipedia, at least one of your recent edits, such as the one you made to Air Gear, did not appear to be constructive and has been automatically reverted by ClueBot. Please use the sandbox for any test edits you would like to make, and take a look at the welcome page to learn more about contributing to this encyclopedia. If you believe there has been a mistake and would like to report a false positive, please report it here and then remove this warning from your talk page. If your edit was not vandalism, please feel free to make your edit again after reporting it. The following is the log entry regarding this warning: Air Gear was changed by (c) (t) making a minor change with obscenities on 2008-01-22T03:09:29+00:00 . Thank you. ClueBot (talk)
The recent edit you made to Air Gear constitutes vandalism, and has been reverted. Please do not continue to vandalize pages; use the sandbox for testing. Thanks. FastLizard4 (Talk•Index•Sign) )
Hi, the recent edit you made to Air Gear has been reverted, as it appears to be unconstructive. Use the sandbox for testing; if you believe the edit was constructive, ensure that you provide an informative edit summary. You may also wish to read the introduction to editing. Thanks. – Gurch
The recent edit you made to Air Gear constitutes vandalism, and has been reverted. Please do not continue to vandalize pages; use the sandbox for testing. Thanks. – Gurch ) | 187,237,228 | 2008-01-27T12:13:10 | | 2,019 |
43,369,394 | The Tony Danza Show is an American sitcom television series starring Tony Danza, Majandra Delfino, Dean Stockwell, Ashley Malinger, Maria Canals, and Shaun Weiss that aired on NBC from September 24 to December 10, 1997, during the 1997 fall line up. The show aired 5 episodes before being cancelled, leaving 9 episodes unaired.
Tony Danza won "Favorite Male Performer In A New TV Series" at the 24th People's Choice Awards for his performance in the show.
Tony DiMeo (Danza) is a single father of two daughters and a sports writer who can't use a computer. Tina (Delfino) is a 16-year-old rebellious teen, while Mickey (Malinger) is an 11-year-old hypochondriac.
Tony Danza as Tony DiMeo
Maria Canals as Carmen Cruz
Shaun Weiss as Stuey Mandelker
Majandra Delfino as Tina DiMeo
Ashley Malinger as Mickey DiMeo
Dean Stockwell as Frank DiMeo
==External links==
1990s American sitcoms
1997 American television series debuts
1997 American television series endings
NBC network shows
English-language television programs
Television series by Universal Television
Television series by Sony Pictures Television | 926,346,381 | 2019-11-15T19:18:24 | The Tony Danza Show (1997 TV series) | 2,019 |
55,642,703 | This table displays the top-rated primetime television series of the 2016–17 season, as measured by Nielsen Media Research.
Lists of American television series | 850,139,184 | 2018-07-13T21:36:59 | Top-rated United States television programs of 2016–17 | 2,019 |
43,369,395 | Autism articles | 618,058,398 | 2014-07-23T01:15:32 | Unknown-importance Autism articles | 2,019 |
31,460,143 | == Summary ==
== Licensing ==
Fair use images of movie posters | 861,461,797 | 2018-09-27T16:15:44 | Michael Jordan to the Max (movie poster).jpg | 2,019 |
22,624,172 | is a manga series by Leiji Matsumoto which was serialized from 28 January 1980
through 11 May 1983 in both the Sankei Shimbun and Nishinippon Sports newspapers. The manga series was adapted into a 42-episode anime television series by Toei Dōga and broadcast on the Fuji TV network from 16 April 1981 through 25 March 1982. An anime film was released on 13 March 1982 shortly before the TV series ended.
The anime series was combined by Harmony Gold and Carl Macek with episodes from the 1978 Matsumoto series, Space Pirate Captain Harlock, and shown from 1985 to 1986 in the United States as the 65-episode Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years. The series was broadcast in Germany on Tele 5 during 1992 and on Mangas in France in 2004.
The series takes place in the (then) futuristic year 1999. Professor Amamori discovers a 10th planet in the Earth's solar system, which he names La-Metal, while at his observatory in Tokyo. Its diameter is 9 times that of Earth. Amamori notes the planet has a highly eccentric orbit and, as it emerges behind the distant Pluto, Amamori realizes that La-Metal is on a collision course with Earth. He calculates that the planet will impact Earth on 9 September 1999, at 9 o'clock, 9 minutes and 9 seconds.
It turns out that La-Metal orbits the Solar System every 1,000 years, but only this time it is fated to come dangerously close to Earth. While damage to the giant ice-covered La-Metal would be minimal, Earth would be destroyed by the planet's massive gravitational pull. La-Metal is inhabited by a subterranean humanoid species ruled by a mysterious Holy Queen, Larela. She plans to abduct a large number of humans before the destruction of Earth, and enslave them with the help of her operatives already on Earth. These operatives are led by Promethium II, a woman known as a Millennial Queen who goes by the Earth name, Yukino Yayoi. She has been living on Earth for almost 1,000 years, like many such Millennial Queens before her, with the intention of establishing a colony for her home planet.
Promethium, who comes to care for her Earthling foster parents and friends, begins to question the La-Metalians' plans. As Yayoi, she begins working for Professor Amamori and decides to offer her help when Amamori discovers that La-Metal heading for Earth. The professor's young nephew Hajime, whose parents are killed while designing a spaceship to help a small group of humans escape from Earth, also joins their fight to save the planet.
They are soon confronted by a sabotage campaign initiated by a group of La-Metal generals against Earth. As the two planets come closer to colliding, Yukino finds out that a black hole is to blame for La-Metal's orbital deviation. A desperate plan is undertaken to destroy the black hole and save both their worlds.
Every 1000 years, a woman called a Millennial Queen is sent from the planet La-Metal to secretly rule over the Earth and lead an underground organization that secretly controls the entire planet. Promethium, known to Earthlings as Yukino Yayoi, is the current Millennial Queen. Some early movie promotional material identified her as Promethium II, and indicated that she was the daughter of the Queen Promethium of the Machine Empire of Galaxy Express 999 (another of Matsumoto's works). This idea (and the suffix, II) was later dropped, however, and Millennial Queen Promethium/Yayoi was considered to be the person who would eventually become the Machine Queen (see Maetel Legend).
While shown with rounder eyes in the anime television series, she is shown with almond-shaped eyes in both the manga and the anime film and looks just like Maetel from Galaxy Express 999.
While Yayoi is Professor Amamori's private secretary in all three versions of the story, there are the following differences:
Hajime is the main character in the manga and is in junior high school. He looks just like the character Tetsurō Hoshino from Galaxy Express 999, only wearing a gakuran. He has a keen interest in space, and is somewhat infatuated with Yayoi. While he doesn't get good grades in school, he is a very honest and kind person. At first he wants revenge on the people who are responsible for his parents' deaths, but he decides it is fruitless to hold a grudge and abandons that plan.
There are a few differences between the various versions of the story:
Professor Amamori is the head scientist at the Tsukuba Observatory. He is Hajime's uncle, though Hajime's father is his younger brother in the TV series and his older brother in the film. He became Hajime's guardian after his parents were both killed in an explosion. Amamori discovered the 10th planet, La-Metal, and determined it would collide with the Earth. At first, he had plenty of hair, but the discovery caused him to begin losing hair (though in the TV series, he keeps all his hair).
Larela is the Holy Queen and absolute ruler of planet La-Metal. She appears in the film as a small girl with glowing body and eyes, and energy halos at her head and feet. She is cold-hearted, and it is her plan allow Earth to be destroyed when her planet passes it for its final time.
The manga was originally serialized in from 28 January 1980 through 11 May 1983 in both the Sankei Shimbun and Nishinippon Sports newspapers. There have been multiple releases in book form. A planned ten volume B5-sized gekigaban set released under Sankei Shuppan's "Wakuwaku Comics" label had the first 10 pages of each volume in color, and an appendix with cel images from the TV series and interviews with Matsumoto and the creators of the TV series. The series was only published through volume 5, however.
Volume 1, 203 pages, August 1981
Volume 2
Volume 3, 205 pages, April 1982
Volume 4
Volume 5, 205 pages, November 1982
A shinsōban series of five volumes was released by Sankei Shuppan. Each volume had approximately 200 pages. Shogakukan released the series in both B6-sized hardcover and bunkoban formats under the shorter title. They also released the series in two volumes under their "My First Wideban" label, marketed to convenience stores.
Shogakukan bunkoban reprints
Volume 1, 346 pages, , June 1991
Volume 2, 340 pages, , August 1991
Volume 3, 330 pages, , August 1991
A two volume novelization by Kaeko Iguchi and Leiji Matsumoto was released by Sankei Shuppan under their "Junior Shōsetsu" label.
, 181 pages, December 1980
, 180 pages, August 1981
Light novel adaptations were written by Keisuke Fujikawa, who also wrote many of the teleplays for the anime television series as well as the screenplay for the anime film adaptation. A film adaptation was also written. They were published by Shueisha under their Cobalt label.
Volume 1, 241 pages, , January 1981
Volume 2, 239 pages, August 1981
Volume 3, 233 pages, March 1982
Film version, 1982
Bunka Publishing Bureau published a three volume "Pocket Mates" light novel series by Ken Wakasaki.
Volume 1, 315 pages, June 1981
Volume 2, 256 pages, September 1981
Volume 3, 290 pages, March 1982
===Film comics===
Film comics based on the anime television series were released by Sankei Shuppan under their "Wakuwaku" label.
Volume 1, 156 pages, 15 June 1981
Volume 2, 156 pages, 15 July 1981
Volume 3, 156 pages, 15 August 1981
Volume 4, 156 pages, 15 September 1981
Volume 5, 156 pages, 25 October 1981
Volume 6, 156 pages, 15 November 1981
Volume 7, 156 pages, 1 January 1982
Volume 8, 156 pages, 15 February 1982
===Anime television series===
The Queen Millennia anime television series aired on the Fuji TV network from 16 April 1981 through 25 March 1982 in the 7:00pm to 7:30pm time slot. It replaced Galaxy Express 999 in that time slot, and was replaced by Patalliro! at the end of its run. The series was animated by Toei Dōga. The series was originally scheduled to have 52 episodes, but due to having lower ratings than the previous Galaxy Express 999, the series was cancelled with only 42 episodes and the last 10 scheduled episodes left unaired.
Planning: Tokio Tsuchiya, Kenji Yokoyama, Yoichi Kominato
Production Supervisor: Masahisa Saeki
Teleplay Writers: Keisuke Fujikawa, Shigemitsu Taguchi, Hiroyasu Yamaura, Toyohiro Andō
Chief Director: Nobutaka Nishizawa
General Animation Director / Character Designer: Yoshinori Kanemori
Mechanical Designer: Katsumi Itabashi
Chief Designer (Art Direction): Isamu Tsuchida
Music: Ryudō Uzaki, Tomoyuki Asakawa
Production: Fuji TV, Toei Animation
Queen Millennia had music composed and arranged by Ryōdō Uzaki and Tomoyuki Asakawa. The opening theme song, , was sung by Masaki Takanashi. The ending theme song, , was sung by Manami Ishikawa. Both songs had lyrics by Yoko Aki, were composed by Ryudo Uzaki, and were arranged by Motoki Funayama.
Ishikawa was selected from 1,898 applicants to work with Takanashi on the image song . The song was performed by the Queen Millennia Grand Orchestra and arranged by Nozomi Aoki. A second image song, , was sung by Keiko Han and Slapstick, and was arranged by Motoki Funayama. The lyrics for both image songs were written by Yōko Aki and composed by Ryudō Uzaki.
===Animated Film===
The 1982 film serves as a retelling of the anime series. The 1999 setting is designed as more futuristic in appearance than in the TV series. in addition, the film provides an alternate ending to the story leaving no room for the events of the Maetel Legend OVA. The music score for the film was written and performed by Kitaro, while the end-credits music was sung by American singer Dara Sedaka.
=== OVA Maetel Legend===
The 2001 OVA Maetel Legend serves as a prelude to Galaxy Express 999. It is clearly established that Maetel is the daughter of Yayoi and that Yayoi becomes the Queen Promethium of the Mechanized Empire.
==External links==
1980 Japanese novels
1980 manga
1981 anime television series
1981 Japanese novels
1982 anime films
Animated space adventure television series
Animated films based on manga
Fuji Television shows
Japanese mythology in anime and manga
Leiji Matsumoto
Light novels
Science fiction anime and manga
Shueisha franchises
Space adventure films
Toei Animation television
Toei Animation films | 916,806,522 | 2019-09-20T18:47:28 | Queen Millennia | 2,019 |
15,357,907 | == January 2008 ==
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43,369,396 | Shaykh Hilal (الشيخ هلال) is a Syrian village located in Al-Saan Subdistrict in Salamiyah District, Hama. According to the Syria Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Shaykh Hilal had a population of 834 in the 2004 census. Its inhabitants are predominantly Ismailis.
== References ==
Ismaili communities in Syria
Populated places in Salamiyah District | 916,470,825 | 2019-09-19T02:28:29 | Shaykh Hilal | 2,019 |
55,642,704 | Oscarine Masuluke (born 23 April 1993) is a South African professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for TS Sporting. He previously played for Premier Soccer League club Baroka.
On 30 November 2016, Masuluke gained attention after his last-minute bicycle kick goal earned Baroka a 1–1 draw with the Orlando Pirates. The goal was later nominated for the 2017 FIFA Puskás Award. Masuluke finished second in the voting, with Olivier Giroud elected the winner and Deyna Castellanos taking third. On 27 February 2018, he was released by Baroka following allegations that he and other teammates drank on the team bus.
==External links==
1993 births
Living people
South African soccer players
Baroka F.C. players
South African Premier Division players
Association football goalkeepers who have scored
Association football goalkeepers | 904,667,298 | 2019-07-03T17:42:55 | Oscarine Masuluke | 2,019 |
31,460,144 | == April 2011 ==
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10,352,543 | == Great job on the Arrancar characters ==
Good to see someone making characters, might I add making them well, and not just a random attempt at an article.
I join the praise of the new articles - they are well-written and are definitely a worthy addition to the wealth of Bleach character pages. However, it may be better to pass on some characters and not create pages about them. What I mean is that some of those arrancar are dead, and there aren't really a lot of things that can be said about them. As a result, the article will always be the same size (which is fairly small), unless you completely stretch the little info that there is. Therefore, the notability of a character should be taken into definite consideration before making an article. As you might've noticed, we don't have articles on Kūkaku Shiba, Jirōbō Ikkanzaka, and many other characters.
yeah i left out d-roy for a reason, he had all of two seconds of airtime
== WikiProject Bleach ==
Konban-wa, Grimjaw-san! I recently proposed a Bleach WikiProject at Wikipedia:WikiProject Council/Proposals and thought that you might be interested in voicing your opinions. A couple of the project's goals are listed on the proposal page and if the project passes the proposal, I will get started on an official to-do list. I'm willing to hear any and all criticism, comments, and ideas to help improve the project. Thank you for your time! // PoeticDecay
== Tenjho Tenge Question ==
What is the first name of Feudal Japan era Nagi? Is it Kengo or is it Ichiyō. The only reason I ask is because back in Vol. 10, chapter 61, page 115: Mataza stated that Kengo was a family honorific and also I'm pretty sure that others during the Feudal Japan arc called him Ichiyō. (Duane543 )
That is my point. If Kengo is a family honorific, it would be only use it for formal introductions, but not used by people that know him. Either way it should be keep in the article. I also noticed you change Kagesada Sugano to Sugano Kagesada. I'm pretty sure it was right before, Kagesada being his first name and Sugano being his family name. I will not change anything until I get word back from you. (Duane543 )
To tell you the truth I only created that plot summary page only because all of it was on the main page and I did not want to delete someone's hard work. I have been leery working on it since when I happen to see the one piece arc articles go down in the AFD process (see here). Someone could make a very good argument that that article violates the Number 7 of theNOT#IINFO policy. On a brighter note. I'm glad that your are back helping out with the Tenjho Tenge articles!! As for your question of if I understood the ancient arc. My answer is yes for the most part. It took a couple of rereadings to figure all of it out and it did not help that you have to read really carefully understand where the time skips are. If you have any questions Feudal Japan arc, feel free to ask me and I will help in anyway I can. Now for my own question, how can be Sōhaku Kago be Souichiro's father if he was inside another man's body when he was with Makiko. In my logic, he does not meet any definitions for the term father. Not that this with change anything in the Tenjho Tenge articles (it already canon), I just want your opinion. (Duane543 )
Again, if Kengo is a honorific title, it would be part of his name. An example Paul McCartney, who is knighted, would be addressed as Sir (the honorific) Paul (given name) McCartney (family name). Since Japanese family names are first, than given name, than according to Japanese titles article the honorific would be last. Thus Nagi (family name), Ichiyo(given name), and Kengo (the honorific).
