def _order_points(pts: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Extract top left. top right, bottom left, bottom right of region Args: pts (np.ndarray[Tuple]): The coordinate of points Returns: np.ndarray: The coordinate of points. """ x_sorted = pts[np.argsort(pts[:, 0]), :] left_most = x_sorted[:2, :] right_most = x_sorted[2:, :] left_most = left_most[np.argsort(left_most[:, 1]), :] (tl, bl) = left_most distance = dist.cdist(tl[np.newaxis], right_most, "euclidean")[0] (br, tr) = right_most[np.argsort(distance)[::-1], :] return np.array([tl, tr, br, bl], dtype="float32")
import logging import math def to_image(obj): """ allgemeine funktion zum anschauen von allen objekttypen (work in progress) gibt image (numpy arry),description zurück description sagt, was alles gemacht wurde um bild darzustellen """ descr = "" if (tf.is_tensor(obj)): obj = obj.numpy() logger = logging.getLogger() old_level = logger.level logger.setLevel(100) if obj.shape: #print(f"Max {max(obj)}") if len(obj.shape) == 2: # grayscale image obj = norm(obj) descr += f"Grayscale Image, mean:{obj.mean()}, var:{obj.var()} \n" if (obj.var() < 0.01): descr += f"Mean abgzogen {obj.mean()} \n" obj = obj - obj.mean() if (obj.mean() < 0.01): i = 0 while (obj.mean() < 0.1 and obj.shape[0] > 10): i += 1 obj = skimage.measure.block_reduce(obj, (2,2), np.max) descr += f"Sehr dunkles Bild, maxpooling ({i} mal)" # in "rgb" umwandeln obj = np.stack((obj,)*3, axis=-1) return obj,descr elif len(obj.shape) == 3: # könnte ein bild sein if obj.shape[0] == 3: obj = np.transpose(obj,(1,2,0)) descr += "channel first \n" if obj.shape[2] == 3: # normales bild obj = norm(obj) descr += f"Mean {obj.mean()}, Variance {obj.var()}\n" if (obj.var() < 0.1): obj = obj - obj.mean() descr += f"Mean abgezogen \n" if (obj.mean() < 0.1): i= 0 while (obj.mean() < 0.1 and obj.shape[0] > 10): i += 1 obj = skimage.measure.block_reduce(obj, (2,2,1), np.max) descr += f"Bild zu dunkel, maxpooling ({i} mal)" return obj,descr else : ## feature map ## zeige ein paar davon n = math.floor(math.sqrt(obj.shape[2]/3)) n = min(n,8) f, axs = plt.subplots(n,n,figsize=(15,15)) descr += f"{obj.shape[2]} Feature Maps mit Shape {obj.shape[0:2]}" print(f'Zeige {n*n*3} Feature Maps via RGB:') for i in range(n*n): r = norm(obj[:,:,i*3]) g = norm(obj[:,:,i*3+1]) b = norm(obj[:,:,i*3+2]) axs.flat[i].set_title(f'{i*3} - {i*3+3}') axs.flat[i].imshow(np.moveaxis(np.array([r,g,b]), 0, 2)) # channels first -> channels last #axs.flat[i].imshow(r,cmap='gray') axs.flat[i].axis('off') elif len(obj.shape) == 4 and obj.shape[0] == 3 and obj.shape[0] == 3: # convolution kernel descr += f"Convolution Kernel {obj.shape}" obj = np.transpose(obj,(2,3,0,1)) obj = np.reshape(obj,(obj.shape[0],-1,3)) #obj = obj[:,:,:3] return to_image(obj) else: print("Tensor ",obj.shape) print(obj) logger.setLevel(old_level) else: return None, "Object of type "+str(type(obj))
import os import sys import logging import re import signal def start(): """ Start the daemon. """ ret = 0 cfg = 'ludolph.cfg' cfg_fp = None cfg_lo = ((os.path.expanduser('~'), '.' + cfg), (sys.prefix, 'etc', cfg), ('/etc', cfg)) config_base_sections = ('global', 'xmpp', 'webserver', 'cron', '') # Try to read config file from ~/.ludolph.cfg or /etc/ludolph.cfg for i in cfg_lo: try: cfg_fp = open(os.path.join(*i)) except IOError: continue else: break if not cfg_fp: sys.stderr.write("""\nLudolph can't start!\n You need to create a config file in one these locations: \n%s\n You can rename ludolph.cfg.example and update the required options. The example file is located in: %s\n\n""" % ( '\n'.join([os.path.join(*i) for i in cfg_lo]), os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) sys.exit(1) # Read and parse configuration # noinspection PyShadowingNames def load_config(fp, reopen=False): config = RawConfigParser() if reopen: fp = open( try: # config.readfp() is Deprecated since python 3.2 # noinspection PyDeprecation read_file = config.readfp except AttributeError: read_file = config.read_file read_file(fp) fp.close() return config config = load_config(cfg_fp) # Prepare logging configuration logconfig = { 'level': parse_loglevel(config.get('global', 'loglevel')), 'format': LOGFORMAT, } if config.has_option('global', 'logfile'): logfile = config.get('global', 'logfile').strip() if logfile: logconfig['filename'] = logfile # Daemonize if config.has_option('global', 'daemon'): if config.getboolean('global', 'daemon'): ret = daemonize() # Save pid file if config.has_option('global', 'pidfile'): try: with open(config.get('global', 'pidfile'), 'w') as fp: fp.write('%s' % os.getpid()) except Exception as ex: # Setup logging just to show this error logging.basicConfig(**logconfig) logger.critical('Could not write to pidfile (%s)\n', ex) sys.exit(1) # Setup logging logging.basicConfig(**logconfig) # All exceptions will be logged without exit def log_except_hook(*exc_info): logger.critical('Unhandled exception!', exc_info=exc_info) sys.excepthook = log_except_hook # Default configuration use_tls = True use_ssl = False address = [] # Starting'Starting Ludolph %s (%s %s)', __version__, sys.executable, sys.version.split()[0])'Loaded configuration from %s', # Load plugins # noinspection PyShadowingNames def load_plugins(config, reinit=False): plugins = [] for config_section in config.sections(): config_section = config_section.strip() if config_section in config_base_sections: continue # Parse other possible imports parsed_plugin = config_section.split('.') if len(parsed_plugin) == 1: modname = 'ludolph.plugins.' + config_section plugin = config_section else: modname = config_section plugin = parsed_plugin[-1]'Loading plugin: %s', modname) try: # Translate super_ludolph_plugin into SuperLudolphPlugin clsname = plugin[0].upper() + re.sub(r'_+([a-zA-Z0-9])', lambda m:, plugin[1:]) module = __import__(modname, fromlist=[clsname]) if reinit and getattr(module, '_loaded_', False): reload(module) module._loaded_ = True imported_class = getattr(module, clsname) if not issubclass(imported_class, LudolphPlugin): raise TypeError('Plugin: %s is not LudolphPlugin instance' % modname) plugins.append(Plugin(config_section, modname, imported_class)) except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) logger.critical('Could not load plugin: %s', modname) return plugins plugins = load_plugins(config) # XMPP connection settings if config.has_option('xmpp', 'host'): address = [config.get('xmpp', 'host'), '5222'] if config.has_option('xmpp', 'port'): address[1] = config.get('xmpp', 'port')'Connecting to jabber server %s', ':'.join(address)) else:'Using DNS SRV lookup to find jabber server') if config.has_option('xmpp', 'tls'): use_tls = config.getboolean('xmpp', 'tls') if config.has_option('xmpp', 'ssl'): use_ssl = config.getboolean('xmpp', 'ssl') # Here we go xmpp = LudolphBot(config, plugins=plugins) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, xmpp.shutdown) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, xmpp.shutdown) if hasattr(signal, 'SIGHUP'): # Windows does not support SIGHUP - bug #41 # noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyShadowingNames def sighup(signalnum, handler): if xmpp.reloading: logger.warning('Reload already in progress') else: xmpp.reloading = True try: config = load_config(cfg_fp, reopen=True)'Reloaded configuration from %s', xmpp.prereload() plugins = load_plugins(config, reinit=True) xmpp.reload(config, plugins=plugins) finally: xmpp.reloading = False signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, sighup) # signal.siginterrupt(signal.SIGHUP, false) # if xmpp.client.connect(tuple(address), use_tls=use_tls, use_ssl=use_ssl): xmpp.client.process(block=True) sys.exit(ret) else: logger.error('Ludolph is unable to connect to jabber server') sys.exit(2)
import re def matchPP(a_string): """assumes a_string is a string returns re match object if it finds two consecutive words that start with P, else returns None""" pattern = "[P|p]\w+\s[P|p]\w+" result =, a_string) return result
def setBoth(s1, s2): """ Sets both servo motors to specified number of degrees Args: s1, s2 (number): degrees for left and right servos respectively must be between -90 and 90 and will be rounded Raises: Exception if s1 or s2 is not a number Returns: None """ s1 = restrictServoDegrees(s1) s2 = restrictServoDegrees(s2) return _setServos(s1, s2)
import json def transfer_shfe_future_hq(date, file_path, columns_map): """ 将每天的数据统一标准 :return: pd.DataFrame 统一标准后的数据 """ ret = pd.DataFrame() data = json.loads(file_path.read_text()) hq_df = pd.DataFrame(data['o_curinstrument']) total_df = pd.DataFrame(data['o_curproduct']) bflag = hq_df.empty or len(hq_df.columns) < len(columns_map) or len(hq_df.columns) > 20 if bflag: # 原始数据文件为null,不重新下载,需要再运行一次程序 print('dce future hq data:{} is not exist, please rerun program!'.format( return ret settle_name = columns_map['settle'] hq_df = hq_df[hq_df[settle_name] != ''] hq_df = data_type_conversion(hq_df, 0, list(columns_map.values()), list(columns_map.keys()), date, 'shfe') hq_df.loc[:, 'code'] = hq_df['code'].str.strip() # 商品字母缩写转换 hq_df['code'] = hq_df['code'].transform(lambda x: NAME2CODE_MAP['exchange'][x]) # 构建symbol hq_df['symbol'] = hq_df['code'] + hq_df['symbol'].transform(lambda x: convert_deliver(x, date)) # 计算amount total_df['PRODUCTNAME'] = total_df['PRODUCTNAME'].str.strip() total_df['AVGPRICE'] = pd.to_numeric(total_df['AVGPRICE'], downcast='float') total_df['VOLUME'] = pd.to_numeric(total_df['VOLUME'], downcast='integer') total_df['TURNOVER'] = pd.to_numeric(total_df['TURNOVER'], downcast='float') total_df = total_df[total_df['AVGPRICE'] > 0] total_df['code'] = total_df['PRODUCTNAME'].transform(lambda x: NAME2CODE_MAP['exchange'][x.strip()]) total_df['multiplier'] = total_df['TURNOVER'] / total_df['AVGPRICE'] / total_df['VOLUME'] * 100000000 total_df['multiplier'] = total_df['multiplier'].transform(round) hq_df = hq_df.join(total_df[['code', 'multiplier']].set_index('code'), on='code') hq_df['amount'] = hq_df['volume'] * hq_df['settle'] * hq_df['multiplier'] del hq_df['multiplier'] return hq_df
def comp_material_bsdf(arg_material_one:bpy.types.Material, arg_material_two:bpy.types.Material) -> bool: """指定マテリアルのBSDFノードを比較する 受け渡したマテリアルの出力ノードに接続されたプリシプルBSDFノードを比較する 比較対象の入力端子のデフォルト値が有効、かつ、全て同一の場合、Trueを返す Args: arg_material_one (bpy.types.Material): 比較マテリアル1 arg_material_two (bpy.types.Material): 比較マテリアル2 Returns: bool: 比較結果(一致:True) """ # マテリアルの出力ノードにプリンシプルBSDFノードが接続されているかチェックする if check_surface_bsdf(arg_material_one) == False: # プリシプルBSDF出なかった場合は処理を終了して False を返す return False # マテリアルの出力ノードにプリンシプルBSDFノードが接続されているかチェックする if check_surface_bsdf(arg_material_two) == False: # プリシプルBSDF出なかった場合、処理を終了して False を返す return False # プリンシプルBSDFノードを取得する get_node_one = get_node_linkoutput(arg_material_one) # プリンシプルBSDFノードを取得する get_node_two = get_node_linkoutput(arg_material_two) # 比較結果フラグ(デフォルトで一致判定) comp_result = True # 比較対象とする入力端子を全てチェックする for bsdfnode_inputname in def_comp_bsdfnode_input_list: # デフォルト値が有効なソケットの情報を取得する nodesocket_one = get_nodesocket_enabledefault(arg_node=get_node_one, arg_inputname=bsdfnode_inputname) nodesocket_two = get_nodesocket_enabledefault(arg_node=get_node_two, arg_inputname=bsdfnode_inputname) # デフォルト値が有効なソケット情報を取得できたか確認する if ((nodesocket_one == None) or (nodesocket_two == None)): # ソケット情報を取得できなかった場合は不一致としてチェックを終了する comp_result = False break # ソケットのタイプが同一か確認する if (type(nodesocket_one) != type(nodesocket_two)): # 同一でない場合は不一致としてチェックを終了する comp_result = False break # タイプ毎の値比較の実施済みフラグ checked_flg = False # NodeSocketFloatのソケットの比較 if isinstance(nodesocket_one, bpy.types.NodeSocketFloat): # 値が一致するか比較する if (nodesocket_one.default_value != nodesocket_two.default_value): # 値が一致しない場合は不一致としてチェックを終了する comp_result = False break else: # タイプ毎の値比較の実施済みフラグを設定する checked_flg = True # NodeSocketFloatFactorのソケットの比較 if isinstance(nodesocket_one, bpy.types.NodeSocketFloatFactor): # 値が一致するか比較する if (nodesocket_one.default_value != nodesocket_two.default_value): # 値が一致しない場合は不一致としてチェックを終了する comp_result = False break else: # タイプ毎の値比較の実施済みフラグを設定する checked_flg = True # NodeSocketVectorのソケットの比較 if isinstance(nodesocket_one, bpy.types.NodeSocketVector): # 値が一致するか比較する if ((nodesocket_one.default_value[0] != nodesocket_two.default_value[0]) or (nodesocket_one.default_value[1] != nodesocket_two.default_value[1]) or (nodesocket_one.default_value[2] != nodesocket_two.default_value[2])): # 値が一致しない場合は不一致としてチェックを終了する comp_result = False break else: # タイプ毎の値比較の実施済みフラグを設定する checked_flg = True # NodeSocketColorのソケットの比較 if isinstance(nodesocket_one, bpy.types.NodeSocketColor): # 値が一致するか比較する if ((nodesocket_one.default_value[0] != nodesocket_two.default_value[0]) or (nodesocket_one.default_value[1] != nodesocket_two.default_value[1]) or (nodesocket_one.default_value[2] != nodesocket_two.default_value[2]) or (nodesocket_one.default_value[3] != nodesocket_two.default_value[3])): # 値が一致しない場合は不一致としてチェックを終了する comp_result = False break else: # タイプ毎の値比較の実施済みフラグを設定する checked_flg = True # 値比較を実施済みか確認する if checked_flg == False: # 合致するタイプがない場合はBSDFでないと判断して不一致としてチェックを終了する comp_result = False break return comp_result
