stringlengths 1
| user
dict | assistant
dict |
43663 | {
"content": "Nunca ha estado tan encantadora, desconfiemos. »",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"She has never been so kind before. On guard!\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
63152 | {
"content": "Tom lo averiguará pronto.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom will find out soon enough.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
39983 | {
"content": "Yo tengo al menos dos de las tres cualidades que necesitáis, y heme aquí.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I have at least two of the three qualities you stand in need of, and here I am.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
30754 | {
"content": "¿Revisaste tú este texto?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Did you proofread this?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
71937 | {
"content": "Los pantalones desteñidos todavía están de moda.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Faded jeans are still in fashion.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
82568 | {
"content": "5. ¿Presencia de un ser extraordinario?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Chapter 5",
"role": "assistant"
} |
23822 | {
"content": "Pero dejemos esto por un momento.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "But to waive all this for a while.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
85405 | {
"content": "No tengo dinero con el que comprar el libro.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I have no money to buy the book with.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
87765 | {
"content": "Phileas Fogg no respondió a Fix; pero éste le enseñó el hombre de que se trataba, y el gentleman después, Phileas Fogg y el americano, llamado Mudge, entraban en una covacha construida junto al fuerte Kearney.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Phileas Fogg did not reply at once; but Fix, having pointed out the man, who was walking up and down in front of the station, Mr. Fogg went up to him. An instant after, Mr. Fogg and the American, whose name was Mudge, entered a hut built just below the fort.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
115411 | {
"content": "Algunos consideran ese anuncio publicitario como una forma de lavado de cerebro.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Some people think that advertising is a form of brainwashing.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
8467 | {
"content": "Eliza, generalmente, no solía hacer caso alguno de su hermana ni de sus quejas, pero un día, después de apartar su libro de cuentas y sus bordados, le habló de este modo:",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Eliza generally took no more notice of her sister's indolence and complaints than if no such murmuring, lounging object had been before her. One day, however, as she put away her account-book and unfolded her embroidery, she suddenly took her up thus--",
"role": "assistant"
} |
48769 | {
"content": "Lo vi cruzar la calle.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I saw him cross the street.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
91494 | {
"content": "Supongo que no se cerrará detrás de nosotros.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I feel pleased at the thought that it is sure not to be shut against us.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
89912 | {
"content": "Aquello era el facilis descensus Averni, de Virgilio.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "It was the facifs _descensus Averni_ of Virgil.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
34748 | {
"content": "-¿Cómo? ¿Con quién crees que estás hablando?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"Why, who do you think this is?\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
10402 | {
"content": "Usted ha cumplido su deber echándola y yo cumplo con el mío admitiéndola.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "You have done your duty in excluding, now let me do mine in admitting her.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
109476 | {
"content": "No le temas a lo inesperado, pero prepárate para ello.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Do not fear the unexpected, but be prepared for it.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
48144 | {
"content": "Él fue sentenciado a prisión.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He was sentenced to prison.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
64290 | {
"content": "Y tomándola por las manos, le preguntó cariñosamente y con cierta ansiedad: –¿Y cuándo ...? ¿Cómo te sientes?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "'Will it be soon? How do you feel?' he whispered, taking both her hands in his.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
78688 | {
"content": "Toda la isla se cubrió de una blanca sábana y se mostró a los habitantes bajo un nuevo aspecto.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "All the island was covered with a sheet of white, and showed itself to its inhabitants under a new aspect.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
16735 | {
"content": "Quiero que me devuelvan mi empleo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I want my job back.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
68425 | {
"content": "Él es tres años mayor que ella.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He's three years older than her.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
37662 | {
"content": "Está bien respondió el guardia asombrado de que su nombre no hubiera producido más efecto sobre el joven.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"That’s true,\" said the Guardsman, astonished that his name had not produced more effect upon the young man.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
41720 | {
"content": "Eso era difícil de creer.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "That was hard to believe.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
12065 | {
"content": "Tom nunca grita.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom never shouts.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
16156 | {
"content": "Es un culturista.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He's a bodybuilder.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
71720 | {
"content": "Tráeme el libro, no se lo lleves a Tom.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Bring the book to me, not to Tom.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
60815 | {
"content": "No sabía que hacer entonces.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I didn't know what to do then.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
30983 | {
"content": "Para mí eso es algo importante.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "For me, it's important.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
46403 | {