Anyhow, I don't know why Aya is staying quiet, but I think that we should not add Souichiro possession in to the article until it become more into the forefront of the plot in order to stem people adding Original research. Also, I too find it interesting that Kago does not have complete control of Souichiro's body because with Tokuan Shōjō, as soon as the eye went in and Kago had complete control. Just to let you know, you are a little confused on the reason Kago looks like himself when he changed bodies and is not because he can re-write dna. It is because at the time Tokuan, who has the ability to look like anyone, was impersonating Kago at the time when Kago took Tokuan's body.(Duane543 )
Souichiro is addressed as Nagi Souichiro Kengo by Mataza on page I mention on my first message. Since the Feudal Japan arc is loosely based on Japanese history, here are some links that might help you understand the arc better: Sanada Yukimura, Senhime, Tokugawa Ieyasu and Siege of Osaka . (Duane543 )
Good job on the Aya (present) article!! I only fixed some minor mistakes. I also put the copyright info on the your Tenjho Tenge pics, so OrphanBot will not be bugging you.(Duane543 )
Corrected the mistakes and filled in the Feudal Japan era in the Sohaku Article. I also rearranged the Characters the Feudal section was not correct because Ieyasu Tokugawa was being controlled, Tadaaki Jiroemon Ono was only going to get a job, and Masanobu Sadonokami Honda betrayed Sohaku, so it is not fair to say they were part of Sohaku's faction. Your question is pretty well answered by reading Tokuan Shōjō section which states "His power gives him the ability to look like anyone, although he was only shown doing it when he already had their head. His power also allows him to read their ki, so he could copy their physical techniques." You didn't miss the part of him using Reiki to imprint himself with Yoshikatsu Shinjirō Yagyuu techniques during their fight in order to defeat him. Also how many times do you think Sohaku jumped bodies? It is my belief that it is only two: Tokuan Shōjō and Souichiro Nagi. The reason I think this is because Sohaku makes some comment that to Noriko about be being the first time he has been old after takes over Tokuan body. This leads me to believe first body jump was out of necessity and the second was to get body that could use all of the powers that Noriko forced Souichiro to absorb. Otherwise he would just continue using his power on himself to keep young and healthy.(Duane543 )
Associating might be too strong of a word, but Dōgen was in the back of the in the limo with Mitsuomi, Emi, Shirō, Mitsuiro, and Hirohiko (who I can't figure out if is a flat girl or a boy) after Shirō was released from the hospital.(Duane543 )
You do realize that their are sites on the net that you can view Tenjho Tenge manga up to Chapter 101, so you would not have to download it. As for the answers for you questions: Dōgen in the limo is on Volume 16, Chapter 98, Page 122. The range of chapters from the attack on the enmi estate to Makiko stopping Souichiro is Chapter 57 through Chapter 65. As for Hirohiko character, you can't figure out the gender by the name in manga. I can't remember if their are any gender-specific pronouns used for that character, can do you? (Duane543 )
== tenjho tenge character articles ==
I have no idea if Mataza is family honorific or not so I think it is best to leave it alone. I think the characters that need separate articles are the ones that have impacted the storyline and have enough verifiable information for. Some of the characters that I personally believe meet this criteria are : Jushi Mataza Tsumuji (as you stated), Fu Chi'en, Dōgen Takayanagi , and Makiko Nagi. The criteria that I choose for characters to be in the main character page are that they had to first span more than one chapter and play significant role or be added in order for casual reader to understand a more important character. If you can't write 3 sentences about them, why add them. However this is harder to do with the newer characters because you do not know if they are one shot characters or not. One candidate I think will be eventually added to the main character page is will be the girl that has been taking down the other club captains. Lately I have been editing the Emi article offline, and will do some corrections (if needed) on the newer articles later. Anyhow, Great Job on the template!!! (Duane543 )
It is just my understanding, but I think if Makiko Nagi was strong enough for her dragon that Sōhaku Kago would have transfered into her body.(Duane543 )
I like the Techniques & abilities sections in the character articles. I would suggest that they be moved below the Synopsis section, but before the trivia (if there) and the references. I probably will go through each one individually later on to make sure we both have the same understanding. For example, I always thought Mitsuomi used an advanced version of the Forged Iron Needle attack, then Maya's or Souichiro's. Also, I will more than likely add Sōhaku's controlling jutsu to his section. When the Makiko Nagi article is created, this section will be a bear to work with because she is the character is the most confusing to me of what powers she has (or had?). (Duane543 )
I writing to clear up some differences in understandings. First, according to Chapter 71, Page 21, F was founded eight years ago and the coup' de ta of the family heads happened two years ago. Secondly, I don't think Noriko wanted to add 24 people to the Enforcement Group's roster for Todou Academy's annual election tournament. My thought that she was requesting more meat from the school (I could be wrong). Lastly, I don't think Noriko Dragon's Roar is a red feather power. The way Madoka talked about it on Chapter 80, Page 17, it is a jutsu that others have or had done. So it would not be like red feather powers which are only passed through genetics or obtained with the Dragon's fist. (Duane543 )
I sent the above message to make sure we were both on the same page. I just figuring it would clear up any mistake or misconceptions that could happen. (Duane543 )
It's funny how we can forget the first technique shown in Tenjho Tenge . Maya shrinking herself to look like a elementary child to safe up her ki. To bad Reiki used all of it to show Aya the past. (Duane543 )
Looking at the Tenjho Tenge articles, it is made clear that we have to work out a standardization of the references. This is because some pages going according within the volume, others pages go according within the chapter, and then their is the numbers in the black bar that is sometime inline with the volume page numbers and sometimes they are not. Would like to hear your opinion of the standardization of references. (Duane543 )
I think the most logical is to use the Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume * tankōbon (Chapter **, Page **). when page number from the volume is used and Tenjho Tenge" Manga; (Chapter **, Page **). when page number from the chapter is used. Forget about the black bar stuff. (Duane543 )
I see User:Cojin add some pics which is fine, but we should be careful not to overload an article with images (not that they are overloaded now) so it doesn't take long to load for people with a slower internet connection. I also would like to see the black bar cropped (one of the Shin pics still has it) out of the images. Do you agree? (Duane543 )
Just a heads up. I have been changing the Reiki to just Reiki. My reasoning for this is that in the manga it is treated more like a character than an object. (Duane543 )
The amount of images on Bunshichi's page is fine. I was just repeating a guildline that I once saw and now can not find. If you want to create a article for Reiki, go right ahead. If you think about it, the Tenjho Tenge article sure has changed since December 2006. (Duane543 )
I was wonder if you could change the Shinichirō Kurei, Kagesada Sugano, Fu Chi'en, Noriko Shindayuu Inue, and Mouki Enmi images on the Character list page. I think they do not reflect the character's personalities as well as the others. I already talk to Access_Timeco (the person who posted them) and he is fine with the change. If you could also post a pic for Nokimi Mayutsubo (the "witch" with the utility knife) that would be great. (Duane543 )
I found the transcript Here (Duane543 )
To tell you the truth, their are some things I didn't like and some I do. First problem is the names list of individual names under the family and dragon gate section. Most people can figure out who belongs to which family by themselves or else they can check out the character articles. I would combine the 36 Branch family into the 12 founding families by indenting the family name under the main family. The Dragon gate expansion is fine, but I would just indent the description and not have it italicized. The reason I suggest these changes so the Tenjho Tenge articles are not repeating the same information. Also I feel the main page should more of a summary that leads to the more in depth character pages and by removing the individual character list the appearance would be better since their would be less empty space on the right side of the page. Let me know what you think of my suggestions and if you want me to implement them. (Duane543 )
== Question ==
Do you have any experience with opening files with rar extension? (Duane543 )
Thanks for your help, but I found a free command line extractor that works well for me after I figured out the proper syntax.(Duane543 )
== Pics ==
Hey I added some pics to some of the characters if that's okay.
Oh ok sorry about that,yeah I like those pics that you put up and I kinda thought mitsuomi needed more pics so,I'll guess I'll find more of other do you like screen shots or Manga images?
I have a few screen shots and I'll try to get them uploaded asap.(i'm at school right now..)
== Katana ==
Hey I was wondering if we could add the other katana members as minor characters.I think there were six other members
Ok,but do you know the other three members names?
A while back when I first came to the Tenjo Tenge article there was nothing,but you guys did a good job with it thanks.
== Benihime ==
Simply because a technique is called bloodmist doesn't have to necessarily mean it was made of blood does it??? Or is there any more information given in the databooks???
== Tenjho Tenge ==
Are you sure about the Looping Yellow Fire Dragon and The Looping Blue Wood Dragon. I thought that elemental ki and the dragon gates are separate concepts. (Duane543 )
You were right about them being the same. I finally found it on Vol 9, page 42. Am I reading it right that Dragon eyes and Dragon fist work with the 8th element (on the next page)? That is some info that I forgot about. (Duane543 )
Do you think Raika Rotsukaku (referee) will have enough impact to be included in the list of characters? Right now, I think she is border line. (Duane543 )
I posted the ladybug activating reiki question on the Tenjho Tenge talk page where is more likely to be seen by others. (Duane543 )
Have you ever thought about making a tenjo tenge wiki? well if you have time...
It's like an entire wikipedia just for tenjo
But that is the advantage of having your own tenjo tenge wiki you could be the administrator and keep it the way you see fit.^_^
And why the hell would someone delete an article just because a character is dead? What now that their dead there history needs to be destroyed too?That's dumbasses for ya.
Hey it would have been cool if the opening was with the characters in flashback arc,I have to admit the whole time I was watching the dvd during the flashback I seemed to have forgotten about the present characters.
== Characters ==
Making articles for some of the feudal japan characters, in my opinion would be redundant. If someone wanted to better understanding of the feudal arc, their is the Plot Summary of Tenjho Tenge article as well as info from the other character articles. It is not like their character will ever be seen again since they are all dead. Just a heads up, I remove the idea that Masataka hates the all of th enforcement group with the exception of Bunshichi. Since he seems to be on fair terms with Emi, as he informed her of his decision to join Juuken Club before doing so. Here is a question for you to ponder; Why does Sōhaku have Souichiro fight Katsumi who is a white feather? I can only figure two possibilities; first is that Katsumi has a red feather power like Jushi or Souichiro has a red feather blood from the Shōjō family that would allow him to read their ki, so he could copy their physical techniques. (Duane543 )
I overlooked the normal gates. However if Suhaku did not switch bodies after the first transfer, Souichiro should have some other red feather power genetically from his father (Sōhaku Kago or Tokuan Shōjō). (Duane543 )
I've bee skimming some of the chapters. It looks like you were right about Inue being a Red feather because on Chapter88, Page 29 and Chapter 89, Page 40 when talking to Souichiro, she was using " us red feathers". I'm not completely sold on the dragon roar being a red feather power though. I was right about Sōhaku wanting to 24 students to fed to Souichiro (see chapter 79, Page 19). What with the deal on the main page. The nihongo was not hurting anything and would it easy for someone to add the kanji. Also Reige's edits brought up an a point that should probably addressed by one of us. This point being that their are two states (open and closed) to the dragon gate. The powers created by what state that Dragon gate is vastly different. (Duane543 )
I'm right now adding the kanji on the family names. As for the gates, lets use Maya for example, she has a power over the element wood and I don't think her gate is open. The power is nothing like Aya's open gate which produces the Dragon's eye. What is your opinion? (Duane543 )
On Vol. 9, Chapter 54, page 98, does it look like Makiko lost control of her dragon because it looks sort of like when she lost her other arm. It would also explain the scars on her eye ( which looks like Souichiro leg when the dragon took it). If true, did Sōhaku cut off her arm to save her? Let me here your thoughts. (Duane543 )
I know it is out of character for Sohaku, but the arm on that page is not a clean cut of a sword. It is more like Sohaku's character to have had Makiko under his Jutsu like Madoka, who he also made her feel like she loved him and that they would get married. Even though, Makiko is not illustrated having a amulet on her, but nether was Ieyasu. It is possible that Sohaku only uses the amulet when the person is some distance away from him. (Duane543 )
I disagree with your statement from Reiki article : "It also seems to repell other blades while activated, like the same poles on two magnets. For example, it manages to force Tetsuhito's sword from his hand and send it flying away from him." I looked at the page and it seems to me that it was drawn to show some force hitting Tetsuhito's hand from below. It is more probable that Maya kicked his hand to knock the sword out. (Duane543 )
I think some Shin’s relationship should be cleared up in the articles. First, Shin’s does not seem to me to care for Maya romantically. She happens to be the one person that maintains his focus of individuality in the mass of other consciousness or voices caused by the Dragon Eye (sort of like Frank Herbert’s Dune Abomination (Dune) concept). This is why the analogy of Maya being his flame in the dark. Because of this, Shin didn’t want to lose her to anyone. Secondly, Shin in some ways showed he really caring for Mana. Some of these are: He made a point in telling her he did not kill anyone to her before he started his meeting with Dogen. Another would be that he allowed Mana to take Reiki away from him in this crazy state. Lastly, how much her seeing her dieing affected him. What do you think? If we are in agreement, I will make the changes into the affected articles. (Duane543 )
What is the technique that the person sticks their finger in their opponents ear. Is that also the Iron Finger Technique? Because if it is both Mitsuomi (to Shin) and Makiko (threatens to use it on the hostage from Kyushu in the taxi) can do this technique. (Duane543 )
Just a heads up, I add Raika Rotsukaku to the character page (pic needed). (Duane543 )
== Edit summaries ==
Some of your edit summaries (etc.) could provoke overly sensitive editors. It's generally best to adopt a non-judgemental tone. – | 123,152,016 | 2007-04-16T03:04:43 | Grimjaw/Archive 1 | 2,019 |
15,357,909 | == January 2008 ==
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43,369,399 | ==Recent edit to Dollar sign==
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27,047,163 | == April 2010 ==
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22,624,175 | == Debut single? ==
The Dixie Chicks didn't have any singles before I Can Love You Better, as far as anyone can tell. If they had earlier non-charting singles, Eric444 or someone else with the Whitburn book would've already added it. Ten Pound Hammer and his otters • (Many otters • One hammer • HELP)
Seconded, they didn't have an earlier single than this song CloversMallRat (talk)
In December 1991, the Dixie Chicks issued a single release "Home on the Radar Range". See this Google books link to Country Music: The Rough Guide p. 524. You can see what the cover looked like on this fan site. Other sites such as this one also describe it. If this was the first single, then "I Can Love You Better" cannot be their debut single. It won't be in a Whitburn book because it didn't chart. As for why Eric444 missed it, you'll have to ask him. CloversMallRat's edit summary of "this sentence doesn't fit the article, and they didn't release any singles - 'I Can Love You Better' was the first song from the grp to be released to radio charting, see Discography" misses the point; the debut single category is not defined in terms of charting singles, but rather any single. Wasted Time R (talk)
Okay, I stand corrected. Ten Pound Hammer and his otters • (Many otters • One hammer • HELP)
Technically "Home on the Radar Range" was considered a Christmas single, so therefore the discussion is irrelevant because those don't count. If it hadn't been a holiday song, it would count as a debut single. Christmas singles don't even get to be in the singles section of discographies; they're under "other charted songs". If you want, you can add it to that part of their discography with dashes to note that it didn't chart, but you can't consider it a debut single, because it simply wasn't. CloversMallRat (talk)
Since when do Christmas singles not 'count'? They are considered like any other in the Whitburn books and in discographies. Even in WP they are considered part of the normal chronological sequence of singles, for example "All I Want for Christmas Is You" in Mariah Carey discography and "Please Come Home for Christmas" in Eagles discography. A debut single is simply the first single that an artist releases, whether it comes in July or December or is about a love gone bad or a holiday. Wasted Time R (talk)
To answer the first question; they always haven't "counted" as real singles. Also, you're referencing pop artists discographies for country articles, and that's not right - see Faith Hill discography or Rascal Flatts discography and note the location of holiday releases. They actually do make a difference, for example - a holiday single is not just any old single, its sent out right before the holidays and charts for like 4 weeks then goes poof ... and most of them chart from unsolicited airplay anyway and aren't even released. CloversMallRat (talk)
"Home on the Radar Range" was released by the group hoping to get sales and airplay and attention for themselves, just like any other intentional single. I think the discographies you point to are trying to separate out chartings of things that aren't intentionally released as singles but happen to get airplay or downloads anyway, which is not the case here. And I don't see why pop vs. country makes any difference. But I've made my case for the record. I would lose a poll on this, as 90% of the world doesn't even realize the Dixie Chicks existed before 1997, so they certainly wouldn't question your position. Wasted Time R (talk)
Not always, the song "A Baby Changes Everything" was intentially released by Faith Hill as a single, and it still was moved under "other charted songs" by experience Wiki editors, with the reason being that Christmas songs don't count as real singles. CloversMallRat (talk) | 360,400,793 | 2010-05-05T23:22:47 | I Can Love You Better | 2,019 |
15,357,913 | == January 2008 ==
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43,369,400 | Um Myal (أم ميال) is a Syrian village located in Al-Saan Subdistrict in Salamiyah District, Hama. According to the Syria Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Um Myal had a population of 605 in the 2004 census.
