stringlengths 1
| user
dict | assistant
dict |
100770 | {
"content": "Traté de fingir ser algo que no era.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I tried to pretend I was something I wasn't.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
78741 | {
"content": "Se dice que un espejismo es una ilusión.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "A mirage is said to be an illusion.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
92440 | {
"content": "¿Cómo tan bella causa ha podido producir en vm. tan abominables efectos?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "But how could this beautiful cause produce in you so hideous an effect?\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
59117 | {
"content": "Tom lee el New York Times.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom reads the New York Times.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
77701 | {
"content": "Ellos bajaron en la siguiente parada de autobús.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "They got off at the next bus stop.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
10751 | {
"content": "Leo la etiqueta.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I read the label.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
16020 | {
"content": "Me obligó a ir.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He forced me to go.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
59730 | {
"content": "Y se dirigió a lo que le parecía la fuente de la cultura: los periódicos.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "So he resorted to what seemed to him to be the wellspring of education – the magazines.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
85949 | {
"content": "Media hora después se hizo alto en un bosque a quinientos pasos de la pagoda, que no podía percibirse, pero los alaridos de los fanáticos se oían con toda claridad.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "They halted, half an hour afterwards, in a copse, some five hundred feet from the pagoda, where they were well concealed; but they could hear the groans and cries of the fakirs distinctly.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
33808 | {
"content": "¿No cree usted que se trata de una opinión admirable?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"Don't you think that is an admirable sentiment?\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
37704 | {
"content": "Como el debate entre estos dos señores habría podido durar largo tiempo, porque cada uno debía, naturalmente, mantenerse en sus trece, al señor de Tréville se le ocurrió un expediente que tenía por meta acabar con todo, y era ir a buscar él mismo al señor de La Trémouille.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Now, as the debate between these two nobles might last a long time, each becoming, naturally, more firm in his own opinion, M. de Treville thought of an expedient which might terminate it quietly. This was to go himself to M. de la Tremouille.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
80110 | {
"content": "Optaron por el abeto, madera un poco hendijosa, según la expresión de los carpinteros, pero fácil de trabajar, y que sufre, lo mismo que el olmo, la inmersión en el agua.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "They decided for the fir, as being easy to work, but which stands water as well as the elm.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
85519 | {
"content": "Me arrepiento de no haber hecho caso a su consejo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I regret not having taken his advice.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
71677 | {
"content": "El hombre abrió los ojos.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He opened his eyes.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
106185 | {
"content": "\"¿Van a hacer huelga de nuevo?\" \"Me temo que si\".",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"Will they go on strike again?\" \"I'm afraid so.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
105131 | {
"content": "Apuesto a que veremos a Tom antes del final de la semana.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I bet we'll see Tom before the end of the week.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
87004 | {
"content": "Aquél reproducía, por medio de peones giratorios., las combinaciones más inverosímiles bajo su mano; aquellas zumbantes maquinillas parecían animarlo con vida propia en sus interminables giros, corrían sobre tubos de pipa, sobre los filos de los sables, sobre alambres, verdaderos cabellos tendidos de uno a otro lado del escenario; daban vuelta sobre el borde de vasos de cristal; trepaban por escaleras de bambú, se dispersaban por todos los rincones, produciendo efectos armónicos de extraño carácter y combinando las diversas tonalidades.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Another reproduced the most singular combinations with a spinning-top; in his hands the revolving tops seemed to be animated with a life of their own in their interminable whirling; they ran over pipe-stems, the edges of sabres, wires and even hairs stretched across the stage; they turned around on the edges of large glasses, crossed bamboo ladders, dispersed into all the corners, and produced strange musical effects by the combination of their various pitches of tone.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
68619 | {
"content": "No consigo hacer que alguien me ayude.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I can't get anyone to assist me.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
43086 | {
"content": "Tienes toda la razón.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "You are absolutely right.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
28720 | {
"content": "Habíamos recorrido el jardín varias veces de arriba abajo, sin que ni la señorita Stoner ni yo nos atreviéramos a interrumpir el curso de sus pensamientos, cuando al fin Holmes salió de su ensimismamiento.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "We had walked several times up and down the lawn, neither Miss Stoner nor myself liking to break in upon his thoughts before he roused himself from his reverie.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
