Bei all Schwangerschaft hunn ech gehofft, dass et Meedercher ginn, einfach well ech net wousst, wéi ech anescht géif reagéieren.
At every pregnancy I was hoping for it to be a girl, because I did not know how I would react if I had another boy.
D‘Sozialisten hu mussen e Minus vun 10,6 Prozentpunkten astiechen an hunn 3 Sëtz an domadder d‘Majoritéit verluer.
The party suffered a decline of 10.6%, resulting in the loss of 3 seats and the majority.
Nodeem iwwer länger Zäit kee medezinesche Cannabis méi an de Spidolsapdikten op Stock war, gouf däers Enn Oktober ronn 14 Kilo geliwwert.
After a long period of being out of stock at hospital pharmacies, there was a delivery of 14 kg of medical cannabis in late October.
Domat huet sech d'Zuel bannent enger Woch bal verduebelt.
With that, the number almost doubled in one week.
En Dënschdeg goufen et op 7 weidere Statioune Rekord-Temperature mat 34,7 Grad zu Bettenduerf, 34,3 Grad zu Kënzeg, 34,2 Grad zu Gréiwemaacher, 34,2 Grad zu Reckeng, 34,1 Grad zu Réimech, 34,4 Grad zu Réiser a 34,1 Grad zu Trënteng.
The previous record had been recorded on 6 September 1949 in Grevenmacher by ASTA (34 °C) and was beaten in seven different stations yesterday: Bettendorf 34.7°C, Clemency 34.3°C, Grevenmacher 34.2 °C, Reckange 34.2 °C, Remich 34.1 °C, Roeser 34.4 °C, Trintange 34.1 °C.
24.341 PCR-Tester goufen am genannten Zäitraum duerchgefouert.
24,341 PCR tests were administered between 7 and 13 February.
Neit Drone-Reglement a Frankräich, wéi ass et zu Lëtzebuerg?
New drone laws in France, but what about Luxembourg?
Dat verhënnert, dass dës Persoune weider Leit ustiechen.
This in turn should reduce the probability of them infecting further people.
De Krich an der Ukrain huet weider Repercussiounen op d'Accueil-Capacitéiten hei am Land, well all Dag weider Familljen aus dem Krichsgebitt och op Lëtzebuerg kommen.
The number of families arriving in the Grand Duchy from war-torn Ukraine is rising by the day, putting the country's accommodation facilities to the test.
E weidere wichtege Punkt an den Diskussiounen wäert d'Inflatioun sinn, déi aktuell bei 5,5 Prozent läit an duerch de Krich an der Ukrain nach weider unzéie kéint.
At 5.5%, the inflation rate is already at a very high level, and it could rise further due to the war in Ukraine.
Dir hutt manner Risiko duerch eng kuerz Lafzäit (e Kontrakt op 3 Joer ass méiglech) an Dir gitt dem Stress vum Weiderverkaf zum Schluss vum Kontrakt aus de Féiss.
You run fewer risks with short term contracts (a 3-year contract is possible) and you don't have the stress of reselling the vehicle at the end of the contract.
Dat féiert dann och dozou, datt d'Feier och nom Läschen nach bis zu 48 Stonne muss iwwerwaacht ginn, fir sécherzegoen, datt et net nees ugeet.
Fires must then be monitored for up to 48 hours after they have been extinguished to reduce the risk of them restarting.
Nach direkt um Méindeg de Mëtteg goufe 5 Barragen opgeriicht, fir d'Waasser ze filteren an nees propper ze kréien.
On Monday afternoon, the depollution unit set up five barrages to filter the water and clean it.
Serbien ass dat Land am Balkan, wat am meeschte vun esou Fonge profitéiert, mat 200 Milliounen Euro pro Joer.
Serbia is the Balkan state which receives the most from the EU at €200 million per year.
En Dënschdeg de Moie goufen 2 Persounen ugestouss.
Two people hit by cars on Tuesday morning.
ASBL Digital inclusion verdeelt bis zu 100 Computeren d'Woch u Flüchtlingen.