== References ==
Populated places in Salamiyah District | 916,475,448 | 2019-09-19T03:03:11 | Um Myal | 2,019 |
55,642,719 | The people listed below were born in or are otherwise closely connected to the city of Gillette, Wyoming.
People by city in Wyoming
People from Campbell County, Wyoming | 869,859,677 | 2018-11-20T21:03:58 | People from Gillette, Wyoming | 2,019 |
27,047,166 | == April 2010 ==
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22,624,177 | ==Refs==
More refs:
Variety Japan
May be useful later. ···日本穣? · Talk to Nihonjoe
Okay, DragonZero, please expand on your assessing in the areas where you indicated the criteria were not met (referencing/citation, coverage, structure) so I can try and address them. I'm at a loss on the referencing one because this article has pretty good referencing all throughout it. Thanks! ···日本穣? · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe · Join WikiProject Japan!
Well for references, it seems like the Maetel Legend, Novels, Manga, and a source for the airdates are missing. Then again, I was only searching for sources beside the words so I might've missed something. Coverage, well I had no justification for that one. Structure, the Film comics section says its animanga based on the tv series but under the heading of Maetel Legend, the movie of the series. Honestly though, I was tagging on intuition, so I might've been strict on the assessment. DragonZero (talk · contribs) | 550,795,369 | 2013-04-17T12:08:09 | Queen Millennia | 2,019 |
1,239,779 | The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (ATAS), also colloquially known as the Television Academy, is a professional honorary organization dedicated to the advancement of the television industry in the United States.
Founded in 1946, the organization presents the Primetime Emmy Awards, an annual ceremony honoring achievement in U.S. primetime television.
Syd Cassyd considered television a tool for education and envisioned an organization that would put outside the "flash and glamor" of the industry and become an outlet for "serious discussion" and award the industries "finest achievements". In 2016, producer Hayma Washington was elected chairman and CEO of the Academy of Arts and Sciences, becoming the first African-American to hold the position.
In 2014, alongside its Hall of Fame induction ceremony and announced plans to expand its headquarters, the organization announced that it had changed its public brand to the Television Academy, with a new logo designed by Siegel + Gale. The new branding was intended to downplay the organization's antiquated formal name in favor of a more straightforward identity, and features a separating line (typically used to separate the organization's wordmark from a simplified image of the Emmy Award statuette) used to symbolize a screen, and also portrayed as a "portal".
==Emmy Award==
In 1949, the Television Academy held the first Emmy Awards ceremony, an annual event created to recognize excellence in U.S. television programming, although the initial event was restricted to programming from the Los Angeles area. The name "Emmy" was derived from "Immy," a nickname for the image orthicon camera tube, which aided the progress of modern television. The word was feminized as "Emmy" to match the statuette, which depicted a winged woman holding an atom.
The Emmy Awards are administered by three sister organizations who focus on various sectors of television programming: the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (primetime), the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (daytime, sports, news and documentary), and the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (international).
==Publications and programs==
In addition to recognizing outstanding programming through its Primetime Emmy Awards, the Television Academy publishes the award-winning emmy magazine and through the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation, is responsible for the Archive of American Television, annual College Television Awards, Fred Rogers Memorial Scholarship, acclaimed student internships and other educational outreach programs.
==Current governance==
Frank Scherma (Chairman & Chief Executive Officer)
Steve Venezia, CAS (Vice Chair)
Tim Gibbons (Second Vice Chair)
Sharon Lieblein, CSA (Secretary)
Allison Binder (Treasurer)
Mitch Waldow (Los Angeles Area Vice Chair)
Bob Bergen (Governors' Appointee)
Rickey Minor (Governors' Appointee)
Muchael Ruscio, ACE (Governors' Appointee)
Lori H. Schwartz (Governors' Appointee)
Madeline Di Nonno (Chair, Television Academy Foundation)
===Board of Governors===
Janet Dimon
Jill Daniels
Art Directors/Set Decorators
James Pearse Connelly
Barbara Cassel
Casting Directors
Howard Meltzer, CSA
Peter Golden, CSA
Children's Programming
Daniel O. Evans
Ted Biaselli, Jr.
Mandy Moore
Gary Baum
Lowell Peterson, ASC
Ann Leslie Uzdavinis
Brian O'Rouke
Costume Design & Supervision
Sue Bub
Terry Ann Gordon
Daytime Programming
Eva Basler Demirjian
Steven Kent
Mark Cendrowski
Gail Mancuso
Documentary Programming
Lois Vossen
Shari Cookson
Electronic Production
John O'Brien
Kieran Healy
Interactive Media
Marc Johnson
Seth Shapiro
Los Angeles Area
Paul Button
Beatriz Gomez
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Motion & Title Design
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Picture Editors
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Production Executives
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Tony Carey
Professional Representatives
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Janet Carol Norton
Public Relations
Nicole Marostica
Tammy Golihew
Reality Programming
Bob Boden
Philip D. Segal
Steve Venezia, CAS
Frank Morrone, CAS
Sound Editors
Eileen Horta
Edward Fassl
Special Visual Effects
Erik Henry
Mark Scott Spatny
Thom Williams
Dorenda Moore
Television Executives
Tana Nugent Jamieson
Sam Linsky
Regina Y. Hicks
Terence Winter
==Television Academy honors==
See footnote.
The Television Academy Honors were established in 2008 to recognize "Television with a Conscience"—television programming that inspires, informs, motivates and even has the power to change lives.
===1st Annual (2008)===
Home from Iraq
Boston Legal
Girl Positive
God's Warriors
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, "Harm"
Pictures of Hollis Woods
Planet Earth
Side Order of Life
===2nd Annual (2009)===
A Home for the Holidays (10th Annual)
Breaking the Huddle: The Integration of College Football
Brothers & Sisters, "Prior Commitments"
Extreme Makeover Home Edition, "The Martirez & Malek Families"
Masterpiece Contemporary: "God on Trial"
Stand Up to Cancer
30 Days
Whale Wars
===3rd Annual (2010)===
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, "Coup De Grace"
Glee, "Wheels"
Grandpa, Do You Know Who I Am? With Maria Shriver
Explorer, "Inside Death Row"
Private Practice, "Nothing To Fear"
Taking Chance
Unlocking Autism
Vanguard, "The OxyContin Express"
===4th Annual (2011)===
The 16th Man
The Big C, "Taking The Plunge"
Friday Night Lights, "I Can't"
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
The Oprah Winfrey Show, "A Two-Day Oprah Show Event: 200 Adult Men Who Were Molested Come Forward"
Parenthood, "Pilot"
Private Practice, "Did You Hear What Happened to Charlotte King?"
Wartorn 1861–2010
===5th Annual (2012)===
The Dr. Oz Show
The Five (TV program)
Harry's Law, "Head Games"
Hot Coffee
Men of a Certain Age, "Let the Sun Shine In"
Rescue Me, '344"
Women, War & Peace
===6th Annual (2013)===
A Smile as Big as the Moon
D.L. Hughley: The Endangered List
Half The Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity For Women Worldwide
Hunger Hits Home
The Newsroom
Nick News with Linda Ellerbee
One Nation Under Dog: Stories of Fear, Loss & Betrayal
===7th Annual (2014)===
The Big C: Hereafter
Comedy Warriors
The Fosters
Mea Maxima Culpa
Screw You Cancer
===8th Annual (2015)===
black-ish, "Crime and Punishment"
60, "Dream On: Stories of Boston's Strongest"
The Normal Heart
Paycheck to Paycheck: The Life & Times of Katrina Gilbert
===9th Annual (2016)===
Born This Way
Scientology and the Prison of Belief
The Knick
Mississippi Inferno
Ukraine's Fight for Freedom
===10th Annual (2017)===
Before the Flood
The Night Of
This Is Us
We Will Rise: Michelle Obama's Mission to Educate Girls Around the World
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
===11th Annual (2018)===
13 Reasons Why
Andi Mack
Daughters of Destiny
Undocumented and Queer in Rural America
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
LA 92
One Day at a Time
===12th Annual (2019)===
Alexa & Katie
A Million Little Things
I Am Evidence
My Last Days
The Trayvon Martin Story
==Hall of Fame==
The Television Academy Hall of Fame was founded by a former president of the ATAS, John H. Mitchell (1921–1988), to honor individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to U.S. television. Inductions are not held every year.
==See also==
National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences
International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences
Primetime Emmy Award
==External links==
Television Academy
Television Academy Foundation
Television organizations in the United States
Organizations based in Los Angeles
North Hollywood, Los Angeles
1946 establishments in the United States
Organizations established in 1946 | 928,278,324 | 2019-11-28T00:33:48 | Academy of Television Arts & Sciences | 2,019 |
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43,369,404 | Al-Swaia (الصواية) is a Syrian village located in Al-Saan Subdistrict in Salamiyah District, Hama. According to the Syria Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Al-Swaia had a population of 68 in the 2004 census.
== References ==
Populated places in Salamiyah District | 916,362,265 | 2019-09-18T14:36:05 | Al-Swaia | 2,019 |
10,352,550 | Thank you for experimenting with Wikipedia. Your test worked, and it has been reverted or removed. Please use the sandbox for any other tests you may want to do. Take a look at the welcome page to learn more about contributing to our encyclopedia. -- | 118,837,333 | 2007-03-29T18:30:49 | | 2,019 |
55,642,722 | The 2017 ACC Women's Soccer Tournament was the postseason women's soccer tournament for the Atlantic Coast Conference. The defending champions were the Florida State Seminoles, but they were eliminated from the 2017 tournament with a 2–1 quarterfinal loss at North Carolina. North Carolina won the tournament with a 1–0 win over Duke in the final. The title was the 21st for the North Carolina women's soccer program, all of which have come under the direction of head coach Anson Dorrance.
== Qualification ==
The top eight teams in the Atlantic Coast Conference earned a berth into the ACC Tournament. The quarterfinal round was held at campus sites, while the semifinals and final took place at MUSC Health Stadium in Charleston, SC. Six of the eight teams in the tournament were ranked in the United Soccer Coaches poll prior to the beginning of the tournament.
== Schedule ==
=== Quarterfinals ===
=== Semifinals ===
=== Final ===
== Statistics ==
=== Goalscorers ===
3 goals
Tziarra King – NC State
2 goals
Zoe Redei – North Carolina
1 goal
Chelsea Burns – Duke
Rachel Cox – NC State
Imani Dorsey – Duke
Dallas Dorosy – Florida State
Bayley Feist – Wake Forest
Sabrina Flores – Notre Dame
Carly Leipzig – Boston College
Meghan McCool – Virginia
Kayla McCoy – Duke
Taylor Otto – North Carolina
Alessia Russo – North Carolina
Ella Stevens – Duke
Taryn Torres – Virginia
==All Tournament Team==
== See also ==
Atlantic Coast Conference
2017 Atlantic Coast Conference women's soccer season
2017 NCAA Division I women's soccer season
2017 NCAA Division I Women's Soccer Tournament
2017 ACC Men's Soccer Tournament
== References ==
ACC Women's Soccer Tournament
2017 Atlantic Coast Conference women's soccer season | 901,377,211 | 2019-06-11T13:35:22 | 2017 ACC women's soccer tournament | 2,019 |
43,369,405 | == July 2014 ==
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31,460,156 | Mario Pescante (born July 7, 1938 in Avezzano) is an Italian politician and entrepreneur. He is a former member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
Pescante began his career as a university sports manager and was appointed secretary general of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) in 1973. He served as Italy's chef de mission for seven Summer Olympics and five Winter Olympics. In 1993, Pescante was elected president of CONI. He resigned in October 1998 over a doping scandal.
He served as vice president of the Association of National Olympic Committees from 2001 to 2006. He teaches sports law at LUISS University in Rome and has authored numerous publications. In 2009, he became the first Italian to become a vice president of the IOC.
In February 2011, he was chosen to head Rome's bid for the 2020 Summer Olympics, however the bid was withdrawn due to the lack of government support.
In January 2014, Pescante publicly opposed the decision of United States president Barack Obama to include (for political purposes) four openly homosexual athletes in their Olympic delegation.
Pescante was a member of the IOC and retired at the end of 2018, as per protocol, having turned 80 during the year.
==Political career==
Pescante is a member of the People of Freedom party, and has been a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies since 2001. He served as an undersecretary of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities under prime minister Silvio Berlusconi from 2001 to 2006. At present, he is the president of the 14th Commission of the Chamber of Deputies (in charge of European Union affairs).
==External links==
PESCANTE Mario - PDL Chamber of Deputies Biography
1948 births
Living people
People from Avezzano
Forza Italia politicians
The People of Freedom politicians
21st-century Italian politicians
International Olympic Committee members | 924,261,730 | 2019-11-02T19:55:30 | Mario Pescante | 2,019 |
22,624,179 | The 2009 Winton V8 Supercar Event was the third race meeting of the 2009 V8 Supercar Championship Series. It contained Races 5 and 6 of the series and was held on the weekend of May 1–3 at Winton Motor Raceway, near Benalla, in rural Victoria.