90035 | {
"content": "¿Me tomas por un completo principiante?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Do you take me for a complete beginner?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
59036 | {
"content": "Tom no le teme a nada.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom isn't afraid of anything.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
111887 | {
"content": "Tenía la sensación de que algo malo estaba pasando.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I had a feeling that something dreadful was happening.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
59044 | {
"content": "–Voy a anudarte mejor la venda.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "'Then let me change the bandage.'",
"role": "assistant"
} |
62183 | {
"content": "Las chochas volaban ahora en bandadas.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The snipe unceasingly circled above the sedges.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
78654 | {
"content": "Puede que no hayas escuchado hablar sobre esto.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "You may not have heard about this.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
85348 | {
"content": "El \"Mongolia\" hacía sus viajes con regularidad desde Brindisi a Bombay por el canal de Suez. Era uno de los de mayor velocidad de la Compañía, habiendo sobrepujado siempre la marcha reglamentaria de diez millas por hora entre Brindisi y Suez, y de nueve millas cincuenta y tres centésimas entre Suez y Bombay.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The Mongolia plied regularly between Brindisi and Bombay via the Suez Canal, and was one of the fastest steamers belonging to the company, always making more than ten knots an hour between Brindisi and Suez, and nine and a half between Suez and Bombay.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
39145 | {
"content": "Claramente tú estás equivocado.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Clearly you are mistaken.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
36996 | {
"content": "Es cierto dijo Porthos , y la prueba es que he pagado por él doce pistolas.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"It’s true, though,\" said Porthos; \"and the proof is that I paid twelve pistoles for it.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
13096 | {
"content": "Él tomó una foto.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He took a picture.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
18550 | {
"content": "Estamos sin azúcar.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "We're out of sugar.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
14470 | {
"content": "El libro es chico.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The book is small.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
99031 | {
"content": "Pensé que Tom tuvo una reunión esta tarde.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I thought Tom had a meeting this afternoon.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
64403 | {
"content": "Como quiera que Levin había ya oído todo aquello infinidad de veces y no le interesaba, se apresuro a decir a Metrov que sentía mucho no poder aceptar su invitación, saludó y se dirigió a casa de Lvova.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "As Levin had already heard all that, he hastened to tell Metrov that he regretted he was unable to accept his invitation, shook hands, and drove off to the Lvovs'.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
51359 | {
"content": "Debes ponerte listo rápido.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "You must get ready quickly.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
56397 | {
"content": "¡Ahora, ahora! –––dijo al lacayo, que se acercaba.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "[Matter-of-fact.]",
"role": "assistant"
} |
70706 | {
"content": "Tom decidió comenzar un negocio.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom decided to start a business.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
5866 | {
"content": "Toqué uno o dos valses, y ella se mostró encantada.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I played a waltz or two, and she was charmed.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
104839 | {
"content": "Normalmente no lo haces tú mismo, ¿verdad?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "You don't usually do that by yourself, do you?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
9187 | {
"content": "Tom me da asco.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom disgusts me.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
105198 | {
"content": "Tengo una cita para visitar a un gurú en la India.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I have an appointment to visit a guru in India.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
116225 | {
"content": "Pensé que Tom necesitaría ayuda para entrar y salir de la ducha.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I thought Tom would need help getting in and out of the bathtub.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
32820 | {
"content": "A mis gatos les va a encantar esto.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "My cats will love this.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
26607 | {
"content": "¡Pasos de puntillas, pasos de puntillas!",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tiptoes! tiptoes!",
"role": "assistant"
} |
14102 | {
"content": "¿Puedo tomar un descanso?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "May I take a rest?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
45865 | {
"content": "La bebé estaba profundamente dormida.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The baby was sound asleep.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
21836 | {