"content": "Tom tiene muchas cosas en la cabeza.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom has a lot on his mind.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
52532 | {
"content": "No me gusta la chaqueta roja.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I don't like the red jacket.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
19826 | {
"content": "¡Mirad si no han de ser ellos locos, pues los cuerdos canonizan sus locuras!",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "No wonder they are mad, when people who are in their senses sanction their madness!",
"role": "assistant"
} |
23466 | {
"content": "Me agradaba el proyecto y no me preocupaba en lo más mínimo si no era capaz de realizarlo. No es que la idea de botar la canoa no me asaltara con frecuencia sino que respondía a mis preguntas con la siguiente insensatez: «Primero ocupémonos de hacerla que, con toda seguridad, encontraré la forma de transportarla cuando esté terminada.»",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I pleased myself with the design, without determining whether I was ever able to undertake it; not but that the difficulty of launching my boat came often into my head; but I put a stop to my inquiries into it by this foolish answer which I gave myself—“Let me first make it; I warrant I will find some way or other to get it along when it is done.”",
"role": "assistant"
} |
1013 | {
"content": "Él es cruel.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He's cruel.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
58726 | {
"content": "Hay que arreglar este reloj.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "This watch needs to be fixed.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
25902 | {
"content": "Tom pasó a la clandestinidad.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom went into hiding.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
16582 | {
"content": "»Mucho se hizo de rogar Leonela antes que saliese a llamar a Lotario, pero, en fin, salió; y, entre tanto que volvía, quedó Camilia diciendo, como que hablaba consigo misma: »-¡Válame Dios! ¿No fuera más acertado haber despedido a Lotario, como otras muchas veces lo he hecho, que no ponerle en condición, como ya le he puesto, que me tenga por deshonesta y mala, siquiera este tiempo que he de tardar en desengañarle?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Leonela required much pressing before she would go to summon Lothario, but at last she went, and while awaiting her return Camilla continued, as if speaking to herself, \"Good God! would it not have been more prudent to have repulsed Lothario, as I have done many a time before, than to allow him, as I am now doing, to think me unchaste and vile, even for the short time I must wait until I undeceive him?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
23331 | {
"content": "Él me pegó en el ojo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He hit me in the eye.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
88951 | {
"content": "El gato estaba jugando con un ratón vivo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The cat was playing with a live mouse.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
115920 | {
"content": "¿Cómo crees que puedo convencerla para que pase más tiempo conmigo?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "How do you think I can convince her to spend more time with me?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
18566 | {
"content": "No hemos hecho nada.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "We've done nothing.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
44316 | {
"content": "No quise lastimarte.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I didn't want to hurt you.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
16197 | {
"content": "-¿Pensáis -le dijo a cabo de rato-, villano ruin, que ha de haber lugar siempre para ponerme la mano en la horcajadura, y que todo ha de ser errar vos y perdonaros yo?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"Do you think,\" he said to him after a pause, \"you scurvy clown, that you are to be always interfering with me, and that you are to be always offending and I always pardoning?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
27275 | {
"content": "Él vendrá mañana.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He will come tomorrow.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
81255 | {
"content": "Tom ha quedado con Mary para verse esta tarde.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom is meeting Mary this afternoon.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
74202 | {
"content": "El iceberg, al volcarse, ha cerrado toda salida.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "When it overturned, that iceberg closed off every exit.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
1967 | {
"content": "La señora Jennings volvió a repetir cuán segura estaba de que la señora Dashwood podría pasarse muy bien sin ellas; y Elinor, que ahora comprendía a su hermana y veía cuán indiferente a casi todo lo demás la hacía su ansiedad por volver a ver a Willoughby, no planteó ninguna otra objeción directa al plan; se limitó a referirlo a la voluntad de su madre, de quien, sin embargo, no esperaba recibir gran apoyo en su esfuerzo por impedir una visita que tan inconveniente le parecía para Marianne, y que también por su propio bien tenía especial interés en evitar.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Mrs. Jennings repeated her assurance that Mrs. Dashwood could spare them perfectly well; and Elinor, who now understood her sister, and saw to what indifference to almost every thing else she was carried by her eagerness to be with Willoughby again, made no farther direct opposition to the plan, and merely referred it to her mother's decision, from whom however she scarcely expected to receive any support in her endeavour to prevent a visit, which she could not approve of for Marianne, and which on her own account she had particular reasons to avoid.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
65782 | {
"content": "El trabajo de mi padre es interesante.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "My father's job is interesting.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
34053 | {
"content": "Tom se dio una ducha fría.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom took a cold shower.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
7277 | {
"content": "¿Quién quiere eso?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Who wants that?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
19488 | {
"content": "Vuelve al auto.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Get back in the car.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
19737 | {
"content": "Él escribió una carta.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He wrote one letter.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
10080 | {