def run_filters(): """Runs filters ('PAINS', 'ZINC', 'BRENK', 'NIH')for molecule selected. Saves the information to the global molecule_info dict and returns the information as its own dict. Pass R Group IDs as queries: /filters?r1=A01&r2=B01 :returns: A json dictionary of the molecule, indexed by the concatenated string of its R Group IDs, with the values for each descriptor, with each key being its respective descriptor label. :rtype: json dict """ filter_names = ['PAINS', 'ZINC', 'BRENK', 'NIH'] r_group_1_id = request.args.get('r1') r_group_2_id = request.args.get('r2') drug_mol = FinalMolecule(r_group_1_id, r_group_2_id) drug_filters = drug_mol.filter_properties() molecule_key = tuple2str((r_group_1_id, r_group_2_id)) filt_dict = {} filt_dict[molecule_key] = {} for label in filter_names: if "filters" in molecule_info[molecule_key].keys(): pass else: molecule_info[molecule_key]["filters"] = {} molecule_info[molecule_key]["filters"][label] = drug_filters[label] filt_dict[molecule_key][label] = drug_filters[label] return jsonify({"filter_dict": filt_dict})
def read_template(engine, template_name): """Read template string from file and get path.""" template_file = get_template_file(engine, template_name) template_string = template_file.read_text() return template_string, template_file.parent
def get_qbert_v3_url(qbert_url, project_id): """Keystone only hands out a v1 url I need v3.""" qbert_v3_url = "{0}/v3/{1}".format(qbert_url[0:-3], project_id) return qbert_v3_url
def gen_all_holds(hand): """ Generate all possible choices of dice from hand to hold. hand: sorted full yahtzee hand Returns a set of tuples, where each tuple is sorted dice to hold """ # start off with the original hand in set set_holds = set([(hand)]) # now iterate with all sub hands with one element removed for item in hand: list_hand = list(hand) list_hand.remove(item) # add to set_holds this sub hand set_holds.add(tuple(list_hand)) # also add to set_holds the recursion of this sub hand # set functionality also takes care of repeated sub hands set_holds.update(gen_all_holds(tuple(list_hand))) return set_holds
def sndrcv(*args, **kwargs): # type: (*Any, **Any) -> Tuple[SndRcvList, PacketList] """Scapy raw function to send a packet and receive its answer. WARNING: This is an internal function. Using sr/srp/sr1/srp is more appropriate in many cases. """ sndrcver = SndRcvHandler(*args, **kwargs) return sndrcver.results()
from typing import Optional def get_by_name(db_session: Session, *, name: str) -> Optional[Action]: """Return action object based on action name. Arguments: db_session {Session} -- SQLAlchemy Session object name {str} -- action name Returns: Optional[Action] -- Returns a Action object or nothing if it doesn't exist """ return db_session.query(Action).filter( == name).first()
def langstring(value: str, language: str = "x-none") -> dict: """Langstring.""" return { "langstring": { "lang": language, "#text": value, } }
def chinese_half2full(): """Convert all halfwidth Chinese characters to fullwidth . Returns: """ def string_op(input_str:str): rstring = "" for uchar in input_str: u_code = ord(uchar) if u_code == 32: u_code = 12288 elif 33 <= u_code <= 126: u_code += 65248 rstring += chr(u_code) return rstring return string_op
def euclidean_distance(p1, p2): """ Returns the Euclidean Distance of a particular point from rest of the points in dataset. """ distance = 0 for i in range(len(p1)-1): distance += (p1[i]-p2[i])**(2) return sqrt(distance)
import argparse def get_arguments(): """Parse command line arguments""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""A simple popup calendar""") parser.add_argument( "-p", "--print", help="print date to stdout instead of opening a note", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--format", help="""option '-p' output format (datetime.strftime format, defaut='%%Y-{%%m}-%%d')""", dest="format", default="%Y-%m-%d", ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--editor", help="""editor command to open notes""", dest="editor", default="xdg-open", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--locale", help="""force system locale, for example '-l es_ES.utf8'""", dest="locale", default="", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--read-cache", dest="is_force_read_cache", action="store_true", help="""force calendar to read old date from cache""" ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--theme", help="""set calendar theme, default=classic_dark (theme file name without extention)""", dest="theme" ) args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() unknown = unknown if len(unknown) == 0 else "".join(unknown).strip(' ') return args, unknown
def img_histogram(file): """ Returns an image's histogram in a combined RGB channel and each individual channel as an array of 256 values. A 0 means that a tonal value is the max and 255 means there are 0 pixels at that value. """ with as img: histogram = img.histogram() red_histogram = histogram[0:256] red_max = max(red_histogram) green_histogram = histogram[256:512] green_max = max(green_histogram) blue_histogram = histogram[512:768] blue_max = max(blue_histogram) rgb_histogram = [] for i in range(256): rgb_histogram.append(red_histogram[i] + green_histogram[i] + blue_histogram[i]) rgb_max = max(rgb_histogram) for i in range(256): r = red_histogram[i] g = green_histogram[i] b = blue_histogram[i] rgb = rgb_histogram[i] rgb_histogram[i] = round(255 - (rgb * 255 / rgb_max), 2) red_histogram[i] = round(255 - (r * 255 / red_max), 2) green_histogram[i] = round(255 - (g * 255 / green_max), 2) blue_histogram[i] = round(255 - (b * 255 / blue_max), 2) return rgb_histogram, red_histogram, green_histogram, blue_histogram
def absModuleToDist(magApp, magAbs): """ Convert apparent and absolute magnitude into distance. Parameters ---------- magApp : float Apparent magnitude of object. magAbs : float Absolute magnitude of object. Returns ------- Distance : float The distance resulting from the difference in apparent and absolute magnitude [pc]. """ d = 10.0**(-(magAbs - magApp) / 5.0 + 1.0) return d
import base64 def decoded_anycli(**kwargs): """ Return the decoded return from AnyCLI request - Do not print anything :param kwargs: keyword value: value to display :return: return the result of AnyCLI in UTF-8 :Example: result = cli(url=base_url, auth=s, command="show vlan") decoded_anycli(result) """ value = kwargs.get('value', None) return base64.b64decode(value['result_base64_encoded']).decode('utf-8')
def job_results_html(request): """ Used for testing the update with debug toolbar. """ response = job_results(request) return render(request, 'ci/ajax_test.html', {'content': response.content})
import pandas def open_mcrae_nature_cohort(): """ get proband details for McRae et al., Nature 2017 McRae et al Nature 2017 542:433-438 doi: 10.1038/nature21062 Supplementary table S1. """ data = pandas.read_excel(url, sheet_name='Supplementary Table 1') data['Individual ID'] += '|DDD' phenotype = ['HP:0001249'] study = ['10.1038/nature21062'] persons = set() for i, row in data.iterrows(): person = Person(row['Individual ID'], row.Sex, phenotype, study) persons.add(person) persons = add_mock_probands(persons, 4293, 'ddd', 'DDD', phenotype, study) return persons
def copia_coords_alineadas(align1,align2,coords_molde,PDBname): """ Devuelve: 1) una lista con las coordenadas de coords_molde que se pueden copiar segun el alineamiento align1,align2. 2) una estimacion del RMSD segun la curva RMSD(A) = 0.40 e^{l.87(1-ID)} de Chothia & Lesk (1986) """ aanames = { "A":"ALA","C":"CYS","D":"ASP","E":"GLU","F":"PHE","G":"GLY", "H":"HIS","I":"ILE","K":"LYS","L":"LEU","M":"MET","N":"ASN","P":"PRO", "Q":"GLN","R":"ARG","S":"SER","T":"THR","V":"VAL","W":"TRP","Y":"TYR" } rmsd,identical = 0,0 total1,total2,total_model = -1,-1,0 length = len(align1) if(length != len(align2)): print "# copia_coords_alineadas: alineamientos tienen != longitud", return [] pdbfile = open(PDBname, 'w') print >> pdbfile, "HEADER comparative model\nREMARK alignment:\n", print >> pdbfile, "REMARK query : %s\n" % (align1), print >> pdbfile, "REMARK template: %s\n" % (align2), for r in range(0, length): conserved = False res1 = align1[r:r+1] res2 = align2[r:r+1] if(res1 != '-'): total1+=1 if(res2 != '-'): total2+=1 if(res1 == '-' or res2 == '-'): continue # salta los gaps total_model += 1.0; if(res1 == res2): conserved = True identical += 1.0 for atomo in coords_molde[total2].split("\n"): if(atomo == ''): break if(atomo[12:16] == ' CA ' or atomo[12:16] == ' C ' or \ atomo[12:16] == ' N ' or atomo[12:16] == ' O ' \ or conserved): print >> pdbfile, "%s%s%s%4d%s" % \ (atomo[0:17],aanames[res1],atomo[20:22],total1+1,atomo[26:]) print >> pdbfile, "TER\n", pdbfile.close() rmsd = 0.40 * exp(1.87*(1-(identical/total_model))) identical = (identical/total_model) return (total_model,identical,rmsd)
def get_amati_relationship(value='o'): """ Return the Amati relationship and it's 1 sigma dispersion as given by Tsutsui et al. (2009). :param value: a string that can be 'o', '+', or '-'. The default is set to 'o' for the actual Amati relationship. '+' gives the upper bound of uncertainty and '-' gives the lower bound of uncertainty. :return: returns arrays of the a and y values of the amati relation/ error in the relation """ #plot the amati relation given by: # x=np.linspace(-3,3,100) #log(E_iso/10**52), for caluclation of E_p, add 52 to x @ end to get back normal values if value=='o': y=(1/2.01)*(x+3.87) #y is log(E_p/1keV) elif value=='+': y=(1/(2.01))*(x+(3.87+0.33)) elif value=='-': y=(1/(2.01))*(x+(3.87-0.33)) else: print('This isnt a correct option for value\n') return 1e52*10**x,10**y
def load(name, final=False, torch=False, prune_dist=None): """ Returns the requested dataset. :param name: One of the available datasets :param final: Loads the test/train split instead of the validation train split. In this case the training data consists of both training and validation. :return: A pair (triples, meta). `triples` is a numpy 2d array of datatype uint32 contianing integer-encoded triples. `meta` is an object of metadata containing the following fields: * e: The number of entities * r: The number of relations * i2r: """ if name == 'micro': return micro(final, torch) # -- a miniature dataset for unit testing if name in ['aifb', 'am1k', 'amplus', 'dblp', 'mdgenre', 'mdgender', 'dmgfull', 'dmg777k']: tic() data = Data(here(f'../datasets/{name}'), final=final, use_torch=torch) print(f'loaded data {name} ({toc():.4}s).') else: raise Exception(f'Dataset {name} not recognized.') if prune_dist is not None: tic() data = prune(data, n=prune_dist) print(f'pruned ({toc():.4}s).') return data
def is_paragraph_debian_packaging(paragraph): """ Return True if the `paragraph` is a CopyrightFilesParagraph that applies only to the Debian packaging """ return isinstance( paragraph, CopyrightFilesParagraph ) and paragraph.files.values == ['debian/*']