==Rule change==
The new race formats for 2009 saw two races to be held over the weekend, with a 100 kilometre race held as Race 5 on Saturday, with a 200 kilometre race held on Sunday as Race 6.
==Race 5==
Race 1 was held on Saturday May 2.
==Race 6==
Race 2 was held on Sunday May 3.
===Qualifying Race 5===
===Race 5===
===Race 2===
After Round 3 of 14
==External links==
Official series website
Official timing and results
May 2009 sports events in Oceania | 932,015,795 | 2019-12-22T21:45:02 | 2009 Winton V8 Supercar Event | 2,019 |
10,352,557 | === March 2007 ===
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55,642,729 | ==References==
Thank you for contributing to Wikipedia. Remember that when adding content about health, please only use high-quality reliable sources as references. We typically use review articles, major textbooks and position statements of national or international organizations (There are several kinds of sources that discuss health: here is how the community classifies them and uses them). MEDHOW walks you through editing step by step. A list of resources to help edit health content can be found here. The edit box has a built-in citation tool to easily format references based on the PMID or ISBN. We also provide style advice about the structure and content of medicine-related encyclopedia articles. The welcome page is another good place to learn about editing the encyclopedia. If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a note. Doc James (talk · contribs · email) | 807,416,563 | 2017-10-27T20:17:29 | | 2,019 |
4,008,589 | Kevin "Geordie" Walker (born 18 December 1958) is an English rock musician, best known as the guitarist from the post-punk group Killing Joke. His unorthodox style of electric guitar playing is widely acclaimed; Byrds-like chiming arpeggios of repetitive and somewhat somber melodies with a hypnotic long-sustain tone.
Killing Joke have influenced numerous bands such as Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Jane's Addiction, My Bloody Valentine, Faith No More, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Soundgarden, Metallica and Marilyn Manson. Shoegazing guitarist and composer Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine mentioned the band and specifically praised Walker's touch, which he described as "this effortless playing producing a monstruous sound".
In November, the band received the "Innovator Award" at the 2010 Classic Rock Roll of Honour; the award was presented to Killing Joke by Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, who stated, "I go back a long way with Jaz Coleman and the band. I used to go and see the band, and it was a band that really impressed me because Geordie's guitar sound was just really, really strong. And they were really tribal, the band, and it was really intense. It was just really good to hear something like that during the 80s, which sort of caved in a bit with haircuts and synthesizers". The band were also honoured by Metal Hammer at their annual awards, receiving the Album of the Year award for Absolute Dissent.
==Life and career==
When he was fourteen, Walker's family moved south from Newcastle to Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire, 45 miles northwest of London. It was here that he acquired his nickname due to his northeastern "Geordie" accent (which he has subsequently lost).
Walker moved to London to study architecture and became a founding member of Killing Joke in 1979 when he responded to an advertisement placed by the singer Jaz Coleman. He had never played in a band before. Walker and Coleman have been the only constant members of the group since.
Walker has also been a member of industrial music supergroups Murder, Inc. and The Damage Manual.
Although most known for playing electric guitar, he has also used acoustic guitars; sparingly on the albums Outside the Gate (1988) and Pandemonium (1994), and more liberally on Democracy (1996).
Like Guns N' Roses' Slash, Walker is known for smoking cigarettes on stage, even in United States venues where smoking is prohibited.
Walker now lives in Royal Oak, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit with his wife and son, Lloyd (Atticus). During his recent work with Killing Joke, Hosannas from the Basements of Hell (2006), he was based in Prague where he has been involved in various other projects too, including overseeing the work of UK girl punk rock act Mary-Jane at Faust Studios.
His preferred guitar of choice is a golden, hollow-bodied 1952 Gibson ES-295:
Having started out with a Burman amplifier with custom Burman 8 x 10 cabinets, He currently uses 2 x Framus Dragon Head amplifiers, he has also recently experimented with a Marshall Vintage Modern which he describes as being similar to the Burmans (specifically the use of 4 pre amp tubes and KT66's although the Burmans had KT77's power amp valves).
Prior to his ES-295, he used a Gibson Les Paul Deluxe, which had been a Christmas gift from his mother when he was 15, and a Gibson SG Junior, which he had bought later.
Walker's effects include two PA:CE (Parmee Acoustics and Collins Electromagnetics) Automatic Double Tracker units, one under the Bell Electrolabs brand (one of the many sub brands PA:CE sold their products under) and the other under the PA:CE brand name. He has also been known to use an Electro-harmonix Memory Man for echo effects during the 1980s, and recently has been using two Line 6 Delay Modelers, as well as a T-Rex Roommate (reverb effect).
==External links==
at Allmusic.
Interview, Music UK (June 1984)
1958 births
English guitarists
English male guitarists
Living people
English punk rock guitarists
English expatriates in the United States
Killing Joke members
Pigface members
People from Chester-le-Street
Murder, Inc. (band) members
The Damage Manual members | 916,882,631 | 2019-09-21T04:11:25 | Geordie Walker | 2,019 |
43,369,407 | Rasm Al-Ahmar (رسم الأحمر) is a Syrian village located in Al-Saan Subdistrict, Salamiyah District, Hama. According to the Syria Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Rasm Al-Ahmar had a population of 754 in the 2004 census.
== References ==
Populated places in Salamiyah District | 916,469,995 | 2019-09-19T02:22:34 | Rasm Al-Ahmar | 2,019 |
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43,369,408 | North Carolina State
North Carolina State University people | 618,891,717 | 2014-07-28T23:59:04 | Chancellors of North Carolina State University | 2,019 |
55,642,739 | == October 2017 ==
Please stop adding unreferenced or poorly referenced biographical content, especially if controversial, to articles or any other Wikipedia page, as you did at Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. Content of this nature could be regarded as defamatory and is in violation of Wikipedia policy. If you continue, you may be blocked from editing Wikipedia. Geraldo Perez (talk)
Why do I need a reference for a paragraph on ethnicity? Ever other article has one. What wrong PEREZ?? Whats the REAL issue? hmm
You made an assertion not backed up with anything other than some personal opinions. If you are going to classify people provide something other than the belief a name means anything particularly on a bio article about someone. You seem to think names mean something, they might but you are not a recognized authority so provide references that matter for a given person. Particularly when it is blatantly false as in the subject article about a person who is almost by definition of her role was a member of the Anglican Church. Geraldo Perez (talk) | 807,435,386 | 2017-10-27T23:05:56 | 2605:6000:3D11:3200:1E1:D3D2:BC49:81AE | 2,019 |
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1,239,780 | Bedrock was a joint effort by Apple Computer and Symantec to produce a cross platform programming framework for writing applications on the Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows platforms. The project was a failure for a variety of reasons, and after delivering a developer preview version the project was abandoned in late 1993.
Bedrock started as an internal effort at Symantec in the early 1990s. At the time many of Symantec's products ran on both Mac and Windows, and what would become Bedrock was originally an internal set of tools intended to ease the effort of keeping both platforms up to date.
In 1991, Apple released the 3.0 version of its own development environment, MPW, along with its own object framework, MacApp. MPW was a command-line driven system that had not been competitively maintained. MacApp 3.0 is a major upgrade from previous versions, being ported from Object Pascal to C++. This left it largely incompatible with the previous version, and caused considerable consternation in the Mac developer community.
Symantec was also the supplier of the then-premier development platform on the Mac, Think C. This is a GUI-based environment which included an application framework of its own, TCL. Think C/TCL had garnered a considerable following in the Mac community, especially during the MacApp 3.0 era. To remain competitive, at some point MPW would have to be replaced with something much more similar to Think.
Throughout this period, Microsoft Windows was first starting its rise in popularity. Cross-platform development systems had been developed, but to this time they tended to be relatively simple, delivering least-common-denominator applications. A cross-platform SDK that could deliver first-rate solutions is one of the industry's supremely idealistic goals at the time.
The first mention of a collaboration between Apple and Symantec was contained in the flier for WWDC '92. The companies talked about it very briefly at the show, calling it "Cross Platform Framework" and mentioning that more would be revealed at the PC Expo show in June. This was greeted with considerable interest in the press.
At the MacWorld show they announced the conceptnot yet a real productas Bedrock. Bedrock would first be released on the Mac and Windows, with plans to expand it in the future to support Unix, OS/2, Windows NT, and Pink—the OS originated at Apple and now developed at Taligent. It was expected to become "the most direct path for migration" from System 7 to Pink. Allowing a single application source code base to target all of these platforms, Bedrock was intended to become the total successor to MacApp. Seven MacApp engineers at Apple were adding MacApp 3.0 technology and functionality. Even though Bedrock did not yet exist as a product, MacApp was officially deprecated with a maintenance release of 3.0.1, unless Bedrock's schedule would eventually slip.
Bedrock development was intended to be supported on Macintosh by Apple with an MPW replacement, and as an updated Think C from Symantec. Windows development was intended to happen via Symantec's (Zortech) C++ on Windows. Although not officially supported, the system would be deliberately written to be able to work with any C++ compiler.
Although Bedrock was a joint project, development was being carried out entirely by Symantec because its credible expertise in Windows development was essential to Apple's commitment to a more open system. Developers started commenting about the dangerous position this placed Apple in, leaving their future development platform in the control of a third party. Furthermore, Symantec's CEO had apparently given up on the Mac platform, and had publicly announced that Windows was the future of the company.
Throughout this period Apple was also working on OpenDoc, positioning it as a unique document-centered technology that led to a better user experience than monolithic applications. Apple was particularly effective in "selling" the OpenDoc concept to end users and developers, and the obvious contradiction between working on Bedrock while claiming classic applications were outmoded led to infighting between the project teams within Apple.
Meanwhile, Symantec was having considerable problems of its own. Late in 1992, numerous members of the Bedrock team, including the head of development, left the company. This led to press accounts that the project was purportedly "stone cold".
A developer preview was delivered in early 1993 that includes several demo apps built using the system. These apps look nothing like either Mac or Windows programs, using custom UI widgets for many common tasks like Open File dialog boxes. The demo applications also seem buggy and lacking any visual polish, including spelling and grammar mistakes throughout. The developer preview was released with claims that the product would ship late in 1993, but that this coming release would not yet be of "code quality", and that a true final release could not be expected until some time in 1994.
By the end of 1993, with no further release in sight, rumors abounded of Apple's dissatisfaction with the project and especially with its lack of OpenDoc support. Even in public, Apple was questioning "how we can fit Bedrock into the OpenDoc environment".
In late January 1994, Ike Nassi, Vice President of the Development Products Group within AppleSoft, announced Apple's renewed commitment to use the 18-month-old Bedrock for all native and crossplatform development. He announced an expanded scope to "make Bedrock the tool of choice for OpenDoc part development"though neither Apple nor Symantec would provide any details on how this would be done, and they didn't know whether the first Bedrock release would include OpenDoc functionality at all. Computerworld reported that "most said they have not seen much progress on Bedrock", though it was being beta tested and a partial low-level component release was expected in the first half of 1994.
Apple VP Ike Nassi recalled that once he finally read the business contract between Apple and Symantec governing Bedrock, he emphatically described it as "a terrible, terrible contract" and demanded its immediate termination. Though lobbied "very heavily" in his office by Symantec Vice President Gene Wang and CEO Gordon Eubanks, Nassi ordered Apple to pay a fee to cancel it.
On January 24, 1994 Apple and Symantec finally officially stated that Symantec was no longer actively developing Bedrock. Instead, Symantec granted Apple a "worldwide, perpetual license to distribute and further develop Bedrock. Additionally, Apple granted Symantec a worldwide perpetual license to use specific Apple technology in future Symantec products." However, all mention of Bedrock quickly disappeared from both companies' public statements.
Having relied on Bedrock to be the replacement for MPW and MacApp, Apple had done little development on its own platform. By 1994 this left the company with a hopelessly outdated development platform. Bedrock's failure amid the PowerPC efforts was also ill-timed. Symantec had also done little work with Think C during this period, especially the TCL libraries. This led to the rapid switch from both MPW and Think C to the more modern and PPC-native Metrowerks systems.
Classic Mac OS programming tools
Programming tools for Windows | 925,027,602 | 2019-11-07T11:27:41 | Bedrock (framework) | 2,019 |
55,642,743 | == October 2017 ==
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22,624,184 | == April 2009 ==
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31,460,162 | == "Nationality" ==
This ambiguous word continues to cause trouble. All "Cuban" winners in the table were born in Cuba, but most now have citizenship in the USA. Bebo Valdes did not live in Cuba for the last 53 years of his life, and I'm pretty sure he was a long-time Swedish citizen. Really the column needs splitting in two. One column could be country of birth, the other could be their allegiance at the time of the award. Whatever one feels about these countries, it's not the business of WP to create false impressions. Macdonald-ross (talk)
I totally get your point, but I think the column should disappear completely, to avoid confussion. Javier Espinoza (talk)
Just as good. Macdonald-ross (talk)
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43,369,410 | Mrikb (مريقب) is a Syrian village located in Al-Saan Subdistrict in Salamiyah District, Hama. According to the Syria Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Mrikb had a population of 57 in the 2004 census.
== References ==
Populated places in Salamiyah District | 916,462,157 | 2019-09-19T01:29:30 | Mrikb | 2,019 |
20,427,700 | The sultans of the Ottoman Empire (Osmanlı padişahları), who were all members of the Ottoman dynasty (House of Osman), ruled over the transcontinental empire from its perceived inception in 1299 to its dissolution in 1922. At its height, the Ottoman Empire spanned an area from Hungary in the north to Yemen in the south, and from Algeria in the west to Iraq in the east. Administered at first from the city of Söğüt since before 1280 and then from the city of Bursa since 1323 or 1324, the empire's capital was moved to Adrianople (now known as Edirne in English) in 1363 following its conquest by Murad I, and then to Constantinople (present-day Istanbul) in 1453 following its conquest by Mehmed II.
The Ottoman Empire's early years have been the subject of varying narratives due to the difficulty of discerning fact from legend. The empire came into existence at the end of the thirteenth century, and its first ruler (and the namesake of the Empire) was Osman I. According to later, often unreliable Ottoman tradition, Osman was a descendant of the Kayı tribe of the Oghuz Turks. The eponymous Ottoman dynasty he founded endured for six centuries through the reigns of 36 sultans. The Ottoman Empire disappeared as a result of the defeat of the Central Powers with whom it had allied itself during World War I. The partitioning of the Empire by the victorious Allies and the ensuing Turkish War of Independence led to the abolition of the sultanate in 1922 and the birth of the modern Republic of Turkey in 1922.
The sultan was also referred to as the Padisha or Padishar (Ottoma Turkish: padişah; Padichah). In Ottoman usage the word "Padisha" was usually used except "sultan" was used when he was directly named.
Names of the sultan in languages used by ethnic minorities:
Arabic: In some documents "Padishah" was replaced by "malik"
Armenian: "Sultann" and "PADIŠAH"
Bulgarian: In earlier periods Bulgarian people called him the "tsar". The translation of the Ottoman Constitution of 1876 instead used direct translations of "sultan" (Sultan} and "padishah" (Padišax)
Greek: In earlier periods the Greeks used the Byzantine Empire-style name "basileus". The translation of the Ottoman Constitution of 1876 instead used a direct translations of "sultan" (Σουλτάνος Soultanos) and "padishah" (ΠΑΔΙΣΑΧ padisach).
Judaeo-Spanish: Especially in older documents, El Rey ("the king") was used. In addition some Ladino documents used sultan (in Hebrew chartacters: שלטנ and ולטנ).
