{ "content": "Aquí están. Con su permiso...", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Here – will you please...'", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Comenzó.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "It has begun.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Primero, no puedo ir. Segundo, no iría aunque pudiera.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "First, I can't go. Second, I wouldn't go even if I could.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Mi bolígrafo es nuevo.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "My pen is new.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "¿Le tienes miedo a una niñita?", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Are you afraid of a little girl?", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Esta es la calma antes de la tormenta.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "This is the calm before the storm.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Este programa es demasiado picante para los adolescentes.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "This show is too racy for teenagers.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Veía esto con preocupación, pues, ¿qué esperanzas podía tener un hombre circunspecto de treinta y cinco años frente a un joven lleno de vida de veinticinco? Y como ni siquiera podía desearlo vencedor, con todo el corazón lo deseaba indiferente.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "She saw it with concern; for what could a silent man of five and thirty hope, when opposed to a very lively one of five and twenty? and as she could not even wish him successful, she heartily wished him indifferent.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Viendo el capitán la bandera de auxilio, se dirigió a la goleta, y algunos instantes después, Phileas Fogg, pagando su pasaje según lo convenido, metía en el bolsillo del patrón John Bunsby ciento cincuenta libras. Después, el honorable gentleman, mistresss Aouida y Fix, subían a bordo del vapor, que siguió su rumbo a Nagasaki y Yokohama.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Phileas Fogg, after paying the stipulated price of his passage to John Busby, and rewarding that worthy with the additional sum of five hundred and fifty pounds, ascended the steamer with Aouda and Fix; and they started at once for Nagasaki and Yokohama.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "–Capitán Robert –preguntó Ciro Smith–, ¿quién le ha inspirado el pensamiento de andar cien millas más hacia el nordeste, después de haber dejado la isla Tabor, donde no pudo encontrar a Ayrton?", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "\"Captain Grant,\" asked Cyrus Harding, \"who can have suggested to you the idea, after having left Tabor Island, where you did not find Ayrton, of coming a hundred miles farther northeast?\"", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Fue uno de los caudillos de la revolución.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "He was one of the leaders of the revolution.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Su novela se vendió bien.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Her novel sold well.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Tenía el rostro pálido de agitación, y parecía temeroso de la forma en que lo recibirían y consciente de no merecer una acogida amable.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "His complexion was white with agitation, and he looked as if fearful of his reception, and conscious that he merited no kind one.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Tom quiere ser amigo de Mary.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Tom wants to be friends with Mary.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Yo no creo eso tampoco.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "I don't believe that either.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "La Princesa lo encontraba todo admirable y, pese a su buena posición en la sociedad rusa, en el extranjero procuraba parecer una dama europea, lo que conseguía con dificultad, ya que, tratándose en realidad de una dama rusa, tenía que fingir y ello la cohibía bastante.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "The views of the Prince and Princess on life abroad were diametrically opposed. The Princess found everything admirable, and, in spite of her firmly-established position in Russian Society tried when abroad to appear like a European lady, which she was not – being thoroughly Russian.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Adivinen dónde estuve.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Guess where I've been.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "El oficial al mando dijo que se quedarían.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "The commander said they would stay.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Ha, señor, le dixo el hombre de vara de justicia, aunque hubiera vm. cometido todos los delitos imaginables, seria el mas hombre de bien de este mundo.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "\"Ah, sir,\" said the understrapper of justice, \"had you commited ever so much villainy, this would render you the honestest man living, in my eyes.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Mi tarea al fin estaba terminada.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "My homework was finally finished.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Del capitán Nemo no se tenía ni noticia.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "As for Captain Nemo, he was no longer in the picture.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Se desconocía la causa del incendio.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "The cause of the fire was unknown.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Él nos ofreció ayuda.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "He offered his help to us.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Él no era una carga financiera para ella.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "He was not a financial burden on her.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Me alegra oír que ya estás mejor.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "I'm glad to hear you're better.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "El gobierno transportó suministros a la isla por helicóptero.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "The government transported goods to the island by helicopter.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Pase lo que pase, debes estar aquí a las nueve.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "No matter what happens, you must be here by nine.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "No mintáis.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Don't lie.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Él es el hombre de la casa.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "He's the man of the house.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "¿Queréis bailar?", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Would you like to dance?", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "También viene con esto lo que cuentan de aquel pastor que puso fuego y abrasó el templo famoso de Diana, contado por una de las siete maravillas del mundo, sólo porque quedase vivo su nombre en los siglos venideros; y, aunque se mandó que nadie le nombrase, ni hiciese por palabra o por escrito mención de su nombre, porque no consiguiese el fin de su deseo, todavía se supo que se llamaba Eróstrato.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "In keeping with this is what they relate of that shepherd who set fire to the famous temple of Diana, by repute one of the seven wonders of the world, and burned it with the sole object of making his name live in after ages; and, though it was forbidden to name him, or mention his name by word of mouth or in writing, lest the object of his ambition should be attained, nevertheless it became known that he was called Erostratus.