def update_b(b, action_prob, yr_val, predict_mode): """Update new shape parameters b using the regression and classification output. Args: b: current shape parameters values. [num_examples, num_shape_params]. action_prob: classification output. [num_actions]=[num_examples, 2*num_shape_params] yr_val: values of db to regress. yr=b-b_gt. [num_examples, num_shape_params] predict_mode: 0: Hard classification. Move regressed distance only in the direction with maximum probability. 1: Soft classification. Multiply classification probabilities with regressed distances. 2: Regression only. 3: Classification only. Returns: b_new: new b after update. [num_examples, num_shape_params] """ if predict_mode == 0: # Hard classification. Move regressed distance only in the direction with maximum probability. ind = np.argmax(np.amax(np.reshape(action_prob, (b.shape[0], b.shape[1], 2)), axis=2), axis=1) # ind = [num_examples] row_ind = np.arange(b.shape[0]) b[row_ind, ind] = b[row_ind, ind] - yr_val[row_ind, ind] elif predict_mode == 1: # Soft classification. Multiply classification probabilities with regressed distances. b = b - yr_val * np.amax(np.reshape(action_prob, (b.shape[0], b.shape[1], 2)), axis=2) elif predict_mode == 2: # Regression only. b = b - yr_val elif predict_mode == 3: # Classification only step = 1 action_prob_reshape = np.reshape(action_prob, (b.shape[0], b.shape[1], 2)) ind = np.argmax(np.amax(action_prob_reshape, axis=2), axis=1) # ind=[num_examples] row_ind = np.arange(b.shape[0]) is_negative = np.argmax(action_prob_reshape[row_ind, ind], axix=1) # is_negative=[num_examples] # Move b in either positive or negative direction b[row_ind[is_negative], ind[is_negative]] = b[row_ind[is_negative], ind[is_negative]] + step b[row_ind[np.logical_not(is_negative)], ind[np.logical_not(is_negative)]] = b[row_ind[np.logical_not(is_negative)], ind[np.logical_not(is_negative)]] - step return b
def setup(args): """ Create configs and perform basic setups. """ cfg = get_cfg() add_config(args, cfg) cfg.merge_from_file(args.config_file) cfg.merge_from_list(args.opts) cfg.merge_from_list(['MODEL.BUA.EXTRACT_FEATS',True]) cfg.merge_from_list(switch_extract_mode(args.extract_mode)) cfg.merge_from_list(set_min_max_boxes(args.min_max_boxes, args.mode)) cfg.freeze() default_setup(cfg, args) return cfg
def _earth_distance(time='now'): """ Return the distance between the Sun and the Earth at a specified time. Parameters ---------- time : {parse_time_types} Time to use in a parse_time-compatible format Returns ------- out : `~astropy.coordinates.Distance` The Sun-Earth distance """ return get_earth(time).radius
async def DELETE_Link(request): """HTTP method to delete a link""" log.request(request) app = group_id = request.match_info.get('id') if not group_id: msg = "Missing group id" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if not isValidUuid(group_id, obj_class="Group"): msg = f"Invalid group id: {group_id}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) link_title = request.match_info.get('title') validateLinkName(link_title) username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest(request) await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd) domain = getDomainFromRequest(request) if not isValidDomain(domain): msg = f"domain: {domain}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain) await validateAction(app, domain, group_id, username, "delete") req = getDataNodeUrl(app, group_id) req += "/groups/" + group_id + "/links/" + link_title params = {} if bucket: params["bucket"] = bucket rsp_json = await http_delete(app, req, params=params) resp = await jsonResponse(request, rsp_json) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp
def format_image(image): """ Function to format frame """ if len(image.shape) > 2 and image.shape[2] == 3: # determine whether the image is color image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) else: # Image read from buffer image = cv2.imdecode(image, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) cascade_classifier = cv2.CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') faces = cascade_classifier.detectMultiScale(image,scaleFactor = 1.3 ,minNeighbors = 5) if not len(faces) > 0: return None # initialize the first face as having maximum area, then find the one with max_area max_area_face = faces[0] for face in faces: if face[2] * face[3] > max_area_face[2] * max_area_face[3]: max_area_face = face face = max_area_face # extract ROI of face image = image[face[1]:(face[1] + face[2]), face[0]:(face[0] + face[3])] try: # resize the image so that it can be passed to the neural network image = cv2.resize(image, (48,48), interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC) / 255. except Exception: print("----->Problem during resize") return None return image
def cpu_stats(): """Return various CPU stats as a named tuple.""" ctx_switches, interrupts, syscalls, traps = cext.cpu_stats() soft_interrupts = 0 return _common.scpustats(ctx_switches, interrupts, soft_interrupts, syscalls)
def chi_squared(source_frequency, target_frequency): """Calculate the Chi Squared statistic by comparing ``source_frequency`` with ``target_frequency``. Example: >>> chi_squared({'a': 2, 'b': 3}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2}) 0.1 Args: source_frequency (dict): Frequency map of the text you are analyzing target_frequency (dict): Frequency map of the target language to compare with Returns: Decimal value of the chi-squared statistic """ # Ignore any symbols from source that are not in target. # TODO: raise Error if source_len is 0? target_prob = frequency_to_probability(target_frequency) source_len = sum(v for k, v in source_frequency.items() if k in target_frequency) result = 0 for symbol, prob in target_prob.items(): symbol_frequency = source_frequency.get(symbol, 0) # Frequecy is 0 if it doesnt appear in source result += _calculate_chi_squared(symbol_frequency, prob, source_len) return result
def has_reacted(comment, user, reaction): """ Returns whether a user has reacted with a particular reaction on a comment or not. """ if user.is_authenticated: reaction_type = getattr(ReactionInstance.ReactionType, reaction.upper(), None) if not reaction_type: raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(ReactionError.TYPE_INVALID.format(reaction_type=reaction)) return ReactionInstance.objects.filter( user=user, reaction_type=reaction_type.value, reaction__comment=comment ).exists() return False
import requests def structure_query(compound, label='pyclassyfire'): """Submit a compound information to the ClassyFire service for evaluation and receive a id which can be used to used to collect results :param compound: The compound structures as line delimited inchikey or smiles. Optionally a tab-separated id may be prepended for each structure. :type compound: str :param label: A label for the query :type label: :return: A query ID number :rtype: int >>> structure_query('CCC', 'smiles_test') >>> structure_query('InChI=1S/C3H4O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h1H3,(H,5,6)') """ r = + '/queries.json', data='{"label": "%s", ' '"query_input": "%s", "query_type": "STRUCTURE"}' % (label, compound), headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()['id']
def ParseExistingMessageIntoMessage(message, existing_message, method): """Sets fields in message based on an existing message. This function is used for get-modify-update pattern. The request type of update requests would be either the same as the response type of get requests or one field inside the request would be the same as the get response. For example: 1) update.request_type_name = ServiceAccount get.response_type_name = ServiceAccount 2) update.request_type_name = updateInstanceRequest updateInstanceRequest.instance = Instance get.response_type_name = Instance If the existing message has the same type as the message to be sent for the request, then return the existing message instead. If they are different, find the field in the message which has the same type as existing_message, then assign exsiting message to that field. Args: message: the apitools message to construct a new request. existing_message: the exsting apitools message returned from server. method: APIMethod, the method to generate request for. Returns: A modified apitools message to be send to the method. """ if type(existing_message) == type(message): # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck return existing_message # For read-modify-update api calls, the field name would be the same level # or the next level of the request. # TODO(b/111069150): refactor this part, don't hard code. existing_message_name = type(existing_message).__name__ field_name = existing_message_name[0].lower() + existing_message_name[1:] field_path = '' if method.request_field != field_name: field_path += method.request_field field_path += '.' field_path += field_name SetFieldInMessage(message, field_path, existing_message) return message
def create(*, db_session, ticket_in: TicketCreate) -> Ticket: """Creates a new ticket.""" ticket = Ticket(**ticket_in.dict()) db_session.add(ticket) db_session.commit() return ticket
def blur(img): """ :param img: SimpleImage, an original image. :return: img: SimpleImage, image with blurred effect. """ blank_img = SimpleImage.blank(img.width, img.height) for y in range(img.height): for x in range(img.width): blurred = blank_img.get_pixel(x, y) if x == 0 and y == 0: """ For 4 corners. The new RGB values of original pixel is the average RGB values of the original pixel and the other pixels around it. """ avg_red1 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).red + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).red + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).red + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y + 1).red) / 4 avg_green1 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).green + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).green + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).green + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y + 1).green) / 4 avg_blue1 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y + 1).blue) / 4 = avg_red1 = avg_green1 = avg_blue1 elif x == 0 and y == blank_img.height - 1: avg_red2 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).red + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).red + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y - 1).red + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).red) / 4 avg_green2 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).green + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).green + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y - 1).green + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).green) / 4 avg_blue2 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y - 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).blue) / 4 = avg_red2 = avg_green2 = avg_blue2 elif x == blank_img.width - 1 and y == 0: avg_red3 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).red + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).red + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y + 1).red + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).red) / 4 avg_green3 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).green + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).green + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y + 1).green + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).green) / 4 avg_blue3 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y + 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).blue) / 4 = avg_red3 = avg_green3 = avg_blue3 elif x == blank_img.width - 1 and y == blank_img.height - 1: avg_red4 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).red + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).red + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y - 1).red + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).red) / 4 avg_green4 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).green + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).green + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y - 1).green + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).green) / 4 avg_blue4 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y - 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).blue) / 4 = avg_red4 = avg_green4 = avg_blue4 elif x == 0 and 0 < y < blank_img.height - 1: """ For 4 