Persian: "Padishah" (as pādešāh) was used in Persian as well
==State organisation of the Ottoman Empire==
The Ottoman Empire was an absolute monarchy during much of its existence. By the second half of the fifteenth century, the sultan sat at the apex of a hierarchical system and acted in political, military, judicial, social, and religious capacities under a variety of titles. He was theoretically responsible only to God and God's law (the Islamic شریعت şeriat, known in Arabic as شريعة sharia), of which he was the chief executor. His heavenly mandate was reflected in Islamic titles such as "shadow of God on Earth" (ظل الله في العالم ẓıll Allāh fī'l-ʿalem) and "caliph of the face of the earth" (خلیفه روی زمین Ḫalife-i rū-yi zemīn). All offices were filled by his authority, and every law was issued by him in the form of a decree called firman (فرمان). He was the supreme military commander and had the official title to all land. Osman (died 1323/4) son of Ertuğrul was the first ruler of the Ottoman state, which during his reign constituted a small principality (beylik) in the region of Bithynia on the frontier of the Byzantine Empire.
After the conquest of Constantinople in 1453 by Mehmed II, Ottoman sultans came to regard themselves as the successors of the Roman Empire, hence their occasional use of the titles Caesar (قیصر Qayser) of Rûm, and emperor, as well as the caliph of Islam. Newly enthroned Ottoman rulers were girded with the Sword of Osman, an important ceremony that served as the equivalent of European monarchs' coronation. A non-girded sultan was not eligible to have his children included in the line of succession.
Although absolute in theory and in principle, the sultan's powers were limited in practice. Political decisions had to take into account the opinions and attitudes of important members of the dynasty, the bureaucratic and military establishments, as well as religious leaders. Beginning in the last decades of the sixteenth century, the role of the Ottoman sultans in the government of the empire began to decrease, in a period known as the Transformation of the Ottoman Empire. Despite being barred from inheriting the throne, women of the Imperial Harem—especially the reigning sultan's mother, known as the Valide Sultan—also played an important behind-the-scenes political role, effectively ruling the empire during the period known as the Sultanate of Women.
Constitutionalism was only established during the reign Abdul Hamid II, who thus became the empire's last absolute ruler and its reluctant first constitutional monarch. Although Abdul Hamid II abolished the parliament and the constitution to return to personal rule in 1878, he was again forced in 1908 to reinstall constitutionalism and was deposed. Since 2017, the head of the House of Osman has been Dündar Ali Osman, a great-grandson of Abdul Hamid II.
==List of sultans==
The table below lists Ottoman sultans, as well as the last Ottoman caliph, in chronological order. The tughras were the calligraphic seals or signatures used by Ottoman sultans. They were displayed on all official documents as well as on coins, and were far more important in identifying a sultan than his portrait. The "Notes" column contains information on each sultan's parentage and fate. For earlier rulers, there is usually a time gap between the moment a sultan's reign ended and the moment his successor was enthroned. This is because the Ottomans in that era practiced what historian Quataert has described as "survival of the fittest, not eldest, son": when a sultan died, his sons had to fight each other for the throne until a victor emerged. Because of the infighting and numerous fratricides that occurred, a sultan's death date therefore did not always coincide with the accession date of his successor. In 1617, the law of succession changed from survival of the fittest to a system based on agnatic seniority (اکبریت ekberiyet), whereby the throne went to the oldest male of the family. This in turn explains why from the 17th century onwards a deceased sultan was rarely succeeded by his own son, but usually by an uncle or brother. Agnatic seniority was retained until the abolition of the sultanate, despite unsuccessful attempts in the 19th century to replace it with primogeniture.
==See also==
Line of succession to the Ottoman throne
Ottoman Emperors family tree
Ottoman family tree (more detailed)
List of Valide Sultans
List of Ottoman Grand Viziers
List of admirals in the Ottoman Empire
List of Ottoman Kaptan Pashas
a: The full style of the Ottoman ruler was complex, as it was composed of several titles and evolved over the centuries. The title of sultan was used continuously by all rulers almost from the beginning. However, because it was widespread in the Muslim world, the Ottomans quickly adopted variations of it to dissociate themselves from other Muslim rulers of lesser status. Murad I, the third Ottoman monarch, styled himself sultan-i azam (سلطان اعظم, the most exalted sultan) and hüdavendigar (خداوندگار, emperor), titles used by the Anatolian Seljuqs and the Mongol Ilkhanids respectively. His son Bayezid I adopted the style Sultan of Rûm, Rûm being an old Islamic name for the Roman Empire. The combining of the Islamic and Central Asian heritages of the Ottomans led to the adoption of the title that became the standard designation of the Ottoman ruler: Sultan Khan. Ironically, although the title of sultan is most often associated in the Western world with the Ottomans, people within Turkey generally use the title of padishah far more frequently when referring to rulers of the Ottoman Dynasty.
b: The Ottoman Caliphate was one of the most important positions held by rulers of the Ottoman Dynasty. The caliphate symbolized their spiritual power, whereas the sultanate represented their temporal power. According to Ottoman | 932,631,736 | 2019-12-27T07:44:39 | List of sultans of the Ottoman Empire | 2,019 |
55,642,752 | == October 2017 ==
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55,642,754 | == October 2017 ==
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43,369,412 | == July 2014 ==
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There had been an argument about studio vs compilation long ago and as you can clearly see on the talk page of the article; the consensus is that Michael is a compilation album and NOT a studio album. Please do not try changing it to studio album otherwise you WILL find yourself facing a block, not exactly the best way to start editing... Barts1a | Talk to me | Yell at me | 423,419,169 | 2011-04-10T23:20:23 | | 2,019 |
27,047,172 | William Francis du Pont Jr. (February 11, 1896 – December 31, 1965) was an English-born, American businessman and banker, and a prominent figure in the sport of Thoroughbred . He developed and designed more than 20 racing venues, including Fair Hill at his 5,000-acre estate in Maryland. A member of the Delaware Du Pont family, he was the son of William du Pont and Annie Rogers Zinn, and brother to Marion duPont Scott, a noted horsewoman and breeder.
==Early life and education==
William (also called Willie) was born at Loseley Park, a 16th-century manor in Surrey, England. He was the second child and only son of Annie Zinn (née Rogers) and William du Pont Sr. His older sister was Marion, and they grew up at Montpelier, the historic home of President James Madison, which their parents had bought and expanded.
They both were educated in private schools and became interested in the world of thoroughbred horseracing, including steeplechase, hunts, and horse shows. William specialized in thoroughbred racing and breeding. Marion also became known for her contributions to horseracing and breeding.
==Marriages, family, and career==
On January 1, 1919, William married Jean Liseter Austin. Their marriage celebration in Rosemont, Pennsylvania, was billed as the "Wedding of the Century" in media accounts because of the wealth of each family. Jean's father, William Liseter Austin, was a railroad baron at the Baldwin Locomotive Works. He gave the couple more than of land as a wedding gift. William's father built Liseter Hall for them on the property in 1922. The three-story Georgian mansion was a replica of Montpelier, where du Pont had grown up.
William was elected to the board of directors of the Delaware Trust Company, where his father was president (and later chairman of the board), in 1921. His career with the bank would continue until his death. In 1928, William inherited the Bellevue Hall estate in Delaware upon the death of his father. The estate featured a Gothic Revival castle built in 1855, which du Pont had remodeled into another replica of his boyhood home of Montpelier. His father's death also created a vacancy in the presidency of the Delaware Trust Company, and William ascended to the position.
Willie and Jean developed a notable horse farm on their property. In the 1920s and 1930s, Liseter Hall Farm was considered the ne plus ultra of Mid-Atlantic horse facilities. In addition to the indoor galloping track, the first in the United States, the farm featured a large barn for race horses; a -wide by -long indoor riding ring, used by trainers for schooling young horses; the half-mile training track and its adjacent combination viewing stand/water tower; a breeding shed; a hunter barn; a show horse barn; a loading barn with ramps, for transporting horses to competition; and a grassy, half-mile chute that connected the training track with the race horse, hunter and show horse barns. Similar facilities were built at the Bellevue Hall estate, including a hunting barn, two indoor training tracks, and an outdoor track.
William and Jean had four children together, two girls and two boys. They divorced in February 1941, when the youngest, John, was 2 years old. Jean Liseter du Pont retained the property her father gave her. Following the divorce, du Pont moved his permanent residence to Bellevue Hall.
Du Pont remarried in 1947 to Margaret Osborne, a tennis champion. He built both an indoor and outdoor tennis court at Bellevue for the benefit of his wife. They had a son, William du Pont III, born July 22, 1952. That same year, William was made chairman of the board at the Delaware Trust Company, retaining his position as president as well. Osborne and du Pont divorced in 1964. Their son William du Pont III also was active with thoroughbreds and later owned Pillar Stud in Lexington, Kentucky.
==Foxcatcher Farm==
At Liseter Hall Farm, du Pont Jr. established a large thoroughbred racing stable in the 1920s; he raced its horses under the nom de course, Foxcatcher Farm. During this period, he also established breeding operations at Bellevue Hall, his family's estate in Wilmington, Delaware. He had another operation at Fair Hill, where he established a steeplechase course on his facility.
In 1927, du Pont imported Satrap from England and brought the son of The Tetrarch to stand at his second facility, the new Walnut Hall Farm near Boyce, Virginia. In 1936, duPont was part of the syndicate that bought and imported the stallion Blenheim, Aga Khan's Epsom Derby winner.
Du Pont's racing operation was managed for several years by the trainer Preston Burch, selected for the U.S. Racing Hall of Fame.
In the mid-1930s, Richard Handlen took over as the trainer, managing the stable operation into the 1960s. During this time, du Pont won the 1938 Preakness Stakes with Dauber, the second race of the Triple Crown for three-year-olds. Other of his horses won six American championships and prominent races:
Fair Star - 1926 American Champion Two-Year-Old Filly
White Clover II - 1932 Suburban Handicap
Rosemont (horse) took the 1935 Withers Stakes, beating that season's Triple Crown winner, Omaha; he also beat Seabiscuit in the 1937 Santa Anita Handicap, a match race
Ruler, duPont's first homebred stakes winner, won the Brook Steeplechase in 1929 and 1930.
Fairy Chant - 1940 American Champion Three-Year-Old Filly and 1941 American Champion Older Female Horse
Parlo - 1954 American Champion Three-Year-Old Filly and the 1954 and 1955 American Champion Older Female Horse.
Berlo - 1960 American Champion Three-Year-Old Filly.
Their successes contributed to the value and reputation of his stables.
William du Pont's interests in racing extended to the development and design of racecourses. In all, he created 23 racecourses, including Fair Hill, a steeplechase course at Fair Hill in Cecil County, Maryland, and Delaware Park Racetrack for flat racing. The latter opened on June 26, 1937. He had also helped write the legislation to authorize development of the park and was the major shareholder. The Thoroughbred farms and racing were important parts of the Delaware and Maryland economies in those decades, although racing gradually drew smaller crowds.
Du Pont Jr. died at the Wilmington Medical Center at age 69 on December 31, 1965.
In 1928, Marion duPont Scott, the older child, inherited Montpelier after their father's death. Located four miles (6 km) south of Orange, Virginia, the estate had been the plantation home of James Madison, fourth President of the United States. In 1934, William and Marion established the Montpelier Races, a National Steeplechase event, which continues to be run each fall on the grounds at Montpelier.
At her death in 1983, Scott bequeathed the estate, designated a National Historic Landmark, to the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Her father's will had said that if she were childless, the property would be inherited by her brother and his children. Her will included a provision for his children to sell or give their interests in the property to the National Trust or forfeit their share of a separate $3.1 million trust. In addition, she provided $10 million to the National Trust to buy the property and to establish an endowment. As her brother had died in 1965, his five children inherited Montpelier. Three sold or gave their interests to the National Trust. Although two nephews sued the National Trust in an effort to break the will, they finally sold their interests in 1984.
The National Trust acquired the property to preserve and interpret as a public history site for James and Dolley Madison, his presidency, and the architecture and society of Montpelier. There has been increasing emphasis on such interpretation including a full accounting of the lives of the slaves at Montpelier during the Madisons' tenure.
==Legacy and honors==
Following du Pont's death, none of his heirs were interested in retaining the Bellevue Hall estate due to its extensive collection of recreational facilities and the upkeep they required. In 1976, the property was purchased by the state of Delaware and opened to the public as Bellevue State Park.
In 1979, du Pont was honored posthumously with induction in the Delaware Sports Museum and Hall of Fame.
==External links==
William du Pont and William du Pont Jr. photographic materials (1855-1928) at Hagley Museum and Library
William du Pont Jr. Papers at Hagley Museum and Library
William du Pont papers at Hagley Museum and Library
1896 births
1965 deaths
American bankers
American racehorse owners and breeders
William du Pont, Jr.
William du Pont, Jr. | 927,028,047 | 2019-11-19T22:26:40 | William du Pont Jr. | 2,019 |
22,624,188 | A tag has been placed on Mei Ting, requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under the criteria for speedy deletion, because the article seems to be blatant advertising that only promotes a company, product, group, service or person and would need to be fundamentally rewritten in order to become an encyclopedia article. Please read the general criteria for speedy deletion, particularly item 11, as well as the guidelines on spam.
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15,357,916 | The Phenomenon of Man (Le phénomène humain) is an essay by the French philosopher, paleontologist and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
In this work, Teilhard describes evolution as a process that leads to increasing complexity, culminating in the unification of consciousness.
The text was written in the 1930s, but published only posthumously, in 1955.
==Publication history==
The essay was written in the 1930s, growing out of a shorter essay with the same title published in 1930.
Teilhard prepared it for publication, but he died, on 10 April 1955, before the book appeared.
It was published still in the year of his death, with Éditions du Seuil, the publishing house of Catholic intellectual Jean Plaquevent (1901–1965). The essay was printed as prepared by Teilhard, without an introduction by an editor, but with a short preface or avertissement and a short appendix by Teilhard himself, dated March 1947 and October 1948, respectively.
An English translation by Bernard Wall was published in 1959. The foreword to the English version was written by one of the key advocates for natural selection and evolution of the 20th century, and a co-developer of the modern synthesis in biology, Julian Huxley.
A new English edition and translation was published in 1999.
== Summary ==
Teilhard views evolution as a process that leads to increasing complexity. From the cell to the thinking animal, a process of psychical concentration leads to greater consciousness. The emergence of Homo sapiens marks the beginning of a new age, as the power acquired by consciousness to turn in upon itself raises mankind to a new sphere. Borrowing Huxley’s expression, Teilhard describes humankind as evolution becoming conscious of itself.
In Teilhard's conception of the evolution of the species, a collective identity begins to develop as trade and the transmission of ideas increases. Knowledge accumulates and is transmitted in increasing levels of depth and complexity. This leads to a further augmentation of consciousness and the emergence of a thinking layer that envelops the earth. Teilhard calls the new membrane the “noosphere” (from the Greek “nous”, meaning mind), a term first coined by Vladimir Vernadsky. The noosphere is the collective consciousness of humanity, the networks of thought and emotion in which all are immersed.
The development of science and technology causes an expansion of the human sphere of influence, allowing a person to be simultaneously present in every corner of the world. Teilhard argues that humanity has thus become cosmopolitan, stretching a single organized membrane over the Earth. Teilhard describes the process by which this happens as a "gigantic psychobiological operation, a sort of mega-synthesis, the “super-arrangement” to which all the thinking elements of the earth find themselves today individually and collectively subject". The rapid expansion of the noosphere requires a new domain of psychical expansion, which "is staring us in the face if we would only raise our heads to look at it".
In Teilhard’s view, evolution will culminate in the Omega Point, a sort of supreme consciousness. Layers of consciousness will converge in Omega, fusing and consuming them in itself. The concentration of a conscious universe will reassemble in itself all consciousnesses as well as all that we are conscious of. Teilhard emphasizes that each individual facet of consciousness will remain conscious of itself at the end of the process.