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "La captura de los cerdos, hecha en el islote, fue considerada como beneficiosa para la isla Lincoln.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "The capture of pigs, made on the islet, was looked upon as being very profitable to Lincoln Island, and the animals were led to the sty, where they soon became at home.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "-¿A una orden suya?", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "\"At your command?\"", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "No hay pescador ni labriego que no sepa leer, y todos leen.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "There is not a farmer nor a fisherman that cannot read and does not read.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Él es difícil de tratar.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "He is hard to get along with.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "–Río, como se ríe cuando se ve un retrato muy parecido.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "'I am laughing as one laughs on seeing a very striking likeness!", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Ella se puso un vestido blanco.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "She wore a white dress.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "–¿Será Nab?", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "\"Neb, perhaps?\"", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Escribid a bolígrafo.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Write it with a pen.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Ella no les entiende.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "She doesn't understand you.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Ayer vi uno.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "I saw one yesterday.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Y vuelvo a decir que se me vaya, Pedro Recio, de aquí; si no, tomaré esta silla donde estoy sentado y se la estrellaré en la cabeza; y pídanmelo en residencia, que yo me descargaré con decir que hice servicio a Dios en matar a un mal médico, verdugo de la república.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Once more I say let Pedro Recio get out of this or I'll take this chair I am sitting on and break it over his head. And if they call me to account for it, I'll clear myself by saying I served God in killing a bad doctor—a general executioner.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "En efecto, en efecto, más vale pájaro en mano que buitre volando.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "After all, 'a sparrow in the hand is better than a vulture on the wing.'\"", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Al mirarla con mayor sosiego, echó de ver banderas en las calles principales y otros signos de fiesta.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "En regardant plus attentivement de ce côté il distingua des drapeaux déployés dans les rues et de nombreux signes de réjouissances.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "A las seis de la mañana la caravana se puso en marcha.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "At six o'clock in the morning the little band set out.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "––Alguna prueba que complicara a Flora Millar en la desaparición.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "\"At some evidence implicating Flora Millar in the disappearance.\"", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "No, gracias.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "No, thank you!'", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Ella se sentó cerca de él deseando estar en cualquier otro lugar.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "She sat next to him wishing she were somewhere else.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "¿Le parece poco lo que ha hecho por los campesinos?", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Have you not done enough for the peasants as it is!", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "-Va a morir de aquí a dos horas.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "\"This man will be dead in two hours.\"", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Ya sabes que su corazón sufre siempre por todo y por todos y ahora está particularmente inquieta con el asunto de la reconciliación de los Oblonsky.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "At present, in addition to all her other worries, she is concerned about the Oblonskys' reconciliation.'", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Esa tela va a encoger si se lava.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "That material's going to shrink if it's washed.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "¿Dónde está?", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Where is he?\"", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "¡Viruela!", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "\"The smallpox!", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Picaporte, durante un sueño agitado, repitió las volteretas de la víspera.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Passepartout was wrapped in uneasy dreams of the bouncing of the day before.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Juraron sinceramente que soportarían la prisión con paciencia y les agradecieron el buen trato, las provisiones y las velas, pues Viernes les dio unas velas (de las que hacíamos nosotros) para que estuviesen más cómodos y les dio a entender que se quedaría vigilando en la entrada de la cueva.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "They promised faithfully to bear their confinement with patience, and were very thankful that they had such good usage as to have provisions and light left them; for Friday gave them candles (such as we made ourselves) for their comfort; and they did not know but that he stood sentinel over them at the entrance.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Mamá es mayor que papá.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Mom is older than Dad.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Tom no puede responder tu pregunta.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Tom can't answer your question.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Saltando del ribulri y, tras saludar a su hermano y a Katavasov, Levin preguntó por Kitty.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "After alighting from the trap and welcoming his brother and Katavasov, Levin asked where Kitty was.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Él se molesta muy fácilmente.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "He gets mad very easily.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Han pasado sólo dos años desde que estableciera su residencia en la mansión de los Baskerville y son de todos conocidos los ambiciosos planes de reconstrucción y mejora que han quedado trágicamente interrumpidos por su muerte.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "It is only two years since he took up his residence at Baskerville Hall, and it is common talk how large were those schemes of reconstruction and improvement which have been interrupted by his death.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Boston es bonito.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Boston is beautiful.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Tom nos está enseñando francés.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Tom is teaching us French.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Estas carreras y ruidos asustaban a Gregorio dos veces al día; durante todo ese tiempo temblaba bajo el canapé y sabía muy bien que ella le hubiese evitado con gusto todo esto, si es que le hubiese sido posible permanecer con la ventana cerrada en la habitación en la que se encontraba Gregorio.