Non-profit provides 100 computers to refugees per week.
Donieft hätt d'Gewerkschaft gär, datt ënnersicht géif ginn, wat d'Maskeflicht an d'Distanzreegele vu laangfristegen a psychologeschen Auswierkungen op d'Kanner hunn.
The trade union also demands that research be made into the long-term psychological effects of compulsory mask wearing and social distancing rules on children.
D'Police huet lescht Woch verstäerkt kontrolléiert, ob d'Corona-Reegelen am Land respektéiert ginn.
Last week, police stepped up checks to ensure Covid-19 restrictions are respected.
Den Ecart tëscht de verschiddene Länner gëtt och wesentlech méi kleng, wann een d'Kafkraaft mat am Salaire arechent.
The gap between the countries also becomes smaller if purchasing power is taken into account.
Lëtzebuerger Pilote gewannen d'Coupe des Nations.
Luxembourg drivers win Nations Cup.
D'Fraktioune vun déi Gréng an déi Blo begréissen och ausdrécklech, dass d'Investissementer héich bleiwen.
Both the Green Party and DP parliamentary groups also welcome the fact that investments will remain high.
Dass säin Aarbechtskontrakt ëmmer vu Joer zu Joer verlängert gëtt, wier bis ewell awer um private Wunnmarché eng Barrière gewiescht.
Since his employment contract is revalidated on a yearly basis, the private housing market has however been a dead end.
Ënnert anerem a Rheinland-Pfalz, deemno och an a ronderëm Tréier zum Beispill, sinn e Méindeg 8. Januar, grouss Protestaktioune virgesinn.
Widespread agricultural protests are due to take place on Monday 8 January around Germany, including Luxembourg's border regions of Rhineland-Palatinate and around the city of Trier.
Och den Immobilienagent huet an éischter Instanz ausgesot, keng Kenntnis dovunner gehat ze hunn.
The real estate agent also testified that he had not been aware of the situation.
Den Taux de pauvreté läit hei am Land aktuell bei 18,3%.
The poverty rate is currently 18.3% in the Grand Duchy.
E groussen Deel vun de Mënschen, déi do liewen, si Beneficaires de protection internationale (BPI), mee kommen net aus de Strukturen eraus, well se keng Wunneng fannen.
Many of the individuals residing there are beneficiaries of international protection, but they often find themselves unable to move elsewhere due to the lack of available accommodations.
Deen Ënnerscheed erkläert sech doduercher, datt an deene meeschte Fäll eng zweet Dosis fir déi zweet Injektioun reservéiert gëtt.
The difference is explained by the fact that in most cases a second dose is reserved for the second injection.
Also Dir mierkt, et kënnt extrem vill op d'Gemeng duer."
Clearly, there is a lot in store for the municipality."
Kuerz drop 2 weider Festnamen, nodeems 2 Männer bei engem Drogen-Echange beobacht goufen.
There were two further arrests not long after when police observed another deal.
Géint béid Persoune gouf protokolléiert.
Both individuals were charged.
No engem Urteel vum europäesche Geriichtshaff 2014 am Kontext vun der sougenannter "Vorratsdatenspäicherung" hat d'Justizministesch Sam Tanson am Januar dëst Joer en neie Gesetzprojet virgeluecht.
Following a ruling by the European Court of Justice in 2014 on so-called data retention, Justice Minister Sam Tanson presented a new bill in January 2023.
De Mario Grotz, éischte Conseiller am Wirtschaftsministère, war bis elo President vum Creos-Verwaltungsrot.
Reiffers will be replaced by Mario Grotz, a former Ministry of Economy advisor and chairman of the Creos board.
Den LCGB huet no der Reunioun drop higewisen, dass de Konzern groussen ekonomesche Schwieregkeeten ausgesat ass, déi d'Sitten an d'Aarbechtsplazen hei am Land kéinten a Gefor bréngen.
Following the meeting, LCGB highlighted that the company is exposed to economic challenges, which might endanger the sites and jobs here in Luxembourg.