"content": "El cual quiso Cide Hamete Benengeli declarar luego, por no tener suspenso al mundo, creyendo que algún hechicero y extraordinario misterio en la tal cabeza se encerraba; y así, dice que don Antonio Moreno, a imitación de otra cabeza que vio en Madrid, fabricada por un estampero, hizo ésta en su casa, para entretenerse y suspender a los ignorantes; y la fábrica era de esta suerte: la tabla de la mesa era de palo, pintada y barnizada como jaspe, y el pie sobre que se sostenía era de lo mesmo, con cuatro garras de águila que dél salían, para mayor firmeza del peso.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He says, therefore, that on the model of another head, the work of an image maker, which he had seen at Madrid, Don Antonio made this one at home for his own amusement and to astonish ignorant people; and its mechanism was as follows. The table was of wood painted and varnished to imitate jasper, and the pedestal on which it stood was of the same material, with four eagles' claws projecting from it to support the weight more steadily.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
8037 | {
"content": "Sé cómo se llama.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I know his name.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
10117 | {
"content": "Al menos por una noche, debía ser su huésped: como madre mía que era, me daría alojamiento sin cobrármelo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "To-night, at least, I would be her guest, as I was her child: my mother would lodge me without money and without price.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
7147 | {
"content": "Nosotros podemos pagarte.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "We can pay you.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
53782 | {
"content": "Ella rechazó la invitación.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "She declined the invitation.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
23686 | {
"content": "¿Acaso no había podido tomar ese camino para ir o para regresar de la piragua? Por otra parte, reconocía que no podía recordar la ruta que había escogido y comprendí, que si esta huella era mía, había hecho el papel de los tontos que se esfuerzan por contar historias de espectros y aparecidos y terminan asustándose más que los demás.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Again, I considered also that I could by no means tell for certain where I had trod, and where I had not; and that if, at last, this was only the print of my own foot, I had played the part of those fools who try to make stories of spectres and apparitions, and then are frightened at them more than anybody.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
25020 | {
"content": "Hablen despacio, por favor.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Speak slowly, please.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
25152 | {
"content": "––Claro.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"Surely.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
11002 | {
"content": "A veces pasaba agradables horas en las casas de algunas de las que se mostraban más ávidas de instruirse y progresar.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I found estimable characters amongst them--characters desirous of information and disposed for improvement--with whom I passed many a pleasant evening hour in their own homes.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
47373 | {
"content": "Llevó incluso la severidad de esta orden hasta mantener en Inglaterra al embajador de Dinamarca, que se había despedido, y al embajador ordinario de Holanda, que debía llevar al puerto de Flessingue los navíos de Indias que Carlos I había hecho devolver a las Provincias Unidas.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He carried the strictness of this order so far as to detain in England the ambassadors of Denmark, who had taken their leave, and the regular ambassador of Holland, who was to take back to the port of Flushing the Indian merchantmen of which Charles I had made restitution to the United Provinces.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
107441 | {
"content": "Ten cuidado con lo que deseas, podría hacerse realidad.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Be careful what you wish for. It might come true.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
53136 | {
"content": "–Acaso soy feliz porque me contento con lo que tengo y no me aflijo por lo que me falta –dijo Levin pensando en Kitty.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "'Perhaps it is because I am glad of what I get, and don't grieve about what I haven't,' said Levin, thinking of Kitty.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
53772 | {
"content": "Ni usted ni yo hemos considerado nuestras relaciones como una broma. Y ahora nuestra suerte está decidida.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "'Neither you nor I looked on our union as an amusement, and now our fate is sealed.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
66221 | {
"content": "El chico dijo que vendría un lobo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The boy said a wolf would come.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
41683 | {
"content": "Ese muchacho habla por los codos.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "That boy is a chatterbox.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
17870 | {
"content": "Los han engañado.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "They've fooled you.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
64735 | {
"content": "Ya no me gusta la Navidad.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I don't like Christmas anymore.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
11325 | {
"content": "No pasó nada.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Nothing happened.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
57447 | {
"content": "–Se puede ofender a una persona honrada, o a una mujer honrada; pero decir a un ladrón que lo es significa sólo la constatation d'un fait.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "'It is possible to insult an honest man or an honest woman, but to tell a thief that he is a thief is only la constatation d'un fait.' [The statement of a fact.]",
"role": "assistant"
} |
16655 | {