== Reception ==
Julian Huxley in his introduction, dated December 1958, compares Teilhard's idea to his own attempts, published in
The Uniqueness of Man (1941) but pursued since before World War I, of unifying humanism and biological evolution as a single process, but separated by a "critical point".
In 1961, Peter Medawar, a British immunologist and Nobel Prize-winner, wrote a scornful review of the book for the journal Mind, calling it "a bag of tricks" and saying that the author had shown "an active willingness to be deceived": "the greater part of it, I shall show, is nonsense, tricked out with a variety of metaphysical conceits, and its author can be excused of dishonesty only on the grounds that before deceiving others he has taken great pains to deceive himself".
Richard Dawkins in Unweaving the Rainbow (1998) references Medawar's review as "devastating", and characterises The Phenomenon of Man as "the quintessence of bad poetic science".
Teilhard's publications were viewed with scepticism by the church authorities during his lifetime,
and while the Holy Office did not place any of Teilhard's writings on the Index of Forbidden Books at any point, it did publish a monitum or "warning" in 1962, specifically against the then-recent popularity of the posthumously published works by Teilhard:
Thus, Teilhard's work in the 1960s saw condemnation both on the part of scientists and of church authorities.
In an apparent inversion of this, the work has been reviewed approvingly both from the scientific and the theological point of view in more recent years:
For the church, Pope Benedict XVI made an approving reference to Teilhard's concept of the Omega Point,
in a reflection on the Epistle to the Romans during a vespers service in Aosta Cathedral in 2009.
Saying "St. Paul writes that the world itself will one day become a form of living worship", the pope commented on Teilhard:
It's the great vision that later Teilhard de Chardin also had: At the end we will have a true cosmic liturgy, where the cosmos becomes a living host. Let's pray to the Lord that he help us be priests in this sense, to help in the transformation of the world in adoration of God, beginning with ourselves.
Since then, observers have speculated on a possible rescission of the 1962 monitum on the part of Pope Francis.
Teihard's description of consciousness and of the Omega Point has been characterised as prophetic of the information age and the concept of the technological singularity.
As early as in 1995, an article in Wired commented that "Teilhard saw the Net coming more than half a century before it arrived":
Teilhard imagined a stage of evolution characterized by a complex membrane of information enveloping the globe and fueled by human consciousness. It sounds a little off-the-wall, until you think about the Net, that vast electronic web encircling the Earth, running point to point through a nerve-like constellation of wires.
Evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson in his 2019 This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution
praises Teilhard's book as "scientifically prophetic in many ways", and considers his own work as "an updated version of The Phenomenon of Man." :
Modern evolutionary theory shows that what Teilhard meant by the Omega Point is achievable in the foreseeable future.
== References ==
==External links==
Le phénomène humain (pdf), Les classiques des sciences sociales
1955 non-fiction books
Phenomene Humain, Le
Philosophy books
Books about evolution
Biological evolution
Philosophical anthropology
Éditions du Seuil books
Harper & Brothers books | 928,183,944 | 2019-11-27T10:14:34 | The Phenomenon of Man | 2,019 |
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55,642,759 | Plays baseball for New Jersey Select and Montgomery Biscuits.
He also attends school at St. Rose of Lima in Haddon Heights, NJ there he plays basketball. | 892,380,107 | 2019-04-14T04:14:35 | Logandawson3 | 2,019 |
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43,369,415 | Abu Khanadeq (أبو خنادق) is a Syrian village located in Sabburah Subdistrict in Salamiyah District, Hama. According to the Syria Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Abu Khanadeq had a population of 507 in the 2004 census.
== Syrian Civil War ==
On February 5, 2018 the Syrian Armed Forces reported the capture Abu Khanadiq along with Buyud al-Saffaf, Abu al-Kheir, Rasm al-Kibar, Tell al-Shur, Malihah Saghirah, Rasm al-Mafkar, and Khirbat Umm Rujum from ISIL in northeastern Hama.
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Populated places in Salamiyah District | 916,360,572 | 2019-09-18T14:26:04 | Abu Khanadiq | 2,019 |
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55,642,763 | == Article Creation ==
While wanting to create this article as an MGWR class missing an article (and also as #234 ended up at Sligo and I may wish to reference that from another article) I decided it would be useful to incldue the sister GSR Class 222 as well. In this case the article should be named after a Waterford Limerick and Western Railway Locomotive but there is no obvious class identifier that I have found ... and I accept I have not looked everywhere. I've therefore reverted to calling the article MGWR Class W .. which would certainly be a redirect if a better name is found. Overall the article seems to combine GSR Class 222 and 234 well enough. As always please feel free to dive in and improve!Djm-leighpark (talk) | 925,082,693 | 2019-11-07T18:59:42 | MGWR Class W | 2,019 |
22,624,196 | John G. Preston is an American stage and film actor.
Preston starred as the title character in the short film Feet of Clay, and as Alex Dowd in the 2008 feature film Ready? Okay! He has also appeared in television's Law & Order and As the World Turns.
Preston has appeared on stage in the New York Shakespeare Festival, and with the Yale Repertory Theater, the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art in conjunction with the Asolo Repertory Theatre in Sarasota, Florida, the Indiana Repertory Theatre, the Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, and the Denver Center Theater.
Preston graduated from Florida State University in 1987.
== External links ==
American male stage actors
1960s births
Living people
Florida State University alumni | 898,752,216 | 2019-05-25T17:57:02 | John G. Preston | 2,019 |
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20,427,704 | Buffalo Bill, Hero of the Far West (Buffalo Bill, l'eroe del far west) is a 1964 Italian spaghetti western directed by Mario Costa.
Buffalo Bill is sent west by President Grant to settle an Indian uprising started by Yellow Hand and supported by gun smugglers.
Gordon Scott as Colonel William "Buffalo Bill" Cody
Mario Brega as Donaldson
Jan Hendriks as Monroe
Catherine Ribeiro as Rayon-de-Lune/Moonbeam
Piero Lulli as Red
Mirko Ellis as Yellow Hand
Hans von Borsody as Captain Hunter
Roldano Lupi as Colonel Peterson
Ingeborg Schöner as Mary Peterson
Feodor Chaliapin, Jr. as Chief White Fox
Ugo Sasso as Snack
Luigi Tosi as barman
Franco Fantasia as George, a poker player
Andrea Scotti as poker player
==External links==
1965 films
1960s Western (genre) films
Spaghetti Western films
Italian films
French films
West German films
Italian-language films
Films scored by Carlo Rustichelli
Cultural depictions of Buffalo Bill | 826,980,781 | 2018-02-22T02:26:34 | Buffalo Bill, Hero of the Far West | 2,019 |
15,357,920 | == January 2008 ==
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1,239,781 | Glyn Edmund Daniel (23 April 1914 – 13 December 1986) was a Welsh scientist and archaeologist who taught at Cambridge University, where he specialised in the European Neolithic period. He was appointed Disney Professor of Archaeology in 1974 and edited the academic journal Antiquity from 1958 to 1985. In addition to early efforts to popularise archaeological study and antiquity on radio and television, he edited several popular studies of the fields. He also published mysteries under the pseudonym Dilwyn Rees.
==Early life and education==
Daniel was born in Lampeter Velfrey, Pembrokeshire, a small village between Narberth and Whitland in south-west Wales, as an only child. His father, John Daniel, was the village schoolmaster there. When Glyn Daniel was five he moved with his parents to Llantwit Major in the Vale of Glamorgan. He attended Barry County School for Boys in Barry, where his academic ability led to him being awarded a State Scholarship (which enabled him to go to the University of Cambridge) and a Glamorgan County Scholarship in 1931. The Glamorgan County Scholarship allowed Glyn Daniel to study geology at Cardiff University and the church organ at Llandaff Cathedral for a year. In 1932 he went up to St John's College, Cambridge, initially to read geography, and then archaeology and anthropology. He graduated with a first-class honours degree with distinction and remained at St John's for the rest of his academic career.
==World War II==
During the Second World War, Daniel applied his talents at interpreting archaeological sites through aerial photography by working for the RAF's air photo reconnaissance unit at RAF Medmenham. He examined and analysed photos of enemy territory. In 1942 Daniel was sent to India to lead the Central Photographic Interpretation Section in Delhi, a mini-Medmenham for the South-East Asian theatre, ultimately achieving the rank of wing commander. A year after the war Daniel married one of his WAAF officers, Ruth Langhorne.
After the war Daniel returned to Cambridge to resume his academic life. In the years 1954-56 he presented the BBC archaeology programme Buried Treasure, which featured guests such as Kathleen Kenyon, Sir Mortimer Wheeler, and actress Noelle Middleton. He became Disney Professor of Archaeology in 1974. From 1958 to 1985, he was editor of the academic journal Antiquity. His main subject of study was Neolithic chamber tombs, although he also wrote books on the history of archaeology and archaeological thought.
Daniel appeared on television. He was the host, often with Sir Mortimer Wheeler as a guest, of the game show Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?. He was named Television Personality of the Year in 1955. In 1981 he appeared as the guest on Desert Island Discs. He edited numerous popular studies of archaeological sites and cultures.
He died in Cambridge and the McDonald Institute, University of Cambridge, have named the Glyn Daniel Laboratory for Archaeogenetics in his memory.
==Academic works==
The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of France (1960),
The Megalith Builders of Western Europe (1963),
150 Years of Archaeology (1976), and
a number of articles in archaeological journals.
His most accessible work for the general public is The Idea of Prehistory (1962), later updated in collaboration with Colin Renfrew, Edinburgh University Press, 1988.
==Detective fiction==
Daniel wrote detective fiction under the pseudonym Dilwyn Rees. His novels The Cambridge Murders (1945) (later published in 1965 by Penguin Books under his own name) and Welcome Death (originally published under his own name in 1954) feature Sir Richard Cherrington, an eminent but slightly eccentric archaeologist who is the Vice-President of Fisher College – a character based on the author.
Daniel, Glyn. Some Small Harvest: The Memoirs of Glyn Daniel. London: Thames & Hudson, 1986.
==External links==
"Antiquaries in Wales", Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales
1914 births
1986 deaths
Welsh archaeologists
Alumni of Cardiff University
Academics of the University of Cambridge
Alumni of St John's College, Cambridge
Fellows of St John's College, Cambridge
Welsh scientists
People from Barry, Vale of Glamorgan
20th-century Welsh scientists
20th-century Welsh writers
People from Lampeter | 908,551,575 | 2019-07-30T12:52:36 | Glyn Daniel | 2,019 |
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4,008,592 | Štefan Ružička (born February 17, 1985) is a Slovak professional ice hockey forward who is currently under contract the HC Sparta Praha of the Czech Extraliga (ELH). He has formerly played in the National Hockey League (NHL) with the Philadelphia Flyers and in the Kontinental Hockey League (KHL) where he is the All-time leading scorer for HC Spartak Moscow.
==Playing career==
Ružička was drafted in the third round of the 2003 NHL Entry Draft by the Philadelphia Flyers and proceeded to the Canadian Hockey League to play for the Owen Sound Attack, of the Ontario Hockey League, under the direction of head coach Mike Stothers.
On September 14, 2015 he opted to take a hiatus from professional hockey in spite of being only 30 years old. Over a calendar year later, he returned to the professional ranks in securing a contract with HC Sparta Praha of the Czech Extraliga on September 4, 2016.
==Career statistics==
===Regular season and playoffs===
{| border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" style="text-align:center; width:60em"
|- bgcolor="#e0e0e0"
! colspan="3" bgcolor="#ffffff" |
! rowspan="99" bgcolor="#ffffff" |
! colspan="5" | Regular season
! rowspan="99" bgcolor="#ffffff" |
! colspan="5" | Playoffs
|- bgcolor="#e0e0e0"
! Season
! Team
! League
! GP
! G
! A
! Pts
! GP
! G
! A
! Pts
|- ALIGN="center"
| 2001–02
| MHK Nitra
| Slovak
| 19
| 0
| 5
| 5
| 29
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- ALIGN="center" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2002–03
| MHK Nitra
| Slovak
| 17
| 5
| 7
| 12
| 4
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- ALIGN="center"
| 2003–04
| Owen Sound Attack
| 62
| 34
| 38
| 72
| 63
| 7
| 1
| 6
| 7
| 8
|- ALIGN="center" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2003–04
| Philadelphia Phantoms
| 2
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 3
| 1
| 0
| 1
| 2
|- ALIGN="center"
| 2004–05
| Owen Sound Attack
| 62
| 37
| 33
| 70
| 61
| 8
| 3
| 3
| 6
| 14
|- ALIGN="center" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2005–06
| Philadelphia Phantoms
| 73
| 16
| 32
| 48
| 88
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- ALIGN="center"
| 2005–06
| Philadelphia Flyers
| 1
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 2
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- ALIGN="center" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2006–07
| Philadelphia Phantoms
| 32
| 16
| 11
| 27
| 29
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- ALIGN="center"
| 2006–07
| Philadelphia Flyers
| 40
| 3
| 10
| 13
| 18
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- ALIGN="center" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2007–08
| Philadelphia Phantoms
| 59
| 19
| 31
| 50
| 105
| 12
| 4
| 9
| 13
| 30
|- ALIGN="center"
| 2007–08
| Philadelphia Flyers
| 14
| 1
| 3
| 4
| 27
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- ALIGN="center" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2008–09
| Spartak Moscow
| 55
| 18
| 18
| 36
| 81
| 6
| 3
| 4
| 7
| 6
|- ALIGN="center"
| 2009–10
| Spartak Moscow
| 56
| 16
| 20
| 36
| 72
| 10
| 3
| 1
| 4
| 24
|- ALIGN="center" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2010–11
| Spartak Moscow
| 47
| 17
| 15
| 32
| 47
| 4
| 3
| 0
| 3
| 2
|- ALIGN="center"
| 2011–12
| Spartak Moscow
| 53
| 22
| 18
| 40
| 67
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- ALIGN="center" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2012–13
| Spartak Moscow
| 36
| 8
| 11
| 19
| 65
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- ALIGN="center"
| 2012–13
| Salavat Yulaev Ufa
| 7
| 2
| 4
| 6
| 2
| 14
| 4
| 5
| 9
| 6
|- ALIGN="center" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2013–14
| Salavat Yulaev Ufa
| 7
| 2
| 2
| 4
| 6
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- ALIGN="center"
| 2013–14
| Toros Neftekamsk
| 6
| 0
| 2
| 2
| 2
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- ALIGN="center" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2013–14
| Avangard Omsk
| 28
| 10
| 6
| 16
| 14
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- ALIGN="center"
| 2014–15
| Lausanne HC
| 9
| 0
| 4
| 4
| 2
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- ALIGN="center" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2014–15
| HC Slovan Bratislava
| 11
| 2
| 2
| 4
| 12
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- ALIGN="center"
| 2014–15
| HC Oceláři Třinec
| 7
| 2
| 4
| 6
| 6
| 18
| 2
| 10
| 12
| 24
|- ALIGN="center" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2016–17
| HC Sparta Praha
| 16
| 2
| 8
| 10
| 31
| —
| —
| —
| —
| —
|- bgcolor="#e0e0e0"
! colspan="3" | NHL totals
! 55
! 4
! 13
! 17
! 47
! —
! —
! —
! —
! —
|- bgcolor="#e0e0e0"
! colspan="3" | KHL totals
! 300
! 97
! 96
! 193
! 366
! 34
! 13
! 10
! 23
! 38
{| border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" ID="Table3" style="text-align:center; width:40em"
|- ALIGN="center" bgcolor="#e0e0e0"
! Year
! Team
! Event
! Result
! rowspan="99" bgcolor="#ffffff" |
! GP
! G
! A
! Pts
| 2002
| Slovakia
| WJC18
| 8th
| 8
| 3
| 0
| 3
| 2
|- bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2003
| Slovakia
| WJC18
| 7
| 5
| 3
| 8
| 2
| 2004
| Slovakia
| 6th
| 6
| 3
| 3
| 6
| 2
|- bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2005
| Slovakia
| 7th
| 6
| 3
| 3
| 6
| 4
| 2009
| Slovakia
| WC
| 10th
| 6
| 2
| 1
| 3
| 2
|- bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
| 2011
| Slovakia
| WC
| 10th
| 5
| 0
| 1
| 1
| 2
|- bgcolor="#e0e0e0"
! colspan="4" | Junior totals
! 27
! 14
! 9
! 23
! 10
|- bgcolor="#e0e0e0"
! colspan="4" | Senior totals
! 11
! 2
! 2
! 4
! 4
==Awards and honours==
==External links==
1985 births
Living people
Avangard Omsk players
Lausanne HC players
HC Oceláři Třinec players
Sportspeople from Nitra
Owen Sound Attack players
Philadelphia Flyers draft picks
Philadelphia Flyers players
Philadelphia Phantoms players
Salavat Yulaev Ufa players
Slovak ice hockey right wingers
HC Slovan Bratislava players
HC Sparta Praha players
HC Spartak Moscow players | 921,920,172 | 2019-10-18T19:27:12 | Štefan Ružička | 2,019 |
20,427,708 | == Dabconcept issue ==
Is it possible to write an article generally addressing what a partition function is, and encompassing the use of that term with respect to all of the meanings on the current disambiguation page? bd2412 T | 453,622,842 | 2011-10-03T01:33:14 | Partition function | 2,019 |
10,352,573 | ==Welcome!==
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22,624,200 | == April 2009 ==
Welcome to Wikipedia. The recent edit you made to the page Rebellion Losses Bill has been reverted, as it appears to be unconstructive. Use the sandbox for testing; if you believe the edit was constructive, please ensure that you provide an informative edit summary. You may also wish to read the introduction to editing. Thank you. Until It Sleeps | 286,983,544 | 2009-04-30T03:31:22 | | 2,019 |
1,239,786 | == Content removal ==
I removed:
They also consumed a high amount of steam placing a demand on the boiler at the time when the locomotive was working the hardest. Boosters were therefore acquired for very specific assignment.