Konkret huet de Minister a sengem Projet festgehalen, dass all Stagiaire 30 Stonne Cours iwwert den Droit muss maachen.
In concrete terms, the minister suggested that every trainee teacher should have to take 30 hours worth of lessons on law.
Klass" Hospitalisatioun mat beschtméiglecher Betreiung, Dagesgeld bei enger Hospitalisatioun (och am Ausland), Behandlung vum Chefdokter, Physiotherapie, alternativ Behandlungen, Traitementer vun den Zänn a Protheesen, souwéi d'Iwwerhuele vu Käschte fir Brëller, Kontaktlënsen an d'Lasere vun den Ae bis zu 3.000 €.
EASY HEALTH – optimal protection EASY HEALTH comes into play where the basic state insurance scheme covers none or only part of the costs: so-called "first class" hospitalisation with the best possible care, a daily hospitalisation allowance (even abroad), treatment by the head doctor, physiotherapy, alternative treatments, advanced dental care, and prostheses as well as the costs for visual aids and laser eye surgery of up to €3,000.
D'Derogatioun, fir an der Pandemie iwwer déi gesetzlech Limitt vun 1.022 Deeg pro Joer erauszegoen, leeft Enn dës Joers aus.
The exemption to go over the legal limit of 1,022 days per year during the pandemic runs out at the end of 2021.
De Lëtzebuerger ass iwwer 1500 Meter e Chrono vun 3'37''03 gelaf an huet sech als Zweete placéiert.
He participated in the 1500 metre race, which he finished after 3 minutes, 37 seconds, and 3 hundredths.
Um Dënschdeg de Mëtteg géint 14 Auer krute sech op der Kräizung tëscht dem Boulevard Royal an der Avenue Amélie zwee Ween ze paken.
At around 2pm on Tuesday afternoon, two vehicles collided at the intersection of Boulevard Royal and Avenue Amélie.
Déi däitsch "Zeit" huet en Rapport vun der US-amerikanescher Sécherheets-Entreprise CrowdStrike publizéiert.
German newspaper "Die Zeit" cited a report by the US security firm CrowdStrike, which listed the most prolific hackers throughout the world.
An enger Zäit vun 2 Minutte 4 Sekonnen an 95 verpasst de 26 Joer ale Sportzaldot de Podium a bleift gutt 4 Sekonnen iwwert senger Beschtzäit.
The 26-year-old military-sponsored athlete reached the finish line after 2 minutes, 4 seconds and 95 hundredths, staying 4 seconds behind his fastest time.
3 Accidenter um Dënschdeg de Moien - 3 Blesséierter.
Three car crashes on Tuesday morning leave three injured.
An der Kannerklinik waren um Donneschde ronn 60 Kanner hospitaliséiert.
As of Thursday, 60 children were hospitalised at the Kannerklinik ("Children's Clinic").
Fir d'CLC ass dës Decisioun awer net nozevollzéien.
The trade organisation CLC is disappointed with the decision.
Checkmynet gouf am leschte Joer 150.000 Mol benotzt.
Last year, the tool was used 150,000 times.
An de leschten 3 Joer hunn déi individuell Depistagë 27% ausgemaach.
In the last three years, these have accounted for 27% of the tests.
De Projet „Wunne mat der Wooltz“ geet gutt weider, mä et kéint nach keen Datum genannt ginn, wéini e komplett ofgeschloss wäert sinn.
The housing project "Wunne mat der Wooltz" is making good progress but it is not yet possible to set an exact completion date.
Dës Entitéit existéiert zënter 2013 an huet 9 Memberen.
The council was created in 2013 and has nine members.
Fir d'Manifestatioun wier eng verstäerkte Policepresenz geplangt.
An increased police presence is also planned for the demonstration.
Fir den Ambassadeur a seng Famill wärend de Renovatiounsaarbechten ze logéieren, lount de Lëtzebuerger Staat en Appartement an engem Gebai op der 1st Avenue dat de Numm "Trump World Tower" dréit.