edges. The new RGB values of original pixel is the average RGB values of the original pixel and the other pixels around it. """ avg_red5 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).red + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).red + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y - 1).red + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).red + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y + 1).red + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).red) / 5 avg_green5 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).green + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).green + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y - 1).green + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).green + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y + 1).green + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).green) / 5 avg_blue5 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y - 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y + 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).blue) / 5 = avg_red5 = avg_green5 = avg_blue5 elif x == blank_img.width - 1 and 0 < y < blank_img.height - 1: avg_red6 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).red + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).red + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y - 1).red + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).red + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y + 1).red + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).red) / 6 avg_green6 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).green + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).green + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y - 1).green + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).green + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y + 1).green + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).green) / 6 avg_blue6 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y - 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y + 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).blue) / 6 = avg_red6 = avg_green6 = avg_blue6 elif y == 0 and 0 < x < blank_img.width - 1: avg_red7 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).red + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).red + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y + 1).red + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).red + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y + 1).red + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).red) / 6 avg_green7 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).green + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).green + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y + 1).green + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).green + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y + 1).green + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).green) / 6 avg_blue7 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y + 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y + 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).blue) / 6 = avg_red7 = avg_green7 = avg_blue7 elif y == blank_img.height - 1 and 0 < x < blank_img.width - 1: avg_red8 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).red + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).red + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y - 1).red + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).red + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y - 1).red + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).red) / 6 avg_green8 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).green + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).green + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y - 1).green + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).green + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y - 1).green + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).green) / 6 avg_blue8 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y - 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y - 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).blue) / 6 = avg_red8 = avg_green8 = avg_blue8 else: """ For other area except the corners and edges. The new RGB values of original pixel is the average RGB values of the other pixels around it. """ avg_red9 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).red + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).red + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).red + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y - 1).red + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).red + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y - 1).red + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y + 1).red + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).red + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y + 1).red) / 9 avg_green9 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).green + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).green + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).green + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y - 1).green + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).green + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y - 1).green + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y + 1).green + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).green + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y + 1).red) / 9 avg_blue9 = (img.get_pixel(x, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y).blue + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y - 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x, y - 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y - 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x - 1, y + 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x, y + 1).blue + img.get_pixel(x + 1, y + 1).blue) / 9 = avg_red9 = avg_green9 = avg_blue9 return blank_img
def trans_pressure(src, dest="bar"): """ >>> """ return trans_basic_unit(src, dest, "pressure")
import subprocess def run_cmd(command: list) -> None: """Run `command` using `subprocess.Popen()`.""" show_info(f"Command: {' '.join(command)}") if DRY_RUN: show_info("Dry run mode enabled - won't run") else: try: proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout = proc.communicate()[0] except Exception as exc: show_error(exc, exit=1) finally: return stdout.decode("utf-8").rstrip("\n")
def test_accelerated_bypass_method_against_old(c_ctrl_rr): """Confirm that my changes to the bypass method maintain the same result as the old method""" OLD_HTCONSTS = dassh.region_rodded.calculate_ht_constants(c_ctrl_rr) def _calc_coolant_byp_temp_old(self, dz): """Calculate the coolant temperatures in the assembly bypass channels at the axial level j+1 Parameters ---------- self : DASSH RoddedRegion object dz : float Axial step size (m) Notes ----- The coolant in the bypass channels is assumed to get no power from neutron/gamma heating (that contribution to coolant in the assembly interior is already small enough). """ # Calculate the change in temperature in each subchannel dT = np.zeros((self.n_bypass, self.subchannel.n_sc['bypass']['total'])) # self._update_coolant_byp_params(self.avg_coolant_byp_temp) for i in range(self.n_bypass): # This factor is in many terms; technically, the mass flow # rate is already accounted for in constants defined earlier # mCp = self.coolant.heat_capacity # starting index to lookup type is after all interior # coolant channels and all preceding duct and bypass # channels start = (self.subchannel.n_sc['coolant']['total'] + self.subchannel.n_sc['duct']['total'] + i * self.subchannel.n_sc['bypass']['total'] + i * self.subchannel.n_sc['duct']['total']) # end = start + self.subchannel.n_sc['bypass']['total'] for sci in range(0, self.subchannel.n_sc['bypass']['total']): # The value of sci is the PYTHON indexing # type_i = self.subchannel.type[sci + start] - 1 type_i = self.subchannel.type[sci + start] # Heat transfer to/from adjacent subchannels for adj in self.subchannel.sc_adj[sci + start]: # if adj == 0: if adj == -1: continue # type_a = self.subchannel.type[adj - 1] - 1 type_a = self.subchannel.type[adj] # Convection to/from duct wall # if type_a in [3, 4]: if 3 <= type_a <= 4: if sci + start > adj: # INTERIOR adjacent duct wall byp_conv_const = \ OLD_HTCONSTS[type_i][type_a][i][0] byp_conv_dT = \ (self.temp['duct_surf'][i, 1, sci] - self.temp['coolant_byp'][i, sci]) else: # EXTERIOR adjacent duct wall byp_conv_const = \ OLD_HTCONSTS[type_i][type_a][i][1] byp_conv_dT = \ (self.temp['duct_surf'][i + 1, 0, sci] - self.temp['coolant_byp'][i, sci]) dT[i, sci] += \ (self.coolant_byp_params['htc'][i, type_i - 5] * dz * byp_conv_const * byp_conv_dT / self.coolant.heat_capacity) # Conduction to/from adjacent coolant subchannels else: # sc_adj = adj - start - 1 sc_adj = adj - start dT[i, sci] += \ (self.coolant.thermal_conductivity * dz * OLD_HTCONSTS[type_i][type_a][i] * (self.temp['coolant_byp'][i, sc_adj] - self.temp['coolant_byp'][i, sci]) / self.coolant.heat_capacity) return dT dT = np.zeros(c_ctrl_rr.temp['coolant_byp'].shape) dT_old = dT.copy() dz = 0.01 start_temp = 623.15 for i in range(50): duct_surf_temp = \ (np.random.random(c_ctrl_rr.temp['duct_surf'].shape) + (start_temp + i * 1.0)) c_ctrl_rr.temp['duct_surf'] = duct_surf_temp dT_old += _calc_coolant_byp_temp_old(c_ctrl_rr, dz) dT += c_ctrl_rr._calc_coolant_byp_temp(dz) print(np.average(dT)) print(np.average(dT_old)) print('max abs diff: ', np.max(np.abs(dT - dT_old))) assert np.allclose(dT, dT_old)
from pathlib import Path def retrieve_config(): # TODO: is this being used? """Retrieve configuration data. Args: None Returns: dict: The dictionary with configuration settings """ config = {} # go 2 layer up util_path = Path(__file__).parents[3] config_path = util_path / 'configuration' / 'configuration-aml.variables.yml' config = read_config_file(config_path) return config['variables']
import logging def vraec18(pretrained=False, **kwargs): """Constructs a _ResAE-18 model. Args: pretrained (bool): If True, returns a model pre-trained on ImageNet """ model = _VRAEC(_VariationalBasicBlock, [2, 2, 2, 2], **kwargs) if pretrained: try: model.load_state_dict(model_zoo.load_url(model_urls['resnet18']), strict=False) except Exception as exp: logging.warning(exp) return model
import zlib def encode_zip(data): """Zip-compress data. Implies base64 encoding of zip data.""" zipped = zlib.compress(data) return encode_b64(zipped)
def create_class_mask(img, color_map, is_normalized_img=True, is_normalized_map=False, show_masks=False): """ Function to create C matrices from the segmented image, where each of the C matrices is for one class with all ones at the pixel positions where that class is present img = The segmented image color_map = A list with tuples that contains all the RGB values for each color that represents some class in that image is_normalized_img = Boolean - Whether the image is normalized or not If normalized, then the image is multiplied with 255 is_normalized_map = Boolean - Represents whether the color map is normalized or not, if so then the color map values are multiplied with 255 show_masks = Wherether to show the created masks or not """ if is_normalized_img and (not is_normalized_map): img *= 255 if is_normalized_map and (not is_normalized_img): img = img / 255 mask = [] hw_tuple = img.shape[:-1] for color in color_map: color_img = [] for idx in range(3): color_img.append(np.ones(hw_tuple) * color[idx]) color_img = np.array(color_img, dtype=np.uint8).transpose(1, 2, 0) mask.append(np.uint8((color_img == img).sum(axis = -1) == 3)) return np.array(mask)
import itertools def reconstruct_grid(mask, ds_dl): """ Reconstruction of 2d grid. Args: mask (ndarray): land mask used. ds_dl (ndarray): trained model prediction. """ landmask = np.argwhere(np.isnan(mask)) empty = np.zeros((ds_dl.shape[0], mask.shape[0], mask.shape[1])) counter = 0 for i, j in itertools.product(list(range(mask.shape[0])),list(range(mask.shape[1]))): if np.argwhere(np.logical_and(np.isin(landmask[:,0], i), np.isin(landmask[:,1], j))).shape[0] > 0: empty[:, i, j] = np.nan else: empty[:, i, j] = ds_dl[:, counter] counter += 1 return empty