because that's totally missing the point: the problem is that at low speeds a regular steam locomotive is unable to work its hardest, because it is moving so slowly that the main cylinders cannot use all the steam the boiler is capable of producing. That was the point of the booster; to give a way to use some of that excess capacity. Boosters were especially popular on 'superpower' designs because their huge boilers and massive fireboxes were capable of so much more than they could normally use in the cylinders. —Morven 23:33, Dec 3, 2004 (UTC) | 520,407,660 | 2012-10-29T10:50:08 | Booster engine | 2,019 |
55,642,765 | Roger Charles Anderson (23 July 1883 – 2 October 1976) was an independently-wealthy English maritime historian, collector, and a leading figure in the early years of the Society for Nautical Research and of the Navy Records Society. Four times editor of the Mariner's Mirror, Anderson was also a founder trustee, and later chairman of the board of trustees, of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. He was a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, and held the higher Doctor of Letters degree. In 2005, the Swedish naval historian Jan Glete characterized Anderson as "one of the most important naval historians of the twentieth century. He mainly wrote about early modern warship technology and used his linguistic skills to write books and essays based on the literature from several countries."
==Early life and education==
The only child of Edith Tayloe Anderson (1859-1938) and John Rodgerson Anderson (1845-1922) of Basset Wood, Southampton, and a partner in the London ship brokerage firm of Trinder, Anderson & Co. in the Australian trade, Roger Anderson was educated at Winchester College and Clare College, Cambridge. In 1905, joined the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve and served until 1911 as a midshipman and sub-lieutenant. During World War I, he returned to serve as a lieutenant and lieutenant-commander, spending a portion of his service time in motor launches at Gibraltar. As a lieutenant, RNVR, on 1 January 1916, he married Romola Urquhart Mackenzie, daughter of Robert Fowler Mackenzie of Mosslein, Whitstable, at St Alphage's Church, Seasalter, Whitstable, Kent. The couple had no children.
==Historical interests and activities==
===The Society for Nautical Research===
Anderson's interest in sailing ships and their rigging led him to become one of the founder members of the Society for Nautical Research in 1910. In 1912, when the Society's journal, the Mariner's Mirror, ran into initial problems of finding material suitable to publish in a timely manner, Anderson was one of six men on the editorial committee who assumed the joint editorship from its first editor. Soon, this arrangement proved to be unworkable and Anderson became the sole editor by the acclamation of his colleagues in 1912. He remained editor until 1923, although publication was suspended during the war years. The Admiralty Librarian, W.G. Perrin succeeded Anderson as editor, turning the journal into a quarterly. With Perrin's sudden death in 1931-32, Anderson took over the editorship briefly until the new Admiralty Librarian David Bonner-Smith took up the editorial reins. On Bonner-Smith's resignation in 1939, Anderson became the editor for the third and final time, retaining the position through the Second World War until 1946. He subsequently produced a number of the Society's occasional publications and served as president of the Society from 1951 to 1960.
===National Maritime Museum===
Shortly after Geoffrey Callender's appointment as Professor of Naval History at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich in 1922, Callender began to promote the idea that the College's former naval museum that had originated with the Greenwich Naval Hospital's Collection, should be re-established for teaching purposes. The collection had been partially dispersed with some models going to the Imperial War Museum, but part of it remained available. By 1924, Callender had succeeded in establishing a committee of experts to oversee the management and display of the remaining collection. All of the committee members were associated with the College, except for Anderson, the sole outside expert. This collection soon formed the basis for Callender's suggestion in 1927 to the Society for Nautical Research that it take over the collection and house it in the Queen's House, after the Royal Hospital School vacated it to move to Holbrook. The Society enthusiastically took up the proposal and formally suggested that the museum become a national naval museum. Anderson became a member of the Museum's first board of directors when it was established in 1927. At this point, Anderson made it known that he was willing to bequeath his collection of ship models, naval signal books, manuscripts, and Willem van de Velde drawings, along with an endowment of ₤50,000. He became the second chairman of the board of Trustees, succeeding James Stanhope, 7th Earl Stanhope.
===Southampton Record Society===
Anderson edited several volumes for the Southampton Records Society in the 1920s and served as Joint Hon. General Editor from 1931 to 1939.
==Death, Memorials, and Legacy==
R.C. Anderson died at the age of 93 on 2 October 1976, while living at 9 Grove Place, Lymington, Hampshire. He was buried with his parents in the Churchyard at St Nicolas' Church, North Stoneham, Eastleigh, Hampshire. A Memorial Service was held in the Chapel of the Royal Naval College, Greenwich.
On his death, he left the Society of Nautical Research, the Navy Records Society, and the National Maritime Museum as joint residuary legatees. In 1984, his wife, Romola Anderson, gave the Navy Records Society a generous gift. As a result, that Society dedicated the fifth volume of its Naval Miscellany series, edited by the Society's Hon. Secretary N. A. M. Rodger, "To the Memory of R.C. Anderson, Historian and Benefactor". As Captain A. B. Sainsbury wrote in his history of the Society's first hundred years, "Dr. R.C. Anderson must be distinguished among individual benefactors, and the Society recognized his considerable generosity by dedicating a volume to his memory, a compliment intended to be as particular as Pitt escorting Nelson to his carriage."
In an obituary published in the Mariner's Mirror, George Naish of the National Maritime wrote of his published works, "His writings were often wantonly dull but always thoroughly trustworthy. He thrived on facts and figures." Anderson's memorial, Naish wrote "is in the galleries and library of the Museum, well stocked with the books and ship models he loved so well and had in many cases donated"
On the death of Mrs. Romola Anderson in June 1990, the Navy Records Society received a sum of about £70,000.
In 1997, the Society of Nautical Research created its Anderson Medal in memory of R.C. Anderson. There are two series of awards, the first is awarded to an exemplary volume on maritime history published during the previous year. The Society made its first award in this category to N.A.M. Rodger in 1998. The second series is awarded for lifetime achievement in maritime history. The Society made its first award in the lifetime achievement series in 2017 to John Hattendorf.
===Navy Records Society===
Anderson served on the Council of the Navy Records Society and edited four volumes of documents for the Society.
==Publications by R.C. Anderson==
In addition to the following books, Anderson contributed several articles to the English Historical Review and some thirty to the Mariner's Mirror, as well as an edited selection in the Navy Record's Society's Naval Miscellany, vol IV.
Canoeing and camping adventures (London, 1910).
Naval wars in the Baltic during the sailing-ship epoch, 1522-1850 (London, 1910; 1969).
The Naval Pocket (1912–15)
A treatise on rigging written about the year 1625, from a manuscript at Petworth House, edited by R.C. Anderson (: Society for Nautical Research, 1921).
Letters of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries from the archives of Southampton, edited by R.C. Anderson (Southampton: Cox & Sharland, 1921).
The Assize of bread book, 1477-1517, edited by R. C. Anderson. (Southampton: Cox & Sharland, 1923)
The sailing-ship: six thousand years of history, by Romola and R.C. Anderson (London: G. G. Harrap & Company Ltd. 1926; New York: Robert M. McBride, 1926; reprinted as A short history of the sailing ship New York: Dover, 1962).
The book of examinations, 1601-1602: with a list of ships belonging to Southampton in the years 1570-1603, edited by R.C. Anderson (Southampton: Cox & Sharland, 1926).
The Journal of Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of Sandwich, admiral and general at sea, 1659-1665, edited by R.C. Anderson. Publications of the Navy Records Society, v. 64 (London, 1929).
The book of examinations and depositions, 1622-1644, edited by R.C. Anderson (Southampton: Cox & Sharland, 1929–36).
The rigging of ships in the days of the spritsail topmast 1600-1720 (Salem, Mass: Marine Research Society, 1927; New York: Dover, 1994).
Bibliography of printed books on shipbuilding, rigging, seamanship and kindred subjects, of the period of wooden sailing ships and galleys (1930)
The journals of Sir Thomas Allin, 1660-1678, edited by R. C. Anderson. Publications of the Navy Records Society, vols. 79, 80 (London, 1939–40). Publications of the Navy Records Society, vol. 101 (London, 1959).
Journals and narratives of the Third Dutch War, edited by R.C. Anderson. Publications of the Navy Records Society, v. 86. (: Navy Records Society, 1946).
Index to the Mariner's Mirror, vols 1-35 (London: Society for Nautical Research, 1956).
A treatise on shipbuilding and a treatise on rigging, written about 1620-1625," edited by W. Salisbury and R.C. Anderson. Occasional publication, 6 (London: Society for Nautical Research, 1958).
A memoir of James Trevenen, edited by Christopher Lloyd and R. C. Anderson. Publications of the Navy Records Society, vol. 101 (London, 1959).
Oared fighting ships from classical times to the coming of steam (London: P. Marshall, 1962; Kings Langley, : Argus Books, 1976).
List of English men-of-war, 1509-1649 (: Society for Nautical Research, 1959).
Naval wars in the Levant, 1559-1853 (Liverpool: University Press, 1952)
Catalogue of ship-models. Scale-models (London: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, 1952).
Seventeenth-century rigging: a handbook for model-makers (London: P. Marshall, 1955).
List of English Naval Captains, 1642-60 (London: Society for Nautical Research, 1964).
60 years in small boats (London: National Maritime Museum, 1984)
==External Sources==
Portrait of R.C. Anderson in Oil by Bernard Hailstone, 1962
Anderson Family Grave at St. Nicholas Churchyard, North Stoneham, Hampshire
1883 births
1976 deaths
British historians
British naval historians
Alumni of Clare College, Cambridge
People educated at Winchester College
Royal Navy officers
Fellows of the Royal Historical Society
Fellows of the Society of Antiquaries of London
British maritime historians | 895,857,650 | 2019-05-06T22:40:09 | R. C. Anderson | 2,019 |
43,369,430 | Sir George White Pickering, FRS (26 June 1904 – 3 September 1980) was a British medical doctor and academic.
Pickering was Regius Professor of Medicine at the University of Oxford from 1956 to 1968, and Master of Pembroke College, Oxford from 1968 to 1975.
He was a Governor of Abingdon School from 1969 until 1974. Pickering was the author of the book Creative Malady (1974). The book explores creativity and mental illness in the lives of Charles Darwin, Mary Baker Eddy, Sigmund Freud, Florence Nightingale, Marcel Proust and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
In the 1957 Birthday Honours, it was announced that Pickering was to be made a Knight Bachelor in recognition of his role as Regius Professor of Medicine at the University of Oxford. On 16 July 1957, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace.
Creative Malady: Illness in the Lives and Minds of Charles Darwin, Mary Baker Eddy, Sigmund Freud, Florence Nightingale, Marcel Proust and Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1974)
1904 births
1980 deaths
20th-century British medical doctors
Fellows of the Royal Society
Knights Bachelor
Masters of Pembroke College, Oxford
Regius Professors of Medicine (University of Oxford)
Governors of Abingdon School
Foreign associates of the National Academy of Sciences | 925,938,265 | 2019-11-13T07:00:09 | George Pickering (physician) | 2,019 |
27,047,183 | The McKay is a historic apartment building in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was built in 1924, and is a three-story, trapezoidal shaped, Art Deco style brown cinder brick and concrete building on a raised basement. It has a one-story entrance foyer addition and Art Deco bas-relief carvings.
It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.
Apartment buildings in Indiana
Residential buildings on the National Register of Historic Places in Indiana
Art Deco architecture in Indiana
Residential buildings completed in 1924
Residential buildings in Indianapolis
National Register of Historic Places in Indianapolis | 894,585,798 | 2019-04-28T19:25:29 | The McKay | 2,019 |
20,427,721 | == Requested move 10 September 2019 ==
The following is a closed discussion of a requested move. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on the talk page. Editors desiring to contest the closing decision should consider a move review after discussing it on the closer's talk page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.
The result of the move request was: not moved. (closed by non-admin page mover) PC78 (talk)
Ottoman–Safavid War (1623–1639) → – The "Ottoman" Empire is the name of an empire, the "Safavids" is only name of the ruling dynasty. Same should be done about Ottoman–Safavid War (1532–1555), Ottoman–Safavid War (1578–1590) and Ottoman–Safavid War (1603–1618). Aryzad (talk)
Oppose I'm pretty sure that "Ottoman" is the name of a dynasty as well (Ottoman dynasty) and that "Safavid" is the name of an empire as well (Safavid Empire, and sources such as "Iran and the World in the Safavid Age"). If anything I would say it should be moved to "Ottoman–Iranian war", as academic sources do support that spelling, which is historically more accurate than that of "Persia(n)".
"The Safavid Empire" is an academic term, not a historical one. While the Ottoman Empire was the official name of that empire. I'm okay with the "Ottoman–Iranian Wars", however, I think using one term (Persian) for all of the wars involving the so-called Persian empires (like the Greco–Persian Wars, etc) is better than use two different terms. Aryzad (talk)
: You contradict yourself. If we were to use historical terms, then that would indeed be "Iranian" (which is an widely used academic term as well, especially nowadays), not "Persian".