To accommodate Ambassador Maes and his family during this renovation period, the Luxembourg State has leased a flat situated within a building on 1st Avenue, known as "Trump World Tower."
Dem Minister Claude Meisch no géing d'Qualitéit vum Encadrement vun de Kanner zum Beispill net automatesch eropgoen, wat d'Klasse méi kleng géinge ginn.
Minister of Education Claude Meisch also stated that smaller classes do not increase the quality of childcare.
Am Ganze goufen 119 Finanzplaze bewäert.
A total of 119 financial centres were evaluated.
Ënnert dee gi mir net schaffen.
We will not work for anything below that.
Dat ass kontraproduktiv am Sënn vun engem zolitte Rietsruck an Ungarn awer och europawäit."
This could be counterproductive in the sense of fuelling a solid right-wing movement in Hungary, as well as across Europe."
Et gëtt och puer gréisser Entreprisen, déi hiren eegene Cert hunn."
Some of the bigger companies will have their own response teams."
Traditionell Chrëschtfeier vun der Arméi, 5 Test-Zenteren vu Januar un.
Traditional Christmas celebration, 5 test centres from January.
Als méiglech Kontaminatiouns-Source nennt dësen Dossier d'Ofwaasser respektiv och Phosphor, deen an der Landwirtschaft agesat gëtt an dann an de Stau geréit.
This assessment names waste water as well as phosphate used in agricultural activities as possible sources of the contamination.
An enger Affär vun Opruff zum Haass, an där d'Ministesch Corinne Cahen Plainte gemaach hat, gouf e Mann um Stater Geriicht zu 1.000€ Geldstrof veruerteelt.
A man received a €1,000 fine in a case for inciting hatred on the social network after Minister for Family Affairs Corinne Cahen filed a complaint.
Mir sinn elo awer bei engem Ofschloss vun 96 Milliounen", esou den Eugène Berger.
The DP's Eugène Berger said that they were now 'finalising it' after spending €960 million.
Fir e rengen Elektro-Auto, dee manner wéi 40.000 Euro Basis kascht, wäert d’Primm vu bis ewell 4.000 Euro op 6.000 Euro klammen.
The subsidies for pure electric vehicles costing less than €40,000 will rise from €4,000 to €6,000.
Wat ass iwwerhaapt "kleng Italien" De Quartier Italien, oder " kleng Italien" wéi se zu Diddeleng soen, hat nach ëmmer ee spezielle Ruff an huet d'Stad Diddeleng mat gepräägt.
Brief history of Dudelange's "Little Italy" Known affectionately as "Little Italy" by residents of Dudelange, the Italian neighbourhood holds a distinct place in the town's identity and history.
Am Laf vun engem Beruffsliewe kënne bis zu 80 Deeg vun dësem bezuelte Spezialcongé oder Formatiounscongé an Usproch geholl ginn.
This special paid leave or training leave can be granted for up to 80 days over the course of a professional career.
An deem Sënn hätt ee mat der ALA a mat den zoustännege Ministèrë Kontakt gehat, sot den Diddelenger Buergermeeschter Dan Biancalana.
The Luxembourgish Alzheimer Association (ALA) has been in touch with the responsible ministry concerning the matter, confirmed the mayor of Dudelange, Dan Biancalana.
Et bleift hinnen also näischt iwwereg, ausser ze bieden, dass Gott si beschützt an datt déi international Welt probéiert, z'intervenéieren an der Gewalt en Enn ze setzen."
There is nothing left for them except praying that God will protect them and the international community will intervene and put an end to the violence."
Kuerz Zäit dono gouf eng gréisser Zomm Sue vun 2 Bancomaten opgehuewen.
Shortly afterwards, the thieves withdrew a large sum of money from two cash machines.
Dir gewannt op all Niveau: Aarbechtskäschte reduzéieren, Energie spueren a gläichzäiteg en ëmweltfrëndleche Choix treffen.
You’ll benefit on all fronts: reduction in the cost of the work, energy savings and making an environmentally friendly choice.