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "She would alarm Gregor twice a day with this running about and noise making; he would stay under the couch shivering the whole while, knowing full well that she would certainly have liked to spare him this ordeal, but it was impossible for her to be in the same room with him with the windows closed.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "En tal caso, tened cuidado.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "\"In that case, take care!", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "¿Qué era ese ruido?", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "What was that noise?", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Capítulo 12 LA DECLARACION DE ALICIA", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "CHAPTER XII Alice's Evidence", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Transcurrió uno hora más y empecé a experimentar un hambre violenta.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "An hour passed away. I began to feel the pangs of a violent hunger.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "¿Cuánto cuesta el coche que tienes previsto comprar?", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "How much is the car that you're planning to buy?", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Apenas puedo recordar cómo lucía mi abuelo.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "I can barely remember what my grandfather looked like.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "No te fíes de él.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Don't trust him.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Este terreno de delante pertenece a la casa, pero los bosques de alrededor forman parte de las propiedades de lord Southerton.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "This ground in front belongs to the house, but the woods all round are part of Lord Southerton's preserves.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Los pájaros estaban hambrientos.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "The birds were hungry.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Me estoy preparando para lo peor.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "I'm getting ready for the worst.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Es una historia basada en eventos reales.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "It's a story based on a real event.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "En breve, Ciro Smith, Gedeón Spilett, Harbert, Nab y el marino se hallaron reunidos en la playa en el punto en que el canal dejaba un estrecho paso vadeable en la baja marea.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Cyrus Harding, Herbert, Gideon Spilett, Neb, and the sailor were soon collected on the shore, at a place where the channel left a ford passable at low tide.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Tom se sentó en el muelle, colgando sus pies en el agua.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Tom sat on the pier, dangling his feet in the water.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "La corta duración de la tempestad se debió a su misma violencia.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "The tempest had been as brief as terrific.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "De joven, según me dijo, había sufrido anginas e inflamación de las amígdalas, y eso le había dejado la garganta débil y una forma de hablar vacilante y como susurrante.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "He'd had the quinsy and swollen glands when he was young, he told me, and it had left him with a weak throat, and a hesitating, whispering fashion of speech.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Tom estaba desfigurado.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Tom was disfigured.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Tras tantas citas, por fin se besaron.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "After so many dates, they finally kissed.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "¿Pesar o remordimientos?", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Remorse or regret?", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Estoy con un ligero dolor de garganta desde esta mañana, me pregunto si me habré resfriado.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "I've had a slight sore throat since this morning. I wonder if I've caught a cold.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Sois demasiado estúpidas para vivir.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "You're too stupid to live.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Hay mucha demanda de gasolina.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "There is a great demand for gasoline.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Aquel esfuerzo no dio fruto.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "That effort bore no fruit.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Acercándose al río, los segadores se dirigieron a sus caftanes, junto a los que les esperaban los niños que traían la comida.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "All the mowers on reaching the river went across the swaths to where their coats lay, and where the children who had brought their dinners sat waiting for them.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "¿Me puedo ir a casa ahora?", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "May I go home now?", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "¿Qué encontráis de sorprendente en este lenguaje? preguntó Milady sonriendo.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "\"What do you find so astonishing in that language?\" said Milady, smiling.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Estoy desconcertado.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "I'm baffled.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Mi querido Fogg dijo la joven.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "\"Dear Mr. Fogg!\" said the young woman.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Tom comprende a Mary.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Tom understands Mary.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Solo necesito que vengas conmigo.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "I just need you to come with me.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Recuerdo haber oído aquella música en alguna parte.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "I remember hearing that music somewhere.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Pronto llegó el padre con el atril, la madre con la partitura y la hermana con el violín.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Gregor's father soon appeared with the music stand, his mother with the music and his sister with the violin.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Hay un perro corriendo en el parque.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "A dog is running in the park.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "–Esperemos –dijo el joven–, ya saldrá a la superficie para respirar.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "\"Let us wait,\" said the boy, \"for he will soon come to the surface to breathe.\"", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "con las honestas se casan.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "But the modest take to wife.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Se inquietaba ya por las tardanzas posibles y por los accidentes que podían sobrevenir en el camino.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Already he began to worry about possible delays, and accidents which might happen on the way.", "role": "assistant" }
{ "content": "Tom gateó por debajo de la cerca.", "role": "user" }
{ "content": "Tom crawled under the fence.", "role": "assistant" }