def conv_kernel_initializer(shape, dtype=None): """卷积核初始化 和 tf.variance_scaling_initializer最大不同之处就是在于,tf.variance_scaling_initializer 使用的是 truncated norm, 但是却具有未校正的标准偏差,而这里使用正态分布。类似地,tf.initializers.variance_scaling使用带有校正后的标准偏差。 Args: shape: 卷积核的shape dtype: 卷积核的dtype Returns: 经过初始化后的卷积核 """ kernel_height, kernel_width, input_filters, out_filters = shape fan_out = int(kernel_height * kernel_width * out_filters) return tf.random.normal(shape, mean=0.0, stddev=np.sqrt(2.0 / fan_out), dtype=dtype)
def prediction_func(data, g_data, grid_search, param_list): """Function for using dataset to train a model and predicting prices for a generated data. Parameter search is done using RandomizedSearchCV since it is computationally more efficientcompared to GridSearchCV. In param_list, learning_rate, subsample and max_depth, min_child_weight, gamma and colsample_bytree can be included. Args: | data (pd.Dataframe): the dataset including house features and prices | g_data (pd.Dataframe): randomly generated house features for prediction purposes | grid_search (bool): indicates whether model is trained with parameter search(True) or use default values(False) | param_list (list): the list of parameters to be included in parameter search Returns: the predicted prices for houses in g_data (np.array) """ # Base Model xgb_reg = xgb.XGBRegressor(n_treads=-1) if grid_search: # Search for best parameters in model params = { "learning_rate": [i / 20 for i in range(1, 11)], "min_child_weight": [i for i in range(3, 12)], "gamma": [i / 10.0 for i in range(3, 8)], "subsample": [i / 10.0 for i in range(7, 11)], "colsample_bytree": [i / 10.0 for i in range(6, 11)], "max_depth": [i for i in range(3, 8)], } # Only includes selected parameters params = {key: params[key] for key in param_list} xgb_reg = RandomizedSearchCV( estimator=xgb_reg, param_distributions=params, n_iter=5, cv=3, random_state=23, iid=False, )"price", axis=1), data.price) return xgb_reg.predict(g_data)
def thv_to_zxy(theta, h): """Convert coordinates from (theta, h, v) to (z, x, y) space.""" cos_p = np.cos(theta) sin_p = np.sin(theta) srcx = +RADIUS * cos_p - h * sin_p srcy = +RADIUS * sin_p + h * cos_p detx = -RADIUS * cos_p - h * sin_p dety = -RADIUS * sin_p + h * cos_p return srcx, srcy, detx, dety
from datetime import datetime def get_most_stale_file(logpath=DEFAULT_PATH): """ returns the filename of the file in the fileset that was least recently backed up and the time of the last backup """ oldest_name = "" oldest_date = datetime.max for fstat in get_fileset_statlist(): last_backup = datetime.strptime( get_last_upload_times(fstat[STAT_KEYS.SOURCE], n_times=1)[0], TIME_FORMAT ) if last_backup < oldest_date: oldest_date = last_backup oldest_name = fstat[STAT_KEYS.SOURCE] return oldest_name, oldest_date
from typing import Mapping from typing import Dict import re import logging def get_instances(context: models.Context) -> Mapping[str, Instance]: """Get a list of Instance matching the given context, indexed by instance id.""" instances: Dict[str, Instance] = {} if not apis.is_enabled(context.project_id, 'compute'): return instances gce_api = apis.get_api('compute', 'v1', context.project_id) requests = [ gce_api.instances().list(project=context.project_id, zone=zone) for zone in get_gce_zones(context.project_id) ] items = apis_utils.batch_list_all( api=gce_api, requests=requests, next_function=gce_api.instances().list_next, log_text=f'listing gce instances of project {context.project_id}') for i in items: result = re.match( r'[^/]+/zones/([^/]+)/', i['selfLink']) if not result: logging.error('instance %s selfLink didn\'t match regexp: %s', i['id'], i['selfLink']) continue zone = labels = i.get('labels', {}) if not context.match_project_resource(location=zone, labels=labels): continue instances[i['id']] = Instance(project_id=context.project_id, resource_data=i) return instances
def UploadChanges(): """Upload changes, don't prompt.""" # TODO(jfb) Using the commit queue and avoiding git try + manual commit # would be much nicer. See '--use-commit-queue' return ExecCommand(['git', 'cl', 'upload', '--send-mail', '-f'])
def svn_fs_delete_fs(*args): """svn_fs_delete_fs(char const * path, apr_pool_t pool) -> svn_error_t""" return _fs.svn_fs_delete_fs(*args)
from re import T def translate_output(_output, n_classes, is_binary_classification=False): """ Gets matrix with one hot encoding where the 1 represent index of class. Parameters ---------- _output : theano.tensor.matrix Output sample. n_classes : int Number of classes (or size of one hot encoding rows) is_binary_classification : bool This flag means that model is for binary classification. Returns ------- theano.tensor.matrix Returns one hot encoding. """ if is_binary_classification: return T.sgn(_output) else: return to_one_hot(T.argmax(_output, axis=-1), n_classes)
import os import sys def get_agent_config_vars(): """ Read and parse config.ini """ if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, os.pardir, 'config.ini'))): config_parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(), os.pardir, 'config.ini'))) try: file_path = config_parser.get('agent', 'file_path') # filters filters_include = config_parser.get('agent', 'filters_include') filters_exclude = config_parser.get('agent', 'filters_exclude') # message parsing json_top_level = config_parser.get('agent', 'json_top_level') # 'Event' #project_field = config_parser.get('agent', 'project_field') instance_field = config_parser.get('agent', 'instance_field') # 'System.Computer' device_field = config_parser.get('agent', 'device_field') # 'System.Provider.@Name' timestamp_field = config_parser.get('agent', 'timestamp_field') or 'timestamp' # 'System.TimeCreated.@SystemTime' timestamp_format = config_parser.get('agent', 'timestamp_format', raw=True) or 'epoch' data_fields = config_parser.get('agent', 'data_fields') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: logger.error('Agent not correctly configured. Check config file.') sys.exit(1) if len(file_path) != 0: file_regex = r".*\.evtx$|.*\.evt$" files = file_path.split(',') if len(files) > 1: # get evtx files and files within directories logger.debug(files) files = [ i for j in map(lambda k: get_file_list_for_directory(k, file_regex), files) for i in j if i] else: files = get_file_list_for_directory(files[0], file_regex) else: logger.warning('Agent not correctly configured (file_path). Check config file.') sys.exit(1) # filters if len(filters_include) != 0: filters_include = filters_include.split('|') if len(filters_exclude) != 0: filters_exclude = filters_exclude.split('|') if len(data_fields) != 0: data_fields = data_fields.split(',') # timestamp format timestamp_format = timestamp_format.partition('.')[0] if '%z' in timestamp_format or '%Z' in timestamp_format: ts_format_info = strip_tz_info(timestamp_format) else: ts_format_info = {'strip_tz': False, 'strip_tz_fmt': '', 'timestamp_format': timestamp_format} # add parsed variables to a global config_vars = { 'files': files, 'filters_include': filters_include, 'filters_exclude': filters_exclude, 'data_format': 'JSON', 'json_top_level': json_top_level, 'project_field': '', 'instance_field': instance_field, 'device_field': device_field, 'data_fields': data_fields, 'timestamp_field': timestamp_field, 'timestamp_format': ts_format_info['timestamp_format'], 'strip_tz': ts_format_info['strip_tz'], 'strip_tz_fmt': ts_format_info['strip_tz_fmt'] } return config_vars else: logger.warning('No config file found. Exiting...') exit()
def _sphere_point_to_uv(point: Point) -> Vec2d: """Convert a 3D point on the surface of the unit sphere into a (u, v) 2D point""" u = atan2(point.y, point.x) / (2.0 * pi) return Vec2d( u=u if u >= 0.0 else u + 1.0, v=acos(point.z) / pi, )
import tqdm def generate_formula_dict(materials_store, query=None): """ Function that generates a nested dictionary of structures keyed first by formula and then by task_id using mongo aggregation pipelines Args: materials_store (Store): store of materials Returns: Nested dictionary keyed by formula-mp_id with structure values. """ props = ["pretty_formula", "structure", "task_id", "magnetic_type"] results = list(materials_store.groupby("pretty_formula", properties=props, criteria=query)) formula_dict = {} for result in tqdm.tqdm(results): formula = result['_id']['pretty_formula'] task_ids = [d['task_id'] for d in result['docs']] structures = [d['structure'] for d in result['docs']] formula_dict[formula] = dict(zip(task_ids, structures)) return formula_dict
import os def default_config(): """Provides a default configuration file location.""" return os.path.expanduser('~/.config/discogstagger/discogs_tagger.conf')
def truncate(wirevector_or_integer, bitwidth): """ Returns a wirevector or integer truncated to the specified bitwidth :param wirevector_or_integer: Either a wirevector or and integer to be truncated :param bitwidth: The length to which the first argument should be truncated. :return: Returns a tuncated wirevector or integer as appropriate This function truncates the most significant bits of the input, leaving a result that is only "bitwidth" bits wide. For integers this is performed with a simple bitmask of size "bitwidth". For wirevectors the function calls WireVector.truncate and returns a wirevector of the specified bitwidth. Examples: :: truncate(9,3) # returns 3 (0b101 truncates to 0b101) truncate(5,3) # returns 3 (0b1001 truncates to 0b001) truncate(-1,3) # returns 7 (-0b1 truncates to 0b111) y = truncate(x+1, x.bitwidth) # y.bitwdith will equal x.bitwidth """ if bitwidth < 1: raise PyrtlError('bitwidth must be a positive integer') x = wirevector_or_integer try: return x.truncate(bitwidth) except AttributeError: return x & ((1 << bitwidth)-1)
def pcoef(xte, yte, rle, x_cre, y_cre, d2ydx2_cre, th_cre, surface): # Docstrings """evaluate the PARSEC coefficients""" # Initialize coefficients coef = np.zeros(6) # 1st coefficient depends on surface (pressure or suction) if surface.startswith('p'): coef[0] = -sqrt(2*rle) else: coef[0] = sqrt(2*rle) # Form system of equations A = np.array([ [xte**1.5, xte**2.5, xte**3.5, xte**4.5, xte**5.5], [x_cre**1.5, x_cre**2.5, x_cre**3.5, x_cre**4.5, x_cre**5.5], [1.5*sqrt(xte), 2.5*xte**1.5, 3.5*xte**2.5, 4.5*xte**3.5, 5.5*xte**4.5], [1.5*sqrt(x_cre), 2.5*x_cre**1.5, 3.5*x_cre**2.5, 4.5*x_cre**3.5, 5.5*x_cre**4.5], [0.75*(1/sqrt(x_cre)), 3.75*sqrt(x_cre), 8.75*x_cre**1.5, 15.75*x_cre**2.5, 24.75*x_cre**3.5] ]) B = np.array([ [yte - coef[0]*sqrt(xte)], [y_cre - coef[0]*sqrt(x_cre)], [tan(th_cre*pi/180) - 0.5*coef[0]*(1/sqrt(xte))], [-0.5*coef[0]*(1/sqrt(x_cre))], [d2ydx2_cre + 0.25*coef[0]*x_cre**(-1.5)] ]) # Solve system of linear equations # X = np.linalg.solve(A,B) X = np.linalg.lstsq(A,B)[0] # Gather all coefficients coef[1:6] = X[0:5,0] # Return coefficients return coef
import psutil def cpu_usage(self, max_cpu_percentage=80): """Limit max cpu usage """ if psutil.cpu_percent() < max_cpu_percentage: hevlog.logging.debug('[cpu usage] {}%'.format(psutil.cpu_percent())) return True else: hevlog.logging.debug('[cpu usage] {}%'.format(psutil.cpu_percent())) return False