:: I am okay with that. Aryzad (talk)
Oppose both suggestions (Iranian even more strongly than Persian). Srnec (talk)
The above discussion is preserved as an archive of a requested move. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on this talk page or in a move review. No further edits should be made to this section. | 918,490,034 | 2019-09-28T22:51:29 | Ottoman–Safavid War (1623–1639) | 2,019 |
22,624,202 | == April 2009 ==
Welcome, and thank you for experimenting with Wikipedia. Your test on the page 2009 swine flu outbreak in the United States worked, and it has been automatically reverted. Please take a look at the welcome page to learn more about contributing to this encyclopedia. If you would like to experiment further, please use the sandbox. If you believe there has been a mistake and would like to report a false positive, please report it here. Thank you. SoxBot III (talk | owner)
If this is a shared IP address, and you didn't make the edit, consider creating an account for yourself so you can avoid further irrelevant notices. | 286,983,556 | 2009-04-30T03:31:26 | | 2,019 |
15,357,923 | Ouvrage Téting is a lesser work (petit ouvrage) of the Maginot Line. Located in the Fortified Sector of Faulquemont, the ouvrage consists of one infantry block and two observation blocks, and is located facing Germany between petits ouvrages Laudrefang and the Saar valley, which was to be inundated in times of emergency. With artillery support from its neighbor Laudrefang, Téting held out against German bombardment during the Battle of France in 1940. It is now abandoned.
== Design and construction ==
The site was surveyed by the Commission d'Organisation des Régions Fortifiées (CORF), the Maginot Line's design and construction agency, and was approved for construction in January 1931. Téting was completed at a cost of 11 million francs by the contractor Générale des Travaux Publics. The petit ouvrage was to be expanded in a second phase with an 81mm mortar turret and a separate entrance block.
== Description ==
Téting comprises three infantry blocks. Blocks 1 and 2 are linked by deep underground galleries, which also provide modest space for barracks, utilities and ammunition storage. The galleries are excavated at an average depth of up to . Block 3 is not connected. A plan to provide gallery access to the block in Phase 2 was not undertaken.
Block 1: Infantry block with one automatic rifle cloche (GFM) and two twin machine gun cloches (JM).
Block 2: Infantry block with one GFM cloche, one grenade launcher cloche (LG) and one retractable twin machine gun turret., one twin machine gun embrasure and one machine gun/anti-tank gun embrasure (JM/AC47).
Block 3: Infantry/entry block with two GFM cloches, one twin machine gun embrasure and one machine gun/anti-tank gun embrasure (JM/AC47). The block was heavily damaged by German bombardment in 1940.
=== Casemates and shelters ===
In addition to the connected combat blocks and Block 3, two small blockhouses mounting light arms are mixed among the combat blocks. A series of detached casemates and infantry shelters surround Téting, including
Casemate du Bois-de-Laudrefang Nord: SIngle block with one mortar cloche, one GFM-A cloche and one GFM-A/B cloche.
Casemate du Bois-de-Laudrefang Sud: SIngle block with one mortar cloche, one GFM-A cloche and one GFM-A/B cloche.
Casemate de Téting: SIngle artillery block with two 75mm gun embrasures and a GFM cloche, located well to the rear.
== Manning ==
The 1940 manning of the ouvrage under the command of Lieutenant Marchelli comprised 125 men and 2 officers of the 146th Fortress Infantry Regiment. The units were under the umbrella of both the 3rd and 4th Armies, Army Group 2. The Casernement de Téting provided peacetime above-ground barracks and support services to Téting and other positions in the area.
== History ==
See Fortified Sector of Faulquemont for a broader discussion of the Faulquemont sector of the Maginot Line.
Following the 15 June 1940 breakthrough by German forces through the Saar gap, the Germans advanced along the rear of the Maginot Line. The German 167th Infantry Division approached Kerfent, Bambesch, Einseling and Téting on 19 June. On 21 June 1940 Téting came under attack from 8.8cm guns. Covering fire from the 81mm mortars of Laudrefang prevented the Germans from directly assaulting Téting. The ouvrage survived until the Second Armistice at Compiègne took effect on 25 June, when it surrendered.
After World War II, Téting was in poor condition and was not chosen for renovation.
== Current condition ==
Téting is abandoned and vandalized, but retains some of its equipment.
== See also ==
List of all works on Maginot Line
Siegfried Line
Atlantic Wall
Czechoslovak border fortifications
== Notes ==
== References ==
== Bibliography ==
Allcorn, William. The Maginot Line 1928-45. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2003.
Kaufmann, J.E. and Kaufmann, H.W. Fortress France: The Maginot Line and French Defenses in World War II, Stackpole Books, 2006.
Kaufmann, J.E., Kaufmann, H.W., Jancovič-Potočnik, A. and Lang, P. The Maginot Line: History and Guide, Pen and Sword, 2011.
Mary, Jean-Yves; Hohnadel, Alain; Sicard, Jacques. Hommes et Ouvrages de la Ligne Maginot, Tome 1. Paris, Histoire & Collections, 2001.
Mary, Jean-Yves; Hohnadel, Alain; Sicard, Jacques. Hommes et Ouvrages de la Ligne Maginot, Tome 2. Paris, Histoire & Collections, 2003.
Mary, Jean-Yves; Hohnadel, Alain; Sicard, Jacques. Hommes et Ouvrages de la Ligne Maginot, Tome 3. Paris, Histoire & Collections, 2003.
Mary, Jean-Yves; Hohnadel, Alain; Sicard, Jacques. Hommes et Ouvrages de la Ligne Maginot, Tome 5. Paris, Histoire & Collections, 2009.
==External links==
Association de Sauvegarde des Petits Ouvrages de Laudrefang et Téting
L'ouvrage de Téting at
Teting (petit ouvrage A38 de) at
Petit ouvrage de Téting at
PO de TETING (A.38) at
Petit Ouvrage de TETING (A38) at
Maginot Line | 886,028,624 | 2019-03-03T21:24:57 | Ouvrage Téting | 2,019 |
10,352,579 | ==Welcome!==
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31,460,173 | Divine Retribution (世紀之戰) is a TV drama series broadcast by ATV in Hong Kong on 11 September 2000. The series is supposed to be a sequel to TVB's 1992 series The Greed of Man, and was initially called (大時代2000), literally "Greed of Man 2000". Part of the reason for the name change (Chinese + English) was said to be due to legal rights disputes. Douban reviews have suggested that the sequel to a TVB series being adopted by a rival channel ATV was actually not one of major controversy.
The series takes place in the future year of 2003, where the stock market has created financial crisis that caused complete chaos in the Asia pacific regions. Ting Yeh (Adam Cheng) and Fong San-hap (Sean Lau) now renew their battle and continue where they left off.
The roles by Sean Lau and Adam Cheng are mainly unchanged from the previous series despite the name change. Other characters from The Greed of Man were portrayed by different actors cast by ATV, while Amy Kwok, who had a role in The Greed of Man, portrays a different character in this series.
===Fong family===
{|class="wikitable" width="75%"
|- style="background:cornflowerblue; color:white" align=center
| Sean Lau || Fong San-hap(方新俠) || A stock market genius who made most of his fortune during the 1990s stock market showdown against the Ting family.
===Ting family===
{|class="wikitable" width="75%"
|- style="background:cornflowerblue; color:white" align=center
| Adam Cheng || Ting Yeh(丁野) || A brute who has escaped from prison to avenge his family
| Lawrence Yan (甄志強) || Ting Yat-yeh(丁一野) || Ting family's oldest son
| Andrew Yuen (袁文傑) || Ting Yee-yeh(丁二野) || Ting family's 2nd son
|Chun Kai-wai (秦啟維) || Ting Sam-yeh(丁三野) || Ting family's 3rd son
{|class="wikitable" width="75%"
|- style="background:cornflowerblue; color:white" align=center
| Amy Kwok || Cheung Keung(張強) || A therapist who is in charge of Ting Yeh. She used to be Fong San-hap's primary school classmate and they start a relationship after reuniting.
| Ben Wong || Chun Tou-tin(秦滔天) ||Fong San-hap's assistant and mentee. He handles the company when Fong is away.
|rowspan="2"| Xu Jinglei || Yuen Siu-mui(阮少梅) || Fong San-hap's spouse. She is sweet, down-to-earth, pure and faithful, but extremely frugal in spending.
| Siu-kuk(少菊) || A woman resembling Siu-mui who was sent by Chun Tou-tin to spy on Fong San-hap.
| Alice Chan || Ching Hei-man(程希文) ||
| Cecilia Lai (黎思嘉) || Shek Leung-chan(石良真) ||
| Anders Nelsson || Seth(賽斯) ||
| Belinda Hamnett || Cheng Miu-miu(鄭妙妙) ||Fong San-hap's love interest.
| Kristal Tin || Kei Siu-kwan(祈少軍) ||
|Kenneth Chan || Au-yeung Wai-lun(歐陽瑋倫) ||
| Susan Tse || Professor Lam(林教授) ||
| Cheung Yeung (宗揚) || Frankie ||
| Lam Nai-chung (林乃忠) || Lei Ka-shing(利家誠) || A spoof of Li Ka-shing
| Cheung Yip-cyun (張頁川) || Kwok Ying-zung(郭英中) || A spoof of Henry Fok
| Wong Man-zi (王文治) || Ho San(何新) || A spoof of Stanley Ho
==External links==
Official site
ATV (Hong Kong) television programmes
2000 Hong Kong television series debuts
2000 Hong Kong television series endings
Financial thrillers
Serial drama television series
2000s Hong Kong television series | 916,427,307 | 2019-09-18T21:19:43 | Divine Retribution (TV series) | 2,019 |
55,642,766 | == October 2017 ==
Hello, I'm CreationFox. I wanted to let you know that one or more of your recent contributions to Max B have been undone because they did not appear constructive. If you would like to experiment, please use the sandbox. If you think a mistake was made, or if you have any questions, you can leave me a message on my talk page. Thanks. | 807,417,377 | 2017-10-27T20:23:43 | | 2,019 |
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22,624,203 | The following discussion is an archived debate of the proposed deletion of the article below. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page (such as the article's talk page or in a deletion review). No further edits should be made to this page.
The result was delete. –Juliancolton | Talk
===Whitewater rafting in Malaysia===
() – (View AfD)(View log)
Basically an original essay. No reason why whitewater rafting in Malaysia is more notable than anywhere else. No indication of why the places listed are better than any of the other places in Malaysia. Shall we create an infinite number of (Hobby) in (country) articles? Deprodded by author without explanation after the author removed the speedy delete template (though speedy didn't really apply here). eaolson (talk)
this is an original post from me to introduce white water rafting in malaysia. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Traveling2u (talk • contribs)
Delete not a travel guide as it appears to be just a list of venues. MilborneOne (talk)
Keep Evidently notable. Colonel Warden (talk)
Relisted to generate a more thorough discussion so consensus may be add new comments below this notice. Thanks, Ron Ritzman (talk)
Delete, no evidence of notability at all. Nyttend (talk)
Delete NOT#TRAVEL, NOT#GUIDE. LibStar (talk)
The above discussion is preserved as an archive of the debate. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page (such as the article's talk page or in a deletion review). No further edits should be made to this page. | 289,781,374 | 2009-05-14T00:21:41 | Articles for deletion/Whitewater rafting in Malaysia | 2,019 |
27,047,185 | ==Google translated from the Albanian==
I google translated the following material from:
By Qerim Vrioni
-On the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the death of the renowned photographer
The arrival of Italian Pietro Marubbi (Piaçenca, 1834-South, 1903) in Albania barely XIX century, was probably a coincidence, but the fate of our culture turned out quite well. He was taken home with patriotic activities against the Austro-Hungarian occupation. Prosecutions for this tightened to leave Italy and go to the top in Corfu and later in the South. Tips Italian Consul in South to get to the South "that there are Catholic, would not take possession if there will not find the European cultural environment of this city. In the city of birth, Pietro Marubbi had extended painting, sculpture, architecture and photography .... With this latest Italian by Piaçenca decided to deal in a new residence. Thus, it about the year 1855, opened in South atelien first photo with the name "Studio Marubbi, most of the money in the first place in the Balkans.
Began to photograph the process of liquid kolodiumit across Europe, mainly people familiar but unfamiliar city. Among the pictures of this period and it is known kaçakut province, Kazazi Hamza (1858), in which emanate photographers. Three years later (1861), the first photographic implements landscape featuring'm Shkodra, Pietro began përthithti Marubbi Albanian mentality and thanks to a special welcome to his Shkodra. Thus, after learning the Albanian, Shkodra his name to Peter shqiptarizuan. Being a bit of the painter and sculptor, he performs the wall paintings of the city's Orthodox Church is also often taken a different opinion from the citizens for their children's skills in visual arts. One of these was the Arsen Idromeno that advice Marubi master sent his son Cole to study painting in Venice, Italy. Perhaps the artist known Idromeno is a great gift for Peter Marubi our culture.
Among the time, to emerge from philosophical master atelieja outdoor photograph of social subjects, but also historical. This period belong such pictures as very popular "beggar on the outskirts of Shkodra" (1875) with great expressive force, and "Female Portrait" (1878) and "small gypsy. Great value is the picture of Peter Marubi delegates representing the Province, Ottoman Empire Shkodra in Prizren League (1878) and reflects what Mirdita insurrection (1876-1877). With these photographs he left in collaboration with the European magazine known as "L'Illustration", "La Guerra d'Oriente" and "The Illustraed London News", thus becoming the first in history fotoreporteri Albanian photography. Marubi photos on military movements of Albanians for freedom, are almost the same age as those held on the first world war files as the Englishman and American Brady Fenton. Also mention that he has carried pictures of money in Montenegro (1865). Images in atelie, P. Marubi of natural lighting implement entering a manhole (roof window), where space was the introduction of variable light. As background, inside the studio master as all his European colleagues, use of painted cloth suitable to that which fotografohej, as the nature of the quiet, natural landscape of Albania, a big family environment, etc..
Also, he often decide within atelies the grass, tree branches and trees, always with ideas about the subject to be photographing. At first, Marubi kolodium process used in the preparation of negativit, while some viteve1885-1890, and replaced with dry glass plates produced in factories with industrial bromuri silver gelatin, which greatly facilitate and make more practical photography. Most of his pictures are printed in black and white, but also in other cuttlefish. Marubi Pjeter photo creativity, includes many genres as fotoportretin, natural and urban landscape, ethnography, history, photography, etc. with social subjects. and, in some ways it is a "mine" valuable to scholars of different fields of science. Hearing of his early productions were veprimatrisë France and Germany with dimensions 30cm by 40 cm. Many of his photographs are printed as post cards in question by foreigners for their beauty and ekzotikën. Peter Marubi, was honored with a gold medal ("con Medaglia d'Oro Premiato") for files of this and learn from a postcard, which unfortunately, is not determined nor the date or place of competition.
About the year 1885, Peter Marubi takes as "shop guy" pesëmbëdhjetvjeçarin, Kodheli Mikel, who works daily in addition, began to learn the secrets of the process of photographing. It's like the old masters and began to help save the boy without giving signs that it may become the master photographer. And not gabua. No fill yet twenty years old, Keli (Mikeli) knew almost all the hiding place of vocational, artistic and even demands.
In the last years of his life, Peter Marubi felt some spiritual quiet. He not only had "planted" in the U.S. picture, but had also created a sequential worthy of his work. But it was not less of it. So, Kel Kodheli later Marubi family name after extinguishing the Marubi-old, led to further photographic activity "Studio Marubi-South" as the technical view, as well as art from Marubi Peter, who still has monumentalizuar his name as the father of Albanian photography. Stupidus Maximus (talk)
This article incorporates text from the site Albanian Photography with explicit permission ( | 883,034,894 | 2019-02-12T21:46:48 | Pietro Marubi | 2,019 |
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