"content": "Dorotea dijo que así lo creía, y que no tuviese pena, que todo se haría bien y sucedería a pedir de boca. Sosegados todos, el cura quiso acabar de leer la novela, porque vio que faltaba poco.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "All therefore being appeased, the curate was anxious to go on with the novel, as he saw there was but little more left to read.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
18600 | {
"content": "-Dos tengo yo -dijo Sancho-, que se pueden presentar al Papa en persona, especialmente una muchacha a quien crío para condesa, si Dios fuere servido, aunque a pesar de su madre.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"I have two,\" said Sancho, \"that might be presented before the Pope himself, especially a girl whom I am breeding up for a countess, please God, though in spite of her mother.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
89960 | {
"content": "—¡Ah! —exclamó mi tío—, hemos llegado al extremo de la chimenea.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"Ah! here we are,\" exclaimed my uncle, \"at the very end of the chimney.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
55541 | {
"content": "Tenga yo razón o no, este orgullo que tanto censura usted en mí me hace imposible pensar en Catalina Alejandrovna, ¿comprende usted?, imposible del todo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Whether I am right or wrong, that pride which you so despise makes any thought of your sister impossible for me – do you understand me? – perfectly impossible.'",
"role": "assistant"
} |
21881 | {
"content": "El cuatralbo, que estaba avisado de su buena venida, por ver a los dos tan famosos Quijote y Sancho, apenas llegaron a la marina, cuando todas las galeras abatieron tienda, y sonaron las chirimías; arrojaron luego el esquife al agua, cubierto de ricos tapetes y de almohadas de terciopelo carmesí, y, en poniendo que puso los pies en él don Quijote, disparó la capitana el cañón de crujía, y las otras galeras hicieron lo mesmo, y, al subir don Quijote por la escala derecha, toda la chusma le saludó como es usanza cuando una persona principal entra en la galera, diciendo: ''¡Hu, hu, hu!'' tres veces.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The commandant had been already made aware of his good fortune in seeing two such famous persons as Don Quixote and Sancho, and the instant they came to the shore all the galleys struck their awnings and the clarions rang out. A skiff covered with rich carpets and cushions of crimson velvet was immediately lowered into the water, and as Don Quixote stepped on board of it, the leading galley fired her gangway gun, and the other galleys did the same; and as he mounted the starboard ladder the whole crew saluted him (as is the custom when a personage of distinction comes on board a galley) by exclaiming \"Hu, hu, hu,\" three times.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
92550 | {
"content": "Finalmente, por conjurar la plaga de los terremotos, y por poner miedo á Don Isacar, le plugo al Ilustrísimo señor inquisidor celebrar un auto de fe.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"At length to turn aside the scourge of earthquakes, and to intimidate Don Issachar, My Lord Inquisitor was pleased to celebrate an auto-da-fe.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
99957 | {
"content": "Tom se negó incluso a considerar mi sugerencia.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom refused to even consider my suggestion.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
98896 | {
"content": "Él no me agrada más de lo que yo le agrado a él.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I don't like him any more than he likes me.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
27389 | {
"content": "––Pero estoy completamente a oscuras.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"But I am all in the dark.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
4065 | {
"content": "En esto, sin embargo, Elinor percibió no el lenguaje, no las declaraciones del coronel Brandon, sino los adornos con que su madre solía enriquecer todo aquello que la deleitaba, amoldándolo a su propia infatigable fantasía. -Su afecto por ella, que sobrepasa infinitamente todo lo que Willoughby sintió o fingió, mucho más cálido, más sincero, más constante, como sea que lo llamemos, ¡ha subsistido incluso al conocimiento de la desdichada predilección de Marianne por aquel joven despreciable! ¡Y sin egoísmos, sin alimentar esperanzas!",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Here, however, Elinor perceived,--not the language, not the professions of Colonel Brandon, but the natural embellishments of her mother's active fancy, which fashioned every thing delightful to her as it chose. \"His regard for her, infinitely surpassing anything that Willoughby ever felt or feigned, as much more warm, as more sincere or constant--which ever we are to call it--has subsisted through all the knowledge of dear Marianne's unhappy prepossession for that worthless young man!--and without selfishness--without encouraging a hope!--could he have seen her happy with another--Such a noble mind!--such openness, such sincerity!--no one can be deceived in HIM.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
41138 | {
"content": "D'Artagnan comenzó a temer verdaderamente que le hubiera ocurrido algo a la señora Bonacieux.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "D’Artagnan began now really to fear that something had happened to Mme. Bonacieux.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
56768 | {
"content": "No sabía que Tom supiera leer.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I didn't know Tom could read.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
44127 | {
"content": "¿Cuántos sois?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "How many of you are there?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
1379 | {
"content": "El ruido que la puertecilla a la entrada del jardín frente a la casa hacía al cerrarse atrajo su mirada hacia la ventana, y vio un gran grupo de personas encaminándose a la puerta.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The closing of the little gate, at the entrance of the green court in front of the house, drew her eyes to the window, and she saw a large party walking up to the door.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