from datetime import datetime import time import math import os def search_fromCSV(Data,holy_array, bookmark = 0): """ holy array: array of words that is going to be compared with Twitter's text data """ print("Initializing crawler") WINDOW_SIZE = "1920,1080" chrome_options = Options() chrome_options.add_argument("--headless") chrome_options.add_argument("--window-size=%s" % WINDOW_SIZE) chrome_options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options) try: for l in range(bookmark,len(Data)): # Here we loop the automated query cycle term = Data["Company"].iloc[l] foundation = datetime.datetime.strptime(Data["FundDate"].iloc[l],"%Y-%m-%d").date() - datetime.timedelta(17+30*(month_before_funding-1)) bracket = foundation - datetime.timedelta(30) bracko = bracket.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # Replacing special characters that will be in query if "&" in term: term = term.replace("&","%26") if "#" in term: term = term.replace("#","%23") if "\\" in term: term = term.replace("\\","/") driver.get( '\"' + term+'\"' + '%20until%3A{}%20since%3A{}'.format(foundation,bracko) +'&src=typed_query&f=live' ) # There must be a second between queries, at least. try: WebDriverWait(driver, 2.5).until( trinity_condition() ) # What's this, it just continues?? except TimeoutException: #Add case when no internet driver.quit() return False #Tie to database to mark a problem try: ak = time.perf_counter() WebDriverWait(driver, 5).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH,"//div[@data-testid='emptyState']")) ) u = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@data-testid='emptyState']") um = pd.Series(Data["tweets"]) um[l] = 0 Data["tweets"] = um links = {("EMPTY_RESULT",Data["Company"].iloc[l],None,None,None,bracket)} print("ID: {}".format(Data["ID"].iloc[l])) print(links) except TimeoutException: # Put except links=set() u = True # This will need tweaking too count_scrap = time.perf_counter() while u == True: # Reference /html/body/div/div/div/div[2]/main/div/div/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div/div/section/div/div/div[x]/div/div/article time.sleep(0.2) if math.trunc(driver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight;") - driver.execute_script("return document.documentElement.scrollTop;") - driver.execute_script("return window.innerHeight;")) == 0: try: WebDriverWait(driver, 1.5).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH,"//div[@role='progressbar']")) ) # Add here what happens when Twitter loads eternally except TimeoutException: u = False try: WebDriverWait(driver, 5).until_not( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH,"//div[@role='progressbar']")) ) except TimeoutException: um = pd.Series(Data["tweets"]) um[l] = 0 Data["tweets"] = um u = False links = links.union(extract(driver)) # u=False or break?? # Why is this here? Relocate to extract if 1756 + driver.execute_script("return document.documentElement.scrollTop;") >= driver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight;"): driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);") else: driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.documentElement.scrollTop + 1756*2);") try: u = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/div/div/div/div[2]/main/div/div/div/div/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div[2]/div/span/span") driver.quit() return False except: print("{} links found, word: {} (ID: {}) in {} seconds".format(len(links),term,Data["ID"].iloc[l],time.perf_counter()-count_scrap)) print(links) uk = time.perf_counter() print("Search of {} items takes {} seconds".format(len(links),uk-ak)) lengths = pd.Series(Data["tweets"]) lengths[l] = len(links) Data["tweets"] = lengths print(Data[["Company","tweets"]]) acceptable = [t>14 for t in Data["tweets"]] ouaga = acceptable.count(True) if l +1 - bookmark== 0: perc = 0 else: perc = ouaga*100/(l+1- bookmark) print("Valid companies: {} out of {}. ({}%), with an average amount of Tweets of {}".format(ouaga, l+1-bookmark, perc, np.mean(Data["tweets"].iloc[acceptable]))) # Don't connect to database if no tweets gathered stops = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words("english") def clean(tokens,stops): tokens = pd.Series(x for x in tokens if not x in stops) l = nltk.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer() lemmatized = [] for word, tag in nltk.pos_tag(tokens): if tag.startswith('NN'): pos = 'n' elif tag.startswith('VB'): pos = 'v' else: pos = 'a' lemmatized.append(l.lemmatize(word, pos)) return pd.Series(lemmatized) def select(lista, holy_array): if (list(lista.values) == list(clean(nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize("TweetsNotFound", "english"),stops).values) or list(lista.values) == list(clean(nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize("EMPTY_RESULT", "english"),stops).values)): return [j for j in lista] else: return [j for j in lista if j in holy_array.values] storage.add_tweets([(str(" ".join(select(clean(nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(z[0]),stops),holy_array))),fiki.polarity_scores(z[0])["compound"],fiki.polarity_scores(z[0])["pos"],fiki.polarity_scores(z[0])["neg"],fiki.polarity_scores(z[0])["neu"], Data["Company"].iloc[l], z[3], z[2], z[1],bracket) for z in links]) reportime = (datetime.timedelta(hours=2) +"%H:%M:%S-%Y/%m/%d") k = open("data/errorLog.txt", "a") k.write("Checkpoint saved {} at time {} at company {} and company ID {} with {} tweets".format(bracko, reportime, Data["Company"].iloc[l], Data["ID"].iloc[l], len(links) ) + os.linesep) k.close() return True finally: pass print("Final Dataset") print(Data[["Company","tweets"]]) driver.quit()
def iscircular(linked_list): """ Determine whether the Linked List is circular or not Args: linked_list(obj): Linked List to be checked Returns: bool: Return True if the linked list is circular, return False otherwise """ slow_runner = linked_list.head fast_runner = linked_list.head while slow_runner != None and != None: slow_runner = fast_runner = if slow_runner == fast_runner: return True return False
def shape_extent_to_header(shape, extent, nan_value=-9999): """ Create a header dict with shape and extent of an array """ ncols = shape[1] nrows = shape[0] xllcorner = extent[0] yllcorner = extent[2] cellsize_x = (extent[1]-extent[0])/ncols cellsize_y = (extent[3]-extent[2])/nrows if cellsize_x != cellsize_y: raise ValueError('extent produces different cellsize in x and y') cellsize = cellsize_x header = {'ncols':ncols, 'nrows':nrows, 'xllcorner':xllcorner, 'yllcorner':yllcorner, 'cellsize':cellsize, 'NODATA_value':nan_value} return header
def build_encoder(opt, embeddings): """ Various encoder dispatcher function. Args: opt: the option in current environment. embeddings (Embeddings): vocab embeddings for this encoder. """ if opt.encoder_type == "transformer": return TransformerEncoder(opt.enc_layers, opt.rnn_size, opt.heads, opt.transformer_ff, opt.dropout, embeddings) elif opt.encoder_type == "cnn": return CNNEncoder(opt.enc_layers, opt.rnn_size, opt.cnn_kernel_width, opt.dropout, embeddings) elif opt.encoder_type == "mean": return MeanEncoder(opt.enc_layers, embeddings) else: # "rnn" or "brnn" return RNNEncoder(opt.wals_model, opt.rnn_type, opt.brnn, opt.enc_layers, opt.rnn_size, opt.wals_size, opt.dropout, embeddings, opt.bridge)
import glob import os def load_rendered_images_object_type(resources_path, n_channels, mode="render"): """ Import images from the resources dir with certain number of channels :param resources_path: Dir path from were images are fetched :param n_channels: Number of colors for the images :return: """ path_list = list(glob.glob(resources_path + '/*.png')) file_list = [os.path.basename(x) for x in path_list] object_list = [] render_numbers = np.array([int(x.split("_")[-2]) for x in file_list]) x_train = np.array([imageio.imread(x)[:, :, :n_channels] for x in path_list]) if mode == "angles": labels = 2 * np.pi * render_numbers / np.amax(render_numbers) elif mode == "circle": angles = 2 * np.pi * render_numbers / np.amax(render_numbers) labels = np.zeros((len(angles), 2)) labels[:, 0] = np.cos(angles) labels[:, 1] = np.sin(angles) else: labels = render_numbers return x_train, labels
def efficientnet_b3b(in_size=(300, 300), **kwargs): """ EfficientNet-B3-b (like TF-implementation) model from 'EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks,' Parameters: ---------- in_size : tuple of two ints, default (300, 300) Spatial size of the expected input image. pretrained : bool, default False Whether to load the pretrained weights for model. root : str, default '~/.keras/models' Location for keeping the model parameters. """ return get_efficientnet(version="b3", in_size=in_size, tf_mode=True, bn_epsilon=1e-3, model_name="efficientnet_b3b", **kwargs)
import logging def logged(class_): """Class-level decorator to insert logging. This assures that a class has a ``.log`` member. :: @logged class Something: def __init__(self, args): self.log(f"init with {args}") """ class_.log= logging.getLogger(class_.__qualname__) return class_
def TableInFirstNSStart(builder): """This method is deprecated. Please switch to Start.""" return Start(builder)
def dicom_to_nifti(dicom_input, output_file=None): """ This is the main dicom to nifti conversion function for ge images. As input ge images are required. It will then determine the type of images and do the correct conversion :param output_file: filepath to the output nifti :param dicom_input: directory with dicom files for 1 scan """ assert common.is_siemens(dicom_input) # remove duplicate slices based on position and data dicom_input = convert_generic.remove_duplicate_slices(dicom_input) # remove localizers based on image type dicom_input = convert_generic.remove_localizers_by_imagetype(dicom_input) # remove_localizers based on image orientation (only valid if slicecount is validated) dicom_input = convert_generic.remove_localizers_by_orientation(dicom_input) if _is_4d(dicom_input):'Found sequence type: MOSAIC 4D') return _mosaic_4d_to_nifti(dicom_input, output_file) grouped_dicoms = _classic_get_grouped_dicoms(dicom_input) if _is_classic_4d(grouped_dicoms):'Found sequence type: CLASSIC 4D') return _classic_4d_to_nifti(grouped_dicoms, output_file)'Assuming anatomical data') return convert_generic.dicom_to_nifti(dicom_input, output_file)
def lot_vectors_dense_internal( sample_vectors, sample_distributions, reference_vectors, reference_distribution, metric=cosine, max_distribution_size=256, chunk_size=256, spherical_vectors=True, ): """Efficiently compute linear optimal transport vectors for a block of data provided as a list of distributions and a corresponding list of arrays of vectors. Parameters ---------- sample_vectors: numba.typed.List of ndarrays A set of vectors for each distribution. sample_distributions: numba.typed.List of ndarrays A set of distributions (1d arrays that sum to one). The ith element of a given distribution is the probability mass on the ith row of the corresponding entry in the ``sample_vectors`` list. reference_vectors: ndarray The reference vector set for LOT reference_distribution: ndarray The reference distribution over the set of reference vectors metric: function(ndarray, ndarray) -> float The distance function to use for distance computation max_distribution_size: int (optional, default=256) The maximum size of a distribution to consider; larger distributions over more vectors will be truncated back to this value for faster performance. chunk_size: int (optional, default=256) Operations will be parallelised over chunks of the input. This specifies the chunk size. spherical_vectors: bool (optional, default=True) Whether the vectors live on an n-sphere instead of euclidean space and thus require some degree of spherical correction. Returns ------- lot_vectors: ndarray The raw linear optimal transport vectors correpsonding to the input. """ n_rows = len(sample_vectors) result = np.zeros((n_rows, reference_vectors.size), dtype=np.float64) n_chunks = (n_rows // chunk_size) + 1 for n in range(n_chunks): chunk_start = n * chunk_size chunk_end = min(chunk_start + chunk_size, n_rows) for i in range(chunk_start, chunk_end): row_vectors = sample_vectors[i].astype(np.float64) row_distribution = sample_distributions[i] if row_vectors.shape[0] > max_distribution_size: best_indices = np.argsort(-row_distribution)[:max_distribution_size] row_vectors = row_vectors[best_indices] row_distribution = row_distribution[best_indices] row_sum = row_distribution.sum() if row_sum > 0.0: row_distribution /= row_sum if row_vectors.shape[0] > reference_vectors.shape[0]: cost = chunked_pairwise_distance( row_vectors, reference_vectors, dist=metric ) else: cost = chunked_pairwise_distance( reference_vectors, row_vectors, dist=metric ).T current_transport_plan = transport_plan( row_distribution, reference_distribution, cost ) transport_images = ( current_transport_plan * (1.0 / reference_distribution) ).T @ row_vectors if spherical_vectors: l2_normalize(transport_images) transport_vectors = transport_images - reference_vectors if spherical_vectors: tangent_vectors = project_to_sphere_tangent_space( transport_vectors, reference_vectors ) l2_normalize(tangent_vectors) scaling = tangent_vectors_scales( transport_images, reference_vectors ) transport_vectors = tangent_vectors * scaling result[i] = transport_vectors.flatten() # Help the SVD preserve spherical data by sqrt entries if spherical_vectors: for i in range(result.shape[0]): for j in range(result.shape[1]): result[i, j] = np.sign(result[i, j]) * np.sqrt(np.abs(result[i, j])) return result