Cibléiert ginn an dëse Coursë Leit, déi a Beräicher wéi de Soinen, der Gesondheet oder dem Horeca-Secteur wëlle schaffen, seet de Claude Meisch.
According to Meisch, the courses will mainly be targeted at people intending to work in sectors such as healthcare or hospitality.
Déi grouss Ënnerstëtzung vun der Famill hätt definitiv gehollef.
The support from their family around that time really helped.
2 Accidenter mat jeeweils engem Blesséierten.
Two accidents with one injured in each.
Dësen Tëschefall huet e gréisseren Asaz vun de Pompjeeën ausgeléist, schreift de Focus, well esouwuel d'Hotelslobby wéi och d'Strooss virun der Dier stoungen ënner Waasser.
According to the German magazine Focus, the incident triggered a major intervention by the German capital's firefighters since both the hotel lobby and the street outside the hotel were flooded.
Et gëtt vläicht heiansdo bei deem engen oder aneren e Liichtbléck, mä et ass ganz rare."
There may be a glimmer of hope sometimes with one or the other, but that is very rare."
Dës zivil Lëscht geet nach zeréck op d'Verfassung aus dem Joer 1948.
This civil list dates back to the 1948 Constitution.
Kascht net deier, muss net vill gemaach ginn.
Doesn't cost much, not much needs to be done.
D'Informatioune vun der Santé e Méindeg weisen, datt an de leschten 72 Stonnen 398 Neiinfektioune registréiert goufen.
The latest figures from the Ministry of Health show that 398 new cases of coronavirus were discovered over the last 72 hours.
De Grupp huet scho verschidde Projeten a Frankräich an an der Belsch realiséiert.
The group has numerous projects in France, Belgium, and now in the Grand Duchy.
D'Niveaue vun de Flëss an d'Previsioune kann een op suivéieren.
The water level of the rivers and predictions can be followed on .
Entdeckt all d'Neiegkeeten zur nohalteger Entwécklung vum Grupp LALUX .
Discover all the news about sustainable development at LALUX Group .
D'Ausgangsbeispill illustréiert eng vereinfacht an iwwerflächlech Visioun op eng komplex Thematik.
The initial example illustrates a simplified and superficial vision of a complex issue.
D'Big-Five-Länner Däitschland, Frankräich, Groussbritannien, Italien a Spuenien, souwéi Schweden als Gewënnerland 2023, sinn automatesch an der ESC-Finall.
The Big Five countries Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy and Spain as well as Sweden as the winning country in 2023 are automatically in the ESC final.
Manner Verbrenner, méi Elektro.
Less combustion, more electricity.
Är Erspuernesser entwéckelen sech entspriechend zu den ausgewielte Fongen.
Your retirement capital evolves with the performance of the chosen funds.
De Miralem Sulejmani huet hei op de Gol geschoss, de Bal gouf ofgefälscht a lant am Gol vum Keeper Jérémy Frick.
Miralem Sulejmani took a shot at the goal, the ball was deflected and went into the goal of goalkeeper Jérémy Frick.
Wéi déi Verdächtegt duerchsicht goufen, konnten nach 3 weider Kaarte séchergestallt ginn, déi och geklaut goufen.
When officers searched the suspects, they found 3 additional stolen credit cards.
SecuriTec Télévie Tour : Um 9:00 Auer fueren d’Cycliste beim RTL City Gebai fort bei eenzel Centres de promesses.
SecuriTec Télévie Tour: Participants will start the cycling race at 9am in front of RTL City headquarters in Kirchberg and head towards the four pledge centres.
E Schnelltest op illegal Substanzen huet op Kokain ee positiivt Resultat erginn.
A rapid test for illegal substances was positive for cocaine.
An Däitschland an Eisträich ass d'Fueren tëscht den Autos-Filë fir Motocycliste wéinst der Gefor fir d'Motarde komplett verbueden.
Meanwhile, it is forbidden in Germany and Austria due to the danger for the motorcyclists themselves.