"content": "A poco me hundí en una especie de delirio. Una progresiva debilidad invadió mis miembros, me sentí desvanecer y caí.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I was weeping wildly as I walked along my solitary way: fast, fast I went like one delirious.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
100996 | {
"content": "Muchos trataban de poner sus sentimientos en palabras.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Many tried to put their feelings into words.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
11232 | {
"content": "Haz tu elección.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Make your choice.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
65035 | {
"content": "No, no es nada, ya ha pasado.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "No, it's nothing. It's past.'",
"role": "assistant"
} |
15482 | {
"content": "-Así es -replicó el galeote-; y la culpa por que le dieron esta pena es por haber sido corredor de oreja, y aun de todo el cuerpo. En efecto, quiero decir que este caballero va por alcahuete, y por tener asimesmo sus puntas y collar de hechicero.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"Just so,\" replied the galley slave, \"and the offence for which they gave him that punishment was having been an ear-broker, nay body-broker; I mean, in short, that this gentleman goes as a pimp, and for having besides a certain touch of the sorcerer about him.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
96228 | {
"content": "Tom sabía dónde compró Mary sus alimentos.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom knew where Mary bought her groceries.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
74139 | {
"content": "No hay ninguna expectativa de que él se recupere.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "There is no hope of his recovery.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
72369 | {
"content": "Le pedí su número de teléfono.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "I asked him for his phone number.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
76910 | {
"content": "–¿Qué? –preguntó el marino.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"Well?\" asked the sailor.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
51195 | {
"content": "–Es cierto.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "'How do you know?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
40511 | {
"content": "Y D'Artagnan hizo rasgo por rasgo la descripción del conde de Wardes.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "And d’Artagnan gave, feature for feature, a description of the Comte de Wardes.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
3442 | {
"content": "Las señoritas Dashwood llevaban ya algo más de dos meses en la ciudad, y la impaciencia de Marianne por irse aumentaba de día en día.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The Miss Dashwoods had now been rather more than two months in town, and Marianne's impatience to be gone increased every day.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
15081 | {
"content": "Tenemos un perro grande.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "We have a big dog.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
80163 | {
"content": "¡Y si no se hubiera tratado más que de este placer!",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "And if this had only been for pleasure!",
"role": "assistant"
} |
37272 | {
"content": "Pero D'Artagnan no había contado con el viento.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "But d’Artagnan had reckoned without the wind.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
37600 | {
"content": "Digo que es probable que las cosas hayan ocurrido de este modo, pero no lo juro, Sire.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"I say that it is probable that things have fallen out so, but I will not swear to it, sire.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
75256 | {
"content": "Usted es filósofo, ¿verdad?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "You're a philosopher, aren't you?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
105746 | {
"content": "Hay veces en que debemos ocultar la verdad.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "There are times when we have to hide the truth.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
116363 | {
"content": "Tom dijo a Mary que no debería salir con este tiempo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom told Mary that she shouldn't go out in this kind of weather.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
46565 | {
"content": "A Tom le encanta contar historias.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom loves to tell stories.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
52321 | {
"content": "Si mamá me lleva a un baile, se me figura que lo hace pensando en casarme cuanto antes para deshacerse de mí.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Mama takes me to a ball: and it seems to me she only takes me there to marry me off as quickly as possible and get rid of me.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
3788 | {
"content": "Sé razonable.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Be reasonable.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
12292 | {
"content": "¿Qué causa esto?",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "What causes this?",
"role": "assistant"
} |
71529 | {
"content": "La canoa avanzó hacia la isla de Manaar que tomaba una forma redondeada por el Sur.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "The skiff advanced toward Mannar Island, which curved to the south. Captain Nemo stood up from his thwart and studied the sea.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
109489 | {
"content": "Durante la guerra, la gente pasó muchos apuros.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "During the war, people went through many hardships.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
101403 | {
"content": "Este es un problema que debe ser solucionado por la gente joven.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "This is a problem for young people to solve.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
60855 | {
"content": "No recordaba a ninguno de ellos, excepto a Enoch, arrebatado vivo a los cielos.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He did not know any of them except Enoch, who was taken up to Heaven alive.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
16176 | {