import rasterio as rio def load( filename, rsc_file=None, rows=None, cols=None, band=1, **kwargs, ): """Load a file, either using numpy or rasterio""" if rsc_file: rsc_data = load_rsc(rsc_file) return load_stacked_img(filename, rsc_data=rsc_data, rows=rows, cols=cols) else: try: except ImportError: raise ValueError("Need to `conda install rasterio` to load gdal-readable") with as src: return
def simple_scan_network(): """ Do a simple network scan, which only works if your network configuration is 192.168.1.x """ base_ip = "192.168.1." addresses = [''] for index in range(1, 255): addresses.extend([base_ip + str(index)]) return addresses
import os import argparse def check_valid_file_or_folder(value): """verifies filename exists and isn't a link""" if value is not None: if not os.path.isfile(value) and not os.path.isdir(value): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("{} does not exist or is not a file/folder.". format(value)) check_for_link(value) return value
def channel_lvlv_2jet(): """ Mostly based on table 8 of the combination paper for the uncertainties and table 9 for the event counts. """ channel = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.Channel( "HWWlvlv2Jet" ) container.append(channel) channel.SetData(55) background = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.Sample("background") background.SetValue(36*1.1) # background.AddOverallSys("ATLAS_LUMI_2012", 1.0-0.036, 1.0+0.036) # background.AddOverallSys("JES", 0.93, 1.07) channel.AddSample(background) container.append(background) signalGGFttH = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.Sample("signalGGFttH") signalGGFttH.SetValue(10.9*1.00*0.19) # increase by a factor for better agreement with ATLAS contour signalGGFttH.AddNormFactor("mu", 1, 0, 6) signalGGFttH.AddNormFactor("mu_XS8_ggF", 1, -5, 10) signalGGFttH.AddNormFactor("muT_lvlv", 1, -5, 10) signalGGFttH.AddOverallSys("ATLAS_LUMI_2012", 1.0-0.036, 1.0+0.036) signalGGFttH.AddOverallSys("QCDscale_Higgs_ggH", 0.87, 1.13) signalGGFttH.AddOverallSys("QCDscale_Higgs_ggH2in", 0.96, 1.04) signalGGFttH.AddOverallSys("QCDscale_Higgs_ggH3in", 0.96, 1.04) signalGGFttH.AddOverallSys("QCDscale_Higgs_acceptance_2jet", 0.97, 1.03) signalGGFttH.AddOverallSys("UE_2jet", 0.95, 1.05) signalGGFttH.AddOverallSys("JES", 0.94, 1.06) channel.AddSample(signalGGFttH) container.append(signalGGFttH) signalVBFVH = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.Sample("signalVBFVH") signalVBFVH.SetValue(10.9*1.000*0.81) # increase by a factor for better agreement with ATLAS contour signalVBFVH.AddNormFactor("mu", 1, 0, 6) signalVBFVH.AddNormFactor("mu_XS8_VBF", 1, -5, 10) signalVBFVH.AddNormFactor("muW_lvlv", 1, -5, 10) signalVBFVH.AddOverallSys("ATLAS_LUMI_2012", 1.0-0.036, 1.0+0.036) signalVBFVH.AddOverallSys("UE_2jet", 0.95, 1.05) signalVBFVH.AddOverallSys("JES", 0.94, 1.06) channel.AddSample(signalVBFVH) container.append(signalVBFVH) return channel
def vtkVariantStrictEquality(s1, s2): """ Check two variants for strict equality of type and value. """ s1 = vtk.vtkVariant(s1) s2 = vtk.vtkVariant(s2) t1 = s1.GetType() t2 = s2.GetType() # check based on type if t1 != t2: return False v1 = s1.IsValid() v2 = s2.IsValid() # check based on validity if (not v1) and (not v2): return True elif v1 != v2: return False # extract and compare the values r1 = getattr(s1, _variant_method_map[t1])() r2 = getattr(s2, _variant_method_map[t2])() return (r1 == r2)
def is_network_failure(error): """Returns True when error is a network failure.""" return ((isinstance(error, RETRY_URLLIB_EXCEPTIONS) and error.code in RETRY_HTTP_CODES) or isinstance(error, RETRY_HTTPLIB_EXCEPTIONS) or isinstance(error, RETRY_SOCKET_EXCEPTIONS) or isinstance(error, RETRY_REQUESTS_EXCEPTIONS) or is_retriable_requests_httperror(error))
import torch def predict(model, X, threshold=0.5): """Generate NumPy output predictions on a dataset using a given model. Args: model (torch model): A Pytroch model X (dataloader): A dataframe-based gene dataset to predict on """ X_tensor, _ = convert_dataframe_to_tensor(X, []) model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): y_pred = (model(X_tensor) >= threshold).int().numpy() return y_pred
def color_image( img: np.ndarray, unique_colors=True, threshold=100, approximation_accuracy=150 ) -> np.ndarray: """ This function detects simple shapes in the image and colors them. Detected figures will be also subscribed in the final image. The function can detect triangles, quadrilateral, and circles; any other figure will be marked "UNEXPECTED". The algorithm uses OpenCV to find contours on a grayscale version of the image. Then it uses a polygon approximation algorithm to reduce the number of vertices in contours. The resulted polygons are used to identify and color figures in the image. parameters: img - image with figures to color unique_colors - flag to color all figures in unique colores independent of the number of vertices. The default behavior is coloring all the figures of the same type in one color threshold - background threshold for a grayscale image, using that the algo will separate figures from the background approximation_accuracy - accuracy of polygon approximation for detected contours output: the image with colored and subscribed figures """ gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # apply threshold thresholded_im = np.zeros(img.shape[:2], dtype=np.uint8) thresholded_im[gray > threshold] = 255 contours, _ = cv2.findContours( thresholded_im, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ) if unique_colors: colors = gen_colors(len(contours)) for i, contour in enumerate(contours): # find positions of vertices to count them # we need some value to estimate approximation accuracy - let it be perimeter object_perimeter = cv2.arcLength(contour, closed=True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP( contour, epsilon=object_perimeter / approximation_accuracy, closed=True ) n_vertices = len(approx) # find object centers # M = cv2.moments(contour) x, y = approx.squeeze().mean(axis=0).astype(int) # offset to the left for x x = (x + 2 * approx[:, 0, 0].min()) // 3 # COLORING PART # highlight contours cv2.drawContours(img, [contour], 0, (255, 255, 255), 4) # fill the object if unique_colors: color = colors[i].tolist() else: color = get_color_for_figure(n_vertices) cv2.fillPoly(img, pts=[contour], color=color) # subscribe the figure print_figure_name(img, n_vertices, (x, y)) return img
from pathlib import Path def restore_model(pb_path): """Restore the latest model from the given path.""" subdirs = [x for x in Path(pb_path).iterdir() if x.is_dir() and 'temp' not in str(x)] latest_model = str(sorted(subdirs)[-1]) predict_fn = predictor.from_saved_model(latest_model) return predict_fn
import math def _generate_resolution_shells(low, high): """Generate 9 evenly spaced in reciprocal space resolution shells from low to high resolution, e.g. in 1/d^2.""" dmin = (1.0 / high) * (1.0 / high) dmax = (1.0 / low) * (1.0 / low) diff = (dmin - dmax) / 8.0 shells = [1.0 / math.sqrt(dmax)] for j in range(8): shells.append(1.0 / math.sqrt(dmax + diff * (j + 1))) return shells
from typing import Optional from typing import Tuple def add_ports_from_markers_square( component: Component, pin_layer: Layer = (69, 0), port_layer: Optional[Layer] = None, orientation: Optional[int] = 90, min_pin_area_um2: float = 0, max_pin_area_um2: float = 150 * 150, pin_extra_width: float = 0.0, port_names: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None, port_name_prefix: str = "o", ) -> Component: """add ports from markers center in port_layer squared Args: component: to read polygons from and to write ports to pin_layer: for port markers port_layer: for the new created port orientation: in degrees 90: north, 0: east, 180: west, 270: south min_pin_area_um2: ignores pins with area smaller than min_pin_area_um2 max_pin_area_um2: ignore pins for area above certain size pin_extra_width: 2*offset from pin to straight port_names: names of the ports (defaults to {i}) """ port_markers = read_port_markers(component, [pin_layer]) port_names = port_names or [ f"{port_name_prefix}{i+1}" for i in range(len(port_markers.polygons)) ] layer = port_layer or pin_layer for port_name, p in zip(port_names, port_markers.polygons): dy = snap_to_grid(p.ymax - p.ymin) dx = snap_to_grid(p.xmax - p.xmin) x = p.x y = p.y if dx == dy and max_pin_area_um2 > dx * dy > min_pin_area_um2: component.add_port( port_name, midpoint=(x, y), width=dx - pin_extra_width, orientation=orientation, layer=layer, ) return component
def P(Document, *fields, **kw): """Generate a MongoDB projection dictionary using the Django ORM style.""" __always__ = kw.pop('__always__', set()) projected = set() omitted = set() for field in fields: if field[0] in ('-', '!'): omitted.add(field[1:]) elif field[0] == '+': projected.add(field[1:]) else: projected.add(field) if not projected: # We only have exclusions from the default projection. names = set(getattr(Document, '__projection__', Document.__fields__) or Document.__fields__) projected = {name for name in (names - omitted)} projected |= __always__ if not projected: projected = {'_id'} return {unicode(traverse(Document, name, name)): True for name in projected}
def get_page_url(skin_name, page_mappings, page_id): """ Returns the page_url for the given page_id and skin_name """ fallback = '/' if page_id is not None: return page_mappings[page_id].get('path', '/') return fallback
import textwrap def get_paragraph_head(source, maxlength, bullet_num=-1, bullet=False): """Return the paragraph text of specific length, optionally prefix a bullet. Args: source(str, PreProcessed, etree._Element) maxlength(int) Kwargs: bullet(bool): False by default, otherwise prefix paragraph text with either '* )' or '##)' where # corresponds to a zero padded integer. bullet_num(int): By default, the bullet is un-numerated, otherwise it will take the bullet number. """ if bullet_num > -1: bullet = True if not bullet: bullet_s = "" else: if bullet_num < 0: bullet_s = "* ) " else: bullet_s = f"{bullet_num:02d}) " if isinstance(source, PreProcessed): string = str(source.pre_italic) elif isinstance(source, etree._Element): string = source.xpath("string()") # TODO PostProcessed condition else: string = str(source) string = f"{bullet_s}{string}" if maxlength != 30: print(f"*** maxlength: {maxlength}") short = textwrap.shorten(string, width=maxlength, placeholder=" ...") return short
def create_form(erroneous_form=None): """Show a form to create a guest server.""" party_id = _get_current_party_id_or_404() setting = guest_server_service.get_setting_for_party(party_id) form = erroneous_form if erroneous_form else CreateForm() return { 'form': form, 'domain': setting.domain, }
def apply(task, args, kwargs, **options): """Apply the task locally. This will block until the task completes, and returns a :class:`celery.result.EagerResult` instance. """ args = args or [] kwargs = kwargs or {} task_id = options.get("task_id", gen_unique_id()) retries = options.get("retries", 0) task = tasks[] # Make sure we get the instance, not class. default_kwargs = {"task_name":, "task_id": task_id, "task_retries": retries, "task_is_eager": True, "logfile": None, "delivery_info": {"is_eager": True}, "loglevel": 0} supported_keys = fun_takes_kwargs(, default_kwargs) extend_with = dict((key, val) for key, val in default_kwargs.items() if key in supported_keys) kwargs.update(extend_with) trace = TaskTrace(, task_id, args, kwargs, task=task) retval = trace.execute() return EagerResult(task_id, retval, trace.status, traceback=trace.strtb)