5513 | {
"content": "Me han pescado.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "You've got me.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
86522 | {
"content": "Hay una cabaña cruzando el puente.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "There is a cottage beyond the bridge.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
57874 | {
"content": "Mi reloj está adelantado dos minutos.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "My clock is two minutes fast.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
69963 | {
"content": "-¿Podría usted citarlos, para que yo pueda controlarlos?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"Could you quote them to me, so I can double-check them as the need arises?\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
56978 | {
"content": "En los libros de economía política, por ejemplo en los de Mill, que fue el primer autor que Levin leyó con apasionamiento, esperando hallar a cada instante la solución de los problemas que le preocupaban, encontró leyes deducidas de la situación de la economía europea, pero no pudo aceptar que leyes inaplicables a Rusia habrían de ser generales.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "In the works on political economy – in Mill for instance, which he studied first and with great ardour, hoping every moment to find a solution of the questions that occupied him – he found various laws deduced as governing the state of agriculture in Europe, but he could not see why these laws, inapplicable to Russia, should be considered universal!",
"role": "assistant"
} |
74799 | {
"content": "El desgraciado, asido por el tentáculo y pegado a sus ventosas, se balanceaba al capricho de aquella enorme trompa, jadeaba sofocado, y gritaba «¡Socorro!",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Seized by the tentacle and glued to its suckers, the unfortunate man was swinging in the air at the mercy of this enormous appendage. He gasped, he choked, he yelled: \"Help!",
"role": "assistant"
} |
50765 | {
"content": "Tom va a necesitar algo de apoyo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom will need some support.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
91643 | {
"content": "Otras mandíbulas idénticas, aunque pertenecientes a individuos de tipos diversos y de naciones diferentes, fueron halladas, en las tierras livianas y grises de ciertas grutas, en Francia, Suiza y Bélgica, como asimismo armas, herramientas, utensilios y osamentas de niños, adolescentes, adultos y ancianos.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Other similar maxillaries, though belonging to individuals of various types and different nations, were found in the loose grey soil of certain grottoes in France, Switzerland, and Belgium, as well as weapons, tools, earthen utensils, bones of children and adults.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
26629 | {
"content": "¿Sos el hermano de Tom?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Are you Tom's brother?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
75635 | {
"content": "¿Le ha dicho a usted algo concreto?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Has he told you anything definite?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
52030 | {
"content": "El señor dueño cae de improviso en su casa...",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "'The master himself!",
"role": "assistant"
} |
28088 | {
"content": "––He sido bastante claro.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"It is straight enough.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
48925 | {
"content": "No estaba listo para ello.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I wasn't prepared for that.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
3265 | {
"content": "¡Gracias nuevamente!",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Thanks again.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
100737 | {
"content": "Creo que es hora de que cambie mis planes.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I think it's time for me to change my plans.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
15674 | {
"content": "Replicó Sancho Panza, y tornó a replicar el cabrero, y fue el fin de las réplicas asirse de las barbas y darse tales puñadas que, si don Quijote no los pusiera en paz, se hicieran pedazos. Decía Sancho, asido con el cabrero:",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Sancho retorted, and the goatherd rejoined, and the altercation ended in their seizing each other by the beard, and exchanging such fisticuffs that if Don Quixote had not made peace between them, they would have knocked one another to pieces.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
26584 | {
"content": "Te has vuelto mejor.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "You've gotten better.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
39134 | {
"content": "Os juro, señor comisario, que estáis en el más profundo error; que yo no sé nada de nada de lo que debía hacer mi mujer, que soy completamente extraño a lo que ella ha hecho y, que si ella ha hecho tonterías, reniego de ella, la desmiento, la maldigo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"I swear to you, Monsieur Commissary, that you are in the profoundest error, that I know nothing in the world about what my wife had to do, that I am entirely a stranger to what she has done; and that if she has committed any follies, I renounce her, I abjure her, I curse her!\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
10525 | {
"content": "No lo hice aposta.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I didn't mean it.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
29389 | {
"content": "Esto es un perro manchado.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "This is a spotted dog.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
77395 | {
"content": "Diles que se presenten ellos mismos.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tell them to introduce themselves.",
"role": "assistant"
} |