"content": "-No hay que proseguir -respondió Dorotea-, sino que, finalmente, mi suerte ha sido tan buena en hallar al señor don Quijote, que ya me cuento y tengo por reina y señora de todo mi reino, pues él, por su cortesía y magnificencia, me ha prometido el don de irse conmigo dondequiera que yo le llevare, que no será a otra parte que a ponerle delante de Pandafilando de la Fosca Vista, para que le mate y me restituya lo que tan contra razón me tiene usurpado: que todo esto ha de suceder a pedir de boca, pues así lo dejó profetizado Tinacrio el Sabidor, mi buen padre; el cual también dejó dicho y escrito en letras caldeas, o griegas, que yo no las sé leer, que si este caballero de la profecía, después de haber degollado al gigante, quisiese casarse conmigo, que yo me otorgase luego sin réplica alguna por su legítima esposa, y le diese la posesión de mi reino, junto con la de mi persona.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"There is no more to add,\" said Dorothea, \"save that in finding Don Quixote I have had such good fortune, that I already reckon and regard myself queen and mistress of my entire dominions, since of his courtesy and magnanimity he has granted me the boon of accompanying me whithersoever I may conduct him, which will be only to bring him face to face with Pandafilando of the Scowl, that he may slay him and restore to me what has been unjustly usurped by him: for all this must come to pass satisfactorily since my good father Tinacrio the Sapient foretold it, who likewise left it declared in writing in Chaldee or Greek characters (for I cannot read them), that if this predicted knight, after having cut the giant's throat, should be disposed to marry me I was to offer myself at once without demur as his lawful wife, and yield him possession of my kingdom together with my person.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
18593 | {
"content": "-Debe de ser -dijo Sancho- su amo de vuesa merced caballero a lo eclesiástico, y podrá hacer esas mercedes a sus buenos escuderos; pero el mío es meramente lego, aunque yo me acuerdo cuando le querían aconsejar personas discretas, aunque, a mi parecer mal intencionadas, que procurase ser arzobispo; pero él no quiso sino ser emperador, y yo estaba entonces temblando si le venía en voluntad de ser de la Iglesia, por no hallarme suficiente de tener beneficios por ella; porque le hago saber a vuesa merced que, aunque parezco hombre, soy una bestia para ser de la Iglesia.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"Your master,\" said Sancho, \"no doubt is a knight in the Church line, and can bestow rewards of that sort on his good squire; but mine is only a layman; though I remember some clever, but, to my mind, designing people, strove to persuade him to try and become an archbishop. He, however, would not be anything but an emperor; but I was trembling all the time lest he should take a fancy to go into the Church, not finding myself fit to hold office in it; for I may tell you, though I seem a man, I am no better than a beast for the Church.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
86688 | {
"content": "Tomas siempre bebe té en la mañana.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom always drinks tea in the morning.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
85273 | {
"content": "Míster Fogg ya estaba listo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Mr. Fogg was quite ready.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
73881 | {
"content": "-No digo que no.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"I don't say nay.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
10785 | {
"content": "Es una escuela de aldea; sus discípulas serán niñas pobres, hijas de labradores en el caso mejor.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"It is a village school: your scholars will be only poor girls--cottagers' children--at the best, farmers' daughters.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
108499 | {
"content": "Al empezar a andar el barco, se mareó.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "As soon as the ship began to move, he got seasick.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
14110 | {
"content": "El lunes no va bien.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Monday's not good.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
58578 | {
"content": "Y de pronto sintió que lo que siempre consideraba como un desconcierto espiritual, era, por el contrario, un estado de ánimo tan venturoso que le daba una nueva felicidad antes desconocida.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Suddenly he felt that what he had taken for perturbation was on the contrary a blissful state of his soul, bringing him joy such as he had never before known.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
91764 | {
"content": "No se trataba ya del ser fósil cuyo cadáver habíamos levantado en el osario, sino de un gigante capaz de imponer su voluntad a aquellos monstruos.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Yes, truly, huger still himself. It was no longer a fossil being like him whose dried remains we had easily lifted up in the field of bones; it was a giant, able to control those monsters.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
900 | {
"content": "Llega a tiempo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Be on time.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
25803 | {
"content": "Tom parece ser muy feliz.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom seems very happy.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
84267 | {
"content": "El capitán Nemo fijó su mirada ardiente sobre el ingeniero, como si hubiera querido aniquilarlo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Captain Nemo fixed his penetrating gaze upon the engineer, as though he were about to annihilate him.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
43357 | {
"content": "La primera vez no me hizo ninguna gracia.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "At first I didn't like it.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
93362 | {
"content": "Deténgase, deténgase, Señor, clamó Candido, que le daré el dinero que me pidiere.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "\"Hold, hold,\" cried Candide, \"I will give you what money you shall ask for these two persons.\"",
"role": "assistant"
} |
114300 | {
"content": "Esta es la casa en la que mi padre nació y creció.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "This is the house where my father was born and brought up.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
71522 | {
"content": "No has hecho nada malo.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "You haven't done anything wrong.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
55803 | {
"content": "Volvió la cabeza, se sentó precipitado en la butaca y abrió el libro.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "He sat down hurriedly and opened his book.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
59226 | {
"content": "Tom estuvo en Boston el mes pasado.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Tom was in Boston last month.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
66005 | {
"content": "Ella siempre viste de negro.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "She is always dressed in black.",
"role": "assistant"
} |
57965 | {
"content": "Nuestro hijo murió en batalla.",
"role": "user"
} | {
"content": "Our son was killed in action.",
"role": "assistant"
} |