De Mann, deen däitlech Unzeeche vun Alkoholafloss opgewisen huet, huet en Test refuséiert.
The driver, who showed clear signs of being inebriated, refused to take a breathalyser test.
Aktuell huet d'CSV mat 11 Conseilleren eng komfortabel Majoritéit, d'DP huet zwee an d'LSAP ee Sëtz.
At present, the CSV has a comfortable majority with 11 councillors, the DP has two and the LSAP one seat.
Dem Mann gouf virgehäit, tëscht Dezember 2015 a Februar 2017 vun der Fra profitéiert ze hunn; hie soll hir am Ganze ronn 42.000 € ofgeholl hunn.
The man stood accused of taking advantage of an elderly woman between December 2015 and February 2017, stealing a total of €42,000 from her over that period.
Siwe Leit goufe méi genee ënnert d'Lupp geholl an hu misse mat op de Policebüro.
Seven people were taken to the police station for further checks.
An dee Punkt ass ganz wichteg, duerch den Accord mat dem Lëtzebuerger Steieramt, och Rulling genannt, kann är Acquisitioun op 5% ob onbegrenzter Dauer amortiséiert ginn.
However, and this is a very important point, due to an agreement between the Lamy Group and the Luxembourg tax authorities, called a Rulling, your acquisition can be depreciated up to 5% indefinitely.
RTL-Informatiounen no hat en éischte Fliger mat Depart um 7 Auer de Vol ofgebrach, nodeems et Problemer mat der Klimaanlag vun der Maschinn ginn hat.
According to information obtained by RTL, the first Luxair Tours flight departing at 7am on Wednesday morning had to be aborted after issues with the air conditioning system were discovered.
En Deel vun den deeglechen Aarbechte wier vun dëser Hackerattack beaflosst, gëtt e Spriecher vun der Entreprise am Paperjam zitéiert.
Parts of regular work routine will be impacted by the recent attack, a company official announced in Paperjam.
E Mëttwoch den Owend hat d'Police op Uerder vum Parquet en Appartement zu Waasserbëlleg duerchsicht.
The police executed a search at a residence in Wasserbillig on Wednesday evening, following orders from the public prosecutor's office.
Lëtzebuerg géif sech Gesetzer ginn, déi iwwert déi europäesch Offall-Bestëmmunge géifen erausgoen: dës Lëtzebuerger "Extravaganz" géif de Verbraucher eng deier ginn, heescht et vun der CLC an der FLAD.
CLC and FLAD argue that the Luxembourg government is going beyond what the European waste disposal regulations expect, and warn that this will come at the expense of consumers.
Bei de Walen den 11. Juni haten awer eben och just déi 4 Parteien deelgeholl, déi de Verbuet och matgestëmmt haten.
However, in the 11 June elections, only the four parties that supported the ban participated.
De positive Schnelltest an der Schoul muss net méi onbedéngt vun engem PCR-Test confirméiert ginn.
The result will no longer have to be confirmed by a PCR test and the concerned pupils will have to enter isolation straight away.
Den Danel Sinani wiesselt déi nächste Saison vum F91 Diddeleng an England an d'Premier League bei Norwich City.
Danel Sinani could become the first Luxembourg national to feature in the English Premier League after signing for Norwich City.
Den "European Forest Fire Information System" (EFFIS) liwwert dofir déi rezentst Informatiounen iwwer aktuell Bëschbränn an Europa an dem Mëttelmierraum.
In addition, the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) provides the latest information on forest fires in Europe and the Mediterranean.
Um Weltdag géint de Kriibs lancéiert d'Fondation Cancer hir neiste Campagne.
'How to tell you'The Cancer Foundation has just launched its latest campaign on World Cancer Day.
Am Message sinn d'Leit drop higewise ginn, dass si eng Rechung duebel bezuelt hätten an iwwert e Link kéint een d'Suen zeréckfuerderen.
The message claims that people mistakenly paid a bill twice and that they are entitled to compensation, which they can receive with the help of a link.