from typing import Optional from typing import Callable def exp_post_expansion_function(expansion: Expansion) -> Optional[Callable]: """Return the specified post-expansion function, or None if unspecified""" return exp_opt(expansion, 'post')
def return_(x): """Implement `return_`.""" return x
import os def _resolve_link(path): """Internal helper function. Takes a path and follows symlinks until we either arrive at something that isn't a symlink, or encounter a path we've seen before (meaning that there's a loop). """ paths_seen = [] while islink(path): if path in paths_seen: # Already seen this path, so we must have a symlink loop return None paths_seen.append(path) # Resolve where the link points to resolved = os.readlink(path) if not isabs(resolved): dir = dirname(path) path = normpath(join(dir, resolved)) else: path = normpath(resolved) return path
def create(platformDetails): """ This function creates a new platform in the platform list based on the passed in platform data :param platform: platform to create in platform structure :return: 201 on success, 406 on platform exists """ # Remove id as it's created automatically if "id" in platformDetails: del platformDetails["id"] # Does the platform exist already? existing_platform = ( db.session.query(Platform) .filter(Platform.value == platformDetails["value"]) .one_or_none() ) if existing_platform is None: schema = PlatformSchema() new_platform = schema.load(platformDetails, session=db.session) db.session.add(new_platform) db.session.commit() # Serialize and return the newly created deployment # in the response data = schema.dump(new_platform) return data, 201 # Otherwise, it already exists, that's an error else: abort(406, "Platform already exists")
def _execute_cell(cell, shell, iopub, timeout=300): """ Execute an IPython Notebook Cell and return the cell output. Parameters ---------- cell : IPython.nbformat.current.NotebookNode The IPython Notebook cell to execute. shell : IPython.kernel.blocking.channels.BlockingShellChannel The shell channel which the cell is submitted to for execution. iopub : IPython.kernel.blocking.channels.BlockingIOPubChannel The iopub channel used to retrieve the result of the execution. timeout : int The number of seconds to wait for the execution to finish before giving up. Returns ------- cell_outputs : list The list of NotebookNodes holding the result of the execution. """ # Execute input shell.execute(cell.input) exe_result = shell.get_shell_msg(timeout=timeout) if exe_result['content']['status'] == 'error': raise RuntimeError('Failed to execute cell due to error: {!r}'.format( str(exe_result['content']['evalue']))) cell_outputs = list() # Poll for iopub messages until no more messages are available while True: try: msg = iopub.get_iopub_msg(timeout=0.5) except Empty: break msg_type = msg['msg_type'] if msg_type in ('status', 'pyin', 'execute_input', 'execute_result'): continue content = msg['content'] node = NotebookNode(output_type=msg_type) if msg_type == 'stream': = content['name'] if 'text' in content: # v4 notebook format node.text = content['text'] else: # v3 notebook format node.text = content['data'] bug_text = 'Using Anaconda Cloud api site' if bug_text in node.text: # Ignore conda (spam) messages/warnings continue elif msg_type in ('display_data', 'pyout'): node['metadata'] = content['metadata'] for mime, data in content['data'].items(): attr = mime.split('/')[-1].lower() attr = attr.replace('+xml', '').replace('plain', 'text') setattr(node, attr, data) if msg_type == 'pyout': node.prompt_number = content['execution_count'] elif msg_type == 'pyerr': node.ename = content['ename'] node.evalue = content['evalue'] node.traceback = content['traceback'] else: raise RuntimeError('Unhandled iopub message of type: {}'.format( msg_type)) cell_outputs.append(node) return cell_outputs
def VD_A_DF(data, val_col: str = None, group_col: str = None, sort=True): """ :param data: pandas DataFrame object An array, any object exposing the array interface or a pandas DataFrame. Array must be two-dimensional. Second dimension may vary, i.e. groups may have different lengths. :param val_col: str, optional Must be specified if `a` is a pandas DataFrame object. Name of the column that contains values. :param group_col: str, optional Must be specified if `a` is a pandas DataFrame object. Name of the column that contains group names. :param sort : bool, optional Specifies whether to sort DataFrame by group_col or not. Recommended unless you sort your data manually. :return: stats : pandas DataFrame of effect sizes Stats summary :: 'A' : Name of first measurement 'B' : Name of second measurement 'estimate' : effect sizes 'magnitude' : magnitude """ x = data.copy() if sort: x[group_col] = Categorical(x[group_col], categories=x[group_col].unique(), ordered=True) x.sort_values(by=[group_col, val_col], ascending=True, inplace=True) groups = x[group_col].unique() # Pairwise combinations g1, g2 = np.array(list(it.combinations(np.arange(groups.size), 2))).T # Compute effect size for each combination ef = np.array([VD_A(list(x[val_col][x[group_col] == groups[i]].values), list(x[val_col][x[group_col] == groups[j]].values)) for i, j in zip(g1, g2)]) return pd.DataFrame({ 'A': np.unique(data[group_col])[g1], 'B': np.unique(data[group_col])[g2], 'estimate': ef[:, 0], 'magnitude': ef[:, 1] })
def getR2(y, y_fitted, chi=None): """ calculates the coefficient of determination R^2 for `y_fitted` as prediction for `y` over a region marked by chi>0 defined by R^2=1 - S_res/S_tot with S_res=int(chi*(y-y_fitted*1)**2, S_tot=int(chi*(y-m(y)*1)**2), m(y)=int(chi*y)/int(chi) If R^2=1 then `y_fitted` is predicts `y` exactly. If R^2 then `y_fitted` does not make a better prediction than the mean. :param y: target distribution :type y: `esys.escript.Scalar` :param y_fitted: fitted distribution :type y_fitted: `esys.escript.Scalar` :param chi: marker/weighting for region of interest :type chi: `esys.escript.Scalar` or None :rtype: `float` """ if chi is None: chi=Scalar(1., Function(y_fitted.getFunctionSpace().getDomain())) ybar=integrate(chi*y)/integrate(chi) S_res=integrate(chi*(y-y_fitted)**2) S_tot=integrate(chi*(y-ybar)**2) if S_tot > 0: R2=1-S_res/S_tot else: if S_res > 0: R2=0. else: R2=1. return R2
def basis(d, point_distribution='uniform', symbolic=True): """ Return all local basis function phi as functions of the local point X in a 1D element with d+1 nodes. If symbolic=True, return symbolic expressions, else return Python functions of X. point_distribution can be 'uniform' or 'Chebyshev'. """ X = sym.symbols('X') if d == 0: phi_sym = [1] else: if point_distribution == 'uniform': if symbolic: h = sym.Rational(1, d) # node spacing nodes = [2*i*h - 1 for i in range(d+1)] else: nodes = np.linspace(-1, 1, d+1) elif point_distribution == 'Chebyshev': # Just numeric nodes nodes = Chebyshev_nodes(-1, 1, d) phi_sym = [Lagrange_polynomial(X, r, nodes) for r in range(d+1)] # Transform to Python functions phi_num = [sym.lambdify([X], phi_sym[r], modules='numpy') for r in range(d+1)] return phi_sym if symbolic else phi_num
def provide_batch_fn(): """ The provide_batch function to use. """ return dataset_factory.provide_batch
def mergeSort(li): """Sorts a list by splitting it to smaller and smaller pieces (until they only have one or less elements) and then merges it back using the function ``merge()``. >>> mergeSort([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> mergeSort([5, 4, 3, 2, 1]) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> mergeSort([3, 2, 6, 1, 4, 2, 3, 1, 1, 5, 6, -2, 2.3]) [-2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2.3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6] """ n = len(li) if n < 2: return li return merge(mergeSort(li[:n//2]), mergeSort(li[n//2:]))
import sys import random def mcplayout(pos, amaf_map, disp=False): """ Start a Monte Carlo playout from a given position, return score for to-play player at the starting position; amaf_map is board-sized scratchpad recording who played at a given position first """ if disp: print('** SIMULATION **', file=sys.stderr) start_n = pos.n passes = 0 while passes < 2 and pos.n < MAX_GAME_LEN: if disp: print_pos(pos) pos2 = None # We simply try the moves our heuristics generate, in a particular # order, but not with 100% probability; this is on the border between # "rule-based playouts" and "probability distribution playouts". for c, kind in gen_playout_moves(pos, pos.last_moves_neighbors(), conf['PROB_HEURISTIC']): if disp and kind != 'random': print('move suggestion', str_coord(c), kind, file=sys.stderr) pos2 = pos.move(c) if pos2 is None: continue # check if the suggested move did not turn out to be a self-atari if random.random() <= (conf['PROB_RSAREJECT'] if kind == 'random' else conf['PROB_SSAREJECT']): in_atari, ds = fix_atari(pos2, c, singlept_ok=True, twolib_edgeonly=True) if ds: if disp: print('rejecting self-atari move', str_coord(c), file=sys.stderr) pos2 = None continue if amaf_map[c] == 0: # Mark the coordinate with 1 for black amaf_map[c] = 1 if pos.n % 2 == 0 else -1 break if pos2 is None: # no valid moves, pass pos = pos.pass_move() passes += 1 continue passes = 0 pos = pos2 owner_map = W*W*[0] score = pos.score(owner_map) if disp: print('** SCORE B%+.1f **' % (score if pos.n % 2 == 0 else -score), file=sys.stderr) if start_n % 2 != pos.n % 2: score = -score return score, amaf_map, owner_map
def test_colour_ranges(fake_readme, monkeypatch): """ Whatever number we provide as coverage should produce the appropriate colour """ readme_file = "README" def fake_readme_location(*args, **kwargs): return os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, readme_file) monkeypatch.setattr(__main__, "readme_location", fake_readme_location) for total, colour in ( ("97", "brightgreen"), ("93", "green"), ("80", "yellowgreen"), ("65", "yellow"), ("45", "orange"), ("15", "red"), ("n/a", "lightgrey"), ): __main__.get_total = lambda: total __main__.main([]) assert __main__.get_colour(total) == colour
def remove_partitions( cube, store, conditions=None, ktk_cube_dataset_ids=None, metadata=None ): """ Remove given partition range from cube using a transaction. Remove the partitions selected by ``conditions``. If no ``conditions`` are given, remove all partitions. For each considered dataset, only the subset of ``conditions`` that refers to the partition columns of the respective dataset is used. In particular, a dataset that is not partitioned at all is always considered selected by ``conditions``. Parameters ---------- cube: kartothek.core.cube.cube.Cube Cube spec. store: Union[simplekv.KeyValueStore, Callable[[], simplekv.KeyValueStore]] Store. conditions: Union[None, Condition, Iterable[Condition], Conjunction] Select the partitions to be removed. Must be a condition only on partition columns. ktk_cube_dataset_ids: Optional[Union[Iterable[Union[Str, Bytes]], Union[Str, Bytes]]] Ktk_cube dataset IDs to apply the remove action to, optional. Default to "all". metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] Metadata for every the datasets, optional. Only given keys are updated/replaced. Deletion of metadata keys is not possible. Returns ------- datasets: Dict[str, kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadata] Datasets, updated. """ if callable(store): store_instance = store() store_factory = store else: store_instance = store def store_factory(): return store existing_datasets = discover_datasets(cube, store) for ( ktk_cube_dataset_id, (ds, mp, delete_scope), ) in prepare_metapartitions_for_removal_action( cube=cube, store=store_instance, conditions=conditions, ktk_cube_dataset_ids=ktk_cube_dataset_ids, existing_datasets=existing_datasets, ).items(): mp = mp.store_dataframes( store=store_instance, dataset_uuid=ds.uuid, df_serializer=KTK_CUBE_DF_SERIALIZER, ) ds_factory = metadata_factory_from_dataset( ds, with_schema=True, store=store_factory ) existing_datasets[ktk_cube_dataset_id] = update_dataset_from_partitions( mp, store_factory=store_factory, dataset_uuid=ds.uuid, ds_factory=ds_factory, metadata=prepare_ktk_metadata(cube, ktk_cube_dataset_id, metadata), metadata_merger=None, delete_scope=delete_scope, ) return existing_datasets